Renovation and Renewing of S.N. Bose Auditorium at IIT Kharagpur. Part - I: Technical Bid
Renovation and Renewing of S.N. Bose Auditorium at IIT Kharagpur. Part - I: Technical Bid
Renovation and Renewing of S.N. Bose Auditorium at IIT Kharagpur. Part - I: Technical Bid
Tender Document for Renovation and renewing of S.N. Bose Auditorium at IIT Kharagpur.
MARCH 2017
Issued on: .
Sl. No. SUBJECT Page No.
Cost of Tender Paper Rs. 1000.00, NON REFUNDABLE (in the form of DD only) in favour of IIT Kharagpur, payable at Kharagpur
(validity of DD should be at least 03 months) is to be submitted along with the tenders (within Technical Bid). Tender without ‘Cost
of Tender Document’ will be summarily rejected.
The Earnest Money should be deposited along with the tenders (within Technical Bid) in the form of DD only in favour of IIT
Kharagpur, payable at Kharagpur. Tender without ‘Earnest Money Deposit’ will be summarily rejected.
Brief Scope of Work
The work comprises of – 1. Civil Works (Major Component), approximately 50% of total work value
2. HVAC Works (Minor Component), approximately 39% of total work value &
3. Electrical & Networking Works (Minor Component), approximately 11% of total work value.
Eligibility Criteria
Contractors who fulfill the following requirements shall be considered as eligible bidder.
Agencies should have satisfactorily completed the similar works as mentioned below during the last 07 (Seven) years ending last
day of the February,2017 : i) Three (03) similar works each costing not less than 40% of estimated cost, or
ii) Two (02) similar works each costing not less than 60% of estimated cost, or
iii) One(01) similar work costing not less than 80% of estimated cost, executed under
Central/State Government Department / Central/State Autonomous Body / Central/State Public Sector Undertaking.
Similar work shall mean: Construction / Repair & Renovation of Building.
The value of executed works shall be brought to current costing level by enhancing the actual value of work at simple rate of 7%
per annum calculated from the date of completion to last date of applications for tenders.
Completion certificate issued by Competent Authority will only be considered as credential. If the Completion certificate
issued by Competent Authority does not reflect the type of work, then Final bill of the qualifying works also to be attached along
with the Completion certificates.
If the bidders has no experience for HVAC and Electrical & Networking works, he must associate himself, with agencies eligible to
bid for the minor components (HVAC and Electrical & Networking works) individually in line with Eligibility Criteria mentioned
above (i.e, for HVAC works - 3 similar HVAC works each costing not less than 15% of estimated cost, or 2 similar HVAC works
each costing not less than 23% of estimated cost, or 1 similar HVAC work costing not less than 30% of estimated cost and
similarly, for Electrical & Networking works - 3 similar Electrical works each costing not less than 4% of estimated cost, or 2
similar Electrical works each costing not less than 7% of estimated cost, or 1 similar Electrical work each costing not less than 9%
of estimated cost). The contractor or the agency he associates with to carry out the electrical work shall have to produce valid
license from the competent authority in his name. The validity of the license should remain for the whole tenure of the work. The
same should be submitted along with the technical bid. The eligible bidders shall quote rates for all items of major component
(Civil works) as well as for all items of minor components of work (HVAC and Electrical & Networking works).
The tender document (consisting of specifications, the schedule of quantities of various types of items to be executed, the set of terms
and conditions of the contract and other documents / drawings, if any) can be downloaded from the Central Public Procurement Portal
of Government of India & Institute’s website
The institute shall not be responsible for any delay / difficulties / inaccessibility of downloading facility for any reason whatsoever. In
case of any discrepancy between the tender documents downloaded from internet and the master copy available in this office, the
later shall prevail and will be binding on the tender(s). No claim on this account will be entertained.
Tender should be submitted as per the prescribed format within the specified date and time at Office of Civil Construction &
Maintenance Section, IIT Kharagpur, and failing to do so, the offer shall be summarily rejected. Bid Validity period is 90 Days
from submission of bid. Bid will be opened at Civil Construction & Maintenance Section, IIT Kharagpur. The Institute reserves
the right to reject any tender without assigning any reason thereof.
The bidders who has no experience for HVAC and Electrical & Networking works, he must
associate himself, with agencies eligible to bid for the minor components (HVAC and
Electrical & Networking works) individually in line with Eligibility Criteria mentioned above (i.e,
Tender Document for Renovation and renewing of S.N. Bose Auditorium at IIT Kharagpur.
for HVAC works - 3 similar HVAC works each costing not less than 15% of estimated cost, or 2
similar HVAC works each costing not less than 23% of estimated cost, or 1 similar HVAC work
costing not less than 30% of estimated cost and similarly, for Electrical & Networking works - 3
similar Electrical works each costing not less than 4% of estimated cost, or 2 similar Electrical works
each costing not less than 7% of estimated cost, or 1 similar Electrical work each costing not less
than 9% of estimated cost). The contractor or the agency he associates with to carry out the
electrical work shall have to produce valid license from the competent authority in his name. The
validity of the license should remain for the whole tenure of the work. The same should be
submitted along with the technical bid. The eligible bidders shall quote rates for all items of major
component (Civil works) as well as for all items of minor components of work (HVAC and Electrical
& Networking works).
7. Submission of Bid
The bids shall be submitted in Two Parts in two separate sealed envelopes:
I. Complete Technical Bid will comprise of :
i) EMD of requisite amount in the form of DD only in favour of IIT Kharagpur payable at
Kharagpur. Bid without EMD would be summarily rejected.
ii) Credential documents fulfilling the minimum eligibility criteria as per Clause 6 above,
i.e., Experience Certificates for completion of similar type of job within last seven years.
iii) Original Tender Document – Part-I: Technical Bid. (Stamped & Signed in all pages)
iv) Statutory registration documents like PAN, IT Return of last 3 years, ST & VAT
Registration Certificate and Return etc.
II. Complete Financial Bid will comprise of :
i) Duly filled-up Form of Tender as an acceptance to the terms and conditions set in the tender.
ii) Duly filled-up Schedule of Quantities.
Both the envelopes should be duly marked on top with NIT Number, Name of work and
Technical Bid / Financial Bid as the case may be and both the envelopes to be submitted in
another sealed envelope duly marked on top with NIT Number and Name of work.
