Beyond Today Magazine - January/February 2022

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A for Today,
Magazine Hope for Tomorrow
of Understanding January-February 2016
January-February 2022

What If
SODOM Has Been Found?
The Location of Sodom: What Does the Bible Say? 11 • Are We Returning to Sodom? 14
What Does Archaeology Tell Us About the Bible? 20 • Choose to Be Happy 28
CONTENTS January-February 2022

4 What If Sodom Has Been Found?
Fifteen seasons of excavation at an enormous
archaeological site in the Jordan River Valley
have yielded remarkable evidence of an ancient
city-destroying cataclysm. Could this be proof
of the biblical story of Sodom? What does it
mean for us today?

11 The Location of Sodom:

What Does the Bible Say?

Photos, from top left: Dr. Phillip Silvia, courtesy Dr. Steven Collins, Scott Ashley Page 3: Connie Ashley Cover: Allen West and Jennifer Rice
Is the biblical story of Sodom real or only a
fanciful myth? When we examine the biblical
evidence, it reveals a consistent story about a
specific location—one that may prove to be
ancient Sodom itself.

14 Are We Returning to Sodom?

Sodom and its neighboring city of Gomorrah
have long been seen as examples of God’s judg-
ment on degeneracy and evil. With what could
prove to be the discovery of ancient Sodom and
evidence of its fiery destruction as described in
the Bible, we should ask a key question: Are we
returning to Sodom?

20 What Does Archaeology

Tell Us About the Bible?
How has the Bible fared when archaeologists
have compared their findings with the record
of Scripture?

26 Recent Holy Land Finds

Support the Biblical Record
11 20
Archaeological discoveries are regularly made
in and around the land of Israel that relate to DEPARTMENTS
the Bible. Here is an annotated list of 12 reports
of such finds within the past three years. 18 Current Events and Trends
An overview of events and conditions around the world
28 Choose to Be Happy 30 Letters From Our Readers
While Encouraging Others Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts
How can we find happiness in discourag-
ing times such as these? One way is through 31 Beyond Today Television Log
encouraging others. A listing of stations and times for the Beyond Today TV program

2 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g

Believe the Bible— Scott Ashley

and Its Warnings! Managing editor

the sky. The evidence on the ground points to intense

temperatures hot enough to melt pottery and bricks and
rchaeology has fascinated me since childhood. My vaporize human bodies—hot enough to turn one of our
family was part of the local archaeological society, automobiles today into a bubbling pool of melted steel.
and during my early teen years we helped exca- This wasn’t the conclusion from just one area of sci-
vate a shallow cave where entific analysis, but from every area they
American Indians had lived for many examined. It all pointed to a specific con-
centuries—my first excursion into clusion—one that agrees remarkably with
scientific examination of ancient the biblical account.
cultures. It’s not an exaggeration to say this could
That interest has remained with prove to be the biblical archaeological find
me, transitioning in more recent of the century—or of several centuries,
decades into study of biblical-era or perhaps of all time thus far. That’s why
cultures and peoples. On trips to we’re covering it in great detail in this
Israel, Jordan, Egypt and Turkey, I’ve issue. You may not see very much of this
tried to visit as many biblical sites in mainstream media sources. Most of
as possible—to walk the roads and them are more interested in discrediting
paths where biblical figures walked the Bible, not informing you when the
and see the world as they saw it to evidence once more demonstrates the
better understand God’s Word and accuracy of the Bible.
explain it to those with ears to hear. The author examines a stone grinder and bowl Something else you’re not going to see
Visiting these sites has proven to at Tall el-Hammam before excavations began. in most other sources is the implications
me again and again the proof and accuracy of the biblical of this remarkable story. And it has major implications
record in details large and small. Much of that proof has for our day.
found its way into the pages of this magazine. The Bible holds up Sodom as an example of the conse-
One site in particular, Tall el-Hammam in modern-day quences of sin. And not just any sin, but a particular kind
Jordan, has fascinated me for years. I’ve visited it twice. of sin that became flagrant and led to worse atrocity. This
It’s impressive for its enormous size—the largest ancient subversion of the natural order has become not just nor-
city from the Holy Land—but more so because it’s a per- malized in recent years, but actually praised and honored
fect match for the Bible’s description for the location by cultural leaders and intelligentsia.
of ancient Sodom. It’s another of those cultural Rubicons that we have
The Bible has more geographic indicators for the loca- blindly crossed without regard for the consequences for
tion of Sodom than any other city mentioned in Scrip- our society, for our families, for our children and for future
ture, and hearing a presentation on that subject 16 years generations who will pay the cost. What does God say?
ago has led me to follow reports on the excavations at the “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put
site over many dig seasons. darkness for light, and light for darkness” (Isaiah 5:20).
The latest news to emerge from these excavations is The pattern we see again and again in the Bible is that
astounding. After several years of meticulously analyz- God sends a warning message before destruction. He
ing the data from the destruction of the city, 21 scientists doesn’t want to see mankind suffer; He wants us to repent
from widely varied scientific fields collaborated on a of our sins—to change direction and seek Him (2 Peter
65-page peer-reviewed paper initially published in Nature 3:10; Ezekiel 33:11).
Scientific Reports. Is this discovery of what could prove to be ancient
Their shocking conclusion was that the huge ancient Sodom—and its divine punishment for its sins—another
city at Tall el-Hammam had been destroyed by a sudden, warning call from God to repent while there’s still time?
violent cataclysm originating outside of this world. May we have ears to hear!
Let that sink in for a moment.
If that sounds familiar, it should. The Bible tells us
that Sodom was destroyed by a sudden fiery blast from

B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • January-February 2022 3
What If
Has Been Found?

Fifteen seasons of excavation at an enormous archaeological site in the Jordan River

Valley have yielded remarkable evidence of an ancient city-destroying cataclysm.
Could this be proof of the biblical story of Sodom? What does it mean for us today?

by Peter Eddington
story of “biblical pro- volunteers have been excavating a enough to make digging tolerable)
portions”—having huge site they believe to be biblical Sodom. some very exciting scientific discov-
ramifications—was The excavation site is on the east side eries have been made.
recently announced and of the Jordan Valley in the nation of In recent dig seasons Dr. Collins
picked up by various Jordan, across the Jordan River from and his team have found evidence
news outlets across the country and Jericho. The site is huge—easily four of overwhelming destruction at this
around the world. to five times the size of Jericho, which place now called Tall el-Hammam.
For the last 16 years archaeologist existed at the same time. For years Dr. Collins has been pre-
Dr. Steven Collins, executive dean Through the course of their excava- senting evidence for why he thinks
at Albuquerque’s Trinity Southwest tions (digging in January and Febru- this is the most probable site for the
University, and a team of staff and ary, when the temperatures are mild ancient city of Sodom (see “The

4 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g

Location of Sodom: What Does the than what the site’s excavators have consider the question, What if Sodom
Bible Say?” beginning on page 11). concluded. has been found? What does it mean
Another key member of the excava- The Tall el-Hammam team is for humanity? And what should it
tion team is Dr. Phillip Silvia, a field confident that its dating of the site is mean to you and me personally?
archaeologist and supervisor with the accurate. At present there’s no easy
Tall el-Hammam Excavation Project answer for the discrepancy. Perhaps Sodom: a cesspool of wickedness
(TeHEP). This past autumn a scien- more will come to light in the com- Most of us are probably famil-
tific, peer-reviewed 65-page research ing months and years to bring us all iar with the biblical account of the
paper—authored by 21 scientists, closer together on the date of this city’s destruction by God of Sodom and
including Dr. Silvia—was released to destruction. Biblical archaeology is an Gomorrah because of the sins of the
scientific journals around the world. ever-evolving scientific field as new people. Only a tiny handful of resi-
The initial publication was in Nature evidence is continually emerging in dents escaped. Abraham pleaded
Scientific Reports. the lands of the Bible. with God to spare the city if even
What is striking about the paper is Several reputable archaeologists a few righteous people could be
that it details how destruction evidence have also concluded this is indeed the found there (Genesis 18:16-33).
found by the archaeologists at Tall site of Sodom, in spite of the dating Only Abraham's nephew Lot and
el-Hammam fits the biblical description issues. Evidence from the site itself, his family were worthy to be spared,
of Sodom’s sudden end. The evidence as well as biblical location markers, these because of their connection
shows a sudden catastrophic destruction is very compelling. The geographical to righteous Abraham.
The people of
The findings at Tall el-Hammam have deep biblical Sodom were pride-
ful and affluent with
implications for the archaeological community, but far abundant food and
deeper spiritual implications for the entire world. idleness and with
no care for the
needy as they brazenly descended
into increasing abomination, leading
to God sending destruction (Ezekiel
The story of that destruction is
recorded in Genesis 19. The intro-
duction to the depravity of the city
is quite shocking. Two angels in
human form come to the city to
rescue Lot and his family from the
coming destruction. Lot gives them
a safe place to stay for the night in
his home, but the story quickly takes
a dark turn, with the men of the city
surrounding the house to gang-rape
Images, from left: Allen West and Jennifer Rice, Deg777

The half-mile-long mound of Tall el-Hammam lies at the edge of the Jordan River Valley. It was at the heart the visitors! (verses 4-5).
of a huge ancient city destroyed in a cataclysm that appears remarkably like the biblical story of Sodom.
Lot pleaded with them, “Please,
originating outside of this planet. evidence and new scientific evidence my brethren, do not do so wickedly!”
Our Beyond Today editorial staff of the city’s destruction present a very (verse 7). Lot even offered the mob
have been following these excava- strong case. his two daughters, but they threat-
tion efforts for the last 16 years, even The story has deep biblical implica- ened him and nearly broke down his
visiting the site shortly before excava- tions for the archaeological communi- door before the angels rescued him
tions started in 2005. We should note ty, but far deeper spiritual implications by striking the crowd with blindness
that we do have some dating issues for the entire world. (verses 8-11).
with this site, as our understand- Let’s look, then, into the Scriptures It’s from this account that the term
ing of the chronology of the time in to see what happened to the cities of sodomy entered the English language.
which Abraham lived and Sodom Sodom and Gomorrah and compare Outlawed in most countries for
was destroyed places the destruction that to what scientists have discov- many centuries, it’s now approved
of the city around 200 years earlier ered. And with that background let’s and widely accepted, with those still

B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • January-February 2022 5

viewing it as sinful themselves con-

demned and denounced as back-
ward bigots.
Fiery destruction from the sky
The story doesn’t end there. The
angelic messengers tell Lot to gather
his family and flee—“For we will
destroy this place, because the out-
cry against them has grown great
. . . , and the Lord has sent us to
destroy it” (verse 13).
Lot pleaded with his sons-in-law,
telling them, “Get up, get out of this
place; for the Lord will destroy this
city!” (verse 14). But they took it as
a joke and refused to heed. After all,
Sodom was a large and prosperous
city—there was nothing to worry
about, right? Archaeologists Dr. Carroll Kobs and Dr. Gary Byers survey the foundations of structures at Tall el-Hammam,
As morning dawned, the angels an enormous ancient city. Its location and circumstances of destruction point to it likely being biblical Sodom.
urged Lot to hurry and take his wife
and daughters out of the city. As he
lingered, the angels took his hand and
What had previously been like the Garden of
the hands of his family members and Eden was now a vast, smoldering scene of
literally pulled them out of the city.
There one of the angels told them:
desolation. Sodom and Gomorrah were gone!
“Escape for your life! Do not look a scene of smoldering, smoking desola- director Dr. Steven Collins has long
behind you nor stay anywhere in the tion. Sodom, Gomorrah and the proposed the site as the most likely
plain. Escape to the mountains, lest surrounding towns and villages were candidate for the biblical city of Sod-
you be destroyed” (verse 17). gone, reduced to rubble and ashes om. It’s in the right place, based on
When they made it to the outlying from the fiery blast. many geographical clues in Genesis
town of Zoar, all hell broke loose. (again, see “The Location of Sodom:
“Then the Lord rained brimstone The case for a cosmic airburst What Does the Bible Say?” beginning
and fire on Sodom and Gomorrah, Is there any correlation between on page 11).
from the Lord out of the heavens. what scientists have recently discov- Over the years of excavation at
So He overthrew those cities, all the ered and the biblical passages we’ve the site, the team has documented
plain, all the inhabitants of the cities, just read? a massive 4.5-foot-thick (1.5 meter)
and what grew on the ground” (verses On Sept. 20, Dr. Phillip Silvia, destruction layer beneath the surface
24-25). The cities, nearby towns and director of scientific analysis for the of the artifact-filled, half-mile-long
villages, their inhabitants and even Tall el-Hammam Excavation Project, mound. Such layers are fairly com-
the crops and trees were obliterated. announced the publication of the mon at ancient sites and usually
Abraham, far from the danger zone earlier-mentioned paper in Nature Sci- indicate deliberate burning from mili-
yet close enough to realize a catastro- entific Reports titled “A Tunguska Sized tary conquest or accidental burning
phe had taken place, “looked toward Airburst Destroyed Tall el-Hammam, a due to human negligence or natural
Sodom and Gomorrah, and toward Middle Bronze Age City in the Jordan events such as earthquakes. Usually
all the land of the plain; and he saw, Valley Near the Dead Sea.” the cause is fairly easy to identify
and behold, the smoke of the land It provides detailed forensic evi- due to the associated destruction evi-
which went up like the smoke of a dence that a cosmic airburst obliter- dence. But what caused the extensive
furnace” (verse 28). ated Tall el-Hammam, the largest city destruction here?
The area that previously had been in the Dead Sea area for centuries
so lush and verdant as to be com- before or after, an event they date at Comet Research Group’s analysis
pared to the Garden of Eden and around 1650 B.C. In 2014, the Comet Research Group
fertile Egypt (Genesis 13:10) was now Tall el-Hammam excavation (CRG), a non-profit corporation in

