Subject: Mathematics
Subject: Mathematics
Subject: Mathematics
Subject: Mathematics
Mathematics ESPA
Emerging Scholars: Problem Solving Exploration (204095)
Dusty Grundmeier
2018 Fall (2 Credits) Schedule: TR 0900 AM - 1015 AM
Instructor Permissions: Instructor Enrollment Cap: n/a
In his seminal work from 1945, How to Solve It, George Polya introduced principles of mathematical problem solving
that are widely applicable to problems in science and engineering. This year-long class focuses on building a
powerful and portable problem-solving and modeling tool kit while bridging the divide between mathematics and
science courses. The second semester will be organized around projects in areas of student interest. Both Math
ESPA and Math ESPB must be taken in the same academic year to receive credit.
Mathematics ESPB
Emerging Scholars: Problem Solving Exploration (204096)
Dusty Grundmeier
2019 Spring (2 Credits) Schedule: TR 0900 AM - 1015 AM
Instructor Permissions: Instructor Enrollment Cap: n/a
In his seminal work from 1945, How to Solve It, George Polya introduced principles of mathematical problem solving
that are widely applicable to problems in science and engineering. This year-long class focuses on building a
powerful and portable problem-solving and modeling tool kit while bridging the divide between mathematics and
science courses. The second semester will be organized around projects in areas of student interest. Both Math
ESPA and Math ESPB must be taken in the same academic year to receive credit.
Mathematics MA
Introduction to Functions and Calculus I (111161)
Course Notes: This is a lecture course taught in small sections. In addition, participation in
two one-hour workshops is required each week. This course, when taken
together with Mathematics Mb, can be followed by Mathematics 1b.
Mathamatics Ma and Mb together cover all the material in Mathematics 1a
(and more).
Class Notes:
Required first meeting in Fall: Tuesday, September 4, 8:15 am, Science
Center C
Fall Section Times: MWF 9:00, MWF 10:30, MWF 12, MWF 1:30, MWF 3
with sufficient enrollment.
Brendan Kelly, Rosalie Belanger-Rioux, Matthew Demers, David Freund, Jill
Guerra, Caroline Junkins, Katherine Penner, Hakim Walker, and members
of the Department.
Mathematics MB
Introduction to Functions and Calculus II (113464)
Brendan Kelly
2019 Spring (4 Credits) Schedule: TBD
Instructor Permissions: None Enrollment Cap: n/a
Continued investigation of functions and differential calculus through modeling; an introduction to integration with
applications; an introduction to differential equations. Solid preparation for Mathematics 1b.
Course Notes: This is a lecture course taught in small sections. In addition, participation in
two one-hour workshops is required each week. This course, when taken
together with Mathematics Ma, can be followed by Mathematics 1b.
Mathematics Ma and Mathematics Mb together cover all the material in
Mathematics 1a (and more).
Class Notes: Required first meeting in Spring: Monday January 28, 8:15 am, Science
Center A
Mathematics 1A
Introduction to Calculus (123680)
Jill Guerra
2019 Spring (4 Credits) Schedule: MWF 1030 AM - 1145 AM
Instructor Permissions: None Enrollment Cap: n/a
The development of calculus by Newton and Leibniz ranks among the greatest achievements of the past
millennium. This course will help you see why by introducing: how differential calculus treats rates of change; how
integral calculus treats accumulation; and how the fundamental theorem of calculus links the two. These ideas will
be applied to problems from many other disciplines.
Course Notes: In the fall, Math 1a is taught in sections of 20-30 students. In the spring,
Math 1a is taught in a larger lecture format. Participation in a weekly 90-
minute workshop is required.Mathematics Ma and Mb together cover all of
the material in Mathematics 1a (and more).
Class Notes: Spring section time: M.W.F. at 10:30 and weekly lab section to be arranged.
Jill Guerra
Mathematics 1A
Introduction to Calculus (123680)
Emily Braley
Course Notes: In the fall, Math 1a is taught in sections of 20-30 students. In the spring,
Math 1a is taught in a larger lecture format. Participation in a weekly 90-
minute workshop is required.Mathematics Ma and Mb together cover all of
the material in Mathematics 1a (and more).
Class Notes: Required first meeting in Fall: Tuesday, September 4, 7:45 am, Science
Center C
Fall Section Times: MWF 9:00, MWF 10:30, MWF 12:00, MWF 1:30, and
MWF 3:00 with sufficient enrollment.
Emily Braley, David Freund, Jill Guerra, Caroline Junkins, and members of
the Department.
Mathematics 1B
Calculus, Series, and Differential Equations (111010)
Dusty Grundmeier
2019 Spring (4 Credits) Schedule: TBD
Instructor Permissions: None Enrollment Cap: n/a
Speaking the language of modern mathematics requires fluency with the topics of this course: infinite series,
integration, and differential equations. Model practical situations using integrals and differential equations. Learn
how to represent interesting functions using series and find qualitative, numerical, and analytic ways of studying
differential equations. Develop both conceptual understanding and the ability to apply it.
Class Notes: Required first meeting in Spring: Monday, January 28, 8:15 am, Science
Center D
Spring Section Times: MWF 9:00, MWF 10:30, MWF 12:00, MWF 1:30, and
MWF 3:00 with sufficient enrollment.
Dusty Grundmeier, David Freund, Caroline Junkins, Hakim Walker, and
members of the Department.
Mathematics 1B
Calculus, Series, and Differential Equations (111010)
John Cain
2018 Fall (4 Credits) Schedule: TBD
Instructor Permissions: None Enrollment Cap: n/a
Speaking the language of modern mathematics requires fluency with the topics of this course: infinite series,
integration, and differential equations. Model practical situations using integrals and differential equations. Learn
how to represent interesting functions using series and find qualitative, numerical, and analytic ways of studying
differential equations. Develop both conceptual understanding and the ability to apply it.
Class Notes: Required first meeting in Fall: Tuesday, September 4, 8:15 am, Science
Center B
Fall Section Times: MWF 9:00, MWF 10:30, MWF 12:00, MWF 1:30, and
MWF 3:00 with sufficient enrollment
John Cain, Marius Lemm, Stepan Paul, Hakim Walker, Drew Zemke, and
members of the Department
Mathematics 18
Multivariable Calculus for Social Sciences (125396)
Yu-Wen Hsu
2018 Fall (4 Credits) Schedule: MWF 0130 PM - 0245 PM
Instructor Permissions: None Enrollment Cap: n/a
Course Notes: Mathematics 21b can be taken before or after Mathematics 18. Examples
draw primarily from economics and the social sciences, though Mathematics
18 may be useful to students in certain natural sciences. Students whose
main interests lie in the physical sciences, mathematics, or engineering
should consider Math or Applied Math 21a.
Mathematics 19A
Modeling and Differential Equations for the Life Sciences (110596)
John Cain
2018 Fall (4 Credits) Schedule: MWF 1030 AM - 1145 AM
Instructor Permissions: None Enrollment Cap: n/a
Considers the construction and analysis of mathematical models that arise in the life sciences, ecology and
environmental life science. Introduces mathematics that include multivariable calculus, differential equations in one
or more variables, vectors, matrices, and linear and non-linear dynamical systems. Taught via examples from
current literature (both good and bad).
