Constructal PEM Fuel Cell Stack Design: J.V.C. Vargas, J.C. Ordonez, A. Bejan
Constructal PEM Fuel Cell Stack Design: J.V.C. Vargas, J.C. Ordonez, A. Bejan
Constructal PEM Fuel Cell Stack Design: J.V.C. Vargas, J.C. Ordonez, A. Bejan
Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica, Universidade Federal do Paraná, C.P. 19011, Curitiba, Paraná 81531-990, Brazil
Department of Mechanical Engineering and Center for Advanced Power Systems, Florida State University,
Tallahassee, FL 32310-6046, USA
Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, Duke University, Durham, NC 27708-0300, USA
This paper describes a structured procedure to optimize the internal structure (relative sizes, spacings), single cells
thickness, and external shape (aspect ratios) of a polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) stack so that net
power is maximized. The constructal design starts from the smallest (elemental) level of a fuel cell stack (the single
PEMFC), which is modeled as a unidirectional flow system, proceeding to the pressure drops experienced in the headers
and gas channels of the single cells in the stack. The polarization curve, total and net power, and efficiencies are
obtained as functions of temperature, pressure, geometry and operating parameters. The optimization is subjected to
fixed stack total volume. There are two levels of optimization: (i) the internal structure, which accounts for the relative
thicknesses of two reaction and diffusion layers and the membrane space, together with the single cells thickness, and
(ii) the external shape, which accounts for the external aspect ratios of the PEMFC stack. The flow components are
distributed optimally through the available volume so that the PEMFC stack net power is maximized. Numerical
results show that the optimized single cells internal structure and stack external shape are ‘‘robust’’ with respect to
changes in stoichiometric ratios, membrane water content, and total stack volume. The optimized internal structure
and single cells thickness, and the stack external shape are results of an optimal balance between electrical power output
and pumping power required to supply fuel and oxidant to the fuel cell through the stack headers and single-cell gas
channels. It is shown that the twice maximized stack net power increases monotonically with total volume raised to the
power 3/4, similarly to metabolic rate and body size in animal design.
2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Constructal; Fuel cells; PEMFC structure; Fuel cell thickness; Shape
1. Introduction
0017-9310/$ - see front matter 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J.V.C. Vargas et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 48 (2005) 4410–4427 4411
alternative energy sources such as fusion, and to employ the precious material load in the catalyst layers, mem-
hydrogen produced from diverse sources. The energy brane improvement, and on the multiple internal physi-
engineering community is expected to play an important cal and electrochemical aspects of a single PEMFC.
role in this first international attempt to limit atmo- During the last two decades, such efforts have reduced
spheric pollution (in particular, to reduce the emission the energy cost of PEMFC from US$4500/kW to
of greenhouse gases). To this end, polymer electrolyte US$1200/kW, which is still far from the energy cost
membrane fuel cells (PEMFC) offer an attractive and (US$20/kW) of internal combustion engines [1,2]. At
environmentally friendly on-site alternative power gen- the PEMFC stack level, suitable materials have been
eration technology, which is highly efficient, and has sta- developed for making small and light weight compo-
tionary and mobile applications [1–3]. nents [4], high power density electrodes to reduce the
The commercial development of PEMFC still has total numbers and sizes of cells and bipolar plates
serious technical and economic hurdles to overcome. A [4,5]. Furthermore, light weight metal conductive ele-
practical fuel cell system requires the integration of the ments together with nonconductive elements fabricated
stack with fuel processing, heat exchange, power condi- from engineering thermoplastics were used to yield light
tioning, and control systems. Considerable research has weight and low cost PEMFC stacks [6]. Alternative
been conducted on new and advanced materials to lower materials and design concepts were presented by Kumar
J.V.C. Vargas et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 48 (2005) 4410–4427 4413
and Reddy [7] for the bipolar/end plate of PEMFC ration of the stack in terms of number of cells and cell
stacks, which is one of the most important and costliest surface area, but did not consider headers and gas chan-
stack components and accounts for more than 80% of nels pumping power losses. No transient model was
the total weight of the stack. Therefore, one direction found in the literature that addresses the spatial temper-
to be pursued to make PEMFC systems competitive eco- ature and pressure gradients in a PEMFC stack, pres-
nomically with other existing power and vehicular sys- sure drops in the headers and single cells gas channels
tems is system optimization at the stack level. and their effect on performance.
