All Units Vocabulary

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Ancient Civilizations Ethics in Business Education in the World Advertising Consumers and Astronomy and the Solar Feelings and Emotions
Safety System
Verb Noun adjective Verb Noun adjective Verb Noun adjective Verb Noun adjective Verb Noun adjective Verb Noun adjective
history - the study of the past.

historian - a person who studies history

artifact - an item left behind by humans

archeology - the study of the past based on what people have left behind.

legend - a story that is passed down from generation to generation

eyewitness - a person who witnesses an event.

primary source - an account of an event by someone who took part in or witnessed an event.

secondary source - information gathered by someone who did not take part in or witness an event.

chronology - the order in which events occurred.

perspective - a person's point of view or way of looking at something.

Early Man
clan - a group of people brought together for a common purpose

division of labor - a system in which different members of a group do different jobs according to their abilities and the group's needs.

subsist - to survive
migration - movement from one place to another

domesticate - to tame animals and raise them to be used by humans

archaeology - the study of the past by looking at artifacts

tundra - a cold, treeless plain where the soil is permanently frozen

livestock - domesticated animals such as cows, sheep and pigs

petroglyph - carved drawings of early man

culture - the way of life for a group of people

nomad - a person who roams from place to place

pictograph - painted drawings of early man

artifact - an object from long ago that represents a culture

agriculture - the raising of crops and animals; farming

hunter-gatherer - person who hunts animals and gathers plants for food

land bridge - a narrow strip of land that joins two large land masses.

civilization - a society that makes advances in government, technology, laws, arts, science and architecture

barter - to trade one good or service for another

Code of Hammurabi - a list of laws that King Hammurabi wrote for the people of Babylon to follow.

ziggurat - a huge brick temple built by ancient Sumerians; a stepped pyramid

merchant - a person who buys and sells goods for a living

monotheism - the belief in one God.

city-state - a city and its surrounding land that has its own leaders and government

social class - a group of people with similar backgrounds, income and ways of living

cuneiform - an ancient form of writing used in the Fertile Crescent.

monarchy - a system of government ruled by a king or a queen.

scribe - a person who writes

irrigation - a method of supplying water to crops

polytheism - a belief in many gods

fertile - land or soil that contains nutrients that help plants grow well; rich soil

General Vocabulary

People Vocabulary

1. ancient (ancestor)
2. civilization (civilize, civilian)

3. culture (cultural)

4. society (social)

5. population (populated, populate, popular)

6. religion (religious)

7. ceremony (ceremonial)

8. migrate (migration)

9. settlement (settle, settler)

10. village (villager)

11. fossil (fossilized)

12. evidence

13. archaeologist (archaeology, archaeological)

14. excavate (excavation)

15. ancestors (ancient)

16. prehistory / history (historical)

17. timeline

Places Vocabulary

1. geography
2. landforms

3. continent

4. coast (coastline, coastal)

5. island

6. mainland

7. peninsula

8. mountain (mountainous)

9. valley

10. plain

11. plateau

12. climate

13. tropical (tropics)

14. temperate (temperature)

Economy Vocabulary

1. trade (trader)

2. trade routes

3. land and sea routes

4. economy (economic)
5. agriculture (agricultural)

6. farmer (farm, farmland)

7. crops

8. livestock

9. domesticate (domestic)

10. hunter (hunt (ed, s, ing))

11. merchant

12. market (marketing)

13. import (importer, portable, porter, transport)

14. export (importer, portable, porter, transport)

Political and Military Vocabulary

1. invade (invasion, invader)

2. conquer (conquered, conquest)

3. military

4. kingdom (king)

5. empire (emperor)

6. dynasty (dynamite, dinosaur)

7. city-state
8. scribe (script, inscribe, inscription)

9. govern (governor, government)

10. republic (republican)

11. monarchy (monarch)

12. dictator / dictatorship (dictate)


1.1 Early People – Stone Age

1. band

2. hunter-gatherer

3. migration (migrate, immigrant, etc)

4. nomad

5. extinct (extinction)

6. glacier (glacial)

7. agriculture (agricultural)

