Beyond Today Magazine - November/December 2019

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Help for Today, Hope for Tomorrow January-February 2016

A Magazine of Understanding November-December 2019

The Problem With

and the

Foresight or Blind Evolution? 9 • Darwinism Unraveling? 13 • A God-Centered Universe 18

Trade War: America and China Square Off 21 • Is Christmas Really Christian? 26
CONTENTS November-December 2019

4 The Problem With Evolution
and the Return of God
What does biochemistry tell us about the
entrenched idea that life resulted from random
chance over billions of years? Will we see a resur-
gence in belief in God as the true explanation?

9 Foresight or Blind Evolution?

The argument that nature is a result of blind
chance that only appears designed is becoming
harder to defend with growing evidence of

foresight and planning.

13 Darwinism Unraveling?

Photos, from top: Sergey Nivens/123RF, Anatolii Tsekhmister/123RF, Kirill Kedrinski/123RF Cover: mackoflower/123RF Page 3:
Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution is widely
accepted throughout the world. How did that
theory develop, and is it true?

16 Interview With Intelligent

Design Proponent Jay Richards
Dr. Richards discusses the history of the intelligent
design movement and how recent areas of research
increasingly point to a Designer.

18 A God-Centered Universe
Human history is filled with misguided views of the
9 26
universe. The heart of the problem is man’s failure
to understand that God is at its center!
21 Trade War: America 24 Current Events and Trends
and China Square Off An overview of events and conditions around the world
What’s behind the economic pushing and shoving
between the United States and China? What are 30 Letters From Our Readers
the stakes? How might this affect the rest of the Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts
world—and you?
31 Beyond Today Television Log
26 Is Christmas Really Christian? A listing of stations and times for the Beyond Today TV program
Many assume Jesus was born on Christmas or
that, even if He wasn’t, it’s a good occasion to
celebrate, since it’s still worshiping Him. But did
How Your Subscription Has Been Paid
early Christians observe Christmas? And what Beyond Today magazine is dedicated to proclaiming the true gospel of Jesus Christ and to revealing the biblical solutions
to so many of the problems that plague humanity. It is sent free of charge to all who request it.
should we do today?
Your subscription is provided by the voluntary contributions of members of the United Church of God, an International
Association, and our extended worldwide family of coworkers and donors who help share this message of hope with others.
29 Five Tips to Be More Positive We are grateful for the generous tithes and offerings of the members of the Church and other supporters who voluntarily
contribute to assist in this effort to proclaim the true gospel to all nations. While we do not solicit the general public for
How can we avoid negative thinking and focus funds, we welcome contributions to help us share this message of truth and hope with others.
on the positive?

2 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g

Beliefs Have Scott Ashley

Managing editor

Consequences trucks or a pistol under the car seat, usually for shooting snakes.

What a different world we live in today. We are now well into
a second or even third generation of schoolchildren who’ve
s a high school student decades ago I remember a radio been educated without the Bible, prayer or acknowledgment of
personality ridiculing the theory of evolution with God as part of their formal schooling. And sadly, it shows.
the catchphrase, “Did we come from scum, or did For decades now, in spite of its many flaws, Darwinian evo-
we climb from slime?”—parodying the idea that life lution has been taught to schoolchildren as fact. They’ve been
emerged from some algae-laden pond. His phrasing had a educated to believe they’re simply highly developed animals. So
clever ring to it, as evidenced by the fact that I still remember why should we expect them to behave differently than animals?
it years later. With God removed from the picture and schoolkids taught
At the time I was intensely interested in science. I won my they’re just another kind of animal, is it any wonder our schools
school science fair’s highest award three years in a row, once today see so much bullying, violence, casual sex, teen pregnancies
for creating a set of three-dimensional, and sexually transmitted disease, along with an
full-color cutaway models of various kinds unprecedented epidemic of young male mass
of cells. killers?
I still remember researching and work- Is it any wonder human life is so degraded
ing on that project and being amazed at the and devalued when abortion is so common-
complexity of the microscopic marvels of place? After all, we’re told those tiny human
blood cells, nerve cells, muscle cells, skin beings are just lumps of tissue, of even less
cells, plant cells and more. Electron micro- value than animals, to be discarded when it’s
scopes were just beginning to reveal that no longer wanted or convenient!
cells were not merely simple blobs of mat- The sad fact is, beliefs have consequences.
Did this cow put itself together? Apparently
ter, but were in fact highly refined structures so, if Darwinian evolution is to be believed. History is littered with the bloody debris of
beautifully designed for their purpose. that reality.
Except, we were told in our biology books, they weren’t Margaret Sanger was a firm believer in eugenics—ridding
really designed at all. And they didn’t have a purpose. In fact, the human race of what she considered less-desirable spec-
they were nothing more than the product of chance and count- imens. You might say she wanted to streamline the evolu-
less random accidents over an unfathomable period of time. tionary process, to make it more efficient. And she did. She
But what I saw sure had me fooled. I had never seen any- founded Planned Parenthood a little more than a century ago.
thing that worked so well put itself together out of nothing! In the decades since, the organization has been responsible for
And then there were the cattle. Every year we raised a steer the deaths of tens of millions of babies through abortion and
to provide meat for our family with three boys, and we con- “emergency” contraception—making the organization one of
sumed a lot of beef and beans. After my older brother left history’s most prolific mass killers.
home, it fell to me as an eighth-grader to help my father kill Adolf Hitler similarly believed in enforcing a kind of “evo-
and carve up that year’s steer. lution” as government policy. He ordered the extermination
To put it mildly, it was not a pleasant task. But the yuck fac- of millions of members of cultural or ethnic groups deemed
tor was considerably compensated for by the opportunity to undesirable in death camps so he could purify the earth for the
examine, up close and personal, how a large living creature superior Aryan master race to rule in a planned thousand-year
was put together—the skeletal structure, the various inter- Germanic empire known as the Third Reich.
nal organs, the protective outer hide, the digestive system, the Darwinian evolution has as its foundational premise “sur-
blood veins and arteries, the intricate nerve system, and even a vival of the fittest.” And tragically, that mentality has taken
natural built-in fly swatter in the form of a highly efficient tail. root again and again in hateful ideologies all over the globe,
It sure looked like an intricately designed system to me. But leaving death and destruction in its wake. Isn’t it about time
again, I was fooled by my own eyes. The biology books assured we woke up and acknowledged its evil fruit?
me it had all put itself together out of nothing! In this issue we examine some of the more recent discoveries
I speak facetiously, of course—but just barely. Only a few years highlighting the theory’s fatal flaws. Evolution leaves mankind
earlier the U.S. Supreme Court had banned the Bible and prayer blind to our purpose, wandering and wondering in the dark.
from public schools and much of public life. At my own school We hope you’ll read these articles carefully—and realize that
those rulings were pretty much ignored, and students continued yes, beliefs have consequences.
to pray and meet for Bible studies every day before classes started.
No one then ever worried about serious school violence, and
school shootings were unheard of. This was even though some
students in rural schools like mine had rifles in gun racks in their

B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • November-December 2019 3

The Problem With Evolution

and the Return of God
What does biochemistry tell us about the entrenched idea that life resulted from random
chance over billions of years? Will we see a resurgence in belief in God as the true explanation?

by Peter Eddington

n spite of its hold over the minds of many, Darwinian Dr. Tour further remarks of those who would attempt to
evolution has never explained the origin of life. Sure, replicate life: “But even if we gave them the DNA in the struc-
lots of high school and college textbooks will tell you ture that they wanted, they wouldn’t know how to put all the
that evolution provides an explanation for the origin components together because of the sophistication within a
of life, but it’s all false. No scientist has ever been able cell. The interactomes, the interacting connectivity between
to demonstrate how life arose from the elements, the molecules . . . all of these have to be in the right place and
chemicals and compounds available on our planet. in the right order for a cell to function. We don’t even know
The reality is that the generation of life through mindless, how to define life, let alone knowing how to spark it to begin!”
undirected processes is impossible.
We will see what a respected synthetic
chemist, well suited to critique ori-
The generation of life through mindless pro-
gin-of-life research, informs us more cesses is impossible. A much better explanation
about this, as we’ll see. What, then, can
explain the rise of life? for the origin of life is not evolution but God.
We may soon be entering an age
when a different hypothesis will be recognized as a much bet- We will summarize and quote more of Tour’s comments as we go.
ter explanation for origin of life—not Darwinian evolution
but God. Intelligent design is fast becoming recognized (once Miseducation on the subject abounds
again, as it was in past ages) as the best explanation for the If you look at a typical college or high school textbook, it
origin of life. will tell you that life began in a prehistoric pond with chem-
icals forming molecules that came together to form a simple
Scientists cannot manufacture life cell, which sparked into life from a bolt of lightning or some-
First, let’s look at the complicated realm that is “life.” We thing similar, with a creature eventually slithering out of the
will quickly come to see that the most intelligent among us pond onto dry land.
cannot replicate it. But this is totally fallacious! Scientists, after being given
Origin of life is prebiotic—meaning it happened before any all the elements and chemicals we find in a simple living cell,
biological operation or development entered the picture. How don’t know how to make the molecules required for assembly
did unthinking inanimate chemicals produce the first life? or how to assemble them.
Brilliant scientists today cannot even build a simple bacterium. Dr. Tour puts it this way: “Not only do we not know how to
The first step in constructing such a bacterium, which con- make the basic components, we do not know how to build the
tains 256 protein-coding genes, is to have the four classes of structure—even if we were given the basic components . . .
molecules that are needed. Yet even if scientists were handed Even if I gave you all the components, even if I gave you all the
the molecules, they don’t know how to assemble them. amino acids, all the protein, all the protein structures from
Dr. James Tour, a renowned synthetic organic chemist spe- those amino acids that you wanted, all the lipids in the purity
cializing in nanotechnology, has been labeled one of the most that you wanted, the DNA, the RNA, in even in the sequence
influential scientists in the world today. In a Discovery Insti- that you wanted (so I’m even giving you the code) . . . Can you
tute video interview with him titled “James Tour: The Ori- now assemble a cell here in your individual labs? . . . Not in a
gin of Life Has Not Been Explained” (available on YouTube), prebiotic cesspool but in your nice laboratory? And the answer
he categorically states: “We can make technologies but we is a resounding no! And if anybody claims otherwise they do
Sergey Nivens/123RF

can’t even make the simplest bacterium. Anybody who would not know this area.”
say something contrary does not know what they are talking There is a huge misunderstanding even among science and
about. Show me the demonstration. Nobody has ever done it. biology professors that humanity understands how to build
And it’s not because of lack of effort; it’s not because of lack of life once given all the structures, acids and lipids needed. Yet
will” (July 5, 2019). none of these has ever been assembled to make so much

4 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g
Even if handed every intricate component already assembled,
scientists still could not build the most basic living cell, even
in the most sophisticated lab environment. How then did this
happen on its own, unguided, by chance in a pool of ooze?

B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • November-December 2019 5

as a single cell or anything close to it! and water. You also need amino acids. These then have to link
As Dr. Tour points out, magazine articles will proudly together to form proteins—and it’s not easy to get amino acids
announce that scientists know how to build life, and then the to link together.
average person reads it and believes that scientists know how Then you need enzymes. But in a prebiotic world enzymes
to do it. Even some scientists believe that other scientists know do not exist, as the enzymes themselves are made out of amino
how to do it, but they don’t—nobody does! The general public is acids and proteins.
being led wildly astray! After this you must have carbohydrates and a way to link
them together. This is extremely complex. Consider the exam-
Time for a recall! ple Dr. Tour gives of just the simple carbohydrate D-mannose (a
Have you ever owned an automobile that was issued a safety sugar related to glucose). If you make six units of D-mannose it
recall? Perhaps the seatbelts were not up to standard, or the can be linked together in more than a trillion different combina-
airbags could go off prematurely, or the brakes would not hold tions, and only one works. How do you get that by chance?
up to tough conditions. So you receive a notice to take your Next you need lipids. The lipids have to have two molecu-
vehicle in to be serviced and have upgraded parts installed. It’s lar tails—not one. Having just one would destabilize the mem-
for your own safety. brane layers they need to form. How is that done in a prebiotic
The auto manufacturer’s reputation is on the line. If it doesn’t system? No scientist knows!
correct the safety problem and get you back on the road, it will After that you must have nucleic acids. These have to some-
lose customers and its sales may plummet.
The academic world should take the same
approach. The fact is, for many years our high
We have spaceflight, rovers on Mars,
school and university textbooks have been making silicon chips, super computers—but we
claims about the origin of life that are totally false.
It’s time for those textbooks to be recalled! It’s time cannot build the simplest living cell.
for scientists to be honest about what they actu-
ally know and don’t know about building life. It’s time for our how link very cleanly to a carbohydrate that had to be made
students to understand that even when given all of the required independently without becoming caramelized.
building blocks of life in a perfect, sterile laboratory environ- Next is the nucleotide that has to hook together with a phos-
ment (let alone having the building blocks themselves handed phate group—but that’s only done by enzymes. Synthetic
over on a silver platter, without having to create them), the great- organic chemists don’t know how to do that cleanly before
est minds of our time, the smartest organic chemists, cannot enzymes existed.
explain the origin of life or create even the simplest cell. Science doesn’t know how to even make all these pieces—
let alone connect them together! Yes, we have spaceflight,
Unlimited time actually works against chance origin of life rovers on Mars, silicon chips, computers and Wi-Fi connec-
You may have been told that given enough time, given mil- tivity (none of these being alive with life)—but humankind
lions or billions of years, that there is a chance, a probability, cannot build life even when given all of these building blocks
that life could begin on its own. Once again, this is not true. pulled from our environment. (And we cannot actually make
Time is an enemy of organic synthesis, not a friend. the building blocks ourselves to begin with!) Why should we
Many of the chemicals needed for life are kinetic products, believe that blind forces with no intelligence could do this?
meaning they’re not thermodynamically stable. For example,
carbohydrates—a main class of compounds that link together Probability arguments destroy chance origin of life
DNA—are kinetic products that decompose over a very short “Deep time” is typically invoked to improve the odds of life
period. So if over billions of years a carbohydrate were to form arising by chance. The underlying assumption is that, given
by chance, it would decompose very quickly—long before all the enough time, eventually anything and everything becomes
other necessary building blocks were available to generate life. possible—including life arising completely by chance. There-
Did molecules really mysteriously form on their own and fore vast amounts of time must be factored in to mitigate the
sit there waiting for millions of years for other molecules to extremely remote probabilities involved. But the fact is, the
arrive? No! Organic chemistry doesn’t work that way. numbers are simply far too great to overcome. There is not
Dr. Tour notes that any university student setting up reac- enough time (an estimated 14 billion years since the formation
tions to produce carbohydrates, who goes home for the week- of our universe) for a random combination of factors to come
end without stopping the reaction at a precise moment and together to generate even a simple protein, much less a living
putting it in a sterile bottle under inert conditions in a freezer, organism.
will come back to find a caramelized carbohydrate that is now The odds against such an occurrence are much greater than
useless. And to think that some scientists believe this would the total number of atoms in existence in the universe! Even
all somehow work in a primordial pond with no laboratory if the universe were many times older, that would still not be
conditions or controls! anywhere close to enough.
Again, time is actually an enemy in this process! To illustrate, Dr. Tour notes that the possible combina-
tions of protein interactions in a single yeast cell are 10 to the
Life’s chemical building blocks have not been reproduced 79 billionth power! That’s a 1 followed not by just 79 zeros,
The chemicals needed for life are more than just carbon but a 1 with 79 billion zeros after it! This is just the number of

