Beyond Today Magazine - November/December 2020
Beyond Today Magazine - November/December 2020
Beyond Today Magazine - November/December 2020
A World in Crisis:
What Lies
What Are the Prophets Telling Us Today? 8 • America at a Crossroads: Which Path Will It Take? 11
America’s Role in History Foretold 14 • What Will They Get This Christmas? 22
CONTENTS November-December 2020
Photos, from top: johan63/iStock/Getty Images Plus, Jennie Augusta Brownscombe, SMileus/iStock/Getty Images Plus Page 3: argus456/iStock/Getty Images Plus Cover: johan63/iStock/Getty Images Plus
4 A World in Crisis:
What Lies Ahead?
The year 2020 has been a time of upheaval through-
out the world. As we wind down the calendar year,
what should Beyond Today readers understand about
what has happened and what it means for the future?
11 America at a Crossroads:
Which Path Will It Take?
What’s driving so much division and chaos? Why
are there such starkly different visions of the
nation’s future? What does this mean for you?
14 America’s Role
in History Foretold
The great promises to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
were never fulfilled in ancient times. Yet that proph-
esied geopolitical role and abundant blessings are
paralleled by what the English-speaking peoples
have experienced. This is no coincidence.
2 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g
Managing editor
he year 2020 is one for the history books. We’ve seen sev- important. They reveal the transformation they want to accom-
eral world-changing scenarios unfold—a frightful disease plish if they gain control of the presidency and Congress.
epidemic that quickly spread throughout the world, devas- Their list of proposals reveals a well-thought-out plan for
tating economic consequences as nation after nation went permanently altering government and a transformation of
into shutdowns to prevent the coronavirus spread, a worldwide American society into something vastly different.
travel collapse as many countries went into quarantines, and Here are the steps that have been openly presented:
massive government intrusion into citizens’ lives. • Abolish U.S. Senate filibuster rules that require a 60 per-
And as millions of people were essentially sentenced to cent vote for major legislation or decisions. This would abolish
home confinement, thousands of prisoners were released from more than 200 years of history and tradition of cooperation
jails (ostensibly to prevent the spread of and deliberation before making significant
Covid-19) and hordes of thousands ram- changes. With those rules abolished, the
paged through America’s streets, looting party would then be free to:
and burning. Many were arrested, but • Give statehood to the District of
sympathetic politicians typically set them Columbia and Puerto Rico—giving this
free to continue to wreak terror on others. party a total of four more reliably liberal
This doesn’t even begin to cover the “nor- senators and additional liberal members of
mal” background bad news of wars, famines, the House of Representatives.
corrupt politicians and governments, geno- • Expand the current nine-member Supreme Court to
cide, crop failures, natural disasters and the like. 15 or more—and pack those extra seats with liberal activist
And it’s far from over. Around the time many of you receive judges who make law rather than interpret law. This would
this issue, the United States will be holding elections that will make the Supreme Court permanently left-leaning and give
determine the nation’s future. Beyond Today does not endorse them an unstoppable ability to create new law through judicial
any political party, but we are compelled to address the reality of fiat rather than working through the constitutionally mandated
where the nation is at the moment. The stakes are high because requirement that Congress make laws.
what is at play is the survival of the nation as we know it. • Open U.S. borders and change immigration policy and laws
Why would I say that? We’re used to politicians making prom- to import more unskilled or low-skilled immigrants who will
ises they know they can’t keep to try to persuade people to vote for be dependent on permanent government assistance and who’ll
them. Usually we can tune them out. But this year is different. support those who promise more. Included would be a “path
Over recent years we’ve seen tipping points where political to citizenship” for 20 to 30 million illegal aliens, permanently
parties gained enough leverage to wield total control over changing the political balance throughout the nation as a whole.
everything within their power. We’ve seen it in America’s big • Further restrict free speech rights guaranteed by the First
cities and states, which are overwhelmingly dominated by one Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and the right to bear arms
political party. There the career politicians have been able to as spelled out in the Second Amendment. This would perma-
implement their platforms, policies and goals unhindered. nently alter constitutionally guaranteed rights put in place
I live in one such state and have seen the process unfold. specifically to help prevent such government power grabs.
What’s been the result? Huge tax burdens, rising homeless- With these steps in place, the America we know would soon
ness, an epidemic of substance abuse, failing schools, crumbling be no more. And the entire world would permanently change.
infrastructure, enormous and unsustainable pension obliga- Make no mistake: These exact proposals have been publicly
tions, persistent crime and fed-up, overtaxed and over-regulated presented and repeated in recent days as the political cam-
businesses and citizens fleeing by the thousands. paigns heat up. And this party’s many surrogates controlling
If you’ve been paying attention over recent months, you may social media outlets and in the mainstream media are hard at
have noticed the radical ideas proposed by the leadership of work marginalizing and removing the diminishing number of
one of the major U.S. parties. And I’m not talking about their conservative and Bible-supporting voices.
presidential election platform, which calls for trillions of dol- These are dangerous times. The ground is shifting underneath
lars of tax increases, the economy-crushing “Green New Deal,” our feet. Prophecies of a very different world—one in which the
reinstating Obamacare, rejoining the Paris Climate Accords, United States no longer exists as a viable nation—are lining up.
restricting school choice, restoring funding to pay Palestinian What should you do? Pray. Draw close to God. Prepare
terrorists, federal funding of abortion and defunding police. yourself spiritually for what lies ahead. Read this issue care-
This party’s presidential candidate tweeted on July 5 that fully, and continue reading and watching Beyond Today to
if his party wins the presidency, “We won’t just rebuild this understand what you need to be doing!
nation—we’ll transform it.” He didn’t say how that transforma-
tion will take place or what they will transform the nation into.
That is why the proposals presented by other party leaders are
B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • November-December 2020 3
A World in Crisis:
What Lies Ahead?
The year 2020 has been a time of upheaval throughout the world.
As we wind down the calendar year, what should Beyond Today readers
understand about what has happened and what it means for the future?
by Darris McNeely
or me, the year 2020 began with a Jan. 1 flight into 3:3-6, New Living Translation).
Hong Kong. Tens of thousands of protestors were in This is a vision of God marching among the nations in judg-
the streets of the city that day continuing their months- ment. It is as if He stands taking stock—measurement—of the
long protest against the Communist Chinese Party events among the people of the earth. There is a stirring and
(CCP). Four days later our group flew back to the United States trembling among the nations and, interestingly, pestilence and
just as China was admitting to the world that a new virus plague. Things that seem certain and unmovable—mountains
strain called Covid-19 was loose in the city of Wuhan and and hills—are shattered and crumble.
posed a serious threat. It was an ominous start to what would The scene is of disarray among the nations. God is judging
become the most tumultuous year in recent history. in what appears to be a prelude to more events to come. This is
As we approach the close of the year, it is a good moment to a scene telling us God is ever-present, with nothing escaping
examine what has happened on the world scene to gain under- His knowledge. He is the judge of all the earth. His purpose in
standing of what it means in the larger context of Bible proph- history and prophecy progresses at His pace and according to
ecy and God’s purpose in history. None of the events of the His timing.
year happened in a vacuum, cut off from divine involvement. The scene here is intended as a comfort for us, as we might
Many rightly wonder if we have moved closer to the time of “tremble” with uncertainty at the events of this year, wonder-
Christ’s intervention in world affairs to establish the Kingdom ing what lies ahead and hoping for a return to “normal,” what-
of God on earth. ever that might be. This is a scene to give us hope in a time of
Vision of the biblical prophet Habakkuk Let’s examine some of this “shaking” among the nations
Throughout the year I’ve been regularly reminded of a pas- today.
sage of prophetic scripture about God’s rule over the nations.
In the book of Habakkuk, the prophet has a vision of God Covid-19 and its fallout
standing among the nations in a moment of crisis, the nations As I write this (in early September) we are seeing many
shaken by events. He writes: nations emerge from the worldwide shutdown created in
“I see God moving across the deserts from Edom, the Holy March in response to the threat of hundreds of thousands,
One coming from Mount Paran. His brilliant splendor fills the even millions, of projected deaths from the Covid-19 pan-
heavens, and the earth is filled with his praise. His coming is demic. The world quickly shut down travel, business, sports,
as brilliant as the sunrise. Rays of light flash from his hands, restaurants and entertainment to contain the virus.
where his awesome power is hidden. Within a month millions became unemployed. Nations
“Pestilence marches before him; plague follows close mounted massive medical efforts to test, treat and deal with
behind. When he stops, the earth shakes. When he looks, the this new virus for which there was no known cure nor vaccine.
nations tremble. He shatters the everlasting mountains and Thankfully, actual deaths were far below projections and the
levels the eternal hills. He is the Eternal One!” (Habakkuk world is gradually reopening.
4 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g
But something bigger happened. By 2035 China could be the world’s dominant power. To
The economic fallout from the pandemic and shutdown is achieve this, China must be able to project power worldwide—
massive. Fears of a depression confront us as the reality of a something it presently cannot do because it lacks the military
recession lingers. Unemployment remains high, and it appears bases to do so. By contrast the United States has 80 bases
many segments of the economy will be very slow to recover—if around the world, giving it a sizable edge over China. But in
they ever do. every major category China is growing with the intent to sur-
Thousands of restaurants have shuttered, and those that have pass America. This has a destabilizing influence in Asia and
reopened do so with reduced capacity due to social-distancing areas to the west where China is expanding.
mandates. Many small, service-related businesses did not Earlier this year China clamped down on Hong Kong,
weather the shutdown in spite of trillions of dollars of govern- imposing changes to law that make any dissent against the
ment aid. Individual retail merchants and even massive chains Communist Party a crime. Protests in Hong Kong have almost
that have been in business for decades have declared bank- disappeared. When they do occur, it’s under a far more watch-
ruptcy. Airlines, hotels and the tourist and convention indus- ful eye of authorities with stricter punitive action. The Hong
tries do not expect to recover to pre-pandemic levels for years. Kong I visited in January no longer exists.
In spite of all this, the New York Stock Exchange had a good The next step China could take to assert control is over
run in late summer, cresting above 29,000 points, near its all- Taiwan, the long-estranged state separated from the Chinese
time high from earlier in the year. It is a paradox. Will the mainland by the 200-mile-wide Taiwan Strait. Taiwan’s inde-
world economy sink into a prolonged recession or, worse yet, a pendence has been a decades-long thorn in the side of the CCP.
depression? Or will it recover faster than expected amid pent-up Taiwan is shielded by agreements with the United States that
demand coupled with the resiliency of markets, manufacturing go back to 1982. But should the communist Chinese invade
and technology? Should a vaccine become available, the world Taiwan—and it’s known they do have plans to that effect—
would America or any other
Understanding what will emerge out of the nation come to Taiwan’s defense?
China could take out U.S. bases
current crisis period of 2020 depends on a foun- and keep America’s navy at bay
dation rooted in the insight of God’s prophetic if it chose to take Taiwan. It is a
threat that could succeed.
promises to the biblical patriarch Abraham. The world did nothing while
China shut down dissent in Hong
economy could begin to turn around faster than expected. Kong. Would the Chinese calculate that other nations would
But damage has been done, and the effect of ballooning again stand by and do nothing while they annex Taiwan? This
debt in America is incalculable at this point. America, and to could be the next flash point in the region, setting up a major
an extent the rest of the world, continue to defy the gravity of crisis for Asian nations and U.S. dominance in the Pacific.
solid economic theory. It is a testimony to the depth of eco- China’s ambitions are real and far-reaching. China is extend-
nomic wealth within the developed world along with, again, ing its influence further into Africa and the Middle East.
the timing of God in even economic events. Through its Belt and Road Initiative it has made loans and built
Still to be determined is the mental impact of the pandemic infrastructure in African nations, giving it a beachhead for the
and economic and social disruption. The sequestration of fami- extraction of valuable minerals and other natural resources
lies and the shutdown of schools have created conditions where while gaining territorial influence enabling projection of power.
abuse of women, the elderly and children can occur without China’s relations with Iran indicate a desire to extend valu-
detection. Health officials expect to see increases in suicide and able support to a country that is strapped by American sanc-
mental disorders among younger populations such as teens and tions and is a pariah to its fellow Muslim states in the region.
white middle-aged men. Iran’s actions have destabilized the region, even influencing
the recent peace agreement between the United Arab Emirates
Will China dominate? (UAE) and the state of Israel. China’s influence with Iran again
The virus originated in China, and the government there destabilizes the delicate nature of Middle Eastern politics.
denied the danger and stood by as Chinese tourists, workers
and businessmen spread the virus around the world by means Asian stability
of modern travel. China’s goals to dominate in Asia run counter to the inter-
The question is to what extent will China leverage this cri- ests of America, Australia, India and other nations. How this
johan63/iStock/Getty Images Plus
sis and continue its drive to achieve domination in Asia, in the conflict is managed will impact world commerce. The trip that
Middle East and even over the United States? China’s ambition took me to Hong Kong this year included a stopover in Sin-
to become number one in the world is no secret. Should its lead- gapore and an opportunity to better understand the world
ers achieve their aim, that would represent a major crisis for not economy.
only America but for Europe, the rest of Asia and the world. Singapore sits astride the Straits of Malacca and is the
A recent U.S. Defense Department report on China’s mili- world’s second-largest port. Shipping between China, Japan
tary revealed the growth in China’s armed forces. China is the and the West flows through this region. It is the fifth-largest
most rapidly growing military power in the world today. It banking hub in the world. A key to Asian stability, Singapore
recently attained the goal of building the world’s largest navy. does not relish the ambitions of China nor conflict between
B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • November-December 2020 5
America and China. Singapore does not want to choose sides NAFTA trade pact between the United States, Canada and
in this battle. It craves order and stability to fulfill a historic Mexico was renegotiated to achieve more favorable terms for
role that’s a legacy of British colonization in the 19th and American manufacturers and workers.
