Guidelines For Engagement of Consultants - Nov 2018

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(Selection of Consultants)
How to use this Standard Request for Proposal?

This standard RFP document is advisory in nature and its aim is to sensitize the
bid management teams on good practices and harmonize/standardize the RFP clauses
and terms and conditions. This standard RFP has been prepared for any Procuring Entity
to engage consultants in order to provide a wide range of services. This standard RFP
maybe used as a template for creation of RFP. The standard RFP should have a cover
page indicating the name of the proposed assignment, department name and the date
(month, year), followed by a contents page and a disclaimer page. The bidder data
sheet and other sections shall be in continuation to the above.

The standard RFP provided below is interspersed with a few guidance notes
within <> to help the user prepare an RFP effectively.

DATA SHEET - <Template Document>

<<This section should be filled in by the Procuring Entity before issuance of the bidding
documents. The following specific data shall act as a snapshot to the bidder, in order to get
the requisite procurement related information at a go. >>

Sl. No. Particular Details

1. Name of the Client <Name of the Department>

2. Method of Selection & <LCS / QCBS / SSS>

Proposal Validity

3. Date of Issue of RFP T

Deadline for Submission of Pre-Proposal
4. T+7
5 Pre-proposal meeting T+15

5. Issue of Pre-proposal Clarifications T + 20

6. Proposal Due Date T + 30
7. Date of opening of Technical Proposal T + 31
8. Date of opening of Financial Proposal T + 45
Expected Date of Commencement of
9. <Month>, <Year>
A pre-proposal meeting will be held
on <indicate date, time and
venue>.All queries should be received
on or before indicate date, time and
venue> on mail in word format.The
10 Pre-proposal meeting name, address, and telephone
number of the nodal officer is:
<Phone Nos.>
<email id>
Rs. ______/- (Rupees ………….. only)
in shape of Demand Draft in favour of
10. Bid Processing Fee (Non-Refundable)
<Authority, Name of Department>
drawn in any scheduled commercial
bank payable at <Location>
Rs. _________/- (Rupees ………….) in
shape of Demand Draft in favour of
11. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) (Refundable)
<Authority, Name of Department>
drawn in any scheduled commercial
bank payable at <Location>

Sl. No. Particular Details
Name : _____________________
Designation: ________________
12. Contact Person
<Name of the Department>
Tel no.: _________________
Email: _____________@____.___
<Address details with PIN Code>

Mode of Submission: Speed Post /

13. Address for Submission of Proposal Registered Post / Courier only to the
address as specified above during the
office hour only. Submission of bid
through any other mode and late bid
will be rejected.
14. Place of Opening of Proposal:
<Address details with PIN Code>

<Address details with PIN Code>

Mode of Submission: Speed Post

/ Registered Post / Courier only
15. Address for Submission of Proposal
to the address as specified above
during the office hour only.
Submission of bid through any
other mode and late bid will be
16. Place of Opening of Proposal <Address details with PIN

RFP can be downloaded from:<website address of Department>



<<The Letter of Invitation shall state the intention of the Procuring Entity to enter into a
contract for the provision of consultancy services, with necessary details including important
dates, EMD amount, mode of delivery for submission of proposals.>>


RFP No: ___________________________ Dated: ___________

Name of the Assignment: <Insert details>

1. < Name of Department >, Govt. of Odisha (The Client) invites sealed proposal from eligible
bidder / consortium under the selection process to conduct <Proposed Project Name>.
More details on the proposed details are provided at Section-3: Terms of Reference (ToR)
of this RFP Document.

2. A bidder / consortium will be selected under <Method of Selection> procedure as

prescribed in the RFP Document in accordance with the procedures prescribed herewith
circulated vide Office Memorandum No. _______/F, Dated: _______of Finance
Department, Govt. of Odisha.

3. The proposal complete in all respect as specified in the RFP Document must be
accompanied with a Non- refundable amount of Rs. _________/- (Rupees
…………………. only) towards Bid Processing Fee and a Refundable amount towards
EMD of Rs. ___________/- (Rupees ……… only) in form of Demand Draft in favour of
“<authority>, <Name of the Department>”, drawn in any scheduled commercial bank
and payable at <Location>,Odisha failing which the bid will be rejected.

4. The proposal must be delivered at the specified address as per the Bidder Data Sheet by
Speed post / Registered Post / Courier only. The Client shall not be responsible for postal
delay or any consequence. Submission of proposal through any other mode will be rejected.

5. The last date and time for submission of proposal complete in all respects is Dt.
_____________________ and the date of opening of the technical proposal is Dt.
_____________________ in the presence of the bidder’s representative at the specified
address as mentioned in the Bidder Data Sheet (Sl. no.15). Representatives of the bidders
may attend the meeting with due authorization letter on behalf of the bidder.

6. This RFP includes following sections:

a. Letter of Invitation [Section – 1]
b. Information to the Bidder [Section – 2]
c. Terms of Reference [Section – 3]
d. Technical Proposal Submission Forms [Section – 4]
e. Financial Proposal Submission Forms [Section –5]
f. Annexure [ Bid Submission Checklist & Performance Bank Guarantee Format and
any other relevant assignment related material needs to be provided]

7. While all information/data given in the RFP are accurate within the consideration of scope of
the proposed assignment to the best of the Client’s knowledge, the Client holds no
responsibility for accuracy of information and it is the responsibility of the bidder /
consortium of consultants to check the validity of information/data included in this RFP. The
Client reserves the right to accept / reject any / all proposals / cancel the entire selection
process at any stage without assigning any reason thereof.

<Designation of Tender Inviting Authority>

<Name of the Department>


<<In the Pre- qualification criteria, the Procuring Entity needs to determine the
requirement of a consortium and may accordingly need to modify the requirements
and eligibility criteria. The RFP should be structured in a manner that allows or
disallows the consortium, based on the value (in the form of increased competition or
in terms of specialized skill-sets), brought in the procurement process. In case
consortium route is proposed, there should be some basic conditions the RFP should
lay down.

The eligibility/pre-qualification criteria set out in any RFP document basically

aims to invite proposals from only genuine contenders. The criteria should be set to
encourage competition and quality responses/bidding. The below mentioned
eligibility criteria is advisory in nature and may be followed under normal
circumstances to prevent the eligibility criteria from becoming restrictive in nature.>>

Pre-Qualification Criteria:

Before opening and evaluation of the technical proposals, each bidder /

consortium of consultants will be assessed based on the following pre-qualification
criteria. The bidder / consortium of consultants is required to produce the copies of the
required supportive documents / information as part of their technical proposal failing
which the proposals will be rejected.

Sl. Eligibility Criteria Supportive Documents


Bidder /consortium must be a Company as registered

under Indian Companies Act, 2013 or a Society
registered under The Societies Registration Act, 1860 or
1 a Trust registered under the Indian Trusts Act, 1882 or a
Partnership Firm registered under the Indian Partnership Certificate of
Act, 1932 or a Limited Liability Partnership registered Incorporation /
under The Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008 Partnership deed/Service
The bidder / consortium members should have been in Tax Registration
the consulting business for more than <No. of years>
2 from the date of Incorporation on the last date of
submission of the proposal.
Bidder / Lead consultant of consortium must have
successfully completed <Nos.> of assignments of
similar nature (having Contract Value ≥ <as per
proposed project>Rs. ___.00 Lakh and Duration ≥ Copies of Work Order /
(<Nos.> of Months), in any sector under Central / State Contract Document /
Govt. / Externally Aided Projects / Autonomous bodies Completion Certificate
operated under Govt. administrative control / from the previous Clients
International and National Organisation during the last
<Nos.> Financial Years.
Consortium partner must have successfully completed <<The definition of similar
<Nos> of assignments of similar nature (having work should be clearly
Contract Value ≥ <as per proposed project>Rs. defined with references to
___.00 Lakh and Duration ≥ (<Nos.> Months), in any domain, sector or industry
sector under Central / State Govt. / Externally Aided and functional area of scope
Projects/ Autonomous bodies operated under Govt. of work>>
administrative control / International and National
Organisation during the last <Nos.> Financial Years.
Financial Details of the
In case of single bidder the average financial turnover
bidder (TECH - 3) along
must be Rs. ____.00 Cr from consulting business only
with copies of the audited
during the last <Nos.> financial years.
balance sheet and Income
4 & Expenditure Statement
In case of consortium, the average financial turnover of
duly sealed and certified by
lead consultant must be Rs. ___.00 Cr and that of the
the CA and the authorized
consortium partner must be Rs. __ Lakh from consulting
representative of the bidder
business during last <Nos.> financial years.
/ consortium consultants.
Bidder / Lead consultant shall furnish an affirmative
statement as to the existence of any potential conflict of Self Declaration from the
5 interest on the part of the bidder due to prior, current, or Bidder / Lead consultant as
proposed agreements, engagements, or affiliations with per the format (TECH - 6)
the Client.
In case of consortium of consultants, the members shall
6 submit a Power of Attorney in favour of the lead Copy of power of attorney.

<<The following norms may be followed in case of consortium.

For the purposes of this RFP, consortiums are allowed. The lead bidder in the
consortium shall be solely responsible for delivery of services envisaged under this RFP.

1. The consortium partner(s), through a consortium agreement / MOU duly

signed by the authorised signatories, shall designate the roles of each
2. The lead member / partner of the consortium should meet the eligibility
criteria as stipulated in eligibility criteria.
3. The consortium agreement shall designate one of the partner to be the
coordinator (Lead Consultant) with the client and shall be authorised to
receive instructions for and on behalf of partners of the consortium, be
located in Odisha.
4. All statutory documents of the consortium shall be furnished.
5. The consortium and its members shall be jointly and severally responsible
and be held liable for the purpose of guaranteed obligation and any other
matter as required under the contract and shall be responsible for
execution of the assignment.
6. The consortium shall have a maximum of <Nos.> members.>>

2. Documents/Formats needs to be submitted along with TECHNICAL PROPOSAL:

The bidder / consortium of consultants have to furnish the following documents duly
signed in along with their Technical Proposal:
 Filled in Bid Submission Check List in Original (Annexure-I)
 Covering letter (TECH– 1) on bidder’s letterhead requesting to participate in the
selection process.
 Bid Processing Fee & Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) as applicable
 Copy of Certificate of Incorporation/ Registration
 Copy of PAN
 Copy of Goods and Services Tax Identification Number (GSTIN)
 Copies of IT Return for the last <Nos> assessment years (to be decided
 General Details of the Bidder (TECH – 2)
 Financial Details of the bidder (TECH – 3) along with all the supportive documents as
applicable duly signed as per the instruction.
 Power of Attorney (TECH – 4) in favour of the person signing the bid on behalf of the
 List of completed assignments of similar nature (Past Experience Details, TECH – 5)
along with copies of contracts / work orders / completion certificate from previous
 Undertaking for not having been black-listed by any Central / State Government / Any
other autonomous bodies/ International & National Organization in the recent past.
 Self Declaration regarding Conflict of Interest (TECH - 6)

Bidders should submit the required supporting documents as mentioned above. Bids not conforming to the
eligibility criteria and non-submission of required documents as listed above will lead to rejection of the bid.
Submission of forged documents will also result in rejection of the bid. Bidders are advised to study all
instructions, forms, terms & conditions and other important information as mentioned in the RFP
Document. The proposal must be complete in all respect, indexed and hard bound. Each page should be
numbered and signed by the authorised representative.

3. Bid Processing Fee :

The bidder must furnish as part of technical proposal, the required bid processing fee
amounting to Rs. _______/- (…………… Rupees Only) in shape of DD from any scheduled
commercial bank in favor of “____________________________” payable at
<location>.Proposals received without bid processing fee will be out rightly rejected.

4. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) :

The bidder must furnish, as part of the technical proposal, an Earnest Money Deposit
(EMD)< normally 2-5 % of the estimated cost of the tender, taking into consideration the
nature of the assignment> amounting to Rs. ___________/- (………………. Rupees Only)in
shape of DD from any scheduled commercial bank in favour of “________________________”
payable at <location>:
The EMD of unsuccessful bidders shall be refunded after finalization of selection
process and award of contract. The EMD of the successful bidder will be released only after
furnishing of the required Performance Bank Guarantee (PBG) and signing of the contract. The
EMD will be forfeited on account of the following reasons:

 Bidder withdraws its proposal during the bid validity period as specified in RFP
 Bidder does not respond to requests for clarification of its proposal.
 Bidder fails to provide required information during the evaluation process or is found
to be non-responsive or has submitted false information in support of its
 If the bidder fails to
 provide any clarifications to the Client
 agrees to the decisions of the contract negotiation meeting
 sign the contract within the prescribed time period
 furnish required Performance Bank Guarantee in time.
 Any other circumstance which holds the interest of the Client during the overall
selection process.
5. Validity of the Proposal:

Proposals shall remain valid for a period of <90-120> (______________ Days) from the
date of opening of the technical proposal. The Client reserves the rights to reject a proposal
valid for a shorter period as non-responsive and will make the best efforts to finalize the
selection process and award of the contract within the bid validity period. The bid validity period
may be extended on mutual consent.

6. Pre -Proposal Queries / Pre-Proposal Meeting:

Bidders are allowed to submit their queries in respect of the RFP and other details if any,
to <Name of the Department> Department through e-mail at ___________@____.___ till
__________________________. Clarifications to the above will be uploaded in the
<Department website> / clarified through email to the respective bidders for the purpose of
preparation of the proposal. Request for alternation / change in existing terms and conditions of
the RFP will not be considered / entertained.

Pre-proposal meeting will be held on <Date, Time> at <Address of the venue>. The
bidders will have to ensure that their queries for pre-proposal meeting should reach two days
before the pre-proposal meeting to the point of contact (Nodal Officer).

7. Submission of Proposal:

Bidder must submit their proposals by Registered Post / Speed Post / Courier only to
the specified address on or before the last date and time for submission of proposals as
mentioned in Bidder Data Sheet. The Client will not be responsible for postal delay / any
consequence in receiving of the proposal. The proposal must have to be submitted in two parts.
Each part should be separately bound with no loose sheets. Each page of the two parts should
be page numbered and in conformation to the eligibility qualifications and clearly indicated using
an index page. The Client will not consider any proposal that arrives after the deadline as
prescribed in the Bidder Data Sheet. Any Proposal received after the deadline will be outrightly
rejected by the Client.

The procedure for submission of the proposal is described below:

i) Technical Proposal (Original + 1 Copy):

The envelope containing technical proposal shall be sealed and superscripted as

“Technical Proposal - <Proposed Project Name>”and to be furnished inside
one envelope. The duly filled-in technical proposal submission forms, soft copy
in word form in CD along with all the supportive documents and information have
to be furnished as part of technical proposal.

ii) Financial Proposal (Original + 1 Copy):

The envelope containing financial proposal shall be sealed and superscripted as

“Financial Proposal – <Proposed Project Name>”. The duly filled-in financial
proposal submission forms should contain the detail price offer for the proposed
assignment and to be furnished as per the prescribed format only along with soft
copy in pdf form in CD as part of financial proposal.

The "Technical Proposal" and "Financial Proposal" must have to be submitted in two
separate sealed envelopes (with respective marking in bold letters) along with the prescribed
formats/information mentioned in the RFP Document. The first envelope must be marked as
"TECHNICAL PROPOSAL (Proposed Project Name)".

The second envelope must be marked as “FINANCIAL PROPOSAL (Proposed Project

Name)” and it should contain Financial Proposal only. Both the above envelopes have to be
sealed and placed inside a third main envelope with proper labelling of following information in

Proposed Project Name)



Any deviation from the prescribed procedures / information / formats / conditions shall
result in out-right rejection of the proposal. All the pages of the proposal have to be
sealed and signed by the authorized representative of the bidder. Bids with any
conditional offer shall be outrightly rejected. All pages of the proposal must have to be
sealed and signed by the authorized representative of the bidder. Any conditional bids will
be rejected.

8. Opening of the proposal :

The FIRST ENVELOPE containing TECHNICAL PROPOSAL will be opened in the initial
stage by the Client in presence of the bidder’s representatives at the location, date and time
specified in the Data Sheet. The Client will constitute a Consultant Evaluation Committee (CEC)
to evaluate the proposals submitted by bidders. Only one representative with proper
authorization letter from the participating bidder will be allowed to attend the bid opening
meeting. The SECOND ENVELOPE containing FINANCIAL PROPOSAL only of the technically
qualified bidders will be opened after completion of technical evaluation stage. The date and
time for opening of the financial proposal will be intimated accordingly to the technically qualified
bidders well in advance.

9. Evaluation of Proposal:

A Three stage evaluation process will be conducted as explained below for evaluation of
the proposals:

Preliminary Evaluation (1 Stage): Preliminary evaluation of the proposals will
be done to determine whether the proposal comply to the prescribed eligibility
condition and the requisite documents / information have been properly
furnished by the bidder or not. Submission of following documents / information
will be verified:

 Filled in Bid Submission Check List in Original (Annexure-I)

 Covering letter (TECH – 1) on bidder’s letterhead requesting to
participate in the selection process.
 Bid Processing Fee & Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) as applicable.
 Copy of Certificate of Incorporation/ Registration.
 Copy of PAN.
 Copy of Goods and Services Tax Identification Number (GSTIN)
 Copies of IT Return for the last 3 assessment years
 General Details of the Bidder (TECH – 2).
 Financial Details of the bidder (TECH – 3) along with all the
supportive documents as applicable duly signed and certified as per
the instruction.
 Power of Attorney (TECH – 4) in favour of the person signing the bid
on behalf of the bidder.
 List of completed assignments of similar nature (Past Experience
Details, TECH – 5) along with copies of contracts / work orders /
completion certificate from previous Clients.
 Self Declaration on Conflict of Interest (TECH - 6).
 Undertaking for not having been black-listed by any Central / State
Government / Any other Autonomous Bodies/ International &
National Organisation in the recent past.
 Duly filled in Technical Proposal Forms TECH - 7 to 10.
 All the pages of the proposal and enclosures/attachments are
signed by the authorised representative of the bidder.

* Bids not complying to any of the above requirement, will be outrightly rejected
at the discretion of the Client’s authority.

 nd
TECHNICAL EVALUATION (2 Stage): Technical proposal will be opened and
evaluated for those bidders / consortium (Lead Partner only) who qualify the
preliminary evaluation stage. Detailed evaluation process as per the following
parameters will be adopted for evaluation of the proposals.
Sl. No Bid Evaluation Parameters

1 Specific experience of Consultant relevant to the 5 to 10%

2 Adequacy of the proposed methodology and work 20 to 50%
plan in response to ToR
3 Qualification and relevant experience of key staff
4 Transfer of knowledge*

*If this criteria is not required, the mark can be adjusted against some other

For further details, please refer to Chapter 6, Para 6.7 – Evaluation of the Quality-
Technical Proposal.

Bidders who secure above <Nos> marks from the total (100 marks) in the
technical proposal will be called for financial evaluation.

FINANCIAL EVALUATION (3 Stage):The financial proposals of the bidders
qualifying the technical evaluation (2 Stage) only shall be opened at this stage
in the presence of the bidder’s representative who wishes to attend the meeting
with proper authorisation letter. The name of the bidder along with the quoted
financial price will be announced during the meeting.

10. Evaluation Process :

Least Cost Selection method will be followed during the overall selection process. The
financial bids of qualified bidders will be opened on the prescribed date in the presence of
bidders’ representatives. The bidder, who submits the lowest financial price bid shall be
adjudged as the L1 bidder and shall be called for further process leading to the award of the
contract. Only fixed price financial bids indicating total price for all the deliverables and services
specified in this RFP document will be considered. In case of a tie with respect to the bid price
for L1, the bidder having higher technical score will be considered the preferred bidder.

In Quality and Cost Based Selection method, minimum qualifying marks (normally 70-
80 out of maximum 100 marks) as a benchmark for quality of the technical proposal will be
prescribed and indicated in the RFP along with a scheme for allotting marks for various technical
criteria/attributes. During evaluation quality score is assigned out of the maximum 100 marks to
each of the responsive bids as per the scheme laid out in the RFP. Financial proposal are then
opened for only eligible and responsive offers and are also given a cost-score based on relative
ranking of prices, with 100 for the lowest and pro-rated lower marks for higher priced offers. The
total score shall be obtained by weighting the quality and cost scores and adding them. This
method of selection shall be used for highly technically complex and critical assignments where it
is justifiable to pay appropriately higher price for higher quality of proposal.

The bid price will include all taxes as applicable and shall be in Indian Rupees. Prices
quoted in the bid must be firm and final, and shall not be subject to any modifications on any
account whatsoever. The CEC (Consultant Evaluation Committee) will correct any computational
errors. When correcting computational errors, in case of discrepancy between partial amount and
the total amount, or between word and figures the former will prevail. All required items must be
priced accordingly in the financial bid.

For the purpose of evaluation, the total evaluated cost shall be inclusive of all taxes &
duties for which the Client will make payment to the consultant including overhead expenses,
such as travel, accommodation, logistics, training/ workshop, preparation of reports / formats,
printing & other secretarial expenses etc.

11. Performance Bank Guarantee: (PBG)

Within 7 days of notifying the acceptance of a proposal for award of contract, each
qualified bidder shall have to furnish a Performance Bank Guarantee amounting to 10% of the
contract value from a scheduled commercial bank situated in Bhubaneswar in favour of
“<name of the authorized>”, as per the format at Annexure-II, for a period of three months
beyond the entire contract period (i.e. PBG must be valid from the date of effectiveness of the
contract to a period of <Nos> months beyond the contract period) as its commitment to
perform services under the contract. Failure to comply with the requirements shall constitute
sufficient grounds for the forfeiture of the PBG. The PBG shall be released immediately after
three months of expiry of contract provided there is no breach of contract on the part of the
qualified bidder. No interest shall be paid on the PBG.

12. Contract Negotiation:

Contract negotiation, if required will be held at a date, time and address as intimated to
the selected bidder/s. The bidder will, as a pre-requisite for attendance at the negotiations,
confirm availability of all the proposed staff for the assignment. Representative conducting
negotiations on behalf of the bidder must have written authority to negotiate and conclude a
contract. Negotiation will be performed covering technical and financial aspects, if any and
availability of proposed professionals etc.

13. Award of Contract:

After completion of the contract negotiation stage, the Client will notify the successful
bidder in writing by issuing an offer letter for signing the contract and promptly notifying all other
bidders about the result of the selection process. The successful bidders will be asked to sign
the contract after fulfilling all formalities within 15 days of issuance of the offer letter. After
signing of the contract, no variation or modification of the terms of the contract shall be made
except by written amendment signed by both the parties. The contract will be valid for <Nos.>
months from the date of effectiveness of the contract and will be extended on mutual consent.

14. Conflict of Interest :

Conflict of interest exists in the event of:

(i) Conflicting assignments, typically monitoring and evaluation/environmental
assessment of the same project by the eligible bidder;
(ii) Consultants, agencies or institutions (individuals or organisations) who have a
business or family relation with the Client directly or indirectly; and
(iii) Practices prohibited under the anti-corruption policy of the Government of India
and Government of Odisha. The bidders are to be careful so as not to give rise to
a situation where there will be any conflict of interest with the Client as this would

amount to their disqualification and breach of contract.
15. Disclosure :
a. Bidders have an obligation to disclose any actual or potential conflict of interest. Failure
to do so may lead to disqualification of the bidder or termination of its contract.
 Bidders must disclose if they are or have been the subject of any proceedings (such
as blacklisting) or other arrangements relating to bankruptcy, insolvency or the
financial standing of the Bidder, including but not limited to appointment of any officer
such as a receiver in relation to the Bidder’s personal or business matters or an
arrangement with creditors, or of any other similar proceedings.
b. Bidders must disclose if they have been convicted of, or are the subject of any
proceedings relating to:
 a criminal offence or other serious offence punishable under the law of the land, or
where they have been found by any regulator or professional body to have
committed professional misconduct;
 corruption including the offer or receipt of an inducement of any kind in relation to
obtaining any contract;
 failure to fulfill any obligations in any jurisdiction relating to the payment of taxes or
social security contributions.
16. Anti-corruption Measure :

a. Any effort by Bidder(s) to influence the Client in the evaluation and ranking of financial
proposals, and recommendation for award of contract, will result in the rejection of the proposal.

b. A recommendation for award of Contract shall be rejected if it is determined that the

recommended bidder has directly, or through an agent, engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive,
or coercive practices in competing for the contract in question. In such cases, the Client shall
blacklist the bidder either indefinitely or for a stated period of time, disqualifying it from
participating in any related bidding process for the said period.

17. Language of Proposals :

The proposal and all related correspondence exchanged between the bidder and
the Client shall be written in the English language. Supporting documents and printed literature
that are part of the proposal may be in another language provided they are accompanied by an
accurate translation of the relevant passages in English with self-certification for accuracy, in
which case, for the purposes of interpretation of the Proposal, the translated version shall govern.

18. Cost of bidding :

The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of
its proposal. The Client shall not be responsible or liable for those costs, regardless of the
conduct or outcome of the bidding process. Bidder/s is/are not allowed to submit more than one
proposal under the selection process. Alternate bids are also not allowed.

19. Legal Jurisdiction:

All legal disputes are subject to the jurisdiction of civil court of <location> only within
20. Governing Law and Penalty Clause:
The schedule given for delivery is to be strictly adhered to in view of the strict time
schedule. Any unjustified and unacceptable delay in delivery shall render the bidder liable for
liquidated damages and thereafter the Client holds the option for cancellation of the contract for
pending activities and complete the same from any other agency. The Client may deduct such

sum from any money from their hands due or become due to bidder. The payment or deduction
of such sums shall not relieve the bidder from his obligations and liabilities under the contract.
The rights and obligations of the Client and the bidder under this contract will be governed by the
prevailing laws of Government of India / Government of Odisha. Failure on bidder’s part to
furnish the deliverables as per the agreed time line will enforce a penalty @ 1% per week
subject to maximum of 10% of the total contract value. The amount will be deducted from the
subsequent payment. In addition, the PBG amount shall also be forfeited. The decision of the
authority placing the contract, whether the delay in development has taken place on account of
reasons attributed to the bidder shall be final.

21. Confidentiality :

Information relating to evaluation of proposals and recommendations concerning awards

shall not be disclosed to the bidders who submitted the proposals or to other persons not
officially concerned with the process, until the publication of the award of contract. The undue
use by any Consultant of confidential information related to the process may result in rejection of
its proposal and may be subject to the provisions of the Client’s antifraud and corruption policy.
During the execution of the assignment except with prior written consent of the Client, the
consultant or its personnel shall not at any time communicate to any person or entity any
confidential information acquired in the course of the contract.
22. Amendment of the RFP Document:

At any time before submission of proposals, the Client may amend the RFP by issuing
an addendum through <Name of the Department> Department website. Any such addendum will
be binding on all the bidders. To give bidders reasonable time in which to take an addendum into
account in preparing their proposals, the Client may, at its discretion, extend the deadline
for the submission of the proposals.

23. Client’s right to accept any proposal, and to reject any or all proposal/s

The Client reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal, and to annul or amend the
bidding / selection / evaluation process and reject all proposals at any time prior to award of
contract award, without assigning any reason there of and thereby incurring any liability to the
24. Copyright, Patents and Other Proprietary Rights:

<Name of the Department>, Government of Odisha shall be entitled to all intellectual

property and other proprietary rights including but not limited to patents, copyrights and
trademarks, with regard to documents and other materials which bear a direct relation to or are
prepared or collected in consequence or in the course of the execution of this contract. At the
Client’s request, the Consultant shall take all necessary steps to submit them to the Client in
compliance with the requirements of the contract.
25. Replacement of Key Personnel :
The key professionals to be deployed under this contract must be dedicated in nature.
However, the Client reserves the right to request the Consultant to replace the assigned
personnel if they are not performing to a level of satisfaction. After written notification, the
Consultant will provide CV of appropriate candidates within Seven (7) days for review and
approval. The Consultant must replace the personnel within seven (7) working days from the
date of approval of replacement. If one or more key personnel become unavailable / leave the
project for any reason midway under the contract, the Consultant must notify the Client at least
fourteen (14) days in advance, and obtain the approval prior to making any substitution. In
notifying the Client, the Consultant shall provide an explanation of circumstances necessitating

the proposed replacement and submit justification and qualification of replacement personnel in
sufficient detail to permit evaluation of the impact on the engagement. Acceptance of a
replacement person by the Client shall not relieve the consultant from responsibility for failure to
meet the requirements of the contract. Change in key professionals beyond the allowable limit of
the contract leads to implication of liquidated damage of 10% of the contract value.

26. Force Majeure :

For purpose of this clause, ‘’Force Majeure’’ means an event beyond the control of the
agency and not involving the agency’s fault or negligence and not foreseeable. Such events may
include, but are not restricted, wars or revolutions, fires, floods, riots, civil commotion,
earthquake, epidemics or other natural disasters and restriction imposed by the Government or
other bodies, which are beyond the control of the agency, which prevents or delays the execution
of the order by the agency If a force Majeure situation arises, the agency shall promptly notify
Client in writing of such condition, the cause thereof and the change that is necessitated due to
the condition. Until and unless otherwise directed by the Client in writing, the Agency shall
continue to perform its obligations under the contract as far as is reasonably practical, and shall
seek all reasonable alternative means for performance not prevented by the Force Majeure
event. The agency shall advise Client in writing, the beginning and the end of the above causes
of delay, within seven days of the occurrence and cessation of the Force Majeure condition. In
the event of a delay lasting for more than one month, if arising out of causes of Force Majeure,
Client reserve the right to cancel the contract without any obligation to compensate the agency in
any manner for what so ever reason.

27. Settlement of Dispute:

The Client and the agency shall make every effort to resolve amicably, by direct
negotiation, any disagreement or dispute arising between them under or arising from or in
connection with the contract. Disputes not so resolved amicably within 30 days of receipt of
notice of such as a dispute shall be resolved by a sole arbitrator nominated by the <Authority>,
<Name of the Department>, Government of Odisha. The arbitration proceeding shall be held in
< name of location > within Odisha.

28. Disqualification of Proposal:

The proposal is liable to be disqualified in the following cases as listed below:

 Proposal submitted without Bid Processing Fee & EMD as applicable
 Proposal not submitted in accordance with the procedure and formats as prescribed
in the RFP
 During validity of the proposal, or its extended period, if any, the bidder increases
his quoted prices
 Proposal is received in incomplete form
 Proposal is received after due date and time for submission of bid
 Proposal is not accompanied by all the requisite documents / information
 A commercial bid submitted with assumptions or conditions
 Bids with any conditional technical and financial offer
 If the bidder provides any assumptions in the financial proposal or qualifies the
commercial proposal with its own conditions, such proposals will be rejected even if
the commercial value of such proposals is the lowest / best value
 Proposal is not properly sealed or signed
 Proposal is not conforming to the requirement of the scope of the work of the
 Bidder tries to influence the proposal evaluation process by unlawful/corrupt/

fraudulent means at any point of time during the bid process
 If, any of the bid documents (including but not limited to the hard and soft/electronic
copies of the same, presentations during evaluation, clarifications provided by the
bidder), excluding the commercial bid, submitted by the bidder is found to contain
any information on price, pricing policy, pricing mechanism or any information
indicative of the commercial aspects of the bid;
 Bidders or any person acting on its behalf indulges in corrupt and fraudulent
 Any other condition / situation which holds the paramount interest of the Client
during the overall section process.



Introduction (Background)
<<Client has to put the background information about the proposed project and

1. Purpose / Objectives of the Assignment

<<Client has to state the statement of purpose of the proposed project>>

2. Detailed Scope of the Work

<<Client has to put the clear scope of assignment for that it will be helpful to bidder for
proposal submission.The tasks, activities to be carried out, dependencies, milestones,
bar/Gantt Chart. The place of assignment and touring requirements, if any, must be
specified. The length and duration of the assignment may be included here.>>

3. Timelines, stages of deliverables and content of each deliverable.

<<This should indicate the format, frequency and contents of reports, including dates of
submission. The number of copies and requirements for electronic submission are also to
be specified. These can be specified in a tabular format as provided below too>>

Deliverables vis-a-vis time frame

Sl. No. Description of Items Corresponding time frame


4. Team composition and Qualification Requirements for the key professionals (And any
other requirements which will be used for evaluating the key experts)
< The role and responsibilities of the Key Professionals is to be mentioned and the
amount of time they will devote to the assignment may be specified. >

Sl. No Key Professionals Person-Days


5. Expected schedule for completing the assignment. If an assignment consists of more

than one activity, the target period / date for completing each activity can also be specified.

6. Payment Terms and Schedule in a tabular form

Sl. No. Deliverables % of total payment payable


7. Background materials, data, reports, records of previous surveys and so on, to be

provided to the consultant. (Mention a caveat about reliability of material provided and the need
for consultant to verify and crosscheck vital aspects)

8. Facilities which will be provided to the consultants by the Procuring Entity, say local
conveyance, office space, office machines, secretarial assistance, utilities, local services etc.

9. Any other related information specific to proposed study / assignment which is necessary
to be furnished to all the bidders.

10. Roles and Responsibilities of Stake holders Department

 Stake holder Department

 Consultant

11. Procedure for review of the work of the consultant after award of contract including
testing, validation, approval. The name and / or designation of the officials responsible for
reviewing the work and monitoring the activities of the consultants may also be included here. A
mention about the Consultant Monitoring Committee (CMC) may be included.

Section 4

Technical Proposal Submission Forms



[Location, Date]


The ____________________to Government

<Name of the Department> Department, Government of Odisha


Dear Sir,

I, the undersigned, offer to provide the services for the proposed assignment in respect to
your Request for Proposal No. _________________, Dated: ___________________. I hereby
submit the proposal which includes this technical proposal sealed under a separate envelope. Our
proposal will be valid for acceptance up to <Nos.> Days and I confirm that this proposal will remain
binding upon us and may be accepted by you at any time before this expiry date.

All the information and statements made in this technical proposal are true and correct and I
accept that any misinterpretation contained in it may lead to disqualification of our proposal. If
negotiations are held during the period of validity of the proposal, I undertake to negotiate on the
basis of the proposal submitted by us. Our proposal is binding upon us and subject to the
modifications resulting from contract negotiations.

I have examined all the information as provided in your Request for Proposal (RFP) and
offer to undertake the service described in accordance with the conditions and requirements of the
selection process. I agree to bear all costs incurred by us in connection with the preparation and
submission of this proposal and to bear any further pre-contract costs. In case, any provisions of this
RFP/ ToR including of our technical & financial proposal is found to be deviated, then your
department shall have rights to reject our proposal including forfeiture of the Earnest Money Deposit
absolutely. I confirm that, I have the authority to submit the proposal and to clarify any details on its

I understand you are not bound to accept any proposal you receive.

