Effect of Self-Regulated Learning On Academic Achi

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International Journal on Education, Management and Innovation (IJEMI)

Vol.1, No.3, September 2020, pp. 203 ~209

e-ISSN: 2716-2338


Sumarni1, Nurhidayah2, and Ahmad Suprianto3

Negeri Malang Malang, Indonesia
Email: 1sumarnifkip.ap@gmail.com

Abstract. This study specifically investigated the factors self-regulated learning on

achievement academic students of the program study the administration of the education
faculty of teacher training and science education. The design of this study applies a
correlational design. The population study is a student at the Faculty of teacher and
science education University Puangrimaggalatung program of study administration of the
education workforce in 2017 until with student class of 201 9 totaling 257 students with a
total sample of 69 people. Based on the results of testing the data for the regression test, the
results obtained significance = 0,000 <0.05. The hypotheses proposed are accepted that the
influence of the variable self-regulation to the achievement of learning. The Hi accepted,
which means no influence positively between self-regulation and achievement Akademik
students of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Science Education University
Puangrimaggalatung Program Study of Educational Administration Education. It
demonstrated that the increasingly high self-regulation of the increasingly high achieving
academic students.

Keywords: intellectual intelligence, self-regulated, and learning achievement

1. INTRODUCTION Academic achievement is interesting

Strengthening the quality of because it is related to students from
education should be a matter to be various universities who have problems
considered as they relate to the with their academic adjustments.
achievement of student academics. Schneiders (1964 ) states that many
Students who have high potential have a students have difficulty adjusting to the
greater chance of achieving the academic situation, because of a basic
academic achievements expected at the conflict between what they want out of
level of education pursued. It means that if an education and what education is
students use their potential optimally, and supposed to provide. It is especially likely
meet predetermined academic demands, to happen in a society like ours, in which
the hope is to be able to achieve pragmatic values dominate the thinking of
academic achievement optimally. many young people.
The student in adjusting to the The success of the teaching and
academic field, it can be seen through learning process is determined by how
academic achievement that is optimal many factors, internal factors (within), and
values obtained via IP and CPI as well as external factors (outside of themselves)
timeliness in completing the study. students and teachers. Self Regulated

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IJEMI e-ISSN:2716-2338 204

Learning (SRL) interpreted in the adjust if sadness, disappointment or

Indonesian language "Independent despair develops and affects his
Learning" is a factor in the self that is physiological and psychological functions.
owned by students, both teachers and Individuals become unable to use their
students in achieving their goals of thoughts and attitudes well, so they
improving learning and teaching. cannot deal with pressures that arise
According to Zimmerman (2000, satisfactorily. Vice versa, individuals are
in Schunk, 2001: 1), self-regulated learning said to be successful in adjusting if they
is a systematic effort to direct thoughts, can achieve satisfaction in their efforts to
feelings, and actions to achieve their meet their needs, overcome tension, free
goals. The existence of efforts, do time from various psychological disorders,
management, set learning goals, use frustration, and conflict.
certain facilities or services to make Alsa (Arjanggi & Suprihatin, 2010)
learning activities more effective (help- states that cognitive, social learning theory
seeking). For example, choosing certain has explained the ideal concept of self-
learning models, choosing special regulation based learning. With a range
teachers, or books that can help in the of self-development mechanisms and self-
learning process and high self-efficacy monitoring of thoughts, feelings, and
(Zimmerman & Kitsantas, 2005: 510-511). behaviors to achieve goals that can help
Self Regulated Learning (SRL), as manage time and control self in its
independent learning, should not be learning system, which in psychology
interpreted narrowly, but Self Regulated manifested in the term self-regulated
Learning (SRL) owned by someone can be learning (SRL).
used to develop themselves, to achieve Santrock (2007) said that students
success, so it should Owen by a student, who have SRL show the characteristics of
student, teacher, lecturer or student the regulating learning goals to develop
other. Understanding given by experts, self- knowledge and increase motivation. Also,
regulated learning (SRL) is more directed they can control emotions, so they do not
at the personal life of each individual is interfere with learning activities,
looking at learning for himself. SRL is the periodically monitor the progress of
state of the individual bear's responsibility learning targets, evaluate them, and
and control for the acquisition of their make the necessary adaptations to
knowledge. support achievement. The researchers also
Self Regulated Learning (SRLs) found that there was a positive and strong
provides personal responsibility for the correlation between SRL and academic
learners conducted, which includes self- achievement in students (Santrock, 2007).
control and self-improvement learning Moreover, SRL is a perfect strategy to
efforts. An individual is said to be unable to

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205 e-ISSN: 2716-2338

improve learning and monitoring of The population study is a student at

achievements. the Faculty of teacher and science
education University Puangrimaggalatung
Pintrict & Groot (1990) gives the program of study administration of the
term self-regulated learning with the term education workforce in 2017 SampaI with
SRL. The concept of self-regulation was first student class of 2019 totaling 257 students.
put forward by Bandura in the setting of Mechanical sampling in research
social learning theory. S elf-regulation in determined by using the technique of
the learning process is not mental snowball sampling. Snowball sampling is a
capabilities or an academic skills, but technique of determining the sample that
manage their learning process through initially the number of small, then the
setting and achieving goals by referring to sample asked to choose a friend of his to
metacognitive and peril I was active in use as a sample ( Sugiyono, 2001). With
independent learning ( Zimmerman, 2002). several such samples in the research, this is
as much as 69 people.
A good adjustment will make The method of collecting the data
students feel comfortable so that it can done by using the method of scale
learn well. It confirmed that children's measurements of psychology in the form
ability to adapt to the environment would of a scale of self-regulation and study
make the child feel comfortable in the documentation. The scale used in
end. The child may have made research is the scale of self-regulation
achievements in school (Achenbach, modified from the Motivated Strategies for
1991) da n the research results also Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ; Pintrich,
concluded that adaptability positively Smith, Garcia and McKaechie, 1991).
influences the various activities of a Reliability testing used to determine the
person's good on and off-campus ( consistency or reliability of the
Partosuwido, 1992). measurement results (Azwar, 2012).
Therefore, adjustment is also Reliability scale self-regulation to the
another factor that can play a role in achievement study of students calculated
supporting student academic with Technik alpha Cronbach and
achievement. Based on the description obtained the results of the coefficient of
above, it can assume that learning based reliability of 0626, which means that the
on Self Regulated Learning and reliability scale is at the level of being. After
adaptation are factors that play a role in the data is collected and arranged in
the achievement of student academic tabular form, the data processed for
achievement. analysis using SPSS for windows.