20th century. The Trump administration’s policies have been a temporary
While in Singapore my conversations with locals highlighted detour away from the desire to eliminate national borders—
the positive feelings there toward the United States and other essentially the modern nation-states—and the creation of a
parts of the English-speaking world. Singapore does not want a one-world order run by transnational bodies of justice, eco-
dominant Asian power to again roll its way—it remembers well nomics and politics. This has contributed to hostile feelings
World War II and the Japanese invasion. Singapore understands toward the president and created uncertainty about America’s
that America must stay focused on Asia with a strong naval commitment to the treaties that undergird the global project.
presence, while at the same time knowing a “cold war” between Add to this the decision by Britain to leave the European
China and America would be disastrous. Nations like Singa- Union, scheduled to be completed by the end of the year. Brit-
pore, the Philippines, Vietnam and others benefit from a strong ain’s desire to retain its autonomy in world trade and poli-
American presence that keeps China from dominance. tics, apart from the evolving bureaucracy of the EU structure,
I came away from my trip to Asia
in late 2019 and early 2020 with a
better understanding of the Ameri- God rules in the nations and is guiding history to
can role in Asia and the world, as
well as a growing sense that events
His purpose. What we see in today’s world events
would likely see that role continue is the concluding chapter of human misrule
for the short term.
God’s revelation in the Bible gives leading to the moment Christ returns in glory!
critical understanding about the
role of geopolitics in the modern world. The English-speaking has pressed Europe to reassess its drive toward an ever-closer
nations of America and Great Britain have had a significant union of states acting with one accord.
impact not only on Asian nations but the ongoing global bal- The future of the United Kingdom in world trade and alli-
ance of power in our time. Understanding what will emerge out ances holds the possibility of a closer union with its other
of the current crisis period of 2020 depends on a foundation major Commonwealth partners (Canada, Australia and New
rooted in the insight of God’s prophetic promises to the bibli- Zealand). Throw in the United States as a potential partner in
cal patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph (see “America’s an Anglosphere alliance, and the world could see the creation
Role in History Foretold” beginning on page 14). of a bloc of states with a combined GDP twice that of the
Today’s historians and geopolitical pundits lack this critical European Union.
understanding. This is why the best of them miss the mark of Both these developments—America’s reassertion of its own
discerning why certain major events are occurring and where national interests first and Brexit—reflect a profound crisis
they will lead. Bible prophecy is a key to understanding today’s for those who desire to create a transnational-rule-based global
times and the future shape of world events. A key example is order. This aim of leaders and thinkers in seats of power is
China and the emerging global order. a long-held utopian desire—the dream of worldwide peace
China’s ultimate endgame must follow what Bible proph- under a benevolent global regime.
ecy reveals. And it shows that China will not be the domi- The EU is the world’s strongest example. Whether in facing
nant world power at the end of the age. While China’s growing strife among nations, poverty and disease or global climate
influence will undoubtedly factor greatly, another global power change, it’s felt that solutions to such large world problems can
will emerge out of a time of crisis that will astound the world only be found in a powerful superstate where national interests
(see our free study guides The Book of Revelation Unveiled and are given up to the greater good.
Are We Living in the Time of the End?). To better grasp this we The global project that has been proceeding since the end
must next look at another little-understood current trend. of World War II has been challenged by these two develop-
ments in the last five years. Because of the dominant power of
Globalism on the march the United States, its involvement is critical to the goals of this
The past four years have seen the steady march to a global global order. Experts understand that for such a global system
world order that has been somewhat stymied by the elec- to come into effect, America would have to rethink and volun-
tion of U.S. President Donald Trump and his policies. Presi- tarily give up its national sovereignty to such a global power.
dent Trump’s emphasis on American global interests has been The present geopolitical dominance of the United States, along
a thorn in the side of world leaders who’ve been steering the with the current administration’s policies, prevents this from
world to an ever-closer union of states without the constric- happening at the moment.
tions of national borders, national laws and parochial national But events can change rapidly. A different president and
interests. administration could alter course and reinstate policies
U.S. foreign policy has been critical of the United Nations, whereby the United States would be absorbed by the forces of
NATO and, more recently during the pandemic, the World globalism. An economic shift brought on by America’s exces-
Health Organization. Large numbers of troops have been with- sive debt could cause it to lose its dominant economic role.
drawn from Iraq and Germany. The historic and far-reaching Or a new power in Europe, one with deep historic roots
6 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g
going back to the time of the Roman Empire, could be revived goal is achieved. It has fought itself over these ideals. It has
and present itself as the force to restore order to a world in cri- gone to war in Europe twice to free nations from totalitarian
sis and replace America and the English-speaking nations in governments that sought to snuff out those ideals in their bids
the world order. This would lead to what the Bible describes for world conquest.
as “the time of Jacob’s trouble” (Jeremiah 30:7)—a time dur- If, in this moment in time, America is deceived into thinking
ing which the major English-speaking nations seem to “disap- it is irredeemably racist, unjust and unworthy to lead, a leader-
pear” from the Bible’s prophetic timeline as the historic force ship vacuum will be created in the world. Into that void will step
for good in the world. a world power promising peace and order—but that power, as
Bible prophecy reveals, will crush all who oppose it. This is what
America’s crisis we see as we assess how the world has been reshaped in 2020.
This last scenario is what Bible prophecy ultimately fore-
tells. We could very well be looking at the systemic causes for Your opportunity
such a collapse, erupting from the body politic of America in If the world at the conclusion of 2020 is at a moment of
2020. Since May, many of America’s major cities have watched pause, like that described in Habakkuk where God stands
anarchy reign in the streets. Racially charged riots in Minne- measuring the startled nations, then each of us has a time of
apolis, Seattle, Portland, Chicago and New York have exposed opportunity. Now is the time to seek understanding and help
a cancerous mass of inner social corruption that threatens to from God. It is time for you to seek Him with all your heart
destroy the nation from within. and to ask forgiveness from the God of grace and mercy.
In the name of social justice and resisting “systemic rac- Through Beyond Today you are receiving a message of warn-
ism,” America has been thrown into a period of upheaval that ing and a call to understand the true God and His Son Jesus of
is the biggest threat to social cohesion in the last half-century. Nazareth. You have opportunity to know this God in all His
The rot of political corruption, social decay and institutional fullness and His purpose for your life.
failure has been exposed in ways that are shocking to an older God ultimately rules over the nations, and He is guiding
generation with long enough memories to understand the all history to His purpose. What we are watching in today’s
threat of such behavior. world events is more than a historic cycle of political and
The broader world has looked at what is happening and national interests. We are watching the concluding chapters of
asks whether America will have enough self-awareness and human experience leading to the moment when Jesus Christ
strength of national character to collect itself and carry on as appears in the glory of His second coming! He will then bring
the world leader. If self-loathing and anarchy continue to dom- to this earth the Kingdom of God to replace all the kingdoms
inate, America’s ability to lead in the world could be severely of this world.
crippled. Beyond Today presents the biblical keys of understanding
The prophet Isaiah’s description of a nation’s death throes are that lead you to faithfully submit your life to Christ, the King
eerily familiar to the headlines of today’s America: “Alas, sin- of that coming Kingdom. Those keys show you the way to sub-
ful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a brood of evildoers, mit your life to Him today and trust that He, the living Christ,
children who are corrupters! They have forsaken the Lord, they is the judge who is poised at the heavenly threshold in antici-
have provoked to anger the Holy One of Israel, they have turned pation of the moment the Father gives the command to visibly
away backward. Why should you be stricken again? You will intervene in history on a global scale.
revolt more and more. I opened with the vision of the prophet Habakkuk. Let’s
“The whole head is sick, and the whole heart faints. From the return to the end of that vision of God’s intervening judgment.
sole of the foot even to the head, there is no soundness in it, but Despite a time of trial, the prophet concludes with these words:
wounds and bruises and putrefying sores; they have not been “Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my sal-
closed or bound up or soothed with ointment. Your country vation. The Lord God is my strength; He will make my feet
is desolate, your cities are burned with fire; strangers devour like deer’s feet, and He will make me walk on my high hills”
your land in your presence; and it is desolate, as overthrown (Habakkuk 3:18-19).
by strangers” (Isaiah 1:4-7). Now is the time in our life to walk with the Lord God, with
Perhaps the most significant crisis of today’s world is this Jesus the Christ, with strength and confidence. Regardless of
scene of unprecedented polarization and civil unrest in the what the coming months will bring, God is guiding history
United States. Charges that America is irredeemably racist and toward the day when Christ will appear in the glory of His
that its history is that of an evil society that has only made the Kingdom!
world worse is pushing it to the brink of irreversible national
division. If this false narrative continues it will choke out the LEARN MORE
spirit of a people that has stood for liberty and justice throughout
We are living in truly momentous times during
its exceptional albeit imperfect history.
which the world is changing before our eyes.
America has had its severe flaws, but it is the only nation in
What does it all mean? To better understand,
history that has enshrined the values and principles of liberty download or request our free study guide
in its founding documents. The Declaration of Independence Are We Living in the Time of the End? A copy is
states that “all men are created equal . . . with certain unalien- waiting for you!
able rights.” Its more than 240-year-history has been a story of
a people seeking to create a society where this lofty and noble
B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • November-December 2020 7
common stereotype of a biblical prophet is an angry The Encyclopedia of Biblical Prophecy by J. Barton Payne, there
robed man with piercing eyes and a long beard are 1,239 prophecies in the Old Testament and 578 in the New,
shouting words of condemnation. Predicting the for a total of 1,817. These prophecies are contained in 8,352 of
end of the world, he calls on people to repent, yet his the Bible’s 31,121 verses, thus constituting 26.8 percent of the
fearful and threatening words fall on deaf ears. Bible’s volume. And many are yet to be fulfilled.
The word “prophecy” is often associated with doom, destruc- As for the prophets themselves, these were messengers
tion, depression, despair and death—with words like “Apocalypse” sent by God to communicate His will to mankind. In the Old
and “Armageddon” offering added drama. Testament, 15 books are named after prophets with familiar
But did you know that most Bible prophecy is not dire pre- names such as Ezekiel, Isaiah and Jeremiah. There are other
diction? Through prophecy, God affirms His relationship with notables such as Moses and Daniel. The book of Psalms, along
us and explains His involvement with the world. Through with many other Old Testament books, contains many proph-
prophecy we come to understand the whole point of Jesus ecies as well. In the New Testament, the book of Revelation is
Christ’s first coming as well as the power of His future return! nearly all prophecy. The apostle John wrote many prophetic
Showing us what the future holds, God reveals His love for statements here and elsewhere, as did Peter and Paul and other
mankind in sending His Son to save us—not only in His past apostolic writers.
sacrifice but in coming back to build a society that will live by The greatest prophet of all was Jesus Christ, who was Him-
values that guarantee peace, prosperity and happy families and self foretold over a span of many centuries by other proph-
lives. This revelation is the gospel or good news! ets. They recorded scores of distinct prophecies about His first
Notice this encouraging prophecy in Ezekiel 36: “I will give you and second comings. During Jesus’ ministry, He prophesied of
a new heart, and I will put a new spirit in you. I will take out your the coming Kingdom of God, what it would be like and, most
stony, stubborn heart and give you a tender, responsive heart. And importantly, how we need to prepare for it.
I will put my Spirit in you so that you will follow my decrees and The prophets of the Bible were a diverse group of men, with
be careful to obey my regulations. You will be my people, and backgrounds ranging from shepherds to royal counselors to
I will be your God. I will cleanse you of your filthy behavior . . . rulers. As their words were written down over such a long
“When I bring you back, people will say, ‘This former waste- period of time, it’s obvious that most of the prophets could not
land is now like the Garden of Eden! The abandoned and collaborate with one another in person. Yet their writings all
ruined cities now have strong walls and are filled with people!’ pointed to the same conclusion of man’s ultimate destiny, salva-
Then the surrounding nations that survive will know that I, tion and the establishment of the Kingdom of God on the earth.
the Lord, have rebuilt the ruins and replanted the wasteland. The first prophecy occurs in the first chapters of the Bible
For I, the Lord, have spoken, and I will do what I say” (verses in the Garden of Eden. It is an allusion to the clash between
26-36, New Living Translation). Satan and Christ. When God spoke to the serpent about his
While this prophecy is specifically directed to the people of fate and future encounter with Jesus Christ, He said: “And
Israel, God will expand this promise to all mankind according I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between
to His plan. And we see in this prophecy how the root cause of your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head, and you
problems is solved: Man’s stony, stubborn heart is replaced by shall bruise His heel” (Genesis 3:15). Satan was directly
a tender, responsive one. This prophecy is yet to be fulfilled on involved in the killing of Jesus, but the resurrected Savior
the scale described. Nonetheless, there is much here for us, as eventually vanquishes the devil.
there is with Bible prophecy as a whole. The very last prophecy in the Bible is Jesus proclaiming, “He
We ask, then, who are these prophets of the Bible, and what who testifies to these things says, ‘Surely I am coming quickly’”
is their message for us today? (Revelation 22:20).
Between these two prophetic points lies an entire story that
From one end of Scripture to the other tells us what man is and what our relationship with God should
Remarkably, much of your Bible is prophecy. According to be. As you come to understand this narrative, you will see an
8 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g
warn the world of
what’s ahead: “Surely
the Lord God does
nothing, unless He
reveals His secret
to His servants the
prophets. A lion has
roared! Who will not
fear? The Lord God
has spoken! Who
can but prophesy?”
(Amos 3:7-8).
