Switched Parasitic Patch Antenna Array Using Thirteen Hexagonal Shaped Elements
Switched Parasitic Patch Antenna Array Using Thirteen Hexagonal Shaped Elements
Switched Parasitic Patch Antenna Array Using Thirteen Hexagonal Shaped Elements
Lu, Junwei, Stark, Anthony, Thiel, David
Conference Title
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Centre of Wireless Monitoring and Applications, Griffith University, Nathan, Brisbane, Qld 4111, Australia
Abstract—A novel circularly polarized smart patch antenna computer controlled switched beam or adaptive beam-forming
array with hexagonal elements was designed as a hub for technologies. This smart antenna can switch the beam to one
indoor/outdoor mobile wireless computing networks. A of six, evenly-spaced directions in the azimuth plane. The
frequency domain finite element method (FEM) was employed to antenna can therefore track all of the mobile wireless
design the patch antenna array using an optimization technique
based on the gradient algorithm to optimize the physical
computing terminals in the area. Figure 1 shows a typical
structure on a finite ground plane for optimal directivity in application of the smart patch antenna mounted in the ceiling
elevation plane and antenna gain at 2.4GHz. The switched as an access point for indoor/outer door WLAN applications
parasitic element technique was used to enable steering through with sectorized beam coverage for desired direction only.
six locations in azimuth with an elevation angle of between 60º Obviously the bester performance will be achieved when the
and 70º. The single-feed circularly polarized patch antenna array cluster users exist, and it is not suitable for loosely distributed
with thirteen-element configuration achieved the highest user group.
frequency bandwidth. A comparison between simulated and
measured reflection coefficients and radiation patterns was made
with consistent results.
The smart antennas for mobile wireless communications
has received significant interest world-wide in last decade.
However, the application of smart antennas in mobile
communication and wireless computing network terminals has
received little attention due to the complexity of the antenna
structure, size reduction techniques, and the system
constraints associated with the antenna technology. In recent
years, a number of smart mobile terminal antennas (SMTAs)
have been developed. Among them, Schlub’s seven-element
ground skirt monopole antenna array based on electronically
steerable passive array radiator (ESPAR) for wireless ad hoc
computer networks [1] and Lu’s dielectric embedded ESPAR (a) Antenna mounted on the ceiling for indoor wireless network system
antenna array for mobile terminals [2] operating at 2.4GHz
have been successfully developed for mobile wireless
computing network, Gray’s switched Yagi patch antenna for
Smart antenna
mobile satellite communication [3] and Thiel’s beam-switched
mounted under
monopole arrays [4] have also been explored for the
the walkway
application in wireless communications and computing
network systems. However, the antenna array as an access
point mounted in the ceiling and facing down to computer
users for indoor/outer door mobile wireless computing has yet
to be fully reported, except for some previous work on a patch
antenna with seven hexagonal element (PASHE) antenna
array developed by Shi [5].
Unlike traditional antennas used in current wireless (b) Antenna mounted under the walkway for outdoor wireless network system
computing network system, the newly developed smart patch
antenna arrays can significantly increase antenna gain and the Fig.1 An access point for indoor/outdoor WLAN system using smart antenna.
wireless security level in WLAN systems at 2.4GHz by using
978-1-4244-2193-0/08/$25.00 ©2008 IEEE
II. THIRTEEN HEXIGONAL ELEMENT ANTENNA ARRAY forming structure is illustrated in Fig. 3 (a). The beam control
circuit is much simpler than the one used in dual-feed
A. Antenna Configuration structure as shown in Fig. 3 (b).
In previous designs, two feeds were used for the driven
element patch to generate circular polarization for better
reception and wave propagation performance [5]. Since this
antenna array requires two sources for driven element and
45 deg
more additional RF components, a narrow rectangular slot 1mm x 9.621mm
placed in the central driven element [6] as shown in Fig. 2 (a) 4.61mm
F (1)
a 1/ 2
200h ª § S F · º½ (b) Layout of patch antenna with thirteen hexagonal elements
®1 « ln ¨ ¸ 1.7726 » ¾
¯ SH r F ¬ © 200h ¹ ¼¿ Fig 2. The single-feed patch antenna with thirteen hexagonal elements
F (2)
fr H r
and an operating frequency of 2.4GHz, a 3.35cm diameter Fig. 3 A typical beam-forming circuit for the single-feed circularly polarized
patch was given. To properly terminate the induced circular patch antenna array.
