Foundation Manual: State of California Department of Transportation Engineering Service Center Division of Structures
Foundation Manual: State of California Department of Transportation Engineering Service Center Division of Structures
Foundation Manual: State of California Department of Transportation Engineering Service Center Division of Structures
Department of Transportation
Engineering Service Center
Division of Structures
Foundation Manual
Issued By
Offices of Structure Construction
November 2008
November 2008
The 2008 edition of the Foundation Manual was updated by a group of dedicated Senior
Bridge Engineers from the Offices of Structure Construction (OSC).
Thanks to Rich Foley, P.E., OSC Substructure Committee Chairman, for his
contributions and leadership. Thanks to the OSC Substructure Committee members for
their valuable contributions and teamwork. Members include: Daniel Dait, P.E., David
Keim, P.E., Jeff Kress, P.E., John Walters, P.E., and Mark Woods, P.E. Thanks to
Roman Granados, HQ Office Associate for his contributions and hard work. Thanks to
Mike Beauchamp, P.E., Supervising Bridge Engineer, OSC Substructure Committee
Sponsor, for his contributions and sound guidance.
Special thanks to the Caltrans engineers who drafted the original 1984 Foundation
Manual and to the Caltrans engineers who drafted the 1996 revision. Their vision,
dedication, and research, produced a manual that has been used throughout the
The Foundation Manual is intended to provide the field engineer with information that
may be of some assistance in solving foundation problems and in making engineering
Although the field engineer is required to make engineering decisions throughout the life
of a construction project, none is probably more important than the engineer’s decision
regarding the suitability or unsuitability of the foundation material supporting a spread
footing foundation. The engineer must decide if the foundation material encountered at
the planned bottom of footing elevation is, in fact, representative of the material shown
on the Log of Test Borings sheet and therefore suitable for the imposed loads. If not
representative, the engineer must decide what action to take.
This is not to minimize the importance of pile supported foundations, which have their
own unique problems that require decisions based on sound engineering judgement. What
action does the engineer take when pile bearing capacity is not obtained at specified tip or
reaches “refusal” ten feet above tip elevation?
All types of foundations are discussed in the manual along with related problems and
possible solutions. There is no one solution that will always solve a particular problem.
Each situation must be reviewed and a decision made based on the available data and
one’s own experience.
Chapter 1 Foundation Investigations 1-1
Introduction 1-1
Who Performs Foundation Investigations 1-2
Foundation Investigation Overview 1-3
Subsurface Drilling Operation 1-4
Log of Test Borings 1-5
Foundation Report 1-6
Applicability of the Log of Test Borings and Foundation
Report to the Contract
Basic Soil Properties 1-7
Geotechnical Drilling and Sampling Equipment 1-9
List of References R-1
Appendix A – Foundation Investigations A-1
Appendix B – Contract Administration B-1
Appendix C – Footing Foundation C-1
Appendix D – Pier Columns & Alternative Pile Types D-1
Appendix E – Driven Piles E-1
Appendix F – Static Pile Load Testing & Dynamic Monitoring F-1
Appendix G – Slurry Displacement Piles G-1
Appendix H – Tiebacks, Tiedowns, and Soil Nails H-1
Appendix I – Cofferdams and Seal Courses I-1
Appendix J – Micropiles J-1
List of Figures
Figure 4-1 Loaded Footing with Moment 4-2
Figure 4-2 General Shear Failure Concept 4-4
Figure 4-3 Punching Shear Failure 4-5
Figure 4-4 Local Shear Failure 4-5
Figure 4-5 Failure Modes 4-5
Figure 4-6 Influence of Groundwater Table on Bearing
Capacity 4-7
Figure 4-7 Surcharge Load on Soil 4-8
Figure 4-8 Relationship between ø and Bearing Capacity
Factors 4-8
Figure 4-9 Relationship of Bearing Capacity Factors to ø and
N (Standard Penetration Resistance) for
Cohesionless Soils 4-9
Figure 4-10 Slope Setback for Open Excavations/Trenches 4-14
Figure 4-11 Effect of Surcharge Loads for Shored Excavations 4-16
Figure 4-12 Setback Calculation for Shored Excavations when
Surcharges are not Considered in the Shoring
Design 4-17
Figure 4-13 Single Stage Well Point System 4-18
Figure 4-14 Saturated vs. Submerged Unit Weight 4-19
Figure 4-15 Bottom of Excavation Stability Problems due to
Excess Hydrostatic Head Against an Impervious
Layer 4-20
Figure 6-1 Auger - Short Section 6-3
Figure 6-2 Auger – Single Flight 6-3
Figure 6-3 Auger – Double Flight 6-3
Figure 6-4 Drilling Bucket 6-4
Figure 6-5 Drilling Bucket/Cleanout Bucket Comparison 6-4
Figure 6-6 Core Barrel 6-5
Figure 6-7 Down-hole Hammer 6-5
Figure 6-8 Rotator 6-6
Figure 6-9 Oscillator 6-7
Figure 6-10 Reverse Circulation Drilling Equipment 6-8
Figure 6-11 Steel Casing 6-9
Figure 6-12 Drill Rig – Crawler Mounted 6-9
Figure 6-13 Drill Rig – Truck Mounted 6-10
Figure 6-14 Drill Rig – Crane Mounted 6-10
Figure 6-15 Pile Defects – No Cleanout, Tapered Bottom of 6-16
Figure 6-16 Pile Defects – Smeared Drill Cuttings 6-16
Figure 6-17 Pile Defects – Cave in 6-17
Figure 6-18 Pile Defects – Concrete Segregation 6-17
Figure 6-19 Pile Defects – Adjacent Hole Blowout 6-18
1 Foundation Investigations
The ultimate strength and longevity of any structure depends on the adequacy of
its foundation. Engineers administering projects for the Offices of Structure
Construction have the responsibility of ensuring that the foundation work
performed on their projects is of the quality necessary to allow each and every
structure to sustain the design loadings throughout its design life.
It is essential that all personnel working for the Offices of Structure Construction,
and Structure Representatives in particular, commit themselves to learning the
provisions within the Standard Specifications, Standard Plans, contract plans,
special provisions and all relevant documents related to each structure on which
they are working. It has been proven time and time again that a thorough
understanding of all documents related to a particular project and the effective use
of this information leads to the effective administration of structure contracts.
This chapter will give an overview of the foundation investigation process and
will also show how the Log of Test Borings and Foundation Report for a structure
project are developed. The goal of the chapter is to provide information related to
the foundation investigation process so as to assist the reader in the interpretation
and effective use of the Log of Test Borings and the Foundation Report during the
administration of structure projects.
Personnel from the Geotechnical Design Sections are available to provide support
to Offices of Structure Construction employees throughout the life of a
construction project. These individuals are referred to as geoprofessionals and
they are engineers who specialize in geotechnical engineering and engineering
geology. Some are registered as geotechnical engineers and engineering
geologists. The Engineer is encouraged to schedule pre-construction meetings
with personnel from the appropriate Geotechnical Design Section (Bridge
Construction Memo 2-2.0). The primary purpose of the pre-construction meeting
would be to forge a good relationship with the engineers/geologists
(geoprofessionals) that performed the foundation investigation, wrote the
Foundation Report, and developed the Log of Test Borings. At this time there
should be discussions that outline potential foundation problem areas and risks in
detail. This meeting will prove to be invaluable to Structure Representatives in
their efforts to recognize potential problem areas that may need extra attention
during the foundation work on the project.
Once construction projects are under way, personnel from the Geotechnical
Design Sections lend their expertise as needed and in particular when problems or
challenges occur during foundation work. They advise over the phone and often
visit projects to evaluate difficult foundation installations and recommend
solutions. The Engineer is encouraged to inform the Geotechnical Design
Sections of any problems, changes or differences with structure foundations as
early as possible. Early notification often gives the best chance of resolving
difficult or problem foundations with the most economical solution.
The soil samples collected during the subsurface drilling operation, results of in-
situ tests, manual field tests, and various observations recorded will provide the
necessary information to develop the Log of Test Borings for the project. Once
the Log of Test Borings is completed, it is transmitted to the Project Engineer for
inclusion in the structure plans.
The information compiled in the Log of Test Borings along with the loads
provided by Structure Design is analyzed by the geoprofessionals in Geotechnical
Services and foundation recommendations are made. The recommended
foundation type as well as other important pieces of information are compiled and
included into a Foundation Report for the structure and transmitted to the Project
Engineer. These recommendations are used to complete the design of the
structure. The Foundation Report is included in the RE Pending File as well as
the Materials Handout for the Contractor at time of bid.
The appearance and feel of the cuttings, difficulties or changes of the rate of
advancement of the drilling tools, and other observations help estimate the
mechanical properties or strengths of the soil or rock lenses. These observations
are noted within the field logs. Any groundwater encountered during the drilling
operation is also noted and special care is taken to accurately determine its
elevation and whether or not the groundwater encountered is static or under
pressure (“perched” or in an “artesian” condition). These observations along with
the tests results from field and laboratory testing are used to develop the soil/rock
Two important facets of the subsurface drilling operation are the recovery of soil
samples retrieved during the drilling operations and the in-situ soil tests. Soil
samples are divided into two categories, disturbed and undisturbed. Disturbed
soil samples are those that have experienced large structural disturbances during
the sampling operation and may be used for identification and classification tests.
Undisturbed samples are those in which structural disturbance is kept to a
minimum during the sampling process. Undisturbed samples are used for
consolidation and strength tests. Examples of these strength tests are direct shear,
triaxial shear, and unconfined compression tests. The strength tests provide shear
strength values, which are then used as design parameters in static analysis for
pile foundations. Consolidation tests provide information needed to estimate
settlements of spread footings or pile groups and are performed on cohesive soils.
Several types of soil samplers are used to retrieve undisturbed samples during
subsurface investigations. Types include the California Sampler (which is the
primary tool used by Geotechnical Services), the Shelby Tube, the Piston
Sampler, and the Hydraulic Piston Sampler. Undisturbed soil samples provide the
best opportunity to evaluate the soil in its natural undisturbed state. Destructive
testing of these samples provides the most accurate soil data, however undisturbed
samples from non-cohesive, or cohesionless, soils are difficult to obtain, trim, and
test in the laboratory. As such, soft saturated clays, saturated sands and
intermixed deposits of soil and gravel are difficult to sample and test in the
laboratory. To overcome these difficulties, in-situ test methods are used to
measure soil parameters.
When standard drilling and sampling methods cannot be used to obtain high
quality undisturbed samples, in-situ tests are used to provide information on the
characteristics of the material. The most common of these tests is the Standard
Penetration Test (SPT). This test identifies a penetration resistance value, “N”,
which can be used to obtain estimates for the angle of internal friction of a
cohesionless soil, the unconfined compressive strength of a cohesive soil, and the
material’s unit weight (refer to Appendix C). The SPT is performed using a split-
spoon sampler and provides a disturbed sample for visual inspection and
classification. Other in-situ tests include the static cone test, pressure meter test,
vane shear test, and the borehole shear test. They provide soil strength values,
such as cohesion, angle of internal friction, and shear strength.
Design parameters obtained from field and laboratory testing are used for static
analytical design procedures for pile and footing foundations and may also
provide valuable information to the Engineer during the course of administering a
construction project.
Foundation Report
The foundation report is basically a compilation of all the information retrieved
during the foundation investigation and provides the project engineer with a
description and an evaluation of the geological formations and soils present at the
site of a proposed project. It also describes and evaluates any seismic hazards that
may be present at the site such as the amount of ground shaking that can be
expected and the probability of liquefaction occurring at the site. The report gives
recommendations for the type of foundation that should be used to support the
proposed structure and also recommends seismic design criteria such as peak
horizontal bedrock acceleration that should be used in the seismic analysis. The
report includes the recommendations for bottom of footing elevations, pile type,
size and tip elevations.
The project plans should be reviewed to verify that the footing elevation, pile tip
elevations, and type of piling recommended in the Foundation Report are shown
on the contract plans. In addition, the Structure Representative should confirm
that any suggested specifications or design features mentioned within the special
comments section of the Foundation Report are included in the contract plans and
specifications. The Project Engineer and Geotechnical Services representatives
should be consulted if there are any discrepancies. Contract change orders will
most likely be required to address these discrepancies.
In the past, the Log of Test Borings and other information provided to the
contractor at time of bid were not considered part of the contract and were
provided for information only. The 2006 version of the Standard Specifications
has been revised to change this. In particular, Section 2-1.03 Examination of
Plans, Specifications, Contract, and Site of Work, has undergone a major revision.
While the Contractor is still required to investigate the site and other available
information, as before, it is now understood that the information provided by the
Department will be used by the Contractor to develop a competitive bid. The
accuracy of this information is essential to a claim free contract. It’s important to
note that while the Department is taking responsibility for the information
provided, the Contractor is still required to carefully examine the site and the
information provided and are responsible for the conclusions that are drawn from
that investigation.
The information presented in Chapter 2 of the Caltrans Soil and Rock Logging,
Classification, and Presentation Manual (Appendix A) is of particular importance
as it outlines the procedure and methodology used to identify and classify rock
and soil samples. The information presented in the logs and descriptions is based
on the ASTM D 2488-06 Standard Practice for Description and Identification of
Soils (Visual-Manual Procedure) and the Engineering Geology Field Manual
published by the Bureau of Reclamation.
Boulders Particles of rock that will not pass a 12-inch square opening.
Cobbles Particles of rock that will pass a 12-inch square opening but will be
retained on a 3-inch sieve.
Course Gravel Particles of rock that will pass a 3-inch sieve but will be retained on
a 3/4-inch sieve.
Fine Gravel Particles of rock that will pass a 3/4-inch sieve but will be retained
on a No. 4 sieve.
Course Sand Particles of rock that will pass a No. 4 sieve but will be retained on
a No. 10 sieve.
Medium Sand Particles of rock that will pass a No. 10 sieve but will be retained on
a No. 40 sieve.
Fine Sand Particles of rock that will pass a No. 40 sieve but will be retained on
a No. 200 sieve.
Silt Soil passing a No. 200 sieve that is non-plastic or very slightly
plastic and exhibits little or no strength when air-dried. Silts that
exhibit some plastic properties are qualified as elastic silts
Clay Soil passing a No. 200 sieve that can be made to exhibit plasticity
(puttylike properties) within a range of water contents, and that
exhibits considerable strength when air-dried. A clay is qualified as
fat or lean depending an the amount of plasticity
Organic Soil A soil with sufficient organic content to influence the soil
Peat A soil composed primarily of vegetable matter in various stages of
decomposition. This soil usually has an organic odor, is dark brown
to black in color, has a spongy consistency, and a texture ranging
from fibrous to amorphous.
Well-graded SAND with GRAVEL (SW), medium dense, brown to light gray,
wet, about 20% coarse subrounded to rounded flat and elongated GRAVEL,
about 75% coarse to fine rounded SAND, about 5% fines, weak cementation.
• Once a soil is dispersed in water, sand grains settle rapidly, usually in less
than one minute. Silt settles more slowly, usually from 10 to 60 minutes.
Clay will remain in suspension for several hours.
• Sand, having little to no plasticity, will not form a plastic thread by rolling it
on a smooth surface. Silt will form a thread when rolled, but it is weak and
crumbles as it dries. Clay forms a plastic thread of high strength, which dries
slowly and usually becomes stiff and tough as it dries.
• Sand has no unconfined dry strength. Silt has very little dry strength and
easily powders when rubbed. Clay has a high dry strength and will not
powder easily.
2¼-Inch Cone The 2¼-Inch Cone Penetrometer is an in-situ testing apparatus that
Penetrometer drilling crews use during subsurface drilling operations. The test is
conducted using an air compressor to drive the testing apparatus through
the soil.
The Engineering Geologist records the drilling rate in seconds per foot
of penetration. The results of the test are shown graphically to give an
indication of the soil’s varying densities as the cone penetrates the
different layers of soil.
Sample Boring The Sample Boring is a manual boring technique where a 1-inch sample
tube is driven using a 28-pound hand hammer with a 12-inch free fall.
This technique is used only for soft soil sites and in areas where it is
difficult to get a drilling rig on the site.
Rotary Boring The Rotary Boring is a rapid drilling method used for penetrating soil
and rock. Borings up to 200 feet and more in depth can be taken using
this method.
The hole is advanced by the rapid rotation of the drilling bit, and water
or drilling mud is used to flush out the drill cuttings and to lubricate the
cutting tool.
Auger Borings An Auger Boring can be advanced without water or drilling mud and
provides a dry hole. It gives a good indication of material that is likely
to cave in during an excavation or drilling operation. It also gives an
accurate reading of where the groundwater elevation is. Most
equipment can drill to depths of 100 to 200 feet.
Diamond Core A Diamond Core Boring is used when rock is encountered during a
Boring drilling operation. It allows the drilling crew to recover continuous
sections of rock cores.
2 Type Selection
All structure foundations have one fundamental characteristic in common; that is,
they provide a means whereby service and ultimate loads are transmitted from the
structure into the supporting geologic medium. The appropriateness of the
different types of structure foundations are governed by loading requirements,
site-specific geologic conditions, site accessibility, overhead clearance, existing
utilities and the proximity of existing facilities such as buildings and railroads as
well as site considerations such as vertical clearances and noise restrictions.
The Foundation Report is the primary source for information about the structure
foundations on a project. It is prepared by Geotechnical Services in the Division
of Engineering Services. The project engineer selects the appropriate foundation
type based upon data and recommendations contained in this report. The
Foundation Report may include recommendations and engineering data for
several foundation types. In this case, field conditions and/or economics will
generally determine the foundation type.
Seal courses are frequently specified as a foundation aid when groundwater and
soil heave is anticipated. Seal course concrete is placed under water, the general
purpose being to seal the bottom of a tight cofferdam against hydrostatic pressure.
After the concrete cures, the water is pumped out of the cofferdam and
construction of the footing can occur “in the dry.”
Various geologic and non-geologic features affecting type selection are discussed
in the following table. Most of these items will be discussed in more detail
elsewhere in this manual.
Footing …are virtually unlimited in use. Geologic considerations include the soil
Foundations profile, the location of the water table and any potential fluctuation, and the
potential for scour or undermining. Non-geologic considerations include
the size and shape of the footing, adjacent structures, and existing utilities.
Driven Piles …are used where foundation material will not support a footing foundation
or discourages the use of Cast-In-Drilled Hole (CIDH) concrete piles. Pile
types are precast concrete, steel structural sections, steel pipe, and timber.
Geologic considerations include the soil profile, driving difficulties, and
corrosive soils. Non-geologic considerations include adjacent structures,
existing utilities, required pile length, restricted overhead clearances,
accessibility, and noise restrictions.
Non-Driven …consist of Cast-in-Drilled Hole (CIDH) concrete piles and alternative
Piles footing design piles. CIDH piles are used extensively where piles are
required and foundation conditions permit their use. The slurry
displacement method of construction of CIDH piles is used where driven
piles are impractical and ground conditions necessitate its use. Alternative
footing design piles are used on an experimental basis when conditions
warrant their use. Geologic considerations include location of the water
table and potential fluctuation, potential for caving and the soil profile.
Non-geologic considerations include adjacent structures, existing utilities,
restricted overhead clearances, and accessibility.
Special Case
Foundations …represent special applications and, therefore, have limited use.
Pier Columns …are an extension of the pier to a planned elevation into rock. They
generally used for hillside structures, thus eliminating the extensive
excavation that would be required for large spread footings. The location
and type of existing structures may restrict excavation limits.
Tiebacks and …are used for earth retaining structures where it is not feasible to excavate
Soil Piles and construct a footing foundation or pile cap for a conventional retaining
wall. Geologic considerations include the soil profile and corrosive soil
problems. Non-geologic considerations include adjacent structures,
accessibility, and existing utilities.
Tiedowns or …are used, in general, to address uplift concerns in seismic zones and for
Tension Piles seismic retrofitting of existing footing foundations where uplift and
overturning must be prevented.
Micro Piles …are small diameter piles (less than 12 inches) that are drilled and filled
with reinforcement and grout.
3 Contract Administration
The design and construction of structure foundations is one of the most difficult
and challenging responsibilities of the Department. A great deal of time and
effort is taken in the design phase to adequately describe the existing soils;
however the complex and variable geology found in many portions of the State of
California tends to complicate these investigations. The investigations and
recommendations made by Geotechnical Services are used by the Office of
Structure Design to develop a design for a structure. The design should permit
the structure to last throughout the years, withstand earthquakes and large storms
that may undermine foundations through liquefaction, scour and the like.
“The Engineer shall decide all questions… as to the acceptable fulfillment of the
contract on the part of the Contractor; and all questions as to compensation”.
Contract Administration may be defined as the sum total of all actions required by
the Engineer to ensure that the contemplated work is constructed and completed
by the Contractor in accordance with all terms of the contract.
These actions include, but are not limited to: (1) interpretation and enforcement of
the plans and specifications, (2) ensuring compliance with applicable Caltrans
policies and procedures, (3) objective and subjective decision making (i.e.
Engineering Judgment), 4) sampling, testing and inspection of the work, (5)
problem solving that may result in changes to the contract to meet design intent,
and (6) proper documentation to defend the Department’s position regarding the
accuracy of the information provided at the time of bid.
generally obtained when the Department and the Contractor have an attitude that
is one of cooperation; that focuses on identifying issues as early as possible and
that promotes working together to resolve them. The Department promotes the
formation of a “Partnering” relationship with the Contractor in order to effectively
complete the contract to the benefit of both parties. The purpose of this
relationship will be to maintain cooperative communication and mutually resolve
conflicts or challenges at the lowest possible level. This process is particularly
important in foundation work where risks to the project are high and contract
change orders may be required to effectively administrate the contract.
In order for the Engineer to decide the question of acceptable fulfillment of the
contract on the part of the Contractor (i.e., successfully administer the contract),
the contemplated work must be thoroughly understood. To achieve this, a
detailed study of the contract documents must be made. This includes the
Standard Specifications, Standard Plans, contract plans, and special provisions,
the Log-of-Test Borings and the Foundation Report. The Engineer must become
completely familiar with the contract plans and their requirements as well as the
Contractor’s construction schedule. In addition, the Engineer should check
footing elevations, ensure that there is adequate cover, verify design bearing
pressures, look for special treatment of foundation provisions, proximity of
utilities, existing structures, highways and railroads, etc. The order of work and
construction sequences must be thoroughly understood. A field investigation
should be made of the proposed project site and, to the extent possible, the
location of all utilities and obstructions should be verified prior to the start of
construction in the area. Note any conflicts or potential problems and
communicate them to the appropriate parties so that a path to resolution may
Log of Test Prepared by Geotechnical Services and provides the results of the
Borings geotechnical investigation. It provides a description of the soil or rock
sampled in the field, test results for laboratory-tested samples and
groundwater elevations. It can be used to obtain soil profiles.
RE Pending File Contains all the correspondence relative to a particular project and,
therefore, provides not only a historical outline of its development, but
information relative to existing or proposed utilities, potential problems and
any other special considerations.
Preliminary Prepared by the Preliminary Investigations Unit of the Project Management
Report Branch, Office of Program/Project Management and Support. The report is
based on information furnished by the District and by data obtained during a
field investigation of the proposed site. The report furnishes the Project
Designer with the required roadway geometrics, clearances, proposed and
existing utilities and/or obstructions, and will discuss any potential problems
or other special considerations.
Foundation Prepared by Geotechnical Services, it provides detailed information about
Report the foundation investigation done for the structure or project. It is a part of
the RE Pending File and included in the Materials Handout to Contractors.
This report will contain a description of the area geology, a Log of Test
Borings for selected locations and recommendations for foundation types
and construction considerations. This report is very informative and should
be thoroughly reviewed.
As-Built Prepared by the Office of Structure Construction after successful completion
Drawings of a contract. These documents can be useful when constructing widenings
or when constructing new structures near or adjacent to existing structures.
The contract plans and specifications, the documents previously mentioned and a
field investigation of the site must all be reviewed for compatibility. It is
important that all ambiguities, discrepancies and/or omissions be resolved
expeditiously so as to avoid unnecessary delays to the work.
In the past, the Log of Test Borings and other information provided to the
Contractor at time of bid were not considered part of the contract and were
provided for information only. The 2006 version of the Standard Specifications
has been revised to change this. In particular, Section 2-1.03 Examination of
Plans, Specifications, Contract, and Site of Work, has undergone a major revision.
While the Contractor is still required to investigate the site and other available
information, as before, it is now understood that the information provided by the
Department will be used by the Contractor to develop a competitive bid. The
accuracy of this information is essential to a claim free contract. It is important to
note that while the Department is taking responsibility for the information
provided, the contractor is still required to carefully examine the site and the
information provided and are still responsible for the conclusions that are drawn
from these materials.
It is imperative that the Engineer meets with the Project Engineer and the
geoprofessional from Geotechnical Services to discuss substructure
considerations and foundation details. If an on-site meeting is impractical, the
meeting should be held by telephone/teleconference. Clarify and resolve any
questions or inconsistencies and get a clear understanding of the foundation
material as well as the potential risks or challenges anticipated in constructing the
foundations. This would also be the appropriate time to discuss the project with
the Bridge Construction Engineer, preferably at the job site.
Once the contract documents have been reviewed and meetings held, the Engineer
should have a firm grasp of the technical and contractual requirements for the
project, as well as the subsurface conditions that are expected to be encountered at
the various foundation locations within the jobsite. Special attention should be
given to those locations requiring extreme care in performing the work and
resolving any remaining issues concerning utility relocations. These challenges
Caltrans ● Foundation Manual 3-3
__________________________________________November 2008_
Pre-construction conferences are usually held at about the same time that the
Contractor begins mobilizing at the site, but well before work actually starts on
the job. Five general subjects are normally covered: (1) safety, (2) labor
compliance and affirmative action, (3) utilities, (4) environmental considerations
and (5) matters related to the performance of the work itself. Depending on the
individual policies of a particular District and the complexity of the project, more
than one meeting may be appropriate so as to limit the scope and the number of
individuals present. From this meeting should come a common understanding of
the proposed work, the risks, challenges and potential solutions that may be
expected during the life of the contract.
Test Boring Information Standard Specifications, Section 2-1.03
Excavation Safety Plans; Trench Safety Standard Specifications, Sections 5-1.02A & 7-1.01E
Differing Site Condition Standard Specifications, Section 5-1.116
Source of Materials Standard Specifications, Section 6-1.01
Water Pollution Standard Specifications, Section7-1.01G
Sound Control Requirements Standard Specifications, Section7-1.01I
Public Safety Standard Specifications, Section 7-1.09
Preservation of Property Standard Specifications, Section 7-1.11, 19-1.02
Contractor’s Responsibility for the Standard Specifications, Section 7-1.16
Work and Materials
Protection of Utilities Standard Specifications, Section 8-1.10
Cofferdams Standard Specifications, Section 19-3.03
Water Control & Foundation Treatment Standard Specifications, Section 19-3.04
Foundation Inspection Standard Specifications, Section 19-3.05
Foundation Revisions Standard Specifications, Sections 19-3.07 & 51-1.03
Piling Standard Specifications, Section 49
Seal Course Standard Specifications, Section 51-1.10
Special Concrete Mix Designs Special Provisions
Applicable Caltrans Policies Various Manuals
Hazardous Waste Material special provisions
All utility locations shown on the plans should be verified with the utility
representative. Utilities constructed by local municipalities and the Department
are not verified by the Utilities Service Alliance (USA) and will require the
efforts of the Department and each individual municipality to identify and locate.
Caltrans ● Foundation Manual 3-4
__________________________________________November 2008_
The Engineer should request as-built plans from local municipality and conduct
field meetings to verify the locations of these existing facilities prior to
The Contractor is required to notify the proper agencies to have the existing
underground utilities located in the field prior to commencing excavation
operations. The status of utilities not yet relocated and field evidence of
additional existing utilities must also be discussed. Problems in this area could
result in serious delays. If not solved at the pre-construction conference, these
utility issues should be resolved at the earliest possible time.
Footing Foundations
Certain revisions in excavation limits, footing elevations and sizes, and changes to
or elimination of seal course concrete are discussed in the contract documents.
This gives the Engineer the authority to give written direction to the Contractor to
implement various changes in the field. As most items are final pay items, a
change order will ultimately be needed in order to allow the quantity change for
the items affected by this revision (Bridge Construction Memo 2-9.0). Once it is
determined that a change is necessary, the Contractor is issued a change order
describing the work to be done, the basis of compensation and the extent of any
time extension.
1 A reminder that Section 51-1.03 of the Standard Specifications reserves to the
Engineer the right to revise, as may be necessary to secure a satisfactory
foundation, the footing size and bottom of footing elevations shown on the plans.
2 On projects involving seal courses, a reminder that Section 51-1.22 of the Standard
Specifications allows the Engineer to revise or eliminate seal course shown on the
3 A statement to the effect that final footing elevations and/or the need for seal
courses will be determined by the Engineer at the earliest possible time consistent
with the progress of the work, and that the Contractor will be notified in writing of
the Engineer’s decision.
4 Caution the Contractor that work done or materials ordered prior to receiving the
Engineer’s decision regarding foundations is done at their risk, and that they
assume the responsibility for the cost of alterations to such work or materials in the
event revisions are required.
Pile Foundations
During pile driving operations one of the following scenarios will occur: (1) The
pile will achieve the required nominal driving resistance but falls short of the
specified tip elevation. (2) The pile will achieve the required nominal driving
resistance and specified tip elevation. (3) The pile will not achieve the required
nominal driving resistance at the specified tip elevation. As a result of this
variability, the contractor may decide to furnish piling of longer lengths than
those shown on the contract plans. Sometimes the contractor will elect to
continue driving the pile beyond the specified tip elevation even though the
required nominal resistance has been achieved. This is often done to avoid the
cost of cutting off the extra length of pile so that the top of the pile is at the
specified cutoff elevation. In these situations, the Contractor should be notified in
writing that the cost of additional driving and length of pile are at the Contractor’s
The Engineer may revise the specified tip elevation as provided in Section 49-
1.08 “Pile Driving Acceptance Criteria” of the Standard Specifications either to
allow the acceptance of piles that do not reach the specified tip elevation or to
require continued driving until the required nominal penetration is achieved.
When considering revisions to the specified tip elevation pay particular attention
to the information provided on the pile data sheets of the contract plans. These
sheets contain information on the design requirements/constraints for the piles and
may include design tip elevations for compression, tension, lateral, downdrag,
liquefaction and scour potential among others. The specified tip elevation is the
deepest elevation of the foundation and is the one that controls the design.
Revisions to tip elevations may impact the performance of the pile and need to be
discussed with Structure Design and Geotechnical Services. This is particularly
important when compression doesn’t control the design.
There have been changes made to Section 49-6.01 Measurement in the 2006
Standard Specifications in regard to measurement for piling. The changes are as
The length of timber, steel, and precast prestressed concrete piles, and of
cast-in-place concrete piles consisting of driven shells filled with concrete,
shall be the greater of the following:
B. The length measured along the longest side, from the tip elevation
shown on the plans or the tip elevation ordered by the Engineer, to
the plane of pile cut-off.
Piling that extend beyond the tip elevation shown on the plans as ordered by the
Engineer to meet design requirements will be paid under the provisions of part
“A” while piling that fails to reach the tip elevations shown on the plans but has
been determined to be suitable for the design will be measured in accordance with
part “B”. (Bridge Construction Memo 130-6)
When steel “H” piles exhibit a trend where the piles need to penetrate beyond the
specified tip elevation in order to achieve the required nominal resistance, the
Engineer should consider using lugs in order to reduce the additional pile length
required. Lugs are pieces of steel that are welded to the pile to increase the
surface area and provide greater driving resistance. When the Engineer orders
lugs, the cost of furnishing and welding steel lugs to piles is paid for by extra
work at force account or agreed price. Bridge Construction Memo 130-5.0
describes this process and shows a detail of a pile lug.
no additional payment will be made for piles that penetrate below the specified or
ordered tip elevation. Any ordered change by the Engineer must be in writing.
In certain instances, the Contractor has the option to submit a proposal to increase
the diameter and revise the tip elevation of CIDH piling. These revisions shall be
made in accordance with Section 49-4.03 of the Standard Specifications. In this
instance, the Contractor is paid for the theoretical length of the specified pile to
the specified tip elevation. The Engineer should consult with Structure Design
and Geotechnical Services before agreeing to this change.
Bridge Construction Memo 9-1.0 incorporates As-Built plans as a part of the final
records and reports. As-Built plans should provide an accurate portrayal of what
was constructed. This information is important when changes are made to the
structure after original construction is complete. For example, footing overpours
need to be shown on the As-Built plans, as they could eventually become a
problem during the construction of footing widenings and seismic retrofits. Other
problems have resulted when existing shoring and utilities that are moved or left
in place were not shown on As-Built plans. These issues among others have
added to the cost of projects involving improvements to existing structures.
There may be a situation where, after Management review, it is decided that the
Contractor’s Notice of Differing Site Condition has no merit. Should this occur,
the Contractor has a timeframe, within which, to submit a protest of the decision
with a Notice of Potential Claim. If the Contractor opts to pursue the issue, the
timelines established in Section 9-1.04 “Notice of Potential Claim” of the
Standard Specifications and applicable sections of the Contract Special Provisions
will need to be followed.
4 Footing Foundations
Footing foundations, also known as spread, combined or mat footings transmit
design loads into the underlying soil mass through direct contact with the soil
immediately beneath the footing. In contrast, pile-supported foundations transmit
design loads into the adjacent soil mass through pile friction, end bearing, or both.
This Chapter addresses footing foundations while pile foundations are covered in
Chapter 5 of this Manual.
Each individual footing foundation must be sized so that the maximum soil
bearing pressure does not exceed the allowable soil bearing capacity of the
underlying soil mass. As the load bearing capacity of most soils is relatively low
[2 to 5 Tons per Square Foot (TSF)], the result is footing areas that can be large in
relation to the cross section of the supported member. This is particularly true
when the supported member is a bridge column.
Since the foundation will be supported only by the supporting soil mass, the
quality of the soil is extremely important. The Standard Specifications allow the
Engineer to revise elevation of footing foundations to ensure they are founded on
quality material. Refer to Chapter 3 “Contract Administration” of this Manual for
information on the responsibility of the Engineer as it applies to footing
Footing foundations can be classified into two general categories: (1) footings that
support a single structural member; frequently referred to as “spread footings”,
Caltrans ● Foundation Manual 4-1
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and (2) footings that support two or more structural members; referred to as
“combined footings.”
Typically, columns are located at the center of spread footings, whereas retaining
walls are eccentrically located in relation to the centerline of a continuous footing.
Locating a load away from the centroid (center) of the footing creates an
eccentricity that changes the distribution of loads in the soil and may result in a
bearing pressure that exceeds the allowable bearing capacity. These undesirable
loading conditions increase the further the column is placed from the centroid or
as the eccentricity increases. The worst of these cases is an edge-loaded footing
where the edge of the column is placed at the edge of the footing. The major
consideration for these footings is excessive settlement and/or footing rotation on
the eccentrically loaded portion of the footing. The effect of column eccentricity
on footing rotation and soil bearing pressures is similar to a centrally loaded
footing with a moment. This will also cause an unbalanced load transfer into the
soil as shown in Figure 4-1.
In Figure 4-1, the moment (M) may come from a loading condition that needs to
be transferred into the soil mass or may be the resultant of the length of the
eccentricity multiplied by the load (P). The phrase “outside the kern” refers to a
situation when the eccentricity is so great that there is no compression, or worse
yet, tension on one side of the footing.
Bearing Capacity
The ultimate bearing capacity of a soil mass supporting a footing foundation is the
maximum pressure that can be applied without causing shear failure or excessive
settlement. Ultimate bearing capacity solutions are based primarily on the Theory
of Plasticity; that is, the soil mass is assumed to be incompressible (does not
deform) prior to shear failure. After failure, deformation of the soil mass occurs
with no increase in shear (plastic flow).
The implication of the previous statements is that theoretical predictions can only
be applied to soils that are homogeneous and incompressible. However, most
soils are neither homogeneous nor incompressible. Consequently, known
theoretical solutions used in bearing capacity analyses have been modified to
provide for variations in soil characteristics. These modifications are based
primarily on data obtained empirically and through small, and more recently
large, scale testing.
Bearing Capacity (qult) when working with Working Stress Design (WSD). Once
qn and qult are calculated, the value is reduced by a factor of safety. The revised
value is referred to as Allowable Bearing Capacity (qall).
Failure Modes
The mode of failure for soils with bearing capacity overloads is a shear failure of
the soil mass supporting the footing foundation. It will occur in one of three
modes: (1) general shear, (2) punching shear, or (3) local shear. The Theory of
Plasticity describes the general shear failure mode. The other two failure modes,
punching and local shear have no theoretical solutions.
A general shear failure is shown in Figure 4-2 and can be described as follows:
The soil wedge immediately beneath the footing (an active Rankine zone acting as
part of the footing) pushes Zone II laterally. This horizontal displacement of
Zone II causes Zone III (a passive Rankine zone) to move upward.
General shear failure is a brittle failure and is for the most part sudden and
catastrophic. Although bulging of the ground surface may be observed on both
sides of the footing after failure, the failure usually occurs on one side of the
footing. For example, (1) an isolated structure may tilt substantially or
completely overturn; (2) a footing restrained from rotation by the structure will
see increased stresses in the footing and column portions of the structure which
may lead to excessive settlement or collapse.
A punching shear failure (Figure 4-3) presents little, if any, ground surface
evidence of failure, since the failure occurs primarily in soil compression
immediately beneath the footing. This compression is accompanied by vertical
movement of the footing and may or may not be observed, i.e., movement may be
occurring in small increments. Footing stability is usually maintained throughout
failure (no rotation).
Local shear failure (Figure 4-4) may exhibit both general and punching shear
characteristics, soil compression beneath the footing, and possible ground surface
Local shear failure
Punching shear failure
Refer to Figure 4-5 for photographs of actual test failures using a small steel
rectangular plate (about 6 inches wide) and sand of different densities.
The mode of failure mode for a given soil profile cannot be predicted. However,
it can be said that the mode of failure depends substantially on the compressibility
or incompressibility (Relative Density) of the soil mass. This is not to imply that
the soil type of the underlying material alone determines failure mode. For
example, a shallow footing supported on very dense sand will usually fail in
general shear, but the same footing supported on very dense sand that is underlain
by a soft clay layer may fail in punching shear.
The ultimate bearing capacity of a given soil mass under spread footings is
usually determined by one of the variations of the general bearing capacity
equation which was derived by Terzaghi and later modified by Mererhof. It can
be used to compute the ultimate bearing capacity as follows:
qult = Nγ + cNc + γDfNq (Terzaghi)
Where: qult = ultimate bearing capacity
γ = soil unit weight
B = foundation width
Df = depth to the bottom of the footing below final grade
c = soil cohesion, which for the undrained condition equals:
c = s = qu
Where: s = soil shear strength
qu = the unconfined compressive strength
In the above equation, Nγ, Nc, and Nq are dimensionless bearing capacity factors
that are functions of the angle of internal friction. The term containing factor Nγ
shows the influence of soil weight and foundation width. The term containing
factor Nc shows the influence of the soil cohesion, and that of Nq shows the
influence of the surcharge.
Several factors can affect the bearing capacity of a particular soil. They include
soil type, relative density or consolidation, soil saturation and location of the
water table and surcharge loads. These factors can act individually or in concert
with each other to increase or decrease the bearing capacity of the underlying soil.
When the supporting soil is a cohesionless material (sands), the most important
soil characteristic in determining the bearing capacity is the relative density of the
material. An increase in relative density is accompanied by an increase in the
bearing capacity. Relative density is a function of both ø and γ; the angle of
internal friction and unit weight, respectively. In cohesive soils (clays), the
unconfined compressive strength (qu,) is the soil characteristic that affects bearing
Caltrans ● Foundation Manual 4-6
__________________________________________November 2008_
The bearing capacity of both sands and clays are influenced by the location of the
water table with respect to the bottom of footing. When the distance to the water
table from the bottom of the footing is greater than or equal to the width of the
footing B, the soil unit weight is used in the general bearing capacity formula. At
these depths, the bearing capacity is only marginally affected by the presence of
water and can therefore be neglected. When the water table is at or below the
base of the footing, a ratio between the unit weight of the soil above the water
table and the submerged unit weight is used in the first term of the bearing
capacity equation. (Refer to Figure 4-6). The impact of the water table on the
bearing capacity of the soil beneath the bottom of the footing is substantial as it
effectively reduces the first term of the equation by approximately 50%. The
submerged unit weight γ’ or γsub as it is sometime called is determined as follows:
γ' = γsat - γw
It is apparent that bearing capacity of both cohesionless and cohesive soils will be
reduced, as the water table gets closer to the bottom of footing. This is validated
by the general bearing capacity formula as lower capacities will occur when the
lighter submerged unit weight of soil is substituted for the dry unit weight.