8. livestock

9. society (social)
10. ancestors

1.2 Early People – Stone Age Vocabulary Definitions

1. band – a small group of people who live and work together

2. hunter-gatherer – someone finds food by killing animals and gathering plants

3. migration – the movement of people or animals from one area to another

4. nomad – a person who moves his or her home and has no settled home

5. extinct – no longer existing

6. glacier – a large area of ice that lasts for many years

7. agriculture – farming, growing plants and raising animals for food

8. livestock – animals such as cows, sheep and pigs that are raised on farms

9. society – a group of people living together and sharing rules and traditions

ancestors – a relative who lived longer ago than a grandparent

Ethical and Unethical Business Practices

Business ethics is the most debated topic of our times. The difference is between doing the right thing and the wrong thing. Business ethics are the philosophical core of any business
and their outcome is crucial for economic development.

Peter Cooper – the great American Investor says "I have always recognized that the object of business is to make money in an honorable manner. I have endeavored to remember that
the object of life is to do good."

Business ethics are more than moral values and principles that determine our conduct in the business world. It refers to the commercial activities, either with other business houses or
with a single customer. They can be applied to all aspects of business; from generation of an idea to its sale. Business uses the society for its resources and functioning, thereby
obligating it to the welfare of the society. While the objective of all business is to make profits, it should contribute to the interest of the society by ensuring fair practices. However,
greed has led the present business scenario towards unethical business practices, legal complications and general mistrust.

Code of Ethics

Lot of organizations implement the code of ethics in their company polices, which they implement during induction and regular training. A Code of Ethics is generally a more blanket
statement of values and beliefs that defines the organization.

So what is it for?

 Company's assets, funds and records

 Conflict of interest
 Management and employee practices
 Information on competition

Ethical Business Practices

Here are a few ethical business practices that should be followed to build a honest reputation and ensure smooth running of any organization.

 Investors: Ensuring safety of their money and timely payment of interest.

 Employees: Provision of fair opportunities in promotions and training, good working environment and timely payment of salaries.
 Customer: Complete information of the service and product should be made available. Personal information of the customers should not be used for personal gain.
 Competition: Unscrupulous tactics, competitor bashing and wrong methods should be avoided while handling competitors.
 Government: Rules and regulations regarding taxes, duties, restrictive and monopolistic trade practices and unlawful activities like corruption and bribing should be adhered
 Environment: Polluting industries should ensure compliance with the government norms regarding air, water and noise pollution.

Unethical Business Practices

You might find many companies who blatantly thrive on unethical behavior and practices. A free environment is present or promoted where acts of violation of norms to amass wealth in
an unethical manner is followed.

Following are some of the activities that come under the ambit of unethical practice.

 Resorting to dishonesty, trickery or deception.

 Distortion of facts to mislead or confuse.
 Manipulating people emotionally by exploiting their vulnerabilities.
 Greed to amass excessive profit.
 Creation of false documents to show increased profits.
 Avoiding penalty or compensation for unlawful act.
 Lack of transparency and resistance to investigation.
 Harming the environment by exceeding the government prescribed norms for pollution.
 Invasion of privacy used as leverage, for obtaining personal or professional gains.
 Sexual discrimination

Business houses that comply with ethics to determine their conduct are shrinking in number. The lack of business ethics in the market, is the reason the world economy is presently in
crisis. Organizations now recognize the positive effects and outcomes of being ethical, humane and considerate. They have a competitive edge in the market, because of the honesty
they show in their services. Their morally upright reputation attracts better staff and helps in retention. Though ethics are legally binding in most cases, self-monitoring, transparency and
accountability will go a long way in establishing trust of the people. Besides this, it makes sense to change, before you are penalized.

When would we as Indians observe ethical business practices in totality? It is a big question but it has a straight simple answer. Each one of us should be accountable and responsible to
stop unethical business practices.

We must create an environment which adheres to strictest philosophies of clean, transparent, honest business.

Integrity is most wanted

This is a list of vocabulary items related to education


The process of teaching or learning in a school or college, or the knowledge that you get from this.

Educational system:

Educational systems are established to provide education and training, often for children and the young.
"The educational system in most underdeveloped countries needs to be reformed."

Educational goals:

Each country identifes the educational goals to be achieved by its educational system.
Educational background:

Past experience in education. To become an engineer in Electronics you need to have a scientific educational background.