6 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g
again. Killer comets are more com- soot, iron- and silicon-rich spherules
mon that you’ve been taught. At and spherules from melted plaster.
CRG, our mission is to prove it and Traces were also found of melted
to do something about it before your platinum, iridium, nickel, gold, silver,
city is next.” zircon, chromite and quartz.
The archaeological history of Tall Heating experiments indicate
el-Hammam was well defined after temperatures must have instantly
15 field seasons, but a far different exceeded 3,600° F (2,000 °C). How
set of skills was needed to properly hot is that? Enough to turn a truck
The orange color of this fragment of a human skull investigate the destruction layer. The into a molten pool of iron!
was caused by exposure to very high temperatures. CRG had the technical and forensic Dr. Allen West of the CRG says of
ability to determine whether the the findings: “Among more techni-
field evidence supports the biblical cal evidence, we discovered human
description. bones that had been splattered by
Remarkably, the biblical account molten glass from the event. The glass
of destruction from the sky turned is indistinguishable from that found
out to be supported by numerous at ground zero after atomic explo-
lines of geochemical and material sions. These people were killed by the
evidence buried below the surface of heat and pressure of an atomic-like
The exterior of this pottery fragment shows melting the ground. explosion but without the radiation”
from exposure to extremely high temperatures. Something had demolished the (emphasis added throughout).
Photos, from left: Dr. Phillip Silvia, Creative Commons CC-BY-4.0 (3)

Narrowing the possibilities

Dr. Silvia has produced 14 lines
of evidence that support this site as
being the location for the ancient city
of Sodom. The paper is available for
free download from Nature Scien-
tific Reports (at
Key finds of the scientific study
done at Tall el-Hammam are docu-
mented in the research paper—along
with graphs, charts, equations and
analysis—showing why the site of Tall
el-Hammam could very well be the
destruction site of ancient Sodom.
Some of the key finds include:
• Evidence for high-temperature
The leg bones of this victim at Tall el-Hammam show evidence of cataclysmic destruction. The upper body was burning of the city.
sheared off at mid-femur, with the ends of the bones burned. The toes curled due to extreme heat at death. • Melted construction materials.
• Minerals and materials subjected
Arizona, was invited to assist in the upper 40-some feet of the four- to five- to extremely high pressure and tem-
examination of material evidence story palace structure and blasted away peratures.
from within the destruction layer. The the massive 13-foot-thick mud brick • Human bone fragments in the
CRG has authored dozens of articles defensive walls of the city. The few destruction layer.
documenting cosmic catastrophes skeletal remains showed “fragmenta- • High salt content of the soil
impacting our planet. tion” and “extreme disarticulation”— associated with the destruction and
The Comet Research Group is not meaning the bodies had been violently its implications for agriculture in the
a religious group. It’s made up of ripped apart. region.
comet scientists. The group’s website A carbon-and-ash-rich destruction • Destruction and burning of
states: “Think our last space attack layer contained concentrations of nearby Jericho at the same time.
was 65,000,000 years ago from the shocked quartz, melted pottery and • Potential causes of the city
‘dinosaur-killer’ asteroid? Think mud bricks, diamond-like carbon, destruction.

B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • January-February 2022 7

The scientists looked at 10 different ways this city could thrown down in a specific direction—from the southwest
have been destroyed, including warfare, accidental fires, to the northeast, indicating the destructive force origi-
earthquakes, volcanism and lightning. Some of the evi- nated in the air southwest of the city (near the northern
dence fits some of the possibilities. But all of the evidence end of the Dead Sea).
appears to fit only a single option—a cosmic airburst, “We investigated 14 major lines of evidence to inves-
namely a nearby comet or meteor explosion that obliter- tigate this unusual event: (i) shocked quartz grains that
ated the city and its surroundings. formed at pressures of ~ 5–10 GPa; (ii) vesicular pottery
The group concluded that the closest similar destruc- that melted at > 1500°C; (iii) mudbricks and roofing clay
tion events in modern history were the first atomic bomb that melted at > 1400°C; (iv) high salt concentrations
test in 1945 in New Mexico as part of the World War II in sediment, including melted KCl and NaCl incorpo-
Manhattan Project (with an explosive yield of 21,000 tons rated into melted mudbricks; (v) diamond-like carbon
of TNT) and the 1908 Tunguska cosmic airburst, which (diamonoids) that formed at high pressure and tempera-
flattened 830 square miles of Siberian forest with a similar ture; (vi) soot, charcoal and ash, indicating high-temper-
explosive force. ature fires; (vii) Fe- [iron-] and Si- [silicon-] rich spher-
The blast that destroyed the city at Tall el-Hammam is ules, some of which melted at > 1590°C; (viii) platinum,
thought to be a Tunguska-class comet or meteor airburst melted at ~ 1768°C; (ix) iridium at ~ 2466°C; (x) zircon at
that exploded near the northern end of the Dead Sea, a
few kilometers southwest of the site.
This event was so destructive that all across the lower
Jordan Valley, 15 other cities and more than 100 smaller Jordan Valley
villages were simultaneously abandoned at this time and
remained largely uninhabited for approximately 300 to
600 years, pointing to the occurrence of a rare and highly
unusual catastrophic event.
Evidence for destruction not from this world Tall
Jericho el-Hammam
As previously noted, more than 20 scientists and
researchers from many fields contributed to the major
paper analyzing the destruction of the large and thriving
city at the Tall el-Hammam site almost 4,000 years ago.
What did they learn? Some of this is highly technical, but

Map by Shaun Venish/Hordieiev Roman/iStock/Getty Images Plus, photo by Scott Ashley

we’ll summarize.
To quote the research paper, “An early crucial clue in this
investigation was the discovery of highly vesicular potsherds
in the debris matrix that appeared to have melted at high
temperatures but with no clear evidence for a formation
mechanism” (pp. 56-57).
The city that existed at Tall el-Hammam—thought to be ancient Sodom—was
Translation: They found broken clay pottery—common apparently destroyed by a meteor or comet that exploded near the northern end
at such ancient sites—but this pottery had been subjected of the Dead Sea, producing the fire from the sky described in the biblical account.
to such high temperatures that it had melted and formed
bubbles, with no clear evidence of what could have pro- > 1687°C; (xi) chromite at > 1590°C; (xii) titanomagnetite
duced such extremely high temperatures. at > 1550°C; (xiii) quartz at 1713°C; and (xiv) low rema-
Continuing in the paper: “This first discovery led nent magnetism, a counter-indicator of lightning strikes.”
to some general observations about the uniqueness of Translation: They examined 14 lines of evidence for the
destruction layer debris, e.g., its unusual, high-tempera- city’s destruction, including quartz grains and carbon that
ture characteristics and its consistent SW-to-NE orienta- had been subjected to such immense heat and pressure
tion. The site excavators speculated that the cause of the that their microscopic structure had been deformed and
destruction may have been a cosmic airburst/impact, transformed into a completely different form; soot and
but they could not eliminate other potential mechanisms, ash that resulted from high-temperature fires; pottery and
including those related to warfare, volcanism, and construction materials that had melted at temperatures
tectonism.” of more than 2700°F; inexplicably high salt content in the
Translation: The debris in the destruction layer soil; and tiny spheres of rare elements and minerals that
was unusual not only for its having been subjected to had melted at temperatures of 2800 to 3100°F (well above
extremely high temperatures, but also because it was the melting temperature of iron and steel).

8 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g
“We considered and dismissed 8 of 10 potential pro- debris matrix is consistent with an aerial detonation
cesses . . . including volcanism, warfare, and tectonism, above high-salinity sediments near the Jordan River or
that can account for at least some but not all of the above the hypersaline Dead Sea. This event, in turn, dis-
evidence. We conclude that the only plausible formation tributed salt across the region, severely limiting regional
mechanism that can account for the entire range of evi- agricultural development for up to ~ 600 years.”
dence . . . is a crater-forming impact or a cosmic airburst, Translation: Abnormally high salt content in the
most likely somewhat larger than the 22-megaton airburst destruction layer and across the area for miles around
at Tunguska, Siberia in 1908.” led researchers to conclude that an aerial blast vaporized
Translation: They considered 10 different scenarios to a large volume of water from the high-salt-content Dead
account for the destruction evidence at the site and elimi- Sea. That salt, with other minerals from the Dead Sea,
nated all but two. The only two possibilities left that could later settled out over the land in such a heavy concentra-
account for the evidence were a comet or meteor that tion that raising crops—and thus human habitation—was
impacted the ground or exploded in the air nearby. almost impossible for the next several centuries.
“The data also suggest an airburst occurred a few kilo-
meters SW of Tall el-Hammam causing, in rapid succes- A message of warning and repentance
sion, a high-temperature thermal pulse from the fireball With all that has been discovered at this site, and with
all that has been documented
regarding its destruction, what
if this is the location of ancient
Sodom, Gomorrah and the
surrounding towns? What if
Sodom has been found?
But there’s an even more
important question: What if our
world is returning to Sodom?
What are the lessons for us
Beyond Today magazine exists
to proclaim to the world the
good news of the coming King-
dom of God (Matthew 28:19-
20; 24:14). We have been com-
Beyond Today TV presenter and senior writer Darris McNeely looks out over the Jordan Valley from Tell al-Hammam.
manded to preach the gospel to
the world, and in particular to
The message of Sodom is one that calls for the modern-day descendants
repentance. We must not get caught up in a of ancient Israel. That includes
the United States, Canada,
world which grows more like Sodom by the day. Great Britain, Australia and
Destruction awaits those who will not repent. New Zealand. (Most people
assume the Israelites today
that melted exposed materials, including roofing clay, are only the Jewish people and those in the tiny Mideast
mudbricks, and pottery. This was followed by a high- nation of Israel, but that is not the case—read our eye-
temperature, hypervelocity blast wave that demolished opening study guide The United States and Britain in Bible
and pulverized mudbrick walls across the city, leveling Prophecy to learn more.)
the city, and causing extensive human mortality.” What if they won’t listen and repent? What if they won’t
Translation: The evidence indicates that a comet or hear?
meteor exploded in the air near the northern end of the Notice the commission Jesus Christ gave to His apostles
Dead Sea southwest of the city, generating a flash of heat in Matthew 10: “Jesus sent out the twelve apostles with
in the thousands of degrees Fahrenheit, melting mud these instructions: ‘Don’t go to the Gentiles or the Samar-
bricks (the city’s primary construction material), clay itans, but only to the people of Israel—God’s lost sheep . . .
roofing material and pottery. A secondary high-tempera- If any household or town refuses to welcome you or listen
ture, high-speed pressure wave pulverized and leveled the to your message, shake its dust from your feet as you
city, killing everyone in it. leave. I tell you the truth, the wicked cities of Sodom and
“In addition, anomalously high salt content in the Gomorrah will be better off than such a town on the judg-

B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • January-February 2022 9

ment day” (verses 5-6, 14-15, New Living Translation). refused to repent and change their lives:
Many secular historians and scientists would dispute “And you Capernaum, who are exalted to heaven [in
any claim for the literal existence of Sodom, insisting the their arrogance], will be brought down to Hades [the
biblical story is a myth, in spite of the many geographic grave]; for if the mighty works which were done in you
clues contained within the Bible. And many still would had been done in Sodom, it would have remained until
deny it even in the face of new evidence. this day. But I say to you that it shall be more tolerable for
Even many who claim to be Christians doubt stories the land of Sodom in the day of judgment than for you”
of divine judgment like that of Sodom. But if Sodom were (Matthew 11:23-24).
nothing but a myth, why would Jesus Himself use it as a This should also serve as a dire warning for our end-
warning? time generation. We are worse today than ancient Sodom
Sodom is mentioned nine times in the New Testament, was, as we should know better! Sodom’s destruction
most often by Jesus Himself. Why would He talk about was an example for all of us to learn from. (See “Are We
a place that never existed and that was never destroyed Returning to Sodom?” beginning on page 14.)
supernaturally? That makes no sense. We have to conclude Jude, half-brother of Jesus Christ, similarly warns us:
that Sodom was a real place at a real time with real sins. “Don’t forget Sodom and Gomorrah and their neighbor-
And as we see in Matthew 10, why is the example of ing towns, which were filled with immorality and every
Sodom put alongside proclaiming the good news of the kind of sexual perversion. Those cities were destroyed
Kingdom of God? by fire and serve as a warning of the eternal fire of God’s
The answer is simple. A key component of that message judgment” (Jude 7, NLT).
is repentance—changing who and what we are so that we God’s Word is clear that devastating destruction is
can be a part of that Kingdom. Notice how Mark summa- coming on our world. Read Jesus Christ’s own words
rizes Jesus Christ’s message in Mark 1:14-15: “Jesus came in Matthew 24 and His revelation to the apostle John in
to Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God, and the book of Revelation, chapters 6, 8-9 and 12-18. Some
saying, ‘The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is of the plagues foretold to strike our planet are like the
at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel.’” destruction of Sodom multiplied many times over.
We cannot separate those two elements of the message God’s pattern—often repeated in the Bible—is to give
Jesus Christ brought. He is the King of the Kingdom, a words of warning before sending destruction. It would
Kingdom He will return to earth to establish through- be just like God to give powerful witnesses to the truth
out the world (see our free study guide The Gospel of the and accuracy of His Word as a final witness to the world
Kingdom). But for us to be a part of that Kingdom, we before His judgment is carried out!
must “repent . . . and be converted, that your sins may be Is Tall el-Hammam the location of Sodom? For now
blotted out” (Acts 3:19). the research and excavations continue. More evidence
will come to light. In any case, the message of Sodom is
A world returning to Sodom one that calls for repentance, which is our message as
The ruins of Sodom stand as a stark warning to the well. Each of us must not get caught up in a world which
people of our world today. They are a sobering reminder grows more like Sodom by the day. Destruction awaits
of the consequences of sin. those who will not repent.
Do you think God is pleased with our world? What How will you let this affect your mind, your thoughts
must He think of the modern English-speaking nations and your life? Are you actively seeking to live by every
whose ancestors widely distributed the Bible to the world word of God in your life (Matthew 4:4), or is God and
and based their societies, laws and culture on it? His Word an inconvenient truth you’d rather ignore?
What must He think of the millions of lives these same Will anyone listen? Will you listen? What if Sodom has
nations have murdered in the womb? What does He indeed been found? Will the Word of God be heard? Will
think of our sexual revolution? What about the confus- you heed? We pray it will be so in your life!
ing versions and redefinitions of gender beyond the male
and female He created? (Genesis 1:27; 5:2; Matthew 19:4; LEARN MORE
Mark 10:6). What about our broken marriages, high
Sodom is a stark warning of the high price
crime, drugs, broken-down cities, murder and dying of sin—an entire city vanished in fiery
respect for laws and the value of life? destruction! God wants us to repent and
Are we returning to Sodom? Have we already returned live—but where do we start? Download or
to Sodom? Look at the state of the world around you. We request our free study guide What You Need
are on the precipice of divine judgment on this world. to Know About Baptism to learn more!
Notice what Jesus Christ said to the people of His day
who witnessed His miracles and heard His message, yet

