Critical Thinking Assignment Name: Lourdes Joanna Kusumadi NIM: 01071180126 Batch: 2018
Critical Thinking Assignment Name: Lourdes Joanna Kusumadi NIM: 01071180126 Batch: 2018
Critical Thinking Assignment Name: Lourdes Joanna Kusumadi NIM: 01071180126 Batch: 2018
In this essay, we will only analyse three main overpopulation issues, such as the loss of
fresh water, depletion of natural resources, and accelerated habitat loss. First of all, the loss
of fresh water, according to the Global Outlook for Water Resources to the Year 2025, it is
estimated that by 2025, more than half of the world population will be facing water-based
vulnerability, and these activities influenced by overpopulation have only left less than 1% of
the planet’s freshwater readily accessible for human utilization. The unrelenting nature of
overpopulation on earth has destroyed most of the world’s freshwater systems. Most of the
lakes, streams, rivers, and groundwater making up fresh water have been made
unreachable or become too polluted.
Secondly, as the human population continues to explode, the finite natural resources, such
as fossil fuels, fresh water, coral reefs, arable land, etc, are continuing to plummet. A study
by the UNEP Global Environment Outlook has found that “Human consumption had far
outstripped available resources”. Excessive human consumption of the naturally occurring
non-renewable resources can outstrip available in the near future and remarkably deplete
them for future generations. The last problem is the accelerated habitat loss which is highly
influenced by overpopulation. It is out of overpopulation that activities such as excessive
agriculture, environmental pollution, and extensive land development have become more
and more intensive. For instance, rainforests originally covered 14% of the entire earth’s
surface. Today, rainforest only cover about 6% of the earth’s surface, and scientists projects
it may even decrease in the next four decades judged by the current rate of vegetation
removal, logging, and deforestation. The increase in habitat loss highly translates with the
loss of biodiversity that could have a direct impact on our environment as well.
One of the solution that could only answer the issue of overpopulation is the education and
awareness of birth control and family planning. The country with the highest population is
China, where they enact the one-child policies that regulates the number of children allowed
to a couple, some leaders have suggested for countries like the United States to implement
this regulation and this may spread to the country, with the hope of this policy reducing
overpopulation gradually. This is one of the most effective solution because worldwide,
nearly 40% of pregnancies are unintended, which equates to about 80 million unintended
pregnancies each year and about according to the United Nations Population Fund, an
estimated 350 million women in the poorest countries of the world either not wanting their
last child or even getting pregnant at all. In the chapter of “Nine Population Strategies to
Stop Short of 9 Billion”, Worldwatch Institute President Robert Engelman argues that “If most
of these strategies were put into effect, global population would subsequently begin a
gradual decline before 2050. By implementing policies that defend human rights, promote
education, and reflect that true economic and environmental costs of childbearing, the world
can halt population short of the 9 billion that so many analysts expect”.
In conclusion, overpopulation is a serious dilemma that is growing every year, every minute,
and every second. Overpopulation is the major global problem because it may result in a
very dark future for our generations to come. We must act fast before our population explode
into the numbers that is uncontrollable, the purposed solution of family planning and birth
control may be the best option to halt our population growth.