Millet Culture
Millet Culture
Millet Culture
Longitude (°E)
60 80 100 120 140
Latitude (°N)
Ojakly Qinghai
Lake Honshu
Tibet Kyushu
300 km
Median calibrated age (BCE/CE × 103)
Methods) and analyzed using Bayesian modeling to reconstruct the mainly to eastern and western directions (Figs. 1 and 2). Spreading
spatiotemporal pattern of millet dispersal across eastern Asia. To toward the west and southwest, the crops arrived in the Middle Yellow
test the effect of millet-pig–based agricultural activities on the River region 5000–4400 BCE (median, 4600 BCE), but it took another
development of population size, we compiled and reanalyzed a subset thousand years or more for establishing in the higher elevated re-
(n = 40,696) of an archaeological site distribution database (16) covering gions along the Upper Yangtze River (3700–3100 BCE; median,
13 provinces in northern China (see Materials and Methods) from 3400 BCE) and the Upper Yellow River (3400–3000 BCE; median,
the Early Neolithic to early Iron Age (ca. 8000 to 500 BCE). 3200 BCE). For the region of central Asia, which includes the data
from Xinjiang in the east and from Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan in the
west, the model suggests appearance of millet since 3200–2100 BCE
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION (median, 2400 BCE). However, the 95% probability ranges of the
Millet spread across eastern Asia earliest available millet-based date from the archaeological site of
The results of Bayesian modeling (Fig. 2 and fig. S2) applied to the Begash (2461–2154 BCE; median, 2304 BCE) in southeastern
compiled set of published and newly obtained millet 14C dates suggest Kazakhstan (Fig. 1) indicate that millet likely appeared in the west-
that the crop first appeared in the fertile region stretching from ern central Asian steppes before it was introduced into the Xinjiang
the Lower Yellow River in the south to the Liao River in the north region, where the earliest date comes from the Xiaohe site (2011–1756
around 6100–5700 BCE (95% probability range, as for all time in- BCE; median, 1886 BCE).
tervals for the defined regions presented in the following) with a The reversal in the east-west spread of millet suggested by the data
median age of 5800 BCE. This provides robust support for the common in hand deserves a discussion. The most probable route connecting
assumption of earliest domesticated millet appearance in different the Upper Yellow River and the western central Asian steppes
sedentary cultures within this region around the beginning of the sixth runs along the southwestern slopes of the Mongolian Altai and the
millennium BCE (1). From this domestication core zone, millet spread southern Mongolian Plateau. This agrees with suggested routes for
130 Khanka-Ussuri plain (2889) archipelago
Korean peninsula (3736) (1044)
Longitude (°E)
Lower Yellow River/Liao River (5847)
110 Middle Yellow River (4594)
Upper Yellow River (3202)
100 Modeled age boundaries Upper Yangtze River (3364)
95.4% range
90 68.2% range
Central Asia (2448)
80 Median age
6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Age (years BCE × 103)
Fig. 2. The modeled age ranges and medians for the appearance of millet in different regions of central and eastern Asia. Numbers in parentheses show modeled
calibrated median ages BCE. The longitudinal position of a defined region represents the center of the longitudinal range of all dated millet remains contained in the
respective dataset.
the dispersal of West Asian crops such as wheat and barley and extent during the Late Neolithic (3000/2700 to 1500 BCE) (23).
