List of Naval Aviation Drones

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List of Naval Aviation Drones

and Missiles
Pilotless Aircraft/Drones/Targets/Remotely Piloted Vehicles
New and Old
Model Designation Manufacturer Popular Name Description

—— Bristol Siddeley Corp/LTV Jindivik Guided missile target drone

—— —— Glimps ASW pilotless plane, released from blimps,never used
AQM-34B/KDA-1 Ryan Firebee Subsonic target drone
AQM-34C/KDA-4 Ryan Firebee Subsonic target drone
AQM-37A/KD2B-1 Beech Challenger Air-launched supersonic target missile
AQM-37C Beech Jayhawk Supersonic missile target
AQM-38B/RP-78 Northrop Ventura —— Army contract, missile target
AQM-127 LTV Corp. SLAT Supersonic low-altitude target
AQM-81B Teledyne Ryan Firebolt A Navy modified AQM-81A target missile
BQM-6C/KDU-1 Chance Vought —— BuAer managed, target drone version of Regulus I
BQM-34E/KDA series Ryan Firebee II Navy version of BQM-34A, supersonic target drone
BQM-34S Ryan Firebee II Upgraded BQM-34E with integrated target control
BQM-34T Ryan Firebee II BQM-34E modified with transponder set and autopilot
BQM-74C Northrop Chukar III Recoverable, remotely controlled, gunnery target
BQM-74E Northrop —— Subscale, subsonic aerial target drone
BQM-126A Beech —— Variable speed target missile
BQM-145A Teledyne Ryan Peregrine Reconnaissance drone
BQM-147A RPV Industries —— Remotely/automatically piloted vehicle
CQM-10A NAVAIR BOMARC Converted Air Force weapon system to missile target
DSN/QH-50C Gyrodyne DASH Remotely controlled ASW helicopter
F.B./N-9 —— Flying Bomb N-9 configured as a Flying Bomb
F.B. Sperry-Curtiss Flying Bomb
F.B. Witteman-Lewis Flying Bomb
KAQ Fairchild Engine & A/c Co. —— Pilotless aircraft
KAY Consolidated Vultee A/c Co. —— Ship-to-air pilotless aircraft
KDA-1(BQM-34 series) Ryan Firebee I Target aircraft
KDB (see MQM-39A) Beech ——
KDC-1 Curtiss-Wright Corp. —— Mid-wing monoplane target, not procured
KDD-1 (see KDH-1) McDonnell Katydid
KDG-1 Globe Snipe Mid-wing monoplane for gunnery practice
KDG-2 Globe Snipe Similar to KDG-1 except for 24 volt system
KDH-1/TD2D-1/KDD-1 McDonnell Katydid Remotely controlled aerial target
KDM-1 Martin Plover High wing air launched, development of PTV-N-2
KDR-1/TD4D-1 Radioplane Quail Similar to TD3D-1, Army model OQ-17
KDR-2 Radioplane Quail Similar to KDR-1 except structural changes
KDT-1 Temco —— Solid propellant rocket-powered drone
KDU-1 —— —— Target drone for guided missile evaluation firings
KD2C-1 Curtiss-Wright Corp. Skeet Pilotless aircraft target drone
KD2G-1 Globe Firefly Mid-wing, all metal, twin tail, monoplane target
KD2G-2 Globe Firefly Similar to KD2G-1
KD2N-1 NAMU —— High mid-wing monoplane, canard design
KD2R-1 Radioplane Quail Wooden wings, metal monocoque fuselage target drone