6 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g
molecular interactions (the interactome) in just one protein. design movement, he now directs Discovery Institute’s Center
It’s impossible to even comprehend. By comparison, the esti- for Science and Culture. Meyer has authored most recently
mated number of elemental particles in the entire universe is the New York Times bestseller Darwin’s Doubt: The Explosive
only 10 to the 90th power! Origin of Animal Life and the Case for Intelligent Design (2013)
Dr. Tour further states: “Then in addition to just those 3,000 as well as Signature in the Cell: DNA and the Evidence for
proteins that are there in that single yeast cell, you still need all Intelligent Design (2009).
the DNA, all the RNA. You need to have all the carbohydrates. Meyer is now completing his latest book The Return of the
Remember, the carbohydrates have all their own definition God Hypothesis: Compelling Scientific Evidence for the Exis-
order by the way they’re hooked up . . . You can put more infor- tence of God, which is slated for release in April 2020. He is
mation in the carbohydrates that are on a cell surface than you developing a fundamental argument for intelligent design,
store in DNA and RNA combined. And that information has showing that there is a third fundamental factor needed for life
to come from an original DNA template, plus a series of other alongside matter and energy—information.
enzyme cascades. All of this is in that [single] cell in addition Where does the information encoded in the cell come from?
to those interactomes. It’s very complex. Origin of life is a com- It’s not material, just as the article you’re reading is not the
plex problem, and it’s hard to throw this at the feet of just large medium it’s written on but the message it communicates. The
numbers.” information embedded in nature all the way down to the tini-
(Besides the interview with him, another Discovery Insti- est levels requires an intelligent, thinking, planning mind
behind all of creation. And that mind is the mind
of God.
That is the answer to our existence, to the origin
of life—God.
God does exist, and His work as Creator is the
only reasonable explanation for the origin of life.
As Dr. Tour so eloquently explains, from the point
of view of a synthetic organic chemist, it is impossi-
ble for life to have begun by chance over long peri-
ods of time. It simply could not have happened that
way! (For more proof of God’s existence, down-
load or request our free study guide Life’s Ultimate
Question: Does God Exist? at
Growing doubt about Darwin and evolution
The online resource Conservapedia includes
the following in its lengthy entry on evolution.
Although the following quotes are from a decade
or more ago, they show a larger trend of scientists
tute video at YouTube featuring Dr. Tour is well worth watch- moving away from Darwinism:
ing: “James Tour: The Mystery of the Origin of Life” from the “A 2005 poll by the Louis Finkelstein Institute for Social
January 2019 Dallas Conference on Science & Faith.) and Religious Research found that 60% of American medi-
cal doctors reject Darwinism, stating that they do not believe
The return of God humans evolved through natural processes alone. The study
Time, probability, science and the greatest of human minds also reported that 1⁄3 of all medical doctors favor the theory of
(how did such minds come to be anyway?) cannot explain the intelligent design over evolution.
origin of life. So what can? “The prestigious journal Science reported the following in
We are approaching a time when society may come to reject 2006 concerning the United States: ‘The percentage of people
Darwinism and experience something of a religious revival. in the country who accept the idea of evolution has declined
More than 200 years after the birth of Charles Darwin, grow- from 45 in 1985 to 40 in 2005. Meanwhile the fraction of
ing numbers are returning to a belief in the Creator God (or Americans unsure about evolution has soared from 7 per cent
Intelligent Design) as the best explanation for the origin of life. in 1985 to 21 per cent last year.’
Evolutionists have had 160 years since the publication of Dar- “In January 2006, the BBC reported concerning Britain:
win’s On the Origin of Species to explain the origin of life and ‘Just under half of Britons accept the theory of evolution as the
the complexity of creation. They have failed abysmally. best description for the development of life, according to an
Dmitrii Shironosov/123RF

It’s time to return to the understanding held by most of opinion poll. Furthermore, more than 40% of those questioned
Western society before Darwin—the belief in God as the believe that creationism or intelligent design (ID) should be
Creator of all things! taught in school science lessons.’”
Dr. Stephen Meyer is a former geophysicist and college pro- Here are reports from other sources about growing doubt
fessor who received his Ph.D. in the history and philosophy of about the validity of Darwinism and evolution: “Darwin’s stron-
science from Cambridge University. A leader in the intelligent gest critics were scientists, and the theologians who criticized

B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • November-December 2019 7

him objected mainly to his philosophical insistence on natu- rich through the abundance of her luxury . . . Her sins have
ral causes and his denial of design—which Princeton’s Charles reached to heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities”
Hodge regarded as ‘tantamount to atheism.’ Even today, many (verses 3, 5).
critics of Darwinism are not religious fundamentalists, and a God calls this woman, this church—with her corrupt prac-
growing number of critics are credentialed scientists” (Jonathan tices and entanglements in international affairs—Babylon the
Wells, “The Problem of Evidence,” Forbes, Feb. 5, 2009). Great. She will set the cultural and religious standards for the
“A growing number of respectable scientists are defecting end-time political-religious empire of the Beast.
from the evolutionist camp . . . Moreover, for the most part And so, yes, there will be a religious revival and return to
these ‘experts’ have abandoned Darwinism, not on the basis of some kind of belief in God, but the religious and political sys-
religious faith or biblical persuasions, but on strictly scientific tem instituted and forced on the nations will use this under-
grounds, and in some instances, regretfully” (Wolfgang Smith, standing to advance their own positions and oppress the
quoted by Paul Taylor, Origins Answer Book, 1995, p. 107). masses as in times past.
“Scientists at the forefront of inquiry have put the knife to At the time of the end many ungodly and unbiblical con-
classical Darwinism. They have not gone public with this news, cepts will be embraced broadly through the influence of Satan
but have kept it in their technical papers and inner counsels. the devil. Rome, spiritual heir of ancient Babylon’s idolatrous
Many second-rank evolutionists,
on the other hand, continue to
repeat that minor miracles A growing number of respectable scientists are
. . . were accomplished by natu-
ral selection working in a step-
defecting from the evolutionist camp—not on
by-step manner; but the steps are the basis of faith, but on scientific grounds.
never shown. They do this largely
because they are compelled to say something—anything is traditions, will again emerge as the chief city over a greatly
better than admitting ignorance—and they don’t know what expanded revival of the ancient Roman Empire.
else to say” (William Fix, The Bone Peddlers: Selling Evolution, Citizens of many countries will embrace her approach
1984, pp. 179-180). toward personal and spiritual relationships. They will wel-
come her influence and power over them. She will boast, “I sit
Renewed faith will be hijacked as queen, and am no widow, and will not see sorrow” (verse 7).
As we look into the facts clearly pointing to a divine Cre- God, however, labels her the mother of harlots and a city full of
ator, keep in mind that a revitalized belief in religion will abominations.
seem to be very good at first in the global community. But as Again, a revitalized belief in religion will seem to be very
has happened so often in human history, the Bible shows that good at first, but it will become a tool for this powerful politi-
other forces will play into the story, and what should be a good cal and religious union (akin to Babylon), leading nations into
thing will be used for something evil. Religious belief will horrible wrong.
be hijacked by a powerful church-state alliance centered in To understand more about this revived religious system that
Europe and be steered horribly wrong. will overtake society, download or request our free study guide
Scripture emphatically shows us that a religious “return The Book of Revelation Unveiled (available at
to God” will envelop our planet during the end time. Belief booklets).
in atheistic evolution may no longer be as mainstream as it is
now. A giant geopolitical machine will be given power by a Then God truly comes back
global religion. What does all this mean? And what is the ultimate solution
The book of Revelation refers to the principal partners in to this coming mayhem? In the end, God truly will be back,
this coming power bloc as the Beast and the False Prophet. The and in the right way. It won’t be a return to a false religious sys-
events described in the second half of the book of Revelation tem, but the return of Jesus Christ as King over all the earth.
are directly related to the past and future of two groups repre- God will institute 1,000 years of peace and happiness, a period
sented symbolically by two women who are diametric opposites. often referred to as the Millennium.
The first, described in Revelation 12, represents those who This is the ultimate return of God, when all will at last come
have been God’s covenant people—the Church of God—both to know the truth about life’s origins and even the astounding
Old Testament and New Testament servants of Jesus Christ. purpose behind it all!
The second woman, also representing a church, is presented
in Revelation 17 as a harlot. “And on her forehead a name was LEARN MORE
written: mystery, babylon the great, the mother of har- What does science really say about the
lots and of the abominations of the earth . . . [She is] origins of life and humanity? Download
drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the or request our helpful study guides Life’s
martyrs of Jesus” (verses 5-6). Ultimate Question: Does God Exist? and
In the end time, this church’s influential relationships will Creation or Evolution: Does It Really Matter
reach into the highest political and social circles. As we’re told What You Believe? Both are yours free!
in Revelation 18: “The kings of the earth have committed for-
nication with her, and the merchants of the earth have become

8 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g
or Blind
The argument that nature is a result of blind chance that only appears designed
is becoming harder to defend with growing evidence of foresight and planning.
by Mario Seiglie

his year, 2019, marks the 160th anniversary of Charles Despite its grip on modern academia, there is increasing
Darwin’s famous book On the Origin of Species, which pushback against the theory. Intelligent design is gaining ground
gave us the popular theory of evolution. The theory through various avenues, including mounting evidence of
has now long been taught in nearly all schools and foresight in design, as we’ll see.
universities around the world, in most even as dogma, yet
there is a growing uneasiness and anxiety among many scien- A mere illusion of design?
tists. Evidence against the theory continues to pile up, such as Richard Dawkins, a zoologist and famous atheistic evo-
increased understanding of the incredible complexity of life lutionist, has defined biology working through Darwinian
from the molecular level on up. evolution as “the study of complicated things that give the
Currently there are two main theories to explain life on appearance of having been designed for a purpose” (The Blind
earth. One requires an intelligent Designer and Creator; the Watchmaker, 1986, p. 1, emphasis added throughout). To this
other insists the natural laws and undirected forces of the day, he denies that living things are actually designed for a
universe, including natural selection and mutation, are suf- purpose and insists it only appears that way since this is only
ficient to produce living things that appear designed but are an illusion. In other words, he rejects the idea that any fore-
Anatolii Tsekhmister/123RF

actually the result of a sequence of blind, purposeless chance sight and planning were involved in the formation of living
occurrences. systems.
Darwin, a 19th-century British naturalist, championed Yet more and more scientists are coming to doubt the effi-
the idea that all life evolved from one or a few simple forms. cacy of this theory. In fact, in 2016 numerous leading scien-
He gave rise to the notion that nature does not need a divine tists gathered at the Royal Society of London, one of the oldest
Creator—that instead, all species on earth can readily be scientific academies in the world, to discuss “calls for revision
accounted for through natural selection and random variation. of the standard theory of evolution,” recognizing that “the

B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • November-December 2019 9

issues involved remain hotly contested” (“New Trends in Evo- biology and biochemistry is the growing evidence of foresight
lutionary Biology,”, November 2016). Even and planning involved in the makeup of living things.
having such a meeting was a scientific milestone, showing There must have been foresight—contemplation in advance
mounting concern over weaknesses in the theory! —to produce the ingenious solutions organisms are equipped
Not only is there stark evidence of design to cope with, with for dealing with all manner of problems. These solutions
but there is growing evidence that various challenges were were already in place when the problems were encountered, or
anticipated in this design. Recently, Marcos Eberlin, one of the else species would not have survived and been perpetuated.
world’s leading chemists, has dared to voice the truth about Consider immune systems and blood clotting, for
serious flaws in evolutionary theory, pointing out: instance—without which countless creatures would’ve died
“On this view, evolution provided design without a designer. from infection or injury before they lived long enough to
We see evidence of purposive design in the universe and in us, but pass on their genes. Yet such foresight in design is also much
we are supposed to believe that this is just an illusion, and that, in more fundamental—concerning the very formation of living
reality, a process unguided by anything except the laws and con- organisms.
stants of nature slowly formed all we know—the universe, the We will note a few other examples of apparent foresight
stars, the ocean, the sky and clouds, RNA and DNA, ribosomes, and planning, and you can judge for yourself if this is best
bacteria, fish, birds, chimpanzees, and us. So we are told. explained as an illusion—or as something that points to a
“Sadly, this story has constrained science, narrowed our Designer!
horizons, and deadened our wonder. But happily, some fresh
air has finally slipped onto the scene. The evidence for foresight Chaperones in protein formation
and design in nature is growing progressively more apparent as As scientists peer deeper into the cell, they have finally fig-
we pursue scientific discovery. And unlike materialistic philos- ured out one of the most complicated engineering problems
ophy, an openness to the evidence for intelligent design broad- at a fundamental level—how proteins, the building blocks
ens the horizons of science” (Foresight: How the Chemistry of of biological structure, manage to fold into their precisely
Life Reveals Planning and Purpose, 2019, p. 145). programmed form to function properly.
Researchers have found a specialized protein called a chap-
The importance of foresight erone, which acts in a sense like a human chaperone—a per-
One of the discoveries that is revolutionizing the fields of son entrusted with looking after or supervising others, such as