I remain,

Yours faithfully,

Authorized Signatory with Date and Seal:

Name and Designation: ______________________________________

Address of Bidder: ___________________________________


Bidder’s Organisation (General Details)

Sl. No. Description Full Details

Name of the Bidder /
1 Consortium

Address for communication:

Tel :
Email id :
Name of the authorized person
signing & submitting the bid on
3 behalf of the Bidder:
Mobile No. :
Email id :
Registration / Incorporation Details
4 Registration No:
Date & Year. :
Local office in Odisha
5 If Yes, Please furnish contact details Yes / No

Bid Processing Fee Details

Amount :
6 DD No. :
Name of the Bank:

EMD Details
Amount :
DD No.:
Name of the Bank:

8 PAN Number
Goods and Services Tax Identification
Number (GSTIN)
Willing to carry out assignments as per
10 YES
the scope of work of the RFP

Willing to accept all the terms and

11 YES
conditions as specified in the RFP

Authorized Signatory [In full and initials]: __________________________________

Name and Designation with Date and Seal: _________________________________

TECH - 3

Bidder Organisation (Financial Details)

Financial Information in INR

Details FY______ FY_______ FY_____ Average

Consulting Turnover (in Lakh)

Supporting Documents:

Audited certified financial statements for the last <Nos> FYs (to be decided accordingly)
(Submission of copies of Income & Expenditure Statement and Balance Sheet for the respective
financial years is mandatory along with this form)

Filled in information in this format must have to be jointly certified and sealed by the CA
and the authorized representative of the bidder and to be furnished in original along
with the technical proposal failing which the proposal will be out rightly rejected. No
scanned copy will be entertained.


Signature and Seal of the Company Auditor with Date in original

Authorized Signatory [In full initials with Date and Seal]: _______________________

Communication Address of the Bidder: _____________________________________

[NB: No Scanned Signature will be entertained]

TECH - 4


(On Bidder’s Letter Head)

I,___________________________, the _____________________ (Designation) of (Name

of the Organisation) in witness whereof certify that <Name of person>is authorized to execute the
attorney on behalf of <Name of Organisation>, <Designation of the person>of the company acting
for and on behalf of the company under the authority conferred by the < Notification/ Authority
order no.>Dated <date of reference>has signed this Power of attorney at <place> on this day of
<day><month>, <year>.

The signatures of <Name of person>in whose favour authority is being made under the
attorney given below are hereby certified.

Name of the Authorized Representative :

(Signature of the Authorized Representative with Date)


Signature, Name & Designation of person executing attorney:

Address of the Bidder:

TECH - 5


Table -1 (List of <Nos> completed assignments only of similar nature** in any sector during
last <Nos> years)

Sl. Period Name of the Name of *Contract Date of Award / Date of Remarks
no. Assignment the Value (in Commencement Completion if any
with details Client INR) and of assignment of
thereof Duration assignment
in Month

Authorized Signatory [In full and initials]: __________________________________

Name and Designation with Date and Seal: _________________________________

Note: Bidders are requested to furnish the list limited to <Nos>assignments of similar
undertaken during the last <Nos> Financial Years (to be decided accordingly) as per the
above prescribed format only. Information not conforming to the above format will be
treated as non-responsive. Copies of the Work order / Contract Document / Completion
Certificate from the previous Clients need to be furnished along with the above

* Assignments having Contract Value of ≥ Rs. _____ Lakh & Duration of ≥ ____ Month only will be taken
into consideration.

TECH - 6



Are there any activities carried out by your agency which are of conflicting nature as
mentioned in Section 2: [Information to the Bidder] under Eligibility Criteria: Para (5). If yes,
please furnish details of any such activities.

If no, please certify,


I, hereby declare that our agency as Individual / as a member of any consortium is not
indulged in any such activities which can be termed as the conflicting activities as mentioned in
Section 2: [Information to the Bidder] under Eligibility Criteria: Para (6).

I, also acknowledge that in case of misrepresentation of any of the information, our proposal /
contract shall be rejected / terminated by the Client which shall be binding on us.

Authorized Signatory [In full initials with Date and Seal]: ______________________

Communication Address of the Bidder: _____________________________________


Comments and Suggestions on the Terms of Reference / Scope of Work and

Counterpart Staff and Facilities to be provided by the Client

A: On the Terms of Reference / Scope of Work:

[The consultant needs to present and justify in this section, if any modifications to the Terms of
Reference he is proposing to improve performance in carrying out the assignment (such as deleting
some activity considering unnecessary, or adding another, or proposing a different phasing of the
activities / study process modifications). Such suggestions should be concise and to the point, and
incorporated in the technical proposal. Modification / suggestion will not be taken into consideration
without adequate justification. Any change in manpower resources will not be taken into

B: On Input and Facilities to be provide by the Client:

[Comment here on inputs and facilities to be provided by the Client with respect to the Scope of Work
and Study Implementation]

Authorized Signatory [In full and initials]: __________________________________

Name and Designation with Date and Seal: _________________________________



[Technical approach, methodology and work plan are key components of the Technical
Proposal. In this Section, bidder should explain his understanding of the scope and objectives of
the assignment, approach to the services, methodology for carrying out the activities and
obtaining the expected output, and the degree of detail of such output. Further, he should
highlight the problems being addressed and their importance, and explain the technical
approach to be adopted to address them. It is suggested to present the required information
divided into following four sections]

A. Understanding of Scope, Objectives and Completeness of response

Please explain your understanding of the scope and objectives of the assignment based on
the scope of work, the technical approach, and the proposed methodology adopted for implementation
of the tasks and activities to deliver the expected output(s), and the degree of detail of such output.
Please do not repeat/ copy the ToR here.

B. Description of Approach and Methodology :

a. Key guiding principles for the study.

b. Proposed Framework.
c. Information matrix
d. Any other issues

C. Methodology to be adopted :
Explaining of the proposed methodologies to be adopted highlighting of the compatibility of the
same with the proposed approach. This includes :

a. Detail research design including sample design and estimation procedure.

b. Field Process Protocol control
c. Suggestive tools for data collection.
d. Analysis of field data and preparation of reports
e. Any other issues

D. Staffing and Study Management Plan:

The bidder should propose and justify the structure and composition of the team and should
enlist the main activities under the assignment in respect of the Key Professionals responsible for it.
Further, it is necessary to enlist of the activities under the proposed assignment with sub-activities
(week wise). (Graphical representation)

Authorized Signatory [In full and initials]: ___________________________________

Name and Designation with Date and Seal: __________________________________

<<The bidder may be asked to submit the required information within a certain number of pages, with font

TECH - 9

Format of Curriculum Vitae (CV) for Proposed Key Professional

1. Proposed Position :
[For each position of key professional separate formTech B-6 will be prepared]
2. Name of Firm :
3. Name of Staff :
4. Date of Birth :
5. Years with Firm :
6. Nationality :
7. Education :
[Indicate college / university and other specialized education of staff member, giving names of
institutions, degrees obtained, and dates]

8. Membership in Professional Associations :

9. Other Trainings :
10. Countries of Work Experience :
11. Languages :
[For each language indicate proficiency: excellent, good, fair, or poor; in speaking, reading, and

12. Employment Record:

[Starting with present position, list in reverse order every employment held by staff member
since graduation, giving for each employment (see format here below): dates of employment, name of
employing organization, positions held. For experience in last ten years, also give types of activities
performed and Client references, where appropriate as per the prescribed format given below]

From [Year] To [Year]

Procuring Entity Name:
Position Held:
Details of the Task Assigned
[List all tasks to be performed under this

13. Work Undertaken that Best Illustrates Capability to Handle the Tasks Assigned
[Among the Assignment/jobs in which the staff has been involved, indicate the following
information for those Assignment /jobs that best illustrate staff capability to handle the tasks

Name of the Project

Name of the Client
Project Feature
Position Held
Activities Performed

Certification :

I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief that this CV correctly
describes my qualifications and past experiences. I will undertake this assignment for the full project
duration in terms of roles and responsibilities assigned in the technical proposal or any agreed
extension of activities thereof. I understand that any misstatement herein leads to disqualification of


Signature of Key Professional with Date ___________________________________

Authorized Signatory [In full and initials]: __________________________________

Name and Designation with Date and Seal: _________________________________

<<NB: CV write up may be restricted to a certain number of pages with quality information relevant to
the key professional requirements. This will be easy in evaluating the resumes for short listing. The CVs
needs to be jointly signed by the proposed professional and the authorized representative of the

TECH – 10


Week 1 2 3 4 5 6

Sequence of
Study Activities /
Sub Activities

Indicate all main activities / sub activities of the proposed assignment including
delivery of reports (Inception. and Final Reports) and other associate sub-activities

Authorized Signatory [In full and initials]: __________________________________

Name and Designation with Date and Seal: _________________________________

Section 5

Financial Proposal Submission Forms

FIN - 1

(In Bidder’s Letter Head)
[Location, Date]


The ____________________to Government

<Name of the Department> Department, Government of Odisha



I, the undersigned, offer to provide the consulting services for [Insert title of assignment] in
accordance with your Request for Proposal No.___________, Dated: _________________. Our
attached Financial Proposal is for the sum of [Insert amount(s) in words and figures ].

The above quoted amount is inclusive of the taxes applicable as per GST Act. I do hereby
undertake that, in the event of acceptance of our bid, the services shall be provided in respect to the
terms and conditions as stipulated in the RFP document.

Our financial proposal shall be binding upon us subject to the modifications resulting from
contract negotiations, up to expiration of the validity period of the proposal of <Nos.> days. I have
carefully read and understood the terms and conditions of the RFP and do hereby undertake to
provide the service accordingly.

I understand that you are not bound to accept any proposal you receive.

I remain,

Yours faithfully,

Authorized Signatory [In full and initials]

Name and Designation of Signatory with Date and Seal:

Address of the Bidder :

*Amount must match with the one indicated in Fin-2.

FIN - 2


Name of the Assignment :

Sl. No. Fee Particulars Amount in INR

A Remuneration for Professionals and Support Staff

Description of Manpower Qty Unit Rate Total





B Sub Total

C Overhead expenses

D Consulting Fee (B+C)

Taxes applicable as per GST Act @
________ % of Consulting Fee (D)
Grand Total (INR) (D + E)

In Words

 Bidders shall submit the financial proposal as per the prescribed format given above in
both figures and words, and signed by the Bidder's Authorized Representative. In the
event of any difference between figures and words, the amount indicated in words shall
 Taxes will be paid by the Client as per the applicable rate under GST Act from time to
time. Consultancy fee proposed for the assignment shall remain fixed till completion of the

Authorized Signatory [In full and initials]: ______________________________________

Name and Designation with Date& Seal: _______________________________________

FIN - 3


Unit Rate
Name of Key Proposed Total Amount
Sl. No. Position (MAN
Person MAN DAY (B) in INR (A*B)

Grand Total in INR

In Words

Authorized Signatory [In full and initials]: _____________________________________

Name and Designation with Date& Seal: ______________________________________

FIN - 4


Unit Price in Total Amount

Sl. No. Description Unit Quantity

Grand Total in INR

In Words

Authorized Signatory [In full and initials]: ______________________________________

Name and Designation with Date& Seal: _______________________________________



Annexure – I

Sl. Description Submitted Page No.

No. (Yes/No)
1 Filled in Bid Submission Check List (ANNEXURE-I)
2 Covering Letter (TECH -1)
3 Bid Processing Fee of Rs. ________/- in form to DD
4 Rs. _________/- in shape of Demand Draft
5 Copy of Certificate of Incorporation / Registration of
the Bidder
6 Copy of PAN
7 Copy of Goods and Services Tax Identification
Number (GSTIN)
8 Copies of IT Returns for the last <Nos> AYs (to be
decided accordingly)
9 General Details of the Bidder (TECH - 2)
10 Financial details of the bidder (TECH - 3) along with all
the supportive documents such as copies of Profit –
Loss Statement and Balance Sheet for the concerned
11 Power of Attorney (TECH - 4) in favour of the person
signing the bid on behalf of the bidder.
12 List of completed assignments of similar nature (Past
Experience Details) (TECH - 5) along with the copies
of work orders for the respective assignments
13 Self Declaration on Potential Conflict of Interest (TECH
- 6)
14 Undertaking for not have been black-listed by any
Central / State Govt./any Autonomous bodies during
its business career.
15 Comments and Suggestions (TECH – 7)
16 Description of Approach, Methodology & Work Plan
(TECH - 8)
17 CV of Key Professionals (TECH – 9)
18 Work Plan (TECH – 10)
19 Consortium agreement duly signed by the authorized
signatories, shall designate the roles of each partner
1 Covering Letter (FIN-1)
2 Summary of Financial Proposal (FIN-2)

 All the information have been submitted as per the prescribed format and
 Each part has been separately bound with no loose sheets and each page of all
the two parts are page numbered along with Index Page.
 All pages of the proposal have been sealed and signed by the authorized

Authorized Signatory [In full and initials]:_________________________________________

Name and Designation with Date and Seal: _______________________________________

Annexure – II



The __________________to Government (DDO)

<Name of the Department> Department, Govt. of Odisha

WHEREAS________________________________________________ (Name and address of

the Consultant) (hereinafter called “the Consultant”) has undertaken, in pursuance of RFP
No____________ dated __________ to undertake the service _____________ (description of
services) (herein after called “the contract”).

AND WHEREAS it has been stipulated by ___________________(Name of the Client) in the

said contract that the Consultant shall furnish you with a bank guarantee by a scheduled
commercial bank recognized by you for the sum specified therein as security for compliance with its
obligations in accordance with the contract;

AND WHEREAS we have agreed to give the supplier such a bank guarantee;

NOW THEREFORE we hereby affirm that we are guarantors and responsible to you, on
behalf of the Consultant, up to a total of ___________________________________________
(amount of the guarantee in words and figures), and we undertake to pay you, upon your first
written demand declaring the consultant to be in default under the contract and without cavil or
argument, any sum or sums within the limits of (amount of guarantee) as aforesaid, without your
needing to prove or to show grounds or reasons for your demand or the sum specified therein.

We hereby waive the necessity of your demanding the said debt from the consultant before
presenting us with the demand.

We further agree that no change or addition to or other modification of the terms of the
contract to be performed there under or of any of the contract documents which may be made
between you and the consultant shall in any way release us from any liability under this guarantee
and we hereby waive notice of any such change, addition or modification.

This performance bank guarantee shall be valid until the _____ day of _______, <Year>

Our branch at Bhubaneswar (Name & Address of the Bank) is liable to pay the guaranteed
amount depending on the filing of claim and any part thereof under this Bank Guarantee only and
only if you serve upon us at our Bhubaneswar branch a written claim or demand and received by us
at our .Bhubaneswar branch on or before Dt.___________ otherwise bank shall be discharged of all
liabilities under this guarantee thereafter.

…………………………….(Signature of the authorized officer of the Bank)

Name and designation of the officer
Seal, name & address of the Bank & Branch

<<Any Other assignment related Material may also be included in the Annexure for the bidder>>



Consultants’ Services



I. Form of Contract

II. General Conditions of Contract

1. General Provisions
2. Commencement, Completion, Modification and Termination of
3. Obligations of the Consultant
4. Consultants’ Personnel and Sub-Consultants
5. Obligations of the Employer
6. Payments to the Consultant
7. Fairness and Good Faith
8. Settlement of Disputes
9. Liquidated Damages
10. Miscellaneous Provisions

III. Special Conditions of Contract

IV. Appendices

Appendix A – Description of Services

Appendix B - Reporting Requirements

Appendix C - Staffing Schedule

Appendix D - Cost Estimates in Foreign Currency

Appendix E - Duties of the Employer



[name of the Client]


[name of the Consultant]


I. Form of Contract

(Text in brackets [ ] should be filled up appropriately; all notes should be deleted in final text)

This CONTRACT (hereinafter called the “Contract”) is made the [day] day of the month of
[month], [year], between the President of India acting through (designation), Ministry of
__________________ , Department of ______________________, Government of India, (office
address), [name of employer] (hereinafter called the “Employer”), of the First Part and, [name of
Consultant] (hereinafter called the “Consultant”) of the Second Part.

[Note: If the Consultant consist of more than one entity, the above should be partially amended to
read as follows: “…(hereinafter called the “Employer”) and, on the other hand, a joint
venture/consortium/association consisting of the following entities, namely, lead consultant [name of
lead Consultant] and [name of Consultant/s] (hereinafter called the “Consultant”).


(a) the Consultant, having represented to the “Employer” that he has the required professional
skills, personnel and technical resources, has offered to provide in response to the Tender Notice
dated issued by the Employer ;

(b) the “Employer” has accepted the offer of the Consultant to provide the services on the terms
and conditions set forth in this Contract.

NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY AGREED between the parties as follows:

1. The following documents attached hereto shall be deemed to form an integral part of this

(a) The General Conditions of Contract;

(b) The Special Conditions of Contract;

(c) The following Appendices:

Appendix A: Description of Services

Appendix B: Reporting Requirements
Appendix C: Staffing schedule
Appendix D: Cost Estimates
Appendix E: Duties of the “Employer”
Appendix F: Duties of the Consultant

2. The mutual rights and obligations of the “Employer” and the Consultant shall be as set forth in
the Contract, in particular:

(a) the Consultants shall carry out and complete the Services in accordance with the provisions of
the Contract; and

(b) the “Employer” shall make payments to the Consultant in accordance with the provisions of the

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused this Contract to be signed in their
respective names as of the day and year first above written.

Signed by -----

For and on behalf of the President of India [name of “Employer”]

(Witnesses) [Authorized Representative]


In presence of (Witnesses)


2. For and on behalf of [name of Consultant]

[Authorized Representative]

[Note: If the Consultant consists of more than one entity, all these entities should appear as signatories,
e.g., in the following manner:]

3. For and on behalf of each of the Members of the Consultant.

[name of member] [Authorized Representative]

4. [Name of member]

[Authorized Representative]

II. General Conditions of Contract


• Definitions Unless the context otherwise requires, the following terms whenever used in this
Contract have the following meanings:

xiii) “Applicable Law” means the laws and any other instruments having the force of law in India
for the time being.

xiv) “Consultant” means any private or public entity that will provide the Services to the
“Employer” under the Contract.

xv) “Contract” means the Contract signed by the Parties and all the attached documents listed in
its Clause 1, that is this General Conditions (GC), the Special Conditions (SC), and the Appendices.

xvi) “Day” means calendar day.

xvii) “Effective Date” means the date on which this Contract comes into force and effect pursuant
to Clause GC 2.1.

xviii) “Foreign Currency” means any currency other than the currency of the “Employer’s” country.

xix) “GC” means these General Conditions of Contract.

xx) “Government” means the Government of India

xxi) “Local Currency” means Indian Rupees.

xxii) “Member” means any of the entities that make up the joint venture/consortium/association;
and “Members” means all these entities.

xxiii) “Party” means the “Employer” or the Consultant, as the case may be, and “Parties” means
both of them.

xxiv) “Personnel” means professionals and support staff provided by the Consultants or by any
Sub-Consultants and assigned to perform the Services or any part thereof; “Foreign Personnel”
means such professionals and support staff who at the time of being so provided had their domicile
outside the Government’s country; “Local Personnel” means such professionals and support staff who
at the time of being so provided had their domicile inside the Government’s country; and “Key
Personnel” means the Personnel referred to in Clause GC 4.2(a).

xxv) “Reimbursable expenses” means all assignment-related costs [such as travel, translation,
report printing, secretarial expenses, subject to specified maximum limits in the Contract].

xxvi) “SC” means the Special Conditions of Contract by which the GC may be amended or

xxvii) “Services” means the work to be performed by the Consultant pursuant to this Contract, as
described in Appendix A hereto.

xxviii) “Sub-Consultants” means any person or entity to whom/which the Consultant subcontracts
any part of the Services.

xxix) “Third Party” means any person or entity other than the “Employer”, or the Consultant.

xxx) “In writing” means communicated in written form with proof of receipt.

Relationship Between the Parties

Nothing contained herein shall be construed as establishing a relationship of master and

servant or of principal and agent as between the “Employer” and the Consultant. The Consultant,
subject to this Contract, has complete charge of Personnel and Sub-Consultants, if any, performing
the Services and shall be fully responsible for the Services performed by them or on their behalf

Law Governing Contract : This Contract, its meaning and interpretation, and the relation between
the Parties shall be governed by the applicable laws of India.

• Headings: The headings shall not limit, alter or affect the meaning of this Contract.

• Notices

Any notice, request or consent required or permitted to be given or made pursuant to this
Contract shall be in writing. Any such notice, request or consent shall be deemed to have been given
or made when delivered in person to an authorized representative of the Party to whom the
communication is addressed, or when sent by registered post to such Party at the address specified
in the SC.

A Party may change its address for notice hereunder by giving the other Party notice in writing of such
change to the address specified in the SC.

Location : The Services shall be performed at such locations as are specified in Appendix A hereto
and, where the location of a particular task is not so specified, at such locations, as the “Employer”
may approve.

Authority of Lead Partner : In case the Consultant consists of a joint venture/consortium/

association of more than one entity, the Members hereby authorize the entity specified (Lead
Consultant) in the SC to act on their behalf in exercising all the Consultant’s rights and obligations
towards the “Employer” under this Contract, including without limitation the receiving of instructions
and payments from the “Employer”. However, each member or constituent of Consortium of
Consultant shall be jointly and severally liable for all obligations of the Consultant under the Contract.

Authorized Representatives : Any action required or permitted to be taken, and any document
required or permitted to be executed under this Contract by the “Employer” or the Consultant may be
taken or executed by the officials specified in the SC.

Taxes and Duties: The Consultant, Sub-Consultants and Personnel shall be liable to pay such direct
and indirect taxes, duties, fees and other impositions levied under the applicable laws of India.

• Fraud and Corruption

Definitions: It is the Employer’s policy to require that Employers as well as Consultants observe the
highest standard of ethics during the execution of the Contract. In pursuance of this policy, the
Employer defines, for the purpose of this provision, the terms set forth below as follows:

(i) “corrupt practice” means the offering, receiving, or soliciting, directly or indirectly, of anything
of value to influence the action of a public official in the selection process or in contract execution;

(ii) “fraudulent practice” means a misrepresentation or omission of facts in order to influence a

selection process or the execution of a contract;

(iii) “collusive practices” means a scheme or arrangement between two or more consultants,
with or without the knowledge of the Employer, designed to establish prices at artificial, non-
competitive levels;

(iv) “coercive practices” means harming or threatening to harm, directly or indirectly, persons or
their property to influence their participation in a procurement process, or affect the execution of a

• Measures to be taken by the Employer

(a) The Employer may terminate the contract if it determines at any time that representatives of
the consultant were engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive or coercive practices during the selection
process or the execution of that contract, without the consultant having taken timely and appropriate
action satisfactory to the Employer to remedy the situation;

(b) The Employer may also sanction against the Consultant, including declaring the Consultant
ineligible, either indefinitely or for a stated period of time, to be awarded a contract if it at any time
determines that the Consultant has, directly or through an agent, engaged in corrupt, fraudulent,
collusive or coercive practices in competing for, or in executing, a Employer-financed contract;

• Commissions and Fees

At the time of execution of this Contract, the Consultants shall disclose any commissions or
fees that may have been paid or are agreed to be paid to agents, representatives, or commission
agents with respect to the selection process or execution of the contract. The information disclosed
must include at least the name and address of the agent, representative, or commission agent, the
amount and currency, and the purpose of the commission or fee.



Effectiveness of Contract : This Contract shall come into force and effect on the date (the
“Effective Date”) of the “Employer’s notice to the Consultant instructing the Consultant to begin
carrying out the Services. This notice shall confirm that the conditions precedent and effectiveness
conditions, if any, listed in the SC have been met.

Termination of Contract for Failure to Become Effective : If this Contract has not become
effective within such time period after the date of the Contract signed by the Parties as specified in the
SC, either Party may, by not less than twenty one (21) days written notice to the other Party, declare
this Contract to be null and void, and in the event of such a declaration by either Party, neither Party
shall have any claim against the other Party with respect hereto.

Commencement of Services : The Consultant shall begin carrying out the Services not later
than the number of days after the Effective Date specified in the SC.

Expiration of Contract : Unless terminated earlier pursuant to Clause GC 2.9 hereof, this
Contract shall expire at the end of such time period after the Effective Date as specified in the SC.

Entire Agreement : This Contract contains all covenants, stipulations and provisions agreed
by the Parties. No agent or representative of either Party has authority to make, and the Parties shall
not be bound by or be liable for, any other statement, representation, promise or agreement not set
forth herein.

Modifications or Variations : (a) Any modification or variation of the terms and conditions of
this Contract, including any modification or variation of the scope of the Services, may only be made

by written agreement between the Parties. Pursuant to Clause GC 7.2 here of, however, each Party
shall give due consideration to any proposals for modification or variation made by the other Party.

(b) In cases of substantial modifications or variations, the prior written consent of the Employer is

• Force Majeure

Definition (a) For the purposes of this Contract, “Force Majeure” means an event which is
beyond the reasonable control of a Party, is not foreseeable, is unavoidable and not brought about by
or at the instance of the Party claiming to be affected by such events and which has caused the non-
performance or delay in performance, and which makes a Party’s performance of its obligations
hereunder impossible or so impractical as reasonably to be considered impossible in the
circumstances, and includes, but is not limited to, war, riots, civil disorder, earthquake, fire, explosion,
storm, flood or other extreme adverse weather conditions, strikes, lockouts or other industrial action
(except where such strikes, lockouts or other industrial action are within the power of the Party
invoking Force Majeure to prevent), confiscation or any other action by Government agencies.

(b) Force Majeure shall not include

(i) any event which is caused by the negligence or intentional action of a Party or by or
of such Party’s Sub-Consultants or agents or employees, nor

(ii) any event which a diligent Party could reasonably have been expected both to take
into account at the time of the conclusion of this Contract, and avoid or overcome in
the carrying out of its obligations hereunder.

(c) Subject to clause 2.7.2, Force Majeure shall not include insufficiency of funds or inability to
make any payment required hereunder.

No Breach of Contract : The failure of a Party to fulfill any of its obligations hereunder shall not be
considered to be a breach of, or default under, this Contract insofar as such inability arises from an
event of Force Majeure, provided that the Party affected by such an event has taken all reasonable
precautions, due care and reasonable alternative measures, all with the objective of carrying out the
terms and conditions of this Contract.

Measures to be Taken :

(a) A Party affected by an event of Force Majeure shall continue to perform its obligations under
the Contract as far as is reasonably practical, and shall take all reasonable measures to minimize the
consequences of any event of Force Majeure.

(b) A Party affected by an event of Force Majeure shall notify the other Party of such event as
soon as possible, and in any case not later than fourteen (14) days following the occurrence of such
event, providing evidence of the nature and cause of such event, and shall similarly give written notice
of the restoration of normal conditions as soon as possible.

(c) Any period within which a Party shall, pursuant to this Contract, complete any action or task,
shall be extended for a period equal to the time during which such Party was unable to perform such
action as a result of Force Majeure.

(d) During the period of their inability to perform the Services as a result of an event of Force
Majeure, the Consultant, upon instructions by the “Employer”, shall either:

(i) demobilize,; or

(ii) continue with the Services to the extent possible, in which case the Consultant shall
continue to be paid proportionately and on prorata basis, under the terms of this

(e) In the case of disagreement between the Parties as to the existence or extent of Force
Majeure, the matter shall be settled according to Clause GC 8.

Suspension : The “Employer” may, by written notice of suspension to the Consultant, suspend all
payments to the Consultant hereunder if the Consultant fails to perform any of its obligations under
this Contract, including the carrying out of the Services, provided that such notice of suspension (i)
shall specify the nature of the failure, and (ii) shall allow the Consultant to remedy such failure, if
capable of being remedied, within a period not exceeding thirty (30) days after receipt by the
Consultant of such notice of suspension.

• Termination

By the “Employer”: The “Employer” may terminate this Contract in case of the occurrence of
any of the events specified in paragraphs (a) through (h) of this Clause GC

(a) If the Consultant fails to remedy a failure in the performance of its obligations hereunder, as
specified in a notice of suspension pursuant to Clause GC 2.8 hereinabove, within thirty (30) days of
receipt of such notice of suspension or within such further period as the “Employer” may have
subsequently approved in writing.

(b) If the Consultant becomes (or, if the Consultant consists of more than one entity, if any of its
Members becomes and which has substantial bearing on providing Services under this contract)
insolvent or go into liquidation or receivership whether compulsory or voluntary.

(c) If the Consultant fails to comply with any final decision reached as a result of arbitration
proceedings pursuant to Clause GC 8 hereof.

(d) If the Consultant, in the judgment of the “Employer”, has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent
practices in competing for or in executing this Contract.

(e) If the Consultant submits to the “Employer” a false statement which has a material effect on
the rights, obligations or interests of the “Employer”.

(ee) If the Consultant places itself in position of conflict of interest or fails to disclose promptly any
conflict of interest to the Employer.

(f) If the consultant fails to provide the quality services as envisaged under this Contract. The
Consultancy Monitoring Committee (CMC) formulated to monitor the progress of the assignment may
make judgment regarding the poor quality of services, the reasons for which shall be recorded in
writing. The CMC may decide to give one chance to the consultant to improve the quality of the

(g) If, as the result of Force Majeure, the Consultant is unable to perform a material portion of the
Services for a period of not less than sixty (60) days.

(h) If the “Employer”, in its sole discretion and for any reason whatsoever, decides to terminate
this Contract.

In such an occurrence the “Employer” shall give a not less than thirty (30) days’ written notice
of termination to the Consultants, and sixty (60) days’ in case of the event referred to in (h).

By the Consultant : The Consultant may terminate this Contract, by not less than thirty (30) days’
written notice to the “Employer”, in case of the occurrence of any of the events specified in
paragraphs (a) through (d) of this Clause GC 2.9.2.

(a) If the “Employer” fails to pay any money due to the Consultant pursuant to this Contract and
not subject to dispute pursuant to Clause GC 8 hereof within forty-five (45) days after receiving written
notice from the Consultant that such payment is overdue.

(b) If, as the result of Force Majeure, the Consultant is unable to perform a material portion of the
Services for a period of not less than sixty (60) days.

(c) If the “Employer” fails to comply with any final decision reached as a result of arbitration
pursuant to Clause GC 8 hereof.

(d) If the “Employer” is in material breach of its obligations pursuant to this Contract and has not
remedied the same within forty-five (45) days (or such longer period as the Consultant may have
subsequently approved in writing) following the receipt by the “Employer” of the Consultant’s notice
specifying such breach.

Cessation of Rights and Obligations : Upon termination of this Contract pursuant to Clauses GC
2.2 or GC 2.9 hereof, or upon expiration of this Contract pursuant to Clause GC 2.4 hereof, all rights
and obligations of the Parties hereunder shall cease, except (i) such rights and obligations as may
have accrued on the date of termination or expiration, (ii) the obligation of confidentiality set forth in
Clause GC 3.3 hereof, (iii) the Consultant’s obligation to permit inspection, copying and auditing of
their accounts and records set forth in Clause GC 3.6 hereof, and (iv) any right which a Party may
have under the Law.

Cessation of Services : Upon termination of this Contract by notice of either Party to the other
pursuant to Clauses GC 2.9.1 or GC 2.9.2 hereof, the Consultant shall, immediately upon dispatch or
receipt of such notice, take all necessary steps to bring the Services to a close in a prompt and
orderly manner and shall make every reasonable effort to keep expenditures for this purpose to a
minimum. With respect to documents prepared by the Consultant and equipment and materials
furnished by the “Employer”, the Consultant shall proceed as provided, respectively, by Clauses GC
3.9 or GC 3.10 hereof.

• Payment upon Termination: Upon termination of this Contract pursuant to Clauses GC2.9.1
or GC 2.9.2 hereof, the “Employer” shall make the following payments to the Consultant:

(a) If the Contract is terminated pursuant to Clause 2.9.1 (g), (h) or 2.9.2, remuneration pursuant
to Clause GC 6.3(h) (i)hereof for Services satisfactorily performed prior to the effective date of
termination, and reimbursable expenditures pursuant to Clause GC 6.3(h)(ii) hereof for expenditures
actually and reasonably incurred prior to the effective date of termination;

(b) If the agreement is terminated pursuant of Clause 2.9.1 (a) to (f), the consultant shall not be
entitled to receive any agreed payments upon termination of the contract. However, the “Employer”
may consider to make payment for the part satisfactorily performed on the basis of Quantum Merint
as assessed by it, if such part is of economic utility to the Employer. Applicable Under such
circumstances, upon termination, the client may also impose liquidated damages as per the
provisions of Clause 9 of this agreement. The consultant will be required to pay any such liquidated
damages to client within 30 days of termination date.

2.9.6 Disputes about Events of Termination : If either Party disputes whether an event specified
in paragraphs (a) through (g) of Clause GC 2.9.1 or in Clause GC 2.9.2 hereof has occurred, such
Party may, within forty-five (30) days after receipt of notice of termination from the other Party, refer

the matter to Clause GC 8 hereof, and this Contract shall not be terminated on account of such event
except in accordance with the terms of any resulting arbitral award.


• General

Standard of Performance : The Consultant shall perform the Services and carry out their obligations
hereunder with all due diligence, efficiency and economy, in accordance with generally accepted
professional standards and practices, and shall observe sound management practices, and employ
appropriate technology and safe and effective equipment, machinery, materials and methods. The
Consultant shall always act, in respect of any matter relating to this Contract or to the Services, as
faithful adviser to the “Employer”, and shall at all times support and safeguard the “Employer’s
legitimate interests in any dealings with Sub-Consultants or Third Parties.

Conflict of Interests : The Consultant shall hold the “Employer”’s interests paramount, without any
consideration for future work, and strictly avoid conflict of interest with other assignments or their own
corporate interests. If during the period of this contract, a conflict of interest arises for any reasons,
the Consultant shall promptly disclose the same to the Employer and seek its instructions.

Consultant not to benefit from Commissions, Discounts, etc. :

(a) The payment of the Consultant pursuant to Clause GC 6 hereof shall constitute the
Consultant’s only payment in connection with this Contract and, subject to Clause GC 3.2.2 hereof,
the Consultant shall not accept for its own benefit any trade commission, discount or similar payment
in connection with activities pursuant to this Contract or in the discharge of its obligations hereunder,
and the Consultant shall use its best efforts to ensure that any Sub-Consultants, as well as the
Personnel and agents of either of them, similarly shall not receive any such additional payment.

(b) Furthermore, if the Consultant, as part of the Services, has the responsibility of advising the
“Employer” on the procurement of goods, works or services, the Consultant shall comply with the
Employer’s applicable procurement guidelines, and shall at all times exercise such responsibility in
the best interest of the “Employer”. Any discounts or commissions obtained by the Consultant in the
exercise of such procurement responsibility shall be for the account of the “Employer”.

Consultant and Affiliates Not to Engage in Certain Activities : The Consultant agrees that, during
the term of this Contract and after its termination, the Consultant and any entity affiliated with the
Consultant, as well as any Sub-Consultants and any entity affiliated with such Sub-Consultants, shall
be disqualified from providing goods, works or services (other than consulting services) resulting from
or directly related to the Consultant’s Services for the preparation or implementation of the project.

