076 Rubella IgG-V2.5-EN-20130806
076 Rubella IgG-V2.5-EN-20130806
076 Rubella IgG-V2.5-EN-20130806
characterized by fever, malaise, a maculopapular rash of three to
FOR PROFESSIONAL USE ONLY five days' duration and, possibly, coryza and conjunctivitis. The
Store at 2-8 °C disease is usually accompanied by lymphadenopathy. Infection
confers lifelong immunity.
Infection from rubella virus is particularly disastrous if contracted
during the first four months of gestation. If not immunologically
protected, women infected during pregnancy run a high risk of
embryo foetal damage. Congenital rubella causes a wide range of
severe defects, many of which are permanent and adversely affect
later development (cataract, deafness, hepatosplenomegaly,
SYMBOLS EXPLANATIONS psychomotor retardation, bone alterations, cardiopathies, and
Authorized Representative in the neuropathies). Pathological consequences on the foetus or
European community
newborn depend on teratogenicity of the virus and on the time of
pregnancy when the infection has been contracted. Gestational
Manufacturer age at the time of maternal infection is considered the most
important determinant of intrauterine transmission and foetal
damage. It is generally accepted that the risk decreases with
Consult instructions for use
increasing gestational age: it is highest in case of infection during
the first two months of pregnancy (40-60%) and progressively
Contents of kit decreases during the fourth and fifth months (10-20%). Clinical
findings in newborns and virus isolation studies have
demonstrated that foetal infection is rare beyond the second
In vitro diagnostic medical device trimester of gestation.
Rubella virus is transmitted in utero during the course of primary
maternal infection, whether apparent or inapparent, when the virus
Batch code
in the bloodstream infects the placenta and, subsequently, the
foetus. Intrauterine transmission of virus associated with maternal
Catalogue number re-infection is extremely rare, indicating that maternal immunity
(whether naturally derived or vaccine-induced) protects against
intrauterine infection. Maternal infection may result in (a) no
Use by infection of the embryo; (b) resorption of the embryo (seen only
with infections occurring in the earliest stages of gestation); (c)
miscarriage; (d) stillbirth; (e) infection of placenta without foetal
Temperature limitation involvement or (f) infection of both the placenta and foetus.
( store at 2-8 °C) Infected infants may present obvious multiple organ involvement
or, as is frequently observed, no immediately evident disease.
However, after long-term follow-up, many of these seemingly
Sufficient for
unaffected infants have evidence of hearing loss, or central
nervous system lesions, or other defects.
The first humoral immune response to infection is the synthesis of
Keep away from sunlight
specific anti-rubella virus IgM antibody which reaches high serum
levels two weeks after the rash and lasts in the circulation for one
to two month(s). Specific IgG antibody generally appears a few
Keep upright for storage days after the onset of rash, about one week after IgM develops. It
rapidly increases to reach a plateau six to ten weeks after the
onset of symptoms and then progressively decreases to a level
(15-200 IU/ml) lasting for the whole life. Reinfection, completely
asymptomatic, is accompanied by moderately increased levels of
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specific IgG. reagents or lots!
Correct detection of IgM and IgG antibodies to rubella virus
provides an essential tool for diagnosing and following up acute Storage and Stability
infection, for assessment of immune status in fertile women, Sealed: Stored at 2-8℃ until the expiry date.
and therefore for adopting suitable prophylaxis in susceptible Opened: Stable for 4 weeks. To ensure the best kit performance,
women of child-bearing age. Since when a vaccine was made it is recommended to place opened kits in the refrigerator if it’s not
available, the assay of IgG to rubella virus has been widely used to going to be used on board during the next 12 hours.
determine seroconversion of the recipient after vaccination.
RLU within 3 seconds and is proportional to the concentration of
Rubella IgG present in samples. Via the measurement of calibrators, the predefined master curve is
adjusted (recalibrated) to a new, instrument-specific measurement
level with each calibration.
KIT COMPONENTS 3) Frequency of Recalibration
Material Supplies After each exchange of lots (Reagent Integral or Starter
Reagent Integral for 100 determinations
Every 4 weeks and/or each time a new Integral is used
Nano magnetic microbeads: TRIS buffer,
1.2% (W/V), 0.2%NaN3, coated with Rubella 2.5ml
After each servicing of the Fully-auto chemiluminescence
Calibrator Low: bovine serum, 0.2%NaN3. immunoassay (CLIA) analyzer MAGLUMI.
