For over 30 years, ZVC family has been powering 8. Fuses reduce short circuit currents to a low value by
machines by providing products, solutions and services in “current limitation”. There is no need for complex short
most countries worldwide. Our specialisation and long circuit system calculations and no concerns about costly
experience gained in this field has built up hands-on future upgrades due to system expansion with increased
expertise for all activities related to the motor starters. fault currents.
Products and solutions for motor starters can work
standalone or as part of a completely integrated and 9. Fuses see short circuit currents directly; do not need current
scalable solution, enabling enterprises to implement new transformer and protection relay to work. With fuse
functionalities as operational needs evolve. technology, saturation of current transformers during a short
circuit is not an issue. Fuse high speed activation limits
It has been found that most faults on medium voltage significantly the flash hazard at the fault location.
motors occur in the motor terminal boxes due to moisture
ingress. Many industrial organisations such as SHELL and 10. Fuse and contactor are high speed current disconnecting
others have moved away from circuit breakers and devices that improve network power quality by reducing
returned to fused contactor protection. This being due to duration of voltage sags (voltage dips) caused by short-
experience – generally the motors were destroyed when circuit faults. It is common for motors to trip out during
these faults occured with circuit breaker protection; where voltage dips.
fused contactor protection was used only re-termination of
power cables was required.
UniGear ZVC
5 Generation
Late 2000s Release of integrated Remote HV Isolation in compact MCC, world’s first.
Release of modular substation Outdoor MCC and Distribution Centre, OE-ZVC
Mid 2000s Release of Medium Voltage Compact Intelligent MCC and Switchgear
Early 2000s A family member of ABB Global UniGear platform
Combining the features of UniStarter and ZVC fused contactor panel, 325mm width
UniStarter ZVC
4th Generation
Early 2000s A family member of Germany Calor Emag ZS1 platform
World first Medium Voltage compact cassette type fused contactor panel, 325mm width
3rd Generation
Mid 1990s A family member of Germany Calor Emag ZS1 platform
Combining the features of Fixed and Withdrawable fused contactor panel, 325mm width
Compact floor rolling type fused contactor truck
Heavy duty applications up to 5400HP motor and 4000kVA transformer.
2nd Generation
Early 1990s A family member of Finland UniSwitch platform
Fixed fused contactor panel, 500mm width
1st Generation
Late 1970s A family member of Norway NEBB RGB platform
World smallest Medium Voltage Withdrawable fused contactor panel, 300mm width
All operations on the switchgear are carried out with the doors
closed, protecting the operator in the unlikely event of an
internal arc fault. Metal shutters provide positive isolation
when the fused contactor is in the “ISOLATE and TEST”
The safety interlocks are standard features. Their presence guarantees the highest
level of reliability even in the case of an accidental error and allows what ABB
defines as a fail safe system of interlocks.
Key Locks
The use of optional key interlocks is very important in realising the interlocking logics
between units of the same switchgear or to external equipment.
The fused contactor truck can be locked in the racked-out position and the relevant
lock key can only be removed with the fused contactor truck in this position.
The earthing switch closing and opening operations can be locked by means of
Both high and low voltage compartment doors can be locked in the closed position
by means of padlocks.
The operations for fused contactor truck racking-in/out and earthing switch
opening/closing can be prevented by applying the padlocks to the insertion slots of
the relevant operating levers.
Locking magnets
The locking magnets are used to make automatic interlock logics without human
The fused contactor truck racking-in/out and the earthing switch opening/closing
operations can be prevented.
The magnets operate with active logics (fail safe) therefore the loss of auxiliary
voltage makes the lock become inoperatable.
Some ZVC variants have the similar ratings as ZS1.
Parallel circuits.
Depending on ratings and applications. Refer Applications section.
Philosophy Topology
Medium voltage distribution and motor control centres are Intelligent MCC and switchgear provide IEDs combining
fitted with intelligent electronic devices to enable local and protection, measurement, control, supervision and
remote control of switching devices via serial connections to communication facilities with serial interface to the higher
the plant level control system. Status information pertaining to level control systems.
all station devices is available to the plant level control system
via the serial links.
• Graphical displays of the status of the substation medium voltage distribution and
motor control centres network. This will be a dynamic single line display where
selection of individual items will enable a detailed display of those items.
• Visual displays of the status of all IEDs.
• Individual parameterisation, control and monitor configuration of all intelligent
electronic devices.
• Trending of analogue type data for distribution circuits and motors.
• Power quality measurement and analysis of events recording.
• Four level role based user authentication password to protect from unauthorized
access and maintain integrity of process information.
• Multi-lingual support
The work station provides a graphical interface for operation of the medium voltage
distribution and motor control centres network, all commands, status and fault
monitoring is through the serial links. These alarms and indications are presented
on the workstation as a part of the graphical (e.g. single line) displays. Alarm and
event logging are available for all status, alarm and fault signals at the work station
as a sequence of event recorder. The resolution ≤ 1 ms, but alarms received
through serial links are time stamped. Information gathered includes:
Status Information
• Open
• Close
• Run
• Stop
• Locked out
• Trip
Protection Information
• Overload
• Short circuit
• Earth fault
Measurement Information
• Current
• Voltage (per group bus bar)
• Power (per group bus bar)
• Power factor (per group bus bar)
• Frequency (per group bus bar)
Disturbance recorder
3ph current
Current sequence components
Residual current
3ph voltage
Voltage sequence components
Residual voltage
3ph power and energy, power factor
Contactor (CB) condition monitoring
Trip circuit supervision
Current circuit supervision
Fuse failure supervision
Motor runtime counter
Commonly internal communication links are loop from switchboard panel to panel –
irrespective of whether serial or binary signals are to be transmitted. Depending on
installation size, complexity of the interlock system and the operator’s need for control
functions and information, this can involve over 60 individual cable cores. Adding or
changing signals in the loop cables immediately means complex rewiring and high
Only the use of high speed serial communications techniques can reduce the number
of loop cables. With WaveGuide IEC 61850 transmission method the control and
status signals, and measured values are transmitted serially to the relevant IEDs in
Minimum cablling with WaveGuide and
both vertical and horizontal communication (peer-to-peer).
IEC 61850 peer-to-peer communication.
OneFuse example below recommends HRC fuse 315A for complete MCC
switchboard. Fuse selection criteria is fault current.
Condition Monitoring
Continuous health check Status Decision making
Contactor trip circuit 9 Do not energise. Automatic block command.
Essential control circuit 9 Problem with control and protection circuit.
HRC Protection Fuse failure 9 Fuse blown fails to trip. Striker fails. Replace fuse.
Contactor wear and tear (ops.) 9 Plan maintenance on contactor.
Contactor travel time 9 Plan maintenance on contactor.
Motor runtime counter 9 Plan maintenance on electric motors.
