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Mathematics for the Nonmathematician
Mathematics for the Nonmathematician
Mathematics for the Nonmathematician
Ebook1,267 pages18 hours

Mathematics for the Nonmathematician

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  • Mathematics

  • Geometry

  • Physics

  • Probability

  • Logic

  • Power of Knowledge

  • Mentor

  • Chosen One

  • Quest

  • Search for Truth

  • Eureka Moment

  • Quest for Understanding

  • Beauty of Mathematics

  • Hero's Journey

  • Mentorship

  • Calculus

  • Education

  • Numbers

  • History of Mathematics

  • Trigonometry

About this ebook

Practical, scientific, philosophical, and artistic problems have caused men to investigate mathematics. But there is one other motive which is as strong as any of these — the search for beauty. Mathematics is an art, and as such affords the pleasures which all the arts afford." In this erudite, entertaining college-level text, Morris Kline, Professor Emeritus of Mathematics at New York University, provides the liberal arts student with a detailed treatment of mathematics in a cultural and historical context. The book can also act as a self-study vehicle for advanced high school students and laymen.
Professor Kline begins with an overview, tracing the development of mathematics to the ancient Greeks, and following its evolution through the Middle Ages and the Renaissance to the present day. Subsequent chapters focus on specific subject areas, such as "Logic and Mathematics," "Number: The Fundamental Concept," "Parametric Equations and Curvilinear Motion," "The Differential Calculus," and "The Theory of Probability." Each of these sections offers a step-by-step explanation of concepts and then tests the student's understanding with exercises and problems. At the same time, these concepts are linked to pure and applied science, engineering, philosophy, the social sciences or even the arts.
In one section, Professor Kline discusses non-Euclidean geometry, ranking it with evolution as one of the "two concepts which have most profoundly revolutionized our intellectual development since the nineteenth century." His lucid treatment of this difficult subject starts in the 1800s with the pioneering work of Gauss, Lobachevsky, Bolyai and Riemann, and moves forward to the theory of relativity, explaining the mathematical, scientific and philosophical aspects of this pivotal breakthrough. Mathematics for the Nonmathematician exemplifies Morris Kline's rare ability to simplify complex subjects for the nonspecialist.
Release dateApr 15, 2013
Mathematics for the Nonmathematician

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    Mathematics for the Nonmathematician - Morris Kline




    In mathematics I can report no deficience, except it be that men do not sufficiently understand the excellent use of the Pure Mathematics. . . .


    One can wisely doubt whether the study of mathematics is worth while and can find good authority to support him. As far back as about the year 400 A.D., St. Augustine, Bishop of Hippo in Africa and one of the great fathers of Christianity, had this to say:

    The good Christian should beware of mathematicians and all those who make empty prophecies. The danger already exists that the mathematicians have made a covenant with the devil to darken the spirit and to confine man in the bonds of Hell.

    Perhaps St. Augustine, with prophetic insight into the conflicts which were to arise later between the mathematically minded scientists of recent centuries and religious leaders, was seeking to discourage the further development of the subject. At any rate there is no question as to his attitude.

    At about the same time that St. Augustine lived, the Roman jurists ruled, under the Code of Mathematicians and Evil-Doers, that to learn the art of geometry and to take part in public exercises, an art as damnable as mathematics, are forbidden.

    Even the distinguished seventeenth-century contributor to mathematics, Blaise Pascal, decided after studying mankind that the pure sciences were not suited to it. In a letter to Fermat written on August 10, 1660, Pascal says: To speak freely of mathematics, I find it the highest exercise of the spirit; but at the same time I know that it is so useless that I make little distinction between a man who is only a mathematician and a common artisan. Also, I call it the most beautiful profession in the world; but it is only a profession; and I have often said that it is good to make the attempt [to study mathematics], but not to use our forces: so that I would not take two steps for mathematics, and I am confident that you are strongly of my opinion. Pascal’s famous injunction was, Humble thyself, impotent reason.

    The philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer, who despised mathematics, said many nasty things about the subject, among others that the lowest activity of the spirit is arithmetic, as is shown by the fact that it can be performed by a machine. Many other great men, for example, the poet Johann Wolfgang Goethe and the historian Edward Gibbon, have felt likewise and have not hesitated to express themselves. And so the student who dislikes the subject can claim to be in good, if not living, company.

    In view of the support he can muster from authorities, the student may well inquire why he is asked to learn mathematics. Is it because Plato, some 2300 years ago, advocated mathematics to train the mind for philosophy? Is it because the Church in medieval times taught mathematics as a preparation for theological reasoning? Or is it because the commercial, industrial, and scientific life of the Western world needs mathematics so much? Perhaps the subject got into the curriculum by mistake, and no one has taken the trouble to throw it out. Certainly the student is justified in asking his teacher the very question which Mephistopheles put to Faust:

    Is it right, I ask, is it even prudence,

    To bore thyself and bore the students?

    Perhaps we should begin our answers to these questions by pointing out that the men we cited as disliking or disapproving of mathematics were really exceptional. In the great periods of culture which preceded the present one, almost all educated people valued mathematics. The Greeks, who created the modern concept of mathematics, spoke unequivocally for its importance. During the Middle Ages and in the Renaissance, mathematics was never challenged as one of the most important studies. The seventeenth century was aglow not only with mathematical activity but with popular interest in the subject. We have the instance of Samuel Pepys, so much attracted by the rapidly expanding influence of mathematics that at the age of thirty he could no longer tolerate his own ignorance and begged to learn the subject. He began, incidentally, with the multiplication table, which he subsequently taught to his wife. In 1681 Pepys was elected president of the Royal Society, a post later held by Isaac Newton.

    In perusing eighteenth-century literature, one is struck by the fact that the journals which were on the level of our Harpers and the Atlantic Monthly contained mathematical articles side by side with literary articles. The educated man and woman of the eighteenth century knew the mathematics of their day, felt obliged to be au courant with all important scientific developments, and read articles on them much as modern man reads articles on politics. These people were as much at home with Newton’s mathematics and physics as with Pope’s poetry.