Therefore, the effects of the water table on the bearing capacity of the footing soil
mass, at any time during construction, must be considered.
The depth of the footing below original ground or future finished grade is yet
another factor that affects the bearing capacity of the soil beneath the foundation.
The term Df is used in determining the overburden, or surcharge load acting on
the soil at the plane of the bottom of footing (Figure 4-7). This surcharge load has
the net effect of increasing the bearing capacity of the soil by restraining the
vertical movement of the soil outside the footing limits.
Lastly, the shape of the footing foundation affects the bearing capacity of the soil.
Theoretical solutions for ultimate bearing capacity are limited to continuous
footings (LENGTH/WIDTH>10). Shape factors for footings other than
continuous footings have been determined primarily through semi-empirical
methods. In general, the ultimate bearing capacity of a foundation material
supporting a square or rectangular footing is greater than the capacity of a
continuous footing when the supporting material is cohesive (clay) and less than
The general bearing capacity equation can also be used to give a field estimate of
the ultimate bearing capacity of temporary footings, such as falsework pads. For
cohesionless soils, a relationship between the standard penetration resistance, N,
and the bearing capacity factors, Nγ and Nq, is shown in Figure 4-9. The
relationship between N and the angle of internal friction, ø, can be also
determined from Figure 4-9. When soils are known to have some cohesion, the
value of ø determined from Figure 4-9 can then be used in the chart shown in
Figure 4-8 to determine the bearing capacity factors, Nγ, Nc, and Nq. Values for ø,
qu, N, and γ can be found on the log of test borings or can be approximated by
using the tables for granular and cohesive soils shown in Appendix A.
Footing foundations will settle over time as the soil densifies from the additional
weight it is required to support. The Department’s current practice is to limit total
permissible settlement for a shallow footing to one inch for multi-span structures
with continuous spans or multi-column bents, one inch for single span structures
with diaphragm abutments, and two inches for single span structures with seat
abutments. To achieve this, allowable bearing pressures are generally reduced to
25% to 33% of the ultimate bearing capacity as determined by the general bearing
capacity formula. This reduction essentially places a factor of safety on the
ultimate bearing capacity and is in line with the reductions discussed above to
obtain allowable and nominal bearing capacities.
Cohesionless soils will densify under the pressure of the foundation as the
individual soil particles are pushed together, effectively compacting it. In general,
soils with low relative densities will see more settlement than well-compacted
soils that have higher relative densities. Settlement in cohesionless materials is
for the most part immediate. Cohesive soils, however, consolidate over time as
the pressure of the overlying foundation forces water from the soil thereby
relieving excess pore water pressures.
Ground modification techniques are used to increase the bearing capacity of the
foundation material by increasing the relative compaction of the material either
through densification or the introduction of grouts to compress and bind the soils.
Ground modification techniques generally lend themselves to cohesionless
materials. These techniques can include the following: settlement periods, vibro-
compaction, jet grouting, stone columns, dynamic compaction and wick drains
among others. In general these modification techniques improve the bearing
capacity of the soil by increasing the relative density of the soil through external
means or by adding materials such as a cement or chemical grout to achieve a
similar result. Modification of cohesive soils can be achieved; however, these
methods are often time consuming and are often limited to wick drains and
settlement periods. As discussed latter on in this chapter, the replacement of poor
When settlement periods are less than 60 days, the Engineer should install
settlement hubs in the top of the bridge embankments. The hubs should then be
monitored (surveyed) and changes to the original elevations recorded. The
Engineer is responsible for terminating a settlement period. Data from the hub
elevation surveys will be used to determine when this should take place. If
settlement is still taking place at the end of the 60-day period, then the settlement
period should be extended until the settlement has ceased. However, if no
settlement occurred during the last week or two of the settlement period, the
settlement period should be terminated at the end of the 60 day period or to
shorten the length of the settlement period. The Contractor should be notified of
this decision in writing.
The Engineer should write a letter reminding the Contractor of the provisions
stated in Section 51-1.03 of the Standard Specifications (Refer to Appendix C for
sample letter). This reminds the Contractor that footing elevations and seal
courses shown on the plans are approximate only and foundation modifications
may be required (Bridge Construction Memo 2-9.0).
The Engineer should review and become familiar with the following documents
as described in Chapter 3. What follows are particular sections of the Standard
Specifications to be considered for footing foundations:
Specification Issue
Section 19-3.04 Discusses acceptable methods for water control and foundation
Section 19-3.05 The Contractor shall notify the Engineer when the excavation is
substantially complete and is ready for inspection. No concrete
shall be placed until the Engineer has approved the foundation.
Section 19-3.07 Discusses measurement of excavation limits and how to address
revisions to excavations limits required to meet Design intent.
Section 19-5.03 Relative Compaction of not less than 95% is required for
embankments within 150 feet of bridge abutments or retaining wall
footings not supported on piles.
Section 19-6.01 When bridge footings are constructed in embankment, the
embankment shall be constructed to the elevation of the grading
plane and the finished slope extended to the grading plane before
excavating for the footings.
Section 19-6.025 When a surcharge and settlement period is specified in the Special
Provisions, the embankment shall remain in place for the required
period before excavating for footings. Also defines the minimum
limits of embankment that must be constructed before the
settlement period can begin.
Section 51-1.03 Plan footing elevations and seal courses are considered approximate
only and the Engineer may order changes in dimensions and/or
elevations of footings as may be necessary to obtain a satisfactory
foundation. (Bridge Construction Memo 2-9.0).
Section 51-1.04 Pumping of groundwater from foundation enclosures shall be done
in such a manner as to prevent removal of any portion of concrete
materials. Pumping is not permitted during concrete placement, or
for 24 hours thereafter, unless it is done from a suitable sump
separated from the concrete work.
Section 51-1.09 After placing, vibrating, and screeding concrete in footings that
have both a top mat of rebar and are over 2-1/2 feet deep, the top
one foot of concrete shall be reconsolidated as late as the concrete
will respond to vibration, but no sooner than 15 minutes after the
initial screeding.
Construction of excavations or trenches is inherent in the construction of
foundation elements such as footing foundations. The Caltrans Trenching and
Shoring Manual provides information on the complete process for administering,
designing and reviewing excavation work and plans. What follows is a brief
description of what to consider prior to the start of excavation.
Open Excavations
H = 20’
θ = 53 degrees (3/4:1)
ϕ = 46 degrees
20’/tan(46) = 19.31’
20’/tan(53) = 15.07’
If the earth support system is not designed for lateral pressures due to surcharge,
then a setback distance must be used. It can be calculated as shown in Figure 4-
12. Setback information should be shown on the approved shoring plans and
clearly designated in the field. Refer to the Caltrans Trenching and Shoring
Manual for information regarding shoring design and construction.
FIGURE 4-12 Setback calculation for shored excavations when surcharges are
not considered in the shoring design
Wet Excavations
Sump pumps are frequently used to remove surface water that enters an
excavation and minor infiltrations of groundwater. The sumps and any
connecting interceptor ditches should be located well outside the footing area and
below the bottom of footing so that the groundwater will not disturb the bearing
surface of the foundation.
In cohesionless (granular) soils, it is important to make sure that the fine particles
within the soil mass are not carried away by the pumping operation. Loss of fines
may impair the bearing capacity of the soil for the foundation under construction
and may also lead to settlement of existing structures adjacent to the operations.
The amount of soil particles carried away can be determined by periodically
collecting discharge water in a container and observing the amount of sediment.
If there is a large flow of groundwater and/or prolonged pumping is required, the
sump(s) should be lined with a filter material to prevent or minimize the loss of
In some excavations the use of sumps may not be sufficient to address the
infiltration of groundwater into the excavation. When this is the case, cofferdams
are generally used; however some contractors will opt to lower the groundwater
table. One commonly used method to achieve this is with the single stage well
point system (Figure 4-13).
backfilled with sand) may be required to draw water down from above the well
Another system for lowering the water table is a deep well. Deep wells consist of
either a submersible pump, turbine or water ejector at the bottom of 6 to 24 inch
diameter casings, either slotted or perforated. The units are screened but filter
material should be provided in the well to prevent clogging and loss of fines.
Deep wells can be spaced 25 to 120 feet apart and are capable of lowering a large
head of water. They can be located a considerable distance from the excavation
and are less expensive than the multiple stage well point system for dewatering
large areas however they are only appropriate in certain soils.
Heave is the phenomena whereby the static or hydraulic pressures (head) of the
surrounding material cause the upward movement of the material in the bottom of
the excavation. This corresponds with a settlement of the surrounding material.
Heave generally occurs in soft clays when the hydrostatic head, 62.4(h + z), is
greater than the weight of the overburden at the bottom of the excavation, γz
(Figure 4-15).
Piping is generally associated with pervious materials and can occur when an
unbalanced hydrostatic head exists. This unbalanced head may cause large
upward flows of water into the excavation, transporting material in the process,
and may result in settlement of the surrounding area. Review the Caltrans
Trenching and Shoring Manual if instability problems are expected at the bottom
of excavations.
6) Reinforcing steel is firmly and securely tied in place, shear steel hooked to
both top and bottom rebar mats and securely tied. Proper concrete cover
over top rebar mat.
7) During concrete placing operations ensure that the concrete has the proper
mix number, truck revolutions, concrete temperature and back-up alarm.
Wet down rebar and forms, do not allow concrete to drop over 8 feet.
Reconsolidate and finish top one foot of concrete no sooner than 15 minutes
after initial screeding, then cure.
The footing forms are either built out of timber or consist of prefabricated panels.
The forms are generally secured at the bottom by stakes, horizontal kickers or ties
and are externally braced, tied or strapped at the top. If the forms extend above
the top of footing elevation, a pour strip or similar device must be attached to the
forms to designate the top of footing elevation.
The footings for shored excavations are often excavated and placed/poured “neat”
which means that the excavation limits are essentially the footing limits. The
concrete is placed against the sides of the excavation thereby eliminating the need
for footing forms. Top of footing grades must be clearly delineated with stakes or
flagged spikes driven into the sides of the excavation. Ensure that “neat”
excavations conform to the planned footing dimensions. If they vary, then place
the exact, as-constructed footing dimensions on the “as-built” drawings. Previous
seismic retrofit projects and footing widenings were not “as-built” properly and
costly contract change orders were required to address these undocumented
overpours. Care should betaken to make sure that the footing concrete isn’t
damaged during shoring removal operations.
formwork or templates as the weight of the suspended rebar can cause settlement
in the form panels affecting pour grades and displace during concrete placement.
Top reinforcing steel mats supported should be blocked to the forms or sides of
the excavation. The bottom reinforcing steel mat that supports the vertical column
steel should be adequately blocked to prevent any settlement. In addition,
reinforcing steel dowels are required to be tied in place prior to concrete
placement and not “stabbed in” during or after concrete placement.
The effective depth of reinforcing steel is critical and must always be verified.
For a footing supporting a single column, pier or wall, the effective depth is the
distance from the centroid of the reinforcing steel to the top of the concrete
footing. The bottom mat should be located at the design depth, even for over-
excavated footings, since the bottom mat supports the vertical column
reinforcement and the location of the top mat is tied to the bottom mat by the
shear hooks. Lowering the bottom mat is not desirable as it would require longer
vertical steel, longer shear hooks, and may require mechanical or welded splices
on the longitudinal bars. It should be noted that the additional concrete placed
below the bottom steel mat in over-excavated footings does not increase the
design depth of the footing but should be noted on the as-built plan sheets.
Footing inspections should occur as the work progresses so that deviations and
non-compliant issues can be addressed in a timely manner. However, it is
important to inspect the footing just prior to concrete placement to ensure that
nothing has changed. All material that has sloughed into the excavation must be
removed prior to placing concrete. Verify that settlement of the rebar cage hasn’t
occurred by re-inspecting minimum clearances between the bottom of the
excavation and the bottom reinforcing steel mat. The foundation material should
be wet down but not saturated. The ends of the concrete pour chutes should be
equipped to prevent free fall of concrete in excess of 8 feet. This will prevent
segregation of the concrete and may include a hopper and/or length of tremie
Note that these simple and expeditious tests give only an approximate evaluation
of the soil at or immediately below the surface.
The Log of Test Borings should be reviewed when the Engineer determines that
the undisturbed original material encountered at planned footing elevation is
either unsuitable or of a questionable nature. It may be that the anticipated
suitable material may well be just below the excavated surface. If the Engineer is
certain that the material encountered at the planned footing elevation is
unsuitable, then hand-excavating a small exploratory hole to determine the limits
of the unsuitable material may be appropriate. Contact Geotechnical Services and
the project engineer and discuss the questionable material, related concerns and
possible resolutions.
Options that can be used to restore the foundation material at the bottom of
footing elevation to its specified elevation after removal of unsuitable or
contaminated material are as follows:
in nature. These options, while possible, may not be the best alternatives in real
construction situations. They are as follows:
1. Maintain top of footing as planned and overform footing depth. The rebar
cage will remain at the theoretical elevation shown on the plans however
the depth between the bottom of footing and the bottom mat of the rebar
cage will be increased by the amount of over-excavation. This option is
similar to previously described methods. It essentially exchanges the use
of larger/taller footing forms for a reduction in the number of concrete
pours. This option may well be the preferred option for minor revisions to
bottom of footing elevations.
3. Increase the footing size so that the bearing pressure does not exceed the
allowable bearing capacity of the foundation material encountered at the
planned footing elevation. Settlement must also be considered, as it
cannot exceed tolerable limits. This decision should be discussed with the
project engineer and Geotechnical Services.
1. Raising the bottom of a spread footing above the elevation shown on the
2. Lowering the bottom of a spread footing 2 feet or less below the elevation
shown on the plans.
For other revisions, agreed price or force account methods should be used when
the Engineer determines that the above method is unsatisfactory or doesn’t
address changes to the character of the work as a result of the changes.
As stated previously excavations are a potentially dangerous construction activity.
Cal-OSHA has requirements that must be followed prior to the start of any
excavation that is 5 feet, or more, in depth into which a person is required to
descend. This information is fully described in the Caltrans Trenching and
Shoring Manual; however a brief overview is provided below.
• Provide an excavation plan to the Engineer for review and approval prior
to starting excavation. (Section 5-1.02A “Excavation Safety Plans” of the
Standard Specifications)
Although the vertical side of a non-shored excavation must be less than 5 feet in
height, care must be exercised when working around the perimeter to avoid
falling into the excavation because of sloughing or slip-out of the material at the
excavation lip. Spoil piles must be located at least one foot away from the
excavation lip for trenches less than 5 feet in depth.
1) When work is proceeding at the same level as the exposed protruding rebar,
worker protection can be provided by guarding the exposed ends of rebar
with Cal-OSHA approved protective covers, troughs, or caps. Approved
manufactured covers, troughs, or caps will have the manufacturer’s name,
model number, and the Cal-OSHA approval number embossed or stenciled
on the cover, trough, or cap. Any manufactured protective device not so
identified is not legal.
Protective covers used for the protection of employees working above grade shall
have a minimum 4 x 4 inch square surface area or 4 ½ inches in diameter if round.
Protective covers or troughs may be job-built, provided they are designed to Cal-
OSHA minimum standards, that the design of the cover or trough was prepared by
an Engineer currently registered in the State of California, and a copy of the
approved design is on file in the job records prior to their use.
Pile foundations are used when the underlying soils are incapable of resisting the
loads from the structure. The piling is placed in the ground through poor quality
materials to bear on competent soils. The piles are either driven into the ground
or holes are drilled and filled with reinforced concrete. The piles transfer load by
bearing on competent material or through the friction between the soil and the pile
(skin friction).
Pile foundations can be categorized into two general types: displacement piles and
replacement piles. A displacement pile is a pile that is driven or vibrated into the
ground and displaces the surrounding soil during installation. Whereas a
replacement pile is a pile that is placed or constructed within a previously drilled
borehole and replaces the excavated soil. Displacement, or driven, piles are
discussed in Chapter 7 of this Manual while Chapter 6 discusses replacement, or
cast-in-place, piles.
Driven piles are braced, structural columns that are driven, pushed or otherwise
forced into soil. Two types of pile foundations were developed through the ages to
support structures on poor quality soil: piles and piers. Piles are more commonly
used and are essentially small diameter piers that work in groups. Pier
foundations are large in diameter and tend to work independently. They have
gained favor over the last several years as they behave very well seismically.
Piles/Piers can be classified as friction piles, end bearing piles, or a combination
of the two. They can also provide lateral stability in foundations. Friction piles
can transfer both tensile and compressive forces to the surrounding soil.
The specifications for piling are contained in Section 49 of the Standard
Specifications. Project specific requirements and revisions to the Standard
Specifications are included in the contract special provisions. The project plans
and Standard Plans are additional contract documents needed for pile work and
describe what piling goes where for each structure.
In general the contract plans describe the intended pile type, specified tip
elevation(s) and a minimum nominal resistance. The special provisions provide
requirements on how to perform the work. These documents also include specific
requirements for activities such as embankment pre-drilling, load testing and
other items specific to a project. For example, if difficult driving is anticipated,
the project engineer may provide the option of using either steel “H” piling or
precast concrete piles. When this option is written into the contract, other
conditional clauses are usually provided (no additional compensation for piling
driven below specified tip, etc.) and the contractor is allowed to choose the most
economical option. If specifications allowing options are not included in the
contract, then changes from one pile type to another cannot be made without a
contract change order and concurrence from the project engineer.
Details for the different classes of typical piles are found in the Standard Plans
while details for atypical or nonstandard piles are shown on the contract plans.
The Standard Plans also provide options and alternative details for the different
classes of piles. Note that different pile classes are not interchangeable. For
example, when Class 140 piles are specified, the contractor can select either of the
alternatives shown in the Standard Plans for Class 140 piles but cannot select an
option from a different class of piles such as Class 90 or 200. Occasionally, the
Project Engineer may decide to exclude some of the alternatives for a given class
of pile. In this situation, the excluded alternatives will be noted in the Special
provisions or project plans. (Note: The names of the different classes of Standard
Plan piles were revised in the 2006 version of the Standard Plans)
The Standard Specifications contain the general information for pile work. This
includes specifics for types of materials to be used, methods of construction,
measurement, payment, etc. It is important to remember that the special
provisions and the contract plans have precedence over the Standard Plans and
Standard Specifications. For this reason, it is imperative that all contract
documents be thoroughly reviewed well in advance of the work and
inconsistencies resolved prior to start of work.
Cast-in-Place Piles
The 2006 version of the Standard Specifications identifies four (4) different types
of cast-in-place piles. They are as follows:
The first two types involve the installation of a permanent steel casing or shell,
removal of the soil inside the casing and subsequently filling with reinforced
concrete. Steel shells add to structural capacity to the pile while casings assumed
to have no structural value and are only used to facilitate construction. The third
type is typically known as a Cast-in-Drilled-Hole (CIDH) Pile. The last type is
essentially a CIDH pile drilled in rock. Sometimes combinations of two or more
type of cast-in-place piles are used to construct a single pile. This can happen
when soft materials such as clays overlay rock formations.
If there are concerns about the presence of ground water, the slurry displacement
method specifications may need to be incorporated into the contract. CIDH piles
are discussed in more detail in Chapters 6 and 9 of this manual. Special
consideration piles such as those for changeable message signs (CMS) are
discussed in Chapter 13.
Driven Piles
Driven piles typically consist of three different types: (1) concrete, (2) steel, and
(3) timber. A general description of each type is given on the following page.
Driven piles are discussed in more detail in Chapter 7 of this manual.
Driven Piles Driven concrete piles come in a variety of sizes, shapes and methods of
– Concrete construction. In cross section, they can be square, octagonal, round, solid or
hollow. These piles generally vary in sizes from 10 to 60 inches. They can be
either conventionally reinforced or prestressed (most common). They can also be
either precast (most common) or they can be cast in driven steel shells. The types
of steel shells vary from 10 to 120 inches in diameter for heavy walled pipe that
are driven directly with the hammer, to thin walled or step-taper pipes which are
driven with a mandrel. The steel shell may have a flat bottom or be pointed, and
may be step-tapered or a uniform section.
Caltrans has standard details for splicing precast concrete piles but it is a
difficult, time consuming, expensive procedure. Hence, this almost precludes the
use of precast piles where excessively long piles are required to obtain necessary
The unit cost to furnish concrete piles is usually lower than the steel equivalent.
But this cost is often offset by the requirement for a larger crane and hammer to
handle the heavier pile. This is particularly true when there are a small number of
piles to drive.
Driven Piles Steel piling includes “H” piles and pipe piles (empty or concrete filled). The pipe
– Steel section is a standard alternate for the Class 45 and 70 piling, but is seldom used.
Although steel piling is relatively expensive on a “per foot” furnish basis, it has a
number of advantages. The steel piles come in sizes varying from HP 8x36 to HP
14x117 rolled shapes or may consist of structural steel plates welded together.
They are available in high strength and corrosion-resistant steels. They can
penetrate to bedrock where other piles would be destroyed by driving. However,
even with “H” piles, care must be taken when long duration hard driving is
encountered as the pile tips can be damaged or the intended penetration path of
the pile can be drastically deflected. Using a reinforced point on the pile can
sometimes prevent this type of damage. Due to the light weight and relative ease
of splicing, they are useful where great depths of unstable material must be
penetrated before reaching the desired load carrying stratum and in locations
where reduced clearances require use of short sections. They are useful where
piles must be closely spaced to carry a heavy load because they displace a
minimal amount of material when driven.
Splice details are shown on the Standard Plans or project plans for contracts that
permit the use of steel piling. Pile welding work requires the submittal and
approval of a Welding Quality Control Plan. The requirements for the Welding
Quality Control Plan are addressed in the contract special provisions
Sometimes “H” piles must be driven below the specified tip elevation before
minimum bearing is attained. This can present an administrative problem (cost) if
the length driven below the specified tip elevation is significant. Steel lugs
welded to the piles are commonly used to solve this problem. This subject is
covered in detail in Bridge Construction Memo 130-5.0.
Driven Piles Untreated timber piles may be used for temporary construction, revetments,
– Wood fenders and similar work; and in permanent construction where the cutoff
elevation of the pile is below the permanent ground water table and where the
piles are not exposed to marine borers. They are also sometimes used for trestle
construction, although treated piles are preferred. Timber piles are difficult to
extend, hard to anchor into the footing to resist uplift, and subject to damage if
not driven carefully. Timber piles also have a maximum allowable bearing
capacity of 45 Tons, whereas most structure piles are designed for at least 70
Alternative Piles
Currently there are several alternative piles that have been approved for use by the
Department. They are used on a site-specific basis. There are three (3) types of
Micro-piles (DBM, Malcolm and Nicholson). The Tubex Grout Injection Pile is
another alternative pile system. These systems have generalized drawings and
6 Cast-In-Place Piles
Few terms are as self-descriptive as the one given the Cast-In-Drilled-Hole
(CIDH) pile. They are simply reinforced concrete piles cast in holes drilled to
predetermined elevations. Much experience has been gained with this pile type
because of their extensive use in the construction of bridge structures. While they
probably are the most economical of all commonly used piles, their use is
generally limited to certain ground conditions.
CIDH piling can be grouped in two categories: the first is CIDH piling without
inspection pipes (dry method), and the second is CIDH piles with inspection pipes
(wet method). This chapter is applicable for both the dry and wet method of
CIDH pile construction. Chapter 9 of this manual provides supplemental
information on the wet method of CIDH pile construction. Note that piling
dewatered with the help of a temporary casing requires inspection pipes even if
the piling is poured dry.
The ground formation in which the holes for CIDH piles are to be drilled must be
of such a nature that the drilled holes will retain their shape and will not cave in
when concrete is placed. Because of cave-in and concrete placement difficulties,
these piles are not recommended for use as battered piles. Other pile types should
be considered where groundwater is present, unless dewatering can be done with
a reasonable effort and unless concrete can be placed without a permanent casing.
If groundwater or caving conditions are present, the piles can be constructed by
the slurry displacement method if permitted in the contract specifications. The
slurry displacement method is described in detail in Chapter 9 of this manual.
The Standard Specifications describe four different types of cast-in-place pile.
The first type is the cast-in-drilled-hole pile, which is described further in this
chapter. The second type is the cast-in-driven-steel-shell pile. For this type of
pile, a steel shell is driven to a specified tip elevation and bearing value. The
ground material within the steel shell is then removed and the steel shell is filled
with reinforced or non-reinforced concrete. Refer to Chapter 7 of this Manual for
additional information on driven piles. The third type of pile is concrete cast
within a permanently installed steel casing. For this type of pile, a steel casing is
installed to a specified tip elevation using any approved means; the soil inside the
casing is removed by drilling and then filled with reinforced concrete. The fourth
type is a rock socket filled with concrete; which is similar to a cast-in-drilled-hole
pile, but placed in rock and usually below a permanently installed steel casing that
has had the rock removed and ultimately filled with reinforced concrete.
Drilling Equipment
The drilling auger is the most commonly used drilling tool for drilling holes for
CIDH piles. Augers may be used in granular and cohesive materials.
There are two basic varieties of augers—the standard short section (Figure 6-1)
and continuous flight. Both have flights of varying diameter and pitch.
Continuous flight augers have flight lengths that are longer than the hole to be
drilled. They are generally lead-mounted. The power unit is located at the top of
the auger and it travels down the leads with the auger as the hole is drilled.
Drilling is performed in one continuous operation. As the auger moves down the
hole, the drilling action of the flights forces the drill cuttings up and out of the
hole. Hence, much material has to be shoveled away from around the drilled
hole. Continuous flight augers are most commonly used for short piles, such as
Short flight augers are powered by “Kelly Bar” units fixed to the drill rig. The
lengths of these augers generally vary between 5 and 8 feet. The auger is attached
to the end of the Kelly Bar and, as drilling progresses; the auger (and material
carried on the flights) must be removed frequently. After the auger is removed
from the drilled hole, the material is “spun” off the flights onto a spoil pile and the
operation is repeated. Short flight augers are generally used for smaller diameter
piles (less than 48” in diameter), although they have been successfully used for
larger diameter piles.
There are a variety of different auger shapes/styles that may be used in different
situations. Augers may be single flight (Figure 6-2) or double flight (Figure 6-3).
Double flight augers are better balanced than single flight augers and are more
useful when alignment and location of the drilled hole are important due to
clearance or right-of-way problems. Soil augers are equipped with a cutting edge
that cuts into the soil during rotation. The drill cuttings are carried on the flights
as the auger is removed from the drilled hole and are then “spun” off. The pitch
of the flights can vary and should be chosen for the type of material encountered.
Soil augers may not work well in cohesionless materials, as the soil may not stay
on the flights during auger extraction. They may also have issues in highly
cohesive materials where the auger may become clogged.
Rock augers differ from soil augers in that they are equipped with high-strength
steel cutting teeth that can cut through soft rock. These augers typically have
flights with a very shallow pitch so that rock pieces, cobbles and boulders can be
extracted. For this reason, rock augers are generally the preferred tool for drilling
in materials that have a high concentration of cobbles or boulders.
Drilling bucket/cleanout bucket comparison
Drilling bucket
Drilling buckets (Figure 6-4) are drilling tools used when augers are not able to
extract material from a drilled hole. This can happen when wet materials or
cohesionless materials are encountered. Drilling buckets may also be appropriate
when heavy gravel or cobbles are encountered. Drilling buckets have a cutting
edge that forces material into the bucket during rotation. When the drilling bucket
is full, the bucket is spun in the direction opposite of drilling, which closes the
built-in flaps. This prevents the cuttings from falling out of the bucket. The
bucket is then extracted from the drilled hole and emptied.
Cleanout buckets are specialized drilling buckets that are used to clean loose
materials from the bottom of a drilled hole and to flatten the bottom. This ensures
that the tip of the pile is founded on a firm flat surface. These buckets have no
cutting teeth but are similar to drilling buckets in other aspects. Figure 6-5 shows
the difference between the cleanout bucket and the drilling bucket. Specialized
cleanout buckets can be used to extract loose materials when groundwater or
drilling slurry is present. These buckets, referred to as “muckout” buckets, allow
fluid to pass through them while retaining the loose materials from the bottom of
the drilled hole.
Core barrels (Figure 6-6) are used to drill through hard rock formations, very
large boulders or concrete. This type of drilling tool consists of a steel cylinder
with hard metal cutting teeth on the bottom. Rock cores are broken off and
extracted from the drilled hole as a single unit, or may be broken up with a rock
breaker and then extracted with a drilling bucket or clamshell.
Down-hole hammers (Figure 6-7) are also used to drill through hard rock
formations. This type of drilling tool uses compressed air or hydraulic-powered
percussion drilling heads to pulverize the formation and blow the resulting debris
from the drilled hole.
Rotators (Figure 6-8) and oscillators (Figure 6-9) are specialized drilling
equipment used to advance a drilled hole through difficult ground formations.
Each machine uses a hydraulic-powered apparatus to simultaneously rotate and
push down on a drilling casing. Drilling casings are sections of steel pipe, usually
20 feet in length, designed specifically for the rotator or oscillator model, with
attachments for cutting teeth or splicing of additional sections. Additional
sections of drilling casing are attached as the drilled hole is advanced to tip. As
the drilled hole is advanced, the materials within the drilling casing are extracted
using a clamshell or drilling bucket. The major difference between a rotator and
an oscillator is that the rotator rotates the drilling casing in one direction, while
the oscillator rotates the drilling casing in two directions, never making a
complete rotation in either direction. The advantage provided by the rotator and
oscillator is the drilling casing provides a temporary casing that preserves the
integrity of the drilled hole, even in unstable or wet ground formations. The
drilling casing remains in the drilled hole until pile concrete is placed, at which
time the drilling casing is extracted from the drilled hole in a similar manner as
any other temporary steel casing as described below.
Temporary steel casings (Figure 6-11) are used to support drilled holes when
unstable conditions are encountered. Various methods are used to advance steel
casings into the hole. Among them, spinning the casing with the Kelly Bar while
applying some vertical force, driving the casing with whatever means are
available as the hole is drilled, or using a vibratory hammer. Steel casings are
generally extracted from the hole in the manner specified in the contract
specifications as concrete is placed.
Drilling is performed almost exclusively with portable drilling rigs. These units
can be self-propelled (Figure 6-12), truck-mounted (Figure 6-13), or crane-
mounted (Figure 6-14).
Drill rig – crane mounted
Drill rig – truck mounted
Drilling Methods
Various other materials are used to supplement the drilling work. Water or other
drilling fluid is sometimes added to certain ground formations to assist drilling
and lifting materials from the hole. Soil may be placed back into the hole to dry
out supersaturated materials. The drilling tool is used to agitate the materials so
they can be extracted from the hole. This is known as “processing” the hole.
Drilling Problems
The difficulties encountered in drilling can include cave-ins, groundwater, and
utilities. The following briefly describes some actions that can be taken in these
1 Placement of a low cement/sand mix and redrilling the area of the
2 If permitted by the contract special provisions, use a drilling slurry
(refer to Chapter 9 of this manual).
3 Use of a casing, which is pulled when placing concrete.
1 Placement of a low cement/sand mix and redrilling the hole.
2 Drilling to tip elevation, using a pump to remove the water and
cleaning out the bottom of the pile. (See BCM 130-7.0 for
information on the specific definition of a "dry" drilled hole)
3 If permitted by the contract special provisions, use drilling slurry
(refer to Chapter 9 of this manual).
4 Placement of a casing, again using a pump to remove the water, and
pulling casing during concrete placement (keeping bottom of casing
below the concrete surface). See BCM 130-7.0 for information on
the specific definition of a "dry" drilled hole
5 Dewatering the entire area using well points, deep wells, etc. This
should be thoroughly discussed with the Bridge Construction
Engineer and the project geoprofessional.
6 By contract change order, substitute an alternative type of piling.
Again, this should be discussed with the project designer, the project
geoprofessional, and the Bridge Construction Engineer.
Construction operations should proceed with caution when drilling near utilities
known or thought to be in close proximity. The Contractor should contact the
area Underground Service Alert (USA) or the utility company and have the utility
located. The Contractor should also pothole and physically locate the utility prior
to drilling. Relocation of the utility may be required. Minor adjustments in pile
location might be feasible in order to avoid conflict. Any proposed revisions to
the pile layout should be discussed with the Project engineer, Geoprofessional,
Resident Engineer and the Bridge Construction Engineer.
Ordinarily, the above drilling problems would stimulate the Contractor’s action
and a change would be proposed to the Engineer. Sometimes the drilling problem
is the result of unanticipated ground conditions or unanticipated utility conflicts.
In such cases, a differing site condition or a buried manmade object may exist,
and it will be the Engineer’s responsibility to resolve the problem.
The Engineer should review the contract plans, the Foundation Report and the
Log of Test Borings thoroughly. If there are any discrepancies noted between the
pile type shown on the plans, the pile type called for in the Foundation Report,
and/or the soil materials/profile and groundwater level shown on the Log of Test
Borings, the project engineer should be contacted for clarification.
CIDH piles are designed to resist compressive loads, tensile loads, and lateral
loads. Most CIDH piles are designed to resist these loads using skin friction, with
minimal or no contribution from end bearing. The project engineer should be
contacted to determine the manner in which the pile was designed to transfer load.
The specifications require the Contractor to submit a Pile Placement Plan to the
Engineer for review and approval. The Pile Placement Plan should provide
sufficient detail for the Engineer to grasp the means, methods and materials that
the Contractor plans to use to successfully complete CIDH pile placement.
Typical requirements for all CIDH piling include the following:
The Contractor is required to layout the pile locations at the site prior to drilling.
The Engineer should verify the layout is correct prior to drilling and set reference
elevations in the area so pile lengths and pile cutoff can be ascertained.
During the drilling operation, the Engineer should verify that the piles are in the
correct location and drilled plumb. Usually, the Contractor will check the Kelly
bar with a carpenter’s level during the drilling operation. The Engineer should
also evaluate the material encountered and compare it to the Log of Test Borings.
If the material at the specified tip elevation differs from that anticipated, the
project engineer should be consulted, as a change in pile length might be needed.
A written record of the drilling progress should be kept in the project daily report
and the record utilized to investigate any differing site condition claims submitted
by the Contractor.
When the hole has been drilled to the specified tip elevation, the Contractor
should use a cleanout bucket or other means as described in the Pile Placement
Plan to remove any loose materials and to produce a firm flat surface at the
bottom of the drilled hole.
For large diameter piles, it may be necessary for the Engineer or the project
geoprofessional to inspect the bearing surface at the bottom of the drilled hole.
All pertinent requirements of the Construction Safety Orders and Mining and
Tunneling Safety Orders shall be met before anyone enters a drilled hole. Note
that CIDH piles over 20 feet in depth and 30 inches in diameter, Cal-OSHA
Mining and Tunneling Safety Orders apply. Construction Procedure Directive
CPD 04-6 addresses this and is included in Appendix B.
Immediately before placing concrete, the bottom of the drilled hole should be
checked for loose materials or water. Loose materials and small amounts of water
can be removed with a cleanout bucket before placing the pile bar reinforcement
cage. Large amounts of water may need to be pumped out. Its important to note
that it may be necessary to remove the pile bar reinforcement cage to accomplish
this. Failure to do so could affect the quality of the pile. Refer to BCM 130-7.0
for information on the specific definition of a "dry" drilled hole.
Pile Defects
The drilling problems mentioned previously, if not corrected, can cause CIDH
piles to be defective. There are also problems that can occur during concrete
placement or casing removal that can cause defective CIDH piles.
As with the drilling problems, most of these placement problems are preventable.
Adherence to the contract specifications and timely inspection will prevent most
of these problems. However, if a cave-in occurs during concrete placement, the
Contractor may need to remove the pile bar reinforcement cage and concrete, and
then start over.
Historically, problems with casings have produced the worst type of CIDH pile
defects. Again, these problems are preventable. Adherence to the contract
specifications and timely inspection will prevent most of these problems. It is
recommended the penetration value of the concrete placed in the pile to be at the
high end of the allowable range. Research has shown that concrete with higher
fluidity will consolidate and fill in the voids better than concrete with lower
fluidity. As there is an increased risk in pouring piles with temporary casings,
under certain circumstances, piles poured with this method need to undergo non-
destructive testing prior to acceptance. The CIDH pile contract specifications
require that all CIDH piles constructed with the use of temporary casings to
control groundwater undergo acceptance testing prior to acceptance. The pile
testing methods used to test piles constructed by the slurry displacement method
(as described in Chapter 9 of this manual) would be used in this circumstance.
As with all construction activities, the Engineer should be aware of safety
considerations associated with the operation. As a minimum, the Engineer shall
review the Construction Safety Orders that pertain to this work. A tailgate safety
meeting should be held to discuss the inherent dangers of performing this work
before the work begins.
The primary and obvious hazard encountered with CIDH pile construction is the
open drilled hole. Common practice is to keep the drilled hole covered with
plywood, especially if the drilled hole is left open overnight. This provides
protection not only for the construction crew working in the area, but also the
public. In urban areas, more stringent measures may be required to secure the
As with any other type of operation, common sense safety practices should be
used when working around this equipment. If you do not need to be there, stay
away from the equipment. If a crane-mounted drilling rig is used, the crane
certificate should be checked.
Worker and public safety must be enforced during drilling and excavating
operations. A full body harness should be used when working near open holes.
Personnel not directly involved in the construction operation should not stand
next to an open hole to avoid falling in or if the edge collapses.
For CIDH piles over 20 feet in depth and 30 inches in diameter, Cal-OSHA
Mining and Tunneling Safety Orders apply. Construction Procedure Directive
CPD 04-6 addresses this and is included in Appendix B.
7 Driven Piles
Driving piles for structure foundations has occurred for centuries. Originally,
timber was used for piles. In 1897, the first concrete piles were introduced in
Europe, and the Raymond Pile Company drove the first concrete piles in America
in 1904. These new concrete piles were designed for 30 Tons and over. Steel H-
Piles and pipe piles are also used. These piles are expensive but their ability to
transfer greater loads has made them economical, particularly in large structures.
Pile driving is the operation of forcing a pile into the ground thereby displacing
the soil mass across the whole cross section of the pile. Historically, the oldest
method of driving a pile, and the method most often used today, is by use of a
The first hammers were drop hammers and they were used exclusively until the
invention of the steam engine, which eventually resulted in steam hammers.
Subsequent technological advances have lead to the development of air, diesel
and hydraulic powered impact hammers plus vibratory and sonic hammers.
Modern day requirements for construction have also resulted in various
adaptations of the aforementioned pile driving techniques.
General Specifications
The following is a partial list of some of the more important pile driving
specifications. Before starting a project, the Engineer should thoroughly review
the Standard Specifications for general requirements and the special provisions
for information tailored to the needs of the specific project.
The following are taken from the May 2006 Standard Specifications and should
be reviewed as applicable:
Section 19-6.01:
• Rocks, broken concrete or other solid materials larger than 0.33 foot
are not allowed in fill where piles are to be driven.
Section 19-6.025:
Section 49-1.03:
Section 49-1.05:
• Driven piles shall be installed with impact hammers that are approved
in writing by the Engineer. Impact hammers shall be steam, hydraulic,
air or diesel hammers. Impact hammers shall develop sufficient
energy to drive the piles at a penetration rate of not less than 1/8 inch
per blow at the specified nominal resistance.
Section 49-1.06:
Section 49-1.08
• Except for piles to be load tested, driven piles shall be driven a value
of not less than the nominal resistance shown on the plans unless
otherwise specified in the special provisions or otherwise permitted in
writing by the Engineer. In addition, when a pile tip elevation is
specified, driven piles shall penetrate at least to the specified tip
elevation unless otherwise permitted in writing by the Engineer.