Respected Yale Professor Renounces Evolution

arlier this year, David Gelernter, a convinced me that Dar- about the fossil record, “in
famous computer scientist at Yale win has failed. He cannot general, ‘most species enter
University, renounced his belief in the answer the big question. the evolutionary order fully
theory of evolution, causing dismay in the Two other books are formed and then depart
scientific community. also essential: The Deni- unchanged.’ The incremental
In a carefully written essay in the Spring able Darwin and Other development of new species
2019 issue of The Claremont Review of Books Essays (2009), by David is largely not there” (p. 105).
titled “Giving Up Darwin” (posted online Berlinski, and Debating Gelernter also brings up
May 1), Dr. Gelernter gave his reasons for Darwin’s Doubt (2015), the difficulty of producing a
forsaking a beloved idea due to the evi- an anthology edited stable and functional protein
dence pointing another way. by David Klinghoffer, if evolution were true, stating:
He states: “There’s no reason to doubt which collects some of “Proteins are the special ops
that Darwin successfully explained the the arguments Meyer’s forces (or maybe the Marines)
small adjustments by which an organism book stirred up. These of living cells, except that they
adapts to local circumstances: changes to three form a fateful battle group that most are common instead of rare; they do all
Photos, from left: Tullius, molekuul/123RF

fur density or wing style or beak shape. Yet people would rather ignore. Bringing to the heavy lifting, all the tricky and critical
there are many reasons to doubt whether bear the work of many dozen scientists over assignments, in a dazzling range of roles.
he can answer the hard questions and many decades, Meyer . . . disassembles the Proteins called enzymes catalyze all sorts
explain the big picture—not the fine- theory of evolution piece by piece. Darwin’s of reactions and drive cellular metabolism.
tuning of existing species but the emer- Doubt is one of the most important books Other proteins (such as collagen) give cells
gence of new ones. The origin of species is in a generation. Few open-minded people shape and structure, like tent poles but in
exactly what Darwin cannot explain. will finish it with their faith in Darwin intact” far more shapes. Nerve function, muscle
“[Cambridge scholar and intelligent (p. 104). function, and photosynthesis are all driven
design pioneer] Stephen Meyer’s thought- Professor Gelernter agrees with Berlin- by proteins. And in doing these jobs and
ful and meticulous Darwin’s Doubt (2013) ski that, in contrast to Darwin’s predictions many others, the actual, 3-D shape of the

10 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g
an adult with a group of children or one accompanying a dat- committed to origin-of-life scenarios devoid of foresight and
ing couple to make sure everything is aboveboard. A protein planning, this is a devilishly difficult chicken-egg problem . . .
chaperone supervises the protein to fold in the right way and “The probability of hundreds of essential proteins all folding
assume its three-dimensional shape. This is one of the most into the correct shape at proper speed on their own without
complex choreographies in nature. mistakes beggars rational belief . . . Without chaperones, [there
Professor Eberlin explains: “Many proteins require chap- would be] no viable cells” (pp. 72-76).
erones to fold rapidly and properly. Instead of spontaneous So what came first, the protein or the chaperone? You
self-assembly we find assisted assembly. And even after the need both to exist at the same time for many large proteins to
proteins are folded correctly, chaperones help them maintain become functional. How could there be proteins without chap-
their functional states . . . Such work is indispensable. Mis- erones? And how did chaperone proteins develop without
folded proteins are not merely useless to the cell, but ruinous other chaperone proteins to guide them?
. . . Without them [the chaperones], no life. And yet, chaper- And what even is the use of a chaperone without another
ones are themselves made of proteins that must be properly protein to guide? Why would natural selection select for such
folded and maintained by other kinds of chaperones. For those chaperones before they were needed? How could any of this
have ever evolved through blind chance?
The best explanation—and indeed the only logical one—
is that a masterful mind was involved in anticipating the com-
plex folding problem and created both the protein and the chap-
erone at the same time so both could effectively do their job!
The miraculous eggshell
Speaking of the chicken-and-egg question, another great
example of foresight in nature is the humble chicken egg-
shell. There are so many problems to solve in the first place
if the developing chick is to survive the three-week incuba-
tion period inside the egg.
One major challenge posed by such development is how

your way from 150 what he faced from the academic commu-
links of gibberish to nity. While he was still treated well by his
Tripsan is a digestive enzyme (a kind of protein). What looks like a messy blob a working, useful pro- colleagues personally, he goes on to say:
are intricate and precise folds of molecules. If any one of the folds is wrong, tein and you are guar- “On the other hand, when I look at their
the protein will not work. Could this have formed through thoughtless chance? anteed to fail. Try it intellectual behavior, what they publish,
with ten mutations, and, much more important, what they
protein molecule is important. So, is the a thousand, a million—you fail. The odds tell their students, Darwinism has indeed
simple neo-Darwinian mechanism up to bury you. It can’t be done” (p. 107). passed beyond a scientific argument.
this task? Are random mutation plus natural Gelernter states that he “cannot accept “As far as they are concerned, take your
selection sufficient to create new protein intelligent design as Meyer presents it,” but life in your hands to challenge it intellectu-
shapes?” (p. 106). he notes that “it says aloud what anyone ally . . . They will destroy you if you chal-
In answering, he goes on to say that who ponders biology must think, at some lenge it” (quoted by Sarah Taylor, “Prolific
distinguished Cambridge biologist David point, while sifting possible answers to hard Yale Professor Turns Against Darwinism,
Axe “estimated that, of all 150-link amino questions” (p. 104). He has difficulty with Warns Darwinians ‘Will Destroy You If You
acid sequences, 1 in 1074 will be capable there being so much extinction of species Challenge’ the Theory,” The Blaze, Aug. 22,
of folding into a stable protein. To say that in the past and with the existence of prob- 2019).
your chances are 1 in 1074 is no different, lems in nature like disease (p. 109)—not He further noted that he hadn’t seen
in practice, from saying that they are zero. understanding that God did not intend anything “approaching free speech on
[Note: Scientists calculate there are around the physical realm to be perfect now and this topic . . . It’s a bitter rejection . . . a sort
1080 atoms in the observable universe.] It’s that sin has resulted in curses on the world of bitter, fundamental, angry, outraged,
not surprising that your chances of hitting according to God’s plan. violent rejection, which comes nowhere
a stable protein that performs some useful He nevertheless admits that “intelligent near scientific or intellectual discussion.
function, and might therefore play a part in design might well be the ultimate answer. I’ve seen that happen again and again. ‘I’m
evolution, are even smaller. Axe puts them But as a theory, it would seem to have a a Darwinist, don’t you say a word against
at 1 in 1077. long way to go” (ibid.). However, Scripture it,’ or, ‘I don’t wanna hear it, period’” (ibid.).
“In other words: immense is so big, and makes the matter clearer—if people would “I am attacking their religion,” Gelernter
tiny is so small, that neo-Darwinian evolu- just believe it. concluded. “It is a big issue for them.”
tion is—so far—a dead loss. Try to mutate Later in June, Gelernter relayed some of —Mario Seiglie and Tom Robinson

B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • November-December 2019 11

to breathe within the egg. If the egg was perfectly sealed, the from three Nobel Prize winners!—on his five conclusions
chick would quickly suffocate. Yet if the eggshell was porous, about foresight:
its contents could seep out. “1. We see many examples of apparent foresight in the nat-
The answer is a semi-porous eggshell, where oxygen can ural world—of problems being anticipated before they arose,
come in without letting the valuable contents inside leak out. and ingeniously solved with on-time delivery of multiple,
The shell has 7,000 pores of ideal size and location to allow oxy- essential, and well-orchestrated parts.
gen to enter and carbon dioxide to exit. If the pores were larger “2. We know from our uniform experience that the ability
or smaller or wrongly spaced, the effectiveness of the whole to anticipate and solve such problems is a characteristic of
system deteriorates and the chick dies. intelligent minds.
This delicate problem of providing oxygen and eliminat- “3. There are not demonstrated examples of unguided,
ing carbon dioxide while maintaining the integrity of the egg- mindless processes anticipating and solving problems that
shell had to be solved before the first chick developed—of any require a sophisticated orchestration of fine-tuned parts, all
kind of bird, not just chickens. It took foresight and planning brought together on the ground floor of an origin event.
to come up with the thousands of right-sized pores at their Hand-waving references to cases that are assumed rather than
precise positioning at the time needed to do their job. demonstrated do not count.
“4. Therefore, our uniform experience provides us with only
The maligned appendix one type of cause with the demonstrated capacity to anticipate
The last example we’ll consider, among the many that are and solve such problems—intelligent design.
available, is the human
appendix. Again, it is the
ubiquitous Darwin who,
Everywhere we look, we see evidence of a supreme
in his book The Descent
of Man, concluded the
mind that foresaw all the challenges and planned
human appendix is a ves- out how these challenges would be met.
tigial or remnant organ—a
body part supposedly left over from evolutionary change that “5. Intelligent design thus represents the best and, indeed,
no longer has a functional use. the only causally adequate explanation for the many examples
Yet researchers have discovered the appendix to be quite a of apparent foresight in the natural world, of situations where
useful organ—one revealing foresight in its design. The appen- problems are ingeniously solved with on-time delivery of mul-
dix has two main functions. First, it is a reservoir of antibod- tiple, essential, and well-orchestrated parts. The foresight is not
ies that strengthen the body’s immune system. Second, it is a merely apparent, but real” (p. 143).
haven for good bacteria that repopulates the intestinal tract Yes, the faulty idea that complex life forms and components
after a bout of diarrhea cleans bacteria out. arose and developed from a blind and purposeless process of
Similarly, diarrhea itself is a protective mechanism of the natural selection and mutation is slowly being discarded as
body when harmful substances enter the digestive tract. The more open-minded scientists follow the evidence to where it
problem is that while this watery process removes toxic ele- truly leads. (See also “Respected Yale Professor Renounces
ments, it also gets rid of good intestinal bacteria that are Evolution” on p. 10.)
essential for proper digestion. The Bible was ahead of its time in challenging those who
So how does the digestive system quickly repopulate the would try to teach creation without a Creator, or design with-
good bacteria? By means of the appendix at the end of the large out a Designer. It has for many centuries told us to study the
intestine. It’s a virtual dead-end enclosure positioned so that ingenious ways living things exist and survive to recognize
its store of good bacteria is not flushed out with the bacteria in that something inferior to them could not have made them—
the rest of the intestinal tract. that instead only something vastly superior could have done it.
As Professor Eberlin points out about the appendix: “Its As Job 12:7-10 states in the Good News Translation: “Even
location is perfect from a hydraulic engineering point of view: birds and animals have much they could teach you; ask the
placed just below the normal one-way flow of food and germs creatures of earth and sea for their wisdom. All of them know
in the large intestine, it occupies a cul-de-sac and is thus well that the Lord’s hand made them. It is God who directs the
protected from the disruption due to diarrhea . . . So the argu- lives of his creatures; everyone’s life is in his power.”
ment that the appendix is a vestigial organ that supports
evolutionary theory is itself vestigial, a leftover of nineteenth-
century Darwinian biology. We know better now” (p. 121). LEARN MORE
How did life and all we see around us come
Five conclusions about foresight to be? Is evolution really a valid answer? And
Everywhere we look, we see evidence of a mind behind the does it actually matter? You need to know
design of all things—a supreme mind that foresaw all the chal- the answers! Download or request our free
lenges of the vast universe and life on earth at every level and study guide Creation or Evolution: Does It
planned out how these challenges would be met. Really Matter What You Believe?
In pondering the evidence before us, it’s worthwhile to once
more quote Dr. Eberlin’s book—which received endorsements

12 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g
Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution is widely accepted
throughout the world. How did that theory develop, and is it true?
by Ben Light

his November marks the 160th anniversary of the we can therefore extrapolate past conditions by observing rates
publication of Charles Darwin’s landmark work and degrees of change in the present.
On the Origin of Species. Its controversial premise This process was referred to as uniformitarianism. It was
popularized the idea that the vast variety of life forms claimed that the slow processes of today, acting little by little
we see in the world around us diverged from a single or small over long periods of time, were responsible for the rise of
pool of common ancestors as a result of the survival and mountain ranges, the erosion of canyons and the building
reproduction of offspring with advantageous traits—termed up of islands.
natural selection. Before Lyell’s work, it was commonly understood that the
Over time, the book slowly but surely found its way into earth changed through “catastrophism,” which held that the
the foundational tenets of the biological sciences in modern earth’s geological variation was due to periodic large-scale
academia. It’s difficult to find a professor or student of biology catastrophic events, not slow, incremental change.
today who doesn’t accept the theory of evolution. In fact, The idea of uniformitarianism turned the world of geology
acceptance of evolution by natural selection, also known as on its head, and was a great influence on Charles Darwin.
Darwinism, is often used as a litmus test in academia to prove During his time aboard the Beagle, Darwin devoured Lyell’s
one’s allegiance to science over myth. book.
However, as technology has advanced and science is able On a stop in Valdivia, Chile, the crew of the Beagle experi-
to understand more and more about DNA and the micro- enced a serious earthquake and then, setting sail, witnessed
biological world, discoveries are being made that have begun the devastation it had wrought on the local villages and shore-
to unravel Darwin’s theory. A number of scientists—both line. Darwin and the crew observed one area where the land
believers in God and non-believers—have concluded that Dar- had shifted a full eight feet.
win’s explanation is simply not adequate to explain the levels These observations, combined with Lyell’s ideas, led Darwin
of complexity seen in the natural world. to eventually consider how uniformitarianism and natural
In recent years, scientists in the fields of biology, biochemis- biological laws and forces might have the same effect on
try and even psychology have presented strong evidence that species. He would later wonder whether the extreme diversity
challenges the academic status quo in biology—a house of he observed in the flora, fauna and fossils of South America
cards 160 years in the making. might be due not to large-scale changes over a few thousand
years, but instead to small, incremental change driven by some
The proposal of slow, gradual change natural process over millions of years.
In 1831, a young Charles Darwin boarded the H.M.S. Beagle
and set sail on the adventure of a lifetime. For five years he Natural selection
served aboard as the ship’s naturalist. The 22-year old Darwin, Years after his voyage, Darwin eventually came to the idea of
fresh out of university, was provided extensive opportunities gradual evolutionary change. But what process or mechanism
to explore vast tracts of South America and the Galapagos could cause this?
Illustration by Shaun Venish

Islands, Australia and New Zealand, and a number of other Darwin raised pigeons as a hobby and belonged to several
remote locales around the world, cataloging and observing pigeon-breeding clubs in England. He knew that pigeon groups
flora, fauna and fossils. changed through the artificial process of selective breeding—
Just a year earlier, in 1830, Charles Lyell published the first putting birds with desired characteristics together to produce
volume of his groundbreaking work Principles of Geology, more like them.
which popularized the idea that the processes shaping the Darwin began to wonder if something similar occurred in
earth today are the same as they were in eons past. He believed nature. Could nature somehow be directing how organisms

