Applied Nursing Research: Sabine Pohl, Maura Galletta
Applied Nursing Research: Sabine Pohl, Maura Galletta
Applied Nursing Research: Sabine Pohl, Maura Galletta
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Introduction: Supervisor emotional support is a strong determinant of job satisfaction. There is no study
Received 27 July 2016 examining the effect of supervisor emotional support at the group level on job satisfaction. Multilevel
Accepted 3 October 2016 statistical techniques can help disentangle the effects of subjective assessments from those of group
Available online xxxx factors.
Aim: The study's aim was to examine the moderating role of supervisor emotional support (group-level
variable) on the relationship between work engagement and job satisfaction (individual-level
Job satisfaction
Multilevel analysis
Nurses Method: A cross-sectional study was performed in 39 units from three Belgian hospitals. A total of 323 nurses
Supervisor emotional support completed a self-reported questionnaire. We carried out a multilevel analysis by using Hierarchical Linear
Work engagement Modeling.
Results: The results showed that the cross-level interaction was significant. Hence, at individual-level, the nurses
with high levels of work engagement showed high levels of job satisfaction and this relationship was stronger
when supervisor emotional support at group-level was high.
Conclusions: Contextual differences among groups had an impact on the form of the work engagement-job sat-
isfaction relationship. This relationship between work engagement and job satisfaction is an individual and
group level phenomenon. Ways to enhance emotional supervisor support include training supervisors in provid-
ing support and enhancing communication between nurses and supervisors.
© 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
0897-1897/© 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
62 S. Pohl, M. Galletta / Applied Nursing Research 33 (2016) 61–66
All the research conducted to date has focused on individual percep- This research included a cross-sectional study proposal with
tion of perceived supervisor support. But it is likely that individual self-reported questionnaires. Hierarchical linear modelling (HLM:
S. Pohl, M. Galletta / Applied Nursing Research 33 (2016) 61–66 63
Table 1 Table 3
Means, standard deviations and correlations of variables. Results for cross level interaction.
The measurement model fitted the data well: χ2 (df = 116, N = 6.3.1. Hypothesis 3: cross-level interaction
323) = 356.1, IFI = 0.91; CFI = 0.91; RMSEA = 0.08. Comparing the We examined whether the interaction between work engagement
three-factor model to the one-factor model, we found that a χ2 differ- at individual-level and supervisor emotional support at group-level
ence test was significant: Δχ2(5) = 876.7, p b 0.001. The results for the was significant. Supervisor emotional support was inserted as a
one-factor model were significantly worse than the three-factor predictor variable of the variance in the slopes relating work engage-
model (Table 2). Factor validity was supported. ment to job satisfaction at individual-level. The analysis highlighted
that there was no evidence for a significant between-group interaction
6.2. Testing intraclass correlation (β = − 0.12, ns), but the cross-level interaction was significant (β =
0.10, p b 0.05), thereby supporting Hypothesis 3. The overall R2 of the
To test how supervisor emotional support at the group level affected moderation model was 0.19 (Table 3).
the work engagement-job satisfaction relationship at the individual We plotted regression lines for the association between work en-
level, we aggregated the average scores of supervisor emotional support gagement and job satisfaction at the low and high levels of supervisor
as a cluster variable at the group level. The scores of the scale showed a emotional support. We found that the form of the moderation
high agreement. Specifically, the ICC(1) value for supervisor emotional conformed to our expectations. Fig. 2 shows that nurses who demon-
support was 0.13. The ICC(2) coefficient was 0.56. The average r⁎wg(j) strated high work engagement levels were more satisfied with their
of supervisor emotional support across 39 units was 0.64 (median = job, and this association was stronger when the common perception
0.69, group size mean = 8). These results indicate that it is statistically of emotional support from supervisor was high (simple slope for high
reasonable to consider supervisor emotional support as a variable per- value of moderator = 0.45, t = 2.54, p b 0.05). When the value of the
ceived at the group level. moderator was low the relationship was significantly less strong
(simple slope for a low value of moderator = 0.37, t = 2.06, p = 0.046).
6.3. Test of the hypotheses
7. Discussion
We found a significant within-group variation for work engagement
[τ00 = 0.03, χ2 (38) = 59.32, p b 0.05 and ICC(1) = 0.07], thus showing The first purpose of the current research was to examine the rela-
that work engagement had 7% between-group variance. Similar find- tionship between both work engagement and emotional supervisor
ings were observed also for job satisfaction [τ00 = 0.03, χ2 (38) = support at the individual level and job satisfaction. Findings highlighted
75.52, p b 0.001 and ICC(1) = 0.12], thereby displaying that 12% of var- that both emotional supervisor support and work engagement were
iance in job satisfaction exists between the teams. We are able to say positively related to job satisfaction.