The preceding specifications indicate that there are two different pile driving
acceptance criteria: (1) A specific pile tip penetration, and (2) a prescribed
bearing value. In all but a few cases both of these criteria must be met in order to
accept the pile.
Anvil The bottom part of a hammer that receives the impact of the ram and transmits
the energy to the pile.
Butt of Pile The term commonly used in conjunction with the timber piles—the upper or
larger end of the pile, the end closest to the hammer.
Cushion Usually plywood pads placed on top of precast concrete piles to eliminate
Blocks spalling.
Cushion Pad A pad of resilient material or hardwood placed between the drive cap insert, or
helmet, and drive cap adapter.
Drive Cap A steel unit designed to connect specific type of pile to a specific hammer. It is
Adapter usually connected to the hammer by steel cables.
Drive Cap The unit that fits over the top of pile, holding it in line and connecting it to the
Insert adapter.
Drive Cap The assembled components used to connect and transfer the energy from the
System hammer to the pile.
Follower An extension used between the pile and the hammer that transmits blows to the
pile when the pile head is either below the reach of the hammer (below the
guides/leads) or under water. A follower is usually a section of pipe or “H”
pile with connections that match both the pile hammer and the pile. Since the
follower may absorb a percentage of the energy of the hammer, the Standard
Specifications (Section 49.1.05) require the first pile in any location be driven
without the use of a follower so as to be able to make comparisons with
operations utilizing a follower. In water, the first pile to be driven should be
one sufficiently long to negate the need for the follower. The information from
the first pile can be used as base information when using the follower on the
rest of the piling. Beware of soil strata that may change throughout the length
of a footing. Underwater hammers and extensions to the leads can be used as
alternatives to driving with a follower
Hammer The amount of energy available to be transmitted from the hammer to the pile.
Energy Usually measured in foot-pounds.
Leads A wooden or steel frame with one or two parallel members for guiding the
hammer and piles in the correct alignment. There are three basic types of
• Fixed, which are fixed to the pile rig at the top and bottom. Refer to
Figure 7-4.
• Swinging, which are supported at the top by a cable attached to the crane.
Refer to Figure 7-5.
• Semi-Fixed or Telescopic, which are allowed to translate vertically with
relation to the boom tip. Refer to Figure 7-6.
Mandrel A full-length steel core set inside a thin-shell casing. It increases the capacity
of the casing so that it can be driven. It helps maintain pile alignment and
prevents the casing from collapsing. It is removed after driving is completed
and prior to placing reinforced concrete.
Moonbeam A device attached to the end of a lead brace that allows a pile to be driven with
a side batter.
Penetration The downward movement of the pile per blow.
Pile Butt A member of the pile crew other than the operator and oiler.
Pile Gate A hinged section attached to the pile leads, at the lower end, which acts to keep
the pile within the framework of the pile leads.
Pile Hammer The unit that develops the energy used to drive piles, the two main parts of
which are the ram and the anvil.
Pile Rig The crane used to support the leads and pile driving assembly during the
driving operation.
Ram The moving parts of the pile hammer, consisting of a piston and a driving head,
or driving head only.
Rated Speed The number of blows per minute of the hammer when operating at a particular
maximum efficiency.
Spudding Spudding is the driving of a short and stout section of pile-like material into the
ground to punch through or break up hard ground strata to permit pile driving.
Used extensively in the driving of timber piles.
Striker Plate A steel plate placed immediately below the anvil. Also known as an anvil.
Stroke The length of fall of the ram.
Tip of Pile The first part of the pile to enter the ground.
Hammer Types
Many different types of pile driving hammers are used in the pile industry today.
In past, single acting diesel hammers were used on most projects. With the onset
of retrofit work and new construction in areas with low overhead clearances, the
use of double/differential acting hammers and hammers that require only a limited
overhead clearance are finding their way to the job site. Site specific construction
challenges, be it limited space, noise levels, or unusual tip or bearing
requirements will tend to dictate the type of hammer used.
The pile hammer is not only the production tool for the Contractor; it is also a
measuring device for the Engineer. The energy transmitted to the pile advances it
toward the specified tip elevation. The amount of energy and the penetration per
blow can be used to determine the bearing capacity of the pile. A working
knowledge of pile hammers, their individual parts and accessories, and their basis
for operation and the associated terminology is essential for the Engineer.
Invented centuries ago, the drop hammer is still in use today. Although
modernized somewhat, the basic principle of operation remains the same. A
weight is lifted a measured distance by means of a rope or cable and allowed to,
freefall, or drop, and strike a pile cap block. The available potential energy is
calculated by multiplying the weight and the distance of the fall.
One variation of the drop hammer currently finding its way to the job site is one
that requires only a minimal amount of headroom. The idea utilizes a closed-
ended pipe pile with a large enough diameter to allow the drop hammer run inside
the pipe’s walls. The hammer impacts onto a “stop” built into the bottom, inside
of the pipe pile. As the pile is driven, the impact occurs near the tip of the pile.
In fact the pile is actually pulled down into position in lieu of being pushed. This
configuration minimizes the need for the additional overhead clearance (leads,
crane, etc.).
Drop hammers are not typically used and are permitted only when specifically
allowed by the special provisions. Hammer weight and stroke restrictions will be
found in Section 49-1.05 of the Standard Specifications.
The single acting steam/air hammer is the simplest powered hammer. Invented in
England by James Nasmyth in 1845, it has been used in this country since 1875.
When using a single acting steam/ air hammer the Engineer should:
The double acting steam/air hammer employs steam or air, not only to lift the
piston to the top of its stroke, but also to accelerate the piston downward faster
than by gravity alone. The additional energy put into the downward stroke by the
compressed air/steam increases the effectiveness of the hammer. The advantage
of the double-acting hammer is that stroke lengths can be reduced making them
ideal in low overhead clearance situations. The stroke typically ranges from 10 to
20 inches, or about half that of a single-acting hammer. The blow rate is more
rapid than the single acting hammer, somewhere between 120 and 240 blows per
minute. Refer to Figure 7-11.The rated available energy of the double acting
steam/air hammer is calculated by multiplying the ram weight times the length of
stroke and adding the effective pressure acting on the piston head during the down
The rated striking energy delivered per blow by a differential acting steam/air
hammer is calculated by adding the differential force due to the motive fluid
pressure acting over the large piston head to the weight of the striking parts and
multiplying this sum by the length of the piston stroke in feet. The differential
force results from the fluid pressure acting on the top piston head surface minus
the same pressure in the annulus acting on the bottom surface and is equal to the
area of the small piston head times the fluid pressure. This type of hammer uses a
cushion block between the ram and the helmet.
In the early 1950’s a new type of pile driving hammer was introduced - the Diesel
Hammer. Basically, it is a rudimentary one-cylinder diesel engine. It is fed from
a fuel tank by a pump mounted directly on the hammer, in contrast to air and
steam hammers, which require an external energy source. Simple to operate,
diesel hammers are commonly used on most bridge contracts today.
Single Acting Diesel Hammers. The fundamental makeup and operation of all
diesel hammers are similar. They consist of a cylinder-encased ram, an anvil
block, a lubrication system, and a fuel injection system that regulates the amount
of fuel to each cycle. New models added a variable fuel metering system that can
change the energy delivered by the ram, thereby making them more versatile for
varying soil conditions. The energy imparted to the driven pile is developed from
gravitational forces acting on the mass of the piston. Refer to Figure 7-13. The
operational cycle of the single acting diesel hammer is shown on Figure 7-14 and
is described in the following paragraphs.
To start operations, a cable from the crane lifts the ram. At the top of the stroke,
the lifting attachment is “tripped” and the ram allowed to drop. The ram falls by
virtue of its own weight and activates the cam on the fuel injector that injects a set
amount of fuel into the cup-shaped head of the impact block. As soon as the
falling ram passes the exhaust ports, air is trapped in the cylinder ahead of the
ram, and compression begins. The rapidly increasing compression pushes the
impact block (anvil) and the helmet immediately below it against the pile head
prior to the blow.
Upon striking the impact block with its spherically shaped leading end, the ram
drives the pile into the ground and, at the same time atomizes the fuel which then
escapes into the annular combustion chamber. The highly compressed hot air
ignites the atomized fuel particles and the ensuing two-way expansion of gases
continues to push on the moving pile while simultaneously recoiling the ram.
As the upward flying ram clears the exhaust ports, the gases are exhausted and
pressure equalization in the cylinder takes place. As the ram continues its upward
travel, fresh air is sucked in through the ports, thoroughly scavenging and cooling
the cylinder. The cam on the fuel injector returns to its original position allowing
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new fuel to enter the injector for the next working cycle. The operator may stop
the hammer manually by pulling a trigger, which deactivates the fuel supply.
The diesel hammer is difficult to keep operating when driving piles in soft
material. Large downward displacements of the pile absorb most of the energy;
therefore, little remains to lift the ram high enough to create sufficient
compression in the next downstroke to ignite the fuel. To resume operation, the
cable hoist must again raise the ram.
Diesel hammers are very versatile. They may be connected to almost any set of
leads. They do not require an additional energy source, such as steam or air so the
size of the pile crew can be reduced. On occasion, piles are driven with crews
containing as few as three workers, including the crane operator. These hammers
typically operate within a speed of 40 to 60 blows per minute and can have
strokes in excess of 10 feet. Although these hammers will drive any type of pile,
their stroke is dependent on soil conditions. Hard driving in harder soils results in
increasing stroke lengths, thus providing increasing hammer energies; while easy
driving in softer soils results in lower stroke lengths and lower hammer energies.
It should be noted that diesel hammers are noisy and they tend to spew oil and
grease throughout. They can also emit unsightly exhaust, although newer models
have been designed to be somewhat more environmentally friendly.
Double Acting Diesel Hammer. The double acting diesel hammer is similar in its
operations to other double acting hammers. The top of the cylinder is capped so
that pressures can be developed on the downward stroke. The energy transferred
is more than just a function of gravity. As the ram nears the top of its upward
stroke, air is compressed in a “bounce chamber”. This halts the upward flight of
the ram as pressure increases. The downstroke energy now becomes a function of
both gravity and the internal pressure generated in the “bounce chamber”. The
hammers have a stroke that is around 3 to 4 feet and operate at a much
higher/quicker blow rate compared to the single acting diesel hammer. Refer to
Figure 7-15.
These hammers normally have a manually operated variable fuel injector, which
is controlled by the crane operator. Unless the control is wide open, the energy
delivered is difficult to determine. The rated energy needs to be computed from a
formula incorporating the length of the free fall downstroke of the ram multiplied
by the sum of its weight and adding the effects of changes in pressures and
volumes of air in the bounce/scavenging chambers of the hammer. Manufacturers
have plotted the solutions to the formulae for each model of hammer for various
pressure readings in the bounce chamber.
Vibratory Driver/Extractor
With heavier piles, there is a higher vibratory weight supported by the hammer.
This tends to reduce the amplitude. So as piles get larger, it is necessary to use
drivers with larger eccentric moments. The non-vibratory weight has the effect of
extra weight pushing the pile downward.
Vibratory drivers are most effective in granular soil conditions, but recent
developments and new techniques have also made them effective in more
cohesive soils. They can handle a variety of piling, including steel sheets, steel
pipe, concrete, timber, wide flange sections, “H” piles, as well as caissons. They
do not create as much large amplitude ground vibration as the pile driving
equipment discussed above. This makes the vibratory hammer desirable in areas
where excessive ground motions could possibly cause damage to adjacent
Section 49-1.05 of the Standard Specifications prohibits the use of the vibratory
hammer for driving permanent contract piles because there is no way to determine
the amount of energy delivered to the pile. However, contractors frequently use
vibratory hammers are to install temporary works. (i.e. placing and extracting
sheet piles for shoring, etc.) These hammers are also used to extract piles.
There have been comparisons made in the recent past indicating variances in
bearing capacities of piles when comparing a pile driven to the same elevation
with a vibratory hammer and one driven with an approved impact hammer. Items
of interest and discussion include the “set” of the pile and the disturbance of the
soil mass. The vibration of the pile against the soil may reduce the amount of
skin friction on the pile leading to lower nominal resistances than what would
have occurred if the pile were driven without vibratory means. This condition
may be temporary. Depending on the soil, the skin friction may return in full or
in part as the soil remolds or sets over time.
When a request is made to use a vibratory hammer to start a pile, the Engineer
Hydraulic Hammers
The theories of energy delivery and transfer vary between differential hydraulic
hammers. For example, one particular hydraulic hammer manufacturer utilizes a
ram made of composite material. In this case it is made of lead wrapped in steel.
The theory behind the lead ram is that a heavier weight falling a similar distance
should produce blows with longer impact durations. This longer impact duration
produces a compression wave that is low in amplitude and long in duration. It is
thought that this type of blow is more efficient in terms of delivering driving
energy to the tip of the pile (relative to a light weight hammer with a longer
The hydraulic hammer has a variable stroke, which is readily controlled from a
control box located in the cab with the crane operator or in a separate cab, as is
the case for larger hammers. With the control box the stroke can be varied,
finitely (reported to be in the centimeter range), such that the stroke can be
optimized so that it matches the dynamic spring constant of the hammer and pile.
Manufacturers have stated that the ability to vary the stroke and frequency enables
these hammers to perform more efficiently than other types of hammers.
The general theory behind the hammer is as follows. Every ram body, depending
on material and cross sectional area, has its own dynamic spring constant.
Likewise, each pile, based on different materials and sizes, has its own dynamic
spring constant or acoustic impedance. As the dynamic spring constants for the
pile and the hammer converge, higher efficiencies can be achieved. Energy will
be transmitted through the pile to the tip with fewer losses and at lower internal
stresses. Essentially all the hammer energy will go into moving the pile since the
losses in the pile were minimized. The greatest efficiency is achieved when the
hammer impedance is the same as the pile impedance. If this were to occur, a pile
cushion would be unnecessary and driving would be further optimized.
The manufacturer data sheets for these types of hammers state the following:
Section 49-1.05 of the Standard Specifications requires that the Contractor furnish
an approved hammer having sufficient energy to drive piles at a penetration rate
of not less than 1/8-inch per blow at the required bearing value. In effect, this
specification places a lower limit on the hammer size because hammer size, in
most cases, is related to energy. An upper limit is not specified; however some
hammers my be too large for the intended use and may damage the pile during
Economics often dictate the selection of hammer size and type. Large hammers
provide vast amounts of energy that will advance the pile quickly and reduce
driving time. They also help achieve specified tip elevations when hard driving is
encountered, thus enabling completion of the work without the need of
supplemental measures such as jetting or predrilling. On the other hand, heavy
hammers require heavy leads and heavy cranes; the result being decreased
mobility and increased equipment costs. Another consideration is that larger
hammers deliver more energy to the pile. Hence, the probability of pile damage
(heavy spalling, buckling or other) increases as the hammer size increases. Ram
impact velocity is another important factor. In general, a large ram weight with a
short stroke and low velocity at impact will not produce the magnitude of pile
stress that a light ram with a long stroke and high velocity will induce. Generally,
at constant driving energy, the driving stress on the pile will decrease as the ram
weight increases. Though there are situations where the “bigger hammer” may be
too big and will overstress the pile. However the option to run a bigger hammer
at less than the maximum capacity, with a shortened stroke, may help, as the
impact durations are different. Refer to the section on hydraulic hammers for
more information on impact duration.
Section 49-1.08 of the Standard Specifications requires that the bearing value of
driven piles be determined using the Gates formula as follows (Refer to Appendix
E for examples):
Ru = the nominal resistance in kips,
Er = the manufacturer’s rating for foot-pounds of energy developed by the
hammer at the observed field drop height
N = the number of hammer blows in the last foot (maximum value for N is 100)
This formula is appropriate for most piles and Standard Plan piles in particular.
Acceptance criteria that require larger capacities than Standard Plan piles may be
determined by other methods. The other methods for determining the load-
bearing capacity of a pile depend on detailed knowledge of how energy is
transmitted to a pile during driving. These exercises are much more detailed than
the pile driving formulas. These methods and procedures typically obtain more
accurate representations of the pile’s bearing capacity and can be categorized into
three areas: (1) Pile Load Testing, (2) wave equation analysis of pile driving, and
(3) dynamic pile driving analysis. The processes are explained in detail in the
next chapter but a brief description of each one follows.
The most accurate way to determine the axial capacity of a pile is to perform a
static load test on it. The method is time consuming and expensive so it is
reserved for locations where the underlying geology is variable and complex.
Load tests are useful in determining the capacities of large diameter piles as the
traditional method of using pile-driving formulas loses accuracy as the diameter
of the pile increases. Typically, the load test pile is pushed and pulled by
hydraulics that are attached to a resisting beam to a point were design loads or
ultimate capacity is achieved.
Wave equation analysis models the pile and the driving system as well as the
different soil lenses that the pile is expected to drive through. The soil is modeled
as a series of elastic plastic springs and linear dashpots. The relative sizes of the
springs and masses depend on the actual soil properties shown on the Log of Test
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Borings. Driving system characteristics are embedded in the program and pile
characteristics such as diameter and wall thickness are input by the user. After
modeling, a dynamic analysis is performed. To date wave equation analysis has
been used for driveability studies, hammer acceptance studies, and to develop
site-specific curves that relate nominal resistance with pile blow counts and
energy. The wave equation analysis method has been shown to provide a more
accurate indication of actual nominal resistance than by pile driving equations.
The output information provides the internal stresses of the pile as it travels
through the varying strata and as it approaches the specified tip elevation. The
output also gives information on driving rates for specific hammers through the
different soil strata. The model is run using several different hammer sizes and
types. The results are presented in a report that shows how the different hammers
will drive piles through the different soil strata. This analysis also offers the
designer the opportunity to change pile types, sizes or thicknesses should the
drive analysis show that pile driving will be difficult.
Hammer Acceptance Study. The Hammer Acceptance Studies are done after the
contract is bid or awarded. Current contracts require the contractor to submit
information on the actual driving system proposed for the project. This
information is used by the Foundation Testing Branch to perform a wave equation
analysis. Some of the more current contracts require the contractor to perform
their own wave equation analysis. Essentially a driveability study is performed
using the actual hammer information instead of assumed values. From this
information, the Engineer can decide if the proposed hammer will drive the pile to
the specified tip elevation and reach the nominal resistance without overstressing
the pile during driving. The results of the study might also show that the chosen
hammer is not efficient. Either way the results of the driveability study are used
as a basis for accepting or rejecting the hammer submittal.
Acceptance Curve Study. The studies outlined above use theoretical or empirical
information to develop a model that gives a pretty accurate indication of what will
be encountered in the field. Gathering additional information while driving an
actual pile can refine this model. Pile Dynamic Analysis (PDA) equipment can be
used to record and process information gathered from stress and strain gauges
attached directly to the pile. The information can be recorded during initial
driving and during re-drives to determine increased capacities over time. The
information from the PDA can be analyzed using the Case Pile Wave Equation
Analysis Program (CAPWAP) to estimate capacity. On some larger projects with
complex soils, a static load test might also be performed to refine CAPWAP even
further. The pile capacity as determined by CAPWAP is used to refine the
original WAVE model.
Acceptance curves are developed from outputs of the refined models. The curves
correlate pile capacity to blow counts and hammer energy/driving rate. They are
site specific and may even be foundation specific. The Engineer uses the curves
in the field to determine the nominal resistance of a driven pile. The curves are
used in place of the acceptance criteria outlined in the Standard Specifications
(Section 49-1.08). The curves may also be used to provide criteria for field
revisions to the specified tip elevation when compression controls the design.
Refer to Appendix E for samples of acceptance curves.
Another situation where acceptance curves are useful is in situations where the
ground conditions during driving are not what control the design. Examples of
this are foundations that require the installation of driven piles in scour sensitive
areas, through liquefiable soils or through large layers of re-moldable clays. In
these instances, piles need to be driven through materials that will provide skin
friction resistance during driving but not under the extreme event or in the case of
re-moldable clays where skin friction is lost during the driving operation and
returns over time.
Pile load tests, WAVE analysis and CAPWAP runs have been performed in the
design phase and the construction phase to provide additional information and
confidence to the designer and geoprofessional. These types of analysis are
normally done on large projects but in recent years have been done on projects
that use large diameter piles. The correlation of nominal resistance to pile driving
formulas is not very effective for large diameter piles so these additional measures
are needed.
Piles driven in re-moldable clays, such as Bay Mud found in the San Francisco
Bay Area, lose virtually all their skin friction during driving. The skin friction
returns with time as the pour water pressures are redistributed. The driven pile
will actually achieve greater a capacity over time as the skin friction returns. As
such, piles driven to specified tip on the day of driving might not achieve nominal
resistance but may do so days and sometimes hours later. Acceptance curves
provide new criteria for the piles thereby eliminating the need to perform
expensive and time consuming re-drives.
During the process to develop acceptance curves it may become apparent that
there is a need or opportunity to revise the specified tip elevations shown on the
plans. When this is done during construction the special provisions will outline
administrative process to be followed. Often the Special provisions prohibit the
procurement of piles until pile load tests are completed and revised tip elevations
are provided. That way piles and rebar cages can be fabricated to the correct
length and any required splices kept to a minimum.
leaks, binding in guides, and minor drops in steam or air pressure can all affect
the performance of a hammer.
Battered Piles
When battered piles are driven, an adjustment to the hammer energy needs to be
made since the path of the ram is not plumb. The hammer path will follow the
slope of the battered pile so the stroke used to compute delivered energy must be
adjusted to reflect the change in vertical fall of the ram. This is simple to
determine for single acting air, steam or diesel hammers. For example, a 140 Ton
pile driven with a Delmag 30 hammer will require 28 blows per foot using the
Gates Formula. If the pile were driven on a 1:3 batter the minimum blow count
would be increased to 30 blows per foot ((3.162/3) X 28 = 30). Refer to
Appendix E for an example of this.
A similar adjustment must be made for double acting and differential hammers.
However, in determining the change in energy due to the batter, compensate only
for that portion of the energy attributed to the free fall of the ram as energy
delivered by differential action or pressure imparted on the downward stroke
should remain constant.
The following material is essentially a checklist of what the Engineer should look
for both before pile driving begins and while pile driving is underway. This list is
by no means complete, as new and different construction challenges will develop
with each and every project.
Several verification methods are available to field staff determine the amount of
hammer energy that a hammer delivers to a pile in any one blow or over a short
period of time. For single acting diesel, steam or air hammers, the simplest
method is to measure the stroke of the hammer and multiply this by the weight of
the ram. While this method may underestimate the complexities of pile driving
and energy transfer, it is the simplest method available for use in the field. To
determine the stroke for diesel hammers, measure the depth of ram below the top
of the cylinder before driving and add that to the height the top of the ram rises
above the cylinder during driving. To determine this height, paint is often applied
in one-foot intervals on the trip carriage above the cylinder. However, some
hammers have rams with identifiable rings that are visible during driving. The
location of the rings normally is shown on the manufacturer’s brochure.
The maximum rated stroke for maximum rated energy for many hammers is given
in Bridge Construction Memo 130-3.0.
For Air and Steam hammers, check the boiler or air capacity of the outside energy
sources. This should be equal to or greater than that specified by the hammer
manufacturer. Gages that indicate steam and air pressures are required by the
Standard Specifications. Verify the system is using the proper hose size
recommended for the particular steam and air hammers. The hoses should
comply with the manufacturer’s specifications. All hoses should be in good
condition (no leaks).
Materials Checklist
Discuss with the Contractor the type and method of rigging planned to lift the
precast/prestressed concrete piles. The Contractor is to provide the necessary
equipment so as to avoid appreciable bending of the pile or cracking of the
concrete. If the Contractor materially damages the pile, the pile must be replaced
at the Contractor’s expense (Refer to Section 49-3.03 of the Standard
Check the lifting procedure to ensure that the pile is not overstressed at anytime
during picking. The maximum permissible allowable stress is as follows:
Measure piles and paint the necessary one-foot marks so blow counts can be
determined. Check the ends of the piles. Prestressing steel should be flush with
the pile head and cover with zinc primer. The head of the pile should be square.
When driving concrete piles, make sure that the cushion blocks are maintained in
good condition. Failure to do so may increase the risk of damaging the piles
during driving. If the driving is hard, the cushions may need to be changed once
or twice per pile.
Steel Piles
If the piles are to be spliced, the Contractor must have welder(s) qualified prior to
performing the welds. They must be qualified in accordance with the “Welding”
and “Piles” sections of the Special provisions, usually in accordance with a
Welding Quality Control Plan and the AWS D1.1, Structural Welding Code.
Assistance may be obtained by calling the Office of Materials Engineering and
Testing Services (METS).
Some welders will have qualification tests that were performed by a private
testing laboratory. Prequalification can be accomplished in this instance by
forwarding a copy of the test reports to the nearest Transportation Laboratory
office where they will verify the welder’s qualifications.
Timber Piles
Check the butt and tip diameters to ensure compliance with Section 49-2.01 of the
Standard Specifications. Treated timber piles shall be driven within 6 months
after treatment.
Piles shall have protective steel straps at 10-foot centers. Three additional straps
are placed at the tip and two at the butt. Straps are to be approximately 1-1/4
inches wide and 0.3 inch in nominal thickness per Section 49-2.03 of the Standard
The Contractor is also required to restrain the pile during driving from lateral
movement at intervals not exceeding 20 feet measured between the head and the
ground surface. Make sure the Contractor is equipped for this.
Logging of Piles
It is Office of Structure Construction policy to log at least one pile, in it’s entirety,
per footing. There are advantages to doing a more comprehensive logging of the
piles. One situation is when, during easy driving, the piles are not achieving the
necessary blow counts at specified tip. The Contractor will request to retap them
later. A good log of the piles within the footing will help the Engineer to
determine how many piles might require a restrike/retap to prove bearing. If all
the piles drove in a similar manner, it might be possible to restrike/retap as few as
10% of the piles that did not originally achieve bearing. If the piles all drove
differently, a restrike/retap of all of the piles may be required. The following is a
discussion of factors affecting pile log data.
Typically when pile driving begins, the driving resistance of the pile is very low.
The stroke of the hammer will be proportional to this pile resistance (low
resistance equals low rebound energy). As a result, the energy delivered to the
pile will be different from the Manufacturer’s rated energy value. Keeping
careful track of blows per foot and actual stroke is necessary. If this difference is
not taken into account, the log will be misleading when the values are put in the
Gates Formula and bearing values are computed at various depths of driving.
This procedure should be followed all the way to the final tip penetration.
With double acting steam or air hammers, check the gages for proper pressure
during the driving operation. In addition to measuring the actual stroke, it is
important that the blow rate be verified.
Underwater and “closed” system hammers are difficult to inspect and can be
throttled by the operator. The full open position should be used to obtain
maximum energy. Be sure to pick a fixed reference point as close to the pile as
practical when logging piles or determining final blow count. This can be
accomplished several ways: (1) Mark the pile with one foot marks and note the
blows passing a fixed point near the pile (leads, reference point, lath driven near
the pile, water surface or other), or (2) Mark the lower part of the leads with one
foot marks and observe passage of a fixed point of the pile. Site conditions often
dictate how this is done, so improvise as necessary. Modifications must also be
made to obtain blow counts over smaller increments.
Be aware of the water level in the pile when driving hollow pipe piles in water. A
phenomenon known as a water hammer can develop during driving. The increase
in pressure from the water hammer could split the pile. To prevent this, the pile
may need to be pumped free of water after seating and before driving.
Another problem that can occur with pipe piles has to do with what is called a soil
plug. When driving hollow piles, there is a tendency for the soil to plug within
the pile as it is being driven. This is common in cohesive materials. When this
does occur the pile will drive as if it is a displacement (closed-end) pile. There
are many implications if this happens. Among the possibilities include the
possible overstressing of a pile as well as misleading blow counts. Center relief
drilling may be needed to remove the plug so that the specified tip elevation can
be reached.
Driving Challenges
Problems with driving can vary in nature and cause. In general there are three
categories of problems: (1) hard driving, (2) easy driving, and (3) pile alignment.
The causes typically are the soil is too hard or soft, the type of hammer used is
inappropriate for the soils encountered, or the pile type being used is
inappropriate. The following is an outline of various driving problems that can be
encountered. The types of problems described are, by no means, a complete
listing of all possible problems.
Hard driving is a term used to describe piles that have achieved nominal
resistance but have difficulty reaching the specified tip elevation. This may
happen when the soils are dense or when the hammer size or type cannot
penetrate a particular soil lens or is inappropriate for the work in general. A
review of the Special provisions, Foundation Report and Log of Test Borings
should give an indication as to whether or not hard driving is to be expected. The
pile placement plan should address the means and methods proposed to address
hard driving.
The Standard Specifications and Special provisions discuss what can be done to
address this condition. For example, Section 49-1.05 of the Standard
Specifications states: “When necessary to obtain the specified penetration and
when authorized by the Engineer, the Contractor may supply and operate one or
more water jets and pumps, or furnish the necessary drilling apparatus and drill
holes not greater than the least dimension of the piles to the proper depth and
drive the piles therein.” For driven piles, shells or casings, the Standard
Specifications also require the use of special driving tips, heavier pile sections, or
other measures as approved by the Engineer, to assist in driving or prevent
damage to a pile through a hard layer of material.
The special provision should address the job specific requirements or limitations
for jetting or predrilling. If not, the Engineer should consult with Geotechnical
Services and Structure Design if hard driving is anticipated and the Contractor is
considering jetting or predrilling to address it. While these methods may be used,
there is the potential for these methods to impact the capacity of the pile.
Therefore, there may need to be limitations, such as depth or diameter of
predrilling, on the use of these procedures.
Hard driving and pile refusal are often interrelated as refusal can be considered
the ultimate form of hard driving. Unfortunately, there are many definitions for
the term “refusal”. Some popular interpretations range from: (1) twice the
required blow count, (2) 10 or more blows per inch, or (3) no penetration of the
pile under maximum driving energy. Regardless of any specific definition,
refusal is essentially the point where additional measures are needed to advance
the pile to the specified tip elevation. These measures can be as simple as
verifying the efficient operation of the hammer or more time-consuming like
predrilling or jetting.
The size and type of hammer used to drive the pile play a part in having and/or
resolving a hard driving issue. One should keep in mind that proper hammer
sizing is not accomplished simply by meeting the minimum energy requirement
given in the Standard Specifications. It is important to be aware that the hammer
needs to overcome the anticipated soil resistance and impedance to achieve the
specified tip elevation. Other issues such as the dynamic response of soils and the
relative weights of the hammer and the pile if not properly considered may be the
root cause of hard driving. A Wave Equation Analysis can capture many of these
parameters and is often required on projects driving high capacity piles.
Hard driving is not always a permanent condition and can also be the result of a
pressure bulb that has developed near the pile tip. This can occur in saturated
sandy materials when pore water pressures build up during driving but can
dissipate over a relatively short period of time. Driving these types of piles in
stages may remedy this situation.
Sometimes the means and methods of construction may increase the likelihood of
experiencing hard driving. Soil densification/consolidation can occur when
driving displacement piles in a cluster for a building or bridge footing or
abutment. A revised driving sequence will often alleviate this problem. This can
often be a trial and error process. Driving from one side of the footing in a
uniform heading helps as does driving from the center in a uniform outward
pattern. Both of these procedures should mitigate the issue and increase the
likelihood of driving piles without issues.
“Jetting” uses water pressure to remove soils and has the potential to impact the
capacity or alignment of a pile; as such care must be exercised when used. Two
methods are generally employed: (1) pre-jetting, and (2) side jetting. In terms of
controlling pile alignment pre-jetting is best. A pilot hole is simply jetted to the
desired depth. After the jet pipe is withdrawn the pile is immediately inserted in
the hole and driven. With side jetting the jet pipe is inserted into the ground
adjacent to the pile and the jetting and driving take place concurrently. Care must
be taken when this is done with a single jet, as the pile tip will tend to move off
line in the direction of the jetted side. Larger piles are frequently side jetted with
multiple pipe systems. These systems can be located outside the pile or within the
annular space of hollow piles. In addition, the pipe arrangement of multiple pipe
systems is usually symmetrical, thus enabling better control of pile alignment.
Jetting uses water to facilitate driving and the end result is a volume of muddy
water that must be addressed in the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan or
Water Pollution Control Program.
Driving tips strengthen the tip/toe of the pile so that it can penetrate through
obstructions and dense lenses. Cutting shoes are another form of driving tip that
allows piles with thinner wall thicknesses to be driven through dense lenses.
Closed ended steel pile may require a conical tip to facilitate driving and mitigate
damage to the pile.
Spudding is another method used to assist the penetration of piles through dense
lenses of material. It involves the use of a heavy or stout section to drive, break
or cut through a lens of hard material. The spud is removed after this is achieved
and the production pile driven in its place to the specified tip elevation.
Except for timber piles, the term “hard driving” or “difficult driving” may be
subject to individual interpretation as there is no language in the specifications
that define it. Steel or concrete piles have no measures specified to mitigate hard
driving at predetermined blow count levels. However, the Contractor is required
to employ the measures described above to obtain the required penetration and is
also required to use equipment that will not result in damage to the pile.
nominal resistance, additional means are required to achieve the specified tip
elevation. These may include predrilling, jetting or changing hammers to one
with a heavy ram striking at a low velocity.
Physical damage to the pile, even when it is below ground, is fairly easy to
determine. Impending damage and/or high driving stresses are not as easy to
pinpoint. In situations of high driving resistance, the Engineer is advised to
investigate pile stresses. This can be done with Pile Driving Analysis (PDA)
Because of the many variables involved, each hard driving issue must be
evaluated on its own merit. There is no substitute for engineering judgment in
this area. It should also be remembered that these issues are somewhat common
and there is a broad base of experience within the Office of Structure
Piles typically are designed to meet several different design criteria (Tension,
Compression, Lateral, etc.) When compression controls the design the Engineer
has the flexibility to raise tip elevations to address hard driving. However these
tips should only be revised to the elevation of the next controlling criteria.
Chapter 3 of this Manual discusses this issue in detail.
While it may be important to make a distinction between hard driving that was
anticipated and what was not, it is in the best interest of all parties to work toward
resolution of the issue quickly and efficiently in order to mitigate impacts to the
project. There have been occasions where pile penetration to the specified tip
elevation cannot be accomplished, despite everyone’s best efforts. When this
situation occurs, the Engineer needs to be proactive in finding an alternative
solution. This includes conversation and meetings with Structure Design and
Geotechnical Services to find an alternative tip elevation, method or design to
address the challenge.
• The pile can be “re-driven” several days after initial driving with the
expectation that the pile has “set up” over time.
There are advantages and disadvantages to selecting any of these options. The
first two options require field welding of steel piles so a welding quality control
plan will most likely need to be created or revised for this work. Another issue is
that the locations of field splices in piles may be limited to certain zones along the
pile. Some pile designs have a no-splice zone or a no-field splice zone in the
upper portion of the pile. This is because the loads and subsequent risks of plastic
hinging are high. As such, the contract plans or special provisions may not allow
field welding an extension on to a pile as the splice may fall within this zone.
The third option is a “re-drive” or “re-strike” of the pile. To do this, pile driving
is stopped when the pile is a certain distance above the specified tip elevation (a
few to several inches). The pile is then driven the remaining distance at a later
date. This allows the soil the time to “set-up” around the pile. The time required
for “set-up” depends on the soil and is anywhere from a day to a week. This
option is effective in cohesive soils but not so much in submerged and saturated
sands and gravels as there is little cohesion in these soil.
The Gates formula is still used for pile acceptance during re-strikes. However, it
is important to note that the formula uses the number of hammer blows it takes to
drive the last foot to determine nominal pile resistance. Since the distance driven
in a re-strike is less than one foot, the number of blows per foot will need to be
extrapolated from the field results based on the length of re-drive. The
extrapolated value will be used to determine nominal resistance in the Gates
Following are some ground conditions and the expected outcome after re-driving
to address soft piles:
1 Loose submerged fine uniform sand. Driving temporarily produces a quick
condition. Re-drive will probably not indicate any change in capacity.
2 Cohesive soil. Driving temporarily breaks down the soil structure, causing it
to lose a part of its compressive strength and shear value. Re-drive should
indicate increased capacity.
3 Saturated coarse-grained pervious material. May display high driving
resistance, but on re-drive will lose capacity as compared to the initial
driving. This could be due to changes in pore water pressure within the soil
Re-driving is a tool that the Engineer can use in an attempt to obtain an acceptable
pile even though the Standard Specifications may not discuss re-drives or specify
elapsed time before attempting a re-drive. Trial and error methods may have to
be employed to figure out the appropriate time to wait before re-driving. It is the
Engineer’s responsibility to determine what criteria will be used to determine pile
acceptability. At times piles will not attain minimum bearing at specified tip,
even when re-driven. When this happens the only option is to splice on additional
length and continue driving to a point where the nominal penetration is achieved.
Issues with soft piles frequently occur in steel “H” piles. When overdriving is
excessive, lugs or “stoppers” can be welded on the pile to mitigate the problem.
If lugs are not required by the contract, they can be added by change order.
Bridge Construction Memo 130-5.0 covers this in detail.
Alignment of Piles
The Engineer needs to verify that each pile is placed in the correct location and
that the alignment is plumb or at the required batter. This should occur often
during the first part of the drilling or driving of each pile and periodically
thereafter. This is extremely important when swinging leads are used for pile
driving as these leads lack the guides that fixed leads have. Alignment
corrections should be made if the pile begins to move out of line. In certain
instances, driving may need to be stopped during driving so that the pile can be
pulled and re-driven correctly.
While the Standard Specifications state “piles materially out of line will be
rejected”, there’s no tolerance provided in the specification that define when a
pile truly is or isn’t “materially out of line”. Some contracts have specific
tolerances outlined in the Special provisions that defines the criteria for
acceptable alignment and/or plumbness of the piles. This is usually due to special
considerations in the design of the structure and to clarify the designer’s intent.
Each situation should be analyzed separately and “engineering judgment” used in
making final determination as to the acceptability of any misaligned piles.
The potential for accidents to occur during pile driving operations may be greater
than for any other construction operation. The pile-driving crane rigged with a set
of heavy leads and a hammer is unwieldy enough; add to it a long pile and a high
potential for danger exists. These risks increase when the hammer is in operation
as all the parts are moving and support equipment such as a steam or high-
pressure line are at capacity.
The following are some of the items that individuals inspecting piles should be
aware of, especially personnel new to construction:
Chapter 1 of this Manual explained how Geotechnical Services performs a
foundation investigation for all new structures, widenings, strengthenings or
seismic retrofits. Under normal circumstances, the Geoprofessional assigned to
perform the investigation is able to gather enough information to recommend a
pile type and tip elevation that is capable of supporting the required loads on the
recommended pile foundation. However, there are situations where subsurface
strata are variable, unproven or of such poor quality that additional information is
needed in order to make solid pile foundation recommendations. In these
situations, a Static Pile Load Testing and/or Pile Dynamic Analysis (PDA) will be
recommended. Information obtained from the testing and/or PDA will be used to
verify design assumptions or modify foundation recommendations.
Reasons For Static Load Testing and Pile Dynamic Analysis (PDA)
Static Load Tests measure the response of a pile under an applied load and are the
most accurate method for determining pile capacities. They can determine the
ultimate failure load of a foundation pile and determine its capacity to support
load without excessive or continuous displacement. The purpose of such tests is
to verify that the load capacity in the constructed pile is greater than the nominal
resistance (Compression, Tension, Lateral, etc.) used in the design. The best
results occur when pile load tests are performed in conjunction with Pile Dynamic
Analysis (PDA). The tests give the Geoprofessionals the information needed to
allow the use of a more “rational” foundation design.
Static load tests may be recommended when piles are installed in soils with
variable geologies or poor quality soils and can be used to validate design
assumptions or to provide sufficient information to modify the design tip
elevations. They are often recommended for Cast-In-Drilled-Hole (CIDH) piles
installed in unproven ground formations as there is no other means to determine
capacity; unlike driven piles. They provide more accurate information than can
be obtained from pile driving formulas and may demonstrate that driven piles can
be safely loaded beyond the capacities obtained from these formulas.
Pile load tests are expensive to perform but provide value to a structure. The
FHWA publication “Static Testing of Deep Foundations” provides the following
recommendations on when to perform a pile load test. They are as follows:
In lieu of doing a static load test, PDA can be used to establish criteria for pile
acceptance and to verify design assumptions. It can determine soil resistance,
hammer efficiency/performance and stresses in the pile during driving. PDA is
performed on all contracts that have piles that require capacities larger than those
of the piles in the Standard Plans.
