Compressibility Behaviour of Preloaded Highly Plastic Clays
Compressibility Behaviour of Preloaded Highly Plastic Clays
Compressibility Behaviour of Preloaded Highly Plastic Clays
Volume 164 Issue GI2 Ground Improvement 164 May 2011 Issue GI2
Pages 65–72 doi: 10.1680/grim.900022
Compressibility behaviour of preloaded Paper 900022
highly plastic clays Received 26/06/2009 Accepted 15/01/2010
Published online 06/01/2011
Bindu and Vinod Keywords: materials technology/strength and testing of materials
Compressibility behaviour of
preloaded highly plastic clays
1 J. Bindu MTech j
2 P. Vinod PhD
Senior Lecturer in Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, Assistant Professor in Civil Engineering, College of Engineering,
Trivandrum, India Trivandrum, India
1 j
Preloading is a proven technique for improving the shear strength and reducing the compressibility of clays. This
paper presents the results of laboratory oedometer tests, undertaken to explore in detail the changes in
compressibility characteristics of a remoulded, highly plastic organic marine clay upon preloading. The test results
indicate that the application of preload pressure as small as one-sixteenth of the footing pressure would cause a
reduction in post-construction settlement by about 40%. Using the findings of the present study, a mathematical
model was developed to predict the magnitude of preload pressure to be applied to achieve a specific reduction in
consolidation settlement such that the residual settlement would be within acceptable performance limits.
Experimental results also suggest that the relationship between the deformation (expressed as a percentage of soil
thickness) and the applied pressure for preloaded highly plastic clays could be treated as a rectangular hyperbola
and hence the behaviour could be characterised by a two-parameter model that was dependent on the magnitude of
the preload pressure. Expressions were also developed for the satisfactory prediction of these parameters to calculate
the post-construction settlements.
Ground Improvement Compressibility behaviour of preloaded
Volume 164 Issue GI2 highly plastic clays
Bindu and Vinod
construction progresses, and thus permitting any significant top. Both the porous stones used were in damped condition to
variation to be immediately accounted for before the construction avoid absorption of water from the sample. Filter papers were
is too advanced. Sridharan and Gurtug (2005) have developed a positioned on the top and bottom of the soil specimen to prevent
two-parameter model to characterise the compressibility behav- finer particles from being forced into the pores of the porous
iour of remoulded clays which has resulted in a more accurate stones. The consolidation cell was mounted and positioned on a
prediction of settlement of foundations. The validity of the above loading frame and a vertical deformation dial gauge capable of
method to predict the settlement of preloaded highly plastic clays reading to an accuracy of at least 0.01% of specimen height was
was also explored. properly fixed in position. The cell was inundated with distilled
water and a seating pressure of 6.25 kPa was applied. After
2. Materials and methods reaching equilibrium, conventional oedometer tests were per-
Ten soils from Kuttanad region in the State of Kerala, India were formed on all the ten soil samples up to a maximum pressure of
chosen for the present investigation. The typical soil of this 400 kPa. The possibility of the maximum in situ effective vertical
region is soft black or grey marine clay with very high natural pressure due to the overburden and any proposed construction
water content values. The subsoil essentially consists of mon- being greater than 400 kPa does not practically exist for this
tmorillonite organic complex (Moum et al., 1973) and has posed highly plastic Kuttanad soil. Dial gauge readings were taken and
an array of problems to geotechnical engineers due to its high graphs of void ratio were plotted against logarithm of effective
compressibility and low shear strength. The suitability of the pressure to obtain the compression index (Cc ).
