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Water budgeting:

Allocation of the water receipt including anticipated within the crop period and its
detailed account of expenditure for efficient and profitable farm management is called as
water budgeting.
Water budgeting may be for an irrigation system planned by irrigation engineers;
may be for a canal or for an area (block) or may be for a farm according to the need and
plan by responsible persons who plan the irrigation efficiency.

Importance of water budgeting:

• Efficient utilization of available recourse (water) for bringing more area under
• To increase the productivity of a region / farm.
• To increase cropping intensity of a region / farm
• To tide over some dry-spells
• To reduce excess irrigation and losses caused thereby
• To avoid run off losses
Irrigation scheduling
Irrigation scheduling is defined as frequency with which water is to be applied
based on needs of the crop and nature of the soil.
Irrigation scheduling is nothing but number of irrigations and their frequency
required to meet the crop water requirement.

Irrigation scheduling may be defined as scientific management techniques of

allocating irrigation water based on the individual crop water requirement (ETc) under
different soil and climatic condition, with an aim to achieve maximum crop production
per unit of water applied over a unit area in unit time.

Based on the above definition, the concept made is.

“If we provide irrigation facility the agricultural production and productivity will
go up automatically”
Irrigation scheduling is a decision making process repeated many times in each
year involving when to irrigate and how much of water to apply? Both criteria influence
the quantity and quality of the crop. It indicates how much of irrigation water to be used
and how often it has to be given.

Effect of application of right amount and excess amount of water

Excess irrigation is harmful because

a) It wastes water below root zone
b) It results in loss of fertilizer nutrients
c) It causes water stagnation and salinity
d) It causes poor aeration
e) Ultimately it damages the crops
However, Irrigation scheduling has its own meaning and importance according to
the nature of the work.

For irrigation Engineers

Irrigation scheduling is important to cover more area with available quantity of

water or to satisfy the whole command from head to tail reach in the canal or river

For soil scientists

It is important that the field should not be over irrigated or under irrigated as both
will spoil the chemical and physical equilibrium of the soil.

For Agronomists

It is very much important to get higher yield per unit quantity of water in normal
situations and to protect the crop to get as much as possible yield under drought situation
by means on supplying water in optimum ratio and minimizing all field losses.

Importance of irrigation scheduling

How much and how often water has to be given depends on the irrigation
requirement of the crop.
Irrigation requirement (IR) = Crop water requirement (CWR) – Effective rainfall (ERF)
It can be expressed either in mm/day/ or mm/month
If the crop water requirement of a particular crop is 6 mm per day, it means every
day we have to give 6 mm of water to the crop. Practically it is not possible since it is
time consuming and laborious. Hence, it is necessary to schedule the water supply by
means of some time intervals and quantity. For example the water requirement of 6 mm/
day can be scheduled as 24 mm/for every 4 days or 30 mm/for every 5 days or 36 mm/for
every 6 days depending upon the soil type and climatic conditions prevailing in that
particular place. While doing so we must be very cautions that the interval should not
allow the crop to suffer for want of water.

Practical considerations in irrigation scheduling

Before scheduling irrigation in a farm or field or a command, the following

criteria should be taken care for efficient scheduling

1. Crop factors
a) Sensitiveness to water shortage
b) Critical stages of the crop
c) Rooting depth
d) Economic value of the crop

2. Water delivery system

a) Canal irrigation or tank irrigation (It is a public distribution system where
scheduling is arranged based on the decision made by public based on the
resource availability).
b) Well irrigation (individual decision is final)

3. Types of soil
a) Sandy – needs short frequency of irrigation and less quantity of water
b) Clay – needs long frequency of irrigation and more quantity of water
4. Salinity hazard
To maintain favorable salt balance, excess water application may be required
rather than ET requirement of the crop to leach the excess salt through deep percolation

5. Irrigation methods
a) Basin method allows more infiltration through more wetting surface which in turn
needs more water and long interval in irrigation frequency
b) Furrow method allows less infiltration due to less wetting surface which needs
less water and short interval in irrigation frequency.
c) Sprinkler method needs less water and more frequency
d) Drip method needs less water and more frequency

6. Irrigation interval
The extension of irrigation interval does not always save water. The interval has
to be optimized based on the agroclimatic situation.