Course Notes: This course is recommended over Math 21a for those planning to
concentrate in the life sciences and ESPP. Can be taken with or without
Mathematics 21a,b. Students with interests in the social sciences and
economics might consider Mathematics 18. This course can be taken before
or after Mathematics 18.
Recommended Prep: A course in one variable calculus preferably at the level of Mathematics 1b.
Course Notes: This course is recommended over Math 21b for those planning to
concentrate in the life sciences and ESPP. Can be taken with Mathematics
21a. Students who have seen some multivariable calculus can take Math
19b before Math 19a.
Recommended Prep: A course in one variable calculus preferably at the level of Mathematics 1b.
Mathematics 21A
Multivariable Calculus (119196)
Stepan Paul
2019 Spring (4 Credits) Schedule: TBD
Instructor Permissions: None Enrollment Cap: n/a
To see how calculus applies in practical situations described by more than one variable, we study: Vectors, lines,
planes, parameterization of curves and surfaces, partial derivatives, directional derivatives and the gradient,
optimization and critical point analysis, including constrained optimization and the Method of Lagrange Multipliers,
integration over curves, surfaces and solid regions using Cartesian, polar, cylindrical, and spherical coordinates,
divergence and curl of vector fields, and the Green's, Stokes's, and Divergence Theorems.
Course Notes: This is a lecture taught in small sections. May not be taken for credit by
students who have passed Applied Mathematics 21a. Activities using
computers to calculate and visualize applications of these ideas will not
require programming experience.
Class Notes: Required first meeting in Spring: Monday January 28, 8:15 am, Science
Center C
Spring Section Times: MWF 9:00, MWF 10:30, MWF 12, MWF 1:30, and
Mathematics 21A
Multivariable Calculus (119196)
Janet Chen
2018 Fall (4 Credits) Schedule: TBD
Instructor Permissions: None Enrollment Cap: n/a
To see how calculus applies in practical situations described by more than one variable, we study: Vectors, lines,
planes, parameterization of curves and surfaces, partial derivatives, directional derivatives and the gradient,
optimization and critical point analysis, including constrained optimization and the Method of Lagrange Multipliers,
integration over curves, surfaces and solid regions using Cartesian, polar, cylindrical, and spherical coordinates,
divergence and curl of vector fields, and the Green's, Stokes's, and Divergence Theorems.
Course Notes: This is a lecture taught in small sections. May not be taken for credit by
students who have passed Applied Mathematics 21a. Activities using
computers to calculate and visualize applications of these ideas will not
require programming experience.
Class Notes: Required first meeting in Fall: Wednesday, September 5, 8:15 am, Science
Center B
Fall Section Times: MWF 9:00, MWF 10:30, MWF 12, MWF 1:30, and MWF
3:00 with sufficient enrollment.
Janet Chen, Jameel Al-Aidroos, Brendan Kelly, Yu-Wen Hsu, Stepan Paul,
Drew Zemke, and members of the Department.
Mathematics 21B
Linear Algebra and Differential Equations (110989)
Janet Chen
2019 Spring (4 Credits) Schedule: TBD
Instructor Permissions: None Enrollment Cap: n/a
Matrices provide the algebraic structure for solving myriad problems across the sciences. We study matrices and
related topics such as linear transformations and linear spaces, determinants, eigenvalues, and eigenvectors.
Applications include dynamical systems, ordinary and partial differential equations, and an introduction to Fourier
Course Notes: This is a lecture taught in small sections. May not be taken by students who
have passed Applied Mathematics 21b.
Class Notes: Required first meeting in Spring: Monday, January 28, 8:15 am, Science
Center B
Spring Section Times: MWF 9:00, MWF 10:30, MWF 12:00, MWF 1:30, and
MWF 3:00 with sufficient enrollment.
Janet Chen, Jameel Al-Aidroos, Ana Balibanu, Matthew Demers, Jill Guerra,
Yu-Wen Hsu, Sebastien Picard, Sebastien Vasey, Drew Zemke, and
members of the Department.
Course Notes: This is a lecture taught in small sections. May not be taken by students who
have passed Applied Mathematics 21b.
Class Notes: Required first meeting in Fall: Tuesday, September 4, 8:15 am, Science
Center D
Fall Section Times: MWF 9:00, MWF 10:30, MWF 12:00, MWF 1:30 with
sufficient enrollment, and MWF 3:00 with sufficient enrollment.
Rosalie Belanger-Rioux, Matthew Demers, Benjamin Knudsen, and
members of the Department.
Mathematics 22A
Vector Calculus and Linear Algebra I (207485)
Oliver Knill
2018 Fall (4 Credits) Schedule: TR 0900 AM - 1015 AM
Instructor Permissions: None Enrollment Cap: n/a
This course covers multivariable calculus and linear algebra for students interested in mathematical sciences. It
covers the same topics as Mathematics 21, but does so with more rigor. Students are taught techniques of proof
and mathematical reasoning. The workload and content is comparable with the Mathematics 21
Mathematics 22B
Vector Calculus and Linear Algebra II (207486)
Oliver Knill
2019 Spring (4 Credits) Schedule: TR 0900 AM - 1015 AM
Instructor Permissions: Instructor Enrollment Cap: 50
A continuation of Mathematics 22a
Mathematics 23A
Linear Algebra and Real Analysis I (111695)
Paul Bamberg
2018 Fall (4 Credits) Schedule: R 0300 PM - 0545 PM
Instructor Permissions: Instructor Enrollment Cap: 45
Linear algebra: vectors, linear transformations and matrices, scalar and vector products, basis and dimension,
eigenvectors and eigenvalues, including an introduction to the R scripting language. Single-variable real analysis:
sequences and series, limits and continuity, derivatives, inverse functions, power series and Taylor series.
Multivariable real analysis and calculus: topology of Euclidean space, limits, continuity, and differentiation in n
dimensions, inverse and implicit functions, manifolds, Lagrange multipliers, path integrals, div, grad, and curl.
Emphasis on topics that are applicable to fields such as physics, economics, and computer science, but students
are also expected to learn how to prove key results.
Course Notes: Students are expected to watch videos of the lectures from Fall 2015 before
attending class. Weekly two-hour classes will consist of a one-hour seminar
in which students present key definitions and proofs and a one-hour activity-
based session in which students work in small groups to solve problems.
Students are expected to continue in either Mathematics 23b
(recommended for students who are thinking of concentrating in
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mathematics, the physical sciences, or engineering) or Mathematics 23c
(recommended for students who are not sure of their concentration, or who
are thinking about a concentration in the social sciences, economics,
computer science, life sciences or data science). Either alternative will
provide a solid foundation for a concentration in mathematics or any field
that uses mathematics.
Class Notes: Required first meeting: Tuesday, September 4, 8:15 am Science Center A.
Course Notes: Students are expected to watch videos of the lectures from Fall 2015 before
attending class. Weekly two-hour classes will consist of a one-hour seminar
in which students present key definitions and proofs and a one-hour activity-
based session in which students work in small groups to solve problems.
Students are expected to continue in either Mathematics 23b
(recommended for students who are thinking of concentrating in
mathematics, the physical sciences, or engineering) or Mathematics 23c
(recommended for students who are not sure of their concentration, or who
are thinking about a concentration in the social sciences, economics,
computer science, life sciences or data science). Either alternative will
provide a solid foundation for a concentration in mathematics or any field
that uses mathematics.