The PEMFC stack is a combination of several flow This study proposes a new integrative framework for
systems, i.e., electrical, chemical, fluid and heat flows. the energy-based design of PEMFC stacks. The ap-
The optimization of flow-system architecture is common proach is cross-disciplinary and pursues simultaneously
in engineering and nature. Constructal theory [8] is the (i) the local optimization of components and processes
thought that geometry (flow architecture) is generated with (ii) the optimal global integration and configuration
by the pursuit of global performance subject to global of the system. The constructal approach chosen in this
constraints, in flow systems the geometry of which is free paper was introduced in previous studies for a single
to vary. According to constructal theory, the optimiza- alkaline fuel cell [27] and for a single PEMFC [28],
tion of flow architecture starts at the smallest (elemental) which divides the single fuel cell into several control vol-
scale, in this case, the single PEMFC. Irreversibilities umes that correspond to the most representative parts of
due to pressure drops, charge transfer, electrical resis- the flow system. For the PEMFC stack, the single cell
tances, and mass diffusion are minimized together for model is extended for predicting unsteady state opera-
maximum global performance at the stack level. The tion, and the stack input and output headers pressure
technique proposed in this paper traces the general drops are accounted for. The model is represented by
direction of flow geometry optimization subject to glo- a system of ordinary differential equations with respect
bal constraints (e.g., volume), with the objective of max- to time, the solution of which consists of the tempera-
imizing the PEMFC stack net power or the net power tures and pressures of each control volume, and the
density. This approach is general because it may be used polarization and net power curves for the PEMFC
in conjunction with other methods of improvement dis- stack. The model is simple enough to insure small com-
cussed in the previous paragraph. putational time requirements, so that it is possible to
The technical literature shows several previous simulate the flow in a very large number of competing
PEMFC analytical and numerical models. At the single flow configurations.
PEMFC level, models considering one or two-dimen-
sional geometry, isothermal and steady state operation
[9–15], and three-dimensional steady state [16] were 2. Mathematical model
developed. The two- and three-dimensional models are
not suitable for the optimization of flow geometry, A PEMFC stack is shown schematically in Fig. 1.
because for a PEMFC stack they would require the solv- The stack is fed by two input headers, one carries fuel
ing of partial differential equations for flow simulation and the other oxidant, which are delivered to each single
in a very large number of flow configurations. At the PEM fuel cell in the stack. After the fuel and oxidant
PEMFC stack level, Amphlett et al. [17] introduced a streams sweep the single PEMFC gas channels in the
transient mathematical model for predicting the re- stack, two output headers collect the used gases and
sponse and performance of the system for applications the water that is produced by the reactions in the fuel
where the operating conditions change with time, con- cells. Electrical power is produced by the stack, and a
sidering heat losses, changes in stack temperature, reac- fraction is used to pump the fuel and oxidant across
tant gas concentrations, and other internal phenomena, the PEMFC stack, through the input and output head-
but no consideration was given to the pressure drops ers, and through very narrow gas channels in each single
experienced by the fuel and oxidant in the feeding head- fuel cell. For simplicity, the model is based on the
ers and gas channels. Experimental results were pre- assumption that the fuel stream is pure hydrogen, and
sented by Hamelin et al. [18] for the time response of a that the oxidant is pure oxygen.
stationary PEMFC stack under fast load commutations, A single PEMFC is divided into seven control vol-
and compared to the Amphlett et al. [17] model with umes that interact energetically with one another. In
good agreement. Several other experimental studies have the present model, it is assumed the existence of a cool-
been conducted to access the dynamic behavior of ing channels system that irrigates the bipolar plates, and
PEMFC stacks in search for performance improvement that the cooling fluid (e.g., water, air) is kept at an aver-
in the transient mode [19–23]. Recent studies presented age specified temperature, T1, between single cells and
PEMFC stack steady state mathematical models to around the stack. In this way, the electrical power deliv-
predict performance [24–26]: one study [26] presented a ered by the entire stack results from the analysis of one
genetic algorithm technique for finding the best configu- single cell, i.e., the electrical power produced by the
4414 J.V.C. Vargas et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 48 (2005) 4410–4427
O2 O2
Bipolar plate
H2 H2
acid membrane Lz
H+ H+
H2 O H2 O
- +
m· H2O
Lb L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 Lb
0 x
Ly Anode Electrolyte Cathode
where subscript i indicates a substance or a location in (2 6 j 6 6) and Vj = ncLcLjLz (j = 1, 7), where nc is the
the fuel cell, m_ ref ¼ p1 V T =ðRf T 1 tref Þ is a reference mass integer part of Ly/(Lt + Lc), i.e., the number of parallel
flow rate, and Rf is the ideal gas constant of the fuel, N is ducts in each gas channel (fuel and oxidant).
the dimensionless global wall heat transfer coefficient, A e The average fuel pressure (pf in headers and CV1)
is the dimensionless area, c is the ratio of specific heats, and oxidant pressure (pox in headers and CV7) are
cp,i and cv,i are the specific heats at constant pressure and assumed known and constant during fuel cell operation.
