Syallbus Nit Recuitment
Syallbus Nit Recuitment
Syallbus Nit Recuitment
NO. OF QUES'|IONS: 30 for Common Aptitude Test (Part A &. B) and 20 for Subject
Knowledge (Part C)
Post Part A: Part B: Part C:
General Aptitude Subject Knowledge
Knowledge Test (30 (40 marks)
Questions are designed to test the candidate's general awareness of the environment around
him and its applications to society. Questions are also designed to test knowledge of current
events and of such matters of everyday observation and experience in their scientific aspect as
may be expected of an educated person. The test will also include questions relating to India
and its neighbouring countries especially pertaining to History, culture, Geography, Economic
Scene, General Policy and Scientific Research, Computer Basics/ Knowledge
General Intelligence
It would include questions of both verbal and non-verbal type.The test will include questions
on Semantic Analogy, Symbolic operations, Symbolic/ Number Analogy, Trends, Figural
Analogy, Space Oreintation, Semantic Classification, Venn Diagrams, Symbolic/ Number
Classification. l)rawing inferences, Figural Classification, Punched Hole/ patterned - folding
and unfolding, Senrantic Series, Figural Pattern - folding and completion, Numbers Series,
Embedded figures. Figural Series' Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, Emotional Intelligence,
Word Building. Social Intelligence, Coding and De-coding, other sub- topics, if any numerical
Iinglish Language
Spot the error, l"ill in the Blanks, Synonyms/HomonyffiS, Antonyms, Spelling/Detecting mis
spelt words, Idior-ns and Phrases, one word substitution, improvement of sentences, Active
passive voice of verbs, conversion into direct/ indirect narration, shuffling of sentence parts,
shuffling of sentenccs in a passage, close passage, comprehension passage
Quantitative Aptitude
Numerical Reasoning: Number, ranking & Time sequence test, directions & distances, logical
Venn Diagrams, arithmetic reasoning, blood relations, cubes & dice, coding and decoding test,
inserling the r-nissing characters, analytical reasoning, logical reasoning.
l. Superintendent
Central Governn-rent Rules and Procedures:
(a) Establishment matters covering creation of post, age relaxation for appointments,
recruitment thror-rgh employment exchange, recruitment by direct recruitment/
absorption/ depr-rtation, probation on appointment, ad hoc appointment/
casual labor-rr. medical examination on first appointment and domicile
(b) Colcessiorrs in appointment covering post based roster, SC and ST, Socially
Educationally flackward Classes, Persons with disabilities, Ex- servicemen,
and conrpassi onate aPPointments
(c) General lrinancial Rules in relation to procurement and disposal of goods,
procurement o{' services, contract management
(d) Fundarnental Rules and Supplementary Rules
(e) 'fA arrd L]'C Rr-rles
(D CCS (Mcdical Attendance Rules)
(e) CCS (l,eave) Rules
(h) CCS (.loining
'fime) Rules
(i) General Office Management covering Rules for display of National Flag,
Matyrs' Day,
Attendalcc and punctuality, Holidays of Govt. Offices, Noting and Drafting,
and procedure of Communication, Secret and Confidential Records, Records
2. Accountant
Journal & Adjustment l]ntries, Bank Reconciliation, Trial Balance, Financial Statements &
balance Sheet
Computer Nefworks: ISO/OSI stack. LAN technologies (Ethernet, Token ring), Flow and error control
techrriques, Routirrg algorithrrs, Corrgestion control, TCP/UDP and sockets, lP(v4), Application layer
protocols (lCMP. DNS, SM'fP, POP, FTP, HTTP); Basic concept of hubs, switches, gateways, routers'
Network secr,rrity basic concepts of public key and private key cryptography, digital signature,
fi rewa ll .
Web technologies: tll-MI- (basic to advance knowledge of HTML), XML, basic concept of client-
server computing. Overview of ASP.NET framework, Understanding ASP.NET Controls,
Applications.Web servers, installation of IIS, Web fonns, web form controls - server controls, client
controls,web. forrls & t-lTMl,, Addirrg corrtrols to a web form, Buttons, Text Box, Labels, Checkbox,
Radio Buttorrs. Rox. etc, Runnirrg a web Application, creating a multiform web project.