B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • November-December 2019 13

change over generations? folding of proteins, the DNA molecule, the organization of
In his travels, he observed how animals produce more other chemical compounds and the formation of crystals.
offspring than can survive. He observed how there is These can only be organized in so many ways. Structuralists
competition among those organisms over food, water and argue that common structural patterns in various creatures—
mates. And in time he thought about certain advantages such as five-fingered limbs in various birds, reptiles, marine
enabling some to succeed above others. If those advantages animals and mammals—are preset forms and not a result of
could be passed from parent to offspring, then organisms function leading to structure.
would develop greater fitness for survival over many Structuralism does allow for certain adaptation but explains
generations, as those with the beneficial adaptations survive it quite differently from functionalism, as we’ll see.
and reproduce and those without them do not.
Here was a mechanism for evolution. He called it natural A house of cards
selection. Functionalism, which lies at the basis of Darwinism, is the
Darwin reconsidered many of his earlier observations in the prevailing view in modern biological science today. But what
Galapagos Islands in this light. He had learned that there was a if the entirety of the theory of evolution is based on a faulty
large degree of variation among the beaks and body shapes of assumption? What if the idea that organisms are driven to
finches there. evolve in a random, non-directed response to external pressure
Others would later take up the study of these finches. It was is wrong? What, instead, predetermined internal factors drive
observed that certain beak types were prevalent on certain molecular shape and organization at a cellular level, these
islands, and this appeared to have a direct correlation to being the actual basis for adaptation?
the food type available. Beak types even appeared to be able Dr. Michael Denton, biochemist and author of the books
to change based on food availability from island to island, Evolution: A Theory in Crisis, Nature’s Destiny and Evolution:
seeming to imply that those birds not adapted to the food Still a Theory in Crisis, is a prominent proponent of structural-
source available died out. Those with beneficial adaptations ism. He writes:
survived and reproduced to pass on these adaptations. “Of course, all structuralists accepted that organisms
The finch variations would be used to show that species exhibit adaptations to serve external environmental condi-
change, the conclusion being that, as Darwin had proposed, tions. But these were considered to be ‘adaptive masks,’
organisms change over generations, developing structural grafted as it were onto underlying ground plans or ‘primal
adaptations in response to changing environmental conditions patterns.’ Thus the great diversity of vertebrate limbs—fins
through natural selection. (Yet it’s been pointed out that the for swimming, hands for grasping, wings for flying—are all
changes among finches were fluctuations back and forth modifications of the same underlying plan or pattern, which
within limits rather than clear developmental progression.) serves no particular environmental necessity” (“Two Views
Such structural adaptation was understood to accommodate of Biology: Structuralism and Functionalism,” Evolution
needed function. News, 2016).
Structuralists believe that adaptation exists, but not as
Functionalism vs. structuralism in biology fundamentally arising from environmental factors. Instead,
Darwin came to see the world from a functionalist internal factors such as genetics produce specific patterns
perspective. that may sometimes be modified through natural selection
For the better part of two centuries, biologists have leading to microevolution, or minor variation. This does not
approached questions regarding the nature of organic form allow for structure emerging from random mutation and
from two opposing camps—the viewpoints of functionalism macroevolution.
and structuralism. Denton goes on to state with regard to Darwin’s finches:
A biological functionalist believes the order and structure “From the emerging developmental genetic picture, it is now
in living organisms—a bird’s beak, a five-fingered limb—must relatively easy to envisage how gradual adaptive fine-tuning
have arisen as a result of a functional need. To functionalists, of the expression patterns of a handful of genes could result in
the primary organizing principle of biology is adaptation the different beak forms of the Galapagos finches we see today.
contingent on environmental causes. The evolution of finch beaks requires no causal agency beyond
Structuralism (also called formalism), on the other hand, natural selection. Some finch beaks proved advantageous;
maintains that laws of biological form operating within living others, not.
systems, which include internal constraints, are at the core of “The lesson of the Galapagos, and all such cases of micro-
the structure of organisms. Thus the various physical aspects evolution, is that cumulative selection will work its magic just
of organisms are seen as limited to particular ranges of form. so long as there is an empirically known or plausible functional
As an example, consider an animal cell’s enclosing mem- continuum, at the morphological [structural] or genetic level,
brane, which controls transport into and out of the cell. It’s leading from an ancestral species or structure to a descendent
made up of a series of phospholipid molecules. Structuralists species or structure” (“Evolution: A Theory in Crisis Revisited
would argue that it has resulted from chemical and physical [Part One of Three],” Inference: International Review of Science,
laws that allow only so many possibilities for its structure Oct. 15, 2014). That is, the beak form was there to start with
rather than following an undirected and unbounded process and was gradually modified to something still similar.
of adaptation. This is significantly different from Darwinian evolution.
Limitations according to natural law are observed in the Darwin proposed that small variations from one generation

14 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g
to the next over long periods would, through the process of Is it probable that the functional need led to the structure
natural selection, produce entirely new structures and new in a series of random, non-directed mutations? Or is it more
kinds of life forms, what is now known as macroevolution. likely that predetermined structure led to the function? Clearly
But, in a world of more primitive scientific thinking, the latter.
Darwin didn’t realize many major problems with this line Another example of irreducible complexity is the DNA
of thought. molecule and its transcription and translation in the cell.
Understanding of genetics and genetic mutation—which DNA replication, transcription and translation—the
Darwinists would seize on as a means of species modifi- complex process of duplicating the DNA molecule, tran-
cation—did not come until later. And with this came the scribing it into the messenger RNA (mRNA), and then
realization that, more often than not, such mutation is translating this to amino acid sequences and protein
harmful, causing more problems than advantages. Further- synthesis—is another system that is irreducibly complex.
more, mutations are not always heritable. Sometimes a novel Any random mutation in the process that doesn’t lead to the
mutation, even a rare beneficial one, doesn’t pass to the next full system operating all together leads to a lack of protein
generation. synthesis and the likely death of the organism.
Now, Dr. Michael Behe, author of Darwin’s Black Box: A The system had to have been in place in its entirety from the
Biochemical Challenge to Evolution, presents a new realization beginning to account for its existence at all.
in his book Darwin Devolves: The New Science About DNA
That Challenges Evolution. He writes: A designer and lawmaker
“Darwinian evolution proceeds mainly by damaging or All of this implies some directing force.
breaking genes, which counterintuitively, sometimes helps Despite his stand for structuralism, Dr. Michael Denton,
survival. In other words, the mechanism is powerfully although he opposes Darwinian evolution, remains a staunch
devolutionary. It promotes the rapid loss of genetic informa- evolutionist. He doesn’t attribute the design he feels is implicit
tion. Laboratory experiments, field research, and theoretical to a higher power, but thinks there must be a direction of some
studies all forcefully indicate that, as a result, random kind—some force calling the shots. He believes in a primal
mutation and natural selection make evolution self-limiting. order that imparts the structure, and an adaptive order that
That is, the very same factors that promote diversity at the modifies it as needed.
simplest levels of biology actively prevent it at more complex Dr. Michael Behe is an advocate for intelligent design. He
ones. Darwin’s mechanism works chiefly by squandering genetic believes that a designer exists who has created these patterns
information for short-term gain” (2019, pp. 37-38, emphasis in and forms—that designer being God.
original). If we accept that these scientists are correct in terms of
From a DNA standpoint, the evolutionary process actually structuralism being the paradigm through which we should
prevents the level of complexity evolutionists claim it can view the world—recognizing that predetermined structure
achieve. This ultimately reinforces the structuralist position. led to function—the only conclusion we can logically make is
that someone or something established that structure to begin
Irreducible complexity disproves evolution with. Someone or something dictated the natural laws causing
Dr. Behe earlier presented the issue of “irreducible complex- proteins to fold in predictable ways, crystals to form in specific
ity,” a term he coined after exposure to the foundation of the ways and genes expressing in certain ways.
concept in other works, such as Dr. Denton’s book Evolution: Genesis 1 clearly states that God created the heavens and the
A Theory in Crisis. It means that complex systems must have earth. He designed and formed the moon and stars, the waters,
all components in place to function and be passed on to the the land, the plants and animals, and mankind in His image.
next generation—that the components cannot come together In Jeremiah 33:25, God declares that it was He who created
gradually over multiple generations. That’s because there order in the heavens and earth, establishing day and night—
would be no advantage in non-functional alterations—and that He created the physical laws through which our universe
perhaps this would even be disadvantageous—so that such operates.
changes would not be passed on. This is the most reasonable explanation for all the evidence
An example is what Denton pointed out about bird lungs. we see. Structure with intended function came from the mind
While most organisms have bellows-style lungs—where air and work of a supremely intelligent Creator. The Bible tells us
goes in, gas transfer occurs and exchanged gases are exhaled of that Creator and of His plan for you and me as His special
as the “bellows” close—birds have circulatory lungs. These do creation, the very children of God!
not expand and contract like those of mammals or reptiles.
Instead, air goes into the rear air sacs of the bird, then flows to LEARN MORE
the lung, and from the lung to the front air sacs, and then out. What do the facts about the theory of
This happens without expansion and contraction of the lung evolution reveal? Do you really know? To
itself. It is unilateral flow, efficient and complex. help you understand, we’ve created an
This level of complexity could not have resulted from eye-opening study guide, Creation or Evolu-
gradual random mutations over generations. It is an example tion: Does It Really Matter What You Believe?
of irreducible complexity. If bird lungs evolved over time, what Download or request your free copy today.
would the transitional forms of birdlike creatures have done to

B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • November-December 2019 15

Beyond Today Interview:

Intelligent Design Proponent
Dr. Jay Richards
During the Dallas Conference on Science fossil. So now you know you are on to that Darwinian evolution would reach a
and Faith in January 2019, Beyond Today something and that this is not a normal serious crisis of belief and that its pop-
senior writer Mario Seiglie sat down with side of a mountain. This is an artifact of ularity would begin to decline around
author and presenter Jay Richards. something, but there is still a whole dino- 2025. Do you believe this to still be the
saur fossil left to discover. I think we are case, or will it take more time?
Beyond Today: Dr. Richards, you have now, in this sense, partway up the tail.
been involved in the Intelligent Design If you noticed, in the past, intelligent JR: I think it’s one of those things
and Darwinian evolution controversy design conferences tended initially to be that’s almost impossible to predict, but
for more than 20 years. Could you sum- about such things as [molecular biologist] there is no doubt in my mind that it will
marize the progress made by Intelligent Michael Behe’s important book on molec- happen—because I think ultimately the
Design theorists during these past 20 ular machines or Steve Meyer develop- truth is already out. If you look at the
years? ing his DNA evidence over the years. But history of science, theories or main-
now if you look at the people involved, it’s stream paradigms have a way of holding
Jay Richards: I think a lot of what has all across the scientific disciplines. In fact, on long after the evidence runs out and
happened in the Intelligent Design com- I now spend more time on artificial intel- long after all the anomalies have built up.
munity has been filling out the details of ligence and the mind—and a lot of people But they can’t go on forever, because they
the argument. are doing the same thing. don’t fit reality.
When I first got involved in the 1990s, So we began with a set of reliable intu- Still, I also think these are unpredict-
Bill Dembski [now Dr. William Demb- itions that have proven themselves over able and chaotic phenomena where you
ski, author of several books on intelli- time. Now in the last 20 years we started may have a tipping point—one person
gent design, evolution and creation] and filling out that research program. Yet I who is well-placed who says the right
I were in graduate school together. That’s would still say the harvest is plentiful thing and then all of the sudden it all
how I got pulled into the fine-tuning but the laborers are few. So between sci- changes. There is a famous aphorism that
argument. Then we developed a key set entists who are casualties of personal says when you come up with a new idea,
of intuitions about how you infer design. attacks and just the kind of difficulty of first they ignore you, then they say you’re
What happens when you detect design, this endeavor, it would be nice if there crazy and finally they say they knew it
and what is a reliable indicator of intel- were more key players involved. was right all along. So we are way into
ligence, both in the human world and in There are a lot of graduate students the crazy stage and going past it.
nature. But there is still a lot of work left and young scientists who work on this What is happening now is similar to
to be done. issue, and they feel they have to work what the Royal Society Conference in
Intelligent design in many ways is a behind the scenes and quietly. Of course, 2016 was about, where you have a lot of
research program, essentially. So what you can have someone involved like mainstream biologists and top scien-
you saw here in this conference and what James Tour, who is a very prominent sci- tists casting about for something other
Steve Meyer [fellow presenter Dr. Ste- entist, and he can say whatever he wants than the neo-Darwinian synthesis. But
phen Meyer, director of Discovery Insti- (see “The Problem with Evolution and they also worry, because they know what
tute’s Center for Science and Culture] the Return of God” beginning on page the main alternative to Darwinism is—
has been doing over the years, is filling 4). But there are also many hundreds of the argument for design. The whole point
out the evidence for design—including junior faculty members and research- of Darwinism was to squeeze design
the discovery of things we didn’t know ers who can’t yet talk about this subject. out of biology. So in many ways their
about before. Twenty years ago we might So I would say the pressure to conform worry over the point about design pre-
have talked about the information in the and not to speak about it has gotten vents them from jumping ship long after
DNA, but we didn’t talk about epigenetic worse, even while the evidence has got- they probably knew better and probably
information, the information elsewhere ten stronger. should have done so.
in the cell and in an organism.
In many ways, this research program BT: I heard Dr. Jonathan Wells, a col- BT: That reminds me of the famous
is similar to paleontologists in a dig who league of yours, say in an intelligent quote by a Chinese paleontologist
have detected the tip of a T-Rex dinosaur design conference over 10 years ago about being in denial.

16 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g
Dr. Jay Richards is a senior fellow at Discovery Richards’ articles and essays have been published in The Harvard
Institute, assistant research professor in the Business Review, The Wall Street Journal, Barron’s, The Washington Post,
School of Business and Economics at the Catholic Forbes, National Review Online, Investor’s Business Daily, The Washington
University of America and executive editor of the Times, The Philadelphia Inquirer and many other publications. He has
online news site The Stream. He has authored many appeared on many national radio and TV programs and has lectured
books and edited and co-wrote the award-winning worldwide on a variety of subjects.
anthology God and Evolution: Protestants, Catholics He has been featured in the documentaries The Case for a Creator,
and Jews Explore Darwin’s Challenge to Faith. He is also co-author with The Wonder of Soil, The Privileged Planet and The Call of the Entrepreneur.
astronomer Guillermo Gonzales of The Privileged Planet: How Our Place Richards has a Ph.D. in philosophy and theology from Princeton Theo-
in the Cosmos Is Designed for Discovery (2004). logical Seminary. He lives with his family in the Washington, D.C. area.

