August 14-16, 2017
August 14-16, 2017
August 14-16, 2017
Teaching Dates: SEPTEMBER 4, 6, p11 and 13 Quarter FIRST QUARTER (1ST SEMESTER)
Objectives must be met over the week and connected to the curriculum standards. To meet the objectives, necessary procedures must be followed and
if needed, additional lessons, exercises and remedial activities may be done for developing content knowledge and competencies. These are assessed
using Formative Assessment strategies. Valuing objectives support the learning of content and competencies and enable children to find significance
I. OBJECTIVES and joy in learning the lessons. Weekly objectives shall be derived from the curriculum guides.
The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates Understanding the brief Understanding of the significant
appreciation of contemporary art appreciation of contemporary art overview of the major themes of roles of artists from the regions.
forms, found in the various regions by forms, found in the various regions by the Philippines art history, from
A. Content Standards
understanding the works in term of understanding the works in term of pre-conquest to conquest on to
their form (elements and principles), their form (elements and principles), modern and contemporary
content, and context. content, and context. periods.
Creates avenue to advocate the arts Creates avenue to advocate the arts The learner presents a form of Creates avenue to advocate the
B. Performance from the different regions. from the different regions. integrated contemporary art arts from the different regions.
Standards based on the region of his/her
The learner: The learner: The learner: The learner:
1. Identify the major periods, artists and 1. Understand the different 1. Evaluates contemporary
1. Identify the major periods, artists
artworks of Philippine art history; contexts by recalling and art forms based on the
C. Learning and artworks of Philippine art (CAR11/12CAP-0c-e-8) analyzing how it applies to elements and principles.
Competencies / history; (CAR11/12CAP-0c-e-8) 2. Build an initial vocabulary of major and a familiar or community- (CAR11/12CAP-0C-e-5)
Objectives 2. Build an initial vocabulary of major basic terms in Philippine Art History. based art form. 2. Compares forms of arts
and basic terms in Philippine Art (CAR11/12CAP-0c-e-9) (CAR11/12CAP-0c-e-4) from the different
History. (CAR11/12CAP-0c-e-9) 3. Define contemporary arts by situating 2. Interpret the notions of regions.(CAR11/12CAP-
3. Define contemporary arts by these within Philippine art; appropriation and 0c-e-7)
situating these within Philippine art; 4. Illustrate local examples of decontextualization 3. Interprets and relates the
contemporary arts through an interview through a group activity. significance of arts forms
and studio or museum visits. (CAR11/12CAP-oc-e-5)
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4. Illustrate local examples of from the regions.
contemporary arts through an 5. Distinguish conservative, modern, and (CAR11/12CAP-0c-e-8)
interview and studio or museum contemporary styles in the visual arts and 4. 5Promotes arts from the
be able to interpret these by creating a regions. (CAR11/12CAP-
self-portrait; and 0c-e-9)
5. Distinguish conservative, modern,
6. Link the various art forms through an
and contemporary styles in the visual integrative activity.
arts and be able to interpret these by
creating a self-portrait; and
6. Link the various art forms through
an integrative activity.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages Page 75-80 Page 75-80 Page 81-85 Page 81-85
4. Additional
Materials from
Learning Resource
(LR) portal
Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Contemporary Philippine Arts from Contemporary Philippine Arts Contemporary Philippine Arts
Regions the Regions from the Regions from the Regions
By: Faludette May Datuin By: Faludette May Datuin By: Faludette May Datuin By: Faludette May Datuin
B. Other Learning
Eileen Legaspi-Ramirez Eileen Legaspi-Ramirez Eileen Legaspi-Ramirez Eileen Legaspi-Ramirez
Roberto Paulino Roberto Paulino Roberto Paulino Roberto Paulino
Louise Marcelino Louise Marcelino Louise Marcelino Louise Marcelino
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1. Discuss the lesson’s specific 1. Discuss the lesson’s specific
1. Discuss the lesson’s specific learning 1. Discuss the lesson’s specific learning outcomes to the class. learning outcomes to the class.
