The Effects of Achievement Motivation, Learning Discipline and Learning Facilities On Student Learning Outcomes
The Effects of Achievement Motivation, Learning Discipline and Learning Facilities On Student Learning Outcomes
The Effects of Achievement Motivation, Learning Discipline and Learning Facilities On Student Learning Outcomes
Article History: Senior High School (SMA) Yadika 5, Jakarta, Indonesia, implements high discipline to improve
Received 14 June, 2017
student learning outcome. According to pre-study results by collecting primary data through
Received in revised form questionnaires, there are three (3) dominant factors that are estimated to have effects on student
28th July, 2017 learning outcome, they are achievement motivation, learning discipline and learning facilities.
Accepted 09th August, 2017 The objective of this research was to test and analyze the effects of achievement motivation (X1),
Published online 30th September, 2017 learning discipline (X2), and learning facilities (X3) on student learning outcome (Y), in Senior
High School (SMA) Yadika 5 West Jakarta, Indonesia. The research used descriptive design with
Keywords: quantitative approach and survey method. The data were collected by questionnaires distributed
to 252 respondents with random sampling method. The results of partial hypothesis test indicated
Learning Motivation,
Learning Discipline,
that the achievement motivation variable has significant effect on the learning ouctomes,
Learning Facilities, discipline variable has the significant effect on learning outcome; the learning facilities variable
Learning Outcome. has the significant effect on the learning outcome. And simultaneously, the three independent
variables of achievement motivation, learning discipline and learning facilities have positive
significant influences on student learning outcome. In accordance with this research, in order to
improve the student learning outcome, the teachers must be able to motivate and implement
discipline for students, and the school management must provide adequate learning facilities.
*Corresponding author
Copyright ©2017, Dr. Ignatius Jeffrey and Ade Zein. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Citation: Dr. Ignatius Jeffrey and Ade Zein. 2017. “The effects of achievement motivation, learning discipline and learning facilities on student learning outcomes.”,
International Journal of Development Research, 7, (09), 15471-15478.
supporting the ongoing students’ learning process. The encourage students' motivation effectively, it is important to
achievement, discipline and learning facilities motivation in understand why students try to achieve certain goals, how
schools are expected to influence the improvement of learning intensively they try, how long they try, what emotions that
outcome to be reached by students in school. Learning characterize them in this process. The study on achievement
outcome can be defined as the result achieved by a student motivation relates to internal factors in values and people
after attending the teaching and learning activities within a motives who direct them to make use of opportunities
certain period or after completing a particular program. Senior (McClelland et al., 1963). Furthermore, Mc. Clelland et al,
High School (SMA) Yadika 5 implements a high-level stated that achievement motivation is the individual goal to be
discipline, but achievement and discipline motivations as well successful from competition by setting a high standard and
as learning facilities motivation in schools for students do not motivation is a need so that the motivation or needs that
always 100% support the improvement of student learning encourage human behavior consists of three kinds, they are: 1)
outcome. Motivation is thought to be less in SMA Yadika 5, achievement motivation (n- ach), 2) motivation to affiliate (n-
especially achievement motivation. The discipline in SMA affil) and 3) motivation to have the power (n-pow). Intrinsic
Yadika 5 is also a selling point as a private school, so parents motivation has positive correlation with the perceived teaching
are willing to send their children to Senior High School quality, (Dahl and Smimou (2011) The motivation is divided
Yadika 5, but the data indicates that the students’ presence is into two, they are: extrinsic motivation indicating that
still in under 100%. The average attendance is 96.95%, it is motivation orientation dimension affects students' judgments
still below the standard stipulated by the AbdiKarya on their learning experiences in school, while intrinsic
Foundation (No. II: Student Obligations, item 5 on the motivation indicates strong positive effect on students’
attendance must be above 98%, and when it refers attendance teaching and evaluation quality. Rehman and Haider (2013)
regulation in SMA Yadika 5, it has the absence limit or it has a motivation is a key factor for learning and achievement for
guideline on the absence limit of 12 times and also refers to students in school.
the absence rule of ≥ 5% in one Senior High School (SMA),
which is a Rayon of West Jakarta, by looking at the result of Learning Discipline
the above recapitulation, then students have not 100%
motivated 100% to attend and make achievement. The Sugai and Horner in (2002) stated that school disciplinary
availability of adequate learning facilities and infrastructure is practices vary according to school locations. Mag (2012)
to support the learning process of the Curriculum 13 asserted that there are two discipline categories they are
implementation. The data on learning facilities satisfaction in obedience and responsibility models. In his research, Maag
high school Yadika 5 is on average 4.12 from Likert scale of 5, identified that both models include exclusive components as a
but the achievement of student learning outcome is under consequence of irresponsible behavior, he questioned the
Minimum Completion Criteria (KKM) 75. efficacy of a obedience model program that uses exceptional
practices as a first-line strategy to deal with students' behavior
Theoretical review problems. Stanley (2014) in his research regarding the effect
of discipline on students’ academic achievement/learning
Learning outcome outcome revealed that school rules and regulations play an
important role to improve students’ academic achievement/
According to Burton (1999) that learning outcomes are learning outcome). Somayeh et al. (2013) says that discipline
patterns of deeds, values, meanings, attitudes, appreciations, is one of the most effective factors in the learning process.