JR: Yes, it was a quote by J.Y. Chen, simultaneous appearance of humans between species and different kinds
who said: “In China we can criticize Dar- and most animals, or a population crash of organisms, to get huge amounts of
win, but not the government. In Amer- —occurred about 100,000 to 200,000 variation. Yet what we find, for exam-
ica, you can criticize the government, years ago. What can you remark about ple, with domesticated dogs, which are
but not Darwin.” That is exactly right. this discovery? highly genetically diverse—and you get
Unfortunately, it has gotten more fanat- everything from a Chihuahua to a Great
ical and dogmatic than ever. When I It does suggest casting doubt on the Dane—is that they are all of the same
first started talking about these things, I idea that all the information from pop- species! They hit a genetic wall and don’t
was a bit safer as a philosopher speaking ulation genetics is sown up. First, it says go any farther.
about fine-tuning, and you could have a that all human beings could not have The best examples we have of [sup-
rational conversation about it. But now descended from a single pair of humans posed] Darwinian evolution in action
it’s gotten where you can’t even have a in the recent past. Yet, most of those pre- would be antibiotic resistance and bacte-
public discussion about it. dictions from population genetics are, in ria, but they never become anything but
fact, highly theory-laden. It presupposes bacteria. I think this is an honest look at
BT: For thousands of years, the prevail- the Darwinian account is true, and then the biological evidence. What is happen-
ing thought was the belief in a Creator. they just plug in the data. ing in biology, whatever power natural
It’s just been in recent times that this has What is interesting about this find- selection and random genetic mutation
changed. Do you think we are far away ing is it shows, if nothing else, how uncer- have, it’s tweaking around the edges and
from a flip back to the original idea? tain all of these claims are and how much doesn’t explain the complexities or the
the Darwinian theory is read into the data diversity of life.
JR: I think that is exactly right. At and then treated as if it is evidence for the In fact, Michael Behe’s new book, Dar-
least if you look in Western history and theory—when in fact it is the theory that win Devolves, really drills down on this.
even with the pre-Socratic philoso- is describing the data. So this is the prob- It shows that . . . the capacity for varia-
phers, the debate was whether the uni- lem with a lot of these comparisons. I tion is just fixed, and at some point you
verse was a result of a Creator or at least often tell people not to buy this claim that will hit a brick wall, and random muta-
was purpose-driven. And Plato in his population genetics has shown either that tions just are not going to do anything
book Timaeus argues against these pre- we all share a common ancestor or that we else for you.
Socratic sophists and materialists. That, couldn’t descend from an original pair.
at least in the West, has been the over- BT: Is there anything else you would
whelming point of view. BT: Another unexpected result of this like to say, especially to the youth of
So we are in this weird moment in large genetic study, according to David today, about the intelligent design
which creationism, if you actually took Thaler, one of the co-authors of the versus Darwinian evolution debate?
a poll of the population, is still a major- report, was that “species have very clear
ity view, but not in the commanding genetic boundaries, and there’s noth- JR: I would just encourage youth and
high culture and influential institutions. ing much in between. If individuals are anyone who hears the words “intelligent
So I do think the prevailing evidence of stars, then species are galaxies. They design” not to assume they know what
nature goes so strongly against material- are compact clusters in the vastness it means, and to especially not assume
ism that at some point we are going to of empty sequence space. The absence that the critics of intelligent design are
see it flip back. But materialists are still of ‘in-between’ species is something describing it accurately. Take the time if
Photo courtesy Dr. Jay Richards

holding on tenaciously—unfortunately. that also perplexed Darwin.” Could you you are curious to actually read some of
comment on these findings? the books by intelligent design propo-
BT: In June 2018, an article in the nents and grapple with their arguments.
journal Human Evolution pointed out JR: I honestly think that simply con- See what they are actually saying and
that after examining gene sequences firms everything we have learned since not what their critics say they are saying.
of mitochondrial DNA in 100,000 spe- Darwin composed The Origin of Spe- There is no harm in doing this, and they
cies, the hundreds of scientists involved cies in 1859. If Darwinism were true you might very well learn something they
concluded that the event—either the would expect, through infinite plasticity would never have learned otherwise.

B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • November-December 2019 17

A God-Centered
Human history is filled with misguided views of the universe. The heart
of the problem is man’s failure to understand that God is at its center!
by Darris McNeely

ankind’s understanding of the cosmos has never the barren moonscape were simply “magnificent desolation.”
been as developed as today. Yet for many centu- That desolation doesn’t end at the moon. We see a uni-
ries, misunderstanding prevented people from verse full of great and expanding power. Some physicists have
recognizing the real reason for its existence. The argued that at some point billions of years from now, the uni-
key lies in seeing that God has always been and always will be verse could reach a point of full expansion and collapse back
at the center of the universe. upon itself, into another point and then begin another expan-
When we look up to the stars above, what do we see? The sion, another “big bang.” Many others disagree, contending
hand of our God? Or do we miss the point? the universe will expand forever, with all cooling to absolute
The universe we are privileged to observe is meant to reveal zero and material cohesion ceasing—the supposed heat death
the God of creation, the God of Abraham, the God of the Bible. of the universe. Others envision mysterious dark energy
It is meant to reveal to us our purpose and place in the plan of ultimately ripping everything apart.
God. It is meant to point us to God. It is meant as one of the None of these predictions provides a comforting scenario,
greatest helps to a relationship with Him. leaving us with only meaninglessness, loneliness and despair.
King David looked up into the heavens and wrote this: “The But if we see the universe through the lens of it being God-
heavens proclaim the glory of God. The skies display his crafts- centered, we are drawn to God and gain great hope and under-
manship. Day after day they continue to speak; night after standing. Know this: The universe and human life will not end
Robert Gendler, Subaru Telescope (NAOJ)

night they make him known. They speak without a sound or with a bang or a whimper! But we have to understand the uni-
word; their voice is never heard. Yet their message has gone verse from God’s perspective. When we do, we find meaning
throughout the earth, and their words to all the world” (Psalm and we find hope.
19:1-4, New Living Translation).
This passage is a perfect place to begin to develop a view of Centuries of wrong perspective
a God-centered universe. God created the universe to display Mankind has not seen the universe this way because the first
His glory. Everywhere we turn our telescopes we see immense human beings rejected revealed knowledge from God in the
space and distance. We see astral bodies and systems that Garden of Eden, and their descendants went further astray. As
reveal more mystery. The more we see, the more we learn. people looked to the heavens they began to see and worship a
As Apollo 11 astronaut Buzz Aldrin stepped down from the false conception of God and even other gods—ultimately “the
lunar lander to the surface of the moon, his words describing god of this age,” Satan the devil (2 Corinthians 4:4).

18 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g
Cut off from the knowledge of the true God and deceived they were wrong, of course. Earth is not the center of the
by Satan, people came to imagine among the stars a false pan- universe, and Scripture never said that it was!
theon of divine beings. Their deceived view of the cosmos was
carried down in various forms through history. As the sun A scientific revolution
and stars rose and moved through the heavens, people thought It was not until the 16th and 17th century that a group of
they were witnessing stories of conflict, lust, love, jealousy scientists beginning with Nicolas Copernicus began to ques-
and war being played out. Gods and goddesses, imbued with tion the earth-centered view of the universe. With the inven-
human frailties, supposedly acted out dramas in the heavens tion of the telescope, man obtained a closer view of the stars
that impacted life on earth. and planets and came to see that the accepted wisdom was
Farmers thought these events determined whether or not they false. The earth moved. The planets moved around the sun,
would have a good crop. Women sought fertility by worshiping and they did so in different orbits and at different speeds. Some
the bright morning star as a female goddess who would grant of the planets, like Jupiter, had their own moons revolving
the blessing of childbirth. Kings sought divine wisdom from a around them.
combination of stars thought to represent their chief god. Events came to a head when Galileo was being brought
This vivid imagination ruled the thinking of the Babylo- before the Inquisition for his “heretical” ideas. The Roman
nians, Egyptians, Greeks, Romans and the rest of the world. Catholic Church could not accept this intrusion into accepted
They all looked to the skies and saw false gods, not the true dogma. Yet before long the age-old error was glaring.
God. It led to the development of astrology—foretelling and By the time Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo and Newton fin-
reading the future events of one’s life by the position of the ished their groundbreaking work, man’s view of the heavens,
stars in the heavens—which many still believe in today. what we call today outer space, was radically changed. Society
Through astrology man made his first great leap into a came to realize that the earth is not the center of the universe
scheme for describing how unseen forces from the greatest dis- but is one of the planets circling the sun.
tance of space and time, from the very depth of the heavens, Yet for a long while the sun was then regarded as the center of
shaped everyday life. Instead of seeing the glory of the true the universe. But of course the sun is not the center either. In fact
God in the heavens, man embraced a false system of religion it was later understood to be a small star among many billions of
that is still with us. Instead of seeing God at the center of stars in a galaxy that is itself one of many billions of galaxies.
the universe, man saw divinity in the universe itself and its In the last century our knowledge about the universe has
various aspects. multiplied many times over. Today we know that the universe,
Another mistake man made was concluding that the earth which scientists have estimated to be some 14 billion years
was the center of the universe and that everything revolved old, is so immense that man is not able to perceive its full size.
around it. As the ancients imagined it, each day the sun god From all observation, it continues to expand in every direction
rose in the east and rode his chariot across the skies into the wherever we aim our telescopes. We discover black holes—col-
west. At night, he traveled the underworld in a boat to appear lapsed stars that suck anything that comes near them, even
once again at the dawn of a new day. light, into a bottomless vortex.
The stars were seen to rotate around the sky. Earth was seen We ponder what these might yet reveal about the universe.
as a platform within a domed universe with a canopy of stars And the more we discover, the more we realize how much
strung across the ceiling. The sun went around the earth in its we don’t know. Everything we discover about the cosmos
daily and yearly courses. This conception provided an orderly is astounding. Yet in its immensity we find that it is mostly
explanation for people that lasted for centuries. space—dark, empty, cold, lonely space.
They concluded that planet Earth was the center of every-
thing. This became the accepted cosmological view. A Roman Is man alone?
astronomer in Egypt named Ptolemy described how this Let’s stop and think about the history we’ve reviewed.
worked, and his view was accepted as truth for around 1,500 Ancient man concluded the earth was the center of the
years. This even became religious dogma among those who universe. He looked at the heavens and imagined a host of
professed to be Christian believers in the God of the Bible. But gods. The pagan world gave us a false view of the divine. The

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B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • November-December 2019 19

medieval world also erred in seeing the earth and man as the in His image. Earth was formed as a home for human beings
center of the universe. Although that world accepted a form made in the image of God—to be a place where a relation-
of Christianity, it remained devoid of much biblical truth and ship between God and man and between fellow human beings
had a terribly distorted spiritual view of both man and God. could flourish and thrive.
Sadly, society today isn’t really that much closer to under- The point we need to grasp is that the earth, our solar sys-
standing the full truth about the universe, God or man. We tem, our universe and everything we can see and presently
have moved from belief in an earth-centered, man-centered comprehend is God-centered. Not earth-centered, not human
universe to focus on one that is vast and empty and, in the eyes centered, but God-centered. The universe exists to fulfill God’s
of many, without God. This is the “progress” scientists have purpose and plan for mankind. For all the millennia of igno-
given us! And man feels even more alone. rance, superstition and defiant rejection of God, the focus has
When the telescope shattered the view that the earth was the been on earth and man. For modern academic science, God
center of the universe, it was part of a revolution in knowledge is not in the universe. And many in the world give Him lit-
that led to a modern scientific world where human reason has tle thought. It’s all about man. And this leaves man empty,
reigned supreme. But what came next? Enter the evolutionary because from a human view, we are alone. Earth seems fragile
theory that man is merely
the highest form of life,
that through mere chance,
The earth, our solar system, our universe and every-
carbon-based life came into thing we can see is God-centered. The universe
existence and that there was
no involvement of God or exists to fulfill God’s purpose and plan for mankind.
any supernatural power.
Academic science becomes god, and man is just another and vulnerable in this vast cosmic danger zone.
animal, the one that evolved enough to be able to ask, Who Medieval thinkers persisted in an earth-centered view of
am I? Man has moved from wrong cosmic understanding and the universe by badly misinterpreting Scripture. Now society’s
wrong theology about God to a more distant view of God and academic leaders reject Scripture and shut out God. It’s time
even to outright rejection of God. Yet Romans 1:20 declares for a fresh, new appraisal. What does the Bible tell us? What
what is patently true: “For ever since the world was created, does the universe tell us?
people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God Psalm 19, quoted earlier, tells us. The universe is God-
made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities—his eternal centered. It always has been and always will be. Man isn’t at
power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not know- the center of the universe, but man is at the center of God’s
ing God” (NLT). plan. We human beings can look up into the skies and, with
Before his death, the late physicist Steven Hawking con- the minds God gave us, ask questions about the origin and
cluded the universe did not need a Creator to get started. purpose of both the universe and ourselves.
Instead, he argued, natural processes could have come together In Psalm 8:3-5, King David observed, “When I look at the
to begin the cosmos. God was not needed. All this increased night sky and see the work of your fingers—the moon and the
knowledge about the cosmos, its origins and how it works has stars you set in place—what are mere mortals that you should
led many to a rejection of God. think about them, human beings that you should care for
Now the focus of many scientists is on finding intelligent them?” (NLT).
life elsewhere in the universe. SETI, the Search for Extra-Ter- Hebrews 2:1-10 quotes this same passage as a question and
restrial Intelligence, lasted for decades and returned nothing. then answers it: God made man to be the crowning achievement
Many years and billions of dollars and attention have returned of His creation. It is a God-centered universe with man as the
zero evidence of any other intelligent physical life out there. only intelligent physical being able to ask questions about his
This has led to the great question, “Where is everybody?” origin and purpose.
The truth is that for all our searching, it appears life on earth Yes, we live in a God-centered universe. When we focus our
is the only known form of carbon-based life. Could it be that mind on that key truth we will find the true meaning of not
human life on earth is the only intelligent physical life form only the universe, but of human life. As Psalm 19 declares,
in all the universe? Some scientists have concluded that this is “The heavens proclaim the glory of God.” Man’s future glory
indeed the case—not least because the mathematical odds for can be found in that picture!
random chance producing a planet like ours capable of hosting
life are infinitesimally small.
A new approach
Man appears to be the only physical life-
We ought to see, then, that it is time for a new approach. form capable of asking why we are here.
It is time to admit the obvious—that the earth was formed by And the answer has been in the pages of
a Creator God who reveals Himself in the Bible as the One the Bible for thousands of years! Download
who “in the beginning . . . created the heavens and the earth” or request our study guide Why Were You
(Genesis 1:1). Born? to understand the answers!
As the same account goes on to show, the earth was created
for man. From it God scooped a handful of dust to create man