If controls are beyond the expected range.
Calibrator High: vine serum, 0.2%NaN3.
Buffer: sheep anti-human IgA, sheep The room temperature has changed more than 5 ℃
22.5ml (recommendation)
anti-human IgM containing BSA, 0.2%NaN3.
ABEI Label: Mouse anti-human IgG
monoclonal antibody labeled ABEI, contains 22.5ml SPECIMEN COLLECTION AND PREPARATION
BSA, 0.2%NaN3 Sample material: serum
All reagents are provided ready-to-use. Collect 5.0ml venous blood into Blood Collection Tube (Tube
Instructions for use and target value refer to Quality Control stored for 30 days.
Information date sheet. User needs to judge results with their own Avoid repeated freezing and thawing, the serum sample can be
standards and knowledge. only frozen and thawed two times. Stored samples should be
thoroughly mixed prior to use (Vortex mixer).
Accessories Required But Not Provided Please ask local representative of SNIBE for more details if you
MAGLUMI Reaction Module REF: 630003 have any doubt.
MAGLUMI Starter 1+2 REF: 130299004M
MAGLUMI Wash Concentrate REF: 130299005M Vacuum Tubes
MAGLUMI Light Check REF: 130299006M (a) Blank tubes are recommended type for collecting samples.
Please order accessories from SNIBE or our representative. (b) Please ask SNIBE for advice if special additive must be used in
sample collecting.
Specimen Conditions
• Do not use specimens with the following conditions:
Preparation of the Reagent Integral
(a) heat-inactivated specimens;
Before the sealing is removed, gentle and careful horizontal
(b) Cadaver specimens or body fluids other than human serum;
shaking of the Reagent Integral is essential (avoid foam formation!)
(c) Obvious microbial contamination.
Remove the sealing and turn the small wheel of the magnetic
• Use caution when handling patient specimens to prevent cross
microbeads compartment to and fro, until the colour of the
contamination. Use of disposable pipettes or pipette tips is
suspension has changed into brown. Place the Integral into the
reagent area and let it stand there for 30 min. During this time, the
• Inspect all samples for bubbles. Remove bubbles with an
magnetic microbeads are automatically agitated and completely
applicator stick prior to analysis. Use a new applicator stick for
each sample to prevent cross contamination.
Do not interchange integral component from different
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• Serum specimens should be free of fibrin, red blood cells or hour at 121℃ is usually considered adequate, though the
other particulate matter. users must check the effectiveness of their decontamination
• Ensure that complete clot formation in serum specimens has cycle by initially validating it and routinely using biological
taken place prior to centrifugation. Some specimens, indicators.
especially those from patients receiving anticoagulant or It is recommended that all human sourced materials be
thrombolytic therapy, may exhibit increased clotting time. If the considered potentially infectious and handled in accordance
specimen is centrifuged before a complete clot forms, the with the OSHA Standard on Bloodborne Pathogens13.
presence of fibrin may cause erroneous results. Biosafety Level 214 or other appropriate biosafety practices
should be used for materials that contain or are suspected
Preparation for Analysis of containing infectious agents.
• Patient specimens with a cloudy or turbid appearance must be This product contains Sodium Azide; this material and its
centrifuged prior to testing. Following centrifugation, avoid the container must be disposed of in a safe way.
lipid layer (if present) when pipetting the specimen into a Safety data sheets are available on request.
sample cup or secondary tube. Handling Precautions
• Specimens must be mixed thoroughly after thawing by low • Do not use reagent kits beyond the expiration date.
speed vortexing or by gently inverting, and centrifuged prior to • Do not mix reagents from different reagent kits.
use to remove red blood cells or particulate matter to ensure • Prior to loading the Reagent Kit on the system for the first time,
consistency in the results. Multiple freeze-thaw cycles of the microbeads requires mixing to re-suspend microbeads
specimens should be avoided. that have settled during shipment.
• All samples (patient specimens or controls) should be tested • For microbeads mixing instructions, refer to the KIT
within 3 hours of being placed on board the MAGLUMI COMPONENTS, Preparation of the Reagent Integral section
System. Refer to the SNIBE service for a more detailed of this package insert.
discussion of onboard sample storage constraints. • To avoid contamination, wear clean gloves when operating
with a reagent kit and sample.