Class Notes: Required first meeting: Tuesday, September 4, 8:15 am, Science Center A.
Mathematics 23B
Linear Algebra and Real Analysis II (145010)
Paul Bamberg
2019 Spring (4 Credits) Schedule: F 1200 PM - 0245 PM
Instructor Permissions: None Enrollment Cap: n/a
A rigorous, integrated treatment of linear algebra and multivariable calculus. Topics: Riemann and Lebesgue
integration, determinants, change of variables, volume of manifolds, differential forms, and exterior derivative.
Stokes's theorem is presented both in the language of vector analysis (div, grad, and curl) and in the language of
differential forms.
Class Notes: Required first meeting: Monday, January 28, 8:15 am, Science Center A.
Requirements: Prerequisite: MATH 23A OR (MATH 21A AND MATH 21B) AND (Not to be
taken in addition to MATH 23C)
Mathematics 23C
Mathematics for Computation, Statistics, and Data Science (205386)
Paul Bamberg
Course Notes: This course is a sequel to Mathematics 23a, recommended for students who
are not sure of their concentration or who are thinking about a concentration
in the social sciences, economics, computer science, life sciences or data
science. Graduate students wishing to take this course for credit should
speak with Dr. Bamberg to arrange enrollment in Mathematics 370 instead.
Class Notes: Required first meeting: Monday, January 28, 8:15 am, Science Center A.
Recommended Prep: Mathematics 23a or Mathematics 21a and 21b. The latter option is for
seniors who are preparing for graduate programs in statistics, computer
science, or data science.
Requirements: Prerequisite: MATH 23A OR (MATH 21A AND MATH 21B) AND (Not to be
taken in addition to MATH 23B)
Mathematics 25A
Theoretical Linear Algebra and Real Analysis I (110808)
Bena Tshishiku
2018 Fall (4 Credits) Schedule: MW 0900 AM - 1015 AM
Instructor Permissions: None Enrollment Cap: n/a
A rigorous treatment of linear algebra. Topics include: Construction of number systems; fields, vector spaces and
linear transformations; eigenvalues and eigenvectors, determinants and inner products. Metric spaces,
compactness and connectedness.
Class Notes: Should not be taken for credit after the freshman year without permission
from the Mathematics Director of Undergraduate Studies.
Mathematics 25B
Theoretical Linear Algebra and Real Analysis II (110855)
Bena Tshishiku
2019 Spring (4 Credits) Schedule: MW 0900 AM - 1015 AM
Instructor Permissions: None Enrollment Cap: n/a
A rigorous treatment of basic analysis. Topics include: convergence, continuity, differentiation, the Riemann integral,
uniform convergence, the Stone-Weierstrass theorem, Fourier series, differentiation in several variables. Additional
topics, including the classical results of vector calculus in two and three dimensions, as time allows.
Class Notes: Should not be taken for credit after the freshman year without permission
from the Mathematics Director of Undergraduate Studies.
Mathematics 55A
Studies in Algebra and Group Theory (113627)
Joseph D. Harris
2018 Fall (4 Credits) Schedule: MWF 1030 AM - 1145 AM
Instructor Permissions: Instructor Enrollment Cap: n/a
A rigorous introduction to abstract algebra, including group theory and linear algebra. This course covers the
equivalent of Mathematics 25a and Mathematics 122, and prepares students for Mathematics 123 and other
advanced courses in number theory and algebra. (A course in analysis such as Mathematics 25b or 55b is
recommended for Spring semester.)
Course Notes: Mathematics 55a is an intensive course for students who are comfortable
with abstract mathematics. (Students without this background will gain it and
learn the material from Math 55a,b in other courses by continuing into the
Mathematics Concentration as sophomores.) Students can switch between
Mathematics 55a and either Mathematics 25a, 23a, 22a, 21a during the first
three weeks without penalty.
Recommended Prep: Familiarity with proofs and abstract reasoning; and commitment to a fast
moving course.
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Additional Course Attributes:
Attribute Value(s)
FAS: Core Curriculum Quantitative Reasoning
FAS: General Education Empirical and Mathematical Reasoning
FAS: Course Level Primarily for Undergraduate Students
FAS Divisional Distribution Science & Engineering & Applied Science
All: Cross Reg Availability Available for Harvard Cross Registration
Mathematics 55B
Studies in Real and Complex analysis (112871)
Joseph D. Harris
2019 Spring (4 Credits) Schedule: MWF 1030 AM - 1145 AM
Instructor Permissions: Instructor Enrollment Cap: n/a
A rigorous introduction to real and complex analysis. This course covers the equivalent of Mathematics 25b and
Mathematics 113, and prepares students for Mathematics 114 and other advanced courses in analysis.
Course Notes: Mathematics 55b is an intensive course for students having significant
experience with abstract mathematics.
Mathematics 60R
Reading Course for Senior Honors Candidates (123883)
Cliff Taubes
2019 Spring (4 Credits) Schedule: TBD
Instructor Permissions: None Enrollment Cap: n/a
Advanced reading in topics not covered in courses.
Course Notes: Limited to candidates for honors in Mathematics who obtain the permission
of both the faculty member under whom they want to work and the Director
of Undergraduate Studies. May not count for concentration in Mathematics
without special permission from the Director of Undergraduate Studies.
Graded Sat/Unsat only.
Mathematics 60R
Reading Course for Senior Honors Candidates (123883)
Cliff Taubes
2018 Fall (4 Credits) Schedule: TBD
Instructor Permissions: Instructor Enrollment Cap: n/a
Advanced reading in topics not covered in courses.
Course Notes: Limited to candidates for honors in Mathematics who obtain the permission
of both the faculty member under whom they want to work and the Director
of Undergraduate Studies. May not count for concentration in Mathematics
without special permission from the Director of Undergraduate Studies.
Graded Sat/Unsat only.
Mathematics 91R
Supervised Reading and Research (111297)
Cliff Taubes
2019 Spring (4 Credits) Schedule: TBD
Instructor Permissions: None Enrollment Cap: n/a
Programs of directed study supervised by a person approved by the Department.
Mathematics 91R
Supervised Reading and Research (111297)
Cliff Taubes
2018 Fall (4 Credits) Schedule: TBD
Instructor Permissions: Instructor Enrollment Cap: n/a
Programs of directed study supervised by a person approved by the Department.
Mathematics 99R
Tutorial (117647)
Cliff Taubes
2019 Spring (4 Credits) Schedule: TBD
Instructor Permissions: None Enrollment Cap: n/a
Supervised small group tutorial. Topics to be arranged.
Course Notes: May be repeated for course credit with permission from the Director of
Undergraduate Studies. Only one tutorial may count for concentration credit.
Mathematics 99R
Tutorial (117647)
Cliff Taubes
2018 Fall (4 Credits) Schedule: TBD
Instructor Permissions: Instructor Enrollment Cap: n/a
Supervised small group tutorial. Topics to be arranged.
Course Notes: May be repeated for course credit with permission from the Director of
Undergraduate Studies. Only one tutorial may count for concentration credit.