UniGear ZVC switchgear system can be equipped with motor UniGear ZVC can be fitted with Arc Fault Circuit Interrupter to
automatic restart facility to reduce stoppages in process due to protect against electrical fires by detecting arc fault among
power failure. An automatic restart facility is able restart the secondary wiring in low voltage compartment and disconnect
motor after power failure. The automatic restart facility has the power before the arc starts a fire. The advanced electronics
following settings: detect sudden bursts of electrical current and interrupts in
• Voltage dip level milliseconds.
• Voltage restoration level
• Time for immediate restart after voltage dips Arc Fault Circuit Interrupter offers the following benefits:
• Time for delayed restart after voltage dips with steps • Provide additional protection to operators from low voltage
arc flash
Self Power System • Prevent switchboard being damaged from electrical fire.
UniGear ZVC intelligent MCC and switchgear system can be
integrated with a sophisticated DC & AC auxiliary power
system for internal control supply.
Internal Arc Fault with Arc Termination System Internal Arc Fault without Arc Termination System
Main bus
compartment Arc Terminator
Trip unit
CB or
Temperature rise
The temperature rise test is carried out at the rated current
of the switchgear unit and shows that the temperature is not
excessive. During the test, both the switchboard and the
contactor are checked.
Contactor subject to testing in free air is able to withstand
higher rated current then inserted in a panel; therefore the
rated current of the contactor depends on the characteristics
of the switchboard and on the relevant ventilation system
(non-ventilated or natural ventilation).
These tests check that the switchboard has sufficient
capability to withstand the lightning impulse and the power
frequency voltage. The power frequency withstand voltage
test is carried out as a type test, but is also routinely carried
out on every switchgear unit manufactured.
Control room operates remote motorised HV isolation. Common applications: remote and unmanned plants.
Possible scenario #1
1. One switchgear panel was in service and maintenance mode.
2. Circuit breaker “Trip / Open” coil did not open when remotely
activated either due to burned coil or failure in DC battery
If your switchgear necessitates being operated with power system.
compartment doors open, you cannot rely on being 3. Operator has to manually “Trip / Open” the circuit breaker.
protected by pressure relief vents, they won’t operate. 4. The manual “Trip / Open” mechanism was located on the
With UniGear ZVC switchgear system, we are with you circuit breaker truck.
all the way! 5. The circuit breaker compartment door was opened to access
the manual mechanism.
Maximum Operator Safety at all times: 6. Operator manually pressed the push button.
• Remote Switching and Isolation of HV equipment in 7. Arc flash occurred.
central control room (Outside of arc flash boundary). 8. You can prevent this at the beginning with correct
• Local Switching and Isolation performed behind specification. Make sure all switchgear operations must be
closed doors (Doors act as arc proof barrier). behind closed arc proof door. Pressure relief, gas duct and
arc detection are not effective when power doors are open.
With your switchgear are Compartment Doors required
to be open for earthing procedures, what if something is Possible scenario #2
not quite right? 1. One switchgear panel was in service and maintenance
2. Operator has to manually rack out and “Isolate” the circuit
Example to illustrate importance of all switchgear breaker.
operations behind type tested closed doors and Remote 3. Racking out was only possible when circuit breaker
HV Isolation to operator safety and the follow on benefit compartment door is open.
of minimum disruption to critical continuous process. 4. The circuit breaker compartment door was opened to
Process disruption costs millions of dollars and more in access breaker truck.
duty of care / human negligence legal cases. 5. Arc flash occurred when operator was racking out the
6. You can prevent this at the beginning with correct
specification. Make sure all switchgear operations must be
behind closed arc proof door. Pressure relief, gas duct and
arc detection are not effective when power doors are open.
If your switchgear is of metal-enclosed design or non- UniGear ZVC standard type tested relief system
segregated construction then an arc flash occurrence can provides a satisfactory method to deal with arc flash.
propagate within the housing, you cannot rely on being Sometimes real situations are too complex for the
protected by pressure relief vents, they won’t operate. With standard method and in these situations calculation
UniGear ZVC switchgear system, we are with you all the way! modelling can provide valuable insights into the
behaviour of the relief system.
Maximum Operator Safety at all times:
• Metal-clad block design to contain arc flash. UniGear ZVC switchgear system employs a
• Complete segregation between compartments with sophisticated relief device design where arcing flash
individual pressure relief vent. is diverted upwards away from operator, walkway,
transformer, other equipment or surrounding building.
UniGear ZVC steel structure is made of type AluZinc sheet Extremely long useful life
metal suitable for severe marine and corrosive environment The corrosion rate, i.e. the thickness of the coating that
installation. AluZinc is a metal-coated sheet steel that is lost every year in a normal environment to which
combines the best properties of steel, aluminium and zinc. AluZinc is freely exposed, is a maximum of 20% of one
Steel provides strength, aluminium gives protection from micron (0.2 μm). In theory the useful life of AluZinc in a
corrosion, and zinc safe-guards the steel at edges and normal environment is more than 100 years. In real life
scratches by virtue of its cathodic action. AluZinc has lasted more than 20 years in severe marine
Cathodic Protection
AluZinc provides cathodic protection for the steel at cut Protection against mechanical damage
edges and scratches. This form of protection comes into AluZinc can be scratched and damaged mechanically,
operation when the sheet is exposed to moisture and a but it will still retain its good resistance to corrosion, its
galvanic cell is formed. The steel will then function as the long useful life and its attractive surface.
anode, with the moisture acting as the electrolyte.
The surface retains its appearance
Since the zinc serves as a sacrificial anode it will be Since 80 percent of the volume of the coating is
consumed. The rate of consumption will rise with any aluminium, the surface will retain its appearance for
increase in the area of steel that has to be protected. The many years, dulling off slowly, depending on
aluminium rich part in the metal coating protects the steel as atmospheric contaminants.
the zinc is sacrificed. There is no enlargement of the area of
the steel to be protected. Hard surface
The surface of AluZinc is twice as hard as that of hotdip
galvanized steel. The hard surface has high wear
resistance, which increases the life length.
UniGear platform family members, ZVC and ZS1, are the Earthquake Engineering
world’s leading medium voltage MCC and switchgear. Possibly So you want to preserve your power supply against
the only one able to withstand the component-crunching earthquakes. So who decides a MCC structure can be
effects of earthquakes and the endless grind of vibrations considered ‘earthquake-safe’? Type tests can only go so far
commonly found in ships. with length of switchboard, acceleration and safety factors,
dynamic loads and elasticity strength of support structures.
Other switchgear brands claim robust performance based on The engineering profession has to make this decision,
engineering calculations, but UniGear is the only MCC and guided by local standards and by balancing what is
switchgear to have successfully passed the laboratory tests of reasonably achievable against the cost. Designers of
international agencies certifying its suitability in seismically essential facilities in earthquake prone regions are
active locations and moving vibrating plants. increasingly turning to local earthquake codes and design
calculations for higher levels of certainty in protection.
UniGear complies with the standards of IEEE 693-1997 and
Lloyd’s Register for withstanding the effects of high levels of When requested in earthquake installation, UniGear ZVC
seismic activity and ship vibrations. Switchgear System centre of excellence employs the “Non-
linear Static Analysis” method commonly used in the seismic
design and assessment of buildings structures. “Dynamic
Analysis” calculation can be performed on request. The
accuracies of both results are comparable.
