ETC Raisoni Endsem Paper
ETC Raisoni Endsem Paper
ETC Raisoni Endsem Paper
(a) Design a programmable timer using 8253 and 8086. Interface 8253 at an address 0040Hfor counter 5
Oand write the program to generate a square wave of period 1 ms. The 8086 and 8253 run at 6 MHz
and 1.5 MHz respectively.
1. (a) Viterbi decoding is one ofthe most commonly used technique in modern systems that is used
to decode the data encoded by _-:-_-:-:-_~_
i) block coding ii) Hamming coding iii) convolutional coding iv) eRC coding
(b) What do you mean by probability of error? Derive the expression of probability of error for 4
BPSK signal
4 Consider the signals SI(t).S2(t) and S3(t) as shown in fig. Use Gram Schmidt 10
Orthogonalization procedure to fwd.the orthonormal basis functions for this set of signals.
Slit) S2{tl 2
2 ....... ...
I ~--------3~---+t
.5. (a) What is AWGN.? Explain with block qiagram Correlation receiver to detect the signal in 5
Gaussian Noise
(b)' The: generator polynomial for Cyclic code is p3+p+1.Find the code vectors for the code 0101 5
in systematic form .
6. (a) What is the operation of Frequency Hop Spread Spectrum? Explain with the help of block 5
(b) A Psuedo noise sequence is generated using a feedback shift register of length m=4. The chip 5
rate is 10' chips per second. Find the following
i) PN Sequence Length ii) Chip·duration ofPN Sequence iii) PN Sequence period
G. H. Raisoni College of Engineering, Nagpur
Time: 3 hrs.) [Max. Marks: 60
Instructions to Candidates:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) All questions carry marks as indicated.
3) Assume suitable data wherever necessary.
4) Due credit will be given to neatness and adequate dimensions.
5) Illustrate your answer wherever necessary with the help of neat sketches.
1. Answer the following Questions in brief:
(a) Write down the factors on which the bandwidth of video signals depends. 2
(b) Halo is formed in 2
(i) Vidicon (ii) Plul1lbicon (iii) Saticon (iv) Newvicon
4. (a) Describe various controls used in a television receiver. Give their locations on a block diagram of a 5
television receiver.
(b) How H-sync & V-sym; are separated in a television receiver. Justify the need of AFC for H-sweep 5
generator only.
5. Answer the following (Any Two)
(a) Write difference between luminance & brightness, & between luminance & chrominance. 4
(b) What are the hazards faced by picture tube due to magnetic field. 4 .
6 (a) How the chrominance signals are transmitted on one cclrrier in the NTSC, PAL & SECAM 6
(b) Mention three special features of digital television which cannot be easily incorporated in analog 3
(c) List some common problems faced in HDTV. 3
G. H. Raisoni College of Engineering, Nagpur
Conlputer Networks
Time: 3 hrs.J [Max. Marks: 60
Instructions to Candidates:
1) All questions carry marks as indicated.
2) Assume suitable data wherever necessary.
3) Due credit will be given to neatness and adequatt.~ dimensions.
4) Illustrate your answer wherever necessary with the help of neat sketches.
2. (a) Explain aS! reference model uiong with its udv'antages and disadvantages. 5
(b) Explain selective repeat protocol along with its advantages & disadvantages. 5
(b) What is congestion? What are congestion control algorithms? Explain congestion 5
prevention policies.
(b) Compare flow based routing with distance vector routing. 5
6. (a) Explain different service primitives along with its meaning in transport layer. 4
1. Find out True and False statements with reason from the following 12
(b) Balance of payment is the balance sheet of the country with the rest of the world (True/False;
(e) The micro environment consists of economic, technical, political forces etc (True/False)
(f) SME stands for Small and medium enterprises. (True/F alse)
3. Compare and contrast the public and private sectors relative to their size & 8
3. (a) State and prove frequency shifting property of the fourier transform. Establish its 5
importance in modulation
(b) Prove that-' Fourier transform of a train ofimpulses is another train of impulses' . 5
(c) Find Fourier transform of signum function. Comment on Sinc function. 5
4. (a) State and prove the Parseva)'s theorem in DTFT. 5
(b) Find the convolution of the signals given below using fourier transform 5
xl(n)=(ll2t u)(n) x2(n)=(1I3)n u(n)
(c) Compute the DTFT ofa sequence y(n)= (n_l)2 x(n) 5
5. (a) A discrete memory less source has an alphabet of seven symbols with probabilities 5
0.25, 0.25, O. I 25, 0.125, 0.125, 0.0625, 0.0625 resp. Compute Huffman code for this
source, calculate entropy, average length of the code, efficiency and redundancy.
(b) Show that the information rate of transmission over a channel disturbed by white 5
Gaussian noise is given by
C=B log2(1+SIN) bits/sec
Where C=information rate
B=channel bandwidth
Instructions to Candidates:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) All questions carry marks as indicated.
3) Assume suitable data wherever necessary.
4) Illustrate your answer wherever necessary with the help of neat sketches.
l. Solve the following questions
(a) Explain inter segment CALL instructions and explain how they will be executed with 2
(b) Give the 16-bit flag register format of 8086 and explain about control fla.g in detail. 2
(c) Explain in brief EXTRN & EVEN assembler directives. 2
(d) Explain command word of 8255. 2
(e) Interface 8259 with 8086. 2
(f) Explain register organization of 80386. 2
2. (a) Write about the BIU of 8086 5
(b) With flow chart and 8086 assembly language program explainhow 8 bit binary number 5
is converted into equivalent gray code.
