Dams and Its Types: Different Parts & Terminologies of Dams
Dams and Its Types: Different Parts & Terminologies of Dams
Dams and Its Types: Different Parts & Terminologies of Dams
A dam is a hydraulic structure of fairly impervious material built across a river to create a reservoir
on its upstream side for impounding water for various purposes. These purposes may be Irrigation,
Hydro-power, Water-supply, Flood Control, Navigation, Fishing and Recreation. Dams may be built
to meet the one of the above purposes or they may be constructed fulfilling more than one. As such,
it can be classified as: Single-purpose and Multipurpose Dam.
it over.
Gravity dams are well suited forblocking rivers in wide valleys or narrow gorge ways. Since gravity
dams must rely on their own weight to hold back water, it is necessary that they are built on a solid
foundation ofbedrock.
Examples of Gravity dam: Grand Coulee Dam (USA), Nagarjuna Sagar (India) and Itaipu Dam (It
lies Between Brazil and Paraguay and is the largest in the world).
Earth Dams: An earth dam is made of earth (or soil) built up by compacting successive layersof
earth, using the most impervious materials to form a core and placing more permeable substances
on the upstream and downstream sides. A facing of crushed stone prevents erosion by wind or
rain, and an ample spillway, usually of concrete, protects against catastrophic washout should the
water overtop the dam. Earth dam resists the forces exerted upon it mainly due to shear strength of
the soil. Although the weight of the this structure also helps in resisting the forces, the structural
behavior of an earth dam is entirely different from that of a gravity dam. The earth dams are
usually built in wide valleys having flat slopes at flanks (abutments).The foundation requirements
are less stringent than those of gravity dams, and hence they can be built at the sites where the
foundations are less strong. They can be built on all types of foundations. However, the height of
the dam will depend upon the strength of the foundation material.
Examples of earthfill dam: Rongunsky dam (Russia) and New Cornelia Dam (USA).
Rockfill Dams: A rockfill dam is built of rock fragments and boulders of large size. An
impervious membrane is placed on the rockfill on the upstream side to reduce the seepage through
the dam. The membrane is usually made of cement concrete or asphaltic concrete.
In early rockfill dams, steel and timber membrane were also used, but now they are obsolete. A
dry rubble cushion is placed between the rockfill and the membrane for the distribution of water
load and for providing a support to the membrane. Sometimes, the rockfill dams have an
impervious earth core in the middle to check the seepage instead of an impervious upstream
membrane. The earth core is placed against a dumped rockfill. It is necessary to provide adequate
filters between the earth core and the rockfill on the upstream and downstream sides of the core so
that the soil particles are not carried by water and piping does not occur. The side slopes of
rockfill are usually kept equal to the angle of repose of rock, which is usually taken as 1.4:1 (or
1.3:1). Rockfill dams require foundation stronger than those for earth dams.
Examples of rockfill dam: Mica Dam (Canada) and Chicoasen Dam (Mexico).
Arch Dams: An arch dam is curved in plan, with its convexity towards the upstream side. They
transfers the water pressure and other forces mainly to the abutments by arch action.
In a multiple-arch type buttress dam the deck slab is replaced by horizontal arches supported by
buttresses. The arches are usually of small span and made of concrete. In a massive-head type
buttress dam, there is no deck slab. Instead of the deck, the upstream edges of the buttresses are
flared to form massive heads which span the distance between the buttresses. The buttress dams
require less concrete than gravity dams. But they are not necessarily cheaper than the gravity dams
because of extra cost of form work, reinforcement and more skilled labor. The foundation
requirements of a buttress are usually less stringent than those in a gravity dam.
Examples of Buttress type: Bartlett dam (USA) and The Daniel-Johnson Dam (Canada).
Steel Dams: Dams: A steel dam consists of a steel framework, with a steel skin plate on its
upstream face. Steel dams are generally of two types: (i) Direct-strutted, and (ii) Cantilever type .
In direct strutted steel dams, the water pressure is transmitted directly to the foundation through
inclined struts. In a cantilever type steel dam, there is a bent supporting the upper part of the deck,
which is formed into a cantilever truss. This arrangement introduces a tensile force in the deck
girder which can be taken care of by anchoring it into the foundation at the upstream toe. Hovey
suggested that tension at the upstream toe may be reduced by flattening the slopes of the lower
struts in the bent. However, it would require heavier sections for struts.
These can be deflated when pressure is released and hence, even the crest level can be controlled
to some extent. Surplus waters would simply overflow the inflated shell. They need extreme care
in design and erection and are limited to small projects.
Example of Rubber type: Janjhavathi Rubber Dam (India).
Source: https://civilsolution.wordpress.com/category/