10 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g
The Location of Sodom:
What Does the Bible Say?
Is the biblical story of Sodom real or only a fanciful myth?
When we examine the biblical evidence, it reveals a consistent story
about a specific location—one that may prove to be ancient Sodom itself.
by Scott Ashley

as Sodom a real city? then I will go to the left.”
The biblical story of its “And Lot lifted his eyes and saw all
fiery destruction due to the plain of Jordan, that it was well
its wickedness sounds watered everywhere (before the Lord
like a fantasy to many, so it’s often destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah)
been dismissed as a fable. But do we like the garden of the Lord, like the
have real evidence for the existence of land of Egypt as you go toward Zoar.
Sodom and its destruction? Evidence Then Lot chose for himself all the
for a large-scale cataclysmic destruc- plain of Jordan, and Lot journeyed
tion event in the lower Jordan Velley east. And they separated from each
that destroyed many towns is covered other. Abram dwelt in the land of
in the lead article in this issue, “What Canaan, and Lot dwelt in the cities
If Sodom Has Been Found?” of the plain and pitched his tent even
But was Sodom one of those cities as far as Sodom” (verses 10-12). And
destroyed in that event? If Sodom was The research of Dr. Steven Collins points to Tall el- then the Bible adds this ominous
real, where was it located? Does evi- Hammam as being the likely location of Sodom. footnote: “But the men of Sodom
dence point us to a specific location?
Sodom’s first mention in the Bible
The Bible reveals a great deal about the loca-
Sodom appears quite early in the tion of Sodom. And evidence on the ground
biblical account, first on the border- today points strongly to a likely candidate.
land of Canaan in Genesis 10:19 and
then in Genesis 13 with the story had a problem: “Now the land was were exceedingly wicked and sinful
of the patriarch Abraham. He was a not able to support them, that they against the Lord.”
wealthy man, “very rich in livestock, might dwell together, for their pos-
in silver, and in gold” (verse 2). He sessions were so great that they Pointing the way to Sodom
was traveling with his nephew Lot, could not dwell together. And there Let’s examine what we’re told here
who “had flocks and herds and tents” was strife between the herdsmen of about the location of Sodom based on
of his own (verse 5). Today we would Abram’s livestock and the herdsmen the markers given in the biblical text.
call them Bedouins—large tent-dwell- of Lot’s livestock” (verses 6-7). We are grateful to Dr. Steven Collins,
ing extended families and servants There simply wasn’t enough dean of the College of Archaeology
with their families who traveled from grass to feed all of the animals they and Biblical History at Trinity South-
owned. Abraham generously offered west University in Albuquerque,
Photo courtesy Dr. Steven Collins

place to place where they could find

sufficient pasturage for their herds of a solution to Lot: “Please let there New Mexico, for highlighting these
sheep, goats and camels. be no strife between you and me, markers and his extensive research on
We break into the story flow when and between my herdsmen and your the subject (readers can learn more at
Abraham, then named Abram, and herdsmen; for we are brethren [or
Lot were “between Bethel and Ai” family]. Is not the whole land before As seen on the accompanying
(verse 3), towns located in the moun- you? Please separate from me. If map, Bethel and Ai are close together
tains a few miles north of modern- you take the left, then I will go to north of Jerusalem. They are on the
day Jerusalem. There the two men the right; or, if you go to the right, hilly mountainous ridge that runs

B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • January-February 2022 11

north-south roughly down the middle of the land of

Israel. From here “Lot lifted his eyes and saw all the plain
of Jordan” (the Jordan River Valley), and “that it was well Jordan Valley
watered everywhere,” like the Garden of Eden and Egypt, West East

lush because of the Nile River (verse 10). South

From these mountains overlooking the Jordan River

Valley, Lot chose that lush area and “journeyed east .
. . and Lot dwelt in the cities of the plain and pitched
Kikkar of
his tent even as far as Sodom” (verse 12). This tells us the Jordan
Lot’s direction of travel—east—and where he settled, at Jericho Tall el-Hammam
Sodom. So Sodom was somewhere east of Bethel and Ai
in the Jordan River Valley north of the Dead Sea.
We can further identify the location of Sodom when Mt. Nebo/Pisgah
we examine the Hebrew word kikkar, translated “plain” Jerusalem
here in verses 10, 11 and 12. The Complete Word Study
Dictionary: Old Testament explains that this word means Dead
“something round, such as a coin (a talent); a district; a Sea
loaf of bread [that is, a round flatbread or pita]. It indi-
cates something round, dish-shaped, circular . . .” It does
mean something flat, as with our English word “plain,”
but more specifically something flat and round or circular That view was popularized with excavations at some
—disk-shaped, like the objects mentioned. settlements in that area long ago. However, research has
Referring to the map again, note the large circular plain shown that those settlements were abandoned far earlier
just north of the Dead Sea, which fits this description than any reasonable date for the biblical story of Sodom.
perfectly. I’ve stood in this plain and it’s remarkable how No physical evidence exists for placing Sodom and the
the mountains to the north and south curve around and cities of the plain in that area.
inward at the north and south to form this large disklike The Bible’s description of Sodom being in the “well
area. Bisecting this round plain is the Jordan River, and watered” plain of the Jordan also does not fit a location
flowing from the mountains to the east and west are a near the southern end of the Dead Sea, since the Jordan
number of streams and wadis that, centuries ago, would River enters the northern end of the Dead Sea but no
have truly made this area “well-watered everywhere,” just river enters or exits at the south. Nor are there major
as described in the Bible. springs and streams in that area.
Interestingly, eight different Hebrew words are trans- Another problem with this view is that the southern
lated “plain” in the Bible in referring to a level area, valley, end of the Dead Sea is nowhere near Bethel and Ai, the
meadow or low place. The word kikkar is translated area where Abraham and Lot looked out over the plain
“plain” only in connection with this one area—the circu- and separated, with Lot traveling east to Sodom. The
lar “plain” of the Jordan River Valley. Thus kikkar seems southern end of the Dead Sea isn’t even visible from where
to describe only this specific geographic/geologic feature Abraham and Lot were when they made this agreement,
in the Jordan River Valley—better translated the “disk of as it was blocked from view by mountains. Only the
the Jordan.” northern part of the Dead Sea is visible from the area
And on the eastern edge of this disk, directly east of where Abraham and Lot were.
Bethel and Ai, lies a huge buried city at a location today Some argue that Lot merely initially went to the east
called in Arabic Tall el-Hammam. Dr. Collins and his side of the Jordan Valley and much later ranged far
archaeological team have excavated the site for 15 seasons toward a southern Sodom. But that is not the sense of
and have found powerful evidence pointing to it as the Genesis 13:12, with Sodom being among the cities of the
likely site of ancient Sodom (see “What If Sodom Has kikkar (compare Genesis 19:25, 29).
Been Found?” beginning on page 4).
Sodom and the cities of the plain
Problems with a southern Dead Sea location The Bible gives us other clues about the location of
Map by Shaun Venish

These geographic and directional markers from the Bible Sodom and its surroundings. Genesis 14:1-17 records a
present a major problem for the view that Sodom and the brief war between city-states. From Mesopotamia came
other cities of the plain were located near or under what kings of Babylon and nearby countries with their forces.
is today the southern end of the Dead Sea, as indicated in Another local alliance of the rulers of Sodom, Gomorrah,
many Bible maps and charts. Admah, Zeboiim and Bela/Zoar, who had been subject

12 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g
to the Mesopotamians, rebelled when the first group was “looked toward Sodom and Gomorrah, and toward all the
returning from a military campaign in the south. land of the plain; and he saw, and behold, the smoke of the
They battled in the “Valley of Siddim,” referring to the land which went up like the smoke of a furnace” (Genesis
area surrounding the Dead Sea (verses 3, 10). The ruler of 19:28). Abraham’s location was in the mountains west of
Sodom was defeated along with his allies, and the victors the Dead Sea. He could’ve easily seen the smoke of such
headed north with their plunder—which included Abra- vast destruction from there, and with a short hike to a
ham’s nephew Lot among the captives taken. Abraham nearby hilltop he could’ve looked at the northern end of
pursued them with his own small private army, overtook the Dead Sea and directly seen the devastated landscape.
them and rescued his nephew. We discover yet another clue centuries later when the
From this account we learn more about Sodom. It was Israelites were preparing to enter the Promised Land from
part of an alliance with four other cities that were “joined what is today the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. Num-
together” in this area, showing they were near each other bers 21 recounts part of their journey, including a stop at
(verse 3). Also, when the Bible repeatedly links two cities Pisgah, which is very near Mt. Nebo—a popular tourist
or towns together, as we see with “Sodom and Gomorrah” stop today and the spot where Moses looked across the
in this chapter and more than a dozen other places in the Jordan Valley to the Promised Land before his death. The
Bible, this indicates that the two are geographically very key phrase to note here is in verse 20, where Mt. Pisgah
close to one another—typically only a mile or two (or “looks down on the wasteland”—speaking of the Jordan
less) apart. River Valley spread out below it.
From the site of Tall el-Hammam, which a grow- Of itself this doesn’t seem to mean much. But keep in
ing number of scholars are accepting as the location of mind that, centuries earlier, Abraham and Lot had looked
ancient Sodom, one can see several mounds in which across that same valley from the opposite (western) side
the remains of other ancient cities are buried, including and it was described as “well watered everywhere” (Gen-
one about a mile north that may be Gomorrah. Others esis 13:10) and like the Garden of Eden. But now it is
nearby may well be some of the other “cities of the plain.” described as “the wasteland.” The lush, well-watered valley
Archaeological evidence shows that all these cities, along that looked so attractive to Lot was now, centuries later, a
with dozens of smaller towns and settlements in the area, desolate, abandoned wasteland!
were abandoned at the same time and not resettled for What had happened between those two events? The
the next 300 to 600 years. Bible tells us. God rained fiery destruction on Sodom and
While not conclusive, this evidence is certainly con- Gomorrah and the nearby cities and villages, burning
sistent with the likelihood that Tall el-Hammam could them to ash and cinders. It became a wasteland, and it
indeed be the location of ancient Sodom. was still a wasteland centuries later.
So what does the Bible tell us about the location of
Further evidence from the Bible Sodom? Actually, it reveals a great deal. The evidence
The Bible gives other hints that are consistent with this points strongly toward Tall el-Hammam being a likely
being the likely location of Sodom. candidate for the site of ancient Sodom. It’s in the right
Genesis 19 describes the sudden destruction of Sodom: place, at the right time, with the right scientific evidence
“Then the Lord rained brimstone and fire on Sodom pointing toward a sudden fiery destruction! The study
and Gomorrah, from the Lord out of the heavens. So He and research will continue, and no doubt further discov-
overthrew those cities, all the plain, all the inhabitants of eries will come to light.
the cities, and what grew on the ground” (verses 24-25). In the meantime, what is important is that we heed the
Again, the archaeological evidence shows that the entire apostle Peter’s warning in 2 Peter 2:6 (Christian Standard
area around Tall el-Hammam was abandoned for the next Bible): God “reduced the cities of Sodom and Gomor-
three to six centuries. Much of the soil was saturated with rah to ashes and condemned them to extinction, making
such a high salt content that agriculture—and thus human them an example of what is coming to the ungodly.” We
habitation—was impossible for centuries after. pray that you and all have ears to hear!
The possible explanation for this elevated salt content,
as described in the accompanying article “What If Sodom
Has Been Found?”, is that a comet or meteor explosion Can we really believe the Bible? For those
near the northern end of the Dead Sea vaporized thou- willing to look at the evidence, the answer
is a resounding yes! This story is only the
sands of tons of salt-laden Dead Sea water, which later
latest of many that support the biblical
rained down from the sky and poisoned the land for account. To learn more, download or
miles around. request your free copy of Is the Bible True?
The Bible also tells us that after this fiery destruction
came from the sky, Abraham, now living near Hebron,

B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • January-February 2022 13

Are We Returning to Sodom?