Course Notes: Familiarity with algebra, geometry and/or calculus is desirable. Students who
have already taken Mathematics 22a,b, 23a,b, 25a,b or 55a,b should not
take this course for credit. This course given fall term and repeated spring
Mathematics 102
Much Ado About Everything: The Mathematics of Leonhard Euler (207544)
William Dunham
2019 Spring (4 Credits) Schedule: TR 0130 PM - 0245 PM
Instructor Permissions: None Enrollment Cap: 30
The focus of this course is Leonhard Euler (1707-1783), one of history's greatest mathematicians. After surveying
16th and 17th century results that underlay his work, we consider Euler's contributions to number theory, calculus,
algebra, combinatorics, and other fields. The course has historical and biographical elements, but its primary
objective is to introduce students to rigorous mathematics through the work of an undisputed master.
Mathematics 110
Vector Space Methods for Differential Equations (126610)
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Christian Brennecke
2019 Spring (4 Credits) Schedule: TR 0900 AM - 1015 AM
Instructor Permissions: None Enrollment Cap: n/a
Develops the theory of inner product spaces, both finite-dimensional and infinite-dimensional, and applies it to a
variety of ordinary and partial differential equations. Topics: existence and uniqueness theorems, Sturm-Liouville
systems, orthogonal polynomials, Fourier series, Fourier and Laplace transforms, eigenvalue problems, and
solutions of Laplace's equation and the wave equation in the various coordinate systems.
Recommended Prep: Mathematics 22a,b, 23a,b or 25a,b or Mathematics 19a,b or 21a,b plus any
Mathematics course at the 100 level; or an equivalent background in
Mathematics 112
Introductory Real Analysis (109817)
Denis Auroux
2019 Spring (4 Credits) Schedule: TR 1200 PM - 0115 PM
Instructor Permissions: None Enrollment Cap: n/a
An introduction to mathematical analysis and the theory behind calculus. An emphasis on learning to understand
and construct proofs. Covers limits and continuity in metric spaces, uniform convergence and spaces of functions,
the Riemann integral.
Recommended Prep: Mathematics 19a,b or 21a,b and either an ability to write proofs or
concurrent enrollment in Mathematics 101 or 102; or an equivalent
background in mathematics.
Mathematics 113
Complex Analysis (113608)
Yum Tong Siu
2019 Spring (4 Credits) Schedule: TR 0300 PM - 0415 PM
Instructor Permissions: None Enrollment Cap: n/a
Recommended Prep: Anti-Requisite: Not to be taken in addition to Mathematics 55a without prior
permission of the Director of Undergraduate Studies.
Mathematics 114
Analysis of Function Spaces, Measure and Integration (123227)
Peter Kronheimer
2018 Fall (4 Credits) Schedule: WF 1030 AM - 1145 AM
Instructor Permissions: None Enrollment Cap: n/a
Lebesgue measure and integration; general topology; introduction to L p spaces, Banach and Hilbert spaces, and
Mathematics 115
Methods of Analysis (111065)
Man-Wai Cheung
2018 Fall (4 Credits) Schedule: MF 1030 AM - 1145 AM
Instructor Permissions: None Enrollment Cap: n/a
Complex functions; Fourier analysis; Hilbert spaces and operators; Laplace's equations; Bessel and Legendre
functions; symmetries; Sturm-Liouville theory.
Mathematics 116
Real Analysis, Convexity, and Optimization (118302)
Marius Lemm
2018 Fall (4 Credits) Schedule: TR 0300 PM - 0415 PM
Instructor Permissions: None Enrollment Cap: n/a
Develops the theory of convex sets, normed infinite-dimensional vector spaces, and convex functionals and applies
it as a unifying principle to a variety of optimization problems such as resource allocation, production planning, and
optimal control. Topics include Hilbert space, dual spaces, the Hahn-Banach theorem, the Riesz representation
theorem, calculus of variations, and Fenchel duality. Students will be expected to understand and come up
with proofs of theorems in real and functional analysis.
Recommended Prep: Mathematics 22a,b, 23a,b or 25a,b or 55a,b; or Mathematics 21a,b plus at
least one other more advanced course in mathematics; or an equivalent
background in mathematics.
Mathematics 117
Probability and Random Processes with Economic Applications (127947)
Paul Bamberg
2019 Spring (4 Credits) Schedule: TR 1200 PM - 0115 PM
Instructor Permissions: None Enrollment Cap: n/a
A self-contained treatment of the theory of probability and random processes with specific application to the theory
of option pricing. Topics: axioms for probability, calculation of expectation by means of Lebesgue integration,
conditional probability and conditional expectation, martingales, random walks and Wiener processes, and the
Black-Scholes formula for option pricing. Students will work in small groups to investigate applications of the theory
and to prove key results.
Recommended Prep: A thorough knowledge of single-variable calculus and infinite series, plus at
least one more advanced course such as MATH 23a that provides
experience with proofs and elementary real analysis. Acquaintance with
elementary probability is desirable.
Mathematics 118R
Dynamical Systems (118429)
John Cain
2019 Spring (4 Credits) Schedule: MW 0300 PM - 0415 PM
Instructor Permissions: None Enrollment Cap: n/a
Introduction to dynamical systems theory with a view toward applications. Topics include existence and uniqueness
theorems for flows, qualitative study of equilibria and attractors, iterated maps, and bifurcation theory.
Recommended Prep: Mathematics 19a,b or 21a,b or Math 22a,b,or Math 23a,b or Math 25a,b or
Math 55a,b; or an equivalent background in mathematics.
Mathematics 121
Linear Algebra and Applications (120228)
Alexander Kupers
2018 Fall (4 Credits) Schedule: TR 1030 AM - 1145 AM
Instructor Permissions: None Enrollment Cap: n/a
Real and complex vector spaces, linear transformations, determinants, inner products, dual spaces, and eigenvalue
problems. Applications to some or all of the following: Ggeometry, systems of linear differential equations,
optimization, and Markov processes. This course emphasizes learning to understand and write rigorous
Requirements: Anti-req: Not to be taken in addition to Mathematics 22b, 23a or 25a or 55a.
Recommended Prep: Anti-Requisite: Not to be taken in addition to Mathematics 55a without prior
permission of the Director of Undergraduate Studies.
Mathematics 123
Algebra II: Theory of Rings and Fields (116503)
Peter Kronheimer
2019 Spring (4 Credits) Schedule: WF 1030 AM - 1145 AM
Instructor Permissions: None Enrollment Cap: n/a
Rings and modules. Polynomial rings. Field extensions and the basic theorems of Galois theory. Structure theorems
for modules.
Mathematics 124
Number Theory (111533)
Cliff Taubes
2018 Fall (4 Credits) Schedule: MW 0900 AM - 1015 AM
Instructor Permissions: None Enrollment Cap: n/a
Factorization and the primes; congruences; quadratic residues and reciprocity; continued fractions and
Recommended Prep: Mathematics 101 or 122 or 25a or 23a; or 55a which can be taken
concurrently; or an equivalent experience and comfort level with abstract
Mathematics 129
Number Fields (115734)
Mark Kisin
2019 Spring (4 Credits) Schedule: MW 0130 PM - 0245 PM
Instructor Permissions: None Enrollment Cap: n/a
Algebraic number theory: number fields, unique factorization of ideals, finiteness of class group, structure of unit
group, Frobenius elements, local fields, ramification, weak approximation, adeles, and ideles.