Pilotless Aircraft/Drones/Targets/Remotely Piloted Vehicles—Continued

New and Old
Model Designation Manufacturer Popular Name Description
KD2R-2 Radioplane Quail Similar to KD2R-1 except 28 volt radio & stabilized
KD2R-2E Radioplane Quail KD2R-2 modified system for test at NAMTC
KD2R-3 Radioplane Quail Similar XKD2R-4 except engine & C-2A stabilization
KD2U Chance Vought Corp. —— Conversion Regulus II to supersonic drones
KD3G-1 Globe Snipe Same as KDG-1 except for engine
KD3G-2 Globe Snipe Same as KD3G-1 with radio control receiver 28 volt
KD4G-1 Globe Quail High all metal wing gunnery trainer
KD4G-2 Globe Quail Similar to KD4G-1 except engine and higher speed
KD4R-1 Radioplane —— Rocket propelled target drone
KD5G-1 Globe —— High wing and twin tail aircraft target
KGN/KUN NAMU —— High wing monoplane, canard design target drone
KGW/KUW —— —— Pilotless aircraft
KSD/KUD —— —— Pilotless aircraft
KU2N-1/KA2N-1 NAMU —— High midwing monoplane, canard design, liquid rocket
KU3N-1/KA3N-1 NAMU —— High midwing monoplane, conventional, liquid rocket
KU3N-2/KA3N-2 NAMU —— Similar to KU3N-1
KUD-1/LBD-1/KSD-1/BQM-6C McDonnell Regulus I BuAer managed, target drone version of Regulus I
KUM Glenn Martin Company —— Pilotless aircraft for testing ram jet power plant
KUN-1/KGN-1 NAMU —— High wing monoplane, canard design target drone
LBE-1 Gould/Pratt-Read & Co. Glomb Expendable bomb-carrying guided assult glider
LBP Pratt-Read & Co. Glomb Was scheduled for development.
LBT-1 Taylorcraft Glomb Expendable bomb-carrying guided glider
LNS-1 Schweizer Glomb Glider test vehicle for Glomb
LNT-1 Naval Aircraft Factory Glomb Assault glider television controlled
LRN-1 Naval Aircraft Factory Glomb Large explosive carrying glider
LRW-1 —— Glomb Test vehicle for Glomb
MQM-8 Bendix Aerospace Vandal/Vandel ER Reconfigured Talos for simulating cruise missile
MQM-15A/KD2U-1 Chance Vought Regulus II BuAer program, conversion Regulus II to target drone
MQM-36A/KD2R-5 Northrop Ventura —— Small propeller driver target drone
MQM-39A/KDB-1 Beech ——
MQM-61A Beech ——
MQM-74C Northrop Chukar II Turbojet, remotely controlled drone, target training
RP-78 Northrop Ventura —— Army contract, missile target
RPV AAI Corp. Pioneer Remotely Piloted Vehicle with television camera
TD2C-1 Culver Turkey Target drone for aircraft and anti-gunnery training
TD2D-1/XTD2D-1 McDonnell —— Remotely controlled aerial target, RESO-JET powered
TD2N-2/TD3N-1 NAF/NAMU —— Target aircraft
TD2R Interstate —— Assault drone, program dropped
TD3C-1 Culver —— Target drone for aircraft and anti-aircraft training
TD3D-1 Frankfort Sailplane Co. —— Target drone, similar to TDD-3, Army model OQ-16
TD3N-1 NAF —— Target aircraft
TD3R-1 Interstate —— Torpedo carrying remote-controlled assault drone
TD4D-1 Radioplane —— Target drone, Army model OQ-17
TDC-2 Culver Air —— Target drone
TDD-1/2/3 Radioplane/Globe Denny Remotely controlled aerial target, gunnery practice
TDD-4 Radioplane/Globe Denny Same as TDD-3 except for engine
TDN Naval Aircraft Factory —— World War II assault drone
TDR Interstate —— World War II assault drone
XBDR-1 Interstate —— WW-II jet powered, television directed assault drone
XBQ-3 Fairchild Corp. —— Assault Drone, Army Air Corps controllable bomb
XKD3C-1 Curtiss —— Similar to KD2C-2 with engine change, no rudder
XKD6G-1 Globe —— Similar to KD2G-2, except for engine, new fuselage

Pilotless Aircraft/Drones/Targets/Remotely Piloted Vehicles—Continued

New and Old
Model Designation Manufacturer Popular Name Description

XKD6G-2 Globe —— Similar to KD6G-1, except for engine

XQM-40A/KD6G-2 Globe Corp.
XUC-1K Culver —— XUC-1 aircraft converted to target drone
YAQM-128A TBD —— Air launched, supersonic subscale aerial target
YBQM-126A TBD/Beechcraft —— Supersonic subscale target
ZBQM-90A TBD —— High altitude, supersonic aerial target

Note: The above list does not include aircraft modified for use as drones or towed targets.

