KK Bindu #252

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Sri Krishna Kathamrita

Tav k QaaMa*Ta& TaáJaqvNaMa(

tava kathämåtaà tapta-jévanam
Fortnightly email mini-magazine from Gopal Jiu Publications

Issue No. 252 Çré Aparä Ekädaçé 28 May 2011 Circulation 3,995

• Learning the Languages


His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

• We Don't Care! page one top collumn two
Various Authors
• The Beloved of Brishabhanu’s Darling
Sri Narayan Bhatta Goswami

Learning the Languages

His Divine Grace A. C.
Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

I hope you are continuing to study Bengali. I

shall be glad to know how much progress you
have made by this time. (Letter, 7 February 1968.)

You mention that you have enclosed the

transliteration work of Çrémad Bhägavatam,
but I do not find it here. You may have missed
it. Anyway, I am happy to hear you are steadily
studying Sanskrit and reading Çrémad Bhägavatam
— that is very good. (Letter, 23 March 1968.)

All these discrepancies are happening on account

of my students being unaware of Sanskrit language.
Therefore I requested him to learn Sanskrit very
seriously. He has got the aptitude, and I hope he
may come out very successful. (Letter, 9 April 1968.)

Regarding his study of Sanskrit, I am very glad

to learn of his seriousness to study. We need many
Sanskrit scholar devotees. When it is convenient he
His Divine Grace A. C.
may study in Boston, and there are Sanskrit courses Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
at the university there also. (Letter, 15 March 1970.)
how to pronounce the Sanskrit verses, especially
Regarding Sanskrit class, it is very encouraging that the ones in our published books, just like you have
the teacher is helping you in this connection, but already chanted the Govinda verses in the record.
our chief aim for learning Sanskrit would be to learn Similarly, if you chant all the verses combinedly and
next column  
Issue Two Hundred Fifty-two, Page — 2 Top right 2 é[q k* Z<ak QaaMa*Ta ibNdu
melodiously along with musical instruments it will be precious jewel that decorates my breasts. (Unknown
a great charm to the people of the world. When we author, quoted in Padyävalé 174.)
start our World Sankirtana Party it will be our unique svämé nihantu vihasantu puraù sapatnyo
position if we can demonstrate the chanting of the bhartur bhajantu guravaù pitaraç ca lajjäm
etävatä yadi kalaìki kulaà tathästu
mantras as they are given in Éçopaniñad, Bhagavad- rämänuje mama tanotu mano ‘nurägam
gétä, Çrémad Bhägavatam and Brahma Saàhitä.
Let my husband beat me! Let my enemies laugh
Therefore the main aim of this Sanskrit class should
in my face! Let my parents and elderly relatives
be for you to learn this chanting in the proper accent.
shame me before my husband! Let my whole
It is not our aim to become Sanskrit scholars. (Letter, family become polluted! I don’t care! My heart will
9 November 1975.) continue to love Balaram’s younger brother Krishna.
We have seen your note regarding the child. You (Unknown author, quoted in Padyävalé 175.)
may engage one Sanskrit teacher for her so she svämé kupyati kupyatäà parijanä nindanti nindantu mäm
anyat kià prathatäm ayaà ca jagati prauòho mamopadravaù
shall become a very great scholar. Just like Jiva
äçäsyaà punar etad eva yad idaà cakñuç ciraà vardhatäà
Goswami was trained in Sanskrit language from yenedaà paripéyate muraripoù saundarya-säraà vapuù
early childhood and no one could surpass him in
My husband is angry? Let him be! My friends
all of India. (Letter, 1 August 1972.) · rebuke me? Let them do so! Whatever other
We Don’t Care! catastrophe there may be in this world, let it fall upon
me. I don’t care! I simply wish that my eyes may
A compilation from various authors
eternally drink the nectar of Krishna’s handsome
parivadatu jano yathä tathä vä form. (Sri Pushkaraksha, quoted in Padyävalé 176.)
nanu mukharo na vayaà vicärayämaù
hari-rasa-madirä madätimattä dhyänäbhyäsa-vaçékåtena manasä tan nirguëaà niñkriyaà
bhuvi viluöhäma naöäma nirviçäma jyotiù kiïcana yogino yadi paraà paçyanti paçyantu te
asmäkaà tu tad eva locana-camatkäräya bhüyäc ciraà
The talkative people will rebuke us. Is it not? Well, kälindé-pulineñu yat kim api tan nélaà maho dhävati
we don’t care for them! We will drink the liquor
of love for Lord Hari and will become completely If after practicing meditation and controlling their
intoxicated, roll about on the ground, dance, and minds, the yogés perceive the absolute truth as a
experience ecstasy. (Sri Sarvabhauma Bhattacharya, mere light devoid of all qualities, let them perceive
quoted in Padyävalé 73.) so. We don’t care! For us, that absolute truth roams
eternally in a bluish hue on the banks of the
purataù sphuratu vimuktiç
Kalindi river, ravishing our eyes. (Sri Madhusudana
ciram iha räjyaà karotu vairäjyam
paçupäla-bälaka-pateù Saraswati, from the Güòhärtha-dépikä commentary
seväm eväbhiväïchämi on Bhagavad-gétä 13.1) ·
Liberation may appear before me. The enduring Translated and adapted by Hari Parshad Das from:
kingdom of Lord Brahma may also appear before — Srila Rupa Goswami. Padyävalé. Sanskrit with English
me. I don’t care! I simply desire to serve Lord translation by Sri Kusakratha Das. The Krishna Library. Culver
City, CA. 1989.
Krishna, the leader of the cowherd boys. (Sri — http://granthamandira.com/index.php?show=entry&e_no=731
Surottamacharya, quoted in Padyävalé 84.)
Çré Läòileyäñöakam
tåpyantu me chidram aväpya çatravaù
karotu me çästi-bharaà gåheçvaraù The Beloved of
maëis tu vakñoruha-madhya-bhüñaëaà
mamästu våndävana-kåñëa-candramä
Brishabhanu’s Darling
Let my enemies be pleased to find fault with me. Let The author of this prayer, Narayan Bhatta Goswami,
my husband punish me again and again. I don’t care! was a disciple of Sri Krishnadas Brahmachari, who
Lord Krishnachandra, who enjoys transcendental in turn was a disciple of Sri Gadadhar Pandit. Narayan
pastimes in Vrindavan forest, will always be the Bhatta Goswami lived for many years in Vraja.
 