Sodom and its neighboring city of Gomorrah have long been seen as examples
of God’s judgment on degeneracy and evil. With what could prove to be the
discovery of ancient Sodom and evidence of its fiery destruction as described
in the Bible, we should ask a key question: Are we returning to Sodom?
by Darris McNeely

wice I have stood on the site and his two daughters. Now, in the Abraham gave Lot the first choice of
of what evidence increasingly 21st century, archaeology reveals evi- where to settle: “Let there be no strife
points to as ancient Sodom. dence of a catastrophic cosmic event between you and me, and between
Both were sobering experi- in the land of the Bible that laid waste your herdsmen and my herdsmen, for
ences. Looking out over the plain of to a large ancient city fitting ancient we are kinsmen. Is not the whole land
the Jordan Valley and thinking about Sodom’s description (see “The Loca- before you? Separate yourself from
the destruction that rained down tion of Sodom: What Does the Bible me” (Genesis 13:8-9).
from the skies on the cities whose Say?” beginning on page 11). The spot where this occurred was
presence became reprehensible to What the Bible tells us about the on the hills above the Jordan River
God was an unforgettable experience. sins of these cities is a sobering Valley. Both men could look out
During visits to Jordan observ-
ing the biblical Feast of Tabernacles, The LGBTQ ideology is leading America
part of our group decided to take the
trek to Tall el-Hammam. Work was
and other Western nations down the same
just about to begin by archaeologists road as ancient Sodom and Gomorrah—
to peel back the layers of this large
mound near the northern edge of the
and eventually to a similar, terrible result.
Dead Sea overlooking the flat plains indictment of the direction of mod- and see the valley was “well-watered
that lead to Jericho and the hills of ern culture, as today’s culture is much everywhere . . . like the garden of the
Israel beyond. That was 16 years ago. like that of Sodom. At issue in the Lord, like the land of Egypt” (verse
Much more is known about the site culture wars that have spread through 10). The hill country where they were
now. A recent archaeology conference America and other nations is the had its advantages, but the valley of
included reports from project direc- intent of many to alter the essential the Jordan was prime real estate in
tor Dr. Steven Collins and scientific fabric of the family and society as we that mostly arid land.
analysis director Dr. Phillip Silvia. A have always known it. It’s critical that Lot, given first choice, headed
major peer-reviewed paper has been you understand what God’s Word toward the Jordan. So they separated,
published, and more may conclude teaches us about Sodom, its sins and Lot journeyed eastward and
that ancient Sodom has been found and the connection to our modern ended up settling at Sodom. (Tall
(see “What If Sodom Has Been culture. el-Hammam, where Collins’ team is
Found?” beginning on page 4). excavating, was in Abraham’s time
Any archaeological discovery that Sodom’s story a large city covering about 90 acres
confirms the truth of the Bible is The story of Sodom begins in on the eastern edge of the valley.) By
important. Skeptics have dismissed Genesis 13 where we see Abraham entering Sodom and moving into a
much of the biblical record, especially (then called Abram) and his nephew permanent home, Lot was abandon-
the stories and characters of Genesis. Lot living in the land of Canaan ing life out among his flocks, opting
In Genesis we find the story of between Bethel and Ai. Both men for a more settled existence in a city
Sodom and Gomorrah, two cit- had larger flocks and herds than that where a very different—and thor-
ies symbolizing societal decadence section of land could support. There oughly evil—lifestyle dominated.
through history. For their grave sins were more animals than pastureland. Note the contrast in this scene.
God rained fire from the sky on them Conflict arose between their work- Abraham, staying in the hills of
and nearby cities, destroying all of ers, and it was evident they would Canaan and maintaining a rural life,
Sodom’s inhabitants except for Lot need to separate for the sake of peace. was blessed by God. “Arise, walk

14 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g
through the length and the breadth of the land, for I will and Lot enjoyed some prominence there. He clearly lived
give it to you,” God told him (verse 17, English Standard a different life in Sodom than the one he had in Canaan
Version). Abraham showed his respect and worship with Abraham. Yet Sodom’s affluence came with a dark
toward God by erecting an altar of sacrifice (verse 18). underside of terrible immorality.
Lot, on the other hand, chose to move closer to and We have several commentaries on Sodom outside of
then proceed into an environment full of sin (verse 13). Genesis. Some 2,000 years later Jesus made this comment:
It eventually changed his pattern of life, with him and his “Likewise, just as it was in the days of Lot—they were
family now cut off from fellowship with his uncle with eating and drinking, buying and selling, planting and
whom he shared faith in the one true God. The decision, building” (Luke 17:28). Eating and drinking and buying
as we will see, had a deeply negative impact on the family. and selling is not wrong. The context of Christ’s statement
is a description of the end of the age. He also references
What was the culture of Sodom? the time of Noah with the same words and the addition
The attraction of Sodom from a distance was obvious— of people marrying and getting on with life.
it lay in a rich and fertile area, where his herds could In these two examples we see people failing to heed
thrive. But as he continued in the vicinity, he was eventu- a warning message to change their lives in the face of
ally drawn into the city itself. coming judgment. The times of Noah and Sodom repre-
Sodom’s culture no doubt attracted many to move to be sent a time of darkness in which people were blind as to
close to the activities and attractions which fed the afflu- where conditions were headed. With Noah, only he and
ent lifestyle of the city and its neighbors. Sodom was a his immediate family—eight people—heeded and were
boom town. Business was good. The wealth helped create spared. Only four from one family got out of Sodom alive,
a high standard of living, allowing people to build and but even then one looked back and perished with the rest.
buy goods and sell them to others along the supply When the time came for God’s judgment, people’s lives
were not tempered and measured by a seriousness that
could have allowed them to heed a message of repen-
tance. Regarding coming events, Jesus told us to “remem-
ber Lot’s wife” (verse 32). This shows us how important
the lesson is. She had escaped but then made the mistake
of looking back. It cost her her life.
The prophet Ezekiel said Sodom’s people had “pride,
excess food, and prosperous ease, but did not aid the poor
and needy. They were haughty and did an abomination
before me. So I removed them, when I saw it” (Ezekiel
16:49-50, ESV). Their “abomination” refers to gross
immorality, as we read about in Genesis. We’ll get to that
in a moment.
Sucked in by a sinful culture
What these accounts tell us is that good, well-intentioned
people can get mesmerized by a culture and sucked into
it even if they do not practice the worst parts of the sinful
lifestyle themselves. Today more than half of Americans are
accepting of same-sex marriage, made legal in all 50 states
via a Supreme Court ruling in which five men and women
overruled the holy Word of God.
Surveys now indicate many younger adults consider the
Life in Sodom exerted a powerful pull on Lot and his family. When forced to
leave, Lot’s wife looked back and perished with the city’s other inhabitants. LGBTQ+ culture as acceptable. A recent study conducted
by the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian
routes of the day. Food was plentiful. Life here offered University found that over 30 percent of Millennials,
Lars Justinen/Goodsalt

Lot and his family a welcome diversion from the harder and a shocking 39 percent of “young Millennials” (aged
shepherding life they were used to. 18-24), now themselves identify as LGBTQ (lesbian, gay,
We find him sitting in the gate of the city when the two bisexual, transgender, or queer or questioning). People in
angels arrive years later warning him to leave in advance this age group were also found to overwhelmingly (75%)
of God’s imminent judgment. The gate of the city was the say that they “lack meaning and purpose in life.”
public square, the center of city business and government, This study about the rising influence of Millennials

B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • January-February 2022 15

has revealed that roughly a third of the nearly 70 million (Of course, we also know that God allows the righteous to
adults that make up America’s most populous generation suffer and die in some circumstances, but only within His
now identify as LGBTQ. This represents a fivefold increase care and oversight—see Isaiah 57:1-2.)
among this highly influential demographic in less than
a decade. The influence of media, academia, education, Sodom’s depravity and destruction
government and politics contributes to this dramatic Upon entering Sodom the two angels encountered Lot
statistic. It means more and more people are accepting sitting in the gate of the city. Lot showed he had not lost
of and then participating in this lifestyle. his sense of hospitality and urged the angels to come to
You might ask yourself, Am I part of the problem? How his home for lodging. That Lot wouldn’t take “no” for an
much are you sucked into this alluring and deceptive cul- answer indicates he knew two strangers in the city would
ture? How much has it influenced you? Most of us enjoy not be safe from danger.
comfortable lives. We have plenty of food. We live in good Shockingly, a crowd of young and old men from the
homes with high-speed Internet and all the technology to city surrounded the house, yelling to Lot to bring out the
stay connected to this digital world. I am right there with two “that we may know them carnally” (Genesis 19:5).
you. I must watch myself. I’m as susceptible as you or Far from being hospitable to guests, these men wanted,
anyone else to being pulled into this modern maelstrom horrifically, to gang-rape the visitors!
that is becoming more and more like Sodom by the day. The quick action of the two angels in grabbing Lot and
This modern age, like Sodom, is designed to lure us dragging him back into his home interrupted the con-
into a well-watered valley of ease, convenience and plea- frontation. Striking the crowd blind prevented further
sure. It tempts us to turn from God and all the right influ- intrusion. The women in the home must have been ter-
ences that can keep us on the narrow path of righteous- rified. Lot was given a brief opportunity to warn his two
ness. This story of Lot and Sodom has much to teach us, sons-in-law of the city’s coming destruction, but they
and much to warn us about. Let’s continue with the story. thought it all a joke and wouldn’t join him in fleeing.
They would soon regret their decision.
Not even 10 righteous could be found The next morning came, and the two angels urged Lot
It was a hot day when three men appeared before Abra- to take his wife and daughters and flee into the nearby
ham in his camp. Recognizing these were no ordinary mountains. The judgment of God was soon to arrive. The
guests—and as it turned out they were the Lord and two angels literally dragged them from the city, and they fled
angels appearing in human form—Abraham ordered a to the nearby town of Zoar.
large feast prepared. As they left, intending to investigate As Lot took temporary shelter in Zoar, “the Lord
firsthand the conditions of Sodom, Abraham went a short rained brimstone and fire on Sodom and Gomorrah . . .
distance with them. So He overthrew those cities, all the plain, all the inhabit-
The Lord revealed to Abraham his plan to see what was ants of the cities, and what grew on the ground” (verses
happening up close: “Because the outcry against Sodom 23-25). The smoke and fire rose so high that Abraham
and Gomorrah is great, and because their sin is very could see the conflagration from around his camp near
grave, I will go down now and see whether they have present-day Hebron, south of Jerusalem.
done altogether according to the outcry that has come
to Me; and if not, I will know” (Genesis 18:20-21). A “Sodom moment” today
The two angels went on toward Sodom, but Abraham Sodom and Gomorrah enter the Bible and history as
stood before the Lord. He began one of history’s great bywords for God’s judgment on sin. But is there a deeper
negotiations. Surely God would not destroy the cities if imprint we might take that has relevance to today’s
there were good people present, destroying the righteous world?
with the wicked, Abraham argued. The talk progressed Western society is having a “Sodom moment.” The cul-
from 50 good men down to 10—and God would with- tural perversity against the natural order that is sodomy
hold destruction for the sake of 10 righteous. God then and homosexuality has recently expanded to include the
went His way and Abraham returned to his camp. gender identity war encapsulated in the LGBTQ label.
A principle was revealed here. God will spare popula- This acronym more broadly defines the coalition of
tions from disaster if there are sufficient numbers who activists, politicians, university and media elite, and
follow His ways. But in Sodom not even 10 righteous even some in the scientific community advocating for
could be found in a city of tens of thousands. Though Lot not only the acceptance of same-sex marriage but more
himself with some immediately family were spared, this perniciously the transgender movement which works to
was only through God leading them out from where His encourage, facilitate and legalize “gender reassignments”
judgment was directed. And herein is another principle: for any person of any age.
God spares the righteous in His judgments on the world. Where has this madness brought us? In the United

16 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g
States, a 13-year-old in the state of Washington can begin the rejection of God that produced such thinking leads:
“gender affirming” therapy without the consent of her par- “For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For
ents. In Oregon an underage girl can decide to undergo even their women exchanged the natural use for what was
a double mastectomy without the knowledge or consent against nature. Likewise also the men, leaving the natural
of her parents. use of the woman burned in their lust for one another, men
This push is helped along by the disintegration of the with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in
nuclear family and the incredible force of social media themselves the penalty of their error which was their due”
and its conformist pressures. Trans activists use social (Romans 1:26-27).
media to push the lie that a convenient application of America and the other Western nations are experienc-
testosterone will cure a girl’s self-image problems. We ing a return to Sodom today. The LGBTQ-led gender ide-
have moved from the devastation of bulimia and anorexia ology is the modern equivalent of Sodom and Gomorrah.
to the actual attempt to defy nature and transform to Its lies, its perverse actions, its war against the “natural
another gender as a cure for depression, anxiety or even order” of God’s creation and against God Himself rise
excess body fat. to heaven and invite the same judgment that came upon
Author Abigail Shrier, writing in the June/July 2021 Sodom. It is not a question of if it will come, but when it
issue of Imprimus, rightly asserts that truth is subverted will come.
and lies are told to advance this new gender ideology: The apostle Peter wrote about Sodom in the context
“Lies are told about the risks of the transitional treatment of God’s judgment at the end of the age. Showing God’s
administered to young children. Lies are told about the judgment as inevitable and unsparing, he writes that God
researchers and journalists who attempt to report on the “turn[ed] the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes,
crisis of social contagion among teenage girls undergoing condemned them to destruction, making them an example
transition treatments” (p. 5). to those who afterward would live ungodly” (2 Peter 2:6).
Shrier reveals a vital point she learned from her experi- Peter’s words will see a future fulfillment in the com-
ence with young women “detransitioning”—going back ing period of Great Tribulation culminating in the Day of
to their natural gender at birth. “While they were transi- the Lord, when God will bring judgment on the nations.
tioning, they were angry and politically radical,” she said. Yet even amid the pouring out of the “bowls of the wrath
“They often cut off relations with their families, having of God” in Revelation 16, many will still refuse to turn
been coached to do so online by gender activists” (p. 7). from their rejection of God and His ways: “Then the
Chaos, she says, is the result. Troubled girls become fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and power
prey for those who seek to recruit revolutionaries. Just as was given him to scorch men with fire. And men were
the destructive objective of critical race theory is to divide scorched with great heat, and they blasphemed the name
Americans racially, that of gender ideology is to disrupt of God who has power over these plagues; and they did
the formation of stable families, the building blocks of not repent and give Him glory” (verses 1, 8-9). May we
American life” (ibid.). turn to God long before that!
She concludes by noting the fact that the ranks of Anti- Our current culture wars are returning us to the age of
fa in riots and protests on the streets of Portland, Seattle Sodom. Are the finds archaeologists are uncovering at a
and Minneapolis contained a number of angry, gender- site that could be this ancient city be a witness to us today
confused people who were taking out their rage on police that God did pour out His judgment on Sodom? Could it
precincts, public buildings and established order. be that evidence of God’s past action in the world is com-
ing to light as a warning to listen carefully and take God
On the brink of disaster and the Bible seriously?
Is it really that far from the scenes we’ve witnessed of Whether or not this site ultimately proves to be ancient
roving bands of lawless attackers on American streets Sodom, the evidence for Sodom’s destruction has been in
to the scene of angry, confused, blinded men in Sodom the Bible all along—and it is there for you to heed. May
trying to break into the home of Lot to assault his two God give you wisdom to act!
visitors—especially with the shocking jump in sexual and
gender confusion and the push to eliminate police? The LEARN MORE
sin of Sodom that reached the presence of God, bring- The Bible has much to say about the world’s
ing a fiery judgment to cauterize the land, was a culture growing rebellion against God and where it is
consumed with moral and spiritual uncleanness—and leading. It repeatedly describes God’s coming
of “pride” in that, a foretaste of today’s pride movement. judgment. You need to read our free study guide
The United States and Britain in Bible Prophecy.
Elements of the Greco-Roman culture of the first century Download or request your copy today!
resembled that of Sodom. The apostle Paul wrote about
this to the Church members in Rome, explaining where

B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • January-February 2022 17
& PROPHECY Current Events & Trends

The year ahead: The world faces a perilous moment

s the past year was ending, Oliver Wiseman may conclude, is the time to act.”
of The Spectator pointed out: “From Ukraine And he went on to say: “Every now and then,
to Taiwan, from Iran’s nuclear proliferation one can almost feel history happening. The foot-
to a burgeoning shadow war in space, the na- age of an Afghan tumbling from the sky as he lost
ture of threats to America are changing. And one his grip on a US airplane departing Kabul in August
cannot but feel that all of this is approaching an was one such moment . . . A page had been turned.
uncomfortable pinch point . . . That the president You cannot help but feel that we are at an epochal
will be forced into a choice between major action moment. And you cannot shake the doubts about
and a humiliating admission of powerlessness” “Most worrying of all,” he continued, “is the US leaders’ ability to meet that moment.”
(“A Perilous Moment for America—and Biden,” way in which the perception of vulnerability can In this issue’s Current Events & Trends items,
The Spectator World, Dec. 7). become self-fulfilling. This, belligerent powers we consider some challenges for the year ahead.