School subject:

A course or area of study: mathematics, English, French, physics...are school subjects.

"Math is her best subject."

School year:

The school year starts in September and ends in June

School uniform:

It is obligatory that students wear school uniforms in some schools.

Private lessons:

Some students need private lessons to keep up with their mates in learning some school subjects.

Private schools:

Students who go to private schools pay fees.

University graduate:

A person who holds a university or college degree. University graduates find difficulties getting jobs these days.
University degree:

An academic title given by a college or university to a student who has completed a course of study:
"You go to university to get a university degree."
"Bachelor of Arts degree."

Learning needs:

Learners should identify their learning needs in order to get the appropriate learning.

Learning strategies:

Learning strategies (or study skills)are techniques used to proceed in your own learning.

Learning goals:

Learning goals are the target behaviour a learner attains through his learning experience.

Adult illiteracy

Adult illiteracy is a major concern for any development.

Adult education:

Adult education is the practice of teaching and educating adults.It has become common in many countries. It takes on many forms, ranging
from formal class-based learning to self-directed learning.There are more than 800 million adults that cannot read or write.
Adult education usually takes place in the evening.

Formal education:

Formal education results from a program of instruction in an edcational institution leading to a qualification / certifcation.

Informal education:

Informal education occurs in daily work, leisure or family.

Non-formal education:

Non-formal education results from a programme but it is not usually evaluated and doesn't lead to certification.

Basic Education:

Basic education refers to the whole range of educational activities taking place in various settings (formal, non formal and informal), that
aim to meet basic learning needs. According to the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED), basic education comprises
primary education (first stage of basic education) and lower secondary education (second stage). In countries (developing countries in
particular), Basic Education often includes also pre-primary education and/or adult literacy programs.Universal basic education is regarded
as a priority for developing countries
" Every citizen should acquire at least a basic education to be able to read and write."

Primary Education:

Primary (or elementary) education consists of the first years of formal, structured education. In general, primary education consists of six or
seven years of schooling starting at the age of 5 or 6, although this varies between, and sometimes within, countries.

Secondary Education:

In most contemporary educational systems of the world, secondary education consists of the second years of formal education that occur
during adolescence. It is characterised by transition from the typically compulsory, comprehensive primary education for minors, to the
optional, selective tertiary, "post-secondary", or "higher" education (e.g., university, vocational school) for adults.[
At high schools students get secondary education.

Higher education:

Higher education, also called tertiary, third stage, or post secondary education, is the non-compulsory educational level that follows the
completion of a school providing a secondary education, such as a high school, secondary school. Tertiary education is normally taken to
include undergraduate and postgraduate education, as well as vocational education and training. Colleges and universities are the main
institutions that provide tertiary education. Collectively, these are sometimes known as tertiary institutions. Tertiary education generally
results in the receipt of certificates, diplomas, or academic degrees.

English Standard Arabic

school ‫مدرسة )ج( مدارس‬
nursery school ‫حضانة )ج( حضانات‬
kindergarten ‫روضة الطأفال‬
elementary school ‫المدرسة الباتدائية‬
middle school ‫المدرسة العإدادية‬
secondary school ‫المدرسة الثانوية‬
university ‫جامعة )ج( جامعات‬
higher education ‫الدراسات العليا‬
department ‫قسم )ج( اقسام‬
program ‫بارنامج )ج( بارامج‬
studies ‫دراسات‬
curriculum ‫منهج )ج( مناهج‬
school subject (or material, as in building materials) ‫ماددةّ )ج( موادد‬
college, academy ‫كلية )ج( كليات‬
institute ‫معهد )ج( معاهد‬
Ministry of Education ‫وزارةّ الترباية والتعليم‬

