March 2024
Motivation plays a vital role in every sphere of life and various phases of
activities. Our success and achievement in life depends on motivation. It is, in one form
or other, always present at the root of all human activities. Motivation is said to be the
‘heart of learning’, ‘golden road to learning’ and ‘potent factor in learning’, as all learning
interest and effort in the pupils and hence promotes learning. Motivation is the reason
why people behave the way they do. Motivated behavior is energized, directed and
sustained. Motivation is concerned with the inculcation and stimulation of the learner’s
interest in the learning activities. Motivation is the result of the interaction of the
individual and the situation. It is a move towards set goals. It is a force that energizes
in the pupils. Motivation can be defined as an inspiration that propels someone into an
action. Motivation is a process by which the learner’s internal energies are directed
According to Narca & Caballes (2021), expressed that educational activity can be
defined as educating or instructing activities that impart knowledge or skill. Thus, this
should always be the reference point of educators or teachers on how they can help their
students learn well and reach their goals in the future. Some learning activities are
and having some readings. These are the most traditional teaching methods that have
truly been a part of the students’ lives while educating themselves in the classroom.
engagement in learning, where this type of learning is not only an end itself, but it is also
a means to the end of students achieving good academic outcomes. An instructor also
noted that motivation is a state that energizers, directs and sustains behavior. Motivation
involves goals and requires activity. Goals provide the impetus for and sustains direction
of action, while action entails effort: persistence to sustain an activity for a long time.
enhance motivation to learn particular things or behave in particular ways. Educators can
do many things to do create classroom environment that motivates students to learn and
students’ academic motivation and engagement has been among the top priorities of all
refers to “their primary impetus for initiating learning as well as the reason for continuing
also it catches the attention of the class before proceeding in a lesson. So that, teachers
and students can build up interaction through conducting motivation activity in learning
process. The purpose of this study is to determine how may the level of satisfaction of
development and, and social processes that examines how social contexts and
experience and psychological health. SDT proposes that all human beings have three
basic psychological needs for competence, autonomy, and relatedness – the satisfaction
of which are essential nutrients for effective functioning and wellness. Satisfaction of
these basic needs promotes the optimal motivational traits and states of autonomous
motivation and intrinsic aspirations, which facilitate psychological health and effective
The study’s outputs focus on the level of satisfaction among intermediate class
students who enrolled at Baler Central School (BCS) concerning motivation activities.
These activities implemented within the school’s curriculum, serve to engage, and
and conducting data analysis. The analysis will delve into aspects such as motivation,
these activities, providing insights to the overall impact on their satisfaction levels within
In this study, the researchers aim to determine the Level of Satisfaction with
2. How may the level of satisfaction of motivation activities be described in terms of;
2.1 motivation;
2.2 engagement;
2.3 concentration;
2.4 autonomy;
2.6 competence?
Significance of the study
This study is all about the level of satisfaction of students through Motivation
Activities. The findings of this study will provide importance and benefits to the following:
Students. This study will benefit the students to enhance their motivation,
learning process through the use of motivation activities that used by the teacher.
Teachers. This study will benefit teachers when it comes to their teaching
process in the classroom. This will help them by conducting a game activity through the
use of motivation activities that students catch their attention before proceeding in a
Parents. This study will help parents who enrolled their children in schools to
Researchers. This study will help the researchers to determine how the students
enhance through motivation activities and how may the level of satisfaction of student in
their learning.
Practice Teachers. This study will help practice teachers to access the student’s
This study will focus on the level of satisfaction of students through Motivation
Activities. This study’s respondents include Elementary Students from grade 4,5, and 6
consistent with intrinsic goals or outcomes and emanates from the self.
Competence refers to a theory that centers on the idea that people are driven to
Engagement refers to the participation, the time spent and the negative and
Motivation refers to the cognitive and affective force that initiates, sustains and
literature and research related to the level of satisfaction of students using motivation
activities. The information presented in this chapter will provide an understanding of the
related literature.
Motivation is defined as the cognitive and affective force that initiates, sustains
engagement; i.e. higher motivation tends to lead to higher engagement and vice versa.
Numerous studies have reported the essential role of engagement in educational game
assisted learning.
different school activities. However, when observing student engagement within lessons,
Henry et al., (2017), found out that students who had received teaching which,
among other things, included the strategies of making tasks more attractive by adding
new and humorous elements and relating content and tasks to students’ backgrounds
and everyday experiences were more motivated than those in a control group.