currents, two orthogonal terminations were used for each of
the switched elements. The termination points can be placed B. Implementation
on either inner or outer patch element. These termination
Figure 4 shows a block diagram of the control circuit for
points do not affect the antenna performance.
the PATHE. The system consisted of four parts: the physical
All elements in the outer circle and one of elements in the
antenna, the switching circuitry, a USB controller and PC
inner circle function as director elements and so were open-
based software. A simple USB device was used to generate
circuited. The remaining elements in inner circle were short-
switching currents required for the antenna. Table I shows the
circuited to ground at five directions in azimuth plane. A
switching table where six position can be performed by
typical beam-forming circuit for the single-feed circularly
different switching combination. A switching current of 4 mA
polarized patch antenna array, PATHE, using switched beam-
at 4.8 volts was used to switch each element. Signal feedback
was introduced via an external wireless monitor. This allowed and H-Plane respectively. The measured and simulated
the PATHE antenna to dynamically track a given signal. radiation patterns in two orthogonal planes for PATHE are
shown in Fig. 5 (a) and (b). The radiation patterns at 60q
intervals in azimuth plane for six directions with the scale
normalized to 0dB are illustrated in Fig. (c). It can be seen
from Fig.5 (a) and (b), the measured radiation patterns planes
obtained in two orthogonal planes are matched with the
simulated radiation pattern of an elevation view respectively.
In addition, the measured radiation patterns in the orthogonal
are similar. This indicates the PATHE is circularly polarized.
The measured beamwidth from Fig.5 (a) and (b) is
approximately 50°.
Beam/Element 1 2 3 4 5 6
0 degree Off On On On On On
60 degree On Off On On On On
120 degree On On Off On On On
180 degree On On On Off On On (b) The radiation pattern when the reference antenna in H-plane,
240 degree On On On On Off On Fig.5. Comparison of the simulated and measured radiation pattern in
300 degree On On On On On Off elevation plane for PATHE when the reference antenna is in E-and H-Plane.
III. SIMULATION AND MEASUREMENT RESULTS The 3dB beamwidth obtained from the simulation is about
60°. A detailed comparison is given in Table II where the
A. Radiation Patterns single-feed PATHE has a larger impedance bandwidth of
Figure 5 presents the measurement results of the radiation approximately 7.5%. According to the switching table,
pattern in two orthogonal planes when the antenna was fixed radiation patterns at 60q intervals in the azimuth plane for six
by the substrate of PATHE perpendicular to the ground and directions can be obtained as shown in Fig. 6.
was facing to the linearly polarized reference antenna in E-
Results 10dB
Resonant S11
Frequency (GHz) (dB)
2.520 (Max.) -14.8 180
2.440 (Second Max.) -14.3 180
2.440 (Max.) -17.2 160
2.500 (Second Max.) -14.6 160
A single-feed smart patch antenna array with circularly
polarized wave, (PATHE) was designed, constructed and
verified through simulation and measurement. The reflection
coefficient as a function of frequency obtained from both
simulation and measurement indicated that the single-feed
PATHE has a larger frequency bandwidth of around 7.5%,
compared to previously reported antennas of similar
construction. The improvement is due to improved edge
effects and mutual coupling, and the additional elements
placed in an outer circle. The patch antenna array with a
hexagonal shape element provided a much wider frequency
bandwidth. This overcomes the inherent problems of narrow
bandwidth of traditional microstrip patch antennas. This smart
Fig. 6 Radiation patters at 60q intervals in azimuth plane for six directions patch antenna with high performances, low profile, and a
B. Reflection Coefficients and Frequency Bandwidth simple beam-controlling circuit can meet the demand for
increasing indoor/outdoor mobile wireless terminals.
The following parameters were obtained from simulation
results, where the front to back ratio is around 20dB at 60q, REFERENCES
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Bandwidth 140 140 180 160