Storage • Over time, residual liquids may dry on the kit surface, please
• If testing will be delayed for more than 8 hours, remove serum pay attention the silicon film still exists on the surface of the kit.
from the serum separator, red blood cells or clot. Specimens • For a detailed discussion of handling precautions during
removed from the separator gel, cells or clot may be stored up system operation, refer to the SNIBE service information.
to 12 hours at 2-8°C.
• Specimens can be stored up to 30 days frozen at -20°C or TEST PROCEDURE
colder. To ensure proper test performance, strictly adhere to the operating
instructions of the Fully-auto chemiluminescence immunoassay
Shipping (CLIA) analyzer MAGLUMI. Each test parameter is identified via a
• Before shipping specimens, it is recommended that specimens RFID tag on the Reagent Integral. For further information please
be removed from the serum separator, red blood cells or clot. refer to the Fully-auto chemiluminescence immunoassay (CLIA)
When shipped, specimens must be packaged and labeled in analyzer MAGLUMI Operating Instructions.
compliance with applicable state, federal and international
10μl Sample, calibrator
regulations covering the transport of clinical specimens and
+200μl Buffer
infectious substances. Specimens must be shipped frozen
+20μl Nano magnetic microbeads
(dry ice). Do not exceed the storage time limitations identified
10 min Incubation
immunoassay (CLIA) analyzer MAGLUMI Operating 4. H.I.J. Thomas, P. Morgan-Capner, Journal of Virological
Instructions. Methods, Volume 31, Issues 2–3, February–March
1991, Pages 219-228.
2) Interpretation of Results
5. Klaus-Peter Wandinger, Sandra Saschenbrecker, Katja
Results obtained with the MAGLUMI Rubella IgG assay can be Steinhagen, Thomas Scheper, Wolfgang Meyer, Uwe Bartelt,
interpreted as follows: Gisela Enders, Journal of Virological Methods, Volume 174,
Non-reactive: A result less than 2 AU/ml ( < 2 AU/ml ) is
Issues 1–2, June 2011, Pages 85-93.
considered to be negative.
6. Giuseppe Portella, Claudio Galli, for the MIGHT (Multicenter
Reactive: A result greater than or equal to 2 AU/ml is ( ≥ 2
Italian Group for Hospital ToRCH evaluation), Journal of Clinical
AU/ml ) considered to be positive.
Virology, Volume 49, Issue 2, October 2010, Pages 105-110.
Results from assays of other manufacturers cannot be used
7. A. Paris-Hamelin, S. Fustec-Ibarboure, Journal of Virological
Methods, Volume 10, Issue 4, April 1985, Pages 355-361
8. Best, J. M., S. O'Shea, G. Tipples, N. Davies, S. M. Al Khusaiby,
A. Krause, L. M. Hesketh, L. Jin, and G. Enders. 2002.
1) Precision
Interpretation of rubella serology in pregnancy—pitfalls and
Intra-assay coefficient of variation was evaluated on 3 different
problems. BMJ 325:147-148.
levels of control serum repeatedly measured 20 times in the same
9. Dwyer, D. E., P. W. Robertson, and P. R. Fields. 2001.
run, calculating the coefficient of variation.
Broadsheet: clinical and laboratory features of rubella.
Intra-assay precision
Pathology 33:322-328.
Control Mean(AU/ml) SD(AU/ml) CV%
Level 1 1.61 0.09 5.86 10. Field, P. R., V. Sintchenko, and G. L. Gilbert. 1998.
Level 2 8.15 0.48 5.89 Confirmation of rubella infection: review of 10 years’ experience
Level 3 19.55 1.10 5.65 at ICPMR. Inoculum 7:1-3.
Inter-assay coefficient of variation was evaluated on three batches
11. Francis, B. H., A. K. Thomas, and C. A. McCarty. 2003. The
of kits. Repeatedly measured 3 different levels of control serum 21
impact of rubella immunization on the serological status of
3) Specificity
The specificity of the Rubella IgG assay system was assessed by
measuring the apparent response of the assay to various
potentially cross reactive analytes:
When CMV IgG, CMV IgM, Rubella IgM, Toxo IgG, Toxo IgM,
HSV-1/2IgG, HSV-1/2IgM separately reach a concentration of
30AU/ml, measured Rubella IgG is negative. No cross reaction
with the IgG or IgM antibody of HAV, HBV, HCV, HIV, syphilis,
EBV. The ELISA diagnosed RF or ANA positive, which is non
Rubella infected sample, this reagent’s determination results show
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