2. What is the difference between Async and Sync reset? Verilog codes for both?
10. The bypass register is one bit so how can you give 2 bits of instruction?
11. On what edge does TAP works? On what edge does tdo work?
13. How many pulses are required to reset the TAP fsm?
14. If I am in update state how many pulses are required for the reset?
48. Why should you use “Build model” when you have “Build Fault Model”?
53. What is the “Write vectors” how does it differ with “commit tests”?
54. Explain scan flow and Atpg flow with tool commands?
6. DFT violations
11. What are the inputs for scan compression? And which technique is used and Why?
18. What is the difference between synchronous reset and asynchronous reset d-flip flop
25. What is scan design? Which design have you used? And Why?
27. How can you solve the clock skew problem while shIfting?
29. Explain build model, build test mode, verIfy test structures and build fault model?
30. What are the issues you faced in scan insertion and ATPG?
31. Initially If you have 30% fault coverage, How you will improve for 99%
39. at What stage the loaded values will go to the combinational logic?
51. How the lockup latch are connected in the scan chain?
70. Why stuck at fault coverage is more than transition faut coverage?
75. Are the faults on the resets of the flops are detected? How?
76. What is full scan design and partial scan design? And their difference?
85. How can you convert rtl file to gate level netlist?
86. How can you convert normal flop to scan flop? Why is it necessary?
92. Why cant we use functional patterns as test patterns to detect the faults?
98. can we fix the asynchronous rule violation for active high reset ?
103. What is scan chain shIfting? Why we need to shIft and Why we need to capture? What do you
do in capture?
104. states in tap controller? Why data registers come before instruction register?
106. What is test coverage and fault coverage? Its difference and which is mostly considered?
107. How did you increase your test coverage in ATPG and What are the dIfferent violations?
111. What is launch and capture? What do you do during launch and capture?
113. What is undetectable faults. How to detect faults and is test point insertion is enough to make
it controllable?
116. How you can reduce the test time using DFT?
118. What are the ouput files for scan and ATPG?
123. What are the inputs for serial and parallel simulation?
125. What are the issues you faced when your design is not controllable and observable?
132. How many flops are used in your project? ( complete project analysis)
133. What if I cannot able to provide capture pulse? What are the issues?
135. Why scan chain contain first negedge scan flop then posedge scan flop?
138. How many test patterns you have generated in your project?
140. How can you decide the number of test patterns in your design?
141. Why DFT require? Can we achieve DFT goals by any other method?
145. What could be the possible reasons for scan chain failures during gate level simulation?
148. How do you test at-speed faults for inter clock domains?
166. What is compression ratio? where do compressed scan chains come from?
167. What is the difference between LOC and LOS? Which is mostly used?
168. Is there any need of pll when functional frequency equals to scan frequency?
170. Why scan clock is slow frequency? What if we give high frequency for scan chains?
172. Why multi clock domains is used? Does it have any problem in design?
175. How iddq test vectors are different from stuck at test?
183. What are the tools used for scan, ATPG, simulation? What is the library file name?
184. What did you do in simulation? Explain the procedure? Difference between serial and parallel
185. Difference between normal mode, functional mode and scan enable?
187. what is the difference between gate level faults and transistion level faults?
188. Why you need burn-in test?
Scan Insertion:
37).Did you worked on Coverage Analysis? How did you improved your Coverage?
38).what are the ATPG Untestable faults?
39).How much test coverage you got in your last project?
40).what are the input files required for scan insertion and ATPG and what all output files we
get after completing scan insertion and ATPG?
41).what is Stuck at fault?
42).How many faults sites are there for a 2 input AND Gate?
43).what is the difference between transition and path delay fault model?
44).what the SPF/test procedure file contains?
45).what are the different types of fault classes?
46).what is fault collapsing?
47).For a given fault coverage the number of patterns for TFT is more than the patterns
generated for Stuck-at-faults. Why so?
48).How the 2 pulses are generated for transition faults?
49).can you draw the on chip clock controller structure diagram?
50).what all DRCs you faced during ATPG?
51).what is the difference between launch on capture(LOC) and launch on shift(LOS)?
52).which one is widely used in industry? which one is better LOS or LOC?
53).How you will improve transition faults test coverage?
54).why we do IDDQ testing?
55).what is pseudorandom pattern and why it called pseudorandom?
56).Have you ever seen condition statements in spf and how they work?
57).If we have cover all transition faults along a path(critical) already then should we check
the path delay also for that path?
58).what is the test coverage and fault coverage?
59).what is redundant fault explain with example?
60).what are parallel patterns how they work explain with the help of a scan chain?
61).what are the DRCs that can result in low test coverage?
62).what are blocked and unused faults?
63).How the test data valume and tester time reduction happens with compression?
64).what are advantages of modular atpg?
65).How DFT vectors are different from Functional vectors?
66).why we measure PO(primary output) before capture clock?
67).How the IDDQ test vectors is different from stuck at test vectors?
68).How increasing sequential depth helps in improving test coverage?
1. How do you implement DFT for a design have lot of Analog blocks? How to improve
Ans: add feed-back, and need to control the analog input pins from digital core.
4. Steps to fix broken scan chain issues during ATPG? Step by step procedure to find the
Ans: check the scan mode is properly enable, the reset is stable state during shift, and the
clock is visible by all scan element during the shift.