diploma, degree (or certificate) ّ‫شهادة‬

with distinction ‫باامتياز‬
baccalaureate ‫باكالوريا‬
BA (bachelor of arts) ?
BS (bachelor of science) ?
masters' ‫ماجستير‬
doctorate ‫دكتوراه‬
professor ّ‫أستاذ )ج( اساتذة‬
teacher ‫مددرس‬
pupil ‫تلميذ )ج( تلميذ‬
student ‫طأالب )ج( طألبا‬
major, specialization ‫صّصّات باـ‬‫صّصّ )ج( تخ د‬
‫تخ د‬
lesson ‫درس )ج( دروس‬
homework (or duty) ‫واجب )ج( واجبات‬
exam ‫امتحان )ج( امتحانات‬
test ‫اختبار )ج( اختبارات‬
‫‪lecture‬‬ ‫محاضرةّ‬
‫‪discussion‬‬ ‫مناقشة‬
‫‪research‬‬ ‫أباحاث‬
‫‪exercise‬‬ ‫تمرين )ج( تمارين | تمرينات‬
‫‪activity‬‬ ‫نشاطأ )ج( نشاطأات | أنشطة‬
‫‪presentation‬‬ ‫تقديم )ج( تقديمات‬
‫‪textbook‬‬ ‫كتابا مدرسي )ج( كتب مدرسية‬
‫‪grade, form‬‬ ‫صف )ج( صفوف‬
‫‪class‬‬ ‫فصّل )ج( فصّول‬
‫‪class period‬‬ ‫صّة )ج( حصّصّ‬ ‫ح د‬
‫‪recess, holiday‬‬ ‫اجازةّ )ج( اجازات‬
‫عإطلة )ج( عإطل‬
‫‪scholarship, grant‬‬ ‫منحة )ج( منح‬
‫‪financial aid‬‬ ‫مساعإدات مالية‬
‫‪student loan‬‬ ‫قرض دراسي )ج( قروض دراسية‬
‫‪cost, fee‬‬ ‫كلفة )ج( كلف‬
‫‪tuition‬‬ ‫رسوم التعليم‬
‫‪funding‬‬ ‫تمويل‬

‫‪notebook‬‬ ‫دفتر )ج( دفاتر‬

‫‪(thick) notebook‬‬
‫‪pen‬‬ ‫قلم )ج( أقلم‬
‫‪pencil‬‬ ‫قلم رصاص‬
‫‪paper‬‬ ‫ورقة )ج( أوراق‬
‫‪eraser‬‬ ‫ممحاةّ‬
‫‪blackboard‬‬ ‫سبورةّ )ج( سبورات‬
‫‪chalk‬‬ ‫طأباشير‬
‫‪calculator‬‬ ‫آلة حاسبة )ج( آلت حاسبة‬
‫‪(measuring) ruler‬‬ ‫مسطرةّ )ج( مساطأر‬
‫‪encyclopedia‬‬ ‫موسوعإة )ج( موسوعإات‬
‫‪dictionary‬‬ ‫قاموس )ج( قواميس‬

‫‪to teach‬‬ ‫عإدلم ‪ -‬يعدلم )تعليم(‬

(‫ددرس – يددرس )تدريس‬
to learn (‫تعدلم – يتعدلم )تعدلم‬
to specialize or major in (a field of study) ‫تخ د‬
‫صّصّ – يتخصّصّ )تخصّصّ( باـ‬
to study (a subject) (‫درس – يدرس )دراسة‬
to study (e.g. lessons, for a test) (ّ‫ذاكر – يذاكر )مذاكرة‬
to memorize (‫ يحفظ )حفظ‬- ‫حفظ‬
to attend, be present (‫ يحضر )حضور‬- ‫حضر‬
to be absent (from) ‫ يغيب )غيابا( عإن‬- ‫غابا‬
to make s.t. up (ex. missed homework) (‫ يعدوض )تعويض‬- ‫عإدوض‬
to graduate from ‫تخرج – يتخرج )تخرج( في‬

grade, mark ‫درجة )ج( درجات‬

good grades ‫درجات عإالية‬
to get a good grade on an exam ‫ ينجح )نجاح( في المتحان‬- ‫نجح‬
to fail an exam ‫ يسقط )سقوطأ( في امتحان‬- ‫سقط‬
right, correct ‫صح‬
wrong, incorrect ‫خطأ‬
to add (‫ يجمع )جمع‬- ‫جمع‬
to subtract (a number) from (another) __ ‫ يطرح )طأرح( __ من‬- ‫طأرح‬
to multiply (a number) by (another) __ ‫ ضربا )ضربا( __ في‬- ‫ضربا‬
to divide (a number) by (another) __ ‫ يقسم )قسم( __ عإلى‬- ‫قسم‬
shape ‫شكل )ج( أشكال‬
circle ‫دائرةّ )ج( دوائر‬
square ‫مرباع )ج( مرباعات‬
rectangle ‫مستطيل )ج( مستطيلت‬
triangle ‫مثلث )ج( مثلثات‬
side ‫ضلع )ج( ضلوع‬
angle ‫زاوية )ج( زوايا‬