Beyond Today is a
prophetic work that
does what our name
from God what lies
amazing story unfold about the purpose is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we beyond today in the present age and the
of life and our relationship with our Cre- shall see Him as He is. And everyone age to come. While not directly proph-
ator God in whose image we are made. who has this hope in Him purifies him- esying ourselves, we are communicat-
self, just as He is pure” (1 John 3:1-3). ing the hope and warning given by the
More than predictions We are promised a new world and a prophets of old. Our tagline “A Magazine
Prophets did far more than reveal transformed, immortal existence ahead. of Understanding” points to explaining
future inside information. They taught That is our great hope! the reasons for the way things are and
about a relationship with our Cre- The apostles appealed to the prophets where they are headed. It’s vital to know
ator and our responsibility to Him. By of old as well as Christ for context and why catastrophic prophesied events will
understanding prophecy, we see more credibility in conveying the gospel mes- take place.
clearly who God is and His love for and sage. Peter proclaimed: “Repent there- Prophets were to speak up when the
intended relationship with mankind. fore and be converted, that your sins may covenants between God and the nation
Through prophecy we understand how be blotted out, so that times of refresh- were violated. National leaders were
evil will be eradicated. Prophecy shows ing may come from the presence of the aware of prophetic warnings, but few
how our existence will be elevated from Lord, and that He may send Jesus Christ, heeded. Today, God continues to warn
Illustrations, from left: Lifeway Collection/GoodSalt, Lars Justinen/GoodSalt, Lifeway Collection/GoodSalt
mortal to divine status. It’s an inspiring who was preached to you before, whom the world at large of coming calamity as
story! Man’s history is not a patchwork of heaven must receive until the times of res- a result of destructive lifestyle choices,
disconnected events. Prophecy ties it all toration of all things, which God has spo- but the words are scorned. As God tells
together and gives our lives meaning. ken by the mouth of all His holy prophets Jeremiah to say, “This is a nation that
We see that today’s struggles will lead since the world began. does not obey the voice of the Lord their
to an amazing future. As Paul wrote: “For “For Moses truly said to the fathers, God nor receive correction. Truth has
the creation was subjected to futility, not ‘The Lord your God will raise up for you a perished and has been cut off from their
willingly, but because of Him who sub- Prophet like me from your brethren [refer- mouth” (Jeremiah 7:28).
jected it in hope; because the creation ring to Christ]. Him you shall hear in all That is what’s happening in our soci-
itself also will be delivered from the bond- things, whatever He says to you. And it ety. Where can we turn? What news can
age of corruption into the glorious liberty shall be that every soul who will not hear you trust on television or the Internet?
of the children of God. For we know that that Prophet shall be utterly destroyed Totalitarian governments tightly control
the whole creation groans and labors with from among the people.’ Yes, and all the information. And now we have hundreds
birth pangs together until now. Not only prophets, from Samuel and those who fol- of media outlets presenting information
that, but we also who have the firstfruits low, as many as have spoken, have also sharply slanted to their bias.
of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan foretold these days. You are sons of the The job of a prophet is to deliver truth
within ourselves, eagerly waiting for the prophets, and of the covenant which God to people despite the overwhelming chal-
adoption [or sonship], the redemption of made with our fathers, saying to Abra- lenge of being heard. God’s servants,
our body” (Romans 8:20-23). ham, ‘And in your seed all the families of regardless, have the responsibility to tell
John further explained: “Behold what the earth shall be blessed’” (Acts 3:19-25 the truth and warn the world, crying
manner of love the Father has bestowed emphasis added throughout). aloud and showing our nations their sins
on us, that we should be called children We see here, as elsewhere, a message (see Isaiah 58:1).
of God! Therefore the world does not of judgment as well as blessing.
know us, because it did not know Him. Facing an upside-down world
Beloved, now we are children of God; Delivering vital truth Isaiah wrote of the widespread inver-
and it has not yet been revealed what Throughout history, God has spo- sion of morality in these terms: “Woe to
we shall be, but we know that when He ken through His prophets to inform and those who call evil good, and good evil;
B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • November-December 2020 9
who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bit- and no one will terrorize them. For I am with you and will
ter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Woe to those who are wise in save you,’ says the Lord. ‘I will completely destroy the nations
their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!” (Isaiah 5:20-21). where I have scattered you, but I will not completely destroy
That is the state of our nations today! We are becoming you. I will discipline you, but with justice I cannot let you go
increasingly morally sick as our leaders and educators are losing unpunished’” (verses 10-11, NLT).
any ability to properly differentiate between right and wrong. While some of the people of Judah returned to resettle
The ancient prophets condemned child sacrifice. While their land, the northern Israelites remained scattered. So this
seemingly unthinkable today, a contemporary parallel leaps to prophecy is ultimately for the future.
mind: In America alone we have snuffed out the lives of 60 mil-
lion newly conceived lives. These are not just “human tissue”! Prophecy for then, now and time to come
The prophets decried social injustice and violence suffered The most amazing aspect of the prophets is that their work
by the vulnerable and disadvantaged. But now we see rampant was not limited to their nation or to their century, but could
lawlessness and violence in the name of standing against these. include New Testament fulfillment and extend further out to
Never in the history of mankind has there been so much all nations into eternity. This is sometimes called duality. In
confusion about sexuality and gender. The LGBTQ abbrevia- Isaiah 52:7-10 we see a multilayered prophecy:
tion keeps expanding with more letters. One of God’s earliest “How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who
descriptions of mankind concerned gender: “He created them brings good news, who proclaims peace, who brings glad tid-
male and female, and blessed them and called them Mankind ings of good things, who proclaims salvation, who says to Zion,
in the day they were created” (Genesis 5:2). Many now claim ‘Your God reigns!’
that limitation to only two genders, male and female, is evil. “Your watchmen shall lift up their voices, with their voices
We are a voice crying aloud that the end of civilization is they shall sing together; for they shall see eye to eye when the
at hand unless there is repentance, which means changing Lord brings back Zion. Break forth into joy, sing together, you
how we live. We have proclaimed that message loudly in this waste places of Jerusalem! For the Lord has comforted His
magazine and on our Beyond Today television program. people, He has redeemed Jerusalem.
“The Lord has made bare His holy arm in the eyes of all the
National punishment and redemption nations; and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of
We read in 2 Kings 17:13-15 of God sending His servants to our God” (Isaiah 52:7-10).
call His people to repentance: “Again and again the Lord had In the initial fulfillment, this prophecy encourages the Jew-
sent his prophets and seers to warn both Israel and Judah: ‘Turn ish captives in Babylon to prepare for their return back to Jeru-
from all your evil ways. Obey my commands and decrees—the salem. Rejoice, for God reigns! The people are redeemed. This
entire law that I commanded your ancestors to obey, and that was fulfilled.
I gave you through my servants the prophets.’ But the Israelites Another level of fulfillment is in Jesus Christ and the gospel,
would not listen. They were as stubborn as their ancestors who as He came preaching the Kingdom of God. Jesus is Redeemer
had refused to believe in the Lord their God. and Savior through His death and resurrection.
“They rejected his decrees and the covenant he had made Yet another layer of fulfillment is seen in verse 10, which
with their ancestors, and they despised all his warnings. They moves to the global scene that includes “all the nations” and
worshiped worthless idols, so they became worthless them- “all the ends of the earth.” This brings us to end-time fulfill-
selves. They followed the example of the nations around them, ment, with the Church preaching the gospel to all the earth
disobeying the Lord’s command not to imitate them” (NLT). as Jesus instructed.
Through Jeremiah God said this to the nation: “Your injury And still further fulfillment occurs in the establishment of
is incurable—a terrible wound. There is no one to help you or the Kingdom of God on earth and then eternity beyond—a
to bind up your injury. No medicine can heal you. All your message we today must take to heart.
lovers—your allies—have left you and do not care about you The prophets, we see, communicated God’s inspired words.
anymore. I have wounded you cruelly, as though I were your They did not always understand what they were writing, but it’s
enemy. For your sins are many, and your guilt is great. Why do amazing in its richness and wisdom. In reading their words,
you protest your punishment—this wound that has no cure? one is peering into the very mind of God and discovers a wealth
I have had to punish you because your sins are many and your of knowledge about who we are and where we’re going!
guilt is great” (Jeremiah 30:12-15, NLT). Let God’s words through the biblical prophets speak to
Both Israel and Judah faced invasion and captivity by the you—and respond with a tender heart as He directs!
Assyrians, and later in Jeremiah’s day the Babylonians invaded
Judah and carried the remainder of the nation away captive. LEARN MORE
These words of warning will likewise come on the people of God reveals important messages to us
our modern nations who for now shrug off God’s warnings through Bible prophecy. How can we better
about their lifestyles. understand what He’s telling us? Download
Yet, just preceding these stern words, God also promises a or request a free copy of our study guide
redemptive path: “‘So do not be afraid, Jacob, my servant; do You Can Understand Bible Prophecy. A copy
not be dismayed, Israel,’ says the Lord. ‘For I will bring you is waiting for you!
home again from distant lands, and your children will return
from their exile. Israel will return to a life of peace and quiet,
10 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g
America at a Crossroads:
Which Path Will It Take?
What’s driving so much division and chaos in American society today? Why are
there such starkly different visions of the nation’s future? What does this mean for you?
by Scott Ashley
“ eath to America! Death to America! Death to Amer- The Bible contains many prophecies about conditions in the
ica!” The chants and shouts of hundreds of march- time leading up to the return of Jesus Christ, and we explain
ers echoed off the walls of the buildings and down world conditions in the light of Bible prophecy. If you don’t
the streets. Their sentiments were plain to see. care what God thinks, you might as well stop reading now. But
Yet the streets in this scene weren’t those of a Middle East- if you want to really understand what’s going on in our world
ern city, and the marchers weren’t people in Iran calling for the and forces at work to transform America into something very
downfall of the United States. No, the streets were in a major different, read on.
California city, and the protestors calling for the end of their
country were American. Will we destroy ourselves?
And to make their message perfectly clear, the crowd, many The United States has faced and survived a number of great
among them declaring support for Black Lives Matter, broke national crises—World War I, the Spanish flu pandemic, the
windows, smashed cars, vandalized businesses and attacked Great Depression, World War II, the Cuban Missile Crisis and
police officers. the 9/11 terror attacks. But the crisis the nation now faces is
Perhaps what is most surprising about this scene is that it different. Now it’s a self-inflicted crisis of our own making.
wasn’t surprising at all. It was only a matter of time before There are now many at work within the country trying to
crowds that toppled statues of major American historical bring it down. The recent rioting gives us a striking example,
figures (including some who played key roles in the nation’s especially as we examine the underlying aims of many of the
struggle to end slavery), that burned and vandalized hundreds agitators (see “The Destructive Black Lives Matter Agenda” on
of businesses and that called for the murder of police would at page 12.)
some point end the charade and make their intentions plain One of America’s most beloved presidents, Abraham Lin-
for the world to see. coln, was a student of history and understood the danger that
Their goals have been made clear in other chants as well. can come from within. Long before the opening volleys of
In addition to the common “No justice, no peace,” marchers the Civil War, he spoke these prophetic words: “At what point
have called for the burning of police stations (“Every city, every shall we expect the approach of danger? . . . If it ever reach
town, burn the precincts to the ground!”), support of criminals us, it must spring up amongst us . . . If destruction be our lot,
(“Who do we protect? Black felons!”) and overthrow of elected we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of
governments (“You can’t stop the revolution!”). freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide.”
Lincoln was also a student of the Bible. He knew what would
Two very different agendas happen to a nation that has known God but then rejects Him.
A few will stop reading this article at this point and accuse He was familiar with passages such as Jeremiah 15:6-7 and
francescoch/iStock/Getty Images Plus
Beyond Today of being “too political” and a tool for right-wing feared the consequences that might fall on such a nation:
interests. This happens every time we discuss social issues. But “‘You have abandoned me and turned your back on me,’ says
our only agenda is God’s agenda. Our Master isn’t a politician, the Lord. ‘Therefore, I will raise my fist to destroy you. I am
but the coming King of the world, Jesus Christ. And make no tired of always giving you another chance . . . I will destroy my
mistake: There is a godly, biblical perspective on social issues, own people, because they refuse to change their evil ways . . .
and there is an ungodly, anti-biblical perspective on social issues. I will cause anguish and terror to come upon them suddenly’”
Our reason for producing the Beyond Today magazine and (New Living Translation).
television program is to present God’s perspective on what’s
happening in the world and to explain it from His Word, the Has the nation rejected God?
Holy Bible. We need only look at America’s popular culture and
B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • November-December 2020 11
entertainment to see how far the nation has drifted from God. sorts of abhorrent behavior—even what God in His Word calls
The nation’s movies and television are filled with sex and vio- an abomination.
lence. Much of its most popular music is obscenity-drenched In 2015 the Court legalized homosexual marriage. In a pow-
filth. Pornography is a multibillion-dollar industry. Child por- erful dissent from the decision, Justice Samuel Alito gave this
nography and sex trafficking are huge and growing problems. chilling warning: “Today’s decision . . . will be used to vilify
How did the nation get to this point? Americans who are unwilling to assent to the new orthodoxy
We can trace the nation’s moral and spiritual decline through . . . [It] will be exploited by those who are determined to stamp
a series of U.S. Supreme Court decisions in recent decades. Two out every vestige of dissent . . . Those who cling to old beliefs . . .
decisions in the early 1960s removed prayer and Bible read- will risk being labeled as bigots and treated as such by govern-
ing from public schools. For more than 300 years children were ments, employers, and schools . . . By imposing its own views on
encouraged to pray and read the Bible in school, but now God the entire country, the [court] majority facilitates the marginal-
was expelled from public schools and, with subsequent deci- ization of the many Americans who have traditional ideas.”
sions, was largely removed from public life. The nation was set Justice Alito’s words proved to be prophetic. Individuals and
on a path for which the evil fruit is now plain to see. organizations that stand up for biblical values—as we do in
A decade later, the Roe v. Wade decision legalized abor- Beyond Today magazine and television—are branded as bigots,
tion. Since then, between 60 and 70 million innocent unborn haters, homophobes and far worse. In today’s “cancel culture,”
children have been chemically poisoned, ripped apart in their dissenting views such as ours are routinely silenced. And it will
mothers’ wombs or killed in other horrifying ways. A nation only get worse. Bible prophecy tells us that at some point our
that believes it is acceptable to murder a child in the womb, voice will be silenced too (Amos 8:11-12).
even up to full term, has shown that it is willing to approve all Only a few months ago the Supreme Court redefined “sex”
12 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g
to mean a person can be whatever sex he or she claims to be— department budgets and/or cut the number of officers, and
meaning men can claim to be women, and women can claim in many cities government officials have publicly supported
to be men. Thus “men” can now get pregnant, give birth and protesters over law enforcement!
nurse children and “women” can impregnate their partners In a late August interview, Democratic party vice presi-
(see “The Supreme Court: Turning the World Upside Down” dential candidate Kamala Harris said of the ongoing protests:
in our September-October 2020 issue). “This is a movement . . . They’re not going to stop, and everyone
In just over half a century these decisions by the nation’s beware . . . because they’re not going to stop before election
highest human court have solidified in American life a defi- day in November and they’re not going to stop after election
ance of God and His Word. But there is a higher court, and day . . . They’re not going to let up and they should not, and we
Romans 1:18 gives us its verdict: “For the wrath of God is should not.”
revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unright- Also in late August, she urged people to donate funds to an
eousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness.” organization helping jailed rioters (and others charged with
criminal activity) with legal help and bond to
get out of jail. The organization took in $35 mil-
“If destruction be our lot, lion. More than a dozen Joe Biden presidential
we must ourselves be campaign staffers donated money to the same
its author and finisher. A house divided cannot stand
As a nation of freemen, we Shortly before he was elected president, Abra-
must live through all time, ham Lincoln quoted Matthew 12:25: “A house
divided against itself cannot stand.” It wasn’t
or die by suicide.” long before the divided nation plunged into
a devastating civil war in which hundreds of
—Abraham Lincoln thousands died.
