QP SPC L 0002 Rev 1 PDF
QP SPC L 0002 Rev 1 PDF
QP SPC L 0002 Rev 1 PDF
Issued as
Revised QP
15/1/2002 1
Approved SQ DT DO
Prepared Reviewed
Date Rev. Description By
By By Corporate Endorsement
Page No.
2.0 SCOPE 6
4.1 Abbreviations 7
4.2 Definitions 7
Page No.
Page No.
This document has been developed by Facilities Quality Assurance Department (FQAD),
reviewed by QP User Departments and endorsed by QP Management for use as the QP
Technical Specification for the Painting and Wrapping of Metal Surfaces (New
Construction and Maintenance).
The document is published for QP Departments, Contractors and Consultants utilization for the
painting and wrapping of metallic equipment, structures and components other than subsea
pipelines and the Splash Zone section of riser lines. It is emphasised that the requirements of
the document should be adopted and utilised in their entirety for all such work undertaken for
QP whenever applicable and appropriate.
This document is the first revision of former QP Standard ES-Q-12, the original version of
which was issued in April 1996. It supersedes that document and has been renumbered in line
with the present Standards Numbering System. The document in its present form reflects as
far as possible the current QP requirements for this type of work, taking account of the present
industrial practices, materials and technology and the latest applicable National and
International Standards and Codes. It will be subject to further periodic review, to re-affirm its
adequacy, conform to any changes in QP requirements and include new developments in the
It is recognised that there will be situations where addenda, data sheets or points of
clarification require to be attached to the document, in order to suit a specific application or
service environment. In such situations, the contents shall not be changed or re-edited by any
user but any addenda or clarifications that would entail major changes shall be brought to the
attention of the Custodian Department. Any proposed exceptions or deviations from this
Specification shall also be submitted, together with justification, to the Custodian Department
for review and consideration.
The Custodian of this document is Facilities Quality Assurance Department. All technical
comments, opinions and recommendations on the contents should therefore be sent to:
1.1 The objective of this Specification is to define the QP requirements for the protective
painting and wrapping of all new and existing metallic equipment, structures and
components and the specific requirements for different types of equipment, service
environment and constructional material.
1.2 It provides a technical basis for developing individual painting and wrapping project
specifications, coating schedules and purchase requisitions. It also enables the
painting and wrapping work carried out by Contractors to be monitored for compliance
with specification requirements.
2.1 This document specifies the minimum QP standards for the surface preparation,
painting and wrapping of metallic equipment, structures and components, including
inspection, testing and reporting, for corrosion protection and aesthetic purposes during
new construction and maintenance.
2.2 It covers the general, safety, environmental and quality control requirements for the
materials used and the surface preparation of, and application of paint and wrapping
tape to, the exterior of vessels, tanks, process equipment, pipework and structural
steelwork and the interior of vessels and tanks.
2.3 It identifies the specific painting and wrapping system requirements for items to be
painted for individual applications, based upon the nature of the service conditions and
environment and the constructional materials involved. It details the specific surface
preparation and paint system and wrapping tape requirements, including the standard
of surface cleanliness and roughness, the number of coats of each type of paint or tape
and their film thickness.
2.4 The following items are outside the scope of this document:
(a) External coating of sub-sea pipelines, which is covered in QP-SPC-L-004.
(b) External coating of the Splash Zone section of riser lines, which is covered in
(c) Internal cement-based lining of pipework and vessels.
3.1 This Specification shall be used for all painting and wrapping of newly constructed
equipment and structures, including repair during and after installation, and for the field
maintenance painting and wrapping of existing equipment, from local touch up work to
total refurbishment.
3.2 All surface preparation, paint application and wrapping shall be carried out in
accordance with this Specification and the Paint Manufacturers' recommendations. In
the case of conflict between this Specification and the Paint Manufacturer's
recommendations, the latter shall apply.
The following abbreviations shall apply.
QP Qatar Petroleum
The following definitions shall apply.
Amplitude The average peak to trough height of the profile of a steel surface after
preparation by abrasive blast cleaning (see Profile).
Contractor The party, firm or company with whom QP enters into a contract to
perform the work to which this Specification applies.
Degree of The quantity and size of the areas of a painted steel surface in which
Paint deterioration of the paint film by rust breakthrough and underrusting is
Rusting evident, expressed as a percentage of the total surface area.
Dry Film The thickness of a coat of paint, layer of tape or coating system in
Thickness its fully cured condition.
Dry Abrasive A cleaning procedure in which a suitably sized and shaped dry metallic
Blast or non-metallic abrasive is mixed with compressed air and fired at metal
Cleaning surfaces at a pressure of around 100 psig to remove corrosion
products, paint and other surface residues.
Hold Points Steps within the surface preparation and application procedure beyond
which the applicator shall not proceed without formal authorization via
an inspection report from the QP Engineer or Authorised Representative
Holidays Discontinuities such as pinholes and small sized defects in the paint or
wrapping film that significantly lower the dielectric strength of the coating
Hot Dip A process by which steel articles are coated with zinc by controlled
Galvanising immersion in a molten zinc bath.
Hot Surfaces Metal surfaces on the equipment or facility that will normally attain a
temperature in excess of 65°C and can therefore be injurious to
personnel touching them.
Mouse Hole A small hole cut in a steel plate or section to either bridge a weld or
provide a drainage point.
Potlife The length of time that a single pack or mixed two-pack paint will remain
in a usable condition at a given temperature.
Relative The mass of water vapour in the air expressed as a percentage of the
Humidity mass of water vapour that is required to saturate the same volume of air
at the same temperature.
Shelf Life The Manufacturer’s recommended maximum storage time for a given
product under recommended storage conditions.
Site The field location for surface preparation and painting operations
approved by QP.
Splash Zone The portion of a partially immersed marine structure or pipeline that is
subject to both wetting by seawater or sea spray and drying by the
marine atmosphere. It is to be taken as being from –3.00m (10 feet)
below MSL to +4.5m (15 feet) above MSL (see Figure 1).
Thinner An approved liquid added to a paint to reduce the viscosity and ease its
Total Dry The thickness of the complete fully cured coating or wrapping system.
Film Thickness
Water Cleaning procedures in which fresh water, which may contain a corrosion
Cleaning / inhibitor, is fired at surfaces at a pressure of from less than 5,000 psig to
Jetting over 25,000 psig to remove scale, corrosion products and soluble salts.
Wet Film The thickness of a paint film immediately after application when little
Thickness or no solvent evaporation has occurred.
The latest editions of the following Standards, Codes and Specifications shall apply.
ASTM A123/M Standard Specification for Zinc (Hot Galvanized) Coatings on Iron and
Steel Products.
ISO 1461 Hot-Dip Galvanized Coatings on Fabricated Iron and Steel Articles –
Specifications and Test Methods.
ISO 14713 Protection Against Corrosion of Iron and Steel in Structures – Zinc and
Aluminium Coatings.
ASTM D2092 Standard Guide for Preparation of Zinc Coated (Galvanized) Steel
Surfaces for Painting.
SSPC Vis 3 Visual Standard for Power- and Hand-Tool Cleaned Steel
SSPC SP 1-3, 5-8, Steel Structures Painting Council and National Association of
10&11 / NACE 1-4 Corrosion Engineers Surface Preparation Standards.
SSPC SP12 / Surface Preparation and Cleaning of Steel and Other Hard Materials by
NACE 5 High- and Ultrahigh- Pressure Water Jetting Prior to Recoating.
NACE RP 0178 Fabrication Details, Surface Finish Requirements and Proper Design
Considerations for Tanks / Vessels to be Lined for Immersion Service.
ASTM D1186 Standard Test Methods for Non-Destructive Measurement of Dry Film
Thickness of Non-Magnetic Coatings Applied to a Ferrous Base.
ASTM D1212 Standard Test Methods for Measurement of Wet Film Thickness of
Organic Coatings.
ASTM D4228 Standard Practice for Qualification of Coating Applicators for Application
of Coatings to Steel Surfaces.
ASTM D4285 Standard Test Method for Indicating Oil or Water in Compressed Air.
ASTM D4414 Standard Practice for Measurement of Wet Film Thickness by Notch
ASTM D4417 Standard Test Methods for Field Measurement of Surface Profile of
Blast Cleaned Steel.
ASTM D4541 Standard Test Method for Pull-Off Strength of Coatings Using Portable
Adhesion Testers.
ASTM E337 Standard Test Method for Measuring Humidity with a Psychrometer
(Wet and Dry Bulb Temperatures).
ASTM F21 Standard Test Method for Hydrophobic Surface Films by Atomiser Test.
NACE RP0490 Holiday Detection of Fusion Bonded Epoxy External Pipeline Coatings
of 10-30 Mils.
API 2217A Guidelines for Work in Inert Confined Spaces in the Petroleum Industry
BS 5973 Code of Practice for Access and Working Scaffolds and Special
Scaffold Structures in Steel.
NIOSH (U.S.A.) Occupational Safety and Health Guidelines for Chemical Hazards.
In the event of conflict arising between this Specification and the National and
International Standards and Codes referenced herein, the requirement of this
Specification shall apply, unless otherwise specified.
6.1 The Contractor shall, unless otherwise formally instructed by QP, supply all required
materials, such as approved blast cleaning abrasives for preparing surfaces and
approved paints, thinners and wrapping tapes for coating and wrapping them in
accordance with this Specification.
6.2 The Contractor shall, unless otherwise formally instructed by QP, provide all
equipment and tools necessary to carry out the surface preparation and coating
work in an effective and efficient manner. All equipment and tools shall arrive in
good working order and in a sufficiently clean condition that they do not cause
contamination of the coating. They shall be maintained in good working order at all
times. The Contractor shall supply all materials, such as oils, greases, cleaners and
spare parts, that are required for equipment maintenance purposes.
6.3 The Contractor shall provide and maintain on site in good condition for the duration of
the work all inspection equipment that is required to carry out the painting and wrapping
fully in accordance with the Specification.
6.4 The Contractor shall provide the required number of experienced and skilled personnel,
together with experienced, competent and qualified supervision, to carry out the work to
the required standard and within schedule, using good general painting practices as
laid down in Volume 1 of the SSPC Manual.
(a) Submit documentation of his previous experience with the application of the
same or similar coatings or wrappings.
(b) Before starting any coating work under the contract, prepare test panels of the
design specified in ASTM D4228 for the evaluation of the proposed application
personnel and equipment capabilities and paint them with the specified coating
system in the proposed manner.
(c) Have the test panels evaluated in accordance with ASTM D4228 to qualify such
personnel that are considered to have applied the specified coating to an
acceptable standard.
(d) Ensure that all required testing and qualification work is witnessed and evaluated
by the QP Engineer and, if appropriate, the Paint Manufacturer’s Representative.
6.6 Prior to commencement of the work, the Contractor shall submit for the QP Engineer’s
approval a detailed procedure showing how he intends to carry out the work in
accordance with this Specification. He shall provide full details of any Sub-contractor
that he intends to use, the location of each part of the work, the preparatory and coating
materials that he intends to use and any other information that QP may require to clarify
his work intentions.
6.7 The required standard of workmanship shall be achieved strictly in accordance with this
Specification and other relevant documents, such as site and safety regulations and
applicable Standards and Codes. Deviations from the Specification and documents are
not allowed, unless formally authorised by QP.
6.8 The Contractor shall be responsible for protecting all adjacent equipment, structures
and surrounding facilities that are not to be coated from mechanical damage, blasting
abrasive, paint splashes and overspray during the surface preparation and coating
work. Instruments, equipment identification plates, electrical and isolating flange
components and machined surfaces are especially important in this respect. The
Contractor shall take particular care to mask these components against such damage
and contamination.
6.9 The Contractor shall maintain at each job site a log which shall consist of Daily
Progress Forms. These forms could be a management summary or the Daily
Inspection Report Forms for the contract, the required contents of which are detailed in
Sub-clause 13.2.5 and a typical format of which is shown as Table 4. They shall be
signed on a daily basis by the Site Supervisor or Engineer-in-Charge and submitted to
the QP Engineer. In the event that the work is carried out at an approved offsite location
or outside of Qatar, the Daily Progress Report Forms shall form part of the required
project documentation.
6.10 No surface preparation and/or coating application work shall be carried out in the
absence of the QP Engineer or without his knowledge or consent. Any such work shall
be considered not to meet the Specification.
6.11 The Contractor shall be directly responsible to QP for completion of all work. No
distinction is made between the responsibilities and liabilities of the Fabricator, Vendor
or Contractor. This Specification shall be equally binding on all parties. The Contractor
is liable for his actions and those of his Sub-contractors.
6.12 Any prepared, coated or wrapped areas that are considered to be defective or in any
way not to conform with this Specification shall be rectified by the Contractor. Any
instruments, components or adjacent equipment that is damaged or coated shall be
cleaned or replaced at the discretion of the QP Engineer.
7.1.1 The Contractor shall be responsible for carrying out all surface preparation, painting
and wrapping work in a completely safe and professional manner, in addition to
meeting all QP technical and quality control standards. This will require him to provide
good and safe access facilities and working conditions, appropriate preparatory, coating
and inspection equipment in good working order and suitable personnel protective
equipment and safety devices.
