United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,825,152: Eriksson (45) Date of Patent: Oct. 20, 1998
United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,825,152: Eriksson (45) Date of Patent: Oct. 20, 1998
United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,825,152: Eriksson (45) Date of Patent: Oct. 20, 1998
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U.S. Patent 5,825,152
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U.S. Patent Oct. 20, 1998 Sheet 2 of 14 5,825,152
U.S. Patent Oct. 20, 1998 Sheet 3 of 14 5,825,152
U.S. Patent 5,825,152
U.S. Patent Oct. 20, 1998 Sheet S of 14 5,825,152
U.S. Patent Oct. 20, 1998 Sheet 6 of 14 5,825,152
U.S. Patent Oct. 20, 1998 Sheet 7 of 14 5,825,152
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U.S. Patent Oct. 20, 1998 Sheet 9 of 14 5,825,152
U.S. Patent Oct. 20, 1998 Sheet 10 of 14 5,825,152
U.S. Patent Oct. 20, 1998 Sheet 11 of 14 5,825,152
U.S. Patent Oct. 20, 1998 Sheet 12 of 14 5,825,152
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U.S. Patent Oct. 20, 1998 Sheet 14 of 14 5,825,152
1 2
LOAD-COMMUTATED SYNCHRONOUS torque at low Speeds, these oscillations may become
MOTOR DRIVE considerable, and the oscillations entail considerable disad
Vantages in the form of, for example, a high Sound level,
TECHNICAL FIELD increased wear and a risk of mechanical damage. These
disadvantages are particularly great in drive Systems which
The present invention relates to a load-commutated Syn are operating for lengthy periods at a critical Speed, or which
chronous motor drive, which comprise often pass through a critical Speed range.
a line-commutated network-side converter with dic The Sudden reduction and increase, respectively, of the
terminals, and with ac terminals for connection to an alter current-time area when changing to and from, respectively,
nating Voltage network, and with a natural pulse number, intermediate-link discontinuous current operation further
a load-commutated machine-side converter with ac ter entails an unfavourable discontinuity in the control proper
minals for connection to a Synchronous machine, and ties of the System.
with dc terminals which are connected to the dc ter To ensure current commutation in a Synchronous motor
minals of the network-side converter via a current drive at low Speeds, it has been proposed, as an alternative
Source dc intermediate link. 15 to intermediate-link discontinuous current operation, to
Short-circuit the Smoothing inductor of the intermediate link,
at each commutation in the machine-Side converter, by firing
Synchronous motor drives of the kind described above are a freewheeling thyristor valve connected in parallel with the
previously known from, for example, ABB Handbok inductor. This solution is mentioned, for example in IEEE,
Industri, Asea Brown Boveri AB Vasteras 1993 (referred to page 220, section IIIB. The loss of current-time area
in the following as "ABB Handbok'), pages 276-284, from becomes lower with this method than with intermediate-link
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications Vol. IA-19, discontinuous current operation, but the torque disturbances
No.2, March/April 1983 (referred to in the following as will have a high amplitude also with this method. Further, it
“IEEE”), pages 217-222, and from H. Bihler:“Einf is required that the thyristor valve be dimensioned for full
lihrung in die Theoriegeregelter Drehstromantriebe", Birkh 25 System Voltage and taking into consideration the high
auser, Basel-Stuttgart 1977 (referred to in the following as intermediate-link current, which results in a high price and
“Bihler”), e.g. Band I, pages 21-23; Band II, pages 88–158. large dimensions of the valve.
In a Synchronous motor drive of the above type, the SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
machine-side converter is of a line-commutated type, and The invention aims to provide a Synchronous motor drive
the induced alternating Voltage of the Synchronous machine of the kind described in the introductory part of the
constitutes the commutating Voltage of the converter. This description, in which the above-mentioned torque distur
Voltage decreases with the frequency, that is, with the Speed bances and the drawbacks caused thereby are greatly
of the machine, but Since the resistance in the commutating reduced or completely eliminated in a simple and advanta
circuit is negligible in comparison with the reactance down 35 geous Way.
to relatively low Speeds, the commutating capability of the This is achieved by providing the motor drive according
machine is not influenced in any practical Sense. At very low to the invention with control members adapted, in case of
Speeds, however, the effect of the resistance is no longer insufficient commutating capability of the Synchronous
negligible, and the commutating capability of the machine is machine, in connection with commutation of the machine
then not Sufficient for commutation of intermediate-link 40 side converter, to Switch over the network-side converter for
currents which are greater than the limiting current for operation with a lower pulse number than the natural pulse
discontinuous current. number of the converter, which makes it possible to avoid
To achieve commutation, also at very low machine intermediate-link discontinuous current operation and the
Speeds, of currents larger than the above-mentioned limiting disadvantages thereof.
current, that is, to make it possible to maintain the current 45 According to a preferred embodiment of the invention,
and torque of the machine also at a very low speed, it is the motor drive is provided with control members adapted,
previously known from ABB Handbok, page 282, from in connection with the commutations in the machine-side
IEEE, page 219, and from Bihler, Band 2, pages 92–93, to converter, and in dependence on the actual operating quan
use So-called forced commutation operation. In this case, the tities of the machine, to determine whether the commutating
intermediate-link current is reduced to Zero with the aid of 50 capability of the machine is Sufficient for commutation of the
the network-Side converter in connection with each com current in question and, if this is not the case, to execute the
mutation of the machine-side converter. Each Such Switching of the network-Side converter to operation with a
reduction, however, entails a loSS of current-time area and lower pulse number. According to one embodiment, this
hence a loss of torque-a torque disturbance (see, e.g. ABB determination is made by calculating the maximum current
Handbok, page 284, last paragraph). Moreover, these torque 55 which the machine is capable of commutating, and compar
disturbances are reinforced by the Speed regulator of the ing this current with the actual current.
