Commercial Account Mannual
Commercial Account Mannual
Commercial Account Mannual
The Finance and Accounts Organisation of the Board is under the charge of the
C.A.O. as H/O Deptt. Member (F &A) is also appointed by the State Govt. under
clause of the Indian Electricity Act, 1948. The functions of the C.A.O. are mainly to
manage the affairs of the organisation and he is to assist the Member (F&A) in the
following manner.
The Wing is divided into two groups namely Accounts and Internal Audit
group headed by Deputy Chief Accounts Officer/Dy. C.A. and the Finance group
headed by a Deputy Finance Adviser.
The detailed organisational set up of the Finance and Accounts Wing is given in the
chart at the end of this chapter.
Finance Group
This group is responsible for scrutiny of the proposals emanating from other
units of the Board namely the Secretary’s Wing, the respective Chief Engineers’
Wings and units thereunder, from financial angle and giving financial concurrence to
such proposals. Cases relating to creation of posts, all appointments, promotions
according to cadre rules Departmental Promotion Committees, delegation of financial
powers, and fixation of pay will be examined in the Staff Miscellaneous Section. All
matters relating to Store-Purchases, contracts for purchases or sales, inventories,
agreements for sale and purchase of power, tariff, scrutiny of work estimates will be
handled in the ‘Stores and Contracts’ Section for the purpose of convenience of
miscellaneous subjects, such as Audit Objections, Public Accounts Committee
references, Estimate Committee and Assembly Questions, Planning Commission
references and miscellaneous items not under any other classified group will also be
handled in this group in the Sections named as Co-ordination Section and Reports
Sections respectively.
Accounts Group
Section 69(I) of the Indian electricity (Supply) Act, 1948 provides interalia that
the Board shall have a proper system of internal check. The internal Audit group is
entrusted with the functions of the conduction internal Audit of expenditure and
receipts and revenue of the Board as well as of examination and analysis of the system
and procedures in force and to suggest improvements therein with a view to securing
an efficient financial management of the Board. The detailed scope and extent of
internal Audit will be specified in the form of separate Manual for “Internal Audit”
which is under preparation. It is enough to mention here that Internal Audit Wing will
conduct the concurrent scrutiny of expenditure incurred both at the head-quarter units
as well as in the field units of the Board with reference to the initial accounting
records maintained therein. Internal Audit of revenue comprises of a concurrent audit
of revenues of the Board, accruing and accounted for at the head quarter and field
units of the Board.
Audit is conducted through the peripatetic audit parties functioning under the
control of this group and the results of such audit are edited and issued by this group
to the heads of the offices of the units concerned at both initial and controlling levels.
A monthly digest of important irregularities noticed in the course of Internal Audit
alongwith suggestions for improvements in procedure and in the system as well as for
economies in expenditure is submitted to the top management viz the Chairman and
the members of the Board.
Internal Administration of the Staff will be under the control of this Wing (See
Chart at the end of this chapter) and will be the responsibility of Branch Officer
(Internal Administration Section) this section will be responsible for arranging and
providing all the office equipment for the Finance and Accounts Wing to process
cases for staff and to handle all the affairs connected with the staff at the head-quarters
and in the field working under the control of Finance and Accounts Wing, conduct of
departmental examinations, maintenance of service records of staff etc.
Each Section in the Finance & Accounts Wing will maintain an index register of
(2) The file number should denote the section to which it pertains. For this purpose
the following alphabets will be used.
It will be the responsibility of the in-charge of each section to draw up duty list
for each of the sectional hands and get it approved from the Accounts Officer/Dy.
Financial Advisor/Dy. Chief Accounts Officer/Dy. Chief Audit/C.A.O. A duty list file
should be maintained in each section by the in-charge concerned.
Calendar of Returns
Accounting Year
Every accounting year for the Board is form 1st March. All statutory book of
accounts like purchase and sale books, Personal ledgers etc., should be closed on 31st
and new books opened from the 1st April except in the case of running ledgers such as
General Provident Funds ledgers.
(a) Bank Section will also maintain a similar diary and will prepare
cheques, on the basis of first come first served basis unless a particular voucher is
marked ‘immediately’ by the debiting officer.
(b) Loan Section separated from the main functions of Banking will keep
accounts of all kinds of loans received and paid. The accounts should be so upto date
that the precise position of liabilities is available at any given time.
Control Statement
In order to ensure that sections maintain the accounts records properly and all
action that is required, is taken in time, suitable control statements have been
prescribed separately. Sectional Superintendents will ensure that these statements are
properly filled in with correct facts and submitted on the due dates to the Branch
Officer/Dy. Chief Accounts Officer/Dy. Financial Advisor/Chief Accounts Officer, as
the case may be.
As far as possible sections within the Finance and Accounts Wing should avoid
formal correspondence with each other except specifically prescribed in the rules for
transactions of the inter-sectional business or where it is necessary to have a written
record of transactions involving two sections. It is expected that all the
sections/Accounts Officers incharge of a group of section will work in close co-
ordination and not in water tight compartments.
This section will release payments to firms and other agencies which are
required to be centrally paid in accordance with the requirements of the Board
(a) Accounts
I- Accounts Group
4. Budget:-
D. Organisation:
For the discharge of his responsibilities and functions generally outlined above.
The C.A.O. will have Dy. C.A.O./DRA/DCA & Accounts Officers Incharge of
various sections who will discharge the duties assigned to each section separately.
(i) To disburse the salaries and all other claims of non-gazetted officers of
the Board.
(ii) To check and pass bills for payment pertaining to establishment and
contingent to the parties other than the Board.
(iv) To work out and arrange payment of leave salary and pension
contribution to the quarters concerned; and
This section will function as the diary and dispatch section as the diary and
dispatch section in the Finance & Accounts Wing and also manage the typing and
stenographic pool for the wing.
The pay bills of the non-gazetted staff at the headquarters office and contingent
bills etc. are initially prepared by the concerned sections in the Secretary’s Branch
CEs Offices and sent to the pay and contingencies group in the Finance and Accounts
wing for pre-audit and payment. This section will examine and scrutinise all sanctions
to expenditure pertaining to establishment and contingent charges of the Board at
headquarters issued by the competent authorities under the powers delegated to them
from time to time. This pre-check of sanctions will not be necessary where the
sanctions indicate that they have the prior concurrence of the Finance and Accounts
Wing. The sanctions will then be recorded in the relevant check register enumerated
hereinafter to enable them to pre-audit and pass the bills for payment tendered by the
Secretary’s division. The terms and conditions of service of the employees are
governed by the Board’s relevant service regulations or by such other regulations as
may be prescribed by the Board from time to time. The expenditure on contingent
charges is regulated by the rules framed by the Board and under the delegation of
financial powers approved by the Board. The section shall maintain the under
mentioned registers. The forms in which these registers are to be maintained are given
at the end of this manual.
(i) Register of pay and allowances (other than the T.A.) of officers.
(ii) Register of pay and allowances (other than T.A.) of staff.
(iii) Register of T.A. for officers.
(iv) Register of T.A. for staff.
(v) Register of payment against special sanctions.
(vi) Register of payment of fixed charges.