Aircraft Configured as Drones/Flying Bombs,

Early Period to 1945
Aircraft Designation Comments

BG-1 Pre-WW-II aircraft configured as radio controlled drone

F4B Configured as a drone.
F4U Configured as a drone.
F6F Configured as a drone.
JH-1 Modified aircraft, Stearman Hammond
N-9 F.B. Experiments to make a flying bomb out of an N-9 training plane, 1917.
N2C 1937, first successful pilotless aircraft flight
NT Modified training plane, New Standard Aircraft Corp.
O2U Configured as a drone.
O3U Configured as a drone.
PB4Y Project Anvil, radio & television controlled PB4Y loaded with torpex, flown out of England against a German
target, one attack flown with limited success.
PBJ Configured as a drone.
SB2C Configured as a drone.
SBD Configured as a drone.
SBU Configured as a drone.
SF-1 Configured as a drone.
SNB Configured as a drone.
SNV Configured as a drone.
SO3C Matson Navigation Company converted the SO3C planes into target drones.
Sperry-Curtiss F.B. Flying Bomb developed from a Curtiss Company Speed Scout plane, WW-I.
TBM Configured as a drone.
TG-2 NAF converted a TG-2 plane into a radio controlled plane capable of carrying a torpedo and conducted
experiments by VU-3.
VE-7H 1924 experiment with radio controlled VE-7
Witteman-Lewis F.B. BuOrd contract with company to design a flying bomb more successful than Sperry-Curtiss F.B., airframe
similar to Speed Scout, tests conducted 1919-1921.

Air-to-Ground/Air-to-Surface Missiles
New and Old
Model Designation Manufacturer Popular Name Description

30.5 inch Rocket NOTS/NWC China Lake BOAR Bombardment Aircraft Rocket, a stand-off weapon
5 inch Rocket —— HVAR/Holy Moses Five inch aircraft rocket, developed during WW-II,
numerous Mks and Mods for this series.
2.75 inch Rocket NOTS/NWC China Lake Mighty Mouse/FFAR 2.75 inch folding-fin aircraft rocket, numerous Mks
and Mods for this series.
—— BuOrd/BuAer/Zenith/G.E. Pelican/Dryden Bomb Glide bomb, terminated late 1944
XSUM-N-2 Bureau of Standards Grebe/Kingfisher E Member of the Kingfisher missile projects
AGM-109C General Dynamics MRASM A medium range missile, never completed develop-
AGM-109L General Dynamics Tomahawk Medium-range, air-launched, land/sea attack missile
AGM-114B Rockwell Hellfire Missile for helicopters, with various capabilities
AGM-114E USAMICOM Hellfire AGM-114B modified with digital autopilot
AGM-119B NORSK/FORSVARSTEKNOLOG Penguin Mk-2 AGM-119A, with modified warhead, fuze, rocket motor
AGM-122 NWC China Lake/Motorola Sidearm Sidewinder anti-radiation missile, built from AIM-9C
and designed to attack radar directed air defense
system, variations of AGM-122 developed.
AGM-123A Naval Weapons Center Skipper Modified laser guided bomb, with Shrike rocket motor
AGM-12A/ASM-N-7 Martin/Maxson Bullpup Tactical air-to-surface short range radio controlled
AGM-12B/ASM-N-7A Martin/Maxson Bullpup Upgraded AGM-12A, radio-link command guidance
AGM-12C/ASM-N-7B Martin Bullpup Upgraded AGM-12B
AGM-136A Northrop Corp. Tacit Rainbow ARM Anti-radiation missile, long range, terminated.
AGM-45A/ASM-N-10 Texas Instruments/ Shrike Tactical missile used to destroy radar targets,
Sperry-Farragut developed by NOTS
AGM-45B Texas Instruments/ Shrike Upgraded AGM-45A
AGM-53A/ASM-N-11 North American/Rockwell/NWC Condor Long range, electro-optical guided missile, cancelled.
AGM-53B North American/Rockwell/NWC Condor Upgraded AGM-53A with EMI capability, not completed.
AGM-65E/F/G Hughes Maverick Navy version of AGM-65, TV-guided, laser guided or
IR guidance, tactical missile.
AGM-78A/B/C/D General Dynamics Standard ARM Tactical, anti-radiation missile, upgrades listed.
AGM-83A NWC Bulldog Used parts of AGM-12A, laser guided
AGM-84E SLAM McDonnell Douglas Harpoon/SLAM A standoff land attack missile variant of Harpoon
AGM-84A/C/D McDonnell Douglas Harpoon Air-to-surface missile designed to destroy ships,
upgrades listed.
AGM-86B —— ALCM Air launched cruise missile, see AGM-109L Tomahawk
AGM-87A Naval Wpns Ctr/G.E. FOCUS I/FOCUS II Sidewinder AIM-9B modified for air-to-surface use.
AGM-88A/B/C Naval Weapons Center/ HARM Anti-radiation missile used against surface radar,
Texas Instruments/Ford Aero upgrades listed.
AQM-41A/AUM-N-2 Fairchild Petrel/Kingfisher C Air-to-underwater/surface tactical guided missile
ASM-2/ASM-N-2 Nat’l Bureau of Standards Bat-0 Glider operational missile
ASM-N-2A Nat’l Bureau of Standards Bat-1 Similar to ASM-N-2
XASM-N-4/XASM-4 Eastman/BuOrd Dove Stand-off delivery missile, never operational
XASM-N-5 NADC Gorgon V Glide offensive missile
XASM-N-8/XASM-8/XM-17 Temco Aircraft Corp. Corvus Air to surface attack missile, never operational
XAUM-2 Bureau of Standards Petrel/Kingfisher C
XAUM-N-4/XAUM-4 Bureau of Standards Diver/Kingfisher D
XAUM-N-6/XAUM-6 Bureau of Standards Puffin/Kingfisher F
YAGM-114B Rockwell Hellfire Navy version of AGM-114A, anti-armor missile
Note: The above list does not include training missiles, i.e. ATMs, CATMs, or DATMs.

