Recent خريطةDevelopments in the Prehistory of Anatolia
Recent خريطةDevelopments in the Prehistory of Anatolia
Recent خريطةDevelopments in the Prehistory of Anatolia
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same environment),?arkini and Okiizin (Kokten location called Kum Bucagi, which is 25 m. above sea
1958:11-13, 16), showthesame stratigraphicalsequence level and 100 m. back from the sea. At the base of
noted in Karain. The "neolithic" potteryof ?arkini this rock face is a settlementarea where a hollow in
consistsof dark-brownburnishedgroundlinear cream the cliff forms a large rock shelter(Bostanci 1959:
or whitepainted ware (K,6kten1958: Lev. 15, Res. 6). 177, P1. 14). The rock face is covered both by red-
The "chalcolithic"potteryis whitepainted on a black brown (ochre) color paintingswhich appear to be cru-
ground. In Okiizin the "neolithic" potteryis a hand- ciformfiguresand'by engravingsin a verynaturalistic
made, coarse ware. This site also has long flint and styleshowingjumpingdeer(Bostancl1959: P1. 1, 2, 15).
obsidian knives. The neolithiclevel reveals a human The material comes fromthe second trenchwhich is
skeleton said to be of Eur-africantype and asserted 2.5 m. long and 2 m. wide, extendingto a depth of
to be more primitive than the Mediterraneantype 4.52 m. shortof thebed rock.The excavatorhas labeled
($enyiirek1958b: Res. 1-10). six cultural layers fromthe top "A-F". Layer A has
Another importantcave of the Antalya group is black culturaldebrisof modern,classicaland prehistoric
that called Beldibi. Located in 1956 by a joint expedi- timeswith flintimplementscovered by reddishpatina
tion of foreignand Turkish geologistsand paleoan- because of iron-oxide in the soil. Layer B has been
thropologists,the cave was tested by E. Bostanci given a special name, "Beldibian," and may be quite
(1959). We provide a briefersummaryof the Beldibi remarkablein that it containsa primitivetype of pot-
finds,since it is reportedin English. Beldibi itself is teryin apparentcontextwith a highlyvaried flintin-
a small village located 30 miles fromAntalya, and 2-3 dustryof geometricmicrolithictype. The excavator
km. inland fromthe Mediterraneansea coast. A little takes these tools to be a continuationof the rich mi-
to tihenorth of t-heBeldibli villave is a rock face at a crolithicindustryseen in Layer C; if such a rich and
Vol. 4 *No. 4 * October1963 341
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