According to Alsawaier (2018), she stated most activities for the young learners
have to involve the physical movement and their sense. The teacher needs to prepare a
lot of visual, pictures, objects, and reality. Playfulness and meaningful should be the key
word when describing the teacher’s approach. Playing with the language is a natural way
a language learning for young learners. Since the children’s concentration and attention
spans are short, especially at the early stages of language learning, the teachers have
Quality teaching has become the focus of many education systems across the
globe emphasizes that more attention should be given to teacher motivation as this
Therefore, the motivation of teachers is very important as it directly affects the learner’s
performance which is closely related to the quality of education that the learners
classroom based on providing autonomy support can lead to a better student perception
of classroom instruction, giving the teacher a higher grade, improving both their
promotes intrinsic motivation and greater effort in tasks (Lozano-Jiménez et al., 2021).
and play a leadership role (Lozano-Jiménez et al., 2021). In this same sense,
Leenknecht et al. (2017) state that teachers who support autonomy promote their
competence in specific contexts. The success of which is heavily dependent upon how
teachers carry out teaching activities. Studies have found that EFL teachers’ teaching
behavior can influence students’ English learning motivation largely affected by factors
such as the medium of instruction and teaching activities (Zhang & Zhang, 2020).
This chapter briefly presents the different method and procedures use in the
study. It comprises the research design, the locale of the study, the instruments use and
Research Method
The researchers will use the quantitative descriptive research method. The
quantitative research methodology was used in this study to measure the level of
student satisfaction in terms of the education quality aspect to obtain results that can be
used by higher education institutions. The quantitative method allows for the
has a limited set of answers, the results can be compared and analyzed statistically, they
also can be generalized to a larger population within known limits of error (Johnson &
This study will be conducted at Baler Central School (BCS). Baler central School
respondents and the primary source of data and information in the study. The
4 51 35
5 59 42
6 59 42
Based on the table, there are 169 students were enrolled during the academic
year 2023-2024 at Baler Central School. After applying the Slovin’s formula, the final
This section will discuss the instrument that will be used in gathering the needed
data in this study. Before the actual gathering of data, the researchers write a letter
asking permission from the Dean of School of Education. Afterward, the researchers also
asked permission from the School Principal of Baler Central School to conduct the study.
The researchers adopted the questionnaires from the study of León et al., (2021) and
Hyun et al., (2017). For the validation of the questionnaires, the researchers presented
the questionnaires to the committee for validation and approval. And after the letter of
request for permission, the researchers will manually administer the adopted
1 - Disagree.
questionnaires to obtain the needed for the study. The retrieval and collection of
responses were done automatically after they finish answering the questionnaires
personally and after the data has been gather, the researchers encode and analyze it.
Research Instrument
The researchers will use a survey questionnaire to gather the needed information
for the study. In constructing the questionnaire for this study, the researchers adopted
The questionnaire consists of two parts. The first part of the questionnaire
consisted of a checklist that included the possible Motivation Activities used by the
teacher and the second part is how may the level of satisfaction using Motivation
Data Analysis
Data analysis can be defined as the process of analyzing data that is number-
based or data that can easily be converted into numbers. It is based on describing and
interpreting objects statistically and with numbers as it aims to interpret the data
collected through numeric variables and statistics. Quantitative data analysis methods
typically work with algorithms, mathematical analysis tools, and software to gain insights
from the data, answering questions such as how many, how often, and how much. Data
for quantitative data analysis is usually gotten from avenues like surveys, questionnaires,
polls, etc. data can also come from sales figures, email click-through rates, number of
Obtained weighted means from the respondents are interpreted using the following
intervals and verbal interpretations. To illustrate the mean and standard deviation of the
level of satisfaction of motivation activities used by the teacher, the highest mean rating
is 3.00 with the verbal interpretation of “Agree”. While the lowest mean rating is 1.66
Likert Scale
We. the 3rd year BEED students from ASCOT School of Education are
currently conducting our research. With this, we ask for your time and
cooperation in answering the questions that would greatly help with our data
gathering. Rest assured that your responses will be treated with utmost
confidentiality. Thank you and God bless.
The Researchers
Direction: Please put a check (/) on the statements that you think applies to you.
Balagtasan ( ) Role-playing ( )
Puzzles ( ) Singing ( )
Lecture discussion ( )
No. Statements 3 2 1
1. I have enjoyed the playful nature of the activity.
2. I would love repeating these types of activities.
3. I felt motivated in doing the activities.
4. My knowledge improved a lot because of the activity we do.
5. My interest in the subject has increased.
6. I noticed that the activity format has been appropriate in checking
my knowledge of the subject.
7. I can identify my weaknesses of the subject with the help of the
8. I can easily understand the content of the subject because of the
9. I learned more than in traditional classes with this kind of activity.
10. I feel like I was able to connect with my teammates to learn.
11. I learned from my classmates during the activity.
12. I have found the game elements fun.
13. I felt motivated to carry out the proposed activity.
14. I become aware of what was happening around me while we are
15. I felt capable carrying out the proposed activities.
16. I found the activities comforting and valuable.
17. I develop my professional skills and can be transferred to the real
world because of the activity.
18. I learned to define issues or challenges and identify possible
solutions with the help of the activity.
19. My understanding of a specific field of study deepens because of
the activity we do.
20. I have learned to facilitates multiple types of learning activities.
21. I have gained confidence in working in small groups during the
22. I have promoted my knowledge during discussions.
23. I actively participate during the activity with my classmates.
24. I have made a good connection with my classmates through these