Surface-to-Surface/Surface-to-Ship Missiles and

Special Category Rockets
New and Old
Model Designation Manufacturer Popular Name Description

—— —— Albatross Ship-to-ship missile

—— Consolidated-Vultee Old Rippy Automatic FM homing, pulse-jet, ship-to-ship
—— BuAer/BuOrd/NBS/NAOTS Regal Experimental program, air launched Regulus
—— Aerojet-General Corp. Aerobee-Hi Similar to Aerobee, a vertical sounding rocket
—— Applied Physics Lab Triton Program cancelled in 1957
RGM-15A/SSM-N-9 Chance Vought/LTV Aerospace Regulus II Surface-to-surface missile developed by BuAer
RGM-6A/SSM-8/SSM-N-8 Chance Vought Regulus I BuAer managed program
RGM-6B/SSM-N-8A Chance Vought Regulus I BuAer managed program
RIM-7 BuWps/Raytheon Seaspar/Sea Sparrow Sparrow III used in a surface-to-surface or SAM mode
RTV-N-15 NADC Pollux Also known as Gorgon IIC, see CTV-N-2, test vehicle
RTV-N-8/RTV-8/XASR-1 BuOrd/Douglas Aircraft Co. Aerobee A liquid fueled rocket for upper atomosphere research
XSSM-N-6/XSSM-6/PA-VII Grumman Rigel Missile fired from surface ship against land targets
XSSM-N-9 Applied Physics Lab Lacrosse
Note: Surface-to-surface missiles designed primarily for ship-based operations, such as the Taurus, Talos, Tartar, Terrier, and Standard Missile have not been included in
the above list.