volume of substance i, respectively, and tref is a specified The stoichiometric ratio for an electrode reaction is
reference time. defined as the provided reactant (moles/s) divided by
In a single fuel cell shown in Fig. 2, the wall heat trans- the reactant needed for the electrochemical reaction of
fer area of one control volume is Awi ¼ ~ps Li ð2 6 i 6 6Þ interest. In the present model, stoichiometric ratios
and Awi ffi ~ps Li þ Ly Lz (i = 1, 7; assuming that Lt Lc in greater than 1 are prescribed on the fuel side (f1) and
Fig. 2), where ~ps ¼ 2ðLy þ Lz Þ is the perimeter of the fuel oxidant side (f7). The mass and energy balances for
cell cross-section. The control volumes are Vj = LyLzLj incompressible flow yield the temperature in CV1,
4416 J.V.C. Vargas et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 48 (2005) 4410–4427
dh1 h e e 12 þ Q
e 1ohm
i h c
1;0 f average pressures in CV2 and CV6 are estimated as
¼ Q w1 þ wf ðhf h1 Þ þ Q
ds P f nc n1 nc nz P i ¼ 12 ðP i;in þ P i;out Þ, i = 2, 6.
ð4Þ The energy balance delivers the CV2 temperature,
" #
where h1,0 is a specified initial condition, wf ¼ f1 wH2 , dh2 Qe2 cs;a
e wi ¼ N i A
e wi ð1 hi Þ, where subscript i refers to one of ¼ h1 h2 þ ð7Þ
Q ds wH2 q ~s;a ð1 /2 Þn2 ny nz
the control volumes, Q e 12 ¼ ~h1 A e s ð1 /2 Þðh2 h1 Þ,
h1 ¼ h1 V 2=3
T =ð m_ c
ref p;f Þ, / i are the porosities, and where cs,a = cp,f/cs,a, cs,a is the specific heat of the anode
e s ¼ Ly Lz =V 2=3 is the dimensionless cross-sectional area
A solid material, and q ~i is the dimensionless density de-
of the fuel cell. The dimensionless heat transfer rates fined by q ~i ¼ qi Rf T 1 =p1 .
for all the compartments are Q e i ¼ Q_ i =ðm_ ref cp;f T 1 Þ, In the anode reaction layer (CV3), the electrical cur-
where i accounts for any of the heat transfer interactions rent is generated by the electrochemical oxidation
that are present in the model. The ohmic heating is reaction,
e iohm ¼ I 2 bi =ðm_ ref cp;f T 1 Þ, where subscript i refers to a
control volume (1–7), and b (X) is the electrical H2ðgÞ ! 2Hþ
ðaqÞ þ 2e
Next is the anode backing diffusion layer (CV2), where a perfluorosulfonic acid membrane (e.g., Nafion
where reactions are absent. Both electrodes in a fuel cell 117 by DuPont) has been assumed in the electrolyte.
are porous, such that a large surface area can be ob- CV3 is divided into two compartments, the solid and
tained to provide good contact between the electrode the ionomer that form the anode reaction layer. How-
and the electrolyte (ionomer). Although the porous med- ever, in the thermal analysis only the solid is taken into
ium consists of a solid side and a fluid side, the mass of account, because the mass of ionomer in CV3 is negligi-
fluid in CV2 is negligible relative to the mass of solid, ble in comparison with the mass of solid. The dimen-
therefore only the solid is taken into account in the sionless net heat transfer in CV3 is given by
e2 ¼ Qe 3 ¼ Q e 23 þ Q
e w3 þ Q e 34 þ Q e 3ohm . The heat transfer rate
energy balance. The net heat transfer rates are Q
Q e 12 þ Q
e w2 þ Q e 23 þ Q e 2ohm , where Q e 23 ¼ e k s;a ð1 /2 Þ between CV3 and CV4 (the polymer electrolyte mem-
e s ðh2 h3 Þ=½ðn2 þ n3 Þ=2. The dimensionless thermal brane) is dominated by conduction, therefore Q e 34 ¼
ð1 /3 Þðh3 h4 Þ A k s;a e
e s 2e k p =ðn4 e
k s;a þ n3 e
k p Þ.
conductivity is defined by e k i ¼ k i V 1=3
T =ðm _ ref cp;f Þ.
The contact areas in the porous anode and cathode The mass and energy balances for CV3, together with
are estimated by assuming dual-porosity electrodes. the anode reaction equation deliver the relations
The pores are approximated as parallel tubes with an n_ H2 ¼ m_ H2 =M H2 , n_ Hþ ¼ 2n_ H2 , m_ Hþ ¼ 2n_ H2 M Hþ and
average diameter of the same order as the square root dh3 h e e3
e 3 þ DG
i cs;a
of the porous medium permeability, K1/2. Therefore, ¼ Q3 DH ð9Þ
ds ~s;a ð1 /3 Þn3 ny nz
the contact (wetted) area for each porous control vol-
ume is Aj;wet ¼ 4/j Lj K 1=2 j As , where Kj are the where ðD H e 3; DG e 3 Þ ¼ n_ H ðDH 3 ; DG3 Þ=ðm_ ref cp;f T 1 Þ.