    The vastly increased importance of mathematics in our time makes it all the more imperative that the modern person know something of the nature and role of mathematics. It is true that the role of mathematics in our civilization is not always obvious, and the deeper and more complex modern applications are not readily comprehended even by specialists. But the essential nature and accomplishments of the subject can still be understood.

    Perhaps we can see more easily why one should study mathematics if we take a moment to consider what mathematics is. Unfortunately the answer cannot be given in a single sentence or a single chapter. The subject has many facets or, some might say, is Hydra-headed. One can look at mathematics as a language, as a particular kind of logical structure, as a body of knowledge about number and space, as a series of methods for deriving conclusions, as the essence of our knowledge of the physical world, or merely as an amusing intellectual activity. Each of these features would in itself be difficult to describe accurately in a brief space.

    Because it is impossible to give a concise and readily understandable definition of mathematics, some writers have suggested, rather evasively, that mathematics is what mathematicians do. But mathematicians are human beings, and most of the things they do are uninteresting and some, embarrassing to relate. The only merit in this proposed definition of mathematics is that it points up the fact that mathematics is a human creation.

    A variation on the above definition which promises more help in understanding the nature, content, and values of mathematics, is that mathematics is what mathematics does. If we examine mathematics from the standpoint of what it is intended to and does accomplish, we shall undoubtedly gain a truer and clearer picture of the subject.

    Mathematics is concerned primarily with what can be accomplished by reasoning. And here we face the first hurdle. Why should one reason? It is not a natural activity for the human animal. It is clear that one does not need reasoning to learn how to eat or to discover what foods maintain life. Man knew how to feed, clothe, and house himself millenniums before mathematics existed. Getting along with the opposite sex is an art rather than a science mastered by reasoning. One can engage in a multitude of occupations and even climb high in the business and industrial world without much use of reasoning and certainly without mathematics. One’s social position is hardly elevated by a display of his knowledge of trigonometry. In fact, civilizations in which reasoning and mathematics played no role have endured and even flourished. If one were willing to reason, he could readily supply evidence to prove that reasoning is a dispensable activity.

    Those who are opposed to reasoning will readily point out other methods of obtaining knowledge. Most people are in fact convinced that their senses are really more than adequate. The very common assertion seeing is believing expresses the common reliance upon the senses. But everyone should recognize that the senses are limited and often fallible and, even where accurate, must be interpreted. Let us consider, as an example, the sense of sight. How big is the sun? Our eyes tell us that it is about as large as a rubber ball. This then is what we should believe. On the other hand, we do not see the air around us, nor for that matter can we feel, touch, smell, or taste it. Hence we should not believe in the existence of air.

    To consider a somewhat more complicated situation, suppose a teacher should hold up a fountain pen and ask, What is it? A student coming from some primitive society might call it a shiny stick, and indeed this is what the eyes see. Those who call it a fountain pen are really calling upon education and experience stored in their minds. Likewise, when we look at a tall building from a distance, it is experience which tells us that the building is tall. Hence the old saying that we are prone to see what lies behind our eyes, rather than what appears before them.

    Every day we see the sun where it is not. For about five minutes before what we call sunset, the sun is actually below the geometrical horizon and should therefore be invisible. But the rays of light from the sun curve toward us as they travel in the earths atmosphere, and the observer at P (Fig. 1–1) not only sees the sun but thinks the light is coming from the direction OP. Hence he believes the sun is in that direction.

    Fig. 1–1.

    Deviation of a ray by the earth’s atmosphere.

    The senses are obviously helpless in obtaining some kinds of knowledge, such as the distance to the sun, the size of the earth, the speed of a bullet (unless one wishes to feel its velocity), the temperature of the sun, the prediction of eclipses, and dozens of other facts.

    If the senses are inadequate, what about experimentation or, in simple cases, measurement? One can and in fact does learn a great deal by such means. But suppose one wants to find a very simple quantity, the area of a rectangle. To obtain it by measurement, one could lay off unit squares to cover the area and then count the number of squares. It is at least a little simpler to measure the lengths of the sides and then use a formula obtained by reasoning, namely, that the area is the product of length and width. In the only slightly more complicated problem of determining how high a projectile will go, we should certainly not consider traveling with the projectile.

    As to experimentation, let us consider a relatively simple problem of modern technology. One wishes to build a bridge across a river. How long and how thick should the many beams be? What shape should the bridge take? If it is to be supported by cables, how long and how thick should these be? Of course one could arbitrarily choose a number of lengths and thicknesses for the beams and cables and build the bridge. In this event, it would only be fair that the experimenter be the first to cross this bridge.

    It may be clear from this brief discussion that the senses, measurement, and experimentation, to consider three alternative ways of acquiring knowledge, are by no means adequate in a variety of situations. Reasoning is essential. The lawyer, the doctor, the scientist, and the engineer employ reasoning daily to derive knowledge that would otherwise not be obtainable or perhaps obtainable only at great expense and effort. Mathematics more than any other human endeavor relies upon reasoning to produce knowledge.

    One may be willing to accept the fact that mathematical reasoning is an effective procedure. But just what does mathematics seek to accomplish with its reasoning? The primary objective of all mathematical work is to help man study nature, and in this endeavor mathematics cooperates with science. It may seem, then, that mathematics is merely a useful tool and that the real pursuit is science. We shall not attempt at this stage to separate the roles of mathematics and science and to evaluate the relative merits of their contributions. We shall simply state that their methods are different and that mathematics is at least an equal partner with science.

    We shall see later how observations of nature are framed in statements called axioms. Mathematics then discloses by reasoning secrets which nature may never have intended to reveal. The determination of the pattern of motion of celestial bodies, the discovery and control of radio waves, the understanding of molecular, atomic, and nuclear structures, and the creation of artificial satellites are a few basically mathematical achievements. Mathematical formulation of physical data and mathematical methods of deriving new conclusions are today the substratum in all investigations of nature.

    The fact that mathematics is of central importance in the study of nature reveals almost immediately several values of this subject. The first is the practical value. The construction of bridges and skyscrapers, the harnessing of the power of water, coal, electricity, and the atom, the effective employment of light, sound, and radio in illumination, communication, navigation, and even entertainment, and the advantageous employment of chemical knowledge in the design of materials, in the production of useful forms of oil, and in medicine are but a few of the practical achievements already attained. And the future promises to dwarf the past.