abilities and skills. Bloom classifies learning outcome in three Discipline must be a positive method to help and guide
domains or known as Bloom's taxonomy, they are: cognitive children to achieve self-control (Marshall, 1998)
(knowledge) domain, affective (attitude) domain, psychomotor
(skill) domain. Individual characters such as intelligence, Learning Facilities
cognitive style and personality play an important role in
McGuffey (1982) placed a foundation for the relationship
learning and teaching as well as the learning context that
between the school physical environment and the students’
affects learning outcome (Tella, 2007). According to
achievement, synthesizing the findings in a number of studies
Rosenthal and Jacobson (1968), there is a direct relationship
indicating the relationship between students' achievements and
between how a teacher observes a student and teacher
the quality of buildings, new buildings, better lighting, comfort
intervention affects the student’s learning outcome, while
and indoor air .The quality and specific building features such
Parkison stated that the academic success and student behavior
as science laboratories and libraries. In general, public schools
are determined by the students’ expectations. That their efforts
keep suffering from more basic problems, such as lack of
will result in achieving the goals and that the goals are worth
necessary materials and equipment and poor routine school
to be achieved. Learning outcomes are obtained from
facilities maintenance and improvement. In many cases, these
formative assessments that try to evaluate the students’
shortcomings are directly reflected in the students’ academic
progress and on the other hand, make the effort to evaluate the
performance (Paraguassu, 2008). Durán-Narucki (2008), the
student’s achievement from defined goals as the certification
physical environment plays an important role to shape
of students' abilities (Pettig, 2000)
students' behavior. Lawanson et al. (2011), described that
school facilities can be defined as things that enable teachers
Achievement Motivation to do their work very well and to help the students to learn
effectively. Earthman (2004) also stated that special building
A research on motivation can be understood as a study on how
features related to human comfort has proven having relation
thought and belief are related to action and behavior (Griffin
to learning outcomes. Those include building age, climate
2006). According to Glynn et al. (2005) motivation is an
control, indoor air quality, lighting, acoustical control, design
internal state to generate, direct and support human behavior
classification and overall impression, in Indonesia, there are
that plays a fundamental role in learning and in order to
rules and regulations on school facilities that must be complied
15473 International Journal of Development Research, Vol. 07, Issue, 09, pp. 15471-15478, September, 2017
The research method used is quantitative analysis method,
which is a research emphasizing its analysis on numerical or
number data that area obtained by statistical method and
conducted in inferential research or to test hypothesis
accordingly it is obtained the significance of relation between
variables studied. The research was conducted at Senior High
School (SMA) Yadika 5, JalanJoglo Raya no. 190,
Kembangan Jakarta Barat. The research population are all
students of Senior High School (SMA) Yadika 5 X, XI, XII
year, majoring either science or social program, totally 670
students, based on the Slovin samples calculation, the sample
of the research are 252 students with proportional random
sampling method. According to the testing instrument, namely
validity and reliability test, the results of the research indicate
that the questionnaire measurement used is valid and reliable.
Hypothesis Test (F-Test and t-Test) are carried out after
classical assumption tests was successfully performed, they are
Figure 1. Conceptual Framework Normality, Linearity, Homogeneity Multi-colinearity,
heteroscedasticity and autocorrelation. The analysis method
Research model used is multiple linear regression analysis. The correlation
coefficient calculation and testing technique are carried out
using computer assistance with SPSS 22 program.
Descriptive Statistics
Student learning outcome (Y) 1. Cognitive Students behavior do not demonstrate discipline conduct at the time
Classifies learning outcome in three of learning process
domains or known as Bloom's
taxonomy, they are: cognitive domain,
affective domain, psychomotordomain
(Bloom, 1956)
Source: Internal research (2017)
Table 5. Significance test of the coefficient of achievement motivation, learning discipline and learning facility on learning outcome
of the students of Senior High School (SMA) Yadika, 5, Joglo, Jakarta
Model Unstandardized Standardized t Sig.
Coefficients Coefficients
B Std. Error Beta
1 (Constant) 62.027 3.851 16.107 .000
Achievement Motivation (AM) .016 .104 .019 .155 .877
Learning Discipline (LD) .031 .027 .069 1.162 .246
Learning Facilities (LF) .176 .059 .358 2.963 .003
Table 6. The coefficient of determination of achievement motivation, learning discipline learning facilities on learning outcome
Summaryb Model
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate
1 .394a .155 .145 4.35525
The above table indicates the regression equation: F = a + assessment given by the teacher on the learning discipline of
b1X1 + b2X2 + b3X3. Then the influence of achievement the students does not have significant effect on the learning
motivation, learning discipline and learning facilities has a outcome.