that barley and broomcorn millet spread to Japan from two different This suggests that substantial population growth in Neolithic
directions, including a southern route via Kyushu and a northern northern China started in the late seventh millennium BCE, which was
route via Hokkaido (32). likely initiated by the onset (ca. 6100–5700 BCE) of millet-based
The Bayesian modeling results demonstrate a discontinuous agriculture. Our results demonstrate that the population growth
westward spread of millet, with an interval of ca. 1200 years (on controlled by millet cultivation was exponential and accompanied
average) between its appearance in the neighboring regions (Fig. 2). by the spread of millet across the northern part of China from the
However, no clear temporal pattern can be found for its eastward Upper Yellow River in the west to the Khanka-Ussuri region in the
dispersal. Although the Korean Peninsula is geographically close to east. The temporal millet dispersal suggests that population growth
the Lower Yellow River and Liao River regions, millet did not was, until 2900 BCE, driven by both intensification and spread of
appear there until ca. 2100 years later, followed by the Khanka-Ussuri millet cultivation and, between 2900 and 1900 BCE, controlled
and Japan regions (another ca. 800 and 2700 years, respectively). exclusively by intensification of agricultural activities. The site
This shows that adoption of agriculture by prehistoric populations number curve, which shows stable low values between 6000 and
is a complex process. Similar complexity appears in the dispersal of 5000 BCE, suggests that the temporal gap in millet datings (ca. 5700
early agriculture from West Asia to Europe along the Danube valley to 4500 BCE; Fig. 1B) and its associated minimum in the estimated
(33). After appearance in southeast Europe (6500–6000 BCE), probability distributions (Fig. 3B) may be an artifact caused by a
agriculture spread relatively quickly across the fertile central European general scarcity of millet cultivation sites and relatively little direct-
loess regions (5500–5000 BCE) but subsequently paused on its way dated archaeological information available for this period (4). It
to Scandinavia and the British Isles, where it did not arrive before ca. seems plausible that this period represents the early stage of the
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Age (years BCE × 103)
Fig. 3. Archaeological site numbers in northern China, longitudinal spread of millet in eastern Asia, and probability distribution of available millet datings.
(A) Development of archaeological site numbers per 100 years in northern China (ca. 94°E to 131°E) between 8000 and 500 BCE. (B) Probability density distribution of
direct millet radiocarbon datings located between 98°E and 133°E based on kernel density estimation (KDE) modeling using the KDE_Model approach implemented in
OxCal v4.3.2. The dark gray silhouette is the sampled KDE estimated distribution. The blue line and lighter blue band show the mean ± 1 for snapshots of the KDE distribution
generated during the Markov chain Monte Carlo process. The light gray silhouette represents the stacked (summed) distribution of all datings plotted using the Sum
function in OxCal v4.3.2 (see Materials and Methods).
The results summarized in Fig. 4 also require careful consideration climate cooling enhanced after 2000 BCE had a negative impact on
before giving priority to climatic or nonclimatic factors. Both the Middle the yields of millet and led agropastoralists to diversify their crops,
and Upper Yellow River regions west of 115°E and northeastern regions introducing more cold-resistant wheat and barley. Although crop
east of 115°E are located at the modern limits of the Asian summer diversification after 2000 BCE is also documented in the archaeological
monsoon (42). Thus, the environments there must have been similarly record from northeastern China (5, 18), the probability density of
vulnerable to precipitation change. Moreover, climate instability millet-based 14C dates does not indicate a decrease in millet cultivation
would be even more pronounced in the generally colder northeast. but suggests that millet continued to be a staple in the region during
Compared to other cereals, millet is well adapted to short growing the second millennium BCE (Fig. 4B).
seasons, dry and infertile soils with poor water-holding capacity, The drop in archaeological site numbers and in the probability
irregular precipitation, and droughts (1), making aridification and/ density of millet-based 14C dates in north-central China (Fig. 4A)
or shorter summers less likely a main driver of the rapid and strong and the synchronous increase in site numbers in the northeastern
agriculture/population decline. A recent review of evidence from region (Fig. 4B) during the early second millennium BCE, only at
paleoenvironmental reconstructions illustrated the complex signature first glance, appear to be the retreat of farmers from the Middle Yellow
of the 4.2-kiloyear event across the Northern Hemisphere, showing River catchment that became progressively drier compared to the rela-
variations in timing and intensity among the different regions (43). tively humid Liao River region. However, such a straightforward
Regarding eastern Asia, several authors argued that a century-scale climatic interpretation cannot explain why the still warm and humid
oscillation toward colder/drier climate around 4200 years ago strongly middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River shared the same fate
affected large parts of China. However, more recent high-resolution (i.e., habitation collapse and emigration of agricultural population) as
and well-dated records from northeastern and southern China (42) the Middle Yellow River region between ca. 2350 and 1750 BCE (16).