Today America is again deeply divided. It
America has become spiritually blind, and each step farther stands at a crucial crossroads. Some see national repentance and
down this path leads to only more darkness and confusion. a return to strong biblical values as the only hope for the nation’s
Today America’s news media, entertainment, pop culture and future. Others desire a continuing radical shift from those val-
social media empires are all dominated by the same anti-God, ues and embrace a future in which God and the Bible are cast
anti-Bible thinking. away as in the Supreme Court examples mentioned above.
Our educational systems are similarly dominated by a Which way the nation will choose to go is anyone’s guess
mindset rooted in the atheistic theory of evolution, ingraining at the moment. Either way, it will not be pretty.
it in students’ minds as if it were proven fact. So when we teach In any event, God tells us what we need to do as a nation
our children that they’re nothing more than animals, why and as individuals: “If My people who are called by My name
should we be surprised when, as we see commonly in the news, will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn
they behave like animals? from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will
forgive their sin and heal their land” (2 Chronicles 7:14). And
America at a dangerous crossroads our nation desperately needs healing!
America is on a highly dangerous trajectory. And Amer- To each person He says: “Seek the Lord while He may be
icans know it. The anxiety is evident—not just due to the found, call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake
months-long worry over Covid-19, but also over the direction his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return
of the nation and people’s own personal safety. to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him; and to our God,
Over the first six months of 2020, Americans bought a for He will abundantly pardon” (Isaiah 55:6-7).
record 10.3 million firearms—and that’s in addition to the God has not changed (Malachi 3:6). He does not want to see
nearly 400 million that were already owned. America now has people suffer and die from continuing in their sinful ways and
more firearms than people! And guns and ammunition are in rejection of Him. He urges each of us—including you personally
extremely short supply because citizens are buying up nearly —to “choose life” (Deuteronomy 30:19) rather than the ways
anything that’s available. that lead to death and destruction. May you choose rightly!
And that should come as no surprise. Earlier in the year
many city jails were virtually emptied of prisoners to reduce LEARN MORE
the spread of Covid-19, resulting in immediate crime waves.
Why is American society going through such
After some 600 riots in more than 200 cities in which thou-
radical turmoil? What’s really behind all the
sands of incidents of arson and looting took place, it’s under-
hatred and division? Where is it leading? You
Alexander Gardner
standable that citizens are worried. need to read our study guide The United States
If that weren’t bad enough, those arrested in recent riots and Britain in Bible Prophecy. A free copy is
have often been released without charges or without bond, waiting for you!
allowing them to continue their criminal behavior. Add to
that the fact that more than a dozen cities have slashed police
B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • November-December 2020 13
America’s Role
in History Foretold
God gave great promises to the biblical patriarchs Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Those promises were never
fulfilled in ancient times. Yet that prophesied geopolitical role and abundant blessings are paralleled by
what the United States and other English-speaking peoples have experienced. This is no coincidence.
by Tom Robinson
his year has witnessed massive assaults on the foun- To see this connection we must begin, surprising as it may
dations of Western society. America and Britain have seem, with the biblical story of the nation of Israel, starting
seen national monuments and statues defaced and with prophetic promises made to the patriarchs Abraham,
toppled. Anarchists and Marxists have been at work Isaac, Jacob and Joseph nearly 4,000 years ago.
to erase and replace national history. God told Abraham, “I will make you a great nation . . . and
On this 400th anniversary of the Pilgrims’ arrival in New in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed” (Genesis
England, attempts are being made to rebrand them and other 12:2-3). God later specified, “I have made you a father of many
colonists from Britain as evil pillagers who plunged the world nations . . . kings shall come from you,” and “In your seed all
into centuries of oppression and genocide, with the countries the nations of the earth shall be blessed”—further promising
they formed continuing on the same brutal and villainous that Abraham’s descendants would be as countless as the stars
path. Yet this is a terrible lie. and would possess the gates of their enemies (Genesis 15:5-6;
The American and British peoples have not always done 17:1-6; 22:16-18).
right in how they’ve treated others. Slavery was an appalling
evil, as were many dealings with indigenous populations. Yet National greatness and blessings to the world
such evils long afflicted mankind for centuries prior, and these We see here a promise of both national greatness and bless-
nations eventually worked to bring them to an end. ing on the world through Abraham’s descendants. This bless-
They further expanded freedom throughout large parts ing would come in part through the national greatness but
of the world, spreading principles and opportunities for lib- ultimately, as we later discover, through the quintessential
erty, and have been very generous in sharing their resources. Seed of Abraham, Jesus Christ, and the spreading forth of
These two great powers saved the world from despotism in two Scripture.
world wars. After the second world war, the United States even Continuing in Genesis, we see that these blessings were
rebuilt its defeated enemies Germany and Japan, along with passed down through Abraham’s son Isaac and then his son
helping its allies. And America continued to protect the West Jacob, who was renamed Israel. The national blessing Jacob
against communist tyranny for the next half century. received included the promise of his descendants inheriting
These nations have been the greatest political powers in the richest producing areas of the earth, with other nations
human history, using their might to do much good throughout bowing to them (Genesis 27:27-29).
the globe. They distributed Bibles around the world and long God further told Jacob that His descendants would inherit
promoted biblical morality. While that good example has trag- not only the land of Canaan, but that they would spread abroad
ically given way to purveying depravity for many decades now, or colonize around the world and bless all the families of the
the Bible continues to influence large parts of society, being earth (Genesis 28:13-14). Later, God declared that “a nation
deeply ingrained in the national character and history. and a company of nations” would come from Jacob as well as
Remarkably, it is in the pages of the Bible that we learn just royalty—thus a great singular nation and a related group of
who the people of America and the other British-descended nations (Genesis 35:10-11).
Anglosphere countries truly are, why they are so richly blessed, We later find that the birthright promises of national great-
why they have so greatly helped other nations and what now lies ness, including colonizing abroad, richness of land and peo-
ahead for them. ple, and tremendous military power, passed to Jacob’s son
14 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g
Joseph while the promise of chief rulership and kings passed to The United States and Britain in Bible Prophecy. Putting it
another of Jacob’s sons, Judah, father of the Jews (see Genesis all together, we learn that over the centuries the Israelites
49:8-10, 22-26; 1 Chronicles 5:1-2). Through Judah would come migrated westward from the lands of their captivity to Europe.
the kingly line of David leading to Jesus Christ. But what of the Many of the nations of northwestern Europe are of Israelite
national birthright? descent and have been greatly blessed.
In Genesis 48 we find the remarkable story of Joseph’s two Yet the foremost of all these nations—and of all nations in
sons being blessed by Jacob. Joseph had placed his eldest son history—are those that sprang from Great Britain, including
the United States. These nations are the descen-
dants of Jacob’s son Joseph. They are Ephraim
Despite the wrongs they have done, and Manasseh, to whom the special blessings of
the American and British people have “becoming a multitude of nations” and a “great
people” respectively apply (Genesis 48:8-19).
used their great blessings to help bless Between them the American and British peo-
ple have dominated the globe for the last two
the rest of the world in many ways. centuries—together ruling over a greater per-
centage of the world’s people and territory than
Manasseh at Jacob’s right hand, the place of prominence, and any people ever. They have clearly possessed, as foretold, the
his younger son Ephraim at Jacob’s left. But Jacob put his right “gates” of their enemies—the vital sea and land passages giving
hand on Ephraim and his left on Manasseh, evidently crossing them strategic military dominance over the various regions of
his arms, to convey the blessing. the earth.
He prophesied that Manasseh would become a great nation, And, as already mentioned, these nations, despite the
but that Ephraim would become a multitude or group of nations. wrongs they have done, have used their great blessings to help
So here was the earlier promise to Jacob of a nation and a com- bless the rest of the world in many ways.
pany of nations—with Manasseh to become the great single
nation and Ephraim to become the related group of nations. “But we have forgotten God”
Thus begins the story that led eventually to the United Sadly, America and other Israelite nations have not only lost
States of America and the British-descended Commonwealth the knowledge of their identity, but they have forgotten the
nations—Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. God who so richly blessed them. Even far back in 1863, during
the American Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln issued
Where are the ancient Israelites today? a decree acknowledging, “We have been the recipients of the
Following their Exodus from Egypt, the Israelites lived in choicest bounties of heaven; we have been preserved these
the Promised Land for many centuries. They became a great many years in peace and prosperity; we have grown in num-
kingdom at the time of David and Solomon—but not to the bers, wealth and power as no other nation has ever grown. But
extent that God had promised to the patriarchs. After Solo- we have forgotten God” (compare Deuteronomy 8:11-19).
mon’s death the kingdom split in two—with the Kingdom There have been times of drawing closer to God. But more
of Israel in the north and the Kingdom of Judah in the south. recently, America and the other Israelite nations have become
Through Moses, God had promised the Israelites great stubbornly disobedient against God and face a host of national
blessings for obedience and warned of terrible curses for dis- punishments, as listed in Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28.
obeying Him (see Leviticus 26; Deuteronomy 28). Eventually Ancient Israel and Judah suffered these to a large degree—and
both nations were invaded and carried away captive for their the same thing will happen to their modern-day descendants
sins, as God had foretold. in the last days, yet on a more calamitous scale. In Jeremiah
Many of the people of Judah retained their identity, and some 30:4-7, God warned of the worst time ever, that of “Jacob’s
returned to resettle the Promised Land in the times before
Christ. We know the people of Judah today as the Jews. But the LEARN MORE
northern tribes of Israel have been regarded as lost and assimi-
This is only a brief preview of the identifica-
lated into the nations. Yet God had said: “For surely I . . . will
tion of America and other nations of British
sift the house of Israel among all nations, as grain is sifted in a heritage with the people of biblical Israel. For
sieve, yet not the smallest grain shall fall to the ground” (Amos much more and what the Bible says is yet to
9:9). God foretold they would remain, although scattered, a come, request or download our study guide
distinct people group descended from Jacob. The United States and Britain in Bible Prophecy.
So where did these “lost 10 tribes” go? We explore a num-
ber of clues in Scripture and history in our free study guide
B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • November-December 2020 15
trouble,” the terrible time of Great Tribulation also foretold Israelites will then submit to God and His ways and at last serve
through Daniel and Jesus (Daniel 12:1; Matthew 24:21-22). faithfully as the model nation for the rest of the world they were
Other prophecies show that this will be a time of devastated intended to be. Over this awesome future we truly rejoice.
cities, invasion, famine, pestilence and survivors carried away Yet a look at where we are today wrenches us back to the
into captivity and enslavement—as before, yet now far worse. reality of how far we have drifted from God’s intentions for
This is awful to contemplate, but God’s objective is to shake us. As a people we need to return to whom we are and what we
people out of their rebellion and ultimately bring many to were meant to be—or face the horrible consequences!
repentance and the opportunity for salvation. Thankfully you need not wait until that judgment falls. You
Thankfully, devastation is not the end of the story. Still other individually, whatever your national background, can turn
prophecies reveal that Jesus will soon return in power and from your own wrong ways and seek God right now. He will
glory to rule the world. At that time He will gather the rem- bless you personally, and lead you and all who submit to Him
nants of Israel from where they are scattered, bringing them through the dark times ahead—ushering you onward to His
back to the Promised Land in a great second exodus. The wonderful Kingdom that waits beyond!