permeabilities. The dimensionless enthalpy of formation is defined
Diffusion is assumed to be the dominant transport by H e i ¼ n_ i H i =ðm_ ref cp;f T 1 Þ, where the subscript i
mechanism across the diffusion and catalyst layers. For refers to a substance or a control volume. The enthalpy
Knudsen flow, the fuel and oxidant mass fluxes in the change due to the anode reaction is given by DH 3 ¼
porous layers are given by [29] products ½mi H i ðT i Þ reactants ½mi H i ðT i Þ and We3 = DG3,
DH3 is the CV3 reaction enthalpy change (kJ/kmol H2); mi
ji ¼ ½Dðqout qin Þ=Li ; i ¼ 2; 6 ð5Þ are the stoichiometric coefficients; Hi(Ti) is the molar en-
thalpy (kJ/kmol) of formation at a temperature Ti of reac-
where D ¼ Bfr½8RT =ðpMÞ1=2 /q g is the Knudsen diffu- tants and products of compound i; DG3 is the CV3
sion coefficient, q the density, R the universal gas con- reaction Gibbs free energy change (kJ/kmol H2) and
stant, / the porosity, q the tortuosity [30,31], and B is We3 is the maximum (reversible) electrical work generated
a correction coefficient. By using Eq. (5) and the ideal due to the reaction in CV3 (kJ/kmol H2).
gas model for H2 and O2, the pressures of the hydrogen The molar enthalpies of formation are obtained from
and oxygen that enter the catalyst layers are calculated tabulated values [32,33] at T2 for H2(g) and T3 for Hþ ðaqÞ ,
from and at 1 atm, because DH is independent of pressure.
ji Ri T 1 Li h i The reaction Gibbs free energy change DG is a function
P i;out ¼ P i;in ; i ¼ 2; 6 ð6Þ of temperature, pressure and concentrations,
Di p 1
DG ¼ DG þ RT ln Q ð10Þ
where j2 ¼ m_ H2 =A3;wet and j6 ¼ m_ O2 =A5;wet , and A3,wet
and A5,wet are the wetted areas in the porous catalyst where DG = DH TDS is the standard Gibbs free
layers. Note also that P2,in = Pf and P6,in = Pox. The energy (kJ/kmol H2); DH is the standard enthalpy
J.V.C. Vargas et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 48 (2005) 4410–4427 4417
change (kJ/kmol); DS is the standard entropy change catalyst layer morphology, temperature and pressure).
(kJ/kmol K1) [gases at 1 atm, 25 C, species in solution The potential loss due to mass diffusion is [35]
at 1 M, where M is the molarity = (moles solute)/(liters
solution)], and Q is the reaction quotient. The reaction RT 3 I
gd;a ¼ ln 1 ð14Þ
quotient Q has the same mathematical form as the reac- nF A3;wet iLim;a
tion equilibrium constant: the difference is that the terms
that appear in Q are instantaneous pressures and con- In Eq. (14) the limiting current density at the anode
centrations rather than equilibrium values. Therefore, (iLim,a) occurs at high values of the surface overpotential,
in the present reaction [Eq. (8)] the resulting expression when the gas is completely depleted in the very thin layer
for Q3 is Q3 ¼ ½Hþ 2 þ of active catalyst situated at the interface with the gas
ðaqÞ =p H2 , where ½HðaqÞ is the molar
concentration of the acid solution, (moles/1), and diffuser, i.e., P2,out = 0. Therefore, Eq. (6) is rearranged
pH2 = p2,out, i.e., the partial pressure of H2 in atmo- to obtain iLim,a = Pfp1D2nF/(MH2L2Rfh2T1).
spheres at the CV2 outlet. Recall that pure liquids or sol- The dimensionless potentials are defined based on a
ids do not appear in the calculation of Q3; neither does reference voltage, Ve i ¼ V i =V ref and ~ g ¼ gi =V ref , where
the solvent in a dilute solution. subscript i accounts for all the potentials that are present
In a polymer electrolyte membrane, the water content in the fuel cell. The resulting electrical potential at the
(k) is described as the ratio of the number of water mol- anode is Ve i;a ¼ Ve e;a ~
ga j~ gd;a j, where we have taken
ecules to the number of charge sites, i.e., the number of the absolute value of ~ gd;a , because ~ gd;a < 0 (cathodic
ions, SO þ overpotential).