Surface-to-Air and Special Launch Test Missiles or Rockets

New and Old
Model Designation Manufacturer Popular Name Description

—— —— Arrow Shell See Zeus (XSAM-N-8)

—— NAMU Gorgon IIIB Conventional airframe with turbo jet, eliminated.
—— NADS Gorgon IIB High mid-wing monoplane, canard design, turbo jet
CTV-8/RTV-6/XPM Navy/Applied Physics Lab Bumblebee Program led to development of Tartar, Terrier, Talos
and Typhon. The Typhon was cancelled.
CTV-N-10/KAY-1/XSAM-4 Consoliated Vultee Aircraft Lark Ship-to-air, variable incidence wings (test vehicle)
CTV-2/CTV-N-2/KGN-1/KUN-1 NADC Gorgon IIC Monoplane canard design, pulse jet, ship-to-shore
CTV-4/CTV-N-4/KA2N-1 NADC Gorgon IIA Monoplane, canard design with rocket, also KU2N-1
CTV-N-6/KA3N-1/KU3N-1 NADC Gorgon IIIA High mid-wing monoplane, conventional design, rocket
CTV-N-9/KAQ-1/XSAM-2 Fairchild Lark Ship-to-air guided missile, used wing flaps
CTV-N-9a/b/c Fairchild Lark Ship-to-air quided missile, test vehicle
CTV-N-10 Convair Lark Test vehicle
KAN-1 NAMU Little Joe Ship-launched, use against aircraft suicidal attacks
KAN-2 NAMU Little Joe Similar to KAN-1, never operational.
KUD-1/RTV-2 (see RTV-N-2) —— Gargoyle
KUW-1 (see NTV-N-2) USAF procurement Loon Test vehicle
LTV-N-2/LTV-2/KGW-1 Willys-Overland/AAF Loon Similar to German V-1, Launching Test Vehicle
PTV-N-2/PTV-2/KUM-1 Martin Gorgon IV Vehicle for testing subsonic ram jet engine
RTV-N-2/LBD-1/KSD-1 McDonnell Gargoyle Low wing monoplane V-tail, aerial bomb
RTV-N-4/KA3N-2/KU3N-2 NADC Gorgon III-C Similar to CTV-6, dual rockets, conventional design
TD2N/KDN-1 NAMU Gorgon Monoplane, conventional design, turbo jet
TD3N-1/KD2N-1 NADS Gorgon Canard, resojet power plant, similar to Gorgon IIC
XSAM-6 (see XSAM-N-6) —— Bumblebee
XSAM-N-6 Navy/Applied Physics Lab Triton/Bumblebee II Program cancelled

Air-to-Air Missiles
New and Old
Model Designation Manufacturer Popular Name Description

—— NELC/Hughes Aircraft Brazo/Pave ARM Anti-radiation missile

—— —— Lady Bug Short range, adaption of German X-4
AAM-N-3 Douglas Sparrow II Production version of YAAM-N-3
ADM-141A Brunswick Defense Corp. Air launched decoy to create a false radar image
ADM-141B Brunswick Defense Corp. Air launched decoy which despenses chaff
AEM-54A Hughes Phoenix AIM-54A with telemetry evaluation kit
AEM-54B Hughes Phoenix AIM-54A, telemetry equipment, missile flight evals
AIM-120A Hughes AMRAAM Advanced medium-range, beyond visual range combat
AIM-54A/AAM-N-11/AIM-54C Hughes Phoenix Long-range, tactical, air-to-air missile,upgrades listed
AIM-7A/AAM-N-2/KAS-1 Sperry Sparrow I Short range beam-rider missile
AIM-7B/AAM-N-3 Douglas Sparrow II Cancelled.
AIM-7C/AAM-N-6 Raytheon Sparrow III Semi-active radar homing, CW seeker radar homing,
mid range
AIM-7D/E/F/M/AAM-N-6A/B Raytheon Sea Sparrow/Sparrow III Supersonic launch version, upgrades listed
XAIM-95A NWC China Lake Agile Short-range, for aerial combat, cancelled
AIM-9A/AAM-N-7 Philco Sidewinder I
AIM-9B/AAM-N-7 Philco/General Electric Sidewinder 1A IA Supersonic, homing weapon, passive infrared
AIM-9C/AAM-N-7 Motorola Sidewinder 1C-SARAH Semi-active radar guided
AIM-9D/AAM-N-7 Philco/Raytheon Sidewinder 1C-IRAH IR upgraded AIM-9B, infrared homing radar guiding
AIM-9G Raytheon Sidewinder Upgraded AIM-9D
AIM-9H Raytheon (GCG only) Sidewinder Upgraded AIM-9G with solid state guidance control
AIM-9J Philco Sidewinder Upgraded AIM-9E
AIM-9L/M/N/P/S Raytheon Sidewinder Upgrades listed
AIM-9R NWC Sidewinder Cancelled
Note: The above list does not include training versions or electronic monitoring designations, i.e. ATMs, CAEMs, and DATMs.