Cost of Tender Paper Rs. 1000.00, NON REFUNDABLE (in the form of DD only) in favour of
IIT Kharagpur, payable at Kharagpur (validity of DD should be at least 03 months) to be
submitted along with the tenders (within Technical Bid). Tender without ‘Cost of Tender
Document’ will be treated as cancelled. Tenders must be delivered at the place and time as
indicated in NIT / further corrigenda. Bids that are not in the above format will be rejected.
8. All Rates, Prices, Amounts and Sums quoted by the bidder shall be in Indian currency only.
The language used throughout shall be English.
9. All Rates, Amounts & Sums shall have to be quoted in indelible ink and written both in figures
and words. If the rate quoted in words does not tally with the rate quoted in figures then the
rate which corresponds to the lesser amount shall be considered.
10. Any overwriting / correction / applying correction fluid shall be avoided and in case any
correction is made the same must be initialized and stamped.
11. Tender must be submitted with the rates for all the items of work involved and any incomplete
tender will not be considered. The items for which the rates are not quoted will be considered
as ‘Zero’ & the agency shall complete that item of work without any claim.
12. No alteration shall be made by the tenderer in the tender and no conditional tender will be
entertained. Tender with split rate will not be considered.
13. The bid shall remain valid for a period of 90 days from the date of opening of the bid. If
before expiry of the validity period or issue of work order, whichever is earlier, the bidder
amends / modifies / withdraws his bid, making unacceptable to the institute, then the Earnest
Money Deposit shall be liable to forfeiture at the option of the Institute.
14. The Rates quoted by the tenderer should be inclusive of all taxes & duties, freight, cost for
loading & unloading etc. and must hold good till the completion of work and shall not be subjected
to escalation due to increase in local market rates of materials and labour. No claim on this
account what so ever shall be entertained at any stage including the extended period, if any.
Tender Document for Renovation and renewing of S.N. Bose Auditorium at IIT Kharagpur.
15. The tenderer shall have to submit copies of valid PAN, Income tax, Sales Tax / VAT / CST &
other statutory tax clearance Certificates along with the tender. The original copies of these
Certificates will have to be produced when demanded for verification.
16. Each page of the bid document shall have to be signed and stamped by the Bidder /
Authorised Signatory before submission. The bidders have to submit the tender documents
and correspondences accompanying the tender with proper sign and stamp on each page
along with the bid. The person / officer signing the tender / bid should be delegated with an
appropriate Power of Attorney (duly endorsed by a Notary Public) by the Owner /
Proprietor / Partner / CEO / MD / Director of the company to sign such documents.
17. The Intending bidders will have to produce documentary evidence in original in support of their
credentials before the competent authority whenever demanded for verification. If any
information furnished by the bidder is found as false / fabricated then his bid will be rejected
and treated as cancelled, even if the same is detected at any stage after signing of the contract
and would lead to termination of the contract besides forfeiture of Ernest Money Deposit (EMD)
and liabilities towards prosecution under appropriate law. In such cases the bidder / tenderer
will be debarred from participation in future tendering process for next 03 (Three) years.
18. Should there be any doubt or obscurity as to the meaning of any of the tender documents or if
any further information is required, the tenderer must address his enquiry in writing in
duplicate to Executive Engineer, Civil Construction & Maintenance Section, Indian Institute of
Technology Kharagpur - 721302, West Bengal. Such enquiries must be submitted not later
than 03 (Three) working days before the last date fixed for submission of the tenders.
19. The sealed Bids shall be received by the Institute at Civil Construction and Maintenance
Section not later than the time and date stipulated in the Notice Inviting Tender or Corrigenda
otherwise. Tenders that are received after the date and time specified will not be considered.
20. The Technical Bid of tender will be opened on the specified date and time of opening at the
Civil Construction & Maintenance Section, IIT Kharagpur in the presence of bidders /
tenderers or their Authorised representatives (with proper authorization letter from
Owner/Proprietor/Partner/CEO/MD/Director of the company mentioning Name, Address and
designation of the person being authorised).
21. Date and time of opening of Price Bid will be informed to the Technically Qualified Bidders
and will be opened at the Civil Construction & Maintenance Section, IIT Kharagpur in the
presence of bidders / tenderers or their Authorised representatives (with proper authorization
letter from Owner/Proprietor/Partner/CEO/MD/Director of the company mentioning Name,
Address and designation of the person being authorised).
22. The Institute reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the offer including the lowest
without assigning any reason. The Institute does not bind itself to accept the lowest offer.
23. The successful tenderer, shall deposit an amount equal to 5% of the tendered and accepted
value of the work as performance guarantee in the form of Demand Draft of a Scheduled Bank
in favour of IIT Kharagpur payable at Kharagpur. The time allowed for submission of the
performance guarantee shall be 15 days of receiving “Letter of Acceptance” (LOA). This period
can be further extended as the written request of the contractor by the Engineer-in-charge for a
maximum period ranging from 1 to 15 days with a late fee @ 1.00% per day of Performance
Guarantee Amount. If the bidder still fails to deposit the performance guarantee within the
extended time period, i.e. within 16th day to 30th day from the issue of letter of acceptance
(LOA), his bid will be rejected and treated as cancelled and the entire Earnest Money Deposit
shall be forfeited. After recording of the completion certificate for the work by the competent
authority, the performance guarantee shall be returned to the Contractor, without any interest.
24. Standard Institute payment procedure shall be followed. A sum @ 5% of the gross amount of
the bill shall be deducted as Security Deposit from the bill of the contractor. However, Earnest
Money shall be adjusted first in the Security Deposit and the rest amount to complete a sum of
5% of gross bill value will be deducted from the contractor’s bill. The security deposit of the
Contractor shall not be refunded before the expiry of defect liability period after the issue of the
certificate final or otherwise, of completion of work, or till the final bill has been prepared and
passed whichever is later.
Tender Document for Renovation and renewing of S.N. Bose Auditorium at IIT Kharagpur.
1. The quantities indicated are approximate and may vary at the time of execution. The Institute
will exercise absolute discretion for operating all or some items of the schedule.
2. Contractor has to remove all the debris from the site of execution and dispose them at
suitable places shown by the Engineer or his authorised representative at site.