System, which increases its output in order to compensate for According to one embodiment of the invention, the
the loSS of the torque-time area which is equivalent to the network-side converter is designed for operation with a
current-time area caused by the intermediate-link discon plurality of different pulse numbers which are lower than the
tinuous current operation. 60 natural pulse number. The system is then provided with
The torque disturbances occur with a frequency which is control members adapted, in connection with commutation
proportional to the machine frequency. It has proved that the in the machine-side converter, to determine the highest of
frequency of the torque disturbances may typically coincide the pulse numbers which ensure commutation and to Switch
with a mechanical natural oscillation frauency of the drive over the network-Side converter for operation with this pulse
System. This means that the torque disturbances will excite 65 number.
mechanical natural oscillations in the drive System. In Such According to one embodiment of the invention, improved
drive Systems as are operating with a high current and a high properties may be obtained by taking into account, when
3 4
determining which pulse number of the network-Side con the two dc series-connected three-phase bridges 3A and 3B.
verter is to be used in connection with the commutation of The latter are connected to a three-phase power network
the machine-Side converter, the fact that also an insufficient ACN via a converter transformer 4 with a delta-connected
machine Voltage makes a contribution to the commutating primary winding 40 and two Secondary windings 41A and
capability. 41B, of which the former one is star-connected and the latter
one delta-connected. The intermediate-link reactor 5 is pref
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS erably designed with a relatively high inductance to reduce
interharmonic disturbances, partly in the torque of the
The invention will be described in greater detail in the machine, partly in the network.
following with reference to the accompanying FIGS. 1-10, FIG. 1b schematically shows the network-side converter
wherein 3 with the two thyristor bridges 3A and 3B. The bridges are
FIG. 1a is a block diagram showing an example of a dc Series-connected and line-commutated. The bridge 3A is
Synchronous motor drive according to the invention, connected to the Star-connected Secondary winding 41A of
FIG. 1b shows the network-side converter in the motor the transformer 4, and the bridge 3B is connected to the
drive according to FIG. 1a, 15 delta-connected Secondary winding 41B. Each bridge is a
FIG. 1c shows the machine-side converter in the motor six-pulse two-way bridge. By the Selected transformer
drive according to FIG. 1a, connection, a phase displacement of 30 between the alter
nating Voltages of the bridges is obtained, and the converter
FIG. 2 shows an example of the embodiment of the in its entirety is given the pulse number 12.
Selector circuit for connection of the pulse number modu In the bridge 3A the numbering of the six thyristor valves
lation and for Switching between various pulse numbers, TY1-TY6 of the bridge is stated. The corresponding valve
FIGS. 3a, 3b and 3e show commutating times and numbering is used in the following also for the other bridges
intermediate-link current for 12-pulse, 6-pulse and 3-pulse 3B, 2A and 2B in the intermediate-link converter.
operation of the network-side converter, FIG. 1c schematically shows the machine-side converter
FIG. 4 shows how 2-pulse operation of the network-side 25 2 with the two three-phase bridges 2A and 2B. The bridges
converter may be achieved, are dc Series-connected and line-commutated. The Synchro
FIG. 5 shows the function of an alternative embodiment nous machine 1 is of six-phase design and has two three
of the invention, where the commutating capability of the phase winding systems 104 and 105 which are displaced 30
machine, and also the recovery time of the thyristor valves, between themselves. The three windings in the system 104
are taken into account when determining the pulse number are connected to the alternating-voltage connections of the
during operation with a reduced pulse number, bridge 2A, and the three windings in the system 105 are
FIG. 6 shows in the form of a flow chart how the selector connected to the alternating-Voltage connections of the
circuit may be designed to achieve the function according to bridge 2B. Also this converter is in its entirety given the
FIG. 5, pulse number 12.
FIG. 7 and 35 The valves of the two converters 2 and 3 consist of
FIG. 8 illustrate how, according to a preferred embodi thyristor valves, equipped with conventional thyristors (i.e.
ment of the invention, the commutating times are deter thyristors which cannot be extinguished with the aid of a
mined and the current is measured in Such a way that the control signal). The commutating voltages of the converters
mean value thereof is kept constant both before and after and consist, for the converter 2, primarily of the induced alter
during the Switching of the pulse number, 40 nating Voltage of the Synchronous machine and, for the
converter 3, of the alternating voltage in the network ACN.
FIG. 9 shows the principle of generation of control pulses The synchronous machine 1 has a field winding 101, and
for the network-side converter in FIG. 1, and the field current is obtained from a controllable rectifier 102.
FIG. 10 shows in more detail how the current measure Further, the machine has a tachometer generator 103, for
ment is arranged in the converter according to FIG. 1. 45 example of pulse transducer type, which delivers a signal cm
DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED corresponding to the angular velocity of the machine. The
EMBODIMENTS terminal voltage U, and current I of the machine are
sensed, the latter with the aid of a current transformer ITM,
By the “natural pulse number of a line-commutated and are Supplied to a correction unit 6. In this, the measured
converter is meant in this application the number of com 50 signals are filtered and a signal U is generated, the
mutations per alternating-voltage period that the converter amplitude and phase position of which correspond to the
permits. Thus, a two-way Single-phase bridge has the natural induced air-gap Voltage of the machine. The unit 6 may be
pulse number 2 and a two-way three-phase bridge the designed in the way described in the Swedish patent Speci
natural pulse number 6. A 12-pulse converter with two dc fication with publication number 415 425. A Superordinate
Series-connected three-phase bridges, which are connected 55 control unit 9 calculates a value of the firing angle B of the
to three-phase systems displaced 30 between themselves, machine-side converter which is optimized to the prevailing
has the natural pulse number 12. operating conditions. The angle B is the distance in electrical
An example of a 12-pulse Synchronous motor drive degrees from the beginning of a commutation (by firing of
according to the invention is shown in the form of a block the commutated thyristor) to the immediately following Zero
diagram in FIG. 1a. It comprises a 6-phase Synchronous 60 crossing of the commutating Voltage. The desired firing
machine 1, the Six ac terminals of which are connected to a angle B is supplied to the control pulse devices 8A and 8B
machine-side converter 2 consisting of the two dc Series of the machine-side converter. These control pulse devices
connected two-way 6-pulse three-phase bridges 2A and 2B. determine, on the basis of the signals U, f and co, the
This converter, in turn, is connected to a dc intermediate link times for firing of the commutated thyristors and deliver
consisting of the busbars PL and NL and an intermediate 65 firing pulses, SP2A and SP2B, to these thyristors with Such
link reactor 5. The intermediate link is supplied with direct a phase position in relation to the air-gap Voltage of the
current I from a network-side converter 3, which consists of machine that the firing angle is given the desired value B.
