Company Study
Company Study
Company Study
processing precision cylindrical nuts and ball screws using new technology for outputs
Star Screwtech Bolts and Nuts Co. Ltd. is nut and screws manufacturing
company based at Alabang – Zapote Road, Almanza Uno, Las Pinas, The company
specializes in manufacturing different ring drives, nut, bolts and jigs which are mainly
used in automatic doors, mechanical arms and parts and components of aircraft. The
company is well-known for their ring drives which can be produced with different
dimensions based on customer requirements. The company was founded on 2014 and
started producing different screws and nuts which leads to their recognition in the
is a liquid compound used under the lapping process; the compound is what grinds,
sands, smoothens and shapes the inner part of the cylindrical nut into the desired
dimension. Ineffective utilization of the compound leads to loss because the liquid runs
out before some of the raw materials are even processed. The following problem faced
by the company is the unmotivated workers who sometimes come to work late therefore
delaying production on their specific line. The workers are unmotivated because of the
production schedule that the company employs which is 10 hours per day and 6 days
per week. Accumulated tardiness contributes to hour’s loss for production. The
researchers were also informed of machine breakdowns which lessen the utilization of
the machine because of the time it takes for the corrective maintenance. The company
does not have any scheduled preventive maintenance and only employs corrective
hardening of NG-46 compound on its components after continuous use. Another cause
The Star Screwtech Bolts and Nuts Co. Ltd. is experiencing a production loss of
12.26% amounting to Php 1 557 600 for the months of August 2018 to January 2019.
The study was conducted on April 26, 2019 in in Alabang – Zapote Road,
Almanza Uno, Las Pinas. The researchers focused on the production of cylindrical nuts
from August 2018 to January 2019. The researchers tried to find the root cause of the
problems encountered by the firm and the possible alternative actions that can be made
used and also the process how it is done is observed during the visit.
surfaces, especially for electric fly by wire, and in automobile power steering to
translate rotary motion from an electric motor to axial motion of the steering rack.
They are also used in machine tools, robots and precision assembly equipment.
Grinding Machine - a machining process that takes a very light “cut” using
different grit sizes achieve rougher or finer grinding passes, according to the needs
of the application.
Jig - Custom made device used for holding the piece to be worked-on in a
circular plate and an abrasive slurry grit in water suspension applied to the plate in
a controlled fashion.
unwanted material is removed from a work piece rotated against a cutting tool.
Table 1.1 shows the summary of production loss of Star Screwtech Bolts and Nuts Co.
Ltd. in the production of cylindrical nut for the month of August 2018 – January 2019. In the
given table, it is shown that the target output is not achieved based on its actual output.
= 552 = 528
= 12.27 % = 12.22 %
= 554 = 549
= 12.31 % = 12.33 %
= 533 = 529
= 12.33 % = 12.25 %
The target output per month is achievable since according to the company’s
data, their target output of the 40mm ring drives per day is 15 units per worker. With 12
operators working on this production, the total target output per day is 180 units.
= 10 hours
= 600 minutes
= 180 units
Table 1.2 Summary of Profit Loss
Table 1.2 shows the data of the summary of income loss of Star Screwtech Bolts and
Nuts Co. Ltd. from August 2018 – January 2019. The cost of the cylindrical nut manufactured is
amounting to Php 480 per piece. These data are given by the Personnel Head of Star
Screwtech Bolts and Nuts Co. Ltd., Ms. Debbie Ann Piquero.
Man 1 037 31.95 %
Method Utilization of NG- 1 128 34.76 %
46 Compound
Machine 1 080 33.29 %
TOTAL 3 245 100 %
Table 1.3 Summary of Units Affected
Table 1.3 shows the summary of different factors which contributes to the production loss of the
company based on categories. It shows that the highest contributor is due to the ineffective
utilization of the NG-46 Compound. The operators do not observe a standard procedure in order
to identify the amount of liquid is needed per cylindrical screw in production, resulting to higher
𝑋 100
1 080
= ( 3 245) X 100
= 33.29%
1 128
= (3 245) X 100
= 34.76%
𝑋 100
1 037
= (3 245) X 100
= 31.95%
Table 1.4 Frequency of Tardiness
Table 1.5 Summary of Hours Late due to Tardiness
Table 1.5 shows the total hours loss on the production due to the tardiness of
Production Loss
Operator Total Hours
Total Affected Units
Greg Tupas 5.81 104.58
Francis Calinawin 4.64 83.52
Gino dela Paz 4.52 81.36
Nelson Doyola 4.12 74.16
Jason Mangohig 4.66 84
Rene Balolong 5.10 91.8
Ver Hondos 4.73 85.14
Mack De Leon 4.55 81.9
Marco Rebuyas 5.28 95.04
Ceazar Valdez 4.96 89.28
Allan Navarro 5.11 91.98
Rey Maglaqui 4.13 74.34
Total 57.61 1 037
Table 2.14 shows the affected 40 mm ring drives due to ineffective scheduling.