human sciences (liberal arts) ‫العلوم النسانية‬

history ‫التاريخ‬
political science ‫العلوم السياسية‬
sociology ‫عإلم الجتماع‬
psychology ‫عإلم النفس‬
literature ‫الدبا‬
linguistics ‫اللسانيات‬
philosophy ‫الفلسفة‬

accounting ‫المحاسبة‬
business administration ‫إدارةّ العإمال‬
journalism ‫الصّحافة‬
engineering ‫الهندسة‬
civil engineering ‫الهندسة المدنية‬
computer engineering ‫هندسة الحاسوباات‬
electrical engineering ‫الهندسة الكهرباائية‬
industrial engineering ‫الهندسة الصّناعإية‬
nuclear engineering ‫الهندسة النووية‬
architecture ّ‫العمارة‬
economics ‫القتصّاد‬
home economics ‫القتصّاد المنزلي‬
law ‫الحقوق‬

fine arts ‫الفنون الجميلة‬

art ‫فن )ج( فنون‬
music ‫الموسيقى‬
dance ّ‫الرقص‬

science ‫عإلم )ج( عإلوم‬

biology ‫الحياء‬
microbiology ‫الحياء الدقيقة‬
chemistry ‫الكيمياء‬
biochemistry ‫الكيمياء الحيوية‬
physics ‫الفيزياء‬
astronomy ‫الفلك‬
mathematics ‫الرياضيات‬
statistics ‫الحصّاء‬
algebra ‫الجبر‬
geology ‫الجيولوجيا‬

geography ‫الجغرافيا‬
anthropology ‫عإلم النسان‬
archaeology ‫عإلم الثآار‬
computer science ‫عإلم الحاسوبا‬
agricultural sciences ‫العلوم الزراعإية‬
earth sciences ‫عإلوم الرض‬
environmental science ‫عإلم البيئة‬
botany ‫عإلم النبات‬
veterinary science ‫الطب البيطري‬
forensic medicine ‫الطب الشرعإي‬
psychiatry ‫الطب النفساني‬

medicine ‫الطب‬
nursing ‫التمريض‬
public health ‫الصّحة العامة‬
dentistry ‫طأب السنان‬
optics ‫البصّريات‬
pharmacy ‫الصّيدلة‬

language ‫لغة )ج( لغات‬

grammar ‫قواعإد‬
vocabulary ‫مفردات‬
synonym ‫مرادف )ج( مرادفات‬
spelling ‫تهجئة‬
to spell (‫ يتهجى )تهج‬- ‫تهجى‬
pronunciation ‫لفظ )ج( ألفاظ‬
style (as in writing style) ‫أسلوبا‬
fluency ‫طألقة‬
proficiency, ability ّ‫كفاءة‬
skill ‫مهارةّ )ج( مهارات‬
ability ‫قدرةّ )ج( قدرات‬

More on Food
Food and Eating Vocabulary Word List More Word Banks

acorn squash anchovy appetite artichoke ate

alfalfa sprouts anise apple asparagus avocado
almond appetizer apricot aspic

bacon batter bitter bowl brownie

bagel beancurd blackbeans boysenberry brown rice
bake beans blackberry bran brunch
bamboo shoots beef black-eyed peas bread Brussels sprouts
banana beet bland breadfruit buckwheat
barbecue bell pepper blood orange breakfast buns
barley berry blueberry broccoli burrito
basil biscuit boil broil butter

