1. The fundamental basis of Astrology is past birth actions, leading to new reincarnation. The
birth horoscope is a picture of our Prarabdha Karma.
“A child is born on that day and at that hour when the celestial rays are in mathematical
harmony with one’s individual karma.”
Chap 16, Autobiography of a Yogi, Swami Yogananda
The yogi says that “once we know what we did (karmic debts) we can take corrective action
and undo the deed in this birth”
2. Aunubandha means a tie up or bond. Rinanubandha connotes bondage created between
various relationships acquired by a person in present life due to his past karmic
debts/influences. These relationships could be at the first level (parents, siblings etc) and
open up to other relationships. An idea of the relationships at least at the inner core level
could help in fostering better social and personal relationships in life.
3. Since we are talking of a bondage/relationship it is needless to emphasise the need to see
both horoscopes. An analysis of horoscopes of blood relatives in a family reveals a pattern.
Children derive the planetary position in their parent’s horoscopes in different permutations
and combinations. The children’s horoscopes are either a combination of their parents or any
one of them. Some examples of such patterns could be as follows: -
a. Placement of a planet in same sign
b. Placement of a planet in same house from asc/moon sign.
c. Placement of a planet in the opposite sign
d. Birth star or moon sign of either parent being repeated / opposite.
e. Similar placement of nodes
f. Links between house lords…5L of father being 10L of son (if 10H is taken as father)
g. Planet in opposite sign. ….Planet in asc in one could be in 7h in another.
4. There can be three types of karmic balances that come as baggage in the next birth.
a. Dhrida Karma: Inexcusable mistake, unforgivable sin
b. Adhrida Karma: Negligible mistake, forgivable sin.
c. Dhrida -Adhrida: Between the above two. Excusable provided excuse is sought.
d. Whenever a retrograde planet is present in a chart it indicates the person has
unfinished work from past birth to be completed in this birth.
5. It thus becomes evident that we have come back into this world to complete some unfinished
business and also in the process clear backlog of bad karmas. We therefore get born into a
family because we have some unfinished duties wrt the individuals of that family. Maybe
repay father for some outstanding from last birth Or give mother that extra care to
compensate for the ill treatment meted out during last birth. Rinanubanda with the first level
thus helps us to understand the relationships at each level.
6. Rules for assessing Rinanubanda (adapted from article of Dr Revathi V Kumar)
a. Rinanubanda is present between two natives (horoscopes) in the following cases-
i. Asc, natal moon sign and natal sun sign are same /in angles/in trines.
ii. Asc, natal moon sign and natal sun sign lords are in mutual trines /angles.
iii. Navamsa signs of Asc, natal moon sign and natal sun signs are in mutual trines
/ angles.
iv. The lords of these signs are in mutual exaltation/debilitation.
v. Stellar dispositors of the lords of the above signs are having mutual
sambandha (Phaladeepika) Ch 15, sloka 30).
vi. The lords of above signs are in star signs of their sign dispositors.
b. Off theses representative conditions given above
i. More the interlinks stronger the bondage between the two.
ii. If through angular placements then it is indicative of mutual dependency.
7. An interesting offshoot has been given by Shree BG Acharya in “Mela – Meli” (kannada) for
assessing rinanubandha between prospective bride and groom.
“Lagnaadipo vaa madanadipo vaa yatoyadheeye bhavane amazake vaa
Tatshetrajatam pravadeth kalataram pumso anganaayaascha pathim tathaiva
BharyadhipasthithamKshetram Bharyaya janmabham vidhu
Tasyochamtasyaneecham vaaa tadamsam vaatha nirdheesheth”
Meaning: Rinanubandha is said to exist if
• The sign occupied by the lagna lord or 7L of one falls in the lagna or chandra lagna or
chandra rasi of another.
• The lagna or moon of one occupying the signs of navamsa dispositor of lagna lord or
7L of other.
• Lagna or moon of one occupying the stars of sign dispositor of LL or 7L of another
• Navamsa of 7H of one become lagna of another.
• Lagna or moon of one occupying exaltation or debilitation signs of the rasi dispositor
of LL or 7L of another.
• Lagna or moon of one occupying the exaltation or debilitation signs of navamsa
dispositors of LL or 7L of another.
• Lagna or moon of one occupying signs of planets posited in lagna or 7H.
• If longitudinal difference between venus of one to venus of another is within 90
degrees there are chances of marriage materialising between this pair.
• If longitudinal difference between venus of one to venus of another is 90 – 120
degrees there are chances of marriage between the two after much efforts.
• If from the sign occupied by venus of male chart the sign occupied by venus in female
chart falls in 6th/8th then marriage will not materialise.