16 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g
The Pilgrims’ Mission of Destiny
On this 400th anniversary of the Mayflower’s arrival in America, we should understand some
biblical aspects of what the Pilgrim fathers and their Puritan successors achieved and passed on.
by Mario Seiglie
n this surreal year of riots attempting to tear down cultural the Pilgrims were not out to become wealthy entrepreneurs
heritage comes a significant milestone—the 400th anniver- but to work the land and serve God without government hin-
sary of the Pilgrims’ landing in America. drance. The social and legal systems of the colony, begun with
From their storied ship the Mayflower, these New World the famous Mayflower Compact, were closely tied to their
settlers from Europe first set foot on Cape Cod in New Eng- religious beliefs and English tradition.
land at what later became Provincetown, Mass., on Nov. 13, More of the Separatists soon came to Plymouth. And over
1620—before moving on to finally land at nearby Plymouth the next 20 years, 16,000 Puritans would follow in emigrating
Rock on Dec. 18. The journey and its aftermath have long been from England to the nearby Massachusetts Bay Colony, which
recalled in the American observance of Thanksgiving each was later merged with Plymouth. Many more Puritans settled
November. in Connecticut and Rhode Island. And the faith and practice of
This year the fateful voyage is being commemorated by these early settlers established a lasting influence on American
quadricentennial celebrations in not only the United States, culture and national character.
but also Great Britain and the Netherlands. Of the initial journey, American naval historian Henry Cul-
Why was this event so significant in world history? ver says: “No vessel, neither the Santa Maria [Columbus’ flag-
ship in the discovery of America], nor the Constitution, most
A world-changing enterprise noted and glorious of all the warships of the United States, can
Fleeing religious persecution in England, a group of Puri- compare in romantic interest and patriotic reverence with the
tans who regarded themselves as Separatists had gone to properly accorded fame of the Mayflower. Her name is indis-
Leiden in Holland. After enduring difficulties there for more solubly linked with the fundamentals of American democratic
than a decade, a number decided to move to America, setting institutions. She was the wave-rocked cradle of our liberties”
sail from Plymouth in England, hoping to make a better life (The Book of Old Ships: From Egyptian Galleys to Clipper Ships,
for their families by being able to worship freely and in peace. 1924, p. 84, emphasis added throughout).
Later known as the Pilgrims, these are among the most famous What are some of the biblical aspects we should reflect on
colonists in history. Their faith and self-governing system laid today in remembering these early founders of what became the
the religious and cultural cornerstone for a new nation. United States of America?
Jennie Augusta Brownscombe
B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • November-December 2020 17
described Christians who faced religious persecution in the pact of the Plymouth Rock was God’s holy Covenant; and the
Roman Empire as “pilgrims” (1 Peter 2:11). Jesus had said of ordinances by which they lived were the Divine Law.
His disciples, “They are not of the world, just as I am not of the “Like . . . other Protestant victims of Old World oppression,
world” (John 17:16). these émigré Puritans dramatized their own situation as the
The word “pilgrims” is thus biblically based, referring to peo- righteous remnant of the Church corrupted by the ‘Babylonian
ple going on a long journey mainly for a religious purpose. The woe’ [in reference to the false Christian system portrayed in
term was applied to the Separatists by one of Plymouth Colony’s Revelation 17-18] and saw themselves as instruments of Divine
first governors, William Bradford. He wrote of their departure Providence, a people chosen to build their new commonwealth
from Holland to England and then to America as follows: on the Covenant entered into at Mount Sinai” (The Bible and
“So they left that goodly and pleasant city [Leiden] which Civilization, 1973, p. 236).
had been their resting place near twelve years; but they knew And they believed this holy mission was to serve as an
they were pilgrims, and looked not much on those things, but example. Alluding to Jesus’ words in Matthew 5:14, Massachu-
lift up their eyes to the heavens, their dearest country, and setts Bay Governor John Winthrop declared, “We shall be as a
quieted their spirits” (Of Plymouth Plantation, chapter 1). city upon a hill, the eyes of all people are upon us.”
This was a reference to Hebrews 11:13-16, where believers are
described as foreign pilgrims journeying on the earth toward Commitment to freedom of self-rule in covenant with God
the coming Kingdom of God as their homeland and country “Proclaim liberty throughout all the land to all its inhabitants”
from heaven. (Leviticus 25:10).
By extension, the name “Pilgrim” later became the popular No territory enjoyed more religious freedoms than those
term applied to all the Mayflower passengers and even to other established by the Pilgrims and their Puritan neighbors. At
people arriving in Plymouth in those early years. After their a time when monarchy and aristocracy held sway in Europe,
successful settlement, the Pilgrims’ influence and contacts led the colonists did not want to perpetuate that kind of rule but
to more Puritan colonies being established nearby. The larg- instead, while pledging loyalty to the British king, created a
est, founded in 1629, was the Massachusetts Bay Colony. The self-governing council.
settlers were fervent in what they saw as their “errand into the The self-ruling system of Plymouth Colony had a strong
wilderness” in parallel to the ancient Israelites. impact on shaping democracy in both America and Great
“No Christian community in history,” says historian Gabriel Britain. William Bradford’s book Of Plymouth Plantation was
Sivan, “identified more with the People of the Book than did widely read in Britain. It influenced the political thought of the
the early settlers of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, who believed Puritan poet and politician John Milton, who was an assistant
their own lives to be a literal reenactment of the biblical drama to Oliver Cromwell, the Puritan leader who later overthrew
of the Hebrew nation. King Charles I and ruled Britain for five years.
“They themselves were the children of Israel; America was In America, Plymouth Colony initiated a tradition of self-rule
their Promised Land; the Atlantic Ocean their Red Sea; the that was followed in Massachusetts Bay, Connecticut, Rhode
Kings of England were the Egyptian pharaohs; the American Island, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. In fact, Separatist minister
Indians the Canaanites (or the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel); the Roger Williams, who was expelled by other Puritan leaders in
The Puritan Aim of Living Under Divine Rule ties of the gospel in purities with peace.”
How was this to be achieved in New England? Jona-
18 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g
Massachusetts Bay over his promotion of greater religious free- life, religious life and economic system, producing what Presi-
dom and other disagreement, established Rhode Island specifi- dent Ronald Reagan [who was in office when this was written]
cally as a safe haven from religious persecution, thereby adding calls ‘traditional values.’
freedom of conscience to Plymouth’s self-governing model. “When these values prevailed, the quality of life from the
(It was in Rhode Island that the first Sabbatarian Christians, family to the streets was far better than today. While citi-
fleeing religious persecution in England, would establish the zens certainly did not have modern means of communication,
first seventh-day-keeping congregations in America.) mobility, or twenty-first century technology, neither did they
Historian and rabbi Ken Spiro points out about the Puritans: endure streets that were unsafe for women after dark, a tragic
“Having had their right to worship denied by the decrees man- rate of child molestation, 1 million teen pregnancies annually,
dating uniform liturgy, the Puritans were anxious to make sure and rampant violence and crime. We were certainly not known
no human being ever held that power over the conscience of as ‘the pornography capital of the world.’
others. In the words of Puritan preacher Roger Williams (later “Whenever we point to the need to return to traditional val-
founder of Rhode Island): ‘It is the will and command of God ues, the humanists remonstrate that we want to take the coun-
that conscience and worship be granted to all men in all nations try ‘back to the dark ages.’ In actuality, modern technology
and countries . . . An enforced uniformity of religion denies the would be far more beneficial to mankind in an environment
principles of Christianity . . .’ of ‘traditional values’ than it is in the permissive, humanistic
“A very significant political evolution was taking place in society of today” (p. 34).
the New World. Unlike the Puritans in England who, of neces-
sity, lived under English common law and were ruled by a Societal decline foretold by God
king and Parliament, the Puritans of America had no central What has happened to American society? In drifting far-
authority or national governing body. Yet they did not lapse ther and farther from God, it is plagued by real and worsening
into anarchy. Instead, they created communities governed by darkness. God knew this would happen all along and warned
elected councils of elders similar to the ‘presbyters’ of Eng- of it in the Bible.
land. Their communities were both stable and prosperous, He inspired the apostle Paul to describe the end of this age
with mandatory school systems modeled after the Jewish ones” in writing to a fellow minister: “In the last days there will be
(WorldPerfect, 2002, pp. 240, 249). very difficult times. For people will love only themselves and
In this system, liberty was still to be rooted in following God their money. They will be boastful and proud, scoffing at God,
and His laws yet by community agreement (see “The Puritan disobedient to their parents, and ungrateful. They will con-
Aim of Living Under Divine Rule”). sider nothing sacred. They will be unloving and unforgiving;
Up to our present day, the United States has been a haven for they will slander others and have no self-control. They will be
many persecuted “pilgrims” from other lands and still prac- cruel and hate what is good. They will betray their friends, be
tices widespread religious toleration. And America, despite its reckless, be puffed up with pride, and love pleasure rather than
flaws, has served as a model of freedom to other nations. God” (2 Timothy 3:1-4, New Living Translation).
That is a succinct picture of much of society today!
A powerful legacy now eroded and upended
“If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?” A far better new world is still ahead
(Psalm 11:3). Yes, the 400th anniversary of the landing of the Pilgrims is
Sadly, the strong Christian religious foundation that the Puri- a very noteworthy event. But since secular humanism has now
tans laid has been quickly eroding over past decades. Polls in prevailed in schools, the press and government, the remarkable
America uniformly show a steep decline in people who say they religious foundation of the nation is quickly crumbling—and
hold Christian beliefs, while morality has sunk to new lows. much worse times lie before us.
If the Puritans were to come back to life today, they would Yet there is still good news ahead, for God has great plans
be appalled at what this country has become. It would be virtu- for America and the rest of the world!
ally unrecognizable to them as far as basic Christian morality The dreams of the early Pilgrim and Puritan fathers of a
is concerned. pure Christian society under the rule of God and His laws will
Other past Christian leaders would likewise be shocked, such be far exceeded in the wonderful new world God will bring at
as George Washington, the first president of the United States. the return of Jesus Christ to the earth—a time of true and last-
In his farewell address to the nation in leaving office, Washing- ing righteousness and freedom in the ultimate promised land
ton warned: “Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to of the Kingdom of God!
political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable sup-
ports . . . Reason and experience both forbid us to expect that LEARN MORE
national morality can prevail in exclusion of religion.”
Read more about the United States’ amazing
The threat Washington was talking about is exactly what has origins in our free study guide The United
happened in America today! States and Britain in Bible Prophecy. It gives
As evangelical author Tim LaHaye brought out in his 1987 a greater perspective about the Pilgrim’s
book Faith of Our Founding Fathers: “The United States was journey and similar events, and shows where
founded on more biblical principles than any other nation in rejection of God is taking our society.
history—the secret to America’s greatness. Those principles
originally permeated our educational system, courts, public
B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • November-December 2020 19
& PROPHECY Current Events & Trends
t strikes fear in some, while others claim it doesn’t Robby Soave, who covers the new ‘woke’ protests. involved. And once someone’s name is tarnished, there
exist. What started on social media has spread like ‘But because he has some different views from the is rarely a way to offer an apology and return to public
cancer throughout America and the Western world. protesters, he must be a racist.’ life. They are seemingly black-marked forever.
People are being fired, publicly shamed, kicked out of “Uhlig was placed on leave by the journal he ran.” God speaks out strongly against mobs and this way
groups, banned from social media, even killed—all We could give many other examples of people who of reacting. Notice: “You shall not follow a crowd to do
for saying things that don’t align with today’s new lost their jobs over something they said or posted on evil; nor shall you testify in a dispute so as to turn aside
politically correct norms. social media. after many to pervert justice” (Exodus 23:2). defines “cancel culture” as “the One of the big problems with cancel culture is that If most people employed just two biblical prin-
popular practice of withdrawing support for (canceling) people are being held up to continuously shifting soci- ciples, cancel culture would disappear.
public figures and companies after they have done or etal standards. What was once common-sense knowl- First, practice forgiveness. If someone makes a
said something considered objectionable or offensive.” edge has become radical or reprehensible. America’s mistake, forgive them. Move on! Don’t join a mob in
Employees are being “canceled” or fired for simply moral compass keeps spinning in new directions. rubbing their noses in it. Constantly ask yourself: If I
stating their opinion about a controversial topic. J.K. Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter book were in their shoes, how would I want to be treated?
Notice this from a Reason magazine article from series, was nearly canceled due to her positions on Christians are called to be different from the society
July 8, 2020, by John Stossel titled “Cancel Culture women being biologically different from men. Rowl- around them—to be like God. King David wrote that
Is Out of Control”: “The online mob came for Harald ing was labeled “transphobic” simply for saying that God is “ready to forgive, and abundant in mercy to
Uhlig. What terrible thing had he done? . . . He tweeted women are women, biologically. They are not “people all those who call upon You” (Psalm 86:5). He also
that Black Lives Matter ‘torpedoed itself, with its with cervixes.” wrote that God takes away our sins: “As far as the east
full-fledged support of #defundthepolice.’ Instead of Cancel culture has also exposed a lack of mercy is from the west, so far has He removed our transgres-
defunding, Uhlig suggested, ‘train them better.’ throughout society. Some people are being canceled sions from us” (Psalm 103:12). If someone sincerely
“Hundreds of people then signed a petition to for views they expressed decades ago. An executive at apologizes, we are to be like God and forgive them.
demand that Uhlig, a University of Chicago professor Boeing was forced out because—30 years ago!—he Second, when you hear reports or rumors about
and head of the Journal of Political Economy, resign. was against women serving in the military. people, be careful you don’t inadvertently join a mob
Even prominent economists like Janet Yellen and Paul There is no longer any room for people to change trying to destroy someone’s life. Many Bible verses
Krugman joined the mob. Krugman called Uhlig ‘another or grow out of certain behaviors or views. God says tell us to get the facts before making a judgment (see
privileged white man who evidently cannot control his in Proverbs 16:27 that “an ungodly man digs up evil” Deuteronomy 17:2-7; Proverbs 18:17).
urge to belittle the concerns of those less fortunate . . .’” (King James version). God knew thousands of years Before you jump into the “cancel culture” fray,
“‘There was nothing racist or discriminatory in ago how damaging it is to dig up dirt on other people! understand the trend and practice forgiveness and
how he said it,’ says Reason magazine senior editor There is no such thing anymore as “innocent until due diligence.