preloading technique in reducing the compressibility of Kuttanad
clays was investigated through oedometer tests in the present Consolidation tests as discussed above were performed on
study. samples of preloaded clays as well in order to investigate the
changes in compressibility characteristics brought about by
All the soils were tested for their Atterberg limits as per ASTM preloading. Preloading was simulated in the laboratory by means
D 4318-00 (ASTM, 2000a) and grain size distribution character- of consolidation apparatus. Four identical samples of each of the
istics according to ASTM D 1140-00 (ASTM, 2000b) (Table 1). ten soils were subjected to preload pressures of magnitude 25, 50,
100 and 200 kPa. Preload pressures were applied in stages with
In order to study the compressibility behaviour, conventional the load increment ratio kept equal to 1. Soil specimens in the
odeometer tests were carried out on remoulded clay samples. The oedometer ring were allowed to consolidate under applied preload
samples were tested in standard fixed-ring consolidometers using pressures and the dial gauge readings were observed until the
brass rings which were 60 mm diameter and 20 mm high. The difference between consecutive readings became less than
inside of the rings was lubricated with silicone grease to 0.002 mm/h. Preload was then carefully removed from the load
minimise side friction between the ring and the soil specimen. frame without disturbing the specimen in the ring. Samples were
The soil specimens were hand remoulded in the consolidation kept as such until the difference between consecutive dial gauge
ring at their respective natural water contents. Extreme care was readings became less than 0.002 mm/h to allow the samples to
taken to prevent any air entrapment in the sample. The ring and swell back upon removal of preload. This was followed by routine
the specimen were placed centrally on the bottom porous stone consolidation tests to obtain an in-depth understanding of the
and upper porous stone, and then the loading cap was placed on compressibility characteristics of preloaded clays. Settlement
Soil designation Natural water Specific gravity, Liquid limit, Plastic limit, Shrinkage limit, Clay size: Compression
content, wn : % G wL : % wP : % wS : % % index, Cc
Ground Improvement Compressibility behaviour of preloaded
Volume 164 Issue GI2 highly plastic clays
Bindu and Vinod
under each of the applied pressures was noted for all the horizontal, indicating the non-swelling behaviour of these highly
preloaded samples. The percentage reduction in settlement of the plastic clays.
preloaded samples, which is obviously a function of the soil type,
the preload pressure and the applied pressure, was also computed. To analyse the changes in compressibility due to preloading,
conventional e–log p curves were also plotted for identical
samples subjected to different preload pressures ( pc ). Typical
3. Results and discussion curves are shown in Figure 2. It can be seen that preloading
Figure 1(a) and (b) present the void ratio plotted against the reduced the initial void ratio to a considerable extent and greater
effective pressure (e–log p) for the ten soils tested. It can be seen reduction in compressibility was achieved at higher preload
that the e–log p curves for the remoulded samples tested are pressures. These curves clearly highlight the effectiveness of the
approximately straight lines, particularly at higher effective preloading technique in reducing post-construction settlement.
pressures and hence the compression index can be taken, for all
practical purposes, as a constant. The compression indices of the
3.1. Prediction of preload pressure for specified
tested samples are presented in Table 1. The extremely high
reduction in settlement
values of compression index in comparison with the values
In order to compare the settlement of specimens (for any given
reported in the literature (e.g. Burland, 1990; Nagaraj et al.,
value of applied pressure) subjected to various preload pressures,
1994) are noteworthy. The data on compression index values
the results of one-dimensional consolidation tests (e.g. Figure 2)
reported in the literature for remoulded fine-grained soil lie in the
were replotted with ˜H/Hi (˜H is the total deformation under
range 0.120 to 0.910. Six out of the ten highly plastic samples
effective pressure, p and Hi is the initial thickness of the sample)
tested in the present study were found to have compression index
on the y axis and effective pressures on the x axis. Figure 3 shows
values greater than the highest value reported in the literature.
the characteristic curves for the soil S5. The effectiveness of the
The preloading technique is of great importance for such a highly
preloading technique in reducing the compressibility of highly
plastic soil. The reloading portion of most of the curves is almost
plastic clays can be better understood from this figure. The
4·0 change in thickness of the preloaded sample was found to be
3·6 insignificant for applied pressures of magnitude less than or equal
3·2 to the preload pressure. For instance, for the sample preloaded to
2·8 100 kPa, the change in thickness for applied pressures up to about
Void ratio, e
2·4 100 kPa was insignificant as could be observed from the figure.