The information obtained from the PDA can also be used by other programs to
determine the bearing capacity of the pile. Combining these results with those
from the pile load test increases the accuracy when determining the bearing
A five-pile test group (four anchor piles and one test pile) is used for all static
load tests in compression and for most tension tests (Figure 8-1). Occasionally, a
three-pile test group (two anchor piles and one test pile) is used for static load
tests in tension. (Refer to Appendix F) Loads are applied in increments; typically
equal to 10% of the design load. Each increment of load is held for a
predetermined time interval. The load increments are applied until the pile starts
to “plunge”, or up to the point where the capacity of the testing system is reached.
The “plunge” point is where little or no additional load is needed to cause the pile
to displace. In general, a pile is considered to have failed when the total
displacement exceeds 1/2 inch under load. An acceptable pile is one that reaches
double the design load without exceeding this displacement.
The Static Pile Load Test causes a failure along the soil/pile interface. This
failure generally occurs well before the ultimate structural capacity of the pile is
reached. Once the test is complete, the pile is returned to a no-load condition and
can be incorporated into the foundation of a structure. The only permanent effect
of a pile load test on a driven pile is the downward displacement of the test pile.
The same effect would be achieved if a pile hammer drove the pile the additional
distance. The previous statement, while true for driven piles, may not be the case
for Cast-in-Place piles and rock sockets in particular as these piles will not behave
the same once the bond between the concrete and the rock has been broken.
Once the pile load testing is completed, personnel from the Foundation Testing
Branch compile and review the load test data. The test data is used to produce a
plot of load versus pile displacement. The ultimate capacity of the test pile is
determined using graphical or analytical procedures. A summary report is then
forwarded to the Engineer, along with any recommended changes or
modifications to the design.
Static Pile Load Testing exceeds the standards set in the “Quick Load Method” of
ASTM D1143 for static load testing in compression, and ASTM D3689 for static
load testing in tension. Both the compression and tension load tests each take
approximately 4 to 8 hours to complete.
The Foundation Testing Branch has four static axial pile load test systems of
varying maximum load capacity:
Requests for Static Load Tests are made to the Foundation Testing Branch on the
Pile Load Test (PLT) Request Form. A copy of this form is included in Appendix
F and is available for download at:
The PDA operator inputs parameters related to the physical characteristics of the
pile before the pile analysis begins. Data to describe the surrounding soil and its
damping resistance is also entered. The PDA is capable of analyzing the stress
wave produced along the length of the pile by each blow of the hammer during
the driving operation. By analyzing the shape of the wave trace, the PDA is able
to measure pile stresses generated during driving. During installation, damage to
a pile can often be detected by the PDA. The data retrieved during the analysis
can be used to determine the location or depth of a crack in a concrete pile and to
the point of buckling in a steel pile.
The PDA very accurately measures the energy delivered to the pile during
driving. This energy rating can be compared to the manufacturer’s rated value to
provide an indication of the hammer’s actual performance efficiencies. Low or
unusual delivery of energy to the pile may indicate issues such as a pre-ignition
problem within the hammer, inefficient hammer combustion, misalignment of the
follower or helmet, or the use of an inappropriate pile hammer cushion.
Pile Dynamic Analysis is believed to be very reliable for piles driven in granular
soils. For finer grained soils, such as silts and clays, this method may be less
reliable because these soils offer significantly larger damping resistance to the
piles during driving and may be difficult to model accurately.
Information retrieved by the PDA is also used to predict a pile’s static load
capacity. The dynamic analysis is performed on production piles as specified in
the Special Provisions and on the test and/or anchor piles used for a Static Load
Test if applicable. Piles monitored using the PDA are usually driven a
predetermined distance above the specified tip before the analysis begins. At that
time, the driving stops to allow personnel from the Foundation Testing Branch to
attach the necessary instrumentation to the pile. The instrumentation is attached
1-1/2 to 2 pile diameters from the top of the pile. Once installed, the Contractor
resumes driving the pile. The first few blows are done slowly to allow the PDA
Operator to ensure that the instrumentation is attached correctly and that the data
is transmitted to the PDA computer. Afterward, driving continues until the
specified tip elevation is reached. Is some soils, typically cohesive soils, the piles
may increase in capacity or “set-up” over time. When this is anticipated, the tip
of the pile is left approximately one-foot above the specified tip elevation.
After the “set-up” period has elapsed, the pile is ready for a restrike. The
timeframe for “set-up” is usually overnight but can be longer. Before the restrike,
PDA instrumentation is once again attached to the pile, and the last foot of the
pile marked in increments of one tenth of a foot. The pile is hit for a few blows to
make sure that the instrumentation is working properly. The pile is then driven
for several inches or the remainder of the one-foot length. The capacity of the
pile is determined from the PDA or through pile driving equations. The new
bearing capacity is compared to the one prior to “set-up” to determine the increase
in capacity over that period of time. The concept of pile capacities increasing
during a ”set-up” period is discussed fully in Chapter 7 of this Manual.
It is the Engineer’s responsibility to coordinate the Static Pile Load Testing and
Pile Dynamic Analysis with the Foundation Testing Branch. Early contact and
good communication with them is important, as it will ensure that the process
flows smoothly. The Contractor’s schedule for the installation of the piles should
be obtained as early as possible. This schedule should then be forwarded to the
Foundation Testing Branch. Details relating to the logistical needs of the testing
work crew should also be discussed with the Foundation Testing Branch and the
necessary information relayed to the Contractor.
Section 49-1.04 of the Standard Specifications states that the Contractor needs to
perform extra work to assist in the set-up and performance of the Static Pile Load
Testing. As such, a change order will need to be written to compensate these
expenses. This is not the case with Dynamic analysis as it is paid under the
contract item for piling or as indicated in the Contract Special Provisions. The
Contractor should be notified as early as possible of the specific equipment and
personnel assistance required by the Foundation Testing Branch in order to
complete the Static Pile Load Testing or PDA operations.
In general, for a Static Pile Load Test, the Contractor will need to provide a crane
and operator for the lifting and placement of the testing equipment from the State
transport trailers on to the pile array, and for returning the equipment to the trailer
once the testing is complete. The crane will need to be capable of lifting and
placing the appropriate load test beam atop the pile test groups. Occasionally, a
54,000-pound or larger beam is used for load testing. The actual beam size to be
used should be confirmed with the Foundation Testing Branch. The Foundation
Testing Branch will supply all necessary rigging. The Contractor will need to
provide a welder, welding machine and cutting torches to assist in the installation
of the testing equipment. Specific logistical needs and project-specific issues
should be discussed with personnel from the Foundation Testing Branch to ensure
that efficient coordination of the test set-up is accomplished.
Section 49-1.04 of the Standard Specifications states that no piles may be drilled,
cast, cut to length or driven for a structure until the required Static Load Testing is
completed. In addition, the Engineer needs to ensure that the area of the Static
Load Testing and/or PDA is dry and free of debris. A safe working area should
be established around the test piles, and any of the Contractor’s operations that
conflict with the work of the testing work crews should be suspended until the
testing is complete.
Static Pile Load Testing on concrete piles cannot begin until the concrete reaches
a compressive strength of 2,000 Pounds per Square Inch (PSI), except for pre-cast
concrete piles, which cannot be driven until 14 days after casting. Additional
cement or Type III (high early) cement may be used at the Contractor’s expense.
The Standard Specifications state that the Engineer will not require more than 5
working days to perform each static load test unless otherwise provided in the
Special Provisions. This is important, in that the Department will be responsible
for any additional costs or delays to the schedule should the testing take longer or
should it not start on the day requested. As such, early and effective
communication with the Foundation Testing Branch is essential.
Test piles must be installed plumb and to the specified tip elevation shown on the
plans. All the piles (anchor and test piles) in each test group need to be logged for
the full length of driving. For drilled piles, a soil classification record should be
kept for the full length of each. If any of the driven piles have a low bearing
value at the specified tip elevation (less than 50% of required), then the Engineer
should contact the Foundation Testing Branch, the Project Engineer and
Geoprofessional to see if a revision to the specified tip elevation is appropriate.
Changes to the specified tip elevation of test and/or anchor piles will necessitate a
contract change order.
Additional work on the anchor and test piles is required to facilitate the test
apparatus. These details are included in the Standard Plans and may also be
shown on the contract plans. If the details are inappropriate for the piles or are
unclear, contact the Project Designer and/or the Foundation Testing Branch. The
reactions in the load test are substantial and proper bearing is essential. Therefore
the top of CIDH test piles must be level and troweled smooth to ensure full
contact/bearing of the load test reaction beam.
The contract plans or Special Provisions may require the anchor piles be
constructed to tip elevations lower than the test pile as an added precaution to
ensure that the piles don’t pull out during the test. This issue should be discussed
with the Foundation Testing Branch. Any changes to the lengths of the piles from
those shown on the plans will warrant a contract change order.
Once the load testing crew arrives on the jobsite, the Engineer will need to have
copies of the pile driving logs, soil classification record (for CIDH piles), Log of
Test Borings, and Foundation Plan available for their use. When the Static Pile
Load Testing and/or Pile Dynamic Analysis is completed, the Foundation Testing
Branch will provide a report that states whether or the testing confirmed design
assumptions or whether changes to the production piles will be necessary. These
changes are normally made without the need for additional load tests. If an
additional test is required, the Engineer should be sure to document any delays to
the Contractor’s operations. If additional testing is required, the State will be
responsible for additional costs incurred by the Contractor. Substantial pile
revisions (as a result of poor test results for example) could have a substantial
impact on administrative aspects of the contract. Changes could be such that item
prices for pile work are no longer valid and an item price adjustment may be
A slurry displacement pile is a Cast-In-Drilled-Hole (CIDH) pile whose method
of construction differs from the usual CIDH pile in that a drilling fluid is
introduced into the excavation concurrently with the drilling operation. The
drilling fluid also referred to as slurry or drilling slurry, is used to prevent caving
of unstable ground formations and intrusion of groundwater into the drilled hole.
The drilling slurry remains in the drilled hole until it is displaced by concrete,
which is placed under the drilling slurry through a rigid delivery tube.
Because the slurry displacement method, also referred to as the wet method, is a
specific construction method for the construction of CIDH piles, the reader is
advised to review Chapter 6 of this manual as it contains information about
inspection duties and responsibilities of the Engineer for construction of all CIDH
piles. This chapter contains modifications to inspection duties and responsibilities
of the Engineer necessary for the construction of CIDH piles using the slurry
displacement method.
The use of drilling slurry is commonly associated with methods used by the oil
well drilling industry over the last 100 years, which naturally provided much of
the technical and practical knowledge concerning their use in drilled foundation
applications. Use of the slurry displacement method for constructing drilled shafts
began in Texas in the years following World War II. This early method involved
the use of soil-based drilling slurries to advance drilled holes deeper than they
could have without. After which a casing was used to stabilize the drilled hole for
shaft construction. In the 1960’s, processed clay mineral slurry was introduced as
a means of eliminating the need for casing to stabilize the drilled hole. However,
the properties of the mineral drilling slurries were not controlled. Initial
information on the properties of mineral drilling slurries was obtained from the
Reese and Touma Research Report, which was a cooperative research program
conducted in 1972 by the University of Texas at Austin and the Texas Highway
Department. Due to the numerous failures that occurred, by the mid-1970’s, more
attention was paid to the physical properties of mineral drilling slurries and
appropriate methods of preparing and recirculating drilling slurries.
There are still many unknowns about the use of drilling slurries, among them the
effect of the drilling slurry on the ability of a pile shaft to develop skin friction.
Research done to date has given conflicting results; however most indicate that
pile capacities may be less than that of CIDH piles constructed without the use of
drilling slurry. However, the design method used by Caltrans for determining the
pile capacity adequately accounts for the potential loss of pile capacity when
drilling slurry is used. Research funded in part by the Federal Highway
Administration (FHWA) is ongoing at universities around the United States.
Caltrans has also conducted research on several contracts in recent years, which
has lead to the development of contract specifications for use of the slurry
displacement method of CIDH pile construction.
Drilling slurries are generally introduced into the drilled hole as soon as
groundwater or caving materials are encountered. As drilling continues to full
depth, the drilling slurry is maintained at a constant level until the tip elevation of
the drilled hole is reached (Figure 9-1(a)). Because the drilling operation mixes
soil cuttings with the drilling slurry, it is necessary to remove the soil cuttings
from the drilling slurry. Depending on the type of drilling slurry used, removing
the soil cuttings may be accomplished by physically cleaning the drilling slurry,
or by allowing a settlement period for the soil cuttings to settle out of the drilling
slurry (Figure 9-1(c)). If the drilling slurry is cleaned such that its physical
properties are within the specified limits for the particular type of drilling slurry,
the bottom of the drilled hole is cleaned of any settled materials using a cleanout
bucket (Figure 9-1(d)). Since the action of the cleanout bucket may cause soil
cuttings to recontaminate the drilling slurry, cleaning the bottom of the drilled
hole and the drilling slurry may take several iterations. Additional cleanings of
settled materials from the bottom of the drilled hole may be performed with a
cleanout bucket, pumps, or an airlift. After the final cleaning has been
accomplished, the drilling slurry is retested to make sure its properties are within
the specified limits. Once the drilling slurry is ready, the pile bar reinforcement
cage may be placed. The slurry is again retested immediately prior to concrete
placement. Once the slurry is within the specified limits, the concrete is placed;
either by a rigid tremie tube or by a rigid pump tube delivery system. Concrete is
placed through the tube(s), starting at the bottom of the drilled hole (Figure 9-
1(e)). The tip of the rigid delivery tube is maintained at least 10 feet below the
The filtration process is dependent upon many variables. These include the nature
of the ground formation, the type of mineral drilling slurry used, the amount of
time the drilling slurry is in the drilled hole, the presence of contaminants or
groundwater in the ground formation, and the chemical additives used in the
drilling slurry, just to name a few. The nature of the ground formation and the
amount of time the drilling slurry is in the drilled hole are the two important
The nature of the ground formation has an effect on the thickness of the filter cake
that mineral slurries or other solids-laden slurries develop on the sides of the
drilled hole. In general, thicker cakes will form on permeable granular ground
formations, such as sands. Since the pore spaces between the individual soil
grains are larger, drilling slurry with entrained soil particles can infiltrate further
into the ground formation driven by the same positive hydrostatic pressure.
(Figure 9-3(a)). Eventually, the infiltration slows as drilling slurry and particles
build up against and beyond the exposed faces of the permeable formations. In
tighter ground formations, such as dense sands and cohesive soils, the pore spaces
between the individual soil grains are much smaller. The drilling slurry particles
tend to fill in the pore spaces at the exposed wall face preventing further
infiltration (Figure 9-3(b)). Drilling slurry cannot be forced into the ground
formation by positive hydrostatic pressure. This causes the build-up of the filter
cake to cease; resulting in a thinner filter cake than would be observed in looser
ground formations.
The amount of time that the drilling slurry is in the drilled hole also has a direct
effect on the thickness of the filter cake that develops on the sides of the drilled
hole. As long as positive hydrostatic pressure is continuous, the build-up of filter
cake will continue so long as the infiltration continues. In general, the longer the
drilling slurry is present in the drilled hole, the more filter cake will accumulate
on the sides of the drilled hole. Sometimes this results in the presence of excess
filter cake buildup, which must be removed before concrete can be placed in the
drilled hole.
The apparatus used to sample drilling slurry must be capable of sampling the
drilling slurry at a given elevation in the drilled hole without being contaminated
by drilling slurry from a different elevation in the drilled hole. This is necessary
because the contract specifications require the drilling slurry to be sampled at
different levels in the drilled hole. The sampler must also be large enough to
contain enough drilling slurry to perform all the required tests. The apparatus
generally consists of a hollow tube with caps positioned above and below the tube
on a cable that is used to lower the sampler into the drilled hole (Figure 9-4).
Once the sampler has been lowered to the desired level, the drilling slurry
contained in the hollow tube (at that level) is contained by activating the caps so
that the ends of the tube are sealed. The sampler is then removed from the drilled
hole and the drilling slurry contained is tested.
One of the responsibilities of the Contractor is to verify that the sampler used
seals properly. The Engineer may require the Contractor to verify this before
allowing the construction of slurry displacement piles to commence.
The primary engineering reason for testing drilling slurries is to make sure that no
suspended material in the drilling slurry settles out during concrete placement. A
secondary reason for testing drilling slurries is to control their properties during
the drilling of the hole. This helps to stabilize the drilled hole. Drilling slurries
that have physical properties within the parameters described in the contract
specifications should have negligible settlement of suspended materials during
concrete placement provided the pile’s bar reinforcement cage and concrete are
placed promptly.
The contract specifications set parameters for some of the physical properties of
drilling slurries. The four specified physical properties are density, sand content,
pH, and viscosity.
Density is tested using the test kit shown in Figure 9-5 in conformance with the
test method described in American Petroleum Institute (API) Recommended
Practice 13B-1, Section 1. This test method can be obtained by contacting the
Offices of Structure Construction in Sacramento or accessing its intranet website
Sand Content
Sand content is tested using the test kit shown in Figure 9-6 in conformance with
the test method described in API Recommended Practice 13B-1, Section 5. This
test method can be obtained by contacting the Offices of Structure Construction in
pH Value
Viscosity refers to the “thickness” of the drilling slurry. This property is measured
to determine whether the drilling slurry is too “thick”, allowing the suspension of
more solids than permitted, which would affect the density and sand content
values. On the other hand, some soils may require drilling slurry with a higher
viscosity during drilling to permit the formation of filter cake or to stabilize the
sides of the drilled hole in loose ground formations such as gravels. Thinner
drilling slurry tends to flow through a loose ground formation without building a
filter cake or providing stability. After the hole is drilled and a filter cake has
formed or the sides of the drilled hole have stabilized, the drilling slurry can be
thinned as required prior to concrete placement.
The viscosity of drilling slurry is tested using the test kit shown in Figure 9-7 in
conformance with the test method described in API Recommended Practice 13B-
1, Section 2.2. This test method can be obtained by contacting the Offices of
Structure Construction in Sacramento or accessing its intranet website at
Types of Slurry
It is important to note that the type of drilling slurry to be used will depend on the
ground conditions encountered. Use of different types of drilling slurries may be
necessary to drill through different types of ground formations. It is conceivable
that different types of drilling slurries may need to be used on the same contract
because of varying ground conditions within the highway right-of-way. Some of
the factors that influence the decision of what type of drilling slurry to use include
economics, ground and groundwater contamination, ground temperature, air
temperature, and the type of ground formation being drilled through.
Ground conditions can also have an effect on drilling slurry behavior. Some of
these include acidity or alkalinity of groundwater, grain size of the soil, velocity
of groundwater flow through the ground formation, cementation and cohesion of
soil, and the presence of rock or clay structures in the ground formation. The
drilling slurry’s physical properties can be adjusted to account for some of these
conditions, or chemical additives may be necessary.
Because most drilling slurries are difficult and expensive to dispose, they are
often reused. Occasionally, drilling slurry is reused on another pile after
The reuse of drilling slurries requires careful planning on the Contractor’s part.
Drilling slurries must be cleaned before they are reused. For mineral slurries, this
is accomplished through the use of desanding units and chemical additives. For
synthetic slurries, this is accomplished by allowing the contaminants to settle out.
The contract specifications do not prohibit the reuse of drilling slurry. However, it
still must meet the physical property requirements of the contract specifications.
Drilling slurries will degrade over time (usually measured in months). If a
Contractor proposes to reuse drilling slurry from a different contract, the Engineer
may want to have the physical properties of the drilling slurry tested prior to
placement in the drilled hole.
The types of drilling slurries that are permitted for use by Caltrans are detailed in
the following sections. Three types of drilling slurries are permitted: water,
mineral, and synthetic polymer.
Water may be suitable as drilling slurry under the right conditions. Most drilling
contractors will try to use water as drilling slurry if the ground conditions are right
because it is inexpensive. However, use of water as drilling slurry is limited to
ground formations that are strong enough not to deform significantly during
drilling. The water level in the drilled hole must be maintained at least 6 to 7 feet
above the groundwater level in order to maintain positive effective stress on the
sides of the drilled hole. This is the only means of stabilization provided to the
sides of the drilled hole since water does not control filtration.
The contract specifications state that water may only be used as drilling slurry
when a temporary casing is used for the entire length of the drilled hole. Although
water has been allowed as drilling slurry in the past by the contract specifications,
history has shown that water was inappropriately chosen as drilling slurry for use
in holes drilled in unstable ground formations. This resulted in many defective
piles that required repair.
The question that may arise from this limitation is why the contract specifications
allow the use of water as drilling slurry at all. Retaining the limited use of water
as a drilling slurry allows a Contractor, who attempts to dewater a drilled hole
using a temporary casing and is unable to do so for whatever reason, to have the
option of using the water in the drilled hole as a drilling slurry to prevent unstable
conditions at the bottom of the drilled hole and to be able to place concrete.
Water may also be used as drilling slurry when a Rotator or Oscillator is used to
advance the drilled hole since the drilling casing acts as a temporary casing.
The physical properties of water used as drilling slurry are not as critical as with
other types of drilling slurries. Water is capable of suspending sand and silt only
for short periods, usually less than 30 minutes. This allows soil cuttings to settle
to the bottom of the drilled hole fairly rapidly. Since the pH of water used as a
drilling slurry is not important and water will not become more viscous unless a
contaminant is introduced, the contract specifications set parameters for density
and sand content only. Testing these parameters verifies that most of the
suspended material has settled before final cleaning of the drilled hole and
concrete placement.
Water used as drilling slurry can be easily disposed of on site after settlement of
all suspended materials has occurred unless hazardous materials have
contaminated the water.
Mineral slurries are processed from several different types of clay formations.
Although there are a number of different types of clay formations available, the
most commonly used consist of Bentonite and Attapulgite clay formations.
Mineral slurries stabilize the sides of the drilled hole by positive hydrostatic
pressure and by filtration. Mineral slurries will penetrate deeper into more open
formations, such as gravels, and will form thicker filter cakes in these formations.
While filtration is desirable, a thick filter cake is not desirable because it is
necessary to remove it before concrete placement. Continuous agitation or
recirculation of the mineral slurry with removal of sand and other soil solids will
help reduce the thickness of the filter cake by reducing the amount of suspended
material in the mineral slurry.
The contract specifications require the removal of “caked slurry” from the sides
and bottom of the drilled hole before concrete is placed. “Caked slurry” is
considered to be an excessively thick filter cake that has formed on the sides or
bottom of the drilled hole. Because the amount of filter cake that forms on the
sides and bottom of the drilled hole depends on so many variables and because
research of the effect of filter cake on the ability of the pile to transfer load
through skin friction has not been completed, the Offices of Structure
Construction defines excessively thick filter cake as a filter cake that has formed
The contract specifications require that mineral slurries be mixed and fully
hydrated in mixing tanks prior to placement in the drilled hole. Mixing and
hydration of mineral slurries usually requires several hours. One way to determine
that the mineral slurry is thoroughly hydrated is to take Marsh funnel viscosity
tests at different time intervals. In general, mineral slurries will achieve their
highest viscosity value when they have fully hydrated. Once the viscosity test
values have stabilized at their highest level, the mineral slurry can be assumed to
be fully mixed and fully hydrated, providing that the mineral slurry is smooth,
homogeneous and not flocculated or “clabbered”.
The physical properties of the mineral slurry should be carefully monitored while
the mineral slurry is in the drilled hole. The mineral slurry’s density, sand content,
and viscosity should be tested and the values maintained within the limits stated
in the contract specifications. This will prevent excessive suspended materials
and to keep the filter cake thickness on the sides of the drilled hole to a minimum.
The mineral slurry’s pH should be tested and maintained within the limits stated
in the contract specifications to prevent flocculation or destabilization. It should
be noted that it usually takes the Contractor some time to get the mineral slurry’s
properties within the limits stated in the contract specifications. The important
factor is to verify that the mineral slurry’s properties are within the limits stated in
the contract specifications prior to concrete placement.
While mineral slurries are present in the drilled hole, they must be agitated in
order to maintain their physical properties and to reduce the amount of filter cake
buildup on the sides of the drilled hole. In order to accomplish this, the contract
specifications require mineral slurries to be agitated by either of two methods: (1)
the mineral slurry is to be continuously agitated within the drilled hole, or (2) the
Usually, in order for the mineral slurry to meet the physical property requirements
of the contract specifications, the mineral slurry will require recirculation and
cleaning during and after the drilling operation. Occasionally without any action
on the part of the Contractor, the mineral slurry will meet the physical property
requirements of the contract specifications during and after the drilling operation,
in which case continuous agitation of the mineral slurry in the drilled hole is
acceptable. However, the contract specifications also require that any mineral
slurry that is continuously agitated in the drilled hole and exceeds the physical
property requirements must be recirculated and cleaned.
Should the mineral slurry’s properties change dramatically during the drilling
operation, chemical additives are available that can reduce the filter cake
thickness, modify the mineral slurry’s pH, and increase the mineral slurry’s
viscosity. Additives that reduce the filter cake thickness and increase the mineral
slurry’s viscosity include organic colloids such as CMC or starch. Additives that
lower the mineral slurry’s pH include pyrophosphate acid (“SAPP”). Additives
such as soda ash and caustic soda (sodium hydroxide) can increase the slurry’s pH
and reduce water hardness. Additives that decrease the mineral slurry’s viscosity,
reduce gelatin and improve filter cake quality include tannins, polyphosphates,
lignosulfonates and acrylates. Caltrans has little experience with chemical
additives and their use should be discussed with the Offices of Structure
Construction in Sacramento before approval is given for their use.
Mineral slurries may be used in most types of ground formations. They work best
in cohesionless sands and open gravels. Caution must be taken when using
mineral slurries in cohesive materials because they may contain clays that can be
incorporated into the mineral slurry and rapidly change the mineral slurry’s
physical properties. In addition, these cohesive materials can reduce filtration and
filter cakes may not form.
Disposal of mineral slurries can be difficult. Due to their particulate nature, they
are hazardous to aquatic life and cannot be disposed of on site or at locations
where they can enter State waters. The contract specifications require that any
materials resulting from the placement of piles under mineral slurry be disposed
of outside the highway right-of-way in accordance with Section 7-1.13 of the
Standard Specifications. Because they often contain chemical additives, mineral
slurries can be considered to be hazardous materials that must be disposed of in
landfills. This can be very expensive and can defeat the economic advantage of
using the slurry displacement method over other means of construction of CIDH
Since the 1980’s, synthetic drilling slurries have gained wide acceptance in the
construction industry. The main advantage of synthetic slurries is that they are
easier and cheaper to dispose of than mineral slurries and do not require slurry
plants to physically clean the slurry. Synthetic slurries are grouped into three
groups: (1) naturally occurring polymers, (2) semi-synthetic polymers, and (3)
synthetic polymers. Synthetic polymers are either dry or emulsified.
The synthetic products that are approved by Caltrans at the present time are
synthetic polymers mixed with water to prepare viscous slurries for CIDH piles
and other foundation elements. These slurries have been shown to have no
deleterious effects on concrete-to-rebar bonding, concrete compressive strength
and other aspects of foundation construction processes. The contract
specifications currently allow the use of four brands of synthetic slurries. These
are: Super Mud, manufactured by PDSCo, Inc.; SlurryPro CDP™, manufactured
by KB International LLC; Shore Pac®, manufactured by CETCO Construction
Drilling Products; and Novagel™, manufactured by Geo-Tech Services, LLC.
SlurryPro CDP™ is a dry form synthetic polymer slurry product. A dry granular
form of SlurryPro CDP™ is currently approved for use on Caltrans projects. No
other form is approved. (Figure 9-13)
Shore Pac® is a dry form synthetic polymer slurry product. A dry granular form
of Shore Pac® is currently approved for use on Caltrans projects. No other form
is approved. (Figure 9-14)
Novagel™ is a dry form synthetic polymer slurry product. A dry granular form of
Novagel™ is currently approved for use on Caltrans projects. No other form is
approved. (Figure 9-15)
Synthetic slurries must be thoroughly mixed but do not require additional time to
hydrate. This is because these slurries can achieve effectively complete hydration
in a short time. Water used to mix with the synthetic polymer should have a pH in
the range of 8 to 11 in order to properly disperse the polymer. A more acidic pH
will retard hydration of the slurry, causing poor performance. A mixing tank is
usually required in order to regulate the water. The manufacturers of the approved
synthetic slurries recommend tank mixing, but mixing directly into the drilled
hole by introducing these products into the flow of water is also acceptable to the
The physical properties of synthetic slurries should be carefully monitored during
drilling of the hole and before concrete placement. Because these slurries in
general do not suspend particles, the permissible density and sand content values
are much lower than those allowed for mineral slurries. The density and sand
content values should be tested and the values maintained within the limits stated
in the contract specifications to allow for quick settlement of suspended materials.
The synthetic slurry’s pH value should be tested and maintained within the limits
stated in the contract specifications to prevent destabilization of the slurry. The
allowable limits described in the contract specifications for density, sand content,
and pH vary between Super Mud, SlurryPro CDP™, Shore Pac® and Novagel™
due to the extensive research that had been done by the manufacturers during the
Caltrans approval process.
The synthetic slurry’s viscosity value has a higher level of importance than that of
mineral slurry. The viscosity value should be tested and maintained within the
limits stated in the contract specifications to prevent destabilization of the sides of
the drilled hole. However, synthetic slurries at high viscosities may be capable of
suspending sand particles for longer than expected periods, causing the density
and sand content values to increase above their allowable limits. For this reason,
caution must be practiced when using synthetic slurries at high viscosities so that
particulate settlement on the head of concrete during concrete placement can be
In general, synthetic slurries will break down when they come in contact with
concrete. This is advantageous as long as the synthetic slurry is clean and the
rising head of concrete is the only concrete in contact with the synthetic slurry.
However, if concrete is allowed to intermingle with the synthetic slurry, the
synthetic slurry may break down and cause the sides of the drilled hole to
sand content test value. This problem may also occur in soils that are only slightly
cohesive. To overcome this problem, the Contractor should use a dilute bleach
solution or dilute acid solution instead of water to dilute the slurry sample and
wash the fines through the #200 mesh screen during the sand content test. This
will avoid agglomeration of clay particles so they will wash through the #200
mesh screen. Second, the synthetic slurry manufacturers have not completed the
research necessary to show that their products function properly in soils defined
as “soft” or “very soft” cohesive soils. If this research is successfully completed,
the contract specifications may be amended to remove this limitation.
The equipment used to construct CIDH piles by the slurry displacement method
are not much different than that used to construct CIDH piles by ordinary means.
However, there are some differences in the drilling tools, drilling techniques,
cleaning techniques, and use of casings.
The primary reason that modified drilling tools and drilling techniques are used
has to do with the way drilling slurries work. The drilling contractor must be
careful not to do anything that would disturb the positive hydrostatic pressure
provided by the drilling slurry on the sides of the drilled hole. The drilling tool
can produce rapid pressure changes above and below it, similar to the effect of a
piston, if it is lifted or lowered too quickly. When these pressure changes are
produced, the drilled hole can collapse (Figure 9-16). This problem can be
remedied through the use of drilling tools that allow the drilling slurry to pass
through or around the tool during lifting and lowering. For augers, special steel
teeth are added to over bore the drilled hole so the diameter of the drilled hole is
larger than the diameter of the auger. For drilling buckets and cleanout buckets,
special steel teeth are added to over bore the drilled hole, or the bucket itself may
be vented. Even with these modifications, the drilling technique must be modified
so that the drilling tool is not lowered or raised too rapidly through the drilling
The techniques used to clean the bottom of the drilled hole are also modified for
use in drilling slurries. The initial cleaning of the bottom of the drilled hole is
done with a cleanout bucket so that the bottom of the drilled hole has a hard flat
surface (Figure 9-17). However, as sand particles settle out of suspension in the
drilling slurry, additional cleanings may be required. These additional cleanings
can be accomplished with a cleanout bucket, the combined use of a cleanout
bucket and pumps, or with a device known as an airlift (Figure 9-18). The airlift
device operates with air that is supplied to the bottom of the drilled hole by an air
compressor. This causes the settled sand particles to be lifted off the bottom of the
drilled hole and vented.
For projects that utilize reverse circulation drills, typically the drill head is left at
the specified tip and allowed to spin for a certain amount of time. This allows the
airlift built into the drill stem to remove all large and small particles from the
bottom of the drilled hole. Once the drill stem and drill head are removed from the
hole, it may be necessary to remove more fine particles that may have settled out
of the slurry during removal of the drilling equipment. For these settled particles
a separate, smaller airlift or pump is typically used.
The use of temporary casing may be appropriate in certain situations when the
slurry displacement method is used. Temporary casing may be necessary if a dry
loose material stratum or a loose material stratum with flowing groundwater is
encountered during drilling (Figure 9-19). Even drilling slurries with viscosity
values at the allowable maximum limit may not be able to stabilize a drilled hole
in these situations. It may be necessary to place temporary casing only where the
dry loose material strata or the loose material strata with flowing groundwater is
located and use mineral or synthetic drilling slurries to stabilize the remainder of
the drilled hole. Another option is to place – full-length – a temporary casing in
the drilled hole and use the water as the drilling slurry in order to avoid a quick
condition at the bottom of the drilled hole.
Because of the nature of slurry displacement construction, visual inspection of the
drilled shaft is not possible for much of the time. Most of the drilling and concrete
placement is done “in the blind”. As a result, the contract specifications for this
work are quite stringent in an attempt to minimize the risks and to ensure that the
pile has structural and geotechnical integrity. Some of the more critical
requirements of the contract specifications are discussed in the following sections.
contain enough room for the pile bar reinforcement cage, inspection tubes, and the
large concrete delivery tubes. If a contract specifies the use of piles with a
diameter of less than 24 inches, the Contractor may propose to increase the
diameter of the pile to at least 24 inches by the provisions described in Section
49-4.03 of the Standard Specifications if use of the slurry displacement method of
construction is desired. However, the diameter of the pile bar reinforcement cage
would have to be increased from the original size in order to accommodate the
items mentioned above.
Before any pile construction work using the slurry displacement method can
begin, the Contractor shall demonstrate the concrete mix design can meet the
required compressive strength requirements and consistency requirements. This is
accomplished by producing a concrete test batch. The concrete test batch must
demonstrate the proposed concrete mix design achieves the specified nominal
penetration at the time of placement. For piles where the concrete placement
operation is expected to be 2 hours or less, the test batch shall demonstrate that
the proposed concrete mix design achieves either a penetration of at least 2 inches
or a slump of at least 5 inches after twice the time of the proposed concrete
placement operation. For piles where the concrete placement operation is
expected to be longer than 2 hours, the test batch shall demonstrate that the
proposed concrete mix design achieves either a penetration of at least 2 inches or
a slump of at least 5 inches after the time plus 2 hours of the proposed concrete
placement operation. The intent of this specification is to make sure the first load
of concrete placed in the drilled hole will remain sufficiently fluid as it rises to the
top of the pile. The concrete must also have a high fluidity in order to flow
through the pile bar reinforcement cage, compact and consolidate under its own
weight without the use of vibration, and to deliver high lateral stresses on the
sides of the drilled hole in order to keep the drilled hole from collapsing as the
drilling slurry is displaced and the filter cake (in the case of mineral slurries) is
scoured from the sides of the drilled hole by the rising column of concrete. The
concrete test batch and compressive strength requirement give the Engineer and
the Contractor the opportunity to observe how the concrete mix will behave
before it is used.
During pile construction work, the contract specifications require the Contractor
to sample and test the drilling slurry in order to control its physical properties.
The contract specifications also require that each type of drilling slurry be
sampled and tested at different intervals and locations.
For mineral slurries, samples shall be taken from the mixing tank for testing prior
to the mineral slurry’s introduction into the drilled hole. Once the mineral slurry
has been introduced into the drilled hole, the contract specifications require the
mineral slurry to undergo either recirculation or continuous agitation in the drilled
hole. The Contractor must address which method of agitation will be used in the
pile placement plan.
If the recirculation method is used, the contract specifications require the mineral
slurry to be cleaned as it is recirculated. This is done using a slurry plant, which
stores, recirculates, and cleans the mineral slurry. Samples for testing shall be
taken from the slurry plant storage tank and the bottom of the drilled hole. As the
mineral slurry is recirculated and cleaned, samples shall be taken every two hours
for testing until the test values for the samples taken at the two testing locations
are consistent. Once the test samples have consistent test values, the sampling and
testing frequency may be reduced to twice per work shift. As the recirculation and
cleaning process continues, the properties of the mineral slurry will eventually
conform to the specification parameters. Once the test samples have properties
within the specification parameters, the bottom of the drilled hole can be cleaned.
If the continuous agitation in the drilled hole method is used, the contract
specifications do not require the mineral slurry to be physically cleaned. Samples
for testing shall be taken at the mid-height and at the bottom of the drilled hole.
As the mineral slurry is continuously agitated, samples shall be taken every two
hours for testing. If the samples at the two locations do not have consistent test
values, the mineral slurry shall be recirculated. This means that the continuous
agitation in the drilled hole method is failing to keep the suspended particles in
the mineral slurry from settling. This is also an indication that the mineral slurry
is not clean enough to meet the specification parameters. Therefore, the
Contractor is required to abandon this method and use the recirculation method.
However, if the test samples do have consistent test properties within the
specification parameters, the bottom of the drilled hole can be cleaned.
Once the bottom of the drilled hole has been initially cleaned, recirculation or
continuous agitation in the drilled hole may be required to maintain the specified
properties of the mineral slurry. Usually the initial cleaning will stir up the settled
materials at the bottom of the drilled hole, thus requiring the mineral slurry to be
recleaned so it meets the requirements of the contract specifications. Several
iterations may be required before both the mineral slurry and the bottom of the
drilled hole are clean. To verify the cleanliness of the mineral slurry, the contract
specifications require additional samples to be taken for testing. Samples shall be
taken at the mid-height and at the bottom of the drilled hole. Once the test
samples show the mineral slurry’s properties to be within the specification
parameters and there is no settled material on the bottom of the drilled hole, the
last cleaning of the bottom of the drilled hole can be considered to be the final
cleaning. At this point, the pile bar reinforcement cage can be placed. The
contract specifications require that samples for testing be taken just prior to
concrete placement to verify the properties of the mineral slurry. Samples shall be
taken at the mid-height and at the bottom of the drilled hole. If the test samples
have consistent test properties within the specification parameters, concrete may
be placed. Otherwise, additional cleaning of the mineral slurry and removal of
settled materials from the bottom of the drilled hole may be required.
The reason for testing mineral slurries at different levels is to make sure the
mineral slurries are well mixed and have consistent physical properties throughout
the length of the drilled hole. The mineral slurry’s physical properties should be
the same at both locations. This indicates that the mineral slurry is completely
mixed and that any sand or particles contained are in suspension.
For synthetic slurries, sampling for testing shall be conducted before, during, and
after the drilling operation, and as necessary to verify and control the physical
properties of the slurry. Samples shall be taken at the mid-height and at the
bottom of the drilled hole. Once the drilling operation has been completed,
additional samples for testing shall be taken. When the synthetic slurry’s physical
properties are consistent at the two sampling locations and meet the requirements
of the contract specifications, the bottom of the drilled hole can be cleaned.
Once the bottom of the drilled hole has been initially cleaned, further settlement
periods may be required. Usually, the initial cleaning will stir up the settled
materials at the bottom of the drilled hole, thus requiring the synthetic slurry to be
recleaned so it meets the requirements of the contract specifications. Several
iterations may be required before both the synthetic slurry and the bottom of the
drilled hole are clean. To verify the cleanliness of the synthetic slurry, the contract
specifications require additional samples to be taken for testing. Samples shall be
taken at the mid-height and at the bottom of the drilled hole. Once the test
samples show the synthetic slurry’s properties to be within the specification
parameters and there is no settled material on the bottom of the drilled hole, the
last cleaning of the bottom of the drilled hole can be considered to be the final
cleaning. At this point, the pile bar reinforcement cage can be placed. The
contract specifications require that samples for testing be taken just prior to
concrete placement to verify the properties of the synthetic slurry. Samples shall
be taken at the mid-height and at the bottom of the drilled hole. If the test samples
have consistent test properties within the specification parameters, concrete may
The reason for testing synthetic slurries at different levels is to make sure the
synthetic slurries are well mixed and have consistent physical properties
throughout the length of the drilled hole.