7. Minimum spreadable depth

We cannot reduce the depth based on the water requirement of the crop alone.
The depth should be fixed based on the soil type, rooting nature of the crop and irrigation
method followed. The minimum depth should be so as to achieve uniformity of
application and to get uniform distribution over the entire field.

Theoretical approaches of irrigation scheduling

I Direct approach
a) Depth interval and yield approach
b) Soil moisture deficit and optimum moisture regime approach
c) Sensitive crop approach
d) Plant observation method

II Indirect or predictive approach

a) Critical stage or Phenological stage approach
b) Meteorological or climatological approach

III Mathematical approach

a) Estimation method approach
b) Simple calculation method

IV system as a whole approach

a) Rotational water supply schedule

I. Direct approach

A) Depth interval and yield approach

In this method, different depths of irrigation water at different time intervals fixed
arbitrarily are tried without considering the soil and weather characters.
The irrigation treatment which gives the maximum yield with minimum depth and
extended interval is chosen as the best irrigation schedule. Earlier workers have adopted
this practice to work out the duty of water for different crops in many irrigation projects.
It is the rough irrigation schedule. Hence may irrigation projects which have adopted this
practice have failed to achieve the full efficiency?

 Rainfall is not taken into account
 Ground water contribution is not taken into account
 Soil parameters are not taken for calculating irrigation requirement and hence this
approach is not in use.

B) Soil moisture deficit and optimum moisture regime approach

This approach considers soil moisture content in the root zone of the crop for
fixing the schedule. When the soil moisture reaches a pre fixed value, may be 40% of
Available Soil Moisture (ASM) or 50% ASM or 60% ASM, irrigation is given. The
degree of depletion is measured through percentage of availability by using gravimetric,
tensiometer, resistance block, neutron probe, etc.,
• Soil moisture alone is taken into account
• Hence it cannot be taken for all type of soil in particular region
• It varies from soil to soil

C) Sensitive crop approach

The crops which are grown for their fresh leaves or fruits are more sensitive to
water shortage than the crops which are grown for their dry seeds or fruits. Based on
their sensitivity the crops can be indexed as below.
Low Low to Medium Medium to high High
Cassava Alfalfa Beans Banana
Millets Cotton Citrus Cabbage
Redgram Maize Soybean Fresh Green
Groundnut Wheat Vegetables

D) Plant observation method

Normally in field condition farmers use to adopt this practice for scheduling
irrigation. The day to day changes in plant physical character like colour of the plant,
erect nature of plant leaves, wilting symptoms, etc., are closely and carefully observed on
the whole and not for individual plant and then time of irrigation is fixed according to the
crop symptoms. It needs more skill and experience about the crop as well as local
circumstances like field condition, the rainy days of that tract etc.,

• No accuracy in finding the crop water need
• Sometimes sensitive symptoms are evident only after reaching almost the wilting
point. So yield loss will occur.
i) Indicator plant technique
As we have seen already some crops like sunflower, tomato are highly sensitive to
water stress which will show stress symptom earlier than other stress tolerating crops.
Hence, to know the stress symptoms earlier such sensitive crops are planted in random in
the field and based on the stress symptoms noticed in such plants, scheduling of irrigation
can be made. This technique is called indicator plant technique.
ii) Micro plot technique or indicator plot technique
In this method a one cubic foot micro plot is made of with coarse textured soil to
have more infiltration less water holding capacity and more evaporation than the actual
main field. Normally the field soil is mixed with sand in 1:2 ratio and filled in the micro
plots made in the field. The seed of the same crop and variety is grown in micro plot
with all similar cultural practices as that of the main crop. The crops in micro plot show
early stress symptoms than that of main field. Based on this scheduling of irrigation can
be made.

II Predictive approach of indirect approach

A) Critical stage or phonological stage approach
The growth period of an annual crop can be divided into four growth stages
Initial stage : from sowing to 10% ground cover
Crop development stage : 10 to 70% ground cover
Mid season stage : flowering to grain setting stage
Late season stage : ripening and harvesting stage

B) Meteorological approach
The basic principles employed with this approach are estimation of daily potential
evapo-transpiration rates. Hence it requires knowledge on
a) Short term evapo-transpiration rates at various stages of plant development
b) Soil water retention characteristics
c) Permissible soil water deficit in respect to evaporative demand
d) Effective rooting depth of the crop grown
The irrigation scheduling is based on the cumulative pan evaporation and
irrigation depth.
Irrigation at ratio of irrigation water (IW) and cumulative pan evaporation (CPE).