Mathematics 130
Classical Geometry (123211)
Benjamin Knudsen
2019 Spring (4 Credits) Schedule: TR 1030 AM - 1145 AM
Instructor Permissions: None Enrollment Cap: n/a
Presents several classical geometries, these being the affine, projective, Euclidean, spherical and hyperbolic
geometries. They are viewed from many different perspectives, some historical and some very topical. Emphasis on
reading and writing proofs.
Recommended Prep: Mathematics 19a,b or 21a,b or 22a,b or 23a or 25a or 55a which may be
taken concurrently; or an equivalent background in mathematics.
Mathematics 131
Topological Spaces and Fundamental Group (111458)
Brooke Ullery
2018 Fall (4 Credits) Schedule: TR 0130 PM - 0245 PM
Instructor Permissions: None Enrollment Cap: n/a
First, an introduction to abstract topological spaces, their properties (compactness, connectedness, metrizability)
and their corresponding continuous functions and mappings. Then, an introduction to algebraic topology including
homotopy theory, fundamental groups and covering spaces.
Recommended Prep: Some acquaintance with metric space topology as taught in Mathematics
22a,b, 23a,b, 25a,b, 55a,b, 101, 102, or 112; and with groups as taught in
Mathematics 101, 122 or 55a.
Mathematics 132
Differential Topology (123212)
Alexander Kupers
2019 Spring (4 Credits) Schedule: WF 1200 PM - 0115 PM
Instructor Permissions: None Enrollment Cap: n/a
Differential manifolds, smooth maps and transversality. Winding numbers, vector fields, index and degree.
Differential forms, Stokes' theorem, introduction to cohomology.
Mathematics 136
Differential Geometry (111133)
Sebastien Picard
2018 Fall (4 Credits) Schedule: TR 0130 PM - 0245 PM
Instructor Permissions: None Enrollment Cap: n/a
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The course is an introduction to Riemannian geometry with the focus (for the most part) being the Riemannian
geometry of curves and surfaces in space where the fundamental notions can be visualized.
Recommended Prep: Mathematics 19a,b or 21a,b or 22a,b or 23a or 25a or 55a (may be taken
concurrently); or an equivalent background in mathematics.
Mathematics 137
Algebraic Geometry (116452)
Brooke Ullery
2019 Spring (4 Credits) Schedule: TR 1030 AM - 1145 AM
Instructor Permissions: None Enrollment Cap: n/a
Affine and projective spaces, plane curves, Bezout's theorem, singularities and genus of a plane curve, Riemann-
Roch theorem.
Mathematics 141A
Mathematical Logic I (207500)
Sebastien Vasey
2018 Fall (4 Credits) Schedule: MF 1200 PM - 0115 PM
Instructor Permissions: None Enrollment Cap: n/a
Introduction to mathematical logic focusing on the fundamentals of first-order logic (language, axioms,
completeness theorem, etc.) and the basic results of model theory (compactness), Lowenheim-Skolem, omitting
Recommended Prep: A previous Mathematics course at the level of Mathematics 19a,b, 21a,b, or
a higher number. For students from Mathematics 19a,b or 21ab, previous
enrollment in Mathematics 101 or 102 or 112, or permission of instructor.
Mathematics 141B
Mathematical Logic II (207501)
William Boney
2019 Spring (4 Credits) Schedule: TR 0900 AM - 1015 AM
Instructor Permissions: None Enrollment Cap: n/a
Introduction to the incompleteness phenomenon, covering the incompleteness theorems and the basic results of
recursion theory.
Mathematics 152
Discrete Mathematics (116191)
Paul Bamberg
2018 Fall (4 Credits) Schedule: TR 1200 PM - 0115 PM
Instructor Permissions: Instructor Enrollment Cap: 16
An introduction to finite groups, finite fields, finite geometry, finite topology, combinatorics, graph theory, and (for
section 2 only) elementary algebraic topology. A recurring theme of the course is the symmetry group of the regular
icosahedron. Elementary category theory will be introduced as a unifying principle. Taught in a seminar format:
students will gain experience in presenting proofs at the blackboard.
Course Notes: Covers material used in Computer Science 121 and Computer Science 124.
Enrollment limited to16.
Recommended Prep: For section 1: Mathematics 19b or 21b. Previous experience with proofs is
not required.
For section 2: Mathematics 23a or 25a or an equivalent background in
mathematics that includes experience with proofs.
Course Notes: Covers material used in Computer Science 121 and Computer Science 124.
Enrollment limited to16.
Recommended Prep: For section 1: Mathematics 19b or 21b. Previous experience with proofs is
not required.
For section 2: Mathematics 23a or 25a or an equivalent background in
mathematics that includes experience with proofs.
Mathematics 154
Probability Theory (113811)
Aukosh Jagannath
2019 Spring (4 Credits) Schedule: MW 0900 AM - 1015 AM
Instructor Permissions: None Enrollment Cap: n/a
An introduction to probability theory. Discrete and continuous random variables; distribution and density functions
for one and two random variables; conditional probability. Generating functions, weak and strong laws of large
numbers, and the central limit theorem. Geometrical probability, random walks, and Markov processes.
Recommended Prep: A previous mathematics course at the level of Mathematics 19ab, 21ab, or a
higher number. For students from 19ab or 21ab, previous or concurrent
enrollment in Math 101 or 102 or 112 may be helpful. Freshmen who did
well in Math 22a, 23a, 25a or 55a fall term are also welcome to take the
Mathematics 155R
Combinatorics (116196)
Lauren Williams
2019 Spring (4 Credits) Schedule: MW 0130 PM - 0245 PM
Instructor Permissions: None Enrollment Cap: n/a
An introduction to algebraic combinatorics that comes from the representation theory of the symmetric group. We
will start with a quick overview of the representation theory of finite groups and then cover topics such as Young
tableaux, Specht modules, the hook-length formula, symmetric functions, the Littlewood-Richardson rule, the RSK
correspondence, etc.
Recommended Prep: Prerequisites: linear algebra and abstract algebra. Familiarity with the
representation theory of finite groups would be helpful.
Mathematics 157
Mathematics in the World (159763)
Joseph D. Harris
2019 Spring (4 Credits) Schedule: TR 0130 PM - 0245 PM
Instructor Permissions: None Enrollment Cap: n/a
An interactive introduction to problem solving with an emphasis on subjects with comprehensive applications. Each
class will be focused around a group of questions with a common topic: logic, information, number theory,
probability, and algorithms.
Mathematics 168
Making Math Material (207518)
Glen Whitney
Recommended Prep: Although there are not specific mathematics prerequisites beyond a comfort
with upper level high-school mathematics, participants should be
comfortable and willing to explore new mathematical ideas in some technical
Mathematics 212A
Real Analysis (116137)
Horng-Tzer Yau
2018 Fall (4 Credits) Schedule: MW 1200 PM - 0115 PM
Instructor Permissions: None Enrollment Cap: n/a
Measure theory, functional analysis, Sobolev spaces and introduction to harmonic analysis.