(vii) Register of remittance of amounts recovered from the employees on
behalf of other parties.
(viii) Register of reimbursement of medical expenses.
(ix) Register of fees and honorarium.
(x) Register of leave salary and pension contributions.
(xi) Register of Bonus.
6. Register of Pay and Allowances of Officers.
All sections for creation of posts and making appointments of officers and rates
and scales of pay and allowances admissible to them from time to time shall be noted
in this register. A separate page of the register will be allotted to each officer. The
particulars of charge reports, health certificate on fresh appointment, last pay
certificate and orders regarding leave and transfer of the officers shall be recorded in
the appropriate columns of the register. The amount of pay and allowances, leave
salary etc. due to an officer will be worked out with reference to the above particulars
and entered in the monthly columns provided for this purpose (register provides
columns for a period of four years). All calculations of pay and allowances of each
officer, a statement of account, in duplicate, will be prepared for each officer. This
statement alongwith a debit voucher giving the appropriate accounts classification for
the gross amount as well for he deductions will be prepared. A consolidated statement
of remittances of net amount due to the officers, who have bank accounts with each
branch of bankers of the Board will be prepared showing the total amount branch wise
for each bank. The register alongwith these statements will be checked by the
Superintendent of the section and passed by the accounts officer of the group.
Therefore the statement of accounts and the consolidated statement of amounts to be
authorised for payment bankwise/branchwise and the debit voucher will be sent to the
Banking section for payment. The Banking Section will prepare cheques for
consolidated amount bankwise/branchwise and send these cheques alongwith a copy
of the statement of the officers to whose accounts with those branches of the banks the
amounts are to be credited. Separately they will send a copy of the statement of
account to the officer concerned and return the debit voucher duly enfaced by a stamp,
to the Central Accounts Section for incorporation in the accounts.
All sanctions creating the posts and making appointments in the various
categories of staff alongwith rates and scales of pay and allowances admissible to
them from time to time, will be noted in this register. Set of pages will be allotted to
each category of staff.
The pay and allowances drawn for the staff will be checked with reference to
the scales of pay and the other allowances admissible with reference to the increment
certificates and average pay calculations attached with the bill. Separate register will
be maintained for different units of the Board according to the accounts classification
prescribed. The establishment bills on being passed will be accompanied by a debit
voucher giving the proper classification for the gross amount and the deductions and
sent to the Banking section for payment. After the drawl of cheques by the Banking
section disbursement of pay will be made by the Cashier to the staff. The debit
voucher enfaced with a stamp will be sent to the Central Accounts Section for
incorporation in the accounts.
This section will also be responsible for post audit of the schedule of
establishment expenditure accompanying the monthly Divisional Account. After such
post audit the pay section will pass on General Provident Fund/Contributory Provident
Fund schedules to the General Provident Fund section for posting in the ledger cards
of the employees. All the other schedules will remain attached to the schedules of
Establishment Expenditure and filed.
The travelling allowances claimed by the officers are checked with reference to
the T.A. Rules of the Board and noted in this register, passed for the payment and
accompanied by a debit voucher duly classified sent to the Banking section for
disbursement of the claims.
9. Register of T.A. of Staff.
All payments against special sanctions like purchase of staff cars, cycle, office
equipment, furniture, entertainment, advertisements etc. are noted and checked
through this register. Thereafter the bills will be passed for payment and passed on
with a debit voucher duly classified to the Banking section for disbursement.
Payment of fixed rates like rent for office buildings are noted and checked
through this register and the disbursement procedure mentioned above for other
payments followed.
In this register will be kept a record of the medical bills received, details of
charges paid to the individuals concerned along with a record of period and nature of
illness. Bills be checked with reference to the medical rules in force and disbursement
made. The record will also serve as a safe-guard against the double drawls against the
same claim.
The bills for bonus payments to the staff received from the Secretary’s branch
shall be scrutinized with reference to the orders regarding payment of bonus before
these are passed for payment.
The following main checks should be applied to all bills in order to see that:-
(i) The bill has been prepared in the prescribed form and has been signed
by the competent drawing authority.
(ii) The claims presented are arithmetically correct and that the totals
expressed in words as well as in figures.
(iii) The bill has been correctly classified according to the prescribed
Accounting Heads, the Sub-vouchers accompanying the bill contain the date of
(iv) There is no reason and that all corrections and alterations in the totals
are duly attested by the Officers concerned.
(vii) If a claim is of a recoverable nature, an entry for the same is made in the
prescribed register to watch the recovery in accordance with the rules.
(viii) Every claim passed for payment is so recorded that a second claim
against the Board is rendered impossible, and if it represents a refund of sum
previously received by the Board, it should also be seen that the amount paid is
correctly refundable to the party concerned.
(x) All bills for supply of articles conform to the terms and conditions of the
supply order or contract (issued by the competent authority) and that all such bills are
accompanied by a certificate that articles in the invoice/bills have been actually
received and entered in the stock register, that their quantities are correct and quality
good and a suitable note has been to prevent double payment.
17. The following further checks should be applied to personal claims of pay and
allowances of staff:-
(i) That the first pay bill is supported with the last pay certificate, medical
fitness certificate and other prerequisites mentioned in the offer of appointment.
(ii) Charge Report:- Charge report indicating the post held has been
received and noted in the register (in the case of officers).
(iii) In case of leave salary the leave is due and has been sanctioned the
competent authority.
(v) After check, every bill is enfaced with a rubber stamp pre-checked over
the dated initials of the SAS Accountant and a pay order is recorded on the bill. A
journal voucher should be prepared and attached to the bill before it is put up for
signing the pay order. The journal voucher will indicate the net amount payable in
cash in the space provided for the purpose and the accounts, classification of gross
charges as well as of recoveries made from the bill. The pay order will be signed by
the Accounts Officer after he has examined the bill and satisfied himself about its
correctness and propriety of the claim and allocation of the charges and recoveries
made from the bill the pay order will be written legibly without the possibility of
insertion. All pay orders must be signed by hand and in ink, and the bills so passed
will be made over to the Banking section for payments/issue of cheques in favour of
the officers officials concerned. The journal voucher will be passed on to A.O.
(Comp) for adjustment in the accounts.
In order to make disbursement of salary of the staff, self cheque is drawn and
entered on both sides of the cash book even when the whole amount drawn is not
remitted with the result that un-disbursed salary of some employees will remain with
Cashier. In order to reflect the un-disbursed salary in the accounts a register of un-
disbursed salary of regular staff and un-disbursed wages of work-charged staff and
muster-roll labour will be maintained both at the headquarters as well as in the field
offices as is necessary. These registers will include all bills whether regular or
supplementary, which remain un-disbursed at the close of the day. The payment made
subsequently will not only be recorded against outstanding amounts shown in the
above registers, but also in the bill in which the amount was originally drawn. the
register will be closed daily in order to agree with the cash balance in the chest with
the un-disbursed amount shown in the register. It should be ensured that amounts do
not remain in disbursed for a period of more than one month.
All payments made provisionally should noted in this book for watching their
regularisation after the settlement of the points concerned. Bill for advances drawn by
the officer/staff to cover Travelling Allowance expenses on tour together with any
amount unspent should be submitted within three days of the completion of the travel.