Prohibition of Conflicting Activities : The Consultant shall not engage, and shall cause their
Personnel as well as their Sub-Consultants and their Personnel not to engage, either directly or
indirectly, in any business or professional activities that would conflict with the activities assigned to
them under this Contract.

Confidentiality : Except with the prior written consent of the “Employer”, the Consultant and the
Personnel shall not at any time communicate to any person or entity any confidential information
acquired in the course of the Services, nor shall the Consultant and its Personnel make public the
recommendations formulated in the course of, or as a result of, the Services.

Insurance to be Taken out by the Consultant : The Consultant (i) shall take out and maintain, and
shall cause any Sub-Consultants to take out and maintain insurance, at their (or the Sub-Consultants’,
as the case may be) own cost but on terms and conditions approved by the “Employer”, insurance
against the risks, and for the coverage specified in the SC, and (ii) at the “Employer”’s request, shall

provide evidence to the “Employer” showing that such insurance has been taken out and maintained
and that the current premiums therefore have been paid.
Accounting, Inspection and Auditing: The Consultant (i) shall keep accurate and systematic
accounts and records in respect of the Services hereunder, in accordance with internationally
accepted accounting principles and in such form and detail as will clearly identify all relevant time
changes and costs, and the bases thereof, and (ii) shall periodically permit the “Employer” or its
designated representative and/or the Employer, and up to five years from expiration or termination of
this Contract, to inspect the same and make copies thereof as well as to have them audited by
auditors appointed by the “Employer” or the Employer, if so required by the “Employer” or the
Employer as the case may be.

Consultant’s Actions Requiring “Employer”’s Prior Approval: The Consultant shall obtain the
“Employer’s prior approval in writing before taking any of the following actions:

(a) Any change or addition to the Personnel listed in Appendix C.

(b) Subcontracts : the Consultant may subcontract work relating to the Services to an extent
and with such experts and entities as may be approved in advance by the “Employer”.
Notwithstanding such approval, the Consultant shall always retain full responsibility for the Services.
In the event that any Sub-Consultants are found by the “Employer” to be incompetent or incapable or
undesirable in discharging assigned duties, the “Employer” may request the Consultant to provide a
replacement, with qualifications and experience acceptable to the “Employer”, or to resume the
performance of the Services itself.

• Reporting Obligations : The Consultant shall submit to the “Employer” the reports and
documents specified in Appendix B hereto, in the form, in the numbers and within the time periods set
forth in the said Appendix. Final reports shall be delivered in CD ROM in addition to the hard copies
specified in said Appendix.

• Documents Prepared by the Consultant to be the Property of the “Employer” : All plans,
drawings, specifications, designs, reports, other documents and software prepared by the Consultant
for the “Employer” under this Contract shall become and remain the property of the “Employer”, and
the Consultant shall, not later than upon termination or expiration of this Contract, deliver all such
documents to the “Employer”, together with a detailed inventory thereof. The Consultant may retain a
copy of such documents, but shall not use anywhere, without taking permission, in writing, from the
Employer and the Employer reserves right to grant or deny any such request.. If license agreements
are necessary or appropriate between the Consultant and third parties for purposes of development of
any such computer programs, the Consultant shall obtain the “Employer”’s prior written approval to
such agreements, and the “Employer” shall be entitled at its discretion to require recovering the
expenses related to the development of the program(s) concerned.

• Equipment, Vehicles and Materials Furnished by the “Employer” : Equipment, vehicles

and materials made available to the Consultant by the “Employer”, or purchased by the Consultant
wholly or partly with funds provided by the “Employer”, shall be the property of the “Employer” and
shall be marked accordingly. Upon termination or expiration of this Contract, the Consultant shall
make available to the “Employer” an inventory of such equipment, vehicles and materials and shall
dispose of such equipment and materials in accordance with the “Employer”’s instructions. While in
possession of such equipment, vehicles and materials, the Consultant, unless otherwise instructed by
the “Employer” in writing, shall insure them at the expense of the “Employer” in an amount equal to
their full replacement value.

 Equipment and Materials Provided by the Consultants : Equipment or materials brought

into the Government’s country by the Consultant and the Personnel and used either for the Project or
personal use shall remain the property of the Consultant or the Personnel concerned, as applicable.


General : The Consultant shall employ and provide such qualified and experienced Personnel and
Sub-Consultants as are required to carry out the Services.

Description of Personnel : (a) The title, agreed job description, minimum qualification and estimated
period of engagement in the carrying out of the Services of each of the Consultant’s Key Personnel
are as per the consultant’s proposal and are described in Appendix C. If any of the Key Personnel has
already been approved by the “Employer”, his/her name is listed as well.

(b) If required to comply with the provisions of Clause GC 3.1.1 hereof, adjustments with respect
to the estimated periods of engagement of Key Personnel set forth in Appendix C may be made by
the Consultant by written notice to the “Employer”, provided (i) that such adjustments shall not alter
the originally estimated period of engagement of any individual by more than 10% or one week,
whichever is larger, and (ii) that the aggregate of such adjustments shall not cause payments under
this Contract to exceed the ceilings set forth in Clause GC 6.1(b) of this Contract. Any other such
adjustments shall only be made with the “Employer”’s written approval.

(c) If additional work is required beyond the scope of the Services specified in Appendix A, the
estimated periods of engagement of Key Personnel set forth in Appendix C may be increased by
agreement in writing between the “Employer” and the Consultant. In case where payments under this
Contract exceed the ceilings set forth in Clause GC 6.1(b) of this Contract, this will be explicitly
mentioned in the agreement.

• Approval of Personnel: The Key Personnel and Sub-Consultants listed by title as well as by
name in Appendix C are hereby approved by the “Employer”. In respect of other Personnel which the
Consultant proposes to use in the carrying out of the Services, the Consultant shall submit to the
“Employer” for review and approval a copy of their Curricula Vitae (CVs). If the “Employer” does not
object in writing (stating the reasons for the objection) within twenty-one (21) days from the date of
receipt of such CVs, such Personnel shall be deemed to have been approved by the “Employer”.

Removal and/or Replacement of Personnel: (a) Except as the “Employer” may otherwise agree, no
changes shall be made in the Personnel. If, for any reason beyond the reasonable control of the
Consultant, such as retirement, death, medical incapacity, among others, it becomes necessary to
replace any of the Personnel, the Consultant shall forthwith provide as a replacement a person of
equivalent or better qualifications.

(b) If the “Employer” (i) finds that any of the Personnel has committed serious misconduct or has
been charged with having committed a criminal action, or (ii) has reasonable cause to be dissatisfied
with the performance of any of the Personnel, then the Consultant shall, at the “Employer”’s written
request specifying the grounds therefore, forthwith provide as a replacement a person with
qualifications and experience acceptable to the “Employer”.

(c) Any of the Personnel provided as a replacement under Clauses (a) and (b) above, as well as
any reimbursable expenditures (including expenditures due to the number of eligible dependents) the
Consultants may wish to claim as a result of such replacement, shall be subject to the prior written
approval by the “Employer”. The rate of remuneration applicable to a replacement person will be the
rate of remuneration paid to the replacement person. Also (i) the Consultant shall bear alladditional
travel and other costs arising out of or incidental to any removal and/or replacement, and (ii) the
remuneration to be paid for any of the Personnel provided as a replacement shall not exceed the
remuneration which would have been payable to the Personnel replaced.

Resident Project Manager : If required by the SC, the Consultant shall ensure that at all times during
the Consultant’s performance of the Services a resident project manager, acceptable to the
“Employer”, shall take charge of the performance of such Services.


Assistance and Exemptions : Unless otherwise specified in the SC, the “Employer” shall use its best
efforts to ensure that the Government shall:

(a) Provide the Consultant, Sub-Consultants and Personnel with work permits and such other
documents as shall be necessary to enable the Consultant, Sub-Consultants or Personnel to perform
the Services.

(b) Arrange for the Foreign Personnel to be provided promptly with all necessary entry and exit
visas, residence permits, exchange permits and any other documents required for their stay in India.

(c) Issue to officials, agents and representatives of the Government all such instructions as may
be necessary or appropriate for the prompt and effective implementation of the Services.

(d) Provide to the Consultant, Sub-Consultants and Personnel any such other assistance as may
be specified in the SC.

Change in the Applicable Law Related to Taxes and Duties : If, after the date of this Contract,
there is any change in the Applicable Laws of India with respect to taxes and duties, which are directly
payable by the consultant for providing the services i.e. service tax or any such applicable tax from
time to time, which increases or decreases the cost incurred by the Consultant in performing the
Services, then the remuneration and reimbursable expenses otherwise payable to the Consultant
under this Contract shall be increased or decreased accordingly by agreement between the Parties
hereto, and corresponding adjustments shall be made to the ceiling amounts specified in Clause GC

Services, Facilities and Property of the “Employer”: (a) The “Employer” shall make available
to the Consultant and its Personnel, for the purposes of the Services and free of any charge, the
services, facilities and property described in Appendix E at the times and in the manner specified in
said Appendix E.

(b) In case that such services, facilities and property shall not be made available to the
Consultant as and when specified in Appendix E, the Parties shall agree on any time extension that it
may be appropriate to grant to the Consultant for the performance of the Services .

Payment : In consideration of the Services performed by the Consultant under this Contract, the
“Employer” shall make to the Consultant such payments and in such manner as is provided by Clause
GC 6 of this Contract.

• Counterpart Personnel : (a) If necessary, the “Employer” shall make available to the
Consultant free of charge such professional and support counterpart personnel, to be nominated by
the “Employer” with the Consultant’s advice, if specified in Appendix E.

(b) Professional and support counterpart personnel, excluding “Employer’s liaison personnel,
shall work under the exclusive direction of the Consultant. If any member of the counterpart personnel
fails to perform adequately any work assigned to such member by the Consultant that is consistent
with the position occupied by such member, the Consultant may request the replacement of such
member, and the “Employer” shall not unreasonably refuse to act upon such request.


Total Cost of the Services

(a) The total cost of the Services payable is set forth in Appendix D as per the consultant’s
proposal to the Employer and as negotiated thereafter.

(b) Except as may be otherwise agreed under Clause GC 2.6 and subject to Clause GC 6.1(c),
payments under this Contract shall not exceed the amount specified in Appendix-D.

(c) Notwithstanding Clause GC 6.1(b) hereof, if pursuant to any of the Clauses GC 4.2 (c) or 5.2
hereof, the Parties shall agree that additional payments shall be made to the Consultant in order to
cover any necessary additional expenditures not envisaged in the cost estimates referred to in Clause
GC 6.1(a) above, the ceiling or ceilings, as the case may be, set forth in Clause GC 6.1(b) above shall
be increased by the amount or amounts, as the case may be, of any such additional payments.

Currency of Payment : All payments shall be made in Indian Rupees. [In case the payment is to be
made in the currency other that Indian Rupees, the same shall be mentioned instead of Indian

• Terms of Payment :

The payments in respect of the Services shall be made as follows :

(a) The consultant shall submit the invoice for payment when the payment is due as per the
agreed terms. The payment shall be released as per the work related milestones achieved and as per
the specified percentage as per SC 13.

(b) Once a milestone is completed, the consultant shall submit the requisite deliverables as
specified in this Contract. The Employer shall release the requisite payment upon acceptance of the
deliverables. However, if the Employer fails to intimate acceptance of the deliverables or its objections
thereto, within 30 days of receipt of it, the Employer shall release the payment to the consultant
without further delay.

(c) Final Payment : The final payment as specified in SC 13 shall be made only after the final
report and a final statement, identified as such, shall have been submitted by the Consultant and
approved as satisfactory by the “Employer”. The Services shall be deemed completed and finally
accepted by the “Employer” and the final report and final statement shall be deemed approved by the
“Employer” as satisfactory ninety (90) calendar days after receipt of the final report and final
statement by the “Employer” unless the “Employer”, within such ninety (90) day period, gives written
notice to the Consultant specifying in detail deficiencies in the Services, the final report orfinal
statement. The Consultant shall thereupon promptly make any necessary corrections, and thereafter
the foregoing process shall be repeated. Any amount, which the “Employer” has paid or caused to be
paid in accordance with this Clause in excess of the amounts actually payable in accordance with the
provisions of this Contract, shall be reimbursed by the Consultant to the “Employer” within thirty (30)
days after receipt by the Consultant of notice thereof. Any such claim by the “Employer” for
reimbursement must be made within twelve (12) calendar months after receipt by the “Employer” of a
final report and a final statement approved by the “Employer” in accordance with the above.

(d) For the purpose of payment under Clause 6.3 (b) above, acceptance means; acceptance of
the deliverables by the Employer after submission by the consultant and the consultant has made
presentation to the CMC/Employer (Mention this if presentation is required) with /without modifications
to be communicated in writing by the Employer to the consultant.

(e) If the deliverables submitted by the consultant are not acceptable to the Employer / CMC,
reasons for such non-acceptance should be recorded in writing; the Employer shall not release the
payment due to the consultant. This is without prejudicing the Employer’s right to levy any liquidated
damages under clause 9. In such case, the payment will be released to the consultant only after it re-
submits the deliverable and which is accepted by the Employer.

(f) All payments under this Contract shall be made to the accounts of the Consultant specified
inthe SC.

(g) With the exception of the final payment under (c) above, payments do not constitute
acceptance of the Services nor relieve the Consultant of any obligations hereunder, unless the
acceptance has been communicated by the Employer to the consultant in writing and the consultant
has made necessary changes as per the comments / suggestions of the Employer communicated to
the Consultant.

(h) In case of early termination of the contract, the payment shall be made to the consultant as
mentioned here with:

(i) Assessment should be made about work done from the previous milestone, for which the
payment is made or to be made till the date of the termination. The consultant shall provide the details
of persons reasonably worked during this period with supporting documents. Based on such details,
the remuneration shall be calculated based on the man month rate as specified.

(ii) A reasonable assessment of the reimbursable and miscellaneous expenses shall be made
based on details furnished by the consultant in this regard with supporting documents and based on
the assessment of the work done and the respective rates as provided. Wherever such an
assessment is difficult, the rates should be arrived at by calculating the amount on pro-rata basis. The
total amount payable shall be the amount calculated as per (i) and (ii) above plus any applicable tax.


• Good Faith : The Parties undertake to act in good faith with respect to each other’s rights
under this Contract and to adopt all reasonable measures to ensure the realization of the objectives of
this Contract.

• Operation of the Contract : The Parties recognize that it is impractical in this Contract to
provide for every contingency which may arise during the life of the Contract, and the Parties hereby
agree that it is their intention that this Contract shall operate fairly as between them, and without
detriment to the interest of either of them, and that, if during the term of this Contract either Party
believes that this Contract is operating unfairly, the Parties will use their best efforts to agree on such
action as may be necessary to remove the cause or causes of such unfairness, but no failure to agree
on any action pursuant to this Clause shall give rise to a dispute subject to arbitration in accordance
with Clause GC 8 hereof.


• Amicable Settlement : Performance of the contract is governed by the terms & conditions of
the contract, in case of dispute arises between the parties regarding any matter under the contract,
either Party of the contract may send a written Notice of Dispute to the other party. The Party
receiving the Notice of Dispute will consider the Notice and respond to it in writing within 30 days after
receipt. If that party fails to respond within 30 days, or the dispute cannot be amicably settled within
60 days following the response of that party, clause GC 8.2 shall become applicable.

• Arbitration : In the case of dispute arising upon or in relation to or in connection with the
contract between the Employer and the Consultant, which has not been settled amicably, any party
can refer the dispute for Arbitration under (Indian) Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996. Such
disputes shall be referred to an Arbitral Tribunal consisting of 3 (three) arbitrators, one each to be
appointed by the Employer and the Consultant, the third arbitrator shall be chosen by the two
arbitrators so appointed by the parties and shall act as Presiding Arbitrator. In case of failure of the
two arbitrators, appointed by the parties to reach a consensus regarding the appointment of the third
arbitrator within a period of 30 days from the date of appointment of the two arbitrators, the Presiding
arbitrator shall be appointed by the Secretary of the Ministry / Department. The Arbitration and
Conciliation Act, 1996 and any statutory modification or re-enactment thereof, shall apply to these
arbitration proceedings.

8.3. Arbitration proceedings shall be held in India at the place indicated in SC and the language of
the arbitration proceedings and that of all documents and communications between the parties shall
be English.

8.4 The decision of the majority of arbitrators shall be final and binding upon both parties. The
expenses of the arbitrators as determined by the arbitrators shall be shared equally by the Employer
and the Consultant. However, the expenses incurred by each party in connection with the preparation,
presentation shall be borne by the party itself. All arbitration awards shall be in writing and shall state
the reasons for the award.

9. Liquidated Damages

The parties hereby agree that due to negligence of act of any party, if the other party suffers
losses, damages the quantification of which may be difficult, and hence the amount specified
hereunder shall be construed as reasonable estimate of the damages and both the parties agree to
pay such liquidated damages, as defined hereunder as per the provisions of this Contract.

The amount of liquidated damages under this Contract shall not exceed [ ] % of the total value
of the contract as specified in Appendix D.

• The liquidated damages shall be applicable under following circumstances:

(a) If the deliverables are not submitted as per schedule as specified in SC 13, the Consultant
shall be liable to pay 1% of the total cost of the services for delay of each week or part thereof.

(b) If the deliverables are not acceptable to the Employer as mentioned in Clause 6.3 (f), and
defects are not rectified to the satisfaction of the Employer within 30 days of the receipt of the notice,
the Consultant shall be liable for Liquidated Damages for an amount equal to [ ]% of total cost of the
services for every week or part thereof for the delay.

10. Miscellaneous provisions:

(i) “Nothing contained in this Contract shall be construed as establishing or creating between the
Parties, a relationship of master and servant or principal and agent.

(ii) Any failure or delay on the part of any Party to exercise right or power under this Contract
shall not operate as waiver thereof.

(iii) The Contractor/Consultant shall notify the Employer/ the Government of India of any material
change in their status, in particular, where such change would impact on performance of obligations
under this Contract.

(iv) Each member/constituent of the Contractor/Consultant, in case of a consortium, shall be

jointly and severally liable to and responsible for all obligations towards the Employer/Government for
performance of works/services including that of its Associates/Sub Contractors under the Contract.

(v) The Contractor/Consultant shall at all times indemnify and keep indemnified the
Employer/Government of India against all claims/damages etc. for any infringement of any Intellectual
Property Rights (IPR) while providing its services under the Project.

(vi) The Contractor/Consultant shall at all times indemnify and keep indemnified the
Employer/Government of India against any claims in respect of any damages or compensation
payable in consequences of any accident or injury sustained or suffered by its (the
Contractor’s/Consultant’s) employees or agents or by any other third Party resulting from or by any
action, omission or operation conducted by or on behalf of the Contractor/Consultant.

(vii) The Contractor/Consultant shall at all times indemnify and keep indemnified the
Employer/Government of India against any and all claims by Employees, Workman, Contractors, sub-
contractors, suppliers, agent(s), employed engaged or otherwise working for the Contractor, in
respect of wages, salaries, remuneration, compensation or the like.

(viii) All claims regarding indemnity shall survive the termination or expiry of the Contract.

(ix) It is acknowledged and agreed by all Parties that there is no representation of any type,
implied or otherwise, of any absorption, regularization, continued engagement or concession or
preference for employment of persons engaged by the (Contractor/Consultant) for any engagement,
service or employment in any capacity in any office or establishment of the Government of India or
the Employer.

III. Special Conditions of Contract :

(Clauses in brackets { } are optional; all notes should be deleted in final text)

SC Ref. of Amendments of, and Supplements to, Clauses in the General

Clause GC Conditions of Contract
1. 1.5 The addresses are:
1. “Employer” :

Attention :

Facsimile :

2, Consultant :

Attention :

Facsimile :

2. 1.7 {Lead Partner is [insert name of member]}

Note: If the Consultant consists of a joint venture/ consortium/ association
of more than one entity, the name of the entity whose address is specified
in Clause SC 1.6 should be inserted here. If the Consultant consists only of
one entity, this Clause SC 1.8 should be deleted from the SC.
3. 1.8 The Authorized Representatives are:

For the “Employer”:

For the Consultant:

4. 2.1 {The effectiveness conditions are the following: [insert conditions]}

Note: List here any conditions of effectiveness of the Contract e.g.,
approved of the Contract by the Employer, “Employer’s” approval of
Consultant’s proposals for appointment of specified key staff members,
effectiveness of Employer Loan, receipt by Consultant of advance payment
and by “Employer” of advance payment guarantee (see Clause SC 6.4(a)),
etc. If there are no effectiveness conditions, delete this Clause SC 2.1 from
the SC.
5. 2.2 The time period shall be [insert time period, e.g.: four months].
6. 2.3 The time period shall be [insert time period, e.g.: four months].
7. 2.4 The time period shall be [insert time period, e.g.: twelve months].
8. 3.4 Limitation of the Consultants’ Liability towards the “Employer”
{Note: Proposals to introduce exclusions/limitations of the Consultants’
liability under the Contract should be carefully scrutinized by

Employers/“Employer’s. In this regard the parties should be aware of the
Employer’s policy on this matter which is as follows:

1. If the Parties agree that the Consultants’ liability should simply be

governed by the Applicable Laws of India, they should delete this Clause
SC 3.4 from the SC.

2. If the Parties wish to limit or to partially exclude the Consultants’

liability to the “Employer”, they should note that, to be acceptable to the
Employer, any limitation of the Consultants’ liability should at the very least
be reasonably related to (a) the damage the Consultants might potentially
cause to the “Employer”, and (b) the Consultants’ ability to pay
compensation using their own assets and reasonably obtainable insurance
coverage. The Consultants’ liability should not be limited to less than a
multiplier of the total payments to the Consultants under the Contract for
remuneration and reimbursable expenses. A statement to the effect that the
Consultants are liable only for the re-performance of faulty Services is not
acceptable to the Employer. Also, the Consultants’ liability should never be
limited for loss or damage caused by the Consultants’ gross negligence or
wilful misconduct.
9. 3.5 The risks and the insurance coverage shall be as follows:
(Note : Delete/modify whichever is not applicable)

(a) Third Party motor vehicle liability insurance in respect of motor

vehicles operated in the Government’s country by the Consultant or its
Personnel or any Sub-Consultants or their Personnel, with a minimum
coverage of [insert amount and currency];

(b) Third Party liability insurance, with a minimum coverage of [insert

amount and currency];

(c) Professional liability insurance to cover the employer against any

loss suffered by the employer due to the professional service provided by
the Consultant, with a minimum coverage of [insert amount and currency];

(d) Workers’ compensation insurance in respect of the Personnel of

the Consultant and of any Sub-Consultants, in accordance with the relevant
provisions of the Applicable Laws of India, as well as, with respect to such
Personnel, any such life, health,accident, travel or other insurance as may
be appropriate; and

(e) Insurance against loss of or damage to

(i) equipment purchased in whole or in part with funds provided under this

(ii) the Consultant’s property used in the performance of the Services, and

(iii) any documents prepared by the Consultant in the performance of the

Services, by theft, fire or any natural calamity.

Note: If there are no other actions, delete this Clause SC 3.6. If the
Services consist of or include the supervision of civil works, the following
action should be inserted:

{taking any action under a civil works contract designating the Consultant
as “Engineer”, for which action, pursuant to such civil works contract, the
written approval of the “Employer” as “Employer” is required.}

10. 4.6 {The person designated as resident project manager in Appendix C shall
serve in that capacity, as specified in Clause GC 4.6.}

Note: If there is no such manager, delete this Clause SC 4.6.

11. {5.1} Note: List here any changes or additions to Clause GC 5.1. If there are no
such changes or additions, delete this Clause SC 5.1.

12. 6.1(b) The ceiling in local currency is: [insert amount and currency]

13. 6.3 [Delete whichever is not applicable]

1. For lump-sum contracts payment will be made based on milestones indicated for each activity
as below:

Activity 1:
Sr. Milestone Time period for Payment (as % of the
No. (Deliverables) submission total service cost)

Activity 2:
Sr. Milestone Time period for Payment (as % of the total
No. (Deliverables) submission service cost)

2. For time based contracts remuneration will be paid on monthly basis.

14. 8.3 The Arbitration proceedings shall take place in (indicate name of the city) in

Binding signature of Employer Signed by ________________________________

(for and on behalf of the President of India)

Binding signature of Contractor Signed by ______________________________

(for and on behalf of _____________ duly authorized vide Resolution
No.____________ dated ______________ of the Board of Directors of________ )

In the presence of




Note: This Appendix will include the final Terms of Reference worked out by the “Employer” and the
Consultants during technical negotiations, dates for completion of various tasks, place of performance
for different tasks/activities, specific tasks/activities/outcome to be reviewed, tested and approved by
“Employer”, etc.


Note: List format, frequency, and contents of reports; persons to receive them; dates of submission;
etc. If no reports are to be submitted, state here “Not applicable.”


(Include here the agreed (negotiated staffing schedule including the engagement of sub- contractors,
if any)


(Include here the rates quoted in the financial proposal or the negotiated rates, whichever is


(Include here the list of Services, facilities and property to be made available to the Consultant by the





Disclaimer and Confidentiality

This RFP Document has been prepared by [Name of the Client] solely
for the purpose of providing information to potential bidders. It is provided
on a confidential basis and is not to be distributed or reproduced in whole
or in part without the prior written consent of the Client.

The information contained in this RFP document (the “RFP”) or

subsequently provided to Bidder(s)/Bidder(s), whether verbally or in
documentary or any other form by or on behalf of Client or any of their
employees or advisors, is provided to Bidder(s) on the terms and conditions
set out in this RFP and such other terms and conditions subject to which
such information is provided.

This RFP is not an agreement and is neither an offer nor invitation by

“CLIENT” to prospective Bidder/s. The purpose of this RFP is to provide
interested bidders with information that may be useful to them in preparing
their proposal i.e. Eligibility/Technical Proposal, Documents and Financial
Proposal (the "Bid") pursuant to this RFP. This RFP includes statements,
which reflect various assumptions and assessments arrived at by “CLIENT”
or their advisors in relation to the Project. Such assumptions, assessments
and statements do not purport to contain all the information that each
Bidder may require. It is intended to be used as a guide only and does not
constitute advice, including without limitation, investment or any other type
of advice. This RFP may not be appropriate for all persons, and it is not
possible for “CLIENT”, its employees or advisors to consider the investment
objectives, financial situation and particular needs of each party who reads
or uses this RFP. The assumptions, assessments, statements and
information contained in this RFP may not be complete, accurate, adequate
or correct. Each Bidder should, therefore, conduct its own investigations
and analysis and should check the accuracy, adequacy, correctness,
reliability and completeness of the assumptions, assessments, statements
and information contained in this RFP including annexures/attachments/
amendments and obtain independent advice from appropriate sources.
“CLIENT” and its advisors assume that any person who reads or uses this
document is capable of evaluating the merits and risks of any investment or
other decision with respect to a financial/property transaction, operation,
its suitability and its financial, taxation, accounting and legal
implications without any reliance on this document.

Information provided in this RFP to the Bidder/s is on a wide range of

matters, some of which depend upon interpretation. The information given
is not an exhaustive account of statutory requirements and should not be
regarded as a complete or authoritative statement of law.
This document may contain information prepared by third parties.
Figures, calculations and other information contained in this document that
has been provided to “CLIENT” by third parties have not been
independently verified by “CLIENT”. Any projections or analyses represent
best estimates only and may be based on assumptions, which, while
reasonable, may not be correct. Past performance of any property or market
information, if any, described in this document is not a reliable indication of
future performance of such property. Bidders should not rely on any
information contained in this document as a statement or representation of
fact and must make their own enquiries to verify and satisfy themselves of
all aspects of such information, including without limitation, any income,
fee/rentals, dimensions, areas, zoning and permits. While the information
in this document has been prepared in good faith and with due care, no
representations or warranties are made (express or implied) as to the
accuracy, currency, completeness, suitability or otherwise of such
information. “CLIENT”, its advisors, officers, employees, subcontractors and
agents shall not be liable (except to the extent that liability under statute or
by operation of law cannot be excluded) to any person for any loss,
liability, damage or expense arising directly or indirectly from or connected
in any way with any use of or reliance on such information.

“CLIENT” accepts no responsibility for the accuracy or otherwise for

any interpretation or opinion on law expressed herein. “CLIENT”, its
employees and advisors make no representation or warranty and shall have
no liability to any person, including any Bidder or Bidder under any law,
statute, rules or regulations or tort, principles of restitution or unjust
enrichment or otherwise for any loss, damages, cost or expense which may
arise from or be incurred or suffered on account of anything contained in
this RFP or otherwise, including the accuracy, adequacy, correctness,
completeness or reliability of the RFP and any assessment, assumption,
statement or information contained therein or deemed to form part of this
RFP or arising in any way during the Bidding Process.

“CLIENT” also accepts no liability of any nature whether resulting

from negligence or otherwise, howsoever caused arising from reliance of any
Bidder upon the statements contained in this RFP.

“CLIENT” may in its absolute discretion at any time, but without

being under any obligation to do so, update, amend or supplement the
information, assessment or assumptions contained in this RFP. “CLIENT”
may also withdraw or cancel the RFP at any time without assigning any
reasons thereof.

“CLIENT” reserves the right, without any obligation or liability, to
accept or reject any or all applications, at any stage of the selection process,
to cancel or modify the process or any part thereof, or to vary any or all the
terms and conditions at any time, without assigning any reason whatsoever.

The issue of this RFP does not imply that “CLIENT” is bound to select
service provider or to appoint the successful service provider, as the case
may be. “CLIENT” reserves the right to reject all or any of the Bidder/s or
Bids without assigning any reason whatsoever. The Bidder shall bear all its
costs associated with or relating to the preparation and submission of its
Bid including but not limited to preparation, copying, postage, delivery fees,
expenses associated with any demonstrations or presentations which may
be required by “CLIENT” or any other costs incurred in connection with or
relating to its Bid. All such costs and expenses will remain with the Bidder
and “CLIENT” shall not be liable in any manner whatsoever for the same or
for any other costs or other expenses incurred by a Bidder in preparation
or submission of the Bid, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the
Bidding Process.


Sl. Content Page

No. No.
1 Disclaimer and Confidentiality 2

2 Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) 6-7

3 Bidder Data Sheet 7- 10

4 Section: 1- Instructions to Bidders 11 - 30

9 Section: 2 - Key Clauses of Service Agreement 31-42

10 Section: 3 – Schedule of Requirements 43

11 Section: 4 – Specifications and Allied Technical Details 43

12 Section: 5 – Technical Proposal 44-88

13 Section: 6 – Financial Proposal 89-92

15 Section: 7 – Draft Contract 93-101

Notice Inviting Tender (NIT)

[Please Insert Name of the Tender Inviting Authority] (“CLIENT”), invites

sealed proposal from all interested Bidder/s for ‘SELECTION OF AGENCY FOR
Insert Details of the Site].

A. Indicative Scope :
The Broad Scope of services required through this RFP, shall be inter alia as
briefed below:

1. Operation and Maintenance of all Electrical & Mechanical

2. Housekeeping and Sanitation services,
3. Security Services,
4. Horticulture and Plantation,
5. Front Desk Management,
6. Hospitality services in guest rooms and dormitories,
7. Waste Management,
8. Parking Management,
9. Pest control,
10. Reporting and Complaint Management, and
11. Coordination with other service providers

B. Contract Period : 03 years

C. Bid Processing Fee (INR) : 10,000/-

D. Earnest Money Deposit (INR) : [2 % of the Estimated cost of the


The RFP document can be downloaded from [Insert details of the

website]. To clarify the queries of the Bidder/s, a pre- bid meeting is
scheduled to be held on [Insert place Date and Time]. Duly completed
proposal along with other prerequisites documents in support of eligibility
criteria and the required information as per formats must be submitted
through Registered Post/ Speed Post/ Courier latest by [Insert date and
time] as specified in the critical date sheet below. For details please refer
the RFP Documents.

E. Critical Date Sheet:
1 RFP Issue Date T
2 Last Date and Time for Submission of Pre-Bid queries T+7
through email
3 Pre Bid Meeting Date and Time T + 10
4 Upload of Pre Bid Clarification Date and Time T + 15
5 Bid Due Date and Time T + 30
6 Technical Bid Opening Date and Time T + 31
7 Financial Bid Opening Date and Time T + 38

F. Contact Person :
[Insert Name, Designation, Contact No with Email Id]

G. Complete Address for Submission of Bid :

Bidder Data Sheet

1. Title of Request for Proposal Selection of agency for providing comprehensive
(RFP) facility management services at [Insert details of the
2. Broad scope of services The Broad Scope of services required under through
this RFP shall be inter alia as briefed below :
1. Operation & Maintenance of all equipment’s
and E&M services,
2. Housekeeping and Sanitation services,
3. Security Services,
4. Horticulture and Plantation,
5. Front Desk Management,
6. Hospitality services in guest rooms and dormitories,
7. Waste Management,
8. Parking Management,
9. Pest control,
10. Reporting and Complaint Management, and
11. Coordination with other service providers

3. Contract Period The Contract shall be for a period of 03 years (i.e 36

4. Method of Selection Least Cost Selection Process (LCS)

5. Bid Processing Fee Rs.10,000/- (Ten Thousand Only) in shape of Demand
6. Submission of Proposal Bidder/s shall be required to submit their Proposal
through Registered Post / Speed Post / Courier
as per instructions in the RFP Document on or
before the end date and time for proposal submission
i.e. [Insert Date and Time] to the following address :

[Name and Complete Address of the Office]

The Client will not be responsible for any postal
delay/any consequences in receiving of the
proposal. Any bid received after the deadline of
submission, will be out-rightly rejected.
7. Issue of RFP < Insert Date and Time>
8. Downloading of RFP Bidders can download the complete RFP Document
Documents from the website of < Insert Website >

9. Pre Bid Meeting Date:


Contact Person:
Contact Number:
Bidders may confirm their participation in the pre-bid
meeting by sending their queries in respect to the RFP
Document as per the prescribed format to the email at
< Insert Email> by the deadline as specified in the RFP
10. Last date and time of sending Date: < Insert Details>
Time: < Insert Details>
11. Client’s response to Date: < Insert Details>
Response to all the queries shall be uploaded on the
website < Insert website> without reference to the
name of the bidder.
12. Last date and time of Date: < Insert Details>
Submission of Bid
Time: < Insert Details>
(Bid Due Date)
Bidders are requested to refer Clause 1.4 for details.

