Computational Geotechnics: Selection and Mode of Payment About GIAN Courses
Computational Geotechnics: Selection and Mode of Payment About GIAN Courses
Computational Geotechnics: Selection and Mode of Payment About GIAN Courses
Selected candidates will be intimated through Email. They have MHRD, Govt. of India has launched an innovative program
to remit the necessary course fee to the Bank as per the details titled „Global Initiative of Academic Networks‟ (GIAN) in
given below. Outstation participants requiring accommodation Higher Education, in order to garner the best international
and boarding facilities have to pay Rs.4000 in addition to the experience. As a part of this, internationally renowned
course fee. Academicians and Scientists are invited to augment the
Account Name GIAN NITW country‟s academic resources, accelerate the pace of quality
Account Number 62447453600 reforms and elevate India‟s scientific and technological
Bank State Bank of India capacity to global excellence.
Branch NIT Branch (NIT Campus) Two Week GIAN Course On
Branch Code 20149
About the Institute and Warangal
506004011 National Institute of Technology, Warangal (NITW) (formerly
known as RECW) is, the first among 31 NITs, established in geotechnics
1959. Over the years, the Institute has established itself as a
*Candidates registering early will be given preference in
premier Institution in imparting technical education of a very
short listing process. 25th June - 6th July 2018
high standard, leading to B.Tech ,M.Sc, MCA, MBA, M.Tech
For any queries regarding registration of the course, please
and Ph.D. programmes in various specializations of Science,
contact the Coordinators: Call for Registration and Participation
Management and Engineering streams. Warangal is known for
Course Coordinators its rich historical and cultural heritage. It is situated at a
International Faculty
distance of 140 km from Hyderabad. Warangal is well
Dr. G. Kalyan Kumar
Prof. Fethi Azizi
connected by rail and road. National Institute of Technology,
Assistant Professor
Warangal campus is 3 km away from Kazipet railway station
Department of Civil Engineering
National Institute of Technology Warangal and 12 km away from Warangal railway station
School of Engineering,
Warangal – 506 004,
Telangana State, About the Civil Engineering Department University of Plymouth, London (UK)
India Phone: 8332969265
E-mail: The Department of Civil Engineering offers B.Tech Coordinators
programme in Civil Engineering, 7 M.Tech programmes
Dr. Rakesh J. Pillai
Assistant Professor
including Geotechnical Engineering and PhD programme. The Dr. G. Kalyan Kumar
Department of Civil Engineering
Department is a recognized QIP centre since 1978. The
National Institute of Technology Warangal Department has well established and well equipped Dr. Rakesh J. Pillai
Warangal – 506 004, laboratories. The Department has experienced faculty engaged
Telangana State, Dr. M. Heeralal
in teaching, research, capacity building activities and industry
India Phone: 8332969264
extension services. Faculty members represent several policy
making and professional bodies. The Department has liaison Organized by
Dr. M. Heeralal
with reputed industries and R&D organizations.
Associate Professor Geotechnical Engineering Division
Department of Civil Engineering
Geotechnical Engineering program was introduced in the year
National Institute of Technology Warangal
1964. Geotechnical Engineering Division is one of the four
Department of Civil Engineering
Warangal – 506 004,
Telangana State, divisions in the Department of Civil Engineering and presently National Institute of Technology Warangal
India Phone: 8332969251 offers M.Tech and PhD programmes. The division has well
E-mail: qualified, motivated and experienced faculty members. Telangana - 506004
Overview Course details Who can participate?
FD formulation and modelling i) Field engineer or research scientist working in the fields of
Computational Geotechnics is one of the topics which is at the
hydrology, water resources management, water pollution
forefront of teaching and research within the broader area of FD modelling of piles subjected to active lateral loading
and climate change impact.
geotechnical engineering. The complex material behaviour and Design of combined foundations ii) Student or faculty from academic institution interested in
uncertainties involved in the ground conditions pose a great Number of participants for the course will be limited to fifty. learning how to work/carrying out research in qualitative
challenge in modelling and simulation of wide verities of and quantitative assessment of the water resources
problems in geotechnical engineering. Numerical techniques like International Expert:
How to Register?
finite difference method and finite element method are widely
adopted in computational geotechnics. Many commercial and Stage -1:
open source softwares based on these numerical techniques are
Web (Portal) Register: Visit GIAN Website at the link:
available for the practicing engineers and students for analyzing and create login
Prof. Fethi Azizi (FA) is a Professor in
geotechnical problems. Even though these softwares are very Geomechanics, School of Engineering, University of User ID and Password. Fill up the blank registration form and
useful and time saving they pose the danger of “Garbage In … Plymouth. His research interests are Finite Element Modelling do web registration by paying Rs 500/- online through Net
Garbage Out” if we use them without the background knowledge. of the Creep Behaviour of Glaciers and Frozen Soils, Banking / Debit / Credit card. This provides him/her with life
Basic knowledge about these numerical techniques and proper Environmental Impact of the Legacy of Metal Mining in the time registration to enrol in any number of the GIAN courses
usage and know-how of these softwares are highly desirable for Tamar Valley, South West of England offered.
all the practitioners and very essential for post graduate level
Institute Expert: Stage -2:
students and researchers.
Course Registration (Through GAIN Portal): Log in to the
GIAN portal with the user ID and password created. Click on
In this course on “Computational Geotechnics” the basics of „Course Registration‟ option given at the top of the registration
finite difference formulation and modelling will be taught in form. Select the course titled "Computational Geomechanics”
detail. Iterative procedures and coding in MATLAB will be . Dr. Kalyan Kumar is an Assistant Professor of from the list and click on „Save‟ option. Confirm your
discussed along with the convergence criteria and error Civil Engineering at NIT, Warangal. His research interests are registration by Clicking on „Confirm Course‟.
minimization so that the participants will have a hands-on Soil Dynamics, Seismic hazard, Seismic Microzonation,
Registration Fees:
experience on modelling using the finite difference method Disaster Management and Subsurface Investigation.
Faculty and scientists Rs. 7000
(FDM). Different applications in geotechnical engineering like
seepage problems, consolidation, Winkler model, beam on elastic Participants from industry/ Training Rs. 15000
organizations/ consultancy firms
foundation, laterally loaded piles etc. will be solved using the
FDM and deliberated during the course. Students and research scholars
Dr. Rakesh J. Pillai, is an Assistant Professor of Without award of grade Rs. 3000
The international expert for this GIAN course is Dr. Fethi Azizi Civil Engineering at NIT, Warangal. His research interests are With award of grade Rs. 4000
from university of Plymouth. Dr. Azizi has more than 35 years of Soft clay engineering, Cyclic behavior of clays, Constitutive Student participants from abroad USD 100
experience in the area of Geomechanics as practitioner, modelling and Tunneling. Other participants from abroad USD 200
consultant, researcher and teacher. He has authored 7 books in the
area of geotechnics and geomechanics and published several The registration fee includes instructional materials, tutorials,
articles in reputed journals and conference proceedings. Dr. Azizi laboratory and computer use, free internet facility, working
lunch, mid sessions tea and snacks. Outstation participants will
will be sharing his vast knowledge gained during his successful
Dr. M. Heeralal is an Associate Professor of Civil be provided accommodation and boarding in visitors
career during the course lectures and discussion.
Engineering at NIT, Warangal. His research interests are Block/Hostel in the campus on payment.