Separation of HCl-H2SO4 by MD
Separation of HCl-H2SO4 by MD
Separation of HCl-H2SO4 by MD
Hydrochloric acid is a volatile compound; thus it can be separated from its solutions by membrane distillation
(MD). The feed solutions consisted of a mixture of hydrochloric and sulphuric acids with various initial concentrations.
It was found that during MD process the sulphuric acid was completely retained in the feed, thus its concentration
was gradually increasing, whereas hydrochloric acid solutions were concentrated at low concentrations. At higher
con-centration of both acids in the feed, HCl was separated from the mixture under the process conditions. For HCl
concentration in the feeding solution equal to 51.72 g/m3 along with an increase in the H2SO4 concentration from 50
to 150 g/m3, the molar HCl flux increased from 2.27 to 20.12 mol/m2d at 333 K and from 31.22 to 80.12 mol/m2d at
343 K.
During the concentration of solution with an initial concentration of 51 g/m3 of HCl and 51 g/m3 H2SO4 at the feed
temperature 333 K the permeate flux decreased from 225 to 158 dm3/m2d. An increase in the initial concentration of
sulphuric acid to a value of 180 g/m3 in the feed decreased the permeate flux from 202 to 135 dm3/m2d.
Keywords: Membrane distillation; HCl separation
Presented at the Third Membrane Science and Technology Conference of Visegrad Countries (PERMEA), Siofok,
Hungary, 2–6 September 2007.
0011-9164/09/$– See front matter # 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M. Tomaszewska, A. Mientka / Desalination 240 (2009) 244 250 245
for the liquid/gas interface. Moreover, the 2.6 mm made from polypropylene (PP). The
hydrophobicity of the membrane used main- membranes were characterised by the pore size
tains a gaseous phase inside the membrane with a maximum and nominal diameter of
pores, which is the necessary condition of 0.6 mm and 0.2 mm, respectively, and a porosity
MD [29]. of 73 g/dm3. The working area for capillary
MD is a highly selective operation for module was 0.0112 m2. The studies were per-
non-volatile solutes. The retention coefficient formed with mixtures of HCl and H2SO4 used as
reaches 100 g/dm3 for salt and the MD permeate a feed. A wide range of concentration was used
is high purity water. The MD process has in order to investigate the influence of feed
been investigated mostly in aqueous solutions composition on the possibility of the concentra-
of sodium chloride with the purpose of tion both acids and the HCl separation. The feed
obtaining fresh water from the sea [1013]. solutions contained hydrochloric acid with initial
MD has also been applied successfully to waste concentrations of 50 or 100 g/dm3 whereas the
water treatment, yielding a permeate that is initial concentrations of sulphuric acid were
less hazardous to the environment and a varied over a range of 50150 g/dm3. The initial
retentate concentrated in valuable chemicals. volume of HClH2SO4 solutions used as a feed
The concentration of solutions of non-volatile was 2000 cm3. The experiments were carried out
solutes can be performed close to the super- at the inlet feed temperatures (TFin) of 333 or
saturated state [214]. Additionally, MD has 343 K. The inlet temperature of the cold receiv-
found success in areas where high temperature ing solution (TRSin) was kept at 293 K for all the
application lead to degradation of the process experiments. The cold system was initially
fluids [49]. supplied by 500 cm3 of distilled water.
Until now MD has been investigated mostly The changes of volume of the cold distillate
in the aqueous solutions of non-volatile sub- were measured every hour to calculate the
stances. Our previous works devoted to recovery volume permeate flux. Simultaneously, the
of hydrochloric acid from metal pickling solu- changes of solutes concentrations in the feed
tions show that the presence of salt in the feed and distillate were analysed. The concentration
decreases the HCl solubility causing a significant of the sulphates was analysed using a weight
transfer of the gas through a hydrophobic method [15]. The concentrations of H ions and
membrane during MD [29]. Cl were measured by titration methods.
