Colegio de San Francisco Javier: Pre-Service Teacher's Actual Teaching Checklist
Colegio de San Francisco Javier: Pre-Service Teacher's Actual Teaching Checklist
Colegio de San Francisco Javier: Pre-Service Teacher's Actual Teaching Checklist
Directions: Below are the criteria by which teachers will be evaluated. Write your numerical rating corresponding to the
observation on the blanks opposite the criteria.
A. The teacher is neat and well-groomed. _______
B. The teacher is free from mannerisms that tend to disturb the student’s attention. _______
C. The teacher’s personality is strong enough to command respect and attention. _______
D. The teacher shows dynamism and enthusiasm. _______
E. The teacher has well modulated voice. _______
A. The teacher demonstrates in depth knowledge of the subject matter. _______
B. He/She is able to relate lessons to actual life situations. _______
C. Keeps abreast o new understanding in the field. _______
D. Gives sufficient and concrete examples to create meaningful learning experiences. _______
A. Method/s used was/were suited to the needs and capabilities of the learners. _______
B. The teacher was creative enough to adapt his/her methods to the learners’ capabilities _______
C. Visual aids and other examples were used to illustrate the lesson. _______
D. The teacher made effective use of the formative test after teaching. _______
A. The teacher had a systematic way of checking:
1. Attendance _______
2. Assignment/Homework/Agreement _______
3. Practice exercises _______
4. Group work/projects _______
5. Passing in and out of the room _______
6. Correcting, distributing, and collecting paper _______
B. Order and discipline were present in the classroom _______
C. Visual aids were within easy reach of the teacher during his/her teaching _______