The intent of these specifications is to ensure that the drilling slurry is properly
mixed in order to provide stability to the drilled hole and to control the amount of
suspended materials in the drilling slurry that may settle during placement of the
pile bar reinforcement cage and concrete.
During pile construction work, the contract specifications require the installation
of inspection tubes at specific intervals around the perimeter of the pile bar
reinforcement cage. This is necessary to provide access for acceptance testing.
During pile construction work, the contract specifications require that concrete
shall be placed through rigid tremie tubes with a minimum diameter of 10 inches
or through rigid pump tubes. The tubes are required to be capped or plugged with
watertight plugs that will disengage once the tubes are charged with concrete. The
tip of the concrete placement tube is required to be located a minimum of 10 feet
below the rising head of concrete.
The concrete placement operation for a CIDH pile constructed under drilling
slurry is an operation that requires much preplanning. Before the work begins, the
contract specifications require the concrete mix design to meet the trial batch
requirements for compressive strength concrete. These requirements are described
in the contract special provisions. The concrete mix must contain at least 675
pounds of cementitious material per cubic yard. It is also important to compare
the maximum aggregate size in the concrete mix design to the bar reinforcement
spacing. The bar spacing should be no less than five (5) times the maximum
aggregate size and preferably larger than five (5) inches. The Project Designer
should be contacted if this is not the case. A concrete test batch is also required to
show the concrete mix design meets the consistency requirements of the contract
specifications. The concrete consistency requirements are to ensure that the
concrete will remain fluid throughout the length of the pour. The Engineer shall
not allow the Contractor to exceed the maximum allowable water requirement to
achieve this goal. Chemical admixtures will most likely be necessary. It is also
important for the concrete mix to be properly proportioned to prevent excess
bleed water due to the high fluidity of the concrete.
Once the pour has started, it is important to place the concrete at a high rate until
the tip of the placement tube is embedded in the concrete. If concrete placement
operations slow or stop before the tip of the placement tube is embedded in
concrete, there is nothing to prevent the intrusion of drilling slurry into the
placement tube. If this happens, the likely result will be a defect at the tip of the
When concrete placement begins, the tip of the concrete placement tube shall not
be raised from 6 inches above the bottom of the drilled hole until a minimum of
10 feet of concrete has been placed in the pile. After this level is reached, the tip
of the concrete placement tube shall be maintained at a minimum of 10 feet below
the rising head of concrete. The best way to verify that the tip of the concrete
placement tube is being maintained at this is for the Contractor to mark intervals
of known distance on the placement tube and to measure the distance from the top
of the pile to the rising head of concrete with a weighted tape measure.
If for some reason concrete placement is interrupted such that the placement tube
must be removed from the concrete, the placement tube should be cleaned,
capped, and pushed at least 10 feet into the concrete head before restarting
concrete placement. Concrete placement continues in this manner until the rising
head of concrete reaches the top of the pile. Concrete is then wasted until all
traces of particle settlement and drilling slurry contamination are no longer
Vibration of the pile concrete is not necessary because concrete with high fluidity
self-consolidates under the high hydrostatic pressure provided.
The reader is advised to review this section in Chapter 6 of this manual. All
inspection and contract administration information listed therein, with the
exception of items that are precluded by the presence of slurry in the drilled hole,
are applicable to CIDH piles constructed using the slurry displacement method.
This section outlines the additional requirements for CIDH piles constructed using
the slurry displacement method.
In order to facilitate pile testing, the contract specifications require the installation
of inspection tubes (Figure 9-20). Before the cage is placed in the drilled hole,
the Engineer should verify that these tubes are installed inside the spiral or hoop
reinforcement and are at least 3 inches away from the vertical reinforcement of
the pile bar reinforcement cage. Figure 9-21 shows a typical inspection tube
layout and spacing pattern within the pile bar reinforcement cage. These tubes
must be placed in a straight alignment, securely fastened in place, and be
watertight. These tubes permit the insertion of a Gamma-Gamma Logging test
probe that measures the density of the pile concrete. The most commonly used
test probe is 1.25 inches in diameter and 54 inches in length. If the inspection
tubes are not placed in a straight alignment or are not securely fastened, the test
probe will not fit in the inspection tube. One way of testing the tube would be to
try to deflect it by hand. If it can be deflected by hand, it may be deflected by the
placement of concrete. It is also recommended that the Contractor install a rigid
rod in each inspection tube prior to concrete placement to ensure that the
inspection tubes remain straight during and after concrete placement. . Inspection
tubes need to be filled with water prior to the start of concrete placement. The
reason for this is to prevent the inspection tube from separating from the pile
concrete (debonding) or overheating during the curing process. This helps keep
the inspection tube intact so that it can be used for crosshole sonic logging at a
later point if necessary. Once the inspection tube has separated or had airspace
created between it and the pile concrete, crosshole sonic logging can no longer be
performed because the airspace registers as an anomaly.
The specifications also require the Contractor to log the locations of any
inspection tube couplers and submit the log to the Engineer. This is necessary
because inspection tube couplers show up as areas of lower density when a
gamma ray scattering test is performed. Testing personnel can ignore these areas
if they are aware of the coupler locations.
The Engineer shall notify the Foundation Testing Branch, Office of Geotechnical
Support and Geotechnical Services as soon as the proposed pile concrete
placement date is known, in accordance with the provisions of Bridge
During drilling operations, the Engineer should monitor the height of the slurry in
the drilled hole to verify that positive hydrostatic pressure is being maintained on
the sides of the drilled hole.
Prior to placement of concrete, the Engineer should verify the properties of the
slurry are within the specification requirements and that the bottom of the drilled
hole is clean in accordance with the provisions of the approved Pile Placement
Plan. This is very important because settled materials left at the bottom of the pile
cause over 50% of all pile defects.
The contract specifications state that the Gamma-Gamma Logging (GGL) method
of testing piles constructed using the slurry displacement method will be used to
determine acceptance of the pile, in accordance with the provisions of California
Test Method 233.
The contract specifications also state that crosshole sonic logging or other means
of inspection may be used to perform acceptance testing. Typically, crosshole
sonic logging or other means of inspection are used to complement the results of
the Gamma-Gamma Logging (GGL) test and are only performed after gamma ray
scattering testing has been performed and the pile has been rejected.
All test methods used to accept CIDH piles constructed under slurry are
performed by Caltrans personnel from the Foundation Testing Branch, Office of
Geotechnical Support, Geotechnical Services, or by consultant personnel under the
auspices of the Foundation Testing Branch. The results of such testing, which
include a recommendation of acceptance or rejection of the pile, are reported to
the Engineer in writing. An example of these results can be found in Appendix G.
The Engineer has the responsibility for accepting or rejecting a pile based on the
recommendations of the Foundation Testing Branch. If the pile is accepted, the
inspection tubes may be cleaned and grouted, and the pile is complete.
Defective Piles
What causes piles constructed by the slurry displacement method to be defective?
One of the primary reasons for pile defects is a problem caused by the presence of
settled materials at the bottom of the drilled hole. These are materials that were
held in suspension by the drilling slurry that settled out of suspension either
before or during the concrete placement operation. These materials can also be the
result of improper cleaning of the base of the drilled hole. These materials can be
trapped at the bottom of the pile by concrete placement as shown in Figure 9-
23(a) or they can be enveloped and lifted by the fluid concrete only to become
caught by the pile bar reinforcement cage or against the sides of the drilled hole
and not be displaced by the fluid concrete as shown on Figure 9-23(b). These
materials can also fall out of suspension and settle onto the head of concrete
during concrete placement, become enveloped by the concrete, and attach to the
pile bar reinforcement cage or the sides of the drilled hole as previously
described. These deposits will register on the pile testing results as areas of lower
density than that of sound concrete. Excessive amounts of settled materials can
occur in mineral slurries that were not properly cleaned or agitated and carry
inordinate amounts of suspended materials. Excessive amounts of settled
materials can occur in synthetic slurries when not enough time is allowed for the
materials to settle out before the final cleaning of the bottom of the drilled hole or
if the synthetic slurry becomes contaminated from clay-particle encapsulation.
Another reason for pile defects is due to improper drilling slurry handling. If
mineral slurries are not properly mixed and are not allowed to properly hydrate,
they can form balls or clumps that can become attached to the pile bar
reinforcement cage and not be removed by concrete placement as is shown in
Figure 9-24. Mineral slurries that remain in the drilled hole for too long can form
a filter cake that is too thick for the fluid concrete to scour off the sides of the
drilled hole as is shown in Figure 9-25. Mineral and synthetic slurries that carry
an excessive load of suspended materials can be subject to precipitation if an
unexpected chemical reaction takes place. This is possible if the concrete is
dropped through the drilling slurry.
A third reason for pile defects is concrete mix design and placement problems.
The most common defect of this type occurs when an insufficient amount of
slurry-contaminated concrete is wasted from the top of the pile during concrete
placement, resulting in a defective pile top. To avoid this type of defect, it is
recommended that the volume of concrete to a depth of one pile diameter within
the pile be wasted. A less common defect can occur when the seal between the
head of concrete and the drilling slurry is lost. This is because entrapment of
drilling slurry within the concrete is almost inevitable under this circumstance
(Figure 9-26). If the concrete placement tube loses its seal and allows concrete
from the placement tube to drop through the drilling slurry onto the head of
concrete, the drilling slurry and any settled material on the head of concrete could
be trapped between the concrete layers, causing a pile defect. Typically this
occurs when the concrete placement tube is removed too rapidly and pulled out of
the concrete head. Another less common defect can occur if the concrete head
begins to set, resulting in the concrete “folding” over as it rises through the pile
bar reinforcement cage and entrapping drilling slurry and any settled materials as
previously described. Yet another type of pile defect can result due to concrete
mix design problems. The Engineer should not permit the use of excess water in
the concrete mix design or allow additional water to be mixed with the concrete at
the jobsite to provide the necessary fluidity. This may result in severe bleed water
from the concrete after placement, which could indicate segregation and
subsidence of the pile concrete. This may cause the entire pile to be defective. If
excess free water in the concrete is present when synthetic slurries are used, the
excess free water will attract the polymer chains from the drilling slurry into the
concrete and produce a material contaminant known as oatmeal at the concrete-
slurry interface. This material can potentially be caught on the pile bar
reinforcement cage and cause pile defects.
These types of problems can be avoided if the Contractor and the Engineer
closely follow the parameters specified in the contract specifications. These
specifications help to ensure the proper mixing and properties of drilling slurries,
the proper qualities of the concrete mix design, and the proper methods of
concrete placement.
If the Foundation Testing Branch recommends rejection of the pile and the
Engineer rejects the pile, the Contractor shall be informed in writing that the pile
is rejected and given a copy of the test results. The contract specifications also
require that the placement of concrete under drilling slurry be suspended until
written modifications to the method of pile construction are submitted to and
approved by the Engineer. This is to prevent additional failures due to the method
of pile construction.
Once a pile has been rejected, the Contractor has several options. The defect can
be accessed and repaired, the pile can be supplemented, the pile can be replaced,
or the Contractor may propose a solution that allows the pile to remain in place.
The Contractor’s proposal is submitted to the Engineer in the form of a Pile
Mitigation Plan. For whatever solution the Contractor proposes, additional
investigation will be necessary to determine the nature and extent of the defect.
When a pile has been rejected, the Engineer should confer with the Foundation
Testing Branch and decide if the Foundation Testing Branch will perform
crosshole sonic logging on the rejected pile. Crosshole sonic logging is used to
further delineate the nature of the defective area within the rejected pile.
Generally, this test method is used to determine whether the defective area is
within the core of the pile or at the perimeter surrounding the bar reinforcement
cage. If crosshole sonic logging is performed, the results of this test should be
made available to the Contractor to aid in the preparation of their Pile Mitigation
The Contractor may also perform an investigation on the rejected pile. They may
perform their own non-destructive testing or may core the pile to further
determine the nature of the defective area of the rejected pile. The Contractor
should submit the results of their investigation to the Engineer and use the results
of their investigation in preparation of their Pile Mitigation Plan.
There are several ways to mitigate a pile once it has been determined to have
anomalies and been rejected. The pile can be repaired, replaced or supplemented
in some way. The following sub-sections address how to take corrective action
on a rejected pile.
Basic Repair
pile defects caused by not wasting enough concrete from the top of the pile
during concrete placement. However, basic repairs can be performed deeper
down the length of the pile, provided shoring is in place to permit access to
the defect. Should the Contractor propose a basic repair below 5 feet from the
top of the pile, the Engineer shall consult with the Project Geotechnical
Professional to assess the effect of accessing the defect upon the skin friction
capacity of the pile.
Grouting Repair
Grouting repairs are used to mitigate defective concrete within the pile. These
repairs can be performed at any location within the pile, but are generally not
performed within 5 feet of the top of the pile, since it is more effective to use a
basic repair at this location. Grouting repairs are performed using three types
of grouting procedures: (1) permeation grouting, (2) replacement grouting, or
(3) compaction grouting.
Water flow testing is used to assess the nature of the defective area and
determine whether permeation or replacement grouting is appropriate. If
water can be injected into a defective area at low pressure and relatively high
volume, then permeation grouting may be the appropriate grouting repair
technique. If the defective area is large enough and permeable,
communication with other inspection tubes may be observed, meaning the
water injected into one inspection tube may return to the ground surface
through adjacent inspection tubes. Water may also flow into the soil
formation if the defective area extends to the edge of the pile concrete.
However, if water cannot be injected into a defective area, replacement
grouting may be the appropriate grouting repair technique. This is an
indicator that the defective area is contained within the pile concrete and the
concrete surrounding the defective area is sound.
Once water flow testing has been conducted, the Contractor will typically
flush the defective area using low pressure flowing water to remove any
remaining loose material. The Contractor may then use a down-hole camera
or other means to verify loose materials were adequately removed from the
defective area.
Permeation Grouting. Typically used to repair a “soft tip” within the pile
concrete, to increase frictional resistance along the side of the pile, or to
address corrosion issues at the side of the pile. Usually, permeation grouting
is used to repair defects caused by excessive settled materials not removed
from the bottom of the drilled hole prior to concrete placement. First, the
inspection tube is removed at the location of the defective area. Then the area
is washed with high-pressure water jets to remove any contaminants and loose
materials. The discharge from the washing operation is evaluated. Generally,
permeation grouting is recommended only if soil is present in the washing
discharge or water flow testing verifies the permeability of defective area.
High-pressure grout injection is performed, usually through one of the
inspection tubes, with the grout permeating the soil or concrete formation,
displacing any pore water that may be present, resulting in a solid matrix of
cement grout and defective concrete or soil. Permeation grouting is only
successful if the pore water present in the formation can be forced out by the
grout, meaning that the pore water must be able to escape into the adjacent
soil or through an adjacent inspection tube. For this reason, permeation
grouting is not recommended for repair of defects completely within the pile.
the void area includes the side or bottom of the drilled hole, replacement
grouting generally cannot be used to repair the pile defect.
Depending on the nature and number of defective areas within the pile, one or
more of the grouting procedures described above may be required.
Occasionally, piles can be so riddled with defects that repair of the pile is not
feasible. In this case, supplemental piles or pile replacement may be required. If
space exists, the Contractor may propose to place supplemental piles to enhance
the load-bearing capacity of the defective pile. If there is no space available for
supplemental piles, the Contractor may be required to remove the defective pile
and replace it.
Once a pile is rejected, the contract specifications require the Contractor to submit
a Pile Mitigation Plan for review and approval. A Pile Mitigation Plan is required
for any type of repair proposed by the Contractor, or when supplemental or
replacement piling is necessary.
1 Arranging for acceptance testing with the Foundation Testing Branch. Based on the
results of acceptance testing, accept or reject the pile and notify the Contractor in
writing and supply the Contractor with a copy of the test results.
2 Once the pile has been rejected, determine in consultation with the Foundation
Testing Branch whether additional acceptance testing will be performed. If
additional acceptance testing is performed, notify the Contractor in writing and
supply the Contractor with a copy of the test results.
3a Discuss whether the pile requires mitigation for structural, geotechnical, or corrosion
reasons with the Project Designer, the Project Geotechnical Professional, or the
Corrosion Engineer. If the pile requires mitigation, use the Pile Design Data form
provided with the test results to collect design information on what the capacity of
the repaired pile needs to be. If the pile requires mitigation, discuss with the Project
Designer, the Project Geotechnical Professional, and the Corrosion Engineer and
come to a consensus on whether the pile can be repaired or must be supplemented or
3b If the results of the discussion described in Item 3a determine that mitigation is not
required, notify the Contractor in writing that mitigation is not required. Per the
contract specifications, the Contractor can either mitigate the pile or accept an
administrative deduction for the pile as described in the contract specifications.
4 If the pile requires mitigation, schedule and conduct a Repair Feasibility meeting
with the Contractor as described in the contract specifications.
5 Upon receipt of the Contractor’s Pile Mitigation Plan, review the plan to ensure that
it includes all of the requirements listed in the contract specifications. If the plan
does not include all of the requirements, return the plan to the Contractor for
resubmittal. Once the Contractor submits a Pile Mitigation Plan that includes all of
the requirements listed in the contract specifications, send the plan to the DES Pile
Mitigation Plan Review Committee for technical review.
6 Upon the recommendation of the DES Pile Mitigation Plan Review Committee,
either return the Pile Mitigation Plan to the Contractor for resubmittal or approve the
Pile Mitigation Plan.
The Contractor is responsible for developing and submitting the Pile Mitigation
Plan to the Engineer for review and approval. The Contractor develops the plan
using the acceptance testing results and the Pile Design Data forms provided by
the Engineer, and in accordance with the outcome of the Repair Feasibility
Meeting. Pile Mitigation Plans must contain the following information:
To aid the Engineer, a copy of these Caltrans approved, standard mitigation plans
can be obtained by contacting the Offices of Structure Construction in
Sacramento or accessing its intranet website at
The DES Pile Mitigation Plan Review Committee is responsible for the
1 Provide advice to the Engineer, Project Designer, Project Geotechnical
Professional, and the Corrosion Engineer regarding pile mitigation procedures
and methods.
2 Provide a technical review of the Pile Mitigation Plan submitted by the Engineer.
Advise the Engineer in writing whether the Pile Mitigation Plan should be
approved or needs to be returned to the Contractor for correction and resubmittal.
Once all responsibilities of completion and review of the Pile Mitigation Plan
have been completed, the Engineer approves the Pile Mitigation Plan.
After approval of the Pile Mitigation Plan, the Contractor can proceed with the
work of mitigating the pile in the field.
Personnel involved with the pile mitigation work and inspection of the pile
mitigation work should be thoroughly familiar with the details of the approved
Pile Mitigation Plan. Evaluation of the acceptability of the pile mitigation work is
dependent upon whether the procedures described in the approved Pile Mitigation
Plan were followed.
A good Pile Mitigation Plan will allow for alternatives should the initial
procedure not work. For example, if it is determined during the pile mitigation
work that replacement grouting is no longer appropriate because soil was
encountered in the flushing discharge, the Pile Mitigation Plan should allow an
alternative for permeation grouting. Occasionally, actual conditions in the field
determine that grouting repair is no longer appropriate and the whole mitigation
effort may have to be abandoned and a revised Pile Mitigation Plan submitted for
For grouting repairs, the Contractor should monitor and record observations of
inspection tube removal, the nature of the discharge from the washing operation,
the pressure and flow rate of water flow testing, photos or video from the down-
hole camera, and the volumes and pressures of grout placement.
For grouting repairs, the Engineer should be present to monitor the results of
inspection tube removal, assessment of the defective area of the pile, all flushing
operations, and any grouting repair work performed.
For Basic repairs, the Engineer should be present to verify the Contractor only
removes the soil for which removal has been approved in the Pile Mitigation Plan.
The Engineer should also verify the Contractor has removed all contaminated or
deleterious materials from the defective area of the pile. Finally, the Engineer
should verify the Contractor replaces the soil around the repaired pile as
prescribed in the approved Pile Mitigation Plan.
Procedures For Approving the Pile Mitigation Work Performed in the Field
and Pile Acceptance
The approved Pile Mitigation Plan addresses how the pile mitigation work will be
accepted. Generally, the pile can be accepted if the mitigation work is performed
in accordance with the provisions of the approved Pile Mitigation Plan. However,
there are circumstances when the pile must be retested. Procedures for access for
retesting are provided in the approved Pile Mitigation Plan.
For all types of pile mitigation, once the mitigation work is complete, the
Contractor is required to submit a Mitigation Report to the Engineer for review
and approval. The Mitigation Report should contain information on the
Contractor’s observations recorded during the mitigation work, including grout
volumes and pressures if a grouting repair was performed. It is especially
important that any deviations from the approved Pile Mitigation Plan be included
in the Mitigation Report. This is necessary so the Engineer can determine
whether the deviations resulted in an effective repair. The results of any retesting
should also be included in the Mitigation Report.
Once the pile mitigation work is accepted, any remaining open inspection tubes
are grouted and the pile can be accepted.
Safety concerns to be considered during the construction of CIDH piles by the
slurry displacement method are similar to those to be considered when CIDH
piles are constructed by ordinary means. For specific information, refer to Chapter
6 of this manual. However, there is one additional item that requires further
attention; and that is the drilling slurry itself.
For CIDH piles over 20 feet in depth and 30 inches in diameter, Cal-OSHA
Mining and Tunneling Safety Orders apply. Construction Procedure Directive
CPD 04-6 addresses this and is included in Appendix B.
10 Pier Columns
Pier columns are an extension of the pier to a planned elevation in bedrock
material and are usually the same size, or slightly larger, than the pier. They are
ideally suited to canyons or hillside areas where there are limitations on the usual
footing foundations, i.e., the need for approximately level topography and level
underlying stratum. Footing foundations constructed in steep slopes are very
costly because of the tremendous amount of excavation required.
Pier columns are primarily a Cast-In-Drilled-Hole (CIDH) pile, except the means
of excavation is something other than the conventional drilling method. The
following is taken from Caltrans Memo to Designers, December 2000, Section 3-1
Deep Foundations, “Pier Columns” on page 6:
As mentioned above, pier columns are primarily CIDH piles, but pier columns
will have contract pay items for structure excavation and structure concrete. Pier
columns can also be referred to as pile shafts. Caltrans outlines the design of pier
columns in Bridge Design Aids (BDA), April 2005, “Pile Shaft Design” Chapter
12. Also, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has useful information on
drilled shafts.
The special provisions will contain a great deal of information regarding pier
columns and should be reviewed along with the contract plans and Standard
Specifications prior to the start of work. Construction of pier columns is an
excellent topic for the preconstruction conference, especially in regard to safety
and excavation plans.
Almost all pier columns will have neat line excavation limits specified on the
contract plans. Any excavation outside these neat lines shall be filled with
concrete. The Contractor should be reminded of this requirement prior to the start
of work. It should also be pointed out that care must be used in constructing the
access road and/or work area around the pier columns(s) so that these excavations
do not extend below the top of the neat line areas. The contract plans will also
specify no splice zones and ultimate splice zones for the main column
reinforcement and for the main pile reinforcement. It is very important that the
Contractor adheres to the rebar splice requirements.
Construction Methods
Methods and equipment used for construction of pier columns are dictated by
several major factors. Among them is access to the work area, which is
determined by the topography, and adjacent facilities such as existing structures,
roads, and streambeds, and also by the type of equipment required to do the work.
The cross sectional area of the pier shaft, depth of excavation, and the nature and
stability of the material to be excavated are other major factors affecting the
method and type of equipment to be used.
The above factors will vary significantly from project to project. Hence, there is a
wide variation in construction methods and equipment used by contractors on
different projects. Methods that have been used in the past include using a hoe-
ram, jackhammer, or Cryderman (“shaft mucker”). Others have used chemical
rock splitting. The most common method used is blasting with explosives.
Rotators and oscillators are somewhat new to the Department and may also be
used to perform this work. For additional information on these tools refer to
Chapter 6 of this Manual.
One of the first orders of work, after access roads are constructed to the pier site,
is to establish survey control points. These points should be placed so that they
not only provide control during excavation operations, but also can also be used
for pier construction.
Typically, the first phase of a pier column excavation operation with blasting
utilizes a line drill along the perimeter of the shaft to create holes along the neat
line dimensions of the excavation (the Contractor may elect to line drill slightly
outside the neat line dimensions). A line drill is an air-track compressor type drill
rig that uses 2-1/2 to 5 inch diameter drill bits in 20-foot lengths. The holes are
usually drilled on 12-inch centers with additional holes placed inside the
perimeter if needed. The holes are then blown out and filled with sand or pea
gravel to facilitate blasting at different levels. Next, blasting mats, tires, dirt, etc.
is placed to protect existing facilities from flyrock. A galvanometer should be
used to check for shorts in the wiring prior to blasting. After the blasting is
completed, the Contractor removes the loose material. Blasting and excavation
usually occur in stages until reaching the bottom pier column elevation.
Handwork to some degree is required at the bottom of all pier columns.
Problem Areas
Because of the wide range of variables associated with pier columns, different
problems can be expected with each project. Listed below are items common to
most projects. All represent potential problems that must be addressed in order to
successfully install pier columns.
Extreme caution is absolutely necessary in order to protect not only personnel
working in the area, but the general public as well, since the potential for serious
injury is ever present.
Safety railing and barriers must be erected near the shaft perimeter and adequate
protection must be provided for personnel working inside the shaft. Workers
must wear full body harness and be tied off when working adjacent to the shaft
perimeter. Crane lifting plans may be required when erecting rebar cages and
column forms. Guy wire plans will be required for supporting column forms and
column reinforcement. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are needed when
slurries are used. Also, traffic handling plans and lanes closures may be required
when constructing pier columns.
Tiebacks, Tiedowns,
11 & Soil Nails
Chapter 2 “Type Selection” classifies tiebacks and tiedowns as special case
foundations. They are used for earth retaining structures where it is not feasible
to excavate and construct a footing foundation or pile cap for a conventional
retaining wall. Tiedowns, sometimes referred to as Tension Piles, are used
generally for seismic retrofitting or existing footings where uplift and overturning
must be prevented.
Tiebacks are used in both temporary and permanent structures. The use of
tiebacks with sheet pile or soldier beam shoring permits taller walls and deeper
excavations than are possible with cantilever type construction—up to 35 feet or
so depending on soil properties versus 15 feet for cantilever construction. Walls
can be built much higher than 35 feet by using high strength sheet pile or soldier
beams with multiple rows, or tiers, of tiebacks.
Tiebacks are constructed by drilling holes at a slight angle (15 degrees) off the
horizontal axis. Afterwards a special prestressing system is installed and the tip
portion, known as the bonded length, is grouted. The bonded length acts as an
anchorage by distributing the prestressing force to the surrounding soil. The
unbonded end is secured with an anchor head. Refer to Figure 11-1.
Prestressing Steel – This transfers load from the wall reaction to the anchor zone and is
Support Member generally a prestress rod or strand.
Bond Length The portion of prestressing steel fixed in the primary grout bulb through
which load is transferred to the surrounding soil or rock. Also known as
Specifications for tieback anchors are generally found in the contract special
provisions. Tieback anchors shall be installed in accordance with the
manufacturer’s recommendations. In case of a conflict between the
manufacturer’s recommendations and the special provisions, the special
provisions shall prevail.
The record of readings from the Performance and Proof tests performed to verify
the adequacy of the system shall be documented by the Contractor and provided
to the Engineer. Structure Construction field personnel shall witness all
performance and proof testing of the tiebacks.
Sequence of Construction
1 Drill the holes to the required length and diameter.
2 Install the prestressing steel unit. (Strands or Bar)
3 Place primary grout.
4 Complete Performance and Proof Tests (refer to section on testing later in this
5 Lock-off and stress.
6 Place secondary grout.
Note: Each step must comply with the contract specifications before proceeding
to the next step.
Tieback systems use powerful hydraulic rams to prestress or post tension the
system. The premise is the same as what is done to in prestressed bridges.
Structure Construction employees should not stand behind the hydraulic ram or
cross it while stressing is taking place. The Prestressing Manual and the OSC
Code of Safe Practices should be consulted for additional safety considerations.
Tiedown anchors, or tiedowns, are similar to tiebacks although they act in the
vertical plane. They can be used where site conditions do not allow traditional
piles to achieve the necessary tensile capacity. For example, where rock exists
close to the ground surface (or scour elevation), piles driven to refusal may be too
short to develop sufficient skin friction to resist uplift or tensile loads required by
the design. Tiedowns are especially effective when combined with spread
footings sitting directly on rock, or as part of a seismic retrofit strategy to add
uplift capacity to a footing.
The Contractor is responsible for providing the tiedown anchor system that
conforms to the design requirements shown on the plans and the testing
requirements specified in the contract documents. The option of choosing which
system to be installed is left to the Contractor. After selecting a tiedown system,
the Contractor sends the shop drawings and calculations to the Office of Structure
Design, Documents Unit, in Sacramento for distribution, review, and approval
similar to the process outlined above for tiebacks.
The record of readings from the Performance and Proof tests shall be documented
by the Contractor and provided to the Engineer. Structure Construction field
personnel shall witness all performance and proof testing of the tiebacks.
Specifications for tiedown anchors are generally found in the contract Special
Provisions. Tiedown anchors shall be installed in accordance with the
manufacturer’s recommendations. In the case of a conflict between the
Sequence of Construction
1 Drill the hole the required depth and diameter.
2 Install the prestressing strands or bar.
3 Place primary grout.
4 Complete Performance and Proof Tests (refer to section on testing later in
this chapter).
5 Lock-off and stress.
6 Place secondary grout.
Note: Each step must comply with the specifications before proceeding to the next
Performance Tests
Proof Tests
A proof test involves incrementally loading a production anchor to verify that the
design capacity can be safely carried and that the free length is as specified. The
proof test is a single cycle test where the load is applied in increments until the
specified maximum load value (150% of the design load) is reached. Each load
shall be applied in less than one minute and held constant for at least one minute
but not more than two minutes.
The special provisions outline an acceptance criteria for these tests, however a
performance tested or proof tested tieback which fails to meet the second criterion
will be acceptable if the maximum load is held for 60 minutes and the creep curve
plotted from the movement data indicates a creep rate of less than 0.08—inch for
the last log cycle of time.
1 Mill certs should be provided for the steel tendons.
a) Check the steel for damage.
b) Ensure that grease completely fills the free length plastic tube.
c) Securely tape the bottom of the free length.
d) Compare the actual free length dimensions versus the dimension specified.
2 Double corrosion protection anchors should be completely fabricated before being
delivered to the job site. Bar anchors are installed full-length into the hole. Record
the actual free and bond length for each installed anchor.
3 Tendons shall be equipped with centralizers. These centralizer devices are
absolutely necessary to center the tendon in the hole and to prevent the tendon from
laying on the side of the hole where incomplete grout cover will cause loss of
capacity and future corrosion.
4 Grout tubes are frequently tied to the tendon before inserting in the hole. This helps
to ensure that there are no voids in the grout.
5 Testing – check to ensure the tendon is concentrically located in the center hole
jack and load cell before testing begins. Poor alignment of the testing apparatus
will cause eccentric loading on the load cell and jack, which will give erroneous
readings. Deflections at the anchor head should be measured with a dial gauge.
Soil Nails
Soil nailing is a technique used to reinforce and strengthen an existing
embankment (Figure 11-3). It can also be used to reinforce excavations to allow
steeper cuts and or deeper excavations. The fundamental concept is that soil can
be effectively reinforced by installing closely spaced grouted steel bars, or
“nails”, into a slope or excavation as construction proceeds from the original
ground to the bottom of the excavation or from the top down. Unlike tiebacks,
the soil nail bars are not tensioned when they are installed and are grouted along
the entire length of the nail. They are forced into tension as the ground deforms
laterally in response to the loss of support caused by the excavation. The grouted
nails increase the shear strength of the overall soil mass and limit displacement
during and after excavation. Soil nails are bonded along their full length and are
not constructed with a permanent unbonded length, as are tieback anchors. A
typical soil nail is shown in Figure 11-4.
1 Temporary and permanent walls for building excavations.
2 Cut slope retention for roadway widening and depressed roadways.
3 Bridge abutments – addition of traffic lanes by removing end slopes from
in front of existing bridge abutments.
4 Slope stabilization.
5 Repair or reconstruction of existing structures.
Sequence of Construction
1 Excavate a vertical cut to the elevation of the soil nails.
2 Drill the hole for the nail.
3 Install and grout the soil nail tendon.
4 Place the geocomposite drain strips, the initial shotcrete layer, and install the
bearing plates and nuts.
5 Repeat process to final grade.
6 Place the final facing (for permanent walls).
Engineer’s Responsibility
The Structure Representative shall ensure that the soil nail wall is being built in
accordance with the contract documents. The Department is responsible for
reviewing and approving the shop drawings and construction details. The review
process is similar to that of tiebacks and tiedowns. One important difference
between tieback designs and those of soil nails is that of design responsibility.
Tiebacks have a grouted length that is designed or determined by the contractor
while soil nail walls do not; they are grouted full length.
Prior to construction, the planned alignment, depth, and layout of the soil nails
shall be checked in the field for any possible discrepancies. As with any work
involving soils or rock, good daily diaries and records must be maintained of all
field activities.
A good reference for field inspectors is the Soil Nailing Field Inspectors Manual -
Soil Nail Walls – Demonstration Project 103, Publication No. FHWA-SA-93-068,
Federal Highway Adminstration, U. S. Department of Transportation, 1994, by
James A. Porterfield, David M. Cotton, R. John Byrne.
Contractor’s Responsibility
The Contractor is responsible for constructing the soil nail wall in accordance
with the contract documents. The Contractor is also responsible for submitting
complete details of the materials, procedures, sequences, and proposed equipment
to be used for constructing the soil nail assemblies and for constructing and
testing the test soil nail assemblies. The Contractor shall furnish a complete test
result to the Engineer for each soil nail assembly tested.
Verification Nails
Verification nails, sometimes referred to as test nails, are not production nails and
are meant to be “sacrificial”. They are installed in the same manner as production
nails but have an area that is not grouted or bonded. Verification tests should be
performed before excavation is continued below the level of the test nail. Once
the test is performed, the remainder of the drilled hole is filled with grout. The
location of test nails is determined by the Project Engineer and shown on the
plans. Refer to Figure 11-5 for a test nail detail.
Verification testing has two criteria the first is a creep test and the second is a
maximum load test. They involve incrementally loading the test soil nail
assembly to its design load, holding it for an hour and loading the nail to 150% of
the design load. Movement of the soil nail end shall be measured and recorded to
the nearest 0.001 inch at each increment of load, including the ending alignment
load, relative to an independent fixed reference point. The Special Provisions will
outline acceptance criteria for the verification nails. The nails need to fulfill these
criteria before moving forward with construction of the rest of the wall. Should
the nails not meet the criteria, additional tests may be necessary. The nails may
fail due to constructability issues or insufficient length. In any case, additional
performance tests will be required. The Contractor will need to provide a log of
test borings of the material removed from the holes for the additional performance
test nails. This information should be provided to the Project Engineer and
Geoprofessional to help resolve this issue.
Proof Testing
Proof testing is performed on production nails that are shown on the plans. In
addition the Special Provision will indicate a specific number of proof tests to be
performed at locations identified by the Engineer in the field. The testing means
and methods as well as the acceptance criteria for these tests are different than
those for performance tests and are outlined in the Special Provisions.
Supplemental Testing
The soil nail wall should be monitored during construction for movement and for
signs of failure. Occasionally, poor material will be encountered as the
excavation continues downward. This differing condition may require a change
to the plans or safety provisions in the construction method.
Personnel working around soil nail operations must wear the required Personal
Protection Equipment (PPE) to include eye protection and ear plugs.
A cofferdam is a retaining structure, usually temporary in nature, which is used to
retain water and support the sides of excavations where water is present. These
structures generally consist of: (1) vertical sheet piling, (2) a bracing system
composed of wales, struts or tiebacks, and (3) a bottom seal course to keep water
from piping up into the excavation or to prevent heave in the soil. Cofferdams
differ from braced excavations or shoring in that they are designed to control the
intrusion of water from a waterway and/or the ground.
A seal course is a concrete slab poured under tremie to block the intrusion of
water into the bottom of an excavation. The limits of the cofferdam are the limits
of the seal course and the thickness is calculated to address engineering
considerations such as pressures from differential hydrostatic head at the bottom
of footing elevation.
“Tongue and groove” sheet piling is also used. This is made from a single piece
of timber that is cut at the mill with a tongue and groove shape.
Precast concrete sheet piles are normally used in situations where these members
are going to be incorporated into the final structure or are going to remain in place
after they fulfill their purpose. The Department does not normally encounter pre-
cast concrete sheet piling in structure work. However, it is usually made in the
form of a tongue and groove section; they vary in width from 18 to 24 inches and
in thickness from 8 to 24 inches. They are reinforced with vertical reinforcing
steel bars and hoops in much the same way that is done with precast concrete
bearing piles. This type of sheeting is not perfectly watertight; however the
spaces between the piles can be grouted to try to address this.
In order to provide a more watertight precast concrete sheet pile, two halves of a
straight steel web sheet pile, which has been split in half longitudinally, are cast
into the concrete pile during fabrication.
Steel sheet piling is most commonly used in the field. It is available in a number
of different sizes and shapes. The shape provides bending strength and each end
is fabricated with an interlock (connection between sheets) that provides
alignment and interconnectivity between sheets. Each steel company that
manufactures sheet piling has its own shape and form of interlock. The simplest
shape is known as the “straight-web”. These are made in various widths ranging
from about 15 to 20 inches. The web thickness varies from about 3/8 to 1/2 inch.
The straight-web sheet piling is comparatively flexible and it requires a
considerable amount of bracing in deeper excavations where lateral loads from
waterways and soils are large.
The choice of the type of steel sheet pile to be used on a given job depends largely
on the kind of service in which it will be used. The straight-web is comparatively
flexible so it requires a considerable amount of bracing to resist large lateral loads
in excavations. However, its cross section allows it be used in locations where
space is an issue and where a deep-arch or Z-Section will not fit in between the
excavation limits and an obstruction or Right-of-Way line.
The composition of the bracing system inside the cofferdam will depend upon the
forces that system must resist, the availability of materials, and the costs
connected with the system. Tiebacks, sometimes prestressed, can be used in large
land cofferdams where a system of cross bracing is impractical.
Cofferdams in waterways are typically excavated with a submerged clamshell
bucket, with the excavation elevations being checked by sounding. In the case of
pile foundations, it is often advisable to over-excavate a predetermined amount to
compensate for possible heave of the foundation material caused by driving piles;
To ensure the stability of the excavation, a seal course is used to control the influx
of water into the excavation from the bottom due to hydrostatic head differentials.
The contract plans will show where seal courses are required. As in many other
areas of our work, there are times when engineering judgment should be used to
make decisions. Depending on the types of soils and the depth of the excavation
in relation to that of the water table, the cofferdam may be dewatered without
constructing a seal course while still allowing construction of the footing in the
dry. The decision to use a seal course that is shown on the plans, or to revise its
thickness, is the responsibility of the Engineer. Discussions about the need for a
seal course or revisions to thickness need to take place early so that design
considerations for the cofferdam can be addressed.
Seal courses for cofferdams may not be shown on the plans but may be needed to
facilitate construction and provide a quality product. If a seal course is not shown
on the contract plans and the Contractor elects to use one to control and remove
water from the excavation, the work shall be done in accordance with the
provisions of Section 19-3.04 of the Standard Specifications.
Seal Course
Section 51-1.10 “Concrete Deposited Under Water” states that a seal course
should be used when the Engineer determines that it is impossible or inadvisable
to dewater an excavation prior to pouring concrete. As the name implies, a seal
course seals the entire bottom of a cofferdam and prevents subsurface water from
entering the cofferdam. It also controls the expansion of soils that have a
tendency to expand or heave. Sealing the bottom of the cofferdam allows
cofferdams to be dewatered and permits the construction of footings, columns or
other facilities in the dry. The seal course is a concrete slab placed underwater by
the tremie placement method and is constructed thick enough so that its weight is
sufficient to resist uplift from hydrostatic forces. The friction bond between the
seal course concrete and the cofferdam, and piles if present, also helps resist
uplift. A seal course is a construction tool and in terms of importance to the
designed structure it has no structural significance.