A. Reviewing previous outcomes to the class. learning outcomes to the class. 2. Show images or a video of an 2. Show images or a video of an
lesson or
2. Show images or a video of an example 2. Show images or a video of an example of a Philippine example of a Philippine
presenting the new
of a Philippine contemporary art form in example of a Philippine contemporary art form in the contemporary art form in the
the Philippines. contemporary art form in the Philippines. Philippines.
1. Let the students 1. Let the students observed 1. Let the students make their
1. Let the students make their make their reaction a chart showing the reaction paper regarding the
B. Establishing a reaction paper regarding the videos paper regarding the difference between videos that they have seen.
purpose for the
that they have seen videos that they have contemporary and
seen modern in historical,
chronological, as an
overview of Philippine Art
Lesson 1.
1. Process the reactions . 1. Process the reactions 1. Process the 1. Process the reactions
written by the students. written by the students. observations written written by the students.
2. Ask the students “was there 2. Ask the students by the students. 2. Ask the students “was there
an art before colonization?” “was there an art before 2. Ask the students the an art before colonization?”
3. Present the different tribes colonization?” difference between 3. Present the different tribes
C. Presenting examples/ that contributed the 3. Present the different contemporary arts and that contributed the
instances of the new
contemporary art in the tribes that contributed the a modern art. contemporary art in the
Philippines. contemporary art in the 3. Present the definition, Philippines.
4. Show pictures through Philippines. classifications, and 4. Show pictures through
slideshow presentation the 4. Show pictures characteristics of slideshow presentation the
different examples of their through slideshow contemporary art from different examples of their
work art presentation the different a modern art. work art
examples of their work art
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4. Show examples of a
contemporary art and
a modern art.
5. Let students classify
contemporary arts and
modern art.
D. Discussing new
concepts and
practicing new skills
E. Discussing new
concepts and
practicing new skills
F. Developing Mastery 1. Instruct the learners to form a . 1. Instruct the learners to form a Instruct the learners to produce a Instruct the learners to watch
group of 5 to 6 members. group of 5 to 6 members. collaborative, process-oriented, DEKADA ’70, a film adaptation, 2002
and integrative art. Form a group of Lualhati Bautista’s novel about a
of 10 members. family’s travails during the Martial
2. Provide each group with images/ 2. Provide each group with images/
Law years. Reflect how the regime
video of different contemporary art video of different contemporary art
-Provide the students with a local was presented in the film.
forms from different genres. forms from different genres. myth of creation (or a poem) that - What was the setting and
3. Each group will present their 3. Each group will present their the students will discuss the main how did the characters
observations/analysis. observations/analysis. points. react to the setting? How
4. The other groups will give oral 4. The other groups will give oral - Each group creates one to three do you reconcile what you
feedback. feedback. minute improvisations, as follows: have seen in the film with
5. The discussion will be synthesized 5. The discussion will be synthesized One group dramatizes art production during the
by the teacher. by the teacher. the story through period? What could this say
narrative action; about art production in
Another group creates general? Alternatively, you
rhythm and sound could read the novel and
through sticks, stones, or examine how the regime is
any other available woven into the story.
materials that produce
sound; Go back to the Historical, Stylistic,
Another group creates a and Cultural Overview. With the
dance; and above account and additional
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Another group creates a research of the students, they will
few props through their insert their own inputs on Music,
bodies and other Dance, Literature and Theater.
available materials.
- The groups will come
together to integrate their
work into a raw composite
piece. Which will later on
be polished in the
succeeding sessions.
G. Finding practical
applications of
concepts and skills
in daily living
H. Making
generalizations and
abstractions about
the lesson
I. Evaluating learning Design a creative work showing the Design a creative work showing the
classifications of the various classifications of the various
contemporary art forms. contemporary art forms.
J. Additional activities Reaction paper from the National Artist Reaction paper from the National Artist
for application or
V. REMARKS Reteach (Intramurals Week) Reteach (Intramurals Week) .
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A. No.of learners who NONE NONE ABM1- Out of 63 students 58 students earned
earned 80% on the NONE 80% on the formative assessment
formativeABM-2 Out
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Teacher II Assistant Principal II Academics
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