Advanced Extensible Interface (Axi)
Advanced Extensible Interface (Axi)
Advanced Extensible Interface (Axi)
Interface (AXI)
Advanced extensible Interface (AXI)
● Error support
The AXI protocol provides error support for both address decode
errors and slave-generated errors.
● Unaligned address
To enhance the performance of the initial accesses within a burst, the
AXI protocol supports unaligned burst start addresses
How AXI work?
Master Slave
Interface interface
AXI -READ operation archietecture
Master Slave
Interface interface
Transaction channel handshake pairs
● In this example, the master drives the address, and the slave
accepts it one cycle later.
● The master also drives a set of control signals showing the
length and type of the burst,but these signals are omitted
from the figure for clarity.
● After the address appears on the address bus, the data
transfer occurs on the read data channel. The slave keeps the
VA L I D signal LOW until the read data is available. For
the final data transfer of the burst, the slave asserts the
RLAST signal to show that the last data item is being
Overlapping read burst example
Figure shows how a master can drive another burst address after the slave accepts
the first address. This enables a slave to begin processing data for the second burst in
parallel with the completion of the first burst.
Write burst example
Write burst