7.1.2. The Contractor shall fully comply with QP health, safety and environmental
requirements specified in the QP Safety Regulations for Contractors, Corporate Fire
and Safety Philosophy and QP Onshore and Offshore Safety Standards. These cover
working conditions, scaffolding and access, protective clothing, safety equipment, fire
and explosion hazards, solvents, lighting, ventilation and earthing of equipment and
7.1.3 The Contractor shall prepare a detailed Safety Assessment Report for the job at the
worksite at the outset. This shall identify all potential safety, health and environmental
hazards that could arise and ensure that all necessary preventive measures and
equipment to avoid each potential hazard are adopted and made available. The Safety
Assessment Report shall be approved by the QP Safety Officer before starting work.
7.1.4 The Contractor shall ensure that all fire fighting equipment required is in position at all
times in all identified hazardous areas, such as paint mixing locations, at vessel entries
and close to approved diesel-driven equipment.
7.1.5 The Contractor shall carry out documented Safety Audits of the access facilities,
preparatory and painting equipment and materials, personnel protective equipment and
surface preparation, painting and wrapping practices used at an agreed frequency,
which should be at least monthly. He shall maintain a Log in which he records the
findings and actions taken, for review by the QP Safety Officer.
7.2.1 The Contractor shall provide safe and easy access to all areas of surfaces of
components and equipment that are to be prepared and coated. This shall enable the
specified method and standard of surface preparation, painting and wrapping to be
achieved and confirmed by inspection. The access arrangement shall be such that
operators are able to stand up with body and arms free of scaffolding or staging. None
of the scaffolding or staging members shall be in direct contact with the component that
is being worked on and masking of any area of the component shall be minimised.
7.2.2 The access facility may be permanent or temporary but shall in all cases be subject to
approval by the QP Safety Officer. Scaffolding shall comply with the QP Safety
Regulations. The Contractor shall supply and maintain rigging and scaffolding
equipment capable of enabling completion of the work in accordance with the
requirements of BS 5973. Its safety and security shall be regularly checked and
recorded in accordance with a recognised scaffolding safety inspection and auditing
system, such as the “Scafftag” System.
7.3.1 Air hoses, blasting hoses, spray lines and any other hoses that are subjected to any
internal pressure shall be marked with identification numbers showing the dates when
they were manufactured and first used. All such hoses, blasting pots any other
pressurized equipment shall be provided with valid dated pressure test certificates
stating the test pressures used and the safe working pressures that must not be
exceeded. The Contractor shall ensure that all hoses and pressurised components are
carefully inspected for signs of wear and the presence of defects prior to each use and
that no hoses are used for more than six months after their last test date. They shall
then be fully inspected and retested at their design pressure before being remarked and
certified for a further period of use. All compressor air and blasting hose couplings shall
be secured using approved stainless steel snatch wires.
7.3.2 Blast cleaning and spray painting equipment shall be used fully in accordance with
Manufacturer’s recommendations. The air feed, blasting and spray painting hoses shall
incorporate a suitable anti-static material in their construction. The guns shall be fully
earthed and spark proofed on each occasion when they are used. All other precautions
shall be taken to prevent any build up of electrostatic charge, particularly when they are
to be used in confined spaces. The Contractor shall check all such items for electrical
conductivity and replace any items showing signs of breakdown that could give rise to
static electrical discharges during service.
7.3.3 Blasting nozzles shall be fitted with a Deadman’s Handle located as close to the blast
nozzle as practical. Its design must ensure that the Handle cannot, in any
circumstances, be held in the “ON” position by any means other than hand pressure.
Paint spray guns shall be fitted with effective Manufacturer’s trigger lock and tip guards.
7.3.4 Areas in which blast cleaning is carried out shall be sheeted in and cordoned off as
necessary for safety purposes and to minimise contamination of adjacent areas.
Warning signs shall be erected as requested by the QP Engineer. This shall exclude all
unauthorised personnel that could be injured by stray spent abrasive or harmful dust
from old paintwork. Where power tools are being used to remove old paint or rust,
precautions shall also be taken to exclude unauthorised personnel from the work area
and minimise contamination.
7.4.1 The Contractor shall ensure that the Manufacturer’s Material Safety Data Sheets and
NIOSH(USA) / COSHH(UK) Statements are available for all paints, solvents, chemicals
and abrasives used throughout the work period. Compliance with Manufacturer’s safety
precautions for products shall be an essential element in meeting the job specification.
In cases of conflict, the most stringent safety requirements and precautions shall apply.
7.4.2 All paints, solvents, equipment cleaners and other chemicals used shall be stored in
closed, clearly labelled original containers. The containers shall be stored in secure
enclosed, sheltered and well-ventilated storage areas or structures, where they are
protected from direct sunlight, open flames and electrical discharges. They must be
maintained at temperatures well below the Manufacturer’s maximum recommended
storage temperature for the products. The use of air-conditioned storage areas shall be
considered for situations where excessive ambient temperatures are expected. The
storage conditions shall meet all Manufacturer requirements and QP Fire and Safety
Regulations for the types of chemical involved.
7.4.3 Abrasives used shall be free from toxic or harmful substances such as arsenic, lead,
cyanide and free silica. They shall not produce excessive quantities of fine dust that
could cause environmental damage.
7.4.4 Handling and mixing of all paints, solvents and chemicals shall be carried out strictly in
accordance with the Manufacturer’s recommended procedures and safety and health
precautions, to ensure personnel safety. Safety precautions shall be clearly detailed on
the relevant product technical data sheets, as well as on the product containers. Where
a specification indicates restrictions on the use of certain chemicals, adherence to these
restrictions is considered mandatory.
7.4.5 The Contractor shall apply the products strictly in accordance with the Manufacturer’s
safety recommendations, which shall also be clearly detailed on the relevant Product
Technical Data Sheets. Application of solvent-borne paints in restricted areas or inside
vessels or tanks requires particularly careful planning and attention. Good ventilation
through such vessels is essential, to ensure that the threshold exposure limit (TEL) and
lower explosive limit (LEL) of the vapour is not exceeded at any time. The Contractor
shall ascertain the TEL and LEL of the solvents contained in all paint products used, to
establish the level of ventilation that he is required to provide. Where this cannot be
achieved by natural ventilation, a forced ventilation system using a suitable air eductor
and incorporating equipment for measuring the air flow shall be installed. A method for
calculating the minimum forced air ventilation requirement for an enclosed space is
given in Appendix C. Good ventilation is generally required in paint mixing and thinning
areas, if these are enclosed.
7.4.6 The Contractor shall take care when spray applying a paint that contains a highly
volatile solvent or a thinner in close proximity (within one metre) of a gas, smoke of fire
detector on QP facilities. Such detectors are extremely sensitive to vapours from certain
types of solvents and alarms can be activated by their presence.
7.4.7 Where paints containing over 1% lead in the dry paint film are proposed, the Contractor
shall make this fact known to the QP Engineer and be able to demonstrate that he is
able to apply the paint within the requirements of the QP Safety Regulations.
7.5.1 All personnel involved in site work, from materials handling to access
construction, preparatory cleaning, paint mixing and application and waste material
handling and disposal, shall wear appropriate personnel protective equipment (PPE) for
their work. The minimum level of PPE required for lung, eye, face, hand, foot and body
protection for each type of work is indicated in Tables 10-12 but this should not be taken
as a comprehensive guide. The PPE requirements for each activity shall be specified on
the QP Work Permit. The Contractor shall be responsible for providing the PPE that is
required for all activities under a contract. The requirements shall be established from
his Safety Assessment Report on each type of work (see Sub-clause 7.1.3), which
should identify all possible safety and health hazards to be addressed.
7.5.2 All personnel employed in blast cleaning and the spray application of paints and
solvents shall wear air-fed masks. They shall be coupled to a clean air supply fed by an
independent filtered source. The masks shall be ventilated by clean, cool air served
through a regulator filter to prevent abrasive dust and paint solvents from being inhaled
by the operators. These masks shall be cleaned and disinfected daily and a record of
their usage maintained and verified by the Safety Officer or his appointed representative
7.5.3 The Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that suitable types of protective
footwear, handwear, headwear and overalls are used for the appropriate hazards
identified for each activity.
7.6.1 During and upon completion of preparatory and painting work, facilities shall be
arranged by the Contractor to effectively and safely collect and manage all waste
materials. These shall include spent abrasive, old paintwork and unwanted or spoilt
paints, solvents and chemicals, plus used equipment such as brushes, rags, hoses,
scaffold components and other waste materials. The Waste Management System used
shall fully comply with QP Environmental Regulations and all necessary precautions
shall be taken to safeguard the surrounding environment.
7.6.2 The Contractor shall arrange to dispose of all waste materials and unwanted
consumables in an acceptable manner at Government-approved disposal sites He shall
maintain a formal record of the materials disposed of, the disposal dates and the
disposal sites used, in accordance with QP Regulations.
8.1.1 All surface preparation and painting or wrapping of newly constructed equipment and
structures shall be completed in the Contractor’s, or his Sub-Contractor’s, workshop or
fabrication yard, unless otherwise specified within the relevant contract drawings or
tender documents or approved in writing by the QP Engineer. Individual items of
equipment may be delivered to site in only the primed or partly painted condition, with
the written agreement of the QP Engineer. In such situations, the application of the
remaining coats of paint shall be carried out on site after installation of the equipment.
8.1.2 The partly or fully fabricated items of equipment and structures that have been
completely prepared and painted prior to transportation to site shall be carefully packed,
secured and handled to provide maximum protection against mechanical damage of the
paint coating during transportation and installation on site. The Contractor shall
subsequently make good any damage to the paintwork on the equipment incurred up to
the point of commissioning.
8.1.3 Partially fabricated and non-fabricated items, including steel plate and structural
members, may with the QP Engineer’s approval, be prepared, primed and, where
necessary, partially painted prior to transportation to site. In such cases, the Contractor
shall ensure that the paint coating applied in the workshop has sufficient durability to
prevent the onset of corrosion during transportation and throughout the storage and
construction period on site. The Contractor shall make good any damage to the
paintwork incurred up to the point of delivery.
8.1.4 All surfaces of components that will be inaccessible after site assembly shall be fully
prepared and painted prior to assembly, irrespective of the painting arrangement
agreed for the remainder of the equipment. Pipework shall be fully coated in the area of
pipe supports, together with the supports themselves, before being installed. A thin
layer of Teflon should then be fitted between the pipe and the supports, to minimize
subsequent damage to the paint coating at these contact points.
8.1.5 Equipment and components that require to be stress relieved after manufacture shall
not be painted until all heat treatment has been satisfactorily completed.
8.1.6 Equipment that is to be hydrotested shall, unless otherwise formally agreed, not be
painted until this activity has been completed, apart from pipework which is to be site
welded prior to line pressure testing. Workshop hydrotested pipe spools may be fully
painted prior to site hydrotesting but any site welds shall be left uncoated prior to such
testing. The whole paint coating shall be applied to welded areas after site hydrotesting.
8.1.7 All local welding of equipment and drilling of holes for attachments shall be completed
before cleaning and coating begins. This includes the fitting of wear pads or doubler
plates to pipework at support and anchor points.
8.1.8 QP may require painted items to be transported before the Paint Manufacturer’s
specified minimum coating cure time has been reached. In such cases, the QP
Engineer shall verify the request in writing to the Contractor and the liability for the
repair of any damaged areas of paintwork shall be agreed.
8.1.9 All preparatory and coating work carried out at the Contractor’s or Sub-Contractor’s
premises shall be subject to planned inspection, as detailed in Clause 13.0. The
Contractor shall carry out documented inspection at every stage of the activity. Pre-
arranged inspections shall be carried out with the QP Engineer at specified hold points.
8.2.1 The coating systems and finishes applied by Vendors of specially designed items of
equipment, such as pumps and compressors, are expected to be in accordance with
the relevant Schedule of this Specification. Standard coating systems offered may be
acceptable to QP but full details shall be provided at the outset for evaluation and
approval by the QP Engineer.
9.1.1 All surface preparation and maintenance painting of existing equipment and structures
shall be completed at the relevant QP site, unless otherwise specified in the relevant
contract drawings or tender documents or approved in writing by the QP Engineer.
Individual items of equipment may be removed from site for preparation and painting at
the QP workshop or fabrication yard, with the written agreement of the QP Engineer.
9.1.2 A detailed survey shall be carried out by or on behalf of the QP Engineer at the outset,
to establish the condition of the existing paintwork on the equipment and structures to
be painted. The findings of this survey shall be used to determine the nature and scope
of the maintenance preparation and painting work required, in accordance with the
guidelines given in the individual Painting Schedules.
9.1.3 The degree of rusting and extent of coating breakdown on each area and component
shall be established in accordance with the standards specified in ISO 4628 Part 3 or
ASTM D610 and these standards shall be used to determine the type of surface
preparation and extent of painting required. The equivalent ISO and ASTM degrees of
paint rusting are given in Table 1. It may be necessary to dislodge areas of loose and
underrusted paint, to establish the full extent of the coating breakdown. If the
boundaries of such areas of paint breakdown cannot be reliably determined, the whole
surface shall be fully prepared.
9.1.4 Heavily corroded areas of equipment and structures shall be reported to the QP
Engineer for review, to avoid possible perforation of thin walled areas occurring during
preparatory cleaning prior to repainting. Drainage holes should, where possible, be
drilled at traps and water accumulation points prior to painting.