America’s most crucial election ever? the stable process of government? History tells us
it has happened before. In 1933 Adolf Hitler and his
National Socialist (Nazi) Party seized state power in
n Nov. 3 the United States will hold what could cal landscape.” Instead of a court battle like the one Germany in a matter of weeks.
be the most crucial presidential election in its that settled the 2000 election victory of George W. The use of protests, intimidation, propaganda
history. Whatever the outcome, the nation will Bush, the outcome of this report promises “that and manipulating the organs of government
likely continue to see the advance of a revolution what would follow the November election would resulted in the rise of the Nazi Third Reich—this
that has been building since 1968, when protestors be ‘a street fight, not a legal battle.’” despite the party receiving only 44 percent of the
took to the streets calling for racial and social justice It would be easy to dismiss this as conspiracy vote. William Shirer in his definitive great work The
and attempted to influence the outcome of a major hysteria. However, in June the sitting Secretary of Rise and Fall of the Third Reich quotes historian Alan
political convention in Chicago. Defense warned the President not to invoke the Bullock saying, “The street gangs had seized control
Revolution—overturning the current order, in Insurrection Act for the rioting occurring in American of the resources of a great modern State, the gutter
this case to empower a radical minority—is still cities because it could incite unintended reactions. had come to power” (p. 200).
the goal, though it’s wrapped in the benign guise Some Democratic party leaders have called for the This has been a tumultuous year. Combining a
of “social justice.” The difference today is the power U.S. military to forcibly remove President Trump if pandemic, economic upheaval and social unrest into
centers of government, media and culture are help- he is declared defeated and rejects that as unsettled. a national election can create unexpected events. As
ing drive the revolution by openly supporting and Add the frenzied push to allow unrestricted noted in this issue’s lead article “A World in Crisis,”
enabling the movement. mail-in balloting across the country—introducing we are watching a unique historic moment. We are
Events on the streets of the nation since May have the element of massive voter fraud—and the pos- watching the concluding chapters of human expe-
been interpreted as a trial run for what could happen sibility of a contested election result looms as a real rience leading to the moment when Jesus Christ
post-election. A scenario run by a group called the danger to the normal orderly transfer of power. appears in the glory of His second coming. It is a
Transition Integrity Project concluded that election Could the peaceful transfer of power in America time to seek understanding from God and to turn
night “will be marked by a chaotic legal and politi- devolve into a civil dispute that would undermine to Him with all our heart and seek His righteousness.
20 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g
Lessons from the Pilgrims’ experiment with socialism
n this 400th anniversary of the arrival of the Pil- share food with the natives. The Indians weren’t social- external equality in an open or ignorant refusal of
grims in America in 1620, we reflect on a failed ists, either. They had property rules of their own. That God’s plan in the Bible so that differences between
experiment they were initially subjected to that helped them grow enough so they had plenty, even the young, adult or aged are not respected. A free
many now want to impose on America and the rest during cold winters. economy is built, in contrast, on the respect and dignity
of civilization—a socialist system that almost wiped “When property rights are tossed aside, even for of individual differences.
them out. the sake of religious fellowship or in the name of the “5. Though some look at the profit motive as cor-
As explained by Dr. Paul Jehle of the Plymouth working class people just don’t work as hard. Why rupt, it is imperative to see that it is man’s nature that
Rock Foundation, the agreement between the colonial farm all day—or invent new ways of farming—when is corrupt, including those who hold office in govern-
investors and settlers “was changed at the last minute everyone else will get an equal share? You may not ment. The free market, in contrast, is built on personal
. . . They were now being forced to share their homes,
gardens and land in a communal arrangement as well
as their labor . . .
“The Pilgrims knew by the experience of James-
town (planted in 1607) as well as their experience in
England that unless private property and labor were
respected, there would be little incentive to work.
The prevailing notion in England was that all use of
land and labor was government-granted because the
profit-motive was sinful. When the Pilgrims arrived
in 1620, there was no trust in a free market” (“Eco-
nomic Liberty in America: A Legacy of the Pilgrims,” The Pilgrims’ early experiment with socialism failed miserably, leading to near starvation of the colony. Only when the colonists were given their own property did it begin to thrive.
But they soon learned hard lessons. As com- intend to be a slacker, but suddenly, reasons to stay in incentive and self-interest in order to overcome one’s
mentator John Stossel writes of their experiment bed seem more compelling than they did when your naturally corrupt nature.
with socialism: “When they tried that, the Pilgrims own livelihood and family were dependent on your “6. Ultimately, God’s design for the economy rests
almost starved. Their collective farming—the whole own efforts” (“Thanks, Private Property!” Townhall. on voluntary choice, which is far more productive than
community deciding when and how much to plant, com, Nov. 27, 2019). government force and the re-distribution of wealth . . .
when to harvest, who would do the work—was an Dr. Jehle relates what the Pilgrim fathers came “[7.] Bradford adds a seventh characteristic neces-
inefficient disaster. to understand in these regards: “Bradford identifies sary for the success of a free economy. He states that
“‘By the spring,’ Pilgrim leader William Bradford several reasons why socialism (common ownership of the Pilgrims had to ‘rest on God’s providence . . . (the)
wrote in his diary, ‘our food stores were used up and labor) and elementary communism (common owner- need to pray that God would give them their daily bread
people grew weak and thin. Some swelled with hunger ship of land) did not work, even among the most godly . . .’ In other words, without prayer even a good eco-
. . . So they began to think how . . . they might not still people. We can deduce at least the following from his nomic system will fail.” This became apparent when
thus languish in misery.’ His answer: divide the com- discourse describing their 1623 decision. a drought came right after the reapportionment of
Photos, from left: Archaeological Research Institute, mr_morton/Getty Images Plus
mune into parcels and assign each Pilgrim family its “1. In a common ownership of labor and land, land and labor. Following a day of humble and fer-
own property. As Bradford put it, they ‘set corn every people tend to become lazy, not wanting to work, thus vent community prayer came needed gentle rains that
man for his own particular . . . . [and] assigned every private property must undergird a free and productive astonished even the Native Americans.
family a parcel of land.’ economy. These principles of economic freedom are
“Private property protects us from what econo- “2. Under socialism, people tend to make up enshrined in Scripture. To learn more, we encourage
mists call the tragedy of the commons . . . [wherein] no excuses why they can’t work, thus private profit is a you to search our website for these articles:
one person has much incentive to protect and develop key ingredient in a free economy as well. “Freedom and Free Enterprise: Great Biblical Blessings”
it. The Pilgrims’ simple change to private ownership, “3. Communal living breeds discontent, for all tend and “The Early Church Was Not Communist—and Nei-
wrote Bradford, ‘made all hands very industrious, so to want what others have, but refuse to work for it, ther Was Jesus” (both from the July-August 2011 issue
as much more corn was planted than otherwise would thus welfare must be voluntary (private charity) rather of our formerly titled Good News magazine).
have been.’ than forced (government charity). May we learn from the mistakes of the past so as
“Soon they had so much plenty that they could “4. Socialism is built on pride and a presumed not to repeat them!
B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • November-December 2020 21
espite the Christmas holiday being touted as “the friends at the end of December start with the question: “So,
most wonderful time of the year” for children and what did you get for Christmas?”
families, the sad fact is that it brings serious problems How sad it is that the day claimed to be for the worship of
to both. Jesus Christ actually focuses our children on self—effectively
Young people are taught to focus more on what they will get for emphasizing that it is permissible to be greedy.
Christmas than the real meaning of the coming of Jesus Christ.
And among people of all ages, terrible falsehoods about the Lying as part of the enchantment
celebration abound, along with wrong objectives and pursuits. A second pitfall of Christmas is the intentional lying to chil-
dren about Santa Claus and surrounding mythology to make
Pressuring into debt the holiday exciting and magical for them. The involvement
There was the story of three children in a family who all of strong authority figures in this deception (including par-
wanted their own gaming notebook computers—expensive ents, grandparents, teachers, pastors and public officials), along
ones to play on and proudly show their friends. Right after with businesses and the media, ultimately sends the message
Halloween, they began working on their parents to make it to children that in certain situations it is permissible if not
happen. By starting in early November, they felt they could get even commendable to lie. And it may well factor into distrust
what they wanted by Dec. 25. of parents and other authority figures children develop as they
Sadly, this had been a difficult year for the parents. The get a little older.
father had gone through a period of unemployment due to In the late 1800s, a young girl in America by the name of
mandatory layoffs, and the highly educated mother was under- Virginia O’Hanlon asked her father whether or not Santa
employed, finding no work in her field of expertise. The par- Claus existed. Her father suggested she write a letter to The
ents simply could not afford all three notebooks at one time. So Sun, a New York City newspaper. So she wrote:
they decided to buy one a year, starting with their oldest child. “Dear Editor, I am 8 years old. Some of my little friends say
But the children persisted. After all, it was argued, all their there is no Santa Claus. Papa says, ‘If you see it in the Sun, it’s
friends had gaming computers. They whined, complained, so.’ Please tell me the truth, is there a Santa Claus?”
begged and badgered their parents until the parents simply The letter was answered by an editor named Francis Pharcel-
gave in. They went into debt, paying with their credit card. lus Church. His answer became immortalized with the famous
Surely, they hoped, this would give their children a merry line “Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus.” Even 100 years later,
Christmas. this article “is the most reprinted editorial in any newspaper
Several months later, the parents were still paying down in the English language” (Wikipedia, “Yes, Virginia, there is a
Christmas bills—at over 17 percent interest. Santa Claus”).
This all-too-common story illustrates one of the pitfalls of In fact, the phrase “‘Yes, Virginia, there is (a) . . .’ has become
Christmas observance. The “spirit of the season” can entice an idiomatic expression to insist that something is true” (ibid.).
young people into whining and complaining until they get While some praise the editorial for supposed philosophi-
what they want. Parents are pressured to give in and buy gifts cal value, the fact is that this famous article is riddled with lies!
the family really can’t afford. In fact, some will still be paying Indeed, the entire Christmas holiday is riddled with lies! Yet
off credit card debt for nearly a whole year—until the Christ- most of society is happy to join in on the deceptive “fun.”
mas season rolls around again! And, we should ask, is last- Even NORAD, the North American Aerospace Defense Com-
ing character really developed when children know they can mand, a joint Canadian and American early warning defense
pout and prod and manipulate until they get what they want? organization, gets into the act. For decades, it has pretended
Mature adults know this is not the path to real, lasting success. to track Santa Claus’ travels across the northern hemisphere.
Is this what Jesus wants? Like many, you probably sense that A Reuters article explains how this tradition gained traction:
something is very wrong with this picture. Our Savior came “The origins of tracking Santa date back to 1955 . . . when a
to give to mankind. So why should Christmas be used to teach local ad to speak directly with Santa printed the wrong phone
the way of get? Think also about how many conversations with number—instead directing children to a military defense
22 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g
Given the incredible efficiency of the
Romans, coupled with their mission of
obtaining an accurate count, the win-
ter months in Jerusalem would hardly
be the appropriate time to conduct a
census. Bad weather would cause many
to stay home and delay the count. A
much more temperate time of the year
would be the logical choice for such a
Pagan customs, the sun god and
Dec. 25
In its entry on “Christmas,” the
online Encyclopaedia Britannica has
this to say about the holiday’s historical
operations center. Tracking Santa grew from there after officers “The precise origin of assigning December 25 as the birth
on duty actually fielded the kids’ questions . . . date of Jesus is unclear. The New Testament provides no clues
“For more than 50 years NORAD has followed the flight in this regard. December 25 was first identified as the date of
path of jolly old Saint Nick, but these days technology helps Jesus’ birth by Sextus Julius Africanus in 221 and later became
children and families pinpoint Santa’s more exact route to the universally accepted date. One widespread explanation of
their own homes . . . Kids can download mobile device apps the origin of this date is that December 25 was the Christianiz-
to watch Santa and the reindeer traverse the globe. Otherwise, ing of the dies solis invicti nati (‘day of the birth of the uncon-
they can call or email the command center for Santa’s coor- quered sun’), a popular holiday in the Roman Empire that
dinates” (Lauren Keiper, “NORAD’s Santa Tracking Set to celebrated the winter solstice as a symbol of the resurgence of
Launch on Christmas Eve,” Dec. 23, 2011). the sun, the casting away of winter and the heralding of the
Perpetuating this huge lie is seen as a wonderful gift to rebirth of spring and summer.
children, while exposing it is regarded as ruining the fun and “Indeed, after December 25 had become widely accepted
as the date of Jesus’ birth, Christian
A pitfall of Christmas is the intentional lying to writers frequently made the connec-
tion between the rebirth of the sun
children about Santa Claus and the surround- and the birth of the Son. One of the
difficulties with this view is that it
ing mythology to make the holiday exciting. suggests a nonchalant willingness on
the part of the Christian church to
practically evil and perverse. Is the promotion of this lie godly appropriate a pagan festival when the early church was so intent
in any way? Titus 1:2 shows that God “cannot lie.” on distinguishing itself categorically from pagan beliefs and
And God warns us of reveling in lies and demanding lies of practices.”
others. He states in Isaiah 30:8-10: “Now go and write down Yet the institution widely regarded as God’s Church at this
these words. Write them in a book. They will stand until the later time had in fact drifted far from the early Church in both
end of time as a witness that these people are stubborn reb- beliefs and practice.
els who refuse to pay attention to the Lord’s instructions. We read this solemn warning in Jeremiah 5:30-31: “An
They tell the seers, ‘Stop seeing visions!’ They tell the proph- astonishing and horrible thing has been committed in the
ets, ‘Don’t tell us what is right. Tell us nice things. Tell us lies’” land: The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests rule by
(New Living Translation, emphasis added throughout). their own power [instead of God’s Holy Spirit]; and My people
As part of the true worship of Jesus, parents should be love to have it so. But what will you do in the end?” The New
teaching their children what the Scriptures really say regard- Living Translation renders the concluding question here as:
ing the true story of the birth of Jesus—and the truth about the “But what will you do when the end comes?”
Christmas holiday. Here is some of what they would find. Yes, people will have to give an answer to the only One who
counts as to why they participated in the spreading of lies
Jesus was not born in the dead of winter about what amounts to a false savior. If we were really inter-
Wavebreak Media Ltd/123RF
Various factors make it clear that Jesus’ birth was not at ested in the proper worship of God and His Son Jesus, we
Christmastime. One is the census taken throughout the would learn to worship “in spirit and truth” (John 4:24)—
Roman Empire when He was born, as recorded in Luke 2:1-3: certainly not with the promotion of lies and pagan traditions.
