Polynomial Example

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(Transducer:- ; Readout:-)


Unit Under Test : Tension

Standard Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Average
Applied Force Indicated Indicated Indicated Indicated Uncertainty
(kN) (mV/V) (mV/V) (mV/V) (mV/V) (±)
0,00000 0,00000 0,00000 0,00000 0,00000
0,09999 -0,09239 -0,09239 -0,09245 -0,09241 0,248%
0,19998 -0,18481 -0,18479 -0,18481 -0,18480 0,197%
0,29996 -0,27726 -0,27728 -0,27725 -0,27726 0,171%
0,39995 -0,36974 -0,36968 -0,36972 -0,36971 0,119%
0,49994 -0,46224 -0,46235 -0,46231 -0,46230 0,108%
0,59993 -0,55456 -0,55472 -0,55461 -0,55463 0,110%
0,69991 -0,64705 -0,64727 -0,64720 -0,64717 0,107%
0,79990 -0,73965 -0,73967 -0,73958 -0,73963 0,102%
0,89989 -0,83213 -0,83217 -0,83216 -0,83215 0,101%
0,99988 -0,92466 -0,92478 -0,92446 -0,92463 0,103%


Average calibration factors were calculated for each value of force. The coefficients of
a third order polynomial equation fitted through the average calibration data points
were calculated using the least squares method.

2.2.1 The average of three sets of readings given fitted to a polynomial equation of the
y = d·x3 + c·x2 + b·x + a
where y is the indicated reading
and x is the applied load (kN).
a = 6,03588E-06 b = -9,24043E-01
c = -1,24142E-03 d = 5,41322E-04
The standard error of the fit for this normal polynomial = 0.00005 mV/V

2.2.2 The inverse function of the equation given above has this form:
p = n·q3 + m·q2 + l·q + k
where q is the indicated reading
and p is the applied load (kN).
k= 6,53786E-06 l = -1,08220E+00
m= -1,57105E-03 n = -7,41171E-04
The standard error of the fit for this inverse polynomial = 0.00005 kN

2.2.3 The Standard Error of the Fit (SEF) for the polynomials are at a confidence level of 68,27% and has
7 degrees of freedom

Calibrated by (012-841-3481) Checked by (012-841-3138) For Chief Executive Officer

Ben Burke (Technical Signatory) Shadrack Moela /Corné Gouws

Metrologist Metrologist
Date of issue Certificate number
dd Month Year Page 2 of 4 FO\LC-####

CALIBRATION OF Torque Transducer

(Serial number: ########)

2.1 Clockwise Rotation

Table 1: Torque Measurement Results (Clockwise rotation)


(N•m) (N•m) (± N•m)
0,0 0,0 0,1
99,9 100,0 0,3
199,9 200,2 1,0
299,8 300,5 1,0
399,8 400,8 1,0
499,7 501,1 1,0
599,7 601,5 1,0
699,6 701,8 1,0

Table 2: Polynomial Equation (Clockwise rotation)

a 2,89000 x10-2 -2,87882 x10-2
b 9,99821 x10-1 1,00017
c -7,99072 x10-6 8,05918 x10-6
d 5,30454 x10-9 -5,36303 x10-9
Standard Error of fit with a
Level of Confidence of
± 0.048 N·m ± 0.064 N·m
68,27% and 4 degrees of

Calibrated by: Checked by: For Chief Executive Officer:

SM Moela EP Tarnow
Metrologist Metrologist (Technical Signatory)
Date of issue: Certificate number:
dd Month Year Page 3 of 7 TQ-####
Force example Torque example
Use the data given to you on the calibration certificate Use the data given to you on the calibration certificate
to calculate the indicated value for the load cell, if the to calculate the torque applied by the torque wrench, if
applied load is equal to 0.15 kN. the indicated reading is equal to 350 N∙m
3 2 3 2
y= d⋅x +c⋅x + b⋅x +a y= d⋅x +c⋅x + b⋅x +a
y= c⋅x 2 +b⋅x +a y= c⋅x 2 +b⋅x +a
y=b⋅x+ a y=b⋅x+ a
Applied Load = 0.15 kN Indicated reading = 350 N∙m
calibration certificate
the torque wrench, if
350 N∙m
+ b⋅x +a
Force example Torque exam
Use the data given to you on the calibration certificate to calculate the Use the data given to you on the calibration
indicated value for the load cell, if the applied load is equal to 0.15 kN. torque applied by the torque wrench, if the i
3 2 3
y= d⋅x +c⋅x + b⋅x +a y= d⋅x +c⋅x
y= c⋅x 2 +b⋅x +a y= c⋅x 2 +b⋅x
y=b⋅x+ a y=b⋅x+ a
Polynomial These values are the polynomial constant Polynomial
Constant Constant values imported from the calibration Constant Constant
symbols Values certificate. symbols Values
a 6.03588E-06 a 2.89000E-02
b -9.24043E-01 b 9.99821E-01
c -1.24142E-03 c -7.99072E-06
d 5.41322E-04 d 5.30454E-09