3. Cement used for the work should not be older than two months from the date of manufacture.
The contractor should purchase the cement from authorised dealer and submit the test
certificates/vouchers prior to execution of the work.
4. All temporary arrangements, staging, working platforms etc. is to be provided by the tenderer
at his own expense to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge. The Institute will not
however, be liable to pay any compensation due to accident, injury to the contractor’s work
men or any account what-so-ever.
5. Steel to be supplied and used should be from approved manufacturers. Steel from
manufacturers other than approved make / re-rolled steel will not be acceptable. The
consumption of steel will be regulated as per bar bending schedule and drawing to the
contractor and/or as directed by Engineer-in-charge. Payment of reinforcement rod, will be
made as per actual use including overlaps, crank, bending etc., as needed at work site, if
any, as per approved drawing. Quantity will be calculated using standard weight per running
metre. No wastage on any account is payable. Test certificate of steel should be submitted by
the contractor. The contractor must submit vouchers for the steel purchased to the Engineer.
All reinforcement used should be free from loose mill scale, loose rust, paint and oil coating
6. All concreting works shall be Machine mixed and Machine vibrated and will have required
levels of strength at the time of testing. Poorly executed concrete have to be demolished and
repair will not be allowed.
7. The Institute will be at liberty to take samples during the course execution of work and get the
same tested at Institute’s laboratory to ascertain the quality conforming to relevant
specification. The cost of sample and the charges for the testing will have to be borne by the
8. The contractor will have to maintain the work for SIX calendar months from the certified date
of its completion.
9. The job is to be done as per WBPWD Building & Sanitary works specification for Building /
Civil works and WBPWD Roads specification for Road Works, as applicable and provisions
made in relevant IS codes must be followed. Wherever these are silent, the construction and
completion of works shall confirm to sound engineering practice as approved by the
Engineer-In-Charge. In case of any dispute arises out of the interpretation of the above, the
decision of the Engineer-In-Charge shall be final and binding to the contractor.
10. The bituminous road work shall be carried out by using bitumen of grade VG30 preferably
from IOCL wherever applicable.
11. Roof treatment work / water proofing treatment work should be guaranteed by the contractor
for 10 years after successful completion of work, wherever applicable.
12. The splashes of paints over doors, windows and floor shall be cleaned thoroughly after
execution of the work.
13. Irrespective of rates quoted by the bidder, the contractor shall be solely responsible for
payment of Minimum Wages as stipulated by the Government from time to time.
Tender Document for Renovation and renewing of S.N. Bose Auditorium at IIT Kharagpur.
The scope of work includes – Renovation and renewing of S.N. Bose Auditorium at IIT Kharagpur
including Civil works, HVAC works, Electrical works & Networking systems.
Re-caning of chairs, replacing old false ceiling and broken wooden flush door, Wooden flooring on
stage portion and Vinyl flooring on remaining portion, Wall paneling with acoustic board, Wooden
walling with wooden planks and ply board with polishing, fixing Aluminium sliding window etc.
01. Cement (PSC) ACC / Ultratech / Ambuja / Lafarge
02. Reinforcement Steel TATA / SAIL / RINL
03. Structural Steel TATA / SAIL / RINL
04. Ceramic Tiles Johnson / Kajaria / Somany
05. G.I. Pipes TATA (Medium Duty)
06. G.I. Fittings HB / R
07. Anodised Aluminum fittings Allen / Metco
08. P.V.C. Shutters Sintex / Patton / Raunaq
09. P.V.C. Pipes Oriplast / Supreme / Dupal (Schedule-80)
10. P.V.C. Cistern Parryware Slimline
11. P.VC. Closet Seat Cover Parryware Slimline
12. P.V.C. Connector Pipe Prayag
13. P.V.C. Ball Cock Prayag
P.V.C. Bib Cock / Stop Cock/ Angular
14. Prayag
Stop Cock / Pillar Cock
15. P.V.C. Waste & Sanitary Fittings Prayag
16. I.P.W.C. / E.PW.C. / Urinal Parryware / Nycer / Hindware
17. Basin / Sink Parryware / Nycer / Hindware
18. Gate Valve Leader / Zoloto
C.P. Bib Cock / Stop Cock/ Angular
19. Essco / Jaquar / Marc
Stop Cock / Pillar Cock
20. C.P. Shower & Shower Arm Essco / Jaquar / Marc
21. C. P. Waste Fittings Essco / Jaquar / Marc
22. C. P. Bottle Trap Essco / Jaquar / Marc
23. Cast Iron Pipe & Fittings D. N. Sinha / AMC / ALC
24. Gun Metal Wheel Valve Zoloto / Alto / Leader
25. Mirror Modi Guard / Saint Govin
26. Synthetic Enamel Paint & Primer ICI Dulux / Asian / Berger/Nerolac
27. Distemper & Primer ICI Dulux / Asian / Berger/Nerolac
Anti corrosive water proofing paint
29. STP Super Silver Shield of Equivalent
with aluminium finish
Extruded Aluminium Section for
30. HINDALCO/JINDAL or equivalent.
Doors, windows, Partitions etc.
Tender Document for Renovation and renewing of S.N. Bose Auditorium at IIT Kharagpur.
Indian Institute of Technology intends air-conditioning of their SN Bose Auditorium in 1st Floor.
The areas to be air-conditioned are being tabulated as under.
Floor Space Air-Cond. Floor Area (Sq.Ft.) Occupancy Level (Persons)
1st Floor Auditorium 3000 200
1.1 Air-Conditioning
Design Criteria
1.1.1 The basis of design shall be as under
Summer Monsoon
Ambient conditions o
DBT-105 F (41 C) o
90 oF (32 oC)
WBT- 83 oF (28 oC) 83 oF (28 oC)
Desired inside conditions to e within 77 + 2 oF DBT (25 oC + 1.1 oC) with 55% +5%RH
1.1.3 Ventilations air considered : 10 cfm/Persons or 1.0 Air Change/Hour, whichever is higher
2. Cooling Estimate
Estimated cooling loads are tabulated in table -2
Floor A/Ced Area Occupancy Equip Load Fresh Air Capacity D/CFM
(Sq.Ft.) (Persons) (KW) (CFM) (TR)
1st Floor
At Summer 3000 200 2.0KW 2000 25.47TR 6500
At Monsoon 3000 200 2.0KW 2000 26.44TR 4500
Considering diversity factor of 80% the plant capacity will be :26.44 X 0.8 = 21TR
Tender Document for Renovation and renewing of S.N. Bose Auditorium at IIT Kharagpur.