“And it came to pass in those days that a decree went out from
Caesar Augustus that all the world should be registered. This Christmas gift-giving not from the wise men
census took place while Quirinius was governing Syria. So all The gifts of the magi in the biblical story of events sur-
went to be registered, everyone to his own city.” rounding Jesus’ birth are often claimed as a forerunner of
B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • November-December 2020 23
online! read in Matthew 2:11: “They entered the house and saw the
child with his mother, Mary, and they bowed down and wor-
shiped him. Then they opened their treasure chests and gave
him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.” These gifts were
highly symbolic.
You’ll find much more helpful Gold was a gift given to royalty; in this case, it was given to the
One who is to reign as “King of Kings and Lord of Lords”
biblical material on our (Revelation 19:16). Gold also symbolizes the perfect, righteous
character of our Lord and Savior, who was God in the flesh.
website, including Frankincense was an ingredient in the incense used in the
worship of God in the tabernacle and temple by Israel’s high
priest (Exodus 30:34-37). It is also symbolic of the intercessory
Beyond Today Television role of Jesus Christ as our High Priest.
Myrrh was a gift symbolizing the suffering, death and burial
of Jesus. When He died, His body was wrapped in a 100-pound
mixture of myrrh and aloes (John 19:39).
So the gifts given were in fact prophetic of the life, work and
death of Jesus. The modern practice of exchanging gifts with
friends and relatives has nothing to do with the actual biblical
Christmas gift-giving developed from the exchange of gifts
in the Roman Saturnalia and other manifestations of the
pagan winter festival (see our free study guide offered below
Bible Study Guides to learn more).
Give the gift of truth
The claim that Jesus was born on Dec. 25 is a lie foisted
upon our children along with other Christmas traditions.
Whether from a newspaper editor to the respected NORAD, or
from scores of other sources, our children are being deceived.
History shows that the customs surrounding Christmas have
more to do with championing a pagan deity than speaking of
the true Christ of the Bible.
Also, allowing children to fixate on getting for themselves
Video Bible Study Series and to whine and needle their way to “success” is not teaching
them true success at all. It is setting them up for hardship
later on.
One point of truth is better than a thousand lies! Christ-
mas observance is not supported in the Bible at all! It is instead
condemned there. Parents should turn their children to the
Bible because the Bible, God’s Word, is truth (John 17:17).
Learn and live by, and help your children learn and live by,
the true gospel message of the Bible, embracing the life, teach-
ing and salvation work of our Lord and Savior! There is no
greater gift you can give to your children.
plus video sermons, our LEARN MORE
12-part Beyond Today Bible We’ve only scratched the surface of this
Study Course and lots more! subject here. To learn more, be sure to
download or request our informative study
guide Holidays or Holy Days: Does It Matter
Which Days We Observe? A free copy is waiting for you!
24 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g
Why Will
(Part 2)
Christ promised He would return.
But why does He need to come back?
In this second part of a two-part series,
we consider further reasons for Jesus’ second coming.
Just what does He have left to do here on earth?
by Tom Robinson
ost of the Christian world believes Jesus is will be their God, and they shall be My people. The nations
returning to the earth, but so many don’t also will know that I, the Lord, sanctify Israel, when My
understand the purpose in this. In part 1 sanctuary is in their midst forevermore” (Ezekiel 37:26-28).
of this article in our previous issue, we laid The final chapters of Ezekiel, starting in chapter 40,
out six reasons Jesus Christ must return show that a rebuilt physical temple at Jerusalem will be
to the earth. We encourage you to read part 1 before pro- functioning during the Millennium. Some dismiss this as
ceeding into part 2, where we lay out six more reasons for mere spiritual symbolism, but the level of detailed descrip-
a total of 12. tion found in these chapters makes that idea untenable.
By way of review, the first six reasons were: 1) to ful- The temple system always contained symbolic aspects, but
fill prophecy and promises; 2) to save mankind from total it was nevertheless literal, as the new one will be.
destruction; 3) to resurrect and transform His followers The physical temple is regarded as the place of God’s
to immortality; 4) to appear in glory for vindication and throne on earth—the mercy seat of the Ark of the Cov-
honor; 5) to reign as King over all nations; and 6) to deliver enant between the cherubim modeled on God’s throne in
and elevate Israel. heaven. So Jerusalem will be the capital of the world: “At
Yet these are not the only things Jesus is coming back that time Jerusalem shall be called The Throne of the Lord,
to do. As revealed throughout Scripture, He has much and all the nations shall be gathered to it, to the name of
more to accomplish. We list six more here, but this is still the Lord, to Jerusalem. No more shall they follow the dic-
a broad summary of the vast agenda for the world to come. tates of their evil hearts” (Jeremiah 3:17, emphasis added
No doubt many more aspects could be highlighted. throughout). From here Christ will rule: “For out of Zion
Continuing on then from what we’ve already seen, what shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from
else is Jesus coming to do? Again, why will He return to Jerusalem” (Isaiah 2:3).
the earth?
8. To judge the world, rewarding the faithful and
7. To establish His throne in Jerusalem removing evil
Concerning the nation of Israel at His coming, the last The world today is filled with corruption and injustice.
point we mentioned, the Lord further declared: “I will The righteous suffer wrongly while the wicked often pros-
establish them and multiply them, and I will set My sanc- per. Will a just and good God allow this to go on without
tuary [or holy place] in their midst forevermore. My taber- end in parallel to merely continuing to take decent people
nacle [or dwelling place] also shall be with them; indeed I away to an afterlife in heaven? As Abraham asked, “Shall
B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • November-December 2020 25
not the Judge of all the earth do right?” (Genesis 18:25). 7-10). Later, unrepentant human beings will also be cast into
Consider that ongoing evil in the world is used as an argu- the lake of fire and destroyed, with death and the grave, the
ment against the existence of God. For those of us who under- final enemies, gone forever (verses 14-15; 21:8; 1 Corinthians
stand that Jesus came to die for our sins, are we to imagine that 15:25-26).
God will tolerate sin and its consequences forever and ever and The removal of Satan and evil will allow all people to learn
ever? Will death and misery and pain never cease? No! It is righteousness and live in harmony with God and one another.
allowed for a time for the building of faith and character. But Jesus will finally receive the full praise and honor due Him.
there must eventually be a conclusion—and there will be! Those who follow Him will share in His glory. And Satan
At Jesus’ return He will bring justice to the world—to set all and those who refuse to repent will get the humiliation and
things right. He will reward the righteous and punish the unre- dishonor they deserve.
pentant, working toward ultimately ridding the world of all sin. This will commence when Christ returns in judgment to
We earlier saw in Jude 14-15 and Psalm 96:13 that the Lord is set everything right and bring healing to our broken, upside-
coming to execute judgment on the world. This refers to Christ, down world!
for He said “the Father judges no one, but has committed all
judgment to the Son” (John 5:22). 9. To teach the world His ways and bring world peace
God through Christ “‘will render to each one according to When Jesus rules the world from Jerusalem, “many people
his deeds’; eternal life to those who by patient continuance in shall come and say, ‘Come, and let us go up to the mountain
doing good seek for glory, honor, and immortality; but to those of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; He will teach
who are self-seeking and do not obey the truth . . . indignation us His ways, and we shall walk in His paths.’ For [as we read
and wrath” (Romans 2:6-8). earlier] out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the
Jesus showed in parable that at His return He will reward Lord from Jerusalem” (Isaiah 2:1-3). Instead of war, the world
His servants, giving them different levels of authority in His will be taught the way to peace (verse 4).
Kingdom according to how they have used their spiritual gifts Yes, as part of Jesus setting everything right, the age-old
in His service, growing in His character—with those who fail dream of world peace will finally be a reality. Man’s attempts
to do as commanded losing their reward (see Luke 19:11-26). to bring it about have failed. We must come to acknowledge:
And His enemies who ultimately refuse to be ruled by Him “Lord, You will establish peace for us, for You have also done
will be destroyed (verse 27). all our works in us” (Isaiah 26:12)—as Christ will work in and
Jesus will triumph over enemies at His coming. The nations through people to bring this about, God’s Spirit then being
of the world, under the sway of Satan the devil (1 John 5:19), poured out on all humanity (Joel 2:28).
will be angry at Christ’s return and, resisting Him, will face His Jesus and His resurrected followers, as a royal priesthood,
judgment (Revelation 11:18; Joel 3:2). An alliance of rulers “will will be the world’s teachers, calling out to people, “This is the
make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them” way, walk in it” (Isaiah 30:20-21). Soon “the earth shall be full
(Revelation 17:12-14). Paul writes of a human leader of the law- of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea”
less system that will then dominate the world, “whom the Lord (Isaiah 11:9).
will consume with the breath of His mouth and destroy with
the brightness of His coming” (2 Thessalonians 2:8). 10. To bring restoration to all creation
Then Satan himself, along with his demons, will be seized With the transformation Jesus will bring, even the ani-
and banished from the world to an abyss or bottomless pit for mals will be at peace: “The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb,
the 1,000 years of Christ’s rule—cutting off his deception of the leopard shall lie down with the young goat, the calf and
the nations and his spiritual influencing of people’s minds to the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall
wrong attitudes and disobedience (Revelation 20:1-3; see Ephe- lead them . . . They shall not hurt nor destroy in all My holy
sians 2:1-3). He will be briefly released at the end when he will mountain” (verses 6-9). This mountain refers to God’s ruling
go out to deceive the nations again—but he will then be cast Kingdom, which will expand and encompass the whole earth
into a lake of fire and be finally gone for good (Revelation 20:3, (compare Daniel 2:35, 44).
26 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g
The war-torn and devastated world, starting at Jerusalem, His return, “but the rest of the dead,” we are told in Revela-
will be restored to a paradise resembling that of the Garden of tion 20:5, will not live again “until the thousand years were
Eden. “For the Lord will comfort Zion, He will comfort all her finished.” So they will be raised up too. Many think this is to
waste places; He will make her wilderness like Eden, and her immediately condemn them again. But that is assuredly not the
desert like the garden of the Lord” (Isaiah 51:3). “So they will case. A judgment period will follow (verses 11-12)—a period of
say, ‘This land that was desolate has become like the garden evaluation with the Book of Life opened, representing an open
of Eden; and the wasted, desolate, and ruined cities are now opportunity.
fortified and inhabited’” (Ezekiel 36:35). Thus Jesus is returning not just to offer salvation to all those
At that time, both the natural realm and mankind will expe- alive at His return and the generations that follow, but to offer
rience amazing healing: “The desert shall rejoice and blossom salvation to all who have ever lived who never had sufficient
understanding or
Not only does Christ have much work to do on earth for opportunity. (To
learn more about this
which He must return, but His work here will never end! amazing truth, read
“The Eighth Day:
as the rose . . .” (Isaiah 35:1). “Then the eyes of the blind shall Eternal Life Offered to All” in our free study guide God’s Holy
be opened, and the ears of the deaf unstopped; then shall the Day Plan: The Promise of Hope for All Mankind.)
lame man leap like a deer, and the tongue of the mute sing
for joy. For waters break forth in the wilderness, and streams 12. To usher in a new heaven and new earth
in the desert, the burning sand shall become a pool, and the Finally, after the Millennium and last judgment period and
thirsty ground springs of water” (verses 5-7). the removal of all those who ultimately refuse to repent and
This rejuvenating water is literal but also symbolic of the obey God, those who remain will experience an extraordinary
Holy Spirit and all God’s blessings. As God says: “For I will change in the whole of creation, as earth and sky are changed
pour water on him who is thirsty, and floods on the dry from subjection to physical decay to an eternal state (Revela-
ground; I will pour My Spirit on your descendants, and my tion 21:1). We won’t then go away to a different earth. Rather,
blessing on your offspring” (Isaiah 44:3). God will make the earth we dwell on and all things new (verse
An abundance of trees along the banks of a river that flows 5). Then the New Jerusalem, a city of vast dimensions, will
from God’s new temple in Jerusalem will be for food and heal- descend to the earth with God the Father.
ing (Ezekiel 47:1-12)—this picture also being both literal and It is ironic that many read the descriptions of this city in the
symbolic. Because of sin, mankind was cut off from the Gar- vision of Revelation 21-22 as detailing life in heaven, when the
den of Eden and access to the tree of life there. But that access reality is that this city will come down to the renewed earth as
will ultimately be restored (see Revelation 22:1-3, 14). the permanent dwelling of the Father and Christ and all the
When Jesus returns from heaven, He will bring “the times saved of mankind. Heaven will thus come to earth! The tree
of restoration of all things” proclaimed by all God’s prophets of life will then be here for the nations (Revelation 22:1-2, 14).
(Acts 3:21). And the whole creation will be freed from its “And there shall be no more curse, but the throne of God and
bondage to decay (see Romans 8:18-23). of the Lamb shall be in it, and His servants shall serve Him”
(verse 3). There is no temple seen in the vision “for the Lord
11. To offer salvation to everyone God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple” (Revelation 21:22),
We earlier saw God’s intention to save all Israel (Romans shining in it as light brighter than the sun (verse 23).