9.1.5 At the outset, attention shall be paid to the provision of suitable access to all areas of
existing equipment or structure for painting. The underside of pipework at and around
support points and the areas between closely-spaced structural members may present
particular problems. Access difficulties shall not be considered acceptable as a basis
for poor workmanship. Any specific concerns in this regard shall be raised in writing
with the QP Engineer prior to or at the start of the contract, to reach mutual agreement.
9.1.6 Areas of sound existing paintwork may require to be repainted for aesthetic or other
reasons. All such areas shall be cleaned as required for the paint system that is
subsequently to be applied. Particular attention shall be paid to cleaning out and
preparing crevices, traps and other details at which dirt and wash water can accumulate
9.1.7 The preparation of existing painted surfaces shall ensure that all loosened and
underrusted paintwork is removed back to a firm edge with suitable feathering of sound
paint to give a smooth chamfered profile and that all other surface irregularities such as
sags and runs are removed prior to overcoating.
9.1.8 Sweep blast cleaning shall only be carried out for the preparation of existing
paintwork with the QP Engineer’s agreement after an assurance has been provided
that the use of this technique will not be detrimental to the sound coating. This
cleaning technique requires a high level of operator skill, the use of a low nozzle
pressure and fine abrasive and a low angle of abrasive impingement (typically 30°)
on the surface from an increased nozzle to surface distance of around one metre. A
sample area of the coated surface should be test prepared by this technique and
the required quality agreed before any sweep blast cleaning is permitted.
10.1.2 All metal surfaces to be painted and/or wrapped shall initially be carefully visually
inspected for the presence of surface-breaking defects, such as laminations and cold
lap. All such defects shall be reported for evaluation. Shallow defects in non-critical
components shall be fully ground out to give a smooth rounded surface profile. Defects
which extend more deeply into the metal and all defects in pressure-retaining
components shall be referred back to the QP Engineer for possible rejection.
10.1.3 All sharp and rough edges, mechanical indentations and other surface
irregularities shall be ground off to give gently rounded contours. All burrs and metal
protrusions, such as weld spatter and slag, shall be ground off to give a smooth profile.
For the treatment of similar surface details inside vessels to be lined, the requirements
of NACE RP 0178 shall apply. Any irregularities which become apparent after blast
cleaning shall be treated similarly.
10.1.4 All metal surfaces shall be examined and tested as necessary for the presence of oil,
grease and drawing and cutting fluids. Thick grease and heavy oil deposits shall be
removed from the metal surfaces by light scraping and any loose surface residues by
scraping or brushing, preferably followed by wiping with solvent or detergent-
impregnated rags. Particular attention shall be paid to bolt holes and drainage holes.
10.1.5 Those surfaces that are, or are likely to be, contaminated with oil or grease shall be
solvent cleaned with a suitable water-soluble biodegradable solvent using rags (for
small areas), an immersion tank (for small items) or a spray gun (for large areas), in
accordance with SSPC-SP1 requirements. The solvent-cleaned surfaces shall then be
thoroughly washed down with fresh water (containing less than 50ppm chlorides),
ensuring that the oil-water emulsion formed is completely removed from the metal.
10.1.6 In situations where fresh water washing is not possible, subject to approval by the QP
Engineer, solvent cleaning may be carried out with an appropriate non-filming solvent.
10.1.7 Metal surfaces to be painted and/or wrapped that do not require to be blast cleaned
shall be thoroughly washed with fresh water containing a suitable water-soluble
biodegradable degreasing agent, at a minimum pressure of 3,000 psig, to remove all
oil, grease and other contamination. Galvanised steel surfaces that are not sweep blast
cleaned shall be similarly water washed, using a stiff bristle brush to remove all water-
soluble zinc salts.
10.1.8 Similar washing with fresh water containing a suitable degreasing agent and even
solvent washing of partially painted components shall take place between coats of paint
or layers of tape at the discretion of the QP Engineer. This is particularly important in
offshore situations or in onshore situations where either overcoating has been delayed
for more than 72 hours or the partially painted or wrapped surfaces are seen to be
contaminated with oil, grease or particulate matter.
10.1.9 Degreased and water washed surfaces shall be checked for residual oil and grease
using the atomized water spray test as per ASTM F21 (Sub-clause and further
degreasing carried out if residual oil or grease is found to be present.
10.2.1 The preferred method of surface preparation for all metal surfaces is dry blast cleaning.
This preparatory technique shall be used wherever possible for the painting and/or
wrapping of all newly constructed equipment and the maintenance repainting of existing
equipment, except when limited breakdown of the existing coating dictates the use of
other methods of surface preparation. In situations where it is considered impractical or
unsafe to carry out blast cleaning, the matter shall be referred to the QP Engineer for
his approval to use an alternative cleaning method.
10.2.2 For high fire risk situations, where spark production during blast cleaning is considered
unacceptable, the use of approved fully shielded vacuum dry blast cleaning equipment
with standard abrasives, conventional blast cleaning with non-sparking expendable
abrasives such as chalk, water abrasive blasting or water blasting shall be required.
10.2.3 Prior to the commencement of blast cleaning, the Contractor shall ensure that all
adjacent surfaces and equipment that could be damaged by stray abrasive, including
flanges, valves, exposed parts of electrically insulating flange kits and instruments, are
adequately protected against such mechanical damage.
10.2.4 At the outset, the surfaces of each component shall be examined and their original
condition categorized. For unpainted steelwork, it will be a rust grade from A to D, as
specified in ISO 8501 Part 1. For painted steelwork, it will be a degree of rusting, as
specified in ISO 4628 Part 3 or ASTM D610.
10.2.5 Each component shall then be fully blast cleaned to produce a surface appearance that
conforms to the requirements designated and illustrated in ISO 8501 Part 1 and
Supplement for the relevant standard of surface cleanliness, original rust grade and
type of abrasive used. This shall generally be to Sa 3 standard (visually clean/white
metal finish) for newly constructed equipment and at least Sa 2.5 standard (very
thorough/near white metal finish) for maintained equipment. Equivalent SSPC and
NACE standards to the ISO standards are given in Table 2. If the specified standard of
surface preparation cannot be achieved after repeated blast cleaning, because of the
original steel condition, the matter shall be referred to the QP Engineer for arbitration.
10.2.6 The selection and particle size and shape of the abrasive used for blast cleaning shall
be such as to give the metal surfaces a uniform profile or anchor pattern that is suitable
for the coating to be applied with minimum abrasive usage. The required profile height
of the surfaces will be related to the total dry film thickness of the specified paint coating
Coating Total Dry Film Thickness Average Peak to Trough Profile Height
Up to and incl. 120 microns 35-50 microns
150 up to and incl. 300microns 50-75 microns
400 microns and above 75-100 microns
10.2.7 At the discretion of the QP Engineer, tests may require to be carried out on selected
areas of the blast cleaned surfaces, to ensure that they are free from residual millscale,
oil and grease, abrasive and particulate matter, chlorides and, for non-ferrous
substrates, iron salts.
10.2.8 Once metal surfaces have been blast cleaned to the required standard, no solvents,
cleaning solutions or inhibitive or acid washes shall be used on them
10.2.9 At the start of the contract, two small sections of plate shall be blast cleaned using the
specified abrasive under the agreed blast cleaning conditions and with the appropriate
air blowdown. The blast cleaned plates shall be checked by the Contractor and the QP
Engineer for surface cleanliness, profile height and residual particulate matter, in
accordance with the relevant standards. Once it has been agreed that these plate
sections meet the specified blast cleaning requirements of the contract, the Contractor
shall put them into transparent, hermetically sealed plastic wallets. One plate shall be
retained by each party. In the event of subsequent disputes arising regarding the
standard of blast cleaning achieved, they shall be used for arbitration purposes.
10.3.1 Dry blast cleaning shall be carried out with an approved type, brand, grade and batch of
abrasive. For environmental reasons, only garnet abrasive shall be used for offshore
blast cleaning. Expendable abrasives, such as platinum slag, copper slag and coal
slag, and recyclable abrasives, such as garnet and steel grit, may be considered for
onshore work. If a recyclable abrasive is proposed, the recycling equipment, procedure
and quality control testing measures to be employed shall be reviewed and approval by
the QP Engineer before its use can be sanctioned. Neither sand nor contaminated
recycled abrasive will under any circumstances be allowed for blast cleaning.
10.3.2 The selection of abrasives for the dry blast cleaning of corrosion resistant ferrous alloys
and non-ferrous metals and alloys shall be subject to the approval of the QP Engineer.
10.3.3 The air compressor used for dry blast cleaning shall be fitted with adequately sized
after-coolers, to ensure that the compressed air supplied is completely dry. It shall also
be fitted with suitable traps, separators and filters, which shall be regularly emptied of
water and oil. Any accumulated moisture and oil in the air receiver vessel shall be
removed by regular air purging. The air compressor shall under no circumstances be
allowed to operate at temperatures in excess of 110°C. The air supply shall be checked
for water and oil contamination as per the procedure specified ASTM in D4285 prior to
blast cleaning and regularly throughout blast cleaning operations.
10.3.4 The compressed air supply used for dry blast cleaning shall be of sufficient pressure
and volume to enable rapid and efficient cleaning rates to be achieved. Blast cleaning
shall always be carried out at a minimum nozzle air pressure of 100 psig (7 barg), as
measured with a hypodermic needle gauge.
10.3.5 Blast cleaning shall not be carried out in the vicinity of recent surface preparation and
painting locations, where dust or spent abrasive from this operation could contaminate
either freshly cleaned metal surfaces or a wet or tacky paint film.
10.3.6 The weather conditions shall be monitored prior to and constantly throughout the work
period. No dry blast cleaning shall be carried out when the relative humidity of the air
exceeds 85% or the metal temperature is within 3°C of the dewpoint temperature. No
dry blast cleaning other than preliminary scale removal shall be carried out outside
daylight hours at external locations. Surface preparation may also be suspended at the
QP Engineer’s discretion when he considers that adverse weather conditions are likely
to develop before priming of the blast cleaned surfaces can be satisfactorily completed.
10.3.7 Upon achieving the required level of surface cleanliness by dry blast cleaning, the
abrasive supply shall be shut off and as much spent abrasive and dust as possible shall
be removed from the cleaned metal surfaces by either thoroughly blowing them down
with compressed air at the full blasting air pressure or vacuum cleaning them. Brushing
the surfaces is also beneficial in removing embedded particulate matter. Vacuum
cleaning shall be used for the removal of abrasive and dust from the internal surfaces of
vessels and tanks prior to lining them. The surfaces shall be tested for the presence of
residual particulate matter as per the procedure specified in ISO 8502 Part 3. The
maximum acceptable size and quantity of retained matter shall be Class 2 Rating 2.
10.3.8 Surfaces on which locally corroded areas display evidence of staining after blast
cleaning, indicative of salt contamination, shall be thoroughly washed down with fresh
water and allowed to dry before being reblasted to the specified standard.
10.3.9 All dry blast cleaned surfaces shall be primed or painted before any visible rerusting
occurs and certainly within at most four hours of cessation of blast cleaning. The work
must be planned to ensure that this requirement is always met.
10.4.1 Wet abrasive blast cleaning and water jetting are more specialised cleaning techniques
that shall only be considered for use on wet, damp or salt-contaminated surfaces, under
wet and high humidity ambient conditions, at high fire risk locations where spark
formation is considered unacceptable, and when water-dispersing, moisture-tolerant
and moisture-curing primers are to be used.
10.4.2 Free water shall be removed from the metal surfaces using compressed air, squeegees
or mops immediately upon completion of cleaning until no visual signs of water remain.
10.4.3 The metal surfaces shall be cleaned by wet abrasive blasting or water jetting to produce
a finish complying with the appropriate visual and nonvisual surface preparation
standards specified in SSPC-SP 12 / NACE 5 for the primer that is to be applied.
Evaluation of the visual surface condition may be complicated if rust blooming occurs
during the drying cycle. A corrosion inhibitor that is compatible with the primer may by
agreement be added to the final wash water, to minimize rust formation during drying.
10.4.4 The acceptance criteria for the cleanliness of wet abrasive blasted and water jetted
metal surfaces shall be based upon their visual appearance and an absence of soluble
iron salts when tested with potassium ferricyanide, as specified in ISO 8502 Part 1.
10.4.5 The cleaned metal surfaces shall be coated with the appropriate water-dispersing,
moisture-tolerant and moisture-curing primer as soon as all free water has been
removed from them. No Schedule for the use of this type of primer is given in this
document. Paint Manufacturers’ recommendations must be sought regarding the
selection and use of such primers for any application.
10.4.6 Wet blast cleaning and water jetting techniques and the application of water-dispersing,
moisture-tolerant and moisture-curing primers may be carried out under wet and high
humidity conditions. Subsequent paint application shall, however, be carried out under
the ambient conditions required for conventional painting, i.e. maximum relative
humidity 85% and metal surface temperature at least 3°C above dewpoint temperature.
10.4.7 Contractors proposing to use water abrasive blast cleaning shall provide the QP
Engineer with a plan for the safe disposal of the expendable wet abrasive, stating the
measures that are to be taken to ensure that it does not cause blockage of site drains.
10.4.8 Contractors shall also provide the QP Engineer with detailed method statements for the
use of these wet cleaning techniques, stating the safety precautions that they intend to
take in handling these dangerous high pressure water streams. These shall comply, as
a minimum, with the operating and safety requirements of SSPC SP-12 / NACE 5.