Have you paid for excessive insulation just to operate 3. Lightning overvoltages (fast front overvoltages)
switchgear at high altitude, say 5000m asl? Do you have originate in atmospheric discharges. They reach their
17.5kV rated switchgear operating on a 7.2kV system only peak value within a few microseconds and
to avoid flashover overvoltages? What a waste of subsequently decay very rapidly.
investment, but there is a more economical solution.
Arresters are one key element. Another is ‘insulation
And nobody expects to be left without power every time coordination’, in which the insulation properties of all the
there is a lightning storm, although such storms can cause power system equipment are configured in such a way that
nightmarish overvoltages in the power grid. But how they cannot be damaged by overvoltages. This is underlined
exactly do supply systems survive such massive surges by the IEC 60071-2 definition of insulation coordination as
and keep the power flowing to your process? ‘the correlation of insulation of equipment with the
characteristics of the protective devices such that the
Overvoltages in electrical supply systems result from the insulation is protected against overvoltages’. In such a
effects of lightning incidents and switching actions cannot context, arresters form the traditional ‘first line of defence’ to
be avoided. They endanger the electrical equipment ensure that the maximum voltage that appears at the
because for economic reasons the insulation cannot be electrical equipment always stays below the guaranteed
designed to withstand all the possible overvoltages in a withstand value of the insulation of an electrical device.
We have in-house “insulation coordination” expertise to
It is meaningful to distinguish between three types of effectively position and match arrester characteristics with
overvoltages: UniGear ZVC Compact Intelligent MCC and switchgear
1. Temporary overvoltages occur during load rejection system.
or because of faults with earth connection. The
duration of these overvoltages can be between 0.1
seconds and several hours.
2. Switching overvoltages (slow front overvoltages)
occur during switching actions and consist mostly of
heavily damped oscillations with frequencies up to
several kHz.
Features Benefits
Simplicity and Flexibility Can accommodate clients
Single source of supply Eliminated complex
coordination of diverse
suppliers by clients
Versatile Building can accommodate the
complete range of Switchgear,
Controlgear including
Modular Shipping sections can be
docked together on site to for a
substation complex
Safety Featuring type tested arc
containment ducting with
pressure relief device
Factory assembled and Ensures that substation is pre-
tested commissioned and fully
functional prior to despatch
Minimum of on-site Relief clients of building trade
activities coordination, industrial
problems etc. No delays due to
Standard structural Building long life expectancy
steel is Galvanised or minimised life-maintenance.
Stainless Steel Building will survive same
period as equipment.
Certified building Building approval is not
structure required
Building stress analysis Ensures that no transport
distortion or damage can
occur. Substation equipment
delivered safely without multi-
handling problems
Building standardised Size to comply with statutory
dimensions transportation limits for
vehicles and loads
Total System Multi discipline interaction
Engineering and eliminated
Minimal civil works Prefabricated. No surprises,
weather or site union issues.
Quality Assurance ABB ISO9001 Quality
Assurance for manufactured
and 3rd party products.
These types of events are often unexplained and difficult to 3. Lack of segregation of MV drives and control cabling.
detect as they are random and momentary. Often once the
event has occurred resetting of the devices may be 4. No segregation of power and essential supply
necessary. cabling.
ABB proposes the following additional measures to manage 5. Poor design of power supply system, undersized
these phenomena. These recommendations are made in wiring and battery backup, that can lead to voltage
order to improve the system reliability and performance of drop issues and under voltage swings.
the plant electrical system.
6. Poor selection of communications cabling; not twisted
pair, not screened and earthed in accordance with
best practices and manufacturers guidelines.
ABB Lessons Learned
Key concerns are listed below. 7. Poor installation of communications cabling, mixed up
with customer AC voltage field cabling.
1. Communication faults between the DCS and ECS
2. Corruption of data between substation electrical 8. Poor installation and termination of optical cables
equipment and control system. causing noise problems on DCS and ECS interface
3. Spurious alarms and trips communications bus.
Additional Measures
ABB proposes the following measures in order to reduce
the risk of EMC and Harmonics from affecting the
reliability and performance of the equipment within the
ABB recognises the need to offer products and solutions which IED significantly increases the availability of the switchgear.
lower the total cost of ownership, reducing hidden start-up and If there are changes to the process which require
running costs. UniGear ZVC compact intelligent MCC and modifications to the switchgear, in general this can be done
switchgear system is developed on this basis to meet arduous on line. There is no need to shutdown the switchgear.
conditions of the Chemical Oil and Gas, Nuclear Power Plants,
Heavy Continuous Process Industries and Marine where IED allows for changes in motor sizes by simply inputting
safety, availability and quality are of critical importance. the new motor parameter. There is no need to change
hardware providing it is within its range.
Total cost of ownership has different meaning to various user
groups. UniGear ZVC user groups are: Increased availability is a significant factor in lowering the
1. Owners and Operators total cost of ownership.
2. Consultants and engineers
3. Contractors and installers Vacuum Technology
4. Purchasers No other kind of technology is more reliable, more widely
used, requires less maintenance and environmentally
1. Owners and Operators kinder. Vacuum interrupter reduces cost of ownership by
The focuses are on safety, minimum downtime, maintenance eliminating additional safety needs to service, maintain,
and green footprint. operate and dispose hazardous SF6 greenhouse gas.
Safety Maintenance
UniGear ZVC switchgear system is type tested to withstand Motor starters do a great deal of work in continuous process
the effects of internal arcing faults ensuring protection to the plants with many switching operations and isolations.
operating staffs, adjacent cubicles and surrounding equipment. Regular maintenance is required on motor starters to check
Arc duct improves safety and lower cost of repair reducing the that they are in good working order.
cost of ownership.
Non-Intelligent switchgear does not generally provide
Remote Motorised HV Isolation indications of gradual deterioration or failure of component
Historically the most common setting of operators being parts, or to the damages that may result from lack of
subjected to the full forces of an arcing flash is while racking in maintenance.
and out of withdrawable trucks. The outcome is never good.
UniGear ZVC switchgear system can eliminate this risk by Intelligent switchgear incorporating a planned maintenance
using remote motorised HV (truck) isolation. Your operators do programme reduces the likelihood of internal faults within
not have to ever experience this, but you’ve got to make the the switchgear and therefore ensures a high level of
right decisions on cost of ownership at the front end. equipment availability. Planned maintenance reduces total
cost of ownership.
Fire Proofing
UniGear ZVC switchgear system maximises the use of fire IED, Re_615 series can provide valuable maintenance
retardant materials such as epoxy resin, insulation sleeving information based on the number of hours in service and a
and metal castings to lower the risk of fire propagation. number of operating cycles. Maintenance warnings can be
provided when a preset number of operations are reached.
Withdrawability This means that corrective maintenance can be done on
UniGear ZVC switchgear system uses fully withdrawable fused motor starters that require some action. Incomers or feeders
contactors truck. It shall be possible to replace a fuse which have lower duties and therefore do not require
contactor truck in 5 minutes to minimise process disruption. maintenance and remain in service.