3 H . Zawodzinski et al. [34] measured water
content for the Nafion 117 membrane, and found that, Next is the analysis of the polymer electrolyte mem-
for equilibrium with saturated water vapor, k = 14 at brane (CV4), which interacts with CV3, CV5 and the
30 C. Springer et al. [9] found that water vapor and ambient. In the cathode reaction layer (CV5), the reac-
liquid water (in equilibrium with each other) equilibrate tion is
separately to different membrane water contents, 1
namely, k = 16.8 at 80 C and k = 22 at 100 C. Usually, O2ðgÞ þ 2e þ 2Hþ
ðaqÞ ! H2 OðlÞ ð15Þ
the anode water content in the anode is different than in
the cathode [28]; therefore for assumed values of ka (an- Eqs. (8) and (15) and the conservation of mass in CV4
ode water content) and kc (cathode water content), and require 2n_ H2 ¼ n_ Hþout ¼ n_ Hþin ¼ 2n_ O2 . In conclusion, n_ O2 ¼
by assuming a linear variation of the water content n_ H2 , where n_ O2 ¼ 2m_ O2 =M O2 . Accordingly, the required
along the membrane thickness, the average water con- oxidant mass flow rate is m_ O2 ¼ m_ H2 M O2 =ð2M H2 Þ. The
tent in the membrane is defined as net heat transfer in CV4 is obtained from Q e 4 ¼ Q
e 34 þ
ka þ kc e e
Q w4 þ Q 45 þ Q 4ohm e and e
Q 45 ¼ ð1 /5 Þðh4 h5 Þ
k¼ ð11Þ e s 2e
2 A k s;c e
k pm =ðn4 e
k s;c þ n5 ek pm Þ. Next, the CV4 temperature
Eq. (11) allows the calculation of ½Hþ is obtained from
ðaqÞ as a function of
k, namely ½HþðaqÞ ffi qwa =ðkM H2 O Þ for a dilute water solu- dh4 e4 þ H e ðh3 Þ þ H e ðh4 Þ þ
tion. The present model also assumes that the volume ¼ Q HðaqÞ HðaqÞ ð16Þ
ds ~pm n4 ny nz
fraction of ionomer in the catalyst layer is approxi-
mately equal to the porosity either in CV3 or CV5. where cpm = cp,f/cpm, and cpm is the polymer electrolyte
The reversible electrical potential at the anode is gi- membrane specific heat.
ven by the Nernst equation [33], The internal ohmic losses are usually dominated by
the low electrolyte conductivity. However in order to
RT 3 study of the effect of varying the thickness of the react-
V e;a ¼ V e;a ln Q3 ð12Þ
nF ing layers, the model also accounts for the potential loss
where Ve,a = DG3/(nF) and V e;a ¼ DG3 =ðnF Þ. At the due to the electrical resistance posed by the ionomer
anode there are two mechanisms for potential losses: within the porous reaction layers present in CV3 and
(i) charge transfer, and (ii) mass diffusion. The potential CV5. The ionic conductivity, r (X1 m1), of Nafion
loss due to charge transfer is obtained implicitly from 117 as a function of temperature is given by the empiri-
the Butler–Volmer equation for a given current I [35,36] cal formula [9]
2 3
ð1 aa Þga F aa ga F 1 1
I ri ðhÞ ¼ exp 1268 ð0.5139ki 0.326Þ;
6 RT 3 7 303 hi T 1
¼ io;a 4e e RT 3 5 ð13Þ
i ¼ 3; 4; 5 ð17Þ
where ga is the potential loss at the anode, aa is the Based on the electrical conductivities and geometry
anode charge transfer coefficient, and io,a is the anode of each compartment, the electrical resistances, b (X)
exchange current density (a function of catalyst type, e s V 1=3 ri ð1 /i Þ, i = 1, 2, 6, 7, and
are given by bi ¼ ni = A T
4418 J.V.C. Vargas et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 48 (2005) 4410–4427
dh5 h e e5
e 5 þ DG
i cs;c
¼ Q5 DH ð19Þ
ds ~s;c ð1 /5 Þn5 ny nz
3. Constructal design
where ðD H e 5; DG e 5 Þ ¼ n_ O ðDH 5 ; DG5 Þ=ðm_ ref cp;f T 1 Þ. The
P change during
P cathode reaction is DH 5 ¼ The model presented in Section 2 allows the calcula-
products ½mi H i ðT i Þ reactants ½mi H i ðT i Þ, while We5 = tion of the electrical power output of a single PEMFC
DG5. Similarly to the anode analysis, the molar enthal- when its geometry and operating parameters change.
pies of formation, Hi(Ti), are obtained from tabulated The model accounts for internal temperature and pres-
values at T6 for O2(g), T4 for Hþ ðaqÞ and T5 for H2O(l) sure gradients and potential losses. An important step
at 1 atm. The change in the Gibbs free energy DG5 in constructal design is the identification of realistic
for the reaction of Eq. (15) is calculated by using Eq. design constraints. As it was stated before Eq. (2), the
(10). The CV5 reaction quotient is therefore Q5 ¼ total PEMFC stack volume, VT, is fixed in the optimiza-
2 1=2 1
f½Hþ ðaqÞ p O2 g , where p O2 ¼ p 6;out . The reversible electri- tion process. In dimensionless terms, the volume con-
cal potential at the cathode results from Eq. (12) after straint reads as nxnynz = 1. According to Fig. 1, in the
using Ve,c, V e;c , DG5, DG5 , T5 and Q5 in place of Ve,a, PEMFC stack, the number of single cells is given by
V e;a , DG3, DG3 , T3 and Q3. ns = nx/ns, where ns ¼ Ls =V T1=3 , and Ls is the total length
The analysis for the cathode reaction layer (CV5) fol- (or thickness) of a single cell, as it is shown in Fig. 2.