3. Plant Selection
Air conditioning of auditorium shall be done with energy efficient multiple scroll compressor in
Air cooled package units. The scroll compressor can operate efficiently on part load there by
substantial energy is saved. Multiple scroll compressor in the Package units shall be grouped
together to get the benefit of overall part load operation at of peak hours, seasonal & daily
temperature variation.
a) The Auditorium is to be air-conditioned by 1X21 TR air cooled package unit. The
condensing unit to be placed adjacent wall/roof of the package unit room.
b) Package units shall supply conditioned air through GI ductwork routed over false ceiling
(preferred bulk head type false as the space bottom of beam is less as shown in the
drawing) and return air will back to the PAC room over the false ceiling without duct within
the auditorium and after crossing the auditorium, there will be insulated return air, duct.
Necessary fire damper, non-return damper in each PAC mouth and volume control damper
shall be provided to meet the desired airflow.
c) Ducts shall be acoustically insulated upto 7.5MTR. From the blower outlet to reduce the
noise level.
1.0 Scope
1.1 Supply Installation, testing and commissioning of the split air-conditioners meeting in all respects the
intents of the specifications. The supply of the units shall comprise:
2.1 The outdoor condensing unit shall comprise a compressor, condenser coil, condenser fan, refrigerant
connections and a casing. The compressor shall be hermetic type resiliently mounted for quiet operation.
The compressor drive shall be a single phase motor refrigerant cooled and shall have an inbuilt over load
protector. The unit shall be capable of frequent starting and stopping without causing any over load.
2.2 The condenser coil shall be a copper tube with aluminium fins. The tube diameter shall be not less than
10mm with a wall thickness of 0.4 mm copper. Tube shall have aluminium fins adequately bonded
through a process of mechanical expansion. The number of fins shall not exceed 520 per meter (13 per
inch) and the number of rows in each case shall be for the specified output. The condenser fan shall be a
multi-blade propeller type designed for low noise and directly driven by a totally enclosed fan motor. The
refrigerant connections shall be brought out into plain stub ends.
2.3 All the components shall be enclosed in a casing formed from heavy gauge 1.6mm galvanized sheet steel
totally rust inhibited.
3.1 The indoor unit shall be versatile and shall be capable of mounting on the ceiling with simple site
alteration. The unit shall consist of an evaporator fan and motor, evaporator coil, wherever shown in
drawing additional drain tray, air filter, outlet for duct connection and controls shall be provided.
3.2 The evaporator fan shall be double inlet, double width centrifugal forward curved impellers statically and
dynamically balance. The impellers shall be mounted on either side of a double shafted 2/3 speed motor
directly driving the fans. The fans shall be housed in a sheet steel a high impact ABS plastic enclosure
which is acoustically treated. The evaporator coils shall be similar to the condenser coil and made of
copper tube with aluminium fins and the refrigerant lines brought out to plain stub ends within the unit
4.0 Installation
4.1 The outdoor unit shall be installed as decided by the Indian Institute of Technology- Kharagpur. The
indoor unit shall be ceiling suspended as shown on drawings/ as per the requirement of client.
4.2 Refrigerant lines shall be inconspicuously and generally as shown in the drawings and as directed on site.
The suction and liquid lines shall be bonded together and insulated with 6mm thick elastomeric tubing. All
power wiring shall be drawn from the nearest socket outlet and shall include the control wiring, power
wiring, on-off switch with speed controller.
4.3 All pipe sizing shall be done taking into account the length and rise.
4.4 A 12mm insulated drain pipe shall be provided as shown on the drawing and as directed on site.
5.0 Testing
5.1 The unit shall be tested for establishing the capacity and power consumption. Tests shall be carried out in
accordance with IS 5141 – 1969 (revised upto date) computed results shall tally with specified capacity
and power consumption figures furnished with the tender offer.
5.2 On completion of piping the system and the piping shall be tested using Nitrogen gas by raising the
pressure to 1.5 times the working pressure and holding the test pressure for 3 hours.
6.1 Each unit shall be measured as one item of work which shall consist of:
i) Outdoor unit
j) Indoor unit
k) Refrigerant and drain piping (with insulation)
l) Electrical power control wiring, room thermostat and control panel
m) Refrigerant chage& oil
n) Erection
o) Commissioning and testing
7.1 Scope.
The scope of this section covers supply, installation of refrigerant piping & drain piping with insulation as
specified here & as shown in the drawings.
• 16/18 gauge copper tubing shall be used to make connections to equipment’s wherever required.
• Flare fittings e.g. flare nuts; tees, elbows, reducers etc. shall be of brass.
• The pipes and fittings shall be connected by means of welded joints. The connections to gauges, controls
etc. (if any) shall be with soft copper tubing and flare fittings.
• Refrigerant piping routing shall be decided be Engineer – in – Charge.
• The refrigerant piping installation shall be as per drawing.
• All condensation drainage shall be pitched in the direction of flow to ensure adequate drainage with an
adequate trap seal to prevent leakage / infiltration.
• Provide pitch of 20 mm per meter for a smooth drainage of condensate.
• Condensate drain piping fixing shall be as per drawing.
• The routing of Drain Piping shall be decided by Architect/ Engineer – in – Charge.
• The material for the drain pipe is GI.
• Drain piping supporting shall be as per drawing.
The Suction Line shall be insulated with 19mm thk. Nitrile Rubber Insulation covered with aluminium foil (As per
Specified with K Value of 0.027-0.029 K Cal/Hr.MDeg C at 0-16 Deg C)
The drain pipes shall be insulated with 25mm thick TF quality EPS insulation (density 16kg/cum) finished with 26 G
al cladding.
• Refrigerant pipes with insulation shall be in linear measure along the center line of the pipe including
accessories, supports etc and paid for per RMT.
• Condensate drain pipes with insulation shall be in linear measure along the center line of the pipe
including accessories, supports etc and paid for per RMT.