Applied Load (Given) = 0.15 kN Reading (Given) =

Reading (Calculated) = -0.13863 mV/V Applied Load (Given) =
Torque example
to you on the calibration certificate to calculate the
he torque wrench, if the indicated reading is equal to 350

3 2
⋅x +c⋅x + b⋅x +a
⋅x 2 +b⋅x +a
⋅x+ a
These values are the polynomial constant
values imported from the calibration

350 N∙m
349.21 N∙m
Sheet description:
The purpose of this sheet is to show how, by means of linear algebra, the polynomial for a series of data would have been de
not used.
Note : This sheet is for informational purposes only and need not to be used when calculating polynomials. For more informa
the calculations, move the cursor over cells which are marked with a red triangle in the corner.

Data Series: Polynomial fit through data series:

x y Constants Algebra Excel:
0.000000 0.0000 a 7.102E-03 7.102E-03
-0.205776 20.1643 b -9.797E+01 -9.797E+01
-0.410064 40.0654 c -5.567E-01 -5.567E-01
-0.619463 60.4878 A quadratic polynomial has the form: y = a + bx + cx2

Linear Algebra calculations:

Transform the data series into a system with the form: Ax = b
A x = b
1 0.000000 0.000000 a 0.0000
1 -0.205776 0.042344 b = 20.1643
1 -0.410064 0.168152 c 40.0654
1 -0.619463 0.383734 60.4878

1. Solving with the Least Square method:

The normal equation for Least Square Solution ẋ is: ATAẋ = ATb info

1 1 1 1 Info
A = 0.000000 -0.205776 -0.410064 -0.619463
0.000000 0.042344 0.168152 0.383734

4.0000 -1.2353 0.5942 Info

ATA = -1.2353 0.5942 -0.3154
0.5942 -0.3154 0.1773

120.7174271 Info

2. Solving with the help of Cramer's rule:

4.000 -1.235 0.594 Info

Let A A = An= -1.235 0.594 -0.315
0.594 -0.315 0.177
det(A1) = 0.006220411

120.717 -1.235 0.594 Info

B1 = -58.049 0.594 -0.315
30.802 -0.315 0.177
det(B1) = 4.41795E-05

4.000 120.717 0.594 Info

B2 = -1.235 -58.049 -0.315
0.594 30.802 0.177
det(B2) = -0.6093995

4.000 -1.235 120.717 Info

B3 = -1.235 0.594 -58.049
0.594 -0.315 30.802
det(B3) = -0.00346284

Cramer's rule state: ẋi = det(Bi)/det(A1) info

a 7.102E-03
ẋ= b = -9.797E+01 info
c -5.567E-01
a series of data would have been determined if excel was

ting polynomials. For more information or explanations of

with a red triangle in the corner.

ugh data series:

Difference %
e form: y = a + bx + cx2

Excel calculations:
Formula: LINEST function.
y x x2
0.0000 0.000000 0.000000
20.1643 -0.205776 0.042344
40.0654 -0.410064 0.168152
60.4878 -0.619463 0.383734

1) Using the Linest function: info

c b a
-5.567E-01 -9.797E+01 7.102E-03
Calculation Steps Description of the steps
Step 1
kN mV/V (mV/V)2 (mV/V)3 Import Data to spreadsheet. Also, decide on which
Y X X2 X3 polynomial is going to be used. Is the artefact being
0.00000 0.00000 reference or is the artefact used to read the calibrat
-0.09241 0.09999 words, what do you have and what do you need?
-0.18480 0.19998
Next decide on your order. 3de order polynomial is
-0.27726 0.29996 order is also acceptable but 1ste Order (Straight lin
-0.36971 0.39995 acceptable. After deciding on your polynomial type,
-0.46230 0.49994 value, the known value, to the power of the order ch
-0.55463 0.59993 In this example the 3de order polynomial was chos
-0.64717 0.69991
-0.73963 0.79990
-0.83215 0.89989
-0.92463 0.99988

Step 2
a= b= Calculate the polynomial through Excel's INDEX an
c= d= functions. The polynomial can be calculated by only
LINEST functions but this requires the displaying of
avoid displaying the array and the resulting complic
causes, the index function is used to call up the diff
within the array.
The formula used to calculate the polynomial follow
= INDEX( LINEST( known_y's, [known_x's] ), row_n

Step 3
After the polynomial constants have been calculate
Known value: X= mV/V polynomial is used to test the constants and to allow
Calculated valu Y= kN calculate any value within the data range.