lows the same path as for the anode reaction layer (CV3). Proceeding the analysis, it is necessary to account for
The potential losses are due to charge transfer and mass the pressure drops in the gas channels of the single cells,
diffusion. The potential loss due to charge transfer is and also in the input and output headers, as shown sche-
obtained through Eq. (13), using A5,wet, io,c, ac, gc and matically in Fig. 3. The calculation of the total pressure
T5, in place of A3,wet, io,a, aa, ga and T3, respectively. drops in the fuel cell stack will lead to the required total
J.V.C. Vargas et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 48 (2005) 4410–4427 4419
pumping power to supply the stack with fuel and oxi- and bending-expansion coefficients, respectively. Accord-
dant at any current level. ing to mass conservation, the flow dimensionless
The stoichiometric ratios in the fuel and oxidant mean velocities in the gas channels are ~ u1 ¼ Ch1 ðwf
channels, f1 and f7, are assumed known as specified e c1 P f Þ, ~
wH2 =2Þ=ð A e c7 P ox Þ,
u7 ¼ Rox Ch7 ðwox wO2 =2Þ=ðRf A
operating parameters. Therefore, the inlet mass flow 1=2 2=3 e
where C ¼ ðRf T 1 Þ m_ ref =ðp1 V T Þ, and A ci ¼ nc Lc Li =
rates are wf ¼ f1 wH2 and wox ¼ f7 wO2 . V 2=3
T , i = 1, 7, is the dimensionless total duct cross-sec-
The pressure drops in the gas channels, from the in- tion area in the fuel and oxidant channels, respectively.
put headers to the output headers, are given by the pres- The model also requires the evaluation of the friction
sure drops in a single cell only, because they are in factor and heat transfer coefficients in the gas channels.
parallel (Fig. 3). The resulting dimensionless expression For the laminar regime (ReDh < 2300) we used the corre-
for rectangular shaped gas channels, accounting for the lations [39]
flow directional change (90 at the cell inlet and outlet),
contraction (inlet) and expansion (outlet), together with fi ReDh;i ¼ 24ð1 1.3553di þ 1.9467d2i 1.7012d3i
the ideal gas model, is the following: þ 0.9564d4i 0.2537d5i Þ ð23Þ
nz nz K bc K be P j Rf 2 hi Dh;i
DP i ¼ fi þ þ þ ~u ð22Þ ¼ 7.541ð1 2.610di þ 4.970d2i 5.119d3i
ni nc 2 2 hi Rj i ki
þ 2.702d4i 0.548d5i Þ ð24Þ
where i = 1, 7 and j = f, ox, respectively. Here u~i ¼
ui;in þ ~ui;out Þ=2 is the gas dimensionless mean velocity where di = Lc/Li, for Lc 6 Li and di = Li/Lc, for Lc > Li;
in the channel, defined as ~u ¼ u=ðRf T 1 Þ1=2 , f is the fric- Dh,i = 2LcLi/(Lc + Li), ReDh;i ¼ ui Dh;i qi =li and i = 1, 7.
tion factor, Kbc and Kbe are the bending-contraction The correlations used for the turbulent regime were [40]
m· ox ,in m· f ,in
m· f
i=1 Ls
m· ox
m· f
m· ox
m· f
m· ox 3
m· f
m· ox
m· f
· ns −1
m ox
m· f
m· ox
m· ox ,out + m· wa m· f ,out
Fig. 3. Flow structure sketch of headers and gas channels in a PEMFC stack.
4420 J.V.C. Vargas et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 48 (2005) 4410–4427
fi ¼ 0.079Re1=4
Dh ð2300 < ReDh;i < 2 104 Þ to ns, and j = H2 or O2, with w0,k = wf,in or wox,in, for
ð25Þ the input headers, and for the output headers, wi,k =
fi ¼ 0.046Re1=5
Dh ð2 104 < ReDh;i < 106 Þ wi1,k + (fg 1)wj, for i = 1 to ns, g = 1 or 7, and
j = f, ox, accordingly, with w0,k = 0. The water mass
hi Dh;i ðfi =2ÞðReDh;i 103 ÞPri flow rate at each single cell level ‘‘i’’ in the output oxi-
ki 1 þ 12.7ðfi =2Þ1=2 ðPr2=3 1Þ dant header is wwa;i ¼ wwa;i1 þ wH2 O , for i = 1 to ns, with
wwa,0 = 0. Eqs. (22)–(27) deliver the pressure drops from
ð2300 < ReDh;i < 5 106 Þ ð26Þ the input to the output headers, DP1 and DP7, and the
where Pr is the gas Prandtl number, lcp/k. Next, the pressure drops in the input and output headers at each
pressure drops in the input and output headers are cal- cell level, DPi,k and DPwa,i, for each tested geometry dur-
culated according to the schematic diagram presented ing the constructal process.