8.1 Scope
The scope of this section comprises of supply, fabrication, installation and testing of all sheet metal ducts and
supply, installation, testing and balancing of grilles and diffusers, in accordance with these specifications and the
general arrangement shown in the drawings. The duct work will conform to IS standards/codes and relevant
ASHRAE Guidelines. For this purpose it is contractors responsibility to arrange at site all necessary equipments like
drilling machine, welding machine, etc. and necessary work force. The duct rates mentioned in the BOQ are
inclusive of nuts, bolts, sheets, supports, gaskets etc. complete and duly installed.
The material for various application of air distribution ducting shall be as follows : -
Application Material
1) Air Conditioning. Cold rolled sheets continuous galvanised with a zinc coating of 120GSM
as per IS: 277 – 1977.
The ducts shall be fabricated from galvanised steel sheets (GSS) class VIII conforming to ISI:277 – 1962 (revised) or
aluminum sheets conforming to IS:737 – 1955 (for aluminum ducts, if any). The thickness of the sheets should be
as follows :
8.4 All galvanized plain sheets shall be reasonably flat and free from twist. The zinc shall be clean,
even and free from galvanised spots. Sheets shall not crack or peel during bending or fabrication. All
sheets shall be procured from approved manufactures.
8.5 All ducts for air conditioning and ventilation shall be rectangular in cross section and fabrication
in accordance with the following table.
Upto 300 0.63 (24 SWG). S-Drive, Pocket or bar Slips None.
on 2.5 m centers.
301 to 600 0.63 (24 SWG) S-Drive, Pocket or bar Slips None.
on 2.5 m centers.
2251 and above. 1.25 (18 SWG). 40X40 mm angle connec- 40x40X3 mm
-tions, or 40 mm pocket or diagonal angles,
40 mm bar slips, 1 m maxi- or40X40X3 mm
-mum center with 35 X 3 angles, 60 mm
mm bar reinforcing. From joint.
8.6 All duct shall be fabricated and installed unless otherwise stated as per IS : 655 – 1963 with
amendment – 1 (1971 edition.)
Ducts shall be straight and smooth on the inside with neatly finished joints. All joints shall be made
airtight. The gauges, joints and bracing for sheet metal duct work shall further conform to the provisions
as shown on the drawings. The internal ends of slip joints shall be made in the direction of air flow.
Ducts larger than 1000 mm shall be cross-broken. Duct sections upto 1200mm length may be used with
bracing angles omitted. Tapering angle should not be more than 30o. Change in dimensions and shape of
ducts shall be gradual. Curved elbows shall have a centre line radius equal to one and half of the duct.
All Air turns of 45o or more shall be installed in all abrupt elbows and shall consist of curved metal blades
or vanes arranged to permit the air to make the turns without appreciable turbulence. Guide vanes shall
be fabricated out of 0.63 mm (24 SWG) thick G. S. sheets and equally spaced on side runner to be
riveted/bolted to duct sheets. Guide vanes shall be securely fastened to prevent noise or vibration. GI
splitter dampers complete with brass metal lever shall be installed at each bifurcation/trifurcation point
of duct for proper flow of air quantity in each duct. Joints, seams sleeves, splitters, branches, take-offs and
supports are to be as per duct details as specified.
8.7 Duct Installations
All ducts shall be installed as per the drawings and in strict accordance with approved for construction drawings
prepared by the contractor.
During the construction the contractor shall temporarily close duct openings with sheet metal covers /
polyethylene sheets to prevent debris-entering ducts and maintains them clean.
All necessary allowances and provisions shall be made by the contractor for beams, pipes or other
obstructions in the buildings, whether or not the same are shown on the drawings. Where it becomes
necessary to avoid beams or other structural work, plumbing or other pipes and / or conduits, the ducts
shall be transformed, divided or curved to one side, the required area being maintained as approved or
directed by the Architect/Consultants.
If a duct cannot be run as shown on the drawings, the contractor shall install the duct between the
required points by any path available, subject to the approval of the Architect/Consultants.
All duct work shall be of high quality approved galvanised steel sheet, guaranteed not to crack or peel
on bending or fabrication of ducts.
All ducts shall be rigid and shall be supported from the ceiling / slab by means of MS Rods of 8 mm (3/8”) dia with
MS angles at the bottom as shown in the drawing. The rods shall be anchored to RC slab using Anchor/dash
fasteners. A rubber gasket of 5 mm thickness shall be provided between duct and angle to avoid metal-to-metal
contact and vibration. Double nuts will be provided under angle supports.
The hanger spacing for duct supporting shall be not more than 2 meter.
Where ducts touches with wall or ceiling or beams or columns or floor, a rubber gasket of 5 mm thickness shall be
provided between them.
All flanges, bracing and supports are to be mild steel and are to be essentially given a coat of red oxide primer.
Fire retarding flexible canvas / Rexene connections not less than 100 mm and not more than 200 mm are to be
fitted to the delivery of all IDU’s.
8.8 Duct Supports
• The Volume Control dampers & Duct Dampers shall be lever operated and complete with locking devices,
which will permit the dampers to be adjusted and locked in any position, and clearly indicating the
damper position.
• The dampers shall be of splitter, butterfly or louver type. The damper blade thickness shall not be less
than 1.25 mm (18 gauge).
• Manual volume opposed blade dampers shall be complete with frames and bronze bearings as per
drawings. Dampers and frames shall be constructed of 1.6 mm thick galvanised steel sheets and blades
shall not be more than 225 mm wide.
• For air balancing an opposed blade damper with quadrant and thumbscrew lock should be provided.
• At the junction of each branch duct with main duct VCD’s must be provided. At the delivery of all IDU’s
VCD’s must be provided.
• The dampers shall be of Extruded aluminium.
• Installation of VCD’s shall be as per drawings.
8.11 Standard Grilles and diffusers
• The supply and return air grille/diffuser shall be fabricated from extruded aluminium sections of thickness
not less than 1.5 mm. The supply air grille/diffuser shall have single / double louvers. The front horizontal
louvers shall be of adjustable type. The rear vertical louvers shall be of aluminium extruded sections and
adjustable type. The return air grille shall have single horizontal extruded section fixed louvers.