13. Date of opening of Technical Date: < Insert Details>
Time: < Insert Details>

The Technical Bids shall be opened in presence of the

authorised representatives of the bidder who wish to
be present at the venue at that time.
Bidders are requested to refer Clause 1.6
14. Date of opening of Financial Date: to be
Proposal communicated later
Time: to be
communicated later
Financial Bids of technically qualified bidders will only
be opened in presence of the authorised
representatives and evaluated. Bidders quoting lowest
financial bid for the first Year i.e L1 among
technically qualified bidders shall be identified as
selected bidder.
Bidders are requested to refer
Clause 1.6
15. Letter of Award (LoA) to Within 7 days from the date of issue of award
selected Bidder notice.
16. Site Visit Bidders are advised to prepare and submit their
respective proposals only after visiting the site and
validating project information. Prospective bidders
may make a visit to the site for necessary
assessment for the purpose of bid preparation. The
site visit will be facilitated by the Client from Dt
________________ to Dt________________ for the
prospective bidders. The details of the authorised
person, who is to be contacted, provide guidance for
facilitating for the purpose are given below :
[Insert Details Below]
Name & Designation:
Contact No and Email Id:
17. Scope of work, Obligations As detailed in Schedule of Requirements
of Agency and Client, for the (Section 3 and FormT8)
18. Selection process As detailed in clause 1.3.1
19. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) Bidder must submit an EMD of [Insert the Amount] in
Indian Rupees in the form of Demand Draft.
Bidders are requested to refer clause 1.12

20. Performance Security Selected bidder must submit Performance
Security of the amount equivalent to 10 % of the
Contract Value
Bidders are requested to refer Clause 1.11 for
21. Validity of Proposal Proposals must remain valid for one hundred Twenty
(120) days
after the submission date
Bidders are requested to refer Clause 1.14 for details
22. Language(s) of the submitted English
23. Bidder to state financial Indian Rupees (INR)
proposal in the national
24. Taxes As per Clause no 1.2.9
25. Selection Criteria for Pre- Bidders are requested to refer Clause 1.2.4 for detail
Qualification (eligibility)
26. Evaluation Criteria for Bidders are requested to refer Clause 1.7.1
Technical Proposal
27. Annual Comprehensive Lowest financial bid for the first year quoted by
Facility Management Cost the bidder.
Payments for the Annual Comprehensive Facility
Management Cost shall be made by the Client on
equal monthly instalments basis during contract
period. Annual enhancement of cost will be
applicable as per clause 1.10.3 of this RFP.
28. Signing of Service Within 15 (Fifteen) days from the date of issue of LOA
Agreement (SA)
29. Mobilization Period and 15 days from the signing of Service Agreement (SA)
Commencement of Service:

Section-1 : Instruction to bidders
1.1 Project Introduction

Project Specification
Description Quantity (Unit)
Total Super built-up Area
Total Carpet Area
Common Area
Basement Parking
Structural Glazing
Aluminum Composite Panel
Aluminum Windows
Drinking Water Sump (Capacity)
Over Head Tank for drinking water (Capacity)
Over Head Tank for firefighting (Capacity)
Fire Hydrant Sump (Capacity)
Number of Toilets : - ______ Nos. having
Toilets Non-glazed ceramic tiles
floor & Wall with P.H.
fittings & fixtures.
Type of Flooring
[Please provide detail information regarding flooring texture
and coverage]

Other Ancillary Building Areas if any

D.G.Room with details of Machineries
Pump House with details of Machineries
Substation yard Area
Front Lawn & Plantation
Lawn Area with planter Boxes
Signage Board
Centralized A/C Systems with detail specification
Any other relevant information in respect of the project


(i) Area variation is ± 10 %.

(ii) Bidders are requested for site visit before preparation and submission of
their Bid.

1.2 General
1.2.1 Scope of Tender [Insert Name of the Client] (“CLIENT”) (hereinafter referred
to as “The Client”) invites sealed bids from the eligible bidders for
providing Comprehensive Facility Management Services at [Insert
Project Location] The successful bidder will be expected to provide the

comprehensive facility management services for the intended period
specified in the Bidder Data Sheet. Please refer Form T- 6 for scope of
work for the proposed services. The successful bidder shall become Facility Management

Service Provider (FMS) on completion of contract signing formalities. The bidders are required to familiarize themselves with the site
conditions as well as surroundings and take them into account while
preparing their proposals.

1.2.2 Client For the purpose of this RFP, Client shall mean [Inset Name of
the Tender Inviting Authority] for proposed service.

1.2.3 Reporting Officer [Insert Name and Designation of the Reporting Client]

1.2.4 Eligibility Criteria

The bidder should meet the following eligibility requirements to
qualify for participation in the bidding process:

Criteria Description Required Supporting Document

Technical Criteria
A. The bidder should be registered under Copy of Certificates of
appropriate Client; Incorporation / Registration issued by
 Indian Companies Act 2013
the competent Client
 Indian Partnership Act 1932
 The Societies Registration Act 1860.
 Limited Liability Partnership Act 2008.
B. The bidder must have executed Copies of supporting work order /
Comprehensive Operation, Maintenance and work completion certificate issued by
Multi facility Mechanised Services in Central / respective authorities as applicable
State Govt./ IT / ITeS companies, High rise along with duly filled information sheet
Buildings, Apartments, Business centres and as per Format T4.

Malls in India during last Five financial years
as on <Insert Date> _______________ of
value specified herein in the relevant area as
per the scope of the work:-
One project with minimum _______________
Sq. ft. Built-up areas and not less than the
contract value of [70% of the Estimated Cost
of the Project]
C. Bidder should be registered with the Income Copies of PAN, GSTIN, IT Returns for
Tax, Goods and Services Tax and also the last 3 financial years, Labour
registered under the labour laws, Employees Registration, EPF Registration
Provident Fund Organization, Employees State Certificate, ESI Registration Certificate
Insurance Corporation. and Valid License under PSARA
(Private Security Agencies Regulation
Act.2005) to be submitted along with
the technical proposal.
D. Bidder must not be under any declaration of Undertaking as per Form T5 on stamp
Ineligibility by any Client and should not be paper of appropriate value in shape of
blacklisted with any of the government project affidavit from the Notary regarding his
as on date of proposal. eligibility and non-blacklisting needs to
be furnished
E. The registered Office / branch office of the Valid address proof of the office (Copy
Service Provider must be located within the of the Land Line Telephone Bill /
jurisdictional area of Odisha. Electricity Bill / GSTIN of the Office

Financial Capability Criteria

F. Bidder should have the average financial Duly certified copy from the a uditor /
turnover of not less than Rs. [twice the chartered accountant has to be
estimated cost of the service] (in words) and provided certifying Organizations
should have a positive net worth for last Five turnover during last five financial years
financial years, ending [Please insert the Period] [Please insert the Period] as per Form
for providing similar type of services as per the T2 (part B) of Section 5.
scope of the work.
G Must have its own bank account in any Copy of the pass book along with self-
. scheduled bank situated in Odisha. attested Bank Account Statement for
the last six months period needs to be

H. Must not have any pending judicial proceedings An undertaking to this effect must be
for any criminal offence against the proprietor submitted on the bidder letter head.
/Director / Persons to be deployed by the
Service Provider

NB :

i. Similar works means undertaken Comprehensive Facility Management

Services including operation and maintenance services, housekeeping,
security services, horticulture, waste management etc.

ii. Eligible Projects for the purpose of evaluation shall mean following projects :
Similar works executed for Central Government/State Government/PSUs/
Convention Centre/ Commercial Complexes/ Multiplexes /Luxury Hotels/
Resorts/Institutional Campus/Corporate House/Hospitals etc.

1.2.5 Technical Evaluation

The eligible bidders would be further evaluated for short-listing based
on following technical score weightage:

Sl. Criteria Weightage

Sub-Criteria Sub-Criteria Criteria Total
1 Past experience of the Bidder 50
Experience of Bidder (in 20
i) 5 to 7 years 10
1.1 number of years in business ii) 7 to 9 years 15
from the date of incorporation):
iii) More than 10 years 20
1.2 Undertaken one project 30
having comprehensive facilities
management services with
i) Minimum o f 1 project of similar 20
minimum built up area of
capacity and contract value
[Please insert the built up area
of the premises under the ii) For each additional project of 5
similar capacity and contract value (Maximum = 10
proposed requirement]and Mark)
having the contract value of 2
times the estimated cost of the
project during the last Five
financial years
2 Financial strength of the Bidders having 10
bidder: (i) Prescribed financial turnover as
Average Annual financial per the RFP = 5 Marks
turnover during the last Five (ii) For each additional turnover of
Rs. 10 Lakh = 1 Mark
financial years, as on [Insert
[The financial strength
should be twice the estimated
cost of the service]

3 Proposed Manpower, Review of bidders technical 15
Standard Operating proposal with reference to Quality
Procedure, Quality Control of Service Delivery, Equipment
Mechanism and Work plan to availability, Automation and
undertake the comprehensive proposed technical manpower to be
facilities management at the deployed for the purpose
4 Technical Presentation 20
5 Quality Standards / ISO 9001 : 2008 (relating to Facility 5
Certifications for the Service Management services) & ISO
14001 : 2004 Certifications

Bidders who score more than 70% marks shall be considered for
further evaluation.

1.2.6 Proposal Preparation Cost The bidder shall be responsible for bearing all the costs and
expenses associated with the preparation of its proposal and participate in
the bidding process. Client shall not be responsible, or in any way liable for
such costs/expenses, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the bidding

1.2.7 Project Inspection and Site Visit The Bidder, at his own responsibility and risk can visit, and
examine the location of the site and its surroundings, and obtain all
information that may be necessary for preparing the proposal. The costs of
visiting the site shall be borne by the Bidder. Client shall not be liable for
such costs, regardless of the outcome of the bidding process.
1.2.8 Only One Proposal Each bidder will submit only one proposal. Alternative bid is not
allowed. Consortium / Joint venture of any form is not allowed under this
bidding process
1.2.9 Taxes The financial proposal /bid shall be exclusive of applicable Goods &
Services Tax (GST). As a condition, precedent for reimbursement of the GST, the FMS

shall provide a valid GSTIN and raise GST compliant Tax Invoice to the
Client. The financial liability on account of any other applicable taxes,
as may be applicable on the amounts received by the FMS from Client

shall be solely borne by the FMS. The FMS alone shall be responsible in all
respects for the payment of all taxes including Income Tax etc. in a timely
manner and filing the returns in respect thereof as per the applicable laws.
Client shall not bear any responsibility in this regard. However, towards compliance with the applicable Tax laws, Client
shall deduct TDS as applicable from the payments to be made by Client to
FMS and a certificate shall be made available to the FMS in support of the
1.3 Bidding Instructions
1.3.1 Brief Description of Bidding Process The proposal/bid against the RFP would be completed through

single stage two envelope system:

A. Request for Proposal (RFP) –

RFP comprises of following two parts as briefed below:
a. Part 1: Technical Proposal
 The Technical Proposal of bidders will be evaluated for compliance
with the eligibility criteria and further technical evaluation as defined
in the RFP. The bidders fulfilling the eligibility criteria and technical
evaluation conditions shall be considered as technically qualified.
These technically qualified bidders would only be considered for
Financial Proposal evaluation.
 Bidders are requested to refer Clause 1.3.6 & 1.7.1
b. Part 2: Financial Proposal
 Financial Proposal of technically qualified bidders (based on technical
proposal and technical evaluation as indicated above) will only be
opened and evaluated.
 Bidders quoting Lowest Bid Value i.e. L1 for first year of service
among technically qualified bidders shall be selected as successful
 Bidders are requested to refer Clauses 1.3.7 & 1.7.2

B. Proposal validity shall be as per duration specified in Clause 1.14 During the Bidding Process, the bidder will be requested to submit
their Proposals pursuant to this RFP in accordance with the terms set forth
in this RFP, all the Volumes, Appendices and Addenda thereof issued by
“CLIENT” as part of this Bidding Process (collectively the "Bidding
Documents"), as modified, altered, amended and clarified from time to time
by Client. All Proposals shall be prepared and submitted in accordance with

such terms. There should not be any overwriting allowed in the Financial
Bid. Client reserves the right to reject the proposal which does not
meet the requirement of the selection process. Any further extension of the
proposal validity period shall be with the consent of the bidder. Further
details of the process to be followed during the Bidding Process and the
terms thereof are spelt out in this RFP.

1.3.2 Special Instructions for Preparation of Proposal

i. Language : - The proposal and supporting documents shall be in

English language unless otherwise specified.

ii. Currency : - Bidders shall express the price of their Financial Proposal
in India Rupees (INR) only.

iii. All Bidders are required to submit their proposal in accordance with
the guidelines set forth in this RFP. In order to promote consistency among
proposals and minimize potential misunderstandings regarding
interpretation of proposals by Client, the format in which bidders have to
specify the fundamental aspects of their Proposal have been outlined in this

iv. The technical proposal shall contain no interlineations or overwriting,

except as necessary to correct errors made by Bidder/s. Any such
corrections, interlineations or overwriting must be initialled by the
authorised representative of the bidder. There should not be any overwriting
in the financial bid. Client’s decisions in this regard will be final.

v. In preparing their Proposal, bidders are expected to examine in

detail all the documents comprising the RFP. Material deficiencies in
providing the information requested may result in rejection of a Proposal.
While preparing the Technical Proposal, Bidders must give particular
attention to the following:

 The bidder must physically visit the project location to have a clear
understanding of the proposed facilities and the nature of services
required, financial and technical implications.
 While making the proposal, the bidder must ensure that they
provides all the information as sought by Tender Inviting Authority,
failing which the proposal shall be considered as non-responsive.
 Detail working of the lump sum price must be submitted along with
the Financial Proposal.
 The Bidder shall also submit, along with their Proposal, a copy of
this RFP bearing the initials of the Authorized Signatory of the Bidder

and stamp of the entity thereof on each page of these documents i.e.
RFP. This shall indicate that the Bidder agrees to abide by all terms &
conditions specified in the RFP.

vi. It shall be deemed that prior to the submission of the Proposal, the
Bidder has:

a) made a complete and careful examination of terms and

conditions / requirements, and other information as set forth in this
RFP document;

b) received all such relevant information as it has been requested

from Client; and c) made a complete and careful examination of the
various aspects of the Project.

vii. No change in or supplementary information to a Proposal shall be

accepted after the Proposal Due Date. However, Client reserves the right to
seek additional information from the Bidders, if found necessary, during the
course of evaluation of the Proposal. In case of non- submission, incomplete
submission or delayed submission of such additional information or
clarifications sought by Client, the Proposal would be evaluated solely on
the basis of available information.

viii. Client shall not be liable for any mistake or error or neglect by Bidder
in respect of the above.

ix. Client reserves the right to reject any or all proposals without assigning
any reason whatsoever.

x. Client also reserves the right to terminate the Bidding Process at

its discretion under intimation to the Bidders submitting the Proposals,
without assigning any reasons for the same.

xi. Client reserves the right to verify any or all information furnished by
the Bidder.

xii. Notwithstanding anything stated in this RFP, if any claim made or

information provided by the Bidder in the Proposal or any information
provided by the Bidder in response to any subsequent query by Client, is
found to be incorrect or is a material misrepresentation of facts, then the
Proposal will be liable for rejection.

xiii. The Bidder shall be responsible for all costs associated with the
preparation of the Proposal. Client shall not be responsible in any way for
such costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the Bidding Process.

1.3.3 Submission of queries

Any queries or request for additional information concerning this RFP shall
be submitted by email within the timeline as provided in the Bidder Data
Sheet, to the designated authority as provided here under:

Contact Person: < To be filled up by the Client>

Contact Number: < To be filled up by the Client>

Email for communication: < To be filled up by the Client>

The email subject / communication shall clearly bear the following

identification/ title:

"Queries / Request for Clarification: Name of the Assignment”

The Bidder shall mention the name of firm and contact details of their
representative on the envelope/email while sending queries:

The queries should necessarily be submitted in the following format:-

RFP Document Reference(s) Content of RFP Points of

(Section & Page Number(s)) requiring clarification

Any requests for clarifications after the bid submission date shall not
be entertained.

1.3.4 Clarification and Amendment of RFP document

On the basis of the inputs provided by Bidders during Pre-bid

meeting and any further discussions with any/all interested parties, which
Client may hold at its own discretion; Client may amend the RFP document.
The clarifications to the list of queries along with addendums if any, will be
uploaded on the websites as mentioned in the Bidder Data Sheet of this RFP
in the form of Pre-Bid Clarification. Each such clarification shall be the part
of the RFP document.

At any time prior to the deadline for submission of bid, Client may, for
any reason, whether at its own initiative or in response to clarifications
requested by one or more of the interested parties, modify the RFP document
by way of issuance of an "Addendum”.

1.3.5 Bidder/s submission in support of Eligibility

Bidder shall submit the signed checklist for eligibility criteria as per
Form-T2 along with requisite documents as indicated in the clause 1.2.4
(Eligibility Criteria)

1.3.6 Submission for Technical Proposal

Bidders are required to submit Technical Proposal as per the

prescribed format as provided in Section-4 of the RFP Document.
Submission of wrong form of technical proposal will result in the rejection
of the bid. The Technical Proposal shall provide the information indicated in
the following para using the attached Standard Forms as per Section 5.

The following Forms needs to be submitted along with the technical


Forms Format Details

no. Covering Letter
FORM-T2 A: Bidder’s Organisation
B: Financial Capacity of the Bidder
FORM-T3 Power of Attorney
FORM-T4 Past Experience in Similar Sector

FORM-T5 Undertaking
FORM-T6 Scope of the Work
FORM-T7 Commitment for proposed Equipment and
FORM-T8 Proposed manpower deployment plan and
standard operating procedure
FORM-T9 Quality control mechanism
FORM Anti-Collusion Certificate
1.3.7 Submission for Financial Proposal

i. The Financial Proposal shall be prepared using the attached

Standard Forms as per (Section 6).

Forms No. Enclosures to Financial Proposal

FORM F1: Financial Proposal Submission Form
FORM F2: Financial Bid
FORM F3: Detail Break Up of Financial Offer

ii. The financial proposal shall not include any conditions attached to it
and any such conditional financial proposal shall be rejected summarily.

iii. All information provided should be legible, and wherever the

information is given in figures, the same should also be mentioned in
words. In case of conflict between amounts stated in figures and words, the
lower amount will be taken as correct, whether the same has been provided
in figures or in words.

iv. The financial proposal shall be in the form of lump-sum amount (in
the form of Annual Comprehensive Facility Management Cost quoted in
INR for First Year) and shall be exclusive of any taxes/GST that may be
applicable. Detail break-up of the lump-sum amount must also be worked
out and to be submitted along with the financial proposal.

1.4. Preparation and Submission of Bids

1.4.1 Preparation of Bids

a) Bidders should take into account all clarifications / corrigendums /

addendums to the RFP document published before preparation and
submission of their proposals.

b) Bidders should go through the RFP Document carefully to

understand the requirements to be submitted as part of the bid. Please
note the number of covers/packets in which the bids have to be submitted,
the number of documents - including the names and content of each of the
document that need to be submitted. Any deviations from these may lead to
rejection of the bid.

1.4.2 Submission of Bids

The bids shall be submitted through SPEED POST / REGISTERED

POST / COURIER under two cover system i.e., viz., Technical Proposal
(Cover-I) and Financial Proposal (Cover-II). All the pages of bid being
submitted must be signed and sequentially numbered by the bidder
irrespective of nature of content of the documents before uploading. The
proposals submitted through Telegram/Fax/email / any other mode shall
not be considered and will be out rightly rejected. No correspondence will be
entertained in this matter.

1) Cover – I Technical Proposal :

 Bid Processing Fee and EMD as applicable.

 The documents as specified in clause 1.3.6 of this RFP are to be self-

attested and furnished by the Bidder (i.e. checklist and Form T1 to

 Signed copy of the RFP.
 All required documents

2) Cover – II Financial Bid (Check list):

 The formats as specified in clause 1.3.7 of this RFP are to be self-

attested and to be furnished by the Bidder.

1.5 Modifications/ Withdrawal of Proposals

No proposal can be modified by the bidder subsequent to the closing

date and time of proposal submission due date. In the event of withdrawal of
the proposal by bidder, the EMD will be forfeited by “CLIENT”.

1.6 Opening of Proposal

Client reserves the right to reject any Proposal not submitted on time
and which does not contain the information / documents as set out in this

Stage 1: Opening of Cover 1 (Technical Proposal)

The documents in Cover I submitted by respective bidders will be

opened on the date and time stipulated in the “Bidder Data Sheet”,
processed & scrutinized to determine Non- Responsive Proposals. Prior
to evaluation of Proposals, Client will determine whether each Proposal is
responsive to the requirements of the RFP. A Proposal shall be considered
responsive only if the Proposal:

 is received by the proposal due date pursuant to point 12 of the

Bidder Data Sheet

 is submitted pursuant to Clause 1.3

 is accompanied by the Power of Attorney as specified in Form T3, as
 accompanied by Bid Processing Fee and EMD as applicable
 contains all the information as requested in the RFP;
 all pages of the Proposal are signed by Authorized representative of

 contains information in the forms specified in this RFP; and fulfills

the conditions of e ligibility,

 Proposal validity is as prescribed in the RFP,

 Technical proposal does not contain any financial information

 Client reserves the right to reject any Proposal which is non-
responsive and no request for alteration, modification or withdrawal
shall be entertained by Client in respect of such Proposals.

Client would subsequently examine and evaluate Proposals in

accordance with the selection process specified at Clause 1.7.1 and the
criteria & bid evaluation parameters as set out in Clause 1.2.4 and 1.2.5 of
this RFP.

Stage 2 : Opening of Cover 2 (Financial Proposal)

After the technical evaluation, Client would prepare a list of

technically qualified Bidder/s in terms of Clause 1.7.2 for opening of
their Financial Proposals. Client will not entertain any query or
clarification from Bidder/s who fail to qualify at any stage of Selection

The financial evaluation would be carried out in terms of Clause


1.7 Evaluation of Proposal

1.7.1 Technical Evaluation

The Technical Proposal of bidders will be opened in presence of the

authorised representative of the bidders and evaluated for compliance with
the qualification criteria as defined in clause 1.2.5 of the RFP. The
technically qualified bidders as per clause 1.2.5 would only be considered
for Financial Proposal evaluation.

1.7.2 Financial Evaluation and Selection of Bidder

Financial Proposal of technically qualified bidders (as indicated in

clause 1.7.1) will only be opened and evaluated. Bidders quoting lowest
Financial Quote i.e L1 for Year 1 (as per Form T2), among technically
qualified bidders shall be identified as “Selected Bidder”.

1.8 Award of Work

After selection, a Letter of Award (the “LOA”) shall be issued, in

duplicate, by the Client to the Selected Bidder and the Selected Bidder shall,
within 7 (seven) days of the receipt of the LOA, sign and return the duplicate
copy of the LOA in acknowledgement thereof, which may also be extended
through email in addition to offline mode of acceptance of communication
to avoid delay. In the event the duplicate copy of the LOA duly signed by the

Selected Bidder is not received by the stipulated date, the Client may,
unless it consents to extension of time for submission thereof, the
appropriate EMD of such Bidder as mutually agreed genuine pre- estimated
loss and damage suffered by the Client on account of failure of the Selected
Bidder to acknowledge the LOA, and the next eligible Bidder may be
1.9 Execution of Service Agreement

After acknowledgement of the LOA as aforesaid by the Selected

Bidder, it shall execute the Service Agreement (SA) within the period
prescribed in “Bidder Data Sheet”. The Selected Bidder shall not be entitled
to seek any deviation in the Service Agreement. The Selected Bidder shall
submit Performance Bank Guarantee before signing of Service Agreement.

1.10 Implementation Process and Contract Period

The date on which the Service Agreement will be signed between

“CLIENT” and Selected Bidder will be identified as the ‘Commencement

1.10.1 Mobilisation Period

The Agency will be granted a 15 calendar days from the date of

signing the Service Agreement to mobilize the resources as per the
requirements stated in this RFP. The date on which the mobilization period
gets completed will be identified as the ‘Effective Date’;

The Client may request to mobilize part team on priority (if need be)
during mobilization period, FMS shall extend required assistance to the
Client if such request is raised.

1.10.2 Contract Period

The Contract Period shall start from the ‘Effective Date’ as defined
above, and shall be valid for a period of 03 years (i.e 36 Months). The FMS
shall provide a consolidated list of equipment’s procured by the FMS and
update the Client on annual basis for records.

1.10.3 Payment Terms and Enhancement

i. The payment for the entire Annual Comprehensive Facility

Management Cost will be done on equal monthly instalments basis during
contract period.

ii. Overall cost enhancement of 3% per annum shall be

applicable on last paid Annual Comprehensive Facility Management
Cost. Following example is for clarity :

1st Year No enhancement

2nd Year 3% enhancement on Annual Comprehensive

Facility Management Cost paid in 1st Year

3rd Year 3% enhancement on Annual Comprehensive

Facility Management Cost paid in 2nd Year

iii. However, if after taking into account the changes/ increase in

minimum wages/ statutory wages payables to workers, such increase may
be considered (even if, with that increased contract value will escalate more
than the overall limit of 3% per annum on the initial value of contract).

1.11 Performance Security

1.11.1 Within 10 days of receipt of the Letter of Acceptance, the

successful Bidder shall deliver to the Client a Performance Security [to
cover the amount of liquidated damages and/or the compensation of the
breach of contract] in any of the forms given below for an amount
equivalent to 10% of the Annual Contract Value as per the stipulation.
Performance Security shall be submitted in the form of Bank Guarantee
from any scheduled commercial bank in favour of [Insert Details]. Failure
of the successful Bidder to comply with the requirements of Sub- clause
1.11.1 shall constitute sufficient grounds for cancellation of the award and
forfeiture of the EMD.

1.11.2 The performance security submitted shall be valid for a period of

3 Years and 3 months from the date of effectiveness of the contract. The
authenticity of the PBG will be get properly verified by the Client from
the local branch of the issuing bank prior to execution of the contract.

1.11.3 It is expressly understood and agreed that the performance

security is intended to secure the performance of entire Service
Agreement. It is also expressly understood and agreed that the performance
security is not to be construed to cover all the damages detailed / stipulated
in various clauses in the Contract document.

1.11.4 Should the contract period, for whatever reason be extended, the
Bidder, shall at his own cost, get the validity period of Bank Guarantee in
respect of performance security furnished by him extended and shall
furnish the extended / revised Bank Guarantee to the Client before the
expiry date of the Bank Guarantee originally furnished.

1.11.5 Appropriation of Performance Security

Performance Security submitted by the FMS shall be forfeited if the

FMS fails to commence operations as per the requirements of this RFP.

In the event the FMS fails to perform any or all its obligations under
the Service Agreement and damages are imposed for such failure, the Client
shall have right to appropriate such amount as damages from the
Performance Security submitted by the FMS.

Upon occurrence of a FMS Default or failure to meet any condition as

per the Service Agreement, the Client shall, without prejudice to its other
rights and remedies hereunder or in law, be entitled to encash and
appropriate the relevant amounts from the Performance Security as
Damages for such FMS Default or failure to meet any Condition Precedent.
Upon such appropriation from the Performance Security, the FMS shall,
within 30 (thirty) days thereof, replenish, in case of partial appropriation, to
its original value, and in case of appropriation of the entire Performance
Security provide a fresh Performance Security, as the case may be, failing
which the Client shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement.

Upon replenishment or furnishing of a fresh Performance Security as

aforesaid, the FMS shall be entitled to an additional Cure Period of 30
(thirty) days for remedying the FMS Default or to meet any Condition
Precedent, and in the event of the FMS not curing its default or meeting
such Condition Precedent within such Cure Period, the Client shall be
entitled to encash and appropriate such Performance Security as Damages,
and to terminate this Agreement.

1.11.6 Release of Performance Security

Performance Security submitted, will be returned to the Agency

subject to the Client’s right to receive or recover amounts, if any, due
without any interest within 90 days after completion of Contract.

1.12 Bid Security/EMD

1.12.1 Proposal should necessarily be accompanied by an Earnest Money

Deposit for an amount of Rs. [2% of the Estimated Cost of the Service]
through Demand Draft in favour of [Please Insert Details]. EMD shall
remain valid for a period of Ninety days from the date of opening of the bid.

1.12.2 Bidder should prepare the EMD as per the instructions specified in
the RFP document.

1.12.3 The EMD in the form of Demand Draft shall be sealed in an
envelope super scribed Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) for “[Name of the

1.12.4 EMD should be enclosed along with Technical Bid. Tenders without
EMD are liable to be rejected.

1.12.5 EMD of successful bidder shall be retained by the Client till

Performance Security Deposit is furnished by the bidder. EMD of
unsuccessful Bidder/s will be returned within 30 days from the date of
award of contract.

1.12.6 The EMD shall be forfeited by Client in the following events:

a) If Proposal is withdrawn during the validity period or any extension

agreed by the bidder thereof.

b) if a Bidder submits a Non-Responsive Proposal or if any information or

document furnished by the bidder turns out to be misleading or untrue in
any material respect;

c) If the Proposal is varied or modified in a manner not acceptable to Client

after opening of proposal during the validity period or any extension thereof.

d) If the bidder tries to influence the Client during the the evaluation

e) In the case of Selected Bidder, fails within the specified time limit -

 to accept the LoA; and / or

 to sign the Service Agreement; and / or

 to furnish the Performance Security; and

 in case the Selected Bidder, having signed the Service Agreement,

commits any breach thereof prior to furnishing the Performance
1.13 Power of Attorney

1.13.1 The Bidder should submit a Power of Attorney in the format

specified at Form T3 of Section 5 authorizing the signatory of the Proposal
to commit the Bidder.

1.14 Proposal Validity

1.14.1 The Bidder Data Sheet Sl. No 21 indicates that the proposal will
remain valid for a period of 120 days after the submission date. During this
period, bidders shall ensure the availability of professional staff nominated
in the Proposal and also the financial proposal shall remain unchanged.
Client will make its best effort to complete the selection process within this
period. If required, the Client may request the bidders to extend the validity
period of their proposals. Bidders who do not agree, have the right to refuse
to extend the validity of their Proposals; under such circumstance Client
shall not consider such proposal for further evaluation.

1.14.2 Bidders are requested to refer “Bidder Data Sheet” for applicable
duration of validity.

1.15 Conflict of Interest

1.15.1 Bidders, and any of their affiliates, shall be considered to have a

conflict of interest and shall not be eligible for selection as Facility
Management Company (FMS) under any of the circumstances set forth
below :

a. Conflicting Assignment/job: A bidder or any of its affiliates shall

not be hired for any Assignment/job that, by its nature, may be in conflict
with this Assignment/job of the bidder to be executed for the same

b. Conflicting Relationships: A bidder that has a business or family

relationship with a member of the Client/Ministry’s staff who is directly or
indirectly involved in any part of

i. the preparation of the Terms of Reference of the Assignment/job,

ii. the selection process for such Assignment/job, or

iii. supervision of the Contract, may not be awarded a Contract, until and
unless the conflict stemming from this relationship has been resolved
in a manner acceptable to the Client.

1.15.2 Bidders have an obligation to disclose any situation of actual or

potential conflict that impacts their capacity to serve the best interest of
Client, or that may reasonably be perceived as having this effect. Failure to
disclose said situations may lead to the disqualification of the bidder or the
termination of its Contract.

1.16 Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices

1.16.1 Client desires to observe a high standard of ethics during the

procurement and execution of Draft Service Agreement. In pursuance of
this Clause, the Client:
a) will not accept a proposal for award if it determines that the Bidder has,
directly or indirectly or through an agent, engaged in corrupt fraudulent
practices on competing for the RFP in question, and will declare a bidder
b) if it, at any time determines that the bidder has engaged in corrupt or
fraudulent practices, for this RFP or in the past for the purpose of this
provision, the Client defined the terms set forth as follows:

"Corrupt Practices" means the offering, giving, receiving and soliciting of

anything of value to influence the action of an official in the procurement
process or in Service Agreement execution; and

"Fraudulent Practice" means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence

a procurement process or the execution of a Service Agreement and includes
collusive practices among Bidders (prior to or after Proposal submission
designed to establish Proposal prices at artificial, non-competitive levels and
to deprive the Client of the benefits of free and open competition

1.17 Prohibition against collusion amongst bidder(s)

1.17.1 Each Bidder shall warrant by its Proposal that the contents of its
Proposal have been arrived at independently. Any Proposal which have
been arrived at, through connivance or collusion or pooling amongst two or
more interested parties for the purpose of restricting competition shall be
deemed to be invalid and the concerned Bidder(s) shall lose its/their Earnest
Money, at Client's sole discretion. The format for Anti- Collusion
Certificate has been provided in Form T-10 under Section 4 of the RFP

1.18 Confidentiality

1.18.1 Information relating to evaluation of Proposals and

recommendations concerning awards shall not be disclosed to the bidders
who submitted the proposals or to other persons not officially concerned
with the process, until the publication of the award of Contract. The effort
by bidder to seek confidential information related to the process may result
in the rejection of its Proposal.

1.19 Interpretation of Documents:

i. Client will have the sole discretion in relation to:

a) the interpretation of this RFP document, the Proposals and any

documents provided in support of the Proposals; and

b) all decisions relating to the evaluation of Proposals.

Client will have no obligation to explain or justify its interpretation of

this RFP document, the Proposal(s) or their supporting/related
documents/information or to justify the evaluation process or selection of
the Selected Bidder.

ii. In the event of conflicts of any sort among the Information and
Instructions to Bidder and the Service Agreement, the documents shall be
given the following priority:

a) Service Agreement,

b) Information and Instructions to Bidder.

iii. Client reserves the right to use and interpret the Proposal documents,
data etc. it receives from the Bidder(s) in its absolute discretion.

Section – 2 : Key clauses of Service Agreement

2.1 Sub-contracting

2.1.1 The selected service provider is not allowed to sub-contact any

portion of work to any entity under this contract.

2.2 Other contractors

2.2.1 The facility management service provider (FMS) shall cooperate

and share the service areas with other contractors, Occupants,
Operators, Public authorities associated with the Client as and when

2.2.2 The facility Management service provider shall as referred to in the

contract, also provide facilities and services for them as described in the
schedule. The Client’s representative may modify the schedule of other
contractors and shall notify the FMS of any such modification.

2.3 Materials, Machinery & Equipment

2.3.1 The FMS shall arrange and supply at his own cost all material,
machinery, equipment, plant, tools, appliances, implements, ladder,
cordage, tackle, scaffoldings, water and power supply and temporary works
requisite or proper for effective execution of the work, whether original,
altered or substituted and whether included in the specification or other
documents forming part of the Contract or referred to these conditions or
not all which may be necessary for the purpose of satisfying or complying
with the requirements of the Client as to any matter which under these
conditions he is entitled to be satisfied or which he is entitled to require
together with the carriage therefore to and from the work.

2.3.2 The FMS shall bear all the costs including transportation, loading,
unloading, stacking storage, safe custody against the damage due to sun,
rain, dampness, fire, theft etc.

2.3.3 All the material brought to the site shall be duly accounted for by
the contractor and got insured against loss due to any reason what so ever.
Proof regarding this supported by the copies of the requisite document shall
be regularly submitted to the Representative appointed by the Client. The
Client may summon the complete record of the procurement of
materials from the service provider at any time if needed. At site, the
material shall be accounted in a manner prescribed by Client in writing.