Discussion of Several alternative solution
Utilization of NG- Ineffective Workload Machine
46 Compound Assignment Breakdown
As shown in Table 2.4, there are shortages of NG-46 liquid used in the
lapping process to its intended batch of units which causes delay in the
production. The amount of NG-46 being used is just estimated by the workers
per day which causes the liquid to be consumed before the next batch of delivery
producing 40mm ring drives is 10 hours per day and 6 days per week while on
the production of 45mm ring drives, it is produced for only 3 days a week. The
long working hours causes delay on the production line since they experience
3. Machine Breakdown
The company faces problem with machine breakdown due to not having a
condition. The occurrences for the lathe and grinding machines’ breakdowns.
Most of the machine breakdowns are caused by the hardening of NG-46 liquid in
the chuck and spindle, and also the long production hours that causes
1. Opportunity loss
process, lower number of outputs are produced. This is a loss of opportunity for
the company because it have failed to complete their target output per month.
The company loses the opportunity to make more products to achieve the target
2. Profit loss
The company suffers from profit loss due to the ineffective existing
workers cannot able to meet the target output because of the time wasted waiting
3. Customer Dissatisfaction
Star Screwtech Bolts and Nuts Co. Ltd. have different clients which serves
needs are considered and met. With the occurrence of machine breakdowns in
production, the company suffers since they will not be able to comply with their
Improve Existing Reassignment of Preventive
Job Design Workers Maintenance
would be able to make sure that the required amount of liquid is utilized
avoiding shortage.
quantity of NG-46 used per product; the workers just estimate the
quantity of liquid used on the lapping process. The company runs out of
the liquid before the next batch of supply arrives and this leads to
provide proper measurement of quantity that the workers should use per
production to avoid wastage of the liquid and to make sure that the
2. Reassignment of Workers
improved. The schedule will be shortened to 5 days per week of work and
workers will be added which will lessen the work load to the workers of
40mm ring drives. The target output will be achieved in this manner
The workers in producing the 40mm Ring do work 6 days a week and 10
hours a day. The schedule itself is too much of a burden for the workers since
they work six days a week. This causes the workers to be unmotivated and
causes them to have tardiness. The researchers propose that the workload
isn’t a priority. The researchers proposes a new schedule for both set of workers
to be able to adjust and compensate on the products that isn’t finished on time.
their working days into 5 days instead of the existing 6 day per week.
3. Implement 5s0
sustaining the capabilities of the machine as well as the needed raw mats
in the production.
also means that there will be less waste on the production especially
those of the NG-46 compound. A clean work area also helps the worker
1. Opportunity Gain
The company would gain the opportunity to meet the target output
once the workers are able to fully utilize and not waste NG-46 on the
of them and could have the opportunity to widen their market by other
2. Profit Gain
would make sure that the company produces their products on schedule
and they would be able to meet their target output. The company would
gain profit from the products being delivered on time to their customers
since the company would be able to meet the target output and the agreed
The study is all about eliminating the 12.26% production loss experienced by
Star Screwtech Bolts and Nuts Co. Ltd. In the production of 40mm Ring drives
amounting to 1,557,600 Php from the months of August 2018 to January 2019. This
The main problem was brought about by the ineffective utilization of NG-46
supply; a liquid compound used under the lapping process in producing the ring drives.
The workers do not have any standard measurement on how much of the compound
should be used per product resulting to the wastage of the liquid and its eventual
shortage by the end of the month. Another problem refers to the scheduling of workload;
the workers work for 6 days per week and 10 hours a day. The schedule is a burden to
the workers and causes them to be unmotivated and tardy. The third problem faced are
the machine breakdowns due to the company not having scheduled preventive
maintenance and the inefficient utilization of NG-46 which hardens and clogs the
The researchers proposes that the company should provide proper job design
and standard measurements on handling the NG-46 liquid to ensure that it is utilized
well and avoid shortage and wastage of the compound. This could be done by providing
the proper tools for the job which are pre-measured droppers. Another alternative that
the researchers proposed is the application of an improved work schedule for the
workers to cut their 6 days’ work into 5 days per week. This new schedule would ease
the workload and motivate the workers to perform better. The application of a 5s would
also keep the machines in good working condition before production and together with
corrective maintenance and proper handling; The company would avoid breakdowns
since proper storage and organization is implemented in the production. All these
alternatives would help the company in eliminating their production loss and improve
their performance.
droppers that the workers would use under the lapping process in the production of
40mm Ring Drives. By providing these tools, the company would ensure that the
workers would be able to properly and efficiently utilize the compound in an effective
manner to make sure that there would be no waste and shortage while meeting the
quality of output that they aim to produce. By applying this alternative, the company
would also have less machine breakdowns since the liquid compound used under the
lapping process would not be used excessively and this would avoid its hardening and
clogging of machines. The researchers found out that by applying all three alternatives,
the company would be able to produce what is required of them in an efficient and
effective manner. The application of a new and lighter schedule of workload to the
workers would also improve worker morale since their existing schedule is too heavy.
The addition of preventive maintenance would also ensure that each machine is in good