S 6
At each moment current flows in two of the three phase contents during an interval is then proportional to the current
windings in each of the two winding systems 104 and 105. Id. By reading also the length of the measurement interval
Which phase windings are current-carrying is determined at during the reading, a measured signal I may be formed,
each moment by which thyristor valves are fired and are which is proportional to the mean value I of the converter
conducting. This can be viewed as if the control pulses to the current during the measurement interval.
Valves of the machine-Side converter 12 form a pattern Control pulses are generated according to the principle
which changes for each commutation but which is constant shown in FIG. 9. As phase-position reference there is used
in between. the Zero crossing of one of the phase Voltages on the network
A change detector 7 is Supplied with the control pulses side of the converter. This Zero crossing ZC is detected by
SP2A and SP2B and senses changes in the above-mentioned a comparator and is marked on a time axis, T. This event
control pulse pattern. Each change is an indication that a also sets a memory circuit to one, ZC-flag.
commutation is about to be started, and at each change a When the control program, which is here assumed to be
detection signal SPC is delivered. This signal activates the implemented in a microprocessor, discovers that the circuit
pulse number modulation according to the invention in a ZC-flag is set to a one (block "ZC-flag=1), a mains Syn
way which will be described in the following. The change 15
chronization routine is completed. This uses T, to calculate
detector may, for example, be designed with a 12-bit the time T for commutation of the thyristors Ty1 and Ty6
memory which stores a digital number which delivers the (i.e. k=0, see table below) at the control angle a=0. This
control pulse pattern. Continuously and at regular intervals, updating of T is done in the block “UP(T2) ". That
the control pulse pattern given by the control pulses SP2A, phase-to-phase Voltage which has then become commutated
SP2B is compared with the stored pattern, whereupon the is represented by the fact that the Voltage vector k has the
former pattern is Stored in the memory. The comparison may value Zero. The Voltage vector k corresponds to a control
be made as a simple Subtraction, and if the result differs from pulse pattern according to the pattern:
Zero, a signal SPC is delivered.
The network-side converter 3 controls the current in the
25 Control pulse pattern Voltage vector
main circuit. The alternating current I to the bridge 3A is
sensed with the aid of a current transformer ITN. In a Ty1 Ty2 Ty3 Ty4 Ty5 Ty6 k
rectifier 170, a measured value I is formed, which is
proportional to the current I and which is compared with a 1.
current reference I, in a Summator 132. The difference AI O 1. 1. O O O 2
is Supplied to a current regulator 12 with PI characteristic. O O 1. 1. O O 3
The output signal of the regulator is Supplied to a function O O O 1. 1. O 4
generator 121 for linearization of the control circuit, the O O O O 1. 1. 5
output signal of this generator being an arcuscosine function
of the input Signal and corresponding to the control angle C.
of the network-Side converter. This Signal is Supplied via a 35 During the mains synchronization routine (block “T=
summator 122 to the summators 123A and 123B, the output TZ (n)-T (n-1)”) also the period T of the network is
Signals CA and C of which constitute the control angles of calculated from the difference between the latest value of T,
the two bridges 3A and 3B of the converter 3. The latter namely, T2(n), and the latest value but one, T2(n-1).
Signals are Supplied to the control pulse devices 10A and In connection with each commutation, the period is used
10B of the bridges. As phase-position reference, the control 40 to convert the control angle a into a delay time T. (block
pulses are Supplied with the Sensed line Voltage Uy. The “T=C.T./360'). Each time the control pulse device is
control pulse devices deliver control pulses SP3A and SP3B run, the quantity k is incremented by 1 in block “k=k+1.
to the valves of the two bridges with Such phase positions in The incrementation is run until k=6, whereupon k is reset
relation to the line Voltage that the desired values CA and C. 45
(blocks “k=6” and “k=0”). Each time the control pulse
of the control angles of the bridges are obtained. device is run, the Voltage vector is thus also updated. For
FIG. 10 shows in more detail how the circuits for the each commutation which is made, the reference time
current measurement are formed in the motor drive accord T2+k.T/6
cycie is advanced by a time corresponding to 60.
ing to FIG. 1a. The current transformers ITNa, ITNb and Thus, a time T for the next commutation is calculated
ITNc are each arranged in a phase lead on the ac Side of the 50 (block"T= -Tik."/6"). Further, the voltage vector
converter. With the aid of the three-phase rectifier bridge k is translated into a control pulse pattern (block “k-CPP”).
170, a measured direct current i' is generated, the instan This control pulse pattern is written out into a memory
taneous value of which is proportional to the instantaneous circuit (block “P(NCPP)”.
value of the actual direct current id of the converter. Immediately thereafter, a timing circuit is activated by the
AcroSS a resistor IR, the measured current generates a 55 time T. (block “P(T,)"). When this time has expired, the
measured Voltage u' which is also proportional to the control pulse pattern is moved to a new memory circuit
converter current id. The measured Voltage controls a which is connected to the control inputs of the thyristors.
Voltage-controlled oscillator VCO. This generates a pulse This time, that is, T, may be used to determine the
train in the form of a Square Signal, the frequency of which Starting time for the calculation of the next commutation and
is proportional to the voltage of the input of the VCO circuit. 60 So on. When controlling a Series converter (two series
The Square signal is Supplied to the input of a means CR for connected 6-pulse converters), two control angles are used,
counting up which has data outputs D0-D15. The counter C, and C. During 12-pulse operation, the Values of
calculates pulses until the value of the outputs D0-D15 these two control angles are identically alike.
becomes FFFF, whereafter the counter is automatically reset For certain pulse numbers, for example PNC6, k is incre
and restarted. 65 mented by a number which is greater than one.
