Jurnal Tentang Zeolit
Jurnal Tentang Zeolit
Jurnal Tentang Zeolit
Keywords: Conventional synthesis conditions for each type of zeolite are tabulated and reported by the International Zeolite
Industrial waste valorization Association Structure Commission (IZA) and most of them are synthesized from commercial reagents, but they
Zeolite synthesis from wastes can also be synthesized from industrial by-products rich in Si and/or Al. In zeolite synthesis from wastes,
Zeolite environmental applications concentration of alkali source, temperature, reaction time, liquid/solid ratio and type of waste determine the
textural properties, crystal structure, Si/Al ratio and ion exchange characteristics of the fabricated zeolite and its
applications. This work summarizes the main methods that have been developed to synthesize zeolites using
industrial wastes as Al and/or Si sources, the parameters of synthesis and the advantages and limitations of each
synthesis process. The main characteristics and the applications of these synthetic waste zeolites are also re-
1. Introduction studied in the 1920s and the commercial use of natural zeolites some
years later. It was determined that natural zeolites are contaminated by
Zeolites are microporous crystalline hydrated aluminosilicates of Fe2+, SO42−, SiO2, other zeolites or amorphous glass and they have
tetrahedral SiO4 and AlO4− units. Si or Al atoms are centrally placed, restricted pore sizes and channels. So, they are not suitable for com-
and O atoms in the corners, shared between SiO4 and AlO4−, and or- mercial applications if uniformity and purity are critical. To solve these
iented to generate pores and channels [1]. Al3+ produces a net negative limitations, researchers started to investigate the synthesis of zeolites.
charge that is compensated by extra cations such as Na+, K+, Ca2+ and Conventional synthesis conditions for each type of zeolite are generally
Mg2+ in the voids. Moreover, zeolite lattice is very stable and the bonds performed in closed reaction systems, where Al and Si sources are
of ions and molecules in the pores are weak and they can be removed mixed to generate a supersaturated solution and heated at temperatures
without destroying zeolitic framework. Due to its negatively charged from 30 to 180 °C for minutes to days, to develop nucleation and
surface and internal pores, chemical composition and their interesting crystallization processes [1]. The synthesis conditions for each type of
properties, zeolites present interesting applications in separation, fil- zeolite are tabulated and reported by the International Zeolite Asso-
tration, ion exchange, catalysis and adsorption processes [1,2]. ciation (IZA) [3].
The main properties of zeolites are chemical composition, cation Synthesis procedures from industrial wastes have two advantages
exchange capacity (CEC), channel or pore diameter and volume. Some comparing to commercial zeolites synthesized from pure chemicals:
properties, such as acid resistivity, thermal stability and hydrophobicity waste zeolites are cheaper than conventional and using industrial
increase with the Si/Al molar ratio but other ones, as hydrophilicity, wastes as Al and/or Si sources leads to by-products valorization.
acid site density and cation concentration decrease. Based on the Si/Al Zeolitization mechanism from a waste have four stages: Al and Si dis-
molar ratio, there are 3 types of zeolites [1]: solution, geopolymer formation, crystalline structure nucleation and
zeolite crystal growth. And the main parameters of synthesis are: the
• low silica zeolites: Si/Al < 2, such as analcime (ANA), cancrinite available contents of Si and Al, temperature, pressure, alkalinity and
(CAN), Na-X (FAU), natrolite (NAT), philipsite (PHI), sodalite (SOD) liquid/solid ratio [1,2].
• intermediate silica zeolites: 2 < Si/Al < 5 as chabazite (CHA), The first aim of the researchers was studying the characteristics of
faujasite (FAU), mordenite (MOR), Na–Y (FAU) the industrial wastes and the parameters of synthesis to produce pure
• high silica zeolites: Si/Al > 5 like ZSM-5 (MFI), zeolite-B (BEA). and stable zeolites, suitable for industrial applications. And a second
important challenge was removing the non-zeolitic phases and residual
Zeolites were identified by Cronsted in 1756, their properties were waste to increase the quantity of zeolite produced and making its
Corresponding author. Tel.: +34 948 169602.
E-mail address: andoni@unavarra.es (A. Gil).