and from northern Japan (31) corroborate only a short-term phase We suggest that not climate change but economic development
of weak cooling accompanied by a slight decrease in generally high and associated social stratification, high population density, and
precipitation values. In line with this finding, it seems that the concentration in the growing settlements and their intensified
4.2-kiloyear event had no (or very little) impact on the archaeological contacts with the Asian steppes could have played a major role in
site and millet data presented in Fig. 4. the population and cultural decline at the end of the third millennium
A crop niche modeling study (41) demonstrates that in parts of BCE. Hosner et al. (16) were the first who argued for this relationship
the Tibetan Plateau and in higher-elevated regions of central Asia, and discussed as the possible main cause the spread of plagues by
16 River might also reflect rising tensions and conflicts between indig-
changes (40), which are most widely considered as main and often
Middle Yellow R.
6 the only triggers (5), we suggest that it might have been pressure
Upper Yellow R. from internal population growth and external anthropogenic forcing
that initialized the changes in the cultural landscape expressed by
2 the development of centralized, hierarchical settlement systems. There
is increasing evidence for broad expansion processes of Eurasian
0 steppe populations during the third millennium BCE toward the west
12 and east from archaeological records and genetic studies (44–46).
(45, 47). These migration processes exemplify the important role of in the respective region, and the lower boundary of that modeled
the steppe cultural sphere in Eurasian prehistory at least since the phase (18) was adopted as its age estimate. Outliers were detected
third millennium BCE. The recognized expansion of agropastoral on the basis of the OxCal agreement index calculation. The modeled
population might have been promoted by improving moisture ages are presented as both 95% probability range and median (point
availability in the central Asian and eastern European steppe regions estimate).
over the middle and late Holocene (50). One reason for the construction
of massive fortifications by populations in northern China may be C probability distribution
the need for protection from this “migration threat.” If this hypothesis Probability density distribution was calculated based on a selection
is true, these defense works might represent precursors of the walls (n = 144) of the compiled set (n = 184) of millet-based 14C datings
built some 2000 years later by early feudal states during the pre-imperial representing five of the defined geographical regions (ca. 98°E to
late Eastern Zhou dynasty, also called the “Warring States” period 133°E) including the Upper Yellow River, Middle Yellow River, Lower
(475 to 221 BCE), in response to interstate conflict and for protecting Yellow River and Liao River, Korean Peninsula, and Khanka-Ussuri,
against hostile nomadic societies, which later developed into what is roughly representing the region covered by the archaeological site
today known as the Great Wall of China, the largest military structure dataset used. For analyzing spatial differences, the subset of 14C
in world history. dates was divided along 115°E, resulting in a western (n = 90), rep-
resenting north-central China, and eastern (n = 54), representing
northeastern China, dataset. 14C dates <2000 uncalibrated years be-
MATERIALS AND METHODS fore the present were not considered. The probability density distri-
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C. Hillman, A. S. Fairbairn, E. Weiss, Eds. (Oxbow Books, 2009), pp. 205–219.
of information), which makes the two datasets involved in the analysis
25. S. V. Alkin, Ancient Cultures of North-East China: The Neolithic Epoch of South Manchuria,
(Figs. 3 and 4) independently and securely dated. This is particularly V. Y. Larichev, Ed. (The Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography Press, Novosibirsk,
important, keeping in mind the tendency of Chinese archaeologists 2007).