11:26; compare Isaiah 45:17). And He intends the same for all What this means is that not only does Christ have much
mankind, as expressed in the inspired prayer of Psalm 67:2: “That work to do here on earth for which He must come back, as
Your way may be known on earth, Your salvation among the we have seen, but His work here will never end! He will reign
nations.” It was foretold of Jesus as Messiah that besides raising here with the Father and all His followers in awesome joyous
up and restoring Israel, He would bring salvation to the whole existence through eternity to come, world without end.
world: “I will also give You as a light to the Gentiles, that You Yes, the hope of Christ’s return is certain. The Bible ends in
should be My salvation to the ends of the earth” (Isaiah 49:6). affirmation of this abiding promise and a prayer for its swift ful-
The whole world will be offered salvation when Jesus reigns fillment we should all join in with. Revelation 22:20 concludes,
in power and glory over the nations. Yet we might wonder: “He [Jesus Christ] who testifies to these things says, ‘Surely I am
What about all those who died in past ages without the oppor- coming quickly.’ Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus!”
tunity for Christ’s salvation? For instance, we read in Zecha-
riah 12:10 that those who pierced Christ will be remorseful and LEARN MORE
repentant. In one sense this refers to the Jewish nation of the
end time, and even to all people, as we all bear responsibility The word Gospel means “good news”—so
in Christ’s death. But what of those who actually took part in what is so good about Jesus Christ’s mes-
Jesus’ day? Are they forever lost even if they did not understand sage of the gospel? Why is it such good
news? You really need to understand!
or come to see what they were part of? (compare Luke 23:34).
Download or request our free study guide
The reality is that these people too will have the opportunity The Gospel of the Kingdom today!
for salvation extended to them.
Jesus will raise His followers from death immediately at
B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • November-December 2020 27
AND YOU Follow Me...
esus’ first contact with His disciples after His resurrec- rected from death, but that same peace was expressed and
tion is telling for all His followers through the ages. His offered even before.
words speak to us more than ever, as if we ourselves are Look at what occurred on the last night of His human-
in the “upper room” of Jerusalem. He finds His friends ity within hours of being tortured and crucified. He declared:
hiding in “fear of the Jews” (John 20:19). Their human reaction “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the
is understandable. The One they followed for years was turned world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled,
over by their countrymen and crucified by the Romans. The neither let it be afraid” (John 14:27).
pounding, paralyzing, screaming question dominating their Note His claim of “My peace,” and that it’s not as the world
hearts was “Are we next?” gives. It’s something that’s not from around here—not earth-
It’s here that Jesus not only miraculously came through walls bound or homegrown. He offered it as a gift to be left “with”
to meet them, but penetrated their anxieties by greeting them us. Such peace is custodial in nature, demanding stewardship
with “Peace be with you.” These were His first recorded words to understand the life-penetrating invitation to be a disciple of
as He displayed the wounds of His death to encourage them Christ and to hold onto that peace not merely for dear life, but
and verify it was Him, yet now risen! (verses 19-20). He again for the dear Life who gives it to us.
declared before leaving them, “Peace to you.” Here we discover Jesus as a Jew would have said Shalom when greeting His
how Christ enters and exits His encounters with those precious disciples with “peace.” Shalom is not merely a hello and good-
to Him, always embracing them—embracing us—with “peace.” bye in Hebrew, but is most importantly a blessing. It’s a spiri-
A week later He came through the walls again and greeted a tually realistic affirmation to the recipients of not necessarily
disciple named Thomas who was fraught with understandable conflict-free existence, but rather of God’s companionship
human doubt. He missed the first encounter, and Jesus offered being with them and supplying the wisdom, strength and
him one-on-one attention to calm and restore him. Again comfort needed as life’s challenges develop.
Christ’s opening comments were “Peace to you!” Yet this time And here’s more to consider: Christ has called us to peace
He not only penetrated physical walls, but in allowing Thomas and grants us peace—His kind of peace, which includes, as He
to penetrate His wounds He also penetrated the wall of human exemplified, extending peace to others. There is an implied
apprehension that was thwarting Thomas’ ability to serve demand for action in His encouraging beatitude “Blessed are
(verses 26-28). the peacemakers” (Matthew 5:9). Note that He didn’t merely
What, then, of us today? What personal troubles are dimin- say “the peace dreamers.” We have to act, doing whatever we
ishing our ability to serve Christ? As I write we are experienc- can rightly do to bring peace, starting with our own attitude.
ing some “upper room dynamics” of closed doors with regard How then do we experience the gift of God’s peace? Here are
to the Covid-19 virus. “Who’s next?” many wonder. “Will it be three biblical steps to guide us in living according to Christ’s
a loved one or me?” Such concern is perhaps layered on top of invitation of “Follow Me.”
preexisting challenges—a strained marriage, lack of employ-
ment, social pressures or a serious ongoing ailment threaten- Stop and be still
ing your life or that of a loved one. In desperation we cry out, The first step is to stop and be still. We live in a restless 24/7
“What’s the sense of all this?” world that encroaches on our already fractious human nature
It’s here in our most desperate and stifling moments that via instant communication. While often necessary, it’s also
Jesus, the Good Shepherd, calls out to us, “Follow Me” (Mark distracting and addictive. It can overwhelm us into forgetting
1:17; John 21:19) and bids us peace. He never changes His tune, who walks before us and reigns over our lives.
His words, His personal presence with us accompanied by the Consider David’s words in Psalm 46:10: “Be still and know
peace He offers. that I am God; I will be exalted above the nations, I will be
How then can we be at peace in troubled times? We must exalted in the earth!” The nations at large are not listening
consider and follow Jesus’ own example, learning to live by at this time, but individually we begin to exalt God when we
specific biblical principles for experiencing the peace of God. get off the treadmill of fear and “stop, look and listen” to God
before walking into the intersections of life.
Experiencing peace and sharing it with others Humble silence before God is a wise approach for the faith-
Let’s first, then, appreciate that Jesus practiced what He ful. Psalm 62:5-6 illuminates the heart of the individual who
preached. It may seem easy to say “peace” after one is resur- musters up the spiritual awareness and nerve to remain still:
28 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g
to communion with God (John 14:6). I’m not talking about 40
days or 40 years of absence from life. I’m speaking of finding
timeouts and places to “fast from this world” and “fast from
the news,” focusing on God’s promises rather than our human
At the same time God has not called us to be hermits. His
Spirit led Jesus up into the wilderness for testing (Matthew
4:1), but Jesus then returned to serve humanity—and so must
we. Carving out “wilderness time” in our schedule affords us
the solitude and quiet we need to hear the voice of the Shep-
herd over the roar of self. What might the outcome be? Scrip-
ture spotlights this promise: “You [God] keep him in perfect
peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you”
(Isaiah 26:3, English Standard Version).
Abide in faith toward God and go forward
Christ has called us to peace and grants us The third step is to abide in faith toward
peace—His kind of peace, which includes God—to trust Him completely. We exist in a
world that is dramatically changing moment
the act of extending peace to others. by moment. Our personal circumstances are
in constant flux. Educational factories of today
“My soul, wait silently for God alone, for my expectation is teach that there are no absolutes—that everything is subject
from Him. He only is my rock and my salvation.” to change. But that’s not so. There are certain absolutes that
Did you notice the word “wait”? This takes more than a min- never change, particularly the character and reliability of
ute of holding your breath while quietly murmuring, “I’ve been God the Father and Jesus Christ and all the truths they reveal.
still enough!” We wait because there is an “expectation” that And we need to anchor ourselves in these and not the passing
God will answer in His way and time. Caring for and expand- fancies of secular humanism.
ing on the bestowed peace of God takes visionary awareness Use these revelatory absolute truths to galvanize your walk
and determined personal sacrifice to move beyond the roar of with Christ. Isaiah 46:9-11 reminds us that we have surren-
self to be able to hear, as the prophet Elijah did, the “still small dered our lives to One “declaring the end from the beginning
voice” of God apart from the storms and earthquakes of this . . . saying . . . I have purposed it; I will also do it.” We com-
life (see 1 Kings 19:12). mit our hearts and minds to a Sovereign Lord who says, “I
change not” (Malachi 3:6). We yield our lives to a Heavenly
Spend time in solitude with God Father “with whom there is no variation or shadow of turn-
The next step is to find solitude with God. We live in a ing” (James 1:17). We follow the invitation of One who is “the
crowded and noisy society. Think about it for a moment: Gas same yesterday, today, and forever” (Hebrews 13:8).
station pumps that speak to you, overhead music drowning There is great need for time in our spiritual walk to be still
out your dinner date with your spouse, people talking over and for time to seek solitude and experience “the wilderness”
one another and smartphones in our hands doing our think- to hear loud and clear the “still small voice” from God.
ing for us. The world has always been busy, but now it’s on ste- It’s revealing that on the edge of the Red Sea Moses told the
roids. Where do we find quiet as the storms of life swirl around troubled people of Israel: “Do not be afraid. Stand still, and see
us? People often speak of “getting away” on vacation, and that’s the salvation of the Lord . . . The Lord will fight for you, and
good. But for those heeding the invitation of Christ, should not you shall hold your peace” (Exodus 14:13-14). And notice the
“getting away” describe, to an extent, our spiritual vocation? instruction God then gave: “. . . Tell the children of Israel to go
Consider some of those God called into desert solitude for forward” (verse 15). To follow then was an act of faith.
a timeout. This was the experience of Moses, the Israelites Let us likewise leave our personal “upper room of trouble
after the Exodus, Elijah, John the Baptist, Jesus and the apos- and doubt” and heed the same voice with its directive of “Go
tle Paul. Here in the desolate wilderness, away from everyone forward” and, as later expressed by Jesus to those of the past
and everything, God’s servants could better commune with and us today, “Follow Me.”
Him, becoming more grounded and fine-tuned for that which
SMileus/iStock/Getty Images Plus
lay before them. The point was not merely that everything was
still and quiet, but that they were alone with God. What exactly is faith? And what does it mean
Consider Christ’s example in Mark 1:35: “Now in the morn- to live by faith and have a relationship of faith
ing, having risen a long while before daylight, He went out and in God the Father and Jesus Christ? To learn
departed to a solitary place; and there He prayed.” This was more about this crucial subject, download or
His regular practice. Luke 5:16 tells us, “So He Himself often request our free study guide You Can Have
withdrew into the wilderness and prayed.” Living Faith. A copy is waiting for you!
The “wilderness experience” is essential to walking the
walk of Christ, who not only shows the way but is “the Way”
B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • November-December 2020 29
“The Key to Ending Chaos” Looking for resources about the seventh-day Sabbath
Thank you for this excellent article! We look forward to the King- God bless you greatly. I am a pastor-evangelist in Cuba and have
dom of God and the change in man’s heart to want to fully surrender been a Christian for 21 years. I recently received your book The New
to God’s will and purposes. This world is spiraling downward quickly. Covenant: Does It Abolish God’s Law? The content of the book was
May His Kingdom come! quite good, but I would like to go deeper with a booklet that refutes
From the Internet Sunday as the day of worship.
I honestly do not see in any text of the Bible that Saturday has
Excellent article with appropriate timing! It is easy for us to be been changed to Sunday. I have seen much more evidence for
emotionally assimilated into righting the wrongs in society with Saturday than for Sunday as the correct day of worship, but I want to
political or organized groups. We have to remember we are citizens be sure of some doubts regarding three passages where believers
of heaven and ambassadors for Christ. are apparently seen gathered together on Sunday. I want to know
From the Internet the “why” and “what” of these passages. Pray a lot for me. In fact I am
“Who Will Listen to My Warning?” asking God for a lot of wisdom.
A timely topic to think about for all mankind! I pondered what From the Internet
was the real problem with the ancient nation of Israel. Quite simply,
We have just the publication you need. Titled Sunset to Sunset:
they were a stiff-necked people. Being stiff-necked is defined as
God’s Sabbath Rest, it shows from the Scriptures how the seventh-day
haughty and stubborn. Nothing has changed in the course of
Sabbath was instituted by God and never changed. It also examines
time, even with modern Israel and the nations of today; they are all
the passages you mention, showing how they’ve been misinterpreted.
”stiff-necked”—resisting the true God’s invitation to return to Him!
You can find this free study guide on our website or
From the Internet
request it from the nearest regional office to you, as listed on page 31.
Thankful for many free resources provided
Looking to meet with others to worship God
I have been receiving your magazines and am very grateful for
them. Thank you so much. Please continue sending me your litera- I follow with great interest the teachings of the United Church of
ture, as I find it to be so helpful. Any other literature will be helpful God through your many booklets. I’ve learned about Christianity
in the consequential times we live in. strictly from the Bible, and of all the many churches I’ve analyzed,
Subscriber in South Africa the beliefs of United Church of God align most closely with my
understanding of this faith. Is there anyone from UCG in Malaysia or
I really love your magazines and look forward to when they arrive. countries nearby that I can talk to/consult? Kindly assist. Thank you.
The articles are so uplifting and very inspirational. They are well- Reader in Malaysia
researched and always speak to me. I gain insight and reassurance.
Reader in Ontario, Canada Is the United Church of God a true seventh-day Sabbath (Saturday)
keeping church? If so how can I become a member? And is there a
I want to inform you that I have been greatly edified by receiving body of believers in my area? I left my former church last year when
your magazine for quite some time. My appreciation for it is so I learned of its deceptions.
much that I have saved many issues, and I have taken material to From the Internet
preach from several of them, since I am a volunteer chaplain at a
prison. May you be greatly blessed for working and editing such a I very much need to talk to someone from your church. I practice
wonderful magazine. everything you practice, biblically speaking, and that without know-
Subscriber in Chile ing that this church even existed.
Reader in Brazil
Visit Beyond Today on Facebook! Do you have a church in Nicaragua? Thank you.
From the Internet
Are you on Facebook? If so, visit our
Beyond Today magazine page. See
what other readers are saying. Find We are indeed a seventh-day Sabbath-keeping church and are always
links to interesting articles and Web glad to receive visitors who would like to worship God with us. You can
commentaries. Become a Beyond find the closest congregation on our website at
Today magazine Facebook fan!
You’ll also find the name and contact info for the pastor of the congrega-
I really enjoy Beyond Today magazine. It
gives a good understanding of the Bible tion closest to you to answer any questions.
and highlights information not given
in mainstream Christian faiths. I highly
recommend this magazine to all.
Published letters may be edited for clarity and space. Address
– K.T., Facebook fan your letters to Beyond Today, P.O. Box 541027, Cincinnati, OH 45254-
1027, U.S.A., or email (please be sure to include
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