20 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g

America and China Square Off
What’s behind the economic pushing and shoving between the United States and China?
What are the stakes? How might this affect the rest of the world—and you?
by Mike Kelley

s the turbulent summer of 2019 drew to an end in Sep- and a desire to make life better for the Chinese people.
tember, the world economy seemed to breathe a sigh of China has vowed to become the world’s largest economy,
relief. The Chinese Ministry of Commerce signaled to with access to U.S. markets being a critical part of its plan. The
U.S. trade negotiators a willingness for serious nego-
world’s most populous nation had long sought Most Favored
tiations in October to resolve the growing trade war between Nation (MFN) trading status, which it finally attained with
the two nations. U.S. backing in late 2001. But while this status gained China
To many observers, this might be the beginning of an end to access to markets and trade advantages it long coveted, it also
the trade impasse that began in January 2018 when U.S. Presi- required that China adhere to fair trade practices it has largely
dent Donald Trump’s administration set in place against Chi- ignored.
nese imports the first of a series of tariffs—taxes that drive up Bloomberg News policy analyst Josh Rogin summed up
the cost of imports. the frustration of U.S. policy makers: “There was a belief that
The effect on the two nations was anything but positive. China would develop a private economy that would prove
For a Chinese economy heavily dependent on exports to the compatible with the WTO [World Trade Organization] sys-
United States (which remains the world’s largest economy with tem. Chinese leadership has made a political decision to do
the largest market), import duties of up to 30 percent on hun- the opposite. So now we have to respond” (“The United States
dreds of billions of products were strangling economic growth. Is Finally Confronting China’s Economic Aggression,” The
In the United States, stock markets saw a wave of volatility Washington Post, March 25, 2018).
as investors worried that the tariffs might also choke off world With its new MFN trade status, seemingly overnight the
economic growth. Consumers are wary of price increases on Chinese economy began to look much more capitalistic. Offi-
the thousands of Chinese-made consumer products. And such cial encouragement of Chinese investment by other nations
tariffs also increase the cost of many domestic products that led to thousands of manufacturing enterprises that took
use Chinese components. advantage of low Chinese pay scales and looser environmental
What’s behind all this, and what does it mean for the future?regulations (China is by far the world’s biggest polluter).
Over the past quarter century, Chinese exports to the United
Struggle for supremacy States have skyrocketed. From just 1 percent of U.S. imports
A quick look at the trading history of the two gigantic econ- in 1991, they doubled from $51.5 billion in 1996 to $102 billion
Tzogia Kappatou/123RF

omies opens the door to understanding how and why this eco- in 2001, and have grown prodigiously since then. America in
nomic showdown came about. After the death of Communist 2018 saw a record $540 billion in Chinese imports, up nearly
China’s founder Mao Zedong in 1976, Chinese leaders began 7 percent from 2017 and up almost 60 percent from 2008.
taking steps to modernize their state-run centralized economy. By the mid-1990s billions of dollars of Chinese-made
The 1980s saw a wave of economic reforms that included some exports began to flow to America and Europe. China used
increased free-market practices, modernization of industry its newfound wealth not only to improve the lot of its people,

B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • November-December 2019 21

but also to build gleaming modern cities and infrastructure. These practices have led to the loss of nearly 3.4 million
Wealthy Chinese traveled to America, buying up billions in U.S. jobs from 2001 to 2017, according to an October 2018
U.S. commercial real estate. report by the Economic Policy Institute (EPI). Certain indus-
tries, such as electronics, textiles, apparel and some heavier
The dark side of Chinese economic growth durable goods, have been especially hard hit. And while job
But this growth had a dark side, as the Chinese military losses have been heaviest in California, Texas and the indus-
made certain that much of the nation’s new wealth flowed into trial Midwest, they have occurred in nearly every U.S. state
creating a modern army and world-class navy. China used that and congressional district.
navy to threaten its neighbors and key trading routes. It has Workers fortunate enough to hold on to their jobs saw their
proclaimed an Exclusive Economic Zone that includes most of wage bargaining power diminished due to cheap Chinese com-
the South China Sea, to the dismay of neighbors Taiwan, Viet- petition. The EPI report found wage and salary stagnation to
nam and the Philippines, all of which border the sea and use it be a major contributing factor to lower living standards and
extensively. a widening inequality gap, especially among older workers.
That dark side extended to the United States, which saw a Economic inequality is something American academia and
tremendous loss of manufacturing jobs to China. American the media have long railed against, but which globalism—
manufacturers closed hundreds of factories, putting millions advocated by the same media and academia—tends to promote.
out of work. Hit especially hard in America was the industrial
Midwest, where entire towns, losing key manufacturing plants, War of tariffs begins
became virtual ghost towns. U.S. manufacturing centers such In the U.S. presidential campaign of 2016, Donald Trump
as Detroit, Milwaukee, Chicago, Pittsburgh and Cleveland felt lashed out at these abuses and promised to address the prob-
the impact. lem if elected. It brought him hundreds of thousands of votes
By 2015 the situation had become critical. American manu- in industrial states like Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin and Penn-
facturing, reeling from the body blows of China’s trade abuses, sylvania, states particularly hard hit by the loss of manufactur-
had lost more than three million manufacturing jobs since ing jobs.
2000, and the situation was worsening. With China exporting The Trump administration followed through at the begin-
$4 of goods to the United States for every dollar of U.S. exports ning of 2018 by slapping tariffs on Chinese-made washing
to China, hundreds of billions of dollars were flowing out of machines and solar panels, products China has been accused
America into China every year, with a much smaller amount of dumping. Tariffs on steel and aluminum followed in March.
flowing back into the United States. China responded with its own tariffs on U.S. goods, and since
Designed in part to protect domestic industries by taxing then the Trump administration and China’s leadership have
foreign imports, both nations have used tariffs over the years. imposed further tariffs tit for tat for more than a year. In the
However, China has long imposed much higher tariffs on latest round as of this writing, new U.S. tariffs of up to 15 per-
U.S. products imported into China than the United States has cent were imposed Sept. 1 on an additional $325 billion in
lodged against Chinese goods. Chinese imports.
Troubling as this has been, China’s international trade prac- Trump and his U.S. trade negotiators are counting on what
tices became the main issue generating friction with the United they see as a simple reality—that the Chinese, benefiting four
States. To sustain rapid economic growth of as much as 9 per- times as much as the United States in their exchange of goods,
cent per year, China engaged in unsavory trade practices such as would feel the pressure of steep tariffs earlier and harder.
demanding technology sharing of U.S. firms as a price of doing Washington wants a deal that would see China reduce
business, intellectual property theft, dumping of Chinese goods industrial subsidies, cut production of commodities such as
in U.S. markets, large subsidies to Chinese firms and other prac- steel and aluminum where overproduction is depressing global
tices that tilted the playing field heavily in China’s favor. prices, and stop pressuring U.S. firms to hand over proprietary
technology as a cost of doing business in China. The admin-
Hundreds of billions in economic losses istration would also like to see stepped-up purchases of U.S.
“Dumping” here refers to selling goods into foreign markets goods and services, and a strengthening of China’s currency,
below production cost to gain market share. Coveting lucra- the yuan, which China had devalued to give it an edge in
tive U.S. and European markets, China has unfairly dumped international trade.
in them such products as steel tubing, machine parts, cast It seemed China was signaling a wish to de-escalate the
iron parts and aluminum, devastating U.S. manufacturers. trade stalemate this past summer by agreeing to restore some
The World Trade Organization, which China joined in 2001, of its imports of American farm commodities and other U.S.
has long made demands that China correct these practices— goods. But when Chinese president Xi Jinping reneged on the
demands Chinese policy makers have largely ignored. agreement, President Trump announced the new round of tar-
Particularly galling has been the theft of intellectual prop- iffs on Chinese goods, affecting virtually all remaining Chi-
erty, a practice that robs U.S. creative and innovative firms of nese imports not previously subject to tariffs. In response,
billions of dollars a year. The U.S. Customs Service estimates Chinese central banking authorities took steps to weaken the
that 87 percent of counterfeit goods seized at U.S. ports origi- yuan in an effort to stanch some of the slowdown in exports.
nate in China. A March 2018 CNN report cited losses of $225 Now nearly two years since it began, the trade war has taken
to $600 billion annually from intellectual property losses to its toll. Since mid-2018 the Chinese economy has slowly con-
American technology and other firms. tracted, with growth at its slowest pace since 1992. Hundreds

22 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g
of companies that set up shop in China to take advantage of To put this in perspective, the price to U.S. consumers of
low Chinese labor costs have left or are threatening to leave. Apple’s iPhone XS could rise by $160 if tariffs of 25 percent go
Trying to gear up his nation for a long-term trade struggle, Xi into effect. The U.S. would share the pain from slower iPhone
Jinping called this past spring for a new “long march” reminis- sales as not only retailers but downstream support businesses
cent of Mao’s 1935 call for his people’s resistance to the invad- are affected.
ing Japanese. Chinese leaders have begun to worry. Consumers will of course feel the pain of higher prices
The White House has signaled that it too is prepared for a on these items. While the U.S. Trade Representative’s office
long-term battle. “I’m like them; I have a long horizon,” Presi- has excluded many products for which China is the main
dent Trump told Reuters news agency, adding he had “no time source, the new tariffs will apply more than 40 percent to con-
frame” for ending the trade dispute. Though often criticized sumer products, up from 25 percent from earlier tariffs that
for what many consider to be the president’s back-and-forth mainly target industrial goods. And since consumer spending
approach to the trade war, others defend his stance as a strat- accounts for nearly 70 percent of the U.S. economy, it is easy
to see how higher prices
Any deal would likely not deter China from its long- could lead to a gradual
slowing of U.S. economic
range goal of economic supremacy. Chinese leaders activity.
Around the world it is
will not accept what they consider humiliation. hoped that both nations
will back away as they
egy aimed at keeping China off balance, never knowing what approach the economic precipice. The United States hopes that
the next U.S. move will be. China will eliminate or ease up on its restrictive and unfair
The Chinese government has ample reason to want the dis- trade policies. China hopes that U.S. consumers and manu-
pute settled quickly. China’s leaders know a protracted trade facturers will feel the pain of higher prices enough to pressure
conflict would damage the country economically and compli- Washington to ease off or eliminate the ever-mounting tar-
cate their plans to transform it from a low-wage manufactur- iffs. In Beijing, Chinese leaders watch closely as the 2020 U.S.
ing economy into a global leader in high technology. It’s been elections approach, hoping that Donald Trump will not be
rumored that Xi has instructed his deputies to stabilize the reelected and that a new administration will back off the hard-
relationship with the United States as soon as possible. line trade stance and return to the China-friendly agreements
of previous years.
What lies ahead? Yet even if a deal is reached, will Chinese economic leaders
This battle of titans could turn worse. It goes without saying abide by its terms? China has often failed to keep its past trade
that the U.S. business community is not thrilled at the pros- agreements and has been evasive about commitments to curb
pect of even more barriers to trade with China, a nation that intellectual property theft. Thus the United States would need
supplies an astonishing array of raw materials and finished to continue the threat of economic sanctions.
goods. And while U.S. importers largely absorbed the initial In any event, any deal reached would likely not deter China
rounds of tariffs, they have signaled that most of the additional from its long-range goal of global economic supremacy. Chi-
10 to 15 percent tariffs will be passed on to U.S. consumers in nese leaders will not accept what they consider economic
the form of higher prices for clothing, electronics, toys and humiliation, and Xi Jinping is not likely to bend over back-
hundreds of other consumer products. wards to accept what he considers a harsh deal.
U.S. retailers, already under pressure from the growth of The end of 2019 approaches with the U.S. and China, like
Internet shopping, will feel more pressure as business slows. two huge sumo wrestlers, circling each other in the strug-
Some will not survive, and most will be forced to cut back on gle for global economic supremacy. Perhaps only the ongo-
staff and inventory. Either way, the result could be substantial ing potential for catastrophic events like nuclear warfare poses
job losses going into early 2020. a greater threat to the well-being of millions. If Chinese and
In China the situation will likely be worse. The latest round U.S. trade negotiators fail to arrive at an agreement soon, it is
of tariffs on nearly $325 billion in Chinese imports, on top all but certain that both nations will feel widespread economic
of tariffs already imposed on about $250 billion of Chinese pain—pain that will spread to the rest of the global economy
goods, will cost millions of jobs, a situation that will only get and lead to worsening conditions around the world.
worse if hundreds more factories decide to close their China
operations and move to other nations such as Vietnam or the LEARN MORE
Could this result in long-term rearrangement of global sup- Our free study guide The United States and
ply chains that have taken decades to create? Many products, Britain in Bible Prophecy brings a biblical
such as cell phones, digital cameras and laptops, are assembled perspective to world events involving
in China with parts sourced around the world. Economists these nations. What lies behind both their
realize that a shift could disrupt supply chains spread across vast blessings and their growing turmoil?
much of Asia and the world. The production of Apple’s iPhone, Download or request your free copy today!
for example, involves nearly 200 major suppliers that deliver
parts to China for final assembly.

B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • November-December 2019 23
& PROPHECY Current Events & Trends

Iran behind oil facility attacks in Saudi Arabia time of the end, the king of the South shall attack
him; and the king of the North shall come against

oordinated attacks on Sept. 14 raised new past. This could contribute to the growing political him like a whirlwind . . . He shall enter their countries,
fears about the stability of Middle Eastern oil alienation of the United States from other Western overwhelm them, and pass through.” Bible prophecy
production, posing an immediate threat due to nations. By underscoring this point, Iran may be seek- attests to a coming war in the Middle East!
the global economy’s dependence on a reliable and ing to create a political wedge between America and The northern power, originally in Syria to the
inexpensive oil supply. other nations to diminish America’s global influence, north of Israel, shifted in ancient times to Rome and
Iranian-supported Houthi rebels in Yemen, who which has kept Iran in check, particularly in delaying in the end-time will be a revival of the Roman Empire
have been at war with Saudi Arabia since 2015, its development of nuclear weapons and its avowed centered in Europe.
claimed responsibility, but it’s strongly suspected intention to destroy Israel. The southern power, originally centered in Egypt,
that Iran itself is the true actor behind the scenes. The U.S. President Donald Trump authorized America’s seems to refer to an end-time Islamic power to the
Sept. 14 attacks mark the most successful in a string south of Israel. This kingdom of the South may well
of incidents dating back to May 2019 against Saudi oil again be centered in Egypt, which is now Sunni Muslim
interests. U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo impli- and the most populous Arab nation, or perhaps Saudi
cated Iran on the day of the attacks with the following Arabia, the homeland of Islam, or some other neigh-
unequivocal statement via Twitter: boring state. It could likewise spring up from a terror
“Teheran is behind nearly 100 attacks on Saudi network like ISIS or al-Qaeda taking over the govern-
Arabia while Rouhani and Zarif [Iran’s president and ments of Arab nations. Others think Iran will lead this
foreign minister] pretend to engage in diplomacy . . . southern power, as it could if it came to dominate the
Iran has now launched an unprecedented attack on the A Saudi oil facility burns after an Iranian attack. countries south of Israel (and Iran’s desire for nuclear
world’s energy supply. There is no evidence the attacks weapons no doubt plays into its desire to dominate
came from Yemen.” use of its emergency oil reserves the day after the the Islamic world).
According to geopolitical analyst George Friedman, attacks. That same day, however, he threatened via Yet Iran is located far to the east of Israel, and it
the attack was a crucial political play by Iran: “Not only Twitter that the United States is “locked and loaded” to might instead be part of another power bloc of Asian
did it demonstrate that the Saudi oil industry was vul- respond to the assault with force. It remains to be seen nations in that direction. Revelation 16:12 mentions a
nerable to Iranian attack but the attack significantly how far Iran will test those words and how President coalition of “kings from the east” marching into the
reduced Saudi oil production, inflicting real pain. It is Trump will respond. Middle East as the war progresses. Of course, Iran
not clear how long it might take to bring production Hostility between Iran and Saudi Arabia is borne does not have to be part of the southern power bloc
back online . . . If it takes time, the financial impact out of the divide in the Muslim world between the Shia to be part of its rise. The threat it poses to the Sunni
will hurt” (“The Geopolitics of Iran’s Refinery Attack,” and Sunni branches of Islam. There has long been a Arab countries could push them into emerging as a
Geopolitical Futures, Sept. 16, 2019). struggle for dominance between Shiite Iran or Persia regional power.
Friedman also cites America’s reduced dependence and the Sunni Arab nations. Only time will tell where current events will lead.
on foreign oil as a new reality Iran is seeking to exploit. End-time prophecy from the book of Daniel To learn more about the history and future of this
The thinking goes that if America is able to largely describes a worldwide political struggle in the end region, be sure to download or request our informative
supply its own oil needs, then it has less incentive to times between the “king of the North” and the “king study guide The Middle East in Bible Prophecy. (Source:
protect the rest of the world’s oil supply as in decades of the South.” Note that Daniel 11:40 says, “At the Geopolitical Futures.)