Sri Krishna-kathamrita Bindu top rightIssue
3 Two Hundred Fifty-two, Page — 3
Top left 3

Mohana Madhuri
He is said to have discovered the ancient deity of Accepting a form possessed of all beautiful limbs
Sriji and had her installed on top of Barshana hill. and wearing a yellowish cloth around his waist, his
He was a prolific writer and authored Bhakti-rasa- lotus feet are worshipped by all sages and demigods
taraìgiëé, Vraja-bhakti-viläsa, Vraja-dépikä, Vrajotsava- headed by Lord Brahma. I constantly worship that
candrikä, Vraja-mahodadhi, Vrajotsava- hlädiné, beloved of Vrishabhanu’s darling daughter.
Båhad Vraja-gunotsava, Vraja-prakäça, Vraja-dépikä, tiryag-kiréöa-mukuöaà vana-mälayä vai
Bhakta-bhüñaëa-sandarbha, Vraja-sädhana-candrikä, saàçobhamäna-vapuñaà hasatekñaëäòhyam
dedépyamäna-makaräkåti-kuëòalaà ca
Bhakti-viveka, Sahana-dépikä, Rasika-hlädiné,
çré-läòileya-lalitaà satataà bhajämi
Premäìkura (drama), Läòilé-läla Yugala Paddhati
and this Läòileyäñöakam. Narayan Bhatta Goswami’s On his head rests a curved helmet, his ears are
samädhi is near Barshana in Uchagaon, the village embellished with a pair of brilliantly glowing
where Lalita Sakhi appeared. shark-shaped earrings, his eyes are enhanced with
a smile, and his body is decorated with a garland
“Ladili” literally means “darling”. It is a popular of forest flowers. I constantly worship that beloved
name of Srimati Radharani in Vrindavan. In of Vrishabhanu’s darling daughter.
this context, “Ladili” can mean “Brishabhanu’s
änamra-jänu-yugalaà vraja-bhümikäyäm
darling” or “the darling queen of Barshana”. utthäya dakñiëa-karaà sasarésåpantam
çrémad-vrajeça-tanayaà dhåta-mänaväìgaà pädäravinda-yugale dhåta-nüpuraà ca
sarväìga-sundara-varaà kati-péta-vastram çré-läòileya-lalitaà satataà bhajämi
brahmädi-deva-muni-vandya-padäravindaà His lotus feet are decorated with a pair of anklets. He
çré-läòileya-lalitaà satataà bhajämi
crawls beautifully on the land of Vraja while using his
 