    However, material progress is not the most compelling reason for the study of nature, nor have practical results usually come about from investigations so directed. In fact, to overemphasize practical values is to lose sight of the greater significance of human thought. The deeper reason for the study of nature is to try to understand the ways of nature, that is, to satisfy sheer intellectual curiosity. Indeed, to ask disinterested questions about nature is one of the distinguishing marks of mankind. In all civilizations some people at least have tried to answer such questions as: How did the universe come about? How old is the universe and the earth in particular? How large are the sun and the earth? Is man an accident or part of a larger design? Will the solar system continue to function or will the earth some day fall into the sun? What is light? Of course, not all people are interested in such questions. Food, shelter, sex, and television are enough to keep many happy. But others, aware of the pervasive natural mysteries, are more strongly obsessed to resolve them than any business man is to acquire wealth and power.

    Beyond improvement in the material life of man and beyond satisfaction of intellectual curiosity, the study of nature offers intangible values of another sort, especially the abolition of fear and terror and their replacement by a deep, quiet satisfaction in the ways of nature. To the uneducated and to those uninitiated in the world of science, many manifestations of nature have appeared to be agents of destruction sent by angry gods. Some of the beliefs in ancient and even medieval Europe may be of special interest in view of what happened later. The sun was the center of all life. As winter neared and the days became shorter, the people believed that a battle between the gods of light and darkness was taking place. Thus the god Wodan was supposed to be riding through heaven on a white horse followed by demons, all of whom sought every opportunity to harm people. When, however, the days began to lengthen and the sun began to show itself higher in the sky each day, the people believed that the gods of light had won. They ceased all work and celebrated this victory. Sacrifices were offered to the benign gods. Symbols of fertility such as fruit and nuts, whose growth is, of course, aided by the sun, were placed on the altars. To symbolize further the desire for light and the joy in light, a huge log was placed in the fire to burn for twelve days, and candles were lit to heighten the brightness.

    The beliefs and superstitions which have been attached to events we take in stride are incredible to modern man. An eclipse of the sun, a threat to the continuance of the light and heat which causes crops to grow, meant that the heavenly body was being swallowed up by a dragon. Many Hindu people believe today that a demon residing in the sky attacks the sun once in a while and that this is what causes the eclipse. Of course, when prayers, sacrifices, and ceremonies were followed by the victory of the sun or moon, it was clear that these rituals were the effective agent and so had to be pursued on every such occasion. In addition, special magic potions drunk during eclipses insured health, happiness, and wisdom.

    To primitive peoples of the past, thunder, lightning, and storms were punishments visited by the gods on people who had apparently sinned in some way. The stories in the Old Testament of the flood and of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah by fire and brimstone are examples of such acts of wrath by the God of the Hebrews. Hence there was continual concern and even dread about what the gods might have in mind for helpless humans. The only recourse was to propitiate the divine powers, so that they would bring good fortune instead of evil.

    Fears, dread, and superstitions have been eliminated, at least in our Western civilization, by just those intellectually curious people who have studied nature’s mighty displays. Those seemingly unprofitable amusements of speculative brains have freed us from serfdom, given us undreamed of powers, and, in fact, have replaced negative doctrines by positive mathematical laws which reveal a remarkable order and uniformity in nature. Man has emerged as the proud possessor of knowledge which has enabled him to view nature calmly and objectively. An eclipse of the sun occurring on schedule is no longer an occasion for trembling but for quiet satisfaction that we know nature’s ways. We breathe freely, knowing that nature will not be willful or capricious.

    Indeed, man has been remarkably successful in his study of nature. History is said to repeat itself, but, in general, the circumstances of the supposed repetition are not the same as those of the earlier occurrence. As a consequence, the history of man has not been too effective a guide for the future. Nature is kinder. When nature repeats herself, and she does so constantly, the repetitions are exact facsimiles of previous events, and therefore man can anticipate nature’s behavior and be prepared for what will take place. We have learned to recognize the patterns of nature and we can speak today of the uniformity of nature and delight in the regularity of her behavior.

    The successes of mathematics in the study of inanimate nature have inspired in recent times the mathematical study of human nature. Mathematics has not only contributed to the very practical institutions such as banking, insurance, pension systems, and the like, but it has also supplied some substance, spirit, and methodology to the infant sciences of economics, politics, and sociology. Number, quantitative studies, and precise reasoning have replaced vague, subjective, and ineffectual speculations and have already given evidence of greater values to come.

    As man turns to thoughts about himself and his fellow man, other questions occur to him which are as fundamental as any he can ask. Why is man born? What purposes does he serve or should he serve? What future awaits him? The knowledge acquired about our physical universe has profound implications for the origin and role of man. Moreover, as mathematics and science have amassed increasing knowledge and power, they have gradually encompassed the biological and psychological sciences, which in turn have shed further light on man’s physical and mental life. Thus it has come about that mathematics and science have profoundly affected philosophy and religion.

    Perhaps the most profound questions in the realm of philosophy are, What is truth and how does man acquire it? Though we have no final answer to these questions, the contribution of mathematics toward this end is paramount. For two millenniums mathematics was the prime example of truths man had unearthed. Hence all investigations of the problem of acquiring truths necessarily reckoned with mathematics. Though some startling developments in the nineteenth century altered completely our understanding of the nature of mathematics, the effectiveness of the subject, especially in representing and analyzing natural phenomena, has still kept mathematics the focal point of all investigations into the nature of knowledge. Not the least significant aspect of this value of mathematics has been the insight it has given us into the ways and powers of the human mind. Mathematics is the supreme and most remarkable example of the mind’s power to cope with problems, and as such it is worthy of study.

    Among the values which mathematics offers are its services to the arts. Most people are inclined to believe that the arts are independent of mathematics, but we shall see that mathematics has fashioned major styles of painting and architecture, and the service mathematics renders to music has not only enabled man to understand it, but has spread its enjoyment to all corners of our globe.