Study changes narrative on “gay gene” desire at any time, even changing from moment to moment, without judgment.
Yet few acknowledge that this completely contradicts the narrative of being born

ew research has overturned the longstanding myth of the “gay gene” sup- gay that made accepting homosexual lifestyles a moral imperative to begin with.
posedly discovered in 1993. The gay gene has been lauded as proof that Shaky science, elevated by political and media voices pushing the false and dis-
homosexuality is natural and must be accepted as such. However, a new empowering idea that sexual lifestyle is beyond people’s control, has led to moral
analysis of nearly 500,000 genomes has debunked the idea of a single “gay gene” confusion for an entire generation.
and found that only “up to 25% of sexual behavior can be explained by genetics” Even the authors of the recent study are unwilling to let go of the premise,
(Jonathan Lambert, “No ‘Gay Gene’: Massive Study Homes in on Genetic Basis of explaining that “nonheterosexual behavior is polygenic” (“Large-Scale GWAS
Human Sexuality,” Nature, Aug. 29, 2019). Reveals Insights Into the Genetic Architecture of Same-Sex Sexual Behavior,”
The gay gene has become entrenched in mainstream culture, even inspiring pop Science, Aug. 30, 2019). In other words, they replace the idea of a single “gay gene”
anthems such as Lady Gaga’s 2011 hit song “Born This Way” to celebrate the false with the unverifiable claim that there are many genes associated with homosexual
idea that homosexuality is predetermined from birth—with upbringing, interac- behavior. They report that they’ve found small influences on sexuality from several
tions with others and personal choices playing no role in sexual orientation—so different genes but that altogether the effect is not enough to predict people’s

that the homosexual lifestyle must be accepted. sexuality from their DNA.
However, the increasing push for “tolerance” defies even that concept, as It’s no wonder that people find themselves in such confusion and denial as
the conversation has now dramatically shifted from homosexuality towards all society drifts farther away from God and the Bible. God is the author of male and
manner of newly invented orientations and “gender identities,” including “gender female sexuality. And He declares through Scripture that sexual relations outside
fluidity.” of monogamous marriage between a man and a woman is sin. This truth accords
The standard now advocated by the ever-widening LGBTQ community is that well with scientists now reporting on finding no proof of homosexuality being
anyone should be able to choose any sexual orientation or gender identity they predetermined by one’s genes. (Source: Nature, Science.)

24 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g
Ban of e-cigarettes
Study: family meals phones or tablets) at the dinner table would
account for such quiet time.
on the horizon?
are rare and quiet The study also found that many families are

not even eating together more than a few times -cigarettes are relatively new in the tobacco

hat was once a normal part of everyday a week: “Just sitting down at the dinner table world. Inhaling an aerosolized solution or vapor
life for millions of people—the family together as a family is a struggle for many as well. that includes nicotine, now known as “vaping,” has
dinner, full of conversation—is now The survey . . . found that four in 10 parents don’t been on the rise while traditional cigarette smoking
becoming a rare occurrence. A new study reveals even eat dinner at the same time as their children has been declining over the last decade.
that one third of families in the United Kingdom on most days. Additionally, one in 10 never eat “New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Sunday [Sept.
sit in silence during the family meal. dinner at the same time as their families” (ibid., 15] he will push for a ban on some electronic cigarettes
“Dinner, or any other meal for that matter, in emphasis added). amid a health scare linked to vaping—a move that
the average suburban home is supposed to be a One psychologist explained just some of the would follow a similar ban enacted by Michigan
time for the family to come together, spend some benefits of conversing with loved ones around and a call from President Trump for a federal pro-
time with each other, and share what is going in the dinner table: “‘There is evidence showing hibition on certain vaping products” (Scott Neuman,
their lives. That is, at least, the general belief that stimulating conversation at mealtimes “New York Set to Join Michigan in Banning Some
or notion that has persisted culturally for ages. builds children’s confidence and self-esteem and Electronic Cigarettes,” National Public Radio [NPR.
Alas, it seems ‘the times they are a-changing’— [these] in turn actually boost academic perfor- org], Sept. 16, 2019).
according to a new survey of 2,500 U.K. parents, mance,’ Dr. [Linda] Papadopoulos explains. ‘In Contributing to the attraction of vaping is the
a third of families sit in complete silence during fact, they are beneficial to the whole famil[y’s] assortment of flavors added to the tobacco. Flavors
meal time” (John Anderer, “Dinner and No Con- mental well-being, a time for everyone to unload. like bubblegum, strawberry watermelon and pink
versation: Third of Families Sit in Silence While So it’s a good idea to try and make them part of lemonade are popular among teens. Gov. Cuomo wants
Eating, Shock Survey Reveals,”, your weekly routine’” (ibid.). to start by banning such flavored tobacco.
Sept. 13, 2019). To learn more about the incredible benefits Since e-cigarettes are relatively new, there are no
The study showed that many parents reported that flow from a healthy family life, send for or long-term studies showing the impact of vaping on
simply not knowing what kinds of topics to talk download a copy of our free study guide Mar- health. Yet as information comes out, the dangers of
about with each other or their children. It’s also riage and Family: The Missing Dimension. (Source: vaping seem more evident. “The push at the state and
not hard to imagine how technology use (smart- federal levels to ban certain vaping products comes as
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said . . .
[in early September] that 380 confirmed or probable
Anti-Semitism at U.S. colleges grows to record levels cases of lung disease associated with e-cigarettes had
been identified in 36 states and the U.S. Virgin Islands,

shocking and sad new report recently revealed unsafe environment for Jewish students . . . with six confirmed deaths” (ibid.).
that students who are openly supportive of “AMCHA found in its latest report that while “New York State Department of Health Commis-
Israel are being harassed at rates never seen examples of classical anti-Semitism decreased over- sioner Dr. Howard Zucker said in a statement Tuesday
before. The findings come from the AMCHA Initiative, all, there has been a major spike in students being [Sept. 17] that the high numbers of vaping use among
a non-profit organization that monitors anti-Semi- targeted for hate speech and violence due to their young people is nothing short of a ‘public health crisis’”
tism—hostility or prejudice against Jews—across open support for the state of Israel” (Adam Kredo, (Doha Madani and Janelle Griffith, “New York First State
more than 400 college campuses in the United States “Report: Anti-Semitic Harassment at U.S. College to Enact Ban of Flavored E-Cigarettes Amid Deaths
(amcha meaning “your people” in Hebrew, connoting Campuses Hits Historic Levels,” The Washington Free Linked to Vaping,” NBC News, Sept. 17, 2019).
grassroots among the common people). Beacon, Sept. 17, 2019). Cigarette smoke was tied to cancer in the 1960s, but
The group has tracked around 2,500 anti-Semitic The Bible warns of rising tensions between people substantial regulations on the tobacco industry did not
incidents since 2015 and reported that levels have risen of different religious and ethnic backgrounds in the come until much later. No doubt we will see further
70 percent in just the last year: last days. It also refers to animosity against the Jew- regulation of e-cigarettes. In any case, we should
“Anti-Semitic harassment on college campuses ish people and other descendants of ancient Israel. To all avoid substances and practices that are seriously
aimed at pro-Israel students jumped by 70 percent in learn more about where such trends are heading, read damaging to health and lead to addictions. (Search
the past year, the highest levels ever seen, according our eye-opening study guides Are We Living in the Time at our website for “Smoking and Health: The
to a new study showing that the endorsement of anti- of the End? and The United States and Britain in Bible Often-Overlooked Key.”) (Sources: National Public
Israel causes by students and professors has created an Prophecy. (Source: The Washington Free Beacon.) Radio, NBC News.)

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B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • November-December 2019 25

Is Christmas Really Christian?

Many assume Jesus was born on Christmas or that, even if He wasn’t,
it’s a good occasion to celebrate, since it’s still worshipping Him. But
did early Christians observe Christmas? And what should we do today?

by Jerold Aust

on’t bother me with the facts—my mind’s made God or His Word, but by the clergy of the church well after
up!” This hypothetical retort exemplifies someone apostolic times. The article goes on to accept that the estab-
challenged over an entrenched false belief. And lishment of the “Birth of the Unconquered Sun” on Dec. 25 by
sometimes many people stubbornly cling to a par- the Roman Emperor Aurelian in 274 may have had a second-
ticular fiction over fact as a result of groupthink (see ary influence on the church accepting this date as the birth of
“The Grip of Groupthink” on page 27). Jesus, but it contends that Aurelian may have co-opted a date
How many Christians who observe this holiday are will- already significant to Christians. Yet the timing of this sun-
ing to research whether it’s rooted in Scripture? What if one’s worship festival close to the winter solstice had a much more
Christian beliefs differ from biblical teachings? Do we ignore ancient origin, as we will see.
the Bible and go along with religious traditions that are more
comfortable? Is concurrence-seeking more important to us Christmas observance a late departure
than living by God’s eternal truths? The Catholic Church did not fix the date of Christmas until
If you desire to know where Christmas came from, read the fourth century. The same article notes that “the first clear
on. Here you will find the answer to the question, Is Christ- record of Christ’s birth on December 25 was not until 336 AD.”
mas really Christian? And if it isn’t, will you change and follow According to The Catholic Encyclopedia: “The liturgical
God’s truths? [public ceremonial worship] year in the Roman rite, as known
today, came into existence only gradually once Easter and
Jesus’ birthday not a focus early on Christmas feasts had been established . . . The commemora-
An article at the popular Christian website tion of the birthday of the Lord on December 25 spread from
defends Dec. 25 as an early established date for Jesus’ birthday, Rome throughout the Western Church from the 4th century
yet contains some significant admissions: [A.D. 300s], and Epiphany [on Jan. 6] remained as the com-
“The tradition for December 25th is actually quite ancient. memoration of the Magi incident recounted in M[atthew] 2.1-
Hippolytus, in the second century A.D., argued that this was 12” (“Early Christian Feasts,” 1967, Vol. 5, p. 868).
Christ’s birthday [though this Roman church father wrote The same encyclopedia elsewhere states: “The celebration
several generations after Jesus and the apostles]. Meanwhile, of Christ’s birth on December 25. The name is derived from
in the Eastern Church, January 6th was the date followed. the Old English Cristes Maesse or Cristes-messe, meaning the
“But in the fourth century, John Chrysostom [Catholic Mass of Christ [ironic since the Mass is a Catholic rite mark-
archbishop of Constantinople] argued that December 25th ing the death of Christ rather than His birth].
was the correct date and from that day till now, the Church in “Inexplicable though it seems, the date of Christ’s birth
the East, as well as the West, has observed the 25th of Decem- is not known. The Gospels indicate neither the day nor the
ber as the official date of Christ’s birth [though some still opt month; and although Luke (2.1-3) sets the Nativity in a histor-
for Jan. 6]. ical perspective, the year cannot be determined with exacti-
“Though the gospels of Matthew and Luke both give an tude” (“Christmas and Its Cycle,” Vol. 3, p. 656).
account of Christ’s birth, neither one provides a date for this We also see in The Catholic Encyclopedia the incredible
great event. Though it may sound strange to our modern admission that Jesus, the apostles and the early New Testa-
minds, it is likely that early Christians did not place any par- ment Church persisted in the observance of God’s seventh-day
ticular value on birthdays. This makes it hard to conclude when Sabbath (Friday sunset to Saturday sunset) and the annual
Jesus was really born. festivals mandated in God’s law:
“It was not until the third century that various pockets of “The earliest Christians did not immediately dissociate
Christians began to show interest in the date of Christ’s birth, themselves from the observance of the Jewish feasts [actually
and it would take another century for the Church to begin cel- God’s feasts, as He states in Leviticus 23:2]. Many references in
ebrating it with some uniformity” (Angie Mosteller, “When the N[ew]T[estament] indicate that Jesus and His disciples, as
Was Jesus Born and Why Do We Celebrate on December well as the early . . . Christian communities, observed the Sab-
25th?”, Dec. 6, 2011, emphasis added throughout). bath and the major annual festivals [those listed in Leviticus
Notice, Christmas was assigned the date of Dec. 25 not by 23]” (“Early Christian Feasts,” Vol. 5, p. 867).