2.3.4 The material procured by the service provider shall be strictly
according to the specification of that material conforming to ISI standard
or any other approving Client as applicable.

2.3.5 Storage of the material should be as per approved norm. No

damaged or inferior material will be kept at site of work for more than
seven days from the date of orders of Engineer in Charge to remove the

2.4 Labour

2.4.1 The FMS shall, make his own arrangements for the engagement of
all staff and labour, local or other, and for their payment, housing, feeding
and transport.

2.4.2 The FMS shall, if required by the Client, deliver to the Client a return
in detail, in such form and at such intervals as the authorised officer of
Client may prescribe, showing the staff and the number of the several
classes of labour from time to time employed by the Contractor on the site
and such other information as the Engineer may require.

2.5 Compliance with Labour Regulations

2.5.1 During continuance of the contract, the FMS shall abide at all times
by the all existing labour enactments and rules made there under,
regulations, notifications and bye laws of the State or Central Government
or local Client and any other labour law (including rules), regulations, bye
laws that may be passed or notification that may be issued under any labour
law in future either by the State or the Central Government or the local
2.5.2 The FMS shall keep the Client indemnified in case any action is
taken by the Client on account of contravention of any of the provisions of
any act or rules made there under, regulations, or notifications including
amendments. If the Client is caused to pay or reimburse, such amounts as
may be necessary to cause or observe or for non- observance of the
provisions stipulated in the notifications/bye laws/Acts/Rules/regulations
including amendments If any on the part of the contractor, the Client shall
have the right to deduct any money due to FMS, including his amount of
performance security. The Client shall also have right to recover from the
Service Provider any sum required or estimated to be required for making
good the loss or damage suffered by the Client.
2.5.3 The employees of the FMS in no case shall be treated as the
employees of the Client at any point of time.

2.6 Insurance
2.6.1 The FMS shall provide, in the joint names of the Employer and the
FMS, insurance cover from the Start Date to the end of the Maintenance
Period, in the amounts and deductibles stated in the Contract Data for the
following events which are due to the Contractor's risk:
a. loss of or damage to the Works, Plant and Materials;
b. loss of or damage to Equipment:
c. loss of or damage of property (except the Works, Plant, Materials
and Equipment) in connection with the Contract: and
d. Personal injury or death.
2.6.2 Policies and certificates for insurance shall be delivered by the
FMS to the Client for the Client's approval before the Start Date. All such
insurance shall provide for compensation to be payable in the types and
proportions of currencies required to rectify the loss or damage incurred.
2.6.3 If the FMS does not provide any of the policies and certificates
required, the Employer may affect the insurance which the Contractor
should have provided and recover the premiums the Employer has paid
from payments otherwise due to the contractor or, if no payment is due, the
payment of the premiums shall be a debt due.
2.6.4 Alterations to the terms of insurance shall not be made without the
approval of the Client.
2.6.5 Both parties shall comply with any conditions of the insurance

2.7 Safety

2.7.1 The FMS shall be responsible for maintaining the safety of all
activities on the site.

2.7.2 In respect of all labour directly or indirectly employed in the work for
the performance of the FMS's part of this contract, the FMS shall at his own
expense arrange for the safety provisions as per Safety Code framed from
time to time and shall at his own expense provide for all facilities in
connection therewith.
2.7.3 FMS is responsible for co-ordination and management of
delivery of services from AMC vendors/suppliers/contractors, therefore
for ensuring safety compliance by them, FMS is required to monitor the
delivery of service and report client in case of non-compliance of safety
requirements immediately.

2.8 Liquidated Damages
2.8.1 The FMS shall pay liquidated damages to the Client at the defined
rates. The total amount of liquidated damages shall not exceed the amount
defined in the Contract. The Client may deduct liquidated damages from
payments due to the FMS. Payment of liquidated damages does not affect
the FMS’s.
2.8.2 In case of continued default or repetitive non-performance at regular
intervals, Client may go on enhancing the levy of liquidated damages, each
time limited to 1% of of contract price per month of further default subject
to maximum limit of 10%..

2.9 Cost of Repairs

2.9.1 Loss of damage to the Works or Materials to be incorporated in the

Works between the Start Date and the end of the duration of Contract shall
be remedied by the FMS at FMS's cost if the loss or damage arises from the
FMS's acts or omissions or damage to main FMS’s work.

2.10 Manuals & Registers

2.10.1 The FMS shall provide updated asset register recording the actual
condition of the assets at the time of takeover and at the end of the contract
2.10.2 If the FMS does not submit the asset register at the end of the
contract period or they do not receive the Client’s approval, the Client
reserves the right to withhold the final bill payable to the FMS.

2.11 Force majeure

Force Majeure Event : Force Majeure Event shall mean any event or
circumstance or a combination occurring in India set out hereunder, which
affect or prevent the Party claiming Force Majeure ("Affected Party") from
performing its obligations:
(A) Non-Political Events

(a) Acts of God or natural disasters beyond the reasonable control of the
Affected Party which could not reasonably have been expected to occur,
including but not limited to storm, cyclone, typhoon, hurricane, flood,
landslide, drought, lightning, earthquakes, volcanic eruption, fire or
exceptionally adverse weather conditions affecting the implementation of the

(b) Radio active contamination, ionizing radiation

(c) Epidemic, famine.

(d) An act of war (whether declared or undeclared), invasion, armed

conflict or act of foreign enemy, blockade, embargo, military action, nuclear
(e) Strikes or boycotts or industrial action or any public agitation of any

(f) Any event or circumstances of a nature analogous to any of the


(B) Political Event

(a) Change in Law, other than any Tax laws, rules and regulations, to
which the provisions of Change in Law as per the Service Agreement
cannot be applied;

(b) Expropriation or compulsory acquisition by any Competent Client of

the Project or part thereof or any material assets or rights of the FMS;
provided the same has not resulted from an act or default of the FMS or
such person;
The FMS shall not be liable for any penalty for delay or for failure to perform
the contract for reasons of force majeure such as acts of god, acts of the
public enemy, acts of Govt., Fires, floods, epidemics, Quarantine restrictions,
strikes, Freight Embargo and provided that the supplier shall within Ten (10)
days from the beginning of delay on such account notify the purchaser in
writing of the cause of delay. The Client shall verify the facts and grant such
extension, if facts justify.

2.12 Termination
2.12.1 The authorized officer on behalf of the Client may terminate the
Contract if the other party causes a fundamental breach of the Contract.
For this purpose, 60 days’ notice in writing shall be served by either
party on the other party clearly mentioning the particular grounds of
Breach of Contract with a copy to the Employer.
2.12.2 Fundamental breaches of Contract include, but shall not be limited
to the following:
a) Breach of contract by FMS
i. the FMS stops work for 30 days when no stoppage of work is
shown on the current programme and the stoppage has not been certified
by the authorized officer of the Client as per the provision of the requirement
and scope of the study;

ii. the FMS is made bankrupt or goes into liquidation other than for
a reconstruction or amalgamation.
iii. the authorized representative of the Client gives Notice that
failure to correct a particular Defect is a fundamental breach of Contract
and the FMS fails to correct it within a reasonable period of time determined
by the authorized representative of the Client;
iv. the FMS does not maintain a Performance Security which is required;
v. the FMS has delayed the completion of works by the number of
days for which the maximum amount of liquidated damages can be paid as
defined in the Contract data;
vi. If the FMS, in the judgment of the Client has engaged in corrupt or
fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing the Contract.
vii. In case the FMS is a partnership firm or any other such legal entity
having more than one constituent, the FMS shall not change its legal
constitution in any manner during the subsistence of contract. The
shareholding, percentage/extent of partnership or other interest of the
original constituents of the FMS shall not be diluted or varied during the
subsistence of Contract.
viii. The FMS shall not engage the services of any Sub-FMS for the
purposes of discharging entire obligation under the Contract without
approval of the Client.
ix. If the FMS, having been given a notice in writing by the Client, fails
to rectify, reconstruct or replace any defective work or continues the
execution of work in an inefficient, improper, un workman like manner or
not in accordance with sound Engineering practices or without complying
with the directions and requirements within a period of 15 days of the issue
of said notice.
x. If the FMS commits any acts of defaults with respect to conditions of
b) Breach of contract by Client
i. the authorized representative of the Client instructs the FMS to delay
the progress of works or to temporarily stop the work and the instruction is
not withdrawn within a continuous period of 30 days.
ii. the Client is made bankrupt or goes into liquidation other than for a
reconstruction or amalgamation.
iii. A payment certified by the authorized representative of the Client is
not paid by the Client to the FMS within 60 days of the date of certification
by the Authorized representative of the Client.

2.12.3 If the Contract is terminated the FMS shall stop work immediately,
make the Site secure and hand over all the assets of the Client under its
control and leave the Site as per the provision of the contract.
2.12.4 After the termination of the contract under this clause, the Client
shall be at liberty to get the balance work executed through some other
contractual agency or through departmental means or to abandon the
balance work altogether or to modify the design and scope of the work in
any manner. The FMS shall have no claim against the Client in this regard.

2.12.5 The FMS shall not be liable for any penalty for delay or for failure
to perform the contract for reasons of force majeure such as acts of god,
acts of the public enemy, acts of Govt., Fires, floods, epidemics, Quarantine
restrictions, strikes, Freight Embargo and provided that the supplier shall
within Ten (10) days from the beginning of delay on such account notify the
purchaser in writing of the cause of delay. The Client shall verify the facts
and grant such extension, if circumstance justify.

2.13 Payment upon Termination

2.13.1 If the Contract is terminated because of a fundamental breach
of Contract by the FMS, the authorized representative of the Client shall
issue a certificate for the value of the work done less advance payments
received upto the date of the issue of the certificate, less other recoveries
due in terms of the contract, less taxes due to be deducted at source as per
applicable law and less the percentage to apply to the work not completed
as indicated in the Contract Data. Additional Liquidated Damages shall not
apply. If the total amount due to the Client exceeds any payment due to the
FMS the difference shall be a debt payable to the Client.
2.13.2 If the Contract is terminated because of a fundamental breach of
Contract by the Client, the Client shall issue a certificate for the value of
the work done. This work value shall take into account the cost of balance
material brought by the FMS and available at site, the reasonable cost of
removal of Equipment, repatriation of the FMS's personnel employed solely
on the Works, and the FMS's costs of protecting and securing the works
and less advance payment received upto to the date of the certificate, less
other recoveries due in terms of the contract and less the taxes due to be
deducted at source as per applicable law.
2.13.3 No Compensation for Alteration in or Restriction in Works
2.13.4 If at any time , after the commencement of the work the
Government, for any reason whatsoever, does not require the whole
Project/Work or part thereof to be carried out, the authorized representative
of the Client shall give notice in writing of the fact to the FMS , who shall

have no claim to any payment or compensation whatsoever on account of
any profit or advantage, which he might have derived from the execution of
the work in full, but which he did not derive inconsequence of the full
amount of work not having been carried out, neither shall he have any
claim for compensation by reasons of any alteration having been made in
the original specifications, drawings , designs and instructions , which shall
involve any curtailment of the work originally contemplated.

2.14 Obligations of Facility Management Contractor

2.14.1 General
A. Standard of Performance
The FMS shall perform the services and carry out their obligations
hereunder with all due diligence, efficiency and economy, in accordance
with generally accepted professional standards and practices, and shall
observe sound management practices, and employ appropriate technology
and safe and effective equipment, machinery, materials and methods. The
FMS shall at all the times support and safeguard the Client’s legitimate
interest in any dealings with the other parties.
B. Law governing Services
The FMS shall perform the Services in accordance with the Applicable
Law and shall take all practicable steps to ensure that the personnel of
FMS, comply with the Applicable Law. The Client shall notify FMS in writing
of the relevant local customs, and the FMS after such notification, respect
such customs.
C. Conflict of Interest
The FMS shall hold the Client’s interests paramount, without any
consideration for future works, and strictly avoid conflict with other
assignments or their own corporate interests.
a. FMS not to benefit from commissions, discounts, etc.
i. The payment of the FMS pursuant to clause 1.10.3, hereof shall
constitute the FMS’s only payment in connection with this Contract and, the
FMS shall not accept for its own benefit any trade commission, discount or
similar payment in connection with activities pursuant to this Contract or in
the discharge of its obligations hereunder, and the FMS shall use its best
efforts to ensure that Personnel involved shall not receive any such
additional payment.
ii. Furthermore, the FMS shall comply with the CLIENT’s applicable
procurement guidelines for procurement of goods, works or services.

b. FMS and affiliates not to be otherwise interested in Project
The FMS agrees that, during the term of this Contract and after its
termination, the FMS and any entity affiliated with FMS, shall be
disqualified from providing goods, works or services resulting from or
directly related to the FMS for the implementation of the project.
c. Prohibition of conflicting activities
The FMS shall not engage, and shall cause their Personnel not to
engage, either directly or indirectly, in any business or and their
professional activities which would conflict with the activities assigned to
them under this Contract.
D. Confidentiality
Except with the prior written consent of the Client, the FMS and the
Personnel shall not at any time communicate to any person or entity any
confidential information acquired in the course of the Services, nor shall the
FMS and the Personnel make public the recommendations formulated in the
course of or as a result of the Services.
E. Liability of the FMS
Subject to additional provisions, if any, set forth in the Contract, the
entire and collective liability of the selected FMS arising out of or relating to
this agreement will be to the extent of the agreed final total fee as quoted by
the FMS. FMS’s actions requiring Client’s prior approval

The FMS shall obtain Client’s prior approval in writing before taking
any of the following actions.
a. Any change or addition to the Personnel listed as key professionals
under the Scope of Work,

b. Any change in equipment/material in respect of make, quality or other

criteria, which the FMS furnished.

2.15 Obligation of the Client

2.15.1 Assistance and exemptions
Client shall assist the FMS and his staff for getting necessary
statutory permissions, approvals (if any) as may be required under the law
for their stay at project site and for providing Services as per Scope of Work.
Such assistance shall not be considered as Client’s obligation.
2.15.2 Access to Land
Client warrants that FMS shall have, free of charge unimpeded access
to all land at Project Facility in respect of which access is required for the
performance of the Services. The Client will be responsible for any damage to

such land or property thereon resulting from such access and will indemnify
FMS and each Personnel in respect of liability for any such damage, unless
such damage is caused by default or negligence of FMS or Personnel or any
affiliate of them.
2.15.3 Change in Applicable Law related to taxes and duties
If, after the date of this Contract, there is any change in the
Applicable Law with respect to taxes and duties which increases or
decreases the cost incurred by FMS in performing the Services, then the
remuneration and reimbursable expenses as otherwise payable to the FMS
under this Contract shall be increased or decreased accordingly by
agreement between the parties hereto.
2.15.4 Services, facilities and property of CLIENT
Client shall make available to the FMS and the Personnel, for the
purpose of the Services and free of any charge, the services, facilities and
property described in the Scope of Work, Form – T8.
2.15.5 Payment
The certificate on the satisfactory performance of the service by FMS
shall be issued by an Officer authorized by the Client and in consideration of
the services performed by the FMS under this Contract. The Client shall
make to the FMS such payments and in such a manner as is provided in the
Agreement. The payment will be made by the Client directly to the Bank
Account of the FMS towards the service performed for the concerned period.
The FMS is liable to pay the remunerations of its deployed manpower /
beneficiaries in their respective bank account and submit the duly certified
transaction statement to the Client for necessary records
2.15.6 Office Space
Client will only provide the office space. However, furniture, hardware
and software infrastructure and any other infrastructure required shall be
arranged by FMS.
2.15.7 Miscellaneous Cost
Miscellaneous Cost like AMC of equipment’s, Insurance (project
related), Utility Bills, and Liaising Fee etc. will be paid by the Client. FMS
shall assist and facilitate in selection of venders/suppliers for the rendering
the services.
2.15.8 Basic Utilities
Basic Utilities like Water and Power Supply will be provided by the
Client to FMS, however the infrastructure required for use of water and
power supply shall be the responsibility of FMS.

2.15.9 Statutory and regulatory compliances

Procurement or renewal of statutory and regulatory compliances

related to Client’s assets shall be done by the Client. Client may seek advice
from FMS for such procurement or renewals.

2.16 Extension/Renewal of Contract

2.16.1 The extension or renewal of the contract in terms of increase in

duration of contract or addition in scope of work, if required by the Client
may be considered taking into account the performance of the FMS.
However, Client is not bound to consider any such extensions.

2.16.2 The extension or renewal of the contract shall be as per the terms
as approved by the Client.

2.17 Definitions
Terms which are defined herein may not necessarily have been
defined in the conditions of Contract but keep their defined meanings.
Capital initials are used to identify defined terms:
i. “Client” means the < Name of the Client>. (“CLIENT”) with whom the
Selected Bidder signs the Agreement for the Services as per Scope of the
ii. “Affiliate” means any corporation, firm, or other entity that directly
or indirectly is controlled by or is under common control of another firm.
iii. “Assignment” means the work that the FMS shall perform pursuant
to the Service Agreement.

iv. “AMC” means Annual Maintenance Contract.

v. “CAM” Common Area Maintenance

vi. “Capital Asset” are core assets installed by the Client limited to Air
Conditioning Chillers, Cooling Tower, AHUs, FCUs, HVAC Main Panels and
Starter Panels, Generators, Transformers, HT&LT Panels, UPS, Fire Alarm
Panel, BMS Controller, CCTV system, Lifts, Escalators, Pumps (Fire, Water,
Sewage and Air Conditioning), Solar Panel System, STP, RWH system and
Retractable Seating.

vii. “Commencement Date” means the date on which the Service

Agreement will be signed between Client and Selected Bidder;

viii. “Contract Period” is the period granted for undertaking Facility

Management Services in the Project Facility, commencing from the Effective
Date for the duration as defined in RFP;

ix. “Effective Date” means date as defined in the RFP.

x. “Facility Management Serviceprovider (FMS)” means the selected

entity who has completed the agreement signing formalities with the Client
for Comprehensive Facility Management Services at <Insert Name of the
Location> in accordance with the terms & conditions of the Service
xi. “Facility Management Services” means the providing comprehensive
facility management services as per scope of work defined in Form T6.
xii. “Mobilisation Period” means period as defined in the RFP.

xiii. "Project Facility" or “Project Facility Area" or "Facility Area" means the
premises as defined in the RFP.

xiv. “Request for Proposal” /“RFP” means Request for Proposal for
selection of agency for providing ‘Comprehensive Facility Management
Services <Insert Location> including all related attachment(s),
amendment(s) and corrigendum(s).

xv. “Service Agreement” or “Contract” or “SA” means agreement signed

between Client and Selected Bidder. (key clauses of Draft Service Agreement
are mentioned in Section 2 of RFP)

xvi. “Selected Bidder” shall be as defined in clause 1.7.2 of RFP.

Section – 3: Schedule of Requirements.

3.1 About the facility

[Please provide a detail write up about the office premise along with its
surrounding areas / location / Coverage / Built up area, Carpet Ares etc.
with site map of the building/ site location]

3.2 Facility Area

3.2.1 The Facility Area where services of FMS are required shall include
all areas with-in boundary of the office premises including but not limited to
all built-up areas, basements, landscape and open spaces. Refer Annexure
III for details of various spaces. This document does not intend to limit or
exclude any item in the scope of work that is to be covered for delivering the
Facility Management Services timely and successfully.

3.3 Purpose

3.3.1 [Name of the Client & Address] invites sealed proposals from all
eligible bidder / service provider for providing comprehensive facility
management services within the <Insert Location>. The broad scope of
services required as below;

a. Operation and Maintenance of all Electrical and Mechanical equipments

b. Housekeeping and Sanitation services, c. Security Services,
d. Horticulture and Plantation, e. Front Desk Management,
f. Hospitality services in guest rooms and dormitories,
g. Waste Management,
h. Parking Management, i. Pest control,
j. Reporting and Complaint Management, and
k. Coordination with other service providers

Please refer Form T6 for detailed scope of work and Annexure III for
Specification and Location of Assets.

Section – 4 : Specifications and Allied Technical Details.

Please refer Annexure III for details.

Section 5: Technical Proposal

i. Bidders need to submit all required information with supporting

documents as per Form T1 to T10 and as per instructions provided in
this RFP.

ii. If necessary, additional sheets can be added by the Bidder.

iii. Each page of technical and qualification information shall be duly

signed by the Bidder or his authorized representative.

iv. Cost incurred by Bidder(s) in making this offer, in providing

clarifications or attending discussions, conferences, or site visits
shall not be reimbursed by the Client.

v. Incomplete bids shall be summarily rejected.

vi. The language for submission of application shall be English.

vii. The enclosed forms should be filled in completely and all questions
should be answered. If any particular query is not relevant, it should
be replied as 'not applicable'.

viii. Financial data, Project/Work costs, value of works, etc. should be

given in Indian Rupee only.

ix. If the bid is made by a firm in partnership, it shall be signed by all the
partners of the firm along with their full names and current addresses,
or by a partner holding the power of attorney for the firm for signing
the application. In such a case a certified copy of the power of attorney
should accompany the application. A certified copy of the partnership
deed, current address of the firm and the full names and current
addresses of all the partners of the firm shall also accompany the

x. If the bid is made by a limited company or a limited corporation, it

shall be signed by a duly authorized person holding the power of
attorney for signing the application, in which case a certified copy of
the power of attorney should accompany the application. Such limited
company or corporation will be required to furnish satisfactory
evidence of its existence before the contract is awarded. The
information furnished must be sufficient to show that the bidder is
capable in all respects to successfully complete the envisaged work.


(On the Bidder’s Letter Head)


Designated Officer
Complete Address of the Client

Sub: Selection of Agency for Providing Comprehensive Facility

Management Services a t [Insert Location]

Dear Sir,

With reference to your Request for Proposal dated

, I have examined all relevant documents and understood their contents,
hereby submit our Technical and Financial Proposal for the proposed
service [Name of the Service]

1. All information provided in the Proposal and in the Appendices is

true and correct and all documents accompanying such Proposal are true
copies of their respective originals. This statement is made for the express
purpose of appointment as the Contractor for the aforesaid Assignment.

2. I shall make available to the Client any additional information it may

deem necessary or require for supplementing or authenticating of the

3. I acknowledge the right of the Client to reject our proposal without

assigning any reason or otherwise and hereby waive our right to challenge
the same on any account whatsoever.

4. I certify that in the last five years, we or any of our Associates have
neither failed to perform on any contract, as evidenced by imposition of
a penalty by an arbitral or judicial Client or a judicial pronouncement
or arbitration award against the Bidder nor been expelled from any project
or contract by any public Client nor have had any contract terminated by
any public Client for breach on our part.

5. I declare that:

a. I have examined and have no reservations to the RFP Documents,

including any Addendum issued by the Client;

b. I do not have any conflict of interest in accordance with the

prescriptions in the RFP Document;

c. I/have not directly or indirectly or through an agent engaged or

indulged in any corrupt practice, fraudulent practice, coercive practice,
undesirable practice or restrictive practice, as defined in RFP document, in
respect of any tender or request for proposal issued by or any agreement
entered into with the Client or any other public sector enterprise or any
government, Central or State; and

d. I hereby certify that we have taken steps to ensure that in

conformity with the provisions of the RFP, no person acting for us or on
our behalf will engage in any corrupt practice, fraudulent practice,
coercive practice, undesirable practice or restrictive practice.

6. I agree and understand that the proposal is subject to the provisions

of the RFP document. In no case, shall I/we have any claim or right of
whatsoever nature if the Assignment is not awarded to me/us or our
proposal is not opened or rejected.

7. I agree to keep this offer valid for 120 (One hundred and Twenty
Days) days from the Proposal Due Date specified in the RFP Document.

8. In the event of my firm being selected as the Service Provider, I

agree to enter into an Agreement in accordance with the form which shall
be provided by Client. We agree not to seek any changes in the aforesaid
form and agree to abide by the same.

9. I agree and undertake to abide by all the terms and conditions of the
RFP Document. In witness thereof, I/we submit this Proposal under and in
accordance with the terms and conditions of the RFP Document.

Yours sincerely,

Authorized Signature
[In full and initials]:

Name and Title of Signatory:

Name of Firm: Address:



1. Title of Project:

2. State the Status of the Bidder's Organization namely Public Limited

Company/ Private Limited Company/ Partnership Firm/ Proprietary Firm,

3. State the following:

a) Name of Company or Firm :

b) Country of incorporation :

c) Registered address :

d) Year of Incorporation :

e) Year of commencement of business :

f) Principal place of business :

g) GSTIN :

h) PAN :

i) Brief description about the

Organisation including details of its main
lines of business :

4. Details of authorized signatory of the Bidder:

a) Name:

b) Designation:

c) Company:

d) Address:

e) Phone No.:

f) Fax No. :

g) E-mail address:

5. Details of individual (s) who will serve as the point of contact /
communication for CLIENT within the Company

a) Name:

b) Designation:

c) Address:

d) Telephone No.

e) E-mail address:

f) Fax No.

6. Bidders shall enclose copies of the valid EPF, ESI and Labour License
& PSARA License;

7. Checklist of Eligibility
Criteria Description Required Supporting Document Submitted (Yes/No)
Technical Criteria
A. Bidder shall necessarily be Attested copy of Certificates of
a legally valid entity registered Incorporation issued by the respective
under the Companies Act registrar of firms/ companies or
1956/2013 or Proprietorship, applicable registration certificate in case
Partnership Firm of Proprietorship/ Partnership Firm.
B. Bidder should have Attach true copy of supporting work
undertaken similar work for order, completion certificate as
minimum one year on at least applicable along with duly filled Data
one eligible project with Sheet as per Form t4of Section 4
minimum built up area of Certified from Statutory Auditor/
<Insert Details> in last 5 Chartered Accountant.
C. Bidder should be registered Attested copies of PAN, GSTIN, Labour
with the Income Tax, Goods Registration, EPFO Registration and
and Services Tax and also ESIC Registration shall be acceptable.
registered under the labour
laws, Employees Provident
Fund Organization,
Employees State Insurance
D. Bidder must not be under Undertaking as per Form T5 on stamp
any declaration of ineligibility paper of appropriate value in shape of
by any Client and should not affidavit from the Notary regarding
be blacklisted with any of the Ineligibility and non-blacklist
government project as on date
of proposal.

Criteria Description Required Supporting Document Submitted (Yes/No)
Financial Capability Criteria
E. Bidder should have
achieved Minimum Annual
Average financial turnover
of not less than Rs.
<Insert Details> for last five
financial years, as on ______

Duly attested copy from the statutory

auditor/chartered accountant has to be
provided certifying Organizations turnover
during last five financial years.
F. Bidder, should have a
positive net worth during the
previous Five financial years

8. Checklist of Technical Forms

Forms no. Title Submitted (Yes/No)


I understand that in case we do not submit required information in
given formats along with the supporting documents, Client may treat our
proposal as non-responsive.

Authorized Signature
[In full and initials]:

Name and Designation of Signatory:

Name of the Bidder:


Bidders are required to provide the information about the annual

turnover from the similar service during the last 5 years as per the following
prescribed format:
[To be provided on the Bidder Letter Head]

<Name of Bidder>


Financial Turnover from the Average Turnover from the similar

S. No. Period (Last 5 FYs) similar service in INR service in INR





Certificate from the Statutory Auditor

This is to certify that [Insert name of the bidder with detail address] has the annual turnover against the
respective FY on account of providing similar service.

Seal and Signature of the Auditor

Authorized Signature
[In full and initials]:

Name and Designation of Signatory:

Name of the Bidder:


(On a Stamp Paper of relevant value)


Know all men by these presents, we (name and

address of the registered office) do hereby constitute, appoint and
authorize Mr. /Ms. (name and address of residence) who is
presently employed with us and holding the position of as our
attorney, to do in our name and on our behalf, all such acts, deeds and
things necessary in connection with or incidental to our proposal for [Name
of the Service]

We hereby agree to ratify all acts, deeds and things lawfully done by
our said attorney pursuant to this Power of Attorney and that all acts deeds
and things done by our aforesaid attorney shall and shall always be deemed
to have been done by us.


Signature of Attorney
(Name, Title and Address of the Attorney) Attested



1. To be executed by the sole Bidder.

2. The mode of execution of the Power of Attorney should be in accordance

with the procedure, if any, laid down by the applicable law and the charter
documents of the executant(s) and when it is so required the same should be
under common seal affixed in accordance with the required procedure.

3. Also, where required, the executants(s) should submit for verification

the extract of the charter documents and documents such as a resolution /
power of attorney in favour of the Person executing this Power of Attorney for
the delegation of power hereunder on behalf of the Bidder.

4. In case the Proposal is signed by an authorised Director of the Bidder,

a certified copy of the appropriate resolution / document conveying such
Client may be enclosed in lieu of the Power of Attorney.


Name of Bidder

Details of the similar assignments undertaken / completed during the

last Five years:

S. Name of Name of Date of Date of Period of Total area of the Contract Description
No. Project Client with Award of completion Service Location Value of services
address and Contract of (in INR) provided
contact assignment Super
numbers (for both Built Up Total Area
completed area in (Sq ft)
and sq. ft.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

N.B. : Copies of the Work Orders / Completion Certificates from the

respective authorities needs to be furnished by the Bidder along with
the technical proposal as proof of evidence.

Authorized Signature
[In full and initials]:

Name and Designation of Signatory:

Name of the Bidder:


[On the Stamp Paper of appropriate value in shape of affidavit from the
Notary regarding Ineligibility of the Bidder and non-blacklisting]

I/we, hereby undertake that, our company has not been blacklisted /
debarred by any of the Central / State Government Ministry / Department/
Office or by any Public Sector Undertaking (PSUs) and I/we are not
blacklisted by any authority during the recent past.

Yours sincerely,

Authorized Signature
[In full and initials]:

Name and Designation of the Signatory:

Name of the Bidder and Address:


A1 Broad Description of Facility Management

A1.1. This scope of work essentially indicates Operations & Maintenances

services pertaining to upkeep & smooth working of the entire premises
including equipment’s, building services, infrastructure, fixtures,
accessories, utilities, services, and furniture in the Facility as per the
satisfaction of client / end user.

A1.2. Operation & Maintenance for the equipment / artefacts etc. will be
carried out as per benchmarked maintenance practices / OEM (Original
Equipment Manufacturer) manuals / O&M Manuals provided by the
Contractor/Project Management Service Provider (PMSP).

A1.3. The scope of work broadly includes the operation, maintenance and
management of general building operations as described in this contract for
the Project Facility. The FMS will be directly responsible for ensuring
operational service levels and that the performance is met as per terms and
conditions defined in this document. Facility Management Contractor (FMS)
will be directly reporting to the officer authorised by the Client. The FMS
shall deploy the adequate manpower and equipments as per the

A1.4. This document describes the work to be carried out under the Facility
Management Services for and draws attention to certain associated items
that are to be completed. This document does not intend to limit or exclude
any item in the scope of work that is to be covered for delivering the Facility
Management Services timely and successfully.

A1.5. The Broad Scope of services required as below;

a. Operation and Maintenance of all equipment’s and E&M services,
b. Housekeeping and Sanitation services of the entire premises,
c. Security Services,
d. Horticulture and Plantation,
e. Front Desk Management,
f. Hospitality services in guest rooms and dormitories,
g. Waste Management,
h. Parking Management,
i. Pest control,
j. Reporting and Complaint Management, and
k. Coordination with other service providers

Please refer Annexure III for details of various spaces.

A2 Facility Management Services

A2.1.The scope of work for facility management services is broadly divided

into following categories:
a. Operation:
i. Day to day unhindered running of the entire facility as per the
satisfaction of the client / end user.
ii. Preservation of machinery, building and services in good operating
iii. Daily / periodic maintenance (inspection, oiling and re-tightening,
replenishments) to retain the healthy condition of equipment and prevent
failure through the prevention of deterioration, periodic inspection or
equipment condition diagnosis etc. as deemed fit by FMS.
iv. Procure and store adequate stock of fuel, consumables, material,
machinery and equipment’s etc. for unhindered daily operations of the
facility at its own cost.
v. Day to day repairs required in the entire complex under the
maintenance of FMS

b. Maintenance

i. Breakdown Maintenance is defined as

The maintenance performed on equipment that has broken down and is
unusable. It is based on a breakdown maintenance trigger. If breakdown
occurs due to defects including manufacturing defects or defect due to
faulty erection or any defective work or material, it would be covered under
defect liability period or equipment warranty period as may be applicable.
ii. Preventive Maintenance is defined as
The planned maintenance which is performed while the equipment is still
working so as to reduce unexpected breakdown. This maintenance is
scheduled based on time (monthly, quarterly, annually) or usage triggers.
Activities in Preventive Maintenance are usually performed based on
guidelines from equipment suppliers / manufactures and as per the O& M
manuals provided by the Contractor or as deemed fit by FMS.

c. Management
i. Co-ordination with Contractors for rectification of defects
falling under DLP.
ii. Co-ordination with Vendors / Suppliers /Manufacturers for
preventive maintenance.

iii. Supervise, administer and certify works of Main
Contractors/PMSP/ Vendors / Suppliers / Manufacturers /
AMC agencies for rectification of breakdowns (covered under
breakdown maintenance/AMC) and for operations.
iv. Printed comprehensive logbook as per certified standards
and procedures, containing tables for daily record of all
critical schedules, temperatures, pressures, humidity, power
consumption, starting, stopping times of various
equipment’s, daily record of unusual observations.
v. MIS Reporting for overall management of services.
vi. Co-ordination for conducting drills (earthquake, fire etc.) as
per the statutory requirements or as per law of land.

However, the services as defined above is not limited to or exclude any

item in the scope of work that is to be covered for preserving the project and
delivering the services as per the satisfaction of the client / end user. The
FMS shall maintain the service levels and also maintain minimum manpower
as per scope in Form T-8.

A3 Scope of Work
Unless it is explicitly restricted, the scope of work under the Contract
for Facility Management Contractor for providing facility management
services including operation and maintenance of facilities constructed by the
Client as implementation agency is as below:
I. Maintenance Services.

The FMS shall be responsible for breakdown maintenance as defined

above at A2b(i). The FMS for preventive maintenance shall coordinate,
administer and certify works of Main Contractor, Interiors Contractor,
Vendors, Suppliers and Manufacturers, AMC service providers for rendering
the services as per the terms and conditions stipulated in this document.

i. The FMS shall be liable to perform / undertake following services:

a. Preserving the project, its equipment’s and assets as per the

satisfaction of the client

b. Day to day repairs/service of the facilities

c. AMC of all equipment’s e procured by the Client from time to time.

