KK Bindu #239

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Sri Krishna Kathamrita

Tav k QaaMa*Ta& TaáJaqvNaMa(

tava kathämåtaà tapta-jévanam
Fortnightly email mini-magazine from Gopal Jiu Publications

Issue No. 239 Çré Utthäna Ekädaçé 17 Nov 2010 Circulation 3,650

• Conquering the Unconquerable

His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
• Krishna – The Spiritual Polestar

Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur

• Destination of the Yamalarjuna Trees
From Srila Jiva Goswami's Gopäla-campü
• Nama Tattva – Namaparadha and Namabhasa
From Srila Jiva Goswami’s Bhakti Sandarbha
• Crawling Pastimes
From Srila Jiva Goswami's Gopäla-campü

The Unconquerable
His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta
Swami Prabhupada
In colleges and schools, some students make rapid
progress, whereas some of them are a little slow. That
does not mean that they should be rejected. They should
be given a chance. But if they follow the regulative
principles there is no chance of falling down. The
regulative principles are that one refrains from illicit
sex, meat-eating, intoxication, and gambling, and chant
Hare Krishna. That’s all. That will make one perfect. It is
very easy. We don’t say no sex. We say no illicit sex. So
if you want sex, marry and live like a gentleman. Why
illicit sex? There are many gåhastha devotees. Just like
His Divine Grace
Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s direct associate Nityananda.
A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
He was a gåhastha. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu himself was
As It Is and you’ll become Krishna conscious. At home or
a gåhastha. He married twice. His first wife died, and
out of home, it doesn’t matter. sthäne sthitäù çruti-gatäà
he married a second time. So gåhastha is not rejected.
tanu-väì-manobhiù — You remain in your situation
It is not that only sannyäsés will go back to godhead.
and place and lend your aural reception of the words
No. Everyone can go. Striyo vaiçyäs tathä çüdräs can
of Krishna. So that day will come. Krishna, who is ajita,
go also. But one must be Krishna conscious. Chaitanya
unconquerable, you can conquer him. ajito ‘pi jito ‘py
Mahaprabhu’s recommendation is that you remain in
asi — No one can conquer Krishna, but by this method
your place and don’t try to change it artificially — but
one can conquer him. ·
be Krishna conscious. That is required. And to become — From an interview with Professors O’Connell, Motilal, and Shivaram,
Krishna conscious is also very easy. Read Bhagavad-gétä 18 June 1976.

next column  
Issue Two Hundred Thirty-nine, Page — 2 Top right 2 é[q k* Z<ak QaaMa*Ta ibNdu
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Krishna – is no necessity or suggestion of obscene thoughts in this
regard. If we reject these activities as obscene, then we
The Spiritual Polestar miss the opportunity to discuss that supreme pastime.
Srila Bhaktivinode Thakura We are able to describe the truths of vaikuëöha by de-
In this material world, which is created by mäyä, there scribing mundane emotions as the reflections of spiritual
is a principal constellation named Dhruva. All the suns emotions. There is no other alternative in this regard. For
along with their planets continually circle around Dhruva example, Krishna is merciful. But to show how Krishna is
by its power of attraction. The main consideration is that merciful one has to give the example of certain persons
there is an energy known as attraction in all material at- who are merciful. There is no way of expressing this qual-
oms. By the strength of this energy, atoms are attracted to ity other than by giving a well-known example. Therefore
each other and they thus create a globular planet. When swanlike persons should give up shyness and obscene
these planets are attracted to a larger globular planet, they considerations and then hear, read, and think about the
begin to move around it. This is the invariable law of this transcendental topics of the räsa-lélä without anxiety. ·
— Chapter 5, Texts 19 and 20 of Çré Kåñëa-Saàhitä. Translated
material world. Mäyä is the basis of the material world by Bhumipati Das and edited by Sri Pundarik Vidyanidhi Das.
and only a reflection of the spiritual world. Vrajaraj Press. 1998. Vrindavan.