cake cayenne pepper chives cod cream

calorie celery chocolate coffee cream cheese
candy cereal chopsticks coleslaw crepe
cantaloupe chard chow collard greens crisp
capers cheddar chutney cook crunch
caramel cheese cilantro cookbook crust
carbohydrate cheesecake cinnamon cookie cucumber
carrot chef citron corn cuisine
cashew cherry citrus cornflakes cupboard
cassava chew clam cornmeal cupcake
casserole chicken cloves cottage cheese curds
cater chick peas cobbler crab currants
cauliflower chili coconut crackers curry
chips cranberry custard

daikon dessert dine dish dressing

dairy diet diner dough dried
dandelion greens digest dinner doughnut drink
Danish pastry digestive system dip dragonfruit dry
dates dill durian

eat egg eggplant endive

Edam cheese elderberry entree

fast fennel fish food fried
fava bans fig flan food pyramid fritter
feast fillet flax fork frosting
fed fire flour freezer fruit
feed French fries fry

garlic gingerale grain grated gyro

gastronomy gingerbread granola gravy guava
gelatin glasses grape greenbean
ginger Gouda cheese grapefruit greens

herbs hamburger honey hot hummus

halibut hash honeydew hot dog hunger
ham hazelnut horseradish hot sauce hungry

ice iced tea ice cream

iceberg lettuce icing ice cream cone

jackfruit jam jellybeans jimmies jug

jalapeno jelly jicama Jordan almonds juice

kale ketchup kidney beans kiwi kohlrabi

kebab kettle kitchen knife kumquat

ladle lemon licorice loaf lox

lamb lemonade Lima beans lobster lunch
lard lentils lime lollipop lunch box
lasagna lettuce liver loquat lunchmeat
legumes lychee

macaroni margarine meatballs millet mug

macaroon marionberry meatloaf mincemeat munch
main course marmalade melon minerals mushroom
maize marshmallow menu mint mussels
mandarin orange mashed meringue mints mustard
mango mayonnaise milk molasses mustard greens
maple syrup meat milkshake mozzarella mutton

napkin nectarine noodles nourishment nutrient

nectar nibble nosh nut nutrition
nourish nutmeg nutritious

oats okra omelet orange oven

oatmeal oleo omnivore order oyster
oil olive onion oregano

pan peach pickle plum pot

pancake peanut picnic poached potato
papaya peanutbutter pie pomegranate preserves
parsley pea pilaf pomelo pretzel
parsnip pear pineapple pop protein
pasta pecan pita bread popsicle prune
pastry peapod pitcher popcorn pudding
pate pepper pizza popovers pumpernickel
patty pepperoni plate pork pumpkin
pattypan squash persimmon platter pork chops punch

quiche quinoa

radish ravioli relish ribs rolling pin

raisin recipe restaurant rice romaine
raspberry refrigerator rhubarb roast rosemary
roll rye

saffron seaweed sorghum spork stringy

sage seeds sorrel sprinkles strudel
salad sesame seed soup sprouts succotash
salami shallots sour spuds sugar
salmon sherbet sour cream squash summer squash
salsa shish kebab soy squid sundae
salt shrimp soybeans steak sunflower
sandwich slaw soysauce stew supper
sauce slice spaghet stir-fry sushi
sauerkraut smoked spareribs stomach sweet
sausage snack spatula stove sweet potato
savory soda spices straw Swiss chard
scallops sole spinach strawberry syrup
scrambled sorbet spoon string bean

taco taro teriyaki tofu tuber

take-out tarragon thyme tomatillo tuna
tamale tart toast tomato turkey
tangerine tea toaster torte turmeric
tapioca teapot toffee tortilla turnip

ugli fruit unleavened utensils

vanilla vegetable vinegar

veal venison vitamins

wafer walnut water chestnut wheat whipped cream

waffle wasabi watercress whey wok
water watermelon

yam yeast yogurt yolk


animal filter feeder meat-eater quaternary consumer
apex predator folivore (leaf-eater) S
autotroph food mesocarnivore scavenge
B food chain mucivores (sap eater) scavenger
bacterium food cycle N secondary consmer
C food network necativore (nectar-eater) T
calorie food web O tertiary consumer
carnivore frigivore (fruit-eater) obligate carnivore top predator
carnivorous fungus omnivore trophic level
chain G omnivorous V
consume granivore (seed-eater) organism vegetarian
consumer H P W
comsumption efficiency herbivore palynivores (pollen eater) web
D herbivorous photosynthesis X
decomposer heterotroph phytoplankton xylophage (wood eater)
detrivore hypercarnivore piscivore Z
diet hypocarnivore plant zooplankton
E I plant-eater
eat ingest predation
efficiency insectivore predator
energy insectivorous prey
energy transfer primary consumer
equilibrium primary producer
production efficiency