• The damper blades shall also be of extruded aluminium. The grille flange shall be fabricated out of
aluminium-extruded section. Grilles longer than 450 mm shall have intermediate supports for the
horizontal louvers.
• The ceiling type square/circular diffusers shall be of aluminium-extruded section with flush or step down
• All supply diffusers shall be provided with extruded aluminium dampers, with arrangement for
adjustment from the bottom. (The centre portion should be spring loaded for easy removal and fitting).
• All grilles and diffuser shall be epoxy powder coated of 15 Micron in approved colour.
• Diffuser and grille shall be installed as per drawings.
• The linear grilles shall be provided with End Pieces at ends.
• Extruded aluminium construction duly anodized (20 microns and above) fresh air louvers with bird screen
and extruded construction dampers shall be provided in the clear openings in the masonry walls near the
IDU’s or as per drawing.
• Louvers, dampers, cowl, ducts and fresh air fan, if required with speed regulator shall be provided as
shown in the drawings and as per Bill of Quantities.
• Fresh air dampers shall be of interlocking, opposed blade louver type. Blades shall be similar to those
specified in “Air Distribution”.
After completion of the installation of the complete air distribution system all ducts shall be tested for air leaks.
All dampers of supply air diffuser and supply air grille shall be balanced as per user’s requirements. The entire air
distribution system shall be balanced using approved anemometer.
All sheet metal ducting complete with duct supports, turning vanes, canvas connections erected in position shall
be measured externally and paid per unit. All dampers shall be excluded in the duct area.
All manual control/splitter including Fire & Volume control damper sections with operations linkages, locking
quadrant, sheet steel enclosure, frame, erection, supporting etc. shall be measured on the basis of quantity as
mentioned in BOQ and will be paid as per unit rate.
Fresh air louvers with bird screen, damper, frame, ducting, erection & sealing shall be measured on the basis of
quantity as mentioned in BOQ and will be paid as per unit rate.
Grilles/diffuser including volume control damper, installation etc. will be measured on the basis area and paid per
unit area.
9.1 Scope
The scope of this section comprises of supply, fabrication, installation and testing of Accoustic Material
and Thermal insulation as per specification.
b. Acoustic insulation shall be as per drawing after cleaning the internal surface of the duct to make it free from
dirt and dust.
10.1 Scope.
The scope of this section covers supply, installation & Testing of cables, Control Panel with Voltmeter & Ammeter
connecting Indoor Unit & Outdoor Unit as per specification.
10.2 Electrical.
MOTOR Voltage
Contractor should furnish technical data of the equipment and accessories offered by him as per the
scheme and bill of quantities. Some sample technical data sheets are enclosed for the contractor to
understand the expected technical data. Similarly the technical data for al other equipment are suppose
to be enclosed with offer. Manufacture’s printed data sheet for all components should be enclosed
along with technical data sheet.
Sl.No. Description Unit Condition of services
Condenser Fan
1 Type
2 Size (Dia) MM
3 Air quantity cfm
5 Offered motor HP
1 Type : Screw / Rotary / Scroll
2 Make
3 Model
4 Refrigerant
1 Type
2 Make
3 Model
4 Tube Material
5 Tube thickness Mm
6 Tube diameter Mm
7 No. of tubes Nos.
8 Type of tubes / Finning
9 Design Pressure
10 Test Pressure
Sl No Item Manufacturer
1 Air-conditioner Blue Star/ Voltas/ Carrier/ Hitachi/Daikin/Mitsubishi
Tender Document for Renovation and renewing of S.N. Bose Auditorium at IIT Kharagpur.
Issued on: .
Sec. No. SUBJECT Page No.
Tender Document for Renovation and renewing of S.N. Bose Auditorium at IIT Kharagpur.
Name of works : Renovation and renewing of S.N. Bose Auditorium at IIT Kharagpur.
Description of Items Unit Quantity Rate (Rs. In figure & words) Amount (Rs. In figure & words)
Re-caning seat and back of chair with Contrctor's plastic cane as per IS
1 Nos. 420
a) Supplying solid flush type doors of commercial quality, the timber frame
consisting of top and bottom rails and side styles of well seasoned timber
65mm wide each and the entire frame fitted with 37.5mm wide battens
places both ways in order to make the door of solid core and internal lipping
3 Sqm 10.00
with Garjan or similar wood veneers using phenol formaldehyde as glue etc.
complete, including fitting, fixing shutters in position but excluding the cost
of hinges and other fittings in ground floor. 35mm thick shutters (single leaf)
b) Iron butt hinges of approved quality fitted and fixed with steel screws,
Each 12
with ISI mark. 100mm. X 50mm. X 1.25mm.
d) Iron hasp bolt of approved quality fitted and fixed complete (oxidised)
Each 03
with 16mm dia rod with centre bolt and round fitting. 250mm long.
Page 1 of 17
Description of Items Unit Quantity Rate (Rs. In figure & words) Amount (Rs. In figure & words)
Supplying fitting & fixing concealed of False ceiling Framework with G.I.
Section (perimeter channels having one flange of 20 mm. and another
flange of 30 mm. with thickness of 0.55 mm. and web of length 27 mm.,
along the perimeter of the ceiling, screws fixed to the wall with help of nylon
sleeves or PVC dash fastners @ 610 mm c/c. then suspend G.I.
intermidiate 'C' section with web 90 mm. and flanges of 15 mm. each from
soffit @ 1200 mm c/c with ceiling angle of size 25 mm. X 10 mm. X 0.55
mm. fixed to soffit G.I. Cleat and Steel expansion fasteners. Ceiling section
of 0.55 mm. thickness having web of 51.5 mm. and two flanges of 26 mm.
4 Sqm 351.00
each with lips of 10.55 mm., are then fixed on to the intermediate channel
with the help of connecting clips in the direction perpendicular to the
intermidiate channel @ 610 mm c/c) with fully threaded fiber cement screws
@ 300 mm c/c. All complete as per the drawing and direction of Engineer-in-
Charge. Section specification :- Perimeter Channel :- 30 mm X 20 mm X 27
mm, thickness 0.55 mm (min), Intermidiate Channel :- 15 mm X 90 mm,
thickness 0.90 mm (min), Ceiling Section :- 51.5 mm X 26 mm X 10.55 mm,
thickness 0.55 mm (min), Ceiling Angle :- 25 mm X 10 mm, thickness 0.55
mm (min).