Looming military threats not only increased prestige and influence but actually using them to bring
about Islamic end-time expectations. They have also desired to use nukes

from Russia, China and Iran

or other means to disable America’s electrical and electronic infrastructure
through electromagnetic pulse, as we have written about before.
And that threat is not exclusively from Iran, but also rests with China,

he Afghanistan disaster, ongoing concerns over the Biden administra- North Korea and Russia.
tion’s foreign policy acumen and the American military’s new focus on
diversity and countering supposed climate change and “white rage”
raise serious questions about the ability to handle rising threats abroad.
This is especially so in the face of escalating tensions with Russia, China and
Marxist tyranny expands
Iran. Says Gerald Seib in The Wall Street Journal: “Any one of these stand- he entire world is in the increasing grip of tyranny. From strict
offs has the potential to shake the world order and produce wider conflict. Covid rules that go far beyond science to attempts to restructure
Taken together, they signal that the U.S. and its allies are at a dangerous society as a whole in the name of economic and racial justice
moment—perhaps more dangerous than many Americans realize” (“Three and saving the planet from the claimed looming menace of climate
Potential Crises Unfold on the World Stage,” Dec. 6, 2021). change, government overreach in regulating people’s lives is hap-
As of mid-December, the most immediate concern is the possibility of pening on a scale never before seen in the modern world.
Russia invading Ukraine. Vladimir Putin has aimed at restoring the glory A process of indoctrination in Western society has for a long while
of Russia’s empire, and he looks at Ukraine as part of the borderland with now been pulling people further from traditional biblical values
traditional enemies in Europe. The idea of Ukraine being incorporated into toward progressive liberal and outright socialist ideology—and it is
Europe and even the NATO alliance is anathema in his and other Russian now in full bloom.
leaders’ eyes. Putin has certainly been emboldened by his earlier annexa- Justice and righting past wrongs are used as excuses to imple-
tion of Crimea from Ukraine during the Obama-Biden administration—and ment what used to be recognized as blatantly evil. The promotion
now we have the Afghanistan fallout. of critical race theory has not healed hurts but has rather inflamed
“The Chinese threat to Taiwan appears to be on a longer and slower old wounds and stirred up new animosity by finding racism around
track, but it is no less serious,” Seib points out. To better understand the every corner and judging everything on the basis of skin color rather
conflict here, read “The United States and China: Destined for War?” in the than, as Martin Luther King Jr. called for, the content of our character.
November-December 2021 issue of Beyond Today. Sadly, many in U.S. fed- Parents in the United States vocally objecting in school board
eral and state governments and corporate sectors and media are heavily meetings to the sexual immorality and distorted worldview being
Anton Liaskovskyi/iStock/Getty Images Plus

compromised with financial entanglements with this growing world power. taught to or put before their children were shockingly tagged by
More alarming still is the new cooperation between traditional enemies the federal justice department as insurrectionists and domestic
Russia and China. Past U.S. policy has been to keep them from being friend- terrorists.
lier to one another than to the West—balancing them against one another. Yet at the same time, the same justice department and other
But new U.S. administration policies and rhetoric have been driving these progressive politicians are promoting a massive influx of illegal
powers together—along with the third recognized threat of Iran. immigration and allowing serious crimes to go unchecked and un-
“For its part,” Seib comments, “Iran’s belligerent stand in negotiations in punished, with criminals being released and local law enforcement
recent days, combined with stepped-up uranium enrichment, suggests it is being called on to stand down or even disband. Confusion and rage
determined to at least reach the threshold of acquiring a nuclear weapon. abound—and the division at every level stokes class warfare. Of
The U.S. might even decide it has to accept that—though Israel likely course, it’s not just in America. The entire Western world is experi-
wouldn’t, which means the chances of hostilities are growing daily.” Iran’s encing this same assault. And it will yet grow worse.
extremist leaders have been pursuing nuclear weapons for the purpose of

18 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g
Policies that crush the poor from manufacturing plants. The cost of everything we buy goes sky high.
Demands that everyone be vaccinated or lose jobs, which happened on
a large scale before courts intervened, caused many to be without pay and

he prophet Amos decried those “who oppress the poor, who crush the many others to not have the goods and services those out of work had been
needy,” or “who swallow up the needy, and make the poor of the land facilitating—or to have them at higher cost. The result is fewer people
fail” (Amos 4:1; 8:4). It’s often imagined that the references here are working when things cost more.
simply to wealthy people as takers and government officials who neglect Who is hurt by all of this? It’s not so much wealthy individuals and large
to institute huge social welfare programs. Those who push massive taxes on companies, who have a significant cushion and make money from invest-
the wealthy, big government spending and welfare programs say they are ments. These are better able to weather such times and even still profit in
helping the poor—and many may even believe this. But this is not reality. many cases—sometimes making out exceedingly well due to government
If the wealthy are taxed exorbitantly, they will not be able to hire and and corporate collusion. No, it’s the poor and middle class who suffer. It’s
pay workers—hurting the poorer people who need jobs to earn a living. people who live paycheck to paycheck. These people are devastated by the
The massive government debt spending we’re seeing advocated today to policies that are supposedly being put in place to help them. It is all a huge lie.
supposedly help infrastructure and the environment ends up crushing the The way for government to help the poor is through guaranteeing open
poor. Much of the money is pocketed by special interests, paying off favors. opportunity and equality under the law and promoting charity instead of
The vast creation of currency out of thin air, along with government shut- tax-and-spend redistribution. Moreover, the government should live within
downs, makes the prices of goods go up as more dollars chase fewer items. its means rather than making debt slaves of following generations. Some
The cutting off of self-sufficiency in fossil fuels further drives up heating oil will label these mere political matters that Christians should have no con-
and fuel prices, making the price of transported goods—which includes cern over. Yet they are clearly moral issues concerning theft versus providing
virtually everything—go up even more, and not just to stores but to and for the needy. The Bible has much to say about such evils.

Western culture war rages on—how will it end?

ocietal transformation marches on in America and throughout the stop listing male or female, as it “fails to recognize the medical spectrum of
Western world. Sadly, the number of U.S. homes with a traditional gender identity,” noting that “participation by the medical profession and
nuclear family of husband and wife and kids fell to a record low in the government in assigning sex is often used as evidence supporting this
2021—17.8 percent of homes, down from 18.6 percent the previous year binary view,” leading to “marginalization and minoritization.”
(and down from 40 percent in 1970) (Bloomberg News, Dec. 3, 2021). Thankfully there are many who still stand opposed to such trends—
Along with this news comes the disturbing report that a new study by particularly against the terrible scourge of abortion. A case was recently
the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University, directed by brought before the U.S. Supreme Court that could lead to the overturning
George Barna, has found that over 30 percent of U.S. Millennials, basically of or restrictions on the landmark Roe v. Wade case that legalized abortion.
those now in their 20s and 30s, now identify as LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bi- Let us pray for that. Yet the state of California announced not long after that
sexual, transgender, queer/questioning). That’s up from 8.4 percent in 2018 if this were to happen, it would act as a sanctuary state for keeping abortion
and thus a giant increase in just three years. Barna told Newsweek that the legal and would even sickeningly pay people to come there for abortions.
increase is particularly driven by social and news media coverage pushing Later this year will see U.S. midterm elections that, by poll indications,
LGBTQ as “safe and cool.” could help hold back some of the cultural onslaught for a while. But sad
Other revealing statistics from this report are that 29 percent of young to say, the track record on the progress of immorality with changing po-
Millennials (18-24) were counted as having a mental disorder, less than a litical parties is often two steps forward and one step back (or no stepping
third of Millennials say they believe in God, and 75 percent say they lack back)—it keeps advancing regardless of which political party is in power.
meaning and purpose in life. Nearly half (48 percent) say they prefer social- A great many politicians embrace the LGBTQ agenda and other progressive
ism over capitalism. Of course, these things all go together. (See Millennials policies, regardless of party affiliation.
in America, October 2021; “Nearly 40 Percent of U.S. Gen Zs, 30 Percent of The fact is, our society is getting worse and worse (see “Are We Returning
Young Christians Identify as LGBTQ, Poll Shows,” Newsweek, Oct. 20, 2021.) to Sodom?” beginning on page 14). But evil will not win in the end. There is an
The American Medical Association, the country’s largest group of physi- end in sight—through the good news of Jesus Christ returning to establish
cians, came out with a recommendation this past year that birth certificates the Kingdom of God on earth. May God guide you until that wonderful day!

How can you make sense of the news?

So much is happening in the world, and so quickly. Where are today’s dramatic and dangerous
trends taking us? What does Bible prophecy reveal about our future? You’re probably very con-
cerned with the direction the world is heading. So are we. That’s one reason we produce the
Beyond Today daily TV commentaries—to help you understand the news in the light of Bible
prophecy. These eye-opening presentations offer you a perspective so badly needed in our
confused world—the perspective of God’s Word. Visit us at!

B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • January-February 2022 19

What Does Archaeology Tell Us

About the Bible?
How has the Bible fared when archaeologists have compared their findings with the record of Scripture?
by Noel Hornor

rchaeology is the recovery personalities, as well as their experi- as suspect by many historians. English
and study of the material ences as recorded in Scripture, came historian Arnold Toynbee summed up
remains of past people’s to be considered by many scholars their view when he referred to the Old
lives and activities. It as mere myths. The existence of Testament as merely “human compo-
involves the excavation and systemat- mighty empires, some of which were sitions of varying degrees of religious
ic study of their tools, weapons, cook- recorded in the Bible as having ruled and historical merit.” He further stated
ware, inscriptions and other objects for centuries, was doubted or even that those who accepted it as factual
and remains. Biblical archaeology is denied. Skepticism became the rule “set a religious premium on an obsti-
a smaller subset of the broader field of the day among “critical” scholars. nate stupidity” (A Study of History, Vol.
of archaeology, limited to the study Where previous generations had 10, 1957, p. 260).
of ancient civilizations in the ancient taken the Bible at face value, now a Given this mindset, archaeologists
Middle East, the geographical setting supposedly enlightened generation who sought to excavate and evaluate
of the events recorded in the Bible. viewed it with doubt. The net effect the ruins of past ages and to report
Modern biblical archaeology is a was to deal a staggering blow to the the credibility of the Bible in an hon-
fascinating and sometimes controver- credibility of the Bible in the minds est manner faced an uphill struggle.
sial subject. Its aim, in general, is to
compare the findings of archaeology Some archaeologists are among leading
to the writings of the Bible. Biblical
archaeologists seek to establish the
critics of Bible history—yet those who have
historicity, or the lack thereof, of the challenged the Bible have often done so
people, places and events of the Bible.
For many centuries the events of
without all the facts still being discovered.
the Bible were accepted as true his- of many people. The field of science in general had
tory. The great sagas of the Bible were Earlier, when the Bible was trans- grown biased against the Bible, with
approved as accurate down to the lated into several languages in the some archaeologists themselves
smallest details. However, with the post-Reformation era after the among the leading critics.
arrival of the “Enlightenment” of the comparative illiteracy of the Middle
17th and 18th centuries, this outlook Ages, the Bible had become for many The testimony of history
began to change. Scholars began to people their one and only textbook Sir William M. Ramsay, first profes-
exalt human reason and scientific of ancient history. They regarded it as sor of classical archaeology and art
exploration above the Bible, mount- the unerring Word of God. at Oxford, was a product of a mid-
ing a frontal attack on Scripture. But, after the tinkering of critical 19th-century education and of this
Biblical heroes and other towering scholars, the Bible began to be viewed pervasive antibiblical bias. He had