At intervals coinciding with the commutating intervals, A speed reference (), is obtained from a reference value
the counter register is read. The change of the counter transducer 130, for example a potentiometer, or from a
7 8
Superordinate control System. The Speed reference is com co,t, primarily be omitted. At an assumed value of the firing
pared in a Summator 131 with the speed signal co, obtained angle B=52, the values which must not be exceeded by the
from the tachometer generator 103, and the difference is overlap angle u are then obtained:
supplied to a speed regulator 13 with PI characteristic. The
output signal of this regulator constitutes the above 52 during 6-pulse operation
mentioned current reference I, 30° during 12-pulse operation
The Sensed line voltage Uy is rectified in a measurement
rectifier 171, the output Signal U' of which corresponds to
the amplitude of the line voltage. In a multiplier 172 the The relationships which apply as regards the commutating
Sensed current I' is multiplied by a quantity Z, which capability of a Synchronous machine at low frequency are
corresponds to the internal impedance of the network ACN described in, for example, Bihler, Band I, pages 155-159.
including the impedance of the transformer 4. The product The calculation of the current I (I in Bihler) is suitably
AU is added in a Summator 173 to the Signal U, and the made with the aid of the relationship 3.32b on page 158 in
resultant signal U is a measure of the open-circuit voltage Bihler, Band I, and is preferably carried out with an
of the network. The Signal is Supplied to a Selector circuit 17, 15 appropriately programmed microprocessor.
the function of which will be described below. The selector circuit 17 is composed in the manner shown
In a calculating circuit 18, the highest commutatable in FIG. 2. A calculating circuit 1701 calculates the limiting
current I is continuously calculated. This depends on the currents for discontinuous operation at different pulse num
calculated air-gap voltage U of the machine and the bers: Ioa during 12-pulse operation and Io, during 6-pulse
measured frequency (), of the machine. Further, it is depen operation. These limiting currents are dependent, in a known
dent on the firing angle f3 of the machine-side converter. At manner, on the constant data of the main circuit, primarily on
the low Speeds when the commutating capability may the inductance of the Smoothing inductor 5, on the pulse
become insufficient, this angle is normally Set at a constant number of the network-side converter, and on the open
maximum value, for example 52, which is chosen taking circuit Voltage Uo of the network ACN, here represented by
into account the power factor of the motor, the reason being 25 its rectified equivalence U. In comparison circuits 1702,
to obtain the highest possible commutating capability. The 1703, 1704 the current reference Iris compared with I,
other parameters which determine the commutating Io and Io. The circuit 1702 delivers an output signal if
capability, namely, the commutating resistance per phase R. Is I, the circuit 1703 an output signal if I-2Iona and
and the commutating inductance per phase L, are treated the circuit 1704 an output signal if I-Ios.
during the calculation as as constants and are determined The output signals from the circuits 1702, 1703, 1704 are
from factual data of the main circuit-machine, converter, supplied to an OR circuit 1705 and to two AND circuits
cables. 1706 and 1707. The output signals from these circuits are
A commutation of the current from, for example, the Supplied, in turn, to a memory circuit 1801 via Switching
thyristor TY4 to the thyristor TY6 in a bridge in the members 1708, 1709, 1800 activated by the activating signal
machine-side converter is started by firing the thyristor TY6. 35 SPC.
The commutating Voltage, that is, the difference between the The OR circuit 1705 delivers an output signal if I->I,
phase Voltages connected to these thyristors, drives an and/or if I-lo2. In the presence of the activating signal
increasing commutating current is through the commutating SPC, the output signal of the circuit 1705 is forwarded to the
circuit which consists of the two thyristors and the phase memory circuit 1801, where it causes storage of a value
windings, connected thereto, of the machine. Through the 40 corresponding to 12 in the pulse number PN. The AND
decommutated thyristor TY4 the resultant current ii. circuit 1706 delivers a signal if Is I, and at the same
flows, and through the commutated thyristor TY6 the current time I, alone and I-Ios. In the presence of the activating
it flows. When it has risen to the value i? the thyristor TY4 signal SPC, the output signal of the circuit 1706 is forwarded
expires and the commutation is completed. to the memory circuit 1801, where it causes storage of a
At the low frequencies occurring, the resistance in the 45 value corresponding to 6 of the pulse number PN. The AND
commutating circuit cannnot be neglected, but during the circuit 1707 delivers an output signal if Is I, and at the
calculation both this resistance and the commutating induc same time I-Ios. In the presence of the activating signal
tance must be taken into consideration. SPC, the output signal of the circuit 1707 is forwarded to the
The commutating process takes a certain amount of time memory circuit 1801, where it causes storage of a value
which corresponds to the So-called overlap angle u. This 50 corresponding to 3 of the pulse number PN.
angle must not exceed a certain maximum value determined The output signal PN from the selector circuit 17 thus
by the firing angle B in order for a commutation to Succeed. continuously constitutes a measure of the desired pulse
This condition is number with which the network-side converter is to operate
during the next commutating proceSS in order that the
55 current in question shall be commutated with certainty. It is
updated by the signal SPN at the beginning of each com
mutation. The signal PN is supplied to a circuit 16, which,
if PN-12, causes Switching of a signal corresponding to 15
y Omtg during 6-pulse operation to the Summators 123a and 123B.
y | - J/6 + cont during 12-pulse operation 60 If PN=12, then C=C=C. The network-side converter
then operates with both its bridges mutually displaced in
The reason for the different values at the two pulse phase 30, with a commutation every 60 in each bridge and
numbers is that during 12-pulse operation, the commutating with a commutation every 30 in the converter it is entirety,
notches in the Voltage are inductively coupled between the that is, in 12-pulse operation. On the other hand, if PNC12,
two three-phase Systems. 65 then C=C-15 and C=C-15. This causes the commuta
The recovery time of the thyristor valves is typically 400 tions of the bridge 3A to occur 15 later and the commuta
tis, and at the low machine frequencies occurring, the term tions of the bridge 3B to occur 15 earlier. In each bridge a
9 10
commutation occurs every 60 as during 12-pulse operation, the time of the oscillator 15. The network-side converter
but the commutations will occur Simultaneously in the two operates in 3-pulse operation, and the frequency of the ripple
bridges. For the converter as a whole, the intervals between will be one-fourth of the frequency during 12-pulse opera
the commutations will be 60, that is, the converter operates tion and a high peak-to-peak value is of the ripple is
in 6-pulse operation. obtained. Also in this figure, the mean value of the
The value PN=3 activates a AC-oscillator 15. This is intermediate-link current is assumed to lie at the limiting
synchronized to the control pulse devices 10A and 10B of current-Io-between continuous and discontinuous drive.