    Practical, scientific, philosophical, and artistic problems have caused men to investigate mathematics. But there is one other motive which is as strong as any of these — the search for beauty. Mathematics is an art, and as such affords the pleasures which all the arts afford. This last statement may come as a shock to people who are used to the conventional concept of the true arts and mentally contrast these with mathematics to the detriment of the latter. But the average person has not thought through what the arts really are and what they offer. All that many people actually see in painting, for example, are familiar scenes and perhaps bright colors. These qualities, however, are not the ones which make painting an art. The real values must be learned, and a genuine appreciation of art calls for much study.

    Nevertheless, we shall not insist on the aesthetic values of mathematics. It may be fairer to rest on the position that just as there are tone-deaf and color-blind people, so may there be some who temperamentally are intolerant of cold argumentation and the seemingly overfine distinctions of mathematics.

    To many people, mathematics offers intellectual challenges, and it is well known that such challenges do engross humans. Games such as bridge, crossword puzzles, and magic squares are popular. Perhaps the best evidence is the attraction of puzzles such as the following: A wolf, a goat, and cabbage are to be transported across a river by a man in a boat which can hold only one of these in addition to the man. How can he take them across so that the wolf does not eat the goat or the goat the cabbage? Two husbands and two wives have to cross a river in a boat which can hold only two people. How can they cross so that no woman is in the company of a man unless her husband is also present? Such puzzles go back to Greek and Roman times. The mathematician Tartaglia, who lived in the sixteenth century, tells us that they were after-dinner amusements.

    People do respond to intellectual challenges, and once one gets a slight start in mathematics, he encounters these in abundance. In view of the additional values to be derived from the subject, one would expect people to spend time on mathematical problems as opposed to the more superficial, and in some instances cheap, games which lack depth, beauty, and importance. The tantalizing and compelling pursuit of mathematical problems offers mental absorption, peace of mind amid endless challenges, repose in activity, battle without conflict, and the beauty which the ageless mountains present to senses tried by the kaleidoscopic rush of events. The appeal offered by the detachment and objectivity of mathematical reasoning is superbly described by Bertrand Russell.

    Remote from human passions, remote even from the pitiful facts of nature, the generations have gradually created an ordered cosmos, where pure thought can dwell as in its natural home and where one, at least, of our nobler impulses can escape from the dreary exile of the actual world.

    The creation and contemplation of mathematics offer such values.

    Despite all these arguments for the study of mathematics, the reader may have justifiable doubts. The idea that thinking about numbers and figures leads to deep and powerful conclusions which influence almost all other branches of thought may seem incredible. The study of numbers and geometrical figures may not seem a sufficiently attractive and promising enterprise. Not even the founders of mathematics envisioned the potentialities of the subject.

    So we start with some doubts about the worth of our enterprise. We could encourage the reader with the hackneyed maxim, nothing ventured, nothing gained. We could call to his attention the daily testimony to the power of mathematics offered by almost every newspaper and journal. But such appeals are hardly inspiring. Let us proceed on the very weak basis that perhaps those more experienced in what the world has to offer may also have the wisdom to recommend worth-while studies.

    Hence, despite St. Augustine, the reader is invited to tempt hell and damnation by engaging in a study of the subject. Certainly he can be assured that the subject is within his grasp and that no special gifts or qualities of mind are needed to learn mathematics. It is even debatable whether the creation of mathematics requires special talents as does the creation of music or great paintings, but certainly the appreciation of what others have done does not demand a mathematical mind any more than the appreciation of art requires an artistic mind. Moreover, since we shall not draw upon any previously acquired knowledge, even this potential source of trouble will not arise.

    Let us review our objectives. We should like to understand what mathematics is, how it functions, what it accomplishes for the world, and what it has to offer in itself. We hope to see that mathematics has content which serves the physical and social scientist, the philosopher, logician, and the artist; content which influences the doctrines of the statesman and the theologian; content which satisfies the curiosity of the man who surveys the heavens and the man who muses on the sweetness of musical sounds; and content which has undeniably, if sometimes imperceptibly, shaped the course of modern history. In brief, we shall try to see that mathematics is an integral part of the modern world, one of the strongest forces shaping its thoughts and actions, and a body of living though inseparably connected with, dependent upon, and in turn valuable to all other branches of our culture. Perhaps we shall also see how by suffusing and influencing all thought it has set the intellectual temper of our times.


    1.  A wolf, a goat, and a cabbage are to be rowed across a river in a boat holding only one of these three objects besides the oarsman. How should he carry them across so that the goat should not eat the cabbage or the wolf devour the goat?

    2.  Another hoary teaser is the following: A man goes to a tub of water with two jars, one holding 3 pt and the other 5 pt. How can he bring back exactly 4 pt?

    3.  Two husbands and two wives have to cross a river in a boat which can hold only two people. How can they cross so that no woman is in the company of a man unless her husband is also present?

    Recommended Reading

    RUSSELL, BERTRAND: The Study of Mathematics, an essay in the collection entitled Mysticism and Logic, Longmans, Green and Co., New York, 1925.

    WHITEHEAD, ALFRED NORTH: The Mathematical Curriculum, an essay in the collection entitled The Aims of Education, The New American Library, New York, 1949.

    WHITEHEAD, ALFRED NORTH: Science and the Modern World, Chaps. 2 and 3, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1926.



    An educated mind is, as it were, composed of all the minds of preceding ages.



    Our first objective will be to gain some historical perspective on the subject of mathematics. Although the logical development of mathematics is not markedly different from the historical, there are nevertheless many features of mathematics which are revealed by a glimpse of its history rather than by an examination of concepts, theorems, and proofs. Thus we may learn what the subject now comprises, how the various branches arose, and how the character of the mathematical contributions made by various civilizations was conditioned by these civilizations. This historical survey may also help us to gain some provisional understanding of the nature, extent, and uses of mathematics. Finally, a preview may help us to keep our bearings. In studying a vast subject, one is always faced with the danger of getting lost in details. This is especially true in mathematics, where one must often spend hours and even days in seeking to understand some new concepts or proofs.


