KK Bindu #252
KK Bindu #252
KK Bindu #252
Issue No. 252 Çré Aparä Ekädaçé 28 May 2011 Circulation 3,995
Mohana Madhuri
He is said to have discovered the ancient deity of Accepting a form possessed of all beautiful limbs
Sriji and had her installed on top of Barshana hill. and wearing a yellowish cloth around his waist, his
He was a prolific writer and authored Bhakti-rasa- lotus feet are worshipped by all sages and demigods
taraìgiëé, Vraja-bhakti-viläsa, Vraja-dépikä, Vrajotsava- headed by Lord Brahma. I constantly worship that
candrikä, Vraja-mahodadhi, Vrajotsava- hlädiné, beloved of Vrishabhanu’s darling daughter.
Båhad Vraja-gunotsava, Vraja-prakäça, Vraja-dépikä, tiryag-kiréöa-mukuöaà vana-mälayä vai
Bhakta-bhüñaëa-sandarbha, Vraja-sädhana-candrikä, saàçobhamäna-vapuñaà hasatekñaëäòhyam
dedépyamäna-makaräkåti-kuëòalaà ca
Bhakti-viveka, Sahana-dépikä, Rasika-hlädiné,
çré-läòileya-lalitaà satataà bhajämi
Premäìkura (drama), Läòilé-läla Yugala Paddhati
and this Läòileyäñöakam. Narayan Bhatta Goswami’s On his head rests a curved helmet, his ears are
samädhi is near Barshana in Uchagaon, the village embellished with a pair of brilliantly glowing
where Lalita Sakhi appeared. shark-shaped earrings, his eyes are enhanced with
a smile, and his body is decorated with a garland
“Ladili” literally means “darling”. It is a popular of forest flowers. I constantly worship that beloved
name of Srimati Radharani in Vrindavan. In of Vrishabhanu’s darling daughter.
this context, “Ladili” can mean “Brishabhanu’s
änamra-jänu-yugalaà vraja-bhümikäyäm
darling” or “the darling queen of Barshana”. utthäya dakñiëa-karaà sasarésåpantam
çrémad-vrajeça-tanayaà dhåta-mänaväìgaà pädäravinda-yugale dhåta-nüpuraà ca
sarväìga-sundara-varaà kati-péta-vastram çré-läòileya-lalitaà satataà bhajämi
brahmädi-deva-muni-vandya-padäravindaà His lotus feet are decorated with a pair of anklets. He
çré-läòileya-lalitaà satataà bhajämi
crawls beautifully on the land of Vraja while using his
Issue Two
Top left 4 Hundred Fifty-two, Page — 4 é[q k* Z<ak QaaMa*Ta ibNd
Top right 4
right hand to pull himself forward. I constantly worship His well built arms appear to subdue the strength
that beloved of Vrishabhanu’s darling daughter. of mountains. He displays a beautiful form having
kaumära-darçita-sukhaà vapuñä sva-pitror blackish eyes, beautiful brows, perfect nose, and a
bälaiç ca kréòaëa-paraà samudärayantam sweet smile. Around his waist is a strand of jewels
mugdha-smitaà nija-bhuje dhåta-modakaà ca that steals one’s mind. I constantly worship that
çré-läòileya-lalitaà satataà bhajämi beloved of Vrishabhanu’s darling daughter.
He smilingly holds a sweet in his hands go-vatsa-khelana-paraà gala-maukti-häraà
vaàçé-dharaà sughaöa-nåtya-karaà varaà ca
and displays his unlimitedly magnanimous
gopé-gåheñu nitaräà navanéta-cauraà
playful pastimes of infancy, thus delighting his çré-läòileya-lalitaà satataà bhajämi
parents. I constantly worship that beloved of
Around his neck swings a necklace of pearls as
Vrishabhanu’s darling daughter.
he exhibits his pastimes of playing with the calves.
çrémad-balänujam atéva priya-svarüpaà He holds a flute in his hands and effortlessly
saukhya-pradaà nija-janän atimänayantäm
displays his dancing skill as well as his expertise
çyämäìgam adbhutataraà sumukhaà sunetraà
at regularly stealing butter from the homes of
çré-läòileya-lalitaà satataà bhajämi
the gopés. I constantly worship that beloved of
The younger brother of Baladev has an immensely Vrishabhanu’s darling daughter.
wonderful form with complexion like a dark monsoon
dhyänäspadaà jagati pürëatamävatäraà
cloud and beautiful lotus-like face and eyes. These santaà paraà nikhila-jéva-nikäya-ketum
bestow great happiness on his kinsmen and earn him lélä-kadambam atilaìghita-çatru-vargaà
a respected place amongst them. I constantly worship çré-läòileya-lalitaà satataà bhajämi
that beloved of Vrishabhanu’s darling daughter. He soundly defeated his enemies in his
subhrü-nasaà subhuja-daëòa-paräga-dämaà multifarious pastimes. He is the Supreme Lord in the
drañöavya-rüpam asitekñaëa-cäru-häsam most perfect form, the object of meditation for the
käïcyä paräìga-dhåta-hära-manoharantaà entire world, the sought-after shelter of the sages,
çré-läòileya-lalitaà satataà bhajämi and the refuge of all souls. I constantly worship that
beloved of Vrishabhanu’s darling daughter.
çlokäñöakaà hi sumukhaà sumudä sva-citte
sandhäya nityam amalaà hari-bhaktidaà ca
Sri Krishna Kathamrita Bindu devälaye paöhati tasya hariù svayaà ca
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Website: www.gopaljiu.org
— Translated by Hari Parshad Das from the version on Gaudiya
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