Scoring Rubric For Presentation of Report
Scoring Rubric For Presentation of Report
Scoring Rubric For Presentation of Report
Criteria Indicator
1. Presents the topic logically
A. Organization 2. Relates examples to the topic
1. Shows mastery of the topic with adequate examples
B. Presentation 2. Has a good command of English language (grammar and
3. Uses appropriate learning organizers and strategies
4. Relates the topic to other areas of concern and actual
5. Has a clear and well-modulated voice
C. Interaction 1. Looks at classmates while reporting
2. Answers questions clearly and politely
3. Accepts suggestions from class
Rating Scale:
Rated By:
Signature Over Printed Name of Group Leader
Group: ____________________________________________________
Topic: _____________________________________________________ Date: ______________
(5) (4) (3) (2)
Background Background does not Background does not Background does not Background makes it
detract from text or detract from text or detract from text or difficult to see text or
other graphics. Choice other graphics. Choice other graphics. competes with other
of background is of background could Choice of background graphics on the page
appropriate for this have been better does not fit project
project suited for the project
Text – Font Choice Font formats (e.g., Font Formats have Font formatting has Font formatting
& Formatting color, bold, italic) have been carefully planned been carefully makes it very difficult
been carefully to enhance readability planned to to read the material
planned to enhance complement the
readability and content. It may be a
content little hard to read
Content Accuracy All content Most of the content is The content is Content is typically
throughout the accurate but there is generally accurate, confusing or contains
presentation is one piece of but one piece of more than one
accurate. There are no information that information is clearly factual error. It is
factual errors. seems inaccurate. flawed or inaccurate. difficult to
Spelling and Presentation has no Presentation has 1-2 Presentation has 1-2 Presentation has
Grammar misspelling or misspellings, but no grammatical errors more than 2
grammatical errors grammatical errors. but no misspellings. grammatical and/or
spelling errors.
Use of Graphics All graphics are Few graphics are not All graphics are Several graphics are
attractive (size and attractive but all attractive but a few unattractive AND
colors) and support support the topic of do not seem to detract from the
the topic of the the presentation support the topic of content of the
presentation the presentation presentation
Effectiveness Project includes all Project is lacking one Project is missing Project is lacking
material needed to or two key elements. more than two key several key elements
give a good Project is consistent elements. It is rarely and has inaccuracies.
understanding of the with driving question consistent with the .Project is completely
topic. The project is most of the time. driving question. inconsistent with
consistent with the driving question.
driving question.
Presentation Student presented the Student presented Student had many Students were unable
material with material but could difficulties presenting to complete
confidence have been more materials presentation before
confident the class.
Signature over printed name of group leader