Issue Two
Top left 4 Hundred Fifty-two, Page — 4 é[q k* Z<ak QaaMa*Ta ibNd
Top right 4
right hand to pull himself forward. I constantly worship His well built arms appear to subdue the strength
that beloved of Vrishabhanu’s darling daughter. of mountains. He displays a beautiful form having
kaumära-darçita-sukhaà vapuñä sva-pitror blackish eyes, beautiful brows, perfect nose, and a
bälaiç ca kréòaëa-paraà samudärayantam sweet smile. Around his waist is a strand of jewels
mugdha-smitaà nija-bhuje dhåta-modakaà ca that steals one’s mind. I constantly worship that
çré-läòileya-lalitaà satataà bhajämi beloved of Vrishabhanu’s darling daughter.
He smilingly holds a sweet in his hands go-vatsa-khelana-paraà gala-maukti-häraà
vaàçé-dharaà sughaöa-nåtya-karaà varaà ca
and displays his unlimitedly magnanimous
gopé-gåheñu nitaräà navanéta-cauraà
playful pastimes of infancy, thus delighting his çré-läòileya-lalitaà satataà bhajämi
parents. I constantly worship that beloved of
Around his neck swings a necklace of pearls as
Vrishabhanu’s darling daughter.
he exhibits his pastimes of playing with the calves.
çrémad-balänujam atéva priya-svarüpaà He holds a flute in his hands and effortlessly
saukhya-pradaà nija-janän atimänayantäm
displays his dancing skill as well as his expertise
çyämäìgam adbhutataraà sumukhaà sunetraà
at regularly stealing butter from the homes of
çré-läòileya-lalitaà satataà bhajämi
the gopés. I constantly worship that beloved of
The younger brother of Baladev has an immensely Vrishabhanu’s darling daughter.
wonderful form with complexion like a dark monsoon
dhyänäspadaà jagati pürëatamävatäraà
cloud and beautiful lotus-like face and eyes. These santaà paraà nikhila-jéva-nikäya-ketum
bestow great happiness on his kinsmen and earn him lélä-kadambam atilaìghita-çatru-vargaà
a respected place amongst them. I constantly worship çré-läòileya-lalitaà satataà bhajämi
that beloved of Vrishabhanu’s darling daughter. He soundly defeated his enemies in his
subhrü-nasaà subhuja-daëòa-paräga-dämaà multifarious pastimes. He is the Supreme Lord in the
drañöavya-rüpam asitekñaëa-cäru-häsam most perfect form, the object of meditation for the
käïcyä paräìga-dhåta-hära-manoharantaà entire world, the sought-after shelter of the sages,
çré-läòileya-lalitaà satataà bhajämi and the refuge of all souls. I constantly worship that
beloved of Vrishabhanu’s darling daughter.

çlokäñöakaà hi sumukhaà sumudä sva-citte
sandhäya nityam amalaà hari-bhaktidaà ca
Sri Krishna Kathamrita Bindu devälaye paöhati tasya hariù svayaà ca
A free bi-monthly service provided by: mokña-prado bhavati nünam adabhra-buddheù
Gopal Jiu Publications A blissful soul of purified intelligence who in a
c/o Sri Krishna Balarama Mandir joyous state of mind fixes his attention constantly
National Highway No. 5, IRC Village upon these eight transcendental verses that bestow
Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India, 751015 devotional service to Lord Hari, or who recites it
in a temple of Lord Hari, will be rewarded by the
Phone: (0674) 2553250, 2557026
Lord personally coming and bestowing the gift of
Email: katha@gopaljiu.org
liberation upon him.·
Website: www.gopaljiu.org
— Translated by Hari Parshad Das from the version on Gaudiya
Subscriptions: minimag@gopaljiu.org Grantha Mandir: http://granthamandira.com

Gopal Jiu Publications is a branch of the International

Society for Krishna Consciousness, Founder-Acharya: His
Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.
Quotations from the books, letters, and lectures of His Divine Grace A.
C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada ©Bhaktivedanta Book Trust
International. All other materials, unless specified, © ISKCON
Bhubaneswar/Gopal Jiu Publications. All rights reserved. Blanket
permission is given to redistribute Bindu in electronic or print
form provided no changes are made to the contents.

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