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20 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g
bility. How does Luke survive the test?
F.F. Bruce, professor of biblical
studies, says of Luke’s work: “A writer
who thus relates his story to the wider
context of world history is courting
trouble if he is not careful; he affords
his critical readers so many opportu-
nities for testing his accuracy. Luke
Visitors at a portion of the partially excavated biblical Pool of Siloam mentioned in John 9:7. The pool, takes this risk, and stands the test
buried and lost since the Roman destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70, was only rediscovered in 2004. admirably” (p. 82).
Some scholars maintain that Luke
believed the historical accounts in the Festus and Herod Agrippa I and II. was wrong in his report of a Roman
book of Acts had been written not Luke not only writes about these census around the time of the birth of
in the time of the apostolic Church, people, but he mentions details, Jesus Christ (Luke 2:1-3). They argued
but considerably later—in the mid- sometimes relatively minute facts, that Quirinius was not governor at
second century. If this were true, the about them. “One of the most this time because he was given this
biblical book of Acts could not have remarkable tokens of [Luke’s] accu- position several years later. Critics
been written by Luke, the traveling racy is his sure familiarity with the also argued that there was no census
companion of the apostle Paul, and proper titles of all the notable per- then and that Joseph and Mary were
could only be a fabricated history. sons who are mentioned . . . Cyprus, therefore not required to return to
Luke claimed to have been with for example, which was an impe- their native Bethlehem at the time.
Paul as the two men trudged over rial province until 22 BC, became a Later archaeological evidence, how-
the extensive road system of the senatorial province in that year, and ever, showed that Quirinius served
Roman Empire. He wrote as one who was therefore governed no longer by two terms as an important Roman
watched as Paul was used by God to an imperial legate but by a procon- administrator in the region and that
bring a young convert back to life sul. And so, when Paul and Barnabas the events described by Luke were
after a fatal fall (Acts 20:8-12). Ram- arrived in Cyprus about AD 47, it was indeed possible (Bruce, pp. 86-87).
say was skeptical of the historicity of the proconsul Sergius Paulus whom Indeed, Luke tells us that Jesus was
Luke and the historical record of Acts they met” (F.F. Bruce, The New Testa- born at the time of the “first census”
and set out to disprove it. ment Documents: Are They Reliable? under Quirinius (verse 2, NIV),
After many years of detailed study 1981, pp. 82-83). strongly indicating that Quirinius
of the archaeological evidence, Ram- Luke mentions other particulars conducted a census in both his first
say came to a disconcerting conclu- about the offices and titles of offi- and second administrations in the
sion: The historical and archaeologi- cials of the Roman Empire. In every area. It turned out that those who had
cal evidence came down solidly in case he gets it right, as confirmed challenged the biblical account had
favor of Luke’s having written the by archaeological discoveries many done so without all the facts.
book of Acts in the first century, dur- centuries later. As Ramsay discov- Professor Bruce goes on to observe
ing the time of the apostles. Rather ered, to show such accuracy required that, when we see Luke’s habitual
than Luke being a historical fraud, that the author be well versed at the accuracy demonstrated in details that
Ramsay concluded that there are “rea- time in the intricacies of politics of have been historically verified, there
sons for placing the author of Acts the day over a wide region—with no is ample reason to accept his credibil-
among the historians of the first rank” readily accessible reference works to ity in general. And indeed, archaeo-
(St. Paul the Traveller and the Roman check. Few of us could do as well if logical discoveries have repeatedly
Citizen, 1925, p. 4). quizzed about the exact official titles supported Luke’s accuracy and atten-
Ramsay became convinced of Luke’s of national and international political tion to detail.
reliability because Luke wrote about figures today.
the work of the early Church as it was Much yet to be discovered
intertwined with secular events and Accuracy: a test of credibility
A relatively small part of the
personalities of the day. In Luke’s Gos- Such fine details of the historical remains of the biblical world has been
pel account we are introduced to Pon- setting make the Bible interesting, excavated. Of some 35,000 known
tius Pilate, Herod the Great, Augustus but they also put an author, such as sites in Israel alone, only several
Scott Ashley

and other political players. In Acts Luke, to the test—and the Bible along hundred have been excavated, and
we meet an even larger assemblage, with him. If he makes a mistake in his of these only a small percentage have
including Sergius Paulus, Gallio, Felix, reporting, then his work loses credi- been extensively excavated—and

B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • January-February 2022 21

excavation of as little as 4 percent of a Dr. Kitchen’s statement shows Abraham and his world in consider-
site is considered extensive. Of those that the historicity of Old Testament able detail. The specific customs of
that have been excavated, it is a fact personalities and their worlds cannot this society as described in Genesis 15
that the entire Bible holds a remark- be buried. It is important to note and 16 are, in fact, attested to in tablets
able track record of accuracy when that scholars at one time doubted found at Nuzi, near the city of Asshur
compared with the finds unearthed the existence of empires, of entire in Assyria. The documents “pertain to
through archaeology. populations and of many of the Bible’s matters such as inheritance and prop-
As professor Walter Kaiser Jr. central characters. In the face of a erty rights, slavery, adoption, and the
wrote, “Biblical archaeology has
greatly enhanced the study of the bib-
lical texts and their history” (The Old
Testament Documents: Are They Reli-
able and Relevant? 2001, p. 97). He
also stated: “The facts, from whatever
source, when fully known have con-
sistently provided uncanny confirma-
tion for the details of Old Testament
persons, peoples and places by means
of the artifactual, stratigraphical and
epigraphic remains [and] evidence
uncovered” (p. 108).
Much of the Old Testament came
under heavy assault from the guns Some critics denied the Scriptures were an accurate historical record because of their mention of
of the anti-inspiration scholars when the Hittites, unknown outside the biblical record. But the discovery of Hittite cities, complete with
decorations like this showing a group of Hittite musicians, once again proved the critics wrong.
the winds of doubt swept through the
19th century. Speaking of this time growing mountain of evidence, skep- like” (Eugene Merrill, Kingdom
and its effects, archaeologist Kenneth tics have many times been forced to of Priests, 1996, pp. 38-39).
Kitchen wrote: “Time and again in recant their earlier claims. Some scholars once claimed that
Old Testament studies, we are told the unusual events described in
that ‘history knows of no such person’ Evidence supports biblical these two chapters of Genesis, such
as, say, Abraham or Moses, or . . . the accounts of the patriarchs as the episode of Abraham father-
battles of Genesis 14, for example. For example, some critical schol- ing a child for his wife Sarah by her
However such phrases are totally ars have questioned the existence handmaiden Hagar, were fabricated.
misleading. They simply cover the of the patriarchs—Abraham, Isaac The same scholars had to back down
ignorance not of ‘history’ personified and Jacob. They rejected the biblical when the Nuzi tablets demonstrated
but of the person making this claim” view because no clear archaeological that such surrogate practices were
(The Bible in Its World: The Bible and evidence was known to exist. commonplace in the culture of that
Archaeology Today, 1978, p. 48). Yet the biblical documents describe time when a woman was infertile.

Cyrus of Persia: The Words of a Prophet Come to Pass

he remarkable cylinder of King Cyrus of Persia (right), dated to 538 B.C.
and now located in the British Museum, records his conquest of Baby-
lon and his policy of tolerance and even patronage of native religions.
Consistent with that policy, the Bible records his decree that the Jewish
exiles taken captive by the Babylonians under Nebuchadnezzar II decades
prior could return to their land and rebuild Jerusalem and its temple.
These events were a remarkable fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecy a cen-
tury and a half earlier that God would use a ruler named Cyrus to “perform
all My pleasure, even saying to Jerusalem, ‘You shall be built,’ and to the
temple, ‘Your foundation shall be laid.’” God also foretold that Cyrus would
“build My city and let My exiles go free” (Isaiah 44:28; 45:13). This was one
of many amazing prophecies recorded in the Bible that later came to pass.

22 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g
physical evidence of Israel’s dwelling
Similarly, Genesis 37:28 tells us that points to a different conclusion.
Joseph’s brothers sold him as a slave in Egypt. “The [Nile] Delta [where An ancient object that intertwines
for 20 shekels of silver. Clay tablets Israel dwelt] is an alluvial fan of mud biblical and Egyptian history was
discovered in the region dating to the deposited through many millennia by discovered by the archaeologist Sir
18th and 19th centuries B.C., the time the annual flooding of the Nile; it has Flinders Petrie in 1896. It is known
in which Joseph lived, show that the no source of stone within it . . . The as the Israel Stele because “it contains
going price for slaves at the time was mud hovels of brickfield slaves and the earliest known mention of Israel”
indeed 20 shekels. humble cultivators have long since (ibid., p. 26). This black granite stele
By later centuries, however, the gone back to their mud origins, never contains boastful inscriptions com-
price of slaves had increased greatly. to be seen again. missioned by Pharaoh Merneptah
In the eighth century B.C., it had “Even stone structures (such as about his victories in battles and
risen to 50 to 60 shekels. By the fifth temples) hardly survive, in striking refers to Israel being “laid waste.” The
to fourth centuries B.C., the price was contrast to sites in the cliff-enclosed stele dates from 1207 B.C. (Biblical
90 to 120 shekels (Kenneth Kitchen, valley of Upper Egypt to the south Archaeology Review, September-
“The Patriarchal Age: Myth or His- . . . Scarce wonder that practically no October 1990, p. 27).
tory?” Biblical Archaeology Review, written records of any extent have Israel’s journey from Egypt to
March-April 1995, p. 52). been retrieved from Delta sites Canaan after the Exodus is recorded
Had a Jewish scribe dreamed up the reduced to brick mounds . . . with in Scripture as well. The Bible pro-
story of Joseph in the sixth century even great temples reduced to heaps vides place names that figure promi-
B.C., as many biblical critics argue, of tumbled stones” (On the Reliability nently in the journey, with Numbers
why wasn’t Joseph’s price given as 90 of the Old Testament, 2003, p. 246). 33 supplying a detailed listing of sites
to 120 shekels? If the story was fab- Dr. Kitchen also explains why no on the route. Detractors have disput-
ricated more than a thousand years records regarding the Exodus are to ed the historical record, denying that
after it supposedly happened, how did be found among Egyptian historical these settlements existed at this early
the author know the selling price of inscriptions and records: “As pha- period in history because archaeo-
a slave a thousand years earlier? The raohs never monumentalize defeats logical remains have not been found
obvious answer is that the Genesis on temple walls, no record of the for the time in question.
story is an accurate account of con- successful exit of a large bunch of for- One of these is the settlement of
temporary events. eign slaves (with loss of a full chariot Dibon, in what is now southern Jor-
squadron) would ever have been dan (Numbers 33:45). No archaeolog-
What about the Exodus? memorialized by any king, in temples ical remains have been found at that
Many skeptical scholars and archae- in the Delta or anywhere else” (ibid.). site that date earlier than the ninth
ologists have disputed the biblical In other words, the proud Egyp- century B.C. Does this mean there
record of the Israelites’ Exodus from tians, who were the greatest military was no city there when the people of
Egypt because no confirmed physical power of the world in that day, would Israel traversed the area?
evidence outside of the Bible has been not have left a record of a complete Recently some scholars have seen
found to bear witness to these events. and total humbling of their preten- the need to recant their claim that
They believe that these stories were tious leader and the destruction of his Dibon could not have existed at the
invented many centuries later. army. In fact, the Bible stands alone time of the Exodus. Egyptian records
The truthfulness of the Exodus among ancient writings of the region verify the existence of Dibon during
is important to the authenticity of in recording the military defeats of its this time. Lists of ancient Egyptian
the Bible because it is obvious that own nation. The vain leaders of that routes mention Dibon as a stop along
the event was considered to be of era boasted about their triumphs and one of the routes through that area.
monumental importance in the victories, but chose to never record Not only did Dibon exist in that
Photos, from top: Scott Ashley, Prioryman

establishment of Israel as a nation. their humbling defeats. day, but it was significant enough to
The Israelites looked back on this occupy the attention of Ramses II,
event as the foundation of their faith. Events and people verified by who “sacked the city in the course of
Many biblical passages testify as to archaeology a military campaign in Moab” soon
how important they considered it to Some make the claim that Israel was afterward (Charles Krahmalkov, “Exo-
be. Either a people known as Israel not a significant power during the days dus Itinerary Confirmed by Egyptian
existed, dwelt in Egypt and left there of the Egyptian dynasties. They believe Evidence,” Biblical Archaeology Review,
or we simply cannot trust the Bible. Israel was no more than a loose amal- September-October 1994, p. 58).
Professor Kitchen offers a sound gamation of impotent tribes. The city of Hebron also figured in
explanation as to why there is little The objective evidence, however, the Israelite conquest of Canaan. “So

B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • January-February 2022 23

Joshua went . . . , and all Israel with him, because things match up so well.” Dr.
to Hebron; and they fought against it” Aren Maeir, excavation director at
(Joshua 10:36). Although some crit- the ancient Philistine city of Gath, in
ics have asserted that no city existed at another 2007 Internet interview said
Hebron during this time, the Egyptian simply, “You can’t do archaeology in
map lists tell otherwise. A list of cities the land of Israel without the Bible.”
that Ramses II ordered to be carved In view of the real evidence, the
on a temple wall in Amon lists Hebron doubter might do well to reconsider
(Biblical Archaeology Review, September- his position and commit his life to
October 1994, p. 60). Archaeology at serving God. If he waits until every
This portrait of the Assyrian King Tiglath-Pileser
the site itself also confirms that it was a III was found in his excavated palace at Nimrud tiny issue is resolved in his own mind,
fortified, thriving city since the time of 26 centuries after he invaded Israel. he might ignore or reject a call from
Abraham (September-October 2005, God Himself. He could be depriving
pp. 24-33, 70). “The three hundred acre site has himself of the blessings available to
André Lemaire, an expert in already yielded over six hundred items those who have committed them-
ancient inscriptions, notes that some with some form of writing, often on selves to learning and following God’s
scholars have gone so far as to main- drawn figures on clay seals . . . This way of life.
tain that “nothing in the Bible before most dramatic find again demonstrates The objective use of archaeology
the Babylonian exile can lay claim to that the text of the Old Testament is has demonstrated the truthfulness
any historical accuracy” (“‘House of extremely reliable” (pp. 103-104). and technical accuracy of the Bible.
David’ Restored in Moabite Inscrip- This article has demonstrated some of
tion,” Biblical Archaeology Review, Does archaeology prove the Bible? the factual evidence that verifies the
May-June 1994, pp. 31-32). Yet What should we say about the biblical record. More will continue to
time after time scholars have had to biblical record thus far? The skeptic be discovered.
backtrack from earlier statements as can always point to elements that As archaeologist Nelson Glueck con-
additional archaeological evidence have yet to be specifically verified. But cluded: “It may be stated categorically
has come to light. we should never forget that specific that no archaeological discovery has
An example of this was the Hittites, parts of the Bible assuredly have been ever controverted a Biblical reference.
for a long time known only from the upheld by archaeological discoveries. Scores of archaeological findings have
biblical record. “Until the discovery The burden of proof is on the skep- been made which confirm in clear out-
of the Hittite empire at the beginning tics. In the wake of such evidence as line or in exact detail historical state-
of the last century, the ‘Hittites’ men- that shown in this article and avail- ments in the Bible. And, by the same
tioned in Genesis 10:15 as descen- able in many other sources, it is up token, proper valuation of Biblical
dants of Canaan were unknown . . . to them to prove their case. descriptions has often led to amazing
But in 1906 Hugo Winckler began Frank Gaebelein, an eminently discoveries” (Rivers in the Desert:
excavating a site known as ancient qualified author and general editor of A History of the Negev, 1959, p. 31).
Hattusha . . . in what we today call the original version of The Expositor’s The Bible is the inspired Word
Turkey. As a result a people whose Bible Commentary, has remarked that of God, and its accuracy continues
existence was seriously doubted pre- “the attitude of suspended judgment to be validated by the spade of
viously is well documented with liter- toward Bible difficulties . . . is con- archaeology!
ally tens of thousands of clay tablets” stantly being vindicated, as archaeol-
(Kaiser, p. 102). ogy has solved one Biblical problem LEARN MORE
Another group whose existence was after another, and as painstaking This article is taken
not known outside of the Bible until re-examination of discrepancies has from our study guide
Is the Bible True? It
recently is a people called the Horites. finally led to answers” (The Exposi- covers how the Bible
Genesis 36:20-21 states that they were tor’s Bible Commentary, 1979, Vol. 1, is firmly supported
the sons of Seir the Horite. The bibli- p. 31). by evidence from as-
cal record was vindicated when “late Dr. Steven Ortiz, codirector of tronomy, archaeology
in 1995 came word that the capital excavations at the site of biblical and other scientific
Photos: Scott Ashley