10.5.1 It is stated above that metal surfaces shall be prepared by blast cleaning wherever
possible. There are, however, situations where components or areas of components
cannot realistically be blast cleaned, because of their shape, complexity or remote
location. In such situations, these components or areas may with the prior approval of
the QP Engineer be cleaned as thoroughly as possible using power-driven tools, fitted
with approved discs and wire brushes.
10.5.2 The minimum preparatory standard required for power tool cleaned surfaces shall be St
3 standard in accordance with ISO 8501 Part 1 or SP3/SP11 standard in accordance
with SSPC-Vis 3. Care shall be taken to ensure that the metal does not become
polished during cleaning.
10.5.3 Power tool cleaning shall continue for a minimum distance of 25mm into the adjoining
blast cleaned surfaces or, when the prepared areas continue up to existing painted
areas, the interface area shall be feathered back for a minimum distance of 25mm into
the sound coating, to prevent lifting of the old coating and provide a smooth sound
base for the new paint.
10.5.4 With recessed welds that occur in areas which cannot be blast cleaned and are also
inaccessible for power disc and power wire brush cleaning, the use of power-driven
impact tools, such as vibratory and rotary hammers and needle guns, may with the
agreement of the QP Engineer be considered for primary surface preparation, followed
by manual wire brush cleaning.
10.5.5 All power-driven preparatory equipment shall be of a type and quality and be used in a
manner that avoids creating indentations, grooves, burrs or sharp edges in existing
coatings and metal substrates. The use of orbital and/or orbital sanders fitted with
suitably graded abrasive discs or sheets is preferred for existing sound coatings.
Smudges and surface contamination left by wire brushes or discs shall be removed with
a water-soluble solvent. The areas shall then be rinsed with fresh water and dried. In
areas where fresh water washing is not possible, with the approval of the QP Engineer,
solvent cleaning in accordance with SSPC-SP1 requirements shall be performed.
10.5.6 In high fire risk locations where power or even hand tool cleaning is required, the items
of equipment used shall be of a non-sparking type that is approved by the QP Engineer.
10.6.1 Mechanical hand tool surface preparation shall only be permitted in areas that cannot
be blast or power tool cleaned, because of their inaccessibility or isolation.
10.6.2 Details of the proposed cleaning method to be adopted and the tools to be used for
hand tool preparation shall be submitted to the QP Engineer for approval. These may
include hand wire brushes, scrapers, pneumatic needle guns and chipping hammers.
10.6.3 All loose rust, mill scale, paint, welding flux and weld spatter shall be removed from the
surfaces by hand brushing, scraping, chipping, hammering or a combination of these
methods and stratified rust and scale shall be removed by chipping or hammering. The
surfaces shall then be thoroughly cleaned to St 3 standard in accordance with ISO
8501 Part 1 or SP2 standard as per SSPC-Vis 3.
10.6.4 In areas where the coating has been locally damaged or the prepared surfaces are
taken back to an existing painted surface, the substrate may be prepared by
mechanical hand tool cleaning but the edges of the prepared area must be carefully
feathered back a minimum distance of 25mm into the adjacent sound coating, to
prevent it lifting and provide a smooth sound base for the new paint.
10.7.1 Chemical pickling to white metal in accordance with the requirements of SSPC-SP8
may, with the agreement of the QP Engineer, be considered as an alternative to blast
cleaning in situations and for components where it is a more practically and
economically viable preparatory technique.
10.7.2 The pickling solution used shall be approved by the QP Engineer as being suitable for
treating the constructional material used for the component or equipment involved and
shall contain a suitable inhibitor to prevent localised or excessive general corrosion of
the treated component surfaces.
11.1.1 Unless otherwise specified, all the paint products comprising a coating system for a
component shall be technically acceptable and approved products that are purchased
from the same Paint Manufacturer with his assurances that:-
(a) All products are fully compatible with each other.
(b) The primer is suitable for the standard of surface preparation specified.
(c) The complete coating system is suitable for the intended service environment,
temperature and conditions to which it will be subjected.
11.1.2 Particular care is required in the selection of primers and paints for maintenance
painting. Specific assurance shall be sought from the Paint Manufacturer regarding the
compatibility of maintenance primers and paints with existing paint and coating
systems. Where doubts exist regarding paint compatibility, field trials shall be carried
out on selected areas of the paintwork to be overcoated.
11.1.3 Batches of paint received shall be checked for correct labeling and stored under
secure, sheltered and temperature-controlled conditions. Batches shall be used in the
order in which they are received. The paint identification and storage system must
ensure that this is the case. Prior to use, each batch shall be checked to ensure that it
is still in the original, sealed and properly labeled manufacturer’s containers and is
marked with its shelf life date.
11.1.4 Paints which are not contained in original, fully sealed manufacturer’s containers and
batches that have exceeded their shelf life date shall be discarded. Paints which are
found to have gelled or thickened to such an extent that they cannot be easily mixed,
irrespective of their shelf life date, shall also be discarded.
11.1.5 Paints shall be thoroughly mixed in accordance with Manufacturer’s data sheets, using
suitable rotary stirrers wherever possible, immediately prior to and regularly during use.
Care shall be taken to ensure that all settled material at the bottom of containers has
been fully dispersed and solvated to produce a liquid of uniform consistency. Five litre
and larger sized containers of paint shall always be mixed using rotary stirrers.
11.1.6 When multi-pack paints are used, the separately packaged curing agent or hardener
shall only be added to the base paint after the latter has been thoroughly mixed. Good
working practice would dictate that only a sufficient quantity of paint that can be used
within its pot life under the prevailing climatic conditions and within the current working
period should be mixed. Whenever possible, small units of paint materials shall be used
for performing minor repairs, so as to avoid incorrect part mixing and paint wastage.
11.1.7 Standard units of multi-pack paints shall not be broken down to provide smaller
quantities without the prior agreement of the QP Engineer. Such agreement shall only
be given if it can be procedurally shown and practically demonstrated that accurate
measurements of the quantities of the components to be mixed can be made.
11.2.1 Airless spray and conventional air spray equipment used for paint application shall
be of suitable design for the specific paint to be applied. Plural spray pumps shall be
used for paints with a short pot life at high temperatures. Equipment shall be used in
accordance with the Manufacturer’s operating instructions and recommendations for
the application of that paint. It shall be fitted with suitable pressure regulators and
gauges, to enable the operating conditions to be controlled and monitored.
11.2.2 The air pressure to the paint pump for airless spray paint application shall be
adjusted to be sufficiently high to properly atomise the paint for optimum spraying
effectiveness but should not be significantly higher than this value.
11.2.3 The pressure and volume of air used for conventional air spray paint application shall
be sufficiently high at the spray gun to atomise the applied paint to the degree and at
the rate required. It shall not, however, be so high that it will cause excessive solvent
evaporation or paint loss by overspray. The air supply shall be maintained dry and
uncontaminated by fitting the compressor with suitable water traps, separators and
filters. The requirements for their maintenance and testing shall be as specified in Sub-
clause 10.3.3.
11.2.4 The fluid tips of airless spraying guns shall be of the orifice size and fan angle and the
fluid control gun shall be of the construction recommended by the Paint and Equipment
Manufacturers. Fluid tips shall be of the shielded type, to prevent skin penetration by
the high pressure paint. The air caps, nozzles and needles of air spraying guns shall be
those recommended by the relevant Paint and Spray Equipment Manufacturers.
11.2.5 The spraying equipment shall be fitted with suitable filters and maintained clean
throughout the working period, to ensure that no dirt, dry paint or other foreign material
is deposited in the paint film. The equipment shall be thoroughly washed out with
solvent to remove all residual paint at the end of each working period but all solvent left
in the equipment shall be completely removed before applying any further paint.
11.2.6 Brushes used for paint application shall be of good quality and of a style that is suitable
for the paint to be applied and the components to be painted. Round or oval brushes
are most suitable for rivets, bolts and irregular or heavily roughened surfaces, whilst
wide flat brushes are most suitable for large flat areas.
11.2.7 Neither brushes over five (5) inches wide nor rollers shall be used for paint application,
other than for the final smoothing of high volume solids paints.
11.3.1 Prior to the commencement of paint application, particularly by spraying, the Contractor
shall ensure that all adjacent surfaces and equipment that could be adversely affected
by paint, including flanges, valves and instruments, are protected against paint
overspray and contamination.
11.3.2 All metal surfaces shall be primed as soon as possible after surface preparation has
been completed. For dry blast cleaned surfaces, this shall be before any visible
rerusting of the metal occurs and certainly within four hours of blast cleaning cessation .
For power cleaned surfaces, it shall be the same working day as they are prepared.
11.3.3 The preferred methods for the application of paints to prepared metal surfaces are,
airless spray or conventional air spray, due to the superior paint thickness control and
coating appearance that can be achieved. Brush and other application methods shall
only be used, with QP Engineer approval, for small and isolated areas, such as during
stripe or patch repair painting, or where the Paint Manufacturer’s recommendations
dictate their use. The number of coats and types of paint and the surfaces to be painted
shall be as specified in the contract documents. The applicators shall be familiar with
the Paint Manufacturer’s data and instruction sheets for each paint and shall ensure
that they are applied in accordance with these recommendations. Each product and the
individual coats of multi-layer products shall be tinted a different colour, to aid
identification during paint application and coating inspection. The colour of the final coat
shall meet the requirements of Tables 6-9 for the component and service involved.
11.3.4 The weather conditions and the metal temperature shall be monitored at the start of,
and regularly throughout, the working day. No paint application shall be carried out
when the relative humidity is greater than 85% or the metal surface temperature is less
than 3°C above the ambient dewpoint temperature, except with the prior written
approval of the QP Engineer. The maximum and minimum surface temperatures at
which a paint can be applied will depend upon its nature and curing temperature. The
Manufacturer’s recommendations shall be used as the definitive guide but no paint shall
be applied at surface or ambient temperatures below 5°C or above 50°C without
Manufacturer’s approval. No external spray paint application shall be carried out when
the wind speed exceeds 15 knots other than with the agreement of the QP Engineer.
No painting shall be carried out outside daylight hours at external locations, unless
specifically approved in writing by the QP Engineer.
11.3.5 Prior to the application of the full coat of primer and each succeeding coat of paint by
whatever method, all edges, corners, crevices, welds, holes, bolts, rivets and pitted
areas shall be stripe painted with the appropriate paint material by brush, ensuring that
the material is worked firmly into the metal surfaces. These stripe coated areas shall
extend a minimum of 25mm from the relevant feature.
11.3.6 The full coat of primer or paint shall be applied to the component as soon as possible
after stripe painting. Stripe painting after application of the full coat may only be carried
out by exception with the formal agreement of the QP Engineer. In this eventuality, the
stripe paint shall be tinted a slightly different colour to the full coat material to aid
identification. In either situation, care shall be taken to avoid solvent entrapment.
11.3.7 Where paint application is carried out by brush, the brushing shall be done in such a
way that a smooth coat of as uniform a thickness as possible is obtained. All runs and
sags shall be brushed out and the paint shall be as free as possible from pores,
discontinuities and brush marks. Paint shall be worked into all crevices and corners.
11.3.8 Where paint is applied by spray, the spraying technique used shall ensure that a
uniform layer of wet paint of the required thickness is deposited on all surface areas. All
runs and sags shall be brushed out immediately. If there are an excessive number of
runs, the paint shall be removed and the surfaces repainted using either a more
suitable paint mix for the climatic conditions or a modified spraying technique or
equipment. When applying high build coatings, a cross hatch spraying technique is
considered beneficial in producing uniform paint films. Areas that are inaccessible or
unsuitable for effective spray painting, such as crevices, cracks and blind areas of bolts
and rivets, shall be locally painted by brush.
11.3.8 Each coat of paint shall be allowed to cure for at least the minimum period of time at the
prevailing temperature recommended by the Manufacturer before being overcoated.
However, its recommended maximum overcoating period at this temperature shall not
be exceeded. The work must be planned to ensure that this requirement is met. Where
overcoating of a partly painted component is delayed for more than 72 hours, after a
dust storm or strong wind or at the discretion of the QP Engineer, the painted surfaces
shall be solvent cleaned and/or fresh water washed as necessary to remove surface
contamination before being overcoated. They shall also be lightly abraded when the
overcoating period has been exceeded. After application of the complete paint system,
it shall be allowed to fully cure as per the Manufacturer’s recommendations before the
component is handled or moved. If the paint does not cure within the recommended
period, at the discretion of the QP Engineer, a sample shall be removed to ascertain the
cause of the problem.
11.4.1 All areas of paintwork that are locally damaged during transportation, handling or
erection shall be fully repaired to the QP Engineer’s satisfaction.
11.4.2 When the coating is damaged but the metal substrate is not exposed, the damaged
areas of paintwork shall be gently abraded back to the sound coating using emery
paper or a fine grinder. These areas shall then be wiped with a suitable solvent, to
remove all debris. This technique is especially preferred for the preparation of damaged
vessel and tank linings. The periphery of the repair areas shall be feathered back for a
minimum distance of 25mm into the adjacent undamaged coating by light abrasion or
grinding, to produce a smooth chamfered surface profile for the repair coating. Sweep
blast cleaning shall only be used for the preparation of damaged coatings with the QP
Engineer‘s agreement, subject to the conditions stated in Sub-clause 9.1.8.
