Announcement 15days Academicprog
Announcement 15days Academicprog
Announcement 15days Academicprog
The 15 days academic program (i.e. PIP+PEGP+PSDP+PEDP) shall be applicable for all
students who have completed their Executive Program (i.e. passed both/all modules of
Executive Program) on or after 25th August, 2015.
i. 15 days Academic program is applicable to every student who is successfully completing
Executive Program (whether already undergoing training or not) of ICSI, on or after 25th
August, 2015.
ii. PIP & PEGP are to be completed within 3 months of passing Executive programor within
2 months of commencement of their 15 months/1 year/2 years training, whichever is
earlier. If, any student is already undergoing training on the date of passing the Executive
program, in such case 2 months criteria is not applicable to him/her.
iii. PEGP is to be commenced only after PIP is completed.
iv. PSDP is to be completed only after completing PIP & PEGP but, in any case within 7
months from the passing of Executive program.
v. PEDP is to be completed only after completing PIP, PEGP & PSDP but, in any case
should be completed atleast3 months prior to the completion date of their 15
months/1year/2 years training.
vi. Students failing to complete the above requirement will not be allowed to fill up the
admission form for undergoing MSOP (or by whatever name called).
Exemption from 15 days academic program may be granted to the students who are having
adequate working experience on case to case basis. Internal guidelines for granting exemption
from the same are being prepared and after approval of TEFC of the Council, same would be
The complete details and programme structure of the proposed 15 days academic programme
is as under:
1 Duration 2 days in 3 days in 5 days in 5 days in
continuation continuation continuation continuation
(preferably on Friday
& Saturday with no
embargo on other
2 When to To be completed To be completed To be completed To be completed
undergo within 3 months of after successfully only after only after
passing Executive completing PIP, completing PIP completing PIP,
program or within 2 but within 3 & PEGP but in PEGP & PSDP but
months of months of passing any case within in any case should
commencement of Executive program 7 months from be completed
their 15 months/1 or within 2 months the passing of atleast3 months
year/2 years training, of commencement Executive prior to the
whichever is earlier. of their 15 program. completion date of
If, any student is months/1 year/2 their 15
already undergoing years training months/1year/2
training on the date whichever is years training.
of passing the earlier. If, any
Executive program, student is already
in such case 2 undergoing training
months criteria is not on the date of
applicable to passing the
him/her. Executive program,
in such case 2
months criteria is
not applicable to
3 Fees payable Upto Rs.1500/- per Upto Rs.3000/- per Upto Rs. 4000/- Upto Rs.4000/- per
by Student student for entire student for entire per student for student for entire
duration of 2 days duration of 3 days entire duration duration of 5 days
training, including training, including of 5 days training, including
the cost of serving the cost of serving training, the cost of serving
working lunch, tea, working lunch, tea, including the working lunch, tea,
biscuits/snacks etc. biscuits/snacks etc. cost of serving biscuits/snacks etc.
working lunch,
Day 2
Companies Act, 2013
Introduction and Overview 2 hours
Role and Opportunities for CS & Challenges for CS 1hour
(The sessions are expected to deliberate on the issues in Companies Act and
the role of Company Secretaries etc.)
Drafting of Notice, Agenda, Minutes, Resolutions, Application/petition before 1 hour 30
NCLT & NCLAT minutes
(The session has been structured to cover practical aspects of drafting of
notices, agendas, resolutions, application and petitions)
Profession, Professional & Professionalism 1 hour 30
(The session shall be on various facets of profession, how to become a minutes
professional and etiquettes to be followed in professional life)
Day 2
Electronic maintenance of statutory register 1 hour
(The session shall cover the practical approach to be adopted in electronic
maintenance of various registers)
Advanced google search 1 hour
(The session shall cover how to use the advanced functions of Google, and/or
specialised search engines to get participants more specific search results so
they don't have to look through irrelevant results, and may find specifically
relevant information that otherwise may not be available.)