    Aside possibly from astronomy, mathematics is the oldest and most continuously pursued branch of human thought. Moreover, unlike science, philosophy, and social thought, very little of the mathematics that has ever been created has been discarded. Mathematics is also a cumulative development, that is, newer creations are built logically upon older ones, so that one must usually understand older results to master newer ones. These facts recommend that we go back to the very origins of mathematics.

    As we examine the early civilizations, one remarkable fact emerges immediately. Though there have been hundreds of civilizations, many with great art, literature, philosophy, religion, and social institutions, very few possessed any mathematics worth talking about. Most of these civilizations hardly got past the stage of being able to count to five or ten.

    In some of these early civilizations a few steps in mathematics were taken. In prehistoric times, which means roughly before 4000 B.C., several civilizations at least learned to think about numbers as abstract concepts. That is, they recognized that three sheep and three arrows have something in common, a quantity called three, which can be thought about independently of any physical objects. Each of us in his own schooling goes through this same process of divorcing numbers from physical objects. The appreciation of number as an abstract idea is a great, and perhaps the first, step in the founding of mathematics.

    Another step was the introduction of arithmetical operations. It is quite an idea to add the numbers representing two collections of objects in order to arrive at the total instead of counting the objects in the combined collections. Similar remarks apply to subtraction, multiplication, and division. The early methods of carrying out these operations were crude and complicated compared with ours, but the ideas and the applications were there.

    Only a few ancient civilizations, Egypt, Babylonia, India, and China, possessed what may be called the rudiments of mathematics. The history of mathematics, and indeed the history of Western civilization, begins with what occurred in the first two of these civilizations. The role of India will emerge later, whereas that of China may be ignored because it was not extensive and moreover had no influence on the subsequent development of mathematics.

    Our knowledge of the Egyptian and Babylonian civilizations goes back to about 4000 B.C. The Egyptians occupied approximately the same region that now constitutes modern Egypt and had a continuous, stable civilization from ancient times until about 300 B.C. The term Babylonian includes a succession of civilizations which occupied the region of modern Iraq. Both of these peoples possessed whole numbers and fractions, a fair amount of arithmetic, some algebra, and a number of simple rules for finding the areas and volumes of geometrical figures. These rules were but the incidental accumulations of experience, much as people learned through experience what foods to eat. Many of the rules were in fact incorrect but good enough for the simple applications made then. For example, the Egyptian rule for finding the area of a circle amounts to using 3.16 times the square of the radius; that is, their value of π was 3.16. This value, though not accurate, was even better than the several values the Babylonians used, one of these being 3, the value found in the Bible.

    What did these early civilizations do with their mathematics? If we may judge from problems found in ancient Egyptian papyri and in the clay tablets of the Babylonians, both civilizations used arithmetic and algebra largely in commerce and state administration, to calculate simple and compound interest on loans and mortgages, to apportion profits of business to the owners, to buy and sell merchandise, to fix taxes, and to calculate how many bushels of grain would make a quantity of beer of a specified alcoholic content. Geometrical rules were applied to calculate the areas of fields, the estimated yield of pieces of land, the volumes of structures, and the quantity of bricks or stones needed to erect a temple or pyramid. The ancient Greek historian Herodotus says that because the annual overflow of the Nile wiped out the boundaries of the farmers’ lands, geometry was needed to redetermine the boundaries. In fact, Herodotus speaks of geometry as the gift of the Nile. This bit of history is a partial truth. The redetermination of boundaries was undoubtedly an application, but geometry existed in Egypt long before the date of 1400 B.C. mentioned by Herodotus for its origin. Herodotus would have been more accurate to say that Egypt is a gift of the Nile, for it is true today as it was then that the only fertile land in Egypt is that along the Nile; and this because the river deposits good soil on the land as it overflows.

    Applications of geometry, simple and crude as they were, did play a large role in Egypt and Babylonia. Both peoples were great builders. The Egyptian temples, such as those at Karnak and Luxor, and the pyramids still appear to be admirable engineering achievements even in this age of skyscrapers. The Babylonian temples, called ziggurats, also were remarkable pyramidal structures. The Babylonians were, moreover, highly skilled irrigation engineers, who built a system of canals to feed their hot dry lands from the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.

    Perhaps a word of caution is necessary with respect to the pyramids. Because these are impressive structures, some writers on Egyptian civilization have jumped to the conclusion that the mathematics used in the building of pyramids must also have been impressive. These writers point out that the horizontal dimensions of any one pyramid are exactly of the same length, the sloping sides all make the same angle with the ground, and the right angles are right. However, not mathematics but care and patience were required to obtain such results. A cabinetmaker need not be a mathematician.

    Mathematics in Egypt and Babylonia was also applied to astronomy. Of course, astronomy was pursued in these ancient civilizations for calendar reckoning and, to some extent, for navigation. The motions of the heavenly bodies give us our fundamental standard of time, and their positions at given times enable ships to determine their location and caravans to find their bearings in the deserts. Calendar reckoning is not only a common daily and commercial need, but it fixes religious holidays and planting times. In Egypt it was also needed to predict the flood of the Nile, so that farmers could move property and cattle away beforehand.

    was a more accurate figure but kept the knowledge secret. The Egyptian calendar was taken over much later by the Romans and then passed on to Europe. The Babylonians, by contrast, developed a lunar calendar. Since the duration of the month as measured from new moon to new moon varies from 29 to 30 days, the twelve-month year adopted by the Babylonians did not coincide with the year of the seasons. Hence the Babylonians added extra months, up to a total of seven, in every 19-year cycle. This scheme was also adopted by the Hebrews.

    Astronomy served not only the purposes just described, but from ancient times until recently it also served astrology. In ancient Babylonia and Egypt the belief was widespread that the moon, the planets, and the stars directly influenced and even controlled affairs of the state. This doctrine was gradually extended and later included the belief that the health and welfare of the individual were also subject to the will of the heavenly bodies. Hence it seemed reasonable that by studying the motions and relative positions of these bodies man could determine their influences and even predict his future.