city of the Horites, Urkesh, had been Gezer, commented in a 2007 Internet fields. Download or request your free
copy today. You can also download our
discovered buried beneath the mod- interview that “serious scholars, even article reprint series “The Bible and Ar-
ern Syrian town of Tell Mozan, some if they’re not believers, even if they chaeology” at
400 miles northeast of Damascus, on don’t think this [the Bible] is a sacred
the border with Turkey . . . text, still consider it to be history

24 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g
A Staggering Archaeological Discovery:
The Mighty Assyrian Empire Emerges From the Dust
anked among the greatest archaeological led by King Hezekiah, prayed fervently to city, fell to the Babylonians in 612 B.C. About
discoveries of all time is the unearthing of God (Isaiah 37:15-20) and were miraculously 50 years after its peak, this voracious empire
the ancient Assyrian Empire. delivered against overwhelming odds. collapsed and virtually vanished from history.
Assyria first appeared as an empire early in Sennacherib, the warrior king, had bragged By the time of Jesus Christ and the apostles,
the second millennium B.C. The remains of a zig- about his humbling of Hezekiah, trapping him no physical evidence of Nineveh could be seen.
gurat, or temple tower, from that era still stand in Jerusalem as he surrounded and prepared to Lucian of Samosata (A.D. 120-180), a Greek
near the site of its ancient capital. storm the city. writer, lamented: “Nineveh has perished. No
In the ninth century B.C., Assyria developed Although Sennacherib painstakingly record- trace of it remains. No one can say where once it
into an aggressive and powerful empire. By this ed the cities he captured and destroyed, one city existed” (Magnusson, p. 175). Such a lack of vis-
time, about 40 years after the reign of Solomon, is conspicuously absent—Jerusalem. He speaks ible remains led some scholars of the 19th cen-
Israel had split into two distinct kingdoms— only of besieging Hezekiah in the city—not of tury to express skepticism that Nineveh or any
Israel and Judah (1 Kings 12:16-24). Led by able taking it or Judah’s king. What happened? The part of the Assyrian Empire even existed, much
and ruthless monarchs, the Assyrians began Assyrians, like other great empires of the time, less dominated a significant part of the world.
to menace and conquer their neighbors. They left no records of their military defeats. As the Indeed the only historical source in those days
eventually subjugated the whole of the Fertile Bible reports, disaster befell them as they waited that verified the existence of the empire was the
Crescent from Mesopotamia to Egypt. By the to storm Jerusalem’s walls: Bible. The Old Testament histories and prophe-
late eighth century they crushed the kingdom “And it came to pass on a certain night that cies spoke about Assyria. Jesus proclaimed the
of Israel.
At the end of that century they also invaded B
the southern kingdom of Judah, conquering its
major cities and besieging its capital, Jerusalem A
(Isaiah 36:1-2). The Bible records the boastful
words of the arrogant Assyrian monarch, Sen-
nacherib, as he tried to intimidate and humiliate
Hezekiah, king of Judah (verses 4-10). A C
Did the biblical stories involving this empire
really happen, or are they fables? Remember, A D
many scoffers at one time disputed even the
very existence of the Assyrian Empire. But it was
no myth. As the debris of centuries was removed
from Nineveh, one of the empire’s capitals, dra-
matic proof of the Assyrian invasion was laid This relief from Sennacherib’s palace at Nineveh shows the Assyrians’ assault on the Jewish stronghold of Lach-
bare. ish. Assyrian troops advance on ramps leading to the city walls (A), from which (B) the desperate defenders shoot
Assyrian records of these events quote King arrows and hurl stones and firebrands. At lower right, (C) prisoners leave the city, passing impaled captives (D).
Sennacherib of Assyria boasting of his devastat- the angel of the Lord went out, and killed in the existence of Nineveh as a historical fact (Matthew
ing invasion of Judah: “Forty-six of [Hezekiah’s] camp of the Assyrians one hundred and eighty- 12:41). Yet some scholars disputed the testimony
strong walled towns and innumerable smaller five thousand; and when people arose early in of Jesus and the prophets—that is, until “one
villages . . . I besieged and conquered . . .  As the morning, there were the corpses—all dead. spectacular decade in the middle of the nine-
for Hezekiah, the awful splendor of my lord- So Sennacherib king of Assyria departed and teenth century  . . .  [when] Austen Henry Layard
ship overwhelmed him” (Erika Bleibtreu, “Grisly went away, returned home, and remained at and Paul Emile Botta rediscovered in northern
Assyrian Record of Torture and Death,” Biblical Nineveh” (2 Kings 19:35-36). Iraq the ancient remains of three Assyrian cities
Archaeology Review, January-February 1991, Sennacherib himself would later igno- [including Nineveh] and evidence of the military
p. 60). Sennacherib noted that he had made miniously die at the hands of two of his sons. panoply that had crushed all resistance from the
Hezekiah “a prisoner in Jerusalem, his royal resi- “Now it came to pass, as he was worshiping Tigris to the Nile. The Assyrian empire . . .  in all its
dence, like a bird in a cage” (Magnus Magnusson, in the temple of Nisroch his god, that his sons awesome power had been resurrected through
Archaeology and the Bible, 1977, p. 186). Adrammelech and Sharezer struck him down archaeology” (Magnusson, p. 175).
The biblical record agrees with Sennach- with the sword” (verse 37). Assyrian records The skeptics were silenced. There was noth-
erib’s account of the Assyrian invasion and also confirm this assassination. Sennach- ing they could say. The excavations at Nineveh
notes the desperation of the kingdom of erib’s son Esarhaddon took his father’s place, and other cities in the area yielded a staggering
Judah as the Assyrians laid siege to Jerusalem, but the Assyrian Empire soon peaked and fell wealth of historical evidence including “tens of
their last surviving stronghold. However, the into decline. Assyria had been an instrument thousands of tablets” containing “an immense
Bible continues the story where the Assyr- to punish Israel for its repugnant sins (Isaiah amount of data” (The Interpreter’s Dictionary of
ian records are silent. With Jerusalem facing 10:5-6). In turn, the Assyrians were punished the Bible, 1962, Vol. 1, “Assyria and Babylon,”
imminent destruction, the people of Judah, for their sins (verse 12). Nineveh, the capital p. 275). The Bible had been right all along.

B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • January-February 2022 25

Recent Holy Land Finds

Support the Biblical Record
Archaeological discoveries are regularly made in and around the land of Israel that relate to the
Bible. Here is an annotated list of 12 reports of such finds within the past three years.
by Tom Robinson

Thick wall at Lachish dated to embassy in Jerusalem. More than 120 jar han- were apparently part of a lavish mansion outside
King Rehoboam (April 23, 2019). Ol- dles are stamped with lmlk, meaning “of the Jerusalem’s defensive walls as part of the city’s
ive pits in the foundation of a thick wall at Tel king.” Excavation has revealed the site continued continuing expansion under Hezekiah after Sen-

photos courtesy Israel Antiquities Authority, from left (top then bottom): Yaniv Berman, Yoli Schwartz, Dafna Gazit, Eitan Klein, Dafna Gazit, Yaniv Berman
Lachish, southwest of Jerusalem, were carbon nacherib’s forces left, again consistent with the
dated to about 920 B.C., aligning with the time biblical picture of the city’s survival and wealth
of Solomon’s son Rehoboam. Scripture says that beyond the siege.
Lachish was one of the cities of Judah fortified
by Rehoboam (2 Chronicles 11:9). Royal purple dye on fabrics
from David and Solomon’s time
Copper mining deposits evi- (Jan. 28, 2021). Three pieces of wool clothing,
dence of Edomite kingdom (Sept. out of more than a hundred discovered at the an-
18, 2019). Chemical and microscopic analysis cient copper mines of Timna in southern Israel,
from copper slag deposits in the Aravah Valley,
where the biblical kingdom of Edom sat, showed
the same standardized advanced refining tech- This pottery jar handle is one of more than
niques being used over widely scattered loca- 120 stamped with a royal seal impression—
tions, evidence of a strong, central government “Belonging to the king”— found at a 2,700-year-
before the mid-11th century B.C., 300 years ear- old large administrative complex in Jerusalem.
lier than scholars had thought. Scripture already in operation after the Assyrian King Sennacherib
attested there were kings reigning over Edom came against Judah in 701 B.C., consistent with
before any kings of Israel (Genesis 36:31). the Bible’s description of Hezekiah’s reign.
Hebrew Yahwistic name at Abel
Beth Maacah (Jan. 16, 2020). Disbelieving Proto-Aeolian column capitals
the biblical picture of the powerful Israelite state outside Jerusalem’s walls in He-
zekiah’s time (Sept. 3, 2020). Three scaled- This wool textile fragment from Timna in Israel is
under King David, many have thought Abel Beth decorated by purple threads dyed from a species of
Maacah, on the northern border of Israel, was Mediterranean sea snails in approximatley 1000 B.C.
outside Hebrew domain from the 900s to 800s
B.C. But a wine jar from this period was found were found dyed with royal purple. These were
here with the inscription “of Benayo,” a Hebrew carbon dated to around 1000 B.C., the time of
name ending in a form of Israel’s God Yahweh. David and Solomon. This dye, produced in small
This town provided refuge to the rebel Sheba quantity from a particular species of Mediter-
before delivering him up to David’s besieging ranean sea snails, required long and laborious
forces (2 Samuel 20:14-22). extraction and processing.
Purple fabric was thus very expensive, some-
Massive administrative center times more than gold, and worn only by royalty,
from the late Kingdom of Judah high officials and others of great wealth (com-
(July 22, 2020). One of the largest collec- These two Phoenician-style column heads were pare Song of Solomon 3:9-10). The discovery of
tions of Kingdom of Judah seal impressions found at a dig in southeast Jerusalem and appar- purple cloth at Timna along with bones of fishes
has been found at a huge public tax collection ently once adorned a lavish mansion before the city imported from Egypt argues for a significant
was destroyed by the Babylonians.
and storage complex from the late 8th to mid- trading network and a strong central govern-
7th centuries B.C., the time of King Hezekiah down versions of earlier Phoenician-style volute ment overseeing it—fitting with that of David
and his son King Manasseh, near the new U.S. column heads, such as adorned David’s palace, and Solomon.