In order to keep the watch over the prompt settlement of advances granted to the
various officers the pay section will carry out a monthly review of the cases and
submit a report to all the outstanding advances for orders. The submission of this
report should be watched through the calendar of returns of the section a review note
for all outstandings for more than three months should be put up to the Chief
Accounts Officer in the Objection Book itself, while the objection book will be put up
to the Deputy Chief Accounts Officer monthly.
The amounts deposited with the Telephone authorities under O.Y.T. schemes
are recorded in the register for fixed charges in order to watch the proper allocation of
prorate distribution of expenditure over a period of 20 years in the Board’s Accounts.
A separate page will be set aside for each telephone. The payment will be adjusted
under suitable deposit account head. The payment will be adjusted under this deposit
account head and at the end of each year the section will adjust proportionate charges
for a period of account through a journal entry by crediting this head and debiting the
expenditure of telephones and trunk call charges. The due adjustment of this
expenditure in the Board’s account will be watched by the compilation sections
through the register of periodical adjustment.
A stock account of all articles of furniture and other equipment for use in the
offices, purchased by the Board will be maintained by the Secretary’s division in a
suitable property register which shall be kept up-to-date.
(iii) If any article is to be struck off from stock due to its being unserviceable
or for any reason, necessary entry will be made in the register on the basis of the
orders of the competent authority and the balance in hand worked out and noted.
(iv) At the end of each year depreciation charges for a year at the rates
prescribed by the Board will be worked out for the articles and noted in the register.
Depreciation of articles removed from stock should be charged only for the period the
articles were in use during the year until their removal.
(v) The total balance as worked out above showing the quantity in hand,
their value before and after depreciation and the amount of depreciation at the end of
the year will be taken over to the abstract page of the register so as to work out the
total cost for all the articles at the close of the year.
(vi) An intimation regarding the cost of articles removed from stock from
time to time and intimation of the cost of all articles as it stood before and after
deductions of depreciation charges and the amount of depreciation, annually, will be
intimated by the Secretary’s division to the pay and contingencies section of the
Finance and Accounts Wing. On the basis of such intimation, pay section will prepare
necessary journal entries in triplicate and pass them on to the Central Accounts
section, who will retain one copy for incorporation in the Accounts and return the
other two copies duly certified as having been incorporated in the account to the pay
section as well as to the secretary’s section.
(vii) All entries regarding quantity, value and depreciation charges of articles
entered in the register will be attested by the officer in-charge of the section, which
maintains this accounts, to see that the register is maintained properly, reviewed
monthly and reported to the higher authorities. Such review should be conducted in
the register itself.
“Certified that the balance as per stock register agree with the number of
articles as per physical verification, except the followings (here mention the
discrepancies found between the balance as per register and as per verification)”.
(ix) Pay section will test check the amount of depreciation of dead stock
articles to be charged to profit and loss account as intimated by the Secretary’s
division and watch its adjustment in the account.
25. Grants-in-aids
The Board may be releasing grants to various recreation clubs and other
activities in the Board, such as sports, recreation etc. Such grants are subject to the
conditions that the accounts of the grantees are audited. Before payments of grants are
released, it should be ensured/verified that the accounts of the grantees showing
utilization of the previous grant has been duly audited.
Since the telephone bills if not paid within 15 days may result in disconnection
of the telephones, there should be no delay in the payments of such bills. The
Secretary’s/C.Es offices will send the bill duly passed to the Pay (N.G.) section for
pre-audit and payment to the Post & Telegraph Department on immediate basis. Pay
(N.G.) section will book these transactions under the head “Telephone, Trunk Calls
Account” and pass on the bills to the Banking section for payment. Only such
amounts as is admitted in pre-audit will be charged to the final expenditure head and
the amount which is not accepted in audit will be intimated to the Secretary’s division
with details so that the matter is taken up with the Telephone Department. The amount
un-accepted by the Pay Section will remain under the Head “Telephone Suspense
Account” so long as the objections are not cleared.
Board is following the General Provident Fund rules presently in force in the
Himachal Pradesh Government. A separate brochure setting out the main features of
General Provident Fund rules will be issued for the guidance of all concerned. In so
far as the accounting functions are concerned, the Provident Fund Section in the
Finance & Accounts Wing will be responsible for proper maintenance of individual
accounts of the subscribers. It will also keep an account of the investment of
contributions realized from the members.
It will be the duty of the Head of the Office last served by the Board employees
to process the pension papers two years in advance of the official’s date of retirement.
All such pension cases will be processed through the Secretary’s Office, so as
to keep him informed about the timely or delayed preparation of the pension cases by
the Board’s units. The cases when received from the Secretary’s Office will be entered
in a Register (Pension Application Register), in the Pension Section and its
disposal/movement recorded in this register from time to time. The pension papers
will be scrutinized in the Pension Section with reference to the relevant rules
applicable to the retiree and in case the papers are complete, the pension payment
orders/gratuity payment orders will be prepared by the section and approved by the
officer incharge. The sanction to the release of pension and gratuity will, however, be
recorded on the pension papers itself by the sanctioning authority before the case is
passed on to the Pension Section.
A note of pension payment orders and gratuity payment orders will be kept in
the registers prescribed for the purpose. Simultaneously, a note thereof will also be
made with necessary particulars in the pension register/gratuity register. Both the
above mentioned retirement benefits will be paid to the retiree through the Divisional
Officers or at Headquarters, according to the pensioner’s request. All payment at
Headquarters will be made on the basis of bills prepared by Secretary’s division and
passed on to the Pension Section for disbursement. Thereafter the section will send the
bill with classification voucher to the Banking Section for payment and final
accounting in the Central Accounts Section. The Pension section in the scrutiny of
pension payments made in field offices will see that the payments have been made in
accordance with the rates and conditions provided in the pension payment
orders/gratuity orders and will also keep a note in the registers of pension/gratuity.
In the month of June and December, every head of the office will intimate the
particulars of their employees, who are likely to retire within the coming 24 months
and those, who have already retired with dates whose pension cases have not been
processed by the Department. This will enable the Pension section to know the
number of the employees likely to retire during the period in question and will thereby
keep a watch that their pension cases are timely prepared and submitted to the
Accounts Wing and the number of employees whose pension cases have not been
initiated by the heads of the offices. The Pension section will prepare a monthly report
showing (i) number of employee due to retire during the financial year. (ii) number of
employees who have already retired but pension cases have not been prepared. (iii)
number of pension applications finalized or disposed of and (v) number of pension
cases outstanding with details. This statement will be reviewed every month and put
up to the Chief Accounts Officer for information.
(ii) A Broad sheet should be maintained in the usual form in order to keep a
watch over the correct and regular recoveries of the contributions receivable. The
name of the employee transferred, the number assigned to him in foreign service
register referred to above and the rate of contribution payable should be noted in the
broad Sheet. When contributions are not payable during leave, the fact should be
noted in red ink against the name of the employee concerned in the proper column to
show that no contribution is to be claimed for the period.
The Board Sheet should be closed every month on the 15th and put-up to the
Branch Officer. It should be seen that the contributions have been corrected and
regularly paid. In case of delay in payments reasons for such delays or no payment
should be enquired into. The last column of the Broad Sheet should be filled after the
close of March Accounts and this figure should be carried over the Broadsheet of the
next year.
