Development of 28Ghz Band Massive Mimo Antenna RF Frontend Module For 5G
Development of 28Ghz Band Massive Mimo Antenna RF Frontend Module For 5G
Development of 28Ghz Band Massive Mimo Antenna RF Frontend Module For 5G
In this paper, a configuration and evaluated results of the
28GHz antenna RF frontend module developed for 5G base
station has been described. It can be confirmed that the beam
Fig. 4. Photograph of the RF core IC[2]. scanning can be precisely performed as instructed up to the
wide angle. We are currently performing field tests using the
developed antenna, the results of which will be presented at the
B. Antenna RF frontend module
The radiation pattern characteristics of the prototype
antenna RF frontend module are evaluated in the anechoic
chamber. Fig. 5 shows the measurement results of the 19 states
in which the main beam direction is changed from -45 degrees This work includes a part of the results of “The research
to +45 degrees in increments of 5 degrees in the horizontal and development project for realization of the fifth-generation
plane. The vertical axis of the graph is normalized by the value mobile communications system” commissioned by Japan’s
of boresight beam. The rotating element electric field vector Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.
(REV) method[3] is used for the antenna calibration. The good
beam scanning performances up to wide angle can be REFERENCES
confirmed. Fig. 6 shows the error in the main beam direction
[1] S. Yamaguchi, et. al, “Development of Active Phased Array Antenna for
with respect to the indicated angle. The beam pointing error is High SHF Wideband Massive MIMO in 5G,” in Proc. IEEE Antennas
0.16 degree-rms., which is sufficiently small. Propag. Soc. Int. Symp., July, 2017.
[2] (in
[3] S. Mano and T. Katagi, “A method for measuring amplitude and phase
of each radiating element of phased array antenna,” Trans. IEICE, J65-B,
no. 5, pp. 555-560, May 1982 (in Japanese).