Received 24 March 2019; Received in revised form 6 June 2019; Accepted 10 June 2019
Available online 12 June 2019
1387-1811/ © 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
M. Yoldi, et al. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 287 (2019) 183–191
This point summarizes the studies of zeolite synthesis from coal and
biomass fly ashes that have been published since 1990. Coal ash is the
major solid residue produced by coal combustion in thermoelectric
power plants and biomass ash is the combustion residue of biomass,
that is a renewable energy. As they contain available Si and Al in their
composition, are suitable to zeolite synthesis [4].
Coal fly ash as Al and Si sources for zeolite synthesis was published
by Höller and Wirsching in 1985 [5]. Low silica zeolites analcime
(ANA), cancrinite (CAN), Na-X (FAU), natrolite (NAT), philipsite (PHI),
sodalite (SOD) and the intermediate silica zeolites chabazite (CHA), Fig. 2. Multi step: pre-fusion + hydrothermal treatment (adapted from Ref.
faujasite (FAU), mordenite (MOR) and Na–Y (FAU) was reported but [7]).
high silica zeolites not. Conventional or fusion-assisted hydrothermal
processes, multi-step treatment, microwave heating or ultrasonic pro-
the CFA is not emitted because power plants clean the flue gases by
cessing were used to synthesize zeolites from coal or biomass (see
particle removal, but it requires large areas to storage so is mixed with
Figs. 1 and 2) [1–4]. All methods have advantages and disadvantages
water to deposit in controlled dumps. The main problems of CFA
and researchers have investigated strategies to improve them: Höller
management are the large area required for disposal, its toxicity and the
and Wirsching [5] studied an alkaline activation of the coal fly ash as a
expensive costs of transportation [7–10]. With an expected 0.6 ha per
function of temperature, solution composition and concentration in
MW, the area required in 2020 will be 82200 ha. CFA disposal costs are
open and closed systems for long activation periods (from 8 to 40 days).
function of the type of ash, distance from the plant to the landfill,
A fusion with NaOH before hydrothermal reaction has been applied by
transportation, weather, legal requirements and potential for future
Shigemoto et al. [6] to synthesize Na-X zeolites. Jha et al. [1,2] ob-
uses. If the disposal site is near the power plant and the material can be
tained high Na and K zeolites with an alkaline activation and synthesis
easily handled the cost is low, from €3.00 to €5.00 per ton. It increases
times from 8 to 100 h and published that alkali activation determines
up to €40.00 per to when distance is far, or CFA must be manipulated
efficiency, type of zeolite and crystallinity. Few studies have been re-
several times. CFA management does not finish with transportation and
ported using biomass ash in zeolite synthesis and most of them with rice
placement in a dump, the need for future space is important too. If CFA
husk ash [7]. Rice rush ask is interesting biomass ash for zeolite
is valorized disposal is not required and the need to develop future sites
synthesis, but recent studies reveals that oil palm mill fly ash (POMFA)
either [11].
and bagasse fly ash (BFA) too [7].
According to the hazardous waste management of 1989, fly ash is a
non-hazardous waste and CFA is treated as a by-product. It is used in
2.1. Zeolite synthesis from coal fly ash construction, Portland cement and ceramic production, fabrication of
catalysts, zeolites or fibers, fillers in polymers and as adsorbents for air
Coal combustion products (CCPs) are produced in coal-fired power and water. These applications valorize the 20% of CFA and the rest is
plants, and coal fly ash (CFA) is the abundant component. Due to the deposited in controlled dumps [8,9]. Recycling CFA instead of disposal
high and increasing energy need, the 7000 coal-fired power plants is the best solution and US, EU and India reported to recycle 50%, 90%,
produce MT600 of CCPs annually and CFA is the 80% [7–10]. Most of
M. Yoldi, et al. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 287 (2019) 183–191
Fig. 3. XRD patterns of representative raw fly ash sources from various areas (adapted from Ref. [10]).
and 60% CFA, respectively [7]. According to the regulation, new plants mixture of K+ and Na+ [10]. The Si/Al ratio determine the CEC, sta-
will mandatory use the 100% of CFA in 9 years and the old ones in 15 bility and applications of the waste zeolite.
years [9]. So, valorization of CFA as residual resource to synthesize According to the published articles [7–25], zeolites Na-X (FAU),
value products is being studied. Zeolites are interesting as adsorbents, Na–Y (FAU), Na-A (LTA), Na–P (GIS), ZSM-5 (MFI) and phillipsite (PHI)
molecular sieves or catalysts because they have large specific surface have been synthesized by hydrothermal treatment in alkaline medium.