Following the installation of the cofferdam and prior to dewatering, the soil is
excavated to the elevation of the bottom of the seal course and the piles are
driven. The seal course is poured under tremie and allowed to cure. The
cofferdam is dewatered after the seal course has cured. A small area of the seal
course can be left low for the placement of a pump to remove water that seeps
into the excavation prior to the placement of footing concrete.
Information about seal courses for a project can be found in the contract plans.
Additional information may be found in the Foundation Report or RE Pending
File. As previously discussed, when seal courses are shown on the plans, the
decision about the need for the seal course and its thickness rests with the
Engineer. This decision is based on conditions encountered on the jobsite. The
Standard Specifications also contain provisions for adjusting excavation item
quantities if seal courses are adjusted or eliminated. Additional information about
seal courses can be found in Bridge Construction Memo 130-17.0. Bottom of
footing elevations should not be revised as a result of eliminating or revising seal
courses unless shown on the plans or addressed in the special provisions.
To accomplish this, it is imperative that the discharge end of the tremie be kept
embedded in the concrete. It is also imperative that the concrete have good flow
characteristics. Concrete placement can be accomplished by either a tremie
supported and maneuvered by a crane or the discharge end of a concrete pump.
Frequently contractors will use multiple-tremie systems with each hopper
supported by bracing or walkways in the cofferdam. In this case, tremie spacing
is controlled by the flow characteristics of the concrete.
Briefly described, a typical tremie operation begins with the tremie pipe being
lowered into position with a plug or other device fitted into the pipe as a physical
barrier between the water and concrete. Concrete is charged into the pipe to a
sufficient height to permit gravity flow. The flow itself is started by slightly
lifting the pipe. Once started, the concrete flow must be continuously maintained
through the pipe. The operation continues until completion. The tremie pipe
remains immersed in concrete during placement. Some factors that assure success
for this operation are:
1 Tremie concrete shall have a penetration of between 3 and 4 inches.
2 Concrete shall contain a minimum of 675 pounds of cementitious material per
cubic yard. (Standard Specifications - Section 90-1.01)
3 Concrete placement and the maneuvering of the tremie pipe must be done
smoothly and deliberately.
4 Concrete delivery must be adequate and timely.
5 The concrete mix design should be geared to good flow characteristics.
Sounding devices can also be used to determine the nature of the material (soft or
firm). During the pour, soundings are again used to verify the elevation of the top
surface of concrete. Because of the type of operation, surface irregularities can be
expected, particularly in pile footings. The important thing is to check for proper
thicknesses throughout and to address any excessively low spots.
Of the various devices available to plug the end of the tremie, an inflated rubber
ball is about the most practical. A tip plug can cause long tremie pipes to float
and should be used with caution.
Contractor’s Responsibility
Cofferdams fall under the category of temporary features or measures necessary
to construct the work. As such, the Contractor is responsible for the proper
design, construction, maintenance and removal of cofferdams. The Contractor is
required to submit working drawings and calculations to the Engineer for
approval in accordance with Sections 5-1.02 and 19-3.03 of the Standard
Caltrans ● Foundation Manual 12- 7
__________________________________________November 2008_
The Contractor has the option of constructing a seal course to control water when
one is not shown on the contract plans. In these situations the contractor is
responsible for determining the thickness and the performance of the seal course.
In addition, Section 19-3.04 of the Standard Specifications states the following:
“If the contractor elects to use a concrete seal course … the provisions of the
fourth paragraph and the first 2 sentences of the fifth paragraph of Section
51-1.10, "Concrete Deposited Under Water," shall not apply for spread footings
and the entire Section 51-1.10 shall not apply to pile footings. The successful
performance of the seals, if used, shall be solely the responsibility of the
Engineer’s Responsibility
The Engineer is responsible for performing an independent analysis, or check, of
the contractor’s cofferdam and for approving the Contractor’s drawings. In
situations where a seal course is shown on the plans, the Engineer is responsible
for making the decision as to whether, or not, a seal course is needed.
The Engineer should be familiar with the information in the following sections of
the Standard Specifications: 5-1.02, 19-3.03, 19-3.04, 19-3.07, 19-3.08, 51-1.10,
51-1.22; and the following Bridge Construction Memos: 2-9.0 and 130-17.0.
Section 51-1.10 of the Standard Specifications requires a minimum cure period of
5 days (at concrete temperatures of 45° F or more) before dewatering may begin.
Dewatering can present some anxious moments since the cofferdam and the seal
course will be put to the test.
Sheet pilings are not watertight and minor leaks can be expected as the cofferdam
is dewatered. These leaks are ordinarily not a problem and occur along the joints
between adjacent sheets. Sawdust, cement, or other material can be used to plug
these types of leaks. Dropping the material into the water adjacent to the leaking
sheets usually corrects this as the flow through the leak carries the fine material to
the problem area and seals the crack or opening. A sump built into the surface of
the seal outside of the footing limits is also helpful in keeping the work area
reasonably dry.
Prior to proceeding with footing work, all high spots in the seal course have to be
removed. All scum, laitance, and sediment must also be removed from the top of
the seal. This work can be very time consuming and expensive. It can be reduced
significantly if care is taken during the placement of the seal course.
Cofferdam work presents safety problems similar to braced excavations. Among
them are limited access, limited work areas, damp or wet footing, and deep
excavations. Provisions must be made for safe access and egress in terms of
adequate walkways, rails, ladders, or stairs into and out of the lower levels. The
Trenching and Shoring Manual goes into those issues in depth and should be
consulted prior to working around cofferdams.
The primary reference for this chapter is from Micropile Design and Construction
Guidelines Implementation Manual, Publication No. FHWA-SA-97-070, Federal
Highway Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, June 2000, by Tom
Armour, Paul Groneck, James Keeley, and Sunil Sharma.
Micropiles can withstand axial (compression and tension) loads and some lateral
loads. Depending upon the design concept employed, micropiles may be a
substitute for conventional piles or as one component in a composite soil/pile
mass. Micropiles are installed by methods that cause minimal disturbance to
adjacent structures, soil, and the environment. They can be installed in access-
restrictive environments and in all soil types and ground conditions. Since there
is little lateral resistance provided by these types of piles their use has been
limited to retrofit work and for the construction of retaining and sound walls.
Since the installation procedure causes minimal vibration and noise and can be
used in conditions of low headroom, micropiles are often used to underpin
existing structures. Underpinning is the process of strengthening and stabilizing
the foundation of an existing structure and is accomplished by extending the
foundation in depth or in breadth so it either rests on a stronger soil stratum or
Caltrans ● Foundation Manual 13 - 1
_________________________________________November 2008_
distributes its load across a greater area. Specialized drilling equipment is often
required to install the micropiles from within existing basement facilities or
through existing bridge footings.
Micropiles are currently used in two general applications, (1) structural support
and (2) in-situ reinforcement.
Caltrans Applications
AASHTO will be adding a section on micropiles in the future. But while the rest
of the country sees the value, Caltrans will limit the use of micropiles due to the
lateral demand requirements. The lateral load capacity of micropiles is small as
their size is too small to develop any real bending moments. Micropiles can resist
lateral load, but not that much. A large quantity of micropiles would be required,
too many.
Caltrans is currently using micropiles for seismic retrofits, earth retention, and
foundations for new structures (retaining/sound walls).
Seismic Retrofit
Caltrans has used micropiles for seismic retrofitting of existing highway bridge
structures. The existing bridge foundations are retrofitted to increase the capacity
so as to resist tension/uplift forces resulting from a seismic event.
A somewhat recent Caltrans retrofit project using micropiles was at the Richmond
San Rafael Bridge located in the San Francisco Bay Area. (Bridge No. 28-0100,
Contract EA 04-0438U4, 04-Mrn-580-PM 6.22). The micropiles were completed
in 2005. See Appendix x.
Earth Retention
Near the town of Duncan Mills in Sonoma County in the San Francisco Bay Area,
a micropile retaining wall was constructed in 2007 to stabilize the soil and
roadway. The wall has two rows of micropiles. The front row was vertical using
steel pipe as reinforcement and the interior row was at an angle/incline using two
#36 epoxy coated bundled rebar. See Appendix x.
Also, on Rte 1, San Mateo County near the city of Pacifica in the San Francisco
Bay Area, construction began in 2007 on a retaining wall supported by
micropiles. The retaining wall (with barrier and chain link fence) is on a steep
cliff facing the Pacific Ocean. A pedestrian sidewalk runs parallel to the barrier
and chain link fence. On one portion of the wall, the micropiles are battered in
opposite directions providing lateral support.
See Appendix x
The Contract Special Provisions will outline all the submittal requirements and
construction requirements for micropiles. Depending on the project location, the
design, and the contractor, different drilling and grouting techniques may be used.
Per the special provisions, the contractor is required to submit to Caltrans for
review and approval all micropile working drawings and a step-by-step procedure
describing all aspects of pile installation. The Caltrans Structure Representative
will coordinate with the Foundation Testing Branch (FTB) for any Caltrans
required load tests. The special provisions may require performance tests to be
performed and recorded by the contractor. The grouting operation can be very
messy so the storm water pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) must be enforced
and all best management practices (BMPs) implemented.
Per the Contract Special Provisions, micropiles will be measured and paid for by
the meter. The contract price paid per meter for micropile shall include full
compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals,
and for doing all the work involved in constructing micropiles, including
protecting and monitoring existing culverts, drilling, providing temporary casings,
double extra strong steel pipe, grout, grout socks, cutting tips, drill bits, pile
anchorage, and disposing of materials resulting from pile installation, complete in
No payment will be made for micropiles that are damaged either during
installation or after the micropiles are complete in place. No payment will be
made for additional excavation, backfill, concrete, reinforcement, nor other costs
incurred from footing enlargement resulting from replacing rejected micropiles.
All personnel must wear the proper personal protection equipment (PPE) during
drilling and grouting operations to include eye protection, earplugs, and hardhat.
Life vests are required when working near water. Safe access must be provided
by the contractor when working on slopes or within trenches. Be cautious and
avoid slipping or falling when working near slopes. Caltrans field engineers
should not stand too close to the work when the pile reinforcement and steel pipe
is hoisted into place.
A Log of Test Borings (LOTB) might not be included in small CMS projects
making it difficult to anticipate the presence of groundwater. A proactive
Structure Representative can obtain LOTB as-builts from the nearest bridge
structure location. The proactive Structure Representative should review the
LOTB as-builts and share the information with the contractor. As-builts are
available at District Headquarters and on-line on the intranet (Bridge Inspection
Records Information System (BIRIS) and Document Retrieving System (DRS)).
Personnel safety must be enforced during drilling and excavating operations. Full
body harness should be used when working near open holes. Personnel not
directly involved in the construction operation should not stand next to an open
hole to avoid falling in or if the edge collapses.
1. API Recommended Practice 13B-1 (RP13B-1). © American Petroleum Institute,
1st edition, 1990.
9. Drilled Shaft Inspector’s Manual. The Joint Caisson – Drilled Shaft Committee of
the Association of Drilled Shaft Contractors: The International Association of
Foundation Drilling and DFI: Deep Foundations Institute, 1989.
12. R. E. Majano and M. W. O’Neill. Effects of Mineral and Polymer Slurries on Side
Load Transfer in Drilled Shafts – Part 1, Baseline Laboratory Studies. University
of Houston, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 1992.
13. Arthur Miller. “Figure used for Figure 7-1”. State of California, Department of
Transportation, District 02 Reprographics.
14. Joseph E. Bowles. Foundation Analysis and Design. 4th edition, McGraw-Hill,
19. K. Terzaghi and R. B. Peck. Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practice. 2nd edition,
John Wiley & Sons, 1967.
20. James A. Porterfield, David M. Cotton, R. John Byrne. Soil Nailing Field
Inspectors Manual - Soil Nail Walls. Publication No. FHWA-SA-93-068, FHWA,
U. S. Department of Transportation, 1994.
21. Cheng Liu and Jack B. Evett. Soils and Foundations. Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1981.
27. Michael W. O'Neil & Lymon C. Reese, Drilled Shafts: Construction Procedures
and Design Methods. Publication No. FHWA-IF-99-025, FHWA, U.S.
Department of Transportation, 1999.
28. Tom Armour, Paul Groneck, James Keeley, and Sunil Sharma, Micropile Design
and Construction Guidelines Implementation Manual, Publication No. FHWA-
SA-97-070, Federal Highway Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation,
June 2000
A Foundation Investigations
Table of Contents
Caltrans Soil & Rock Logging, Classification and Logging Manual A-2
June 2007
James E. Davis
Deputy Division Chief, Geotechnical Services
Geotechnical Services wishes to thank the following team members for
preparing this Manual.
Roy Bibbens, Geotechnical Services
Mark Desalvatore, Geotechnical Services
Mark Hagy, Geotechnical Services
Craig Hannenian, Geotechnical Services
Deh-Jeng Jang, Geotechnical Services
Robert Price, Geotechnical Services
Loren Turner, Research & Innovation
Hector Valencia, Geotechnical Services
Thomas Whitman, Geotechnical Services
The team wishes to extend its appreciation to the following people and/or
organizations for their contributions to the content of this Manual.
Bruce Hilton, Kleinfelder Inc.
Mike Kennedy, Anderson Drilling Inc., Association of Drilled Shaft
Mildred Macaranas, Geotechnical Services
Alan Macnab, Condon-Johnson & Associates, Association of Drilled
Shaft Contractors
Steve Mahnke, CA Dept. of Water Resources
Heinrich Majewski, Malcolm Drilling Co. Inc., Association of
Drilled Shaft Contractors
Rick and Dot Nelson, Dot.Dat.Inc
Parsons Brinckerhoff
Ron Richman, Geotechnical Services
Barry Siel, Federal Highway Administration
Sarah Skeen, Federal Highway Administration
URS Corp.
Will Smith, Case Pacific, Association of Drilled Shaft Contractors
(Names have been listed alphabetically.)
Table of Contents
SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................1
1.1 Intent of this Manual...............................................................................................................1
1.2 Limitations ..............................................................................................................................1
1.3 Exceptions to Policy ...............................................................................................................1
1.4 Revisions to the Manual.........................................................................................................1
1.5 Organization of this Manual ...................................................................................................2
1.6 Overview of the Logging Process and Presentation Formats ................................................2
IDENTIFICATION .............................................................................................................................5
2.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................5
2.2 General Project and Hole Information ....................................................................................5
2.3 Assignment of Hole Identification ...........................................................................................7
2.4 Soil Description and Identification Procedures .......................................................................7
2.4.1 Soil Description and Identification ............................................................................................................8
2.4.2 Group Name and Group Symbol..............................................................................................................9
2.4.3 Consistency (Cohesive Soils).................................................................................................................13
2.4.4 Apparent Density (Cohesionless Soils) ..................................................................................................15
2.4.5 Color .......................................................................................................................................................15
2.4.6 Moisture..................................................................................................................................................15
2.4.7 Percent of Cobbles or Boulders .............................................................................................................15
2.4.8 Percent or Proportion of Soils ................................................................................................................16
2.4.9 Particle Size............................................................................................................................................16
2.4.10 Particle Angularity...................................................................................................................................17
2.4.11 Particle Shape .......................................................................................................................................17
2.4.12 Plasticity (for Fine-Grained Soils)..........................................................................................................17
2.4.13 Dry Strength (for Fine-Grained Soils).....................................................................................................18
2.4.14 Dilatancy (for Fine-Grained Soils) .........................................................................................................18
2.4.15 Toughness (for Fine-Grained Soils) ......................................................................................................18
2.4.16 Structure .................................................................................................................................................18
2.4.17 Cementation ...........................................................................................................................................18
2.4.18 Description of Cobbles and Boulders ....................................................................................................19
2.4.19 Additional Comments .............................................................................................................................19
2.4.20 Other Drilling Observations ....................................................................................................................19
2.5 Rock Identification Procedures for Borehole Cores..............................................................20
2.5.1 Rock Identification and Descriptive Sequence for Borehole Cores .......................................................20
2.5.2 Rock Name.............................................................................................................................................21
2.5.3 Rock Grain-size descriptors ...................................................................................................................23
2.5.4 Bedding Spacing Descriptors .................................................................................................................25
2.5.5 Rock Colors ............................................................................................................................................25
2.5.6 Textural Descriptors ...............................................................................................................................25
2.5.7 Weathering Descriptors for Intact Rock..................................................................................................26
2.5.8 Rock Hardness .......................................................................................................................................27
2.5.9 Fracture Density .....................................................................................................................................27
2.5.10 Discontinuity Type ..................................................................................................................................28
2.5.11 Discontinuity Condition (Weathering, Infilling and Healing) ...................................................................29
2.5.12 Discontinuity Dip Magnitude...................................................................................................................30
2.5.13 Rate of Slaking .......................................................................................................................................30
2.5.14 Odor........................................................................................................................................................30
2.5.15 Additional Comments .............................................................................................................................31
2.5.16 Other Drilling Observations ....................................................................................................................31
2.6 Sample Preparation and Identification for Laboratory Testing and Storage .........................32
2.6.1 Sample Preparation and Identification for Laboratory Testing and Storage ..........................................32
2.6.2 Identification of Large Soil Samples .......................................................................................................34
2.6.3 Core Box Layout.....................................................................................................................................37
2.7 Quality Check of Field Observations and Samples ..............................................................38
5.3 Boring Records ....................................................................................................................64
5.3.1 Content and Characteristics of the BR ...................................................................................................67
5.3.2 Notes on the BR .....................................................................................................................................67
5.3.3 The Boring Record Legend Sheets ........................................................................................................67
REFERENCES ...............................................................................................................................71
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Section 1:
1.1 Intent of this Manual 1.2 Limitations
The intent of this Manual is to define the Although this manual may be used to train new
Department’s practices and procedures for soil and employees, this is not its primary intent.
rock description, identification, classification, and This manual does not replace education or
preparation of boring logs. experience and shall be used in conjunction with
Standardized terminology and consistent professional judgment. Not all aspects of this
presentation procedures for projects statewide manual may be applicable in all circumstances and
benefit the Department’s staff, engineering should be applied with consideration of a project’s
consultants, bidders, and contractors. Geotechnical many unique aspects.
Services staff as well as any other organization This manual does not purport to address all of the
providing geotechnical reports or records of safety problems, if any, associated with its use. It is
geotechnical investigations to the Department shall the responsibility of the user of this standard to
follow the procedures presented in this Manual. establish, or adhere to, appropriate safety and
The following terms, as defined below, are used health practices and determine the applicability of
throughout this Manual to convey the regulatory limitations prior to use. The reader shall
Department’s policy: follow at a minimum, the Caltrans Code of Safe
Drilling Practices.
Term Definition
Shall, Mandatory Standard. The 1.3 Exceptions to Policy
Required associated provisions must be
used. There is no acceptable Exceptions to the policy and procedures set forth in
alternative. this Manual require prior approval by the
Geotechnical Services Deputy Division Chief.
Should Advisory Standard. The Staff shall use the procedure for obtaining approval
associated provisions are preferred for an exception, as documented in a memorandum
to all staff dated June 15, 2007, included in
May, Permissive Standard. Use or
Appendix C.
Optional application of the associated
provisions is left to the discretion of
the Geoprofessional. 1.4 Revisions to the Manual
Staff who wish to propose changes to the Manual
shall do so in accordance with the Soil and Rock
Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual
Committee Charter and Standard Procedures,
included in Appendix C.
Check of
(Sec. 2)
Laboratory Data,
Descriptions, and
Classify (Sec. 3)
Boring Logs
(Sec. 4 & 5)
Item Description
1 Date(s) of work
2 Hole Identification
3 Project and Site Information:
• District
• Project Name
• County
• Structure/Bridge Name and Number (if available)
• Route
• Project Number (Charge District - Expenditure
Authorization, 8-digits) • Postmile, range and prefix
Organic Soil – Identify the soil as organic, OL/OH, if the soil contains enough organic particles to influence
the soil properties. Organic soils usually have a dark brown to black color and may have an organic odor.
Often, organic soils will change color, for example, black to brown, when exposed to the air. Some organic
soils will lighten in color significantly when air-dried. Organic soils normally will not have a high toughness
or plasticity. The thread for the toughness test will be spongy.
Identification of Peat – A sample composed primarily of vegetable tissue in various stages of decomposition
that has a fibrous to amorphous texture, usually a dark brown to black color, and an organic odor, shall be
designated as a highly organic soil and shall be identified with the Group Name and Symbol, PEAT (PT),
and not subjected to the identification procedures described hereafter.
< 15% gravel Poorly graded SAND with SILT
> 15% gravel Poorly graded SAND with SILT and GRAVEL
< 15% gravel Poorly graded SAND with CLAY
> 15% gravel Poorly graded SAND with CLAY and GRAVEL
< 15% gravel SILTY SAND
> 15% gravel SILTY SAND with GRAVEL
> 15%
< 15% gravel CLAYEY SAND
> 15% gravel CLAYEY SAND with GRAVEL
Very Soft < 0.25 < 0.12 Easily penetrated several inches by fist
Soft 0.25 to 0.50 0.12 to 0.25 Easily penetrated several inches by thumb
Medium Stiff 0.50 to 1.0 0.25 to 0.50 Can be penetrated several inches by thumb
with moderate effort
Medium dense 11 – 30
Dense 31 – 50 2.4.7 Percent of Cobbles or Boulders
Very dense >50 When particles greater than 3 inches in diameter
are encountered, they shall be identified and
Apparent density of a coarse-grained (cohesionless) described as “COBBLES,” or “BOULDERS,” or
soil is based on a corrected Standard Penetration “COBBLES and BOULDERS” as defined in
Test (SPT) N60 value as described in Appendix A Section 2.4.9. Cobbles and boulders reported as
and provided here: present within a matrix shall be estimated, by
volume, and reported by percentage of total
N60 = Nmeasured X (ERi /60) volume.
Description Criteria
Angular Particles have sharp edges and 2.4.12 Plasticity (for Fine-Grained Soils)
relatively plane sides with
unpolished surfaces Use the ASTM D 2488-06 standard to describe the
Subangular Particles are similar to angular plasticity of the material based on observations
description, but have rounded made during the toughness test, as indicated in
edges Figure 2-15 below.
Subrounded Particles have nearly plane sides,
Figure 2-15
but have well-rounded corners and
edges Descriptors for Plasticity
Rounded Particles have smoothly curved Description Criteria
sides and no edges
Nonplastic A 1⁄8-in. thread cannot be rolled at
any water content.
Low The thread can barely be rolled and
the lump cannot be formed when
drier than the plastic limit.
Medium The thread is easy to roll and not
much time is required to reach the
plastic limit. The thread cannot be
Rounded Angular rerolled after reaching the plastic
limit. The lump crumbles when drier
than the plastic limit.
High It takes considerable time rolling
and kneading to reach the plastic
Subrounded Subangular
limit. The thread can be rerolled
several times after reaching the
plastic limit. The lump can be formed
without crumbling when drier than the
2.4.11 Particle Shape
plastic limit.
Use the ASTM D 2488-06 standard to describe the
shape of the gravel, cobbles, and boulders if they
meet any of the criteria in Figure 2-14.
The particle shape shall be described as follows
where length, width, and thickness refer to the
greatest, intermediate, and least dimensions of a
particle, respectively.
Rock identification procedures presented in this Use the descriptors and the descriptive sequence,
section are based on a hybrid of the International shown in Figure 2-21, when identifying rock
Society of Rock Mechanics (ISRM) (1981) specimens collected from exploratory boreholes.
standards and the Bureau of Reclamation (2001)
standards. The detail of description provided for a
Figure 2-21
particular material shall be dictated by the
complexity and objectives of the project. Optional Rock Identification and Descriptive Sequence
descriptors should be considered by the
Refer to Section
geoprofessional on a project by project basis.
Intensely weathered or decomposed rock that is
friable and that can be reduced to gravel size or
smaller by normal hand pressure shall also be Identification
classified as a soil. The material shall be identified Components
and described as rock followed by the soil
1 Rock Name 2.5.2 J
identification or classification, and description in
parenthesis. Description
For example: 2 Rock Grain-size 2.5.3 E
IGNEOUS ROCK (GRANITE), massive, light 3 Bedding Spacing 2.5.4 J
gray to light yellowish brown, intensely 4 Color 2.5.5 J
weathered, soft, unfractured, (Lean CLAY with
5 Texture 2.5.6 E
SAND (CL), medium stiff, moist, mostly clay,
Weathering Descriptors for
little coarse SAND, medium plasticity). 6 2.5.7 J
Intact Rock
Note, color is not repeated in the descriptive 7 Rock Hardness 2.5.8 J
sequence for soil. 8 Fracture Density 2.5.9 J
Although not included in the descriptive sequence, 9 Discontinuity Type 2.5.10 E
Core Recovery (REC) and Rock Quality Discontinuity Condition
Designation (RQD) shall be recorded and 10 (Weathering, Infilling and 2.5.11 E
presented on the boring logs. Core Recovery shall Healing)
be reported for all rock coring operations as 11 Discontinuity Dip Magnitude 2.5.12 E
described in Appendix A.9. RQD shall be Rate of Slaking
12 2.5.13 E
recorded and presented on the boring logs in (Jar Slake Test)
accordance with Appendix A.10. 13 Odor 2.5.14 E
14 Additional Comments 2.5.15 E
Figure 2-22
Field identification of Igneous rock
Felsic Intermediate Mafic
(Light Colored) (Intermediate-Colored) (Dark-Colored)
Percent by Volume
60% Plagioclase
40% K-feldspar
20% Pyroxene
Biotite (Augite)
10% Amphibole
Muscovite (Hornblende)
Glassy Obsidian
and other mineral grains
Rounded to subrounded white, buff, pink,
Quartz Sandstone
Clastic (Sand size quartz grains brown, tan
particles) Calcite and/or dolomite effervesces freely with
light-colored Calcarenite
grains cold dilute HCl
Clastic (Sand size
Quartz and other mineral dark gray to gray- Wacke (Lithic
particles mixed with clay
grains mixed with clay green Arenite)
size particles)
Mineral constituents may
be identifiable with a hand usually well stratified varies Siltstone
Clastic (Silt and clay size fissile, may be scratched
Mineral constituents not
particles) with fingernail, usually well varies Shale
Mineral constituents not massive (earthy), may be
varies Claystone
identifiable scratched with a fingernail
effervesces freely with
Dense (Crystalline or cold dilute HCl, may
Calcium Carbonate white, gray, black Limestone
Oolitic) contain fossils, generally
Inorganic Chemical
lacks stratification
powder effervesces
The names of rocks derived from inorganic detrital materials may be appended to indicate the cementing
agent, e.g., arkose with calcite cement.
color variable,
crystalline, scratches glass, breaks
quartz white, pink, buff, Quartzite
across grains as easily as around them
brown, red, purple
various shades of
dense, dark colored gray, gray-green, Hornfels
to nearly black
texture of conglomerate but breaks granules, pebbles or cobbles are
Figure 2-25
Rock grain-size descriptors for Crystalline Igneous rock and Metamorphic rock
Description Average Crystal Diameter
Sedimentary (epiclastic)
USCS Rounded, subrounded, Volcanic (pyroclastic)
(soils only) subangular
Particle Size Particle or Lithified Lithified
Fragment Product Product
Fracture: A term used to describe any break in Foliation Joint A relatively planar fracture that is
geologic material, excluding shears and shear zones. (FJ) or parallel to foliation or bedding
Bedding Joint along which there has been little
Additional fracture terminology is provided in Figure (BJ) or no shearing displacement.
2-32, below.
Bedding Plane A separation along bedding after
Shear: A structural break where differential Separation extraction or exposure due to
movement has taken place along a surface, or zone stress relief or slaking.
of failure by a shear couplet, is termed a shear.
Shears are sometimes characterized by striations, Incipient Joint A joint or fracture that does not
slickensides, gouge, breccia, mylonite, or any (IJ) or continue through the specimen or
combination of these. Often direction, amount of Incipient is not seen with the naked eye.
Fracture (IF) However when the specimen is
displacement, and continuity may not be known wetted and then allowed to dry,
because of limited exposures or observations. the joint or fracture trace is
evident. When core is broken, it
Fault: A shear with significant continuity that can breaks along an existing plane.
be correlated between observations is a fault. Random A natural break (fracture) with a
Faults demonstrate high spatial continuity, and Fracture (RF) generally rough, very irregular,
non-planar surface which does
therefore occur over significant portions of given not belong to a joint set.
sites, foundation areas, or regions. The observed
fault feature may be a segment of a fault or fault Mechanical A break due to drilling, blasting,
Break (MB) or handling. Mechanical breaks
zone, as defined in the literature. The designation parallel to bedding or foliation are
of a shear as a fault or fault zone is a site-specific called Bedding Breaks (BB) or
determination. Foliation Breaks (FB),
respectively. Recognizing
Shear/Fault Zone: A shear or fault that exhibits mechanical breaks may be
significant width when measured perpendicular to difficult. The absence of
oxidation, staining, or mineral
the plane of the shear or fault. The zone may fillings, and often a hackly or
consist of gouge, breccia, or many related faults or irregular surface are clues for
shears together with fractured and crushed rock recognition.
Fracture Zone Numerous, very closely
between the shears or faults, or any combination of (FZ) intersecting fractures. Often
these. In the literature, many fault zones are fragmented core cannot be fitted
referred to as faults. together.
Figure 2-38
Bagged Sample Label
Material TL-101
Test Method(s) Test Name Typical Sample Size/Type
Required Required
AASHTO T 265-93
(2004) Moisture Content 0.5 lb 1/2 Tube No
ASTM D 2216-05
ASTM D 4767-04 Unit Weight 1 lb 1 Tube No
AASHTO T 100-06 Specific Gravity 0.5 lb 1/2 Tube No
ASTM D 422-63
Particle-Size Analysis 1 lb 1 Tube No
AASHTO T 89-02
Liquid Limit
AASHTO T 90-00 1 lb 1 Tube No
Plastic Limit, Plasticity Index
(2.0" Diameter) - 1 Tube No
ASTM D 2435-04
(2.5" Diameter) - 1 Tube No
(2.0" Diameter) 80 lb 2 Full Canvas Bags Yes
Swell Potential
(2.0" Diameter) - 1 Tube No
ASTM D 4546-03
(2.5" Diameter) - 1 Tube No
(2.0" Diameter) 80 lb 2 Full Canvas Bags Yes
Collapse Potential
(2.0" Diameter) - 1 Tube No
ASTM D 5333-03
(2.5" Diameter) - 1 Tube No
(2.0" Diameter) 80 lb 2 Full Canvas Bags Yes
Direct Shear
ASTM D 3080-04 Undisturbed - 1 Tube No
Remolded 80 lb 2 Full Canvas Bags Yes
Relative Compaction
CTM 216 (Oct 2006) 80 lb 2 Full Canvas Bags Yes
(Compaction Curve Only)
CTM 220 (Nov Falling Head - 1 Tube No
2005) Remolded
Falling Head 80 lb 2 Full Canvas Bags Yes
Constant Head 80 lb 2 Full Canvas Bags Yes
ASTM D 2166-06
ASTM D 2938-95 Unconfined Compression - 1 Tube or Core No
Triaxial CU (3 points)
Undisturbed No
(2.0" Diameter) - 3 Tubes - in series No
ASTM D 4767-02 (2.5" Diameter) - 3 Tubes - in series
Remolded Yes
(2.8" Diameter) 80 lb 2 Full Canvas Bags
Triaxial UU (1 point)
ASTM D 2850-03 Undisturbed No
(2.0" Diameter) - 1 Tube No
(2.5" Diameter) - 1 Tube
Remolded Yes
(2.8" Diameter) 80 lb 2 Full Canvas Bags
1. ** Tests performed by Materials Engineering and Testing Services (METS)
2. A 12" by 24" canvas bag completely filled contains approximately 40 lb of material.
3. A 2" by 4" tube contains approximately 1 lb. of material.
4. Minimum material weights shown for remolded samples include sufficient material for the development of a
moisture density curve.
Figure 2-40
Core Box Layout and Label
Engineer/Geologist Name
Geographic/Structure Name
RUN# ______
Depth Interval
Depth = ___ _____To_____
Figure 3-1
Classification and Description Sequence
Refer to Section
Classification Components
1 Group Name 2.4.2 3.2.2 J
2 Group Symbol 2.4.2 3.2.2 J
Description Components
3 Consistency (for cohesive soils) 2.4.3 3.2.3 J
4 Apparent Density (for cohesionless soils) 2.4.4 J
5 Color (in moist condition) 2.4.5 J
6 Moisture 2.4.6 J
7 Percent of cobbles or boulders 2.4.7 J
8 Percent or proportion of soils 2.4.8 3.2.4 J
9 Particle Size Range 2.4.9 3.2.5 J
10 Particle Angularity 2.4.10 E
11 Particle Shape 2.4.11 E
12 Hardness (for coarse sand and larger particles) 2.4.12 E
13 Plasticity (for fine-grained soils)* 2.4.13 3.2.6 J
14 Dry Strength (for fine-grained soils) 2.4.14 E
15 Dilatency (for fine-grained soils) 2.4.15 E
16 Toughness (for fine-grained soils) 2.4.16 E
17 Calcium Carbonate (Reaction with HCl) 2.4.17 E
18 Structure 2.4.18 E
19 Cementation 2.4.19 J
20 Description of Cobbles and Boulders 2.4.20 J
21 Additional Comments 2.4.21 E
* This descriptive component is not reported for the primary soil type if the liquid limit and plasticity index are
available. (See Section 3.2.7)
Figure 3-2
Classification of Fine-Grained Soils
Symbol Fines Coarseness Group Name
<15% plus
<30% plus No. 200
PI>7 and plots on or
No. 200 15-29% plus % sand > % gravel Lean CLAY with SAND
No. 200 % sand < % gravel Lean CLAY with GRAVEL
above “A”-line
No. 200 15-29% plus % sand > % gravel SILTY CLAY with SAND
No. 200
or above “A”-line
% sand > < 15% gravel SANDY SILT
>30% plus % gravel > 15% gravel SANDY SILT with GRAVEL
No. 200 % sand < < 15% sand GRAVELLY SILT
No. 200 15-29% plus % sand > % gravel ORGANIC CLAY with SAND
No. 200 % sand < % gravel ORGANIC CLAY with GRAVEL
above “A”-line
Symbol Fines Coarseness Group Name
<15% plus
Plots on or above “A”-line
No. 200
<30% plus
No. 200 15-29% plus % sand > % gravel Fat CLAY with SAND
No. 200 % sand < % gravel Fat CLAY with GRAVEL
% sand > % < 15% gravel SANDY fat CLAY
gravel > 15% gravel SANDY fat CLAY with GRAVEL
>30% plus
No. 200 % sand < % < 15% sand GRAVELLY fat CLAY
<15% plus
Plots on or above “A”-line
No. 200
<30% plus
No. 200 15-29% plus % sand > % gravel ORGANIC CLAY with SAND
No. 200 % sand < % gravel ORGANIC CLAY with GRAVEL
% sand > % < 15% gravel SANDY ORGANIC CLAY
gravel > 15% gravel SANDY ORGANIC CLAY with GRAVEL
>30% plus
No. 200 % sand < % < 15% sand GRAVELLY ORGANIC CLAY
Equation 2 (D30 )2
Cc =
(D10 × D60 )
Where D10, D30, and D60 are the particle-size
diameters corresponding to 10, 30, and 60
percentiles passing on the cumulative particle-
size distribution curve. It may be necessary to
extrapolate the curve to obtain the D10 diameter.
Use the above results to determine the
classification according to Figure 3-4 on the
following page.
Cu<6 > 15% gravel Poorly graded SAND with SILT and GRAVEL
1>Cc>3 < 15% gravel Poorly graded SAND with CLAY
> 15% gravel Poorly graded SAND with CLAY and GRAVEL
< 15% gravel SILTY SAND
> 15% gravel SILTY SAND with GRAVEL
< 15% gravel CLAYEY SAND
> 12% CL or CH SC
> 15% gravel CLAYEY SAND with GRAVEL
< 15% gravel SILTY, CLAYEY SAND
> 15% gravel SILTY, CLAYEY SAND with GRAVEL
Figure 3-9
Rock Identification and Descriptive Sequence
Refer to Section
Identification Components
1 Rock Name 2.5.2 J
Description Components
2 Rock Grain-size 2.5.3 E
3 Bedding Spacing 2.5.4 J
4 Color 2.5.5 J
5 Texture 2.5.6 E
6 Weathering Descriptors for Intact Rock 2.5.7 J
7 Relative Strength of Intact Rock 3.3.1 J
8 Rock Hardness 2.5.8 J
9 Fracture Density 2.5.9 J
10 Discontinuity Type 2.5.10 E
11 Discontinuity Condition (Weathering, Infilling and Healing) 2.5.11 E
12 Discontinuity Dip Magnitude 2.5.12 E
13 Rate of Slaking (Jar Slake Test) 2.5.13 E
14 Odor 2.5.14 E
15 Additional Comments 2.5.15 E
Figure 3-10
Descriptors for Relative Strength of Intact Rock
Description Uniaxial Compressive Strength (psi)
Extremely Strong > 30,000
Very Strong 14,500 – 30,000
Strong 7,000 – 14,500
Medium Strong 3,500 – 7,000
Weak 700 – 3,500
Very Weak 150 – 700
Extremely Weak < 150
4.2 Factual vs. Interpretive Tests?
Figure 5-1
Example of LOTB
If laboratory tests are not shown as being performed, the soil
descriptions presented in the LOTB are based solely on the
visual practices described in this Manual.
Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, Description, and Presentation Manual, References 71
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Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, Description, and Presentation Manual, References 72
Appendix A:
Field Test Procedures
A.1 Pocket Penetrometer material, make at least three test specimens. A test
specimen shall be a ball of material about 1⁄2 in.
The Pocket Penetrometer test is conducted using (12 mm) in diameter. Allow the test specimens to
the following general instructions: dry in air, or sun, or by artificial means, as long as
• To begin test, remove protective cap, push ring the temperature does not exceed 60°C. If the test
against body so that low side reads 0. specimen contains natural dry lumps, those that are
about 1⁄2 in. (12 mm) in diameter may be used in
• Slowly insert piston until engraved mark is place of the molded balls. Test the strength of the
level with soil. dry balls or lumps by crushing between the fingers.
• Observe the reading in TSF (KG/SQ CM) using Note the strength as none, low, medium, high, or
low side of ring, (side closest to the piston end): very high in accordance with the criteria in the
record reading and repeat. table in Section 2.4.14. If natural dry lumps are
used, do not use the results of any of the lumps that
• For weak soils, use 1” adapter foot, multiply are found to contain particles of coarse sand. The
reading by 0.0625. presence of high-strength water-soluble cementing
materials, such as calcium carbonate, may cause
exceptionally high dry strengths. The presence of
A.2 Torvane calcium carbonate can usually be detected from the
The Torvane test is conducted using the following intensity of the reaction with dilute hydrochloric
general instructions: acid.
• To start test, push indicator counter clockwise
to zero stop. A.4 Dilatancy
• Select reasonably flat surface at least 1 inch in From the specimen, select enough material to mold
diameter. into a ball about 1⁄2 in. (12 mm) in diameter. Mold
• Using midsize vane, one revolution equals 1 the material, adding water if necessary, until it has
TSF (1KG/SQ CM). a soft, but not sticky, consistency. Smooth the soil
ball in the palm of one hand with the blade of a
• One revolution using small and large vane knife or small spatula. Shake horizontally, striking
equals respectively 2.5 and 0.2 TSF (KG/SQ the side of the hand vigorously against the other
CM). hand several times. Note the reaction of water
• Press pocket vane shear tester into soil to depth appearing on the surface of the soil. Squeeze the
of blade; maintain constant vertical pressure sample by closing the hand or pinching the soil
while turning knob clockwise at rate to develop between the fingers, and note the reaction as none,
failure within 5 to 10 seconds. slow, or rapid in accordance with the criteria in the
table in Section 2.4.15. The reaction is the speed
• After failure develops, release remaining spring with which water appears while shaking, and
tension slowly. Pointer will indicate maximum disappears while squeezing.
shear value until manually reset.