    When one compares Egyptian and Babylonian accomplishments in mathematics with those of earlier and contemporary civilizations, one can indeed find reason to praise their achievements. But judged by other standards, Egyptian and Babylonian contributions to mathematics were almost insignificant, although these same civilizations reached relatively high levels in religion, art, architecture, metallurgy, chemistry, and astronomy. Compared with the accomplishments of their immediate successors, the Greeks, the mathematics of the Egyptians and Babylonians is the scrawling of children just learning how to write as opposed to great literature. They barely recognized mathematics as a distinct subject. It was a tool in agriculture, commerce, and engineering, no more important than the other tools they used to build pyramids and ziggurats. Over a period of 4000 years hardly any progress was made in the subject. Moreover, the very essence of mathematics, namely, reasoning to establish the validity of methods and results, was not even envisioned. Experience recommended their procedures and rules, and with this support they were content. Egyptian and Babylonian mathematics is best described as empirical and hardly deserves the appellation mathematics in view of what, since Greek times, we regard as the chief features of the subject. Some flesh and bones of concrete mathematics were there, but the spirit of mathematics was lacking.

    The lack of interest in theoretical or systematic knowledge is evident in all activities of these two civilizations. The Egyptians and Babylonians must have noted the paths of the stars, planets, and moon for thousands of years. Their calendars, as well as tables which are extant, testify to the scope and accuracy of these observations. But no Egyptian or Babylonian strove, so far as we know, to encompass all these observations in one major plan or theory of heavenly motions. Nor does one find any other scientific theory or connected body of knowledge.


    We have seen so far that mathematics, initiated in prehistoric times, struggled for existence for thousands of years. It finally obtained a firm grip on life in the highly congenial atmosphere of Greece. This land was invaded about 1000 B.C. by people whose origins are not known. By about 600 B.C. these people occupied not only Greece proper but many cities in Asia Minor on the Mediterranean coast, islands such as Crete, Rhodes, and Samos, and cities in southern Italy and Sicily. Though all of these areas bred famous men, the chief cultural center during the classical period, which lasted from about 600 B.C. to 300 B.C., was Athens.

    Greek culture was not entirely indigenous. The Greeks themselves acknowledge their indebtedness to the Babylonians and especially to the Egyptians. Many Greeks traveled in Egypt and in Asia Minor. Some went there to study. Nevertheless, what the Greeks created differs as much from what they took over from the Egyptians and Babylonians as gold differs from tin. Plato was too modest in his description of the Greek contribution when he said, Whatever we Greeks receive we improve and perfect. The Greeks not only made finished products out of the raw materials imported from Egypt and Babylonia, but they created totally new branches of culture. Philosophy, pure and applied sciences, political thought and institutions, historical writings, almost all our literary forms (except fictional prose), and new ideals such as the freedom of the individual are wholly Greek contributions.

    The supreme contribution of the Greeks was to call attention to, employ, and emphasize the power of human reason. This recognition of the power of reasoning is the greatest single discovery made by man. Moreover, the Greeks recognized that reason was the distinctive faculty which humans possessed. Aristotle says, Now what is characteristic of any nature is that which is best for it and gives most joy. Such to man is the life according to reason, since it is that which makes him man.

    It was by the application of reasoning to mathematics that the Greeks completely altered the nature of the subject. In fact, mathematics as we understand the term today is entirely a Greek gift, though in this case we need not heed Virgil’s injunction to fear such benefactions. But how did the Greeks plan to employ reason in mathematics? Whereas the Egyptians and Babylonians were content to pick up scraps of useful information through experience or trial and error, the Greeks abandoned empiricism and undertook a systematic, rational attack on the whole subject. First of all, the Greeks saw clearly that numbers and geometric forms occur everywhere in the heavens and on earth. Hence they decided to concentrate on these important concepts. Moreover, they were explicit about their intention to treat general abstract concepts rather than particular physical realizations. Thus they would consider the ideal circle rather than the boundary of a field or the shape of a wheel. They then observed that certain facts about these concepts are both obvious and basic. It was evident that equal numbers added to or subtracted from equal numbers give equal numbers. It was equally evident that two right angles are necessarily equal and that a circle can be drawn when center and radius are given. Hence they selected some of these obvious facts as a starting point and called them axioms. Their next idea was to apply reasoning, with these facts as premises, and to use only the most reliable methods of reasoning man possesses. If the reasoning were successful, it would produce new knowledge. Also, since they were to reason about general concepts, their conclusions would apply to all objects of which the concepts were representative. Thus if they could prove that the area of a circle is π times the square of the radius, this fact would apply to the area of a circular field, the floor area of a circular temple, and the cross section of a circular tree trunk. Such reasoning about general concepts might not only produce knowledge of hundreds of physical situations in one proof, but there was always the chance that reasoning would produce knowledge which experience might never suggest. All these advantages the Greeks expected to derive from reasoning about general concepts on the basis of evident reliable facts. A neat plan, indeed!

    It is perhaps already clear that the Greeks possessed a mentality totally different from that of the Egyptians and Babylonians. They reveal this also in the plans they had for the use of mathematics. The application of arithmetic and algebra to the computation of interest, taxes, or commercial transactions, and of geometry to the computation of the volumes of granaries was as far from their minds as the most distant star. As a matter of fact, their thoughts were on the distant stars. The Greeks found mathematics valuable in many respects, as we shall learn later, but they saw its main value in the aid it rendered to the study of nature; and of all the phenomena of nature, the heavenly bodies attracted them most. Thus, though the Greeks also studied light, sound, and the motions of bodies on the earth, astronomy was their chief scientific interest.

    Just what did the Greeks seek in probing nature? They sought no material gain and no power over nature; they sought merely to satisfy their minds. Because they enjoyed reasoning and because nature presented the most imposing challenge to their understanding, the Greeks undertook the purely intellectual study of nature. Thus the Greeks are the founders of science in the true sense.

    The Greek conception of nature was perhaps even bolder than their conception of mathematics. Whereas earlier and later civilizations viewed nature as capricious, arbitrary, and terrifying, and succumbed to the belief that magic and rituals would propitiate mysterious and feared forces, the Greeks dared to look nature in the face. They dared to affirm that nature was rationally and indeed mathematically designed, and that man’s reason, chiefly through the aid of mathematics, would fathom that design. The Greek mind rejected traditional doctrines, supernatural causes, superstitions, dogma, authority, and other such trammels on thought and undertook to throw the light of reason on the processes of nature. In seeking to banish the mystery and seeming arbitrariness of nature and in abolishing belief in dreaded forces, the Greeks were pioneers.