(a) Supplying & laying of approved make and brand of scratch proof, flexible
& homogeneous P.V.C. Vinyle flooring conforming to IS:3462 - 1982 in
required finish, fixed with synthetic acrylic adhesive after preparing the floor, Sqm 251.00
levelling & smothaning when necessary with suitable putty, as per the
design & instruction of the Engineer-in-charge. 2 mm thick (Plain)
Page 2 of 17
Description of Items Unit Quantity Rate (Rs. In figure & words) Amount (Rs. In figure & words)
M.S. structural works in columns, beams etc. with simple rolled structural
member (e.g. joists, angle, channel sections conforming to IS: 226, IS: 808
& SP (6) -1964 connected to one another with bracket, gussets, cleats as
per design, direction of Engineer-in-charge complete including cutting to
requisite shape and length, fabrication with necessary bolting metal arc
6 welding conforming to IS: 816-1956 & IS: 1995 using electrodes of Kg. 3090.00
approved make and brand conforming to IS:814-1957, haulage, hoisting
and erection all complete. The rate includes the cost of rolled steel section,
consumables such as electrodes, gas and hire charge of all tools and plats
and labour required for the work including all incidental changes such as
electricity charges, labour insurance shares etc.
Payment to be made on the basis of the calculated weight of structural
members only in finished work as per IS specified weight. Payment for
gusset, bracket, cleat, rivets, bolts and nuts may be make by adding the
actual weight of such items with the weight of finished structural members or
7% of weight for finished structural members weighting not less than 22.5
Kg / m or 15 % of weight for finished structural members weighting less than
22.5 Kg. / m maybe increased allow for bracket, cleat, rivet, bolts and nuts
etc. and no separate payment being made for these items, as per direction
of Engineer in Charge. The rates are considered for a height of erection 8m.
/ 2nd floor level from the ground. Add 1.5 % extra over the rate for each
additional floor or 4m beyond initial 8m. or part thereof. For Structural
Works in Roof Trusses etc. using joists, channels and angles of specified
section weighing less than 22.5 kg/m.
(a) Partition wall or wall panelling with acoustic board or sound absorbing
7 board,18 mm thick, fixing with alluminium framing, Chicken mesh, glass Sq.M 48.00
wool with all complete as per instruction of Engineer-In-Charge.
(b) Supplying, fitting and fixing boiling water proof ply conforming to IS: 710-
1977 bonded with phenol formaldehyde synthetic resin conforming to IS:
848-1974 of approved make and brand fitted and fixed as per design as per Sqm 170.00
approval and direction of Engineer-in-Charge.[excluding the cost of
supporting frame work and teak wood batten/Lipping]. 12mm
(c) Plain and finished timber planks in partition, shelves etc. fitted and fixed
complete as per design (butt joints) in ground floor. 25mm thick planks. Sqm 170.00
other Local wood.
Page 3 of 17
Description of Items Unit Quantity Rate (Rs. In figure & words) Amount (Rs. In figure & words)
Removal of rubbish,earth etc. from the working site and disposal of the
same beyond the compound, in conformity with the Municipal / Corporation
9 Cum 36.00
Rules for such disposal, loading into truck and cleaning the site in all
respect as per direction of Engineer in charge
Page 4 of 17
Description of Items Unit Quantity Rate (Rs. In figure & words) Amount (Rs. In figure & words)
D. Supplying bubbie free flot glass of approved make and brand conforming
Sqm 14.04
to IS: 2835- 1987 with 5mm thick coloured / tinted / smoke glass
Page 5 of 17
Description of Items Unit Quantity Rate (Rs. In figure & words) Amount (Rs. In figure & words)
Applying Acrylic Emulsion Paint of approved make and brand on walls and
ceiling including sand papering in intermediate coats including putty (to be
13 Sqm 351.00
done under specific instruction of Superintending Engineer): Two coats,
Standard Quality .
Priming one coat on steel or other metal surface with synthetic oil bound
14 primer of approved quality including smoothening surfaces by sand Sqm 150.00
papering etc.
Painting with best quality synthetic enamel paint of approved make and
brand including smoothening surface by sand papering etc. including using
15 Sqm 170.00
of approved putty etc. on the surface in necessary. On steel or other metal
surface. With super glass (hi-gloss). Two Coat (with any shade except white)
Plaster (to wall, floor, ceiling etc.) with sand and cement mortar including
rounding off or chamfering corners as directed and raking out joints
16 including throating, nosing and drip course, scaffolding/staging where Sqm 25.00
necessary (Ground floor). [Excluding cost of chipping over concrete surface]
, With 1:4 cement mortar 20 mm thick plaster.
Page 6 of 17
Description of Items Unit Quantity Rate (Rs. In figure & words) Amount (Rs. In figure & words)
Supplying, fitting and fixing M.S.Anchor Fasnut(pin type) Size: M-12, 150
18 Each 560
mm long.
Page 7 of 17
Description of Items Unit Quantity Rate (Rs. In figure & words) Amount (Rs. In figure & words)
PART-B ( HVAC Installation Works)
Supply and erection of GSS ducting with flexible connection with insulated
flexible duct for grilles as given in specification.
a) 24 G Sq. mt. 200.00
Supply, installation & testing of Thermal insulation of supply air duct with
3.a 19mm thick Al foil faced nitrile rubber (Class: O) and joint sealed with Al Sq. Mt. 370.00
tape as per specification.