The routine section, which is incharge of the central diary and dispatch of the
Finance and Accounts Wing will submit statistical information for the wing showing
the total number of receipts and letters dispatched during the month. They will show
separately number of letters received and dispatched in Hindi. They will also maintain
statistics of letters mis-marked and subsequently delivered to the right sections
through Transit Registers. The section will also prepare statistical information
showing the output of typists and stenographers and proper utilization of the Typists
and Stenographic pool in order to ensure maximum utilization and maintenance of
type-writers in the Finance and Accounts Wing.
Deputation on Foreign Service of Shri. ……………………………………………….
Particulars : Replies
1. Date of Birth.
4. Date and hour of making over charge under HPSEB, on transfer to Foreign
5. Date and hour of taking over charge under the foreign employer.
1. This group consists of three sections i.e. Comp-I, Comp-II and Comp-
III and it is entrusted with the compilation and Accounting of expenditure incurred on
the execution of works by the Board Divisions. Apart from the works expenditure, the
Divisional Officers will be drawing and disbursing pay and allowances of the regular
staff, deducting G.P.F. contributions from the employees subordinate to them and
those working in the Circle Offices. The income tax deductions and recoveries of
advances given to officials for various purposes will also be made and accounted for
in the Divisional Accounts. Pension and gratuity payments, too, will figure in the
Divisional Accounts. The Divisional officers will be sending their monthly accounts
duly, compiled to their accounting units according to the Accounts classification
introduced by the Board from 1st April, 1985 in such from as will be prescribed in
Vol-II of this Manual. The monthly accounts received from a Divisional Office from
1st April, 85 onward will consist of works expenditure, payments made to the staff on
account of their personal claims, pension and gratuity payments and such the pay bills,
etc., alongwith all supporting schedules will be forming a part of the monthly account.
The monthly accounts will be received in the compilation sections which section will
see that the trial balance or the monthly Accounts form CS-I is supported with
relevant schedules and voucher and after verifying the same, the vouchers and
schedules etc., will be passed on to the sections concerned such as pension, G.P. Fund
and pay section etc., Before doing so, the A&R section will post the total of all the
transactions, receipts and payments in respect of every monthly account in their trial
balance register.
(ii) All running and final payment vouchers are linked and a counter
reference to the Schedule Dockets and vouchers number etc., are
recorded by the Auditor under his dated initials on both the documents.
(iv) In case of payments to the contractors for which agreements have been
received in the circle accounting unit it should be particularly seen that
the terms and conditions of agreements have been observed and that
time limit provided in the agreement has been exceeded by the
Contractor only under the orders of the competent authority.
(v) During the course of checking of vouchers and various schedules, only
intelligent objections will be raised by the auditors and those are to be
communicated to the each Divisional Officer through the monthly audit
note in respect of each Division. Objections involving financial
implications, such as vouchers not received with the monthly accounts,
expenditure incurred without the sanction of the competent authority etc,
will be registered in the Objection Book maintained separately for each
Division in the Circle Accounting Unit. These objections will also be
included in the audit note. In order to watch the disposal of these audit
notes, a Register be maintained in each accounting unit in which the
record of Monthly Audit Notes will be kept Division-wise. This register
will reviewed every month and a report of all the outstanding audit notes
put up to the Branch Officer/Accounts Officer on the 10th of second
succeeding month. A period of one month may be allowed for the
disposal of a Audit Note by the Divisional Offices and in case the
objections are not replied to within this period reminders will be issued
to the defaulting divisions by the Circle Accounting Units.
8. A.A.&R. Section will bring to the notice of the compilation sections the
discrepancies that may be noticed in the abstract sent by the compilation section to the
A.A.&R. section. These discrepancies should be settled promptly so that the A.A.&R.
section may be able to prepare the Annual Accounts of the Board within due date and
in the correct form.
The Banking and Cash Section is responsible for the operation of the Bank
accounts of the Board with its bankers, maintenance of the cash book, collection of
bills etc., and arranging for the receipts and payments of the Board funds and for
keeping watch over the ways and means position of the Board as a whole.
(i) Arranging for the opening of the bank accounts of the Board and their
operations through the officials of the Board authorised for the purpose.
(ii) Maintenance of the Cash Book of the Board and arranging for their
closing and reconciliation with the banks, periodical statement of
(iii) Arranging for preparation and delivery of cheques in payment of the
dues of the Board on the basis of vouchers passed by the various
accounts sections.
(iv) Keeping watch and control on the way and means position and arranging
for additional funds as and when necessary by way of increase in the
working capital of the Board or enhancement in the cash credit facilities
with the banks, loans from the central/State Government etc. from time
to time.
(v) Arranging for the investment of the surplus funds of the Board.
(vi) Checking of interest on over drafts.
(vii) Issue of stamped receipts for payments received.
(viii) Watching of receipts for payments made to the parties.
(ix) Custody and proper arrangements for cash vouchers.
(x) Fixing of drawing limits of the drawing officers of the Board.
(xi) Arranging for supply of cheque forms from the Banks for operating the
Board’s drawing accounts.
(xii) Arranging specimen – signature of drawing officers of the Board and
supplying the same to the Banks.
(xiii) Arranging supply of pay-in-slips from the banks for distribution to all
the collection centers of the Board.
(xiv) Custody and issued of blank receipts books to the different units of the
(xv) Dealing with and custody of valuable e.g. G.P. notes, fixed deposit
receipts, post office certificates etc.
(xvi) Maintenance of the banks accounts of the Board and preparation of final
memorandum account of all transactions with the banks during each
month for submission to the Chief Account Officer.
(xvii) Maintenance of cash flow statement and submission of the monthly cash
flow statement to the Board.
3. Detailed instructions for banking operations of the Board are contained in a
separate manual called “Manual for Banking Operations” which has already been
circulated. The Banking section will open all necessary registers for implementation
of the instructions contained in the manual.
(i) That all vouchers are properly classified, cash book and other accounts
are posted and checked day to day.
(ii) That all bank advices are duly examined and adjusted immediately and
out standing advices obtained from the bank as prescribed in the
Banking Manual.
(iii) That the bank accounts are reconciled according to the periodicity
prescribed in the Banking Manual and daily scroll received from the
Bank are tallied with the entries in the cash book on daily basis.
(iv) That the cheque delivery register is reviewed daily and all receipts in
support of payments are received and are duly examined and filed with
the respective receipt vouchers.
(v) That the interest payable to and by the Board to the bank is checked
from time to time.
(vi) Superintendent incharge of the section will be responsible:-
(1) For checking of cash book with reference to cheques receipts, bank
advices etc.
(2) Obtaining certificate of cash balances from the bankers at the end of the
(3) For checking of bank reconciliation statements.
(4) Scrutiny of charges to ensure correctness according to agreements
entered into with the banks.
(5) Preparation of estimates of resources and general finances.
6. The Banks who have been appointed bankers to the Board and the
branches of these banks where drawing and collections have been authorized are listed
in the “manual for Banking Operations”. The Banking section will be responsible for
keeping a watch on agreement entered into with the bankers and their proper
implementation, any changes in the agreements or arrangements with the bankers will
be conducted by this section.