    For reasons which will become clearer in a later chapter, the Greeks favored geometry. By 300 B.C., Thales, Pythagoras and his followers, Plato’s disciples, notably Eudoxus, and hundreds of other famous men had built up an enormous logical structure, most of which Euclid embodied in his Elements. This is, of course, the geometry we still study in high school. Though they made some contributions to the study of the properties of numbers and to the solution of equations, almost all of their work was in geometric form, and so there was no improvement over the Egyptians and Babylonians in the representation of, and calculation with, numbers or in the symbolism and techniques of algebra. For these contributions the world had to wait many more centuries. But the vast development in geometry exerted an enormous influence in succeeding civilizations and supplied the inspiration for mathematical activity in civilizations which might otherwise never have acquired even the very concept of mathematics.

    The Greek accomplishments in mathematics had, in addition, the broader significance of supplying the first impressive evidence of the power of human reason to deduce new truths. In every culture influenced by the Greeks, this example inspired men to apply reason to philosophy, economics, political theory, art, and religion. Even today Euclid is the prime example of the power and accomplishments of reason. Hundreds of generations since Euclid’s days have learned from his geometry what reasoning is and what it can accomplish. Modern man as well as the ancient Greeks learned from the Euclidean document how exact reasoning should proceed, how to acquire facility in it, and how to distinguish correct from false reasoning. Although many people depreciate this value of mathematics, it is interesting nevertheless that when these people seek to offer an excellent example of reasoning, they inevitably turn to mathematics.

    This brief discussion of Euclidean geometry may show that the subject is far from being a relic of the dead past. It remains important as a stepping-stone in mathematics proper and as a paradigm of reasoning. With their gift of reason and with their explicit example of the power of reason, the Greeks founded Western civilization.


    The intellectual life of Greece was altered considerably when Alexander the Great conquered Greece, Egypt, and the Near East. Alexander decided to build a new capital for his vast empire and founded the city in Egypt named after him. The center of the new Greek world became Alexandria instead of Athens. Moreover, Alexander made deliberate efforts to fuse Greek and Near Eastern cultures. Consequently, the civilization centered at Alexandria, though predominantly Greek, was strongly influenced by Egyptian and Babylonian contributions. This Alexandrian Greek civilization lasted from about 300 B.C. to 600 A.D.

    The mixture of the theoretical interests of the Greeks and the practical outlook of the Babylonians and Egyptians is clearly evident in the mathematical and scientific work of the Alexandrian Greeks. The purely geometric investigations of the classical Greeks were continued, and two of the most famous Greek mathematicians, Apollonius and Archimedes, pursued their studies during the Alexandrian period. In fact, Euclid also lived in Alexandria, but his writings reflect the achievements of the classical period. For practical applications, which usually require quantitative results, the Alexandrians revived the crude arithmetic and algebra of Egypt and Babylonia and used these empirically founded tools and procedures, along with results derived from exact geometrical studies. There was some progress in algebra, but what was newly created by men such as Nichomachus and Diophantus was still short of even the elementary methods we learn in high school.

    The attempt to be quantitative, coupled with the classical Greek love for the mathematical study of nature, stimulated two of the most famous astronomers of all time, Hipparchus and Ptolemy, to calculate the sizes and distances of the heavenly bodies and to build a sound and, for those times, accurate astronomical theory, which is still known as Ptolemaic theory. Hipparchus and Ptolemy also created the chief tool they needed for this purpose, the mathematical subject known as trigonometry.

    During the centuries in which the Alexandrian civilization flourished, the Romans grew strong, and by the end of the third century B.C. they were a world power. After conquering Italy, the Romans conquered the Greek mainland and a number of Greek cities scattered about the Mediterranean area. Among these was the famous city of Syracuse in Sicily, where Archimedes spent most of his life, and where he was killed at the age of 75 by a Roman soldier. According to the account given by the noted historian Plutarch, the soldier shouted to Archimedes to surrender, but the latter was so absorbed in studying a mathematical problem that he did not hear the order, whereupon the soldier killed him.

    The contrast between Greek and Roman cultures is striking. The Romans have also bequeathed gifts to Western civilization, but in the fields of mathematics and science their influence was negative rather than positive. The Romans were a practical people and even boasted of their practicality. They sought wealth and world power and were willing to undertake great engineering enterprises, such as the building of roads and viaducts, which might help them to expand, control, and administer their empire, but they would spend no time or effort on theoretical studies which might further these activities. As the great philosopher Alfred North Whitehead remarked, No Roman ever lost his life because he was absorbed in the contemplation of a mathematical diagram.

    Indirectly as well as directly, the Romans brought about the destruction of the Greek civilization at Alexandria, directly by conquering Egypt and indirectly by seeking to suppress Christianity. The adherents to this new religious movement, though persecuted cruelly by the Romans, increased in number while the Roman Empire grew weaker. In 313 A.D. Rome legalized Christianity and, under the Emperor Theodosius (379–395), adopted it as the official religion of the empire. But even before this time, and certainly after it, the Christians began to attack the cultures and civilizations which had opposed them. By pillage and the burning of books, they destroyed all they could reach of ancient learning. Naturally the Greek culture suffered, and many works wiped out in these holocausts are now lost to us forever.

    The final destruction of Alexandria in 640 A.D. was the deed of the Arabs. The books of the Greeks were closed, never to be reopened in this region.