This allows the withdrawable truck to be removed and taken to
the safety of a workshop for service and maintenance. This Non Moving Portions
feature significantly increases the safety and also reduces the Panel (and bolted parts) are non moving parts where
cost of maintenance lowering the total cost of ownership. maintenance is not so critical. Here the panel is not subject
to the same arduous switching conditions. UniGear ZVC
Increased Availability switchgear system busbars are maintenance free as the
Intelligent Switchgear can be used as a proactive tool to busbar bolts and nuts are factory torque and sealed.
prevent potential problems from occurring by providing Belleville washers are provided under the heads of the bolts
protection warnings so corrective action can be taken prior to which allow for differential expansion due to thermal cycling.
developing into a problem. This is achieved by reacting to the The same applies for instrument transformers.
following information:
∗ overload warning at 105% of rated current
∗ underload warning which can be adjusted between 20 and
∗ earth fault warning
∗ motor temperature warning
∗ motor stalling
Globally it has been recognised and accepted that to 2. Consultants and Engineers
continuously check for vacuum loss is not necessary thus The focus are on engineering applications, flexibility to
vacuum indication is not available. It is simple to test the customise solution, product quality and system design
integrity of vacuum interrupter. Hardware required is safety.
commonly available AC (power frequency) voltage test
set. If there is air in an interrupter chamber, flashover Quality
occurs between the contacts. UniGear ZVC switchgear system is developed entirely in
quality accredited offices in Australia where quality was built
Predictive Maintenance into the design. Engineering, final assembly and testing of
Planned preventative maintenance is a big factor in lower the switchgear are carried out in our ISO 9001 Quality
cost of ownership. Accredited Workshop. Quality may increase the initial cost
of the switchgear. However, reduces the total cost of
The use of continuous temperature online monitoring ownership through extended life, less maintenance and
system should be considered on main bus and cable fewer breakdowns.
termination compartment to protect against any resultant
fire caused by over-heating. Type Tests
UniGear ZVC switchgear system is fully tested to variety of
The use of continuous partial discharge online monitoring standards including IEC 62271, 60694 and 60298 to verify
system should be considered to guard against flashover suitability to the intended applications.
due to insulation aging and deterioration over time.
Seismic Tests
Above preventative maintenance systems reduce total UniGear ZVC switchgear system is tested to DIN IEC 50A
cost of ownership by minimising potential damage to (CO) 175 and DIN 40046, part 35.
switchgear and surrounding environment. Online systems
should be connected to ECS for alarm and trip control.
Benefits of UniGear ZVC Switchgear R This characteristic also helps to project cables and
R The UniGear platform is completed by the compact connected machine from the harmful mechanical and
contactor ZVC with HRC fuses. It can be used in electrical effects of a fault by interrupting short circuit
installations with fault currents up to 50kA with the currents in half cycle. For the same reason, UniGear ZVC
use of HRC fuses as the main means of short can use earthing switch with reduced capacities compared
circuit protection. to the rest of the switchboard components.
R ZVC is able to combine maximum accessibility of
all the components with the most limited
dimensions available on the market today for MV
Switchgear. The innovative integration of the
components offers a solution with extremely
reduced weight and footprint, allowing efficient use
of space in electrical installations.
R The most evident characteristic of this unit is it’s
extreme compactness, just 325mm wide therefore
finds ideal application in installations with a large
number of contactor outgoing feeders in situations
with very limited space available, expensive real
estate or civil works.
R Lower cost of ownership. Intelligent switchgear
allows greater access to information, allowing
optimisation of the process, electrical system,
increased plant availability and flexibility.
R The performance of the contactor unit with fuses
(utilization category AC-1, AC-2, AC-3 and AC-4) is
preferable to a circuit breaker when a high number
of daily operations are required. The contactor
interrupters guarantee an extremely high number of
closing and opening operations under normal load
conditions and with a maximum rated short time
withstand current of 6kA.
R Fuse contactor limits fault current stress and
damage to motor, transformer or capacitor.
R Smaller power cables. Reduced size due to the
reduced let through energy of the fused contactor,
hence savings in copper cost.
Comparison of performance
Evaluating UniGear ZVC Fused Vacuum Contactor technology to conventional Circuit Breaker technology for switching
Fault current limited due to HRC fuses. ↔ No fault current limiting capability.
Fault clearing time is typically <5ms at full fault current. ↔ CB fault break at first natural current zero ≥200ms.
Reduced let through energy allows reduced cable size. ↔ Cable needs to be sized to maximum system short circuit level.
Reduced thermal stresses on motor ↔ Thermal stresses consistent with system short circuit level
and rapid fault clearing time minimise damage. and clearing time result in severe damage.
Up to 1,000,000 operations provides extended service life. ↔ Up to 30,000 operations service life.
Small footprint totalling 0.42 sq m. ↔ Average footprint 1.05 sq m.
Conventional Switchboard
Power cables based on differences of motor and transformer feeder. Same power cable for Incomer.
Heat loss based on motor load 1000 kW and transformer 1000 kVA.
[3] 2
Floor space construction cost based on € 3000 /m (average for E-Houses – yr. 2008)
Cable cost based on average length 100 m each.
Depends on air conditioning system to cool switchgear heat loss generated.
Depends on energy and greenhouse cost, plant specific.
Depends on installations, i.e. on or off-shore, seismic (earthquake), vibration, wind loads, remoteness, etc
Similar manufacturing cost for fused contactor and circuit breaker technology.
Depends on operation and fault severity. Worst case – equipment replacement may be necessary.
A - Busbar compartment
B - Contactor and HRC fuses compartment
C - Cable compartment
E D - Low voltage compartment
E - Gas exhaust duct
Degree of protection
The degree of protection of the panel conforms to
IEC60529. UniGear ZVC panel are normally supplied
Height with Gas Exhaust Duct
On request, the external housing can be supplied with
different degrees of protection up to a maximum of IP66.
The electrical characteristics of the switchboard can vary
for ambient conditions other than those described and
for higher degrees of protection than the standard ones.
IP30 on request.
Versions available:
V7/ZVC can be of the electrically held type or the mechanically latched type.
Standard Equipment
• Operating mechanism
• Fuse blown indicator with 1 N/O + 1 N/C Auxiliary.
• Mechanical operation counter
• 3 N/O & 3 N/C Contactor auxiliary contacts
• 24 Way Automatic connection plug
• Contactor ISOLATED and SERVICE indicator
• Contactor On-Off (I-O) indicator
Optional Equipment
• Control Voltage Transformer
• Mechanical latch coil
• Trip circuit supervision provision
• Racking blocking coil
• Heavy duty racking mechanism (10,000 isolation operations)
• Motorized truck racking
• Emergency trip provision
Versions available:
• DCO (Double Command Operate): Closing takes place by supplying the input of
the closing command of the apparatus a small pulse of power. Opening takes
place when the input of the opening command of the contactor is supplied a small
pulse of power.