Polynomial functions:

y= d⋅x3 +c⋅x 2 + b⋅x

y= c⋅x 2 +b⋅x +a
y=b⋅x+ a
Step 4
Certificate X Certificate Y Polynomial Y Residials To calculate the polynomial uncertainty contributor,
0.00000 0.00000 (standard Error of Fit) needs to be calculated. This
0.09999 -0.09241 using the polynomial function and calculating the re
0.19998 -0.18480 known points. The sum of the squares of the residu
0.29996 -0.27726 and divided by the dof. This is then square rooted t
The dof (Degrees of freedom) are calculated by cou
0.39995 -0.36971
amount of readings taken and subtracting the amou
0.49994 -0.46230 within a polynomial. Thus for a 3de order you would
0.59993 -0.55463 2nd order subtract 3 and for a 1st order subtract 2.
0.69991 -0.64717
0.79990 -0.73963
0.89989 -0.83215

√ ∑ resi2
0.99988 -0.92463
dof = dof
cription of the steps.

sheet. Also, decide on which way the

be used. Is the artefact being used as the
efact used to read the calibration. In other
ave and what do you need?

rder. 3de order polynomial is preferred, 2nd

le but 1ste Order (Straight line) is not
ding on your polynomial type, multiply the X
e, to the power of the order chosen.
e order polynomial was chosen.

mial through Excel's INDEX and LINEST

mial can be calculated by only applying the
this requires the displaying of an array. To
rray and the resulting complications it
ction is used to call up the different constants

alculate the polynomial follows:

own_y's, [known_x's] ), row_num)

onstants have been calculated, the

test the constants and to allow the user to
thin the data range.

+c⋅x 2 + b⋅x +a
+b⋅x +a

omial uncertainty contributor, the SEF

needs to be calculated. This is done by
unction and calculating the residuals of the
m of the squares of the residuals are taken
. This is then square rooted to get the SEF.
eedom) are calculated by counting the
ken and subtracting the amount of constants
hus for a 3de order you would subtract 4,
nd for a 1st order subtract 2. SEF formula:
Certificate: Force
Polynomial: Normal
Choose order: 3

Set of Known Data Standard Error of the Fit (SEF

mV/V kN ^2 ^3 X
0 0 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000000
-0.09241 0.09999 9.998E-03 9.997E-04 0.099990
-0.1848 0.19998 3.999E-02 7.998E-03 0.199980
-0.27726 0.29996 8.998E-02 2.699E-02 0.299960
-0.36971 0.39995 1.600E-01 6.398E-02 0.399950
-0.4623 0.49994 2.499E-01 1.250E-01 0.499940
-0.55463 0.59993 3.599E-01 2.159E-01 0.599930
-0.64717 0.69991 4.899E-01 3.429E-01 0.699910
-0.73963 0.7999 6.398E-01 5.118E-01 0.799900
-0.83215 0.89989 8.098E-01 7.287E-01 0.899890
-0.92463 0.99988 9.998E-01 9.996E-01 0.999880
# of Readings 11

Polynomials Polynomial constants
Degree d c b a
3 5.41322E-04 -1.24142E-03 -9.24043E-01 6.03588E-06

y = d·x3 + c·x2 + b·x + a

Data point calculation
x (kN) Y (mV/V)
0.29996 -0.27727
Standard Error of the Fit (SEF)
Y Residuals
0.000006 -0.000006
-0.092401 -0.000009
-0.184829 0.000029
-0.277267 0.000007
-0.369729 0.000019
-0.462202 -0.000098
-0.554685 0.000055
-0.647163 -0.000007
-0.739653 0.000023
-0.832141 -0.000009
-0.924626 -0.000004
SEF: 0.000046