7. The cash book is the most important record of the Board and its proper
writing up and closing is of fundamental importance. The entries in the cash book will
be either in respect of receipts of payments. The receipt entries will be made either on
the basis of counter foils of the pay in slips duly acknowledged by the Bank or bank
advice intimating credits into the accounts. The payment entries will be made on the
basis of cheque or cash vouchers supported by the payment orders. When a cheque is
received in payment of the Board dues, the amount to that effect will be entered both
in the total column and in the column pertaining to the bank account in the cash book
giving a detailed narration of the transactions in the appropriate column of the cash
book giving a detailed narration of the transactions in the appropriate column of the
cash book. Similarly when a payment is made, the gross amount of the bill is shown in
the total column and the net amount for which the cheque is prepared will be entered
in the column pertaining to the bank account. The difference represents recoveries
from the bill which will be entered in the adjustment column on payment side by per-
contra entry in the recoveries column on the receipt side. Necessary details about the
payment and recoveries will be entered in the particulars column on the payment and
receipt side respectively, the recoveries being shown in the total column on the credit
side under various heads of accounts.
9. Similarly all payments during a day shall be entered on the payment side
of the cash book with full particulars. Payments and receipts into the bank accounts of
the Board advices given by the Bank will also be similarly entered in the cash book
with necessary particulars.
After the cash is disbursed cheques drawn and entered in the cash book, the
cash book will be closed daily by 4 P.M. except on 1st, 2nd and 20th to 23rd of each
month. On these said six days, cash book will be closed even after 5 P.M. depending
upon the quantum of work and shall be signed by the Superintendent and the Accounts
Officer incharge of the Banking section in token of their having checked the entries.
The Superintendent incharge of the section shall initial each of the debit and credit
entries in the cash book.
11. Vouchers etc., presented after the stipulated time will be accepted by the
Banking section for payment on the following working day. In such cases, the
Banking section may as well draw the cheques under the following day’s account
without hampering the progress of posting and closing of the cash book.
13. The banking section may maintain alternative day cash book so as to
facilitate the posting of the transactions in the ledgers. For this purpose the cash book
for the day duly closed will be passed on to the Compilation section, the following
morning for posting in the ledgers and return not later than 4 P.M. of the same day.
14. The Banking section will maintain a bank advice diary in form HB
(CAO) 38 (specimen attached with this chapter).
All advices shall on receipt from the Bank be rubber stamped as per specimen
of the stamp shown below and will be machine numbered on the appropriate place or
the rubber stamp. The number shall be the same as for the corresponding number
given of the advice diary in respect of the particular advice proposed to be machine
numbered. The rubber stamp shall be shown under:-
Accounting Entry
Please Classify
Banking Section Advice
Diary No.
On receipt of bank pass book, the entries therein shall be compared with the
advice diary to ensure that no advice which was to be received from the bank has been
omitted to be received. In order that information extracted from the advice diary about
the mission advices in dependable, it is essential that all advices received from the
bank are entered in the advice diary immediately on receipt. The Diarist of the
Banking section will be personally responsible to ensure this. The items for which it is
discovered that the advices have not been received will be immediately taken down in
a separate register and letters will be issued to the banks to call for the wanting
advices without delay. These references should be pursed by reminders unit the
missing advice are received and when received they should be recorded in the main
advice diary and entries in this diary will be cross referenced with the register of
mission advices.
15. All classified vouchers will be received by the Diarist in the section and
he will rubber stamp the date of receipt on the bank vouchers. After this has been done
he will mark all the different receipts in column 9 of the advice diary against the
relative entry and hand over the vouchers to the cash book writer under his dated
initials to enable him to post them in the cash book.
16. After the day’s cash book has been written, column 12 of the main
advice diary will be filled up under the initials of the dealing assistant so as to ensure
that all vouchers handed over to the cash book writer have been entered in the cash
book. In certain cases advices sent by the Banking section for classification to the
Accounting section may be received back with the remarks that the transactions do not
relate to them. In order to keep a strict control over such cases and to avoid nay
confusion the Banking section will affix rubber stamp on the return advice stating
“Transfer from Section ________ to Section __________________ in case of doubt,
the Banking section will refer return advice to the Deputy Chief Accounts Officer for
17. As it is not desirable to burden the main cash book with small payments
like coolie charges, refreshment, conveyance etc., the Cashier is entrusted with the
task of making these small payments through the imprest of a sum to be authorized.
All payments made out of petty cash book/imprest will be maintained in the petty cash
book and analyzed therein. Periodically by means of journal entry the various
accounts are debited. The petty cash account head will be opened for this purpose and
at the time of payment of petty cash to the petty cashier the petty cash account is
debited. The sum payable of all payments made out of petty cash is credited to this
account, the balance in the account representing the actual cash in the hands of the
petty cashier.
18. Banking section will keep sufficient stock of printed letter head
reminders for issuing to the Bankers to obtain the necessary advices. It will also keep
a sufficient stock of reminder forms to be issued to the concerned Accounting section
for getting the classification vouchers in time. Cases of undue delay either in getting
the banking advices, or the classification vouchers as the case may be, should be
referred weekly to the Chief Accounts Officer.
19. All accounting sections must strictly follow the following instructions in
dealing with the advices received from the Banking section:-
(i) On receipt of advice from the Banking section, the concerned section
will enter the same in the separate diary called ‘advice classification
(iii) The advice in which the details are not sufficient and cannot be
classified, must be returned immediately to the Banking section giving
reasons. These advices will be returned with the return slip signed by the
(iv) A weekly report of the advices classification diary will be put up to the
Accounts Officer/Deputy Chief Accounts Officer and an entry made in
the calendar of returns for the purpose.
20. The receipts due to the Board in so far as they are by means of cheque’s
will normally be accompanied by a covering letter indicating the details of the
payments. As soon as a cheque is received it will be entered in the register of
valuables thereafter a pay-in-slip will be filled in and sent to the bank alongwith the
cheque for deposit into the accounts of the Board. Postings in cash book will also be
made on the receipt of the classification advice and the relevant voucher number will
be noted in the register of valuables against the particular entry.
Procedure for Payment
23. After the cheque has been drawn and signed by the authorized officer, it
will be entered in the cheque deliver register and forwarded to the authority concerned
with a covering memo; whenever necessary. Receipt acknowledgement for the cheque
alongwith stamped receipt for the payment will be watched through cheque delivery
register. In case of payments to outside parties, steps will be taken to obtain the
stamped receipt as soon as the cheque is delivered.