Mathematics 212BR
Advanced Real Analysis (120929)
Christian Brennecke
2019 Spring (4 Credits) Schedule: MW 0900 AM - 1015 AM
Instructor Permissions: None Enrollment Cap: n/a
Continuation of topics in real analysis, harmonic analysis and functional analysis. Possible topics include: L^p
Mathematics 213A
Advanced Complex Analysis (110880)
Yum Tong Siu
2018 Fall (4 Credits) Schedule: TR 0300 PM - 0415 PM
Instructor Permissions: None Enrollment Cap: n/a
Fundamentals of complex analysis, and further topics such as elliptic functions, canonical products, conformal
mappings, the zeta function and prime number theorem, and Nevanlinna theory.
Prerequisites: Basic complex analysis, topology of covering spaces, differential forms.
Recommended Prep: Basic complex analysis, topology of covering spaces, differential forms.
Mathematics 222
Lie Groups and Lie Algebras (123238)
Wilfried Schmid
2018 Fall (4 Credits) Schedule: TR 1200 PM - 0115 PM
Instructor Permissions: None Enrollment Cap: n/a
Lie theory, including the classification of semi-simple Lie algebras and/or compact Lie groups and their
Recommended Prep: Knowledge of the material in Mathematics 114, 123 and 132.
Mathematics 230A
Differential Geometry (113369)
Karsten Gimre
Mathematics 230BR
Advanced Differential Geometry (115039)
Shing-Tung Yau
2019 Spring (4 Credits) Schedule: TR 1200 PM - 0115 PM
Instructor Permissions: None Enrollment Cap: n/a
A continuation of Mathematics 230a. Topics in differential geometry: Analysis on manifolds. Laplacians. Hodge
theory. Spin structures. Clifford algebras. Dirac operators. Index theorems. Applications.
Mathematics 231A
Algebraic Topology (123243)
Michael Hopkins
2018 Fall (4 Credits) Schedule: MW 0130 PM - 0245 PM
Instructor Permissions: None Enrollment Cap: n/a
Covering spaces and fibrations. Simplicial and CW complexes, Homology and cohomology, universal coefficients
and Künneth formulas. Hurewicz theorem. Manifolds and Poincaré duality.
Mathematics 232A
Introduction to Algebraic Geometry I (123441)
Dennis Gaitsgory
2018 Fall (4 Credits) Schedule: TR 1200 PM - 0115 PM
Instructor Permissions: None Enrollment Cap: n/a
Introduction to complex algebraic curves, surfaces, and varieties.
Recommended Prep: Knowledge of the material in Mathematics 123 and 132 and 137.
Mathematics 232BR
Algebraic Geometry II (123444)
Man-Wai Cheung
2019 Spring (4 Credits) Schedule: MF 1200 PM - 0115 PM
Instructor Permissions: None Enrollment Cap: n/a
The course will cover the classification of complex algebraic surfaces.
Mathematics 233BR
Theory of Schemes II (123479)
Arnav Tripathy
2019 Spring (4 Credits) Schedule: TR 0130 PM - 0245 PM
Instructor Permissions: None Enrollment Cap: n/a
A continuation of Mathematics 233a. Will cover the theory of schemes, sheaves, and sheaf cohomology.
Mathematics 243
Evolutionary Dynamics (119511)
Martin Nowak
2019 Spring (4 Credits) Schedule: TR 0300 PM - 0415 PM
Instructor Permissions: None Enrollment Cap: n/a
Advanced topics of evolutionary dynamics. Seminars and research projects.
Recommended Prep: Experience with mathematical biology at the level of Mathematics 153.
Mathematics 251X
Topics on Geometric Analysis (207503)
Shing-Tung Yau
2018 Fall (4 Credits) Schedule: TR 1030 AM - 1145 AM
Instructor Permissions: None Enrollment Cap: n/a
A discussion of how nonlinear analysis is applied to solve problems in geometry and physics. We will cover some
basic materials on nonlinear partial differential equations. A discussion of problems related to questions in general
relativity such as definitions of quasilocal mass and its dynamical meaning. A discussion of existence of special
metrics and connections over bundles. The major focus will be on Kahler manifolds.
Mathematics 253Y
Symplectic Manifolds and Lagrangian Submanifolds (207504)
Denis Auroux
2018 Fall (4 Credits) Schedule: TR 1030 AM - 1145 AM
Instructor Permissions: None Enrollment Cap: n/a
The course will start with a review of standard symplectic topology: symplectic manifolds, symplectomorphisms,
Lagrangian submanfilds, neighborhood theorems, almost-complex structures and compatibility, Hamiltonian group
actions. The focus will then shift towards J-holomorphic curves: moduli space. Gromov compactness, etc., with a
view towards Lagrangian Floer theory. The final part of the course will give a taste of moe advanced toppics:
invariants of monotone Langrangians; Fukaya categories; mirror symmetry.
Mathematics 258
L-Functions and Arithmetic Statistics (207488)
Barry Mazur
2019 Spring (4 Credits) Schedule: TR 1200 PM - 0115 PM
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Instructor Permissions: Instructor Enrollment Cap: 50
Modular Symbols, Special values of L-functions, Selmer groups, and (statistical) distributions related to them. We
will study this in connection with expected behavior of the ranks of Mordell-Weil groups of varieties.
Mathematics 263
Algebraic Vector Bundles and Motivic Homotopy Theory (207508)
Michael Hopkins
2019 Spring (4 Credits) Schedule: MW 0130 PM - 0245 PM
Instructor Permissions: None Enrollment Cap: n/a
The work of Lindel, Quillen and Suslin on a question of Serre shows that the set of isomorphism classes of
algebraic vector bundles over a smooth affine variety over a field is "homotopy invariant". This means that
questions about algebraic vector bundles can be approachd with motivic homotopy theory. A discussion of Serre's
question, the theorems of Lindel, Quillen, and Suslin, the basics of motivic homotopy theory, the "affine
representability" theorems of Morel, Asok-Hoyois-Went, and some applications of motivic homotoppy theory to the
construction and classification of algebraic vector bundles.
Mathematics 266Y
Topics in Analysis: Matrix Inequalities and Quantum Entropy (207542)
Marius Lemm
2019 Spring (4 Credits) Schedule: TR 0300 PM - 0415 PM
Instructor Permissions: None Enrollment Cap: n/a
Matrix inequalities are used in a variety of mathematical contexts They can be more subtle but more powerful than
their scalar analogs. In this course, we will use methods from spectral theory, convex analysis, and complex
analysis to develop a toolbox of matrix inequalities (mostly trace inequalities). We will develop the inequalities
alongside the basic notions of quantum information theory. We will also discuss applications to random matrix
Mathematics 269Y
Parabolic Equations on Complex Manifolds (207511)
Sebastien Picard
2019 Spring (4 Credits) Schedule: TR 0130 PM - 0245 PM
Instructor Permissions: Instructor Enrollment Cap: 30
An introduction to the theory of linear parabolic equations, including parabolic Schauder estimates and the Krylov-
Safonov Harnack ineqality. An application of these techniques to study complex geometry via parabolic methods.
Possible topics: Kahler-Ricci flow, fully nonlinear flows in Hermitian geometry, anomaly flow.