For all other equipment’s in the project for which AMC shall be
required, as deemed necessary by the FMS, the same shall be procured by
the FMS at their own cost for preservation of all project equipment’s.

d. Keep the Inventory of all spares and consumables required for the
unhindered operation and maintenance of the facility and update on weekly

e. Prepare list of probable spare parts, Electrical and Mechanical items,

plumbing, AC spares including Chillers, split units etc. and DG spares and
will coordinate and supervise for availability of these spares for items under

f. Annual Building Survey and prepare program for Repairs and submit
action plan.

g. In project facility area, replacement of required plumbing and sanitary

works (including fixtures), light fixtures, chokes, starters, ballasts for
common area and service, service rooms, sub-station and external lights
including the landscaping, amphitheatres/OAT,

h. Operation of all equipment in the project facility, including their

minor repairs and replenishment.
i. Providing and replacing Connectors, contactors, lugs, Belts, Bearings,
Grease, Cotton Waste, Silica Gel, CTC and other similar minor items,
PVC/GI couplings, bends, fuse and other similar minor items,

j. Repair & rewinding of AHU, Ventilation Fans, Pumps, Motors etc.,

(After Defect Liability Period/Warranty Period).

k. Computer stationary, CD’s floppies, audio cassettes as required for

BMS/LV Systems, Front desk, Reception desk,

l. Ensure availability of Specialized Tools / Tackles such as Chain

Pulleys, Telescopic Ladder, portable Hoists (Tractel Machine), Sludge Pumps,
OTDR, Welding Generators etc., required for operation and maintenance.

II. Operation Services

The operation services under the scope of work are subdivided into
two categories namely
i. Operation of Equipment and Fixtures.

ii. Housekeeping and Front Desk Management.

II (1) Operation of Equipment and Fixtures

i. The FMS shall ensure day to day unhindered running of the entire
facility as per the satisfaction of the client / end user.
ii. FMS shall ensure that all complains are attended and rectified within

the time specified as per the service level as required in this RFP.
iii. The FMS shall ensure operation and upkeep of all equipment’s
(Electrical, Mechanical, HVAC, AV, IT etc.) in accordance with Operation
and maintenance manuals provided by Contractor/PMSP / Supplier /
Vendor / Manufacturers and ensuring safety of equipment and personal
using it.

iv. The FMS shall ensure that day to day basis works such as removing
chokage of drainage pipes, manholes, restoration of water supply, repairs
to faulty switches, watering of plants, lawn mowing, hedge cutting,
sweeping of leaf falls etc. are attended under day to day service facilities.

v. The FMS will ensure that all filters, belts, fasteners, fixtures,
lubricants, and other routine items are installed and are working properly.

vi. The FMS shall operate all equipment’s, fittings and fixtures
(electrical / mechanical / plumbing etc.) on regular basis and ensure the
smooth functioning of the area.

vii. The FMS shall carry out daily, weekly, quarterly, half-yearly and
yearly checks as per the O&M Manual for smooth operation and functioning
of the area.

viii. The FMS shall be responsible for operating and maintaining the
Building Management System (BMS) in a fully functional, fully enabled
manner. The FMS shall ensure the BMS is operating the building
components in the most efficient, cost effective manner. Servers and PCs
running the BMS software shall be kept up-to-date with regard to security
patches and anti-virus software.

ix. The FMS shall operate and maintain the complete Access Control
system, CCTV System, PA system and any other system as installed in the
said premises.

x. The FMS shall monitor and maintain the ambient room parameters
(temperature, humidity, noise level, required light levels etc.) for different
components/areas/exhibits/artefacts as specified in the O&M manual
carefully, at all times throughout the Contract period. Any damage done to
the exhibits/ artefacts / equipment’s due to non-maintenance of required
ambient room parameters will be the responsibility of FMS and shall make
good the damaged exhibit / artefacts / equipment’s at his own cost.

II. (2). Housekeeping and Front Desk Management

II (2.1) Cleaning Services

The FMS shall

i. Perform routine cleaning of the internal and external areas to meet the
required service standard.

ii. Cleanliness of all common spaces and space inside the location within
Project Facility.

iii. Perform cleaning and upkeep of exhibits and artifacts, IT & AV

equipment’s in the project facility as per the directions in Manuals / as per
directions of representative of Client.

iv. Perform periodic cleaning of glass facades, structure at entrance plaza,

external claddings etc. at all heights (internally and externally)

v. Additional housekeeping services as and when required by Client.

vi. Deploy equipment’s for cleaning and shall be responsible for

maintaining these at all time. All costs for purchase/repair/spares/
maintenance etc. for these equipment’s will be borne by FMS.

vii. Responsible for the safekeeping of these equipment’s at the project

facility and shall not take out these equipment’s any time during the term
of contract other than for repairs. In case such repairs take more than a
week, FMS shall arrange to provide alternate equipment for the Project

viii. Adopt a proactive approach to the delivery of this Service. As such,

they are required to report immediately any defects, deterioration, or
damage to the property at Project Facility as soon as they become aware of
such defects in the course of their duties under this Contract.

ix. Dusting / cleaning of all furniture, sills, counters, screens, blinds &
curtains, light fittings, signage, doors, door frames, fittings and glass pans
etc. to remove debris, stains, cobwebs and marks.

x. Stairs including treads, risers, nosing, banisters, balustrades,

handrails, ledges and protective wire guards where present must be free
from dust, debris, stains and marks.

xi. Polishing / vacuum cleaning / cleaning of floors, carpets, carpet tiles,

mats and mat wells and ensure the same must be free from grit, dust and

debris with no apparent stains. They must be clean and dry. All carpeted
areas are to be cleaned by the manufactures recommended methods and
recommended intervals.

xii. Clean all water tanks and disinfects specially before start of rainy
season and as instructed by Client.

xiii. Regular cleaning of storm water drain, manholes, sewage lines etc. for
removal of any blockages.

xiv. Entrances, service areas, parking areas, paving, paths, roads, grounds
amphitheatres, courtyard sand, lawns at the entrance, outside premises
must be maintained so that no graffiti, debris, litter cigarette ends, dirt or
spillages are apparent after cleaning.

xv. Server Room, Control Room etc. must be free from dust, static
electricity and be left clinically clean

xvi. Sticky substances like chewing gum shall be removed before any
cleaning procedure is carried out using an appropriate cleaning technique
and chewing gum remover.

xvii. Care is to be exercised when staff/visitors are still on the premises.

Wet floors should be sign- posted. Trailing cables and open sockets should
be made safe.

xviii. All cleaning methods used must be of a sufficient quality to meet

these standards and to maintain any guarantees on the floor covering.

xix. Stainless steel surfaces must be treated with an appropriate cleaning

and polishing agent

II (2.2) Cleaning of Toilets

i. All sanitary ware including sinks, wash hand basins, WC bowls,

seats, covers, hinges, tops, undersides, rims, taps, overflows, outlets,
chains, plugs, urinals, brushes, toilet roll holders, tiled surfaces, splash
backs, and vanity units must be free from scum, grease, hair, scale, dust,
soil, spillages and removable stains. In addition, the surfaces should be
ii. Floors should be cleaned to the same standard as other building
floors. In addition there should be no evidence of scum, grease, hair, and
scale and the floors must be disinfected.

iii. Soap dispensers must be filled, operating correctly with clean nozzles,
the external surfaces must be clean dry and free from smears.

iv. All toilets should be kept fully stocked with supplies and should be
made available at all times.

v. Dispensers must be clean, dry and free from dust, marks and
smears with clean towels fitted. Hot air dryers must be clean, dry and free
from dust, marks and smears.

II (2.3) Waste Management

i. Bins must be emptied, cleaned and dried inside and out, bin-
liners replaced where necessary and placed in their original
locations. Liners must be used at all times.

ii. FMS shall Collect the garbage from the garbage collection point and
segregate the waste in recyclable and non-recyclable type and shall ensure
proper disposal of waste outside the premises as per the standards and
directions provided by Competent Client

iii. FMS shall ensure that 100% of recyclable waste is being recycled.

iv. FMS shall be responsible for arranging the transport and in consultation
with Client, shall identify the area / frequency for garbage disposal. Proper
waste disposal system shall be adopted and collection points shall be

v. Waste management methodology shall comply with the guidelines

as laid down in applicable Waste Management Rules of Central / State
Government and Local Authorities,

vi. Renovation Debris is to be stored at designated space at designated


vii. The FMS undertaking the renovation work would remove the debris
when it amasses to a volume equivalent to a tempo load

II. (2.4) Pest Control

The FMS shall be responsible for ensuring the disinfectants, insecticides

and pesticides used for rendering the services shall be safe, having low toxic
levels, duly approved by WHO and Central Insecticide Board.

i. Disinfestations Treatment

Pest Covered : Ants, cockroaches, silverfish, spiders, ticks, bugs, crickets,

termites etc.

The FMS shall take the following control measures :
a. Intensive / extensive spray with oil / water based chemicals.
b. Frequency : Fortnightly as per client schedule and need base

ii. Rodent Control

Pest Covered : Domestic/Field Rodents.

The FMS shall take the following control measures

a. Baiting with anti – coagulant rodenticide / asphyxiates type chemicals
b. Trapping with lures
c. Eliminating rats / mice with glue traps
d. Frequency : Monthly as per client’s schedule and need base.

iii. Fly Control

The FMS shall take the following control measures :

a. Sanitation
b. Chemical control
c. Frequency: Monthly as per client schedule and need base
d. Sanitation
e. Chemical control
f. Frequency: Monthly as per client schedule and need base

iv. Mosquito Control

The treatment will be carried out all over the premises and
surrounding areas inside and outside. The FMS shall take the following
control measures:
a. Residual Spot Spraying
b. Fogging Operations
c. Mist Blowing
d. Frequency : Fortnightly as per client schedule and need base

II (2.5) Hospitality Services

The FMS shall operate guest rooms and dormitories as per the
guidelines provided by Client. These Services shall include managing
bookings, rent collection and its reporting, room service, housekeeping,
washing/ changing of bed covers and linen, operation of air conditioners,
cleaning of rooms including toilets, keeping toilets well equipped with
supplies, keeping furniture and furnishings arrangements in order, guiding
visitors to their destinations in the premises, attending problems on Help-
Desk and resolving the problems to closure, which occur on day-to-day

The helpdesk/front desk operations shall include responding and
resolving the problems which may related to guests which may or may not
be logged.

II (2.6) Help Desk, Front Desk Services

The FMS shall operate front desk/help desk as per the guidelines
provided by Client. These Services pertain to the assisting/guiding the
visitors, Client’s staff, attending problems on Help-Desk and resolving the
problems to closure, which occur on day-to-day basis.

The helpdesk/front desk operations shall include responding and

resolving the problems which may related to visitors/premises which may
or may not be logged (problems such as failure of UPS, fire alarm etc.).

Primarily, Front Desk is required, one each, at Crafts

Bazaar/Entrance Plaza during business hours and 24/7 at Guest Rooms
and Dormitories.

II (2.7) Horticulture

The FMS shall be responsible for ensuring proper maintenance and

upkeep of all horticulture works. Adequate equipment shall be procured by
FMS including grass cutting machine and other tools required for
maintenance of horticulture areas. FMS shall provide seasonal plants and
seasonal flowers as deemed fit by the FMS to maintain the horticulture/
landscape as per the satisfaction of client/ end user. FMS shall make
required arrangements and proper use of required insecticides, Pesticides,
Fertilizers, Manures etc.

III. Management Services

The FMS shall be responsible for integrated facility management of the

Facility Area and managing the following aspects for ensuring proper
operation and maintenance of the facilities in the premises:
i. Provide required assistance to the Client during transition period of
handover – takeover of the Project Facility from the Main Contractor
including but not limited to providing assistance in snagging, de-snagging,
testing and commissioning of equipment’s etc.

ii. Take ownership of all the services as described in scope of work and will
work as an independent Unit.

iii. Co-ordination with all the stakeholders of the Client, Contractors,

Consultants and other agencies.

iv. Maintain a record of all the Equipments/ assets at facility, keep record
of the Vendors details, keep track of the dates of AMC/Warranty validity
and inform the Client when the validity is within 2 months of completion
and also co-ordinate with vendors for extension of services on behalf of
v. Submission of Daily Position Reports, Failure Investigation Reports,
Operation & Maintenance

vi. Maintenance of Reports, Log Books etc. for Operation & Maintenance
of various Systems & Equipment’s, Maintenance of Equipment History,

vii. Co-ordinate with Main Contractor/PMSP/ Interior Contractor for

rectifying of defects under the DLP period.

viii. Assist the Client in payment of all utility bills,

ix. Collection of License Fee, Rentals, Charges and Common Area

Maintenance charges on behalf of the Client and deposit the same with the

x. Calculation of common area maintenance charges.

xi. Preparation, submission and obtaining approval on detailed O&M plan

including maintenance and security, staffing requirement and schedule;
equipment, tool and machineries to be maintained; maintenance schedule;
manpower and incident reporting structure; etc.

xii. Prepare a preventive maintenance plan for all equipment/fittings &

fixtures, ensuring 100% compliance. FMS shall co-ordinate for:

• Repair technician for doors, blinds and floor springs etc.

• Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) of Building Management
System, CCTV, Access Controls, Lifts, Escalators, HVAC and other E&M
systems, Plumbing Works (auto flush system, other sanitary fixtures), IT
Installations (Computers, monitors, CPU’s), AV Installations and related
items covered under the scope of Main Contractor / Interior Contractor.
• Works like painting, polishing, tiling, ceiling works etc.

xiii. Co-ordinate administer and certify works of Vendors/Manufacturers

/Suppliers for the purpose of preventive maintenance and upkeep of the
equipment during AMC/Warranty period.

xiv. Prepare and maintain the records of routine services, visits provided
by AMC providers and tracking to be done against actual visits.

xv. Keep the Inventory status of all spares and consumables required for
the maintenance of the facility and update on weekly basis and maintain the
records of consumption.
xvi. Conduct quarterly systems & equipment health audits with and
through the AMC Service provider and submit a health status report to the
Officer authorized by Client.

xvii. Coordinate with third party for conducting equipment audit, fire
audit as and when required by Client.

xviii. It is the responsibility of the FMS to ensure highest level of

uptime and reliability of all equipment is maintained at site.

xix. Prepare and follow Standard Operating procedures for smooth

functioning of the maintenance services, within 30 days of commencement
of agreement.

xx. Brief the representative on maintenance and operational proceedings

on day to day basis.

xxi. Liaison with local, state authorities, and/or private agencies related to
the Facility.

xxii. Control and report any violation in sound emanating from the Facility
is within the noise pollution norms prescribed by the Central Pollution
Control Board and any notification issued by the Ministry of Environment
and Forests, Government of India.

xxiii. Provide support and guidance to the Client in all matters as requested

xxiv. The FMS, within its staff shall provide persons who are trained in
first-aid/ paramedics to coordinate with Wellness Centre/ First Aid Room
in case of emergency.

The FMS shall report to a Nodal Officer appointed by Client for the
management services as and when required.

III (1). Complaint management

FMS shall create complaint kiosk with designated senior official of

FMS managing the same with adequate infrastructure for time bound
complaint management. FMS shall develop an online software based
application for facilitating complaint raising by end-users where
an acknowledgement number shall be issued automatically to the
complainant and enabling easy monitoring by the Client. Such facility shall
be easily approachable and adequate signage should be provided to guide
end-users to the complaint kiosk.

The following are defined SLA times for responding and closure of
complaints by FMS and based on standards these present guidelines and
may be changed by Client from time to time.

Description of Service required Report Complaint Closure

Complaints time
For Minor Defects Replacement Immediately 2 hrs
without any
replacement by
For Major Defects
Item available locally Rectification /
Replacement by Immediately 1 week
Item available external agencies 24hrs 2 weeks
domestically (Main Contractor /
Interior Contractor /
Vendors /
Manufacturer /

To the extent possible, FMS shall make ensure that Vendor/

Manufacturer performs their obligations as per Contract. Even after FMS
making all the efforts, Vendor / manufacturer fails to perform its
obligations, the FMS shall notify the Client and ask for necessary action.

Table: Service Level Agreement (Operations)

A. Daily services:
(First shift should be completed before 8:30 Am every day)

Sl. No Service Level Requirement Min Non Penalty

Requirement Compliance Rate (INR)

1 Routine housekeeping (inc. cleaning services as per 2 Times/Day 1 Day 500/ Day
the scope of work) of all the premises in the project
facility (excluding licensed spaces).

During any special events/exhibitions in the project

2 facility the housekeeping (sweeping, wet mopping, 4 Times/Day 1 Day 500/ Day
dusting etc.) of all the premises in connected
amenities where the event/exhibition is organized.

Cleaning of Toilets as per defined scope of work

3 4 Times/Day 1 Day 500/ Day
Cleaning of dustbins / waste bins and disposing the 2 Times / Day Compulsory 1000 / Day
4 same up to the main container or garbage collection
Collecting of garbage from the garbage collection Once / Day Compulsory 1000 / Day
5 point. Thereafter, segregation of waste & disposing

off the same outside the premises as per applicable
guidelines/rules of the local Client.
Should be completed before 8:30 Am every day.
Dusting / cleaning in the project facility (excluding
6 licensed spaces) of all furniture, sills, counters, 2 Times/Day 1 Day 500/ Day
screens, blinds & curtains, light fittings, signage,
doors, door frames, fittings and glass pans, AV
equipment, workstations along with computers and
their accessories like printers, monitors, keyboards,
fax machine and photocopiers etc, telephone
instrument etc.
Cleaning of windows from inside & outside in office, Once / Day Compulsory 1000 / Day
7 passages and corridors and all glass facade outside
all around the building on ground floor.
Sweeping, wet mopping, dusting of stairs (including Once / Day Compulsory 1000 / Day
8 terrace & ground to basements), External Stairs,
Exhibits & Artifacts, Drive way and compound area.
Cleaning and upkeep of all parking , service, Once / Day 1 day 1000 / Day
9 basement and maintenance area

B. Hospitality Services for Guest House / Dormitories

Sl. No Service Level Requirement Min Non Penalty
Requirement Compliance Rate (INR)
1 Room Service As per the Per requirement 1000/- per
request and incident
2 Washing and Cleaning of bed cover Once/day Per requirement 1000/- per
3 Housekeeping Rooms and cleaning of toilets Once/day Per requirement 1000/- per
4 Help Desk & Front Desk Service 24 hrs Per requirement 1000/- per

C. Regular Maintenance Services

Sl. Service Level Requirement Minimum Non Penalty
No. Requirement Compliance Rate (INR)
1 Cleaning of external surface Including glass façade, Once a month 1 Day 500/Day
external building surface, structure at entrance plaza
at all heights.

2 Shampoo Cleaning of all carpets, sofas, chairs. As per Compulsory 500/Day

methods and
3 Cleaning and disinfection of all water tanks. Once a month 1 Day 10,000/Day

UG TANKS & WATER SUPPLY (As per scope of work)

1 Cleaning of walls, slab, raft from inside and removal Once a Month 2 Day 1000/Day
of algae, waste particles.

2 Maintenance of submersible pumps. Once /15 Days 3 Day 20000/15

3 Painting and erection of MS Ladder or replacement Once a Month Compulsory As per twice
if required and if found theft or damaged. the market
rate of
damaged /
Theft fixture
or 2000/ Day
whichever is
4 Chemical treatment of water for purification. In Alternate 4 Days 500/Day

5 Maintenance of manhole cover including Once/15 Days Compulsory As per twice

replacement if found damaged of theft the market
rate of
damaged /
Theft fixture
or 2000/ Day
whichever is
1 Cleaning of bed properly including removing of mud, 1 Time /Week 1 Day 10,000 / Day
soil etc.
2 Regular maintenance of drain covers including 1 Time / Week 1 Day 10,000/ Day
replacement if found damaged.

1 Disinfestations treatment 1 Time / 1 Day 10,000/ Day
2 Rodent Control 1 Time / Monthly 1 Day 10,000 /on
3 Fly Control 1 Time / Monthly 1 Day 10,000 /on
4 Mosquito 1 Time / 1 Day 10,000 /on
Fortnightly repeated

1 Repair and maintenance of sanitary fixtures, On alternate Compulsory 300 / Day
lavatories days
2 Removal and replacement of damaged sanitary immediate Compulsory As per twice
fixtures and lavatories if required. the market
rate of
damaged /
Theft fixture
or 2000/ Day
whichever is

3 Electric fixtures maintenance or replacement if found immediate Compulsory As per twice
theft or damaged by non-social elements all the market
complete as per direction of engineer in charge. rate of
damaged /
Theft fixture
or 2000/ Day
whichever is
4 Cleaning of all lamps, street light poles, railing On alternate 4 Days 300 / Day
lamps, foot lights, bollards lamps, fans, tube lights, days
CFL's, Maxican hanger lamps etc.

5 Removal of damaged CFL's and fixtures if required. immediate Compulsory As per twice
the market
rate of
damaged /
Theft fixture
or 2000/ Day
whichever is
6 Regular maintenance of switch boards, sockets, On alternate 1 week 300 / Day
plug points, MCCB's, MCB's and all main and sub days
panels including replacement of all fixtures if found
theft or damaged.

7 Regular maintenance of plumbing fixtures. On alternate 1 week 700 / Day

1 Regular maintenance of VFD pump for irrigation with In alternate 1 Day As per twice
all connections and attachments, damaged part days the market
should be repaired or replace at that time rate of
immediately. damaged /
Theft fixture
or 15000/
whichever is
1 Regular cleaning, maintenance of water cooler and 1 Time / Day 1 Day 40000 / Day
purifier. Repairing work if not in working condition.

2 Painting inside outside as per approved paints on 1 Time /6 1 Month 10000 / 15

railings and outer concrete face. Months Days

1 De-weeding work for lawn areas with required Daily Compulsory 2000 / Day
equipment including all cutting, trimming, making
good in levels.

2 Making kyaries, mulching for trees, shrubs & ground Daily or Twice Compulsory 50000 / Day
covers at kyaries, mixing of manure for trees and Daily

3 Manual watering Whenever Compulsory 1000 / Day


4 Replacement of damaged grass, trees and shrubs. Whenever Compulsory 1000 / Day
Required (to be
5 Anti-termite treatment for damages leaves and Whenever Compulsory 1000 / Day
branches. Required (to be

Sl. Service Level Requirement Schedule / Non Compliance Penalty Rate
No. Timing Limit (INR)

1 Dusting of each and every benches and dust bin. 3 Times / Day 1 Day 1000 / Day

2 Wiping the chairs 1 Time / Day 1 Day 500 / Day

3 Cleaning, Repairing work for benches & dust bin. On alternate 1 week 22000 / Day
1 Regular maintenance and cleaning of all valves. 1 Time / week 1 Day 15000/Day

2 regular maintenance for all main line, sub lines 1 Time / week 1 Day 10000/Day
water supplies.

3 Regular maintenance for all automation system On alternate 1 Day 25000/Day

including all decoders, sensors, cables, solenoids Days

4 Replacement of damaged pipes, valves, cables, immediate Compulsory 30000/Day

decoders if found damaged or theft.

5 Regular maintenance for VFD pumps and electrical 1 Time / week 1 Day 10000/Day
1 Cleaning of pond, cleaning of waste, algae and 2 Time/Months 15 Days 10000/Day
garbage from pond.

2 Removal of weeds 1 Time/ year 15 Days 15000/Day

3 Levelling of bottom soil surface disturbed the flow of 1 Time/6 Month 15 Days 17000/week
4 Dry pitching with random rubble masonry work if Whenever Compulsory 20000/week
required or found settlement including gaps filling Required
with Murom or sand.

5 Supply of water to maintain required water level. 1 time/week Compulsory 20000/week

1 De-weeding work for pathways including all anti 2 Times/Month 15 Days 15000/Day
treatment, cutting, removing and gap filling with
sand if required.

2 Removal of water by manually-stacked rain water. Every day 1 Day 5000/Day

before park
opening time

3 Uplifting levels of interlocking paver blocks by 1 Times / 6 15 Days 20000/Week

providing sand below interlocking paver block Months
including all removing blocks filling of sand and re-
fixing in proper pattern and sand filling for joints

4 cleaning of pathway areas-removing of all wastage, on Alternate 2 Days 20000/Week
polythene, garbage, weeds, dust, debris, leaf, Days
polythene, porch etc. collection removal &
transportation up to desired point.

5 Removal and making of damaged kerb stone on Alternate 2 Days 10000/Week

including plaster to provide wheep holes for water Days
drainage to lawn areas.

6 Painting work of kerb stone of approved shades. 1 Times/ 1 Month 10000/Week

1 Painting inside outside as per approved paint on 1 Time / 6 1 Month 20000/15 Days
grills, fencing & all service / entry gates and gate Month

2 Electric fixtures maintenance or replacement if immediate Compulsory As per twice

found theft or damaged by non-social elements all the market rate
complete as per direction of engineer in charge. of damaged /
Theft fixture or
2000/ Day
whichever is
3 Cleaning of all lamps, street light poles, railing On Alternate 4 Days 300/Day
lamps, foot lights. Days

III (2.) Reporting

The FMS shall establish a MIS system for reporting. The FMS shall
submit the following reports within the stipulated time to the Authorized
Officer of the Client :
a. Initial Review Report;
b. Monthly Reports;
c. Deployment Report; and
d. Attendance Reports
e. Statutory compliance intimation report

The MIS report shall cover the following aspects :

a. Consumption and stock of consumables
b. Compliance of preventive maintenance plan
c. Resource deployment report (manpower, equipment)
d. Expense report (committed and invoiced amounts)
e. Energy consumption – by utility, by premise
f. Status of periodic activities as described under scope of work for
Operation, Maintenance.
g. Facility Inspection: The FMS shall conduct regular comprehensive
facility inspection and perform any additional ones that will

maintain/enhance the appearance, operation, and safety
aspects of all the facility as approved by Client. The FMS
shall indicate frequency of inspection covering all premises.
h. Highlight Critical Issues/Problems with recommended solutions
which should contain the technical recommendations /
alternatives, cost, time schedules, etc.

i. Prepare a foot fall report for the visitors.

j. Customer Feedback Analysis
k. Report on Audits/ drills etc.
l. Complaint Management reporting.
m. MIS on procurement, statutory payments & on any other invoices
processed by Client.
n. Any other reports as needed from time to time.
o. IT assets, stationaries and operating cost required to prepare
report is in the scope of FMS
p. FMS has the option to use /implement any software for managing
the Facility.
q. FMS shall submit the Performa and format and the same shall be
approved by Authorized Officer.
r. Statutory compliance intimation report : FMS shall maintain
a log/ tracking sheet of all statutory or regulatory compliances
such as environment clearances, all NOC’s, etc including their
renewal dates. FMS shall monitor and intimate the Client
minimum 30 days in advance before expiry of any such statutory
or regulatory compliances.
s. Any other reports / compliance certificates as needed from time to
IV. Parking Management

Parking and Vehicle Management is in FMS scope. The activities and

responsibilities of FMS are:
a. Support for parking management
b. Manage operations at Entry and Exit terminals,
c. Vehicle and traffic management in Project Facility,
d. Manage way - finding / space monitoring & guiding for parking,
e. Coordination with local Client where required,

V. Security Services

Security of Project Facility is in FMS scope. The activities and

responsibilities of FMS are:
a. To provide security services for the protection of life and property
against theft, pilferage, fire etc.,
b. Ensure safety and security of men and material,
c. Guiding visitors to desired locations/concerned officials/
d. Regulating entry of unwanted visitors/salesmen and maintenance
of visitor’s register,
e. Checking of gate passes and to regulate the entry and exit of
f. Prevent entry of stray animals like cow, dogs etc.,
g. Round the clock patrolling of the Project Facility,
h. Frisking and checking of visitors during and after operational
i. Hand held metal detectors should be provided by the Security
Agency to Security Guards for checking and frisking of visitors as
well as their carry bags,
j. Checking of vehicles at entry and use inverted mirror detectors for
checking vehicles,
k. Agency shall maintain records of inwards and outwards movement
of men, materials and vehicles, etc. with proper check as per
instructions given from time to time by Client,
l. Effective involvement during the crisis management like fire
accidents and bomb threats and during periodical drills. Liaison with
appropriate agencies in case of emergencies/Disaster & be well
equipped with their update contact numbers,
m. Visitor’s management in common, during events & exhibitions,
and during other special occasions,
n. Having effective control on movement of materials in / out,
o. Physical guarding of entry / exit points,
p. Screening / directing of visitors,
q. Patrolling and guarding various common areas and surroundings
to ensure adequate safety and security,
r. Assisting the occupants during the emergency evacuation of the
s. Rescue operation of passengers stranded in the lifts,

t. Complete disaster management in case of emergencies/ disasters,
u. Providing of adequate security as per the requirement,
v. Ensuring and monitoring the operations of Boom Barriers &
Access Control System,
w. Lodging of complaints/FIRs in case of emergency/disaster on
x. FMS shall provide a log book register for making entries by the
security personnel of their presence at duty site.
y. FMS shall provide at his own cost
(i) proper clean uniform and badges and
(ii) photo identity cards as per laid down rules for Private
Security Agencies.
z. FMS shall have his own Establishment/Setup/Mechanism, etc.
at his own cost to ensure correct and satisfactory performance
of his liabilities and responsibilities under the contract. FMS
shall get guards and supervisors screened for visual, hearing,
gross physical defects and contagious diseases and will provide
a certificate to this effect for each personnel deployed. Client will
be at liberty to get anybody re-examined in case of any
suspicion. Only physically fit personnel shall be deployed for
duty. FMS shall bear all the expenses incurred on the following
items i.e. required security devices, metal detectors, searching
mirror, Walky-Talky, provision of torches and cells,
lathis/ballams and other equipment to security staff, stationary
for writing duty charts and registers at security check points
and records keeping as per requirements.

A5.1 The FMS shall have the following minimum manpower to efficiently
and effectively manage at the project location:


Civil Maintenance
SN Description Qty
1 Mason
2 Carpenter/ Fitter
3 Sewer-man
4 Plumber
5 Multi-purpose / Beldar
Electrical Maintenance
1 Supervisor
2 Electrician /Wireman
3 Helper / Khallasi

Operation & Maintenance of Specialised E&M Equipments
Station Manager (at-least Graduate, Computer literate and having 10 years
1 experience in Maintenance & Operation of a Govt. Office Complex) common for all services

Operation of Fire Fighting, Fire Alarm, Public Address Systems (24 x 7 Hour basis)

2 Fire Supervisor (Passed out from any National Fire Training Institute)
3 Fire Alarm Technician
4 Fire Pump Operator
Operation of Electric Substation (3x1600 KVA) and DG Sets (2*1500 KVA +
1*500 KVA) for 24 X 7 hour basis
5 Operator
Operation of BMS system and CCTV on 24 x 7 hour basis
6 Operator
Operation of Lifts (8+2 = 10 NOS. Lifts)
7 Lift Operator
8 Graduate Lift Operator (specially for VIPs)
Operation of Escalator ( 2 NOS.)
9 Operator
Operation of 2 X 400 TR HVAC plant
10 AC Plant Operator
Operation of Sewage Treatment Plant (STP)
11 STP Operator
Operation of Bore-well / WTP and water pumps / RO Plant
12 Pump Operator
1 Supervisor (General & Housekeeping work)
2 Housekeepers
1 Supervisor
2 Gardner
3 Helper
Providing Security Services (24 x 7 Hour basis)
1 Security Officer (Retired from CISF of at-least SI Rank or equal)
2 Security Supervisor (Skilled)
3 Gunman (Skilled)
4 Security Guard (Semiskilled)

A5.2 Above is the minimum manpower requirement by the Client:

i. FMS shall provide the above minimum manpower to efficiently and

effectively manage the facility However, FMS shall be responsible to maintain
the service levels as required and shall be liable to deploy additional manpower
as per the requirement to fulfil the scope of work for the FMS services at it’s own

ii. Manpower related to following services are also required to be deployed for
24X7 shift.
a. Technical Services requiring following technician: Electrician, Plumber,
Control room supervisor, BMS supervisor, Fire mechanic, Security
personnel and any other personnel required for smooth functioning of
the project.
b. Housekeeping and front desk management manpower

iii. The impact of additional requirement of manpower for reliever, night shift,
leaves and off days shall be taken into account by the bidder in financial bid.

iv. During day shift the total no. of manpower deployed should not be less than
the minimum manpower specified in the table, at all times.

v. The tentative duration of working hours/operational hours of memorial will

be 8 hours, subject to finalization of timings by the client to be conveyed at the
time of signing of agreement.

vi. Police verification of the manpower deployed by the FMS contractor should
be complete and client can ask to share the information with them any time, if
vii. State minimum wages will be applicable for manpower deployment.
viii. Disbursing Client will verify a specific percent (at least 2%) about
the status of deposit of EPF and ESI information of the deployed
manpower every month on random basis.

A6 Deduction for Non Performance

Subject to the terms and conditions mentioned in the Contract, any

deficiency by the FMS in the performance of its delivery obligations, shall
render him liable to any or all of the following penalties

Description Expected for Minimum Deduction

upkeep Obligation recovery to be
affected in the
monthly bill
Power – Substation / 100 (Ability to be 98% 1% of the monthly
DG set online in case of bill
power failure to be
not less than 20
UPS 100% 99.95% 0.5% of the
monthly bill

Description Expected for Minimum Deduction
upkeep Obligation recovery to be
affected in the
monthly bill
HVAC systems for 100% 99.5% 2% of the
entire complex monthly bill
Elevators 100% 98% 0.5% of the
( each lift shall monthly bill
not have more
than 2 times
Break Down a
ACBs / Panels/ Cables 100% Critical ACBs: 1% of the
100% monthly bill
Non critical:
Fire Hydrant system & 100% 100% 2% of the
Sprinkler system monthly bill
Control Room / BMS 100% 98% 2% of the
monthly bill
CCTV 100% 98% 1% of the
monthly bill
Shortfall in deployment of minimum 100% 100% 3% of the
manpower described in the agreement monthly bill

Shortfall in deployment of minimum 100% 100% 3% of the

machinery / tools described in the monthly bill
Minor Defects as per the prescribed 100% 98% 1% of the
standard monthly bill
Major defects as per the prescribed 100% 95% 2% of the
standard monthly bill
Housekeeping works as per Agreement 100% 95% 1% of the
monthly bill

In case of repetitive instances of non-performance regularly, the

Client may take necessary action for termination of Contract and forfeiture
of Performance Bank Guarantee after issuing a maximum of 2 months’

1. List of Proposed Equipments:

SL. Equipment Requirement Specification Capacity Present Remarks

No. Condition

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

2. Proposed list of Materials / Consumables to be used

SL. Name of consumable proposed Utilisation

No. (with details and make)
Consumable Make / Brand Per day Per week Per month


1. All the equipment and consumables are considered in costing for financial
bid needs to be reported here.

2. The bidder shall procure Diesel / Lubricants / Oils to be used in for

any kind of machinery installed at the facility like in substation, DG set
and other equipment and the same shall be paid as per actuals on
production of bills / consumption details etc. by the Bidder to the Client.

3. The Bidder shall procure all related consumables like toiletries, spares,
fasteners / fixtures required

(if any), housekeeping consumables etc. and the cost of the same shall be
borne by the Bidder.