the network-side converter. Immediately before each new For intermediate-link currents lower than the value Is the
commutating time is to be determined, the oscillator changes intermediate-link current and hence the current through the
its output signal from +300 to -30 and some time after the thyristors of the machine-side converter will be zero 3 times
commutation the output signal is changed back to +30. per line alternating Voltage cycle, and, therefore, no prob
lems with the commutation of the machine-Side converter
Further, only every other thyristor pair is fired whereas the arise.
firings of the intermediate thyristor pairs are omitted. There In the embodiment of a Synchronous motor drive accord
will therefore be 120 between consecutive commutations in ing to the invention, described above, both converters, as
the network-Side converter, that is, it operates in 3-pulse 15
will be clear from the above, are operating in normal
operation. 12-pulse operation if the current is lower than the maximum
When the pulse number is reduced, the speed of execution commutatable current I at the motor Speed in question.
for the current control circuit is changed. A lower pulse The machine-side converter is then commutated by the
number thus means, for example, lower intervals between induced Voltage of the machine. Likewise, the converters are
the up-grades of the current response. The Signal PN is operating in normal 12-pulse operation if the current is
therefore Supplied also to the Speed regulator 13 and the lower than the limiting current during 12-pulse operation
current regulator 12, for adaptation of the characteristic of Io. In this case, Zero crossings of the current are obtained
the regulators (time constant and reinforcement) to the pulse because of the ripple generated by the network-side
number in question. converter, and during these Zero crossings, all the conduct
The top graph in FIG. 3a shows the commutating times 25 ing thyristor valves in the machine-Side converter expire.
during normal 12-pulse operation during one cycle of the At higher Speeds the machine-side converter is commu
line alternating Voltage U of the two bridges 3A and 3B in tated by the air-gap Voltage of the machine. At decreasing
the network-Side converter 3. The commutating times are motor Speeds, however, this Voltage decreases, and the
displaced 30 between the bridges 3A and 3B. The combi commutating capability is reduced, which is reflected by a
nations of figures given in conjunction with the commutat decreasing value of the quantity I. If this is lower than
ing times designate that thyristor pair which is to carry the motor current, the network-side converter is Switched to
current during the following 60 interval. Such a lower pulse number that the current, because of the
Below this the intermediate-link current it is shown. A ripple which increases greatly With decreasing pulse
ripple is Superimposed on the intermediate-link current. number, becomes discontinuous, whereby commutations in
This ripple has the fundamental frequency 12 times the 35 the machine-side converter can be made. AS will be clear
mains frequency. Its peak-to-peak value is iota and is from FIG. 3, this makes it possible to handle high currents
Substantially determined by the open-circuit voltage U of also at the lowest Speed of the machine without any risk of
the network ACN, by the inductance of the intermediate-link commutating faults in the machine-side converter.
inductor 5, and by the pulse number of the network-side In the above-described synchronous motor drive, the
converter. The mean value of the intermediate-link current is 40 lowest possible pulse number of the network-side converter
assumed in the figure to be at the limiting current I to is 3. If desired, still higher currents and/or still lower
discontinuous operation, that is, the minimum value of the machine Speeds may be handled by providing the System
current barely reaches down to Zero during each commuta with a possibility of a further reduction of the pulse number.
tion. For intermediate-link currents lower than the value Io Thus, for example, the pulse number 2 may be obtained in
the intermediate-link current and hence the current through 45 the same way as the pulse number 3, that is, with the aid of
the thyristors of the machine-side converter will be zero 12 an oscillating control angle. By increasing the amplitude of
times per line alternating Voltage cycle, and, therefore, no this oscillation from 30 to 60 and by only firing every third
commutating problems arise. thyristor pair, 2-pulse operation of the network-Side con
FIG. 3b shows the same quantities during 6-pulse opera verter and a limiting current I which is considerably higher
tion. Since the commutations in the bridge 3A have been 50 than the limiting current during 3-pulse operation are
retarded by 15 and in the bridge 3B advanced by 15, they obtained. FIG. 4 illustrates this and shows the same quan
will become synchronous in the two bridges. The network tities as FIG. 3c.
Side converter therefore operates in 6-pulse operation, and It is also possible to Synthetize even longer pulse numbers
the frequency of the ripple will be half as high as during than 2, thus being able to handle Still higher currents at a low
12-pulse operation and the peak-to-peak value is will be 55 machine Speed. The largest pulse which can be realized
higher. Also in this case, the mean value of the intermediate without changing voltage arcs (i.e. without commutation
link current is assumed to lie at the limiting current-Io from one to another phase-to-phase voltage) is 210 long,
between continuous and discontinuous operation. For which results in the pulse number 15/7. This can be achieved
intermediate-link currents lower than the value Io, the by alternating the sign of the control angle offset of 15,
intermediate-link current and hence the current through the 60 activated by the circuit 15 above, between the current pulses
thyristors of the machine-side converter will be zero 6 times and by further increasing the quantity AC., namely to 75.
per line alternating Voltage cycle, and, therefore, no prob Pulse numbers other than those mentioned above may
lems with the commutation of the machine-Side converter also be realized, for example by the introduction of extra
arise. commutations and/or by omitting commutations in other
FIG. 3C shows the same quantities during 3-pulse opera 65 ways than those described above.
tion. Below the two graphs, showing the commutating times In the System according the invention described above, it
for the bridges, it is shown how the quantity AC. Varies with has been assumed that Since, at low Speed and high current,
11 12
the commutating capability of the machine is insufficient
and a change to a lower pulse number has been made, the
commutations are executed only with the aid of the ripple in
the intermediate-link current. The fact that the machine
always, as long as it rotates, has a certain commutating
capability, even at the lowest Speed, has not been taken into
account. The commutating capability of the machine is
represented by the value of the signal I. This indicates
by which amount the commutating current i(t) increases in After starting, i is set at i=0. PN'-PN'(i) is fetched from
the time represented by the overlap angle u, for example, the table. The quantities AI, and AI(t) are calculated. Then
during 12-pulse operation and a machine frequency of 1 Hz, the comparison is made between I, and I, where I=I+
the angle u=30 represents the time 83 ms. According to one AI-AI(t). If I-I, the current in question cannot be
embodiment of the invention, the commutating capability of commutated at the pulse number 12, and the variable “i” is
increased by 1, whereupon a new calculation and a new
the machine is taken into account, an unnecessarily large 15 comparison are made, this time with PN'-6. The process is
reduction of the pulse number of the network-side converter repeated with Successively lower pulse numbers until the
thus being avoided. FIG. 5 illustrates the function. The commutation condition I-I is fulfilled. Then the output
figure shows as functions of time and for an intermediate signal PN is set at PN=PN' and the calculation is terminated.
