Geography of Poland Some Facts
Geography of Poland Some Facts
Geography of Poland Some Facts
Population: 37,972,812
It belongs to: CoE (Council of Europe), EEA (European EconomicArea),IMF (InternationalMonetary Fund), NATO ( North
Atlantic Treaty Organization), OECD (Organizationfor Economic Cooperation and Development), UN (United Nations
Organization), OSCE (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe) , EU (European Union)
Geography of Poland
Some facts
Highest mountain in Poland: Mount Rysy, 2499 meters (in the Tatra Mountains). Longest River in Poland: Vistula, 1047
kilometers. Largest lake in Poland: Lake Sniardy, 113 square kilometers (in the Mazuria region). Deepest Lake in Poland:
Hancza, 108 meters at the deepest point. Poland is a Central European state covering an area of 312,685 km2. It has 440
kilometers of coastline in the Baltic Sea and 2,888 kilometers of border spread between: Germany (467 km). Czech
Republic (790 km). Slovakia (539 km). Ukraine (529 km). Belarus (416 km). Lithuania (103 km). Russian enclave of
Kaliningrad (210 km).
The relief of Poland is dominated by a large plain with an average altitude of 200 meters that occupies most of the territory
and is dotted with small hills scattered throughout the country.
As you move south, the terrain rises to the high mountains of the Southeast (southwest) and the Western Carpathians.
The soils are composed of sands and clays from the glacial remains while the mountainous areas are composed of limestone
The Southeast border the Czech Republic to the southeast and, bordering Slovakia we find the Western Carpathians where
is the highest mountain in Poland, the Rosy peak with 2499 meters. The Carpathians are divided into the western Beskids
and the eastern Beskids.
Two large rivers cross polish territory from South to North. The Vistula River, at 1047 km, is the longest river in Poland, is
born between the western Beskides and the South East, travels through the Krakow region to continue through Ldublin and
then crosses Warsaw and then in Bydgoszcz to move northwards and flow into the Baltic near Gdansk. The other great river
is the Oder that was born in the Czech Republic and has 912 km. Crosses the region of Silesia (passing through the city of
Wroclaw) and then enters German territory and in its final stretch form the border between Poland and Germany to end
the border between Poland and Germany to end the border between Poland and Germany to reach Szczecin , border town
with German territory.
Due to the eminently flat relief, the territory has a large number of lakes and marshes. The course of the rivers is slow and
in their advance towards the mouth they have many curves and changes in orientation. Highlights include the Masurian
lake area to the Northeast, which has a large set of lakes linked together by rivers and canals and where Lake Sniardwy, the
largest in Poland with 113 km2, is located.
The coast of Poland is not unrugged, with extensive sands behind which are marshes, such as the one near the mouth of
the Vistula and which is separated from the Baltic by a sandy tongue that reaches and enters the Russian territory of
Kaliningr Ado. In the northern part is the Hel peninsula, which is a long and narrow sandy language that enters the Baltic
and is currently one of the sea tourist destinations of Poland.
Economic context
Economic economic situation
Poland has become a dynamic market over the past 25 years and has become a major player in Europe, being the eu's tenth
largest economy. The country performed well during the period 2014-17, with a real GDP growth rate generally exceeding
3%. In 2018, Poland's economy expanded 4.4% (IMF estimates), with private consumption, driven by favorable labor market
developments and strong consumer confidence, as the main driver of growth, along with investment FUNDed public areas
with EU funds. The IMF expects the Polish economy to gradually slow to 3.5% in 2019, followed by 3% by 2020, as a result
of the negative effect of rising inflation on real disposable income.
The Polish economy has several advantages: it uses the resources of the European Structural Funds efficiently and has a
resilient banking system and strong domestic demand, along with its strategic position between Eastern and Western
Europe (and Russia). Although expansive fiscal policy, including the decision to lower the retirement age and slightly re-
evaluate minimum wages, has increased the public deficit in recent years, the government's budget deficit was estimated
at 2.1% in 2018, and is expected to decline to 1.9% and 1.6% in 2019 and 2020, respectively (IMF). The debt-to-GDP ratio,
around 50%, is relatively low and should also decline in the coming years. The inflation rate remained at 2% in 2018 (stable
compared to the previous year), and should rise to 2.8% in 2019 due to higher electricity prices and faster wage increases.
Andrzej Duda, of the conservative, Eurosceptic Law and Justice Party, has been in charge as president since 2015, while, in
December 2017, Finance Minister Morawiecki took over as Prime Minister in replaced by Beata Szydlo, whose relations
with the EU had worsened. The government is carrying out its "Strategy for Responsible Development", which focuses on
strengthening the role of Polish capital in the country's economic structure, reducing the impact of external crises on the
economy and increasing the social security. Poland faces several systemic challenges, including a rigid labour code, poor
road and rail infrastructure, a weak commercial judicial system, and a onerous tax framework. L unemployment rate - by
4.1% - fell 0.3% in 2018. Demand for labour is projected to remain strong in 2019, resulting in some acceleration in wage
growth: the employment rate among people aged 15 to 74 is projected to exceed 56% at its highest. However, more than
one in four employees have temporary contracts, twice the EU average. Finally, there are still large disparities between the
east and west of the country.