26 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g
New Dead Sea Scrolls frag- letter is not fully preserved but may be a yod, walls of Jerusalem all around.” Some are now
ments first Bible texts found in 60 yielding the name Yrb’l (Jerubaal). This was claiming the new finding contradicts that verse.
years (March 16, 2021). A four-year operation But the verse does not say there were no parts
by the Israel Antiquities Authority, including of the wall left standing. The wall was reduced
scouring remote caves, has turned up 80 new here, with some hard-to-reach stretches left
scroll fragments bearing lines of Greek text standing, and Nehemiah later had to do a lot
from Zechariah and Nahum. These are believed of restoration work. So the walls were indeed
to have been part of a set of fragments of the broken down all around, as the Bible says.
Twelve Minor Prophets from the “Cave of Hor-
rors,” named for 40 human skeletons found there Jerusalem excavation uncovers
in excavations in the 1960s. evidence of earthquake in Amos
The scroll is thought to have been stashed dur- and Zechariah (Aug. 4, 2021). The bibli-
ing the Jewish Bar Kokhba Revolt against Rome cal book of Amos was written in the 8th century
This ink inscription on broken pottery dates to
(A.D. 132-136). Some have noted minor textual around 1100 B.C. and bears what may be the name B.C. during the period of Judah’s king Uzziah and
variants, but such scrolls have shown very little “Jerubbaal," another name for the judge Gideon. Israel’s king Jeroboam II and gives the bench-
difference from our Bibles today, as is also the mark “two years before the earthquake” (Amos
another name for the biblical judge Gideon after 1:1). This was evidently a memorable massive
he tore down Baal’s altar (Judges 6:32; 7:1), and earthquake in which people fled from Jerusalem,
the inscription dates to about 1100 B.C., around recalled around 250 years later in Zechariah 14:5
the time Gideon died. even after national captivity and restoration.
However, Scripture makes no mention of Gide- Now archaeologists have found a destruction
on’s influence in Judah, noting only his activity in layer in Jerusalem’s City of David that fits with
the north of Israel and the east. Some propose this time frame. The absence of fire damage from
the inscription could read Azrubaal, Zecharbaal invasion solidifies the earthquake connection.
or Meribbaal. Yet Gideon did have a long judge- Evidence of similar destruction has been found
ship with a succession controversy among his at other sites in the region, such as Hazor, Lach-
Israeli archeologists Hagay Hamer and Oriah Ami- sons afterward, so his name could have been ish, Gezer and Megiddo, but this is the first time
chai sift dirt at a cave in the Judean Desert where significant as far as Judah—and someone there it’s been found in Jerusalem. It can serve as a new
addtional ancient scroll fragments were found. could have been named after him. dating anchor for archaeologists digging here.
case with the new fragments. And note again that UCSD archaeology professor Thomas Levy told
East section of Jerusalem city Live Science, “When the biblical data is coupled
this was a Greek translation rather than a Hebrew wall from the time of Hezekiah and
version following a stricter scribal tradition. with the archaeological and paleo-seismic data
Josiah (July 14, 2021). Finding a lengthy sec- from the southern Levant, a strong correlation
Earliest alphabetic writing in tion of city wall on the steep east side of the City is clearly seen between the Book of Amos, a
the Holy Land found at Lachish of David, heretofore missing in tracing the east- prophet in the Hebrew Bible, and the archaeo-
(April 20, 2021). A small potsherd found at Tel ern fortification of the city in the 8th-7th centu- logical record.”
Lachish in southern Israel contains the earliest ries B.C., allows archaeologists to see the full run
alphabetic writing found in the southern Levant, Missing wall section at Gath
carbon dated to the 15th century B.C. Two short shows where Aramaean forces in-
lines of Semitic text read ‘abd, meaning “ser- vaded (Aug. 8, 2021). The Bible states that the
vant” (perhaps as part of a name) and npt, pos- Aramaean or Syrian king Hazael fought against
sibly meaning honey (Hebrew nophet). Some are the Philistine city of Gath and took it (2 Kings
calling it a “missing link” between earlier Egyp- 12:17). There has been plenty of archaeologi-
tian alphabetic writing and later writing in the cal evidence of this siege and destruction in the
Levant. This is yet another blow to those who 9th century B.C. both inside and outside the city,
say Moses could not have written the Torah in Israeli archaeologists sit atop a newly excavated earlier hometown of Goliath and now known as
Hebrew, given that he supposedly lived well section of a Jerusalem protective wall dating to the Tell es-Safi, but researchers couldn’t find where
before such alphabetic writing. This inscription is 8th-7th centuries B.C., predating the city’s destruc- the city’s fortification wall had been breached.
dated to right around the time of Moses. tion by the Babylonians. Now a 30-foot gap in the wall has been found
at the lowest part of the city, right next to a
Inscription possibly reading Je- of the wall that encircled Jerusalem prior to its heavily fortified gate to reach the city’s water
rubbaal, another name for Gideon Babylonian destruction. supply. Archaeologist Aren Maeir believes this
(July 13, 2021). Excavations at Khirbet al-Ra‘i, The wall section was previously not consid- may be “the earliest known, on-the-ground
near Lachish, have revealed a name written ered fortification due to belief that the Babylo- evidence of a siege from the entire world.”
across three pottery fragments. Four letters are nians had left no such structure standing, based Again and again, the Bible is vindicated in its
clear, rb’l, reading rubbaal. The preceding first on 2 Kings 25:10 stating they “broke down the recording of not myth, but actual history!

B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • January-February 2022 27

Choose to Be Happy
While Encouraging Others
How can we find happiness in discouraging times
such as these? One way is through encouraging others.
by Janet Treadway

ne evening as I was watching an episode of of encouragement everyone needs right now. That’s why
America’s Got Talent during the fall 2021 sea- the judges of America’s Got Talent and those who were
son, the last singer brought me to tears. Jane watching it became emotional. If this young woman
Marczewski from Zanesville, Ohio, was not can keep going with only a 2 percent chance of recover-
only amazing but also inspirational. When asked by one ing from this cancer and decide to be happy, so can we.
of the judges what she does for a living, the 30-year-old Great advice, right?
contestant opened up about her personal struggle. Easier said than
She explained: “I have not been working for quite a few done. So how can
years. I’ve been dealing with cancer.” we do that?
Before she began singing her original song “It’s OK,” The day after I
she explained, “It’s the story of the last year of my life.” watched this epi-
She added, “It’s important that everyone knows I’m so sode of America’s
much more than the bad things that happen to me.”  Got Talent, we had
The judges were inspired by her. After her performance, a special guest talk
one gave her the
award all contes-
tants hoped for—
“It’s important that everyone
the golden buzzer, knows I’m so much more than the
which automati-
cally advanced
bad things that happen to me.”
her in the contest —Jane Marczewski, singer
without the rest of
the judges voting.
and cancer fighter
She explained the attitude that had kept her going: “You to us at the office about how to handle stress. The timing
can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore before you decide was perfect after being inspired by this young singer the
to be happy.” night before.
If anyone had a right to be unhappy, she did—as she The presenter’s name is Andi Chapman. She gave some
has been fighting for several years against a cancer that amazing points on how to handle stress. (You can find
has a 2 percent survival rate. several recorded interviews with her by searching for
“You blew us all away,” the host of the show said. “You “Andi Chapman” on our website at
are the voice we all need to hear this year.” One point that stood out in my mind was the power of
encouragement. It’s amazing how reaching out to encour-
Encouragement in distressing times age others helps you forget your own problems. Everyone
This is certainly so after everything we’ve been through needs encouragement. Every person you run into in your
in recent times, with so many challenges affecting us all day-to-day life needs to be encouraged. Every person is
in different ways. going through something.

We’ve been through so much this last year with the Consider again the young woman on America’s Got Tal-
Covid pandemic. It has brought isolation, fear, anxiety ent. She has enough reason to stay home and give up, but
and anger. It has divided people, including families. instead she decided to reach out and encourage others with
What this young woman did in her song gave the kind her amazing voice, amazing example and amazing message

28 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g
If you like Beyond Today,
you’ll love our website!
encapsulated in her song “It’s OK.”
Two ways to help make it through
When we are going through trials,
the first thing we should do is turn to
God to draw near to Him. Then, no
matter what you are going through,
there are ways to help you deal with it
better. Here are two to remember.
First, ask God to help you to choose
to be happy no matter what you are
going through. In Isaiah 41:10 God
tells us: “So do not fear, for I am with
you; do not be dismayed, for I am
your God. I will strengthen you and
help you; I will uphold you with my

righteous right hand” (New Interna- ou won’t believe all the great things
tional Version). you’ll discover at the Beyond Today
God is there to help no matter website at!
what you are going through. In Exo- You’ll find past issues of Beyond Today,
dus 33:14 we read where God says, each packed with articles about world
“My Presence will go with you, and
trends and events, family and social
I will give you rest” (NIV). Ask God
to help you choose to be positive and
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Today’s eye-opening, in-depth perspective of amount
happy. of informa-
Second, reach out and encourage the Bible. Discover articles about creation and
evolution, profiles of biblical personalities, tion about the Bible.
others. Proverbs 12:25 tells us, “Anxi-
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ety in a man’s heart weighs him down,
but a good word makes him glad”
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(English Standard Version). And tary, a study that takes you Abrahams Journey
offering a good word to someone else on a chapter-by-chapter
makes you glad too. Just like it did for journey of discovery through the Bible with
that young singer—at the end of the supplementary reading and graphic aids such
show, she left with so much joy in as charts and maps to open up your under-
her own heart because she had standing of the Scriptures as never before.
encouraged others. You’ll also find answers to frequently asked
Notice what Proverbs 10:11 tells Explore our large library of study guides cover- Bible questions, helpful material on dozens
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Remember what the young woman You can also listen to or download sermons,
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said before she began to sing: “It’s
French, Portuguese and Russian, to name a you’ll visit us today to discover what you’ve
important that everyone knows I’m so
much more than the bad things that
few (and feel free to share them with a friend been missing!
happen to me.” She was determined to overseas).
rise above her circumstances, choos- Use our search tool to find material on any
ing to be happy while encouraging subject—marriage, family, biblical teachings,
others. current events, prophecy, you name it. Feel free
The apostle Paul wrote in Romans to download all these to your own computer,
14:19, “Let us therefore make every tablet or smartphone so you can study them
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to mutual edification” (NIV). Let us to be mailed right to your home!
choose to be happy while encourag-
ing others to be happy as well. Be a This website is packed with an astounding
fountain of life for others!

Visit today!29

B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • January-February 2022

Seven Scientific Proofs of God Christ and teach others the truth from the Bible. Given the well-known,
I wanted to offer my sincerest thanks for this excellent piece. As a certi- widely verified pagan history of Christmas and the fact its celebration is
fied biology teacher, researcher and statistician, I have sometimes been promoted nowhere in the Bible, we choose to honor God the Father and Jesus
troubled by the little bit of knowledge accrued in my past education. Your Christ by not participating in such observances.
article was so well-written and convincing, I was moved to tears when Thanks for free publications
I finished. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Thank you for your site. I’ve been a follower of Beyond Today for many
From the Internet
years. I have your Bible Study Course lessons and most of your booklets. 
Why Are So Many Abandoning Christianity? I have used much of your teaching material in my own small classes in my
I tend to believe that morality has little to do with this trend. It has home. I just wanted to commend all of you for a great job. Thank you for
more to do with the Internet and television exposing Christianity’s judg- all you do.
mentalism and hypocrisy, as well as the horrific things that occurred in From the Internet
Catholicism. It’s the many “Christian” preachers who are in it for the money Reader in search of a local congregation
that have destroyed Christianity. I could go on but I think you see my point.
I want to keep the biblical Sabbath. For years I have wondered why no
God bless your ministry.
one kept the Sabbath. Can you please tell me if there is a United Church
From the Internet
of God congregation near me?
Christmas: Is It Really “Glory to the Newborn King?” Reader in Georgia
I agree with the article that Jesus probably wasn’t born on Dec. 25, but
We have congregations in many areas. You can find the one closest to you
the fact is that He was born. I gladly celebrate the birth of Jesus on Dec. 25
at . We hope to see you at a Sabbath service soon!
and put a nativity set out on my front yard, though I realize Christmas has
become all about presents, Santa Claus, etc. today. What day of the year do Comments from around the world
you celebrate as being Jesus’ birthday? Because He was born, as the Bible This is to say many thanks for your extreme love, kindness and generos-
clearly says. ity. I am so deeply grateful to you for these booklets, which are also so
From the Internet greatly valued and appreciated. You are always in my prayers. May our Lord
God richly bless you all.
The Bible is clear that we must worship God the Father and Jesus Christ in
Reader in the United Kingdom
the manner They tell us to. Using the Bible as the guide for our worship, we
see plain commands to observe Holy Days like Passover, Pentecost and the It is with great joy that I received from you the most recent issue with
Feast of Tabernacles. In contrast, as is pointed out in the article, Christmas the explanation of the truths of the Holy Scriptures, the Bible. It is very
had its origins in pagan celebrations and was adopted as a holiday centuries pleasant that the United Church of God, which has branches and congrega-
after the original apostles were dead and the New Testament was written. tions all over the world, has turned its eyes also to our sinful country. With
Jesus condemned the religious leaders of His day for their religious great pleasure I read your magazine and study your Bible courses. I know
hypocrisy, using extremely strong language taken from the prophet Isaiah: that God gives the greatest gifts to people who agree to be reconciled to
“Hypocrites! Well did Isaiah prophesy about you, saying: ‘These people draw Him and begin a new life in accordance with the teachings of the Bible.
near to Me with their mouth, and honor Me with their lips, but their heart God’s greatest gift is eternal life.
is far from Me. And in vain they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the com- Reader in Russia
mandments of men’” (Matthew 15:7-9; quoting Isaiah 29:13).
Our stance is that we should avoid that same condemnation from Jesus I cannot wait for the study guide to arrive here in South Africa. I have a
sincere wish to further my quest to learn more about our Heavenly Father.
Visit Beyond Today on Facebook! I have been receiving Beyond Today magazine for some time now. I must
confess I find the magazine and your booklets very instructive and I have
Are you on Facebook? If so, visit our learnt a lot. I’ve read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation three times
Beyond Today magazine page. See
what other readers are saying. Find already but don’t always grasp the meaning. But I learn such a lot from just
links to interesting articles and Web reading your magazines.
commentaries. Become a Beyond I have just read the September-October issue. What a wealth of well-
Today magazine Facebook fan!
written and informative articles! I am wanting to acquire multiple copies
I really enjoy Beyond Today magazine. It
gives a good understanding of the Bible to share with several of my friends. Thank you and keep up the great work.
and highlights information not given
in mainstream Christian faiths. I highly Reader in South Africa
recommend this magazine to all.
– K.T., Facebook fan Published letters may be edited for clarity and space. Address your letters
to Beyond Today, P.O. Box 541027, Cincinnati, OH 45254-1027, U.S.A., or email
Search Facebook for Beyond Today magazine (please include your full name, city, state or province, and country).

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“We have been the recipients of the choicest

bounties of heaven . . . We have grown in
numbers, wealth and power as no other nation
has ever grown. But we have forgotten God
. . . We have become . . . too proud to pray
to the God that made us.”
—Abraham Lincoln

What’s Ahead for the

United States?
Is the world’s most powerful nation—the United States of America The publishers of Beyond Today have produced an eye-opening
—overlooked in Bible prophecy? Why would small powers like study guide, The United States and Britain in Bible Prophecy. This
Egypt, Syria and Lebanon be mentioned in prophecies of the end publication takes you on a remarkable journey through history
time but not the United States? What about and Bible prophecy to reveal an incredible story with sobering
other major English-speaking nations such as implications for the major English-speaking nations.
the United Kingdom, Canada and Australia?
You can’t afford to be without this priceless information!
In fact, many prophecies do mention these
This study guide is yours free when you contact any
nations. But, without a proper understanding
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of history and the Scrip­tures, few can identify
these countries and discover what lies ahead
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