area, specific pore sizes, molecular sieving ability and acidity. More- Alkali activation is suitable to extract the Si and Al from the CFA waste.
over, zeolite X has high and selectivity adsorption for CO2 and good The characterization of the waste zeolites synthesized by alkali acti-
desorption properties. So, the synthesis of zeolites is very interesting for vation and hydrothermal method shows that the amount of Si and Al
researchers. CFA is a potential Si and Al source for zeolite synthesis but, dissolved from glass, quartz and mullite are 50%, 2% and 2%, respec-
as the Si content in CFA is low to synthesis high silica zeolites, only low tively. Studies also reveal that quartz and mullite dissolve completely
and medium silica waste zeolites are summarized in this point. applying fusion and hydrothermal activation [7,21].
XRD patterns of CFA show that 1/3 are crystalline phases quartz Zeolite X and Y are synthesized from CFA by fusion and hydro-
(SiO2), mullite (3Al2O3·2SiO2), hematite (Fe2O3) and magnetite (Fe3O4) thermal processes. The SiO2/Al2O3 ratio in the CFA is from 3.3 to 3.5,
and 2/3 are amorphous aluminosilicate. Si and Al of quartz, mullite and what is better for zeolite Y than for zeolite X, but not selective. So, it
aluminosilicate are solved in alkaline medium at hydrothermal tem- must be increased adding Na2SiO3 or decreased with NaAlO2 to have a
perature (see Fig. 3), reducing the amount of CFA as waste and gen- specific synthesis of zeolite Y or X. Crystallinity also depends on the
erating a Si and Al source to synthesize zeolites, that are high value amount of Na+ because it balances the Al3+ that went into the zeolite.
products [10]. As zeolite Y transforms to hydroxysodalite at high pH, NaOH is not
Alkaline-fusion and alkali-digestion activation have been studied to adequate neither as alkaline medium either to increase Na+. Na2SiO3
synthesize high pure zeolites from CFA. Zeolites A and X are synthe- and NaAlO2 are proper reagents to adjust Si/Al ratio and add Na+
sized by alkali-fusion activation while zeolite P by alkali-digestion. without increasing the pH [10]. Zeolite A, X or P, are synthesized ap-
According to Lee at al [10], alkali-fusion leads to obtain better zeolites plying longer crystallization times respectively [10,22]. As CaO and
alkali-digestion activation, but it requires heating. Fe2O3 difficult zeolite nucleation, acid activation is better than alkaline
Fig. 4 (SEM micrograph) show that CFA are made of glass particles one if CFA has these oxides as impurities, because it extracts Si and Al
with smooth boundaries that become irregular or disappear as being and also removes the oxides [10].
solved, and new crystalline particles appear, that are the precipitated Zhan et al. [21] reported an interesting procedure to synthetize
zeolites. Na–P1, hydroxysodalite, Na-X, Na–Y, Na-A, Na-4A, Na-4A-X, zeolite 13X by hydrothermal treatment using CFA as the only sources
philipsite, faujasite and analcime, as individual phases or mixtures, are for Si and Al (see Fig. 5). The zeolite 13X obtained has highly crystalline
obtained if the alkali source contain Na+. Hydroxycancrinite, Na–P structure and uniform octahedra particles (see Fig. 6), high BET surface
and/or chabazite are synthesized if the alkali source has K+ or a area (643 m2/g) and CO2 capture capacity (225 mg CO2/g zeolite) and
M. Yoldi, et al. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 287 (2019) 183–191
Fig. 4. SEM images of (a) raw fly ash and (b–d) fused fly ash treated for 15, 30, and 60 min at 550 °C (adapted from Ref. [10]).
Fig. 5. Schematic diagram of one step acid leach process (adapted from Ref.