link current I: In the cases described above, the pulse number modula
the instantaneous values of the intermediate-link current tion is activated in connection with a commutation of the
during machine-side converter being ordered. Alternatively, the
12-pulse operation i(12) activation cannot be made until the commutating current has
6-pulse operation i(6) grown a certain distance. The overlap angle it is known or
3-pulse operation i(3) may be calculated by the calculating circuit 18. It may be
25 Suitable to activate the pulse number modulation, that is,
the commutating current i(t) during an assumed commu where necessary, reduce the pulse number of the network
tating proceSS in the machine-side converter. Side converter So far that the commutation of the machine
The commutating current i(t) grows to a value Ice. Side converter is ensured, a time corresponding to the
which constitutes the commutating capability of the overlap angle after the Start of the commutation, or Some
machine. The figure is made while assuming that a reduction what earlier. The pulse number which is reduced where
of the pulse number to 6 is insufficient and a reduction to the necessary may be applied for a time which depends on the
pulse number 3 is barely Sufficient for the current in question motor frequency and the pulse number in question. It may,
to be able to be commutated. The minimum value of the for example, be Sufficient to operate with the reduced pulse
current i(3) falls short of the mean value I by the amount number for about 10 ms at PN=6 and for about 20 ms at
AI. If the recovery time of the thyristors is not taken into 35 PN-3.
consideration, the condition for commutation is The pulse-number modulation, according to what has
been pointed out above, is not activated the whole time
dislo-FAI. during operation in the low-speed range, where the commu
tating capability of the machine is reduced. Depending on
where AI depends on the open-circuit voltage of the net 40 the embodiment, it is possible, as pointed out above, to
work and on the pulse number in question. activate the pulse-number modulation in connection with the
The recovery time t, of the thyristors is suitably taken into commutation in the machine-Side converter Starting, or
consideration, and this is done by reducing AI by an amount alternatively Somewhat delayed.
The maximum value of the overlap angle is known and,
AI(t) so large (see the figure) that a Zero-current interval of 45 as pointed out above, corresponds to a time (83 ms at 1 Hz)
the duration t is obtained. The commutation condition will which is considerably greater than the time of a "current
then be
bubble” (i.e. the time between two commutations) of the
network-side converter (during, e.g. 3-pulse operation and
lds on--All-AICt.) 50 Hz power frequency, this time is 6.6 ms). To ensure the
50 commutation, it is Suitable to allow a few pulse-number
5 where also AI(t) depends on the open-circuit voltage of modulated current bubbles to be, for example, 3. With the
the network and on the pulse number in question. pulse number PN=this corresponds to 20 ms at 50 Hz power
The selector unit 17 in this case preferably consists of a frequency. When the commutation in the machine-Side con
processor adapted to carry out the necessary calculations and verter has started, there is thus a delay of 83-20=63 ms
to investigate whether the commutation condition is full 55 before the pulse-number modulation is activated.
filled. The processor can thereby be programmed to operate The activation-the Switch to 3-pulse operation-is
according to the flow chart in FIG. 6. The processor is assumed to occur at the time t=t0 in FIG. 7. Before this time,
Supplied with the signals shown in FIG. 2, where I the network-Side converter operates in Stationary 12-pulse
represents the intermediate-link current Id, and is activated operation and the intermediate-link current is i(12). At t=t1
at the beginning of, or immediately before, each commuta 60 the first commutation is made in 3-pulse operation, and the
tion in the machine-side converter by the signal SPC. The time is So chosen that the first peak value of the
processor operates with a parameter “i' which, for example, intermediate-link current i() in 3-pulse operation will have
may assume the values 0, 1, 2, ... whereby a possible value the same value as during Stationary 3-pulse operation. The
of an assumed value PN' of the pulse number of the following commutations in 3-pulse operation are made at tal
network-side converter corresponds to each value of “i', and 65 and t5. At t8 Such a commutation is made that a return to
where PN' depends on the variable “i” according to a 12-pulse operation occurs, and this time is So chosen that the
prestored table, for example intermediate-link current directly changes to the course-i
13 14
(12) it has during 12-pulse operation. At t9 the first ordi
nary commutation is then made in 12-pulse operation.
During the intervals to-ta and t5-t9 there is thus no change As demonstrated in Török, Hibner:"Time Optimal Con
from 12-pulse operation to 3-pulse operation and Vice versa, trol of Converter-fed D.C. Drives', IEE 2nd International
and the network-Side converter may be said to operate in Conference on Electrical Variable-Speed Drives, London
transient 3-pulse operation. During the interval ta-ts the 25-27 Sep. 1979, pp 131-135, the limiting direct current
converter is operating in Stationary 3-pulse operation. during 6-pulse operation is
AS an example, FIG. 7 also shows how a change to the
pulse number PN=6 can be made in connection with the
commutation of the machine-side converter. The activation
of the pulse-number modulation is assumed to occur at t=t(0. where U is the peak value of the supply voltage of the
At t2 Such a commutation is made that a change to 6-pulse network-side converter phase-to-phase to the respective
operation occurs, and during the interval t3-t6 the converter network-side converter 3A and 3B in FIG.1a. The stationary
is operating in Stationary 6-pulse operation. By a commu lead time during 6-pulse operation, too, is /6 of the period of
tation at t7, a return to 12-pulse operation is made. The 15
the network, T=1/f.
commutating times t2 and t7 are So chosen that a change is In Similar manner, the following applies
made directly to Stationary 6-pulse operation at t2 and to
Stationary 12-pulse operation at t7.