Standard Fittings
• SCO Operating Mechanism
• Fuse blown indicator with 1N/O + 1 N/C Auxiliary.
• Mechanical operation counter
• 2N/O & 2 N/C Contactor auxiliary contacts
• 24 Way Automatic connection plug
• Contactor ISOLATED and SERVICE indicator
• Contactor On-Off (I-O) indicator
Optional Equipment
• Control voltage Transformer
• DCO operating mechanism
• Racking blocking coil
• Heavy duty racking mechanism (10,000 isolation operations)
• Emergency trip provision
The magnetic drive adapts perfectly to this type of apparatus thanks to its precise
linear travel.
The bistable drive, is fitted with an opening and a closing coil. The two coils,
individually energized, allow the drive mobile armature to be moved to one of the
two stable positions.
The drive shaft is solid with the mobile armature and held in position in a field
generated by two permanent magnets, the magnetic field is generated, which
attracts and moves the mobile Armature into the opposite position.
Every opening and closing operation creates a magnetic field concurrent with the
one generated by the permanent magnets, with the advantage of keeping the
intensity of the field itself constant during service, regardless of the number of
operations carried out.
The energy needed for operation is not supplied directly by the auxiliary power
supply, but is always “stored” in the capacitor which acts as an energy
accumulator, and therefore operation always takes place with constant speeds
and times, independently of the variation of the power supply voltage from the
auxiliary source.
The auxiliary power supply serves to keep the capacitor charged. Consumption is
therefore minimal. The power required is less than 5W. In order to recharge
capacitor after an operation, there is an inrush of 15W for duration of a few tens
of milliseconds.
For the reasons indicated above, both for the DCO and for the SCO versions it is
necessary to supply the auxiliary circuits which recharge the capacitor with a
continuous auxiliary power supply of 5W. Careful selection of the components
and a precise design make the electronic multi-voltage feeder extremely reliable,
unaffected by electromagnetic interference generated by the surrounding
environment and free of any emissions which may affect other apparatus located
in the vicinity.
These characteristics have made it possible for the VSC contactors to pass the
electromagnetic compatibility tests (EMC) and obtain the CE mark.
[1] [5]
Limited by the fuses Heavy duty version, 10,000 isolation racking available on request.
[2] [6]
Enhanced rating Selectable delays of 0 to 5 sec.
[3] [7]
Maximum rating depending on full load current, locked rotor To prevent interchange-ability of fused contactor truck with different
current and run up time of motor. ratings or construction
Standard contactor is suitable for Utilization Categories AC-4.
Endurance is a fraction of AC-3.
Operating Characteristics
• Ambient temperature: -5ºC…+40ºC
• Relative humidity:<95% (without condensation)
• Altitude: <1000 m a.s.l.
For other conditions, please contact us.
• Fuse Rated Current
Rated current must be greater than 150% of transformer
full load current to allow for normal overcurrent
• Inrush Current
(a) Single Phase Transformers < 100 kVA
Intersection point of 15 times full load current and
0.1 sec. must be to the left side of fuses time
current (T.C.) characteristics.
(b) Other Transformers
Intersection point of 12 times full load current and
0.15 sec. must be to the left side of fuses time
current (T.C.) characteristics.
Inrush current
Transformer: Time current characteristics must be to the right of the point 12 x F.L.C, 0.1 sec
Motors: Fuse must meet requirements for starts per hour at rated run up time
(Note: selection charts are based on 2 starts in succession - remainder evenly spaced)
Fuse must be selected on basis of F.L.C not kW.
Capacitors: Ratings are based on 6% or 7% reactors in series with capacitors.
The low voltage compartment is a self-contained unit, isolated electrically and pressure protected from the high voltage chambers.
Various height and width designs are available, which allows it to accommodate combinations of equipment. Protection relays,
instruments and push buttons can be fitted on the rigid door.
Low Voltage Compartment Type Single Door Double Door Triple Door
Width mm 325 650 975
Padlocking facility Yes Yes Yes
Lock (double bit) One One Two
Fluorescent lamp Option Option Option
Auxiliary power for each contactor can be provided by an individual integrated control
transformer. This transformer derives control power from bus mains; thus providing
capital cost and space savings with smaller rating external AC UPS or DC battery
power systems.
The high voltage side of control transformer is equipped with a fuse in each phase.
These fuses are in addition to main circuit fuses.
Current Transformer
Additionally, UniGear ZVC switchgear allows fitting of second set high burden
current transformer. These current transformers are available for top and bottom
power cable entry panel.
When required a 3-phase current transformer module can be fitted and has been
proven to be useful in high impedance differential protection scheme (Cl. PX). It can
be mounted in top and bottom power cable entry panel.
Class 5P30 /1
Voltage Transformer
UniGear ZVC switchgear can be equipped with voltage transformer on load side for
protection and measurements.
The power cable termination compartment is accessible from the front, rear or top. Two types of cable termination are available, i.e.
bolt-on or plug-in.
Cable Lug
Cable is a shear bolt type for Aluminium and Copper Conductors.
Insulation layer
Made of silicone rubber with proven performance. Ozone, UV-radiation and tracking
Field grading
The electric field is controlled by an integrated layer of amaterial with a non-linear
resistivity. The termination utilises a combination of refractive and resistive field
Note: Cable termination kits are supplied with 1.5 meter tails and cable lugs.
1. Pin contact SOC 250 TP: Consists of a silver-plated copper pin, and a tinned
aluminium connecting clamp and conductor guide. The conductor is guided to its
position and fi xed by means of a hexagonal spanner size 7 and a torque wrench.
SOC 250 STP: Consists of a silver-plated copper pin, a tinned aluminium connecting
clamp and two bolts made of brass. The pin contact is installed on the conductor by
means of an allen key size 6 and a torque wrench.
2. Bail restraint: Consists of stainless steel, used to secure the connector to the
3. Inner conductive layer: Creates a Faraday cage around the connector. This ensures
a stable electrical potential and eliminates the need for filling material in cavities and
between the conductor and pin contact.
4. Insulating layer: High electrical strength, a thickness of min 10 mm and the elasticity
of the material ensures the function with active pressure on all interfaces. Premoulded
together with the inner and outer conductive layer. Electrical properties are ensured by
routine test.
5. Outer conductive layer: UV-, Ozone- and tracking-resistant. UV-resistance tested for
3000 h in a xenon radiator. Thickness 2 mm on its thinnest part. When connected to
the cable screen, the connector meets international requirements for a fully screened
6. Adapter: Made of flexible insulating rubber with an integrated resistive stress control
7. Capacitive test point: A metallic part vulcanized into the insulating layer to allow
voltage indication when readout is made with suitable high impedance measuring
devices. Covered by a cap of conductive rubber which ensures a touch proof system.
8. Earth connection: The conductive layer is connected to the cable screen via a
stainless steel band strip. The band strip can temporarily be removed from the cable
screen, which makes it possible to perform cable sheath tests without disconnecting
the connector from the bushing.