Mathematics 278
Geometry and Algebra of Computational Complexity (207543)
David Hyeon
2018 Fall (4 Credits) Schedule: MW 0300 PM - 0415 PM
Instructor Permissions: None Enrollment Cap: n/a
The mathematical aspects of computational complexity theory will be broadly covered. We shall start with the
basics of complexity theory (such as various notions of complexity and NP completeness), discuss other
computation models and intractability results, and explore the algebro-geometric and represention theoretic
approach to P vs NP.
Mathematics 286
Random Matrices and Applications (207512)
Horng-Tzer Yau
2019 Spring (4 Credits) Schedule: MW 1200 PM - 0115 PM
Instructor Permissions: Instructor Enrollment Cap: 50
We will cover two topics in random matrix theory. 1. Concentration inequalities. 2. Stochastic flow method. We will
start with a review of basic results in random matrices like local laws and Dyson's Brownian motions. We will
discuss coupling methods in random matrices and various concentration inequalities.
Mathematics 291
Analytic Methods in Differential Geometry (207604)
Karsten Gimre
2019 Spring (4 Credits) Schedule: MW 1030 AM - 1145 AM
Instructor Permissions: None Enrollment Cap: n/a
The injection of analysis into differential geometry distinguishes certain geometric objects, such as Ricci flows,
Yang-Mills connections, and minimal submanifolds. Since these objects are defined as solutions of geometric
partial differential equations, they are not given explicitly except in highly symmetric contexts. Instead, their
construction is, broadly, as limits of approximating sequences. The primary concerns are then to do with
precompactness theorems, the possible ensuing degenerations, and regularity of the limits. We will cover these
problems in a number of contexts. Possible applications include the Kahler-Einstein problem, the positive energy
theorem from general relativity, Cheeger-Coding theory, and Ricci flow with applications to 3-manifold topology.
Mathematics 292
Cluster Algebras and Cluster Varieties (207549)
Man-Wai Cheung
Mathematics 300
Teaching Undergraduate Mathematics (124821)
Jameel Al-Aidroos
Robin Gottlieb
2018 Fall (4 Credits) Schedule: T 0130 PM - 0245 PM
Instructor Permissions: Instructor Enrollment Cap: n/a
Become an effective instructor. This course focuses on observation, practice, feedback, and reflection providing
insight into teaching and learning. Involves iterated videotaped micro-teaching sessions, accompanied by individual
consultations. Required of all mathematics graduate students.
Mathematics 304
Topics in Algebraic Topology (121078)
Michael Hopkins
2019 Spring (4 Credits) Schedule: TBD
Instructor Permissions: Instructor Enrollment Cap: n/a
Mathematics 304
Topics in Algebraic Topology (121078)
Michael Hopkins
2018 Fall (4 Credits) Schedule: TBD
Instructor Permissions: Instructor Enrollment Cap: n/a
Mathematics 305
Topics in Symplectic Geometry (207522)
Denis Auroux
2019 Spring (4 Credits) Schedule: TBD
Instructor Permissions: Instructor Enrollment Cap: n/a
Mathematics 305
Topics in Symplectic Geometry (207522)
Denis Auroux
2018 Fall (4 Credits) Schedule: TBD
Instructor Permissions: Instructor Enrollment Cap: n/a
Mathematics 316
Topics in Algebraic Geometry (203255)
Arnav Tripathy
2019 Spring (4 Credits) Schedule: TBD
Instructor Permissions: Instructor Enrollment Cap: n/a
Mathematics 316
Topics in Algebraic Geometry (203255)
Arnav Tripathy
2018 Fall (4 Credits) Schedule: TBD
Instructor Permissions: Instructor Enrollment Cap: n/a
Mathematics 318
Topics in Number Theory (121353)
Barry Mazur
2018 Fall (4 Credits) Schedule: TBD
Instructor Permissions: Instructor Enrollment Cap: n/a
Mathematics 320
Topics in Geometric Representation Theory (205137)
Ana Balibanu
2019 Spring (4 Credits) Schedule: TBD
Instructor Permissions: Instructor Enrollment Cap: n/a
Mathematics 321
Topics in Mathematical Physics (118656)
Arthur Jaffe
2019 Spring (4 Credits) Schedule: TBD
Instructor Permissions: Instructor Enrollment Cap: n/a
Mathematics 321
Topics in Mathematical Physics (118656)
Arthur Jaffe
2018 Fall (4 Credits) Schedule: TBD
Instructor Permissions: Instructor Enrollment Cap: n/a
Mathematics 327
Topics in Several Complex Variables (113647)
Yum Tong Siu
2019 Spring (4 Credits) Schedule: TBD
Instructor Permissions: Instructor Enrollment Cap: n/a
Class Notes:
Yum Tong Siu 7550
Mathematics 327
Topics in Several Complex Variables (113647)
Yum Tong Siu
2018 Fall (4 Credits) Schedule: TBD
Instructor Permissions: Instructor Enrollment Cap: n/a
Class Notes:
Yum Tong Siu 7550
Mathematics 332
Topics in Geometry and Topology (205138)
Alexander Kupers
2019 Spring (4 Credits) Schedule: TBD
Instructor Permissions: Instructor Enrollment Cap: n/a
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Requirements: Prerequisite: Graduate Students Only
Mathematics 332
Topics in Geometry and Topology (205138)
Alexander Kupers
2018 Fall (4 Credits) Schedule: TBD
Instructor Permissions: Instructor Enrollment Cap: n/a
Mathematics 333
Topics in Complex Analysis, Dynamics and Geometry (126825)
Curtis McMullen
2019 Spring (4 Credits) Schedule: TBD
Instructor Permissions: Instructor Enrollment Cap: n/a
Mathematics 333
Topics in Complex Analysis, Dynamics and Geometry (126825)
Curtis McMullen
2018 Fall (4 Credits) Schedule: TBD
Mathematics 335
Topics in Differential Geometry and Analysis (116319)
Cliff Taubes
2019 Spring (4 Credits) Schedule: TBD
Instructor Permissions: Instructor Enrollment Cap: n/a
Mathematics 335
Topics in Differential Geometry and Analysis (116319)
Cliff Taubes
2018 Fall (4 Credits) Schedule: TBD
Instructor Permissions: Instructor Enrollment Cap: n/a
Mathematics 340
Topics in Model Theory (205139)
Mathematics 340
Topics in Model Theory (205139)
Sebastien Vasey
2018 Fall (4 Credits) Schedule: TBD
Instructor Permissions: Instructor Enrollment Cap: n/a
Mathematics 345
Topics in Geometry and Topology (113664)
Peter Kronheimer
2019 Spring (4 Credits) Schedule: TBD
Instructor Permissions: Instructor Enrollment Cap: n/a
Mathematics 346Y
Topics in Analysis: Quantum Dynamics (121102)
Horng-Tzer Yau
2019 Spring (4 Credits) Schedule: TBD
Instructor Permissions: Instructor Enrollment Cap: n/a
Mathematics 346Y