Torque Residuals
Y X Power Order d
N.m N.m ^2 ^3 1
0 0 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 2
99.95 99.95 9.990E+03 9.985E+05 3 5.304537E-09
199.89 200.18 4.007E+04 8.022E+06
299.83 300.48 9.029E+04 2.713E+07
399.78 400.78 1.606E+05 6.438E+07
499.72 501.08 2.511E+05 1.258E+08
599.67 601.48 3.618E+05 2.176E+08
699.62 701.83 4.926E+05 3.457E+08

3de degree 2nd degree 1st degree

X Y Res Y Res Y Res
0 0.03 -0.03 0.09 -0.09 0.25 -0.25
99.95 99.89 0.06 99.85 0.10 99.87 0.08
200.18 199.90 -0.01 199.84 0.05 199.77 0.12
300.48 299.88 -0.05 299.85 -0.02 299.73 0.10
400.78 399.80 -0.02 399.82 -0.04 399.70 0.08
501.08 499.68 0.04 499.74 -0.02 499.66 0.06
601.48 599.66 0.01 599.70 -0.03 599.73 -0.06
701.83 699.63 -0.01 699.58 0.04 699.74 -0.12
SEF 0.05 SEF 0.07 SEF 0.14

Force Residuals
Y X Power Order d
N.m N.m ^2 ^3 1
0 0 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 2
-0.09241 0.09999 9.998E-03 9.997E-04 3 5.413224E-04
-0.1848 0.19998 3.999E-02 7.998E-03
-0.27726 0.29996 8.998E-02 2.699E-02
-0.36971 0.39995 1.600E-01 6.398E-02
-0.4623 0.49994 2.499E-01 1.250E-01
-0.55463 0.59993 3.599E-01 2.159E-01
-0.64717 0.69991 4.899E-01 3.429E-01
-0.73963 0.7999 6.398E-01 5.118E-01
-0.83215 0.89989 8.098E-01 7.287E-01
-0.92463 0.99988 9.998E-01 9.996E-01

3de degree 2nd degree 1st degree

X Y Res Y Res Y Res
0 0.00001 -0.00001 0.00003 -0.00003 0.00009 -0.00009
0.09999 -0.09240 -0.00001 -0.09240 -0.00001 -0.09238 -0.00003
0.19998 -0.18483 0.00003 -0.18484 0.00004 -0.18485 0.00005
0.29996 -0.27727 0.00001 -0.27728 0.00002 -0.27731 0.00005
0.39995 -0.36973 0.00002 -0.36974 0.00003 -0.36978 0.00007
0.49994 -0.46220 -0.00010 -0.46220 -0.00010 -0.46225 -0.00005
0.59993 -0.55468 0.00005 -0.55468 0.00005 -0.55471 0.00008
0.69991 -0.64716 -0.00001 -0.64715 -0.00002 -0.64717 0.00000
0.7999 -0.73965 0.00002 -0.73964 0.00001 -0.73964 0.00001
0.89989 -0.83214 -0.00001 -0.83214 -0.00001 -0.83211 -0.00004
0.99988 -0.92463 0.00000 -0.92465 0.00002 -0.92458 -0.00005
SEF 0.00005 SEF 0.00005 SEF 0.00006
c b a

Deviation from True

9.96666E-01 2.54254E-01
-2.406292E-06 9.98355E-01 8.50517E-02 Residuals T

-7.990718E-06 9.99821E-01 2.89000E-02

0 100 200 300 400 50

Straight line
Y Res -0.15
0.00 0.00
99.95 0.00
199.89 0.00 -0.25
299.84 -0.01
399.78 0.00 Applied Torque
499.73 -0.01 (N·m)
599.67 0.00
699.62 0.00
SEF 0.01

c b a
Deviation from true

-9.24782E-01 8.99316E-05
-4.295341E-04 -9.24352E-01 2.55167E-05

-1.241421E-03 -9.24043E-01 6.03588E-06 Residua





0 0.2 0.4 0.6

Straight line -0.00015 Applied
Y Res (kN
0.00000 0.00000
-0.09246 0.00005
-0.18493 0.00013
-0.46232 0.00001 0.00008
-0.55478 0.00015 0.00006
-0.64724 0.00007
-0.73970 0.00007
-0.83217 0.00002 0.00002
-0.92463 0.00000 0.00000
-0.00002 0 0.2 0.4 0.6

SEF 0.00010 -0.00002 0 0.2 0.4 0.6

Residuals Torque

200 300 400 500 600 700 800

3de degree
2nd degree
1st degree

Applied Torque

Residuals Force

3de degree
2nd degree
1st degree
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2

Applied Load

Chart Title

0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 3de degree

0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 3de degree

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