According to the invention, the activation and the
deactivation, respectively, of the pulse-number modulation where to is the Stationary lead time during 12-pulse
are preferably performed in Such a way that the mean value operation, that is, /12 of the period of the network.
of the intermediate-link current is not at all-or only los are lo2 are those values of the Voltage-time area Al
insignificantly-influenced. The current measurement is which apply during 6-pulse operation and during 12-pulse
therefore suitably synchronized with the commutations of operation, respectively.
the network-Side converter. During Stationary operation, the From the above-mentioned article, it is also known that,
current is measured as a mean value between each pair of 25 when advancing the commutation by 30 during 6-pulse
two consecutive commutations of the network-Side con operation, an extra voltage-time area of the magnitude 4
verter. At 50 Hz power frequency the measurement time t is is obtained, which results in a current increase which
thus 1.7 ms during 12-pulse operation, 3.3 ms during 6-pulse increases the next current pulse peak value by 4ios.
operation and So on. During the activation and the deacti In a corresponding manner, during 12-pulse operation,
vation of the 10 pulse-number modulation, the current mean advancing the commutation 15 results in an increase of the
value should be maintained constant or practically constant. next current pulse peak value by 4i.
The increased ripple current which is caused by the reduc
tion of the pulse number must therefore have a mean value Ala-io, Atto-8-fold'Atto12
which corresponds to the mean value of the natural ripple
current of the converter. At a low phase advance level, that 35
The dynamic advance of the Stationary thyristor firing
is, at a control angle Cls90, this mean value during 6-pulse which 10 has to be carried out is thus
operation and during 12-pulse operation is, with a very good
approximation, % of the peak value of the ripple current. At At=Alfioto12/8
lower pulse numbers, this approximation is deteriorated to a
certain extent. For each value of the pulse number PN, the current
When the system, in the manner described above, has 40 change AI is known, because
determined which pulse number to be used, it is thus known (12-la-V3 fo12
which control actions have to be taken during the Stationary
operation with the lower pulse number. To change to another and
pulse number, with an unchanged current mean value, it is 45
required that the commutation of the network-side converter ico-la-Vélo,
is adapted Such that, at the proper time, commutation is
made to that Voltage arc which applies during Stationary and the advance and the retardation AT, respectively, can be
operation at the new pulse number. As is shown in FIG. 7,
the changes between 12-pulse operation and 3-pulse opera At very low pulse numbers, preferably PNC3, a correction
tion are made by commutations at the times t1 and ts, 50 for the deviation of the sine wave from the straight line can
respectively, when the curves in 12 and is intersect each suitably be introduced in the manner described in the article
other. In a corresponding way, the changes between 12-pulse by Török, Hibner mentioned above.
operation and 6-pulse operation are made at the times t2 and If the current is measured as a mean value over the
t7 when the curves in 12 and is intersect each other. interval to in FIG. 8, and if the advance of the commu
For the mean value of the current ripple to arrive at the 55 tation is determined according to the above, a measured
correct value, from the mean value point of View, it is value is obtained with a negligible deviation relative to the
required that the dashed Voltage-time area Al shown in FIG. measured values obtained during the preceding interval to
8 is added. During deactivation of the pulse-number and during the Subsequent interval to, respectively. This
modulation, the intermediate-link Voltage shall be reduced means that the current regulator does not notice the change
by the corresponding Voltage-time area. 60 made in the pulse number (and nor does the Speed regulator.
The Voltage-time area Alp thus corresponds to an increase As will be clear from what is described above, a system
of the peak value of the intermediate-link current from fd(12) according to the invention utilizes a natural current ripple, at
to Ito. This current increase a reduced pulse number of the network-Side converter, in
order to distort the current through the machine-side con
Ala-laco-acid) 65 verter Such that the commutating current of the machine will
is achieved by the Voltage-time area Alp and thus the exceed the instantaneous value of the distorted current,
following applies during intervals when this instantaneous value is lowest, and
15 16
where the duration of these intervals exceeds the recovery these high frequencies. Torque pulsations transferred to the
time of the thyristors. Only by a modification of the control driven object therefore become unnoticeable and completely
System, a considerable increase of the commutating capa harmless.
bility at low machine Speeds is thus obtained according to An additional important advantage with the System
the invention, and hence a possibility of operating with high according to the invention is that it makes possible a Soft
currents during a shutdown or at low speeds. and, in principle, unnoticeable transition between on the one
The current control System maintains the mean value of hand the lower Speed range, where the machine-side con
the intermediate-link current at the desired value indepen verter needs commutation aid, and on the other hand the
dently of changes in the pulse number, and this also while a higher Speed range where the machine has full commutating
commutation process is in progreSS in the machine-side capability.
converter. Contrary to what is the case during intermediate The embodiments described above are only examples,
link discontinuous current operation, no loSS of current-time and a Synchronous motor drive according to the invention
area during each machine commutation is obtained with the may be designed in a large number of alternative ways. For
System according to the invention. The current mean value example, it is thus possible and may be practically Suitable
during each interval between two commutations in the 15 to design both the network-side converter and the machine
network-side converter may be maintained constant with a Side converter with other natural pulse numbers than that
high accuracy. Such low-frequency disturbances in the air described above (12). Primarily, it would be a question of
gap moment, which are caused by the fact that only two designing one of the converters or both the converters with
phases out of three carry current periodically, of course Still the natural pulse number 6. If the machine-side converter is
remain and may excite the harmful mechanical natural designed for the natural pulse number 6, it is, of course,
oscillations mentioned in the introductory part of the necessary to design the Synchronous machine with a single
description. However, the torque control does not perceive three-phase winding instead of the twelve-pulse winding
the disturbance Since the current measurement does not do described above. According to one of the many possible
So, and by a Suitable Synchronization, the Speed measure alternatives, the Synchronous machine may be a 12-pulse
ment as well as the Speed control may be rendered insensi 25 machine with two three-phase winding Systems in the man
tive to the forced disturbance, that is, the pulse-number ner described above with reference to FIG. 1, in which case
modulation of the current. A prerequisite for the elimination each winding System has a separate intermediate-link
of the low-frequency torque disturbances, which are caused converter, each one with, for example, a 6-pulse machine
by the commutation of the machine-Side converter, has thus Side converter, a separate dc intermediate link and, for
been created. example, a 6-pulse network-Side converter. Further, a Syn
Because only two phases out of three carry current chronous motor drive according to the invention may be
Simultaneously, a motor drive of the type to which this Supplemented with means known per Se for control of the
application is related generates disturbances in the air-gap current in Such a way that Such torque pulsations, which are
moment, the frequency f. of which is equal to the commu caused by variations in the Surrounded flux, are reduced or
tating frequency of the machine-side converter. In a 12-pulse 35 eliminated.
