Back Side Fee Schedule
Back Side Fee Schedule
Back Side Fee Schedule
All fees are due and payable upon receipt of the true bill. All fees not paid within 90 days shall constitute your agreement to a lien and levy of your public liability- bond and or
insurance and your personal and or real property- if said bond or insurance is insufficient to cover all fees. This fee schedule is subject to change without notice.
C-01 Communication from public agents or officers requiring a response (one hour minimum) $350 hour
C-02 Time to respond to communications by phone $40 minute
C-03 Time to respond to communications face to face $40 minute
R-01 Responses requiring certified or registered mail for verification $50/piece
R-02 Responses requiring a notarized or witnessed affidavit $50/piece
R-03 Responses requiring fax $350 hour
R-04 Responses requiring research $500, service
D-01 Fee for the receipt of service of legal documents *Communication means: any interaction between Name-holders and any public agent(s), officer(s),
$500, service
D-02 Fee for service of legal documents (plus cost of service) $25,000. actionor trustee(s) of any government or agency or subdivision or franchise of the UNITED STATES,
LA-01 Acts by public agents or officers requiring legal action The filing of legal actions without a verified claim by public agents or officers $25,000. actionor any other fictional entity by either face to face, fax, phone, email, text or mail.
LA-02 Time to write, research and file legal action or response to legal action Required court or hearing appearance $350 hour*ASSUMED BUSINESS NAME means the business name .
LA-03 Failure or refusal of public agents or officers to properly identity- themselves $1,000 agent*UNITED STATES means: the corporation of the United States [see 28 USC PART VI, CHAPTER 176 § 3000 15(a)].
LA-04 Failure or refusal of public agents or officers to provide public liability- bond or insurance information $1,000/agent*Legal action means: the filing of a court action in any court of the UNITED STATES or States of the United States.
A-01 Failure or refusal of public agents or officers to properly identify themselves $1,000/agent*Public agents or officers means: any man or woman operating under any franchise of
A-02 Failure or refusal of public agents or officers to provide public liability bond or insurance information $1,000/agent the corporate UNITED STATES with limited liability.
A-03 Fee for the use of each trademarked Property- without the Principal's knowledge or valid licensing agreement * Imprisonment means: the restraint of a living Man/Woman's inherent rights and liberties which limits that
trademarked Property- $ 1,000/instance day Man or Woman's LIBERTY freedom and right of movement.
LA-04 Required court or hearing appearance $5,000/each appearance * Property means: the equitable and legal rights, titles and interests to the actual physical thing.