IW /CPE = depth of water to be irrigated

Cumulative pan evaporation for particular period
For example, for ten days cumulative pan evaporation at the rate of 10 mm per
day equal to 100 mm (CPE). Irrigation depth to be given is 50 mm. Therefore IW/CPE
ratio is
50 mm (depth)
IW/CPE ------------------ = 0.5
100 mm (CPE)

Like this many ratio have to be tried and find the best yield performing rabi which
can be adopted for scheduling irrigation.
The irrigation depth (IW) for different crops are fixed based on the soil and
climatic condition. The ratio of IW / CPE which gives relatively best yield is fixed for
each crop by experiment with different rations.
The irrigation depth (IW) divided by the ratio (R) will give the cumulative pan
evaporation value at which irrigation is to be made.
For example the irrigation depth (IW) needed is 50 mm and the ratio (R) to be
tried is 0.5.
Therefore the cumulative pan evaporation value needed to irrigated the field is
IW / R 50 / 0.5 = 100 mm
If the 100 mm of CPE is attained in 10 days (pan evaporation @ 10 mm per day),
once in 10 days irrigation is to be given.

Gives best correlation compared to other formulae where climatic parameters and
soil parameters (depth) are considered.
This approach is subject to marked influence by the selecting pan site.
For example
USWB class A open pan evaporimeter reading from June to December amounted to
130 cm when pan is sited on grass field, 150 cm when pan is sited on dry land with fetch
of grass, 176 cm when pan is sited on dry land without fetch of grass

Pan readings generally over estimated ET during early stage and maturity stage

III Mathematical approach

A) Estimation method approach

It is nothing but scientific prediction mainly based on he climate and soil type.
Calculated crop water need and estimated root depth are taken into account in this.
a. Soil type
Soil type are classified as follows
Sandy / shallow - Low depth of water and more frequency
Loamy soil - Moderate depth water and less frequency
Clay soil - More depth of water and less frequency

b. Climate
Climates are classified based on reference ET as follows:
Reference ET
4 – 5 mm/day – Low
6 – 7 mm/day – Medium
8 – 9 mm/day – High
Reference ET (mm/day) for different climatic zones
Mean daily temp
Climatic zone 150C Low 15 – 250C Medium > 250C High
Desert/arid 4-6 7-8 9-10
Semiarid 4-5 6-7 8-9
Sub humid 3-4 5-6 7-8
Humid 1-2 3-4 5-6

The above table is based on the crop water needs during peak period. It is also
assumed that there is no rainfall or little occurs during the growing season. Based on this
method estimated irrigation schedule is given below for major field crops.

Estimated irrigation schedule for major field crops in peak periods

Intervals in days
Sandy Loamy Clay
Climate 1 2 3* Depth 1 2 3* Depth 1 2 3* Depth
Banana 5 3 2 25 7 5 4 40 10 7 5 55
Cotton 9 6 5 40 11 8 6 55 14 10 7 70
Sorghum 8 6 4 40 11 8 6 55 14 10 7 70
G.nut 6 4 3 25 7 5 4 35 11 8 6 50
Maize 8 6 4 40 11 8 6 55 14 10 7 70
Peas 6 4 3 30 8 6 4 40 10 7 5 50
Soybean 8 6 4 40 11 8 6 55 14 10 7 70
Sugarcane 8 6 4 40 10 7 5 55 13 9 7 70
Sunflower 8 6 4 40 11 8 6 55 14 10 7 70
Wheat 8 6 4 40 11 8 6 55 14 10 7 70
Tomato 6 4 3 30 8 6 4 40 10 7 5 50
1* - Low temperature of 150C 2* - medium temperature of
3*- high temperature of >250C

Adjustment in this method for Non peak periods

a) In early growth stages

The irrigation could be adjusted with little water and same frequency. But same
water and less frequency are not advisable.
b) In late growth stage

Less frequency with same amount of water is advisable in this period.