ICSI website (all student related sections and Apps) 1 hour
(The session shall be structured in a manner that the student be able to better
understand how to collect information from ICSI website, and related Apps)
Sensitization and familiarization with following websites:*
MCA 3 hours
Income tax
Registrar of Trademarks
(The sessions shall be structured in a manner that the participants be aware of
how to use the websites of various regulatory bodies, how to collect
information etc.)
*Any three of the above websites
Day 2
Writing skills- Business writing skills
Day 3
Advocacy skills
Drafting 1 hour
Pleading 1 hour
Right to Legal Representation under various corporate legislation 30
Court Craft minutes
Advocacy Etiquettes 1 hour
Dressing Etiquette 30
Communication Etiquettes
Duty towards the Court, Client and Opponent
(The sessions shall cover the advocacy skills. The trainer shall provide the
guidance on drafting, the art of pleading, various court crafts and advocacy
etiquettes etc.)
1 hour
Day 4
Interpretation skills
Objectives of Interpretation 1 hour
Essentials of Interpretation of a Statute 1 hour
Principles of Interpretation 1 hour
Different Aids to Interpretation 1 hour
Primary and Other Rules of Interpretation 1 hour
Case study 1 hour
(The sessions shall cover the interpretations skills. The trainer shall lay
emphasis on the basics of law of interpretations, its type, essentials,
principles, rule of interpretations etc. Use of case laws in a case, various case
studies and practical interpretation of some laws etc.)
Day 5
Professional skills
Time management 1 hour
Positive attitude 1hour
Self motivation 1 hour
Professional ethics 1 hour
Business etiquettes 1 hour
Balancing board room 1 hour
(The session shall help in developing various professionals skills. The trainer
is expected to demonstrate/model how a participants might develop greater
initiative, increased independence, and self-reliance)
Day 2
Secretarial standards (SS- I) 3 hours
(The session shall cover the implementation of Secretarial Standard – 1 on
Meetings of the Board of Directors, various practical problems being faced
and posers in implementations.)
Secretarial Standards ( SS- II) 3 hours
(The session shall cover the organization of general meeting. The session is
expected to have a mock general meeting to give an idea of general meeting
and how to tackle the problems at the meetings.)
Day 3
Board reports 1 hour 30
(The session shall deliberate on the preparation of Board reports etc. minutes
Collection of various information and certifications etc., points to be taken
care while formulating Board report.)
Certification of Annual Returns, Secretarial audit 1 hour
(The session shall cover the various things that should be kept in mind while
certifying the annual returns or issuing a secretarial audit report)
Drafting and Implementation of various policies in the Companies 1 hour
(The session shall cover the policy to be formulated by a company. The
trainer is expected to explain the points to be taken care during the
formulation of a policy of the company.)
Knowledge about different Committees required in a company 1 hour
(The session is expected to discuss on various committees required to be
formed in a company i.e. Audit Committee, Stakeholder Grievance
Committee etc.)
Appointment and induction of Directors 30
(The session shall cover the methods to appoint different directors, how to minutes
induct a director, process and procedure to be followed during appointment
Business plan presentation and evaluation 1 hour
Day 5
Calculation of Income tax 1 hour
(The session shall make a brief on Income tax Act, different types of incomes,
and their calculation, exempted incomes and deductions available etc.)
Filing income tax return 1 hour
(The session shall cover the filing of tax return through software and by direct
filing. The trainer is expected to give a practical approach on filing income
tax return at the portal)
Tax aspects of Corporate entities 30
(The session shall cover corporate tax, minimum alternative tax, double tax minutes
avoidance agreements, exemptions available to corporate, filing of tax returns
by corporate.)
KYC 30
(The session shall explain measures to be taken before taking a client. The minutes
trainer is expected to explain the participants upon various checks & balances.
Registration of charges 1 hour
(The session shall cover the types of charges, obtaining the charge documents,
their verifications and their filing)
Contract drafting 30
(The session shall cover the basics of drafting the contracts) minutes
Joint Venture 30
(The session shall be designed to make a brief on joint ventures, steps, minutes
precautions etc.)
Banking terminologies 1 hour
(The session shall explain the banking terms etc.)
(The session shall explain various provisions of FEMA and other related