in Fig. 3. In the input headers, the inlet fuel and oxidant According to Fig. 2, the architecture of the single fuel
mass flow rates, wf,in = nswf and wox,in = nswox, supply cell is determined
P completely by the internal structure
each single cell level with fuel and oxidant mass flow ðLs ¼ 2Lb þ 7i¼1 Li Þ. The fuel cell stack external shape
rates, wf and wox, respectively. In the output headers, is given by (Lx, Ly, Lz) for a constrained total volume,
each single cell delivers depleted fuel and oxidant mass VT. The optimization objective is to determine the entire
flow rates, and the water mass flow rate produced by system architecture: the optimal volume allocation, such
the electrochemical reaction, (f1 1)wf, (f7 1)wox, that the PEMFC stack total net power is maximized.
and wH2 O , respectively. Therefore, the fuel, oxidant and The determination of the total stack net power starts
water mass flow rates in the headers vary according to with the single PEMFC polarization curve, i.e., the fuel
each single cell level, and so do the flow mean velocities. cell total potential as a function of current, and the total
As a result, the fuel and oxidant pressure drops in each net power (available for utilization) of a single fuel cell
segment of the headers adjacent to a single cell level ‘‘i’’, in the stack are given by
and the water flow pressure drop in the oxidant output Ve i ¼ Ve i;a þ Ve i;c ~
gohm ; e net;s ¼ W
W esW
ep ð28Þ
header are calculated by
where We s ¼ Ve i eI , and We p ¼ wf S f h1 DP 1 =P 1 þ
ns ns P j Rf 2
DP i;k ¼ fi;k þ ~u wox S ox h7 DP 7 =P 7 , with S j ¼ m_ ref T 1 Rj =ðV ref I ref Þ; j ¼
nv nh hi.k Rj i;k
ð27Þ f; ox.
ns ns 2 Additional power is required to pump fuel, oxidant,
DP wa;i ¼ fi þ q~ ~u
nv nh wa wa;i and produced water in and out the headers shown in
where k = hf,in, hox,in, hf,out, hox,out stand for input fuel (f) Fig. 3. The dimensionless pumping power required for
and oxidant (ox) headers, output fuel and oxidant head- the gases at the fuel cell level i, and for the produced
ers, respectively. For Eq. (27), in the input headers the water out of the oxidant output header are given by
temperatures are the known inlet fuel and oxidant tem-
peratures, and in the output headers, the temperatures e i;k ¼ S j whDP ; j ¼ f; ox;
P i;k
are the temperatures of the fuel and oxidant exiting ð29Þ
the single cell, calculated by the model, i.e., h1 and h7, e S f
W wa;i ¼ ½wDP wa;i
respectively. Here ~u is the dimensionless mean velocity, q
f is the friction factor calculated by Eq. (23), with
di = Lh/Lv, for Lh 6 Lv and di = Lv/Lh, for Lh > Lv; The total PEMFC stack power available for utiliza-
Dh,i = 2LhLv/(Lh + Lv), or by Eq. (25), for the laminar tion is therefore obtained from
or turbulent flow regimes, respectively. According to XX
ns X
e net ¼ ns ð W
W esW
e pÞ e i;k
W e wa;i
W ð30Þ
mass conservation, the dimensionless gas mean veloci-
k i¼1 i¼1
ties in the headers at each single cell level ‘‘i’’ in the stack
are given by ~ui;k ¼ C½Rhw=ð/P Þi;k =ðRf A e ch Þ, and for where k = hf,in, hox,in, hf,out, hox,out. The objective func-
the water in the oxidant output header, ~uwa;i ¼ tion defined by Eq. (30) depends on the internal struc-
Cwwa;i ½~ e ch , where k = hf,in, hox,in, hf,out,
qwa ð1 /i;hox;out Þ A ture and thickness of each single cell, and on the
hox,out represent the input fuel and oxidant headers, out- external shape of the PEMFC stack. The mathematical
put fuel and oxidant headers; A e ch ¼ Lh Lv =V 2=3 , is the model allows the computation of the total net power
dimensionless cross-section area in the fuel and oxidant of the PEMFC stack, W e net . This is possible to achieve
headers; /i,k = 1 for all headers, except in the oxidant as soon as the physical values (Table
P 1) and a set of geo-
output header, when /i,k < 1 since oxidant and water metric internal (1 ¼ 2nb =ns þ 7i¼1 ni =ns and ns) and
flow in the header. external (ny/nx and nz/nx) parameters are chosen for
Finally, the gases dimensionless mass flow rates at the overall system. The maximum (theoretical) PEMFC
each single cell level ‘‘i’’ are wi,k = wi1,k wj, for i = 1 stack efficiency is given by
J.V.C. Vargas et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 48 (2005) 4410–4427 4421
( ) ( )
diameters Dh, therefore W e net;m ! 0 in this extreme as channels increase, and therefore pressure drops and
well. In conclusion, there must exist an intermediate pumping power increase. The maxima are sharp, mainly
and optimal ny/nx = nz/nx geometric configuration such for lower stoichiometric ratios. Fig. 7b shows the twice
that W e net;m is maximum, which balances the trade-off maximized stack net power and the corresponding opti-
between electrical power output and pumping power mal external shapes as functions of the stoichiometric
to supply fuel and oxidant to the PEMFC stack, accord- ratios. The stack net power W e net;mm decreases monoton-
ing to Eq. (30). ically as the stoichiometric ratios increase. The reason
In a subsequent phase of the study, a sensitivity anal- for that is that as the stoichiometric ratios increase the
ysis was conducted to find the dependence of the optimi- pumping power increases as well. Most important is
zation results on the variation of three operating and the observation that the optimal external geometry is ro-
design parameters, i.e., f1 = f7, (ka, kc), and Ve T . The bust with respect to changes in the stoichiometric ratios,
PEMFC stack net power is plotted in Fig. 7a as a func- i.e., for 1.5 6 f1 = f7 6 3, the optimal external shape
tion of ny/nx = nz/nx for three different stoichiometric varied only slightly, i.e., 0.05 6 (ny/nx = nz/nx)opt 6 0.08.