Acoustic Insulation of Duct with 25mm thick rigid board ( 48Kg/ ) and
3.b covered with RP tissue paper & 26G perforated Aluminium sheet as per the Sq. Mt. 32.00
4 Aluminium Powder coated Grille for supply air with all collar damper.
Page 8 of 17
Description of Items Unit Quantity Rate (Rs. In figure & words) Amount (Rs. In figure & words)
Aluminium Powder coated continous liniear Grille for return air without collar
4.b Sq. Mt. 9.00
200 mm dia Round jet type diffuser with flexible duct as per approved
4.c Nos 2
4.d Fresh air arrangement with GI vcd, bird screen & cowl. Size: 600 x 450 Nos 1
Page 9 of 17
Description of Items Unit Quantity Rate (Rs. In figure & words) Amount (Rs. In figure & words)
Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of G.I. pipe for drain with
8 25mm thick TF Quality EPS insulation (density 16kg/cum) finished with 26G Rmt 15.00
AI claddingarmaflex insulation
Making wall opening for fresh air & passage of pipes and cables and INCLUDED
making good of the same. IN CIVIL
11 Staging for Out Door Unit Installation with painting (incase of MS structure). Kgs 100.00
12 Testing and Commissioning & 1 year free service LOT INCLUDED IN PRICE INCLUDED IN PRICE
Page 10 of 17
Description of Items Unit Quantity Rate (Rs. In figure & words) Amount (Rs. In figure & words)
PART-C (Electrical Works)
Wiring for light point/fan point/exhaust fan point/call bell point with 1.5
Sqmm FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor single core cable in
1 surface/recessed medium class PVC conduit with modular switch, modular
plate, suitable GI Box and earthing the point with 1.5 Sqmm FRLS PVC
insulated copper conductor single core cable etc. as required.
Group B Point 42
Wiring for circuit/submain wiring along with earth wire with following sizes of
2 FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor, single core cable in
surface/recessed medium class PVC conduit as required.
a) 6 Modular power unit with 6 pin 6/16A socket-2 nos + 16A switch - 2 nos Nos 19
Page 11 of 17
Description of Items Unit Quantity Rate (Rs. In figure & words) Amount (Rs. In figure & words)
Supplying, installation and testing of following surface pendent/recess
luminaires with electronic ballast/driver complete with all accessories like
ceiling plates, nipples, down rod of required size and lamp etc. incl.
necessary connection with 2 x 1.5 FRLS Cu. conductor.
a) Recessed mounted 20W LED neutral white equiv. to Bajaj : BCDLR 20 NW Nos 46
b) Surface mounted 20W LED neutral white equiv. to Bajaj : BCDLR 20 NW Nos 7
Single sided EXIT with RIGHT ARROW SSD sineage with built in 2 hrs
c) Nos 2
battery back up EXIT with RIGHT
Page 12 of 17
Description of Items Unit Quantity Rate (Rs. In figure & words) Amount (Rs. In figure & words)
LDB : 12 way SPN DB incl. S+F of 40A DP isolator-01 No., 6-32A SP MCB-
b) Nos 2
10 Nos.
DP sheet steel enclosure along with 25/32 amps 240 volts "C" curve DP
c) Nos 3
Supplying and making end termination with brass compression gland and
7 aluminium lugs for following size of PVC insulated and PVC sheathed/SLPE
aluminium conductor cable of 1.1kV grade as required.
a) 4 x 16 Sqmm Nos 4
Page 13 of 17
Description of Items Unit Quantity Rate (Rs. In figure & words) Amount (Rs. In figure & words)
Supplying and fixing earth busbar of galvanized (Hot Dip) MS flat 25mm x
6mm on wall having clearance of 6mm from wall including providing drilled
8 Mtr 2
holes on the busbar complete with GI bolts, nuts, washers, spacing
insulators etc. as required.
Supply, installation and testing of 100A, 415V, TPN on load front operated
9 Automatic transfer switch open execution type in SS enclosure, Make : Nos 1
Make :
Wire : Finolex/Havells/Rajanigandha/KEI. PVC Pipe : Presto plast/Precision
Switch/Socket/Regulator : Legrand (Myurius range)/Crabtree
Thames Platinum range, Ceiling Rose/Holder : Anchor/SSK,
DB/MCB/MCCB/Metal Enclosure : Legrand/L&T/Schneider/Hager
Power Cable : Havells/Gloster/Finolex
LED Fittings : Bajaj/Havells/Crompton/Philips
All materials to be used with prior approval of Engineer-in-charge. For LED fittings - Minimum 05 years warranty must be given from the date of installation.Also LM 79 & LM 80 certification by any
National or International accrediated Laboratory is mandatory.
Page 14 of 17
Description of Items Unit Quantity Rate (Rs. In figure & words) Amount (Rs. In figure & words)
PART-D ( Networkings Works)
2 CAT-6 UTP cable laying with PVC conduit/ Casting Mtr 400.00
Page 15 of 17
Description of Items Unit Quantity Rate (Rs. In figure & words) Amount (Rs. In figure & words)
Note :
1 All materials required for networking job as per Serial No. 1, 4, 6, 7 & 8 will be provided by CIC
2 In SN 2, PVC Conduit/Casing has to be provided by the tenderer (cables will be provided by CIC)
3 In SN 3, PVC Conduit has to be provided by the tenderer
4 In SN 5, GI Junction Box has to be provided by the tenderer
5 Cable laying and concealed duct charges will be paid on actual measurement basis
Page 16 of 17
Description of Items Unit Quantity Rate (Rs. In figure & words) Amount (Rs. In figure & words)
Rupees in Words :
Signature of the Contractor with date & seal
Page 17 of 17
Tender Document for Renovation and renewing of S.N. Bose Auditorium at IIT Kharagpur.
(To be filled by the Tenderer with sign & stamp and submitted within the Financial Bid envelope)
The Superintending Engineer (Civil)
Civil Construction & Maintenance Section
Indian Institute of Technology
Kharagpur, West Bengal
I/We have submitted Account Payee Demand Draft No. _____________dated ___________ in favour of IIT
Kharagpur payable at Kharagpur for Rs. ___________________ (Rupees ______________________
__________________________________________) with the tender as Cost of Tender Document.
I/We have submitted Account Payee Demand Draft No. _____________dated ___________ in favour of IIT
Kharagpur payable at Kharagpur for Rs. ___________________ (Rupees ______________________
__________________________________________) with the tender as Earnest Money.
I also declare that the information / documents furnished along with the application and tender are true and
authentic to the best of my knowledge and belief. I am well aware of the fact that furnishing of any false
information / fabricated document would lead to rejection of my tender / termination of contract at any stage
besides liabilities towards prosecution under appropriate law. Each page of the tender document and
papers submitted by my Company are authenticated, sealed and signed, and I take full responsibility for the
entire documents submitted with this tender.
I/We agree that the period for which the tender shall remain open for acceptance shall not be less than 90
Days from date of opening of tender.
Signature of the Tenderer / Authorised person