24. Care will be taken to ensure that none of the cheques is mislaid or lost
during its preparation and delivery to the parties concerned. Blank cheque books will
be in the custody of the Deputy Chief Accounts Officer and the current cheque book
will remain in the custody of the Superintendent who will be responsible for their up-
keep. It should be ensured that cheques are sent to the officers concerned for their
signatures alongwith connected vouchers in a careful manner. While signing the
cheques the officer concerned will also sign the counterfoil of the cheque and also the
enfacement of the bill giving particulars of the payment. While signing the cheques
the officer concerned will see that pay order is given in the appropriate form. Unless
specifically requested by the payee and that too, in the case of local parties, only
crossed cheques will be issued. Issue of bearer cheques will require the orders of
Deputy Chief Accounts Officer/Chief Accounts Officer. Bearer cheques when
prepared will be kept in the personal custody of the Accounts Officer, Banking section
until it is delivered to the concerned parties. In the case of bearer cheques the
responsibility for payment to the appropriate authority will be that of the party
requesting for the issue of bearer cheques. Cheques for Rs. 1000/- (Rupees one
thousand0 and above should be marked, “Account Payee only” as well. Payments
below Rs. 25/- should normally be made by Cash Section out of its imprest unless a
payment by cheque for such an amount is specifically authorized by the Accounts
Officer, Banking Section.
25. Cash Payment
Cash Payment are made either
(a) By drawal of self cheque in favour of the officer incharge of the Cash
branch or.
In regard to (a) cheques are drawn for payment to staff for their pay and
allowances and for making other cash payments. Day to day expenses in regard to
office expenses and contingency is met out of the imprest which is replenished
periodically by submission of contingent bill. Normally the procedure for drawal of
bills on receipt of pay orders etc., will be followed by drawal of a self cheque. The
accounting of such transactions out of imprest amount will be done through the petty
cash book and subsequently incorporated in the main cash book.
(ii) The payments will be made out of the said advances to the various
parties by the official holding the advance and bills or memos; in
support of those payments will be collected by him. As soon as the
amount of advance looks exhausting, the necessity for recouping the
advance will arise. Then all the petty payments made out of the advance
will be recast by the imprest holder in the Form of an account of
expenditure. This Account of expenditure supported with vouchers will
be passed on by the imprest holder to officer on Special Duty who will
record the pass order thereon after satisfying himself that the payments
are in order and have been incurred for the affairs of the Board.
(iii) The advance holder will present the Account duly passed by the Officer
on Special Duty to the Payments sections who will pre-check the
expenditure and if the payments are found in order the advance will be
recouped and payments made to the Advance holder.
(iv) In order to have a check on the payments of such advances, the
Payments section will maintain a Register showing all the impreset
holders and the amount of imprest with each etc.
The Banking Section would be responsible for watching the ways and means
position of the Board. It is for them to ensure that funds of the Board are utilized and
invested properly and promptly so that no avoidable loss of interest in incurred on
over drafts in the banks and that surplus balances are properly invested. For this
purpose, the controls detailed in the Manual for Banking Operations should be
carefully followed and a daily balance report on cash position should be prepared and
submitted to the Dy. C.A.O./C.A.O. by 11 A.M. on the following day. Only minimum
funds should be kept in current account with the banks as may be necessary according
to the anticipated requirement and surplus funds invested in call-deposit or fixed
deposit depending on how long the money can be kept out of circulation. All decisions
in regard to investment whether short term or long term will be based upon:-
(a) Position revealed by the cash flow statement and as indicated by the
summary advice statement.
A statement of bank balances with the various banks of the Board will be
submitted to the C.A.O. every day and to the Chairman through the Member, Finance
and Accounts every week and monthly to the Board.
30. The Board may also be required to deposit accounts with outside parties
like the D.G.S. and D.
31. The Banking section will maintain the following registers which are self
(i) Register of Cheques issued.
(ii) Register of cheque-books.
(iii) Register of pay-in-slips.
(iv) Register of receipt books.
(v) Register of valuables.
(vi) Register of bank drafts requested.
(vii) Register of revenue stamps.
1 transfer 2nd transfer 3rd transfer
Date Section Initials Date Section Initials Date Section Initials
received transferred received transferred received transferred
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Entry responded by
Budget Group
1. Preparation of the budget of the Board in accordance with the provisions of the
Electricity (Supply) Act, 1948, preparation of revised estimates, authorization of excess and
surrenders and control of expenditure against the budget.
2. The processing of cases pertaining to the resources of the Board from all sources
namely Loans and Subventions from the State Government etc.
3. The division of all assets and liabilities on reorganization of the Punjab State
Electricity Board and correspondence related thereto.
1. Budget
1. Under Section 61 of the Electricity (Supply) Act, 1948, the Board is required
to submit to the State Government a statement in the prescribed from of the estimated capital
and revenue receipts and expenditure for the ensuring year by February of each year. The
manner in which the annual financial statement of the budget is to be prepared and the action
to be taken thereon in terms of section 61 of the Act are described, in detail in the Budget
Manual of the Board, which is being issued separately. This chapter sets out briefly the
procedure to be followed in the Budget section in the formation of the budget and action to be
taken thereafter.
Budget section will send the forms on which the budget data is to be furnished by the
units of the Board to the Budget section, by 1st of August each year. These forms duly filled
in carefully and precisely should be returned to the Budget section by the dates prescribed in
the Budget Manual.
On receipt of the Budget data on the prescribed forms, the Budget section will prepare
the budget in accordance with the forms prescribed in the Act by the dates required by the
State Government or under the Act.
In accordance with the provisions of the Act, the annual financial statement is
required to be approved by the Board and then placed before State Electricity Consultative
Council vide section 16 of the Act and to take into consideration any comments made on such
statements by the said Council before submitting the same to the State Government under
Section 61 of the Act.
Budget section will ensure the timely submission of the Budget to the Board
Council/State Government.
The Board can also at any time during the year in respect of which budget has been
prepared and submitted to the State Government, submit a supplementary statement to which
all provisions of the section 61 apply. Budget section will take necessary action in regard to
the supplementary budget in the same manner as the main budget for the year, after
submission of the budget to the State Government; Budget section will take action to allocate
the budget to all the units of the Board by the 15th March of each year. Any variations in the
budget that the Board may authorize after taking into consideration the comments made on
the budget in the State Legislature, will be communicated in due course to the units, which
are affected by such modifications.
3. Supplementary Budget
Proposals for supplementary budget will be submitted by the field units and by
headquarters units on the same forms as have been prescribed for the preparation of the main
budget alongwith details of proposals on which the supplementary demands are based.
Budget section will consolidate all such supplementary demands and prepare a
supplementary budget if decided by the Board.
A statement of excesses and surrenders will be prepared by all units of the Board on a
Performa prescribed for the purpose in the Budget Manual showing the major works in
progress under the prescribed account classification heads for which provision has been made
during the current year, the past actuals and modified grants, if any, the excesses and
surrenders that are anticipated and for which necessary modifications in the budget are to be
considered. Such statement of excesses and surrenders should be sent to the Budget section
by 1st November each year. Budget section will take necessary action to incorporate these
statements in the budget estimates.
Final demands and requests for re-appropriations should be submitted to the Budget
section by February each year so as to assess the actual expenditure and authorize final
demands and re-appropriation orders where necessary.
Budget section will be provided information about the actual flow of expenditure
monthly by the Central Accounts section on the basis of the complied accounts for the month.