A.3 Dry Strength
A.5 Toughness
From the specimen, select enough material to mold
into a ball about 1 in. (25 mm) in diameter. Mold Following the completion of the dilatancy test, the
the material until it has the consistency of putty, test specimen is shaped into an elongated pat and
adding water if necessary. From the molded rolled by hand on a smooth surface or between the
palms into a thread about 1⁄8 in. (3 mm) in
Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, Description, and Presentation Manual, Appendix 73
diameter. (If the sample is too wet to roll easily, it A.7 Calcium Carbonate
should be spread into a thin layer and allowed to
lose some water by evaporation.) Fold the sample Because calcium carbonate is a common cementing
threads and reroll repeatedly until the thread agent, it is important to report its presence, which
crumbles at a diameter of about 1⁄8 in. The thread is done on the basis of the reaction with dilute
will crumble at a diameter of 1⁄8 in. when the soil hydrochloric acid (HCl). Use the ASTM D 2488-
is near the plastic limit. Note the pressure required 06 standard to describe the reaction with HCl, as
to roll the thread near the plastic limit. Also, note indicated in Figure 2-19 below.
the strength of the thread. After the thread
crumbles, the pieces should be lumped together Figure 2-19
and kneaded until the lump crumbles. Note the Descriptors for calcium carbonate reaction
toughness of the material during kneading. Description Criteria
Describe the toughness of the thread and lump as
None No visible reaction.
low, medium, or high in accordance with the
criteria in the table in Section 2.4.16. Weak Some reaction, with bubbles forming
Strong Violent reaction, with bubbles forming
A.6 Jar Slake Index Test
Slaking behavior of intact rock specimens is
quantified as an index. A laboratory index test A.8 Standard Penetration Test
called the Slake Durability Test (ASTM D 4644-04) Standard Penetration Tests (SPT) shall be
is the most rigorous method of measuring this conducted according to the following test methods:
behavior. A simple, but less sensitive method can
• ASTM D 1586-99, Standard Test Method for
be employed in the field or in the office to screen
Penetration Test and Split-Barrel Sampling of
specimens of the Slake Durability test. The “Jar
Slake Test” method is presented here. A water
filled jar and a watch are all that are required to • ASTM D 6066-96, Standard Practice for
perform this simple test. The steps are as follows: Determining the Normalized Penetration
Resistance of Sands for Evaluation of
• A fragment of rock is immersed in enough
Liquefaction Potential
water to cover it by 15 mm. It is best if the rock
is oven dried. It has been reported that damp The following guidance is provided:
material is relatively insensitive to degradation • Blow counts shall be reported on the LOTB
in this test when compared with dry material. and BR as observed in the field, N, with no
• After immersion, the fragment is observed corrections.
continuously for the first 10 minutes and
carefully during the first 30 minutes. When a
reaction occurs, it is often during the first 30 N The sum of the hammer blows required
minutes. A final observation is made after 24 to drive the sampler over the test
hours. interval from 0.5 to 1.5 ft below the
• The condition of the piece is categorized cleanout depth.
(complete breakdown, partial breakdown, no • Hammer efficiency shall be noted on the LOTB
change), as shown in the table in Section 2.5.14 and BR to allow the reader to determine N60 or
(Air Force Manual 1983). (N1)60.
ERi Hammer energy ratio
Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, Description, and Presentation Manual, Appendix 74
N60 Penetration resistance adjusted to a
60 % drill rod energy ratio per
ASTM D 6066-96: N60 = A.9 Core Recovery (REC)
Nmeasured X (ERi /60) The core recovery value (REC), with few
(N1)60 Penetration resistance adjusted for exceptions, provides an indication of the success of
energy and normalized to a 1 ton/ft2 the coring operation in recovering the cored rock.
stress level. Portions of the cored rock mass may not be
recovered because the fluid used in the drilling
• Blow counts for each of the 6 inch increments operations transports portions of the rock mass
shall be recorded in the field, but not during the coring operation or the rotation of the
necessarily reported on the LOTB and BR. The core barrel traps and grinds away portions of the
2nd and 3rd driving intervals shall be summed rock mass. Diminished core recovery can also be
and reported. attributed to voids within the rock mass. Core
For example: recovery is expressed as a percentage.
1st 6 in. interval: 10 blows
2nd 6 in. interval: 15 blows Σ (Length of the recovered
core pieces, inches)(100%)
3rd 6 in. interval: 18 blows REC =
Total length of the core run, inches
N reported as “33”
Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, Description, and Presentation Manual, Appendix 75
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Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, Description, and Presentation Manual, Appendix 76
Appendix B:
Field Logging Aids
B.1 Field Sample Logging Forms for soil samples, while the other used for rock
Forms are provided to assist the sample logging
process in the field. One form is used specifically
Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, Description, and Presentation Manual, Appendix 77
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Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, Description, and Presentation Manual, Appendix 78
Soil Sample Field Description & Identification
• Field Description and Identification based upon Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual, dated July 1, 2007.
• Shaded fields are required, non-shaded fields are optional.
• Intensely weathered or decomposed rock that is friable and that can be reduced to gravel size or smaller by normal hand pressure shall be identified and described as rock followed by the soil
identification or classification, and description in parenthesis.
SPT Blow Counts Hammer energy ratio (ERi) Pocket Penetrometer Measurement
Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, Description, and Presentation Manual, Appendix 79
Rock Sample Field Description & Identification
• Field Description and Identification based upon Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual, dated July 1, 2007.
• Shaded fields are required, non-shaded fields are optional.
• Intensely weathered or decomposed rock that is friable and that can be reduced to gravel size or smaller by normal hand pressure shall be identified and described as rock followed by the soil
identification or classification, and description in parenthesis.
Length of Core Run Length of the recovered core pieces Length of intact core pieces > 4 inches
Fracture Density Discontinuity Type Discontinuity Dip Magnitude Jar Slake Index, Ij
Unfractured Joint (JT) 1
Very slightly fractured Foliation Joint (FJ) or Bedding Joint (BJ) 2
Slightly to very slightly fractured Bedding Plane Separation 3
Slightly fractured Incipient Joint (IJ) or Incipient Fracture (IF) 4
Moderately to slightly fractured Random Fracture (RF) 5
Moderately fractured Mechanical Break (MB) 6
Intensely to moderately fractured Fracture Zone (FZ)
Intensely fractured
Very intensely to intensely fractured
Very intensely fractured
Discontinuity Weathering Discontinuity Healing Discontinuity Infilling
Fresh Totally Healed Rock: Soils:
Slightly Weathered to Fresh Moderately Healed Extremely Hard Very Soft
Slightly Weathered Partially Healed Very Hard Soft
Moderately to Slightly Weathered Not Healed Hard Medium Stiff
Moderately Weathered Moderately Hard Stiff
Intensely to Moderately Weathered Healing Material: Moderately Soft Very Stiff
Intensely Weathered Soft Hard
Very Intensely Weathered Very Soft
Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, Description, and Presentation Manual, Appendix 80
Appendix C:
Procedural Documents
Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, Description, and Presentation Manual, Appendix 81
Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, Description, and Presentation Manual, Appendix 82
Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, Description, and Presentation Manual, Appendix 83
Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, Description, and Presentation Manual, Appendix 84
Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, Description, and Presentation Manual, Appendix 85
________________________Appendix B – Contract Administration
November 2008
B Contract Administration
Table of Contents
C Footing Foundations
Table of Contents
Tables Relating Standard Penetration “N” Value to Various Soil Parameters C-2
Sample Spread Footing Letter to Contractor C-4
Method for Installation and Use of Embankment Settlement Devices C-5
Footing Retrofit Strategies C-6
Please note that these conversion tables are approximate. They can be used by
characterizing the soil as being either predominately granular or cohsesive. If possible,
the conversion of the Penetration Index (N value) should be checked by using is-situ or
laboratory tests.
pipe riser settlement device should be used 4. After embankment has been placed 1.0 to
only on those projects where the fluid level 1.5 m above the desired elevation for the
type of settlement device would be standpipe unit, prepare a pit and trench
impractical. in the embankment for the standpipe unit
and tubing. See Figure 4. The bottom of
PART 1. FLUID LEVEL SETTLEMENT the pit should normally be about 0.3 m
DEVICES above original ground. The trench should
be cut to the same depth at the pit and
SECTION 1 - VENTED STANDPIPE UNIT should have a slight downward slope to
the indicator unit location. Make sure
A. APPARATUS that the trench is clear of any future
construction, such as pile driving, ripping,
1. Vented standpipe unit (Figure 1) ditching, etc.
4. Hand tools - shovel, bar, posthold auger, 6. Assemble the standpipe unit as shown in
hammer, adjustable wrenches, etc. Figure 1. Do not attach the pipe cap.
Firmly seat the standpipe unit on a
5. Water container (approximately 4-L prepared level area.
7. Install the indicator unit post at the
B. INSTALLATION previously selected point for the
indicator unit. This post can be either a
1. Select a location for the standpipe unit on metal sign post or 4-by-4.
the ground after approximately 0.3 m of
fill has been placed above original 8. Using a hand level, attach the indicator
ground and generally within the area unit to the post so that the 0.7-m
where the maximum height of graduation on the indicator unit scale is
embankment will be placed. See Figure 4. approximately level with the top of the
spill tube on the standpipe unit.
2. Select a point outside of the toe of the
proposed embankment for the indicator 9. Push the 10-mm water line through the
unit. See Figure 4. Select this location so metal tube conduit in the center of the
that sufficient vertical distance will be vented standpipe unit until the end is
available for lowering the indicator unit approximately 5 mm above the top. Push
as the standpipe unit settles. A hand the 10-mm air vent line through the
level may be used to estimate the desired other conduit until approximately 20 mm
elevations for the indicator unit. extends out the top. See Figure 1.
3. Because of terrain, excessive anticipated 10. Unroll the water and air vent lines
settlement, or other causes, it may be loosely in the trench from the standpipe
necessary to place the standpipe unit in to the indicator unit. It might be
the embankment at varying elevations desirable to encase both lines in 19-mm
above the original ground. In these cases, flexible metal conduit for additional
record the vertical distance between the protection under rocky material.
base of the standpipe unit and original
ground to allow proper consideration for 11. Cut and attach the water and air lines to
embankment compression in the the indicator unit as shown in Figures 2
settlement analysis. and 3. Then fill the system by pouring
California Test 112
March 1998
water in the sight tube of the indicator the end of a 0.3-m length of 6-mm plastic
unit (Figure 2) until water comes out of tubing in the end of the air line and loop
the top of the spill tube of the standpipe the smaller tubing inside the indicator
unit with no air bubbles showing in the unit.
line. Generally, 4 L of water is more than
adequate for 100 m of tubing. When 13. Carefully backfill the trench and pit
filling, attempt to keep the water level with material that is free from large
in the sight tube near the 0.7-m rocks or sharp objects and compact by
graduation. Do not allow the water level hand for a depth of at least 0.3 m.
to drop below the bottom of the sight tube Special care must be taken around the
since this would allow air to enter the base of the standpipe unit to prevent
system. separating the base plate from the
plywood platform and to prevent
NOTE: It is helpful if someone can watch breaking or distorting the plastic tubing.
the overflow at the standpipe unit while
the system is being filled to look for 14. After hand backfilling and compacting
evidence of entrapped air and to signal for a depth of 0.3 m has been completed,
when the system is full. mechanical methods may be used to
finish the backfilling operation until the
If there is evidence of air bubbles trench is level with the existing fill
entrapped in the water line, continue height. In those cases when the
charging the system with water until the standpipe unit extends above the existing
air is purged through the standpipe unit. fill height, attach a marker post to the
After charging the system with water unit and mound fill material around it
and purging the water line of all air, until it is completely covered. In no case
attach the indicator unit on the post to should compaction equipment be allowed
provide an initial reading of directly over an installation until a
approximately 0.7 m. minimum of 0.3 m of compacted material
has been placed over the standpipe unit.
Adjacent to the bottom of the indicator
unit, place a reference nail in the post at SECTION 2 - SEALED STANDPIPE UNIT
the elevation of the 0.0-m graduation.
This provides a reference point for A. APPARATUS
surveys and relocation of the indicator
unit. Complete the assembly of the 1. Sealed standpipe unit (Figure 5)
standpipe unit by attaching the pipe cap
as shown in Figure 1. 2. Plastic drain tubing, 13-mm inside
12. Cut the air line at approximately the
0.7-m graduation of the indicator unit. 3. Vented standpipe unit (as described in
Then loop the air line inside of the Part 1, Section 1-A)
indicator unit over the lock hasp. See
Figure 2. The end of the air line should B. INSTALLATION
be pointing downward to prevent the
entrance of water or debris. This air line Installation is similar to that for the vented
must be free of water at all times since it standpipe unit with the following exceptions:
serves to equalize atmospheric pressure
at the standpipe unit and the indicator 1. Install the device as shown in Figure 6.
2. Follow the procedure in Part 1, Sections
During cold weather when the air line is B-1 through B-5.
too stiff to be looped, cut the air line at
the 0.3-m graduation mark. Then insert
California Test 112
March 1998
3. Assemble the standpipe unit as shown in b. Pour sufficient water in the sight tube
Figure 5. Do not attach the outer to raise the water level
galvanized pipe. Firmly seat the approximately 50 mm.
standpipe unit on the prepared area in
the pit. c. Take a reading at 1 h. The water
level after adding the water should
4. Follow the procedure in Part 1, Sections drop to the first reading or slightly
B-7 and B-8. above it.
California Test 112
March 1998
Column 8 - Enter the height of the sight tube, then recharge the system
fill at the surface as determined by with clean water as necessary.
survey (optional).
b. If the device is still not operating
Column 9 - Enter the height of fill satisfactorily and the sealed
above original ground to the nearest standpipe unit is being used, plug the
0.1 m. top of the sight tube and attempt to
force compressed air through the air
Column 10 - Enter the number of line and out the drain line. Do not use
calendar days elapsed since the greater air pressure than necessary to
settlement device was installed. obtain a small flow through the
lines. Do not allow the water in the
Column 11 - Enter any information sight tube to overflow. Keep the top
that would be helpful in the analysis of the sight tube sealed during this
of data as shown. If it is necessary to operation.
lower the indicator unit on the post,
enter the date and the vertical c. If all other attempts to correct the
distance lowered; be sure to include malfunction fail, disconnect and drain
the corrected values in Columns 2, 3, the water line. Then apply
and 6. compressed air at low pressure to the
air line in an attempt to remove
B. MAINTENANCE debris from the water line. If the
sealed standpipe unit is used, plug
1. Most important to the continued the drain line during this operation.
functioning of fluid level settlement Occasionally, force air through the
devices is the use of as little water as water line to clear the lines if no
necessary when recharging the system return is observed when pressurizing
before reading. For this reason, use only the air line. If successful in clearing
enough water to raise the level in the obstructions from the water line in
sight tube approximately 50 mm. this manner, considerable care is
Continuous additions of greater quantities required while recharging the system
of water will probably cause flooding of with water to not use too much water
the standpipe unit. and to not introduce large voids in the
system. For this reason, recharging
2. If the water level in the sight tube does the unit should be performed only by
not drop after adding water, check the personnel experienced in this type of
unit over a period of several days. Do activity.
not, however, add an excessive amount of
water; just observe the system to see if the 3. If the water level in the sight tube is
unit is slow to respond. below the 0.01-m graduation or if there is
no water in the sight tube, look for leaks
a. If the unit is not operating properly, around the connection between the sight
remove the indicator box from the tube and the water line. If no leak is seen,
post and raise it up about 0.3 m. measure the vertical difference between
Disconnect the water line from the the 0.0-mm graduation on the indicator
sight tube and attach the line unit and the reference point. Remove the
upright on the post. Inspect the unit from the post and lower it
bottom of the sight tube and connector approximately 0.5 m or until water is
for debris. Remove any obstructions observed in the sight tube. If possible,
and reassemble the unit without and without adding water, adjust the
losing water from the water line. height of the indicator unit on the post so
After assembly, lower the indicator that the water level in the sight tube is
unit until water is observed in the approximately at the 0.7-m graduation.
California Test 112
March 1998
Add a small quantity of water and check device. Prepare a firm, level area free of
the water level before attaching the large rocks or clods for the settlement
indicator unit to the post. After adjusting device at the bottom of the pit.
the height of the indicator unit, again
measure the vertical distance between 3. Assemble the settlement device as shown
the 0.0-m graduation on the indicator unit in Figure 8. Attach a 19-mm pipe floor
and the reference point, and record the flange to the center of the wood platform
correction on the settlement data form with bolts or lag screws. Then screw a
(Figure 7, Column 3). 1.8 m length of 19-mm pipe into the floor
flange. Place a pipe coupling on the top
4. Be sure to replace the cover on the of the 19-mm pipe and tighten all joints
indicator unit after each reading to in the assembly using a pipe wrench.
prevent excessive loss by evaporation and
contamination by debris. 4. Measure and record the distance from the
top of the pipe coupling to the top of the
5. Occasionally, it may be necessary to wood platform. Then slip the 38 mm by
protect the air and water lines from 1.5-m protective sleeve, which may be
rodents or pests. If such a problem exists, either rigid polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or
protect these lines in flexible conduit iron pipe, over the control pipe until it is
extending from the bottom of the about 0.5 m above the floor flange. Place
indicator unit to below the ground surface. a duct seal or other seal to hold the
Although this should be done during protective sleeve in place. See Figure 8.
installation, the conduit can be added Do not attach the protective sleeve to the
later if extreme care is taken not to lose wood platform or the control pipe. This
water continuity as described above. protective sleeve is used to absorb the
friction between the fill material and the
PART 2. PIPE RISER SETTLEMENT settlement unit and, therefore, must be
DEVICE free to move independently from the
wood platform and control pipe.
5. Firmly seat the settlement device on the
1. Pipe riser settlement device (Figure 8) prepared area in the bottom of the pit.
Then fill and compact by hand using fine
2. Hand tools - shovel, bar, hammer, pipe embankment material free of large rocks
wrenches, etc. and clods around the settlement device to
a depth of 0.3 m.
6. Using a spirit level, check to make sure
1. It will usually be necessary to determine the control pipe is reasonably plumb,
the location for installing the settlement then carefully fill the pit with
device by survey. If settlement readings embankment material and compact in
are to be continued after completion of the place.
fill and removal of surcharge, it is
imperative that the unit be located 7. Attach a post to the top of the protective
directly beneath the median of divided sleeve to alert construction equipment
travel lanes or the shoulder of other operators of the obstruction.
NOTE: It has been found that a 1.8-m
2. After approximately 1 m of embankment long 2-by-4 painted with alternate 0.3 m
material has been placed, excavate a pit wide stripes of red and white is
to a depth of approximately 0.5 m above satisfactory for this use. It is
original ground at the previously recommended that flagging be attached
determined location for the settlement to the top of this post. The post should be
California Test 112
March 1998
attached so that it can be easily removed d. Measure the added length of control
and reattached as additional pipe is pipe, including the coupling. If
added during embankment construction. possible, check this distance by
determining the elevation of the
C. COLLECTION OF DATA control pipe.
b. Remove the protective post, attach a Column 7 - Record the total settlement to
coupling to the length of control pipe the nearest 0.002 m. This figure is
to be added, and tighten the joint obtained by subtracting the figure in
with pipe wrenches. Column 6 for the day being read from the
figure at the top of Column 6 (elevation
c. Insert the added length in the at the time of installation).
coupling on top of the existing control
pipe and tighten the joint by using one Column 8 - Record the elevation of the
pipe wrench on the existing coupling surface of the fill as determined by
and one pipe wrench on the added survey (that is optional).
length of control pipe. While
tightening the joint, do not allow the Column 9 - Record the height of the fill
coupling between the control pipe and above original ground to the nearest
the added length to turn. Turn only 0.1 m.
the added length of control pipe.
California Test 112
March 1998
The procedure for plotting and analyzing 3. After embankment construction has been
settlement data obtained from all types of completed, the rate of settlement will
settlement devices is described in this decrease with time, especially for soft
method. Comprehensive settlement analyses foundation soils. However, a marked
are complex and require extensive knowledge decrease in the rate of settlement may be
of soil mechanics and soil structure of the noticed until an appreciable amount of
area under study. Considerable information, time has elapsed since completion of the
however, can be obtained by the simplified embankment.
method described in this part.
a. Any significant increase in the rate of
1. Plot the data on a semi-logarithmic settlement after completion of the
chart as shown in Figure 10. Note that embankment is sufficient cause for
the scale for days is on the logarithmic immediate corrective action as
abscissa of the chart and both settlement described above.
and fill height are scaled arithmetically
on the ordinate. b. When the plotted data indicate that
the slope of the rate of settlement
2. Note that during construction, the rate of curve is essentially horizontal, the
settlement increases in approximate embankment surcharge may be
proportion to the fill load applied. This removed and/or permanent structure
is generally true in all cases where the construction may be started. For
rate of loading embankment is nearly example, from data shown in
constant. If embankment construction is Figure 10, a practical minimal rate of
suspended for an appreciable length of settlement was obtained at about
time, the negative slope indicating rate 360 days; at this time the
of settlement should become more embankment surcharge was removed
positive or flatter until embankment as shown.
construction resumes. In no case, however,
should the rate of settlement curve 4. Data should be collected throughout the
assume a positive slope. life of the contract. Longer data-
collection periods are necessary if
a. A sudden increase in the rate of significant rates of settlement are
settlement during construction is an measured.
indication of impending failure and
would dictate that fill loading be a. The time interval between readings
stopped immediately. may be increased as the indicated
rate of movement decreases.
b. If the rate of settlement remains
excessive after suspending fill b. Collection of data may be required for
operations, additional corrective several years on selected projects.
Long-term settlement data are
California Test 112
March 1998
frequently useful in the design of A, Section 5.0, Part B, Sections 5.0, 6.0 and 10.0
embankments where similar and Part C, Section 1.0 of Caltrans Laboratory
conditions are encountered. Safety Manual. Users of this method do so at
their own risk.
Prior to handling, testing or disposing of any None
waste materials, testers are required to read: Part
End of Text (California Test 112 contains 19 pages)
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March 1998
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California Test 112
March 1998
Fill Height (m)
4 A
Surcharge Complete
Surcharge Removed
0A A A
Settlement (m)
0.2 A
0.4 AA A A
1 10 100 1000
Time (days)
Settlement Data
San Ramon Road OC Abutment 1 Bridge No. 49-193
05-039733 05-SLO-101-47.2/52.5
Station: 2.3 m Rt. 8+50 F-30 Line Installed: 3/3/94
1 m Vertical Loading per Week Waiting Period Not to Exceed 270 days
- 19 -
_______________________Appendix C – Footing Foundations
November 2008
Throughout the 1990’s the Department underwent a massive seismic retrofit program.
Retrofits of footings designed and built prior to 1973 were required to address
deficiencies. These retrofits required the installation of a top mat of reinforcing steel to
address tensile loads at the top of the footing due to seismic forces. In some cases footing
dimensions were increased and/or perimeter piles added. These additional piles provide
additional resistance to bending moment in the structure and provide additional restraint
against rotation. Typical spread footings seismic retrofits are shown in the Figures below.
Table of Contents
Blasting – Example
What follows is an example of how the Department uses blasting in the construction of
bridge foundations. In the past, blasting has been performed to facilitate the construction
of spread footings and pier columns. The photograph below is an example of what can be
considered a hybrid of the two. Pier W2 of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge East
Span Construction project uses blasting to construct a foundation in rock. The foundation
is in excess of 60’ deep and 80’ square.
Pier W2, part of the E2-T1 project (EA 04-0120L4) is part of the new San Francisco
Oakland Bay Bridge. Blasting was used for structure excavation of these piers.
Construction of W2 structures was complete in Sept 2004 at a cost of $24.1 million.
(Building 262). Controlling fly rock, air noise levels, and ground motor peak
particle velocities as specified herein shall not relieve the Contractor of his
responsibility for assuring the complete safety of his operation.
The blasting plan shall indicate the type and method of instrumentation
proposed by the Contractor to determine air noise levels, and ground motion peak
particle velocity at the nearest improvements. The blasting plan shall also
provide for a pre-blast reconnaissance survey of all adjacent improvements.
Approval of the Contractor's blasting plan or blasting procedures shall
not relieve the Contractor of any of his responsibility under the contract for
assuring the complete safety of his operations with respect to neighboring
improvements, or for the successful completion of the work in conformance with
the requirements of the plans and specifications.
If the Engineer fails to complete the review within the time allowed, and if,
in the opinion of the Engineer, the Contractor's controlling operations are
delayed or interfered with by reason of the delay, an extension of time
commensurate with the delay will be granted as provided in Section 8-1.07,
"Liquidated Damages," of the Standard Specifications.
The blasting supervisors (blaster in charge) shall have a minimum of 10
years experience, directly related to the specific types of blasting they are
All blasters and supervisors shall be properly qualified and licensed in
accordance with applicable federal, State, and local government regulations.
The Contractor shall retain the services of an experienced seismologist or
engineering consultant with at least 10 years experience in monitoring blasting
operations and interpreting ground vibration, air overpressure, and water
pressure amplitudes for similar construction projects.
The Contractor shall retain the services of an experienced specialist who
will conduct the pre-blast inspections of private properties as specified herein.
The specialist shall have performed similar pre-construction survey services on at
least three projects of similar scope and complexity.
B. The names of the property owner and occupants, the addresses of the property,
the date and time of the inspection.
C. A complete description of the structure(s) or other improvement(s) including
culverts and bridges.
D. A detailed interior inspection with each interior room (including attic and
basement spaces) designated and described. All existing conditions of the walls,
ceiling and floor such as cracks, holes and separations shall be noted.
E. A detailed exterior inspection fully describing the existing conditions of all
foundations, walls, roofs, doors, windows, and porches.
F. A detailed listing, inspection and documentation of existing conditions of garages,
outbuildings, sidewalks and driveways.
G. A detailed listing of highway signposts, light fixtures and overhead power lines.
H. A survey of any wells or other private water supplies including total depth and
existing water surface levels.
Environment Protection
Sound Pressure Level (SPL) due to blasting shall not be greater than 180
dB (decibels) in the water at a distance of 10 meters from any point on the
shoreline at Yerba Buena Island. The Contractor shall design blasting plan to
meet SPL performance limitations and shall perform trial blasts to select
allowable charge weights per delay based on measured values of SPL. The
Engineer will conduct acoustical monitoring and marine mammal monitoring
during all blasting activities. The safe distance for marine mammals due to
blasting effects is herein referred to as the Marine Mammal Safety Zone (MMSZ).
The MMSZ will be established at a 50-meter radii from the shoreline adjacent to
the blasting area, and may be increased or decreased in size based on results of
acoustical monitoring. The purpose of the marine mammal monitoring is to
prohibit blasting activity if marine mammals are present within the MMSZ. In
addition, the Engineer will monitor for Pacific herring spawning event within a
200-meter distance from the shoreline adjacent to the blasting area. If spawning
is observed, blasting activity will be prohibited. Work shall not resume until the
Engineer notifies the Contractor, which is expected to be approximately 14
calendar days from the time of spawning.
The Contractor shall provide two working days advance notice to the
Engineer before each day he is planning to blast. The marine mammal
monitoring shall commence at least 15 minutes before blasting begins. The
Engineer will have the sole discretion to direct Contractor with approval to
proceed with blasting operation prior to each and every blast.
The Department will conduct surveys and monitoring of bird activity
before and during blasting activities as part of an agreement with the resource
Flyrock Control
Before the firing of any blast in areas where flying rock may result in
personnel injury or unacceptable damage to property, parked vehicles or the
work, the Contractor shall cover the rock to be blasted with approved blasting
mats, soil, or other equally serviceable material, to prevent flyrock.
If flyrock leaves the construction site and lands on private property all
blasting operations will cease until a qualified consultant, hired by the
Contractor, reviews the site and determines the cause and solution to the flyrock
problem. Before blasting proceeds, a written report shall be submitted by the
Contractor to the Engineer for approval.
Blasting Guards
The Contractor shall provide sufficient blasting guards and station them
around the blasting area during blasting to assure that people and structures are
not endangered. Traffic during blasting shall be controlled by the Contractor.
Blasting operations may be suspended by the Engineer for any of the
Full compensation for blasting including all the requirements as specified
herein, shall be considered as included in the contract price paid per cubic meter
for structure excavation (bridge) and no separate payment will be made therefor.
Pile Shaft Project: Although this project has large diameter CIDH piles, this project is
not considered a pier column. It does not have contract pay items for structure
excavation (pier column) and structure concrete (pier column). Conventional methods
were used to drill the CIDH pile.
However, the pile shaft design was chosen because limited space constraints next to the
existing freeway and change of elevation differences between Abutment 1 to Abutment 8.
If a pile cap foundation was chosen, then the pile caps would have had to have been
excavated 10 to 20 feet beneath the existing freeway to account for the different column
stiffness. This excavation would have been problematic due to space constraints in the
middle of the existing freeway. Due to the limited space constraints, single column pile
shaft foundations were considered easier to construct than a conventional pile cap with
standard plan piles. Due to the different column lengths, isolation casing were required at
certain locations to account for the different stiffness of short and long columns. Also,
the claystone formation underlying the project site was conducive to drilled shaft
construction since caving issues would be reduced after using temporary casings to
stabilize softer/looser near surface soils (Comments by Tim Alderman, Caltrans
Construction Issues:
Groundwater was anticipated and encountered. Two-cranes were needed to lift the pile
shaft column rebar into place. Windy conditions affected crane operations.
Drilling at Bent 3 of the 580/205 Separation Bridge Drilling at Bent 7 with Steel casing to prevent cave-in.
using a 1.98m diameter auger.
PROJ/RTE/PM: 04/10-SJ/ALA-580/205 Date: 2006/2007
PROJECT NO. 04-470804 Photos contributed by Gon Choi, P.E., Consultant Engineer Photo Page D-15
Link Belt LS-518 Crane with Steven M Hain Co 450K, 2.13-m diameter Clean out bucket cleaning out Bent 7 of
Series 1 drill. the 580/205 Separation Bridge.
Rebar coupler splice equipment in use. Iron Workers making the rebar cage at Bent 5.
At the middle of the cage lift. Vertical rebar cage lifted in the air.
PROJ/RTE/PM: 04/10-SJ/ALA-580/205 Date: 2006/2007
PROJECT NO. 04-470804 Photo Page D-18
Slurry storage and setting tanks. 4-inch tremie tubes.
CIDH pour with tremie tube in the middle of the pile and Column pour
slurry is being pump back to the tank.
Guy wire placed on the column forms. Guy wire in place during column pour.
PROJ/RTE/PM: 04/10-SJ/ALA-580/205 Date: 2006/2007
PROJECT NO. 04-470804 Photo Page D-20
Bent 5: 180-ft long rebar cage with 3” gamma gamma Bent 7 cage; Bent 6 drilling.
PVC inspection tubes installed.
Bent 5 Column - After the forms were stripped. Bent 5 - side view of the column.
E Driven Piles
Table of Contents
Projects with driven pile foundations specify the “Gates Formula” to determine nominal
resistance. No longer will contracts utilize the ENR formula. This change is
incorporated in the “Amendments To July 1999 Standard Specifications” (Section 49-
1.08) found in the front of the Special Provisions. The change is also discussed in Bridge
Construction Memo (BCM) 130-4.0 dated June 14, 2007.
• Factor of safety from ENR (Engineering News Record) varies from ½ to 20.
With low factor of safety, capacity of the pile is actually driven to be under the
factored design load. Lack of capacity has result in excessive settlement.
Extremely high factor of safety often cause damage to the pile and result in
contractor claims and also is a waste of time and energy.
• California was actually one of the last States using the ENR formula.
• ENR does not properly account for down drag or the overburden effects and
resistance associated with zones that may scour or liquefy.
• This formula predicts the static capacity of the pile significantly more accurately
than the ENR Formula because it provides a significantly lower coefficient of
Additionally, since the formula utilizes ultimate capacity and not an unfactored safe load,
the formula can account for the effects of downdrag, scour, and liquefaction.
Additional Notes:
Caltrans Memo To Designer 3-1 was updated in July 2008. During constructability
reviews, it is very important that the Structure Construction reviewer checks the pile data
table on the plan sheets for notes on downdrag and liquifaction.
Caltrans ● Foundation Manual E-2
__________________________________Appendix E – Driven Piles
November 2008
A very good reference showing the differences in formulas (Gates, ENR, Haley, Janbu,
etc) is the “Comparison of Methods for Estimating Pile Capacity, Report No. WA-RD
163.1”, Final Report dated August 1988, by the Washington State Department of
Transportation. In lieu of that, examples of comparisons are shown below.
( )
P = (1.83 ∗ ( Er ) 2 ∗ log10 (0.83 ∗ N )) − 124 z
( s + 0.1)
Where, P = safe load in pounds
E = rated energy in foot-pounds
s = penetration per blow in inches
This formula was derived from the original Engineering News formula for drop hammers
on timber piles, which was:
( s + c)
Where, W = weight of ram in pounds
H = length of stroke in inches
c = elastic losses in the cap, pile, and soil in inches
It was modified to correct units and apply other factors to compensate for modern
⎛ WH ⎞
P = ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ z
⎝ ku s ⎠
Where, P = safe load in pounds
W = weight of ram in pounds
H = length of stroke in inches
s = penetration per blow in inches
ku = factor derived from the following,
ku = Cd 1 + 1 + (λ Cd )]
Cd = 0.75 + 0.15(W p W )
AEs 2
when, Wp = weight of pile in pounds
L = length of pile in inches
A = area of pile in square inches
E = modulus of elasticity of pile in pounds per square inch
z = conversion factor for units and safety with this formula
⎞⎛ W + n W p ⎞
⎛ e f WH
P = ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟⎜ ⎟z
⎜ ⎟
⎝ s + 2 (c1 + c2 + c3 ) ⎠⎝ W + W p
⎛ W + kW p ⎞
En ⎜ ⎟z
⎜ W +W ⎟
P= ⎝ ⎠
444.122 kips
= ≈ 111.0 tons
2(2 kip ton )
Case 1: ⎛ e f WH ⎞⎛ W + n W p ⎞
P = ⎜⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟z
+ 1 (c + c + c ) ⎟⎜ W + W ⎟
⎝ s 2 1 2 3 ⎠⎝ p ⎠
⎞⎛ W + n W p ⎞
⎛ e f WH
= ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟⎜ ⎟ 2.75( 2000
⎜ ⎟
⎝ s + 2 (c1 + c2 + c3 ) ⎠⎝ W + W p ⎠
1 ton )
Case 2: ⎛ e f WH ⎞⎛ W + n 2W p ⎞
P=⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟z
+ 1 (c + c + c ) ⎟⎜ W + W ⎟
⎝ s 2 1 2 3 ⎠⎝ p ⎠
⎛ e f WH ⎞⎛ W + n 2W p ⎞
= ⎜⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟ 2.75( 2000
+ 1 (c + c + c ) ⎟⎜ W + W ⎟ lbs
ton )
⎝ s 2 1 2 3 ⎠⎝ p ⎠
Case 1: ⎛ W + kW p ⎞
En ⎜ ⎟z
⎜ W +W ⎟
P= ⎝
p ⎠
⎛ W + kW p ⎞
En ⎜ ⎟
⎜ W +W ⎟ 1
= ⎝ p ⎠
PL 4(2000 lbs ton )
⎛ 7,938 lbs + 0.1(11,600 lbs) ⎞
83,880 ft ⋅ lbs(12 in lbs)⎜⎜ ⎟
⎝ 7,938 lbs + (11,600 lbs) ⎟⎠ 1
= ×
P (80 ft × 12 in ft ) 4(2000 lbs ton )
0.844 in +
(144 in )(4.4 × 10 )
2 6
468,711 in ⋅ lbs 1
= − 6 in
0.844 in + P (1.52 × 10 lbs) 4(2000 lbs ton )
343,511 lbs
= ≈ 42.94 tons
4(2000 lbs ton )
Case 2: ⎛ W + kW p ⎞
En ⎜ ⎟z
⎜ W +W ⎟
P= ⎝
p ⎠
⎛ W + kW p ⎞
En ⎜ ⎟
⎜ W +W ⎟ 1
= ⎝ ⎠×
PL 4(2000 lbs ton )
⎛ 7,938 lbs + 0.25(4240 lbs) ⎞
83,880 ft ⋅ lbs(12 in lbs)⎜⎜ ⎟
⎝ 7,938 lbs + (4240 lbs) ⎟⎠ 1
= ×
P(80 ft × 12 ft )
4(2000 lbs ton )
0.844 in +
(15.58 in 2 )(30 × 106 )
743,720 in ⋅ lbs 1
= − 6 in
0.844 in + P (2.1×10 lbs) 4(2000 lbs ton )
430,395 lbs
= ≈ 53.8 tons
4(2000 lbs ton )
Pile Formula 12" PC/PS Concrete Pile HP12x53 Steel Pile
PACIFIC COAST 42.9 tons 63.5 tons 53.8 tons 73.3 tons
⎛ Ru +124 ⎞
⎜⎜ ⎟
⎝ 1.83 Er ⎟⎠
Rearranging for N: N=
⎛ 390+124 ⎞
⎜⎜ ⎟
1.83 83,880 ⎟⎠
(514 530 )
10 0.9698
= 11.23 ≈ 11 blows ft
⎛ Ru +124 ⎞
⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
10 ⎝ 1.83 Er ⎠ Er = 6 ft (7938 lbs )
0.83 = 47,628 ft ⋅ lbs
⎛ 390+124 ⎞
⎜⎜ ⎟
⎝ 1.83 47 , 628 ⎟⎠
(514 399 )
= 23.33 ≈ 23 blows ft
Calculations for the chart data are completed by using the Excel
spreadsheet, PileEquation-Gates.xls (updated 7/26/2007), downloaded from
the OSC Intranet website. See next page for calculation results of the
⎛ Ru +124 ⎞
⎜⎜ ⎟
1.83 E r ⎟⎠
10 ⎝
θ = sin -1 ( 3 3.16 ) = 71.565°
Er = 7938 lbs(9 ft × sin 71.565°)
⎛ 390 +124 ⎞
⎜⎜ ⎟
1.83 67 , 775.8 ⎟⎠
= = 67,775.8 ft ⋅ lbs
(514 )
10 476
= 14.48 ≈ 14 blows ft
Calculations for the chart data are completed by using a MODIFIED version of the Excel
spreadsheet, PileEquation-Gates.xls (updated 7/26/2007). See next page.
Ru = Nominal resistance + 2 x downdrag
Ru = 1250 KN + (2 * 242KN) = 1734 KN
**It is generally accepted that the energy output of an open-end diesel hammer is
equal to the ram weight times the length of stroke.
⎛ Ru + 550 ⎞
⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
⎝ 7 Er ⎠
Set up table:
Hammer Type: Delmag D 36-32
Design Load: 625kN
Nominal Resistance: 1734kN
Max Energy 113724Joules
Piston Wt 3600.6Kg
Blows Per Last 300 mm.
10.417 3.18 112151 11
10 3.05 107661 12
9 2.74 96895 13
8 2.44 86129 16
7 2.13 75363 19
6 1.83 64597 23
5 1.52 53831 31
4 1.22 43064 45
3 0.91 32298 79
Set up graph:
(Delmag D36-32, Design Load = 625 kN,
Nominal Resistance = 1734 kN)
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
A very good spreadsheet (PileEquation-Gates.xls) used to calculate blows per foot using
the Gates equation can be found on the OSC Intranet Homepage under,
“Downloads/Forms”. This spreadsheet was updated on 7/26/07.
Continue calculations:
Standard Specifications - Section 49-1.05
--Impact Hammer Minimum Energy “not less 3mm/blow at the specified bearing
Find N.
Using Er = 3600.6 kg * 9.81 * 3.18 = 112,323 Joules
Ru = 1250 KN + (2 * 242KN) = 1734 KN
N = 11 blows/ 300 mm
s = Penetration per blow in millimeters
= 300 mm/11 blows
≈ 27.0 mm > 3 mm OK.
Note: An upper limit is not specified for the Contractor to furnish an approved hammer
having sufficient energy to drive piles at a penetration rate of not less than 1/8-inch per
blow at the required bearing value.
End of example.