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In this study, there are two Leonardi, 2013) defines academic

variables to be analyzed. The first variable achievement as a display of one's learning
is self-regulated learning. Self-regulated outcomes, which is the result of an
learning defined as a process that helps assessment in the field of knowledge, skills,
students organize their thoughts, behavior, and attitudes as learning outcomes
and emotions to direct their learning expressed in the form of values. Academic
experiences (Zumbrunn, Tadlock & achievement scores obtained from the
Roberts, 2011). The Self-regulated learning first-semester student achievement index
score obtained from the total score of the scores.
self- regulated learning questionnaire. The The results of the measurement
second variable is academic of self-regulation variables from research
achievement. Winkel ( Kurniawati & subjects shown in the following table
Table 1
Measurement Result of Self-Regulation Variable
Range Category Frequency Percent The SD Mim Max
(%) mean
74.5 ≤ x <92 Very high 4 5.79
57.5 ≤x <74.5 High 57 82.60 63.30 6.11 43 76
40.25 ≤x <57.5 Low 7 10,14
23 ≤x <40.25 Very low 1 1.44

Based on the results of the SPSS obtained equation Y = a + bX Y = 3.

normality test, values obtained 534 + 0.008 X From the equation above
Kolmogorov Smirnov. The significance of shows that if not, there are variables GPA,
the two-tailed is higher than 0.05 (0.103> then significant self-regulation is 3. 534. At
0.05). It shows that the self-regulation data the same time, the value of the coefficient
normally distributed. Based on the linearity of the regression variable CPI for 0008
test results, it knew that self-regulation is meant that any addition of one unit
positively linear correlated with academic variable GPA would increase the change
achievement. The data linearly correlated in behavior by 3. 534.
with F of 0.106 with a significance of .7 32 Hypothesis testing. Carried out a
(p> 0.05). Then it can be assumed that in way of notice significance, the stipulation
the independent variable self-regulation, if the significance of > 0.05, then H0 is
there is no multicollinearity problem. accepted, but when the significance of
<0.05, then H0 is rejected, and H1
Linear regression analysis. Used accepted. From the table at the bottom, it
to see whether there is an effect of self- knew that the magnitude of significance =
regulation variable on student 0.000 <0.05. The hypotheses proposed
achievement, which realized in the form of accepted that there is the influence of the
GPA. Based on the results of the test using variable self-regulation on the

Effect of Self-Regulated Learning.......

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achievement of learning. The results of

testing can see in the table below this.
Table 2 Regression Test
Model Unstandardized Standardized t Sig.
Coefficients Coefficients
B Std. Error Beta
1 Constant 3, 534 , 462 -, 036 6,384 000
SR , 008 , 005 6,425 000
to the achievement of learning that is
Based on the results of testing the data for good for the participant students. It can
the regression test, the results obtained say that a student who has self-regulation
significance = 0,000 <0.05. The hypotheses high, the achievement of learning will be
proposed are accepted: the influence of much better than the students who have
the variable self-regulation to the self-regulation low.
achievement of learning the Hi accepted. With the self-regulation that's
It means no influence positively between making well, then affect the Presta s I
self-regulation and achievement academic students. Sensitize students to
Akademik students of the Faculty of the development of self and self-
Teacher Training and Science Education monitoring on the thoughts, feelings, and
University Puangrimaggalatung Program behaviors to achieve a goal associated
Study of Educational Administration with academic objectives or goals
Education. It demonstrated that the socioemotional (Santrock, 2007). Self-
increasingly high self-regulation of the regulated learning is an attitude that
increasingly high achieving academic maintains self-quality and tenacity as
students. opposed to academic procrastination
The results of her research bags which often delays work, delays in working
with the findings of the experts who stated on assignments, incompatible schedules
that good self-regulation, then people will with performance and performs more
be able to perform academic activities enjoyable activities (Ferrari, et al., 1995)
much better than people with self- Further research in tian
regulation that bad ( in McCoach, Ruban, conducted and concluded that the way
McGuire & Reis, 2003). Findings others also parents in guiding their children in solving
provide evidence of empirical ecological a problem a right to determine how the
apply to the importance of considering child is learning to use self-regulated
both components of learning motivation learning ( Ajisuksmo 1996). Individual
and self-regulated in our model the differences; the insignificant correlation
performance of academic classes. It can between self-regulated learning and
conclude that self-regulation gives effect student academic achievement may also

IJEMI Vol. 1, No. 3, September 2020: 203 - 209

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be due to the many factors that affect the of students of the Faculty of Teacher
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determined by the ability of self-regulated Puangrimaggalatung Program Study
learning. Adiministrasi Education. It shows that the
Factors that affect academic higher the self-regulation, the higher the
achievement students (Sitepu, 2014 ), academic achievement.
namely: 1. External factors are factors that 6. REFERENCES
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IJEMI Vol. 1, No. 3, September 2020: 203 - 209

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