1. Cold-applied
2. No special tools 9. Designed for polymeric insulated cables: SOC screened connectors can be
installed on XLPE as screened separable plug-in connector for XLPE-insulated 1- or 3-
3. Prefabricated for simple core cable with Al or Cu conductor. The connectors are supplied in kits of three. The
and safe installation connector fits standard bushings in accordance with EN 50181, type outer cone.
4. Minimal cable stripping
5. Active pressure Design
6. Few sizes The connector is made of rubber in three layers: inner conductive layer, insulating
layer and outer conductive layer. A metallic part is moulded into the insulation
7. Long shelf life which makes it possible to perform a voltage check. The metallic part is protected
by a cover which is easily removed when checking the voltage. The connector
meets the requirements for being touch-proof. Can be installed indoors as well as
outdoors. Supplied complete with screw cable lug for the cable.
Earthing switch type ZVCE7 conforms to the requirements of IEC 60251-1.They are
fitted with manual snap-action operating mechanisms for positive high-speed closing
and sufficiently dimensioned to conduct the rated short circuit making current up to
50kA when coordinated with HV HRC fuses. The speed of the snap-action closing
operation is independent of the operator. The earthing switch is supplied as pre-
assembled active part in UniGear ZVC panel.
Positive view of earth switch blade can be achieved with operator shining torch light
over door viewing window. In addition, yellow fluorescent paint on earth switch blade
is available as an option.
Arc fault explosion need to be removed in a controlled UniGear ZVC switchgear system arc duct channel is
manner, to an area safely away from surrounding equipment type tested to 50kA fault overpressure, can be used to
and operators. Various arc explosion venting systems are direct hazardous gasses away from operators and
available to optimise safety, protect surrounding equipment surrounding equipment. Contact ABB for
and switchroom layout. recommendation on best solution for your installation.
[1] [2]
Arc Duct Type Standard Compact Top Chimney None None
Ceiling height
50kA (…1 sec) 50kA (…1 sec) 50kA (…1 sec) 50kA (0.1 sec) 50kA
50kA (…1 sec) 50kA (…1 sec) 50kA (…1 sec) 50kA (0.1 sec) 50kA
≥ 2.8 m Not available AFLR AFLR AFL AFL
50kA (…1 sec) 50kA (…1 sec) 50kA (0.1 sec) 25kA (0.5 sec)
≥ 2.5 m Not available Not available Not available AFL AFL
50kA (0.1 sec) 25kA (0.5 sec)
No arc duct but with extra measure ITH-Limitation.
No arc duct.
Contact us for duration recommendation.
Width mm 325
Depth mm 1304
Height mm 2200
Width mm 650
Depth mm 1304
Height mm 2200
Bottom power cable entry version. Top cable power entry version 1304 or 1554mm.
Larger LV compartment with corresponding total panel height 2400 and 2596mm available.
Width mm 325
Depth mm 1304
Height mm 2200
Width mm 650
Depth mm 1304
Height mm 2200
Width mm 975
Depth mm 1340
Height mm 2200
Bottom power cable entry version. Top cable power entry version 1304 or 1554mm.
Larger LV compartment with corresponding total panel height 2400 and 2596mm available.
Maximum back to back capacitor switching 260A.
Power cables
Capacitor bank
Inrush reactor
Width mm 1325
Depth mm 1800
Height mm 2200
Bottom power cable entry version. Top cable power entry version 1840mm.
Larger LV compartment with corresponding total panel height 2400 and 2596mm available.
Width mm 1325
Depth mm 1800
Height mm 2200
Bottom power cable entry version. Top cable power entry version 1840mm.
Larger LV compartment with corresponding total panel height 2400 and 2596mm available.
Width mm 325
Depth mm 1304
Height mm 2200
Bottom power cable entry version. Top cable power entry version 1304 or 1554mm.
Larger LV compartment with corresponding total panel height 2400 and 2596mm available.
Width mm 975
Depth mm 1304
Height mm 2200
Bottom power cable entry version. Top cable power entry version 1304 or 1554mm.
Larger LV compartment with corresponding total panel height 2400 and 2596mm available.
Width mm 650
Depth mm 1304
Height mm 2200
Bottom power cable entry version. Top cable power entry version 1304 or 1554mm.
Larger LV compartment with corresponding total panel height 2400 and 2596mm available.
Plug Brake[1]
Width mm 650
Depth mm 1304
Height mm 2200
DC Injection Brake
Width mm 650
Depth mm 1304
Height mm 2200
Also known as Dynamic or AC Brake.
Bottom power cable entry version. Top cable power entry version 1304 or 1554mm.
Larger LV compartment with corresponding total panel height 2400 and 2596mm available.
Being able to stop safely and precisely is as important as Plug brake applies a heavy reverse braking torque at the
being able to start quickly. Obvious examples include instant of switching over.
conveyors, hoists, cranes, elevators, feed lines and many DC brake applies an adjustable controlled braking torque to
other processes. An electrical brake system is often used as suit the requirements. DC injection braking can be
the main brake during normal operation to decelerate the performed without a frequency converter. The same effect
machine from high to zero speed in order to avoid excessive can be achieved using suitable DC excitation equipment.
wear of the mechanical brake. Mechanical brake takes over
in shutdown and emergency situations.
Width mm 975
Depth mm 1304
Height mm 2200
Bottom power cable entry version. Top cable power entry version 1304 or 1554mm.
Larger LV compartment with corresponding total panel height 2400 and 2596mm available.
Width mm 325
Depth mm 1304
Height mm 2200
Bottom power cable entry version. Contact us for Top cable power entry version.
Larger LV compartment with corresponding total panel height 2400 and 2596mm available.
Width mm 1325
Depth mm 1800
Height mm 2200
Width mm 1975
Depth mm 1800
Height mm 2200
Bottom power cable entry version. Top cable power entry version has the same depth.
Larger LV compartment with corresponding total panel height 2400 and 2596mm available.
Width for short time current 31.5kA version 1650mm. Width for 50kA version 1850mm
Width mm 1325
Depth mm 1554
Height mm 2200
Bottom power cable entry version. Contact us for Top cable power entry version.
Larger LV compartment with corresponding total panel height 2400 and 2596mm available.
Width for short time current 31.5kA version 800mm. Width for 50kA version 1000mm
Contact us for higher current rating.
Constant current
Current ramp
Kick start
Coast to stop
Timed voltage ramp
Pump control stop
Customised acceleration and deceleration profile
Profibus DP
Others, please contact ABB
Width mm 325
Depth mm 1304
Height mm 2200
Bottom power cable entry version. Top cable power entry version 1304 or 1554mm.
Larger LV compartment with corresponding total panel height 2400 and 2596mm available.
Width mm 325
Depth mm 1304
Height mm 2200
Bottom power cable entry version. Top cable power entry version 1304 or 1554mm.
Larger LV compartment with corresponding total panel height 2400 and 2596mm available.
Width mm 650
Depth mm 1304
Height mm 2200
Bottom power cable entry version. Top cable power entry version 1304 or 1554mm.