More on Astronomy
Astronomy Vocabulary Word List More Word Banks

A E J P S cont.

albedo Earth Jupiter parallax spectrum

Alpha Centauri eccentricity parsec Sputnik
apastron eclipse partial eclipse star
aperature ecliptic Kepler's laws penumbra sun
aphelion elliptical orbit kiloparsec perigee sunspot
apogee equinox Kirkwood gaps perihelion superior planets
asterism escape velocity Kuiper belt perturbation supernova
asteroid event horizon phase synodic
astronaut exoplanet L plane of the ecliptic syzygy
astronomer extragalaxtic planet
Lagrange points T
astronomical unit planetary nebula
F light-year
astronomy planetoid telemetry
local arm
axial tilt falling star Pluto telescope
local group
azimuth flare pole star terminator
free fall precession terrestrial
B probe
full moon M total eclipse
background radiation G magnitude pulsar totality
Bailey's beads mare transit
big bang theory galaxy Mars Q translunar
gamma ray
binary star mass quarter moon transneptunians
black body gas giant Mercury twinkling
gegenschein quasar
black hole meteor
bolometer geostationary meteor shower R U
geosynchronous meteorite umbra
C gibbous moon radiant
meteoroid universe
globular cluster radiation
celestial Milky Way Uranus
gravitation red dwarf
celestial equator minor planet
gravitational constant red giant star
cislunar moon V
gravitational lens red shift
cluster muttnik
gravity revolve vacuum
comet right ascension Van Allen belt
conjunction H rings variable star
constellation nadir Roche limit Venus
half moon
coriolis force NASA rocket vernal equinox
cosmic rays heliocentric nebula
hydrogen visual magnitude
corona Neptune S
cosmology helium neutron star W
H-R diagram satellite
cosmonaut new moon
Hubble telescope Saturn waning
cosmos north star
Hubble's law scientific notation waxing
crater nova
hyperbolic orbit scintillation weightlessness
crescent moon
hypernova O shooting star white dwarf
D solar white giant
I observatory sidereal wormhole
dark matter occultation singularity
ice giant X
day Oort cloud sky
declination inclination opposition
inertia solar x-rays
deep space orbit solar system
Deneb inferior planets orbital eccentricity solar wind y
inner planets
density orbital inclination
docking interstellar outer planets solstice yellow dwarf
Doppler shift interstellar dust space
double star ionosphere space exploration Z
Drake equation space station zenith
dust spectroscope zodiac
dwarf planet
dwarf star

Feelings Word List

How many feelings words can you name without looking at the list first? How many do you use on a daily basis?

Positive Feelings


loved, adored, idolized, alive, wanted, worthy, pity, respected, awed, enthusiastic, zealous, courageous


enchanted, ardor, infatuated, vibrant, independent, capable, happy , proud, sympathetic, important, appreciated, consoled,
delighted, eager, optimistic, joyful, courage, hopeful, valiant, brave, brilliant


liked, affectionate, fond, excited, patient, strong, inspired, anticipating, amused, yearning, popular, peaceful, appealing,
determined, pleased, excited, jolly, relieved, glad, adventurous, peaceful

friendly, benevolent, relaxed, comfortable, content, amazed, attractive, approved, graceful, warm, amused, daring, comfortable,
smart, interested