ratios regimes, f1 = f7. For all stoichiometric ratios, a Next, the effect of the variation of membrane water
twice maximized stack net power, W e net;mm , is observed, content, k = (ka + kc)/2, based on specified pairs (ka, kc)
determining the optimal external PEMFC stack struc- was investigated. The results of Fig. 8a show stack net
ture, represented by (ny/nx = nz/nx)opt. As the stoichiom- power maxima for three different combinations of
etric ratios increase, the net power decreases because the (ka, kc). As the water content increases, the twice maxi-
fuel and oxidant mass flow rates in the headers and gas mized net power also increases, which is explained by
( ) ( )
( ) ( )
( ) )
Fig. 8. (a) The external shape optimization and the dependence
on average membrane water content for f1 = f7 = 2 and Fig. 9. (a) The external shape optimization and the dependence
Ve T ¼ 1.16, and (b) the results of the external shape optimiza- on total stack volume for (ka, kc) = (16, 18) and f1 = f7 = 2, and
tion with respect to average membrane water content, k, (b) the results of the external shape optimization with respect to
f1 = f7 = 2 and Ve T ¼ 1.16. total stack volume, Ve T , for (ka, kc) = (16, 18) and f1 = f7 = 2.
4426 J.V.C. Vargas et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 48 (2005) 4410–4427
higher membrane electrical conductivities and smaller stack external shape was shown to be ‘‘robust’’ with
ohmic losses. Fig. 8b summarizes the optimization re- respect to the analyzed parameters, i.e., 1.5 6 f1 = f7 6 3,
sults showing the twice maximized net power and the 12 6 k 6 21, and 0.1 6 Ve T 6 1.16, and the twice maxi-
corresponding optimized stack external shapes. The mized stack net power increases monotonically with total
optimized external shape is also robust with respect to volume, i.e., W e net;mm increases approximately as Ve T3=4 ,
the variation of membrane water content. similarly to metabolic rate and body size in animals [8].
The investigation of the variation of the volume con- This is an important finding for the purpose of ‘‘scaling
straint is conducted in Fig. 9, where Ve T was varied over up’’ or ‘‘scaling down’’ PEMFC stack design.
the range 0.1–1.16, for stoichiometric ratios f1 = f7 = 2. Fundamentally, it was shown that electrical and fluid
This variation is indicated by the three curves of Fig. 9a. flow trade-offs exist, and that from them results the sin-
All curves exhibit PEMFC stack maxima with respect to gle cell internal structure and total thickness, and the
the external shape aspect ratios. The fuel cell stack net PEMFC stack external shape—the relative sizes and
power increases as Ve T increases. Additional results were spacings—of flow systems, in accordance with other fea-
produced to cover the entire range 0.1 6 Ve T 6 1.16, tures of constructal design [8,27,28]. In practice, such
which allowed the twice maximized stack net power trade-offs must be pursued based on models that corre-
and the optimized external shape aspect ratios to be spond to real applications. The maxima found are sharp,
plotted in Fig. 9b as functions of Ve T . The twice maxi- stressing their importance for practical design, and
mized stack net power increases monotonically with therefore must be identified accurately in the quest for
total volume, i.e., We net;mm increases approximately as increasing the stack net power efficiency, approaching
V T . The optimized external shape aspect ratios are the actual PEMFC first-law efficiency level. The con-
robust with respect to the fuel cell stack total vol- structal design results reported in this study demonstrate
ume, staying approximately within the range 0.03 6 clearly that in a PEMFC stack, gas supply causes pres-
(ny/nx = nz/nx)opt 6 0.07. sure drops that induce considerable power consumption.
Those facts need to be taken into account by modeling
or experimentally analyzing the entire PEMFC stack,
5. Conclusions in practical fuel cell design.
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