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28. A. C. D’Andrea, Archaeobotanical evidence for Zoku-Jomon subsistence at
46. C. Gaunitz, A. Fages, K. Hanghøj, A. Albrechtsen, N. Khan, M. Schubert, A. Seguin-Orlando, Acknowledgments: The current study contributes to the PAGES-sponsored program
I. J. Owens, S. Felkel, O. Bignon-Lau, P. de Barros Damgaard, A. Mittnik, A. F. Mohaseb, “LandCover6k: Global anthropogenic land-cover change and its role in past climate” and to the
H. Davoudi, S. Alquraishi, A. H. Alfarhan, K. A. S. Al-Rasheid, E. Crubézy, N. Benecke, MEXT Grant-in-Aid project “Cultural History of PaleoAsia” (MEXT Grant-in-Aid no. 1802). We
S. Olsen, D. Brown, D. Anthony, K. Massy, V. Pitulko, A. Kasparov, G. Brem, M. Hofreiter, express our special thanks to G. Jin (Shandong University, China and Reading University, UK),
G. Mukhtarova, N. Baimukhanov, L. Lõugas, V. Onar, P. W. Stockhammer, J. Krause, T. Goslar (Poznan Radiocarbon Laboratory), and the Russian archaeologists N. A. Klyuev and
B. Boldgiv, S. Undrakhbold, D. Erdenebaatar, S. Lepetz, M. Mashkour, A. Ludwig, A. V. Garkovik (Institute of History, Archaeology and Ethnography, Russian Academy of Sciences,
B. Wallner, V. Merz, I. Merz, V. Zaibert, E. Willerslev, P. Librado, A. K. Outram, L. Orlando, Far Eastern Branch, Vladivostok, Russia), E. V. Krutykh (Scientific and Production Centre of
Ancient genomes revisit the ancestry of domestic and Przewalski’s horses. Science 360, Historical and Cultural Expertise, Vladivostok, Russia), and S. A. Kolomiets (Pacific State Medical
111–114 (2018). University, Vladivostok, Russia) for providing various help in collecting the 14C-dated plant
47. W. Haak, I. Lazaridis, N. Patterson, N. Rohland, S. Mallick, B. Llamas, G. Brandt, remains from archaeological sites in the Russian Far East. We also extend our thanks to the
S. Nordenfelt, E. Harney, K. Stewardson, Q. Fu, A. Mittnik, E. Bánffy, C. Economou, anonymous reviewers who made valuable suggestions, which allowed the improvement of the
M. Francken, S. Friederich, R. G. Pena, F. Hallgren, V. Khartanovich, A. Khokhlov, manuscript. Funding: Obtaining the dated plant remains from archaeological sites in the
M. Kunst, P. Kuznetsov, H. Meller, O. Mochalov, V. Moiseyev, N. Nicklisch, S. L. Pichler, Russian Far East was possible because of the financial support of the Russian Foundation for
R. Risch, M. A. Rojo Guerra, C. Roth, A. Szécsényi-Nagy, J. Wahl, M. Meyer, J. Krause, Basic Research (project no. 13-06-12027-офи-м). C.L. acknowledges financial support by a
D. Brown, D. Anthony, A. Cooper, K. W. Alt, D. Reich, Massive migration from the long-term Research Fellowship (grant LE3508/2-1) granted by the German Research
steppe was a source for Indo-European languages in Europe. Nature 522, 207–211 Foundation. The work of T.L. was supported by the FoSE New Researchers Grant by the
(2015). University of Nottingham Ningbo China. Author contributions: C.L., E.A.S., M.W., and P.E.T.
48. G. J. Tian, in Proceedings of the International Conference to Commemorate the 60th designed the research. E.A.S. performed botanical identification and contributed millet samples
Anniversary of the Excavation of Chengziya Site, X. H. Zhang, Ed. (Shandong Univ. Press, 1993), from field campaigns for 14C dating. C.L., T.L., M.W., and P.E.T. constructed the 14C dataset. T.L.
pp. 119–135. and P.E.T. designed the Bayesian chronological model. C.L. modeled the probability density
49. X. Li, Development of Social Complexity in the Liaoxi Area, Northeast China distribution of the 14C dates and reanalyzed the archaeological site data. T.L., E.A.S., and M.W.
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