Negative Feelings

unpopular, listless, moody, lethargic, gloomy, dismal, discontented, tired, indifferent, unsure, impatient, dependent, unimportant,
regretful, bashful, puzzled, self-conscious, edgy, upset, reluctant, timid, mixed-up, sullen, provoked


suspicious, envious, aversion, dejected, unhappy, bored, forlorn, disappointed, wearied, inadequate, ineffectual, helpless, resigned,
apathetic, shy, uncomfortable, nervous, tempted, tense, worried, perplexed, troubled, contemptuous, alarmed, annoyed, provoked


disgusted, resentful, bitter, detested, fed-up, frustrated, sad, depressed, dissatisfied, fatigued, worn-out, useless, weak, hopeless,
forlorn, rejected, guilty, embarrassed, inhibited, bewildered, frightened, anxious, dismayed, apprehensive, disturbed, antagonistic,
vengeful, indignant, mad, torn


hate, unloved, abhor, despised, angry, hurt, miserable, pain, lonely, cynical, worthless, impotent, futile, accursed, abandoned,
estranged, degraded, humiliated, shocked, panicky, trapped, horrified, afraid, scared, terrified, threatened, infuriated, furious,
Basic emotion Basic opposite

Joy Sadness

Trust Disgust

Fear Anger

Surprise Anticipation

Sadness Joy

Disgust Trust

Anger Fear

Anticipation Surprise

Advanced emotion Composed of... Advanced opposite

Optimism Anticipation + Joy Disappointment

Love Joy + Trust Remorse

Submission Trust + Fear Contempt

Awe Fear + Surprise Aggressiveness

Disappointment Surprise + Sadness Optimism

Remorse Sadness + Disgust Love

Contempt Disgust + Anger Submission

Aggressiveness Anger + Anticipation Awe

Emotions by groups

Here is a categorised, tree structured list of emotions as described in Parrot (2001). [2][3]

Primary Secondary
Tertiary emotions
emotion emotion

Affection Adoration, fondness, liking, attraction, caring, tenderness, compassion, sentimentality

Love Lust/Sexual desire Arousal, desire, lust, passion, infatuation

Longing Longing

Amusement, bliss, cheerfulness, gaiety, glee, jolliness, joviality, joy, delight, enjoyment, gladness, happiness, jubilation,
elation, satisfaction, ecstasy, euphoria

Zest Enthusiasm, zeal, zest, excitement, thrill, exhilaration

Contentment Contentment, pleasure

Pride Pride, triumph

Optimism Eagerness, hope, optimism

Enthrallment Enthrallment, rapture

Relief Relief

Surprise Surprise Amazement, surprise, astonishment

Anger Irritation Aggravation, irritation, agitation, annoyance, grouchiness, grumpiness, crosspatch

Exasperation Exasperation, frustration

Rage Anger, rage, outrage, fury, wrath, hostility, ferocity, bitterness, hate, scorn, spite, vengefulness, dislike, resentment

Disgust Disgust, revulsion, contempt, loathing

Envy Envy, jealousy

Torment Torment

Suffering Agony, suffering, hurt, anguish

Sadness Depression, despair, hopelessness, gloom, glumness, sadness, unhappiness, grief, sorrow, woe, misery, melancholy

Disappointment Dismay, disappointment, displeasure

Sadness Shame Guilt, shame, regret, remorse

Alienation, isolation, neglect, loneliness, rejection, homesickness, defeat, dejection, insecurity, embarrassment,
humiliation, insult

Sympathy Pity, sympathy

Horror Alarm, shock, fear, fright, horror, terror, panic, hysteria, mortification
Nervousness Anxiety, nervousness, tenseness, uneasiness, apprehension, worry, distress, dread

The HUMAINE Emotion Annotation and Representation Language (EARL) classifies the following 48 emotions. [4]

 Negative and forceful

o Anger

o Annoyance

o Contempt

o Disgust

o Irritation
 Negative and not in control

o Anxiety

o Embarrassment

o Fear

o Helplessness

o Powerlessness

o Worry

 Negative thoughts

o Doubt

o Envy

o Frustration

o Guilt

o Shame

 Negative and passive

o Boredom

o Despair

o Disappointment
o Hurt

o Sadness

 Agitation

o Stress

o Shock

o Tension

 Positive and lively

o Amusement

o Delight

o Elation

o Excitement

o Happiness

o Joy

o Pleasure

 Caring

o Affection

o Empathy
o Friendliness

o Love

 Positive thoughts

o Courage

o Hope

o Pride

o Satisfaction

o Trust

 Quiet positive

o Calm

o Content

o Relaxed

o Relieved

o Serene

 Reactive

o Interest

o Politeness
o Surprised

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