Similarly, by their eternal constitution in the form

of love, the spark-like conscious living entities in the
spiritual world are attracted to one another, and they Näma-tattva
imitate one with more elevated consciousness. Those
more elevated conscious persons with their subordinate From Srila Jiva Goswami's
conscious associates constantly move in the räsa-lélä Bhakti Sandarbha, anuccheda 159
circle of Krishna, who is the superconscious supreme
In the sixth canto of Çrémad Bhägavatam, the
Dhruva. Therefore the great räsa-lélä pastimes are eter-
history of the life of Ajamila is narrated. The
nally manifest in the realm of Vaikuntha. In the spiritual
narration ends with Ajamila attaining to the
world the ever-existing attraction extends love up to
Vaikuntha planets. A question may be asked at
mahäbhäva, and in the material world the reflection
this point: “Why is it that Ajamila attained the
extends as an inconceivable material attraction that
Vaikuntha planets on chanting the holy name of
creates variegatedness. In order to illustrate subtle truths
the Lord, whereas the Yamadutas remained in the
by gross examples, we say that in the material world
same condition despite hearing that name from
the sun along with the planets are constantly moving
Ajamila and having the good fortune of talking
around the Dhruva constellation by the strength of its to the Vishnudutas?” Srila Jiva Goswami answers
attraction, just as all pure living entities eternally circle this question in Bhakti Sandarbha as follows:
around Krishna by the strength of his attraction.
In the transcendental räsa-lélä pastimes, Sri Krishna is tato’parädhäbhävä tat-kñayärthaà na taträvåtty-
the only enjoyer and all others are enjoyed. The conclu- apekñayä. yathäjämilasya na tathä kåta-tan-näma-
sion is that the sun-like personality of the spiritual world, çravaëädénäm api yama-dütänäm — Even though
Lord Sri Krishna, is the only male and the living entities Ajamila chanted the holy name of the Lord and
the Yamadutas heard it, Ajamila was not affected
are all female. All the relationships of the spiritual world
by nämäparädhas whereas the Yamadutas were
are based on pure love. One therefore finds that the
affected by the nämäparädha of considering the
enjoyer is male and the enjoyed are female. The males
glories of the holy name to be an exaggeration.
and females of the material world are perverted reflec-
Therefore they did not attain the same result.
tions of the enjoyer and enjoyed of the spiritual world.
— Sanskrit from Gaudiya Grantha Mandira. Translation by
If one searches through all dictionaries one will not find Bhakta Harshad Marathe.
the words to properly describe the spiritual pastimes of
the supremely conscious Lord and his associates. Hence
the descriptions of the man and woman of the material
world are used here as an appropriate indication. There
 
Sri Krishna-kathamrita Bindu Issue
top right 3 Two Hundred Thirty-nine, Page — 3
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Destination of these trees manifested near your home. In that place,
they remained in the bodies of Arjuna trees. Thereafter,
The Yamalarjuna Trees
they returned to their original bodies and simultane-
Srila Jiva Goswami’s Gopäla-campü
ously attained the topmost platform of being devotees
On another day in the brilliant morning assembly of the Lord. Even right now they are situated in that
of Nanda Maharaja in Vrindavan, Sri Vrajaraja Nanda topmost platform and are broadcasting the glories of
said, “O dear Snigdha-kantha! Those twin Arjuna trees devotional service to the Lord.
in Vraja were fulfillers of all desires and were therefore
Nanda Maharaja curiously asked again, “Tell me the
just like demigods. Please tell all of us: what were they
truth, Snigdha-kantha. Where have they gone now?”
in their previous lives? How did they take birth in Vrin-
While glancing sideways towards his brother Madhu-
davan? And where have they gone now?
kantha, Snigdha-kantha bowed his head down and
Snigdha-kantha replied, “In their previous lives they
was silent. Vrajaraja Nanda said, “O Snigdha-kantha!
were born out of Kuvera, the friend of Lord Shiva, who
Why do you not say anything, as if you are embar-
is also known as Dhurjati. At one point of time they
committed an offense to the lotus feet of Sri Narada rassed?” Snigdha-kantha respectfully replied, “O Lord!
Muni. As a result, Sri Narada bestowed the highest favor What should we speak? Your lordship can understand
on them by cursing them to become trees. In this way, everything by your expertise [and therefore, there is no
in tree bodies they obtained the highest destination of need for us to speak].”
being devotees of the Lord. O Vrajaraj Nanda! Every Vrajaraja Nanda smiled, and said, “Truly, what-
time you appear on earth, the eternal Mahavan mani- ever you say is correct, since your silence is speaking
fests along with you. In this forest known as Mahavan, everything. By your behavior and speech we have
 