H = 4.01⎛⎜ 60 ⎞⎟ − 0.3
⎝ bpm ⎠
H = hammer stroke in feet
bpm = field observation of hammer blows per minute
H = 4.01⎛⎜ 60 ⎞⎟ − 0.3
⎝ bpm ⎠
= 4.01⎛⎜ 60 ⎞⎟ − 0.3
⎝ 43 bpm ⎠
= 7.81 − 0.3
= 7.51 ≈ 7.5 ft
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Tiebacks, Tiedowns
H & Soil Nails
Table of Contents
Tiebacks are utilized in both temporary and permanent structures. Tiebacks are normally
used to achieve higher walls or deeper excavations than can be achieved by cantilevered
construction alone. In temporary construction, if soil conditions and physical
development adjacent to the work area allows, tiebacks may be proposed by the
Contractor to avoid the use of struts and bracing that may obstruct the work area. In
temporary applications tiebacks are proposed and designed by the Contractor and
included within their shoring submittal to the Structures Representative. In permanent
applications tiebacks are normally utilized with soldier piling for timber lagged
cantilevered tieback wall construction. As such, this checklist should be integrated with
The following checklist is intended to append Bridge Construction Memo 145-10.0, and
serves as a stand-alone reference related solely to the installation of tiebacks. The
Structure Representative is encouraged to employ the following checklist for tieback
installations. If a problem or situation is encountered that is not addressed by this
checklist, you are encouraged to contact either your Senior Bridge Engineer or the Earth
Retaining Systems Specialist.
B. Foundation Manual:
1. Chapter 11 – Tiebacks, Tiedowns, and Soil Nails
2. Appendix H – Tiebacks, Tiedowns, and Soil Nails
• Construction Checklist
D. Prestress Manual:
• Focus on subjects including safety, prestress working drawings,
strands/rods, bearing plates, wedges, jacks, stressing, grouting, and
Appendices A through F.
Caltrans ● Foundation Manual H-2
_________________Appendix H – Tiebacks, Tiedowns & Soil Nails
November 2008
B. Information Handout:
• Local, Regional, State, and Federal regulatory and permit specific
• Focus review on regulatory requirements/restrictions related to Structures
contract items.
B. Contract Plans:
1. General Plan – Typical Section:
• Note tieback levels and angle on inclination of tiebacks.
2. Retaining Wall Elevation:
• Note varying tieback spacings for various tieback levels.
C. Standard Specifications:
1. Section 50 – Prestressing Concrete.
• Upon receipt of TL-29s’ for strands – compare As’ & Es’ with values on
submitted working drawings.
• Corrosion inhibiting grease is specified over the unbonded, sheathed
portion of the strands.
• Centralizers and spacing are noted.
A. Construction Sequence:
1. Soldier piles installed, face of wall excavated, timber lagging installed
2. Drilling, installation, and primary grouting of tiebacks.
3. Post grouting (i.e., pressure grouting) at Contractor’s discretion.
4. Concrete waler construction:
• Bearing plate/sleeve assembly installation during concrete waler
formwork construction.
• Pour concrete waler.
• Testing/stressing of tieback and lock-off to final service load.
• Perform secondary grouting.
• Install grout cap and complete third stage grouting.
4. Dual soldier pile construction:
• Welding of bearing bar to piles.
• Installation of wedge plate and bearing plate/sleeve assembly.
• Testing/stressing of tieback and lock-off to final service load.
• Perform secondary grouting.
• Perform third stage grouting.
• Form and pour concrete encasement over anchor assembly.
B. Delivery/Storage of Materials:
1. Tiebacks:
• Perform thorough inspection of tiebacks for damage:
Refer to repair procedures submitted by contractor for damaged sheathing.
• Verify proper storage of tiebacks.
2. Bearing plate/sleeve (trumpet) assemblies:
• Inspect for damage to assemblies, particularly damaged galvanizing.
• Note different bearing plate dimensions for various tieback locations.
C. Equipment Mobilization:
1. Note and photograph all equipment mobilized to jobsite:
• Drill rig, augers, and casings.
• Grout plant, pumps, and compressors.
• Testing/stressing equipment.
• Settling tank, pumps, hoses – condition of hoses.
2. Verify all equipment mobilized conforms to Contractors tieback working
drawing submittal.
E. Drilling:
• Review OSC Code of Safe Practices – Drilling Tiebacks and Soil Nails
• Stay away from rotating machinery.
• Maintain eye contact with drilling equipment operator.
1. Full Time Inspection Required:
• Drilled hole activity is highest potential for Differing Site Condition –
DSC to occur.
• Begin logging holes immediately – don’t wait for Contractor to file a
• Compare drill tailings (spoils) with information contained upon LOTBs’.
• Note productivity rates for drilling advancement, soil conditions, presence
of groundwater at given drilling depth/elevation.
• Use high powered spotlight or mirror to observe soil structure over full
depth of drilled hole.
• Note any potential problem soils areas:
Focus performance tests at tiebacks where questionable soil conditions are
• Verify actual hole depth and actual drilled diameter:
To estimate grout volume to assure tiebacks are being fully grouted.
To determine maximum primary grout level outside of corrugated
Potential Problems:
Rocks or boulders are encountered within drilled holes:
• Contractor is contractually on notice within “Tieback Anchors” of the
Contract Special Provisions to anticipate and be prepared for difficult
drilling conditions.
• Submitted/approved tieback working drawings should address.
• Amend as necessary in writing prior to proceeding.
• For encountering rocks and boulders, down hole pneumatic hammer drill
rigs and drill bits should be employed.
Drilled holes caving:
Usually not detected until the tieback is attempted to be installed.
• Submitted/approved tieback working drawings should address.
• Amend as necessary in writing prior to proceeding.
Caving in dry holes:
• Casing system advancing with drilling.
Caving in wet holes:
• Casing system, or
• Tremie seal: 3-sack slurry & re-drill 24 hours later.
Tieback Installation:
1. Prior to installation:
• Re-inspect each assembly for damage.
• Verify bonded length:
Cut sheathing in vicinity of bonded/unbonded zone, verify, and patch.
• Ensure centralizers are installed:
Provide one at end of strand.
G. Tieback Grouting:
1. Within corrugated sheathing:
• Section 50-1.09 – 5 gals per sack of cement
2. Outside of corrugated sheathing:
• Where holes exceed 8 inches in diameter special provisions allow fine
aggregate added to grout mix.
• Cement content is not less than 500 kg per cubic meter.
3. Post grouting (pressure grouting):
• Section 50-1.09 requirements apply.
4. Grouting equipment:
• Check equipment for wear.
• Check plumbing for all required valves and gauges.
5. Water Pollution Control Program:
• Address WPCP/Regulatory permit requirements.
• Prevent run-off into drainage structures & natural courses.
6. Primary Grout Placement:
• Within sheathing:
Grout to end of sheathing.
Continue until all air is expelled.
• Outside of sheathing:
Grouting via exterior tube with one-way valve:
Two conditions:
Holes less than 6 inches in diameter:
Grout to within 6 inches of sleeve.
Holes greater than 6 inches in diameter:
Grout only the bonded length of the tieback.
Difficult to verify – error on high side.
7. Post Grouting:
• Involves pressure grouting in vicinity of bonded length.
• At Contractor’s discretion – not required by the Special Provisions.
• Typically provided for on Contractor’s tieback working drawings.
• Grout pressure injected until specified pressure is achieved:
Typically 300 to 500 psi.
• Volume of grout injected and pressure recorded by Contractor.
• Provides an indication as to the soil conditions within the bonded length.
8. Grout Volume Determinations:
• Per Special Provisions, Contractor must record all primary grout volumes
and furnish results to the Structures Representative – file within Category
41 for tiebacks.
I. Testing/Stressing:
• Static nature of testing/stressing belies danger of forces involved
• Hold a special safety meeting prior to testing including:
All assistants and District personnel who may be working in the area
• Topics to cover include:
• Prestress Manual – “SAFETY”
• Emphasize avoiding path of forces being applied
• Inspect pumps and hoses for excessive wear
1. Testing/stressing normally conducted against the permanent structures.
2. Testing equipment:
• Shims of varying thickness.
• Hydraulic ram, pump, and pressure gauges:
Must be calibrated by METS annually.
• Device capable of measuring elastic/slip movement of strands to
3. Permanent stressing Devices:
• Anchor head.
• Seating wedges.
4. Testing/stressing procedure:
•Testing conducted on all tiebacks.
• Threading anchor head onto strands:
Assure proper arrangement of strands to achieve uniform loading of
• Placement of shims between anchor head and bearing plate.
• Threading wedges onto strands and seating into anchor head.
• Threading strands through ram and installing lock wedges and loading
plate at upper end of ram.
• Aligning ram along axis of tieback.
• Apply alignment load to ram:
Check for uniform bearing of anchor head on bearing plate and alignment
of ram with strands.
• Commence with testing.
J. Lock-Off:
1. Lock-off results in relaxation of tieback force to 75% of Design Load.
• 75% of design load is specified to achieve residual capacity within the
• Lock-off conducted upon successful testing of tieback:
Ram is backed off anchor head.
Stands stressed to relax anchor head off shims.
Shims between anchor head and bearing plate removed.
Anchor head returned to bearing plate.
Perform Lift-off test.
2. Lift-off test:
• Verifies force in tieback.
• Load re-applied to strands until anchor head lifts off of bearing plate.
• Pressure/load at lift-off noted:
Should be within 5% of required 75% of Design Force.
Record final force in tieback upon test sheets.
Potential Problems:
Actual lift-off force exceeds 75% of Design Load in excess of 5%
• Shim thickness used too thin
Back strand wedges out of anchor head.
Install thicker shim - 3mm increments.
Re-stress to 1.5*T.
Repeat lock-off & lift-off test.
Actual lift-off force less than 75% of Design Load in excess of 5%
• Shim thickness used too thick.
Back anchor head off of bearing plate.
Install thinner shim - 3mm increments.
Re-stress to 1.5*T.
Repeat lock-off & lift-off.
K. Testing/Stressing Summary:
“Before”. Facing east. Survey stakes placed. Slope “Before”. Facing west. Survey stakes placed. Slope is
is eroding (on the left). 12/31/03 eroding. Existing drainage pipe and creek on right.
“After”. Facing east. Type 7 chain link fence. Type “After”. Facing west. Wall is complete. Two rows
27 modified concrete barrier on top of barrier slab. of concrete walers (with tieback anchors). Creek on
6/24/04 the right. 6/24/04
PROJ/RTE/PM: 04-SM-Rte 84-PM 10.2 Soldier Pile Wall with Tieback Anchors Date: 2003/2004
PROJECT NO. 04-1S2724 Photos by Dan Dait, P.E., Sr Br Engr Photo Page 1
_________________Appendix H – Tiebacks, Tiedowns & Soil Nails
November 2008
The following construction checklist for soldier piles has been developed to assist field
personnel in preparing documents and inspecting fieldwork to ensure compliance with
contract requirements for the placement of soldier piles. It is important that the Structure
Representative reviews the plans and specifications and conducts preconstruction
meetings with the Contractor to lay out the procedures, identify potential field problems
and solve those problems prior to the commencement of soldier pile installations.
Soldier piles are commonly used for temporary shoring and permanent timber lagged
maintenance walls, with or without tiebacks. In permanent applications, soldier piles are
simply CIDH piles with structural steel piling partially embedded within Class 3 concrete
with the balance of the drilled hole filled with a sacrificial lean concrete backfill. For
permanent soldier pile walls with tiebacks, this checklist should be integrated with the
The Structure Representative is encouraged to employ the following checklist for soldier
pile installations. If a problem or situation is encountered this checklist does not address,
you are encouraged to contact either your Senior Bridge Engineer or the Earth Retaining
Systems Specialist.
B. Foundation Manual:
1. Chapter 6 – Cast-In-Drilled-Hole-Piles
Foundation Manual does not currently address soldier piling
2. Chapter 11 – Tiebacks, Tiedowns, and Soil Nails
3. Appendix H – Tiebacks, Tiedowns, and Soil Nails
• Construction Checklist
B. Information Handout:
1. Local, Regional, State, and Federal regulatory and permit specific
• Focus review on regulatory requirements/restrictions related to Structures
contract items.
B. Contract Plans
1. General Plan – Structures
• Check curve data, profile grades and construction stationing for
conformity with road plans.
2. Retaining Wall Elevations
C. Standard Specifications
1. Section 19 – Earthwork
• Section 19-3.062 – Slurry Cement Backfill
2. Section 49 – Piling
• Section 49-4.03 Drilled Holes
• Section 49-5 Steel Piles
3. Section 57 – Timber Structures
4. Section 58 – Preservative Treatment of Lumber, Timber, and Piling
5. Section 59 – Painting
6. Section 90 – Portland Cement Concrete
7. Section 91 – Paint
A. Category 8 – Surveys
1. Soldier Pile cut sheets
E. Paint
1. Verify inorganic zinc primer on Department’s list of approved brands
2. Verify –finish coating systems are supplied by the same manufacturer of the
primer system and are compatible with the primer system
A. Surveys
1. Have Contractor submit staking request – review w/ Contractor prior to
2. Request surveys provide two points at stationing for each pile: one for grade
at 6 feet offset from RWLOL and one for line approximately 6 feet beyond.
3. Prepare cut sheets for each pile
• Cut to required pile tip
• Cut to top of Class 3 Concrete (Backfill)
• Cut to top of pile cut-off
B. Delivery/Storage of Materials
1. Assure piling is carefully handled when unloading and placed upon wooden
2. Verify primer paint system has not been damaged due to shipment and
handling – notify contractor of any required repairs to primer paint system
3. Piece-mark each pile and field measure overall length for future reference
when determining tip elevation and required cut-off
C. Equipment Mobilization
1. Note and photograph all equipment mobilized to jobsite:
• Drill rig, augers, clean out buckets, and core barrels
• Hydraulic crane – check crane certifications
• Casings - in event caving conditions encountered
• Settling tank, pumps, hoses – condition of hoses
2. Verify all equipment mobilized conforms to Contractors pile earthwork and
placement submittals
E. Drilling
Stay away from perimeter of drilled hole
• unpredictable soil conditions at top of shaft
• could result in bank failure
• subsequent fall could result serious injury or death
Stay in visual contact with drill rig operator
• be constantly aware of operator’s blind spots and direction of drill rig swing
to clean auger of drill spoils
• when maneuvering around drill rig be aware of swing radius at back end of
drill rig
• place caution flagging to warn personnel of swing radius
1. Full Time Inspection Required:
• Drilled hole activity is highest potential for Differing Site Condition –
DSC to occur.
• Begin logging holes immediately – don’t wait for Contractor to file a
• Compare drill tailings (spoils) with information contained upon LOTBs’
• Note productivity rates for drilling advancement, soil conditions, presence
of groundwater at given drilling depth/elevation
• Use high-powered spotlight or mirror to observe soil structure at face of
drilled hole
• Note depth ranges where changes in soil conditions occur, presence of
caving occurs, depth to groundwater, etc.
• Measure depth of hole with respect to 6 foot offset grade point to check
clearance between bottom of hole and tip of pile and to estimate Class 3
concrete backfill quantities for hole.
• Verify bottom of hole is cleaned of all loose drilling spoils prior to
placement of soldier pile
Potential Problems
• Contractor’s in driver’s seat – refer to Contractor’s Pile Placement Plan
for contingencies
• Possible solutions:
– Casing – difficult to retrieve during concrete placement with pile
placed and plumbed in center of drilled hole
– Tremie seal
The drilled hole is advanced beyond the depth of caving and backfilled
with typically a 3-sack slurry mix and allowed to set overnight. The
hole is then re-drilled the following day through the 3-sack slurry,
which essentially cases the hole. This procedure may need to be
repeated within the same hole to achieve the necessary pile tip
– Suspend drilling until the Class 3 concrete backfill arrives. The final
drilling is then advanced, hole is cleaned, and the pile quickly placed,
plumbed, and secured, and then the hole is quickly backfilled with
Class 3 concrete before caving continues. If the caving proceeds
before the concrete can be placed, use of either a casing or a tremie
seal will be necessary.
High groundwater infiltration
• Again, Contractor is in driver’s seat
• Refer to Contractor’s Pile Placement Plan for contingencies
• Verify settling tank is of sufficient capacity to contain water pumped from
I. Welding
J. Painting
1. Shop Prime:
• Inspected by METS in fabricator’s facility
2. Finish Coats:
• Verify temperature and humidity are acceptable for paint application
- Refer to paint manufacturer’s technical data sheets
• Assure minimum dry film thickness will be achieved
- Spot check wet film thickness as paint is applied
• Application of second coat is delayed by over seven days:
- Contractor required to pressure wash surface prior to second finish
coat application
A. As-Built Drawings
1. Changes to pile tip elevations
2. Indicate upon log of test borings deviations from subsurface conditions
indicated including presence of groundwater
Soldier Pile Wall with Tieback Anchors within two concrete walers. Date: June 2004.
Fiber rolls placed along slope for erosion control. Photo by D. Dait, P.E., Sr Br Engr
Soil nails provide a means to reinforce and strengthen an existing soil structure in order
to achieve a slope face steeper than the natural angle of repose. Soil nails provide tensile
reinforcement for soils that typically exhibit low tensile strength. They are termed
“passive inclusions” as they are not pre-tensioned but rather simply grouted in place
along their full embedment into the ground. Tensile forces develop within soil nails as
active failure planes develop in the soil mass reinforced by the soil nails. The soil nails
are designed with sufficient embedment depths to adequately transfer the tensile stresses
developed by the active soil mass pressures back into stable soil structures behind the
active failure planes.
Common applications of soil nails include but are not limited to:
• Temporary shoring walls.
• Permanent walls into cut slopes and bridge abutment fill slopes for roadway
• Slope stabilization measures.
Construction of soil nail walls commonly follow or closely follow the following
Excavation by lifts from the top of slope, downward (i.e., “top-down” construction) to
depths generally limited by some dimension below the horizontal level of each row of
soil nails.
Placement of welded wire fabric across surface of excavated lift and continuous
reinforcing steel above and below row of soil nails and application of shotcrete to
construct a temporary shoring of the excavated embankment slope.
Embedment into the wet shotcrete of anchor plates upon soil nails to transfer lateral
active soil pressures from the shotcrete facing into soil nails.
A. Foundation Manual:
1. Chapter 11 – Tiebacks, Tiedowns, and Soil Nails.
2. Appendix H – Tiebacks, Tiedowns, and Soil Nails.
• Construction Checklist
B. Information Handout:
1. Local, Regional, State, and Federal regulatory and permit specific
• Focus review on regulatory requirements/restrictions related to Structures
contract items.
B. Contract Plans:
1. General Plan & Elevation:
• Check stationing, grades, and bearings with District layout plans.
2. Typical Section:
• Note inclination angles for various soil nail levels.
• Note offset distances to RWLOL.
3. General Notes:
• Note Ultimate Bond Stress σb for pullout test load determination.
4. Structure Plans/Elevations:
• Note top and bottom wall elevations.
• Note/check dimensioning and stationing with General Plan.
• Check continuity of grades and stations at match lines between sheets.
5. Foundation Plans:
• Review against District layout, utility, and drainage plans.
• Check for conflicts and required coordination with other agencies.
6. Soil Nail Details:
• Note dimensions from RWLOL to face of shotcrete/wall excavation.
• Test soil nail assembly detail:
Note required embedment and bonded lengths.
• Production soil nail assembly detail:
Note required embedment lengths for various soil nail levels.
• Drainage Details:
Note geocomposite drain placement with respect to soil nail locations.
7. Soil Nail Layouts:
• Note soil nail spacings and dimensions from top and bottom of finished
Combine with Structure Plans/Elevations to develop cut sheets for soil nail
• Note test soil nail assembly locations.
8. Log of Test Borings – LOTB:
• Review LOTBs’ with respect to wall layout line and soil nail
locations/elevations – the data provided may be extrapolated over the full
depth of the soil nails extending into the hillside.
C. Standard Specifications:
1. Section 19: Earthwork:
• Section 19-3 Structure Excavation and Backfill.
2. Section 50: Prestressing Concrete:
• Section 50-1.09 Bonding and Grouting.
3. Section 52: Reinforcement.
4. Section 53: Shotcrete.
5. Section 88: Engineering Fabrics.
A. Construction Sequence:
1. Excavation by lifts from top of slope downward – i.e., “top-down”
2. Drilling, insertion, and grouting of production and test soil nails.
3. Placement of geocomposite drains between soil nails.
4. Placement of welded wire fabric over face of excavation.
5. Placement of continuous reinforcing bars along soil nail row.
6. Application of shotcrete for temporary shoring of slope.
7. Embedment of bearing plate over soil nails into shotcrete.
8. Testing of soil nails.9. Construction sequence repeats to bottom of wall.
10. Completion of sub-drain collection system from geocomposite drains.
11. Placement of permanent wall facing.
B. Layout:
1. Review staking request with Contractor prior to submittal.
2. Structures Representative responsible for initial line and grade for
embankment excavation and soil nail installations.
3. Establish additional references for horizontal and vertical as top-down
construction progresses using:
• Soil nails.
• Re-bar embedded into shotcrete.
C. Delivery/Storage of Materials:
1. Soil Nails:
• Check epoxy coating and encapsulation for any damage.
• Refer to repair procedure within the Contractor’s Soil Nail Working
2. Centralizers:
D. Equipment Mobilization:
1. Note and photograph all equipment mobilized to jobsite:
• Drill rig, augers, and casings.
• Grout plant, pumps, and compressors.
• Testing equipment.
• Settling tank, pumps, hoses – condition of hoses.
2. Verify all equipment mobilized conforms to Contractors soil nail working
drawing submittal.
G. Drilling:
1. Requires full-time inspection:
• Begin logging holes immediately – don’t wait for Contractor to file a
• Compare drill tailings (spoils) with information contained upon LOTBs’.
• Note productivity rates for drilling advancement, soil conditions, presence
of groundwater at given drilling depth/elevation.
• Note locations exhibiting poor soils.
• Use high-powered spotlight or mirror to observe soil structure over full
depth of drilled hole.
• Note any potential problem soils areas.
• Verify actual hole depth and actual drilled diameter to estimate grout
volume to assure soil nails are being fully grouted.
2. Test Soil Nails:
• Adjust location shown on plans or require additional test soil nails if
necessary to test poor soil conditions.
• Measure actual diameter for test load determination.
• Verify adequate depth is achieved and hole is cleaned prior to soil nail
• Note hole depth and with actual drilled diameter, determine required
grout volume and cut-off of grout to assure the specified bonded length
for test nails is accurately achieved.
Potential Problems:
Rocks or boulders are encountered within drilled holes:
• Submitted/approved soil nail working drawings should address.
• Amend as necessary in writing prior to proceeding.
• Contractor is contractually on notice within “SOIL NAIL ASSEMBLY”
of the Contract Special Provisions:
On notice to anticipate and be prepared for difficult drilling conditions.
For encountering rocks and boulders, down hole pneumatic hammer drill
rigs and drill bits should be employed.
Drilled holes caving:
• Usually not detected until soil nail installation is attempted.
• Submitted/approved soil nail working drawings should address.
• Amend as necessary in writing prior to proceeding.
• Caving in dry holes:
Casing system advancing with drilling auger.
• Caving in wet holes:
Casing system, or tremie seal:
3-sack slurry & re-drill 24 hours later. Differing Site Condition – DSC:
• High potential for DSC during soil excavation and drilled hole activity.
• Contractor is contractually on notice to anticipate and be prepared for
difficult excavation and drilling conditions.
• Difficult conditions should be addressed within the submitted/approved
soil nail earthwork and working drawing submittals:
Amend as necessary in writing prior to proceeding
• Use 150 mm length of CHPEP cut in half as a trough to slide nail down
hole – withdrawing trough cleans out remaining drilling spoils.
J. Shotcrete Application:
1. Shotcrete functions as temporary shoring prior to final facing.
2. Method of application can affect performance:
• Apply in horizontal lifts along length of exposed cut to avoid sloughing.
3. “Wet set” bearing plate over soil nails to obtain flush bearing upon shotcrete.
A. As-Built Drawings:
• Indicate limits for any grout, controlled fill material, or shotcrete where
backfilled behind shotcrete walls at slip-out areas.
• Indicate locations of actual and any additional test soil nails installed.
• Indicate locations of any additional production nails installed.
Description of Work:
The South Rock Cut Soil Nail Wall project, located in San Mateo County between the
City of Pacifica and town of Montara, is part of the overall Devil’s Slide Tunnel and
Bridge work.
The large “rock-cut” at the Tunnel’s south portal area is planned to align the highway and
to provide adequate site distance. The face of the large rock-cut is designed to match the
appearance of existing rock-cuts in the immediate view.
The South Rock Cut wall consists of a soil nail wall. The soil nail wall is composed of
two walls separated by a 25m concrete barrier. Total length of walls is 281m (RW No. 2
is 190m long, RW No. 1 is 91m long). The soil nail assembly pay item equals 18, 860
Drilltech drilling top row of nails at Wall #2. Test Drilltech shooting next section of initial shotcrete at
nail installed between two nails. 8/09/05 Wall #1. 8/11/05
Soil nail getting ready to be installed in a drilled hole. Drilltech crew installed 12” geocomposite drain strips
Grouting lower nail w/1” PVC grout tube. 8/04/05 between nail columns.
PROJ/RTE/PM: 04-SM-Rte1-KP 61.2/62/2 South Rock Cut Soil Nail Wall Date: 2005/2006
PROJECT NO. 04-1123C4 Photos by Ann Meyer, P.E., Structure Representative Photo Page 1
Appendix H-40
GNB installing tieback walers at temporary shoring GNB begins hand excavation at Wall #1. 7/01/05
wall at Wall #1. 6/28/05
Drilltech begins drilling at Wall #2. 8/04/05 Drilltech installing soil nails with forklift at top row of
Wall #2. 8/05/05
PROJ/RTE/PM: 04-SM-Rte1-KP 61.2/62/2 South Rock Cut Soil Nail Wall Date: 2005/2006
PROJECT NO. 04-1123C4 Photo Page 2
Appendix H-41
Drilltech workers shotcreting at Wall #1. 8/04/05 Northern end of Wall #2, sculpted. 03/21/06
Southern end of Wall #1, after staining complete. Type 60D barrier being installed at Wall #2. 03/21/06
Matches existing geology and color well. 04/18/06
PROJ/RTE/PM: 04-SM-Rte1-KP 61.2/62/2 South Rock Cut Soil Nail Wall Date: 2005/2006
PROJECT NO. 04-1123C4 Photo Page 3
_____________________Appendix I – Cofferdams and Seal Courses
November 2008
Table of Contents
J Micropiles/Alternative Piles
Table of Contents
Description of Work:
The micropile retaining wall was constructed along the eastbound shoulder of Highway
116 in Sonoma County and separates the roadway from the Russian River, which flows
west approximately 15-ft below the road surface. The wall consists of a reinforced
concrete cap beam and curtain wall supported on micropiles. The face of the curtain wall
has an architectural surface (textured shotcrete). Type ST-30 bridge rail (modified) is on
top of the wall. The length of the wall is approximately 300-ft long. The 100 micropiles
are 12-inch diameter with steel pipes installed to a depth of 50-ft and spaced 3-ft on
center with another set of 100 piles set at an angle to form a buttress to stabilize the soil
and the roadway. Inclinometers (slope indicators) were installed in six micropiles.
Construction Issues:
Pile production was slow at the western end of the wall due to the hard rock conditions.
At another location along the wall, a loose sand and ground water contributed to the
caving of the drilled hole during drilling and while waiting for the holes to be grouted.
10-1.32 PILING
Piling shall conform to the provisions in Section 49, "Piling," of the
Standard Specifications, and these special provisions.
Unless otherwise specified, welding of any work performed in
conformance with the provisions in Section 49, "Piling," of the Standard
Specifications, shall be in conformance with the requirements in
AWS D1.1.
Foundation recommendations are included in the "Information
Handout" available to the Contractor as provided for in Section 2-1.03,
"Examination of Plans, Specifications, Contract, and Site of Work," of the
Standard Specifications.
Attention is directed to "Welding" of these special provisions.
Difficult pile installation is anticipated due to the presence caving
soils, rocks, serpentine materials, tidal flow fluctuation, high ground
water, the requirement of pile embedment into rock, sound control and
traffic control.
Micropiling consisting of steel pipe NPS 8 double extra strong and
epoxy coated bar reinforcing steel that is grouted in place shall conform
to the design requirements and layout shown on the plans and these
special provisions.
Double extra strong steel pipe shall conform to the requirements of
ASTM Designation: A53, Grade B. Galvanized pipe is not required.
The stud connectors shall conform to the provisions in Section 55,
"Steel Structures," of the Standard Specifications and these special
Stud connectors shall be Type B as defined in AWS D1.5, Section 7.
Grout shall be non-shrink type. Grout shall conform to the provisions
in Section 50-1.09, "Bonding and Grouting," of the Standard
Specifications. Fine aggregate may be added to the grout mixture of
Portland cement and water used outside of the grouted sheathing in
drilled holes which are 200 mm or greater in diameter, but only to the
extent that the cement content of the grout is not less than 500 kg per
cubic meter of grout. Fine aggregate, if used, shall conform to the
provisions in Section 90-2, "Materials," and Section 90-3, "Aggregate
Gradings," of the Standard Specifications.
Epoxy-coated reinforcement shall conform to the provisions in Section
52, "Reinforcement," of the Standard Specifications.
Working Drawings
The Contractor shall submit complete project specific working
drawings for the micropile system to the Office of Structure Design (OSD)
in conformance with the provisions in Section 5-1.02, "Plans and Working
Drawings," of the Standard Specifications. Working drawings for
micropiling shall be 559 mm x 864 mm in size. For initial review, 10 sets
of drawings shall be submitted. After review, between 6 and 12 sets, as
requested by the Engineer, shall be submitted to (OSD) for final approval
and use during construction. Within 3 weeks after final approval of the
working drawings, one set of the corrected prints on 75-g/m sq.
(minimum) good quality bond paper, 559 mm x 864 mm in size, prepared
by the Contractor, shall be furnished to (OSD).
Working drawings for micropiling shall show the State assigned
designations for the contract number, bridge number, full name of the
structure as shown on the contract plans, and District-County-Route-
Kilometer Post on each drawing and calculation sheet. The pile vendor
company name, address, and phone number shall be shown on the
working drawings. Each sheet shall be numbered in the lower right
corner and shall contain a blank space in the upper right corner for future
contract sheet numbers.
Working drawings for micropiles shall contain all information
required for the construction and quality control of the piling, including
the following:
Drill cuttings resulting from installing micropiling shall be disposed of
in conformance with the provisions in Section 19-2.06, "Surplus
Material," of the Standard Specifications. Material resulting from
grouting micropiles shall be disposed of in conformance with the
provisions in Section 7-1.13, "Disposal of Material Outside the Highway
Right of Way," of the Standard Specifications, unless otherwise permitted
in writing by the Engineer.
Drilling mud or chemical stabilizers shall not be used.
Foreign material dislodged or drawn into the hole during construction
of the micropiles shall be removed. Loose material existing at the bottom
of the hole after drilling operations are complete shall be removed prior to
placing grout.
Steel pipe NPS 8 double extra strong and epoxy coated bar reinforcing
steel shall be installed using centralizers as shown on the plans.
The pipe shall be placed vertically and grouted in place. Grout shall
be injected at the bottom of the pile and may be placed before or after
placing the steel pipe.
Inclinometer Casings
The Contractor shall furnish and install a total of 6 vertical slope
inclinometer casings complete with caps centered inside locations shown
on the plans. The inclinometer casings shall be non-metallic with an
outside diameter of approximately 70 millimeters. Centralizers shall be
used to position the casing along the center axis of each micropile. The
casing shall be installed prior to the grouting of the micropiles. The grout
shall conform to the requirements specified in "Micropiling" elsewhere in
these special provisions. At the Contractor’s option, inclinometer casings
incidentals and for doing all the work involved in submitting the
construction sequence plans, as shown on the plans, as specified in the
Standard Specifications and these special provisions, and as directed by
the Engineer.
Description of Work:
The structure work to be done consists, in general, of constructing thirteen anchored
shotcrete retaining walls founded on micropiles. The anchored shotcrete walls are
founded on steel pipe micropiles and capped with concrete barrier slabs and concrete
barriers. Architectural treatment applied includes sculptured shotcrete at various walls
and stain application at all walls.
The project site is located on Route 74 (Ortega Highway), between the Orange/Riverside
county line and San Juan Creek Bridge. Route 74 is a two-lane highway cut into the side
of the Santa Ana Mountains along the San Juan Creek valley. The existing roadway
consists of substandard 3.05-meter (10-ft.) lanes and no shoulders.
The purpose of the project is to bring the lanes to the standard 3.66-meter (12-ft.) width
with 1.2-meter (4-ft.) shoulders on each side and to increase the sight distance for this 5.3
kilometers of roadway. Since the existing roadway is cut into the mountains, it is
necessary to cut further into the mountains, build viaducts, or add retaining walls on the
downhill (north) side of the road in many locations. A total of 20 structures (13 anchored
retaining walls, 3 sidehill viaducts, and 4 retaining walls) are planned throughout the
project limits. The anchor walls will be supported on micropiles.
There are several factors affecting the anchored wall (rock anchor and micropile) drilling
Drilling has been difficult. The "specialty" drilling subcontractor, required by the
Contract Special Provisions (documentation of 3 previous similar and successful
installations), was directed to leave the job due to lack of performance. The project
special provisions also required the drilling to be done with minimal deleterious effects
(airborne drilling dust) to the sensitive "environmental area" and endangered species
(Arroyo Toad) in the creek 50 feet from the wall construction area. The constraints of the
work area, the requirement to maintain the road open to traffic, requiring the drilling
subcontractor to work at night, combined with the need to capture all dust, caused the
drilling subcontractor to throw in the towel and cease operations. The drilling
subcontractor had equipment that may or may not have been able to complete job.
The prime contractor is currently performing the drilling and had never done any drilling
prior to this project. The contractor purchased an Austrian made Triton drilling machine
that was designed to drill vertical blast holes for mining operations and redesigned and
modified it to drill horizontally. The machine creates a hole using a pneumatic hammer
and has the capability of capturing drill cuttings as well as using water to minimize dust.
The rig is used for installing both the 6-inch anchor holes 50 feet deep into hard and
fractured rock and the 12-inch micropile holes.
Micropile (NPS 8-XX Strong Steel Pipe) in a 300-mm dia drilled hole.
On the ground - Sections of Rock Anchors to be installed later. Date: 2007
Total wall length = 753 ft. The area is mostly comprised of very hard rock
croppings. The road, Rte 74, is open to traffic. Date: 2007
Description of Work:
The Richmond-San Rafael Bridge is one of the toll bridges in the San Francisco Bay
Area. The Richmond-San Rafael Bridge includes two single deck reinforced concrete
approach trestle, two steel plate girder approach structures which convert from single-
deck to double deck at each end of the bridge, two variable-depth, double-deck,
cantilever-truss-type structures and 38 constant-depth 289 foot span, double-deck trusses
which span between the two cantilever spans and between the cantilever spans and the
approach structures. The structure has a combined length of approximately 21,335 feet.
The bridge work on this project consisted of, in general, the replacement of the concrete
trestle portion and the seismic retrofit on the rest of the structure. The seismic retrofit
included constructing 481 micropiles in the substructure. The micropiles were driven
Per the contract special provisions, micropiles (substructure) were specified to consist of
small diameter steel pipe reinforcement grouted in place and conforming to the design
requirements and layout shown on the plans and the special provisions.
Records for “Confidential” bridges may only be released outside the Department of
Transportation upon execution of a confidentiality agreement.
ClibPDF -
__________________ Appendix J – Micropile/Alternative Pile
November 2008
Description of Work:
On Hwy 1, San Mateo County near the City of Pacifica in the San Francisco Bay Area,
construction was completed in 2007 on the South Portal Retaining Wall No. 1, a
retaining wall supported on micropiles. The retaining wall is on a steep cliff facing the
Pacific Ocean. On one portion of the wall, the micropiles are battered in opposite
directions providing lateral support. The retaining wall is also supported laterally with
tieback anchors and with anchor bars connected to an anchor beam. On top of the wall is
a concrete railing with chain link fence. A pedestrian sidewalk runs parallel to the
concrete railing.
The South Portal Retaining Wall No. 1 is part of the overall work to re-align Route 1 at
the south portal of the Devil’s Slide Tunnel. The micropile wall was placed to provide a
future parking lot and a turn-around when the tunnel is complete. In addition, the wall
provides valuable work space for construction (i.e., haul road and construction yard)
without closing Hwy 1 during the tunnel construction.
Total length of wall: 103-meters.
Total micropiles: 144 piles
Length of pile: 7.5m (piles 1 thru 36); 10.0m (piles 37 thru 144);
Construction Issues / Comments:
Comments from Peter Lam, P.E., Assistant Structure Representative:
- The micropiles were ConTech Titan System piles.
- The micropile contractor was Condon-Johnson & Associates.
- Specs required non-shrink grout, but normal grout was allowed.
- CT Foundation Testing Branch (FTB) specified pull tests into zones. Testing was by
FTB. The specs required non-shrink grout, which hydrates quicker and cost 2 to 3 times
more than regular grout. Regular grout is the industry standard for micropile installation.
Initially, the CT Geotechnical designer felt comfortable waving the load test requirement
if non-shrink grout was used. However since regular grout was used, load testing was
required. The test results came out great with little or no movement. The CT
Geotechnical designer speculated that a grout beam was created below grade due to the
piles being spaced so closely.
- In some areas, soft soil caused grout bubbling through adjacent piles; the excess grout
probably formed a grout curtain.
- Micropile operation is very messy operation; proper SWPPP measures are needed.
- Pile production/installation was approximately 1 pile per 30 to 40 minutes
Adding another section of pipe (hollow treaded bar with Checking top of pile elevation with a laser level (grout
coupler). Grout hose is in front of the man on the left. hose is blocking view of the survey rod).
PROJ/RTE/PM: 04-SM-1 KP 61.2/64.9 South Portal Retaining Wall No.1 Date: July 2007
PROJECT NO. 04-1123U4 (Micropiles) Photo Page J-24
Assembled micropile components (Con-Tech Titan Laborer assembling the micropile components (Con-Tech
System): drill head, pipe (TITAN bar), pipe coupler. Titan System): drill head, pipe (Titan bar), & pipe
Holes are used for grout flushing. When each micropile has been
drilled to depth, it is withdrawn back up then redrilled in a reaming
motion to flush out the drill cuttings and increase scouring of the grout
flush. Scouring creates a very rough, irregular shaped grout body
with a much greater mechanical connection to the soil, providing
greater pull-out resistance and lower settlement characteristics.
(Source: Ischebeck Titan brochure)
Drill bit / drill head with holes. Short section of pipe (Titan hollow threaded bar).
PROJ/RTE/PM: 04-SM-1 KP 61.2/64.9 South Portal Retaining Wall No.1 Date: July 2007
PROJECT NO. 04-1123U4 (Micropiles) Photo Page J-25
Left: Crawler mounted drill rig w/hydraulic rotary percussive Grout mixer. Grout is pumped to the micropile drill rig.
head; hose grout hose on left. Right: excavator.
Forklift. Background: South Rock Cut Retaining Wall (soil Cement sacks covered with plastic.
nail wall with sculptured face)
PROJ/RTE/PM: 04-SM-1 KP 61.2/64.9 South Portal Retaining Wall No.1 Date: July 2007
PROJECT NO. 04-1123U4 (Micropiles) Photo Page J-26
Micropile load test performed by Hydraulic jack and measuring device.
Foundation Testing Branch.
Hydraulic jack and caliper. (rotated view) Recording measurements using auto-level.
PROJ/RTE/PM: 04-SM-1 KP 61.2/64.9 South Portal Retaining Wall No.1 Date: July 2007
PROJECT NO. 04-1123U4 (Micropiles) Photo Page J-27
Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). Right: SWPPP: grout settlement container / concrete washout
grout settlement container. Left: mobile tank and pump. container.
SWPPP: laborer is creating a check dam at each drill location Portable pump used to pump excess grout and drill cuttings
to prevent grout and drill cuttings from covering next pile into settlement containers. Behind pump is silt fence and
location. rolled straw.
PROJ/RTE/PM: 04-SM-1 KP 61.2/64.9 South Portal Retaining Wall No.1 Date: July 2007
PROJECT NO. 04-1123U4 (Micropiles) Photo Page J-28