Academic Polish Science In general, almost no country in the Euro Central and Oriental enjoys a important tradition civil
society Democratic. But Poland is a peculiar case: even ifE absent for some time, social traditions of citizenship are relatively
rooted in the culture Polish policy. Poland enjoys, in fact, a rich constitutional tradition and freedom, which it's goes back
to his famous Constitution of the May 3, 1791.However, fear of Poles to political absolutism and total supremacy of the
social self-organization at the expense of ISEGORíN13 (1996) state organization were an obstacle to the modernization of
the country and facilitated the distribution of Poland by your neighbors at the end of the 18th century. In the 19th century
there was no Polish state some, though there were numerous ways associative life independent, society opposite civilian
to Russian dominations, Austrian Alemany. After regaining its independence in 1918, Poland became a unstable country,
afflicted with ultra pluralism, crisis economic and fragmentation Policy. Finished World War II, Soviet troops erected in
Poland, as is known, a communist regime. In central and eastern Europe, communist regimes perpetrated from a very soon
everything virulent attacks on any sign of civil society. During the time Stalinist was suppressed, in effect, up to the slightest
trace of civi societyL independent and life Corporate. The idea of civil society came to the light with the emergence of
democratic opposition since 1976. The main theorist post-democracy totalitarian was Adam Míchnik, whose writings and
activities both contributed development of the civil society democratic Poland And in the neighbouring countries. In The
New Evolutionism exposed Michnik a fighting program by the civil liberties and civil liberties The human rights in Poland,
"aimed at the public opinion independent rather than Authorities. Instead of telling the Government how it should be
perfected, what you have to do the program is to tell the society what it has to do. In the to the extent that the Government
is interested in this, you can't get better advice than the one provided by the social pressure that emerge from below." The
emergence of the "Solidarity" union has been defined as the recovery social sphere, public, and how the self-organization
of civil society with18EGOAiAI13 (1996) Tras the communist state, in the midst of the project of a "self-governing Poland".
The civil society arose during the period of "Solidarity" in the midst of a peaceful and self-limiting revolution was the first
to appear in a single Soviet-type 3-party regime. In August 1981, adarn Míchnik wrote that the main task of the union
"Solidarity" was the restoration of the social and social ties a self-organization aimed to the defence of rights humans 4. In
a later interview, Mininík credited Vaclav Havel with having been one of the first to employ the "civil society" in Europe
communist, however, Michnik and his "Solidarity" conmilions gave that concept a new meaning, articulating democratic
feelings And anti totalitarians Polish society, more either that collectivist or communitarian. The enactment of martial law
by General Wojcieeh Jaruzelski was aimed at destroying independent civil society in Poland. Even if this purpose failed, the
process of developing civil society is not interrupted, but that acquired new forms. The military regime has never annihilated
the public sphere, which was maintained through the clandestine, unofficial and even official Catholic press, and thanks to
numerous independent publications and institutions. Already in the last eighties new concepts of civil society emerged
based on an individualism debtor of economic liberalism, which provoked numerous discussions; thus, for example, on the
degree of democracy of popular movements and on the need for pluralism and organizations of vast scope. Some leftist
authors and even ideologues of the Communist Party also began to preach the idea of a socialist civil society
Culture of Poland
Its unique character developed as a result of its geography at the confluence of Western and Eastern Europe. Over time,
Polish culture has been deeply influenced by its links with the Germanic, Latin and Byzantine worlds, as well as continued
dialogue with the many other ethnic groups and minorities living in Poland.2 The people of Poland have traditionally
considered hospitable to artists from abroad and eager to follow cultural and artistic trends in other countries. In the 19th
and 20th centuries, Poles focused on cultural promotion often prevailing over political and economic activity. These factors
have contributed to the versatile nature of Polish art, with all its innumerable complex nuances. Polish culture has been
influenced by both Eastern and Western culture. Currently, this is evident in its architecture, folklore and art. Poland is the
birthplace of several well-known characters, such as Marie Curie, Frédéric Chopin, and Nicholas Copernicus, Pope John Paul
II, Lech Wassa,Joseph Conrad and Shimon Peres,among others. Polish art has reflected global trends. The famous painter
Jan Matejko included numerous significant historical events in his paintings. Another important Polish artist was Stanissaw
Ignacy Witkiewicz. He was an example of the Renaissance man, as well as a prominent playwright, painter and poet
Stanissaw Wyspia-ski.
Adam Zamoyski, The Polish Way: A Thousand Year History of the Poles and Their Culture. Published 1993, Hippocrene
Books, Poland, ISBN 0-7818-0200-8
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland, 2002–2007, AN OVERVIEW OF POLISH CULTURE. Access date 13-09-2019.
Poland ended 2018 with a population of 37,972,812, a decline of 3,875 inhabitants, 42,864 women and 41,003 men
compared to the previous year, when the population was 37,976,687 people. Poland can be considered a country with a
significant number of inhabitants, compared to the rest of the countries, as it ranks 37th in the ranking of 196 states that
make up the world population table of Only 1.69% of Poland's population are immigrants, according to
the latest unpublished immigration data. Poland is the 138th country in the world by percentage of immigration.
In 2018, the female population was majority, with 19,639,252 women, representing 51.71% of the total, compared to
18,339,296 men, who are 48.29%. Poland has an average population density of 121 inhabitants per Km2.