ICAS Initial-Capacity-Assessment-Sheet 2010-12-09
ICAS Initial-Capacity-Assessment-Sheet 2010-12-09
ICAS Initial-Capacity-Assessment-Sheet 2010-12-09
tomer Production
uoted volume (RFQ volume) Method Date
on weeks/year (at customer)
mer Demand / Week -
- - - -
- - - -
- - - -
- - - -
- - - -
- - - -
Process 7
User Instruction - Cap
Objective: The Capacity Assessment Sheet is used to verify the supplier's production system
Capacity is to be demonstrated on all production processes, including internal sub-assembly
Capacity Verification
The Initial Capacity Assessment Sheet consists of one main element: Capacity Planning (verification
The Initial Capacity Assessment Sheet is divided into 2 areas for ease of use. Each area has a head
Data input
The Initial Capacity Assessment Sheet has been divided into a number of easy to identify information
input a variety of data. This manual will explain how to complete each section in turn.
Input & Calculation Cells: Data can only be input into the workbook in the cells on each sheet that req
modified. These cells (input cells) are clearly identified as white in colour and with a solid outline aro
Cells that are grey in colour are calculation cells. The user cannot enter data into these cells. They
B. Customer Production
Before the Initial Capacity Assessment can take place, the Annual quoted volume must be add
Purchase Order.
Fill in volume quoted in RFQ in cell “Annual quoted volume (RFQ)” in section “1. Key Informat
fluctuations during the year.
The Capacity Planning element will assess if suppliers have a "true production environment" in place
Input Cells: Process Description: Enter a brief Description of a process (e.g. final assembly, or inspe
Input Cells: Dedicated or Shared Process: Identify from a drop-down box, the process type – dedica
Dedicated Processes
A “dedicated” process is one, which is solely used for the part being analysed in this worksheet. For
A “shared” process is one which has many different parts manufactured on the process, and a more
production mode.
· Input Cells: Shifts per day: - indicate the number of shifts in which each process operates per day.
· Input Cells: Total hours per shift – total number of hours for each shift.
. Input Cells: Hours/shift used for this part number (shared prod) - indicate the average number of h
· Input Cells: Personal Breaks – If the machine stops during personal breaks enter the length of tim
be operating. If the machine operates during personal breaks and is guaranteed to neve
· Input Cells: Planned Maintenance – this is the length of time that is planned for the machine to be
· Input Cells: Days per Week – indicate the number of days in which each process operates per we
shifts each and on Friday only 1 shift should just enter: 4 working days plus 1/3 working
· Calculation Cell: The Equipment Availability is calculated automatically by using previous data.
Equipment Availability = (Total Planned Production Time – Downtime) / Total Planne
· Input Cells: Projected percent of parts scrapped and/or reworked – Enter the combined percentage
sheet does not address the scrap rate loss of linked processes. To evaluate output of linked processe
actual process step.
Planned Cycle time / Capacity
Required Cycle time needed to cover exact customer
demand (sec/part) [E*3600 * K / X * L]
· Input Cell: Net Planned Ideal Cycle Time – Please provide the best estimate of the cycle time of the
This could also be a time taken with a stopwatch at the bottleneck operation. The measurement take
time measurement requires that the operation being measured is not blocked or starved for at least t
reaches that same point in the cycle, stop timing and record the elapsed time as the operation's cycle
condition is absent in each measurement) and take the average. Note: For multiple cavities in one to
cycle time per part).
· Calculation Cell: Required Cycle time needed to cover exact customer demand - "For Information
planned operating pattern, projected downtime and quality rate. This is to be compared to the Planne
· Calculation Cells: Planned production capacity per week. This is to be compared with the Custom
er Instruction - Capacity Assessment Sheet
e supplier's production system can support customer declared production volume stated in the RFQ. .
ncluding internal sub-assembly and sub-tier components.
se of use. Each area has a heading at the top of the box. The headings are:
Revision Record
ber of easy to identify information boxes. Each box has a main heading to allow easy recognition. Within each bo
ch section in turn.
n the cells on each sheet that require data. This ensures that the headings or other information cannot be accide
colour and with a solid outline around the box.
enter data into these cells. They calculate values according to specific formulae using data entered into the input
eet is to enter details of the part being analyzed. These Cells hold the basic information on the supplier an
ual quoted volume must be added. This information will be available through the buyer and may also be a
Q)” in section “1. Key Information.” Volume value that should be used is volume in peak production year
production environment" in place and have adequately prepared their organization and their suppliers for the star
Process 2 Process 3 Process 4 Process 5
Drill Bore Washing Assembly
1 7 7 1
g analysed in this worksheet. For example, a test station may be a dedicated process.
ured on the process, and a more significant tool changeover time. It would be usual for such a process to manufa
– Enter the combined percentage of parts that are scrapped and/or reworked on-line. If zero losses are expected,
valuate output of linked processes. Scrap/rework that is related to a certain process step but found later up-strea
st estimate of the cycle time of the part on each process. The worksheet will use this data to calculate the Planned
peration. The measurement taken should always include the time for loading / unloading and inspection (Part-to-P
t blocked or starved for at least two consecutive part cycles. Pick a point in the operation's cycle to begin timing a
psed time as the operation's cycle time. It is best to repeat this measurement at least 10 times (making sure that t
ote: For multiple cavities in one tool the actual cycle time of the tool must be divided by the number of cavities in th
tomer demand - "For Information Only" - the worksheet displays the Cycle time needed to cover exact customer d
s is to be compared to the Planned cycle time
to be compared with the Customer Demand per Week.
ume stated in the RFQ. .
n Record
Date Description
15-Jan-11 Self ass. sent by supl
rmation on the supplier and the part analyzed
Process 6 Process 7
Assembly II Assembly III
Selected 1
1.00 2.00
8.00 8.00
4.00 8.00
30.00 25.00
30.00 0.00
5.00 5.00
17.50 75.83
unity to give each operation a different operating
0.00 20.00
0.00 1.00
0.00 0.00
10.00 50.00
0.83 11.67
95.2% 84.6%
efined as the total time from last off previous part to
0.00% 1.00%
100.00% 99.00%
1304.35 4971.52
73.00 140.00
822 1634