3. Solve Any Two 10
(a) Design an interface of an output port 74LS373 with 8086 system. Write ALP to glow
alternate 8 LEDs continuously connected with output port.
(b) Write an ALP to find transpose of 3x3 matrix.
(c) Design a decoding logic circuit to interface two 16k x 8 SRAM chips to 8086 starting at
address 40000H.
4. (a) Explain how eight ON/OFF switches can be interfaced with a microprocessor using 4
8255 port. Give the hardware and write an ALP to place Key closed in Reg BL.
(b) Draw and discuss the status registers of 8237 4
5. (a) Illustrate with diagram how 8087 works with 8086. 5
(b) Design a programmable timer using 8254 & 8086. Interface 8254 at an address 0040H 5
for counter 0 and write a program to generate a square wave of period 1ms. The 8086 &
8254 run at 6MHz & 1.5MHz respectively.
6. Solve Any Two 10
(a) Write an assembly language program to generate a triangular wave of amplitude +5V at
frequency 500Hz using DAC0808. Show interfacing circuit. The 8086 system operates
at 8MHz.
(b) Mention the characteristics of USART. Discuss how data is transferred between
USART and Microprocessor.
(c) In 80386, explain how memory is addressed in protected mode
G. H. Raisoni College of Engineering, Nagpur
(An Autonomous Institution)
Fifth Semester B. E.
Digital Communication
Time: 3 hrs.} [Max. Marks: 60
Instructions to Candidates:
1) . All questions are compulsory.
2) All questions carry marks as indicated.
3) Assume suitable data wherever necessary.
4) Due credit will be given to neatness and adequate dimensions.
5) Illustrate your answer wherever necessary with the help of neat sketches.
1. (a) How formatting is needful in communication. 2
(b) Solve "TEXT" message for transmission purpose 2
(c) Mention three types of Source of Corruption. 2
(d) Design general Scrambler circuit used for communication. 2
(e) Prove that lSI is not removable from channel. 2
(f) Draw N =4 with gl(11 0), g2(000),g3(00 1) for Convolutional encoder. 2
2. Solve the following questions. (Any Two)
(a) Design system that can control sampling & Quantization Process to control noise. 4
(b) Mtmtion Uniform &.. no.l Unif.:->rm qUi:lntization is important for transmission. 4
(c) Design encoder for to minimize lSI using Duo-binary system. 4
3. Solve the following questions. (Any Two)
(a) Show textual data formatting is same as analog data formatting? 5
(b) How Complex Base band Representation helps for point to point communication? 5
(c) Design Differential Phase-Shift Keying (DPSK) for Pe calculation? 5
4. (a) Design Digital carrier system for ASK, PSK, FSK for input data. 5
1. 10101010
2. 00000010
3. 11111010
(b) Design Regenerative repeater for Minimum interfacing error? 5
5. (a) Design Viterbi encoder having received bit Y= 00 10 11 11 11 also give design for 5
Optimum surviving path with path metric.
(b) Obtained Convolutional encoder output having input X 0 1 1 1 0, Having onstraint length 5
N=3 g 1(Ill ),g2( 101) design code tree, code trellis, State diagram for the same.
6. Solve the following questions., (Any Two)
(a) Mention Application of Spread Spectrum used for Jamming, Multipath, & LPI property. 5
(b) Design Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum with Coherent BPSK system. 5
(c) Design Spread spectrum Communication system is characterized by parameter 5
Duration of each information bit, Tb= 4.095ms
Chip duration of a PN sequence, Tc= 1us
Calculate the pr?~essing gain & jammjn_~ margin if EbIN0=10;
Average probab1l1ty of error Pe==0.5 x lO
G. H. Raisoni College of Engineering, Nagpur
Television Engineering
Time: 3 hrs.l [Max. Marks: 60
Instructions to Candidates:
I) An questions carry marks as indicated.
5) Illustrate your answer wherever necessary with the help of neat sketch
(b) Why scanning rate is important in TV Engineering? Justify the need of interlaced 5
scanning in TV.
3. (a) What is the basic principle of a camera pick-up tube? Describe the two photoelectric 5
effects used for converting variations oftight intensity into electrical signals.
4. (a) What are the drawbacks of a delta-gun tube? Describe constructional details of a P.LL. 6
tube and explain how it is different from a delta gun colour tube. What are its
distinguishing features?
5. (a) Explain how the' 1" and color difference signals are developed from camera outputs 5
J. Check whether or not the given system are linear, time invariant, causal, memoryless 10
and stable. (i)y(t)=x(t-2)+x(2-t) (ii)y(t)=dx(t)/dt
3. (a) Prove the time scaling property in CTFT and find Fourier transform for 5
x(t)=e·O. 5tu(t) .
Find the Fourier Transform of following signal with amplitude' l'
< -2 -1 0 2
5. (a) Determine the Nyquist sampling rate and Nyquist sampling intervals for the following 6
Signals. i) sinc(lOOm)sinc(2001t1:) ii) sinc2(2001t1:) iii) 0.5sinc1(20Orrt) .
(b) Distinguish between instantaneous sampling, natural sampling and flat-top sampling. 4
6. (a) An urn contains four red, three green, five blue and two white balls. What is the 10
probability of selecting a sample size of six balls containing two red, one
green, two blue and one white ball
(b) A coin is tossed three times. Find the probability that tail shows up at least once 10