11.4.3 When the coating is damaged back to the base metal such that areas of the metal
substrate are exposed, the exposed metal shall be cleaned to the original specified
standard prior to repainting it. For larger areas of exposed metal, local dry blast
cleaning, using a small vacuum blast cleaning unit, shall be used wherever possible.
For small and isolated areas or where the use of blast cleaning is not practical, power
tools may have to be used, with the approval of the QP Engineer, to obtain the required
preparatory standard. As with partially damaged coatings, the periphery of the repair
areas shall be feathered back for at least 25mm into the adjacent undamaged coating,
to produce a smooth chamfered surface profile for the repair coating.
11.4.4 The prepared partially or completely damaged areas of the coating shall then be
repaired by the local application of the requisite number of coats of paint to obtain the
original coating system and thickness.
12.1.1 Prior to the commencement of any wrapping work, the Contractor shall submit details of
the type and brand of cold-applied wrapping tape and the primer or adhesive that it is
proposed to apply plus a detailed application method statement, for approval by the QP
Engineer. The document shall be accompanied by the Tape Manufacturer’s data sheets
for the products involved, confirming their suitability for the expected service conditions
and environment. The wrapping tape should be a heavy-duty tropical grade material.
12.1.2 The product data sheets shall include as a minimum the following details:-
(a) Service temperature limits and chemical resistance of the wrapping tape and its
adhesive or primer.
(b) Type and recommended minimum wet film thickness of the primer or adhesive.
(c) Minimum and maximum recoating interval of the primer or adhesive prior to tape
(d) Whether the tape requires a special application machine or is suitable for hand
(e) Manufacturer’s recommended voltage to use for holiday detection testing.
12.1.3 Unless otherwise specified, the filler, primer, adhesive and wrapping tape used shall be
purchased from the same manufacturer with his assurances that:-
(a) All products are all fully compatible with each other.
(b) The tape primer or adhesive is compatible with the paint coating over which it
will be applied.
(c) The complete wrapping system is suitable for the intended service environment,
temperature and conditions to which it will be subjected.
12.1.4 As with paints, the containers of primer, adhesive and putty filler and the rolls of
wrapping tape shall be individually identified and stored under secure, sheltered and
temperature-controlled conditions. Each roll of tape should ideally have the product
name, batch number and production date stamped on or embossed in the back of the
tape for easy field identification. The containers and rolls shall be used in the order
received. Those which have been opened or damaged or have exceeded their shelf life
date shall be discarded. The handling, mixing and application of primers and adhesives
shall be as detailed in Clause 11.0.
12.2.1 Component surfaces that are to be wrapped shall have been coated with part of the
paint system that has been specified for the appropriate service environment prior to
being primed and wrapped. The paint coating is required to guard against the
occurrence of general and localized corrosion of the metal beneath the layer of tape by
water that gains access though local points of tape damage and poorly adherent
overlaps and joints.
12.2.2 The surfaces to be wrapped shall have been degreased, prepared and partially coated
with the paint system specified for the relevant service environment and conditions by
the methods and to the standards specified in Clauses 10.0 and 11.0.
12.2.3 Subsequent surface preparation for tape primer or adhesive application shall be in
accordance with the Wrapping Tape Manufacturer’s recommendations. It may simply
require the paint coating to be water washed or degreased and lightly abraded to obtain
a suitably roughened surface profile for good primer adhesion. If the recommended
overcoating period of the previously-applied paint has been exceeded, it may even be
necessary to apply an additional tie-coat of a suitable paint.
12.3.1 As with the application of paints, the weather conditions and the metal
temperature shall be monitored at the start of and regularly throughout the working day.
No primer or wrapping tape shall be applied when the relative humidity is greater than
85% or the metal surface temperature is less than 3°C above the ambient dewpoint
temperature. The maximum and minimum surface temperatures at which a tape can be
applied will depend upon the nature of the adhesive and carrier materials. The
Manufacturer’s recommendations shall be used as the definitive guide. No wrapping
shall be carried out outside daylight hours at external locations unless approved in
writing by the QP Engineer.
12.3.2 Pipe flanges and fittings shall be protectively wrapped in the same manner as the
adjacent pipework, unless otherwise specified.
12.3.3 Deeply pitted or uneven surface areas and components with irregular shaped surfaces
that are difficult to wrap, such as areas of flanges, tees and valves, shall be filled with
the Manufacturer-approved putty filler.
12.3.4 The primer or adhesive shall be applied to the painted component surfaces by brush or
spray, as recommended by the Manufacturer, to give the required wet film thickness.
12.3.5 When the primer or adhesive is at the required stage of drying, the protective “waxed
paper” shall be pulled back from the adhesive side of the wrapping tape and it shall be
slowly wound onto the component surface in a spiral arrangement with moderate
tension using either the approved tape applicator tool or by hand. Gentle uniform
pressure shall be applied to avoid any creases or wrinkles and ensure that it is in firm
contact with the primer or adhesive.
12.3.6 The tape shall be wound in such an arrangement that there is 55% minimum overlap of
one layer of tape onto the previous layer, ensuring double layer coverage on all areas.
12.3.7 When a new roll of tape is started, the new tape shall be overlapped a minimum
circumferential length of 150 mm onto the end of the old tape. When a surface adjacent
to a previously wrapped surface is wrapped, the new tape should overlap a minimum
distance of 150mm back onto the existing tape.
12.3.8 Wrapping tape that is permanently exposed to sunlight shall be overwrapped with a
light-reflecting tape to prevent degradation of the original wrapping by ultraviolet
radiation. Tape that is considered at risk from stone or mechanical handling damage
shall be overwrapped with a physically protective tape.
12.3.9 Welded and flanged pipe joints shall be left uncoated and unwrapped until all pressure
testing has been completed, unless otherwise specified in writing by the QP Engineer.
12.4.1 All areas of wrapping tape that are found to have physical defects, such as creases,
wrinkles, poor adhesion or mechanical damage, or to be below the required thickness
or to contain pinholes shall be rejected.
12.4.2 Locally damaged areas of tape and holidays shall be repaired to the satisfaction of the
QP Engineer by peeling the tape from the affected area, repriming or reapplying the
adhesive to the exposed metal and rewrapping the metal as previously, ensuring a
150mm minimum overlap onto intact wrapping tape on either side of the damaged area.
12.4.3 If the tape is extensively damaged or contains extensive pinholes, it shall be completely
removed back to bare metal and the component surfaces fully reprepared, reprimed
and rewrapped to the required standard.
12.5.1 It is stated in Sub-clause 8.3.1 that threaded connections shall not be painted unless
otherwise specified. This is due to the periodic need to dismantle such joints and the
fact that the components involved are difficult to paint or wrap by conventional means.
Threaded components, such as bolts and nuts, shall be given some form of protective
coating, which shall be specified in the contract and approved by the QP Engineer.
12.5.2 The use of ultra violet (UV)-resistant plastic caps filled with a suitable corrosion inhibited
grease may be considered for the in-situ protection of assembled nuts, washers and the
end sections of bolts. The cap design shall be such that, once attached, they are firmly
locked in place and cannot be inadvertently removed. The Contractor shall submit
details of the design and material of the caps and the nature of the grease that are
proposed to be used, for approval by the QP Engineer.
12.5.3 The sections of bolts and other fastener components inside the flange faces of flanged
joints may be protected by fitting a proprietary clamped stainless steel band having an
internal rubber sealing membrane and a drain nipple at its low point or by sealing the
periphery of the flanged joints with a suitable mastic sealant after fitting a drain nipple.
12.5.4 The use of field-applied thermoplastic encapsulation may also be considered for the in-
situ protection of assembled threaded components, flanged joints, machined surfaces
and other similar features. This special type of wrapping should be thought of as a
strippable temporary protective system, because of the ease with which the material
can be removed from the surfaces rather than longevity of the protection provided.
12.5.5 As with other types of wrapping, the Contractor shall submit details of the encapsulation
material and any primer or adhesive that are proposed to be applied, plus a detailed
application method statement, for approval by the QP Engineer. The document shall be
accompanied by the Encapsulation Manufacturer’s Data Sheet for the product to be
applied, confirming its suitability for the expected service conditions and environment.
12.5.6 This type of wrapping system is generally applied by specialist Contractors or using
specialised proprietary equipment. Full details of the application system and equipment
involved shall be made available to the QP Engineer for approval before any
encapsulation work is allowed to take place.
13.1.1 All surface preparation, painting and wrapping work carried out under or to the intent of
this Specification shall be subject to systematic inspection at each stage of pre-
preparation, surface preparation, painting/wrapping and repair by the QP Engineer. In
addition, the work shall be subject to random inspection as and when the QP Engineer
deems it necessary.
13.1.2 The basic inspection requirements and system shall be detailed in a formal Quality
Inspection and Test Plan and presented by the Contractor as part of the contract
documentation for approval by the QP Engineer. A typical Q.I. & T. Plan Checklist is
shown as Table 3. Such a Plan shall not relieve the Contractor from his responsibility to
carry out all work in a safe and timely manner using skilled personnel and good
practices to achieve a high quality product meeting all other specification requirements.
13.1.3 All defective or non-conforming work identified at each stage shall be rectified to the
required standard by the Contractor. Any preparatory, painting or wrapping work carried
out to this Specification that is not systematically inspected and approved by the QP
Engineer at each stage shall be deemed not to meet the Specification. The coating or
wrapping shall be removed from all affected areas and they shall be reprepared and
recoated or rewrapped to the approval of the QP Engineer by the Contractor.
13.1.4 The Contractor shall provide an authorised person who is a qualified Painting Inspector
to the minimum standard specified below to coordinate the inspection work carried out
and report the results obtained. The proposed Contractor employee, who may be a
Supervisor or Manager, shall also be individually acceptable to the QP Engineer.
Additionally, either an appointed QP Painting Inspector or an approved qualified Third
Party Painting Inspector shall act on behalf of the QP Engineer under the contract, to
ensure that the required inspection work is being carried out in a satisfactory and
effective manner to consistently give a good quality product.
13.1.5 All proposed Painting Inspectors shall be qualified to at least TWI (ex-ERS) Level 1, I
Corr Level 2 or NACE Level 2 and shall have at least five years approved experience of
industrial painting of oil and gas facilities at inspector or supervisor level. The
certification and resume of each Inspector shall be submitted to the QP Engineer for
approval and they shall be interviewed at the start of each contract to confirm their
technical capability. The Inspectors shall consult the Paint Manufacturer to obtain the
necessary technical support to ensure compliance with product recommendations.
13.1.6 The Contractor shall provide a comprehensive range of approved inspection equipment
at each site of any work that is in progress, to enable all inspection work that is required
under the approved Inspection and Test Plan and Work Specification to be carried out.
He shall provide sufficient “sets” of commonly used inspection equipment to avoid any
delays in carrying out the required inspection at all work sites.
13.2.1 The proposed inspection system for all preparatory, painting and wrapping work shall
operate via a series of Hold Points in the work schedule, from which the Contractor
shall not proceed until he is given formal clearance by the QP Engineer. This does not
mean that these are the only points at which inspection shall be carried out. It is
intended that the Inspection and Test Plan will ensure that relevant inspection is carried
out prior to, during and after each activity in the work schedule.
13.2.2 The relevant Hold Points, which shall be considered as mandatory under all
contracts, are as follows. These items are also identified as Hold Points in Table 3.
13.2.3 All Hold Points shall be strictly observed and recorded. Any surface preparation or
painting or wrapping work undertaken without Hold Point clearance shall be re-worked
by the Contractor.
13.2.4 The QP Engineer shall be given at least 48 hours notice of any Hold Point
inspections that require to be carried out. Whilst work is in progress the QP Engineer
shall be given at least 24 hours notice of any change in the inspection schedule. All
parts of the work shall be made accessible for the inspection in good lighting, with all
areas evenly illuminated to a level of not less than 500 lux daylight or artificial light. In
the event of the Contractor wishing to cancel a prearranged inspection, he is required to
give the QP Engineer at least one hour’s notice, unless otherwise formally agreed.
13.2.5 Full details of the inspection work carried out and the results obtained shall be reported
by the authorised Contractor Painting Inspection on a daily basis in a standard Daily
Inspection Report Form, the format of which shall be approved at the outset by the QP
Engineer. This Form may also be used as a daily progress report. A typical Daily
Inspection Report format is given in Table 4 but it shall as a minimum contain the
following information.
(a) Contractor and client name, project title and reference number and work location.
(b) Date.
(c) Nature and sizes of items undergoing preparation and painting or wrapping, areas
worked on and constructional materials involved.
(d) Areas not painted or wrapped and protective measures taken.
(e) Original condition of metal substrate or coated surface.
(f) General weather conditions, relative humidity, dewpoint and air and metal
temperatures at start of each shift and every two hours throughout the working day.
(g) Preliminary cleaning and degreasing carried out, including solvents used.
(h) Method of surface preparation and equipment used, including abrasive type,
product brand name, particle size range and batch number.
(i) Standard of surface preparation and cleanliness and surface profile height obtained
(j) Manufacturer, product name and number and batch number of all paints and
wrapping tapes applied.
(k) Number of coats of each product applied to each area of each item and application
method used.
(l) Specified dry film thickness (D.F.T.) of each coat of paint and complete paint
coating (T.D.F.T.) and measured wet film thickness (W.F.T.) of each coat and
D.F.T. of each coat and complete paint coating.
(m) Areas wrapped by each tape and tape thickness obtained.