Experimental or Proto-type Air-to-Air Missiles

RAAM-N-2A Sperry Sparrow I Converted AAM-N-2 Sparrow I, R&D Test Missile
RAAM-N-2B Sperry Sparrow IA Converted AAM-N-2, R&D Test Missile
XAAM-N-10 Bendix Aviation Corp. Eagle/Missileer Long range air-to-air high performance missile
XAAM-N-4/RV-N-16 Martin Oriole Long range antiaircraft, active radar seeker
XAAM-N-5 MIT/BuOrd Meteor
XAIM-54C Hughes Phoenix Experimental AIM-54C with digital technology
YAAM-N-3 Douglas Sparrow II Preproduction version of XAAM-N-3
YAIM-120A Hughes Prototype AIM-120A
YAIM-54C Hughes Phoenix Prototype AIM-54C
YAIM-7F Raytheon Sparrow Improved version of AIM-7E
YAIM-7G Raytheon Sparrow Similar to YAIM-7F, with modifications
ZAIM-9K Raytheon Sidewinder Upgraded AIM-9H

Guided Weapons, Air-to-Ground

2 inch FFAR NOTS Gimlet Air launched rocket development
5 inch FFAR NOTS China Lake Zuni 5 inch aircraft rocket, replaced the HVAR/Holy Moses
AGM-62A NWC/Martin Marietta Walleye I Mk 1 An electro-optical glide weapon, passive homing
—— NWC/Martin Marietta Walleye II Mk 5/Fat Albert Similar to Walleye I, with larger warhead
—— NWC/Martin Marietta Walleye I Mk 22 Similar to Walleye I, with RF data link
—— NWC/Martin Marietta Walleye II Mk 13 Similar to Walleye II, with RF data link
—— NWC Paveway II Laser guided bomb


Missile Designations (Pre-1962)
Alphabetical Symbols Used in Missile Designations
Pilotless Aircraft/Target Drones (Type K) Test Vehicles (Type TV) Tactical Weapons—Guided Missiles (Type M)

KD CTV Control AAM Air-to-Air

LTV Launch ASM Air-to-Surface
PTV Propulsion AVM Air-to-Underwater
RTV Research SAM Surface-to-Air
SSM Surface-to-Surface

Test Vehicles

Prefix Letter Missile Design Number

X CT V — N — 4 c

Class Letter Service Modification

Tactical Weapon—Guided Missile

Prefix Letter Missile Design Number

X SA M — N — 2 b

Class Letter Service Modification

Pilotless Aircraft/Target Drone Designation

Prefix Letter Second Design

X KD 2 G — 2

Class Letter Designer Modification

Note: Prior to 1962, normal man carrying aircraft configured as a drone used the original aircraft designation with a K at the end of the designation; i.e. F6F-5K.

Missile Designations (Post-1962)

Alphabetical Symbols Used in Missile Designations
Status Prefix Launch Environment Mission Vehicle Type

C Captive A Air C Transport B Booster

D Dummy B Multiple D Decoy M Guided Missile/Drone
J Special Test (Temporary) C Coffin E Electronic/Communications N Probe
M Maintenance F Individual G Surface Attack R Rocket
N Special Test (Permanent) G Runway I Aerial /Space Intercept S Satellite
X Experimental H Silo Stored L Launch Detection/Surveillance K Pilotless Aircraft
Y Prototype L Silo Launched M Scientific/Calibration V Drone
Z Planning M Mobile N Navigation
R Research P Soft Pad Q Drone
R Ship S Space Support
S Space T Training
U Underwater U Underwater Attack
W Weather

Status Prefix Mission Design Number

Y A I M — 7 F

Launch Environment Type Series Symbol

Note: After 1962, normal man carrying aircraft configured as a drone would use the original design preceded by the letter Q, i.e. QF-86D.

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