The aim of the present work was to study the The HCl flux was calculated from the
concentration of both acids as well as the material balance of HCl in the distillate per-
influence of sulphuric acid in HCl solutions formed every hour taking into account the
on the separation of hydrogen chloride during changes of volume and the acid concentration
the membrane distillation. in the distillate:
246 M. Tomaszewska, A. Mientka / Desalination 240 (2009) 244 250
ðctþ1 Vtþ1 ct Vt Þ the concentrations of HCl (curve 1) and H2SO4
JHCl ¼ ðmol HCl=m2 dÞ (curve 2) in the feed indicates that initially the
concentration of both components was gradually
where ct and ct+1 are the distillate concentrations increased. At the beginning of the process only
at time t and t1, Vt and Vt1 are the volumes / the water vapour was transferred across the
of the distillate at time t and t1, A the / PP membrane. When the concentration of HCl
membrane area inside capillaries, M the molar and H2SO4 achieved the values of 52.09 and
weight of HCl and t the time between the 54.93 g/dm3, respectively, the HCl transfer
consecutive measurements. through the membrane pores was observed
(Fig. 1(a)). However, the HCl flux was very
small due to a low concentration of both acids in
3. Result and discussion the feed.
The studies of influence of feed composition As the concentration of feed components was
on the HCl flux through the hydrophobic mem- further increased, the molar flux of HCl was
brane in the direct contact membrane distillation increased to a value of 2.27 mol/m2d (Fig. 2,
process were performed. The course of MD for curve 2). The concentration of HCl in the
feeding solution containing initially 51 g/dm3 HCl distillate was slightly increased to 0.33 g/dm3
and 51 g/dm3 H2SO4 and at temperature of 333 K during the process.
was presented in Fig. 1(a). During MD of this At the initial concentration of feed of about
solution it was found that the water vapour and 111 g/dm3 HCl and 61 g/dm3 H2SO4, the hydro-
gaseous hydrogen chloride were transported chloric acid concentration increased in a similar
across the membrane pores, whereas non-volatile way as at the lower initial concentration of the
H2SO4 remained in the feed and its retention acid (Fig. 1(b), curves 1 and 3). However, due to
degree amounted to 100 g/dm3. The course of higher hydrochloric acid concentration and
the curves in Fig. 1(a) presenting the changes in higher partial pressure of HCl over the feed the
(a) (b)
100 20 160 20
PP capillary membrane PP capillary membrane
90 TFin–333 K 18 TFin–333 K
Concentration of acids in the feed (g/dm3)
Concentration of acids in the feed (g/dm3)
TDin–293 K TDin–293 K
80 16 16
70 14 14
100 12
60 12
50 10 80 10
40 8 8
30 6 6
20 4 4
20 2
10 2
0 0 0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
Time (h) Time (h)
Fig. 1. Gradual concentration of HCl/H2SO4 model solution by MD at feed temperature 333 K; curves 1, 2 and
3 *data for the feed: (a) CHCl/CH2SO4 /51/51 g/dm3 and (b) CHCl/CH2SO4 /111/61 g/dm3.
M. Tomaszewska, A. Mientka / Desalination 240 (2009) 244 250 247
160 60
PP capillary membrane concentration of H2SO4 in the feed e.q.
Concentration of HCI in the feed (g/dm3)
140 TFin–333 K
TDin–293 K
50 80 g/dm3 the HCl flux across the membrane
120 was much higher in the case of feed with higher
(a) (b)
250 20 300 50
PP capillary membrane PP capillary membrane
Concentration of HCI in the distillate (g/dm3)
TFin–333 K
Concentration of acids in the feed (g/dm3)
150 12 30
10 150
100 8 20
50 4 10
0 0 0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
Time (h) Time (h)
Fig. 3. Gradual concentration of HCl/H2SO4 model solution by MD; curves 1, 2 and 3 *data for the feed: (a) CHCl/
CH2SO4 /52/183 g/dm3 at 333 K and (b) CHCl/CH2SO4 /60/161 g/dm3 at 343 K.
248 M. Tomaszewska, A. Mientka / Desalination 240 (2009) 244 250
100 80
PP capillary membrane hydrochloride acid solution with higher and
Concentration of HCI in the feed (g/dm3)
90 TFin–333, 343K
TDin–293 K
higher concentration in accordance with the gas
60 phase/liquid phase equilibrium. An elevation of
20 The course of curves in Figs. 3(a) and 5(a)
clearly indicates that at temperature of 343 K the
0 0
HCl flux through the PP membrane was signifi-
150 170 190 210 230 250 270 290 310 cantly higher. For a solution with the initial
Concentration of H2SO4 in the feed (g/dm3)
composition of 60 g/dm3 H2SO4 and 52 g/dm3
1–feed 3–feed 2–permeate 4–permeate HCl, it increased to 20.12 mol/m2d (Fig. 4).