Supplementary information in such a manner as is necessary for appropriate budgetary
control will be called for in the manner prescribed in the Budget Manual. On the basis of
information so obtained, Budget section will maintain registers showing the allocation of
budget according to the classification heads of accounts during each month of the progressive
expenditure upto and including the month of review for the information of the Board by the
20th of each month. These consolidated statements will be accompanied by a descriptive note
commenting on the flow of expenditure against the budgetary provision and point out major
variations in the expenditure against the budget. The comments of the Board on the basis of
the statements will be conveyed by the Budget section to the units concerned for regulation of
expenditure in an appropriate manner.
II. Resources
Budget section will process all policy papers relating to raising of resources for
meeting capital or revenue expenditure of the Board. The decisions of the Board on such
cases will be obtained by the Budget section and thereafter conveyed to the appropriate
Account sections for detailed action.
Under the provisions of the Re-organisation Act, the assets and liabilities of the
erstwhile composite Punjab State electricity Board were required to be apportioned among its
successor Boards. All correspondence pertaining to the division of such assets and liabilities
will be dealt with by the Budget Section. On the basis of agreement reached in regard to such
assets and liabilities, Budget section will advise the AA&R section of the adjustment in
accounts that should be carried out. The section will also deal with the claims and counter
claims relating to the period prior to the formation of the Board on 1st September 1971 and
which are to be settled with the Himachal Government.
The Annual Accounts & Report section is responsible for the maintenance of all
ledgers and journals of the Board and the consolidation and compilation of accounts of the
Board as a whole.
2. The initial accounts of the Board depending upon the location at which transactions
take place will mainly arise:-
(ii) To carry out postings in the journals and ledgers maintained in the section;
(iii) To carry out all periodical adjustments that are prescribed and in corporate the
same in the accounts before the accounts for the period/year are closed;
(iv) Prepare monthly and quarterly accounts, cash balance statements and stock
statements of the Board;
(vi) Deal with matters relating to payment of income-tax and filling of income-tax
returns for the Board.
(vii) Preparation of annual and final accounts of the Board in the form prescribed
under the Electricity (Supply), Act, 1985.
(viii) Deal with matters pertaining to audit by the Comptroller and Auditor General
of the annual accounts and obtaining audit certificate thereon.
(ix) Submission of annual final accounts to the Board/State Government.
(xi) Preparation of opening and closing entries and final accounts including
adjustments of pre-paid expenses, un-paid liabilities, apportionment of
management expenses, depreciation charges creation of reserves etc., and
The AA&R section will maintain appropriate ledgers and journals to facilitate
accounting of all transactions on the basis of debit and credit vouchers received from
accounting sections and through the journals for incorporation in the ledgers. The postings in
the ledgers will be from the following sources.
The compilation of debit and credit vouchers relating to the Head Office transactions
will be done on the compilation sheets to be used date wise.
The daily analysis sheets will also be prepared daily so as to arrive at the total
expenditure Block-wise. The dates 1st to 31st may be opened vertically on a sheet and all the
block heads horizontally for daily analysis.
7. Journal
Transactions originating in one office, but adjustable in another office of the Board
are called inter-unit transactions. Such transactions are transferred by the originating office
for adjustment to the office concerned through the mechanism of transfer memo by
debit/credit to Div/Circle/Head Office remittance account (Accounts Classification will be 30
to 39 “Inter-units Adjustment Account”. Such Transactions fall under three categories:-
(i) Transactions originating in one branch office, but adjustable by another branch
(ii) Transactions originating at any one branch office, but adjustable duly
countersigned to indicate response; and
(iii) Transactions originating at head office and adjustable by any branch office.
The Banking section will afford debit/credit as the case may be to the branch
office concerned in the cash book and advise the Comp. section who will issue
necessary transfer memo in the prescribed form. On receipt of the duplicate
and triplicate copies of the transfer memo in the prescribed form. On receipt of
the duplicate and triplicate copies of the transfer memos the adjusting branch
office shall adjust by credit/debit to the head office concerned and return the
duplicate copy duly countersigned to the complication section (Head Office to
indicate response). In order to ensure correct adjustment of the inter-
transactions the monthly balance under the accounts head “Inter Unit
Account” will be reconciled by the accounting unit head office at the end of
each month. For this purpose each branch office or field office will send a
statement after the close of the month alongwith the monthly accounts with a
copy of the transactions under these accounts head in their ledgers.
Accounting Unit/Head Office will tally the entries made under this head in
their ledgers with those in the accounts sent by the branch office and prepare a
reconciliation statement for each branch office. A copy of the reconciliation
statement will be sent to the branch office concerned for their information and
necessary action.
The transfer memos required to be sent by one office or the other should be
dispatched daily alongwith a copy of covering sheet indicating the particulars thereof transfer
memos for head office should be sent to the F&A Wing none with the Accounts for necessary
8-A Inter Units Adjustment Account
As and when any material is supplied by one Division to the other or any service is
rendered, the supplying Division will credit his stock or cash account by contra debit to the
expenditure under Account Head No. 30 to 39. The debit on this account duly supported with
indents and Voucher will be passed on to the responding division accounting unit through an
advice of transfer of Debt or Debit Transfer Memo in form HP-CAO-85 for the acceptance of
debit. The debit so raised alongwith the No. and date of debit transfer memo, will be noted by
the originating Divisions accounting units in the schedule of inter-units Adjustment Accounts
accompanying the monthly account. A copy of this debit transfer memo will also be sent with
the Monthly Account, which will be in support of evidence that an advice of debit has been
sent to the Division/Circle concerned for acceptance. A ledger in form HB-CAO-86 will be
maintained in each Division/Circle for keeping the records of all the Debit Transfer memos
issued to various Divisions/Units. This ledger will be reviewed by each Divisional
Officer/SAS Superintendent/Accounts Officer every month to asses the progress made in the
clearance of transfer transactions. On receipt of the acceptance of debit from the responding
Division/Circle which will be in form of HB-CAO-87, the net in the ledger will be kept in the
originating Division.
Sr. No. Name of the Name of the Amount Rs. Month in Remarks
Originating Responding which
Division/circle Division/Circle responded
1 2 3 4 5 6
10. The register of outward transfer memo is intended to watch the response by the field
offices in respect of transfer memos sent from headquarters. On receipt of duplicate copy of
the transfer memos. duly signed by the field office, it will be ensured that the branch office
has taken the transactions into account in the same month, in which the Head Office has
taken it into account. This will be reviewed by the Superintendent every Saturday to see that
no transfer memo remains un-responded. The transfer memos sent by Head Office and not
responded by the branch office should be brought to the notice of the Accounts Officer/Chief
Accounts Officer for taking up the matter with the branch office concerned.
This will be maintained at head office. On receipt of the transfer memo from a branch
office a journal voucher will be prepared and the entries will be made in the inter branch
transfer journal either debiting/crediting the branch office concerned in the columns provided
therein thus all the transfer memos as and when received from the branch office in a
particular month will be entered in this register and the monthly total struck. These totals will
then be posted to the ledgers.