Larger LV compartment with corresponding total panel height 2400 and 2596mm available.
Today’s projects demand a quick delivery schedule. The ability to energise faster may
mean profit generation of millions of dollars. ZVC-2P and ZVC-3P are designed to
meet these challenges, factory assembled and tested delivered direct to site.
Width mm 325
Depth mm 1304
Height mm 2200
Bottom power cable entry version. Top cable power entry version 1304 or 1554mm.
Larger LV compartment with corresponding total panel height 2400 and 2596mm available.
Width mm 325
Depth mm 1304
Height mm 2200
Width mm 325
Depth mm 1304
Height mm 2200
Larger LV compartment with corresponding total panel height 2400 and 2596mm available.
Width mm 650
Depth mm 1304
Height mm 2200
Larger LV compartment with corresponding total panel height 2400 and 2596mm available.
Width mm 325
Depth mm 1304
Height mm 2200
Width mm 325
Depth mm 1304
Height mm 2200
Bottom power cable entry version. Top cable power entry version 1304 or 1554mm.
Larger LV compartment with corresponding total panel height 2400 and 2596mm available.
Width mm 650
Depth mm 1340
Height mm 2200
Depth 1554 and 1800 available for larger size control power transformer.
Larger LV compartment with corresponding total panel height 2400 and 2596mm available.
Depth 1554 and 1800 available for larger size battery rack.
Larger LV compartment with corresponding total panel height 2400 and 2596mm available.
Width 800 and 1000 available for larger size battery rack.
Project specific rating.
Width mm 325
Depth mm 1304
Height mm 2200
Depth mm 1304
Height mm 2200
Width mm 650
Depth mm 1340
Height mm 2200
Higher rating on request
Larger LV compartment with corresponding total panel height 2400 and 2596mm available.
Higher ratings on request.
Wider panel available with 1125 or 1325mm.
Deeper panel available with 1554 or 1800mm.
Larger LV compartment with corresponding total panel height 2400 and 2596mm available.
1- Controller
2- Infrared sensors
3- Point of contact
4- Busbar or Cable flag
Conditions Symptoms
Uncontrolled The main purpose of a continuous partial discharge
outcomes monitoring system is to alert the end user that they have a
Sharp steel Partial discharge – Flashover. pending problem and to provide some historical data to
edges. Poor Immediate Protection trip. assist in the diagnosis. Beyond that, the manufacturer
should be employed to perform additional fault finding
Air gaps in cast Partial discharge – Nuisance
resin moulding Slow built up. tripping. Fire. testing.
and sleeving. Accelerate aging.
Poor quality
parts and Continuous Partial Discharge
inspection Controller
process. Partial discharge sensors are
Cracks in Partial discharge – Flashover. connected to the controller in
moulding. Immediate if damage. Explosion.
order to continuously monitor
Mishandling Delay symptoms if
and operator hairline crack exist. the discharge levels. The
errors. controller have electronic noise
Dust and Partial discharge – Burning of coils. discrimination, Modbus ®
moisture Slow built up. Nuisance communication and 4 contact outputs for alarms, and be
tripping. connected to station computer for trend display, record
Flashover and diagnosis.
UniGear platform circuit breaker panels can be coupled Three types of withdrawable cassette circuit breaker can be
directly with UniGear ZVC switchgear system without the fitted in UniGear ZS1 switchgear panel.
need of bus transition chamber, and with the facility for future
extension on both ends of the switchboard.
One type of withdrawable cassette circuit breaker can be fitted in UniGear 550 switchgear panel.
One type of fixed cassette circuit breaker can be fitted in UniGear 500R switchgear panel.
UniGear platform drawout fault current limiter panels can be Fault Current Limiter Type Is-Limiter
coupled directly with UniGear ZVC and ZS1 switchgears Rated Current A ...4000
without the need of bus transition chamber, and with the Rated Frequency Hz 50-60
facility for future extension on both ends of the switchboard. Rated Voltage kV …17.5
Power Frequency Withstand – 1 min kV …38
Lightning Impulse Withstand kVpk …95
Interrupting current kARMS …210
Motor Truck racking (Remote HV Not
isolation) available
Operating Conditions
Temperature Environment
deg Celsius Standard 25 a
Lightning 30 b
High Altitude 35 c
Seismic and Vibration 40 d
Seismic, Vibration and Lightning 45 e
Seismic, Vibration, Lightning and High Altitude 50 f
Indoor Ind
Outdoor (IP54). Plinth base Oa
Outdoor (IP54). Padmount base Ob
Outdoor (IP54). Skid base Oc
Outdoor (IP54). Plinth base. Walk in facility. OWa
Outdoor (IP54). Padmount base. Walk in facility. OWb
Outdoor (IP54). Skid base. Walk in facility. OWc
Motor Starter DOL
Power Factor Correction PFC
Reactor Starter REA
Resistor Starter RES
Slip Ring Induction (Secondary Resistor) Starter SRI
Star Delta Starter SD
Forward Reverse Starter RS
Plug Brake BP
DC Injection Brake BDC
Two Speed Starter 2S
Double (Conveyor) Feeder DF
Auto-Transformer Starter AT
Auto-Transformer Starter with Power Factor Correction ATC
Soft Starter SS
Multi-Motor Starter for Drives and Soft Starter (2 motors) MMS2
Multi-Motor Starter for Drives and Soft Starter (4 motors) MMS4
Soft Starter with Power Factor Correction SSC
Transformer Feeder TX
Capacitor Feeder CAP
Preassembled (2 panels) 2P
Preassembled (3 panels) 3P
Cable to Bus CTB
Metering (Fixed) MF
Metering (Withdrawable) MW
Fixed Contactor F
Railway Heating R1
Railway Traction R2
AC Power ACP
DC Power DCP
Arc Terminator ArcTs
Load Ratings
Us (kV) FLC (A) STC (kA) 2 50 31
4 150 50
where - 7 400
Us : Rated Voltage 12 630
FLC : Full Load Current 17 800
STC : Short Time Current (3sec) 1250
Additional Arc Flash Mitigation (for operator)
None n
Arc Duct a
Arc Duct and Remote motorised HV Isolation b
Remote motorised HV Isolation c
Additional Arc Flash Protection (for equipment)
None n
Arc Detection (Pressure) a
Arc Detection (Current). Also known as Bus Zone Protection (87B). b
Arc Detection (Light). Must be selected when using Arc Terminator System. c
Intelligent MCC and Switchgear
None n n n n n n
Intelligent with integrated IED a
Intelligent with integrated IED and OneFuse b
Intelligent with integrated IED, OneFuse and Condition Monitoring c
Intelligent with integrated IED, OneFuse, Condition Monitoring and Motor voltage dip ride through d
Intelligent with integrated IED, OneFuse, Condition Monitoring, Motor voltage dip ride through and Motor auto restart e
Work Station
None n
Engineering a
Operator b
Communication to high level control system (first and second serial port)
None None n n
Modbus® Modbus® a a
DNP3 DNP3 b b
Ethernet Ethernet c c
Profibus DP Profibus DP d d
DeviceNet™ DeviceNet™ e e
IEC 61850 IEC 61850 f f
Wireless LAN
None n
WaveGuide (first serial port) f a
WaveGuide (second serial port) f b
WaveGuide (first and second serial port) f f c
Predictive Maintenance
None n
Temperature Monitoring a
Partial Discharge b
High impedance differential 87M
The majority of switchgear arc faults involve single phase to Bus Zone Protection
earth and inter-phase flashover. In fact, a large proportion of Intelligent Electronic Devices RE_615 series relay supports
arc faults result from external influences rather than the IEC 61850 standard including horizontal GOOSE
failure of a switchgear component. The risk of an arc fault communication (Generic Object Oriented Substation Event).