Yours sincerely,

Authorized Signature
[In full and initials]

Name and Designation of the Signatory :

Name of the Bidder and Address :


[In this format the bidder shall submit their proposed work plan and
standard operating procedure for the required services within 3 -4 pages]

Yours sincerely,

Authorized Signature
[In full and initials]

Name and Designation of the Signatory :

Name of the Bidder and Address :


[In this format, the bidder shall provide a brief write up on the proposed
quality control mechanism for the required services within 1-2 pages]

Authorized Signature
[In full and initials]

Name and Designation of the Signatory :

Name of the Bidder and Address :


(on letterhead of Bidder)

1. We certify that this Proposal is made in good faith and that we have
not fixed or adjusted the amount of the Proposal by, or under, or in
accordance with any agreement or arrangement with any other person. We
also certify that we have not and we undertake that we will not, before the
award of any contract for the work:

(i) (a) Communicate to any person other than the Client /or person
duly authorized by it in that behalf the amount or approximate amount
of the Proposal, or Proposed Proposal, except where the disclosure, in
confidence, of the approximate amount of the Proposal was necessary to
obtain premium quotations required for the preparation of the Proposal

(b) Enter into any agreement or arrangement with any person

that they shall refrain from bidding, they shall withdraw any Proposal once
offered or vary the amount of any Proposal to be submitted.

(ii) Pay, give or offer to pay or give any sum of money or other
valuable Considerations directly or indirectly to any person for doing or
having done or having caused to be done in relation to any other Proposal or
proposed Proposal for the work, any act or thing of the sort described at (i)
(a) or (i) (b) above.

2. We further certify that the principles described in paragraphs 1 (i) and

(ii) above have been or will be, brought to the attention of all sub-
contractors, suppliers and associated companies providing services or
material connected with the Proposal and any contract entered into with
such sub-contractors, suppliers, or associated companies will be made on
the basis of compliance with the above principles by all parties.

3. We are not part of any “Anti-competitive practice” such as collusion,

bid rigging or anti-competitive arrangement, or any other practice coming
under the purview of The Competition Act, 2002 as amended from time to
time, between two or more bidders, with or without the knowledge of the
Procuring Entity (Client), that may impair the transparency, fairness and
the progress of the procurement process or to establish bid prices at
artificial, non-competitive levels,

4. In this certificate, the word "person" includes any persons or any body
or association, corporate or unincorporated; "any agreement or
arrangement" includes any transaction, formal or informal and whether
legally binding or not; and "the work" means the work in relation to which
this Proposal is made.

Dated this…………………… Days of………………………2018

Name of the Bidder ………………………………………………………

Signature of the designated person………………………………………………….…

Name of the designated person.…………………………………………………………

Date of receipt of RFP ……………………………………………………

Annexure I : Indicative list of Key Plant & Equipment to be deployed
by the FMS

1. Engineering Tools

Sr. No. Name of Tools Sr. No. Name of Tools

1 Megger (0-500volts) 2 Gloves (Electrical) (HT/ LT.)

3 Multi-Meter (digital) – Texas 4 Grease gun (heavy Duty)

5 Tong tester/Clamp Meter ( Digital) 6 Chisel Small & Big (heavy duty)

7 Thermometer Digital 8 Safety Goggles

9 Air Blower (Hot) 10 Nose Pliers 9"

11 Punching Tools (set 3mm to 24 mm) 12 Tool Box metallic

13 Crimping Tools 14 Parrot Wrench 10"

15 Crimping Tool for Electrical 16 Safety helmet

17 Electric Drill M/C 18 Safety belt ( with complete specifications)

19 Torch with cells 20 Cartridge fuses puller (HT / LT.)

21 Pliers 22 Measuring tape - 5 mtrs

23 Screw Driver Set 24 Pipe wrench 18"

25 Screw Driver Set 26 Bearing Puller

27 Screw Driver 8"/12" 28 Digital Anemometer

29 Pipe Wrench 12"/10"/8" (set 1 of each) 30 Water Testing Kit

31 Line Tester 32 Digital LUX Meter

33 D-Spanner Set 34 Db meter for noise level monitoring

35 Ring Spanner Set 36 IR GUN

37 Screw wrench 38 Torque spanner

39 Box Spanner Set 40 Ear Muffler

41 Bench Wise 6" 42 SAW

43 Hacksaw Frame 44 All Electrical /Carpentry / Plumbing works

related Tools
45 Tool Bag 46 Hammer 1/2 lbs., 1 lbs, 11/2 lbs

2. House Keeping Tools / Equipment

Sr. No. Name of Tools

1 Commercial vacuum cleaner

2 High pressure jet cleaning machine

3 Puzzy machine to clean chairs and sofas

4 Floor scrubber / polishing machine

5 Wringer Mop Trolley

6 Motorized Grass cutter

7 Road sweeping machine

8 Telescoping ladder

9 Fork Lift

10 Equipment for cleaning facades of high rise buildings

Note: The lists shown are not exhaustive lists and the bidder if required, may
add based on their assessment of work in FORM T8.

Annexure II: List of Consumables to be used

1. List of Consumables
The tentative list of the consumables to be used at facility is as below.
However, the exhaustive list of consumables is to be provided by the FMS in
his proposal. The FMS shall use consumables of the reputed brands as per
the requirement and direction of the Client. The tentative list of consumables
are as follows:
i. Phenyl (to be used for housekeeping/cleaning)
ii. Room Spray (Premium)
iii. Auto Spray- Air Refresher
iv. Naphthalene Balls
v. Sodium Hypochlorite
vi. Brasso
vii. (Bathroom Cleaner)
viii. (Glass Cleaner/Colin)
ix. (Furniture Cleaner)
x. R6 (Toilet Cleaner)
xi. D-7 (Stainless Steel Polish)
xii. Bleaching Powder
xiii. Garbage Bag
xiv. Hit/ Baygon/ Mortein Spray
xv. Binliners
xvi. Odonil
xvii. Urinal Cubes
xviii. Hand Wash Liquid
xix. Toilet Roll Paper
xx. Tissue Box – premier for cabin use
xxi. Hand Towel-Tissue Paper-C- Fold
xxii. Dettol Antiseptic

Authorized Signature
[In full and initials]
Name and Designation of Signatory:
Name of the Bidder:
Annexure III: Details of Availability of the Assets at the Location

< To be provided by the Tender Inviting Client as per the following format>

Sl. Name of the Asset Specification Available Remarks if any

No. (Machinery / Equipment) Quantity

Authorized Signature
[In full and initials]

Name and Designation of Signatory:

Name of the Bidder:

Section 6 : Financial Proposal

Form F1: Financial Proposal Submission Form

(On the letterhead of the Bidder)

[To be Inserted]

Name of the Designated Officer

Complete Address of the Tender Inviting Client

Sub: Selection of Agency for Providing Comprehensive Facility

Management Service at [Insert Location]

Dear Sir,

I/We, the undersigned, is pleased to provide our financial offer for

providing Comprehensive Facility Management Services at [Insert
Location], in accordance to your Request for Proposal No. _________________
Dated __________________ and our Technical Proposal.

Having gone through the RFP and having fully understood the scope
of work for the captioned assignment as set out in the RFP; we are pleased
to quote the following lump sum fees (exclusive of applicable taxes) for the
proposed service for the 1st year as:

In Figures
In Words

1. Tax will be paid as per prevailing applicable rates.
2. All payments to the service provider will be subjected to deduction of taxes at
source as per applicable laws.

Our Financial Bid shall be binding upon us subject to the

modifications resulting from contract negotiations, up to expiration of the
validity period of the Bid.
I/ We understand you are not bound to accept any Bid you receive.

Yours sincerely,

Authorized Signature
[In full and initials]
Name and Designation of Signatory :
Name of Bidder :
Complete Address :

Form F2: Financial Bid

Sl. Item Description Unit Financial

No. Bid (INR)
for first
year of the
1 Comprehensive Facility Services to be provided as per the Lump sum
Management Services at defined scope and terms and conditions
[Insert Name of the of the RFP
Office / Location]
2 Goods & Services Tax (GST) as applicable

TOTAL (1 + 2)

Note: 1. Financial bid would mean Annual Comprehensive Facility Management

Cost for 1st year (as provided by the bidder in S.No: 1 in the above table)
payable to Facility Management Service Provider (FMS). Conditional price bid
will be outrightly rejected.
2. Escalation on Annual Comprehensive Facility Management Cost would
be applicable as per clause 1.10.3 of RFP.

3. FMS would not be paid any other costs apart from above service.

4. This RFP is for providing comprehensive facility management services

as per the Service Level Requirements. The manpower indicated by the
Client in this RFP is minimum required manpower, however the bidder
is expected to evaluate cost of all services, manpower, overheads,
equipment and consumables (except fuel) etc. required for providing the
services as per the scope of work defined in the RFP and provide a
lump-sum quote in the financial bid.
5. Bidder will be shortlisted as per criteria mentioned in Clause 1.7.1.
Bidder shall read the conditions very carefully. The financial bids
would be ranked/ compared as per the quoted amount exclusive of

Authorized Signature
[In full and initials]

Name and Designation of Signatory:

Name of the Bidder:

Form F3: Detail Break Up for the Financial Offer

For 1 Year
Unit Price
Qty. (per month
Sl. Total Price Total cost (in
(No.) inclusive of
No. Description of Item (per year) INR) (for 1
all statutory
(in INR) years)
1. Remuneration of Manpower
Supervisory Staff
Staff for Façade and Floor
Garbage Collection & Disposal
Garden & Lawn Maintenance
e. House Keeping Staff

f. Toilet Cleaning Staff

g. Security Staff

Electrical/ Mechanical operation &

maintenance support Staff for lifts,
generators, air conditioning, pump
sets, firefighting systems etc.

i. Any other staff (please specify)

Charges towards hiring of
Equipments and Consumables Lump sum
3. Other Expenses (Pl. Specify)
Total Cost (Rs.)
In Words

Authorized Signature
[In full and initials]
Name and Designation of Signatory:
Name of the Bidder:

Section –7 Draft Contract










[On Stamp Paper]


This CONTRACT is made on the ______________ between,

____________________________ (hereinafter called as the “Client”) which
expression shall where the context so requires or admits shall also include
its successors or assigns of the one part
________________________________,registered under _________________________
with its principal place of business at _________________________________
(hereinafter called the “Comprehensive Facilities Management Service
Provider”) of the 2nd Part represented by ____________________, which
expression where the context so requires or admits shall also
include its successors or assigns of the other part

__________________________________ (the Principal) issued RFP vide Letter
No.________________ Dated_______________________ to the Comprehensive
Facilities Management Service Provider for execution of [Name of the
Service] and the Comprehensive Facilities Management Service Provider
offered its willingness to execute the work as per terms and
condition of agreement vide it's Letter No.________________ Dated


WHEREAS above stated offer and willingness conveyed under

Letter dated _________________ by the Comprehensive Facilities
Management Service Provider has been duly accepted by the Client
vide its Letter No. ____________________ dated
________________________ for execution and completion of facility
related services subject to the fulfilment of the terms and


1. Scope of Work :
The Comprehensive Facilities Management Service Provider shall
engage efficient and experienced personnel to render the required
service of [Name of the Service and Location] as described in

2. Agreement Period :
This Agreement shall remain valid for a period of 3 years effective from
the _______________ to _______________ (both days inclusive).

3. Contract Value :

a) The total contract value is ____________________ [ in words] only

per Year for the period of contract except GST (as applicable] etc.
pertaining to the [Name of the Service]as per the approved scope of work at
Annexure-A. The list of Equipment to be used to render the service is at
Annexure-B. In case of increase in minimum wages of labour by
Government of Odisha, the basic differential cost of minimum wages for
Unskilled, semi-skilled and high skilled labour together with ancillary
implication like EPF, ESI etc., will be paid extra.

b) No other terms and conditions put forth by Comprehensive Facilities

Management Service Provider shall be considered for accepted during the
contract period. However, the above terms of payment against the claimed
bills shall be subject to deduction of Non-performance as per Clause 2.14.1
along with A 5.1 stipulations of the RFP and the client is not bound to make
the monthly bill within the stipulated deadline of payment on claimed
monthly bill.
4. Terms of Payment :

a) [Name of the Department/Heads of Department/Other Office] will

make payment on the basis of monthly bills furnished'

by the Comprehensive Facilities Management Service Provider
duly certified by Designated Officer for the purpose by first
week of subsequent month for the services rendered for the
previous month and payments will be made by the Client
within 10 days from the date of submission of bills.
However, the above payment shall be subject to deduction of No-
performance as per the prevailing conditions of the RFP and the
Client is not bound to make the monthly bill within the
stipulated deadline of payment on claimed monthly bill.

b) Security Deposit:

The Comprehensive Facilities Management Service Provider shall have

to deposit an amount of @10%of the Annual contract value in shape of
Performance Bank Guarantee in favour of [___________________________].
This will be treated as Security Deposit and shall be refunded after
successful completion of the contract. It shall not carry any interest.

5. Schedule for the Service :

The schedule for the service will be provided by the Comprehensive

Facilities Management Service Provider as per the agreed terms and
conditions between the parties. The Comprehensive Facilities Management
Service Provider shall deploy number of personnel for carrying out the
services as described in Annexure-C.

6. Authorized Representative :

a) Any notice or intimation by either party to the other

pursuant to this Agreement shall be signed by an
Authorized Representative of the party giving such notice.

b) The Comprehensive Facilities Management Service Provider

shall carry out instructions and act upon any guidelines
issued in pursuance of the Agreement, if and only if they are
given / signed by an Authorized Representative of Client,
whose names will be intimated by the said Client.

7. Risk & Responsibility:

a) The Comprehensive Facilities Management Service Provider

shall without limiting to its obligations and responsibilities will
ensure and keep insured it's personnel so deployed at [Insert
Name of the Location] against all liabilities for death and
injury whatsoever on account of any accident in the course
of performing the Operation & Maintenance services. The client

will not be responsible and be held liable for any such
death injury or accident 'to the employees' and any other
personnel deployed by the Comprehensive Facilities
Management Service Provider. In the event the client is
made liable to pay any damage or compensation in respect of
such employees the Comprehensive Facilities Management
Service Provider shall reimburse such damages or
compensation on demand.
b) The Comprehensive Facilities Management Service Provider shall
comply all the provisions of prevailing Labour Laws during
execution of work. The personnel deployed shall be morally
good and physically healthy to carry out the assignments
to the satisfaction of the client.

c) The Comprehensive Facilities Management Service Provider

shall provide qualified uniformed staff to perform the
services. The employees of Comprehensive Facilities
Management Service Provider entering the premises of the client
shall have proper uniform & badges for Identification
and shall display identity proof on their person in course of
duty hour.

d) The Comprehensive Facilities Management Service Provider shall

conduct periodic general medical check up of its employees at its
own cost. In the event of any of the staff is found to be suffering
from any communicable disease, such employee(s) shall be
replaced immediately providing substitute(s) immediately.

e) The Comprehensive Facilities Management Service Provider shall

deploy its authorized representatives and adequate supervisors to
be present at the place of work during working hours to ensure
satisfactory services under this Agreement. It shall further
exercise due and adequate control over such personnel and
ensure that appropriate instructions/ directions are issued to
them in the course of the performance of the tasks under this

f) The Comprehensive Facilities Management Service Provider shall

ensure that its employees, while carrying out their obligations
under the Agreement observe all required standards of
cleanliness, decency and decorum, safety and general discipline
and such other instructions or guidelines as may be issued by
the authorized representative of the client.

g) “Right man to for Right Job” shall be followed to avoid accident at
workplace. It shall be the duty of the Facility Management and
Supervisor of the Comprehensive Facilities Management Service
Provider to get the critical job done by the employees
professionally and technically competent enough to perform the
said particular task.
h) The Service Provider should install a Biometric system with
computer assisted information capturing modalities as well as
manual entry of the information the attendance of its personnel
deployed at the location and the report should be verified by the
authorised officer from time to time.

8. Statutory Compliances :

a) The Comprehensive Facilities Management Service Provider

shall be responsible for compliance and coverage of its
employees under all necessary statutory obligations under
various statutes applicable such as Employees State
Insurance (ESI), Provident Fund(PF), Workman Compensation
Act, Minimum Wages Act, Contract Labour (Regulation &
Abolition) Act, etc. the Comprehensive Facilities Management
Service Provider shall maintain proper records & documents
and produce them to the authorized representative of the client
as and when required, in proof of compliance of all the
relevant and connected laws enacted by the Central & State
Govt. etc.

b) The Comprehensive Facilities Management Service Provider shall

obtain all requisite license, permissions, certificates,
registrations, etc. to render the required service from all
competent Client and shall furnish as and when

c) The Comprehensive Facilities Management Service Provider

shall alone be responsible for the payments of wages and all
other statutory payments/legal dues to its employees
deployed under this agreement. The payment/consideration
contemplated as per Clause-3 of this Agreement shalI be
released by the client only upon the Comprehensive Facilities
Management Service Provider producing online PF & ESI
deposits of the payment receipt for the preceding month.
Without such a document, no bill shall be passed.

d) The Comprehensive Facilities Management Service Provider shall

provide First Aid facilities at the work place according to

applicable laws.

e) In the event of the Comprehensive Facilities Management

Service Provider failing to comply with any of the provision of
the statutes applicable to it resulting the Principal incurring
any expenditure thereafter including facing litigation, the
Comprehensive Facilities Management Service Provider shall
indemnify such expenditure and other damages, losses as may
be estimated by the client. The client may take appropriate
action to recover the same from the Comprehensive Facilities
Management Service Provider, from 'its pending bills. If it does
not suffice, the balance shall be recovered under ordinary
common law through civil court.
9. Liability and Indemnity :

The Comprehensive Facilities Management Service Provider shall be

responsible and liable for and shall indemnify the client and keep [Insert
Name of the Location], safe and harmless at all time against :

a) any and all claims, liabilities, damages, losses, costs, charges.

expenses, proceedings & actions of any nature whatsoever
made or instituted against or caused to be suffered by the
client directly or indirectly by reasons of.

I. any wrongful, incorrect, dishonest, criminals, fraudulent or

negligent work default, failure, bad faith, disregard of its duties and
obligation, act or omission by the Comprehensive Facilities
Management Service Provider or its facility staff.

II. any theft robbery, fraud, or other wrongful action or omission by

the firm and /or any of its facility staff

10. Limitation of Liability :

ln any case the liability of the service provider shall hot exceed
______________________________ per occurrence.

11. Sub-Contracting :
The Comprehensive Facilities Management Service Provider shall
itself perform its obligations under this agreement and shall not assign or
transfer or sub-contract any of its rights and obligations under this
agreement to any third party without the prior written permission from
competent Client in case of emergency requirements.

12. Loss/ Theft / Damage:

The Comprehensive Facilities Management Service Provider shall
responsible for any and all losses, theft, damages caused to any equipment
installations in the premises, fittings and fixtures, goods there in and any
other properties belongs to the client because of any act of negligence,
commission or omission of its employees while discharging their duties.

13. Exclusion of Consequential Loss :

The Comprehensive Facilities Management Service Provider will not

be liable for any consequential loss that may arise out of the performance of
this Agreement.

14. Breach of Agreement, Penalty & Termination of Agreement :

a) Breach of Agreement :

In case of breach of Agreement or default by the Comprehensive

Facilities Management Service Provider, the client shall have a right of lien
and first charge over all the properties of the Comprehensive Facilities
Management Service Provider lying in the premises in addition to other
remedies like forfeiture of security deposit, legal action for recovery of money
with liberty to the client to terminate the agreement.

b) Penalty :

i. The in case of mishap due to wrong operation or manual error,

which results in disruption of services, the total cost of down time,
along with equipment repair cost shall be borne by the
Comprehensive Facilities Management Service Provider.
ii. A quality check procedure will be developed by the client, against
each service and feedback from the designated officer will be
obtained for assessment of performance of the service rendered by
the Comprehensive Facilities Management Service Provider.

iii. Where there is non-performance/unsatisfactory/sub-standard

performance of its obligation in the part of the Comprehensive
Facilities Management Service Provider, the client shall give a
written notice of the default and or omission or commission and
the Comprehensive Facilities Management Service Provider shall
submit its response within 7 (seven) days from the date of issue of
such notice.
iv. If the response/explanation is not found satisfactory or inadequate
or partly satisfactory, the client shall have the right to deduct the
following amount from the monthly bill of the Comprehensive
Facilities Management Service Provider for non-performance/
unsatisfactory/ sub-standard performance of any part of services
to be rendered operation as agreed between the parties.

c) Termination of Agreement :

Where in spite of these efforts, there is continuance of non-

performance or improper performance of obligation, the client shall have
the right to terminate the contract at any point of time with
forfeiture of Security Deposit. Similarly the Comprehensive Facilities
Management Service Provider shall have right to terminate the contract
in case the client fails to pay the admissible dues stipulated
under clause-4 hereof on more than 3 occasions in a calendar year.

15. Force Majeure :

Neither party shall be responsible for any damage caused by natural

calamities' like flood, earthquake, cyclone or any other Act of God,
explosion, fire & riot etc. The later five events, whether occurred or not,
shall be decided by the client and such decision cannot be questioned in
any court of law.

16. Post Termination Responsibility of the Comprehensive Facilities

Management Service Provider :

Upon termination of this agreement, the Comprehensive Facilities

Management Service Provider shall immediately deliver all the
documents and any/all data, plant, machineries & equipments held
by it and which are in possession/ custody/control of its facility staff
to the client. The Comprehensive Facilities Management Service Provider
shall also forthwith remove all its facility staff together with its
machines./equipment whatsoever from the premises of the client under
intimation of the designated Client.

17. Jurisdiction :

The court situated in the State of Odisha shall have jurisdiction

to decide any disputes or litigations between the parties hereto.

18. The following documents attached hereto shall be deemed to be form

an integral part of this Contract :

Annexure- A : Scope of Work

Annexure- B : List of Equipment and Consumables to be utilised for
the purpose
Annexure- C : List of Manpower to be deployed at the project location
Annexure- D : Payment Term

Signature of Authorised Representative

_____________________________ _____________________

(Client) (Comprehensive Facilities Management Service Provider)

On behalf of Client
On behalf of Comprehensive Facilities Management Service Provider





Bid Reference No.__________________________ Dated ______________________

Bids in sealed cover are invited under two-bid system from reputed and
experienced manpower service provider for providing security services/maintenance of
lawns and gardens/catering services for hostels and guest houses/housekeeping
services/Data Entry and Office Support Services for Department/Office
_____________________ at ___________________________ (Insert Name of the Office). The details of
the bidding process are as follows:

Sl. No Bidding Schedule Deadline

1 Date of Issue T
2 Bid Due Date and Time T + 15
3 Opening of Technical Bid T + 16
4 Opening and Financial Bid T + 23

Bidders are required to submit the technical and financial bids separately. The
bids in sealed Cover-I containing “Technical Bid” and sealed Cover-II containing
“Financial Bid” should be placed in a third sealed cover super-scribed “Bid for
Outsourcing of ________________________ services” must reach the undersigned on or before
____________________ by Speed Post/Registered Post/ Courier only.

The bid documents containing eligibility criteria, scope of the work, terms and
conditions of the tender and draft agreement can be downloaded from the website
________________________________ (Insert Website Details).

Complete address for submission of bid

Name and Designation of the Authority


Sl. No. Section Description Page

1. Section-I Instruction to Bidders

2. Section-II Scope of the Work
9 - 19
3. Section-III Schedule of Requirement
4. Section-IV General Terms and Conditions
5. Section-V Technical Bid
6. Section-VI Financial Bid
7. Section- VII Bid Submission Checklist
8. Section-VIII Service Agreement& PBG Format


Instruction to Bidders

A. General Information:

1. ______________________________________ (Name of the Office) requires the service of

reputed, well established, financially sound and registered Service Providers to provide
(name of the service) by deploying adequately trained and disciplined man power at
________________________________ (name of the place) as per the requirement.

2. The period of contract for providing the aforesaid service will be ideally (<1 year
/1 Year/1-2 year) from the date of effectiveness of the contract. The contract may be
extended for a period , not exceeding the original duration of the contract on mutual
consent depending upon the performance of the Service Provider and at the discretion
of the authority. The authority reserves the right to terminate the contract at any time
after giving 30 days’ notice to the service Provider.

3. The interested bidders may visit the location on any working day between the
office hours to have a thorough knowledge of the work to be performed before
preparation and submission of the bid.

Eligibility criteria :

Sl. Eligibility Criteria Supporting documents to

No. be furnished along with the
Technical Bid
1 The bidder should be registered under Certificate of Incorporation/
appropriate authority, such as Registration
 Registered under the Companies Act
 Registered under the Indian Partnership
Act 1932
 Registered under the Indian Trusts Act
 Registered under the Societies
Registration Act 1860.
 Registered under the Limited Liability
Partnership Act 2008.

2 The bidder must have at least five years in Copies of the work order
business (up to the last date of submission of from the previous
bid) for providing similar type of services to authorities.
Central/State Government/Autonomous bodies
/ agencies / societies / corporate bodies.

Sl. Eligibility Criteria Supporting documents to
No. be furnished along with the
Technical Bid
3 The Registered Office / Branch Office of the Valid address proof of the
Service Provider must be located within the office (Copy of the
jurisdictional area of Odisha. Telephone / Electricity Bill)

4 Must have average annual financial turnover of Copies of audited Income/

Rs.__________________ during the last five financial Expenditure Statement and
years as on Dt. ___________. [The average annual financial Balance sheet for the
turnover should be twice the estimated cost of the service] concerned period.

5 Must have its own bank account in any scheduled Copies of the pass book and
bank situated in Odisha. transaction statement for
the last 6 month.
6 The agency should not have been blacklisted An undertaking to this
by any Central / State government, or any other effect to be furnished by the
public sector undertaking or a corporation as on bidder as per the
the date of this RFP prescribed format
[Form – T2]
7 Must not have any pending judicial proceedings An undertaking to this
for any criminal offence against the proprietor effect to be furnished by the
/Director/Persons to be deployed by the Service bidder as per the
Provider prescribed format.
[Form – T3]
8 Other Statutory Documents: Copies of :
 PAN,
 Copies of EPF & ESI
Registration Certificate
 IT return for the last 3
assessment year
 Valid License under
PSARA(Private Security
Agencies Regulation
Act.2005 )(In case of
Security Services)

B. Submission of Bid :

The proposal complete in all respect as specified must be accompanied with a

Non- refundable amount [Insert Amount in INR] towards Bid Processing Fee [To be
determined by the Tender Inviting Authority] and EMD of [2% of the estimated cost of
the service] in form of Demand Draft in favour of “[Insert Details]”, drawn in any
scheduled commercial bank and payable at _________________________ failing which the bid
will be out rightly rejected. The bid should be sent through Speed Post/Registered Post/
Courier so as to reach the authority by ___________________________ (Insert Date and time)

The authority will not be responsible for any postal delay. Bids without bid
processing fee and EMD shall be rejected. Bids submitted after due date will be
summarily rejected. EMD of unsuccessful bidders will be returned without interest after
the award of Contract.

The bid has been invited under two bid systems i.e Technical Bid and Financial
Bid. The bidders are advised to submit two separate envelopes super scribing
“Technical Bid” (name of the service) and “Financial Bid” (name of the service).
Both sealed envelopes must be kept in a third sealed envelope super-scribing “Bid
Document- (name of the service)

Selected bidder will have to deposit a Performance Security (10% of the annual
contract value) in the form of Bank Guarantee from any scheduled Bank situated
within Odisha in favour of (Insert Details] as per the prescribed format provided in the
tender document at Section - IX for a period of three months beyond the contract
period. (i.e. Performance Bank Guarantee must be valid from the date of effectiveness of
the contract to a period of three months beyond the contract period) as its commitment
to perform services under the contract. Failure to comply with the requirements shall
constitute sufficient grounds for forfeiture of the Performance Bank Guarantee. The
Performance Bank Guarantee shall be released immediately after three months of
expiry of the contract provided that there is no breach of contract on the part of the
qualified bidder. No interest shall be paid on the Performance Bank Guarantee. In case,
the contract is further extended beyond the initial contract period, the Bank Guarantee
will have to be accordingly renewed by the deployed service provider as per the
existing terms and conditions of the tender.

C. List of Documents for submission

Bidders are required to furnish the following documents along with the
Technical Bid :

a) Covering letter along with power of attorney on the bidder’s letter head
b) Demand Draft in support of Bid processing fee as applicable
c) Demand Draft in support of EMD as applicable.

d) Copy of Certificate of Incorporation of the firm / agency
e) Copy of GSTIN
f) Copy of PAN
g) Copies of IT returns for the last three assessment years
h) Copies of EPF&ESI Registration Number
i) Copy of valid license under PSARA Act, 2005(in case of Security Service)
j) Copy Bank Account details
k) Copies of the Income/Expenditure statements along with Balance Sheet for
the last 3 years.
l) Copies of work orders from the previous organizations for providing
services during last 3years.
m) Undertaking regarding non-blacklisting (On stamp paper)
n) Undertaking regarding non-pending of any judicial proceedings (On bidder’s
letter head)

Any deviation from the prescribed procedures / required information / formats/

conditions shall result in out-right rejection of the bid. Any conditional bid shall be out-
rightly rejected.

All entries along with the pages in the bid document should be legible, filled-in
clearly and signed by the authorized representative. If the space for furnishing
information is insufficient, a separate sheet duly signed by the authorized signatory
should be attached.

The technical Bid will be opened on [Insert Date and Time] in presence of the
authorised representatives of the bidder who wish to be present on the spot at that
time. Financial bid of the technically qualified bidders shall be opened on [Insert Date
and Time] in presence of the authorized representatives.

The EMD shall be forfeited if the successful bidder fails to undertake the work or
fails to comply with any of the terms and conditions of the bid.

The bid shall be valid for a period of 90 days from the date of opening of the
bids and no request for any variation in quoted rates and/withdrawal of bids on any
ground by the bidder shall be entertained. Validity of the bids can be extended on
mutual consent.

To assist in the analysis, evaluation and computation of bids, the authority may
ask the bidders individually for clarification of their bids. The request for clarification
and the response shall be in writing but no change in the price or substance of the bid
offered shall be permitted.

The bidder having the lowest evaluated financial bid (L-1) would be considered
for award of the contract subject to fulfilment of the terms and conditions of the bid
documents. In case, the lowest bidder (L-1) is disqualified after selection for any reason,
then negotiations will be made with the second lowest (L-2) bidder for award of

contract at L-1 price. However, the decision of the authority shall be final during the
overall selection process.

The quoted rates shall not be less than the minimum wages fixed/notified by the
Government of Odisha from time to time and shall include all statutory obligations.

The service provider shall be liable for all kinds of dues payable in respect of
manpower deployed / provided under the contract and the authority shall not be liable
for any dues for availing the services of the personnel.

The authority reserves the right to reject any or all bids and terminate the tender
process without assigning any reason thereof.




1. [Insert name of the office] invites sealed bids from the eligible bidders for
providing the security service at [Insert location of the service].
2. The man power for the security services shall be round the clock. However, the
deployment of the security personnel may be varied with respect to the scope of
the service, which can be increased / decreased as per the convenience of the
3. The Service Provider shall ensure that the security personnel deputed are as per
the scope of the work, physically and mentally healthy and not more than 35
years of age or less than 21 years of age.
4. The full particulars of the personnel to be deployed by the service provider
including their names and addresses shall be furnished along with testimonials
before they are actually deployed for the job.
5. Visitors shall be regulated as per the direction of the Authority and procedure
and records thereof shall be maintained as stipulated therein.
6. A senior level representative of the Service provider shall visit the Office
premises at least once a week and review the service performance of its
personnel. During the weekly visit, Service provider’s representative will also
meet the representative of the Authority dealing with service under the contract
for mutual feedback regarding the work performed and removal of deficiencies,
if any, observed in their working.
7. The incidental expenses towards shoes, shocks, caps, torch stick, umbrella and
raincoat etc. shall be borne / supplied by the service provider at its own cost.
8. The day to day functioning of the services shall be carried out in consultation
with and under direction of the Authority. Proposals for efficient functioning of
the security systems shall be discussed, considered and implemented from time
to time by the Service provider with the approval of the Authority.
9. Any loss caused to the Authority due to the lapse on the part of the security
personnel discharging responsibilities, will be borne by the Service provider and
in this connection, the Authority shall have the right to deduct appropriate
amount from the bill of the Service provider to make good such loss besides
imposition of penalty. In case of frequent lapses on part of the security personnel
deployed by the Service provider, Authority shall be within its right to terminate
the contract or take any other action without assigning any reason whatsoever.
10. The Service provider shall ensure that any replacement of the personnel as
required by the Authority for any reason specified or otherwise, shall be effected
promptly without any additional cost to the Authority. If the Service provider

wishes to replace any of the personnel, the same shall be done with prior
intimation to the Authority at the Service provider’s cost.


1. [Insert name of the Office] invites sealed bids from the eligible bidders for
providing [Insert Service] at [Insert location of the service].
2. The broad scope of the work includes:
a. Maintenance and cleaning of lawns which includes applying manure and
pesticides and using appropriate machines and tools etc.
b. Routine growing and nurturing of new plants (indoors and outdoors)
c. Growing and nurturing of seasonal flowers, plants, putting seeds and looking
after the same.
3. Bidders having own nursery and at least five years of past experience in the
similar service delivery field will be preferred.
4. The service provider will provide sufficient number of skilled man power.
5. The Service Provider shall provide and ensure sufficient protection gears like
safety shoes, hand gloves, ladders, etc. being used by its workers while carrying
out works.
6. Copies of the routine maintenance work have to be submitted along with the
invoice for the concerned period. There would be no increase in rates payable to
service provider during the contract period.
7. The authority shall reserve the right to deduct the prorata charges for absence of
any man power of the service provider.
8. Priority will be given to the service provider having the appropriate manpower
and undergone such type of skill based training from any recognised vocational
9. The service provider has to perform the following activities :

a) Daily watering
b) Weed removing
c) Trimming and pruning
d) Soil mulching
e) Lawn mowing
f) Hedges and Shrubs cutting etc.
g) Cleaning Garden areas
h) Applying fertiliser or compost manure/vermi culture manure alternate
month or as and when required.
i) Applying pesticides and fungicide alternate month or as and when required.
j) Maintenance of vermi compost pits
k) Disposal of dry/fallen leaves.
l) Seed collection and sowing.
m) Rising of Nursery.
n) Preparation and maintenance of Planting Materials.

o) Operation of Tools, Machinery as required for the Garden.
p) General maintenance of existing plants, Tools implements etc.

Any plant or shrubs or ground cover which die due to any reason, will be
replaced with the items with same species immediately (size of the plant may vary as
per availability), failing which the cost of the same will be recovered from the payment
of the agency.

Forking the ground, cutting the grass, top dressing, flooding with water, de-
weeding, light rolling, moving with lawn movers, manuring compost, chemical fertilisers
including renovating barren patches, applying fertile chemicals, pesticides, etc.