26 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g
indeed biblical. But how does that align with the observance
of Christmas?
What was the purpose of Jesus’ birth? Most Christians
would quickly answer that He was born to be our Savior. That’s
true, but there’s more. He was also born to become our Sover-
eign Ruler (Daniel 2:44), Leader (Colossians 1:18) and Teacher
(John 3:2).
If He is our Teacher, then where are His instructions to
observe Christmas? Jesus asked those professing to follow Him,
“But why do you call Me ‘Lord, Lord,’ [signifying supreme
Master] and not do the things which I say?” (Luke 6:46).
Some will argue that the accounts of Christ’s birth in the
Gospels of Matthew and Luke and the announcements of it
made there prove the validity of observing Christmas today.
But there is no hint anywhere of such observance for us (while
the days we are told to observe have been summarily rejected).
Certainly God announced Jesus’ birth, and He was honored
by a delegation of wise men from the East who brought gifts
for the future King of Kings (Matthew 2:1-12). Yet their arrival
with these gifts was evidently a considerable time after His
birth, not on “the first Christmas,” as many try to paint it.
There were no Christmas trees, wreaths, Yule logs, reindeer,
elves, stockings by the fireplace or exchanging of gifts with one
another. There was no attachment to Dec. 25. Jesus was not
even born in the winter.
Here the notion is advanced that although the early Church Since the accounts of Jesus’ birth in Matthew and Luke have
initially continued to celebrate the same weekly Sabbath and nothing really to do with the observance of the Christmas hol-
annual festivals that the Jewish people did, which of itself is a iday as we know it, where did this religious tradition originate?
remarkable admission, the church finally woke up and disas-
sociated itself from these “Jewish feasts” in embracing a more Perpetuating a pagan winter festival
“gentile” Christianity. Sunday observance and other unbiblical The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church states in its
holidays were substituted for the allegedly archaic Old Testa- entry on “Christmas”: “The popular observance of the feast has
ment Sabbath and annual feasts. always been marked by the joy and merry-making formerly
Yet Christ condemned the negation of God’s law, declar- characteristic of the Roman Saturnalia and the other pagan
ing of those who spin His truth, “In vain they worship Me, festivals it replaced” (1958, p. 277). This celebration was filled
teaching as doctrines the commandments of men” (Mark 7:7). with wantonness, reveling and drunkenness.
Clearly, a wayward groupthink about rejecting biblical prac- The Catholic Encyclopedia likewise shows that the Christ-
tice and adopting the Christmas tradition is at work here! mas season came from the ancient winter festival that cel-
ebrated the sun god in the lengthening days following the
No real connection to Jesus’ birth
winter solstice. The early Catholic church father Origen, writ-
Today, Christmas is promoted as a commemoration of the ing in the early A.D. 200s, never mentioned Christmas, and in
birth of Jesus Christ, and of course the story of His birth is fact said that Christians did not even observe Christ’s birth at

The Grip of Groupthink displays most or all of the symptoms in each of

the three categories, the members perform their
collective tasks ineffectively and are likely to fail

roupthink has dominated mankind from at the Bay of Pigs in 1961. The eight symptoms to attain their collective objectives as a result of
time immemorial, motivating whole societ- can be divided into three main groups: Type 1, concurrence-seeking” (p. 175; emphasis added
ies to make defective decisions. Groupthink overestimations of the group, perhaps concerning throughout).
is at once profound and pervasive. Amazingly, groupthink
Irving Janis, a 20th-century research psycholo- The observance of Christmas, the biggest dominates the entire world!
gist at Yale University and professor emeritus at holiday among those identifying as Christians, Christendom is one major
University of California, Berkeley, was famous for group—now more than 2
fits the groupthink construct perfectly.
Kirill Kedrinski/123RF

his work in this field. In his groundbreaking book billion people worldwide—
Groupthink (1982), Janis explored eight main its power or its morality; Type 2, closedminded- affected by groupthink, as it has been for nearly
symptoms that run through case studies of his- ness; and Type 3, pressures toward uniformity (pp. 2,000 years. The observance of Christmas, the
toric fiascoes, like U.S. President John F. Kenne- 174-175). biggest holiday among those identifying as Chris-
dy’s decision to overthrow the Cuban government Janis writes, “When a policy-making group tians, fits the groupthink construct perfectly.

B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • November-December 2019 27

all, as though He were a pagan king (compare “Christmas and drinking and debauchery during the pagan winter festival.
Its Cycle,” 1967, Vol. 3, 1967, and “Christmas,” 1913, Vol. 3).
Tertullian, another outspoken Catholic theologian at the How does God view this holiday?
time, rebuked compromising Christians who joined in the Members of the early Church would have been astonished to
pagan winter festival from which Christmas derives: “By us . . . think that the customs and practices we associate with Christmas
who are strangers to Sabbaths, and new moons, and festivals —which they saw in the corrupt pagan Roman world around
[as found in Leviticus 23, since they had ceased to observe them—would be incorporated into a celebration of Christ’s birth.
these], the Saturnalia [that is, the winter festival that with others Yet after several centuries, Christ’s name was attached to this
became the Christmas season], the feasts of January, the Brum- popular Roman holiday with its roots in Babylon.
alia, and Matronalia are now frequented; gifts are carried to and Remarkably, when confronted with the facts about the real
fro, new year’s day presents are made with din, and banquets are origins of Christmas, many Christians ask: “So what’s the big
celebrated with uproar; oh, how much more faithful are the hea- deal? I’m still honoring Jesus Christ!” But are they?
then to their religion, who take special care to adopt no solem- Scripture itself is clear that we are not to use pagan religious
nity from the Christians” (Tertullian in De Idolatria, quoted by practices in the worship of the true God, as He considers that
Alexander Hislop, The Two Babylons, p. 93). an abomination (Deuteronomy 12:29-32). Thus Christmas is
Despite the warning, such celebration was eventually made not a festival of Christ or the true God at all. The only thing in
part of “Christian” worship. The Christmas tree and other ele- Christmas that speaks of Christ is the misuse of His name.
ments of the Christmas season were brought over with the God condemns such pagan festivals. They sadly blind peo-
ancient pagan festival, which was rooted in the idolatry of the ple to His great plan as revealed in His true holy festivals,
early Babylonian king Nimrod, a rebel tyrant against God (see which serve as the symbolic map of humankind’s salvation.
Genesis 10:8-11). The well-meaning and heartfelt appeal by many to put Christ
From clues in pagan traditions, it appears he
was ultimately slain for his rebellion against God Scripture itself is clear that we are not to
and debauchery. Yet his worship became dif-
fused through many and varied pagan traditions, use pagan religious practices in the wor-
so that he is the one ultimately portrayed in the
burning Yule log on Christmas Eve, the one who
ship of the true God. Christmas is not a
was cut down and died and, as the returning sun festival of Christ or the true God at all.
in the sky, then became the reborn divine son,
the Christmas tree, on Christmas Day. “Now the Yule Log is back into Christmas is futile. Christ was never in Christmas.
the dead stock of Nimrod, deified as the sun-god, but cut down Had He observed or told others to observe Christmas, He
by his enemies; the Christmas-tree is Nimrod redivivus [i.e., would have broken His own laws, which is sin (1 John 3:4-5),
reborn]—the slain god come to life again” (Hislop, p. 98). and we would have no Savior. We would then have no release
Forms of the idolatrous winter festival spread through- from the wages of sin, which is death (Romans 6:23).
out the Middle East. It also accompanied the peoples who Will we wait for Christ to return before we honor Him?
migrated into Europe. Among the Romans it became the Sat- Must Christ be seen and touched for us to believe Him? Jesus
urnalia and Brumalia and New Year’s, as we’ve seen. In north- addressed this: “Thomas, because you have seen Me, you have
ern Europe it developed into the aforementioned Yule—and believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have
ultimately the Christmas we know today. The Wikipedia entry believed” (John 20:29). Do you believe God the Father and
“Winter Solstice” tells us: Jesus Christ? Not just believe in Them, but believe what They
“The pagan Scandinavian and Germanic people of northern have said through Scripture?
Europe celebrated a twelve-day ‘midwinter’ (winter solstice) Do They through the Bible tell you to observe Christmas—
holiday called Yule . . . Many modern Christmas traditions, or not to observe it? Is Christmas really Christian? How can
such as the Christmas tree, the Christmas wreath, the Yule it be? God never instituted it, and He never taught that it be
log, and others, are direct descendants of Yule customs. Scan- observed. Just the opposite, He tells us not to worship Him with
dinavians still call Christmas ‘Jul’. In English, the word ‘Yule’ pagan practices. However, God did give us His festivals and
is often used in combination with the season ‘yuletide’, a usage Holy Days to show His step-by-step plan for humanity’s salva-
first recorded in 900. It is believed that the celebration of this tion. With all this in mind, what will you choose to do?
day was a worship of these peculiar days, interpreted as the
reawakening of nature . . .
“Julblot [or Yule sacrifice] is the most solemn sacrifice feast. LEARN MORE
At the Yule blot, sacrifices were given to the gods to earn bless- There’s much more to the origins of Christ-
ings on the forthcoming germinating crops. The Yule blot was mas than we have space to cover here. To
eventually integrated into the Christian Christmas.” learn more, request or download our study
In short, the pagan winter festival of the ancient world guide Holidays or Holy Days: Does It Really
changed clothes, eventually adding the title of Christ and reap- Matter Which Days We Observe? A free
pearing as Christmas. The celebration was embraced by an copy is waiting for you!
increasingly wayward Christianity as a way to entice and hold
on to new converts who refused to give up their frivolities,

28 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g
Tips to Be More
How can we avoid negative thinking and focus on the positive?

by Janet Treadway

ow can we change a doom- for—like a nice warm bed to sleep in thought process. Be kind and helpful
and-gloom mindset? Instead that you just got out of. Personally, I to others! Be an encourager, as the
of letting the problems we dislike dark, gloomy days. However, apostle Barnabas appears to have been.
see in life keep us down, we I could approach it another way by His name in Hebrew means “son of
can strive to see the positive and look at thanking God that the sun will come out encouragement” or “son of comfort.” The
difficult circumstances as challenges to tomorrow. You just feel better when you world needs more people like that, and
endure or work through. have an attitude of gratitude. we all can help fill that job!
A favorite response of one of my Start your day with gratitude to God. 5. Take your problems to God.
relatives is, “But the problem is . . .” No When you get up in the morning, think God cares so deeply for us. “‘For I know
matter what you mention or bring up, of at least three things you are grateful the plans I have for you,’ declares the
this person comes back with a negative for. It will make a difference in your Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not
comment. Even if I said, “The sky is approach to life. Being grateful relieves to harm you, plans to give you hope
beautiful,” the response would be, “But stress, reduces depression, changes your and a future. Then you will call upon
the problem is . . .” thinking and opens the doors to possibi- me and come and pray to me, and I
We should replace such a mindset  lities. Conclude your day in the same way will listen to you. You will seek me
with a positive one of knowing that you for the same reasons! and find me when you seek me with all
are a child of God and that He can help 2. Take on a can-do approach. your heart’” (Jeremiah 29:11-13, New
you through anything! Instead of seeing a problem in everything International Version).
We live in such a negative world. The that can’t be dealt with, turn your perspec- Note that God will listen to you and
news is so negative. All of this can drag tive around to look at the positives. Consi- will bring you out of captivity, even
us down and put us in a bad attitude. We der the upside of everything. “Having a captivity to negative thinking. Why?
can start to think that everything in life is PMA [positive mental attitude] is asking Because He has wonderful plans for
negative. Dealing with hard issues in our how something can be done rather than you to bring good in your life! This far
own lives only compounds this negative saying it can’t be done,” observed success exceeds anything we could be going
thinking. We’re even more apt to think expert Bo Bennett (Year to Success, 2011, through at the present (compare Romans
that so much of life is an insurmountable emphasis added). Avoid a mind-set of 8:18; 2 Corinthians 4:17-18).
problem. And we can lose hope.  “The problem is . . .” Keep your mind focused on God all
We all have to work to change our 3. Question your thoughts. day long with gratitude, while helping
mind-set. Again, instead of focusing Ask yourself: “Are my thoughts godly, others. Look for positive solutions.
on whatever problems we can see in life or are they based on Satan’s ways and Replace negative thinking with positive
and letting this hold us down, we should influence? Are my thoughts of courage to thinking! Take control of your mind
try to develop a more positive outlook endure and work through the problems, by cleansing it immediately of negative
and see our trying circumstances as knowing there is light at the end of the thoughts, replacing them with godly
challenges to solve or learn from. tunnel, or are they of defeat?” thoughts and focus on God’s promises!
Here are some tips that will help: And what are we actually dealing The apostle Paul told us how we should
1. Be thankful. “Gratitude . . . with? Are we making mountains out of think: “Finally, brothers and sisters,
can be an incredibly powerful and invigor- molehills? Take control of your thoughts! whatever is true, whatever is noble, what-
ating experience,” says Harvard psychia- Replace them with a positive, encouraging ever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is 
trist Jeff Huffman of UC Berkeley’s Greater approach to life, knowing that everything lovely, whatever is admirable—if any-
Good Science Center. “Furthermore, there can be worked out with God’s help! thing is excellent or praiseworthy—
is growing evidence that being grateful 4. Bring positivity into some- think about such things . . . And the God
may not only bring good feelings. It could one else’s life. Many people are of peace will be with you” (Philippians
lead to better health” (quoted by Summer going through severe trials right now. We 4:8-9, NIV).
Allen, “Is Gratitude Good for Your should refocus our thoughts away from When you look at your problems,
Health?” March 5, 2018).     ourselves and toward others by giving strive to keep this perspective and look
When you get up in the morning, them kind words of encouragement. for the way forward, always staying
start thinking of things you are thankful Doing this will change your whole close to God!

B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • November-December 2019 29

“A World Going Insane” also request three of your other booklets? I love all of this informa-
tion, and I can’t get enough. Thank you in advance.
You’re so right [referring to the editorial in the September-
Reader in Victoria, Australia
October issue]! We live in a world where evil has become good, and
all that is good has become evil. It makes me sick that the world I thank you very much for the materials you have been sending
has sunk to this level. May God speed the return of Jesus and the me. I read all of them and share the Word of God in our congrega-
establishment of His Kingdom. tion every Sunday. It’s very helpful for all of us here.
From the Internet From the Internet
Thanks! You are the first person to really look at the world’s prob- We have taught Sunday school, Bible school, youth groups and
lem clearly! More laws will not solve the problem of sin! America filled several other jobs in our church for 47 years. We sincerely
needs a call to Almighty God, and there is no voice trumpeting believe in God, Jesus and the Bible. Through our study we dropped
this to our country. Perhaps you and several other godly Christian both Christmas and Easter celebrations several years ago. Several
leaders could get together and call America to a period of prayer pastors have confronted us about this, and we have simply asked
and fasting for God’s mercy on our nation! them to show us where it was taught in the Bible. We told them that
Subscriber in Georgia our teaching is “Bible-based” to our best understanding. Any mate-
“Surprising Discoveries About Our Universe‘s Origins” rial you can send us would be greatly appreciated and utilized.
Incredible! May God bless it in reaching those who hunger for From the Internet
truth. Thanks to all of you who make articles like this possible, and
I cannot stop thanking you for sending me Beyond Today maga-
most of all thanks and praise to the Creator of all.
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Please continue sending me the magazine—you have transformed
Thankful for Beyond Today magazine and Bible study aids my life. Your study guides and magazine have enabled me to grow
Thank you very much for sending your wonderful magazine with- spiritually. You are a blessing to me. I now observe God’s Sabbath
out ceasing. I appreciate your commitment, and I have benefited a day and in fact I am now a member of United Church of God.
lot from the magazines and booklets you have sent me. The articles Subscriber in Thailand
open my eyes to what is going on in the world. It’s helped me to
Hello and a sincere thank you for your enterprising and wise
see this lost world through the lens of Scripture. I don’t ever want to
magazine, which I stumbled on at the local pub.
miss a single issue.
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Looking to worship together with others of like mind
I just want to thank you for all that you do. I had ordered some
My husband and I have been studying the teachings of Jesus and
materials from your ministry to help me with my relationship with
the message He originally taught His disciples. We’ve been doing
the Lord Jesus Christ and to understand Bible prophecy. Thank you
this by reading publications based on the Holy Bible. We have also
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Thank you so much for your booklet The United States and Britain I would appreciate it.
in Bible Prophecy. I can see the events it describes happening. May I From the Internet

Separation from pagan traditions like Christmas, and our desire

Visit Beyond Today on Facebook! to observe God’s Holy Days, has been very challenging. The extra
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