c) In rainy days
The table schedule is to be adjusted when there is contribution from rainfall
during crop growth period. This can be adjusted by giving longer interval (high
frequency) with little water.
d) For irrigation practice and soil characteristics
For example, if a maize crop is grown on a clayey soil in a moderately warm
climate, according to the table the intervals is 10 days and the depth is 70 mm per
application. But based on the irrigation method practiced and soil type, the soil is unable
to hold 70mm of water per application. The soil could hold only 50 mm/application. In
this situation instead of giving 70 mm for every 10 days, it is possible to give 63 mm for
every 9 days or 56 mm for every 8 days or 49 mm for every 7 days or 42 mm for every 6
days. The 49 mm for every 7 days is the approximate interval for local situation. Hence
this method of intervals for irrigation can be adopted.
B) Simple Calculation Method
It is based on the estimated depth of irrigation application and calculated
irrigation need of the crop over growing season. Hence the influence of climate
especially temperature and rainfall is taken for consideration. Hence, it is more accurate
than that of the estimated method.
It involves four steps
a) Estimate the net and gross irrigation depth (d) in mm.
b) Calculate the irrigation water need (mm) over total growing season
c) Calculate the number of irrigation over total growing season
d) Calculate the irrigation interval
Estimation net and gross irrigation
The net irrigation depth is calculated based on the irrigation depth. This may vary
with local irrigation method and practice and soil type. If local data are not available the
table given below can be used which will be approximate for most of the field crops. The
root depth can be measured locally and adjusted.
Approximate net irrigation depth (mm)
Rooting depth
Soil type Shallow Medium Deep
Sandy 15 30 40
Loamy 20 40 60
Clay 30 50 70
Root depth of different field crops are Given below
Shallow 30 – 60 cm
Rice, rabi, onion, potato, pineapple, cabbage.
Medium 50 – 100 cm
Banana, bean, coconut, groundnut, peas, soybean, sunflower, tobacco, tomato,
cumbu, pulses
Deep 90-150 cm
Citrus, grapes, wheat, cotton, maize, wheat, sorghum, soybean
We know very well that all the water applied in the field cannot be used by the
plants. There is some water loss through deep percolation, run off etc., To include this
unavoidable water loss the field application efficiency (eaf) can be used. The gross
irrigation depth includes the water loss through deep percolation and run off.

100 x net irrigation depth

Gross irrigation (d) = --------------------------------
Field application efficiency

100 x n.d (cm)

= ------------------
eaf (%)
If reliable data for field application efficiency are not available the efficiency rate
given below can be used which are more approximate.
For surface method = 60%
Sprinkler method = 75%
Drip method = 90%
According to the table, the depth is 40 mm for tomato grown on a loamy soil. If
furrow irrigation is used, field application efficiency is 60% and therefore gross irrigation
depth is
100 x 40
Gross irrigation depth d = -------------- = 67 mm
b) Calculation of irrigation water need for total growing season

Tomato crop is planted in February 7th and harvested in June 30th

Water needs mm/month

February March April May June Total

67 110 166 195 180 718

The water need is calculated based of ET value of the crop during that period

c) Calculate the number of irrigation over total growing period

Total water need

Number of irrigation = ---------------------
= ----- = 18

Duration (days)
d). Irrigation interval = ----------------------------
Number of irrigation

= ----- = 7.94 = 8.0


Irrigation schedule for tomato

Net d = 40 mm
Gross d = 65 mm
Interval = 8 days

Water requirement for peak season

April May June Total
166 195 180 541

Depth (d) = 40 mm
WR = 541
Number of irrigation = -------------
d = 40
= 13.5 approximately 14 irrigations
Duration 91 days
Irrigation interval = ----------------------- = --------- = 6.5 days = 7.0
No. of irrigation 14
Water requirement for early growth period
February March Total
67 110 117
No. of irrigation = ----
= 4.4
Approximately = 4 irrigation

Irrigation interval = ---- = 13 days interval
This interval is too long and the rooting depth is also very shallow during this
period. Hence adjustment can be made by reducing the irrigation depth as follows

i.e., instead of 40 mm depth 30 mm depth can be tried

177 52 days
------ = 5.9 = 6 = ----------- = 8.67 = 9.0
30 6
9 days is irrigation interval can be adopted.

IV. System as a whole approach

A) Rotational water supply

R.W.S is one of the techniques in irrigation water distribution management. It

aims at equi-distribution of irrigation water irrespective of location of the land in the
command area by enforcing irrigation time schedules.
Each 10 ha block is divided into 3 to 4 sub units (irrigation groups) According to
the availability of irrigation water, stabilized field channels and group-wise irrigation
requirement, time schedules are evolved. The irrigation will be done strictly in
accordance with the group-wise time schedules by the block committees. Within the
group, the time is to be shared by the farmers themselves.

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