2·0 Furthermore, the numerical value of the initial thickness Hi used
1·6 S1 for the computation of ˜H/Hi %, presented in Figure 3 is
1·2 S2 obviously not the same for the samples subjected to different
0·8 S3 preload pressures. In particular, the initial thickness shows a
S4 significant decrease for the preload pressure of magnitude
S5 200 kPa. All these observations possibly lead to the inclination of
1 10 100 1000 the curve being different during the first loading steps.
Pressure, p: kPa
3·4 Soil designation: S5
Void ratio, e
2·6 pc ⫽ 25 kPa
pc ⫽ 50 kPa
2·2 S6 1·8 pc ⫽ 100 kPa
S7 pc ⫽ 200 kPa
1·4 S9
1 10 100 1000 1·0
Pressure, p: kPa 10 100 1000
(b) Pressure, p: kPa
Figure 1. Void ratio plotted against logarithm of effective Figure 2. Void ratio plotted against logarithm of effective
pressure for highly plastic clays: (a) S 1 to S 5; (b) S 6 to S 10 pressure before and after preloading
Ground Improvement Compressibility behaviour of preloaded
Volume 164 Issue GI2 highly plastic clays
Bindu and Vinod
Soil designation: S5 ratio of predicted to observed values of percentage reduction in
50 settlement were also estimated and were 1.006 and 0.052, respec-
∆H/Hi: %
Ground Improvement Compressibility behaviour of preloaded
Volume 164 Issue GI2 highly plastic clays
Bindu and Vinod
Ground Improvement Compressibility behaviour of preloaded
Volume 164 Issue GI2 highly plastic clays
Bindu and Vinod
presented have scale effects and, hence, can be considered to be
Percentage reduction in settlement
% reduction in settlement ¼
0:05r 3 þ 1:51r 2 14:46r þ 101:82
Percentage reduction in settement
S1 ⫾20%
100 S2
80 S4 where r is the ratio of applied pressure to preload pressure. The
5. Recommendations
The following simple procedure may be adopted for applying the
1600 y ⫽ 1·501x ⫹ 868·1 findings of the present study to practical problems. Normally
Soil designation: S5
R2 ⫽ 1 consolidated highly plastic soil may undergo large settlements
pc ⫽ 0 kPa y ⫽ 1·769x ⫹ 522·1 under structural loadings which can be computed based on
1200 pc ⫽ 25 kPa R 2 ⫽ 0·997 thickness of compressible layer, compression index of soil and
p/(∆H/Hi): kPa/%
1000 pc ⫽ 50 kPa y ⫽ 1·885x ⫹ 330·1 the loading intensity (applied pressure). Depending on the per-
pc ⫽ 100 kPa R 2 ⫽ 0·997 centage of settlement to be achieved prior to actual construction,
the magnitude of preload pressure to be applied can be obtained
600 from Equation 1. Alternatively, the compressibility behaviour of
400 y ⫽ 1·856x ⫹ 43·44 the highly plastic clay, for a given value of preload pressure, can
R 2 ⫽ 0·991 be characterised by the two parameters a and b using Equations 3
and 4. Now, settlement under the structural loading can be
0 computed from Equation 2.
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
Applied pressure, p: kPa
The method of prediction of settlement described herein may
Figure 6. p/(˜H/Hi ) plotted against applied pressure for highly have shortcomings in predicting the actual field settlements due
plastic clays to the fact that the experimental samples are relatively small and
they are more homogeneous. The properties of Kuttanad clays are
Ground Improvement Compressibility behaviour of preloaded
Volume 164 Issue GI2 highly plastic clays
Bindu and Vinod
Soil Preload Compressibility parameters methods of prediction, the findings of the present study are
designation pressure, expected to be of great help in planning the preloading
pc : kPa a: kPa b programme.
Ground Improvement Compressibility behaviour of preloaded
Volume 164 Issue GI2 highly plastic clays
Bindu and Vinod
montmorillonite-organic complex from Allepey, Kerala State, Limited, New Delhi, India.
India. Clays and Clay Minerals 21(2): 89–95. Sridharan A and Gurtug Y (2005) Compressibility characteristics
Nagaraj TS, Srinivasa Murthy BR and Vatsala A (1994) Analysis of soils. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering 23(5):
and Prediction of Soil Behaviour. New Age International 615–634.
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