2.2.1. Palm oil mill fly ash (POMFA)
[21]). POMFA is used as source for concrete or solid additives but it can
also be used as Si source to synthesize zeolites. As it has been com-
mented, zeolites have good CO2 adsorption and desorption properties
fast adsorption kinetics [21].
and zeolite X, especially zeolite 13X, has higher absorption capacity and
Regarding alkali-digestion, NaOH/KOH is the better medium and
better selectivity for CO2 than other types of zeolite. Kognoo et al. [22]
alkalinity must be adjusted for each type of zeolite, but it does not
published an interesting and low-cost method to synthesize zeolite 13X
extract Si from quartz phase. Zeolite NaP1 is synthesized by alkali-
from POMFA by alkaline fusion and hydrothermal treatment. They
M. Yoldi, et al. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 287 (2019) 183–191
Fig. 6. XRD patterns and SEM images of synthesized zeolite 13-X (adapted from Ref. [21]).
capacity than inactivated and 11% higher commercial zeolite 13X (see
Fig. 7). However, the crystallinity of the zeolite 13X decreases 17% in
acid activation although FAU structure is stable [22].
M. Yoldi, et al. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 287 (2019) 183–191
Fig. 8. SEM images at various magnifications of zeolites obtained from the aluminum waste: (a,b,c) NaP1, (d,e,f) SOD, and (g,h,i) ANA (adapted from Ref. [33]).
M. Yoldi, et al. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 287 (2019) 183–191
H2 but not CO2. Si and Al sources are mixed in the proper Si/Al ratio to volume (0.140 cm3/g). CO2 capture capacity is 3.9 mmol/g [39].
synthesize zeolite X and the residual liquid is save to other synthesis.
The waste zeolites X prepared were characterized by XRD, Si/Al molar 6. Hierarchical zeolites
ratio and BET surface area (see Fig. 9). They have Si/Al ratio from 1.0
to 1.5 and BET from 500 to 600 m2/g, that are similar as the reported As it has been previously explained, zeolite are crystalline alumi-
for the commercial zeolites X. Results also reveal that K+, Ca2+ and nosilicates of monovalent or multivalent metals. Zeolite lattice is very
Zn2+ from the wastes replace Na+ in the zeolite X structure. stable negatively, has a negatively charged surface and internal pores
The selective synthesis of zeolites A and X from crushed stone and channels, what makes them microporous materials [41–43]. Zeo-
powder and aluminum ash is reported by Kuroki et al. [35]. The pro- lites are applied in catalysis due to strong acidic centers, large specific
cedures used by the authors include a step of extraction of Si and Al surface area, high ion-exchange capacity and high thermal stability.
components by HCl treatment, followed by a hydrothermal treatment Moreover, zeolites are suitable as catalysts for shape-selective reactions
with NaOH at 80–120 °C. because the size of internal micropores and channels allows to differ-
Ma et al. [36] reported the synthesis of a magnetic zeolite, with a entiate molecules by their sizes [41,44–47]. The size of the zeolite
structure of cancrinite, from fly ash, red mud and steel slag, also con- micropores is named configuration diffusion and it is an advantage,
sidering an hydrothermal procedure at 374 °C in presence of NaOH. because the size of zeolite internal voids makes them selective, but also
a disadvantage, because molecules with size similar to the size of the
5. Zeolite synthesis from natural clays micropores are limited. Studies of zeolites as catalysts reveal that
configuration diffusion limits the reaction if molecules have similar to
As it has been explained before, one of the most interesting appli- the size of the pores in the zeolite. It has been reported that diffusion
cations of zeolites, fundamentally of zeolite X, is CO2 adsorption and in limitations reduce reactants and products movement to and from active
the last years, interesting studies about zeolite synthesis as CO2 ad- sites. This generates unwanted by-products that can block the micro-
sorbents have been published. There are reported various sources of Si pores reducing or even deactivating the zeolite as catalyst because only
and Al but, in order to reduce the cost of synthesis, natural clays as the external part of zeolite works if the interior is catalytically inactive.