Nurses are confronted with a variety of patients that can stimulate
various emotional responses. Nurses consider emotional support by
Table 2
Confirmatory factor analysis. their supervisor as an indication that their efforts are considered, and
it means that emotional support is available when needed. One result
Model χ2 df Δχ2 Δdf IFI CFI RMSEA
of emotional supervisor support is to experience positive emotions
Three-factor measurement model 356.1 116 0.91 0.91 0.08 (Cole, Bruch, & Vogel, 2006). The findings of this research are in line
One-factor model 1232.8 121 876.7 5 0.57 0.57 0.17 with other studies which showed that supervisor emotional support is
Note. N = . an important well-being factor which increases job satisfaction
S. Pohl, M. Galletta / Applied Nursing Research 33 (2016) 61–66 65
Job satisfaction
Low Supervisor
emotional support
2.50 (-1 SD)
High Supervisor
1.50 emotional support
(+1 SD)
Low Work engagement (-1 SD) High Work engagement (+1 SD)
Fig. 2. Moderating (cross-level) effect of supervisor emotional support on the relationship between work engagement and job satisfaction.
(Griffin et al., 2001). In another study, they were important factors in- evidence connecting work engagement and emotional supervisor sup-
creasing team commitment (e.g. Galletta, Portoghese, Coppola, Finco, port with job satisfaction, longitudinal studies are needed. Thus, future
& Campagna, 2016). This study adds to the literature the importance research should measure work engagement at multiple time intervals
of the group dimension: group dynamics are shared within the work to reveal if, when, and how the relationships between work engage-
group, as well as emotional supervisor support perceptions. If team ment, emotional supervisor support and job satisfaction may be
members share positive perceptions of emotional support from supervi- changing. Future investigations could also examine the influence of
sors, they can perceive a common sense of satisfaction with their work emotional supervisor support on other main work factors such as
unit. Thus, providing acknowledgement, trust, and empathy can be an organizational citizenship behaviour, for example. Second, data was
important supervisor strategy to promote quality of the interpersonal merely based on self-reports, which might have overstated the relation-
relationship at work. ships between variables. Future research could integrate additional ob-
A second objective of this research was to identify workgroup factors jectives, especially regarding job outcomes. A third limitation regards
that contribute to the relevance of the relationship between work en- the fact that we did not examine instrumental supervisor support, but
gagement and job satisfaction. The results showed that the relationship only the emotional support. A more complete investigation should
between work engagement and job satisfaction did vary across teams. combine both emotional and instrumental supports.
In other words, work environment differences among teams had an im-
pact on the form of the work engagement-job satisfaction relationship. 7.2. Implications for nursing management
Therefore, the relationship between work engagement and job satisfac-
tion is an individual and group level phenomenon. Nurses' perception This research provides additional evidence about the advantages
regarding the quality of supervisor emotional support can be in some that hospitals can achieve by emotionally supporting their staff, and
way shared within the same team. In this sense, the study makes a valu- suggests the importance to promote supervisor training to increase
able addition to the scientific literature by analyzing a multilevel model how they can be more supportive towards their workers. Therefore,
in which both group-level and individual-level factors affect nurses' job this study provides valuable insights for hospital health managers who
satisfaction. Specifically, our findings revealed that the relationship be- should consider emotional supervisor support as an effective means of
tween work engagement and job satisfaction at the individual level enhancing nurses' well-being. Based on our results, implementing inter-
was buffered by supervisor emotional support at the group level. This vention strategies designed exclusively at the individual level may not
means that high level of engagement with one's own work in terms of be adequate. Reasonably, it could be also important to reflect on inter-
energy, vigour, and dedication was related to a high level of job satisfac- vention policies aimed at improving emotional supervisor support at
tion, and this relationship was stronger when common perceptions of the team level. Team members' shared perceptions of emotional super-
supervisor emotional support were high. In other words, shared super- visor support determine the intensity of the link between work engage-
visor emotional support interacts with work engagement in affecting ment and job satisfaction. Potential ways to increase emotional
nurses' job satisfaction. This cross-level moderation highlights that the supervisor support involve training supervisors in providing support
work experience of a single nurse can be conditioned by team-specific and enhancing communication between nurses and supervisors.
characteristics such as good interpersonal relationships and good super- Although emotional supervisor support is a powerful resource, its utility
visor emotional support. Furthermore, this result emphasizes the im- is also group-specific.
portance of feelings such as acceptance, caring and trust by supervisor
in fostering engagement, interest, and satisfaction with the work activ- 8. Conclusions
ity. In this way, emotional support from a supervisor plays an important
role in increasing work attitudes, which contribute to increase organiza- This study showed that supporting emotionally nurses is important
tional well-being among all nurse staff (Daniels & Guppy, 1994; Wong & to promoting team well-being and increase an individual's job
Cheuk, 2005). satisfaction.
This study is not without limitations. Firstly, the study was cross- This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in
sectional and thus causality cannot be inferred. Although there is strong the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
66 S. Pohl, M. Galletta / Applied Nursing Research 33 (2016) 61–66
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