Forking the ground, rotation of soil, removing and disposal of weeds, wild
growth, top dressing, watering, cutting, pruning old leaves and unwanted growth, seed
sowing of appropriate quality and species, growing seedling, transplantation of seedling
to various beds, nurturing and growing flowers and leaves, grafting, manuring, compost,
chemical fertilisers, applying anti termite chemicals, insecticides, supporting the
growing plants with soil bamboo supports, providing temporary sheds over the growing
seedlings, all as per samples, dosage and quality .


Hoeing the ground, removing and disposal of weed/wild growth from the
surroundings, watering, cutting, pruning, removing old leaves and unwanted growth
measuring, applying anti termite chemicals and insecticides, fumigating as and when
required, replacing worn-out creeper support, renovating barren strips of hedges,
shrubbery, etc.


The service provider must ensure that all garden machineries, tools, hose pipe,
sprinklers, manures, etc. are available at the site for operation as and when required
and safely stored.


Clipping and trimming of hedges and edges, trimming of shrub plants, trees,
creepers, bougainvillea’s, etc. at regular intervals, stacking and disposing & removing
the trimmed branches, and other related waste of the plants immediately from the site
by making own arrangements at its own cost.

Clipping and trimming of hedges and edges, trimming of shrub plants, trees,
creepers and bougainvillea’s etc. at regular intervals, stacking of plants as and when
required/and as instructed by Officer-in-charge.


Periodic check to be carried out for pests and diseases, in the event of infestation
prompt spraying of appropriate pesticides, insecticides and fungicides will be required
for eradication of the same. The Service Provider will supply pesticides, insecticides and
fungicides as directed by the Officer-in-charge. Water charges, electrification and any
other charges if any, chargeable will have to be borne by the Service Provider.


Lawn mowing at regular interval of 7-10 days as per the direction of the

Manure and fertiliser specified shall be supplied by the contractor as required
and under the direction of the authority at its own cost.

The existing potted plant beds to be maintained with minor alteration, if
required by planting summer and winter seasonal plants. Seed/seedlings should be
provided by the service provider. Preparation of seasonal flower beds plants, seeds etc.
as directed by the authority.


Collect seeds, Raise seedlings, prepare Cuttings, Budding, Grafting etc as required
from time to time.


The normal tools and implements like Sprayers, Weeders, Mow, etc. may be
operated at the time of requirements.


1. [Insert name of the Office] invites sealed bids from the eligible bidders for providing
[Insert Name of the Service] at [Insert location of the service].
2. The service provider should provide manpower for cooking service and cleaning

3. The service provider must employ skilled manpower for cooking all kinds of
vegetarian, non-vegetarian items as and when required as per the requirement of
the Authority.
4. The service provider is required to make his own arrangements for cooking
material, crockery, cutlery materials or any other material required for
preparatory/cooking/serving/storage of food items.
5. Repair/maintenance charges incurred for various items and equipment, if any,
provided by the Authority such as Refrigerators/Mixer grinder/Microwave Oven
etc. need to be borne by the Service Provider. After expiry of the agreement,
utensils and other items provided for the purpose are to be returned by the Service
Provider to the Authority in good condition.
6. The service provider is required to provide packaged mineral water or any other
packaged food material procured outside (including soft drinks) or any other items,
at the rate not exceeding the MRP of such items, during programmes/events as per
the requirement of the Authority.
7. A separate cooking arrangement and use of separate utensils etc. shall be ensured
for Vegetarian and Non-Vegetarian dishes. Non-Vegetarian and Vegetarian items
should be stored separately.
8. A high standard of catering should be maintained for all items with due regard to
quality and purity of food stuff, quality and quantity of dishes, cleanliness in
preparation and handling of food items and utmost curtsey of services. All the
materials used in preparation for food items should be of standard brands. All food
items should be ISI certified and branded.The Authority will carry out periodical
inspections of the catering services.
9. The service provider will have to supply the cleaning materials and cooking
materials, get the gas refilled at his own cost, maintain the stock and also pay
towards the electricity charges, utilised in the kitchen and dining area or any other
area exclusively used for the purpose.
10. The service provider would have to provide additional manpower and materials for
special events as and when required. He has to provide substitutes, if their regular
staff will be on leave.
11. The service provider shall provide special lunch/dinner in buffet style whenever
required as per the dates indicated in the canteen or in the lawn or any other place
as indicated by the authority. The menu for the same shall be prepared in
consultation with the Authority. Apart from the items indicated in the menu, the
caterer has to supply on demand additional items for special lunch/dinner or
snacks at the rates mutually agreed to (wherever no rate is quoted).
12. The service provider should arrange for cleaning of the Dining Hall, the kitchen
area, toilets, and washing area and any other area under his control regularly and
also immediately after any service is rendered. He should also provide clean
napkins along with liquid wash provision near wash basin area.
13. The service provider should ensure that the entire catering premises are kept
hygienic and clean. Preventive pest control measures will have to be done by him at

periodical intervals. Cleanliness, maintenance, garbage disposal of the service
areas/cooking areas shall be the responsibility of the Service Provider.
14. The head gear for cooking and service staff in the catering area are also to be
provided by the caterer. Strict personal hygiene viz: nail cutting, hair cutting and
hand cleaning shall be ensured for the persons to be deployed for catering services.
15. The service provider shall be solely responsible for any consequences, if it is found
that there is laxity on the part of the service provider on maintenance of proper
hygiene in operations at the kitchen/dining halls in various points/surroundings,
leaving or storing the crockery. /cutleries in places other than the proper locations,
stains found due to improper cleaning of plates, utensils, water jugs, water glasses,
service platforms, etc. Penalty may be levied for each of such violations. The
decision of the Authority is final and binding on the Service Provider.
16. Cleaning of plates and utensils should be done with hot water, soap water and all
items should be cleaned and dried.
17. Medical Certificate from registered medical practitioners as regards fitness of the
person to be deployed for catering that he is free from contagious diseases is to be
18. Penalty as decided by the Authority will be imposed on the service provider, if
there is any dereliction/irregularity or delay in service, if the food supplied by the
service provider is sub-standard /poor in quality or insufficient quantity. Penalty
will be recovered directly from the bill of the caterer and the decision of the
Authority shall be final.
19. Any staff of the service provider, not acceptable to the Authority must be replaced.
20. Parallel cooking for commercial purpose is prohibited.


1. [Insert name of the Office] invites sealed bids from the eligible bidders for
providing [Insert Service] at [Insert location of the service].
2. The broad scope of the work includes:
 To ensure keeping up of interior furnishing of rooms and ancillary rooms.
 To ensure cleaning of rooms and toilets of the premises.
 To ensure cleaning of towels and napkins once in every week.
3. Proper registers/records for the jobs carried out daily, weekly, fortnightly and
monthly basis will be maintained by the Supervisor of the Service Provider and will
be counter-signed by the Officer-in-Charge at regular intervals and finally at the
end of each month.
4. The required consumables used for the purposes should be provided by the Service
Provider and must be of good quality.
5. To ensure maintenance of office interiors and furniture, fixtures and other
decorative items.


1. Cleaning, sweeping, mopping and wiping of floors, staircase with phenyl, on daily
basis or as required by Officer-in-Charge. Cleaning activity shall start in the
morning at 7.00 A.M so as to complete all the dusting/cleaning/mopping work
before 9.00A.M
2. Thorough cleaning of all toilets using required detergents by putting naphthalene
balls and air purifier in all urinals, wash basins.
3. Cleaning of general toilets at least thrice daily (at 8.30 AM, 12.00 Noon and 3.30
P.M) with phenyl and detergent etc. and maintain the toilet floors dry during office
hours. Cleaning of windows and window slits of all toilets to be done regularly.
Wash basins, urinals are to be cleaned with suitable detergents. Flushing system of
all toilets is to be checked at regular interval every day. Naphthalene balls, air
purifier and liquid soap and paper rolls are to be provided by the Service provider
regularly to ensure continuous availability of these materials in requisite
containers. A duty chart must be maintained by the Service Provider which shall
contain the regular attendance of the personnel engaged in cleaning works.
4. Cleaning of attached toilets with phenyl, removing all dust and unwanted
materials, keeping dry, cleaning of window sills once in a day. Naphthalene balls
air purifier; toilet rolls/paper rolls and liquid soap are to be provided by the
service provider regularly to ensure continuous availability of these materials in
requisite containers.
5. Cleaning of office working areas, removing dust from floors, windows, doors,
furniture, fixtures, telephones, cupboards, air conditioners, filing Almirah,
cabinets, glass panes, computers etc. with dry/wet duster and or with suitable
cleaning equipment, mopping of floors with phenyl.
6. Collection of waste paper from rooms, waste paper baskets, lobbies and putting in
bags at the specified location daily at 9 A.M .
7. Cleaning of chockage in sewer and pumping lines, drainage and manholes within
the office premises as and when required.
8. Cleaning gulley trap and manholes within and surrounding of premises as and
when required.
9. Cleaning/removal of any type of stains of ink etc. from the building premises and
10. Lifting, carrying and disposing the dead birds, animals, rats, insects etc. if found in
and around the office building.
11. Removal of beehives and cobwebs/honey webs from the office building and its
premises and cleaning and sweeping of open area including balconies and roof
12. The Service provider shall also be responsible for pest control in the office and
shall carry out the adequate measures minimum once in a month. The insecticides
and pesticides should be sufficient enough to take care of Rats, Mosquitoes,
Cockroach, crawling insects in rooms etc. The insecticide and pesticide sprayed
should be of ISI mark and in case the pest control is ineffective the firm shall have
to carry out operation more than once in a month.
13. The Service provider should possess or procure required safety gadgets and other
material for smooth services.


1. [Insert name of the office] invites sealed bids from the eligible bidders for
providing the service of cook cum housekeeping service at [Insert location of the
2. The service provider shall deploy an experienced and competent Cook-cum-
3. The deployed person should be within the age of 21 – 40 years and be physically fit
to carry out the service.
4. The person should able to prepare and provide vegetarian and non-vegetarian
food and snacks along with tea, coffee and such other items as per the requirement
of the guests staying in the IBs/Circuit Houses.
5. The cook-cum-housekeeper will be responsible for overall management regarding
allotment of rooms, maintenance of records regarding room allotments, occupancy
and collection of rents from the visitors and to deposit the collected amount in
Government Account.
6. The cook-cum house keeper will prepare and serve the foods and other items to
the guests as per their requirement. The service provider shall ensure that the
person deployed for the purpose shall wear clean uniform, follow decency and
maintain proper hygiene within the premises of the IBs/ Circuit Houses.
7. Strict personal hygiene viz: nail cutting, hair cutting and hand cleaning shall be
ensured for the services.
8. The service provider shall deploy personnel on rotation basis for rendering
services covering a period not less than 16 hours from 6:00 am to 10:00 pm.
9. In case the person deployed by the service provider goes on leave, then he should
intimate the service provider well in advance about the same, so that necessary
substitution can be made for un-interrupted service. There should not be any
interruption in provision of the required service.
10. The deployedpersos will also be overall responsible for upkeep of the premises of
IBs/ Circuit Houses.
11. Disinfectants and cleaning equipment and materials required for the purpose must
be supplied by the service provider.
12. The deployed person will also be responsible for cleaning of the rooms, furniture,
fixtures and other decorative items available in the IBs/Circuit Houses.

Note- The above provision is meant for small guest house/IB having two /three
suites, where one man will suffice. In case of IBs/ Circuit Houses of larger
capacity, authorities can engage a manpower service providing agency as
per their requirement.

F. Data Entry and Office Support Services

1. [Insert name of the office] invites sealed bids from the eligible bidders to provide
the Data Entry and Office Support Services at [Insert location of the service].
2. The manpower service provider should be managed by trained support staff to
execute and perform the job and work assignment of such nature efficiently. The
manpower to be deployed for this purpose should be registered under the service
provider and must have the required qualifications, experience& relevant
knowledge to perform data entry and office support services.
3. It shall be the responsibility of the Service Provider to verify the qualification and
experience of the outsourced manpower. Candidates will be liable for performing
the defined responsibilities assigned by the authority from time to time. The
authority reserves the rights to verify and check the credentials and qualification
of the outsourced manpower. If during the course of engagement of any
outsourced personnel, it comes to notice of authority that he/she has
misrepresented the fact about his/her qualification/experience, the Service
Provider will have to terminate the service of such staff immediately.
4. The manpower service provider should have anempanelled list of
trained/experienced Data Entry Operators (DEOs) / Office Support Staff so that
un-interrupted and continued services can be provided during the period of
contract. The service provider should be able to provide additional man power
support whenever required by the authority under the same terms and condition.
5. The Agreement may be extended, on the same terms and conditions or with some
additions / deletions / modifications, for a further specific period mutually agreed
upon by the Manpower Service Provider and the Finance Department.
6. The manpower deployed by the service provider shall be required to report for
work at 10.00 AM and leave office at 5.00 P.M. and may also be required to work
beyond 5.00 PM for which he would not be paid any extra remuneration. In case,
the person deployed remains absent on a particular day or comes late / leaves
early on three occasions, proportionate deduction from the remuneration for one
day will be made.
7. The manpower deployed for the purpose must have good moral character and
cordial attitude and should not reveal the official information to outsiders and
must maintain confidentiality.
8. The service provider shall nominate a coordinator who shall be responsible for
periodic interaction with the Authority so that optimal services of the persons
deployed could be availed without any disruption.
9. The attendance rolls for the personnel deployed by the Service Provider at the
premises of Authority shall be provided by the Manpower Service Provider and it
shall be monitored by the Service Provider on regular basis. These attendance rolls
shall be signed by the authorized representative of Manpower Service Provider
who shall get it verified from the designated officer.

10. The entire financial liability in respect of manpower services deployed in the
Authority’s location shall be that of the Manpower Service Provider and the
Authority will in no way be liable for the same. It will be the responsibility of the
manpower Service Provider to pay to the person deployed a sum not less than the
proposed monthly remuneration as mentioned in the financial bid.
11. The Manpower Service Provider shall provide a substitute well in advance if there
occurs any probability of the person leaving the job due to his/her own personal
reasons. The payment in respect of the overlapping period of the substitute shall
be the responsibility of the Manpower Service Provider.
12. The persons deployed shall, during the course of their work be privy to certain
qualified documents and information which they are not supposed to divulge to
third parties. In view of this, they shall be required to take oath of confidentiality
and breach of this condition shall make the Manpower Service Provider as well as
the person deployed liable for penal action under the applicable laws besides,
action for breach of contract.
13. The Manpower Service Provider shall be responsible for compliance of all
statutory provisions relating to minimum wages payable to the persons deployed
at the Authority’s location. The service provider should ensure regular payment of
monthly salary to the personnel engaged by the service provider by 10th of the
succeeding month after deduction of applicable statutory dues. The service
provider should credit the monthly salary of its employees in their respective Bank
14. The engagement of outsourced person shall be purely on contract basis. The
Service Provider shall at all times make it absolutely clear to the outsourced
personnel hired through them. Any outsourced personnel deputed can be
removed any time by giving notice to the Service Provider and the Service
Provider will have to provide suitable replacement acceptable to Authority within
3 working days.

(Prescribed Qualification & Experience of the Manpower)

Sl. Manpower Age Qualification Work Remuneration Job Description

No. Limit Experience (Minimum Take
1 Data Entry 21 to  Bachelor’s degree in S/he should As per the  Responsible for
Operator- 35 any discipline from have 1-3 years notification of carry out all
cum-Office year any Govt. recognised post Govt. From time administrative
Support University / qualification to time requirements of
Staff Institution. working the Authority like
 Post Graduate experience in day-to-day official
Diploma in Computer MIS / work, file
Application Administration / management,
 Good Proficiency in Management secretarial
MS Office Tools, under any practices, data
internet applications reputed central / entry work & other
with efficient typing & state / PSUs / related work
data entry skill. reputed
 Sound knowledge to corporate  Management of
handle minimum organisation day to day office
hardware / software work including
trouble shooting travel and logistics
of officials.
 Responsible for
Maintenance of
office records with
respect to general
management and
 Assisting officials
for generating
reports /
information for
meetings and
other official
 Management of
daily official work
and logistics
support to the
officials and other
 Any other
reasonable work
assigned by


Schedule of Requirement :

Tentative requirement of Manpower / Machinery to be deployed for the

proposed services given here as under :-

(To be filled up by the Tender Inviting Authority)

Description Requirement

[NB: All the scopes are tentative & can be modified as per the requirement of the tender inviting
authority. Strike out the service which is not required for the purpose]



1. For all intents and purposes, the Service Provider shall be the “Employer” within
the meaning of different Rules & Acts in respect of persons deployed. The
persons deployed by the service provider shall not have any claim whatsoever
like employer and employee relationship against the Authority under this
agreement. The Service Provider shall make them known about their position in
writing before deployment under the required service.
2. The Service Provider must employ adult labour only. Employment of child labour
will lead to the termination of the contract. Persons to be deployed by the Service
Provider should be above 18 years of age and not exceeding 40 years and
physically sound to perform the duties.
3. The Service Provider will be overall responsible for the manpower deployed for
performing the service. The Authority shall not be responsible for any financial
loss or any injury to any person deployed by the Service Provider in the course of
their performing the functions/ duties, or for payment towards any
4. The Service Provider shall exercise adequate supervision to ensure performance of
manpower deployed to provide the services in accordance with the requirements. The
Service Provider shall depute one full time supervisor in concerned office of the
authority, for overall management of the services to be rendered at the site.
5. The Service provider shall be solely responsible for compliance to the provisions
of various Labour and industrial laws, such as, wages, allowances, compensation,
EPF & ESI, Bonus and Gratuity etc. relating to manpower to be deployed by it at
the Authority’s location.
6. Service Provider shall maintain complete official records of disbursement of wage s/
salary showing details of all supporting documents such as ESI, EPF etc. in respect of
manpower deployed for the purpose.
7. The Service Provider shall maintain personal file in respect of all the staff who are
deployed in office of the authority. The personal file shall invariably consist of
personal details such as name, address, date of birth, sex, residential address
(temporary/permanent), Bank Account, EPF/ESIC Details etc.
8. The manpower to be deployed by the Service Provider should not have any
adverse Police records/criminal cases against them. The agency should make
adequate enquiries about the character and antecedents of the persons whom
they are recommending. An undertaking to this respect must be provided by the
manpower service provider prior to signing of the agreement.

9. The Service Provider will also ensure that the manpower deployed are medically
fit and will keep in record a certificate of their medical fitness. The Service
Provider shall withdraw such manpower who are not found suitable by this
office for any reasons immediately on receipt of such a request.
10. The Service provider shall ensure that the manpower deployed by it are
disciplined and do not participate in any activity detrimental to the interest of
the Authority.
11. The Service Provider shall provide uniform along with Photo ID Card to its
personnel deployed at site at its own cost.
12. The Authority shall not be liable for any compensation in case of any fatal
injury/death caused to any man power while performing/discharging their
duties/ for inspection or otherwise.
13. In case of any theft or pilferages, loss or other offences, the service provider will
investigate and submit the report to the Authority and maintain liaison with the
police. FIR will be lodged by the Authority, wherever necessary. If need be, joint
enquiry comprising of both the parties shall be conducted and responsibility will
be fixed.
14. In case of any loss caused to the Authority due to lapse on the part of the
personnel discharging duties, the same shall be borne by the Service Provider.
Authority shall have the right to deduct appropriate amount from the bill of
service provider. In case of frequent lapses on the part of the personnel deployed
by the service provider, Authority shall be within its right to terminate the
contract or take any other action without assigning any reason whatsoever.
15. In the event of any personnel being on leave/absent, the service provider shall
ensure suitable alternative arrangements to make up for such absence. If a
person leaves the job for any reason, the Service provider is liable to provide the
suitable replacement within 3 working days.
16. In case of delay in providing required replacement, the amount of penalty
calculated at the rate of 1% of the annual contract value per week on account of
delay, shall be deducted from the monthly bills in the succeeding month.
17. There would be no increase in rates payable to the Service Provider during the
Contract period. The service provider will be responsible for deposit of EPF, ESI,
GST and other statutory dues as applicable from time to time and submit the
proof of deposit to authority for records.
18. The Service Provider shall not be allowed to transfer, assign, pledge or
subcontract its rights and liabilities under this Agreement to any other agency or
organisation. Sub-contracting is not allowed under this agreement.
19. The Services Provider shall raise the bill, in triplicate, along with attendance
sheet duly verified by the officer concerned in respect of the persons deployed
and submit the same to the prescribed authority in the first week of the
succeeding month. The payment will be released by the second week of the
succeeding month.

20. The Service Provider will have to deposit the remuneration of the deployed
manpower for the concerned billing period in their respective bank account
through online transfer and submit the details to the authority for necessary
21. In case of dispute resolution relating to rights/liabilities arising out of the
agreement, the same shall be disposed off at the level of Administrative
22. In the event of failure of Service Provider to provide Services as per the terms
and conditions of the agreement, the Performance Security shall be forfeited. Any
violation of instructions/agreement or suppression of facts will attract
termination of contract with 1 month prior notice to the Service Provider.
23. The Service provider should ensure that persons to be deployed are not
alcoholic, drug addict and not indulge in any activity prejudicial to the interest of
the Authority.
24. The Authority reserves the right to withdraw or relax any of the terms and
condition mentioned above so as to overcome the problem encountered at a
later stage.
25. In the event of any dispute arising in respect of the clauses of the agreement, the
same shall be resolved through negotiation. Alternatively the dispute shall be
referred to the next higher authority or controlling officer for his decision and
the same shall be binding on all parties.
26. All disputes shall be under the jurisdiction of the court at [Insert Details].
27. The agreement can be terminated by either party by giving one month’s notice in
advance. If the agency fails to give one month’s notice in writing for termination
of the agreement then one month’s wages, etc. and any amount due to the service
provider will be recovered by forfeiture of performance security.
28. The contract is liable to be terminated because of non-performance, deviation of
any terms and conditions of agreement, non-payment of remuneration of
manpower deployed and non-payment of statutory dues. The Authority will have
no liability towards non-payment of remuneration to the persons deployed by
the Service Provider and the outstanding statutory dues of the service provider
to concerned authorities.
29. The Manpower Service Provider will be bound by the details furnished to the
authority while submitting the tender or at any subsequent stage. Mis-
representation of documents/ information, leads to termination of agreement.



[Location, Date]
[Name and Designation of
Tender Inviting Authority]
[Office Address and Location]

Sub : Tender for Outsourcing of [Insert Name of the Service] at [Insert Name of
the Office / Location] [Technical Proposal]

Dear Sir,

I, the undersigned, offer to participate in the tender process to provide services

for [Insert Name of the Service] in accordance with your Tender Notice No.:
_________________, Dated___________________. We are hereby submitting our proposal, which
includes Technical Proposal and Financial Proposal sealed in separate envelopes.

I hereby declare that all the information and statements provided in the
technical proposal are true and correct and I accept that any misinterpretation
contained in it may lead to disqualification of our proposal. Our proposal will be valid
for acceptance up to 90 Days and I confirm that this proposal will remain binding upon
us and may be accepted by you at any time before the validity of the bid.

I, hereby unconditionally undertake to accept all the terms and conditions as

stipulated in the RFP document. In case any provision of this tender are found violated,
then your office shall have the rights to reject our proposal including forfeiture of the
earnest money deposit absolutely.
I remain,

Yours faithfully,

Authorized Signatory
with Date and Seal

Name and Designation: ______________________________________

Address of the Bidder: ___________________________________

(FORM – T1)

1. Name of the Bidder

2. Details of Bid Processing Fee DD No.:

and Earnest Money Deposit:
(Demand Draft Details) Date:

Amount (Rs.)

Drawn on Bank:
3. Name of the Director /

4. Full Address of Registered Postal Address:

Telephone No.:

FAX No.:

E-Mail Address:
5. Name & telephone number of Name and Designation:
the authorized person signing
the bid Mobile Number:

6. Bank Name Account Number:

Bank and Branch Name:

8. PAN No.
(Attach self attested copy)
Attach self attested copy.)

10. E.P.F. Registration No.

(Attach self attested copy.)
11. E.S.I. attestedcopy)
Registration No.
(Attach self attested copy.)
Attach attested copy)

12. PSARA Licence No. & Valid up to

(Applicable In case of Security

13 Acceptance to all the terms &
conditions of the tender
14 Power of Attorney /
authorization letter for signing
the of the bid documents
15 Please submit an undertaking
that no criminal case is
pending with the police at the
time of submission of bid.
16 Kindly mention the total
number of pages in the tender

17. Financial Turnover of the bidder for the last 5 financial years.(*)

Financial Year * Turn Over Amount (In INR) Average Turnover

(in INR]


*from the date of issue of tender

18. Details of the similar type service provided by the bidder in last 5 years:

Name of Authority Type of services Duration

with Complete provided with details
Sl. No. Period Amount
Address of manpower
(in INR) From To
& Fax no /machinery deployed

19. Declaration

I, Shri Son/Daughter/Wife of Shri ___________________________________________________

, Proprietor/ Director/ Authorized signatory of _________________________________________
(Name of the Service Provider), competent to sign this declaration and execute this

I have carefully read and understood all the terms and conditions of the tender
and undertake to abide by them;

The information and documents furnished along with the tender are true and
authentic to the best of my knowledge and belief. I am well aware of the fact that,
furnishing of any false information / fabricated document would lead to rejection of our
tender at any stage besides liabilities towards prosecution under appropriate law.

(Signature of Authorised Representative with seal)

Place: ………………………………
Date: …………………………………

1. Bid Processing Fee in the form of Demand Draft in original
2. EMD in the form of Demand Draft in original
3. Copy of tender document (each page must be signed and sealed)
4. Duly filled Technical Bid and Financial Bid
5. List of Documents as applicable


[On the Stamp Paper of appropriate value in shape of affidavit from the Notary
regarding non-blacklisting]

I, hereby undertake that, our organisation has not been blacklisted / debarred by
any of the Central / State Government Department/ Office or by any Public Sector
Undertaking (PSUs) and not blacklisted by any authority during the recent past.

Yours sincerely,

Authorized Signature
[In full and initials]

Name and Designation of the Signatory :

Name of the Bidder and Address :


[On the Bidder’s Letter Head regarding not have any pending judicial proceedings for any
criminal offences]

I, hereby undertake that there is no criminal case pending in any Court of Law
against our company or against the Proprietor/Director/Persons to be deployed by our

I/we further certify that Proprietor/Director/Persons to be deployed by our

company of my company have not been convicted of any offence in any Court in India
during the recent past. I understand that I am fully responsible for the contents of this
undertaking and its truthfulness.

Yours sincerely,

Authorized Signature
[In full and initials]

Name and Designation of the Signatory:

Name of the Bidder and Address:


Technical evaluation of the bids will be done to determine whether the bids
complied to the prescribed eligibility condition and the requisite documents /
information have been properly furnished by the bidder or not. Bids qualified the
technical evaluation stage, will be considered for opening of the financial bids. The
financial bids shall be opened in the presence of the tender committee and bidders’
representatives who choose to attend. Least Cost Selection Method will be followed
during the tender process to determine the selected bidder. The tender inviting
authority will award the contract to the bidder whose bid has been determined as the
lowest and competitive evaluated bid price.



[Location, Date]

[Name and Designation of
Tender Inviting Authority]
[Office Address and Location]

Sub : Tender for Outsourcing of [Insert Name of the Service] at [Insert Name of the
Office / Location] [Financial Proposal]

I, the undersigned, offer to provide the services for [Insert title of the Service] in
accordance with your Tender No.___________, Dated: _________________. Our attached
financial price is [Insert amount(s) in words and figures] for the proposed service.
This amount is inclusive of the taxes applicable as per GST Act. I do hereby undertake
that, in the event of acceptance of our bid, the services shall be provided in respect to
the terms and conditions as stipulated in the tender document.
Our financial proposal shall be binding upon us subject to the modifications
resulting from contract negotiations, up to expiration of the validity period of the
proposal of 90 days. I have carefully read and understood the terms and conditions of
the tender to provide the services accordingly.

I understand that you are not bound to accept any proposal you receive.

I remain,

Yours faithfully,

Authorized Signatory
[In full and initials]

Name and Designation of Signatory with Date and Seal :

Address of the Bidder :

(FORM –F1)

(Administrative Charge)

Manpower Details:
Sl. Category Requirement Cost per Unit in GST as (applicable) Total
No. of INR(Inclusive of
Manpower remuneration and all
statutory dues)
A. Sub Total (Manpower Cost) in INR
Equipment Details
Sl. Description of Requirement Cost per Unit in INR GST (as applicable) Total in INR
No. Equipment
B. Sub Total (Equipment Cost) in INR
Consumables / Recurring Material Details
Sl. Description Requirement Cost per Unit in INR GST (as applicable) Total in INR
C. Sub Total (Consumable Cost) in INR
D. Total in INR (A+B+C)
E. Service Charges @ ................
F. Total Administrative Charges (D+E)

 Bidder with lowest evaluated competitive administrative charges for the required service will be
awarded with contract.
 The bids with “Nil” or very abnormally low quoted service charges will be treated as “Non
responsive” and will be rejected during the financial evaluation stage.

Place: ………………………………
Date: …………………………………

(Sign and Seal of Authorised Representative)



Sl. Description Submitted Page
No. (Yes/No) No.
1 Covering Letter in Bidders Letter Head
2 Bid Processing Fee
4 Copy of Incorporation / Registration Certificate of the Bidder
5 Copy of PAN
6 Copy of GSTIN
7 Copies of Income Tax Clearance Certificate for the last three Assessment
8 Copy of Valid EPF & ESI Certificate
9 Copy of valid PSARA Licence (in case of Security Services)/Labour license
10 TECHNICAL BID duly filled in (Covering Letter, FORM- TI, T2 and T3)
11 Financial details of the bidder along with all the supportive documents such
as copies of Income / Expenditure Statement and Balance Sheet for the last
5 years
12 Power of Attorney in favour of the person signing the bid on behalf of the
13 List of completed / on-going assignments of similar nature (Past Experience
Details) along with the copies of work orders for the respective assignments
from the authorities
14 Undertaking for not have been black-listed by any Central / State Govt./any
Autonomous bodies during the recent past.(FORM- T2)
15 Undertaking for not having any police case pending against the bidder
(FORM- T3 )
1 Covering Letter in Bidders Letter Head
2 Duly Filled in Financial Bid (FORM- F1)

It is to be ensured that:

 All information has been submitted as per the prescribed format only.
 Each part has been separately bound with no loose sheets and each page of all the three parts
are page numbered along with Index Page.
 All pages of the proposal needs to be sealed and signed by the authorized representative.

Authorized Signatory [In full and initials]:_________________________________________

Name and Designation with Date and Seal: _______________________________________


(To be made on Rs. 100.00 Non Judicial Stamp Paper)

This SERVICE AGREEMENT is made on ________________________ between,

____________________________________ (hereinafter called as the “Authority”) of the 1st Part
and ___________________________________ its principal place of business at
___________________________________ (hereinafter called the “Service Provider”) of the 2nd


(a) the “Service Provider”, having represented to the “Authority” that he

has the required manpower and other resources, has offered to provide
the service in response to the Tender Notice No: _____________, Dated:
__________________ issued by the Authority;

(b) the “Authority” has accepted the offer of the Service Provider to provide
the required services as per the terms and conditions as set forth in this
Service Agreement.

NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY AGREED between the two parties as follows:

1. The following documents attached hereto shall be deemed to form an integral

part of this Contract:

Appendix A: General Terms and Conditions

Appendix B: Scope of Work;
Appendix C: Contract Price and Payment Term;

2. The mutual rights and obligations of the Authority and the Consultant shall be as
set forth in the Contract, in particular :

(a) The Service Provider shall carry out the service in accordance with the
provisions of the Agreement; and

(b) The Certificate on the satisfactory performance of services by the Agency

shall be issued by an Officer authorized by the Client and in consideration
of the Certificate of Satisfactory Performance of Services Provider, the
Authority shall make such payments and in such a manner as is provided
in the Agreement.

3. Mode of Payment

The Service Provider will open a specific Bank Account for payment by the
Authority in the beneficiary account towards the Service performed by the
service provider. The Service Provider will furnish the details of the Bank
Account to the Authority within 7days of the signing of the contract.

This Contract constitutes the agreement between two parties in respect to

obligations and supersedes all previous communications between the Parties.

4. Now this agreement witnesses as below:-

a) That in consideration of the payment to be made by the “Authority” to the

“Service Provider”, the “Service Provider” hereby agrees with the
“Authority” to provide manpower resources to be engaged in the [Insert the
location] in conformity with the provisions of the terms and conditions of
the contract.
b) That the “Authority” hereby further agrees to pay the “Service Provider”
the contract price at the time and in the manner prescribed in the said terms
and conditions.
c) Financial limit under this Contract varies with changes in statutory dues and
government taxes as applicable from time to time.
d) That in the event of any dispute that may arise it shall be settled as per the
terms and conditions of the contract.
e) That this agreement is valid up to _______________.

For and on behalf of [Tender Inviting Authority]

Witness 1:

Witness 2:

For and on behalf of [SERVICE PROVIDER]

[Name and Designation of the Representative with seal]

Witness 1:

Witness 2:





WHEREAS________________________________________________________ (Name and address of the

Service Provider) (hereinafter called “the Service Provider) has undertaken, in pursuance of
Contract No.________________ dated _____________ to undertake the service ……………………
(description of services) (herein after called “the contract”).

AND WHEREAS it has been stipulated by ___________________(Name of the Authority) in

the said contract that the Service Provider shall furnish you with a bank guarantee by a
scheduled commercial bank recognized by you for the sum specified therein as security for
compliance with its obligations in accordance with the contract;

AND WHEREAS we have agreed to give the Service Provider such a bank guarantee;

NOW THEREFORE we hereby affirm that we are guarantors and responsible to you,
on behalf of the Service Provider up to a total of ________________________________________ (amount of
the guarantee in words and figures), and we undertake to pay you, upon your first written
demand declaring the Service Provider to be in default under the contract and without cavil or
argument, any sum or sums within the limits of (amount of guarantee) as aforesaid, without
your needing to prove or to show grounds or reasons for your demand or the sum specified
We hereby waive the necessity of your demanding the said debt from the Service
Provider before presenting us with the demand.
We further agree that no change or addition to or other modification of the terms of the
contract to be performed there under or of any of the contract documents which may be made
between you and the Service Provider shall in any way release us from any liability under this
guarantee and we hereby waive notice of any such change, addition or modification.
This performance bank guarantee shall be valid until the _________ day of ________ year.
Our branch at __________________ (Name & Address of the Bank) is liable to pay the guaranteed
amount depending on the filing of claim and any part thereof under this Bank Guarantee only
and only if you serve upon us at our _______________________ branch a written claim or demand and
received by us at our ___________________ branch on or before Dt_________________ otherwise bank
shall be discharged of all liabilities under this guarantee thereafter.

(Signature of the authorized officer of the Bank)
Name and designation of the officer
Seal, name & address of the Bank & Branch


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