simple regression equation:
It illustrates that the students of senior high school (SMA)
Y = 62.027 + 0.016AM + 0.031LD + 0.176LF Yadika 5 still improve their learning outcomes, the students
perform a lot of learning activities according to schedule of the
The regression equation indicates direct relationship between subject, doing exam, completing tasks in accordance with the
achievement motivation, learning discipline and learning provisions. Under such conditions, teachers must be able to
facilities and learning outcomes, in which the higher the create discipline condition for students with more directive
achievement motivation, the higher the learning outcome. The learning atmosphere. Thus, it can be concluded that the higher
significant influence of Achievement, Learning Discipline and the learning discipline, the higher the learning outcome for the
Learning Facilities on Learning outcome can be seen in the Student of Senior High School (SMA) Yadika 5 Joglo West
following table 8. The above table demonstrates the Jakarta.
determination coefficient of (R2) of 0.145 or 14.5%. It
indicates that the percentage of contribution of the Effects of learning facilities on learning outcome
achievement motivation (X1), learning discipline (X2) and
learning facility (X3) to the dependent variable of learning Regarding the results of t test above, it can be seen that
outcome (Y) is 14.5%, while the rest 85.5% is influenced by hypothesis 3 is proven to be correct. The test proves that
other variables that are not included in this research. learning facility variable have positive and is significant effect
on learning outcome variable. Learning facilities have a low
DISCUSSION OF THE RESULT OF THE STUDY correlation coefficient on learning outcome. It indicates that
any assessment given by the teacher on the learning facilities
The effect of achievement motivation on learning outcome provided by the school does not have significant effect on the
With respect to the results of t-test described above, it can be learning outcome.
seen that hypothesis 1 is proven to be correct. The test proves
that the variable achievement motivation has a positive and It illustrates that the students of senior high school (SMA)
significant effect on the variable of Learning outcome, Yadika 5 still improve learning outcomes, students do a lot of
suggesting the low coefficient value on Learning outcome. It learning activities with facilities that have been provided by
indicates that any assessment given by teachers on schools to support the learning process. Teachers must be
achievement motivation given to the students significantly more creative to make use the existing facilities with
influences the learning outcomes. It illustrates that the senior interesting learning methods. Schools must also better equip
high school students (SMA) Yadika 5 still improves the and upgrade the existing facilities and replace ones that are not
learning outcome, the students implement a lot of learning proper. Thus it can be concluded that the higher learning
activities that constitute students obligation to absorb facilities, the higher the learning outcome for Students of
information from teachers in every subject. The teachers must Senior High School (SMA) Yadika 5 Joglo West Jakarta.
be able to create the condition for students by providing
motivation to obtain better learning outcome. Thus, it can be The effect of achievement motivation, learning discipline
concluded that the higher the achievement motivation, the and learning facilities on learning outcome
higher the learning outcome for the Students of Senior High
School (SMA) Yadika 5 Joglo West Jakarta. From the results of the F test above, it seems that hypothesis 4
is proven to be correct. The hypothesis 4 test proves that the
The effect of learning discipline on learning outcome variables of achievement motivation, learning discipline and
learning facilities have positive and significant impacts on
The results of t test above indicate that hypothesis 2 is proven learning outcome variables. In accordance with the table 8, it
to be correct. The test proves that learning discipline variable is obvious that achievement motivation, learning discipline
has positive and significant effects on learning outcome and learning facilities simultaneously have positive and are
variable. Learning discipline has a very low correlation significant for learning outcome variable. Among the three
coefficient value to the learning outcome. It indicates that any independent variables, the facility variable is most influential
15477 International Journal of Development Research, Vol. 07, Issue, 09, pp. 15471-15478, September, 2017
variable for learning outcome for the Students of Senior High satisfactory achievement, teachers are also facilitators and
School (SMA) Yadika 5 Joglo West Jakarta. providing space for students to maximize their potencies either
in term of academic and non-academic, teachers must be able
Conclusion to understand students’ learning needs to support the learning
outcome and to help uphold the learning discipline, teachers
In line with the research stages that have been carried out, must also explore their potency as a qualified educator, a
including theoretical study of each variable, preparation powerful motivator and right facilitator for the students
research instrument, instrument test and improvement, data
collection, data analysis, the following conclusions can be For School
Schools are place where every individual are educated,
Achievement motivation has a significant and positive accordingly schools must improve their quality either teaching
effect on the learning outcome for the students of senior quality, and facilities and infrastructures thus the qualified
high school (SMA) Yadika 5 Joglo West Jakarta. The teachers are required. Schools must always facilitate students
value of the coefficient is positive with the relationship well by providing adequate facilities for academic and non-
level interpretation is low. It indicates that the better academic requirements, schools must implement order for the
achievement motivation will improve learning outcome. students on the use of school facilities so that they comply
Learning Discipline has a significant and positive effect with the applicable rules for the learning convenience within
on the learning outcome for students of senior high schools environment. School are expected to enforce
school (SMA) Yadika 5 Joglo West Jakarta. The value thediscipline for students by applying proper punishment and
of the correlation coefficient is positive with the reward that are in accordance with the students’ age especially
relationship level interpretation is very low. It indicates in terms of learning discipline and do the task on timely
that the better learning discipline will improve learning manner.
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