The register is intended to record the entry when the payment is made by the branch
office on behalf of Head Office or other branch office and vice-versa. This register will be
maintained both at head office and branch office and all transfer memos received either from
head office or from other branch offices will be entered therein. Postings from the journals
will be done monthly by posting monthly totals of debits/credits of Head Office/Branch
Office account and other expenses accounts to the ledger. If any credit is raised against any
expenses account, it will be shown in red ink and net total will be posted in the ledger. Some
columns say 15 to 20 may be provided for expenses. Last column may be introduced for
terms of miscellaneous nature. A summary of the Sunday items appearing in the last column
will be drawn in the last of the month and individual accounts will be posted therefrom. A
copy of the particulars entered in the Expenses Transfer Journal will be sent by the Branch
Offices with the monthly accounts. A separate journal may be kept in respect of each and for
the head office.
All receipts and payments pertaining to the Board will be classified under the heads of
accounts prescribed by the Board and circulated separately. Any new additions or deletions of
the account heads should be done by the coordination section after obtaining orders of the
competent authority. Such classification will be recorded by the various sections on the debit
cash voucher indicating therein the amount payable and other charges included in the bill as
well as the classification of the recoveries from the bill, if any. The debit cash voucher will be
signed by the officer authorized to sign in token of his having verified the correctness of the
Various ratios will be prescribed by the management from time to time regarding
apportionment of management expenses incurred at Division/Circle levels and at
headquarters on different schemes and of capital and revenue accounts. It will be the duty of
the AA&R section to obtain the order of the Board regarding the proportion in which the
management expenses are to be so apportioned and carry out the necessary adjustment in
accounts. The adjustment in so far as it affects the divisional account will be transferred by a
transfer memo to the Division through accounting unit concerned.
16. Provisions
Provisions will be made in the accounts for the outstanding liabilities and income
accrued, but not realized, debts considered bad or doubtful, interest payments or receipts
accrued, but not discharged for various payments, and for various other liabilities and
receipts, which are likely to be carried over beyond the current financial year. It will be the
duty of the AA&R section to identify all the transactions of this nature for which due
provision has to be made in the accounts. The decision regarding the quantum of provision to
be made will be taken in consultation with the concerned accounts sections, before they are
incorporated in the accounts.
The accounts for the year ending 31st March should be closed by the 30th April each
year and with this object in view the account records should be so maintained as to make it
possible to close the account by that date. Detailed instructions will be issued by the Chief
Accounts Officer on all aspects of accounts, giving a schedule of dates by which various
actions should be taken by different sections, in order that final closing of accounts by 30th
April is made possible. Some of the aspects in regard to the closing of accounts are given
(i) The annual accounts will be in the form prescribed under the Electricity
(Supply), Act, with the concurrence of the Comptroller and Auditor General of
India. The instructions issued by the Chief Accounts Officer referred to in
para-1 above will ensure that all the data and information required for the
presentation of the accounts in this form will be furnished by the
sections/divisions/circle all concerned by due dates to the compilation section.
(v) Cash Balance :- The certificate of actual cash statement as on 31st March will
be obtained by the AA&R section at Head Office and at Branch Offices. Any
cash which has been remitted by the Branch Offices to Head Office or vice-
versa, but not received on the other end before 31st March will be exhibited as
remittance and transit in the balance-sheet.
(vi) Loan and Advances:- In respect of advances made to suppliers, their balances
as on 31st March will be bifurcated and secured and unsecured advances
exhibited separately in the balance-sheet.
(vii) Pre-paid expenses :- All expenses such as advance payments incurred for a
period subsequent to the year for which accounts are being prepared will be
debited to the pre-paid expenses account.
After drawing up the consolidated revenue and expenditure statements for the year,
A.A.&R. section will prepare the net revenue and appropriation account for the year showing
the showing the details of various appropriations made and the balance of profit/loss carried
over to the next year’s account. The A.A. & R. section will also prepare all the subsidiary
statements as are required under the Electricity (Supply) Act, to accompany the Annual
At the time of submission of accounts to the Board, besides other resolutions, that will
be required to be passed by the Board for a particular year that following resolutions will also
be passed:-
(iv) In case where the applicant desires to purchase land, an attested copy of a
letter from the seller of the plot to the affect that subject to the settlement and
payment of the price, he is in a position to hand over the vacant possession of
a clearly demarcated developed plot of land to the applicant within a period of
three months from the date of payment of advance.
(v) In case where the applicant desires to purchase, a flat/ready built house, an
attested copy of a letter from the seller to the effect that subject to the
settlement and payment of the price, he is in a position to hand over
possession of a ready built house/clearly distinguishable flat to the applicant
within a period of three months from the date of payment of such advance.
(ii) Number of installments in which recovery will be made and the amount of
each installment.
(iv) The period after which the first installment towards recovery of advance will
be deducted from pay of the loanee.
(iv) A certificate by the sanctioning authority to the effect that the requirements of
relevant rules in H.P.F.R. Vol. I have been compiled with.
(v) The number and the date of communication from Budget sections intimating
availability of funds.
7. All sanctions to advance will be received in Finance and Accounts Wing (Pay
section). The sanctions will be entered serially in Register of sanctions in form HB(CAO)
NO.99. The sanctions will be scruitinised with reference to the rules contained in H.P.F.R.
vol-I. It will also be seen that the sanction is complete in all respects and gives the necessary
information as per para 6 above. The following points will be particularly seen:-
(i) That the sanction has been accorded by the competent authority as per
“Delegation of Power” of the Himachal Pradesh State Electricity Board.
(ii) That the amount sanctioned is within the maximum advance admissible to the
applicant under the rules.
(iv) That the recovery is proposed to be made within the prescribed number of
installments. It should be particularly ensured that the entire loan and interest
thereon will be recovered before the date of super annotation of the loanee
(Reference to note-2 below Rule 10. 16(v) of H.P.F.R. Vol-I)
8. After scrutiny, if the sanction is found in order, Pay section will authorize
payments to the official concerned through his drawing and disbursing officer in the case of
non-gazetted employees. The authority will be issued in form HB (CAO) No. 100. In case of
gazetted officer, payments will be released by the Pay section direct to the officer concerned.
9. Note of payment of each advance will be kept by the Pay section in the Board
sheet in Form HB(CAO) No. 101 under dated initials of Branch officer. Figures in the Broad
sheet will be posted on the basis of the amounts appearing in the vouchers/schedules. The
totals of the figures posted in the case of each class of advance will be agreed every month
with the figures appearing in the books of Central Accounts section and discrepancies, if any,
reconciled. The Board Sheet will be put up to Branch Officer on the last working day of each
month. A note to this effect may be recorded in the sectional Calendar of Returns maintained
in Pay sanction.
Pay section will review the Broad Sheet every month to ensure that all the formalities
laid down in the rules are fulfilled after the drawal of advance necessary certificate to this
effect are received from sanctioning authorities.
10. At the close of the financial year, the outstanding balances in the Broad sheet
should be verified with the balances under the relevant Accounting Head and then carried
over to the next year’s Broad Sheet. Thereafter, outstanding balances as on 31st March of the
preceding year will be got confirmed from the loanees concerned. On receipts of
acknowledgement, the Superintendent (Pay Section) will attest the relevant entries in the
Board Sheet of the current year. The requisite acknowledgement should be furnished by the
loanees within one month after the close of account of each year.
11. When the advance alongwith interest accrued thereon has been recovered in
full from the employees, pay section will furnish a certificate to that effect to the sanctioning
authority to enable him to cancel the Mortgage Bond executed by the employee.