machine-side converter disturbances of the frequency I claim:
f=12-f are generated, where f is the frequency of Voltage 1. A load-commutated Synchronous motor drive, compris
induced in the machine. If this frequency coincides or ing
approaches a mechanical natural oscillation frequency of the a line-commutated network-side converter with dc
drive System, disturbances arise in the shaft torque of the 40 terminals, with ac terminals for connection to an alter
machine which are normally harmful. nating Voltage network (ACN), and said network Side
With the System according to the invention, Such a situ convertor being operative at a natural pulse number and
ation may be avoided by Starting an oscillation of the being Switchable to operate at a pulse number lower
commutating times of the machine-Side converter, when the than the natural pulse number rate,
Speed of the motor drive approaches a resonance frequency 45 a load-commutated machine-side converter with acter
(e.g. 0.8f-f-1,2-f). At a constant speed and firing angle, minals for connection to a Synchronous machine, and
these times are normally equidistant at intervals of 30. With with dc terminals connected to the dc terminals of the
the System according to the invention, that is, with pulse network-side converter via a current-Source dc inter
number modulation of the intermediate-link current, the mediate link, wherein the motor drive comprises con
time of the commutation of the machine-Side converter is 50 trol members operative during commutation of the
determined by the time at which the modulated current machine-side converter for Switching the network-Side
receives its minimum value. This time may be changed, and converter for operation at Said lower pulse number.
thus the corresponding control angle, without jeopardizing 2. A Synchronous motor drive according to claim 1,
the commutation of the current. wherein the control members are operative, during a com
It is therefore possible, for example, to vary the commu 55 mutation in the machine-Side converter, to determine, in
tating times Such that the intervals between these alternate dependence on actual operating quantities (Ump, com) of the
between 24 and 36, which would correspond to control machine, whether the commutating capability of the
angles of 138 and 150 to the machine-side converter. In machine is Sufficient for commutation of the machine cur
this way, the excitation of mechanical natural oscillations in rent (Im) in question and, if not, said control members being
the drive System can be avoided although the Stationary 60 then operative to Switch the network-Side converter to
commutating frequency of the drive System practically coin operative with Said lower pulse number.
cides with the natural frequency of the drive System. 3. A Synchronous motor drive according to claim 2,
The ripple in the motor current, increasing with reduced wherein the control members are operative, with each com
pulse number, has a high frequency, for example 300 HZ mutation in the machine-side converter, to carry out Said
during 6-pulse operation and 150 Hz during 3-pulse opera 65 determination and Switching.
tion. The mechanical System operates for these frequencies 4. A Synchronous motor drive according to claim 2
as a higher-order low-pass filter and effectively damps out wherein the control members are operative to calculate, as a
17 18
measure of the commutating capability, the maximum cur every Second commutation, upon Starting each one of the
rent (I) which the machine is able to commutate, to remaining commutations to reduce the control angle of the
compare this current with the actual current (I), and, in converter by 60 and, after the start of the commutation, to
dependence on this comparison, to execute the Switching to restore the control angle to its original value.
a lower pulse number. 11. A Synchronous motor drive according to claim 1,
5. A Synchronous motor drive according to claim 2, wherein the control members are operative to execute the
wherein the control members are Supplied with the actual Switching of the pulse number in Such a way that the mean
Speed (co) and Voltage (Ump) of the machine and, in value of the current remains Substantially unchanged.
dependence on these quantities, to determine the commu 12. A Synchronous motor drive according to claim 1,
tating capability of the machine. wherein the control members are operative, when changing
6. A Synchronous motor drive according to any of claim from operation with a first pulse number to operation with a
1, wherein Said control members are operative to control second pulse number lower than the first pulse number of the
operation of the network-side converter with any of a
plurality of different pulse numbers lower than the natural network-side converter, to determine the time (t1) of that
pulse number, and, when the pulse number is reduced in 15 commutation by which the transition to the Second pulse
connection with commutation of the machine-side number takes place, So that the transition takes place directly
converter, to determine the highest of Said pulse numbers at to Stationary operation with the Second pulse number.
which commutation of the actual current is ensured, and to 13. A Synchronous motor drive according to claim 1,
Switch the network-Side converter for operation at Such further comprising members adapted, in Stationary
pulse number. operation, to form a measured value (I) of the current (I)
7. A Synchronous motor drive according to claim 6, by determining the mean value of the current between two
wherein the control members are operative, for determining consecutive commutations in the network-Side converter,
the highest of Said pulse numbers at which commutation of wherein the control members are adapted, during transition
the actual current is ensured, to calculate the magnitude of in the network-side converter between operation with a first
the ripple component in the intermediate-link current for 25 pulse number and a Second pulse number lower than the first
each one of a plurality of different pulse numbers and to pulse number, to form the measured value of the current by
compare the ripple components with the actual current (I). determining the mean value of the current during the interval
8. A Synchronous motor drive according to claim 7, (t) from the last commutation (tO) during stationary
wherein the control members are operative to compare the operation with the first pulse number to the first commuta
Sum of the ripple component (AIA) and the calculated tion (t3) during stationary operation with the Second pulse
maximum current which the machine is able to commutate number.
(I) with the actual current (I). 14. A Synchronous motor drive according to claim 1,
9. A Synchronous motor drive according to claim 1, in wherein the control members are operative to execute the
which the network-Side converter has the natural pulse Switching of the network-Side converter to operation with a
number 12 and comprises two 6-pulse bridges operative, 35 lower pulse number at a predetermined time after the Start of
during 12-pulse operation, to operate mutually displaced in a commutation in the machine-side converter.
phase 30, further including control members operative, for 15. A Synchronous motor drive according to claim 14,
Switching the converter to 6-pulse operation, to change the wherein the control members are operative to maintain the
phase displacement between the bridge Such that the com network-side converter during operation with the lower
mutations occur Simultaneously in the two bridges. 40 pulse number during an interval of a predetermined duration
10. A synchronous motor drive according to claim 1 with and, thereafter, to execute the Switching of the network-side
the network-Side converter operating in 6-pulse operation, converter to operation with the natural pulse number.
wherein the control members are operative, for achieving
3-pulse operation of the network-Side converter, to omit