Higher H2SO4 concentration equal to 161 g/dm3
Fig. 4. The influence of the feed temperature on HCl flux
caused that HCl flux increased to 80.12 mol/m2d
through the PP membrane; feed: CHCl/CH2SO4 /52/
183 g/dm3, curves 1 and 2*data for 333 K and CHCl/ (Fig. 4).
CH2SO4 /60/161 g/dm3, curves 3 and 4*data for 343 K. In the case of the acids mixture with the
initial concentrations equal to 105 g/dm3 HCl
and 50 g/dm3 H2SO4 at 343 K, the hydrochloric
An elevation of feed temperature to 343 K acid concentration during MD increased close to
caused a faster concentration of H2SO4 and HCl 2-fold. The partial pressure of HCl under such
on the feed side (compare Fig. 1(a) and (b) and conditions was so high that the molar flux of
5(a) and (b)). In the MD process the initial HCl was 5 times higher than that for 333 K and
compositions of feed were the same as for achieved a value of 273.91 mol HCl/m2d that
temperature 333 K. The distillate comprised a can be seen in Fig. 6. The concentration of HCl
(a) (b)
200 50 200 50
PP capillary membrane
PP capillary membrane
TFin–343 K
Concentration of HCI in the distillate (g/dm3)
Concentration of acids in the feed (g/dm3)
Concentration of acids in the feed (g/dm3)
TFin–343 K
Concentration of HCI in the distillate (g/dm3)
TDin–293 K
TDin–293 K 40
150 150
30 30
100 100
20 20
50 50
10 10
0 0 0 0
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Time (h) Time (h)
Fig. 5. Gradual concentration of HCl/H2SO4 model solution by MD at 343 K; curves 1, 2 and 3 *data for the feed:
(a) CHCl/CH2SO4 /50/50 g/dm3 and (b) CHCl/CH2SO4 /105/50 g/dm3.
M. Tomaszewska, A. Mientka / Desalination 240 (2009) 244 250 249
180 400
TDin–293 K 250 TDin–293 K
Fig. 6. The influence of the feed composition on the Fig. 7. The influence of the feed composition on the
HCl flux; at 343 K curves 1 and 2 data for the feed: volume permeate flux through a hydrophobic membrane
CHCl/CH2SO4 /50/50 g/dm3 and curves 3 and 4 *data during MD at feed temperature of 333 K.
for the feed: CHCl/CH2SO4 /105/50 g/dm3.
of sulphuric acid was equal to 183 g/dm3.
in the distillate achieved a value of 20.41 g/dm The permeate flux decreased from 202 to
(Fig. 5(b)). 135 dm3/m2d (Fig. 7). These declines of the
The water vapour was transferred through the permeate flux were caused by the decrease of
membrane pores to distillate together with gas- the water vapour pressure being in the equili-
eous HCl during the concentration of acids brium with the feed solution of increasing of
mixture containing both hydrochloric acid and sulphuric acid concentration. The other factor
sulphuric acid. The sulphuric acid was comple- should be taken into account at the moment. The
tely retained on the feed side, thus its concentra-
viscosity of the feed with higher concentration of
tion constantly increased. The influence of the
sulphuric acid increases, and the concentration
feed composition on the permeate flux at feed
and temperature polarisation phenomena in the
temperature equal to 333 K was presented in
layer adjacent to the membrane have a signifi-
Fig. 7. As can be seen, a reduction of the
cant importance. The phenomena decrease the
permeate flux occurred mainly due to an increase
volumetric permeate flux. The results obtained
of sulphuric acid concentration in the feed.
for MD performed at 343 K have a similar
The permeate flux decreased from 225 to
158 dm3/m2d during 5 h of MD operation at the
concentration of solution containing initially
of 50 g HCl/dm3 and 50 g H2SO4/dm3. The 4. Conclusions
higher initial H2SO4 concentration in the feed,
Based on the results of this work, the
about 118 g/dm3 (HCl concentration equal to
following conclusions can be drawn:
50 g/dm3), caused a decline of the permeate flux
from 256 to 112 dm3/m2d. The same trend was 1. The contents of HCl in the permeate
observed when the process was operated with increases with an increase of the hydrochlo-
the mixture acids, where the initial concentration ric acid in the feed.
250 M. Tomaszewska, A. Mientka / Desalination 240 (2009) 244 250
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