MEMO - Time & Attendance Policy
MEMO - Time & Attendance Policy
MEMO - Time & Attendance Policy
Human Resources
RE : Time & Attendance
DATE : January 29, 2019
In order to ensure consistent business operations, employees are expected to report to work as
scheduled. The presence of all employees doing assigned task at the right time is essential to the
successful operation of the company. Tardiness, early departures, and absences are not permitted
without prior approval from your immediate superior.
Working Days / Office Working Hours - Working days shall be from Mondays to Saturdays and
shall render eight (8) working office hours a day. Employees are given grace period of fifteen
(15) minutes to cover morning and afternoon tardiness. Habitual tardiness will be dealt to
disciplinary actions
Rest Period or Coffee Breaks – Rest periods are limited to 15 minutes during the first half of
the eight-hour working period and another 15 minutes duration on the second half of the
period. Department heads may assign schedule of rest periods / coffee breaks of their
employee in such a way not to hampered operations. Lunch / dinnertime and other breaks, as
may be authorized should be strictly observed. Employees who violate assigned time and
prolong their breaks shall be dealt with administratively
Maintenance of Attendance Record – All employees must record their attendance by
personally logging using timekeeping device or biometrics as follows:
(a) Upon reporting for work;
(b) Upon leaving the workplace after completion of the required 8 hours
Employees who fail to “time in” or “time out” on three or more occasions on any given
month shall be subject to appropriate disciplinary action as determined by the management.
Effective immediately, employees are required to punch in / out upon LUNCH BREAK with the
following schedule. LUNCH OUT: 12:00NN / LUNCH IN: 1:30PM. Employees arrives beyond the schedule
is subject to tardiness to be deducted from salary covering the pay period in which tardiness occurred
and if committed habitually shall be penalized as provided by policies.
Human Resource Department