B.G. Sharma

Manigriva and Nalakuvara offer their prayers to Krishna

Issue Two
Top left 4 Hundred Thirty-nine, Page — 4 é[q k* Z<ak QaaMa*Ta ibNd
understood everything. Yet you should fill us all with
happiness by speaking it from your own mouth.
Snigdha-kantha replied, “Sri Narada, the bestower
of all happiness, exhibited causeless mercy on the
two fallen souls Nalakuvara and Manigriva. As a
result, they were able to attain the eternal land of
Goloka Vrindavan and the ability to render devo-
tional service. Please understand that Nalakuvara
and Manigriva are now present in front of you as the
two of us. In other words, we are those fallen souls.

Unknown artist. Gita Press

Hearing this, all the assembled gopas, beginning
from Nanda Maharaja, embraced both of them one
by one while constantly looking at them with great
amazement. ·
— Çré Gopäla Pürva-campü, 9th Püraëa, texts 1-10. Translation by
Bhakta Harshad Marathe.

Crawling Pastimes Baby Krishna

Srila Jiva Goswami’s Gopäla-campü kiìkiëi-gaëa-raëane hådaye ruci-dhäré

riìgana-keli-kule janané-sukha-käré pada-yuga-cälana-kutuka-vihäré
vraja-dåçi sukåta-sphurad-avatäré You eagerly move your feet. The tinkling sounds
[Refrain:] of your ankle-bells delight everyone’s heart.
valayita-bälya-viläsa jaya bala-valita hare! gorasa-kérëi-bhave paìke laghu-cäré
Your crawling pastimes delight your mother. väraëa-käraëa-väg aticäré
The sight of you blesses the eyes of Vraja. Disobeying the order to stop, you slowly crawl
[Refrain:] O Hari, O companion of Balaram, O over the ground muddied with milk.
Lord who enjoys the pastimes of a small child,
all glories to you! akalita-jana-milane tasmäd apasäré
 jananéà prati gati-cäpala-bhäré
Ignoring the others, you quickly crawl to your mother.
Sri Krishna Kathamrita Bindu janané-stana-vasane bhaya-bhäg-anuhäré
A free bi-monthly service provided by: tatra payo-rasa-visarähäré
Gopal Jiu Publications You timidly become like a bodice covering your
c/o Sri Krishna Balarama Mandir mother’s breast, where you drink a great flood of milk.
National Highway No. 5, IRC Village vapuñi mådä maline mådutäm apahäré
Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India, 751015 janané-kara-kåta-måjayä häré
Phone: (0674) 2553250, 2557026 Your mother gently washes your muddy body
Email: katha@gopaljiu.org with her own hand.
Website: www.gopaljiu.org api tandrävalane stanapäm anukäré
Subscriptions: minimag@gopaljiu.org janané-smita-patad-amåtäsäré
Gopal Jiu Publications is a branch of the International
You then become sleepy and only pretend to
Society for Krishna Consciousness, Founder-Acharya: His
drink her breast. A shower of nectar falls from
Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.
your mother’s smile. ·
Quotations from the books, letters, and lectures of His Divine Grace A. — Çré Gopäla Pürva-Campü, 6th Püraëa, text 57. Sanskrit
C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada ©Bhaktivedanta Book Trust transliteration by Gaudiya Grantha Mandira. Translation by
International. All other materials, unless specified, © ISKCON Bhakta Harshad Marathe.
Bhubaneswar/Gopal Jiu Publications. All rights reserved. Blanket
permission is given to redistribute Bindu in electronic or print
form provided no changes are made to the contents.

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