PWD Certificate Format
PWD Certificate Format
PWD Certificate Format
This condition is progressive/not progressive/likely to improve/not likely to improve*.
1) Disability c ertific ate shall be issued by Medic al Board of at leas t three doc tors duly constituted by the S tate or Central
government under P WD Ac t.(One of the members of the Board s hould be the spec ialist in the partic ular field for assessing
Locomotor, Visual dis ability ,Hearing and S peec h dis ability ,Mental disorder and Leprosy c ured)
2) For c andidature under physic ally c hallenged c ategory, c andidates only with a minimum of 40% dis ability is require d.
3) The Medic al Board at Reporting Center of CCM T will assess the Physic ally Challenged (PH) c ertific ate. In c ase there is serious
doubt about perc entage of disability/ genuineness of the c ertific ate, the c andidate will be referred for reassessment to the
Medic al Board duly c onstituted by the S tate or Central Government under PWD Ac t.