(n) Locations and sizes of areas of paintwork and wrapping repaired.
(p) Any comments relating to the work that the Contractor feels are relevant.
13.2.6 These Daily Inspection Report Forms shall be completed, signed and dated by the
authorised Contractor Painting Supervisor/Inspector on a daily basis at least in triplicate.
One copy shall be submitted to the Contractor’s Engineer for review, one copy sent to
the Contractor management and the third copy retained in the site working file. At the
end of the Contract, a summary Close Out Inspection Report, a typical format for which
is shown as Table 5, shall be completed, signed and dated and sent for the QP
Engineer’s approval.
13.3.1 The QP Engineer shall have the right to inspect all tools, equipment, plant, instruments,
materials, and access scaffolding and facilities that are used or to be used in the
performance of the preparatory, coating application, wrapping and inspection work at
the start of and at all times during the contract. The Contractor shall make all parts of
the worksites accessible for these inspections.
13.3.2 QP reserves the right to reject any tools, equipment, plant, instruments, materials or
access facilities which are considered either unsuitable, unserviceable, inadequate or
unsafe for the proposed work or not to fully meet the contract requirements. All rejected
items and materials shall be reported as such and replaced or rectified as instructed by
the QP Engineer.
13.3.3 The Contractor shall provide recent calibration certificates for all equipment and
instrumentation used for the contract, where appropriate and as requested by the QP
Engineer. Equipment and instrumentation which cannot be calibrated shall be replaced
by the Contractor, if considered to be unserviceable or unsuitable by the QP Engineer.
13.3.4 Upon request, the Contactor shall permit the QP Engineer or his Appointed Painting
Inspector to use any item of inspection equipment, to assess its reliability, accuracy and
suitability for the proposed inspection activity. If any item is deemed to be inadequate
to carry out an inspection activity, an alternative item that is acceptable to the QP
Engineer shall be provided by the Contractor. Presence of gross oil, grease and particulate matter contamination. Surfaces
shall be visually inspected. Basic rust grade of uncoated metal surfaces or degree of coating breakdown
of coated metal surfaces. Shall be assessed by visual inspection in conjunction
with Standard ISO 8501 Part 1 or SSPC-Vis 1 for uncoated metal surfaces and ISO
4628 Part 3 or ASTM D610 (SSPC-Vis 2) for coated metal surfaces. Type, grade and cleanliness of abrasive used for blast cleaning. The
information marked on the labels of the bags of abrasive shall be recorded.
Recycled abrasive and, at the discretion of the QP Engineer, expendable abrasive
shall be tested for oil, grease and salt contamination. For oil and grease
contamination, the abrasive shall be agitated in a 1:1 ratio with fresh water for two
minutes in a vial, left stand for 10 minutes and then agitated for a further two
minutes. The surface of the water shall then be checked for floating oil. For salt
contamination, the abrasive shall be agitated in a set ratio with deionised water for
five minutes in a container and the solution electrical conductivity measured in
accordance with ISO 8502 Part 9. The result shall be approved by the QP Engineer Presence of oil or water in compressed air used for blast cleaning. A piece of
clean white absorbent paper or cloth shall be held at the air outlet at a suitably low
operating pressure in accordance with ASTM D4285. Air pressure used for blast cleaning. Shall be measured at the blasting nozzle by
inserting a hypodermic needle pressure gauge in the air line adjacent to the nozzle. Profile height of blast cleaned surfaces. Shall be measured using a suitable
grade of Testex replica tape plus a portable micrometer gauge or a suitable surface
profile comparator gauge in accordance with NACE RP 0287 or ASTM D4417
Method C. Quantity and quality of residual dust and particulate matter on blast cleaned
surfaces. Shall be assessed using transparent self-adhesive tape, a small pocket
microscope and Standard ISO 8502 Part 3. Presence of residual millscale on steel surfaces. (Subsidiary test which shall
be carried out at the discretion of the QP Engineer). Shall be detected using a small
dropper bottle containing acidified copper sulphate solution. Discontinuities in the
deposited copper layer indicate the presence of residual millscale. The test area
shall be locally reblasted to remove the copper layer and any residual test solution. Presence of iron salts on stainless steel and non-ferrous metal surfaces.
(Subsidiary test which shall be carried out at the discretion of the QP Engineer).
Shall be detected using a small dropper bottle containing potassium ferricyanide
solution. If a bright blue colouration results, indicating the presence of iron salts, the
matter shall be referred back to the QP Engineer for quantitiative assessment. A
wash bottle and dry rag shall be used for subsequently removing the test solution. Presence of residual chlorides on cleaned surfaces. (Subsidiary test that shall
be carried out at the discretion of the QP Engineer). Shall be detected as in Sub-
clause If necessary, quantitative assessment shall be made by obtaining a
sample from the surface in accordance with ISO 8502 Part 6 and either measuring
its electrical conductivity in accordance with ISO 8502 Part 9 or analysing it
titrimetrically for chloride in accordance with ISO 8502 Part 10. Type, brand and condition of primer, adhesive, paint and wrapping tape used.
The information marked on the labels of the primer, paint and tape containers,
including batch numbers and expiry dates, shall be recorded and the product
condition ascertained. Samples may be taken at the discretion of the QP Engineer. Time between blast cleaning and priming. Shall be established by recording and
reviewing the time at which blast cleaning was started immediately before priming. Primer, undercoat and topcoat paint thickness and uniformity. Shall be
measured by taking random wet film thickness measurements on each coat of paint
immediately after application using a stainless steel comb or wheel gauge.
Systematic dry film thickness measurements shall subsequently be taken on the
paint film after each coat has dried using a QP approved model magnetic or eddy
current dry film thickness gauge in accordance with SSPC-PA 2. All coats shall also
be visually inspected for defects and non-uniformities. Overcoating periods for paints. Shall be established by recording the time at
which each coat of paint was applied and relating this to the Paint Manufacturer’s
recommended overcoating period for the product at the prevalent metal temperature Final appearance of paint film or wrapping. Shall be approved by careful visual
inspection of the fully coated or wrapped surfaces, to ensure that they are free from
runs, sags, orange peeling, fish eyes, overspray, dirt and grit entrapment, wrinkles,
open joints and mechanical damage . Curing time for complete paint coating Shall be established by recording the time
at which the topcoat paint was applied and relating this to the Paint Manufacturer’s
recommended full coating cure period at the prevalent metal temperature.
Supplementary double rub or modified thumb cure tests using a suitable solvent
and/or abrasion with emery paper may be carried out to confirm the degree of cure. Adhesion of coating. (Subsidiary test that shall be carried out at the discretion of
the QP Engineer). Shall be measured on the dry paint film using a cemented dolly
and a pull-off measurement device in accordance with ASTM D4541. The measured
coating adhesion strengths shall be referred to the Paint Manufacturer for approval. Identification of areas for repair. Areas of the paint coating or wrapping that
require repair shall be carefully identified on the components themselves and
recorded in the reports so that these can readily be reinspected during and upon
completion of the repair work.
13.5.1 The following inspection equipment shall be supplied in good working order at
each work site by the Contractor.
13.5.3 The dry film thickness gauges shall be calibrated using an insulating shim of similar
thickness to that of the partial or complete paint film to be inspected held over a
sample of the same material as that to be painted with a similar blast cleaned
surface profile, in accordance with SSPC-PA 2. The calibration sample could be a
plate of the substrate material blasted to a standard agreed with the QP Engineer.
The gauges shall be calibrated at the start of the working day, at least twice during
each shift when in use and when a change in the coating thickness range occurs.
13.5.4 Holiday Detection shall be carried out when it is required by the project specification
or at the direction of the QP Engineer, to ensure the integrity of a paint coating or
wrapping. It is typically required for tank and vessel linings and buried or immersed
coatings and wrappings. The test voltage used shall be according to NACE RP
0188. All safety guidelines and rules shall be followed when using this equipment.
14.1 The Contractor shall be fully responsible for ensuring that all surface preparation,
painting and wrapping work meets the relevant QP quality control (QC) standards, in
addition to being carried out in a timely and professional manner. This will require him
to use well trained and suitably skilled operators and supervisory staff and good quality,
well maintained preparatory and application equipment and inspection tools.
14.2 The Contractor and his Sub-Contractors shall operate a Quality Management System
meeting the requirements of the relevant parts of EN ISO 9001. Guidance on
Contractor conformance with the requirements of EN ISO 9001 is given in QP Quality
System Procedure QSP-QC-09.
14.3 Prior to placement of the contract, the Contractor and his Sub-Contractors shall
demonstrate the compliance of their Quality Management System with QP
requirements by submit their Quality Assurance (QA) Manual for review and approval.
As a minimum, the QA Manual shall contain:-
14.4 The Contractor and his Sub-Contractors shall be subject to Audit by QP prior to
placement of the contract and during the term of the contract, as is deemed necessary.
14.5 Prior to the commencement of the work, the Contractor shall submit his Quality
Inspection and Test Plan to the QP Engineer for review. This shall detail the individual
preparation, painting and wrapping activities involved and the inspection and test
methods that will be used to ensure that they are carried out to an acceptable standard.
The Plan will generally be in tabular form and will indicate the type and level of
inspection and testing that is required at each stage of the work. It should also contain
references to verifying documents and the personnel responsible for each activity. A
typical Quality Inspection and Test Plan Checklist is shown as Table 3.
14.6 All personnel involved in the preparation, painting and wrapping work and any Sub-
Contractor proposed for this work shall be formally approved by the QP Engineer,
possibly as indicated in Sub-clause 6.5, before the work begins.
14.7 Prior to commencement of the work, a formal minuted Pre-start Meeting shall be held
between the QP Engineer, Contract Administrator, relevant Contractor management
and supervisory staff and the Painting Inspector. The full scope of the work required
under the contract shall be discussed. All issues relating to the clarity or consistency of
the surface preparation and/or painting and wrapping requirements detailed within the
tender documents and on relevant drawings shall be formally raised and clarified at this
meeting. This will enable the quality requirements for the work to be mutually agreed.
15.1 All correspondence, drawings, instructions, data sheets, design calculations and all
other written information shall be in English language. In the case of dual languages,
one language shall be English and the other Arabic.
15.2 All dimensions and measurements shall be in SI units, unless otherwise specified.
15.3 The Contractor shall provide QP with his fully detailed written work proposals,
procedures, material data sheets, material test results and test certificates.
15.4 The Contractor shall maintain a comprehensive recording and reporting system on all
aspects of surface preparation, paint and wrapping application and Quality Assurance
inspection and testing. This shall as a minimum meet all the requirements of this
Specification and QSP-QC-09. A final report shall be submitted to QP, summarising all
the work performed and the inspection and test results for approval.
15.5 All documents, from texts and specifications to data sheets and drawings, shall be
provided with electronic files in the approved software of MS Word, Excel and Auto
Cad. Design calculations shall also be submitted in the approved software system
agreed with QP.
17.1 The following 17 Coating and Wrapping Schedules are designed to cover all the types
of equipment, exposure locations and conditions and constructional metals that are
likely to be encountered in QP facilities.
17.2 The preparatory and painting or wrapping requirements are shown in sequential order
and require to be fully followed. The only basis for a deviation from a Schedule
requirement is by prior formal written agreement from the QP Engineer.
17.3 Attention is drawn to the Notes at the bottom of each Schedule, which should be
consulted carefully before any paint is purchased or any work is planned or carried out.
Remove all oil, grease and other contamination using a water-soluble degreaser, followed by
thorough fresh water washing.
Blast clean to Sa 3 standard as per ISO 8501-1 plus Supplement using a suitably sized abrasive to
give a surface profile amplitude of 50-75 microns.
Vacuum or spot blast clean to Sa 3 standard per ISO 8501-1 plus Supplement. Power tool cleaning
to St 3 standard is only acceptable by agreement for areas that are inaccessible or impractical for
blast cleaning. Abrade with emery paper or lightly grind areas of partial coating damage.
1. * Zinc-rich epoxy primer shall contain a minimum of 90% metallic zinc by weight in the dry film.
2. ** The epoxy midcoat paint shall contain a minimum of 80% MIO by weight in dry film.
3. Unless otherwise authorized by the QP Engineer, the Paint Manufacturer’s recommendations
for paint application shall apply.
Remove all oil, grease and other contamination using a water-soluble degreaser, followed by
thorough fresh water washing.
Blast clean to Sa 3 standard as per ISO 8501-1 plus Supplement using a suitably sized abrasive to
give a surface profile amplitude of 50-75 microns.
Vacuum or spot blast clean to Sa 3 standard per ISO 8501-1 plus Supplement. Power tool cleaning
to St 3 standard is only acceptable by agreement for areas that are inaccessible or impractical for
blast cleaning. Abrade with emery paper or lightly grind areas of partial coating damage.
1. * Zinc-rich epoxy primer shall contain a minimum of 90% metallic zinc by weight in the dry film.
2. ** The epoxy midcoat paint shall contain a minimum of 80% MIO by weight in dry film.
3. Areas that protrude through the insulation also require a 50 micron thick coat of aliphatic
polyurethane high gloss topcoat paint.
4. Unless otherwise authorized by the QP Engineer, the Paint Manufacturer’s recommendations
for paint application shall apply.
Remove all oil, grease and other contamination using a water-soluble degreaser, followed by
thorough fresh water washing.
