Putnam CV 2019 1
Putnam CV 2019 1
Putnam CV 2019 1
Energetic teacher with 19 years of classroom experience in Early Childhood, Elementary and Middle School
Devoted to developing the whole child, socially and academically
Accomplished at differentiating lessons for students of varying abilities, including English for Students of Other
Languages (ESOL) and learning disabilities
Effective in encouraging warm and inclusive classroom
Adaptable to various curricula and school structures
E ffective in fostering open and positive parent-teacher communication
E xperienced teaching in international schools
Core Competencies
Skilled in implementing technology into Skilled in classroom management for whole-
instruction(ie.Google Apps For Education, class and small-group activities and centers
Promethean,Smartboard,Google Familiar with IB PYP programme
Classroom, Ipads, Plickers, Gimkit, Experience in teaching in Israel and teaching
Flipgrid) students from diverse backgrounds and
Experience in co-teaching as inclusion class religions
Meets SC’s NCLBs Highly Qualified Teacher Capturing Kids Hearts Trained
Interactive teaching/learning
Professional Experience
6th Grade History Teacher League Academy of Communication Arts Middle School, Greenville, SC Aug 19-current
Taught 5 periods of 30 students with differing abilities from ESOL, resource and Gifted and Talented students
in an Arts/Communication Middle School. Collaborated with 6-1 Team to ensure cross-curricular content
implementation. Integrated the various arts in history curriculum. Served on Literacy Focus Team to
implement school-wide literacy program. Instructed utilizing 1:1 classroom. Developed lesson plans and
integrated various 21st century technology to engage and enhance learning. Capturing Kids Hearts trained.
th Grade Teacher
5 Lake Forest Elementary Greenville, SC August 2018-2019
Taught 26 students as an inclusion classroom with a co-teacher with special education inclusion students
mainstreamed. Implemented instruction in all content areas. Created promethean board flipcharts to
implement instruction. Collaborated with Inclusion Teacher and ESOL teachers to enhance Literacy
instruction for struggling readers and ESOL students. Developed lesson plans and integrated various 21st
century technology to engage and enhance learning.
1st Grade Teacher Lake Forest Elementary Greenville, SC August 2015-2018
Taught 20-24 students. Implemented instruction in all content areas. Created promethean board flipcharts to
implement instruction. Collaborated with Reading Intervention Specialist and ESOL teachers to enhance
Literacy instruction for struggling readers and ESOL students. Developed lesson plans and integrated various
21st century technology to engage and enhance learning. Assessed reading levels using Fountas and Pinell
Balanced Literacy and differentiated reading for various levels. Served on Yearbook Committee.
Teacher K
5, 4th
th grades 2013-2014, 2009-2011, 2007-2008, 2005-2006
Taught 23-26 students. Planned and implemented instruction in all content areas. Taught various grade
levels from K to 5th grade during years. Implemented instruction in departmental and self-contained
classroom settings. Instructed students using differentiated instruction. Served as 5th Grade level Chair on
Faculty Council 2013-2014, organized yearbook, and conducted professional development for faculty on
Promethean Board and PowerTeacher. Organized safety patrols for school. Tutored Homebound Students.
Taught 24-27 students. Planned and implemented instruction in all content areas. Implemented differentiated
instruction for reading and math groups. Served on SACS (Southern Association of Colleges and Schools)
Committee for successful reaccreditation.
Taught 20-25 students. Planned and implemented instruction in all content areas. Conducted parental classes
called Jumping Into Kindergarten for K4 parents. Conducted city-wide testing using Dial R-3 for Child
Development enrollment. Attended SCEYC and NAEYC conferences. Served on writing, math and science
committees. Tutored homebound students and lower achieving students weekly after school. Served On
School Improvement Council.
TESOL, BS +30 hours, Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
ary Leslie Anderson, Principal, League Academy Middle School makander@greenville.k12.sc.us
Julie Cooke, Principal, Lake Forest Elementary School jcooke@greenville.k12.sc.us
Cindy Coggins, Former Retired Principal, Lake Forest Elementary School lfcogg@bellsouth.net
Ian Lynch, SS Department Chair & SS teacher, League Academy ilynch@greenville.k12.sc.us
Sally Smith, Fifth grade Teacher, Lake Forest Elementary School sssmith@greenville.k12.sc.us
Susan Needle, Former 3rd Grade Teacher & Curriculum Coordinator, JAIS teacherntiger@yahoo.com
Leslie Schutz, 2nd Grade Teacher, Jerusalem American International School, lschutz@jerusalemais.org
Others available upon request