    The Arabs, who suddenly appeared on the scene of history in the role of destroyers, had been a nomadic people. They were unified under the leadership of the prophet Mohammed and began an attempt to convert the world to Mohammedanism, using the sword as their most decisive argument. They conquered all the land around the Mediterranean Sea. In the Near East they took over Persia and penetrated as far as India. In southern Europe they occupied Spain, southern France, where they were stopped by Charles Martel, southern Italy and Sicily. Only the Byzantine or Eastern Roman Empire was not subdued and remained an isolated center of Greek and Roman learning. In rather surprisingly quick time as the history of nations goes, the Arabs settled down and built a civilization and culture which maintained a high level from about 800 to 1200 A.D. Their chief centers were Bagdad in what is now Iraq, and Cordova in Spain. Realizing that the Greeks had created wonderful works in many fields, the Arabs proceeded to gather up and study what they could still find in the lands they controlled. They translated the works of Aristotle, Euclid, Apollonius, Archimedes, and Ptolemy into Arabic. In fact, Ptolemy’s chief work, whose title in Greek meant Mathematical Collection, was called the Almagest (The Greatest Work) by the Arabs and is still known by this name. Incidentally, other Arabic words which are now common mathematical terms are algebra, taken from the title of a book written by Al-Khowarizmi, a ninth-century Arabian mathematician, and algorithm, now meaning a process of calculation, which is a corruption of the man’s name.

    Though they showed keen interest in mathematics, optics, astronomy, and medicine, the Arabs contributed little that was original. It is also peculiar that, although they had at least some of the Greek works and could therefore see what mathematics meant, their own contributions, largely in arithmetic and algebra, followed the empirical, concrete approach of the Egyptians and Babylonians. They could on the one hand appreciate and critically review the precise, exact, and abstract mathematics of the Greeks while, on the other, offer methods of solving equations which, though they worked, had no reasoning to support them. During all the centuries in which Greek works were in their possession, the Arabs manfully resisted the lures of exact reasoning in their own contributions.

    We are indebted to the Arabs not only for their resuscitation of the Greek works but for picking up some simple but useful ideas from India, their neighbor on the East. The Indians, too, had built up some elementary mathematics comparable in extent and spirit with the Egyptian and Babylonian developments. However, after about 200 A.D., mathematical activity in India became more appreciable, probably as a result of contacts with the Alexandrian Greek civilization. The Hindus made a few contributions of their own, such as the use of special number symbols from 1 to 9, the introduction of 0, and the use of positional notation with base ten, that is, our modern method of writing numbers. They also created negative numbers. These ideas were taken over by the Arabs and incorporated in their mathematical works.

    Because of internal dissension the Arab Empire split into two independent parts. The Crusades launched by the Europeans and the inroads made by the Turks further weakened the Arabs, and their empire and culture disintegrated.


    Thus far Europe proper has played no role in the history of mathematics. The reason is simple. The Germanic tribes who occupied central Europe and the Gauls of western Europe were barbarians. Among primitive civilizations, theirs were primitive indeed. They had no learning, no art, no science, not even a system of writing.

    The barbarians were gradually civilized. While the Romans were still successful in holding the regions now called France, England, southern Germany, and the Balkans, the barbarians were in contact with, and to some extent influenced by, the Romans. When the Roman Empire collapsed, the Church, already a strong organization, took on the task of civilizing and converting the barbarians. Since the Church did not favor Greek learning and since at any rate the illiterate Europeans had first to learn reading and writing, one is not surprised to find that mathematics and science were practically unknown in Europe until about 1100 A.D.


    Insofar as the history of mathematics is concerned, the Arabs served as the agents of destiny. Trade with the Arabs and such invasions of the Arab lands as the Crusades acquainted the Europeans, who hitherto possessed only fragments of the Greek works, with the vast stores of Greek learning possessed by the Arabs. The ideas in these works excited the Europeans, and scholars set about acquiring them and translating them into Latin. Through another accident of history another group of Greek works came to Europe. We have already noted that the Eastern Roman or Byzantine Empire had survived the Germanic and the Arab aggrandizements. But in the fifteenth century the Turks captured the Eastern Roman Empire, and Greek scholars carrying precious manuscripts fled the region and went to Europe.

    We shall leave for a later chapter a fuller account of how the European world was aroused by the renaissance of the novel and weighty Greek ideas, and of the challenge these ideas posed to the European beliefs and way of life.* From the Greeks the Europeans acquired arithmetic, a crude algebra, the vast development of Euclidean geometry, and the trigonometry of Hipparchus and Ptolemy. Of course, Greek science and philosophy also became known in Europe.

    The first major European development in mathematics occurred in the work of the artists. Imbued with the Greek doctrines that man must study himself and the real world, the artists began to paint reality as they actually perceived it instead of interpreting religious themes in symbolic styles. They applied Euclidean geometry to create a new system of perspective which permitted them to paint realistically. Specifically, the artists created a new style of painting which enabled them to present on canvas, scenes making the same impression on the eye as the actual scenes themselves. From the work of the artists, the mathematicians derived ideas and problems that led to a new branch of mathematics, projective geometry.

    Stimulated by Greek astronomical ideas, supplied with data and the astronomical theory of Hipparchus and Ptolemy, and steeped in the Greek doctrine that the world is mathematically designed, Nicolaus Copernicus sought to show that God had done a better job than Hipparchus and Ptolemy had described. The result of Copernicus’ thinking was a new system of astronomy in which the sun was immobile and the planets revolved around the sun. This heliocentric theory was considerably improved by Kepler. Its effects on religion, philosophy, science, and on man’s estimations of his own importance were profound. The heliocentric theory also raised scientific and mathematical problems which were a direct incentive to new mathematical developments.

    Just how much mathematical activity the revival of Greek works might have stimulated cannot be determined, for simultaneously with the translation and absorption of these works, a number of other revolutionary developments altered the social, economic, religious, and intellectual life of Europe. The introduction of gunpowder was followed by the use of muskets and later cannons. These inventions revolutionized methods of warfare and gave the newly emerging social class of free common men an important role in that domain. The compass became known to the Europeans and made possible long-range navigation, which the merchants sponsored for the purpose of finding new sources of raw materials and better trade routes. One result was the discovery of America and the consequent influx of new ideas into Europe. The invention of printing and of paper made of rags afforded books in large quantities and at cheap prices, so that learning spread far more than it ever had in any earlier civilizations. The Protestant Revolution stirred debate and doubts concerning doctrines that had been unchallenged for 1500 years. The rise of a merchant class and of free men engaged in labor in their own behalf stimulated an interest in materials, methods of production, and new commodities. All of these needs and influences challenged the

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