Blast clean to Sa 3 standard as per ISO 8501-1 plus Supplement using a suitably sized abrasive to
give a surface profile amplitude of 50-75 microns.
Vacuum or spot blast clean to Sa 3 standard per ISO 8501-1 plus Supplement. Power tool cleaning
to St 3 standard is only acceptable by agreement for areas that are inaccessible or impractical for
blast cleaning. Abrade with emery paper or lightly grind areas of partial coating damage.
1. * Alternative proprietary protective systems may have to be used where the fireproofing
manufacturer considers that the application of the specified coating system will prejudice the
fireproofing guarantee. In such situations, manufacturer’s requirement shall be mandatory.
2. ** The epoxy midcoat paint shall contain a minimum of 80% MIO by weight in dry film.
3. Areas that protrude through the fireproofing also require to be coated with a second 100
micron thick coat of the specified midcoat paint and 50 micron thick coat of aliphatic
polyurethane high gloss topcoat paint.
4. Unless otherwise authorized by the QP Engineer, the Paint Manufacturer’s recommendations
for paint application shall apply.
Remove all oil, grease and other contamination using a water-soluble degreaser, followed by
thorough fresh water washing.
Dependent upon condition of existing paintwork.
1. No visible coating breakdown Ri 0 (ASTM No 10) level (where overcoating for aesthetic or
other reasons). Abrade pretreated surfaces with emery paper for good topcoat adhesion.
2. Partial or variable coating breakdown with primer intact or localised underrusting to no
more than Ri 3 (ASTM No. 6) level. Locally blast clean degraded areas to Sa 2.5 standard as
per ISO 8501-1 plus Supplement. Power tool clean to St 3 standard if blast cleaning impractical.
3. More extensive coating breakdown to Ri 4 (ASTM No. 4) level or worse. Fully blast clean
surfaces to Sa 2.5 standard per ISO 8501-1 plus Supplement. Power tool cleaning to St 3
standard is only acceptable by agreement for small areas and areas that are impractical for
blast cleaning. Use a suitable blast cleaning abrasive to give a surface profile of 50-75 microns.
1. *The epoxy midcoat paint shall contain a minimum of 80% MIO by weight in dry film.
2. ** No primer required for Ri 0 condition surfaces. Patch prime locally blast cleaned areas for
Ri 1 to 3 level breakdown and fully prime surfaces with Ri 4 level or worse coating breakdown.
3. ***Apply full midcoat to surfaces with Ri 1 level or worse breakdown after full or patch priming.
4. Unless otherwise authorized by the QP Engineer, the Paint Manufacturer’s recommendations
for paint application shall apply.
Remove all oil, grease and other contamination using a water-soluble degreaser, followed by
thorough fresh water washing.
Dependent upon condition of existing paintwork.
1. No visible coating breakdown Ri 0 (ASTM No. 10) level. No overcoating required.
2. Partial or variable coating breakdown with primer intact or localised underrusting to no
more than Ri 3 (ASTM No. 6) level. Locally blast clean degraded areas to Sa 2.5 standard as
per ISO 8501-1 plus Supplement. Power tool clean to St 3 standard if blast cleaning impractical.
3. More extensive coating breakdown to Ri 4 (ASTM No. 4) level or worse. Fully blast clean
surfaces to Sa 2.5 standard per ISO 8501-1 plus Supplement. Power tool cleaning to St 3
standard is only acceptable by agreement for small areas and areas that are impractical for
blast cleaning. Use a suitable blast cleaning abrasive to give a surface profile of 50-75 microns.
1. * The epoxy midcoat paint shall contain a minimum of 80% MIO by weight in dry film.
2. ** Patch prime locally blast cleaned areas for Ri 1 to 3 level breakdown and fully prime
surfaces with Ri 4 level or worse coating breakdown.
3. ***Apply full midcoat to surfaces with Ri 1 level or worse breakdown after full or patch priming.
4. Areas that protrude through the insulation also require a 50 micron thick coat of aliphatic
polyurethane high gloss topcoat paint.
5. Unless otherwise authorized by the QP Engineer, the Paint Manufacturer’s recommendations
for paint application shall apply.
Remove all oil, grease and other contamination using a water-soluble degreaser, followed by
thorough fresh water washing.
Dependent upon condition of existing paintwork.
1. No visible coating breakdown Ri 0 (ASTM No. 10) level. No overcoating required.
2. Partial or variable coating breakdown with primer intact or localised underrusting to no
more than Ri 3 (ASTM No. 6) level. Locally blast clean degraded areas to Sa 2.5 standard as
per ISO 8501-1 plus Supplement. Power tool clean to St 3 standard if blast cleaning impractical.
3. More extensive coating breakdown to Ri 4 (ASTM No. 4) level or worse. Fully blast clean
surfaces to Sa 2.5 standard per ISO 8501-1 plus Supplement. Power tool cleaning to St 3
standard is only acceptable by agreement for small areas and areas that are impractical for
blast cleaning. Use a suitable blast cleaning abrasive to give a surface profile of 50-75 microns.
1. * Alternative proprietary protective maintenance coatings may have to be used where the
fireproofing manufacturer considers that the application of the specified coating system will
prejudice the fireproofing guarantee. In such situations, the manufacturer’s requirement
shall be mandatory.
2. ** Patch prime locally blast cleaned areas with Ri 1 to 3 level breakdown and fully prime
surfaces with Ri 4 level or worse coating breakdown.
3. Areas that protrude through the fireproofing also require to be coated with a 100 micron thick
coat of MIO-pigmented epoxy midcoat paint (containing a minimum of 80% MIO in the dry film)
plus a 50 micron thick coat of aliphatic polyurethane high gloss topcoat paint.
4. Unless otherwise authorized by the QP Engineer, the Paint Manufacturer’s recommendations
for paint application shall apply.
Remove all oil, grease and other contamination using a water soluble degreaser, followed by
thorough fresh water washing.
Blast clean to Sa 3 standard as per ISO 8501-1 plus Supplement using a suitable abrasive to give
a surface profile amplitude of 35-50 microns. Power tool cleaning is not acceptable for this system.
Vacuum or spot blast clean to Sa 3 standard as per ISO 8501-1 plus Supplement.
1. No visible breakdown of primer or topcoat Ri 0 (ASTM No.10) level (where overcoating
required). Lightly abrade pretreated surfaces with emery paper for good topcoat adhesion.
2. Localised or extensive breakdown of primer or topcoat paint to Ri 1 or ASTM No. 8 level
or worse. Blast clean affected areas to Sa 3 standard as per ISO 8501-1 plus Supplement
using a suitable abrasive to give a surface profile of 35-50 microns.
1. * Locally damaged areas of primer shall be repaired with a 50 micron thick brush-applied coat
of a suitable high temperature resistant zinc-containing primer.
2. ** Zinc silicate coating thickness shall not exceed 75 microns at any point.
3. No primer is required if the intact coating requires to be overpainted for aesthetic reasons.
4. Unless otherwise authorized by the QP Engineer, the Paint Manufacturer’s recommendations
for paint application shall apply.
Remove all oil, grease and other contamination using a water soluble degreaser, followed by
thorough fresh water washing.
Blast clean to Sa 3 standard as per ISO 8501-1 and Supplement using a suitably sized abrasive to
produce a surface profile amplitude of 35-50 microns.
Vacuum or spot blast clean to Sa 3 standard as per ISO 8501-1 and Supplement. Power tool
cleaning to St 3 standard is only acceptable by agreement for areas that are impractical for blast
cleaning. Abrade with emery paper or lightly grind areas of partial coating damage.
1. No visible coating breakdown Ri 0 (ASTM No. 10) level. No coating repair required.
2. Partial or extensive breakdown to Ri 1 (ASTM No. 8) level or worse. Blast clean affected
areas to Sa 2.5 standard as per ISO 8501-1 to give a surface profile of 35-50 microns. Power
tool cleaning to St 3 standard only acceptable by agreement for impractical areas to blast clean.
1. Insulated steel surfaces that will be operating continuously at temperatures of over 250°°C
do not require to be painted unless specified in the Contract or requested by the QP Engineer.
2. *Insulated surfaces of equipment that will be operating only intermittently at temperatures
over 250°°C shall be prepared as for this Schedule and protected with two spray-applied coats of
a suitable zinc-free inorganic silicate primer, each applied to a dry film thickness of 75 microns.
3. **Written assurance shall be obtained from the Paint Manufacturer that the paint product
offered has acceptable high temperature resistance.
4. Unless otherwise authorized by the QP Engineer, the Paint Manufacturer’s recommendations
for paint application shall apply.
Remove all oil, grease and other contamination using a water-soluble degreaser, followed by
thorough fresh water washing.
Blast clean to Sa 3 standard as per ISO 8501-1 plus Supplement using a suitably sized abrasive to
give a surface profile amplitude of 75-100 microns.
Vacuum or spot blast clean to ISO 8501-1 plus Supplement using a suitably sized abrasive to give
a surface profile amplitude of 75-100 microns. Power tool cleaning is not acceptable for even local
repair of this coating system when fully cured. Sweep blast cleaning may be used by agreement.
Dependent upon condition of existing paint coating.
1. No visible coating breakdown Ri 0 (ASTM No. 10). No overcoating required.
2. Partial coating breakdown with localized underrusting to no more than Ri 3 (ASTM No. 6)
level. Locally blast clean degraded areas to Sa 2.5 standard as per ISO 8501-1plus Supplement
3. More extensive coating breakdown to Ri 4 (ASTM No. 4) level or worse. Blast clean to Sa
2.5 standard as per ISO 8501-1 plus Supplement using a suitably sized abrasive to give a
surface profile of 75-100 microns. Power tool cleaning to St 3 standard is only acceptable by
agreement for areas that are impractical for blast cleaning.
1. * Brush application shall be used for stripe painting and touch-up areas.
2. ** More than two coats may be required to achieve the required total dry film thickness.
3. Full coating shall be confirmed to be free of pinholes by holiday detection testing as practicable.
4. Unless otherwise authorized by the QP Engineer, the Paint Manufacturer’s recommendations
for paint application shall apply.
Remove all oil, grease and other contamination using a water soluble degreaser, followed by low
pressure fresh water washing.
Blast clean to Sa 3 standard as per ISO 8501-1 plus Supplement using a suitably sized abrasive to
give a surface profile of 75-100 microns and remove all abrasive and dust by vacuum cleaner.
Vacuum or spot blast clean to ISO 8501-1 plus Supplement using a suitably sized abrasive to give
a surface profile amplitude of 75-100 microns. Power tool cleaning to St 3 standard is only
acceptable by agreement for areas that are inaccessible or impractical for blast cleaning.
Dependent on the condition of the existing paint coating.
As for Schedule 5 Maintenance Surface Preparation requirements.
1. * Epoxy holding primer may be used on blast cleaned surfaces if authorised by the QP
Engineer. Request with data, confirming its compatibility with the epoxy paint, shall be submitted
2. ** Non-tainting epoxy paint with Health Certification is required inside potable water tanks.
3. ***Alternative pigmented epoxy coatings may be used subject to satisfactory QP field testing.
4. Full coating shall be subjected to high voltage holiday detection to ensure there are no pinholes
5. A cathodic protection system may be installed in water tanks, to guard against premature
coating breakdown. No internal cathodic protection is required for hydrocarbon service tanks.
6. If cathodic protection is installed, the applied coating system must be compatible with C.P.
7. Unless otherwise authorized by the QP Engineer, the Paint Manufacturer’s recommendations
for paint application and curing, including the provision of adequate ventilation, shall apply.
Remove all oil, grease and other contamination using a water soluble degreaser, followed by
thorough fresh water washing.
Blast clean to Sa 3 standard as per ISO 8501-1 plus Supplement using a suitably sized abrasive to
give a surface profile amplitude of 75-100 microns.
Vacuum or spot blast clean to ISO 8501-1 plus Supplement using a suitably sized abrasive to give
a surface profile amplitude of 75-100 microns.
1. *Brush application for touch-up areas only.
2. A cathodic protection system shall be installed beneath the tank floor to protect the underside
surface against soilside corrosion in areas of coating damage due to welding / paint breakdown.
3. Specified coating system must be confirmed by Manufacturer as being compatible with C.P.
4. Unless otherwise authorized by the QP Engineer, the Paint Manufacturer’s recommendations
for paint application shall apply.
Remove all oil, grease and other contamination using a water soluble degreaser, followed by low
pressure fresh water washing.
Blast clean to Sa 3 standard as per ISO 8501-1 plus Supplement using a suitably sized abrasive to
give a surface profile of 75-100 microns and remove all abrasive and dust by vacuum cleaner.
Vacuum or spot blast clean to ISO 8501-1 plus Supplement using a suitably sized abrasive to give
a surface profile amplitude of 75-100 microns. Power tool cleaning is not acceptable for even local
repair of this coating. Abrade partially damaged coatings with emery paper and solvent wipe them.
Dependent upon the condition of the existing coating.
As for Schedule 5 Maintenance Preparation requirements, with the exceptions that all blast
cleaning shall be to Sa 3 standard and power tool cleaning is not acceptable.
1. * Assurance shall be obtained from Paint Manufacturer that the coating has acceptable
resistance to all the specified chemicals under the stated temperature and pressure conditions.
2. ** Use of glass flake/ceramic filler is acceptable if required for increased strength and rigidity.
3. *** One or more than two coats of epoxy paint may be applied to achieve the required DFT.