bentonite, kaolinite and feldspars were studied [37–40]. Garshasbi Diffusion limitations is solved if the zeolite present pores at various and
et al. [37] reported a procedure to obtain zeolite 13X from kaolinite different sizes, what is a hierarchical structure. Zeolites with hier-
(13X–K), bentonite (13X–B) and feldspar (13X–F) by hydrothermal archical porous structure has secondary meso- or macroporosity that
treatment, comparing their properties with commercial zeolite 13X allows large molecules access to the active centers but maintain the
(13X–C). The parameters that determine the type, purity and crystal- acidity and crystallinity of convectional microporous zeolites. The
linity of the zeolite were NaOH concentration, crystallization tem- secondary meso- or macroporosity decreases the crystal size making the
perature and crystallization time. To synthesize zeolite X from natural diffusion path shorter, reduces dissolution of the active phase into the
clays NaOH 4 M, 65 °C, 72 h. The natural clays kaolinite, bentonite and medium, increases catalytic activity, decreases catalyst deactivation
feldspar, the synthesized zeolites 13X–K, 13X–B and 13X–F, and the and promotes multiple regeneration of the catalyst. The results of re-
commercial zeolite 13X–C were characterized by XRD, FTIR, SEM and actions catalyzed with conventional zeolites and hierarchical zeolites
N2 adsorption-desorption curves (see Fig. 10) [37]. are similar if the molecules are smaller than the micropores, but hier-
archical zeolites are better catalysts in reactions with large molecules
5.1. Kaolinite (K) (i.e. Friedel Crafts-alkylation of aromatics and conversion of methanol
to hydrocarbons) [41–45].
Kaolinite is a mineral clay that contains Si and Al, but Al amount Although the central theme of this review is the synthesis of zeolites
must be decreased, and Si amount increased to adjust the Si/Al ratio to from wastes, it is interesting to include the investigations in hier-
1.5, suitable to synthesis zeolite X [38]. XRD spectrum confirmed that archical zeolites because they improve the characteristics and applica-
obtained product is zeolite X. The synthesized zeolite 13X–K has a BET tions of all types of zeolites, the ones synthesized from commercial
surface area of 591 m2/g with micropore volume of 0.250 cm3/g. Si- reagents and the ones obtained from industrial wastes. This final section
milar values as the BET surface area and micropore volume of zeolite reviews the synthesis, characterization and applications of hierarchical
13X–C, that are 588 m2/g and 0.240 cm3/g, respectively. CO2 adsorp- zeolites with a secondary meso- and macroporosity imposed on the
tion capacity of zeolite 13-K is 6.9 mmol/g, higher than zeolite 13X–C primary microporous structure that optimizes molecular sieving prop-
value (6.2 mmol/g) and also higher than the reported values for many erties and improves molecule transport, having the catalytic properties
of the CO2 adsorbents [39]. of conventional zeolites and solving their diffusion limitations [41].
Pereira et al. [40] obtain zeolite A after alkali treatment of meta- There are two types of hierarchical zeolites:
kaolins with NaOH at 80 °C for 24 h. The metakaolins were prepared by
calcination of kaolins at 600 °C. The obtained zeolites were also applied • Pure zeolite phases (genuine hierarchical zeolites): the secondary
as adsorbents to remove emergent pollutants. meso- or macroporosity is placed either in the zeolite crystals or in
the intercrystalline voids.
5.2. Bentonite (B) • Composites: these materials have a zeolite phase and a non-zeolite
phase, and the meso-macroporosity is placed in additional phases. If
Zeolite 13X–B was prepared by alkaline fusion and hydrothermal the additional phase is a medium, secondary porosity comes from
treatment using bentonite as Si and Al sources, and no extra reactants the medium.
are needed [39]. The synthesized zeolite 13X–B has high BET surface
area (505 m2/g) with a high micropore volume (0.160 cm3/g). CO2 Synthesis of hierarchical zeolites consists of aggregation, extraction
capture capacity is 4.9 mmol/g [39]. and crystallization, that can be applied one synthesis process, in two or
more different syntheses. There are two types of hierarchical zeolites
5.3. Feldspar (F) synthesis:
As commented for kaolinite and bentonite, feldspar is a suitable • Bottom-up method: the secondary porosity is made during zeolite
source of Si and Al to synthesize zeolite 13X by alkaline fusion and synthesis by using templates or changing synthesis conditions (non-
hydrothermal and no extra sources are needed. The synthesized zeolite templating methods). Hard templating, soft templating, assembly of
13X–F has high BET surface area (472 m2/g) with a high micropore nanosized zeolite and zeolitization of materials are bottom-up
M. Yoldi, et al. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 287 (2019) 183–191
Fig. 10. SEM images (a) kaolin, (b) bentonite, (c) feldspath, (d) 13X–F, (e) 13X–B and (f) 13X–K. XRD patterns of kaolin, bentonite, feldspath and zeolite 13X
commercial. CO2 adsorption isotherms of zeolites 13X commercial (13X–C), 13X–K, 13X–B, 13X–F (adapted from Ref. [37]).
M. Yoldi, et al. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 287 (2019) 183–191
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