occurring on modern metal-clad category LSC2A switchgear The peer to peer communication using GOOSE over a
is very small, but can not be ignored. Switchgear protection substation-wide switched Ethernet LAN enables high speed
is about limiting the effects of internal arc damage to allow current interlocking-based bus zone protection scheme. Total
rapid re-energising with minimal component replacement. A fault clear time ~ 60ms.
number of prevention, limitation, detection and extinction
protective schemes have been devised for this purpose. Interlocking schemes are a simple, clear and cost-effective
way of implementing bus zone protection in substations.
Arc duration Damage to switchgear
< 35 ms Almost negligible. Check to reuse.
< 100 ms Small. Repair possible
> 500 ms Severe. Replacement necessary.
Insulated Busbar
Minimise risk of arc fault occurring in the first place. All
busbars are insulated with fire resistant sleeves or epoxy
resin to provide protection against internal flashover.
Protection current transformers are specified in terms of Metering current transformers are specified in terms of
composite error, classification, accuracy limit factor and composite error, classification, accuracy limit factor and
rated burden, for example, for lowest ratio 50/1A Class rated burden, for example, Class 3, 3.0VA where:
10P10, 0.75VA where:
Class 3 accuracy class, i.e. the highest permissible
Class 10 composite error selected appropriate to the percentage error at rated current, selected
application from preferred standard values appropriate to the application from preferred
nominated by the standard standard values nominated by the standard
P classification, i.e. protection 3.0VA rated value of external burden appropriate to the
10 accuracy limit factor selected appropriate to the application connected to the CT terminals.
application from preferred standard values
nominated by the standard Traditional practice uses an analogue ammeter to provide
0.75VA rated value of external burden appropriate to visual indication that starting current is initiated when the
the application connected to the CT terminals. motor is switched “on” and then decays to a normal load
current. The meter is not used for reading or recording
A motor starter is a terminal feeder. The common wisdom is true values of phase current rather it is used as an
that extreme accuracy is not essential for motor protection indicator of “normal” condition. Class 3 that is 3%
and indication functions so a 10% composite error is accuracy, of the CT is widely accepted to satisfy the
normally specified to be consistent with economical design needs of current indication.
and adequate performance. This selection also provides for
a 3% current error at rated current making it suitable for load An industrial grade ammeter usually has a burden of
indicating purposes. approximately 1.0VA. The recommended rated burden of
3.0VA metering offers adequate design margin for
The CT is not required to operate a short circuit protection variations in the connected burden beyond the theoretical
device. The high voltage fuse is selected to interrupt fault values of loop resistance and meter burden.
currents exceeding the stall current and contactor breaking
capacity. Motor overload and stall currents have values in a An increasing trend in modern control philosophy is to
range up to a nominal 7 x full load current so an accuracy delete the analogue ammeter and interrogate the
limit factor of 10 provides a generous range of performance. microprocessor to read phase current values and starting
current values. This practice fully utilizes the features
provided by most modern protection relays and eliminates
the need for a dedicated metering current transformer.
Cut-Off Current
The cut-off current for two or more parallel fuses is
determined by the following method:
• The short circuit prospective rms current IF is divided by
number of single fuses in parallel N, giving IF/N.
• For this value of IF/N, the cut-off current peak for the
single fuse is found from the published cut-off current
• This value of cut-off current peak is multiplied by the
number of single fuses in parallel N, giving the cut-off
current peak for the parallel fuses.
The foregoing information is based on known principles
applicable to the paralleling of fuses, and the examples
given are relevant to common HRC fuses. A unique
computer prediction programme is used for specific
applications requiring more infinite analysis of single or
parallel fuse performance.
Switching of load currents requires a low operational energy • A fault in equipment (motor or transformer terminal box)
and contact materials that limit switching overvoltages results in limited damage due to energy limitation of F-C
(current chopping) and provide an extended lifetime.
Specific Energy Main
These two requirements conflict. The design is therefore a Restoration Time
compromise. F-C < 1.8x106 A2 Secs ~ 5 hrs
6 2
VCB <200x10 A Secs replacement
Fused Contactors
The HRC fuse limits fault currents during making and
breaking (< 30kA pk). The fuse design is optimised for “peak Limitation of fault energy means less damage t the
current” and “energy let through” limitation. surrounding environment in the event of a fault in
switchgear, cable, or equipment. Damage to personnel,
The contactor switches load currents. The contactor design associated plant and the process is limited.
is optimised to reduce switching overvoltages and extend
4.2 Advantages due to Switching:
There is no conflict in design. The two components, fuse and
contactor, handle the full range of duties working as a team. • Low switching overvoltages mean surge protection is
not required (motors down to 100kW). MTBF is
significantly improved as surge arresters are eliminated.
• Long mechanical and electrical life means little
F-C VCB maintenance is required and MTBF increased.
Peak fault current (250A fuse) < 30kA pk < 125kA pk
6 6
Energy Let Through (100 mSec < 1.8x10 < 200x10
2 2
fault) A Secs A Secs
Electrical life (operations) 100,000 20,000
Mechanical life 1,000,000 20,000
Switch Overvoltage (200kW Motor) < 2.0 p.u. 3.0 p.u
The lifetime of appropriately selected VCB’s and F-Cs has • Daya Bay Nuclear Power Plant
been established as 40 years. • Qinshan II Nuclear Power Plant
• Yangjiang Nuclear Power Plant
Appropriate selection is of vital importance. Reduced • Fuqing Nuclear Power Plant
operating temperature equates to long life. • Fangjiashan Nuclear Power Plant
No. of operations
…30,000 …30,000 …1,000,000 …1,000,000 …1,000,000
Motor spring Magnetic Magnetic Magnetic
Operating mechanism spring, coils
charge, coils actuator actuator actuator
No. of operations
…10,000 …100,000 …100,000 …100,000 …100,000
Auxiliary power External supply External supply External supply Self Powered Self Powered
We reserve the right to make technical changes or modify the contents of this
document without prior notice. With regard to purchase orders, the agreed
particulars shall prevail. ABB does not accept any responsibility whatsoever for
potential errors or possible lack of information in this document. We reserve all
rights in this document and in the subject matter and illustrations contained therein.
Any reproduction–in whole or in parts–is forbidden without ABB’s prior written