4. **** Coating repairs shall also be carried out by trowel or brush application.
5. ***** Total coating DFT could vary from 500 to 2,000 microns, depending upon product used.
6. The full coating shall be confirmed to be free from pinholes by H.V. holiday detection testing.
7. Coating schedule shall ensure fully curing with good ventilation before it is put into service.
8. Unless otherwise authorized by the QP Engineer, the Paint Manufacturer’s recommendations
for paint application and curing, including the provision of adequate ventilation, shall apply.
Remove all oil, grease and other contamination using a water-soluble degreaser, followed by
thorough fresh water washing.
Remove soluble zinc corrosion products by scrubbing with a stiff bristle brush during fresh water
washing. At QP Engineer’s discretion, lightly sweep blast clean using a fine abrasive. Abrade with
emery paper, if pretreatment primer is to be applied.
If zinc is intact, remove soluble zinc corrosion products by scrubbing with a stiff bristle brush during
fresh water washing. If rusting of the steel is evident, remove the rust by lightly abrading affected
areas with emery cloth before scrubbing with a stiff bristle brush during fresh water washing.
As for Repair of Damaged Coating but lightly sweep blast clean rusted areas to Sa 2.5 standard.
1. * Locally damaged areas of the zinc coating shall be repaired with a 50 micron thick brush-
applied coat of zinc-rich epoxy primer containing 90% minimum of zinc by weight in the dry film.
2. **Polyvinyl butyral etch primer or phosphoric acid-based mordant solution shall be applied
as pretreatment, if the surfaces are not sweep blast cleaned or Paint Manufacturer specifies the
need for pretreatment. If pretreatment primer is used, it shall be applied as thinly as possible.
3. ***Written assurance shall be obtained from the Paint Manufacturer that the primer used is
suitable for direct application to freshly galvanized steel surfaces, even if sweep blast cleaned.
4. The requirement for zinc coated components to be painted shall be stated in the Contract.
5. Unless otherwise authorized by the QP Engineer, the Paint Manufacturer’s recommendations
for paint application shall apply.
Remove all oil, grease and other contamination using a water soluble degreaser, followed by low
pressure fresh water washing.
Blast clean to Sa 3 standard as per ISO 8501-1 plus Supplement using a suitably sized abrasive to
give a surface profile amplitude of 75-100 microns.
Vacuum or spot blast clean to ISO 8501-1 plus Supplement using a suitably sized abrasive to give
a surface profile amplitude of 75-100 microns. Power tool cleaning to St 3 standard is only
acceptable by agreement for areas that are inaccessible or impractical for blast cleaning.
Dependent on the condition of the existing paint coating.
As for Schedule 5 Maintenance Surface Preparation requirements.
1. *Zinc phosphate-pigmented epoxy holding primer, applied to a DFT of 25-50 microns, may
be used on blast cleaned surfaces if authorized by the QP Engineer. A formal request for its use
shall be submitted together with data sheets, confirming its compatibility with the epoxy paint.
2. **Aggregate particles shall be 0.4-1.5mm (average 1.0mm) diameter aggregate for helidecks
and 0.2-1.2mm (average 0.8mm) diameter aggregate particles for walkways.
3. ***All helideck markings shall be made with brush-applied aliphatic polyurethane topcoat paint.
4. ****Aggregate shall be pre-mixed into the paint used for helidecks prior to application.
5. *****Coating thickness will depend upon density and size of aggregate used. Combination of
aggregate and paint binder for any surface should be based on Manufacturer’s recommendation
6. Deck and walkway coatings shall be confirmed as free from pinholes by H.V. holiday detection
7. Unless otherwise authorized by the QP Engineer, the Paint Manufacturer’s recommendations
for paint application shall apply.
Remove all oil, grease and other contamination by primary factory degreasing, followed by
controlled furnace preheating in a production line.
Blast clean to Sa 2.5 standard* as per ISO 8501-1 plus Supplement under controlled factory
production conditions using a suitably sized abrasive to give a surface profile of 75-100 microns.
Vacuum or spot blast clean to Sa 3 standard as per ISO 8501-1 plus Supplement using a suitably
sized abrasive to give a surface profile amplitude of 75-100 microns. Power tool cleaning to St 3
standard is not acceptable for this coating system.
Dependent upon the condition of the existing coating.
As for Schedule 5 Maintenance Preparation requirements.
1. * Sa 2.5 standard is the highest preparatory standard guaranteed for factory blast cleaning.
2. ** Epoxy powder / factory-applied F.B.E. coating shall meet requirements of QP-SPC-L-005.
3. *** 50 micron thick aliphatic polyurethane topcoat is required for above-ground pipe sections
4. **** Field-applied, thermally-cured F.B.E. coating shall meet requirements of QP-SPC-L-006.
5. ***** Use of shrink wrapped polyethylene or polypropylene sleeves, applied to QP-SPC-L-
007, may also be considered for field joints, subject to field trials on the product and Contractor.
6. Full coating shall be subjected to a high voltage holiday detection test prior to factory dispatch
and after line fabrication to ensure that it is free from pinholes.
7. F.B.E. Coating QC and test reports shall be approved prior to acceptance of the coated pipe.
8. Concrete weight coating may be applied to submerged pipe sections to counteract buoyancy.
Remove all oil, grease and other contamination using a water soluble degreaser, followed by
thorough fresh water washing.
Blast clean to “white metal” finish (equivalent to Sa 3 standard as per ISO 8501-1) using suitably
sized non-metallic abrasive to give a surface profile amplitude of 50-75 microns.*
Vacuum or spot blast clean to “white metal” finish (equivalent to Sa 3 standard as per ISO 8501-1)
using suitably sized non-metallic abrasive to give a surface profile of 50-75 microns.* Power tool
cleaning to “white metal” is only acceptable by agreement for impractical areas to blast clean.**
As for Schedule 2Un Maintenance Preparation requirements with the exceptions that blast
cleaning or (by agreement) power tool cleaning shall be to “white metal” finish (equivalent to Sa 3
standard as per ISO 8501-1) using a suitable non-metallic abrasive or similar metal tool. */**
1. * For copper alloys, a fine abrasive shall be used to avoid surface distortion and expansion.
2. ** Power cleaning tools shall be constructed from the same metal as that being cleaned.
3. *** Minimum 80% MIO in the dry film.
4. **** No topcoat is not required for insulated components other than for protruding areas.
5. Requirement to paint stainless steel or nickel alloy items shall be stated in the Contract.
6. Unless otherwise authorized by the QP Engineer, the Paint Manufacturer’s recommendations
for paint application shall apply.
Remove all oil, grease and other contamination using a water soluble degreaser, followed by
thorough fresh water washing.
Preparation and painting prior to tape primer or adhesive application as follows.
For the Splash Zone, as per Schedule 5 but with only one coat of paint applied.
For buried and fully immersed conditions, apply Schedule 11 Maintenance Coating to 300 um DFT.
For Splash Zone, as per Schedule 5. For buried or fully immersed conditions, as per Schedule 11.
For Splash Zone, as per Schedule 5. For buried or fully immersed conditions, as per Schedule 11.
Apply rubber or bituminous primer/adhesive by brush or spray.
Apply heavy-duty PVC-backed wrapping tape by hand or machine to give smooth uniform profile.
Fit grease-filled caps. Apply thermoplastic encapsulation membrane using specialised equipment.
1. * Above-ground sections of tape wrapped pipelines and steelwork that will be exposed to
sunlight shall be overwrapped using an approved U.V.-resistant outer wrapping.
2. ** Buried or immersed sections of tape wrapped pipelines may be protected against stone and
mechanical damage during burial or laying with a loose protective wrapping sleeve.
3. Tape shall be applied to give a smooth uniform profile with 55% minimum tape layer overlap.
4. Prior to and after application of the wrapping tape, the paint coating shall be subjected to a
low or high voltage holiday detection test, to ensure the absence of pinholes.
5. Concrete weight coating may also be applied to subsea pipework to counteract buoyancy.
6. Unless otherwise authorized by the QP Engineer, the Tape Manufacturer’s recommendations
for application and testing of the wrapping tape shall apply.
18.1 The finishing colours of the paint coatings that are to be applied to the various items of
equipment and facilities shall be in accordance with those specified in the Colour
Coding Schemes given in Tables 6 to 9. The use or acceptance of different colours to
those specified for various items of equipment is subject to the QP Engineer’s approval.
18.2 The colours used for intermediate coats of paint shall be based upon the Paint
Manufacturer’s recommendations. Where a multi-coat paint system is specified, it is
desirable for different intermediate coats to be of slightly contrasting colours to
distinguish between and identify the individual coats during paint application and
inspection (see Sub-clause 11.3.3). However, the colour contrasts should not be so
great as to make it difficult to completely obliterate the previous coat.
19.1.1 The following Tables should be read in conjunction with sections of text and
Schedules to which they relate.
19.1.2 The International Standards referenced in the Tables should also be consulted,
where further clarification of the Table contents is required.
19.1.3 Particular attention should be paid to the Notes accompanying many of the Tables.
Solvent cleaning SP 1
Thorough hand and power tool cleaning St 2 SP 2
Very thorough power tool cleaning St 3 SP 3/11
Light or brush-off blast cleaning Sa 1 SP 7 No. 4
Thorough or commercial blast cleaning Sa 2 SP 6 No. 3
Very thorough or near white metal blast cleaning Sa 2.5 SP 10 No. 2
Visually clean or white metal blast cleaning Sa 3 SP 5 No. 1
Pickling to white metal SP 8
NOTES: 1. ISO 8501 Part 1 is the same as BS 7079 Part A1 and SIS 05 59 00
2. SSPC and NACE Standards are given in Steel Structures Painting Manual, Volume 2
Rel. Humidity (%)
Dewpoint (°°C)
Metal Temp. (°°C)
Brand / Size
Other Cleaning
Cleaning Standard
Profile Height
First Coat Product
Second Coat Product
Third Coat Product
Fourth Coat Product
Adhesive Product
Wrapping Tape
BS 4800 REF.
Structural steelwork, gates, fences & pipe supports Light grey or white* 10-A-03 or 00-E-55
Marine platforms from lower deck to 15 feet below M.S.L. Black 00-E-53
Painted platform floors & decks (steel & exposed concrete)* Light grey 10-A-03
Helidecks** Dark grey 18-B-25
Helideck guards & markings Light grey 10-A-03
Platform accommodation, living spaces, stores & workrooms Light grey 10-A-03
Stairways & walkways forming escape routes Yellow 10-E-53
Other stairways & walkways Light grey 10-A-03
Galvanised vertical ladders & handrails Yellow 10-E-53
Overhead obstructions & travelling cranes Yellow with black stripes 08-E-51 & 00-E-53
Storage tanks, pressure vessels, towers & exchangers,
including skirts & saddles*** Light grey or white* 10-A-03 or 00-E-55
Pipework, process valves & fittings Service related (Table 7)
Pumps, compressors, generators & drivers Light grey or white* 10-A-03 or 00-E-55
Electrical & mechanical equipment & instrumentation,
including control panels & supports Light grey or manf. finish 10-A-03
Insulation when not clad with aluminium or st. steel sheet Light grey 10-A-03
Safety valves (SRV, PRV & TRV) & overpres. protn. devices Peacock blue 20-D-45
Dangerous exposed machinery & electrical installations Signal red 04-E-53
Fire fighting installations & equipment Signal red 04-E-53
First aid equipment Grass green 14-C-39
Hazards & fire & safety systems & signs Type related (Table 8)
Industrial gas cylinders Product related (Table 9)
NOTES: 1. * The same colour shall used for all the components within a particular plant or facility.
2. ** Components to be finished with a non-skid topcoat.
3. *** Colour coding in the form of banding per BS 1710 may be used on the exterior surface of
some tanks and vessels for content identification purposes. Where used, the identification
colours will be the same as those used for pipeline identification (see Table 7).The Corporation's
Engineer should be consulted to establish whether such content colour identification is
required for particular tanks and vessels.
1. PIPEWORK SYSTEMS BELOW 2" NPS DIAMETER (plus firewater pipework of all sizes).
The topcoat paint over the whole external surface shall be in the colour specified in this Table.
NOTE: All hazards and fire and safety signs shall have a gloss finish.
NOTES: 1. Rubber ankle boots shall be worn on slippery surfaces, irrespective of the work carried out.
2. Elasticated soft disposable overshoes shall be worn for vessel entry after the internal vessel
surfaces have been blast cleaned.
This requirement shall be applicable to all enclosed spaces, including tanks and vessels,
during paint application and throughout the coating curing period. To avoid fires and
explosions, the flammable vapour concentration must be maintained below the lower
explosive limit (L.E.L.). As a guide, the required level of ventilation can be calculated
using the following formula.
N = Q X 125
A 1000 cubic metre capacity tank is being lined with a paint that is being applied at an
average rate of 1.5 litres per minute.
= 11.25
The minimum level of air ventilation should therefore be 11.25 air changes per hour.
1. The ventilation requirements and efficiency are affected by such variables as the
types of fans and/or eductors used and the presence of dead spaces. It is therefore
often advisable to request that an explosivity meter test is carried out.
2. Even when ventilation meeting the above requirements is provided, it is still possible
for a fire or explosion to occur if the air flow to the actual paint spraying areas is
insufficient. It is therefore advisable to eliminate all possible sources of ignition in
addition to providing the required level of forced ventilation.