Topics in Analysis: Quantum Dynamics (121102)
Horng-Tzer Yau
2018 Fall (4 Credits) Schedule: TBD
Instructor Permissions: Instructor Enrollment Cap: n/a
Mathematics 352
Topics in Algebraic Number Theory (125869)
Mark Kisin
2019 Spring (4 Credits) Schedule: TBD
Instructor Permissions: Instructor Enrollment Cap: n/a
Mathematics 352
Topics in Algebraic Number Theory (125869)
Mark Kisin
2018 Fall (4 Credits) Schedule: TBD
Instructor Permissions: Instructor Enrollment Cap: n/a
Mathematics 356
Topics in Harmonic Analysis (118827)
Wilfried Schmid
2019 Spring (4 Credits) Schedule: TBD
Instructor Permissions: Instructor Enrollment Cap: n/a
Mathematics 356
Topics in Harmonic Analysis (118827)
Wilfried Schmid
2018 Fall (4 Credits) Schedule: TBD
Instructor Permissions: Instructor Enrollment Cap: n/a
Mathematics 357
Topics in Model Theory (159644)
William Boney
2019 Spring (4 Credits) Schedule: TBD
Instructor Permissions: Instructor Enrollment Cap: n/a
Mathematics 357
Topics in Model Theory (159644)
William Boney
2018 Fall (4 Credits) Schedule: TBD
Instructor Permissions: Instructor Enrollment Cap: n/a
Mathematics 359
Topics in Probability and Analysis (205140)
Aukosh Jagannath
2019 Spring (4 Credits) Schedule: TBD
Instructor Permissions: Instructor Enrollment Cap: n/a
Mathematics 359
Topics in Probability and Analysis (205140)
Aukosh Jagannath
2018 Fall (4 Credits) Schedule: TBD
Instructor Permissions: Instructor Enrollment Cap: n/a
Mathematics 360
Topics in Algebraic Combinatorics (207538)
Lauren Williams
2019 Spring (4 Credits) Schedule: TBD
Instructor Permissions: Instructor Enrollment Cap: n/a
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Additional Course Attributes:
Attribute Value(s)
All: Cross Reg Availability Available for Harvard Cross Registration
FAS Divisional Distribution Science & Engineering & Applied Science
FAS: Course Level Primarily for Graduate Students
Mathematics 360
Topics in Algebraic Combinatorics (207538)
Lauren Williams
2018 Fall (4 Credits) Schedule: TBD
Instructor Permissions: Instructor Enrollment Cap: n/a
Mathematics 362
Topics in Number Theory (156036)
Alison Miller
2019 Spring (4 Credits) Schedule: TBD
Instructor Permissions: Instructor Enrollment Cap: n/a
Mathematics 362
Topics in Number Theory (156036)
Alison Miller
2018 Fall (4 Credits) Schedule: TBD
Instructor Permissions: Instructor Enrollment Cap: n/a
Mathematics 364
Topics in Algebraic Geometry (203316)
Brooke Ullery
2019 Spring (4 Credits) Schedule: TBD
Instructor Permissions: Instructor Enrollment Cap: n/a
Mathematics 364
Topics in Algebraic Geometry (203316)
Brooke Ullery
2018 Fall (4 Credits) Schedule: TBD
Instructor Permissions: Instructor Enrollment Cap: n/a
Mathematics 365
Topics in Differential Geometry (114080)
Shing-Tung Yau
2019 Spring (4 Credits) Schedule: TBD
Instructor Permissions: Instructor Enrollment Cap: n/a
Mathematics 365
Topics in Differential Geometry (114080)
Shing-Tung Yau
2018 Fall (4 Credits) Schedule: TBD
Instructor Permissions: Instructor Enrollment Cap: n/a
Mathematics 373
Topics in Algebraic Topology (125871)
Jacob Lurie
2019 Spring (4 Credits) Schedule: TBD
Instructor Permissions: Instructor Enrollment Cap: n/a
Mathematics 373
Topics in Algebraic Topology (125871)
Jacob Lurie
2018 Fall (4 Credits) Schedule: TBD
Instructor Permissions: Instructor Enrollment Cap: n/a
Mathematics 375
Topics in Mathematical Physics: Quantum Mechanics (207539)
Christian Brennecke
2019 Spring (4 Credits) Schedule: TBD
Instructor Permissions: Instructor Enrollment Cap: n/a
Mathematics 375
Topics in Mathematical Physics: Quantum Mechanics (207539)
Christian Brennecke
2018 Fall (4 Credits) Schedule: TBD
Instructor Permissions: Instructor Enrollment Cap: n/a
Mathematics 377
Topics in Complex Geometry (207540)
Sebastien Picard
2019 Spring (4 Credits) Schedule: TBD
Instructor Permissions: Instructor Enrollment Cap: n/a
Mathematics 377
Topics in Complex Geometry (207540)
Sebastien Picard
2018 Fall (4 Credits) Schedule: TBD
Instructor Permissions: Instructor Enrollment Cap: n/a
Mathematics 381
Introduction to Geometric Representation Theory (121082)
Dennis Gaitsgory
2019 Spring (4 Credits) Schedule: TBD
Instructor Permissions: Instructor Enrollment Cap: n/a
Mathematics 382
Topics in Algebraic Geometry (111210)
Joseph D. Harris
2019 Spring (4 Credits) Schedule: TBD
Instructor Permissions: Instructor Enrollment Cap: n/a
Mathematics 382
Topics in Algebraic Geometry (111210)
Joseph D. Harris
2018 Fall (4 Credits) Schedule: TBD
Instructor Permissions: Instructor Enrollment Cap: n/a
Mathematics 385
Topics in Set Theory (110218)
W. Hugh Woodin
2019 Spring (4 Credits) Schedule: TBD
Instructor Permissions: Instructor Enrollment Cap: n/a
Mathematics 385
Topics in Set Theory (110218)
W. Hugh Woodin
2018 Fall (4 Credits) Schedule: TBD
Instructor Permissions: Instructor Enrollment Cap: n/a
Mathematics 388
Topics in Mathematics and Biology (118701)
Martin Nowak
2019 Spring (4 Credits) Schedule: TBD
Instructor Permissions: Instructor Enrollment Cap: n/a
Mathematics 388
Topics in Mathematics and Biology (118701)
Martin Nowak
2018 Fall (4 Credits) Schedule: TBD
Instructor Permissions: Instructor Enrollment Cap: n/a
Mathematics 389
Topics in Number Theory (119721)
Noam D. Elkies
2019 Spring (4 Credits) Schedule: TBD
Instructor Permissions: Instructor Enrollment Cap: n/a
Class Notes:
Noam D. Elkies 2604
Mathematics 389
Topics in Number Theory (119721)
Noam D. Elkies
2018 Fall (4 Credits) Schedule: TBD
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Instructor Permissions: Instructor Enrollment Cap: n/a
Class Notes:
Noam D. Elkies 2604
Mathematics 390
Topics in analysis and Quantum Physics (207547)
Marius Lemm
2019 Spring (4 Credits) Schedule: TBD
Instructor Permissions: Instructor Enrollment Cap: n/a
Mathematics 390
Topics in analysis and Quantum Physics (207547)
Marius Lemm
2018 Fall (4 Credits) Schedule: TBD
Instructor Permissions: Instructor Enrollment Cap: n/a
Mathematics 395
Topics in Cluster Algebra (205141)
Man-Wai Cheung
2019 Spring (4 Credits) Schedule: TBD
Mathematics 395
Topics in Cluster Algebra (205141)
Man-Wai Cheung
2018 Fall (4 Credits) Schedule: TBD
Instructor Permissions: Instructor Enrollment Cap: n/a